##VIDEO ID:LAZ74XvavXk## Pledge of Allegiance I pledge of allegiance thank you um before we begin tonight I'd like everyone to join me in a moment of silence um for Joe woring who passed away recently thank you um Town Hall has been in receipt of a lot of messages for the family um in support of of um his wife and just thank you for everybody who's reached out to the family and offer support in a time of great need in addition for Town staff as well so um I'll move on now with tonight's meeting as a preliminary matter uh this is uh chair Jeff Swanberg uh good evening this open meeting of the main mayard select board is being conducted in person and Via Zoom speakers on the agenda will be participating remotely and I will allow for the public to provide comment the board would like to hear public comments and if there is further action that is required by the board uh the the chair will add the matter as appropriate to a forthcoming agenda depending on the comment the board May if they are able to within the confines of open meeting law respond with information as opposed to needing to deliberate on the matter please note that while an option for remote attendance Andor participation is being provided as a courtesy to the public the meeting will not be suspended or terminated if technological problems interrupt the virtual broadcast to individual attendees unless otherwise required by law accordingly Please be aware that other folks may be able to see you so please take care not screen share your computer anything that you broadcast may be captured by the recording uh all the materials for this meeting except any executive session or executive materials are available on board docs and we ask that uh recommend that members of the public follow the agenda posted on board docs unless I note otherwise we will now turn to the beginning of the agenda uh before we do so permit me to cover some ground rules for Effective and clear conduct of our business and to ensure accurate meeting minutes I will introduce each speaker on the agenda after they conclude the remarks the chair will go down the line of members inviting each by name to provide any comment questions or motions please hold until your name is called and further please remember to mute your phone or computer when you are not speaking and please remember to speak clearly and in a way that helps generate accurate minutes for any response please wait until the chair yields the floor to you and state your name before speaking if members wish to engage in colloquy with other members please do so through the chair taking care to identify yourself and for items with public comment after the members have spoken the chair May afford public comment as follows the chair will first identify um the chair will first ask members of the public who wish to speak to identify their names and addresses only once the chair has a list of all public commentators I will call on each by name and afford three minutes for comments public comment for public hearings may only be accepted in person for open meeting L and our first item tonight is public comments the board would like to hear public comments and if there is further action that is required by the board the chair will add the matter as appropriate to a forthcoming meeting agenda depending on the comment the board if they're able to within the confines of open meeting law respond with information as opposed to needing to deliberate on the matter um and I'll note we have two lengthy topics uh one on 40b commentary and one on the Council of Aging I do not intend to have public comment we may if there is time available but I do believe that those will take some time so if you have comments on those two I would advise you to make it now are there any comments in the room tonight no public comments in the room are there any public comments online this evening okay no public comments this evening uh we will move on to item four for those following on board docs which is a proclamation uh could I the people from the proclamation if they want to come line up front um the board see p this up sorry just thank you an accident but do we want a delay for we can wait and cover another agenda topic and come back if they're able to make it yeah wait for them it's only fair that's up to you Chief if you think we we'll go on to another topic it might be a while before we come back I would like to have everybody if possible um and we could do another meeting if that's not possible then we get everybody in person I think that's the nicest thing to do for everybody and make sure they get the recognition they deserve there's a couple of quick items here Jeff that we can go through that while we're waiting for are they on their way right now all right um item seven is all right so we'll move to a couple of quick items while we wait for them and we'll start with item seven which is the consent agenda uh we have the Veterans Day Parade and the one Cemetery deed are there any questions on either two of these items and Stephanie your arrangements for the Veterans Day Parade everything is pretty standard standard all right very good questions from the board uh I will entertain a motion there we go uh it I will move to improve the consent agenda items A and B is presented authorizing use of digital signatures if approved if so mooved move to approve the use of community events account to support the town's Personnel support C okay with that so that's a second motion you want to make them separately or I think you can have them together okay uh we have two motions that um have been made do we have a second second thank you all in favor Lindsay yes David yes Mike yes Chris yes and I'm a yes as well all right probably nine we can do too all right sounds good uh we'll move on to item nine which is the presidential election warrant Greg Wilson Greg I'm having a bit of trouble with my internet connection you have a you give me a physical copy of the agenda youate thanks yeah gra another one with the detailed motions just so I have it in case thank you um any comments or questions on item nine no but I will move to not at all did we already move it no we've not I will move to approve the consent uh thank you so to approve the presidential warrant but now the language is there I will move to approve the presidential election warrant with the indicated date time and location as Tuesday November 5th 2024 from 7 AM to 8:00 pm with all four precincts at the Fowler Middle School three tiger drive mayard as presented seconded any questions on this all right very good pretty procedural all in favor Lindsay yes David yes Mike yes Chris yes and I yes as well Chief how are we doing I just P it I hear all right Chris has to read the motion since our internet not working it's I think it's a um I think this is a a board do problem not an internet problem because I'm having a problem here with not get anything through board dos okay we can do the uh correspondences not sure yeah I still got the agenda up here the I have not memorized it unfortunately let's let's do let's do 8 a and we'll do contracts so maybe if I if you want to come up then we'll do down what's that absolutely come on up thank you yes Kathy do you want to come up as well all right thank you for coming very much out of order as we try to cover these but do you want to give us a brief overview of this agreement yeah my name is Ian I'm the public health director for the town and I'm here to ask the board please approve and sign this intermunicipal agreement uh so as you know men is part of the Metro shared Public Health Services it was created through a brand from the public health Excellency program uh so the purpose was to create AC course dur restri share Public Health Services and improve local public health capacity so the goal inurance Public Health Services improve health outcomes across participating communities through shared resources and also through uh Cooperative governance so towns benefit from shared services like nursing Community Health uh in environmental inspections and also training uh so the services involve uh investigation enforcement and data collection uh town like hland Birmingham Hudson mayet Way Milford and are also participating into this program hson serve as the lead municipality the overse the Grant Management and the administrative functions so each the board of help can appoint a representative serve on a Advisory Board and and each town has one vard so that ensure equal participation in decision making so to spend the gr funds is done by the approval of the adversary board and and in this IM we have provision like for liability nondiscrimination with through termination rights and also we can make amendments to this IMU uh the inter Municipal agreement allows modification and we can also add Municipal services and I'm asking to please approve and sign thank you good did you want to add anything no he covered everything all right um any questions from the board on this no fantastic I think um we we talk about the need to regionalize as much as possible and so this is a great example of um pooling our Resources with other towns for a mutually beneficial purpose uh if there's no questions or comments I'll entertain a motion I'll move to approve the inter Municipal agreement for public health Excellence for shared services Grant as presented authorizing the use of digital signatures if approved second all in favor Lindsay yes David yes Mike yeah Chris yes and I'm yes as well looks like we're good to go now all right just make sure I come back to 8B when we get that thank you both very much for uh coming out of order as well and on the spot all right so for those following along we're going to move to item number four um and so I think I'll turn it over to the chief but we have a life saving Proclamation here that we're to read but um if you would like to give us just a brief overview of of the event um I think we would love to hear it [Music] sure um about five weeks ago I was driving past Emerson urgin care and I was um in the middle of having a heart attack um I pulled into the parking lot stumbled in there uh they helped me out they called 911 um I didn't know until I'm recognizing I don't think I recognize really anyone from that day because it was a blur to me but they all showed up and took care of me uh I didn't get out of the parking lot they were going to take me to L Clinic um I didn't get out of the parking lot um where had cardiac arrest so they brought me back with the paddles they did a lot of compressions as I understand got me to Ley Clinic um and I walked out 48 hours later with a tremendous um prognosis for good recovery was a surprise to all of us I'd like to say that I had a little something to do with it you know a tough guy like my father or something you know I pulled through but I was like a fish out of water I in the ambulance like this and um I'm quite excited to see you guys remember maybe um all dirty and everything working in the yard um but it was their training it was their professionalism that you know is the reason why I'm here today and I'm profoundly grateful and so my I didn't you know I didn't even know who was there that day um so I TCH base with the chief and said you know what can we do and um she kind of you know set this up um so I'm glad that they're able to be recognized because um I've also heard stories from some of them too that the results are not always as positive as they are here so I'm happy for that so we're we're very glad to have you with us and we're having you to be able to hear and and share that story with us I do have a proclamation as well Chief did you want to add anything before I read the PO I think it was very well said all right um so I'll read whereas mayard public safety personnel responded to an emergency call on Thursday September 5th 2024 at mayard Crossing digital way mayard and whereas mayard Public Safety telecommun telecommunicator Sarah Barat reacted swiftly to a request for assistance from Emerson Urgent Care at Maynard Crossing by immediately directing the response effort and whereas Maynard fire captain Greg D jardan and firefighters Nicole Chason Eric frette Travis GR Brian Kramer and Alan pis arrived at the scene expeditiously to provide life-saving actions including recitation and transport the patient for critical Hospital services and whereas Pro paramedic prop paramedic Joe Joel Jacobson partnered with mayard Personnel to ensure crucial Services were administered that may have otherwise resulted in the loss of a life and whereas emergency responders actions and professionalism led directly to the recovery of a patient whose family is grateful for the contribution of everyone involved and especially the mayard fire department now therefore we the mayard select board often our sincerest thanks and Commendation to Captain D jordens firefighters Chia son frette gross Kramer pis and paramedic Jacobson and telecommunicator Barat and gratitude for their selfless services to the town of mayard given in the select boards Chambers this 15th day of October in the year 2024 happyy happy birthday to the chief as well Chief you want to get a photo with um yeah I took one outside so I think you guys look this way I you want to come up and be the ready some of you all are in it too so got it thank you very much one more and thank you for of oh yes we do so we will we will move to approve what we just read but I think the ceremonial part is there so would somebody like to move the official Proclamation move to approve the proclamation recognizing mayor telecommunicator Sarah barad mayor fire Captain Craig Dean firefighters Nicole CHS Eric forette Travis gross Brian Kramer and Alan cour and pro paramedic Joel Jacobson for their life saving actions on September 5th 2024 as presented authorizing use of digital signatures and approved second all in favor Lindsay yes uh David yeah Mike yes Chris yes and I'm yes as well so very good all right we will now move on to item five which is uh 182 Parker Street and so as you all know there has been what is uh termed an unfriendly 40b application um this application goes to a quasi state ency which is the Mass Housing Partnership uh they have given us um little under two months to respond and that public comment date is due uh October 21st 2024 so just under a week from today uh we've had uh an open period for public comments uh to be submitted through the town website we are in receipt of I think around 500 uh if not more comments how many comments did we end up 400 400 or so so um thank you to everybody from the public who um put in comments Town staff has been diligent in going through through those uh We've also gotten commentary from um a large number of different town bodies um the school committee uh the planning board DPW director and many others as well uh and so uh Steve Silverstein executive director of uh OMS is going to give us an overview of those comments right now they're in your executive session materials they have not been reviewed by Council yet uh and that is one very important last step that we will do before submission but tonight is the opportunity for the select board to review the comments um in what I believe is a near final draft we hope after count review from Council um before they get submitted into the state did I Stephanie did I miss anything or we're ready to go so um Steve Silverstein executive director of OMS ex director of I would like to first and foremost thank uh the residents of mayard for their submissions and there were quite a lot the citizens here have a very strong position and it is nearly unanimous the tune of about 97 98% of people um showing a level of displeasure with the supposed development and the process uh about which the developer has gone about uh interfacing with the town so uh as the chair said we've uh collected comments from not just the the public at large but also from Boards of committees from the planning board L by uh it's led by Bill ner our planning director from the Conservation Commission um and Julia Julia Flannery our conservation agent as well as Susan Ericson the chair of kcom and I neglected to mention Chris Alo who is the uh um the chair of the planning board we also got comments from the school committee from the public safety department just one second can we make sure the door is open we do need that open for this to be an open meeting thank you Greg or thank you Justin yeah and you can they're more than welcome to hang out but if they could move back just a little so that we can continue on thank you Justin please continue from the sustainability committee from uh well I have a whole appendix here of the the people who have contributed oh from our neighbors in the town of subury they including uh 70 comments that were placed on our website from them uh demonstrating their concern about this development that's an addition to the 300 that's an addition to the 300 yeah so as you see we have uh so we've compiled all of these responses together um and covered it with a covering letter which or response letter if you will uh the primary thesis of which is that the town of mayard is for affordable housing uh it's why we're so very close to the state Thresh of 10% of our stock being affordable um and we have done our utmost continue to do our utmost to be in the uh Forefront of creating affordable housing in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts however there is a lot of concern about this development in this location uh and that is what we would like to express to mass Massachusetts uh Housing Partnership some of the the issues that we've highlighted um and keeping in mind the caveat that we don't yet have the full picture because we don't have a full application which will only come from Avalon bayano mayard uh if they are given the green light to go ahead with this uh with this project um the full you know the full expanse of what they plan to do where they plan to do it will only come later on but in advance of that some of the things that are of uh High concern to the people of mayard are potential imperilment of Public Safety uh threats to the natural environment and not least uh inconsistency with the town of Maynard's uh local needs and so you'll see the select board has seen in its packet uh the outline of of this argumentation um the language is probably a little uh uh maybe forceful but uh I think that that is a pretty accurate reflection of the sentiment of the people in town uh there were literally you could count on one hand the amount of people who had unequivocal support who residents of Mater for this project um the rest have pretty justifiable worries about putting a high density development in an area that is zoned single family uh we have done our absolute utmost to abide by the dictates of the state and to create zones that are friendly to multif family housing in other parts of town primarily the powder milk Corridor um this is nowhere near there and there are Stakes that are pretty great not only to the residents of mayard but also to the residents of subury with consequences that could potentially uh be extremely detrimental to the average taxpayer in mayard due to additional brains that will be placed on the town's departments uh and finances I think with that that's pretty you know decent overview and uh if you have any questions I am here joined by Bill ner and Julia flry to answer any of those that you may have and DPW director Justin Marco as well he's also here um I have a few questions but I'll wait for the rest of the board um first thank you to all the town staff I'm Julia Bill and Dustin and Steve and probably many other people I don't know I'm guessing Greg and Stephanie and here whove contributed to this I know it's been a lot of work so thank you for everything that you've done to um position the town well um and thanks to all of the uh residents who commented I'm heartened to see that that many people participated that's great and then lastly I thought the letter was really very well written so I'm not sure if who drafted that but it was great uh it was a far better articulation of my sentiments surely than I would have written so thank you to whoever drafted that I thought it was great very good any other questions or comments comment well several comments first of off thank you I Echo comments about um all the work that went into this and all of the enthusiasm if you want to call it that from the from the residents of mayard and our neighbors um whose enthusiasm based upon love of the community and desire to do what's right for the community not again as you as you commented Steve it's it has nothing to do with uh in any way based on our our obvious history um opposition to affordable housing um you know and I've said many times I sit on the affordable housing trust proudly and we work hard to find ways to bring affordable housing and units to mayard um far from what some that may claim oh this is just a nimy thing you know we don't want it for that reason has nothing to do with that it's more protecting our infrastructure protecting our resource specifically our Water Resource um one comment that I would make about the document itself uh at the end of the I guess it's the second paragraph there is a sentence that I think should be removed um uh because I believe that when all is shaken out uh it's it says however in the small rapidly closing window afforded before reaching 10% we find ourselves outside of Safe Harbor I think that's a false statement I think before the all is said and done um based on other issues that aren't addressed in this report we will find ourselves within Safe Harbor and we did before and we will again and I don't think we should be making any typ of public comment that we are outside of Safe Harbor because I believe we are within Safe Harbor and that in my opinion should be made clear to the folks at Avalon before any further steps taken that hey this is coming why waste your money and effort maybe they're that obstinate and um arrogant to continue to move forward despite the efforts that we've made but um it's pretty clear based on the evidence we had before and I'm confident that it's going to come through again that we are uh within Safe Harbor based on the uh the land area uh you know analysis I agree I feel we should avoid making a definitive statements either way is there any challenge with removing that language that David's referring to okay all right good anything else David no I'm good okay I think that's an important Point um I too would like to just go the thanks to the community and all of you who collated these uh I I got I got lost roundabout a comment number 7 I think so I I applaud you for and your team for all of the effort you made um just one thing which is a little bit tangential but one of the concerns that was expressed quite frequently was about the impact on uh the student population at the schools and uh I know that the impact of the student population on schools is heavily nuanced it's not just about actual total numbers it can be about what kinds populations what age group uh and so it's a you know it's a complex formula so um I would be interested in seeing from the school department um some more information about that I mean I don't think it directly impacts this particular situation but in terms of communication with the public and getting a deeper understanding of issues such as that I think is is important to get it right um so that we're not just working on rumors and here say but we're working on um good data so you know it'll be down the road but I think it's gonna be important but thank you again Chris do you have any comments you're on mute yeah no I know just to um you know just to reiterate the thanks to all the hard work everyone put into it but I have one question it's it's kind of an aside to it but it's been um we received a bunch of different letters um some with some of you guys included in you guys being the um Town Hall staff in these these um emails and whatnot what is what is the story The quick story behind the um this idea that a couple people have put on um social media and sent us emails where there's all sorts of violations out there with regard to Sudbury and Maynard and who's you know what what is what is the status of all that how does that play into this conversation would like to call Julia flry because that's the reason she's here to answer that question all right um so yeah uh a lot of people have reached out obviously I spent a lot of time um talking with both nard and seary residents about this project and about lots of different aspects of the things that have um or having gone on on this property um so you know at least from the stuff that I've been seeing um there were questions about violations the the area in question is not within the town of Mayers so we don't have jurisdiction to even comment on it um I have been Consulting with DP um and I've sent the um those who are concerned about this like you know how to who to talk to at DP it's the it's the central office if anyone's concerns um EP being Environmental Protection D Department of Environmental d y oh I missed the date the state the state level state level yeah and uh so you know conservation is one of those funny things that uh although uh you know I work for the town of mayard um from a conservation perspective it's it's a state process that I felt funnel so when you fill out an application you're filling out a state application um and so yes they have um sub areas aware um and and they I've spoken with subur conservation um they have not found any evidence of a violation and and at this time it should not with my jurisdiction to so so in all of all of the stuff that these gentlemen or women whoever they are whether they're I'm not sure if they're men or women all of those things through all of what they've sent they have found no proof of violations within the town of sedbury per the town of Sudbury that's my understanding I can't speak for the town of s or for that's yeah so from our perspective um violations move with the property not with the owner so if you were to you know dump some oil on your land then go and sell the property um it's now on the it's the owner's responsibility of the property that you sold it to now it's no longer your issue there is a threeyear window that you can go after but it's it becomes like a civil violation or a civil suit at that point so um so one of the things that we will see is we have to wait for that application from Avon um the notice of intent and when they actually submit the notice of intent uh and you know depending on where they're looking to do things is you know if there is potential violations but um you know my my understanding is that the accusations are something that was happening in 1999 um so you know at this point um the way that we handle things is is in the current state so where is the Lance now sometimes reversing things is worse than it is better so um yeah but again that's that would be up to Sudbury um we only have control of the major side of the property but how about the first off thank you and um the you know having lived here in during this time since this whole thing sort of evolved um and those of us who have lived around here for that period of time we can testify to the fact that that land has changed it used to be wooded it's now marshy wet um dead trees it's just like it's Wetland but before maybe I don't know you know before it was all wooded just like it is as you go by the area that we're talking about uh it continued all the way to sver until they developed that land up on the hill where the I call it the lions are the two lions are and you go in that area when that started to be built is when we started to see some uh disruption in that area and the people who live over on Tobin Drive In in that area started seeing flooding in the back that progressively got worse and then it continued to get worse not only through the environmental aspect of dying trees but also uh flooding when they built the the the field that's over there as well all of that seemed to have led so the story that we're hearing from the individual seems accurate because the timeline makes sense and I get I get that we're not because it's sudbury's property but Maynard's being affected because our residents are seeing flooding our residents are seeing their land with trees and wooded areas be destroyed that they used to walk through and even though they didn't own the land they would they apparently went strolling through other people's property yeah private property but people you know people would say that the I used to hike in there or whatever it's somebody else's propert that's fine but the point is that Maynard's property has been it's our town and our we've been impacted by and then one last Point um the most recent email and documentation I'm hearing about is that Sudbury is claiming that all of this documentation has been quote unquote lost that they can't find documents that allegedly exist I want to make sure though that work so that's the claim that was made in the email from an individual not necessarily the town of s so I want to be sure that we are we are referencing an email from just a person who has no official capacity in the town of Sudbury and is making claims we assume it's from sbur we don't even know correct we have zero itas so the source of that information may or may not be credible I I would agree with that so I can't speak to all of those things since I one didn't live here and and two didn't have the JG but I can talk about that land right now so um couple things uh that Wetland is one of our most important Wetlands that we have in town it does anaz job of filtering our water um before it reaches our aquifer in our Wetlands um to our public water supply Source or one of them um we have a amazing group of beavers that live in there and they have made some crazy danams um so those beavers um are not they're actually helping keep that area wet especially right now we're in severe drought um and if you go back there that that Wetland is is doing a good job um so you know we have no problem with those beavers they are not risk to health um or safety and and so I you know have not pursued trapping them or or moving them in any way um however if you know residents have a concern they can always go through um and get permits um to you know handle Beaver situations in their backyards which and there's like I've seen at least like four in that area not on that property but up on on our town property side um and then there's probably even more over there I mean we have we have hundreds iners so um that's going on right now that's all I I think even the issue with the Beavers escalated over that period of time too it's as if the Beavers were forced to change where they were living and suddenly people who had never seen beaver dams are having beaver dams in the back because it seems and again I don't I'm not I'm not environmentalist and I use that word not in the uh liberal conservative sense but I'm not somebody who studies the environment yeah um to understand what may have happened to cause that but the timeline that we're hearing certainly makes sense yeah so you know beavers are amazing animals and they're able to um to help us with our our own natural environment so we're doing a lot to learn how to work with them and not against them um and you know that's something that we've discussed um when when looking at the potential orb coming in about how um you know how that project could affect that Wetland um but yeah when it comes to um you know things that might have happened in the past I don't have jurisdiction to do anything um and you know i' I've been in complication with b and and we'll continue to do so um but at at this point there's nothing for foror to be able to do and much of those concerns that you just listed are in the commentary that we're providing to MHP yes yes so Conservation Commission and I wrote a four-page letter on our concerns um on you know what we would think that that we will be needing to see and the problem is like she said we don't have a full application and so I'm not used to you know commenting uh this early in the process is very early in the process but whether or not it's a single family home or um or a large apartment complex our our concerns are basically um you know about that Wetland and protecting that Wetland at all costs um at our last meeting you gave us a very good overview of where those conservation concerns are but it started with a notice of intent which I was a little confused about what that triggering start point was is that the notice intent to the zba or is that no so so conservation is completely separate so comprehensive permit BBA they do their own thing then Conservation Commission we have our own process as well so um what what from that slide you presented last time what Trigg is that first box what is that event the actual notice of intent yes so it's an it's called a notice of intent application um so they have to submit that to DP and me um and then that will start the application process that's what I it would run concurrently with the yeah we're not sure EXA at this point where that's if that's going to they're going to apply before the comprehensive permit after the comprehensive permit during they would be able to any time after the project eligibility letter is issued if it is issued yes yes and it could actually you know like that's the interesting thing about conservation is for us this process is the same so um they you know they could apply now technically for the the notice of intent I don't think they WS that wouldn't make really a lot of sense until you get that green light um but they don't need to wait for their comprehensive per to that's that's a important that's help the clarification um I forget who started that line of question I I think I did Chris did sorry has your colleague in Sudbury contributed to this whole situation because they're not involved in the 40b per se have they made comments about the the environmental aspects so um my understanding is the town of s submitted one letter on behalf of all of their departments uh and there was a conservation aspect in there there was yeah um they will not be since the majority of the project um or the entire project is within the town of leard uh even though jurisdiction they would potentially be in sub Conservation Commission it goes with what town your project is in um however we will most likely invite sary Conservation Commission to our meetings so we we talk about that because um it is that right on the line when we have those projects we need to get both both towns involved it it was interesting to see what elements Sudbury stressed versus what you know we have stressed ours is obviously much more comprehensive but that was a interesting look into another town yeah my understanding is that they did like what we did which they got all everyone to write letters and then they reduced it into you know more of a suct list of things um but yes Lori uh who is the conservation agent in sber has has expressed her concerns Chris do you have any other questions for for Julia that was it just thanks thanks for the work and I just had that question for Julia okay uh thank you my questions I think are mainly going to be about water capacity so um yeah so this this might be mostly for Justin but so my understanding is that you know um we've received a warning four years ago from the state about expansion given the limited water capacity until we expand that and since then we've taken steps to expand that but why don't we include that warning letter into this response as a direct evidence that we simply do not at this time have that water capacity so our technical memo was far more advanced than the these recommendations to expand our system the Stant the stantech memo yes that was provided as part of the pre application we met with the original developer Avalon they actually approached the town before they went they on friendly 4B um and we do that preliminary analysis up front so that we have a you know an understanding before we advance any the large scale dense project it has strict crat area under a water that technical memo Dives in deeper to the effects of that development versus an overall understanding of what D is talking about with our water capacity um D wants us to advance our capacity they want new wells they want alternative sources that's that's their number one push is part of our letter but within that there's straints for regulatory requirements timing and funding our technical memo designed strictly for Avalon is the cause and effect that um the state's office that is uh reviewing the 40b needs to really hyperfocus there's a direct cause and effect to what our capacity is currently what that application so to me um first of all I think we should for the santech Highlight that as an independent consultant who's doing this review correct yeah whiches um but to me having the letter the warning letter from the state um to me directly speaks to another state agency telling us that we have to build this 40b so I'm still I'm not convinced that you know the the St despite the technical depth this is coming from a state agency saying no you cannot build until you fix your water capacity issue why aren't we saying to this other state entity or quasi State entity I should say look the state is already telling us with its left hand we can't build now you're telling us with your right hand we have to build that's clearly get your act together state of Massachusetts am I wrong I mean I you just be reminded that state agencies are also pretty slick in regards to that so they never actually put a complete moratorium on building they don't have that they stress the Year back that they won't continue to allow certain permit on the certain process to move for if we don't exercise due diligence and cleaning up our system our sanitary survey takes place every five years it's actually overdue by know where dp's going um but our sanitary survey our last sanitary survey over five years ago identified that we needed to put on new sources for they identified that we need to explore plan opportunities to reintroduce a failed source which is well3 at Omar or Rock which you know that's as G for based capacity study the sanitary survey is going to come in they'll never put a stamp that says you can't do anything they want us to so if anything our technical memo strictly allows for more of an advantageous approach on behalf of the town of mayard because we didn't just do a blanket analysis we did a singular analysis against our master plan in our Rob why not also add in the DP Memo from a few years because it's a sanatory survey that has very big com that are going to trigger back into just know that no matter what this process goes down if they challenge us it will go to the state level we will go to litigation they could challenge our our uh capacity study they could sue the town and try to make us provide uh deeper dive analysis where they can counter our analysis DP will be involved in all of that process from a permanent Authority and if they choose not to explore that opportunity and say Sudbury water district denies them and they were to tap their own well they would go through Mass D pce Perman and piloting process like we would where we put inour which would take years it could take years um so for my understanding what at what point of the process would we deny a water sewer hookup based on capacity they were already denied water they haven't changed their plans unless they come back with the Chang plans that letter is a denial of water would they if let's assem the state if they do allow the pl to go forward and the zba denies are they allowed to build without having a water sewer hookup do you want to speak to that or do you want me to just a quick overview stuff in the air my understanding it's correct yeah based yeah based on our based on our site walk with the state uh rep they actually don't consider that as highly advantageous at this stage um because there is alternative sources that they can go which is their own all source so that was one of the convers excuse my ignorance about again hydration and everything else but um wouldn't they be tapping into our precious resource that we already don't have enough up to be able to drag out for ourselves to be able to help ourselves so I just had this conversation with capital Committee Member today so their potential again I I don't know their entire plan but let's hypothetical this one if they potentially were to permit a well sourced that location they would be within the cona River Basin which is shared by many communities not just me but yes that is the same area which we tap old Malo roads entire treatment plant and well for eggs but as part of that that's the permitting and piloting process they will have to prove that their impact on that aquifer is not substantial that the aquifer itself can't sustain what is already permanent that's why everybody goes through DP they are the ultimate Authority that looks at the aquifers across town the burden be on them or would the burden be on us at that point to on them if they were tapping their own well they have to muscle their way through D they have to proove those they have to hire their own Engineers they will have to hire hydrologists they will have to write reports determining that their pump rates and what their usage versus what is already a permanent allowance on the oer remember some of the conversations years past where I talk about there's so many straws in the aquaf right what ends up happening this is the conversation in D world is there is a lot of straws that are in the aquifer and we have pump capacities meaning permanent allowance but there's a lot of communities that are pumping less than their permanent allowance and DP is refocusing on reducing some of those allowances to essentially reintroduce water that's already underground so the aquafer itself is a stress Basin but the report that was provided by a third party DP on the conquer River Basin is almost 25 years old um some of the housing development Communications that I've been participating in with the mass Water Resource Authority is that V is actually looking at 20 30-year permits and they're starting to reduce allowances on permits that already exist under certain utilities to free up what is hypothetical water that's on Ed so they'll go through that entire ex and in the commentary we've put concerns about tapping into that oper correct if they were to go to so that is included in our commentary back to it doesn't even need to be included as that's part of so part of the reason that we adopt our Wellhead protection zones is that's a d requirement and that's a d requirement because that helps them understand the aquer and overlap of utility sources so they'll they'll be exercising this process if they hypothetically want to tap their own well in a well to protection Zone which then triggers certain aspects on the state Authority that will review the criteria so can they get a permit without having an identified water source to build that's pretty much what we heard from the state is they will at least potentially get the letter yeah that's not what I hold on that's not what I asked I asked can they get the permit can they go through what's that the comprehensive permit yes my understanding is that the zoning board uh the state will not accept the denial from the zoning board based on the unavailability of so your answer then is yes they could get a comprehensive permit without an identified water understood now my followup question is if they if they were to get that far and get a comprehensive permit without having an identified water source what happens then are we able to build up water capacity and build another development say where we've identified um through the MB communities Act without hooking up to this permit so that's a good conversation so you're talking about if they were essentially position themselves for future water Capac that's what I'm asking you yeah so at that point when we have a situation where we have a permanent development and let's just say phase two goes as planned in the next three or four years we have water comp it will be hard to deny them if we can't prove then we can deny them again that's a litigation aspect that will be that would be a back and forth litigation process with Lisa's office and whoever their attorney is at that time um but yes hypothetically they'd be positioning themselves for first come person we're talking to them that they that are delaying their potential profit for what five six seven years they are they're a huge company they can sustain that L they're a publicly traded company so they could sustain that loss and basically just sit and wait for us to have capacity and they'd take that capacity before we could ere in the town we spent all the money and time and effort for no benefit to our community whatsoever so if I can give you any history so they so if you're familiar with Michelle the the mayor of Boston they're actually as part of the housing crisis they're re looking at developments that received permits over 20 years ago in the city of auson because they're trying to get those to move so if anything developers especially large fi developers will sit on permanent development for a very long time because the bureaucracy of getting through that is much harder than the actuality of waiting for infastructure um so I mean I don't want to necessarily say that this is going to go through or not because that's not what what we can kind of give you advice on right now but they have made it clear and they're content that they know they cannot receive public drinking water from us and they're still moving forward so I think you can make an assumption of where there where the positions one important point is your like with powder mill in particular and you know 111 Powder Mill the potential development you know we we've had conversations with those developers we can't give you water um and they had had to have starting they had to start having those conversations with AC and Conquer because they're right there with both those the you know alternative water and then with the mill we already have a portion of our water dedicated to the mill that's noted so that still there's still potential for not there's there is some some room there thank you can I ask a question regarding specifically the capacity that's dedicated to the mill because it is zoned the way that it's zoned would it be possible for this development to somehow claim that capacity as their own so let me rras and bring it back a step there's no block of water being stored no not scor but isn't that assumed in our capacity but what's assumed in the capacity is the current bills allowance noted soning meaning Stratus digital one time that customer is already connected and if they filled that up with office space we account for that water now so the 500 units single family that they have negotiated we may not be able to support now as well that would be a harder litigation fight but again we would do the same exactly one what we have locked is essentially its office space that it used historically at that point because tomorrow without any permits building a business is going in that building and it's filling up and we have to account for the customer that already exists it's the same as if David didn't you know he just left this house for four years went to Florida we still account for him as a customer and never uses that he comes back so those uh those aspects are a little different Redevelopment you do not have capity for redevelopment um large scale Redevelopment outside of some of the infill projects but honestly 115 42 summer um even Powder Mill have already received approval so they're counted for two sorry thank you two all right that was all of my questions any other questions from the board okay this will go through review from Council um before getting uh sent out to MHP next week and we'll make sure you all get a copy of the final uh commentary but um I'd like to extend my thanks to the for of you for all the hard work I know you've been through a lot of comments I know you've looked at this um top sideways up down right left uh so thank you very much for your diligence over the last uh month and a half as as this project has come through and even before that as we discussed last week so thank you very much and um appreciate all the hard work before we close process question um after reviews by council do we see the final draft before it's actually just released when is do we know when Council will finally have it have the review I don't know what her timeline is yeah so we'll have to so how do you recommend this motion be worded then um right now it says to approve the comments obviously there we want to have some ability to edit based on council's feedback um and and the few um notes that we gave but I think those are relatively minimal speaking to the good job that you've done with the team yes and I think that we I had amended it earlier to say as present amended and then conention upon Town Council review at at the end so I think you're com all right very good any other questions or commentary before the motion say something yes please uh yeah the thanks so to go back to the question about who wrote this letter people of mayard wrote this letter the people vard have had a big burden placed on them by this developer and they've Reed responded with you know a lot of debate a lot of discussion a lot of thoughtfulness and I think that that should not get lost in this at all and that should also be recognized on state of Massachusetts especially the burden that has been placed upon us for put it simply for generally doing the right thing going in the right direction but then having an interloper come and say we want to build somewhere where thing you know development that dense should not be built and I think that needs to be made very clear to not just Commonwealth but also to those who may or may not on social media think that this town is not doing its utmost to defend itself against uh this project thank you I think yeah and when you see the letter of the comments and we talk about um inclusionary zoning uh we talk about adus we talk about npta communities act um and a lot of town meeting boats with a lot of level support for um building more affordable housing and doing the right thing and working very closely with the state to do that so that's a fantastic point we'll need to um continuously reinforce that uh over the next couple months thank you any other comments before we vote on the i' add just to that point um to anyone who is listening or in the room um that obviously we have people who are working in town hall really hard um to again get metered into the best position we can possibly be in in regard to this potential develop and so I would ask that if you have questions or thoughts or comments or you are confused about anything you seek out the expert guidance of this staff not um comments on social media thank you any other questions or comments and I would ask if you do you bring them to the Town Administrator and he can route them appropriately internally to town staff all right would anybody like to read the motion sure um motion to approve the comments from the select board as presented and amended we were talking about doing a possible change in that language yeah I think as I think and amended to the Massachusetts Housing Partnership MHP regarding the proposed residential development at 182 Parker Street and application for project eligibility letter by Maya Tano LLC Avalon Bay communities contingent upon Town Council review authorizing use of digital signatures if approved second thank you all in favor Lindsay yes David yes Mike yes Chris yes and I'm a yes as well once again thank you to T staff all right we will move on to item six which is uh a presentation um uh on a community needs assessment from UMAS Boston um this was funded by an eart from Kate Hogan uh and we're joined by uh Dr Caitlyn Coy who I believe is online can you hear us I sure can can you all hear me we can good evening and I think we're going to be able to get your um slides um uh put up um just one quick question how um long do you believe the presentation will take to go through um I'm hoping that I I can talk for about 15 or 20 minutes I'm going to sort of Hit the highlights of the slide deck that was provided um it is also available publicly and I will be out there next week to present in person to the community more broadly fantastic um I I got a little worried about the the length of the presentation but um and do you want the slides up and we can rotate those through um I am sharing my screen I don't know if that's she you got it perfect you're good to go then so um all right then uh any questions before we begin or should we uh simply Dr quill take it away let it well all right please proceed sounds good so you all can see the slides there great yes all right well first of all thank you for having me here this evening and making time to hear this presentation um this is the culmination of about a Year's worth of work not just by myself and my team but by the folks um in mayard um specifically Amy lovess the director of the mayard Council on Aging and her board including Mary and shields a whole bunch of other groups including the friends of the mayard seniors the mayard Senior Center focus group and representative Kate Hogan all of whom you know did a lot of advocacy work to get this project going um and provided support to us along the way to make sure that it was completed and successful and also to all of the residents who took time um to parti ipate in the the survey or the interviews that I'll be sharing some of the results with you um this evening so I just want to say thanks to all of those people this was certainly um a community effort and I hope that that comes through as I present um the results of what we learned and what who we heard from So This was um done to identify and plan for the evolving needs interests and preferences of uh a Manor residents age 50 and older it's meant to inform the Council on Aging um about the strengths and challenges of aging and Manor as they plan for the future and present recommendations to the town um with respect to how to respond to the changing demographics and Community interests and concerns um it's meant for the Council on Aging but it's also um we know aging does not just happen at the COA or at the senior center it affects our communities um in all types of ways and so we're hopeful that this information will be useful um to other City other Town departments other organizations who are working in and around um mayard so what did we do uh we did um a demographic profile of the community we conducted six key informant interviews in the spring of 24 we conducted three focus groups of various um sort of specific subgroups of residents and stakeholders and then we did a community survey of residents 50 and older that was done last spring um and we did receive 1,35 survey responses for a response rate of 27% which is um pretty impressive um and I hope uh provides uh a strong basis for the the findings that we are going to share with you this evening I will say that um in terms of the slides we've laid out this is sort of a a synthesis of the information from the demographic profile the survey results and the qualitative pieces as well so we kind of pulled things together triangulated across um identified sort of the things that emerged to the top and provided some supporting information for each of these findings so that's kind of how I'm going to walk through it is hit the sort of key points um I'll talk a little bit about uh some of the recommendations but I'll largely um leave some try to leave some room for some questions so um in terms of who we heard from this is a comparison I I mentioned it was about 1300 respondents this is a comparison of the age distribution of our survey respondents to the age distribution of mayard residents 50 plus so in terms of thinking about um how we're interpreting this information and as we move forward I think it's important to recognize that we have an under representation of residents in their 50s and we have a so we so for example um you have 41% of your 50 plus population is made up of people in their 50s and we um only heard from 23% in our sample in our our our respondents so we have a slight under representation of people in their 50s and we have an over representation of people in their 70s and 80s so when we're thinking about this um information that is pretty pretty on The Mark with people in their 60s um but we have some slight uh over representation of the older 70 to 79 and 80 plus uh we did hear from 62% female which is uh relatively on par with the the gender distribution of um the older residents in mayard and we know females are more likely to complete surveys which is also um so that's not uh something that is something that we were expecting we did ask uh survey respondents if they speak another language rather than English at home home and 8% said yes and when we asked to report what kind of language we heard uh 27 different languages were identified in terms of what people are speaking um at home including French and Portuguese being the most popular the most commonly reported languages so that's who we heard from um this is a piece of demographic information that shows you the age distribution of mayard in the 2010 denial census the 2020 desial census and ejections um to the year 2030 so what you see is that um between 2020 and well between 2010 and 2020 you saw um pretty significant growth in the 60 to 79 year olds so that went from 15% of your population in 2010 to 21% um in 2020 and that's expected to continue to grow to 26% in 2030 the population of residents age 80 and older is a small segment 4% but remains um steady so cumulatively when we think about the 60 plus population in mayard um it's going from 19% in 2010 it Rose to 25% in 2020 it's expected to rise to 30% in 2030 and some most recent local census data that I was that um some that Amy shared from the Council on Aging suggest that you guys are already there um in terms of what the local numbers are saying about the 60 plus population in terms of already being um 30% of the community suggesting why you know just up that tells us why this is an important thing to look at an important um project to to pursue is sort of as the community is changing with respect to its um age dis you know the older adults growing in terms of size it's important to understand not just the size of their population but sort of what are the wants and needs of that community so that we can align um services and supports accordingly can I ask a quick question yeah you have a data question I have a data question sorry go ahead l I think it's the same question so you got age 50 to 69 but then the next category it goes 60 to 79 I'm assuming it's is it 50 or is it yes yep it is uh 50 to 59 and then 60 to 79 very good all right thank you that makes sense thank you is that your same question same question okay so now we're talking about survey results so this is based on survey we asked about how long time how long people have lived in mayard and what we saw was um about a third of people have been there for 35 years or more about a third of people have been there between 15 and 34 years and then we have actually 12% of people who say they've been there less than five years and um a chunk 177% between five and 15 years so it's kind of a a smattering in terms of people who've been there for a really long time and and people who are relative um newcomers we asked about how important it is for them to remain living in mayard as they get older and this is by age and what you see is that the U with age um importance of staying in manard becomes um more prevalent so for respondant who are underage um 60 or in their 50s about a third said they want it's very important for them to stay and that Rose to 63% of people in their 80s who said it's very important for them to stay so the longer with age comes um a desire to stay in mayard we asked people what they value about the town of mayard sort of right off the bat these were open-ended questions we reviewed all of them I would say about 90% of the sample um took the time to write something in and all of those things were categorized and what you um what we're what I what we sort of um surmised from that is that the the top sort of three things people value about the community of mayard is the size and the location of the Town um the sense of community and the proximity to amenities are the most valued aspects and so um you see sort of some of the um direct quotes from from residents who wrote in um similarly or on the flip side of that we did ask a couple of questions about people's concerns about being able to stay in mayard we asked um a a a close-ended question about what would cause people to leave mayard and this is what you're seeing here here is by age um the number one thing across ages that would cause people to leave mayard is the cost of taxes um you can see some age um sort of differences uh here in terms of for for people in their 50s about 75% said that that would be the reason they would leave um and that it sort of declines uh over over uh with age uh the second um second most popular reason that people would that would cause people to leave Maynard is a lack of available public transportation so you see about 30% of people under 80 um say that that's a reason that would cause them to leave and coming in third is having a lack of family nearby um in terms of what would cause people to leave the community um playing on that theme of um sort of rising costs we also asked this open-ended question about what would what are the people's concerns about being able to stay in mayard and what we heard is rising costs specifically around housing um and taxes as well as of being of of not being able to access the community and services are concerns about staying so people talking about the taxes they're talking about not being able to get around um whether that's if there's not there's limited Transportation but also just sort of this sort of physical accessibility of the community being able to get out and about and access um the amenities that both needs and also to be social and the fear of isolation so it was really about um the rising costs particularly around taxes and um the sort of fear about being able to access the community whether that's related to Transportation or just physically being able to leave um their homes um we what you see the text here is from the survey respondents so um 22% of survey respondents reported having at least one concern having cons been concerned about at least one thing having money for at least one necessity in the past year so we asked them you know in the last year have you have you worried about paying for any of the following things because of a lack of money and so in terms of people who at least checked one of those uh boxes 22% at least checked one um and among them um we looked at some food security questions among them 32% reported being worried about being able to buy food before they had money to buy more um and so thinking specifically about just kind of drilling down onto some of those financial um concerns um we also um asked about their people's current employment and well 9% of respondents report uh what was what was interesting about that is that we have about um 17% of respondents who said either that they don't know when they will retire or they don't anticipate ever fully retiring so people are continuing um to work at least in in relatively small shares um the figure you see here is from the American Community survey sort of that uh demographic analysis which essentially shows the um income disparity between older residents of Maynard and and younger counterparts um so you see that this is based on um 22 2022 inflation adjusted dollars and again this is comparing the median household income it does not include wealth of any kind um so this is just income um and so you would expect that people 65 plus you know the the idea there is that it's likely that they are retired and so they are on a fixed income but I think what's striking is just the the big disparity um between that group um and and folks who are younger um back to that Financial Security thing we asked you know which of the which are the following things did you have trouble paying for or did you worry about not having the money for in the past year um and the top um concern was getting maintenance completed on my home second was accessing Dental or Vision Care and third was property taxes so in terms of the people who said that they had Financial concerns in the past year these were some these were the sort of most populated um responses um to specifically what kinds of financial um concerns they had you know things they were worried about paying for uh we asked about housing stock um and we asked about whether their current bedroom and bathroom if they have a bedroom and bathroom on the entry level about half uh of of residents um 50 to 69 said no they do not have that um and it sort of shrinks you know 45% of people in their 70s and 24% of people in their 80s do not have a bedroom and bathroom on the entry level which is sort of a proxy for age friendly housing and the idea that you can stay there um comfortably without having to navigate uh stairs um and these are just some quotes that also illustrate the need for more agef friendly housing stock so it's um you know just in terms of not just the cost but also um you know having housing that they can manage um with respect to um the type of housing um following that vein of housing we asked about whether people need home repairs to improve their the uh their ability to live safely for the next 5 years and while you know 63% said no I don't need any my house doesn't need any repairs it is interesting that um you know 37% of the sample said yes I do need those repairs um of them 133% say they cannot afford to make those repairs um but you do have 20% of people who say yeah I need these repairs and I can afford to make those repairs so that's um sort of always interesting to me sort of thinking about what they what's stopping them from making those repairs and we can make some assumptions about what that might be we asked similarly about home modifications these are less acute things like being you know grab rails and just sort of things to make their their home um safer to live in for the next five years see a similar Trend in terms of most people don't need those things um but of the people who do we see that it's about 27% who say yes I do need those things and of them about 8% can't afford to make those modifications so again you know I know housing we're you know have a housing crisis in our state and there's lots of um pieces of housing to consider and I think these findings sort of illustrate the importance of thinking about how to accommodate the current housing stock to uh to be um supportive and appropriate for people who are aging in place who may not um have the access to housing Alternatives we did uh ask people what kind of housing they would like to see in the future we made the assumption that they would that they don't want to move from their current residence so we sort of had to prompt them and said if if you needed to what kind of housing would you prefer for folks um in their 50s and 60s they would like a single story home so sort of emphasis on single story uh for people in their 70s it's about senior independent living and for folks in their 80s it's about Assisted Living so that's um with a little bit more of supports but generally people want to be independent but they're looking for this uh appropr greatness of of of housing in terms of aging and age friendliness um we asked about Transportation as we said that was already it's already kind of come up in terms of one of the reasons that would cause people to leave um the community we asked about people's current driving status we did hear that um 133% of survey respondents say they drive they limit their driving in some way so they don't drive at night or they avoid driving far distances um 7% do not drive at all and that included um 30% of the respondents in their 80s and for people who so we asked about how do they get around and while most people drive themselves um significant you know there's 31% of people who walk or bike to as modes of transportation so not just for recreation 25% rely on a spouse or child to drive them and 5% use the Council on Aging Transportation specifically among n non- drivers 33% of non-drivers use the Council on Aging transportation and 11% of those who limit their driving use the Council on Aging Transportation uh we see a similar pattern when we look at people who had to Mis cancel or reschedule a medical appointment in the last year because of a lack of Transportation um so for the whole sample for people with who drive with no problem that only affected about 2% but that jumps to 23% for people who don't drive and 8% um for people who drive with some limitations so for folks who are limiting their transportation are not driving at all anymore um Medical Transportation certainly U is a an issue um caregiving is also something that Rose is sort of being a pretty prevalent um issue in mayard as far as um 36% of survey respondents overall reported being a caregiver this was higher among those in their 50s and 60s we asked about why you know what's the condition that requires that care it was mostly Mobility limitations but also included forgetfulness or confusion as well as um chronic disease and Alzheimer's and related dementia so when we think about you know who who um you know what what's taking up people's time in in in older age or middle age it's a lot of it is around um caregiving and that that has different um that caregiving looks different depending on um the person's condition and that for um many it is they reported that it was either challenging or somewhat challenging for to caring for this person and meting meeting their other responsibilities so the figure you see here shows for example that 77% of people in their 60s say that it was very or somewhat challenging to provide this care and maintain their daily responsibilities so it is a issue that's affecting families that um has implications for how they spend their time and energy um we asked them what would have been most valuable during your time providing this care people wanted you know informal support from family and friends they want in home caregiving and Heming services and they want Transportation um so those were sort of the top three things that people were U most interested in there was some uh we sort of assessed for some risk of isolation we asked about how frequency how frequently people talk um to people on the phone get together social Med use social media or text um and so the figure on the left here I think the thing to sort of take away from that is that 36% of the survey respondents report that they get together in person with someone uh once a month or less so either once a month or two to three times a year um and so that doesn't necessarily mean they're isolated but it certainly means that they have less frequent um inperson contact UM and something to recognize we did ask people whether they said whether they know someone living nearby on whom they could rely for help when they needed it and this is by age so you see about 17 18 you know uh percent of the um survey respondents said no so this is people who said no I don't know someone living nearby on whom they could rely for help when they need it and um so the question I asked myself is sort of if they don't know someone living nearby on whom they can rely for help who are they calling and you might assume that they're calling 911 or local emergency responders um so that's just something else to consider uh moving to the uh Council on Aging this is uh we ask people about their uh participation 78% of survey respondents reported never using the Council on Aging and it does change by age which is the figure you see here that's a trend we would expect with respect with the idea that it's among you know it rises with age and so um it's pretty on par with what we see in other communities but I think important also just to remind ourselves that 78% of people who responded to the survey have reported never being um at the Council on Aging for those who do participate um we asked about how frequently they go um and actually it was a a relatively um decent distribution with respect uh with with respect to that 20% go on a weekly basis 21% go monthly and about um half you know 59% go a few times a year for events we asked about what what limits people's use of the Mater Council on Aging and we compared this um to people who Ed the Council on Aging versus people who've never been to the Council on Aging um so for people who never who have never been it's largely about the fact that they're still working and that they don't need uh the services that are offered and they don't know what is offered so they're sort of not paying attention necessarily to what the council and aging is doing um and they have this perception that you have to have a need for services to go to the council and aging uh for people who are users the sort of big the top two were I don't need the services and then there was a place for people to write in and other reason which was 22% of current users took the time to write something in and when summarizing those um responses they can be summarized into sort of two categories one the inconvenience of the building in terms of its location and accessibility um and second was that they felt like they were too young or they don't have a need yet to participate so just kind of reiterating this idea of I don't need to participate um we asked this was some of the um open-ended questions that about what what limits people's participation um in the from the respondents and so a lot about the community center in terms of its um inaccessibility and also talking about the uh sort of types of programs that are offered there in terms of not connecting with um what people are interested in so together suggesting that it's a you know certainly an asset and that there is um opportunity for improvement with respect to access and the type of programming that's targeted towards um specifically that sort of younger um age group uh when we asked about what they would like um what would make it more likely for people to come to the Council on Aging number one was if they had more knowledge um and number two uh was that they uh if it included residents of all ages and functioned as a community center and that programs and services were better suited to my needs and interests you see some differences between users and non-users um with respect to that um distribution but largely it's about people wanting to know more about what's available um and that that stuff that's available is connecting with their interests and um there is an appetite for people to think about um an all ages Community Center terms of priority areas this is looking at you know attendees and non-attendees um transportation to medical appointments was actually number one for both users and non-users of of the Council on Aging so that is clearly that coupled with some of the slides we saw earlier is clearly pointing to um a need but also um people want information about um Health the non-attendees want things about um health insurance counseling and they also want retirement planning inh home programs and grab and go meals were um in the top five for both so people looking for some additional meal uh uh food resources is something else that was common across as far as programs people want um performances and presentations um specifically folks who don't use the Council on Aging they want indoor Fitness they want outdoor EX exercise for people who do participate currently they also want more lectures guest speakers and cultural events and they want um day trips so people want this kind of um they want to better themselves physically but also intellectually um through learning um from guest speakers educational events performances Etc there was also the Arts that made it into the top five for both we asked about preferred um scenario for how future space and programming might be organized in a new facility um this is the age distribution uh what I see what we see here is that um there is Broad support for a multigenerational community center with respect the the sort of differing um issue here for the light blue that represents um people who said that they would prefer a multi-generational community center that has dedicated space for programming for Resident 60 plus and the beige bar suggests those are people who said they want a multigenerational community Center also but they want it to be fully integrated with respect to space and programming for residents of all ages in the total sample there was it was 30% of people who said that they would prefer a multi-generational community center that has dedicated space in programming for residents 60 older 16 and older and 28% um of people who want the multi-generational community center that's fully integrated so it was sort of neck and neck slight preference um for a community center that has some specific dedicated space and programming for people 60 plus and I would also Point people to the um relatively large shares of people who say they have no preference which is the brown bar here uh we asked people about how they want to get information I think the piece is really that the senior center newsletter is crucial for older adults but people um who are in your younger age groups which is not shown here are really looking to the town's website and emails from the town as information um that they that's how they most prefer to get information so that's a lot of information that we um wanted to summarize this evening I think is hitting on some of the high points uh we do make a a series of recommendations that I'll just walk through very high level in terms of you know there is expected to be an increase in demand for Older Adult Services the capacity of the mayor council and aging to respond to those needs is constrained by the lack of space and by qualities of the current space meaning that um for example people want more information about what's available they want to participate if they know more but if they know more is there space for them to participate given the current capacity of the center and then we heard just a lot about the physical accessibility of the building um as being a barrier for people's participation so we have a number of specific recommendations about how to increase the the council and aging's capacity to serve expanding programs to meet um or more readily align with current interests and focus on services that facilitate um aging independently the council aging has a difficult job in terms of providing both those social programs but also thinking about connecting people with services so they are doing both and so it's important um that they think about those two um especially as it relates to people wanting to age independently in the community again another sort of key finding is about the accessibility of the current housing stock including home repair and Home Maintenance um and how do we think about ways specific ways to support residents and to continue being part of the conversation about addressing alternative housing needs which we we realize is a townwide issue Financial insecurity is a major concern to for for folks um and so we have you know some ideas for how we facilitate um addressing Financial insecurity you know we can't change people's income but we can try to help them cut costs in a variety of ways and um caregiving was also something that came up um as being relatively prevalent so somei ways to directly support care caregivers but also some indirect ways to support caregivers specifically folks who are caring you know recognizing that there are people with living with um forgetfulness and dementia in the community and how do they stay supported um mayard is a car dependent community and so they were Transportation was something that Rose to the top specifically around Medical Transportation thinking about how to get people more um on demand transportation and thinking about Transportation Alternatives like walking and biking and how do we promote that as an age-friendly practice um and lastly continuing to think about keeping people socially connected um as they age to um sort of ensure that they can stay in mayard and also Thrive um in manard so with that I will end take any comments or questions that you have and also encourage people to um join us uh next week for a presentation at the library great thank you um and I'll I'll note for the board that um Amy lovess and the COA are going to review this content and they'll have some chance to deliber and discuss and then they're planning to come back to us once they've had a chance to do so and um once they've had a chance to look through the um statistics and the recommendations and come back and and talk to us about plans for how they're going to respond to those recommendations what they can do with the resourcing proposed what extra resourcing could do things like that so um that conversation is still to come and they'll they'll plan to return for us but um I believe uh that will be with um our our COA director and with uh I believe the chair at least um of the COA but um Dr Coyle's with us this evening so if you have any questions now is I think our best opportunity to ask those questions so I do but you have something you want to start who would like to start um I'm curious uh if the findings of this report are consistent with what you see for the region I'm assuming you do something like this for a lot of towns in the area and if there is um anything specific you know you found to be an outlier in terms of the day that you got back or if a lot of this is consistent with what is happening across Massachusetts you're on you're muted currently I'm always quick to mute because I don't want to you know cough into the microphone or something um in any case um so as far as Regional similarities it's hard for me to sort of pinpoint that specifically but in terms of comparing to the other communities that we um have done similar work for you know the main buckets are obviously the same when we think about what does it take to age well in a community it takes housing it takes Transportation it takes a senior center that can provide social services and supports um I think the things in terms of the demand for those things the things that stood out to me about Maynard is the me the spe the specificity of medical transportation so it wasn't just we need more Transportation it was like we need medical transportation that came up in a couple of different ways um and that stood out to me the other piece that stood out to me is the financial insecurity piece of course we always hear about that like that is something that's not unique to mayard but again with the prevalence so the fact that 22% of survey respondents had concerns at least about one paying for one of the basic necessities that we listed is higher than what we see in other communities so it's usually closer to 10 or 12% and so that was a higher prevalence um and that I think has implications for and and just sort of this idea that when we talk about older residents in particular that they are really truly living with less and so that those sort of things that might see common might seem common like you know paying for a home repair um are just really not attainable uh for that community so that that was something else that stood out to me and then um yeah I think those are the two things that come to mind sort of immediately but I think otherwise um you know certainly every Senior Center is different and and Maynard Council on Aging has its own sort of set of practices and and and circumstances and so we heard a lot about um that as well this whole notion of people wanting to better themselves they want lifelong education they want Fitness those are common um things I the thing other thing I guess about that that's a little bit different is that the issue of food um Rose so for both people who participate and people who don't participate sort of this idea of having access to something like grab and go meals or an on-site meal Rose to the top five um which doesn't always um happen in other communities as well in terms of what people are really looking for so those were some highlights in terms of things that when I think about mayard stand out to me thank you um one other question so this might not be for you I'm not sure anyone else in the room should feel free to answer uh in regard to a community center so in some of the slides that you had there um it's clear that there is appetite from the 50 plus population yes for a multigenerational center do we know that appetite across other demographic groups for that like is there data or has the town done any study to indicate that we have a bunch of people who are 15 saying I really want a community center or people who are 25 saying that or is this is our data exclusively based on the 50 plus I think there have been anecdotal comments made by parents of uh young people in the 15 to 20 you know 15 to 18 group high school middle age middle SCH where I wish my child had a place to go which may be what drives result okay just curious yeah that's true that's an interesting point that that is something else that I noted is that the usually the age differences in opinions is much more Stark so the fact that you know people in their 50s and their 60 you know sort of relatively even with respect to people across the age groups um wanting a multigenerational community center of sometime sub type um usually sort of you see like Senor you know the old older adults really want something and it's maybe less less but it was pretty even in terms of the the distribution across age but obviously this is only the 50 plus population that we're hearing from while we're on that topic from from um your experience commun to do this right what what are elements of a multigenerational center that you would not find in just a senior center what does that look like that's significantly different I think um you know again they're all they all have their own unique twist but I think um some of the common some of the things we see are sort of having different departments collocated so it's not just the Council on Aging but it also you know could be Recreation could be veteran services um could be other sort of Public Health or um you know other other things provided in a community center Beyond just the Council on Aging and then in terms of you know space I think it's really about it's all about sort of multi-purpose space things that can be used for different different purposes and different size groups um I think the challenges come with you know building operations and and hours and and all of that um in terms of sharing the space um but I think those are some you know really opportunities for people to do variety of different things in and having some things that be that are integrated across ages and some things that are going to be exclusively to older adults obviously hours of operation have something you know some implications for that in terms of who's going to be doing a program at one o'clock on a Tuesday afternoon versus the evening sessions and that kind of thing so it's really about versatility um with respect to the space and I think the the thing the sort of tack we've seen other communities take is the sort of collocation of services um in in one building thank you other questions or comments um yeah I have a question uh first of all thank you very much for uh this presentation it's uh certainly makes a fascinating reading um I don't know how long you guys have been doing these kinds of studies but I I wonder whether or not you are uh or have been in a position to do long-term follow-up studies of communities that have received reports like this and whether or not you have any indication of the the success or otherwise that towns have had in implementing changes and what impact that has on the number of participants in COA type programs I know that's a tough question but yeah I mean I don't think we've we certainly haven't done anything um quantitative to that end and we certainly couldn't never track it back to increases in participation but I will say that we have done we have re we have contacted people who have done work with us um as far back as 10 or 12 years ago and asked them how did you use the report you know what have you done what have you accomplished that kind of thing more for our own understanding of how people do that and to be able to offer some advice and I and I think there's a range of things as you can imagine imagine in terms of how people use it I think strategic planning is a big big a big one um so in terms of the Council on Aging actually having information to say this is how we're going to spend our time and energy in the next five or 10 years and based on sort of some data um and that can provide some direction to people in terms of um trying to make some of the changes that are recommended with respect to maybe it's about rebranding the Council on Aging so that it's more attractive um to a different demographic or um advocating for new space Etc people have used it certainly a number of communities have used it um to pursue a feasibility study for renovations or a new building um it directly in informs I think architects in terms of thinking about what what the what the sort of needs are of the community as they think about space so that has definitely happened um and then thinking about advocacy just around um increases in you know people have used to advocate for more Staffing um at the Council on Aging to sort of accommodate some of the increased demands and certainly to do things that are more cross sectoral in terms of working together with housing working together with Public Safety saying look at here's here's this information that suggests that we have some things in common let's try to do something together you know sort of fostering those relationships that that very well may already exist um in terms of relationships but the data from this report I think gives them a real tangible thing to work on um which can um affect affect change so nothing as linear or concrete as I would like I'm sure but as certainly um some some examples of how it's been used in other communities thank you um just kind of looking at the list of recommendations and then um what you mentioned as some of the chief um unique points remainer there is that Financial or food insecurities so what what would you say uh again looking at other communities um are are the most successful or cost effective strategies of all those recommendations what are the ones that you know get the the best bang for your bucks so to speak also a difficult question to really answer in terms of cost Effectiveness I think um around Financial Security I mean that's a tough one and there's obviously um a number of property tax relief programs that communities are you know either already have or trying to expand um in terms of zoning you know trying to create some more affordable housing uh options for people and income things like that and I didn't mean specifically responding to financial insecurity as that but just acknowledging that that was one of the things you highlight is unique there um of all the recommendations um what's most cost effective what what do you think are the most cost effective in terms of um immediate impact for the community um I'm not sure I can really speak to that cost cost effectiveness of it um but I would say that we tried to um balance you know short-term things that could be done in relative short term and things that are obviously longer um or more complex um initiatives um but I don't know that I could speak to the cost Effectiveness piece thank you sorry go ahead no no a question about Transportation so I'm curious if the the findings and what's in here are reflective of a need that is not being met because we we do have a COA van right and so is this data reflecting that the co COA van is not meeting the needs of the community in some way or was this generally asked as like is transportation important to you and people said yes it is um I think it's probably both so the medical transport so when we compared people who have never been to the mayor council on eing with people who have been to the mayor Council on Aging both groups identified Medical Transportation as a top need meaning that even people who know about the Council on Aging and who participate there also identified it as a need so it's either that it's um that there is medical transportation available that's just not enough or may could be that people aren't uh aware or familiar with um those resources but it did come up it was not just a general need it was something that came up um so it's the way the question was asked indicates that the answers are saying this is a top need that is not being met no the question was asked um about which of the following things do you want to prioritize having more of when it comes to services and people said medical transportation and that held to be true when we removed people who said they've never been to the council in aging meaning it's not just a product of people not using the service it's even for people who have been to the Council on Aging it was identified as a need um I don't know if I was alone in in this um or not but as I listen to the data uh my emotions are sort of going up excuse me if I get a little emotional about it because it it was uh I felt a little sadness in some of the answers particularly around Financial insecurity aspect and um however I also felt the sense of hope as I heard some the response is coming back hope that that there is opportunity hope that there are things that can be done to help people to help the individual that I felt was answering those questions and I guess the jumps the position or whatever term I want to use that comes into play here is that I recognize and this is I think the discussion that we're all going to have to have that some of the answers to some of the issues that these people have raised that I felt touched by will cost money and will then affect them in a way that's going to hurt them because they can't afford to do the things that we need to do in order to give them what they need to do so as a community you know here I am thinking it through we need to find a way to make this all cost effective to all come together as an entire Community from childhood to adult uh and and I mean the end of adulthood where we and um so find a solution that works for everybody and is cost effective in some manner that doesn't drive the people that are saying I can't afford to live here anymore which is where the sadness came from to have that hope Inspire them to know that yes they can they're going to be help so I guess it's a statement but it's it's I don't know I don't know how to express what I'm feeling it's I don't know how we do it where we find the solution that reaches the opportunity to meet the needs of the individuals that have spoken to us through these results and Achieve what we what we need to do for our seniors and that's the challenge I think that we that all of us that are here today and all of us that are watching and all that will attend your here your meetings in the next couple of weeks when you present this data we all have to come together and talk and have ideas and and understand what it's going to how it's going to impact us so that's my observations from the results is you know it impacted me on an emotional level um and got me really thinking about how how can we help people how can we get this to work that it's not doing the having the opposite effect on people I think there's real data here that shows us that we have and we talk about that this here a lot we have people in dire need of financial situation here in mayard and we cannot just keep putting tax burden on upon tax burden upon them yet we have all of these needs and not only tax burden but water and sewer and all the stuff that we talk about in this room um that are impact so um I'm going to be doing a lot of thinking and I probably won't be able to sleep now tonight because because of it because it just is um you know really it it impact yeah well thank you for those comments and I apologize for the insomnia um but I iess the only thing I'll say in response to that is that it is clear also that the mayor council on eing does provide some of these crucial Services social services that can help people save money and they don't necessarily you know meaning that it's a resource for people who use it and it's maybe a resource for people who don't use it because they don't even know that it exists and there isn't you know the ability to serve those folks and so thinking about that as a um investment in terms of it you know thinking about how do we help people well we have this entity that is is its mission is to help people um and so how can we um support that I but I it's a difficult I I also understand what you're saying about um the cost of any of those Investments well I'll respond to dav's comments a bit and say I'm thankful that we have this assessment that I don't know that all communities have that I wouldn't be surprised if wealthier communities have more resources and that's why mayor pops up on the financial insecurity more because there are other financially insecure communties that don't even have the resourcing to do this study um and I'm thankful for representative Hogan for getting us the funding to do this in the first place and um as as we just mentioned we do have a lot of great resources and this puts us in a good position to make strategic decisions to to expand those resourcing and um all we're not alone this is a not a problem that only mayor is looking at um many communities not even just within Massachusetts but within the United States are are trying to figure out how to um manage you know this coming change as we have an aging population and so we'll um certainly appreciate a lot of the questions including what Lindsay started off looking sideways what are other communities doing successfully and we can leverage those as well so um certainly thankful to have this presentation and a menu of options that we can now further explore to go forward absolutely agree I I have another question which uh an in-depth answer is probably beyond the scope of this meeting um but in terms of Transportation um what do you see is the current trends in availability of right sharing type programs um I know um I justy where it was the microtransit program down in wly there are a number of different programs in the region which I I don't believe fully com to maintenance but do do you see any Regional Trends in in Improvement in those kinds of services I mean I think a lot of the regional transit authorities are are pilot testing and trying to get some of these more on demand not necessarily right it's it's sort of ride sharing but it's um more on a a a local level um sharing services so that I think they're trying that I also think that the um some communities are really moving towards like trying to beef up their Fleet of vehicles so instead of just having a CO COA van for example they have a sedan or they have a small vehicle that can be used or so that they're not taking the van out of commission and they can provide people with rides you know sort of locally it's also um has a lot less stigma associated with it in terms of um riding so there's people I think are getting creative with um you know trying to maximize the the the fleet and the vehicles that they have um to sort of coordinate Transportation a little bit better um so that they're sort of making the best use of the vehicles they have there's some stuff happening in western Mass around um COA sort of sharing transportation resources on a regional level so having you know right now the mayard Council on Aging B only goes within the council you know the the town of mayard um and that's the case for most municipalities but there's um some work trying to figure out how to better coordinate regionally so that they can maximize the use of those Vehicles as well okay thank you any other questions or comments okay well um the presentation will happen again uh I believe it was October when's When's the Public Presentation October 22nd at 3M at the library I believe October second 3 p.m. at the library so um for those listening another chance to to listen in and go through and and ask questions as well and as I mentioned um we expect the COA director and and hopefully the chair as well as she she's online to come uh and join us at a future slick board meeting to talk about the outcomes of the survey and um start talking about some of that strategic planning that Dr Quil just mentioned great thank you evening for all the work that went into this thank you thank you so much thank you thank you all right we have completed item seven and we've completed item 8A so by my agenda we are on item 8B which is a truck the DPW come up front good evening again so Mar Public Works director in front of you you have a motion for an agreement with the advantage truck group for the purchase of a PA finger lift system which is an upfit to a truck that we already have being built in the pipeline um currently this is a um integration of a piece of equipment that allows one truck chassis to ultimately becomes two three four truck chassis um this is something that we've been looking to uh efficiently move our Fleet towards um in the future which should help reduce our um overall footprint with our in regards to our assets of um equipment under the public works department currently right now we have over 39 pieces of equipment in the future we're actually looking to reduce that number not increase that number even if we increase services or or the um Town grows and we're looking to incorporate this kind of ultimately um reducing the future cost burdens to the community in regards to all the capital items we have um across the table so with that being said this was recently approved at special Town not back to our FY 24 or f25 war in sewer rates this is routined earnings um such as free cash under the Enterprise funds um and we don't anticipate uh this being an issue with any of our future planning for our water capacity or this isall to ADV almost like you know what questions we're gonna ask is my any questions for our DPW director you answered my when she asks for those listening at home no I appreciate and I dop it any other questions anybody like to read the motion I will move to approve the agreement with a LIF system in the amount of $2,075 authorizing use of digital signatures is approved second motion's been made and seconded Lindsay all in favor Lindsay yes uh David yes Mike yeah Chris yes and I'm a yes as well oh Lindsay voted twice she said yeah yeah all right we have extra already covered item nine so we'll move on to review for special Town Meeting thank you I'm not sure if dick dowy was planning to do the normal post- review session or if they're going to do an offline um I hadn't had a chance to connect with Craig on that so um but regardless I'll happy to collect any feedback to bring back to the moderator if um he does that normal meeting uh but overall Impressions from special town meeting that was my first town meeting and special town meeting as a participant on the stage um I think having eight articles is great A lot faster um if we are following up with the moderator I I would note that I found um it deeply disappointing um the way uh he handled that one specific gentleman who wanted to ask a question and having the Sergeant at Arms approaching a man uh with mobility issues wanted to ask a question seemed like a really outsized response um and I felt very uncomfortable and embarrassed to be part of that I thought it was a terrible look for the town um so I just would encourage the moderator to I I mean he made light of it later in the meeting so I'm glad he was able to reflect a little bit in the moment but just think about uh how that happened and how to prevent it from happening next time uh I did have conversation with moderator after the meeting on that topic and um he's it's already a learning experience and it also while we were discussing um the topic that the police chief was there and the police chief has given the moderator a series of instructions for when there is a quote unquote disruptive uh resident um and as the chief said uh and the moderator was there so it's no secret um the chief said you know di he went from step one to step four um and so I think it was there was an emotion there there was um you know I think he felt disrespected because he thought that he had established that nobody else could come up he said they had eye contact dick said no and the gentleman said yes and he continued on and so there was a little bit of frustration but I think in the end based on the conversation that I had um I I think it was learning experience and it's not going to ever happen again and I'll reinforce that I know that is not the first time I've heard that feedback as well and I'll certainly bring that politely to the town moderator just to reinforce the the seriousness of of um that commentary I will um note that Lieutenant Cushing I thought did a good job of being very calm as he approached and and didn't further escalate the situation at that point so I want to thank him for um his professionalism any other comments um I I have just one of moment first of all just thank you for for those previous comments I agree with that [Music] um on the the outcome of the vote on the bleaches of course leaves us it's not like the problems have gone away um they still exist so I would just encourage all of us and all of different boards to use the process that we've been putting in motion the quad board and any other conversations to really um pursue you know the holistic approach that I think seems to be becoming more evident to to resolving some of our very difficult fiscal challenges that we've got with all the needs that we've got so um I just in would like to encourage that process to develop uh and improve over the next few months so what one thing that we did very strategically is placed the quad board meeting uh after not too far after not too close to the town meeting so that we would have time to um absorb the decisions and then think about where we want to go next and then position that so that was a very deliberate position in November and I think we have a date um for that that we can discuss just a little bit later but that that I think gives us an opportunity to do exactly what you just recommended good evening Natasha how are you uh good evening I I just wanted to add that um as far as feedback goes uh dick Downey had sent me some questions after our prep meeting last time to uh formulate into a survey I know we we had talked about a survey in that prep meeting so I will be sending that out tomorrow it'll be a Google um a Google form so I I I guess however you want to collect maybe if you want to input it or if you want to share that with the other board members so that they can provide feedback on their own I just wanted to um I'll be sending that to the people who participated in the prep meeting um initially okay but I don't think we had scheduled a post meeting I think the idea of a survey was the survey was the main yeah so just to be look on the lookout for that yeah thank you okay a survey sorry a survey for like for the public or no um one of the Town stff Who's involved in prep Natasha and myself were the chairs of the various boards um so it would be not the full fincom but Jillian prer Gaston so I I would certainly take the feedback from getting now and put that in I think he has done a public uh survey at least tried to at town meeting or something with there was a questionnaire a cou ago he has I don't think the intention was to do that every single town meeting but because that's a larger effort so I think that's uh on occasion and um I forget when that was but still recent enough that he didn't feel it was time to get remember a significant a significantly different response but um so I think this is more internal just what went well what did not um you know AV issues uh things like that yeah on AV issues uh I don't know if I me I still had difficulty I mean I I'm not I have bad hearing anyway but I had difficulty hearing I didn't think it was as strong of microphone say that we had the last meeting when after we had the debacle two meetings ago where nobody could hear anything and then last time it was very loud where you could really hear this time again I don't know if people if it's the microphone even the microphone at the dis where we are um it was one point I turned my head away not far away and people said I can't hear you and it's like so something about that I think that's just how microphones work and they're they're probably not super fancy microphones but maybe we can ask the moderator if he could I think he does say to people please speak directly into the microphone and get your face like within an inch of it people down incidentally a new I think AV system and sound system is on the school's request for capital projects it's in the queue so they they are aware that I think it needs work any other feedback for the town moderator or or anybody who is participating in the delivery of town meeting okay seems good all right very good yeah I think it um other than the one incident went quite smoothly well no it's to call that out I don't want to say yeah I know I don't want to make light of it but it was there was a there was a learning experience yes all right very good we will move on to item 11 uh any updates from the um Senior Center committee Chris no they they they made their presentation to us at our last meeting and then they were going to um kind of internalize the discussion they have with us and then I think they intend to come back to us yeah and then on the same theme the COA or or um are going to come back as well and so I know there is I still hope there's still a fair amount of cross talk between those two organizations on on an overall kind of planning that we can help them uh walk through yeah they they had a couple conversations with Greg offline and then you know that led to more conversations on the um committee level level but didn't come up with any you know any any news or anything you know to to share yet they're just kind of regrouping um with the leaders of the senior senate committee and um Amy and her team all right very good um anybody have any questions on that and then Chris any updates on the Green Meadow School building project um nothing in particular other than you know just they're working they you know we haven't had a meeting since our last meeting but there there's stuff going different types of things going on every day I'll get i'll get for our next meeting I'll get a couple copies of the um the last couple weekly updates that the um Mr Brady sends out get get you for those get those for you guys but um it's just you know things keep moving forward they did some blasting I think that I'm not sure if they did the blasting before our last meeting I think it's since our last meeting um but they they had done it yeah they had announced it before the last meeting but it hadn't actually happened they had to delay it so it just started last week it happened part of part of part of our um part of our package of you know weekly update things with a couple pictures of you know uh just the the showing what happens when there's a blast and with the ti the reaction of the tire the tias is that that they used to Matt it down so but it's it's moving along um and I think that there are plans were just approved by the planning board last week right I we haven't had a meeting so I I don't know if they officially were approved I don't know I think they were I'm like 90% sure um just because I spoke to the green metal principal briefly um so that's good news that would be good news because they did have some concerns huh um I just wanted to um share that which has come up in questions but if the select Board gets any questions they are they are doing air quality tests um and they did have air quality tests as a result for the blasting um which came out timely actually the report came out during a school committee meeting so I can a Jeff I'll for that to you it's also posted on the school's website but you can circulate it to the board um in case anyone has questions I know they all come in also um Karen the principal at at Green Meadow is very close to the day-to-day so um I would direct any questions for community members to to her the principal at Green Meadow if they're about site or questions along that line so great you can send that right to um the Town Administrator we'll have that add to correspondences for the next meeting great thank you um and I know if I fed a question that the road behind Crowfield is temporary and design to um use friction between construction vehicles and um um school buses and and parents Vehicles Etc so that is that is but the point is I think some people worried it was going to be a permanent Road that's a temporary Road um for the construction oh right but it's temporary for the life of the construction okay y all right any other questions on Green Meadow all right we'll move on to item 13 selectboard goals um latest version that has been compiled here in front of us any thoughts uh my thoughts on the whole thing is that uh I would really prefer to have one meeting dedicated an hour or so just to getting it done and getting it done right rather than rushing through it which is what I think tend to do at nine o'clock at night um and not putting the the uh focus on it that we should as an individual topic um similar to our you know a goals meeting that we have to begin with which is separated out specifically so I would prefer that we call a separate meeting specifically to talk about that issue and bang it up I'm I'm aligned I wasn't expecting that proposal but I think there's some wisdom in that and um I think doing it sometime try I would try to Target it between now and the quad board so that we can have um that that falls into long-term planning right as as s board goals do so I think that's not a bad suggestion we can do it on a zoom meeting did you say limited to an hour well that's what I said Chris but I'm hopeful no no I mean at some point at some point it would make sense to like put a time limit on some of these things so that uh you know people's lives aren't totally affected by every little thing well that's that's what I said and I hope that we can oh I know that's what you said that's why I asked the question because I'm all I'm all about I'm all about if we limit things to a certain amount of time so that we're not you know um getting into minutia and dragging these meetings out two three four hours for no reason yeah and I I think part of the challenge is by the time we get to the goals on on our agenda we're already have you know two or three um heavy topics that we've just gone through and so that's part of the challenge here so I think one advantage of a dedicated meeting is we'll be fresh it's for one topic we'll come prepared only for this and that will help us get the time down to hopefully an hour and I I think I think we can do it if we all come in prepared and know what we want and then as David said bang it out in an hour I'm good with it I'm fine with all right let me let's just try to get this on the books and we've got um five Tuesdays in October um so would the 22nd or the 29th work for people that seems to be good for us off cycle Tuesdays 22 I can't do the 29th 22nd does work you said yes sir I can do the 20 seconds I'm not there's something there's something going on the 29th um I want I want to say there's something in town the 29th for some reason I'm not sure I have to I have to look it up but there's something going on the 29th that um I know regardless yeah I can do 20 second if that's okay works for me how do 2 second work for everybody else yeah works for me long it's not do it at 7 or 6:30 6:30 work for everybody think we what's that Chris 6:30 on the 22nd 6:30 on the 22nd we'll try to be done by 7:30 best we can yeah all right great David thank you for the suggestion I think that was a good one all right you you know what they say about a clock J won't be there right what's that Justin won't be there Willie an open meeting if he wants to come all right very good all right well if you have any um notes for Greg on the draft in advance of that please send them along but if not we'll meet then um quad board meeting uh on like item 14 rather the quad board meeting we've got scheduled from November 12th from 7 to 9: it looks like the fire station is unavailable um independent of that which we can talk about um any preferences for Content I will note on the 23d we have a budget subcommittee meeting which is usually a good opportunity for um uh two of our membership to align with two of the school committee and two of the finance committee and two of the capital planning committee um depending on availability that night so did you say the fire department is not available it yeah we'll cover that in just a second so um but regardless of location where or what what what do we want to talk what do we want to get out of that and noting that I've got an opportunity to do an alignment meeting through the budget subcommittee meeting on a week well I I think there's been some progress recently um on senior sener we may not or you know the we not the senior center per se but an approach to moving forward with a as they like to say a shortterm or temporary solution um and I do think that needs to be brought to a a larger audience with an understanding but whether or not they'll be even in the position to really talk about it in detail or not is unclear um they had enough information to bring it to us presumably they bring the same information to the quad board we have at least everybody on board with what the details are I do think that needs to get on the plate so that we have as we move forward into um the real detail of the budget discussion as we move forward we know what's on the agenda no pun intended you know if you follow what I'm saying yes um so somehow on our agenda for the quad board meeting I do think there needs to be a major discussion about the senior center issue and where it stands and how that fits into other again I wonder the larger conversation is actually addressing those top needs that we talked about in the last meeting and getting a status update on each of those and that's fine Chris that probably addresses the issue if we if we ask those gentlemen and ladies that are part of that group to um you know be prepared to speak to that at um a meeting that's on November TW November 12th I believe that they will have plenty of time and they will they will they will bring the information they've since our since that meeting because they just got some of the information that night you know prior to that meeting they had the conversations with the with 141 Parker yeah so that's I know that that's that's gone from zero to 100 fast within within the group and they've had some conversation so if we were to ask them to um you know come prepared to speak to that because it you know that's kind of where that's kind of the direction where things have um headed since were there the first based on you know conversations with that group I'm pretty sure they' be able to do that quite well so to to me on that topic uh having read the needs assessment over the weekend and listening to that presentation we just listened to I almost feel the menu of options has kind of expanded and so just to make sure that we're figuring out what we can do what what what is the right in fact I think the phrase I wrote down that what a successful Community to do um but Council Angel aging strategic planning um was kind of the phrase Ed which kind of covers both the capital and the operational kind of side on there so I want to I want to make sure our conversations merge all of these threads um together on support for the senior population um and it really takes account of all the work that went into that assessment that we just listened to in addition to the work that that um Senior Center committee has done but and I it'll take some while to blend and then how we want to do that quad board them up in suggestions but to you know get kind of one one strategic plan out of there would be fantastic I don't know that the timelines are all going to line up though because they're doing their presentation of what we just heard next week and then I think Amy said that the ca board was going to take time to take this information back and digest it so that they could work through the recommendations um a lot of the recommendations also are sort of like they're outside of the capital expense of a building that this stuff would take place in so there's that piece of it and then there's the services which is what a lot of this was dedicated to so I think for the quad board meeting again I would argue that just having a conversation about the overall context of like all expenses and budgets is more productive and and an update on where the seniors are in the context of that conversation will be helpful but are you hoping to come away from quad board with a full plan not a full plan but to start to merge these two kind of Assessments together at least have both both of those assessments given at a high level summary um just so that we put that into context do you feel like they can align that by them that's what a month away month I think in a bridge well depends on now when you were making your initial comment David were you expecting some sort of formal presentation on 141 specifically or on an overall from update from that I was thinking about 141 specifically about the needs if they were if we were going to start to move in that direction the needs that would be there and how we might go about achieving the needs specifically about the annual cost associated with what they presented that evening and if if we can start talking about committing uh to go in a certain direction they can then begin to move the process forward they're looking for a commitment uh because they can't speak to um and I I don't want to speak for them but the stories I've heard from them is that they can't get commitments to move forward and know that they're moving in a direction and they can't uh expect the uh the landlord of that location or the owner of that location to wait uh for the town to make a decision they have to sort of understand that we are in agreement that we're moving in a certain direction um and unless we have that conversation where people start getting on board they're not going to know if we have that uh agreement to move in that direction um they can speak you know they can speak to us we have the ultimate say I guess where where we place budget money um but I'd like I think it's important that we get a wider range sort of get everybody together on the same page as to which direction we're head and if it's not going to go in that direction they need to know that right away so that they can then start reassessing where they want to go or they have to go um I mean it seems like we what we uh started in in previous meetings is the the issue of prioritization uh I mean we all know that there are these different items on the table uh I think it's no secret that we can't afford everything um so we're going to have to make some tough choices in the next um year two years or so um so I'm I'm not sure if this meeting coming up is is a time to uh extend that process but how we're going to go about our prioritization seems to me very important um there are going to be some different opinions about it different people have different agendas and we need to uh make sure that we have a system in place that will move that forwards rather than just keep sending us around in circles which is that's that's my goals to try to I I think the um I think it changes that I I want I'm interested to see what they come up with I I believe we have a meeting this Thursday but it's interesting it's going to be interesting to hear where they where they go and what they have to say about the um you know mentioned several times during this report um that we heard tonight of a multigenerational facility because that changes a little bit the conversation that those guys have been having and you know um I'm interested I'm just be interested to see what you know everyone on that committee thinks once we um once they have that conversation and I know I know she's going to do her report to a broader section of the town on the 22nd but um those people all had that report all all weekend as long as any of us a longer so they they all know what's in the report so we don't have to wait for the 22nd to have the um you know senior senate committee get get that report they have it and they've all gone through it and I'm sure it'll be a topic at COA meetings and our meetings too you know but the multigenerational aspect of the whole thing throws a different wrench into it as well because now you're talking about potential additional Staffing because you need to have a completely different programming set for uh a different generation and that gets us into a lot of a different discussion which perhaps is where we want to go but I don't know I think though that it changes the direction and um isn't really consistent with what they've been focused on themselves at this point I agree with you though Chris that the um you know what we heard face on the the survey results suggests that that would be a popular decision the question is whether or not it fits in with our with our ability to achieve it well and again it would be popular for people who are 50 plus who completed the survey right that's what that data is based on so we could have that conversation you know I think at the quad board meeting but I certainly wouldn't want us to really seriously pursue that unless we have some information indicating that anybody who's in any of the other generations to make it multi has an interest in a multigenerational center because you know unless we're thinking about multigenerational between people who are 50 and 80 years old there are I don't think that was I don't think it was either but um yeah I I don't think that we should pursue that unless we know that there's appetite for that Beyond just the people who filled out the survey who were 50 plus and I maybe there is I I don't know but we don't have the data to SP s enough unless the schools knew something I I think it's I think it's a much larger initiative than uh what we're talking about yeah I agree just maybe it may have to be a phased in type approach that that could be a yeah we're looking at if they if they have a longterm plan for the senior center perhaps that is where the whole focus on a multigenerational but right now I I think that that changed that changed the the direction of the focus yeah at least that's my sense so I I think we have two significant asks that are coming up for annual town meeting that are above and beyond you know last year's budget plus some some sort of factor one of which we've just discussed which is expanded um uh support for seniors whether through a multigenerational center or Senior Center um or some of the operational considerations we just made the second will be from um the school committee um about uh an override in support of um their budget and um uh to cover the deficit that they've talked about over the last uh several months so for me to start having a conversation with the school committee about what that looks like I don't think unless Natasha wants to speak I'll be ready to quantify any further than they have recently um at that meeting but to understand kind of the the outline of what that conversation looks like so we're not scrambling to have it next winter um would would be wise um from you know and I've talked with Natasha independently about this um I think um you know she's seen and you've all seen my kind of peer assessment so for me to understand you know what's different about me or why we would want to support at a per pupil ratio higher than than um what we are or what we have or what comfortable communities have done and I think there is a defensible position to be had there um but that kind of where I'm coming from what I and I think they they know that and has been received there um but I wouldn't I'd be curious what questions you would have from the school committee um as they prepare that ask so that they can start answering them now rather than February or late January in regard to the budget override in regard to the budget override anything else of course but I think that's a going to be a important conversation for the whole Community to have and the earlier that we as the leaders can begin having it the better um I do you want those questions now absolutely and end up first but go I'd say if we are going to talk about the budget override of the Quad board meeting that conversation will start and I'm guessing you know as Jeff said the school won't have this information yet but to start thinking about articulating what the shortfalls are what the implications are of those shortfalls um you know like how how why we are at a place where we need an override that kind of think the history of that um at least that would be helpful for me um one other piece that I want to add just in regard to quad board conversation is the bleachers obviously we're not you know moving forward right now with that project but we do still have um uh what's word I'm looking for Condemned structure that is dangerous on school property so I don't know if we want to have a conversation about Demolition and where that money would come from if any but um I I think maybe we want to discuss that and then also talk about is if something can be salvaged from the process thus far that would help inform the town's choices in the future for bleachers or for anything related to alumni Fields thank you uh Natasha um I just wanted to share that the school committee and Brian will uh probably not be able to go into granular detail yet about the budget override and the sense of exact dollars that budget part hasn't been quite formulated yet so I think it's more conceptual or based on the rough numbers that were previously shared in um June I think it was that we had uh with the Reliance of going into it um the school committee will probably not get the superintendence recommendation fully until um Mid November so so I just wanted to put that out there as far as what will be ready to be spok uh spoken about um at the November 12th meeting it won't be the school committee won't have a presentation brought to it the board itself on the FY 26 budget from the superintendent um but yes all all conversations are still and override will be sought so it's just a matter of um the dollar amounts that will be looking at how the how the the year just closed as well and how those uh funding how the funds are kind of falling into play um but I just wanted to share that and Lindsay like the questions that you have that you've uh the context that that will be helpful to uh include so as the superintendent is crafting you know the message or that context of how we got there uh that will be helpful like you know to inform the presentation because the once the presentation is is created it will evolve into a couple iterations once there's this road show that happens with the school the budget when it's created go ahead David know my question I do know but go ahead should if that's the case Natasha should we not put off the quad board meeting on if if it's mid November November 12th is the date that we currently had chosen for the quad board should we not put off the quad board until perhaps two weeks later where we're then in late November where the presentation apparently had been made by this the schools so that at that meeting there is something quantifiable to talk about I would probably not suggest that because there's other needs this is one major need but um I know that there's other aspects of the town's planning that is needs to have a discussion for as well so I don't know we could have a followup I can talk to the superintendent on when you will have more solid information if that's what you're trying to get at uh the school committee we reviewed our budget calendar as far as when we would be presented the um and the subcommittee the full school committee isn't going to see the the first iteration of the budget until the first week of November the budget subcommittee within the school will see it earlier but the full board isn't going to actually get eyes on it until so I don't think waiting until that point will be maybe is what I'm kind of getting at is how do you how do you get your information we might be able to have some rough numbers but not the full presentation if that would be helpful did that satisfy your so I guess I think what David is asking is when would you be ready to have a more quantifiable presentation not until December and so I think then David's follow-up question if I may David is does it make sense to delay the quad board a months until December and have the conversation then um I think we could schedule another ad hoc you know meeting if it's specifically about the we usually do a presentation we go to all the boards anyway um and you know get field the questions once the once the budget presentation is done so we would plan on coming to the select board we would be planning on going to fincom as part of our routine budget cycle and but why not do that as part of a quad board and hit that presentation all at once especially in in a year with such um uh with an override which is a an extraordinary ask I just don't know yeah no I I hear what you're saying I just don't know if delaying the quad board meeting for that particular aspect is because I don't that's the not the only thing of importance at the quad board meeting well honestly I think it not only allows you guys to further quantify your ask I think it allows the the senior center committee and the Council on Aging to start to merge their kind of conversations and presentations as well so I think there's there some parallel benefits to be had and most importantly for perspective is that what's missing is is the big picture if you're doing it uh Silo by Silo you're not getting the big picture and so if we only hear about Senior Center well then that's The Silo and we then proceed down and suddenly not not everybody's on board because hey wait a minute you haven't talked about the other Sil um so I think I think there needs to be more the override I think the override convers I don't know how long the meeting is going to be but I'm going to just say the override conversation probably will take up a large chunk of any meeting um so I don't know if it shouldn't take up a lot of a meeting to be honest there's nobody in that room that going to be surprised well that's what I'm trying to understand exactly what you're because we know that there's going to be an override it's just a matter of the number the dollar amount I think is what we're trying get at but 800,000 was roughly what was talked about in June so I'm trying to wonder what else you're looking if you're looking you're wanting to know like what programs might be lost that won't be known in December I don't think anybody needs I don't think anybody needs to know what the the danger of programs being lost is I just think that you if that's if that's the direction that the town is 100% heading we know that everybody knows that right sitting here now it just you know a little more a little more clarity into um that what's What's the total to be sought because that that plays into that plays into what if if there's a if there's a need for any type of override for a senior center or any of those other things that that plays in they they go together right I I'll talk with the superintendent then to see about that narrow those narrow aspects so not necessarily a huge presentation but what you're talking about is a dollar amount and what that would what that would incorporate roughly for an override at this point and that would be probably just draft form and until the school committee got its gone through its budget request approval with the superintendent so might that might be a consideration there there may also be a dollar amount that's lower than the school committee's request but is higher than zero for an override that the select board could align on we have to account for that possibility um and that's that's another thing that we we all need to consider as a group the other thing I just wanted to also add is that um in November we um it's kind of related but not related um we have Jamie Eldridge is going to be coming to the school committee we've invited because we have some um school funding issues that are separately like amsa and asbit that are happening concurrently which I know we'll talk about in our next week's budget subcommittee meeting but uh ASA is looking to expand their enrollment and so that has large implications for funding for the schools as well so a lot of those pieces are kind of happening in parallels as well also also good for the quad board to understand at least a high level of those considerations um Ben do you have a comment yes can you all hear me we can great U thank you all for letting me have the opportunity to speak uh just want to comment on obviously as a member of the Quad board regarding these things we're talking about one of the things I think we want to be really careful about is making sure that we don't pigeonhole quad board meeting or any of these budget subcommittee meetings into what seemingly are the two main issues that are currently in front of the town which is the senior center and the schools and I use the schools very broadly here to include both bleachers Field School operating commit there the schools are the big topic um I I think as well that we mentioned in our uh Capital planning committee's uh presentation of quad board recently that there are other projects that aren't we're going to call these the the many millions dollar projects but are hovering around that $1 million Mark things we we just met with Justin Marco today at the DPW Yard working on the roof there uh the Fowler School roof which is something else that is a concern obviously the golf course roof which is about $780,000 there and like some of these smaller infrastructure projects that would take up our entire capital budget are things that we as a town may want to consider as a more substantial item in the quad board meeting what I mean by that is potentially doing something like uh an infrastructure uh override where we spend money on a couple of these projects that're all very similar are doing these things I think it's something we should have the conversation about in the next quad board meeting as an agenda item regardless of which way that goes just to highlight these again projects that are outside of capital's budget but are below these giant big ticket everyone knows about them items that just want to put that out there thank you I'm with I'm with you Ben I think that that's part of when when I talk about the global conversation that we have to have that includes stuff that you're talking about and not just putting us into silos that I mentioned a few minutes ago where it's just either a conversation about Senior Center or conversation about bleachers or a conversation about only one thing at a time because that's not reality we're looking at and it's constantly moving uh we're looking at various projects so I agree with you that all of those things need to be on the table during the during a discussion to make a quad board meeting valuable so that everybody here the same story at the same time with all the details that we have to have and then we can all learn from one another's perspectives about where we might want to head yeah which goes back to what I was saying earlier about the need for a good prioritization process you know we're not going to be able to do everything we're going to have to make some decisions and I think we need to have a a a good process for doing that and a plan so I want to go back to the question do we think early November is wise or do we think more information comes in for early December and that makes more sense I think the more information we have the better off will be okay yeah yeah it's only two or three weeks later so Natasha I think that's the direction our board is leaning in and we can bring this up to the budget subcommittee as well but I think there would be a lot of value to allow both the um all the threads that we just mentioned the um uh senior needs and um contextualization around the school override requests and again I know it's not going to be perfect but more information and having more time for the superintendent to um kind of assess uh and to bring in some of the capital reg I I don't know sub Capital elements or or minor Capital smaller Capital elements that Ben had mentioned um along with um bringing that full big picture which uh I don't need to run through the list for you guys you've heard it enough out of my mouth already but you get the idea when when is the next budget subcommittee meeting 23rd of so a week from tomorrow next week I'll uh check with Brian to see because um how that works with our budget calendar that we've created um to follow to see where we might be able to either add an earlier meeting with maybe more a slim down but statistical um overview of what an override might be more clear for uh for discussion purposes okay I'll bring it we'll keep it on the 12th for now I'll bring this to the budget subcommittee meeting um next week and see if I can get alignment from the boards if if we can pick a better date and if we feel that we'll still have 85% or more of the information that's going to be available we'll go ahead and we'll of course have our normal um budget cycle next winter related to scheduling just just curious how so I I was not aware that that meeting had been scheduled and probably missed something but I only learned about that because Nas and I were having a conversation um what where did you all get that information I just learned about it tonight okay so you just learned about it tonight but I believed that I had brought or asked you at a meeting for for potential dates but I can't remember specifically Greg may have sent an email yeah to every no I don't think I saw a date because I just searched my email for the put my calendar okay that's fine I just wanted to make sure that I was not missing important scheduling information it sounds like that's not the case so that's we take care of that no problem all right and so if we do move it to December you'll check in about dates yes so let's keep it on November 12th on on people's calendars and if we move it we'll talk to you about that any other questions on or commentary on timing or desired content for that meeting I think I've got a fair amount to go to the budget subcommittee I think meeting in everything that's on the table yeah yeah okay all right okay um if we do have it on the 12th and the fire station is unavailable I don't mind asking Youth Soccer to move if they're able to move and if they say no we can't move um I don't see why the library wouldn't be another potential option we might have to keep ourselves to two hours and be out of there in time for the library to close which I think uh is Library gets booked up yes and it get we tried booking a session last week it was very difficult to find an evening fair enough um we've we've done these in the um downstairs um in the Campbell souit room before um there's there's other I don't know if the schools have a spot here we might be able to do it in the the Fowler Library potentially if it comes down to it as you know a u table we've we've done some events in that way might be nice just for a change of scenery as well yeah um and I know there's an auditorium over in the mill that we've uh used on occasion we'll not let the location even the room we had the uh the automating and the the gold it's probably big enough that we might need a bigger room than that one I think that one was bit small for all four boards but there there are other rooms in the middle the point is so um okay we will find space and we would be able to do at the school till 8:45 the um the custodians wrong yeah all right okay um anything else for item 14 all right we will move on to correspondences I have two notes I did respond back to the historic commission I I gave them some um uh suggested language I believe they're taking that back now so I'll reach back out to them I haven't heard from them in a little bit so um I did get back to them uh and then there are two requests for uh handicap parking spaces Town staff is looking into that um right now so I am hopeful that we'll be able to accommodate both of them but we're just taking a look at the process to see if that needs a select board action or not so hopefully we'll see some further conversation on that anding agenda do you have anything to add on that last no I've just reached out to Justin DeMarco Chief Noble deputy chief Triano and Steve get as to the process for mostly the seconds how much how soon we could get the space that is existing painted and then the second piece is more can we designate that additional space what does that look like for a process and does need okay very good thank you sure um any questions on any correspondence a through e move to accept correspondences a through e sh second thank you all in favor Lindsay yes David uh yes Mike yes Chris yes and I am a yes as well uh we have one set of minutes from October 1st comments or questions on the minutes I move to accept and approve the meeting minutes of October 1st 2024 as shown authorizing use of digital signatures if approved all in favor Lindsay yes David yes Mike yes and I am a yes as well uh I don't see a ton Ministry report there isn't but I do have a few things to just briefly please go ahead so the next steps for the liquor license home Ru petition um we are working through Kate Hogan's office to get that done what will happen next is um a letter from the select board chair which we will bring to you but they did caution us at legal that we probably this won't be acted on until Jan AR session um with Kate Hogan's office and all that because they're getting ready it won't probably happen very soon but we could get this okay um MMA conference registration is open for anyone that wants to please contact here to get themselves registered for that um Melissa our new temp has gone above and beyond this past week we had marriage certificate that was needed on a Friday afternoon they went to dispatch at 2:00 I didn't know we were closed I got an email and a phone call from Sergeant Sutherland who's like what me do reached out to Melissa Melissa says I'm on my way back in she came in got the certificate she lives out in that area and hand delivered it to the person like the look on her face was she was going to cry Sergeant other one was like what can we do for this woman so that was amazing I was so happy um and then also I have to thank Bill Bill ner juliia lry Steve Silverstein and Justin DeMarco for their collaboration an education with the 40b comment letter and a special note of recognition to Steve for his hard work dedication and passion in drafting the letter for very good I am had a chance to introduce myself to the town clerk after special town meeting and in the time it took for us to get up and for me to walk across the stage and do that she had already posted results to the town website she's working quickly so glad to see her um stepping up so soon um any questions for the assistant Town Administrator I have to thank this gentleman for the last 10 days as well than you job all right um moving on to the chair report I've got no particular items other than to thank everybody for a successful town meeting uh we'll move on to board member reports starting with Lindsay um I want to extend my deepest condolences to the family of Joe warington particularly his widow Crystal and his children gron in Hayden um and to all the town staff who knew and worked alongside Joe um in his years working for the town so I just I was heartened to see how many people went to the funeral um but really just terribly sad to see how deeply that tragedy will affect that family and so many people in town um in happier news I'd like to remind everybody to get their tickets for the fall wall which is in two weeks to support um the mayor holiday parade um I think there are still tickets for sale you can find online uh and I think that's all for me thank you Lindsay and I'll pass on my condolences as well and and they Town staff for arranging for support for the DPW crew in particular for all to staff but obviously they've been um hardly impacted by this uh David yeah just quickly um Sunday coming is Kate Hogan's annual pie event um I believe it starts at 4 I think that's right it is it's four to six four to six over at the um Sanctuary always a wonderful event uh all always goodbye and always good laugh so um and to support U Kate is always a great thing um there'll be local uh well us those of us who choose were able to attend and then there will be uh State uh representation there as well as you know people who we don't who come to mayard and learn about Maynard and get to know Maynard a little bit good stuff it's always a fun night fun evening and the Patriots play at 9: in the morning so they're not even on in the afternoon so would you watching anyway I will I'm actually gonna go back to the chair report and um thank Sarah crusty and for mayard vest which I had forgot had happened since our last select board meeting um and one thing that reminded me is representative Katherine Clark came and visited with representative Hogan so very appreciative for the congresswoman to come and visit mayard and talk to people um I think she made the whole um the whole walk down back and forth and uh interacted with a lot of our residents and heard from them so um not only thanks to uh the entire mayor Fest volunteer staff for putting on that fantastic and and of course Le details and everybody else is involved but um good to see our our congresswoman come and visit the district and engage with people as well yeah and I had my five minutes with her where I I gave her my uh comments about our needs here in Main and I'm sure anybody else who got the opportunity to speak to her as well and she indicated there was a big election that we wanted to address just make sure things could happen and once that's through we'll then address the issues of need very good Mike um yeah I just would like to Echo my own um well Echo other people's condolances to to Joe and his family and and his colleagues I know just how awful that can be for long long time and I know that it's going to have an impact on the um department so I just wish everybody all the very best with that um I was going to mention the mained Fest it was great and I was stationed down by the DPW uh area that day and it was just great to see so many people out especially under the circumstances of what had happened the night before um so they they showed just a wonderful spirit for the town I thought that was awesome um I do just have one question I was confused by a remember this is about the the new traffic light going in on conquer Street and uh 27 uh there was a message that came out about the delivery of the uh the pole yeah and I couldn't tell if it was going to be this year or next year Justin made the comment there was delayed I think he said by the the the strike or something that had one it's over but I couldn't tell whether the delivery was going to be for November of this year or next year the um that that we got an email that followed up to us afterwards it suggests that they'll they're looking at getting the the equipment the poll and the other things they need sometime in February of 2025 that matches my memory as well Chris yeah right okay yeah it was that the email I saw it had the months but not the year so I got I got concerned yeah thank you this next I believe it's 202 I hope it's 2025 not 202 it is a February it is a February yeah I I don't think I don't think that the um I don't think that the what he was talking about is affected by the strike so much but that's that's over for the next 20 26 days or so well I noticed that uh Sudbury has a light going in open in Max and Leo's pizza place there on 17 got the same situation where just suddenly everything stopped they put the pole up as if it's going to come in and then it just nothing and nothing has proceeded I think it's I think it's all about the different components and where they where they where they Source them and who they Source them from to be honest because a lot of lots of constructions projects are sto and all around for different components but um I've got the uh email up now delivery in February expected installation March 1st I also assume that's 202 um anything else Chris yeah just to Echo the um the the thoughts on Joe and and and mayard Fest and I did see K clar I was down by where Mike was down by the DPW she did make it all the way to the last booth and she spent some time her and Kate both talking to those folks before they walk back up to um you know um Summer Street the other way around but um that's it really oh and by the way um I'm a yes on the minutes so it's unanimous because you skip me Chris I am whiz right by me trying to push out Chris it's getting late whiz right by me so anyway just to make it official I'm a yes all right that's it thank you very much well Chris would you like to make a motion to adjourn then second that motion I'll second it all in favor and we'll start with Chris yes sir Lindsay yeah David yeah Mike yes and I'm yes as well thank you everybody have a good evening CH everybody thank you