##VIDEO ID:6tUy7XgEkI4## both in person and Via Zoom uh speakers on the agenda may be participating remotely uh and the chair may allow for the public provide comment uh the select board would like to hear public comments and if there's further action as required by the board the chair will add the matter as appropriate to a forthcoming agenda depending on the comment the board May if they are able to within the confines of open meeting law respond with information as opposed and needing to deliberate on the matter please note that while an option for remote attendance Andor participation is being provided as a courtesy to the public the meeting hearing will not be suspended or terminated if technological problems interrupt the virtual broadcast to individual attendees unless otherwise required by law accordingly Please be aware that other folks may be able to see you so please take care not to screen share your computer anything that you broadcast may be captured by the recording all the materials for this meeting except any executive session materials are available on board docs and we recommend that members of the public follow the agenda as posted on board docs unless I note otherwise we are now turning to the first item on the agenda before we do so permit me to cover some ground rules for Effective and clear conduct of our business and to ensure accurate meeting minutes I will introduce each speaker on the agenda after they conclude the remarks the chair will go down the line of members inviting each by name to provide comment questions or motions please hold them to your name is called and further please remember to mute your phone or computer when you are not speaking please remember to speak clearly end it in a way that helps generate accurate minutes for any response please wait until the chair yields the floor to you and state your name before speaking if members wish to engage in colloquy with other members please do so through the chair taking care to identify yourself FRS of public comment after the members have spoken the chair May afford public comment as follows the chair will first ask members of the public who wish to speak to identify their names and addresses only once the chair has a list of all public commentators I will call on each by name and afford number of minutes for comments three for this session and public comment for public hearings will only be accepted in a inperson basis per open meeting la and the first uh item is public comments the board would like to hear public comments if there's further action as required by board chair will'll add the matter as appropriate to a forthcoming agenda depending on the comment the board May if they are able to within the confines of open meeting law respond with information as opposed to needing to deliberate on the matter I will start with the room are there any public comments from the room tonight seeing none I will see if there are any public comments from those joining us online okay there are no public comments and so we will turn to our first item uh or our fourth item on the agenda which is the consent agenda uh and in addition to a cemetery D it looks like we have a court of honor invitation for two Eagle SCS Greg do you have any other information on that umid my congratulations to the two SCS I believe the board is invited to attend I'd have to look um it's Sunday Sunday at 1 and I can make it if nobody else can but anybody else can uh okay very good all right sounds good Sunday this Sunday all right and I've got the proclamations here for signatur so we'll see how many we can get um on there and I split the days so it's one SC I did two different days for it fantastic might be able to get stance yep yeah okay very good uh any commentary any of the consent agenda items from the board all right I'll entertain a motion I will move to approve the consent agenda items A and B as presented authorizing use of digital signatures if approved seconded motion has been made and seconded David yes Lindsay yes Mike yes Chris yes and I'm a yes congratulations to the two individuals getting their e Scouts all right we'll move on to two appointments the first of which is a parking flk Greg do you want to describe the historic role here and what we're doing tonight right so the parking flk serves as the building authority for parking violation so traffic Park tickets so the police department's responsible for enforcement but if there is a question or request to Ral all that and it needs to go somewhere besides this is selum that it happens maybe four or five times a year um um but it is you know for the M General law it's important to have a parking identified just you know for the the administration of those appeals um surprisingly the M law say is who appoints those that position depart position for the town my recommendation is Steve Silverstein so this is again a um appealing less like the actual um administration of the parking or otherwise and I believe see this both removed from parking forcement he's not a police officer but he also has an understanding of the the situation parking town he's the one who hosts the parking meetings and I and who I've assigned to figure out parking for the town particularly downtown so yeah my recommendation Steve silver what what's the um what's the stien or is there a stien associated with this there has been in the past Stephanie and I have discussed um yeah so $3,000 that's what that's what the discussion is that it's $3,000 yes because and so so what what is what is done today like what what's who's handling this task today yeah not very often so it is handled in the treasur collector's office who does consol with the police department um again it's only four or five five times a year at most and in and in all likelihood if the police department generally is going to I mean unless it's a pretty clear distinct reason if they Park in a handicap position then they're probably not going to it anyways um and the tre's office will defer to whatever the police department recommends are we getting a bank for a buck for $3,000 for five different but we there's already historical presence for paying us I so we wouldn't want to somebody just AR what when was the last time we paid somebody for this job to David's point back when back when CHL Kane was The Collector so years ago I don't yes do you know so um I have a couple of comments and requests for the board um the last time somebody was paid for that was when sh painting was and it was when assistant treas collector charer was time the time was $4500 um have been in that office for the past office for the past um I know that she was from 2011 I believe forward up until um she left prior to that we had a separate Parking Clerk um who was in Point Parking cler and actually had an office within the um now yes all of the parking tickets do come from the police department over to my office we work with Kelly and Ryan and City Hall systems where the tickets are uploaded entered um funds are sent over I have access to Citys and Ryan um I've done the hearings and evance prior experience in it um and I was that understood thank you would like we table this decision I discuss further can you say that again we if the board would like you can table this and I can come back to the board after further consideration I'm I'm I'm kind of just concerned is if it's not broke what are we trying to fix and are we just trying to you know why why are we changing gears for no apparent reason all right I think uh I'll follow up administrator on the history and the salary or the sipen question and we'll bring this back for a subsequent meeting at that point any other comments before we move from this topic on the board okay all right let's move on to 5B which is the dissolution or discharge of the fire station building committee so um Mr chair um project is complete so I think quite successfully so even more so than our wild experience we were we were able to accomplish all the ad alternates and the building is you know beyond even the warranty from the general contractor um and so I just I would recommend the discharge of building committee they haven't been met in and the mezzanine is now complete so all the major phases are complete and looks fantastic so um any questions on the discharge of the fire station building committee I'll add my congratulations to the work of that committee and the fire station is beautiful we've met in there several times I've gotten uh I think at least two tourists from the the new Chief over the last year and it seems that the department is settling in quite nicely over that time I'll entertain a motion I'll move to discharge the fire station building committee seconded all in favor David yes Lindsay yes Mike yes Chris yes and I'm a yes all right very good that means I'm fired I'm pretty sure you're still on a few more committees here and there a couple lying around but that was a good one we did a lot of good work those guys for the most all right uh next let's see are we we are definitely at 7:15 so I'm going to um read the notice for a hearing concerning the liquor license at Sanctuary so notice sorry what was that sorry I thought I heard something all right very good notice is hereby given in accordance with Massachusetts General Law chapter 138 as amended that a public hearing will be held on Tuesday August 6 2024 at 7:15 at town hall room 201 195 Main Street Main in Massachusetts 01754 to consider the application for a transfer of a section 12 restaurant all alcoholic beverages license for Tomorrow Never Knows uh Incorporated doing business as sanctuary manager Shannon mcnolty at 82 Main Street mayard Massachusetts hybrid option attendance via zoom using the access instructions on the posted agenda to be found at www.town of- ma.gov copy of application is on file with the office of the select board all right so the hearing is open um Greg just want to give us an overview on what we're here to discuss well actually maybe can introduce the sounds good would you like to come on up and I'll just note that the mic is here so just direct your comments in this direction so we can make sure people can hear you but would you like to introduce yourselves hi I'm Jan mcel and I um one of the owners of knows um and I will be operating as theage MERS of as well fantastic um and so we're just here to look at a license transfer um there there was El transfer froms to this partners and therefore they would also like their license but they would also separately in the next item is for so this is this is one of the steps in the process the board is the locality but it very much stes prescribed process very good um open up to the board for any questions for the two individuals here yeah I have a quick question um first off thank you for U taking on We Roll the new owners of sanctuary which has become a beloved business and and um venue in our community and U we're happy I think I can speak for all of us in saying we're happy that we'll continue and continue to bring people to town which is fantastic my question really is just U maybe none of my business and if it is don't just say that um the name what is it Tomorrow Never Knows um what's the association between Tomorrow Never Knows when did that develop and how is it associated with Sanctuary so Tomorrow Never Knows is a beetle song um just we got the name um but we um we uh Incorporated back April um as a part of the process of reiring the business and desired rather than purchasing LLC direct and just decided to form our own entity and kind of start crash oh okay yeah great thank you yeah my wife just called me a loser because I didn't know it was a beetle song I know who the Beetles are Mike I know knows yeah well you just quoted another Beatles song in giving your response you I'm a Loser yeah time to put her on mute all right I I would just like to add my own welcoming um I haven't met you guys yet but I'm looking forward to doing so and and just to reiterate what David said about welcoming you to the to the community and being grateful that that people such as yourselves are are able to take this on and I wish you all the best thank you very good uh I myself had the opportunity to stop by this weekend for Shakespeare in the park which unfortunately due to the Rain became Shakespeare in sanctuary but again opening the doors to the community is something that we really appreciate about the old owners and see you continue that tradition is um starting off on the right foot to say the least um so my my question is any major changes for the business expecting or planning the first major change is we'll be upgrading sound system so we can attract B name national talent to make it really follow men that they they seek to come to when doing we are hoping to build a commercial kitchen so we can Serv your food and also uh we keep Place busy all the time Jazz brunches gospel brunches um kids program family program just to really make it the the community that's been over the years and make it best it can be very good and what are your backgrounds what got you into this so um I'm a musician I actually performed in sanctuary uh myself how I came to to know it um so I I sing in a wedding band but I also produce events and I was a high school music teacher for 14 years in maloro so I'm kind of bringing all of my m m experience into kind of the general management of um of sanctuary of buness and are you both man residents no I'm in okay um I don't know if you're aware maybe um mayor does have a history with obviously with the Arts that has developed over the last several years but it's particularly with music and um downtown there are areas and you historically some famous bands actually rehearsed right downtown over the course of time so I mean we had the cars would be there periodically to rehearse the was a lot of local um Jay GES band um and others of the my era of the you know the late 70s early 80s that were that were would rehearse and actually record downtown and then when the Sittin Bol was here which you might remember they also brought in uh Jay GES magic dick all the guys that were associated with J the Jay gu band and it was well known for its music men section told me that in the movie theater maybe there are some big reels of audio from some of those rehearsals and performances yeah the day yeah so the fact that that you're going to expand the business and maybe we can start seeing some yeah upand cominging bands which at the time when Jay GS were playing was they were more than upand cominging they were well known um and you know just got small venue for a big group you know and went National so I was gon Talking Heads but I learned that from Tim hes so I Talking Heads is another uh yes I was I grew up in New York I went to school nor Eastern in Boston and found myself in a music business for about 15 years until I had a third child and I into real estate uh and I got really lucky got into some multi family real estate and um Shan called me four months ago and I said well passes this thing and we do we're really grateful for the opportunity to be a part of the community and to really Foster carry the torch for what the do just look at the best I'm so excited and I'll mention too we actually do have a third partner who is here tonight he's visiting family on but his name Caleb wden um he's also a high school music teacher performer uh math perer one engine you're on your way yeah very good any other questions or comments from the boards before I open up to the public all right this is a public hearing uh and so are there any comments from the public okay seeing none I will entertain a motion I will move to uh I guess the first one is accept and approve the section 12 restaurant all alcoholic beverages license transfer application for Tomorrow Never Knows Inc which is from a DBA Sanctuary at 82 Main Street authorizing use of digital signatures if approv seconded all in favor David yes Lindsay yes Chris yes Mike yes and I'm a yes and I believe you another motion yeah I um I think I'm okay we're moving to authorize the town administrator's office to distribute the section one the section 12 restaurant all alcoholic beverages license or Tomorrow Never Knows Inc at 82 Main Street on approval from the alcoholic beverages Control Commission also known as the abcc authorizing use of digital signatures if approved second second all in favor David yes Lindsay yes Chris yes Mike yes and I a yes as well very good that's both motions and I will make a motion myself to close the public hearing at 7:33 I I'll second that all in favor David yes Lindy yes Chris yes Mike yes and I'm a yes as well congratulations welcome and good luck the next item oh that's right this one's outside of the hearing yes is it possible move back to the general public comment section I I should have spoken that speak what is your public comment about just sorry is your public comment related to this item in the hearing and just in a couple words what is the public comment about um I want to put something on the agenda for okay um we'll get to you in just a moment I'll entertain that in a little bit um okay uh sorry we're going to move on to 6B which is the common Vic license which happens outside of the public hearing um Greg just want to give us a quick overview on what this is no so similar to the alcohol license the the partnership is looking to sort of inue some of the services that the provided including like and and entertainment we want to be able to have those confidence those G so I moov to accept and approve the new common vict vict and entertainment licenses at Sanctuary 82 Main Street mayard under the corporation Tomorrow Never Knows Inc authorizing use of digital signatures second all in favor David yes Lindsay yes Chris yes Mike yes and I'm a yes as well and I believe that concludes our business with the news all right now congratulations welcome good all right very good um I've received a poite request to go back to public comment is there any objection from any members of the board all right I'm going to go back to 3B which is public comments sir you may approach and if you just State your you can sit right there just make sure you're speaking into here state your name and address and there's a three minute time limit on the comment Mar I am Rel AC but my business is I own uh I'm what do you want Smoothie King smoothie king okay uh I I'm here tonight to talk about styr styr BW pass year the wording of it and my intentions are to try change some of the wording of the BW uh that was passed um specifically in reference to biod creable phone uh the wording that by law is arbitrary there's no product available F the criteria that was outlined I do have biodegradable phone and best bable phone on the market surpris that my my cups don't satisfy this F so I'm just putting on on your radar that trying to change this present this at the special town have you talked to the sustainability committee about this yet I have talked to sustainability committee I talk to the Board of Health I'm also a member of the Mayor DC committee or Economic Development Committee I've talked to a number of people and talk to the board sorry chair of the bylaw committee talked to and I believe the original bylaw was um drawn up lack of better word by the green communities can't remember I don't remember I don't want yeah I would think they would want to be assaulted in some fashion given that it was there just so they can understand what the issues might be and did you say you wanted to put it on the special special time meeting coming up what's the deadline for that one uh next week but it ends um so so accept his recomendation or if there's a citizen's petition present presumably would that's true but but as a as a non-resident you would have to get sign from residents right or voters particularly um so although kind just clarifi you said you've spoken to the board of heal however did you receive endorsements from those bodies to amend provide off I received a six month W over from the Board of Health and sustainability committee um has has not has not very been engaged collabora on on the issue so the the bylaw does allow a six Monon extension um um you know the Bard he is SM for the enfor the exemption allows the B he six Monon period um if it finds an section cause undue hardship so um I'm so as I'm asking some of these leading questions because I at the end of six months what would be your plan let's say the board doesn't entertain the idea proposing this by Amendment and you also have the B Review Committee I would recommend you for their ement as well what would you do at the mon um I have several options one is to continue using plastic uh which I don't know how it serves the environment better than my buy Town wants me to use plastic I'll use plastic but I will be bringing up at every town until my business is sold somewhere else for that I understand so my assumption is that mayard is not the first town to implement this sort of bylaw and I also expect that Smoothie King is a much larger franchise than just yours are there not smoothie kings that are providing some sort of alternative to the product that you're ask to in other towns that also have the same bylaw this bylaw was largely a reflection of many many many many other T of SP so I can answer your question so Smoothie King as a brand uh is relatively has had a very low presence in the so so for Massachusetts May was the first s game uh the second SM game is also Mar um this issue really hasn't been brought to the Forefront with their brand because it's not really it's not an issue in their pretty much in their other in the other states that they okay this is a public comment this is new to me so I'm not prepared to give too much information Mike I believe you're the liaison the sustainability committee would you mind checking in with them uh at some point and then if if we need further action we can go from there and um uh I'll discuss the Town Administrator as well anything else add this time thank you for your thank you very much all right we were on item seven to discuss the relocation of historic watering trop uh is Ellen Doug in yes you're online good evening Ellen how are you hi everybody I hello Ellen good to see you do you want to give us an overview of the well the historic significance and then the the intended plan for the watering trough outside of the old fire station sure thanks um I think as you know um the historic commission has been somewhat concerned about the uh Lorenzo mned watering trough mned is quite fortunate in that it has four original water troughs all placed in uh beginning 189 9 1 through the early 1900s to support the downtown area um we were surrounded by agricultural farming towns in Acton and Sudbury and stow and we were the commercial District business banking uh markets and so forth so when people came into town with their hos and buggy they needed to have a watering trough there and we had four of them this particular one began its life at the corner of N Street and Main Street in 189 91 and then when Main Street was widened it was moved to uh Walnut in Maine across from grubas and then at some point it was moved to the DPW garage when it was up where the Boys and Girls Club is now and there it rested until 1969 I believe when someone in the DPW or town government decided to move it to uh the present location we have obviously the historic commission been somewhat concern that we would lose uh ownership of it if that land was sold um initially the first pns um were they decided they wanted it there and I think they had agreed to care for it uh knowing that it was still a town historic artifact but when that fell through and the RFP was um issued again we figured we'd better get that out of there and onto Town owned property so that's what we're here for tonight um I've talked with the riggers who moved the curfew B from the evangelical church and they are experienced in this kind of a move and an excavator I have talked with uh Justin and Bill nza to be sure that the site we're suggesting um would not require another move in any time in the future um I've talked to Chief Noble to be sure that it would not impact any sight lines of traffic um we're suggesting that it be moved up Summer Street um across from anytime fit right at the edge on the sidewalk there um and it would continue to be um used uh by the mained garders to uh for seasonal uh flowers and um seasonal um presentations there um so we're here tonight to ask uh for your permission as the as the owners of that artifact to Move It from one piece of town equipment uh a property rather to another town property piece of property thank you um any questions from the board uh Ellen approximate cost of moving it well it's a CPC Grant David so we're in the process um I have a riger's estimate of 8223 I believe uh excavator who would have to um get out and get down there and release it from its current uh site so the straps could be put around it by the the rigging they'd have to come in with a crane and a um flatbed to move it up the road and that was 7,000 we're preparing a new bed um it's going to be crush a rock it'll go down a depth um approved by DPW um and then um we have um details for both those very busy intersections police details because traffic will be impacted this thing weighs uh about 7500 pounds um that's an estimate um it's quite old it's 133 years old we don't know what the base is like this is rather a unique move as was the curfew bill um so uh there are some certainties the age certainly is something to consider the weight how level is the bottom um so we're asking CPC David U to answer your question for 20,000 um it you know we know what some of the fixed costs are but Justin recommended that we have a contingency in there just because of the unknowns we aware of any potential risks of damage to it um given its age or whatever that would jeopardize the historical uh P if it were to removed well there are certainly unknowns David um there's no question about that and the riggers will take every precaution as will um there's insurance and bond and um we'll take every precaution we possibly can as we did with the Bell to make sure that nothing help you know I think it was the DPW who moved it in 1969 it was probably brute force that got it from the Boys and Girls Club DPW now we're going to have a rigger with straps and all kinds of fancy equipment so hopefully they will move it safely it's quite an interesting piece if you ever get to walk around down there if you stand in front of it you will see that it says um El M it on at 1891 and around the corner at the bottom is a little watering trough for dogs as well I never I did not realize that yes yeah yeah man it is extremely fortunate to that these things still exist after all these years it was a vote of town meeting um appealing to wealthier citizens of the Town back in the day uh to provide things like this and the Rapides step forward you know there's one over at the corner of Sudbury and and uh right across from Ray's Bike Shop um and there's one up at the boys and girls club that used to be when that was a rotary it was right in the middle that's the balk Memorial and there's a smaller one up at the corner of conquer and Acton street that was commissioned by the hannes family and then this one by Lorenzo any other questions from the Ellen you mentioned it was going sorry Chris did you have a question no no Ellen you mentioned it was going I'm sorry in Veterans Memorial Park right across from Anytime Fitness yes right kind of um I I provided a GS GPS map at Greg's request in there but um you right at the top at the intersection of N and summer on the inside of the sidewalk on the lawn um by the tree um there's a Christmas tree there to the left of that as you're walking down the hill there's a level section right at the top of the hill and because N Street is one way it's not going to impede any sight uh you know um lines for um the intersection there and of all the possible occations why that particular one just well um we talked about it with the historical commission talked to a few other people we wanted to keep it downtown because that it's that's its history and that intersection Main Street and N N Street um is raised anyway and if then you add a 4 foot high um you know obstruction like the watering CRA if you put it in the middle down there across from Sanctuary that that was not going to meet with the the chief's um approval we figured so we wanted to keep it downtown and we thought that was a a place where people would see it it would be in Memorial Park it would still be downtown not far from its uh initial resting place so um we're not married to that um but that that's the area that we've investigated and talked with Dustin and the chief and others and the excavator and it seems to be the best place for it that we could think of very good all right right any other comments or questions for Ellen in that case I will entertain a motion I will to approve the application for the use of $6,500 from the Cultural District enhancement fund I'm reading the wrong sorry I will move to approve the relocation of the historic watering trough at One Summer Street to veterans Memorial Park in accordance with the proposal of the mayard historic commission as presented I all in favor David yes everyone Chris yes Lindsay yes Mike yes and I'm a yes as well Ellen thank you very much for your as always thorough work uh and and we're appreciative of um uh hopefully the CPC if they approve that and we're looking forward to seeing it in Veterans Memorial Park thanks everybody thanks Alan all right now we can move on to item eight which is the CDF uh Grant and uh Gan McGuire is here I believe to speak about this issue and she is making her way up now we almost approved it without even hearing from you um thank you very much for considering this so this is supplemental Grant to the one that the town break finally gave us we last fall um for the library landscape Improvement project and so most of that project has been completed chose the best possible time right in the midst of a heatwave this summer Mak of a heatwave but it's all doing really well looks beautiful I hope that you'll all get a chance to go over and see it and we owe thanks to the town for the cbef grant and they needed Community gardeners and Friends of the library who have volunteered and have been watering every single day with which has to be done over the next year they've been very dedicated and so it's it's looking great so we had a combination of things happen some of the costs that we got estimates for back you know a year ago um things ended up being more a little more expensive and then we decided to rethink some things because they were expensive and do something else and then also we decided to add some thirs scape some Stones so um basically this is to help us finish up the project properly um public really seems excited about it all the plants are you know things that are native to New England and so it's something that in the long term it's depend it's not been onqu watering past first year on a regular basis um and will be good for wildlife and we'll have a bench so that people can sit and largest of them um the two gardens in the park last night and just sit and enjoy it so I'm happy to answer any questions you have very good I questions from the board um I have one question this was kind of just out of curiosity who who maintains uh the Landscaping at the library does the town do that or is the library responsible for that I mean I know there're sort of one in the same but yeah no the library is responsible for that um in terms of the landscape so we uh hire a landscaper who does the mo and cleanup and weeding that kind of thing um and the DPW takes care of snow and ice removal so the same landscaper who does our regular work uh was the one we ended up selecting for doing this special Garden Project they really did a nice job any other questions or comments all right I'll entertain a motion L you already read it so go ahead all right I will move to approve the application for the use of $6,500 from the Cultural District enhancement fund by the mayard library for landscaping improvements at the library ads presented authorizing use of dig digital signatures if approved seconded all in favor David yes Chris yes Mike yes Lindsay yes and I'm a yes as well as always thank you very much thank you Mike you've got that International delay because I'm I'm beating you with the seconds all the time so yeah it it has a way of doing that you're actually still up here for uh contracts which we're gonna start with Library stairwell actually not too much I see contracts you just assume you're going to be on a lot of them well all right very good um who wants to start with the house doer contract with Library ster whe I'll give you a little bit of context I'll let Castle so um the town has been very generous in the appropriation of pre fors the the analysis of the St St I think it's the Eastern stair Northeast of stairwell so if you're coming in from the parking lot not not on the um play come from the parking lot you go towards the back go right and then that's the seral talk and there's been a leap for long time and so yeah and U further down the rabbit hole we go it got to the point uh and we and the town had been appropriating money towards sort of examing figure out what exactly was wrong eventually was determined we do need to have a a come out look at it although Justin and rest you know the rest of facilities through have done their best they can it just beide so right so at the last town meeting the the town appropriated an additional $50,000 so there's there's a balance right now $4,000 that's a little bit context as to what the question is going to be um we were hoping that we would identify how much we would be make the repairs itself uh but we have some bad news um it seems to be much more than that and we need to pay for the design work the project that that's what that's what we're questiones this even your endorsement for those contracts with lero corpor lero is one of the house doors that I reced year or two ago maybe two years ago um so Ur law does allow you to have like designers on on retain this is one of them but you still this contract with them specifically Accord to whatever project you end up using I just don't I didn't have to go back out B to get a new de I can choose one the designer syst best we found lero that happens to be in this case and availability Etc um but they their their scope complet $64,000 again to be able to design and project manage whatever and I think I don't know I I I don't want to like misse so I don't know if we even have right now it could sense us what the final cost may be it could be so depending on the process so to kind of circle back on this the leak that Jean has inherited that I inherited was part of the design modifications of the library so they enhance the window components and it is not a roof it is found to be an envelope issue with some um leaking as part of the improved window casement and the masonry envelope that is surrounding it which is beyond the scope of just a simplistic repair so we had to have it reverse engineered through the architectural firm we hired from lero to find out what the original design intent was and why it has failed so we're at the point where they have also indicated some failures due to the fact that water is seeping behind the masonry and maybe causing a bow in the external wall so we are looking at um putting out a base bid for the immediate leak repair while also repairing the potential of the Boeing out basry that could be several hundred excuse me sever1 000 but we are looking at it as a base in an alterate approach but that being said this is why we need construction admin we need complete architectural redesign documents and we will need an OP so that this is really the on boarding of the OPM an architectural design and a bid process to realize what the cost is um is this like a warranty issue or are we well beyond that we're well beyond the warranty at this point when was the initial Improvement that you mentioned 2006 thank you and we are a bit further ahead than we were before because lero and their subcontractor did come last year and did a water test so now we're not really just kind of guessing anymore they really did a thorough you know water test to pinpoint what the issues were and what was making this happen because there had been attempts to try to you know try different things that might cost less and see if it could be fixed roofers were tried and like that and but now you know a proper water test was done and it is you know it's that uh you know waterproofing was not put up far enough in the beginning there's weep holes that need to be fixed and then a lot of mortar has deteriorated we're not sure that the building was actually repointed the brick was repointed back when it was you know renovated in 2006 so that could also be part of the issue but so that that wall particular wall is you know bulging out because the water's getting behind and yeah flaw and potential scope of the modification added up to a situation that is causing deterioration and if we let it go it will cost a significant amount of money and we're lucky to get to a point where we've isolated the the failure point we we were able to have the architectural team like I said reverse engineer that back to the fact that they are confident in the failure point and now we need to care that properly design Greg would you anticipate this would be within the scope of uh free cash allocation or is it beyond that I don't know a lot of question great questions I could even begin to buar what our free cash is going to be so I don't want well no I know that I'm just thinking is it is it going to have to be bonded in some other fashion great question once we execute this David we will have a hard contract to engineered estimate that will be able to help drivve us even if we execute very similar to the golf course even similar to lumni bleachers we this is the next step to have confirmation of real costing measures and the reason I mentioned it all is because we need to get it on to that Capital list that we discussed last week that if we have another project so David it's on there every year which we I work with jean jean actually puts this capital on there and step by step we've I think Lindsay might have been Lea on at one point Lindsay and then Ben also see us here so they're aware of the order of operations on this but again we enhance it to the point of when we have you know understanding of what next steps are the beauty with that fiveyear forecasting the capital is if you ever look at it as design engineering construction costs and as we start to enhance that Capital uh request format we look at design costs and then we anticipated engineering costs at this point we can't anticipate construction costs because it's unknown at this point but you're asking the right questions that we will eventually ask and I'd like to do that in partnership with the capital planning committee because if this is whatever whatever this cost may be and we can combine a bonding scheme with another project then you get more bank for your buck which is the preference of the bond C like that's why that's why I want to have a discussion so that it's on the radar so that when we have our discussions it's not suddenly a new best there's another best way and if with capital and have we've been working on a allot of these projects this once we execute this if we execute this contract it construction adment we're essentially shovel ready and we know that we're stacking shovel ready projects so we have real understanding of what those cost measures are if you look at the capital projects within the platform I would say 90% of them aren't shovel ready to 95 and a lot of those costing measures are high level estimates this will get us some confirmation where if there was a compensation a bonding for multiple facilities projects we should have a three or four double ready with real understanding of what that cost for the other point would be that perhaps it's a historic building that we could actually rely upon CPC or some portion of the funding I don't know because because because it's been revamped or whatever it may not qualify or they may have other uh projects that are that are already targeted or what have you but those are all funding sources that we should explore be aware of and uh take advantage of if we can get access to them so Dave the beauty of that is once we done this process if CPC was an opportunity this would be the documentation they would need any other questions from the board no I clear I will entertain a motion move to approve the contract with lyro Corporation for Library stairwell design and project management services in the amount of $664,000 as presenting presented in authorizing the use of digital signatures if approved seconded all in favor David yes Chris yes Mike yes Lindsay yes and I'm yes as well thank you both very much uh moving on to contract 9B which uh regards the the um uh leasing agreement for the ambulance y so this this parents with the contract that boarded AR um with Greenwood emergency vehicles to require the ambulance this is the financing um scheme to I ideally we would have had both same time we just didn't have one ready so um this is how we're going to pay for it same same story is acquisition um the town has already appropriated funds through the ambulance receipts so um I just need this was above my pay grade so I just need and I will move to approve oh it is any questions to the sorry there any questions from the board David I will move to approve the master lease agreement with tax exempt leasing supp for the lease to purchase acquisition of a Porton 623 type 1 ambulance and Equipment authorizing use of dig signatures if appr seconded any questions or comments from the board okay all in favor David yes Chris yes Mike yes Lindsay yes and I'm a yes as well uh moving on to n9c the low Regional Transit Authority agreement for fy2 yep so this is an annual occurrence um we have had a great relationship with the LRTA so they're they're in tight partnership with our Council and aging in particular I I am the towns Arend to the LR also on lta's um can't remember the title but it's their Finance board and and um yeah so I I enjoy being a part of that organization sort of caring what the greater L um what the greater L region happens to be up to we we are a member of LRT just that's how the with Town sort of got way all that us like acting as member that what we allowed to be um but we are certainly the furthest uh Municipal member um so yeah I highly encourage the board to approve this um right and continue to reap the rewards at this partnership any questions uh do we have an understanding of how much this is used at the moment every day so we we rely on our partnership for the bands itself um now the computer shuttle which is not longer no longer going on but I love to get that back up um you know preo it was at its Heyday and we we literally had to call L to get additional shuttles we had so many um going back forth to the South train station so that could come back um but there's another there's a number of factors that sort of uh brought it to the close well temporary hopefully um but yeah otherwise yeah we were in touch with them maintenance Etc that's LRTA any other questions I'll entertain a motion move to approve the agreement with the loal regional transit authority LRTA for fiscal year 2025 as presented authorizing use of digital signatures if approved second all in favor David yes Chris yes Mike yes Lindsay yes and I am a yes as well item 9d has been removed so we'll move on to 9e which is a maintenance agreement for a connection path uh that Emerson medical is seeking to the uh Na Court area right so I think we're joined by attorney um liberon who I now I'm seeing for the first time face to face thank you welcome um Lion and uh he is representing um 21 Manor LLC as as you said uh chair that's where the enderson erson medical is and they want to put a pedest from parking lot they're that private parking lot into the naay court parking lot the parking lot across from the movie theater so this is the maintenance agreement um that is included um just sort of we have an understanding what the relationship is and who's going to do what but I would to any further detail clarification this St by the way so I Town staff Town Council as well okay attorney libero do you want to um just give an overview yes uh Mr chairman happy to give the board an overview of um this project so um 21 mayor LLC is an affiliate of of bullfinch they're the owner of this property they've owned it a little over five years at this point um Emerson is a tenant at the property in there um in connection with expanding their medical office use we went and got some uh zoning relief from the planning board um mainly to allow for um uh less on-site parking that would have otherwise been required under the zoning bylaw um part of the reason we were successful in getting that zoning relief is because we expect that um visitors and employes will utilize the this Municipal parking lot on Summer Street next door and um the uh to kind of Meet the goals of the downtown overway district under the zoning bylaw we proposed this pedestrian path connection and an accessible path um that would allow uh someone who parks in the municiple parking lot to walk um across and over to the 11 Main Street property and vice versa um the uh you know we had a lot of uh good collaboration with uh DPW and trying to to site the location of this path um given some of the the site constraints that are there um particularly the uh there's an EV charging station we wanted to avoid um the uh and you know try to make it a visible connection between the two properties so um DPW has been very involved in this um this work uh we also reached out in to um uh police chief Noble to see if they had any concern Public Safety concern concerns and they were none for this project so um as part of this uh maintenance agreement uh the owner of this property is agreeing to maintain The Pedestrian path um and kind of the improvements around it um on behalf of the town at at uh the owner's cost um you know mainly we expect it will be you know shov snow shoveling um any sort of landscaping things like that uh to keep the path clear and accessible for those was using it um so this agreement will allow uh the owner to enter the property to um conduct these Services again at its own cost and um you know we are we're here tonight seeking the select board's approval uh over this thank you any questions from the board I have one um I assume our roles here strictly is just to because it's public property that we need to provide U authority to allow it to be utilized uh and I appreciate that and I I also want to emphasize I am not opposed to this whatsoever I think it's uh important to help our businesses and to make sure that uh that if we can provide access to them and by providing access to better parking and better access to the building and everything else that's a positive for us my question is are we in any way losing a parking space or spaces as a result of this in that parking area that we are going to be uh uh putting the walkway from reason I asked that is I did hear Rumblings that perhaps restriping of the parking lot could save a parking spot versus the plan that was to just place the walkway in a specific location I don't know if that's true not whatever I may have misunderstood but by point point is is this finalized or does the planning board have another go at it as to where the exact location of the walkway is to be yeah I'm happy to um answer all those questions so the because the walkway is located on you know most of the walkway is located on the town-owned lot um that's really out of the planning board's jurisdiction and it's within the select board's jurisdiction so that's part of the reason why we're we're here to tonight seeking the board's approval over this um citing this pedestrian path does result in losing one parking space um but in in connection with the zoning relief that we obtained from the planning board we did conduct a parking study of this parking lot as well as other public parking spaces in the vicinity of the 11 Main Street Building and the conclusion from that parking study was that there's ample parking available um to accommodate not only you know the the increased medical office use that we expect at our property but you know there there should be you know ample um excess spaces above that so the result is that losing one parking space in exchange for creating an accessible pathway and having uh the owner next door maintain it on behalf of the town was um a good overall deal for the town given the overall benefits and that that outweighs losing one parking space um you know the the only negative aspect of that and there's no way to re uh locate or restripe that parking lot that would prevent the loss of one parking space because you know the other businesses in the area whether it be the movie theater or restaurants that are in the general area um you know we hear quite a bit issues of concern even about one parking space because if a person has to walk further than they have to walk um they may choose to go elsewhere so parking is always a concern and uh so I guess my point would be whatever can be done to save parking spaces I would appreciate and if there's a way to restrike and avoid having um a lost parking space I think that probably might be a winwin that we we appreciate that comment I think we we looked at whether that was um whether that was an option to to restripe we didn't do a full study of it because I think everybody um that we were working with with you know when it came to the town none of the the select board members obviously but um that you know this um this proposal that we had here about um kind of fulfilling the goals of the downtown overlay District by making it more pedestrian friendly with this accessible pathway would outweigh the the loss of one parking space given that this has about you know I believe 150 180 you know parking spots um and just you know having the backup of the TR of the parking study that we conducted supports um supports the conclusion that we brought and that we've been um discussing with the town over the past couple months any other questions or comments from the board we do not need to move this tonight if we don't want to or we can um I i' add that um I know that uh people have complained about parking spaces downtown but if the parking study was done and the planning board has reviewed that I would consider that really sufficiently reviewed for me at least um to move forward I think that um those are that's enough subject matter experts giving thought and consideration to this issue and I do think gaining an accessible path outweighs any um detriment that we might see from losing one parking spot and I'd also add I know that the I think the planning board actually did a site visit um to go look at the parking spot so again I I think that that has been quite thoroughly considered um by planning board and the town thank you Lindsay any other comments or questions I just have the only question I would have is does this affect in any way the um Open Table operations so thank you that's a good question um that uh in that corner of the parking lot Open Table keeps their kiosk I'll call it their their um that but we understand that that they move that into position when they run their um their weekly service um and there should still be enough space in that corner after this work is done to still store that um their their kiosk when it's not in use I'm getting a confirmation in that from Justin in the room here yeah it's also in the maintenance agreement it does say that um the owner use first use efforts to minimize and the use of this whole lot or activities taking place may be permitted by the to including without limitation the M open so there there is some sensitivities to to open tables operations even in the that's correct any other questions or comments would anyone like to make a motion I will make a motion to make sure I'm on the right one I am uh I will make a motion to approve approve the I'll never I'll never forget that mistake I'll tell you that much um I will make a motion to approve the maintenance agreement with 21 manard LLC relative to an accessible pedestrian connection at 11 Main Street as presented authorizing use of digital signature they approved seconded all in favor David yes Chris yes Mike yes Lindsay yes and I'm yes as well thank you very much and uh look forward to seeing the improvements made to the path thank you very much all right moving on to nineb which is uh stor uh ms4 compliance maintenance agreement or Amendment thereof Marco director um this is somewhat a cut and dry situation it's that time of year again um our fiscal year change over this is an amendment to our overall support contracts for with BHB uh specifically for H4 support to go into our year seven uh permit process to stay in compliance with uh both federal and state laws um that regulate our storm water discharge into the Asal River um this is just our year seven approach meeting that criteria this is again this is a minimum criteria meeting I think we've had these discussions many times when we're talking about storm Watering your development with a a utility or feasibility approach towards one um this is the minimum requirement of meeting a permit um aspirations for year seven uh this is handled within our operating budget you will notice in the financial impact that there's some fluctuation between our operating budget and the actual cost of this amendment contract that Delta is the only money we have to actually perform real maintenance or construction work on our sister so just be aware that we typically use about 10 to $20,000 to actually repair and maintain our system um if there's any questions I know this may be new for Lindsay so if there's still more questions now sometimes the great opportunity but I'm all this any questions from the board just in the greater context thinking about the storm water presentation we received few months back what um how long before we need to start talking about that um kind of utility or or other funding mechanisms to maintain compliance with ms4 yeah so kind of P backing off of Mike's question to Bo meeting is uh um if you remember which question question from Mike and the qu we so where are we at with the feasibility study yes in regards to a sto water utility I'm trying to take a step back with the board remembers that we signed an amendment about three months ago to our previous year's contract to reallocate some funds towards Grant application for EPA Grant so that Grant has been submitted and we are awaiting award if we receive award in the fall if we receive Award of that Grant the funding mechanism to complete the Fe study will be in place if we do not if we do not receive funding from that Grant we are really still exactly where we are which just kind of stuck in our 10 to 15% completion phase of equility no local allocated funds have been allocated to that process but again I think we can have a conversation after the grant Nom uh after the grant announcements if we do not receive it we can have conversations how we enhance and move that forward or if we talk about priority metrics but I will say that ability what was the total amount for that Grant so roughly about $200,000 thank you please but within that the feasibility study is also included and has been included in the capital plans for many years as well so it can kind of be cired back for okay so we just go into visibility you didn't really answer the meat of the question saying we need that to get to the next yeah we need funding to complete the feasibility study if we receive funding the feasibility study could take upwards of a year for completion right thank you okay any other questions on um this agreement I'll entertain a motion in that case move to approve amendment number five for the ms4 compliance support engineering contract number 1216 between the town of Maynard and vaness hangan bristlin VHB for year seven of the town of Maynard's ms4 storm water management program effect of July 1st 2024 through June 30th 2025 in the amount of $121,500 as presented and authorizing the use of digital signatures if approved seconded all in favor David yes Chris yes Mike yes Lindsay yes and I'm a yes as well thank you Justin thank you moving on to the hazard mitigation plan so I I before doesn't explain I want to give of course a lot of credit for this is one of many sort of um massive planning documents if you will that Jus stewards holds the end of those building probably only way to tell us how important are this particular Happ plan I don't think any of it is going to be significant surprise to anyone know we do need to be aware of whether it be climate change or the sort of like emergency before they occur and and how the town think about these things and strategize this particular plan is um critical as we apply for other opportunities um other larger plan hous fits into a bigger scheme but Jus been really instrumental we get this small piece larger puzzle um towards M future all right that was it so what is the hazard mitigation plan so the hazard mitigation plan is actually a templ process through the Federal Emergency Eng agency that funnels down to Mimo which is the Massachusetts Emergency Management agency uh when we're talking about Hazard mitigation plans they are really a templated model by the agencies and about two years ago the town made through our local emergency management um committee I am the assistant loal local emergency manager we applied for a brick Grant through the federal government um to update our Hazard mitigation plan which was outdated um through that process we were awarded it but then Co didn't so we actually really kind of award Co which is Del laay be on boarding of this um we have finalized that haszard mitigation plan with the local localized team that included volunteers um through uh several communities including Town staff through U major departments such as the police fire DPW Etc to develop and update our ha mitigation plan it was somewhat of an adoption and modification of our previous Hazard mitigation plan because most of that never came to fruition um and then an enhancement process with collaboration through our MVP program which is our uh vulnerability preparen program um and this has all been compiled into what you see front of you which is the house litigation plan FEMA has blessed this as a final option and this resolution actually is the cherry on top that is required to meet that Federal requirement this then opens the door as Greg has said through um through FEMA for multiple actionable grants to assist us in accomplishing some of those criteria that has mitigation plan but subsequently through the state programs such as MVP housing Grant housing Choice grants Mass Works grants every single program under the state process actually gives you points for subsequent program planning such as Haz mitigation MVP so as part of this we are actually put ourselves in a better position for future action grants through our process and many others um and then that's really this is is a plan that actually has to be updated every 3 to five years to stay in compliance so hopefully we can continue to make progress with that I know um Angela on boarding as the emergency manager um we've rarely been able to kind of Corral and Revitalize our emergency committee which should be able to focus on grants like this and action to address those issues cheap toor any questions from the board and so this is a 10 what 20 Page document I'm looking at right here um and so what were some of the major changes at so some of the major changes just Incorporated what you see consistent with MVP process which is really the a targeting of environmental justice of rable locations Beyond just the critical assd failure so traditional Hazard mitigation plans where really hey you have a dam it's 100 years old this is a high level critical issue um Mima FEA have really adopted the idea of social injustice and locations of vulnerability versus so that was really the adaption of our previous um some additional criteria were're adding some additional changes from the previous plan for critical assets um compared to the last time our water capacity and super capacity are are more critical assets um but really they don't go into the fact of you can't produce enough water as a hazard it's more of a failure point of a cur glass its location so I.E a sewer pipe under the river is a failure point that could cause an environmental hazard so just updating that to match um M its current situation with its infrastructure and its social aspects including density growth Etc we've got the Massachusetts dpu for that so yeah I mean and it's a good collaboration approach again a lot of the programs are really looking at compounding plans so that they can enhance this process the brick Grant has been around for a very long time it's a Federal grant that has been around for a very long time and is something that we take advantage of of I would say from a smaller level um the fire department and previously Chief St Anthony St they've targeted a lot of grant opportunities through the federal government but on a very small scale such as equipment but with the Haz mitigation plan that's updated we can really Target more critical assets we could potentially acquire half a million dollars for generator upgrades things of that nature and that's really what we going look so we continue to strive to to utilize um opportunities with funding outside of our local residents Park Book and this is that that next step and a larger conversation Justin is there anything within the hazard mitigation plan that will be submitted um that what's us in a situation mayard that is in a situation where should we fail to comply and this is outside of the already regulated stuff from the state fail to comply with what we put in our plan that we're subject to any penalties no so part of the reason that we had an outdated plan and there was no penalty is really the penalty is the opportunity for Action grants if you don't have a approved plan within its time frame andc consistent then you have lost the off there's only an upside yes there's only an yes but I mean the federal government is also well aware that there is significant amount of Hazards in preparation a lot of this is more to drive local culture and understanding what your critical locations are and trying to be more proactive in those approaches um you know this actually paybacks on a recent um a recent conversation we actually had with our local FEMA and walking through and actually identifying our critical critical assets and their failure points that may impact their operation which FEA took a step back and said oh we actually didn't think of that so these are these are opportunities that we're trying to take advantage of in many Avenues um I think there's Federal funding out there specifically with the bur Grant which is an easier Federal grant to go after um that we can maximize some funding opportunties thank you any other questions from the board all right I'll entertain a motion I will move to approve the hazard mitigation plan as presented and approve the resolution as presented authorizing use of digital signatures if approved second all in favor David yes Chris yes Mike yes Lindsay yes and I'm a yes thank you Justin all right uh item 11 has been removed from the agenda we'll hope to hear from that at a subsequent meeting as as item 12 so we'll move on to item 13 which are the elections uh we have two items here the first is the um State uh election warrant and then the second is a question on um the inclusion of a ballot question for the Alumni field bleachers Greg do you want to give an overview of um each of these and how they interact with each other yeah so these are um well the first state primary election for September 3rd 2024 it's rather perceivable there's the the warrant is uh prescrib DED from the state and you can see in the you can see the template that we have which is largely unchanged year by year only changes the dates and um but well and in recent years we've Consolidated all the precincts to the Bor school um but there is an election on the 3D of um the 3D of September um and the town clerk needs the select fors approval of this um so we can get the warrant published and printed and out the door for that for that election okay uh this is the state primary not the the general which is the one where we're putting a ballot question off be sorry don't interact try to very very good I I got them tempor okay just the kind of standard practice okay I'll move to approve the 2024 State primary election warrant with the indicated date time and location as Tuesday September 3rd 2024 from 7:00 am to 8:00 P.M with all four precincts at the f Middle School 3 tiger drive mayard as presented authorizing use of digital signatures if approved seconded any questions or comments from the board on 13A all right all in favor David yes Chris yes Mike yes Lindsay yes and I'm a yes as well all right now let's do 13 yep so this has been a topic um recently and I understand it's very easy so I'll do the best I can for clarify one more time so um if the board would like to a ballot question on or in addition to the presidential election that's scheduled for November 5th because that is a state um issued election the November election the town is required by August 7th which is tomorrow to notify the state's election office that of the incen to put this additional question or any questions on that Val State Control Val so um the question for the board this evening is if the board would like to include a question relative to um a d solution authorization um relative to the construction of the U long field Le and ass facilities and I just want to clarify there's no dollar amount included on the ballot question so uh the Treasury colle Office works with uh Bond Council like the the attorneys and and also our borrowing agency to to provide these questions so the ballot question says this would be if the board so declares this would what would be on the election warrant which is shall the town of vard be allowed to exempt from the provisions of proper position to and half soal the amounts required to P for the bond issued in order to papay for design describes those fa are but it doesn't say how much might be borrowed just says are you okay tax is going left beyond the natur so um that's context and so the you know and I and I've conveyed this information as best can to the various powers that be school committee planing committee you know trying to keep everyone on the same page um right so the board either gives direction for this to be included on November 5th or not if it's not on on the November 5th election um either the board can have a separate election or the next regular election is expected in May that's the local election to the board questions or comments from the board and Natasha from the school committee is here as well if we have any questions for her ring it once what was that Mike I say we're all rushing at once for this one aren't we yeah um yeah I I'll I'll be honest I'm I'm still wrestling with how this fits into the bigger picture that that we um would discussing with the the the joint board last week um and I and I know this presents challenges of of many kinds to a lot of people um I I am of the opinion I think that so much has been invested at this point that uh moving it forwards to the the voters to make a decision um is uh perhaps the fairest way to go um I am concerned that we need to do a a really good job of communication with how this fits into a bigger picture of our long-term capital planning and possible um operating cost uh uh planning um so I I would just want to stress that and I will continue to stress that again and again that um you know the Quest for a fully educated voter to make decisions on what is likely to be uh significant increases in taxes over and above um what the uh residents are going to be seeing in uh in in January for for the Green Meadow project um so like I said that that's my main concern is is to really help people how this fits into the the bigger picture of all that we're trying to do and not to just see this in isolation um for uh this one project I'll Natasha please um thanks Jeff I'm sorry I apologize in advance I'm a little froggy um I just wanted to stay for the record that thank you for that feedback we uh the school committee will ensure that the information relating to a potential override that might be needed in the spring is also reflected to help inform forter uh voters in our uh sponsor comments for the article uh also wanted to just clarify because I know it was something that um maybe wasn't obvious all around but that the school committee is not going to be pursuing uh bleachers over 750 seats uh the school committee we actually had Brian ask and I know this came up Ben I see you there about drones you know um we have been U notified that MIAA does not allow um drones for that so we are still exploring opportunities that we could reduce the scope of the press box need or potentially eliminate that if that's so um so necessary and that will um be the work that we do between now and um town meeting so I'm sorry can I just ask a question on what you just said Natasha I didn't quite hear you finish the sentence Mia yeah does not allow drones for what for for uh board events on school property so so for the purposes of coaching I think that was the the specific question that's what they won't allow any um drones no we have we're yeah sorry Greg I'm trying to help you out so so um I haven't read this but I believe Natasha actually when she said that Maya m is the towns live voance supp and they are highly discouraging of of towns in you know operating drones they just don't they don't insuring talents for the Drone actually hold on I'm sorry just there's there's two my Mia the the the athletic governing body for the state but also I believe there are Insurance concerns separate to your point I was in this moment though addressing the athletic um the state's governing body for athletic programs and they have a drone policy that um that articulates that drones are not allowed um on for for school spons for school events that they um they sanction we're getting off do bleaches but I'm curious do you know why natacha that policy exists um I Hon I didn't go as far as the why I just was looking at I thought it was creative thinking and you know God bless you Ben for you know throwing it out there let's see what sticks um we we just had Mike um and and Brian look into it right away and they were just able to come back and just say no I don't I don't know the the background I just know that it was a recent policy so I'm guessing um something precipitated I know some legal issue um privacy um boundaries for homes who knows thank you um any select board members want to talk before I call on Ben from the capital planning all right Ben go ahead great thank you and and for the record I would like to speak today just as a citizen not as the capital planning member uh obviously I speak in on behalf of quad board as a capital planning member you know just as a citizen I think first off thank you Natasha for uh investigating my wacky idea from the Quad board meeting I like I said I've called it wacky in the past I will continue to do so you know my my question I have for the board and specifically for Greg is with respect to the language of the warrant article uh the warrant article says um including but not limited to and it includes the Press Box The Snack Shack uh infrastructure required um when I look at that and again I'm not a a legal expert here and I see including and then I hear things like we might not pursue something like that is is that still allowed if we have our towns folk vote for something that says including but not limited to and the reason for it it sounds like those are the minimum requirements not the potential of remove does that make sense as a question but the question is shall the town be allowed to so it's not what the the idea is said um we just want to make sure you're conservative in your scope that this isn't the contract this isn't the design this just saying just a transparency like the the town voters are being asked to increase their taxes to allow for this project and then it goes into a certain amount of detail C amount of Beyond saying um um newers if if it just left did that there might be questions what so been included and there therefore the question gets into a little bit of detail but not much beond that so again this is just for permission to increase stes so I would I you're right to sort of read into it as as as a performed voter you should um but the idea is that Bond Council and what you bond for should be sort of should have a certain amount of um scale and this sort of alluded to what that scale made got it well thank you very much for that I again just my my own personal belief is that first off I'm actually in favor of the the bleachers I am in favor of these things I think they're very wonderful things my concern is I think just as uh has been brought up in the past is the quantity of things that we are looking for right with respect to a senior center there is a debt exclusion override associated with an operating cost for the school coming up in the fall uh sorry in the spring excuse me uh as well as we know that there are some additional projects that that we may as a town choose to be moving forward with um so the reason for my continued harping on just the language and trying to make sure that we uh uh um maximize our flexibility as a town and for the voters to also maximize flexibility for uh with respect to taxes associate with that is you know s my concern just as a as a citizen and for others uh again I drive past those bleachers regularly I'm sure you all do too uh we need to do something about it it's just try to make sure that we find the right thing that is a conservative approach as a town that we all can take while we also see that there are other things we need to consider and conservative uh measures we need to take as well so that is all for my my comments thank you very much Tas and everyone else for L may speak thank you Ben um all right other comments from the select board or questions all right I'll I'll join on to Mike's commentary um especially you know talking about the need for better voter education about not just this project but the full set and and I think Natasha had one response to that but it's uh as I said last week not um the responsibility of any one board but a collective responsibility of all of us Town leaders to join together for that education component in fact I think if you could take a look at um despite a significant number of disagreements last week one thing I think pretty much everybody aligned on was the need for for better voter education but the total number of items that are going to be on um uh on on uh future warrants and that will cost uh funding um many in the form of tax increases to build out um especially infrastructure and actually I think the other thing we all agreed on is the need to make sure that we prioritize that water and sewer infrastructure speaking to the good advocacy that Justin has been doing and also um connecting to some of the uh concerns that we have about capacity issues and and their connectivity to our ability to be flexible and what we want to do with our Our Land here in mayor so um that being said I I myself I'm in favor of putting this on the ballot I I do think it's time to bring to voters I think we've um had the plans for about six months ago or so when the school committee um and the Builders first came to us and then my main question is if we were to not go forward with this if the select board didn't want to do it when would we um because there is a significant cost to renting bleachers a cost that would go up um and the um you would get a Fior product compared to what we would get if we were to bond out uh and that bond is of a limited duration after which you have a full set of bleachers and so to me that opportunity cost of uh continue to pay for those rentals for uh bleachers that are not as quality as we would get from not only bleachers but a full facility Press Box and all of that I think the bang is worth the buck and we should put that to the town voters so that's that's my two cents right there on on this topic today uh noting that we need to combine that with the voter education and continue to upgrade our our abilities to speak to voters and and especially using town meeting as a forum to do that as we started to do last spring any other questions or comments from the board would anybody like to make a motion I will do this one myself I will move to approve the inclusion of the ballot question for the November 5th 2024 presidential election authorizing the debt exclusion for the construction of the Alumni field facilities as presented and authorize the use of digital signatures if approved second the motion has been made and seconded any further comments all in favor David no Chris no Mike this is tough yes Lindsay yes and I am a yes the motion passes three to two all right thank you everybody thank you we're going to move on to item 14 The Green Meadow School building project yeah so Mr chair um in addition to to the regular business of the school building uh committee get to minute um sub administrative action um is required there's just been over of the membership and soad thisle that for example there's a new member of the school so this this most this just updates and so I'm thinking theard I'm a bit confused on this one right just um we've approved committee membership changes before but we always got a list I didn't see a list attached to you but what's going on with this is it a change of a of oh there is a list oh there sorry bottom I didn't I didn't highlight the specific CH iamp okay then I'm okay as long as all this is what we've done in the past somebody somebody moved on committee sorry Tony like there's just been some changes to the go ahead go ahead great can you go down the list and just make sure we all understand what the changes are yeah um I'd have to I'd have to come back to you and tell you and I will um I don't remember this is name you can remember off the top of your head I'm sorry there's a lot of people on that committee so I don't I don't want to tell you the wrong names as to what the new names are um but we'll get I can get back to you I just didn't highlight it for okay what I this list reviewed by this by the school department and the green medal School building committee so this L I'm confident is accurate I I didn't highlight which names were CH what all right so we have the this is titled the list right you know membership but what what's the rest underneath the storm water and all the rest that how does that I just wanted to kind of knock out the administrative bit and then I was going to tell you the rest okay the rest of it is not for the action this just the rest of it is just information unless you unless you prefer me to go into it now Chris I can get no no no just I'm looking it I'm looking at it and it there's a motion and then there's all the stuff underneath it that really has nothing to do with the motion you're correct okay just all that was my that was my confusion too sor yeah for future reference it's confusing when it's laid out that way to understand what's happening it looks like a mistake no no I that's thankful thank you for clarifying see Greg went on vacation last week and left me to make all the materials and yeah um so all we're doing is changing the name of somebody and I think it's Greg I mean I think it's uh I I thought I knew even who it was I guess I was assuming was Steve Silverstein because he was in the in the email it's not that's sorry Alex Alexis Alexis is new to school building committee and there's a couple other names I haven't I don't recognize that doesn't mean I haven't they haven't been there right all right so should we be doing that first and then getting into all the um verbiage below yeah okay I'll move to approve the green medal School building committee membership as presented in authorizing the use of digital signatures if approved seconded all in favor David yes Chris yes Mike yes Lindsay yes and I'm a yes all right thank you and I do apologize for that confusion and now I will get into this this other mess that I thre at you guys underneath so um the school building committee is excited to move into um as I refer to the demolition phase like we the the select board had approved the contract with Northern construction to start that s work um and it's going right next door to the current green metal School building so in the course of that um planning uh there was even a a on-site meeting uh it was last week but um in the meanwhile uh our conservation agent Julia flry is on maternity Le so we have um contracted with BHB our our regular Town engineering contract to at Sarah na Sarah nin excuse me um who the board may be famili with because she also advises the town on storm water perits um in Sarah's review of this it seemed that there could be a storm water permit also appli that work before that work begins from northern construction for that site work um I'm not sure if I would consider that an oversight I'm not sure if I would what what fingers I would blame as to why that storm water permit was not executed ahead of time however um OMS did off Municipal Services who does provide the the staff support to planning board Conservation Commission Etc they are trying to get the Conservation Commission to review the storm water permit for that cite work report begins um as a Friday they were tentatively getting a Conservation Commission meeting um in August I was just told ours this meeting that may not be able to occur but um so I will update the board when I have that information um hopefully I this this sort of bureaucratic setb doesn't doesn't you know hinder the long-term plans of the project I don't believe it will I mean we're talking about site work um and not the construction of the new school but I also can understand some person ation confusion because I'm referring to some bureaucratic hurdles but it is important to make sure that all the boxes are checked um whether be conservation planning storm water Etc so that's what the town I know that's confusing I'm I'm I'm summarizing a lot of back and forth but Steve's email to me which I included to the board outlines that which is it's determined that a storm water permit should be applied for and approved before the site work okay that was it any questions or any further updates from our um two building committee members I don't at this time I'm afraid NOP okay all right any other comments or questions on the green medal School building project okay all right thank you for the update GRE good all right uh we'll move on to item 15 uh the senior center Greg has a note here in the commentary um uh noting that they have requested uh an extension for the timeline for the RFI which is now due on August 16th uh which we have granted um Chris do you have any updates as leou is on to this group nothing to add other than um what Greg included in the um content that you know they're they're looking to get into they're looking to get um they're looking to get um perspectiv back from building eth they already have the paperwork back from building nine they had two all the buildings and eight was the one that they wanted to be in the most it's the one that the contractor that they had accompani them on the site visits thought was U most suitable for the um Senior Center needs so they they asked for an extension which Greg um granted and now they're going to go and um seek a proposal for building number eight that's really it any questions on St building committee or the new information that's come in since last week um I have a quick question I saw that um G Hogan acquired an earmark for them for $50,000 um and I believe that the purpose of that the language was pretty General can be used for senior needs in a senior center is that correct Greg and if so is that oops sorry go ahead no I cut you off I apologize keep going my question is um is that they could put toward you know a lease if they wanted to good question so I'm looking over the email to kind of double check and and ultimately I would I would actually read the law to make sure like the language of of whatever the law says but I understand your question so um I'm just quoting from the email from representative Hogan's office um May will receive $50,000 for senior programming and operational costs in this year's FY 25 State bud so I'm not sure I mean like I have to look what the law says but if if we could legally translate that into a lease which I could see you can it's operational cost so if or or programming or whatever I mean this is Prett generalized language senior programming and operational cost I I think there's a pretty valid argument that use for I mean yeah pretty much anything that's related to senior senior sources but I would again I would verify if if I had more time I would I would look what the losses but I it's a I mean the state law is huge so I have to any other questions mine isn't so much a a question but um just an appreciation for the work that um this committee is doing to to move this forwards um I am personally very much in favor of um doing all that we can to support this community uh I would I would like them to know that I think it's it's going to be hugely valuable um for the community as a whole to to find a successful resolution to this uh problem that they have of of not having and adequate facilities at this time so just wanted to make that statement I agree and I'll add on to that Mike I think there was a um a drift between ourselves and them uh an understanding on on sort of the planning where I think we we had received the message pretty clearly that they were moving from a capital uh request to a leasing request uh even an operational override but the the timing of that I think um was not completely understood between the two groups and uh was shifting rather rapidly uh and so I still think the the information that they're collecting now including the extension of the RFI allowing them to collect more information and the senior center assessment study um does put them in a good position to be ready for um select wordss deliberate on on that going into the Springtown meeting now deliberating on that does not mean we put it on the Springtown meeting or not but it it means we'll we'll be able to have a road blust conversation as these pieces of information come in and I do think they have been doing a good and a thorough job so far um and you know I along with the rest of you supported that request for information so we could continue to to learn more about the um feasibility of such a proposal so my my best to them is they continue to collect coate and um eventually come back to us to present information any other comments on the senior CER okay uh we'll move on to item 16 the acceptance of minutes any questions or comments on four sets of minutes we have for approval we've been busy I will move to approve the meeting minutes of July 1 July 16 July 23 and July 30th 2024 as shown authorizing use of digital signatures if approved seconded all in favor David yes Chris yes yes Mike yes Lindsay yes I'm a yes as well uh we will move on to the T administrative report thank you Mr chair I will um hit the highlights um vacation next week I know that's the most important to everyone where you head it where's everyone go um no uh the time will be well um our town clerk Diane R is retiring um uh just put a lot of fun you know as a municipal official and I very much appreciate the value experience prods that have majored and uh assistant minist Stephanie dou has has been in charge of colting resumes and scheduling interviewing that there this this we so um so it's you know it's exciting to have a new person I really appreciate presence Town elections and then um we also have a new veteran service officer which is exciting Peter Harville um his office hours like Thursdays and um I so he was kind of enough to share a little bio so I encourage the board and public to read that AR report so it's exciting I appreciate Peter you know stepping up right away it's a relatively smooth transition not so I appreciate that and then um hey we are going to be finally doing that um new traffic traffic light and safety improvements at the intersection 27 conquer in the very new CH so we've been trying to uh you know make sure the town is where it is for months now um I I haven't passed the sign uh next to the golf course on my way down to M every day and uh going to have to remember to start going the long way around through so to get to work so I I encourage everyone to think about that uh don't you know don't be surprised day one when we start shutting that down um but I also of course I want to commend the work of Public Works Jus Marco and the police department their collaboration and of course our engineering it's been a long time coming I'm really looking forward to and then um um there a lot of the department submitted a lot of good information I I just want to highlight one more thing um require was here this evening she's a library director and I want to congratulate her and the rest of the library staff Library trustees um for their hard work and application and success getting a 15 $155,000 Grant um from the state to make improvements to their um children's area there's 036 children's area which is fantastic coincidentally I was there on Saturday with my own children and they don't even know that it's about to change in the near future so um but it's it's they they do so much good work which is very proud about congratulations to elaborate and that's it unless there's questions from the board any questions for the Town Administrator on his report nope very good um we'll do the chair report so I want to thank everybody who attended and participate and spoke and interacted at the quad board meeting um I know there was um you know a lot of a lot of content brought up a lot of topics were um discussed um it's a lot of people to get through and hear all at once but I think there there is certainly a lot of value in hearing where everybody sits um in their positions um and there's a lot of challenges ahead of us and I think it doesn't do us any favors to ignore those but to start tackling them more and more headon as as we've been doing in an increasing fashion uh and I also really appreciate as to set that board the increasing use of data and hard numbers to sort of Drive these decisions and conversations as as we move forward so I just want to thank everybody for their their particip in that and then as I mentioned earlier I had the opportunity to do Shakespeare in the park uh which was actually in sanctuary when I did it on Sunday uh but it was a fantastic event and really appreciate the continued uh good work of the Cultural District and all the events that they sponsor as well that'll do it for me and I'll go to David um thank you uh yeah the only comment I have about things that happened relative to my involvement with Community issues last Wednesday the night after the quad board there was a regularly scheduled meeting of the U mayard Housing Trust um again we we were reviewing the um proposals of various issues ongoing that the McDonald's property Jimmy McDonald's property that is down along the river um so everything you know we have to we have to approve and make sure that they've done their their due diligence and having the right number as agreed on of uh affordable units Etc everything looks good um and the the only the only downside of that evening's meeting was that uh we as a uh Housing Trust were the victims of a zoom bomb I believe was probably the same guy who came to our meeting although I didn't look closely it was uh it was not nice uh but we shut it down so we didn't finish our meeting but uh and I guess the from what I heard the same Zoom bomber has been on planning board has been it's the same guy apparent but uh any something to talk about rather than the time of the times that's it um I'm actually gonna go back to the chair of rept real quick I just wanted to um Jim pman has uh resigned from the planning board and so we're preparing unless there's any objection which I can't see why there would be acclamation in his honor given the long um decades long service to this town so just wanted to um thank Jim for all of his hard work over the many many years and and dedication to the community and just let everybody know that so we'll we'll put together a proclamation and uh we'll have that ready for the board soon I I yeah I I'm GL said I will try to get it for the next board but I'm obligation it may not be to okay thank you uh Chris you're you're on mute you're on mute PR you know my only comment was going to be to um Echo the um what je Jeff just said about Jim Coleman and his um dedication and you know his contributions to the town over many years that's all thank you Mike um yeah thank you uh first of all just uh appreciation again for the the quad board meeting last week and a reiteration of the the request to to hold those meetings more frequently I think as we meet more often than the the dynamic you know we'll all uh become educated about how these meetings can work how we can communicate more effectively address these issues uh I I found we got great value from that so um I I would certainly advocate for for for more of those um despite the fact that of course it means sacrifice of time from a lot of people that's much appreciated um secondly um much ad do about everything um the Shakespeare in the park at the weekend I I did get a chance to see it before I had to come away and uh very impressive uh and just a great addition um to sort of widening the the cultural availabilities that are in the town and and just appreciation for all of those who who put that on main a cultural Council of course um so yeah that that was great but great entertainment and and I look forward to more of the same or or similar that that's me for tonight Lindsay thank you um I will Echo everybody else's comments that I was grateful for the conversation we had last week at the bad board meeting and I'm looking forward to more discussion um like that in the future with those groups um and I'll add and I should have probably added this after the bleacher vote um but I'm not really at the top of my game right now um I uh was reluctant to vote Yes on the bleachers just because I'm struggling with the idea of that project um bumping ahead of a lot of the other important capital projects that we discussed last week and also with the fact that um I don't know that people are totally cognizant of what's coming in terms of um debt exclusions and overrides in the coming year so um I I will definitely be doing uh my best to ensure that everyone I know is pretty well apprised before going into fall town meeting of what else they might be asked to vote on that would affect their cost of living in the coming years um but I did vote Yes this evening because I think that um if that if that article is on the warrant which it will be um I I think it would be I feel it would be UND Democratic of me as a single person uh to stand in the way of the Town having the opportunity to vote on that that feels like a bit of a um a disruption of the process so despite my reluctance I I you know will see that on the ballot but I I do encourage all of us to do everything that we can to be sure that anyone going to town meeting really understands what the implications are for their taxes and what other um what other requests will be coming to them in the next two to five years and that's all for me um very good I we're going to cover this real quick um soon but one more thing I've got Mass General law open in front of me and it does look like a ballot dead exclusion requires a 2third vote of the select board which we would not have just met if I'm not aking this so let's real quick make sure we cross our teas and da our eyes because if if I'm correcting this interpretation we're not going to have that on the ballot based on the um 3-2 vote we just took so let's just take a quick pause because I want everybody to clear on this before we leave this meeting good Natasha are you still on I guess sadly yeah I am okay where did you read that I just so I don't to like just show me I'm on M General La section 21c J and I'm also on the prop two and a half ballot question requirement procedure from ma.gov from the division of local Services it was for debt exclusions and not specific I'm not looking at it but just confirming operational um for the Border Council vote to place for overrides it's a majority for under rdes it's a majority for exclusions it appears two3 because I know we've had debt exclusions in the past like the Green Meadow School and it's just been the ballot has always been a majority but the vote at town meeting yes but I believe Jeff is referring to the vote of the executive board which so that the the select Board needs to vote oh got it to put it on the ballot at a greater majority than two-thirds the Green Meadow was 50 if I remember correctly yeah it was all of the other no I was thinking what you were meaning the outcome of the the the vote versus the putting it on there um but well this is a good good question so you I just want to clarify Jeff do you see where it says the Le board as as I I just did the same Google search uh for theal Law and they referring to the local appropriating Authority who I believe to be town meeting not the flood board so I'm asked but maybe I've got the board or the councel on this one I've got let me just double check here yeah I'm being referenced from a document that says the border of the council as the local appropriating Authority it is clear in general law it says the appropriating authority I see the same spot that you're looking at okay so um I mean I'm not a lawyer so I would I would usually I would seek councel which I don't have this evening so unless the board would like to revote then then or else the vote stands at 3 to2 and it may be nullified if you're right like it may it may not be actionable according to national law but I'm reluctant to sort of verify that just in my quick reading right now so I'd rather I I don't think that would change the course of anyone's vote I believe so I I don't think that that would um be appropriate at this juncture uh so I think what we would need to do is can I ask a question just real quick on this topic since it's kind of emergent um so if and I know there was a lot of emails about process and timeline so if the town let's just say the the vote that the slug board just took is um means that it's it fails for the ballot however Town special town meeting the article goes and it passes wouldn't that still trigger the 90-day election as a result of that anyway I'm just trying I'm trying to understand the sequence of events is the vote at town meeting automatically trigger the election no I believe we would still have to put the question onto the ballot I think that I think I think you're saying the same thing so I'm I'm like frantically rereading a lot of I'm afraid I'm about to make an error as I as I read these things but let me so I asked a lot of those questions to the Town Council and and I forward that to everybody so yeah I'm reading what y'all have already been fored so um I um so if there's an appropriation so again if you go to town meeting and they appropriate the three million whatever it is to the appropriate it so if there is an appropriation contion upon the de exclusion the uion must go on the ballot within 90 days of special town meeting so yes that in that my reading right now but that's that's only You' have to do that's that's the requirement of the uh if we if we had voted uh for1 41 to put it on and I'm I'm not I don't know if you're correct or not but it's an interesting comment but my understanding is that our vote has to come to put it on the ballot within 90 days of the date of the town meeting that's right that's what I'm say so but it has nothing to do with triggering a town meeting town meeting doesn't trigger that vote we trigger that vote no I'm I'm reading it prob similar but I think maybe a little different what you just said David I'm I'm reading it as the appropriation at town meeting triggers the 90-day window when there needs to be a vote taken um Greg are you still on 21c uh I so in the definitions the local appropriating authori is defined as the board of Selectmen in the town okay so that to me sounds pretty clear be a 2third and therefore we did not just vote to place it on the ballot we're going to double check that regardless with Council tomorrow um and so please get on the horn with them yeah first thing um but it if I'm reading this correctly it did not pass to get onto the ballot okay so um Greg in your followup to council when are you going vacation uh next week I'm not going with Town council's email I mean we can we can get this figured out okay okay Brian will be back tomorrow as well what's that what led you to look it up tonight um just to make sure yeah no I can I but I'll get this answer pretty quick I'm just going to email the same lawyer that email be the answer today so well and we've we've also done debt exclusions I mean this is not the first so I don't I'm just curious that first me has been so close and I think we've been used to doing majority votes that we yep so I I apologize for not having that understanding before we took that vote but here we are I appreciate you all right again we'll double check but if I'm interpreting correctly it did not um pass to be placed on the ballot we'll as soon as we get confirmation make sure to send that uh Greg will inform the the select board and we inform you and Brian to T any um let me reopen that particular topic for comments anybody else want to make any comments or questions on what we just discussed I would I would since um we're talking about it if that's okay um please Natasha just thinking about the sequence of and I and I totally respect the work that the select board is you need to do with all the projects what were mentioned last week um I would worry about because of where we are with the position of going to town vote and having that what how would we address that as a as a community when we have um a town that may vote on and I just would look to the slug board to think about that as well is um if a town the town votes to proceed with um this and their majority um how that may or may not factor into the select board's um consideration to allowing it to proceed we'll have to figure out the right way to communicate that as a board as we approach town meeting in particular um it could not be on the unless Greg can get confirmation in the morning um it couldn't be on a ballot for election day which is in November well it could if if there was a vote to reconsider and I would I would ask that the slck board maybe reconsider their vote and to do that I don't know if um I mean as we've had residents already say um I think that the nuclear option considering that the select board this was a project that select board two years ago supported proceeding um what would that and I just find us to be a very we haven't talked about this option and it kind of got brought up a little bit matter of factly at the quad board meeting which was a little bit surprising but that the select board was you know considering not putting it on the ballot so it's only been it's been less than a week that this has even been discuss as an option so it is surprising and I'm I'm I think the school committee would be very taken back um because there hasn't been um an opinion of the select board at this point um for the majority to not proceed with the project everything has been with the informed um informed selectboard view um Town funds have already been allocated for designs in this and I understand priorities um do arise but at this juncture it does feel like um anti-democratic in in the process just because you can do something to necessarily mean you should and I do think there is value in bringing something to the town if they do not if they vote it down then then that's you know what it is we learn and we rep pivot and we figure it out but I feel like denying that opportunity it it it's it feels Hollow and unfortunate so I just would would hope that this luck board I don't know Chris or or Dave I know Chris I haven't really heard your thoughts I don't know if you have any additional thoughts to share my thoughts did you hear anyone else's thoughts when they voted I I I did um I did when they the ones that voted yes I just you you heard you heard the word yes and then you you did hear you did hear something from Lindsay at the end is part of her selectman comments but um the one of the one of the reasons that I'm I'm hesitant is because of a lot of the reasons that were discussed at at the at the quad board meeting number one yeah two um I'm I'm I'm concerned about you know some of the other things that we talked about at the Claude wood meeting like is there an opportunity to do other things at the same time and that you know I I thought that might be um vetted a little further or looked into a little bit further before this went um before the voters well I lot lot there's a lot of people in in in let's let's be clear about one thing you you brought up the select board a couple years ago right and we we were 100% in support of it myself included what was the price when we did that about a million and a half two million maybe now we're now we're yeah the designs hadn't gotten back but yeah exactly now but wait a second now we're fast approaching $4 million you know we're heading towards we're heading towards the $ 4 million Mark and that's that's concerning um at this point to me given given the School Chris go ahead's that I was saying one at a time and Chris please go ahead yeah just just you know the green medal School the potential for senior center leases and other things there there's a few other things out there that um you know are are on the table that I think you know um inform my decision and and I think it's very very very disrespectful of anybody on this call or any other call to suggest that anyone including especially David or I are undemocratic because we cast a vote a certain way so that's my comment all right Natasha please go ahead um so part of the thank you Chris for for sharing that because I know we we hadn't had a chance to talk about it and between last our the quad board meeting um some things that I clarified the 750 seats is the brings the project down to 3 .3 um if there's an opportunity to I would say eliminate the Press Box you know I would certainly it's not off the table but we need funding if we're looking for a design like I don't know yet because the window is closed if the designs that we have now will allow for that piece or if we would have to get new designs and any of that would would require more funding anyway to do so I think the whole point would be that we would look to see how we can scale down as much as possible um between now and town meeting to get more information from our because it's only been a week since we had we we vetted the Drone option I mean there's anything is really on the table um to do that I don't no one is looking to increase it we're looking to do quite the opposite thank you Natasha all right any other comments on 13B which we've moved back to all right I think there has been some new information according to that so I will see if anybody wants to re entertain a motion doesn't sound like there's the appetite to do though but I'll pause and see if anybody would like to okay all right in that case I believe that concludes that topic for the night and actually that includes all topics tonight are any other comments or questions from the boards there's been a motion to adjourn I think Mike said second but he's here we go y second second motion has been made and seconded David yes Chris yes Mike yes Lindsay yes and I'm a yes thank you everybody have a great evening