##VIDEO ID:h8fvZntMW1Q## the select ordin and is being conducted uh via zoom and in person speakers on the agenda may be participating remotely and the chair may allow for the public to provide comment the board would like to hear public comments and if there is further action that is required by the board the chair will add the matter as appropriate to a forthcoming agenda depending on the comment the board May if they are able to within the confines of open meeting law respond with information as opposed to needing to deliberate on the matter please note that while an option for remote attendance or participation is being provided as is courtesy to the public public the meeting will not be suspended if terminated or terminated if technological problems interrupt the virtual broadcast to individual attendees unless otherwise required by law accordingly Please be aware that other folks may be able to see you so please take care not to screen share your computer anything that you broadcast may be captured by the recording all the materials for this meeting except any executive session materials are available on board docs and we recommend that members of the public follow the agenda as posted on board docs unless I note otherwise we are now turning to the first item on the agenda before we do so permit me to cover some ground rules for Effective and clear conduct of our business and to ensure accurate meeting minutes I will introduce each speaker on the agenda after they conclude their remarks I will go down the line of members inviting each by name to provide any comment questions or motions please hold until your name is called further please remember to mute your phone or computer when you are not speaking please remember to speak clearly and in a way that helps generate accurate minutes for any response please wait until the chair yields the floor to you and state your name before speaking if members wish to engage in cqu with other members please do so through the chair taking care to identify yourself brights with public comment after members have spoken the chair May afford public comment and follows the chair will first ask members of the public who wish to speak to identify their name and addresses only once the chair has a list of public commentators I will call on each by name and afford three minutes for this session for any comments public comment for public hearings will only be accepted in person for openland meeting law uh and the first agenda item is public comment the board would like to hear public comments and if there is further action that is required by the board the chair will add the matter as appropriate to a forthcoming agenda depending on the comment the board May if they are able to within the confines of open meeting law respond with information as opposed to needing to deliberate on the matter I'll add for tonight's session I anticipate there will be a number of comments related to the Cano development which is currently item eight on our agenda uh I would encourage you to use The Upfront public comment period if you wish to make a comment on that I'll also note that we have a website set up online we do prefer um comments that are written down they're much more clear for us to transcribe you're more than welcome though of course to make public comments in just a few moments or at any other select word meeting from now up until the public comment period closes in mid October um that being said I will now open the floor to public comments and start with public comments from within the room are there any public comments in the room tonight please come up uh if you do want to make a public comment and come up just please note that the microphone is here in the owl uh and just if you could state your name uh and address and then please go ahead and am I correct I'm commenting on the cancer pressure now it's the best time this is the best time to do so correct my name is Laura Harris and I live at 15 Iron Works Road in sunburg um and several of my neighbors and I are here um on behalf of our neighbors I am a direct of letter of the proposed project and so are the three of my neighbors um we are submitting comments on the website which I appreciate um and as well as many other people in our neighborhood but I also wanted to come just to relay in person our concerns about this proposed project particularly related to the impact on the water um the groundwater and the changing water table um I live directly behind it and it is a very swampy area it gets very marshy and I think there is a potential that this um area is kind of a overflow water storage area and I'm concerned that with the large development there will be less water um overflow storage and it will impact ground water and I think it'll impact flooding we've had considerable increase in flooding in my neighborhood on my street and the street that exits the neighborhood in the last couple years and so it's a concern of ours that it'll affect groundwater um also concerned about the downstream impact of streams and other water areas in the area including the acate wildlife refuge and we have concerns about the Wastewater management so close to the the wetlands it's a great concern of ours um i' also we also have concerns about safety that I think is related to water um if there's more flooding and it's difficult to access roads um right now that's been an issue of us even getting out of our neighborhood and I would worry about that for Parker Street which I know is probably a main access road for emergency vehicles um concerned about Road congestion accidents at some of the already very congested um intersection both in mayard and sub Stow related um streets and you know not last in importance but um environmental concerns it's a beautiful natural habitat for a lot of animals we are used to seeing Bobcats links Turtles beavers all in the back and I you know if there's a development up to and including or right up to the wetlands concern of the natural habitat um if there were to be available sites that could potentially be used instead and those are my comments thank you thank you very much any other comments in the room okay are there any comments uh from those joining us online tonight hi yes Abby I I just wanted to comment um I'm just sort of concerned that it's not actually close to um the mvta um so I'm not sure what um people who need to catch the train how they're going to get it just seems like it's the farthest point away from the closest train station for commuting purposes great thank you and can you give us your name and address please oh I'm sorry uh Abby Barrett One Birch Terrace thank you very much any other comments from online okay thank you and of course we have this public comment session at the beginning of each meeting um oh I we have one more hi Bailey Faxton Bailey you may be on mute yes good evening I'm sorry to have technical difficulties my name is Bailey Faxton I live at 11 Prospect Street and I'd like to Echo and reiterate the concerns shared by my fellow neighbors earlier this evening and reiterate the environmental concerns um stated uh given its close abutment to the National Wildlife Refuge I think we should put that impact at the Forefront of of future decisions for this particular development and any future development in Maynard uh I also site concerns around uh traffic congestion and the distance from MBTA that Abby shared previously as well I think those are ought to be the top considerations ease of access for public transportation and environmental impact thank you for your time great thank you very much all right and as I mentioned there is a website set up on the town of Mater web page so that you can enter your comments in there and we will be reviewing those as the um kind of manard submission deadline in October 26 to the Mass housing partnership approaches so appreciate everyone's concern on this and we'll we'll continue to monitor that as that deadline approaches all right we will move on now to item four which is our consent agenda we have two items a cemetery deed and a rain date for the Botti tournament that we approved last week any comments or questions on the consent agenda I will um without hearing any comments I will move to approve uh consent agenda items A and B as presented contingent upon adherence to all federal state and local public health and safety guidance and this motion authorizes the use of digital signatures if approved all in favor relationship the very good all right uh the motion passes we'll move on to item five use of town property uh this is an application to use Town property for um filming uh administrator Greg Johnson yeah sure so um for the board's awareness we were approached by Representatives uh Scout right here if you want to hear from them in a minute but um I'm grateful that they came to the town it's been a couple years since we had gotten this level of formality in an approach to filming in town sometimes I'll get like an email the day of someone wants to do like an independent film on some street it's not great these gentlemen did it the proper way they gave us week's heads up and they're very cooperative um we don't have a film permit in town so we needed to develop one so I looked to executive director oficial Services Steve serin to look at that and we we use some examples from other towns um and um so we want it there so what you see in front of you is the um the format the template they came up with for the application procedure again these gentl were very Cooperative we heard from the different departments um uh they may have some oversight or some sensitivities to what they kind to do primarily they want to film down town and it's not a whole day experience um but they're they're constrained according to their other film locations and and I can only imagine the the production schedule and therefore um see do you want to speak to anything else about the application process put them on the spot I mean we you want to go over quickly well I'm I'm trying to what do you guys want to hear about I think we know enough about okay I think we're good um I do have a question for the gentlemen first off welcome mayard and same to the women who were here from sunburn um is there going to be acting going on or is it just filming of location um yeah um so for this particular project there aren't any any actors for anybody who doesn't know anybody who cares so these are scenes from the TV show Ted on Pon um I'm a Matt and I were local so we sort of connected TI you between uh the M municipalities and Massachusetts we only work in Massachusetts I'm very actually live in St moved here two years ago what's your point Ryan so appreciate the question just step back a second if you introduce both yourselves you're more than welcome to join up give us a brief overview and then then we'll go to David question so my name is Ryan Cook this is Matt milia I'm the location manager for uh the project Matt is my assistant location manager uh as the locals in M units that we're sort of like I said we get hired by the studios or the Productions to reach out to the communities uh and to sort of execute their filming plan um part what we do is we look at all the municipalities uh most in Eastern Massachusetts but sometimes down Western figure out what's going to work best for them I've spent a lot of time in downtown mayor uh shopping and eating and I was they were looking for an iconic New England Town feature in the show and that's what sort of brought us here I took photograph sent them to them and they said yes we definitely want to film there so um these scenes in particular uh unfortunately most of the show is got inla so what they're coming here to do is basically get exterior establishing thoughts of different business businesses so like for instance we're going to make a beauty salon in uh in alen Quinn's property uh on 58 Main Street and then they'll cut into the beauty salon that will all be in La so couple of things we want to do here it's a beauty salon but in one shot in particular is a driving shot uh on Mason Street so that we can see all of N Street sort of like you know looking down N Street the church all the way at the end sort of that is the iconic New England uh shot that we want to feature in the show for us one of the complicated things is we actually need the car coming the other way so this is why we had uh this movie m movie making nothing is simple so we've done a lot of Outreach and know youve talked to oh there's a map there um so let me step back there's three different locations in mayard one would be uh the nation Street shot one would be 58 Main Street which would be our quotequote beauty salon and then the third would be up on walam Street uh which I pitched to them and they they actually love is in the end of one one of the uh last shots that episode is this drone shot that slowly reveals as a car drives away uh this beautiful iconic New England landscape and that will be your downtown sort of revealing from residential and seeing the downtown and that would be the last it's like a 45 second shot which is a very long shot in the TV that would be the last thought of that of that episode so those are the three pieces of work that we're looking to accomplish um so we've been working like said we talked I think a couple weeks ago um and just start hot reaching doing heartreach downtown met with uh police chief and just sort of talking to everybody about what we want to do and what the what the best plan to make it all work is so um yeah my other followup would be um as you probably know mandard has been featured in many large studio films um over the last several years a couple at least yeah but anyway um at those um I was uh one of them the first one and I forget what film it was Knives Out was the biggest Knives Out was the biggest one there was another one they did down at the movie theater but the so they had a huge crowd of people yeah across the street now there were actors there and the woman we're we're so much smaller are you looking are you looking is there gonna be a problem if residents are interested and come down to watch no and that's I want to find out yeah no I don't think so so I like so I did the TV show Dexter out here and where we have 500 crew members and I have Michael SE and all that stuff I'm like I'm used to doing those projects this is a 35 I don't have lights we're like camera on sticks we're going to be moving around running around we're we're I'm a 30 person crew I'm instead of the 25 trucks that you're used to seeing I'm two trucks you know so we're pretty small and light and I I think by the time people see us they might just think like we're doing a mayonnaise commercial you know that's what we always that's what we always tell people we do the mayonnaise commercial and they're like okay see you later you know so um I don't anticipate something like that and by the time anybody comes and is interested we're jumping on to the next thing just because before coming to mayard on the Saturday we're shooting three locations three different locations in towntown Boston and then coming out here so I know I know You' worked with the police department so when that when the car is coming the wrong way on the street um people will be pushed aside so yeah we're we I think we have five officers on detail and then we have 10 of our production assistants who will be plugging the holes to make sure that you know it's not like it's a stunt scene where the car is whipping up driving it's driving 25 miles hour so we'll be having some people in like Alleyways and and whatnot to make sure nobody walks out or anything like that okay yeah great good luck cool thank you guys very much yeah appreciate it the only thing I was going to ask is sometimes when I do these types of meetings is that um in case thday like we get rain or something like that but sometimes I ask the board to empower uh you know Town Administrator and the police chief to make a a timing decision if we have to push a schedule before I'm able to come back and present to you guys if that's something you guys are open to within reason any particular challenge with that request oh no I have no problem I would appreciate that but it's up of course are we talking like the next day or the next week it would be like maybe we push to Sunday or something like that or or may you know pushing to maybe the next week or something like that we haven't had rain in three and a half weeks I know and of course it looks like this pale of this little that's coming through so I I think we're going to be okay for Saturday it's actually my Friday that I have to worry about but it just made me think like if for some reason I had to bump to Sunday you know and I wasn't able to come to to you guys to present I would just want to be able to have somebody else say yes we have the ability to make that decision within within you know your world the board how much Authority you want are are all the businesses aware of yes yeah I flyed last week talked to all the businesses they aware and that flyer by the way has our cell phone numbers on it so we don't hide from anybody they can call us directly and are they aware that there might be an alternative date if it rains they aren't but if it's that's something that we uh our general practice is as soon as that happens we go and do flyer right again talk to everybody directly yeah that be helpful in that way then then I have no problem at all yeah yeah I would go out with a flyer and say R date on the top sometimes we don't put a r date on there because then people give people don't read these things very well and so they think we're doing both dates you know we trying to give people the right of information up front and then really to create a dialogue with them so that we can connect with them like he can go back in and talk to everybody face to face yeah any other questions from the board do anybody object to including the alternate um uh giving Greg the authority to Grant a rain date or it's necessary no okay fantastic uh would anybody like to read the motion sure with with the rain language move to approve the use of N Street and Summer Street walam Street between hay Street and Park Street and Main Street of 58a Main Street by Universal content production LLC for Film Production on Saturday September 21st 2024 from 1 p.m. to 7: p.m. contingent upon adherance to all federal state and local public health and safety guidelines and authorizing use of digital signatures of food and to empower the Town Administrator to make any decisions necessary based on weather or other climate changes to alter the date second all in favor very good gentlemen good luck thank you thank you all right we're moving on to item six on the agenda which is contracts we're starting with uh an agreement with select energy um and this is for solar panels over on the high school that's true Mr chair this is um pretty nuanced pretty technical um uh but the idea is to make sure we're covering our bases literally Parcels that are associated with the solar panels that are sped high school as you said we're joined this evening by two people from solet Byron Woodman and well I don't know I'm looking is Wendy B I see Wendy's at home okay so um they're both from select they represent the the owner and the operator of the solar panels um so it is rather technical I included a description gratefully provided by select um is there anything else you want to say Barron or Wendy is there any other or or be ready for questions from the board if there's any yeah I mean we're happy to answer any questions it's pretty basic the need for the Amendments and happy to just um go through that if you'd like or if you've if you just want to ask questions you want to give us just a brief overview of what the Amendments Wendy yeah go ahead absolutely so the whole thing came up because we're financing the project and our lender uh just raised some questions about the property description so it is technical the um in both of the agreements there is an exhibit describing the school property as a whole and also an exhibit Des describing the least premises so a portion of that property and the lease um the the exhibit describing the entire property only includes the original Lease Only includes two of the three Deeds that cover the school property and frankly it really wasn't an issue because the two Deeds that we included in the lease are the Deeds that impact our project because the school is on a huge parcel and then it over La apse onto a second parcel so that's the lease but our bank our lender uh raised two concerns with the documents one was that the third parcel U well that there's just some discrepancies between the property meets and Bounds descriptions in the recorded documents and the tax assessor description and there's just some vagueness in the chain of title and they felt more comfortable having all three deeds in that property description which frankly is what we typically do in the property description it describes the entire um property for some reason we didn't do that this time and it came back and bit us because because of this particular strange you know normally a school is on one parcel or it's not quite like this so so they asked us to include the entire parcel which is what we normally do the second exhibit describes the least portion of the part of the property and the issue with that exhibit was that we included our site plan and um there are two pages to the site plan and one page shows the actual solar panels on the building and the canopy the second page of the site plan in this particular instance that was included in the lease only shows one parcel it shows the main parcel where the building where the school building is located it doesn't show the parcel that where the building where the school building overlaps onto just a piece of a second parcel and it doesn't show the third parcel which is you know what which doesn't matter so so the exhibit the second exhibit is misleading on the second page because it suggests that our least portion is only the part of the school on the main parcel and it doesn't include the small piece of the school on the second parcel and that's a problem because our panels are actually on that entire rooftop overlapping onto parcel 2 so I hope I didn't confuse you but Bas it's very technical the bank is simply asking us to make the initial exhibit describing the property make it the entire property which is what we typically do and for whatever reason we didn't in this instance and make the second exhibit just correct it so it's not misleading so just take just remove page two which actually makes our least portion look smaller than it is does that make sense yes we have the text in front of us so there's no change to the number of panels location of those of the car ports the monetary amounts in that this is more clean up of the language and and fixing those kind of um technical details on the scope of the exhibits exactly perfect any questions from the board yeah does this require action from the school committee as well I'm going to say no so the um you own you're the owners of the properties so I would that's why I don't think this requires their authorization again this is an amendment to the what's already been approved so and so I if the board would like I can go to the school with me but I I I wouldn't recommend it it doesn't seem necessary it's and it's relatively technical so they would probably I don't see why they would have any objections to something that's already been approved I my concern would just be to make sure that if it's required that we get it so it's not a problem down the road other comments I'll entertain a motion uh I will move to approve the amendments to the lease and power purchase agreements with select energy for the installation operation and ownership of a rooftop and carport solar photovoltaic array to be installed May High School administrator to execute that agreement all in favor very good the motion passes we'll move on to 6B which is the purchase and sale and development agreement for one Summer Street the former fire station uh yes Mr this is exciting potentially historic depending on how V those so um the town for had multiple attempts and for a long time has been trying to sell the old fire station um in this uh most recent version um we've been negotiating with theodon development um as they were the advantageous proposal proposer to the RFP reissued um I'm stilling a lot of Thunder of Steve Silverstein for doing a lot of the work um and McDonald development I I really do appreciate their cooperation their patience um and working with us to get to where we are so um the board had given a little bit of direction earlier that's been incorporated into the language of this contract I'm sorry the personal sales agreement and development agreement again it's two but the purchase and sale is just to sell the property the development agreement is under what conditions so um relatively limited we still would have to go for um any other sort of regulations whether it be planning board or otherwise this still has to go beyond the select board you are just from selling the property and then they still have to jump through hoops and redevelop it but um right so this this really just captures the language that was included in their proposal which is response to R RFB and um Steve is there anything disc okay okay any questions yeah having reviewed the development agreement that's in front of us um it looks to me like the two the two main issues that we discussed at our last meeting uh one was the remediation uh that was mandated and the other was having to do with the museum aspect we both addressed um and so it appears that that those issues have been um you know addressed in the in the development agreement um so I think Greg you just answered my other question where there's a blank under uh number two one or 2i however it's it's proper um where the developer will commence permitting honor before sometime before apparently before the end of 2024 um is that being too restrictive on them given the fact that we're in September a question what's your sense of how long per may take we might want to pump that out the safe side because I says commence parting but you know I don't know what their what their plan is uh that's fair what's your sense of like when they better yesterday three months from now he's yesterday he's yesterday he's not going to drag his feet yeah an accelerated face AG to this already they so he's he's he's going to move fast's he's not going to miss a date if anything he's gonna try and jump the date so should it should it read on or before November 1st 20124 but I mean gives him a month and a month and a half I was King because he's my he's also trying to I also wanted to finish the project no I agree that's probably part of why you know I would I would lean towards the end just to because what if he doesn't abide by that then he's breaking his the terms of his contract so I I would give him depending on the patience of the board but I'm relatively patient considering is even if it's honor before December 31st that's what I was but but you guys but I don't think it's wise to approve a contract with no date that's fair we can we can if you all say it now it'll be as you know with the with the stated addition of that date for section 2 I yeah so my concern would be twofold one that we're not restricting him too soon so that he doesn't get it to December 31st for whatever reason Chris says he's ready to go tomorrow so or today so that's fine but uh I don't want to to hamper him and cause a problem down the road by having a already agreed to this document that he understands that it's the end of his calendar year but it doesn't have a date on there it doesn't but it 2024 I mean we know that there are only so many days left in yes that's what I think was proposing which I think makes sense and if we need it's not too restrictive it's not too restrictive and if we need to amend it we can absolutely do that but my preference is to do tonight because I don't want to I'm fine with this 3 but he's not one to drag his feet all right then it should not be an issue and we can amend if we need to so if you want if you want to do the motion I I would recommend included that 7 31st 2024 when the will commence the sounds good any other comments from the board I'm just wondering uh was there any conversation about parking for these apartments right you there going to be a museum down there then you know the residents who are upstairs would presumed look for parking I'm just wondering where that would go yeah so he's preserving I believe the current configuration in the building but he says that any exess parking would uh his tenants would park at his 10 Main Street going which meets based on zoning requirement has to be within like what is it 800 feet or something along those lines and that is within the 800 feet so also I believe is the building down at the end of walam and so also is the building at uh summer and and N all all meeting qualifications of the zoning the one at the one at the top of the hill may not be but the other two I think are definitely the one next to McDonald's the restroom and are these going to be like uh one bedroom departments because it's not a very big building that's a good question what's your recollection what was theze of the try but he will have to ask for um have to go to planning board to ask for a variance on what he can develop by right in that space right yeah and there are requirements under the downtown over District well he needs a special permit for he's going to build eight Apartments I think yeah he needs a special permit for more than five or six I believe uh so yeah just a special and do we know if that triggers the affordability aspect he will owe the town one oral unit yeah and that is that under the the downtown overlay District it is yeah okay it does not have to be in that building is it can you put it in another building his intention to put it in that which I get the point if he decides he doesn't want to put it there and he wants to add another one to another spot is that acceptable I don't know I'm not sure about that yeah I'm not sure about that probably not compliant with the bylaw but I don't know I don't know because if he wants to get whatever sort of there advantages you know that the downtown inclusion zoning allows my assumption would be would have to be downtown so I don't this a great question sure but we can look into it yeah it's not I mean it's it's interesting in compensation but it's their responsibility yeah any other comments somebody like to make a motion noting the date again move to approve the C sales agreement in development AG with McDonald development dis one semester has presented pering to commence prior to December 31st 2024 and using authorizing the use of digital signatures if approved second all in favor very good and I'll Echo the town administrator's comments that is a a significant step forward and uh good to have that with the recent um disbanding of the committee to get the new Fire Station up and running just a few weeks ago congratulations and good work by Town staff all right moving on to sixd which is a change order relative to the route 27 intersection I inspected myself on the way over here the pavement looks nice if that was the only Improvement I'd say we were go good evening everyone jarco Public Works director uh to Jeff's Point as you as the board is aware and many residents are aware we're undertaking a major traffic Improvement project at the intersection of Hayes Brown and Conquer Street um that project is actually close to completion um and due to the fact that we receive very advantageous bids we have in front of you a change order that was actually U previous removed from our original design set based on our estimates those change orders are improvements um that actually enhance the safety and V Vitality of that intersection um those two change orders which is combined into one change order represent two separate projects but they're they're connect interconnected to the intersection so I'll start with one project uh one the first change order is pco1 which is uh the expansive approach of connectivity of a pedestrian sidewalk from the intersection location of brown and conquered heading towards the town of Acton connecting the crosswalk to a concrete sidewalk in front of an AB butter um which is sharett's Motors this is a sidewalk that is in for disrepair is non-ad compliant and actually has a major storm water issue that was identified um that we would like to address the second change order Improvement actually is to remove What's called the Spurling of Acton street so if you're not familiar when you head up Acton Street heading towards Acton on your left is Cumberland Farms that extension is that actually acon street that comes on to Hayes we're looking to remove that Spur Lane which would reduce a pedestrian Crossing which is the rail trail now on Aton Street and it would actually um decreas traffic on Acton Street coming from Acton headed towards downtown so any any uh vehicular traveler who's looking to bypass our new intersection with our light would typically go down aan street to bypass this and use that spurlane we're looking to remove that so that we focus all the traffic back onto Brown and aen and Haze um this also creates uh a larger Park which is always part of our master plan goal um it also removes another pedestrian Crossing in this location if you're AR aware with this location there's many ESS crosss here so we're happy to say that we have the budget to complete both these projects as originally U as originally designed we received a significant amount of feedback from our from our butters on some enhancement as we started to do work and this was one that was called out um by mostly the buts so Justin there had been some conversation back when this whole discussion was was happening about spur area about the fact that trucks need to use that trucks that deliver gas to Cumberland Farms that are coming from the sub side of uh of the road of Aton Street if if that's what it is and they can't make that left turn into um uh into Cumberland Farms without backing traffic up significantly behind them because it's so tight it's tight for a car let alone for a truck and then so with removing that Spur Lane they would use that apparently to make a left turn then come down and go straight into the uh Cumberland Farms to make deliveries is that a significant problem for technically that's a legal right now because conquer street is a truck restricted Road technically they're already created an illegal function and local deliveries can be done it may not be so if you're underwar I also hold a CDL so in advanced planning from Cumberland Farms that truck could gain access to that site as long as they know in advance and shut down their their back pump to allow the truck and tractor to come in there will be a backup situation that may happen every once in a while but that's something that would need to be coordinated um there is also another driveway that feeds the backside of um the rental car facility that adjacent to the trail I'm sure they can get into an agreement with Davis um excuse me um Enterprise for use of deliveries there as well um but yeah I favor closing down the the spur know it seems to me to be a useless little scrip I always encourage you I me takes away takes away the it's it's a nonissue Farms will have to make their traffic department figure out a way to go to another place and come in from the other direction come up 27 rather go out 27 and take a left and a right they've now got to find a way to root their truck so that their truck is coming and come with will be on the right because they come in on the right and go and go on the left right they'll continue to do that they just have to find somewhere else to turn they'll have to come down off from two or they'll have to come up a different way they can't just continue to go down that spur that's that's all it's a minor adjustment for that traffic system yeah the question I have about that spur is I understand the piece that goes to its come FS what does that how does that affect the piece of that little piece that Ro kind goes up to the court yeah okay so we did talk to some of Butters because we had two potential plan sets for that so if you're unaware um that's a one-way Street which actually exits onto conquer street at the intersection of back new conquer we actually discussed with the abutters because we look at it in two directions we could flip the one way which would have been in front of you if that was if that was the ultimate goal or we can keep it as is um and the butters actually wanted to keep the one way as it so technically we're only closing the Spur Lane from Maple Court to hanne street so allowing Maple Court to still enter into into that four-way intersection there'll be signage that says do not enter coming from Acton Street down and then you'll see uh what in guard Maple Court so it's only a four-way if you're coming from Maple Court nobody else can go into Maple Court except for residents can go into Maple Court no they still have to come to Maple Street it is still a one way that flushes into conquer so technically to that point we are reducing the it is technically a four-way stop but we're reducing entering traffic from Aton Street and M Court into conquer and if you're unaware if you remember some of the original conversations with the plan the original design set was cat Cottage is the site distance issue so in order we can't necessarily reconfigure the entire park to change that site orientation what we can do is reduce the amount of traffic coming into that four-way intersection causing that site distance issue and that's what we look to do here by eliminating the the cut through we're reducing cut through traffic from acting down that will add to that fourway and the same when we're coming up active street so technically Maple Court consists of I want to say six to eight houses so very small amount of trael and residents on Acton Street um going through that cut through as well so there is an inconvenience factor to Residence I understand the reason but just want to acknowledge that does this um funding that is available include tearing up the spur and filling it in with grass and everything else yeah yeah top to bottom comple not going to just be cones put up at the end do not pass so if you um technically right now if you if you travel up Acton Street and part of the rail trail you see that wooden facade fencing aesthetic appeal fencing so when you're coming from Aton Street heading towards the town of Aton you will see that continued fence line which we're doing that to also help drivers understand that there's not a decision to be made left or straight so that will help from a visual standpoint and also provide a pedestrian protection Zone coming from acting down towards conquered there'll be a wooden guard rail to prevent any traffic that may get confused from trying to drive over the grass so we're looking at protecting pedestrian access on the rail trail um so you'll see signage as well and will it be grass or do you imagine inviting the tree committee to find some trees so Lindsay um the original change order includes uh Turf under the price point we will have some unit costs at the end of this project so you may see a you're most likely going to see a pco3 but the way that we bid these types of projects out it's unit cost and there's some savings on certain things and there's overages and then we'll work out reconcile that difference depending on what's remaining in the balance we may have a conversation of maybe putting in a change out of four or refocusing some of that funding with enhancements to the park so people coming down Aon Street will now have to turn left onc conquered to get on to hes is the ultimate correct or right onc conquered down Brook Street to go to downtown or Summer Street it's safer because there's a left you see you see what's going on because that left turn the dangerous one but the overall Improvement should make that left turn saer to begin with the left turn is the same thing is going straight it's T-Bone conversation to be had there so our timing is very important so the difference we've adjusted to this in the original design is coming from Acton down Brown Street and taking a right on the conquered right now technically you can just take that right turn we have designed the light system that there's no right turn on red so that it's a controlled turn that out last time so is the anticipation that there might be more traffic going down Maple Street not not Maple Court but actually Maple Street just thinking of people coming down who would so if anything you can make the the easy argument that the residents of Aton Street could navigate down conquer Road or Brooks or maple more than they do now but you can also make the argument that on AC of Jeff will make the tree I'm not goingon to throw but a majority of the neighborhood behind him the maze will typically funnel out the Brook Street anyways so if anything you're talking about the residence of acting either going through the intersection and or funneling down conquer Street ultimately when it comes to traffic patterns residential traffic is very minimum compared to pass through traffic if you're unaware of this location I'm sure you're seeing an uptic and when we do road closing as part of the project there's a significant amount of traffic that navigates 27 we want that traffic to stay on twice and we would prefer our residents use our back roads as much as possible we really just want to focus all of the cop through traff through our our exception thank you okay any other questions on the change order is there a second change orderest I combine them into two you could break them if you wanted to but I recommending both as one anybody like to make a motion Mo um here we go sorry move to approve the terms of change order one inclusive of PCO 001 and PCO 002 in the amount of 81,82 in accordance with the approved contract number 1446 between the town of mid and IW Harding construction Co Inc for the construction of a new traffic signal and related improvements at the intersection of Route 27 at conquer Street authorizing use of signatures if approved all in favor very well thank you Justin excellent thank you thank you all right we're moving on to item seven which is a traffic safety Improvement which is the installation of a stop sign at Bose still and deing Rose that Ling sorry David uh and Greg would you like to set this up we we talked about at so the board had received correspondence from a resident in the neighborhood who had request the board's consideration of the installation of the stop sign um that the correspondence is included for the board's package as well and the board um was interested in what the resources may be required the the police chief hadn't said that it was a requirement or been strongly recommended but he could see the advantage of having the stop sign there just for improve safety um the board was interested in what the cost so to speak maybe so um I asked DW director jarco it's it's marginal I mean there's we we replace stop signs every year so um according to you can ask just directly but um he's not opposed and we can handle the the resource command it's it's a little bit of time a little bit of money and put a stop sign there um it's up to the board ultimately if it if it makes the neighborhood feel that much safer Bo could you know I see the advantage to that so the St is not opposed to questions Michelle was on earlier she wanted to comment but I don't see she's on any longer okay lindsy I just have a question in regard to um when we get correspondences like this and I look back it was the only one I can recall I mean I've only been on the S board for a couple months so not an extensive history but uh was an accident that took place at a crosswalk near the boys and girls thought where a child was hit by a car um and the request in the correspondence was to add something to that intersection to increase you know visibility in that crosswalk um similarly the I think the police chief looked back and said that there haven't been any other pedestrian accidents at that intersection in five years similar to this looks like he looked back um but it doesn't seem like we did um accommodate that request to look at that crosswalk specifically and add any additional safety features that might highlight the crosswalk given that many children use it so I'm just curious and I'm not sure who this question is for it's for down staff or the board um but you know how do we decide which of these traffic requests we accommodate and which we don't is it based on visability based on the staff we have resources costs need what are our vetting criteria for this if you're looking at me I would I wouldn't I would be to compare the two so directly I'm not saying that you are but if if if one were to consider the two scenarios they are very different so um in this particular case it's relatively minor if we were to put a stop sign at this at this location between B and deadling it would impact a relatively small amount of residence it's removed from the main road um but it would provide maybe a pece of Mind of nothing else which is and at the minimal cost it would be to install a stop sign that might be worth it separate the the other um that you mentioned I believe the police chief had noted that it's not that much of an offset from where the where the recommended um by that res the recommended crosswalk would be and then the actual intersection where there's already crosswalks so I recall I apologize they're inaccurate in my recollection that that the police chief had sort of the expectation is that people would walk up to the already existing crosswalk at the intersection so it's it's not but what I'm saying is I think I think it's for the board and and town staff to look at every individual scenario separately so I don't I don't my conscience will be clear if you're considering this request differently than you would any other request particularly the one you brought up like you should look at each one not to say we can't go maybe we should go back and look at another one and if the board would like we can um we can I can reach back out to uh the police chief and have him sort of reevaluate his position on that and you can reconsider it but I I'm just saying I think you should see these sear okay I'm fair is just curious like how how we consider these if it's just it's it it sound like there is no set criteria it's just a variety of different factors sure I mean it's not very often we get these so it's not like and the majority of the town's traffic is the town's traffic it requires a significant effort to change anything so um in this particular case it's a It's relatively minor it doesn't I don't think it I don't it warrants like the policy analysis um like having having again that other scenario included crosswalk a light it was a different Beast okay thank you I think pause we can do a follow up that so in this particular case have there been any more people uh expressing concern about this Junction or were we looking at concerns from one person I mean admitt that's the only one I've heard um but um I've heard from other neighbors it might be advantageous to have there yeah yeah I'm agnostic to it okay um I I recognize the concern that was expressed and I've I've witnessed it um but the board doesn't even have to take action on this tonight You' like to hear from other residents or from the police chief or it's the board this to me is a relatively low impact decision either way I agree I'll move to approve the installation of stop sign at B road and deing road second all in favor I will extend thank you David all right that's item [Music] seven we will move on to item eight which is 182 Parker Street we already alluded to this earlier this is the um chapter 40b application um from caner development to the mass uh Massachusetts Housing Partnership this is a quasi stfe entity who is evaluating um the possibility of issuing a project eligibility letter um to allow them to continue with their plans to basically bypass a significant chunk of our zoning loss we are in a comment period which has recently been extended and I think I might have had the date wrong earlier um our deadline um the town's deadline to submit comments to the Massachusetts Housing Partnership is October 21st and we're asking public to get comments in by October 4th so that we have time to evaluate all the comments and um uh collate them and package them and review them and then send them off to Mass Housing Partnership so we can make the best possible argument um for the town uh in this particular case so I'll turn it over to the Town Administrator from there there's no action being taken tonight but I think the major change from last time is the extension of that comment deadline which uh previously was in September that's good Mr chair you hit the the wave Toops in the meantime um um or additionally I've included for the board the public awareness that there's a Time on so we with that extension in mind we just sort of pushed everything out um uh Town staff highly encourages the public to although welcome at public meetings but to go on the line it it helps us to kind of keep a track of who saids what and what and what the specific issues maybe um but that's sort of in parallel with what the town staff is doing so Town staff and the boards and committees are are are already has the tasks of looking at the development looking at the proposal according to what the application we have and then just seeing what the potential impacts may be For Better or For Worse our job is as to that is to sort of look at it objectively as to what what the impacts whether it be infrastructure traffic Public Safety Etc um and then as a timeline notes we'll collect all this information both from the public boards committees Town staff and then we'll develop a recommendation for the for the select board to consider as a uh or by October 15th because that's your next that's the last regular schedule selectable need to between the deadline if the board would like to take action at that date you could have a special meeting and wait until the deadline whichever um so the process is happening today we were um um invited and we attended the on-site visit by mhb the Massachusetts Housing Partnership that you noted um and so there was representatives from the developer and then their architect and engineering team and and the rep from MP and town staff um representation from the the town's Conservation Commission and um representation from town staff of subury because it's on the subur line so um there wasn't much to see we walked around I included pictures in the in the um in the board dos there's a house there a little bit level but most of it's tree line and and you can kind of see a little bit of the tops of the houses if you look really closely I imagine all those leaves go away in the winter time it's probably clear okay but um there is water there me there's Wetland um and but there you know as the board heard from the from the developer Avalon um this is not the first rodeo they know exactly how to fit it in they are are very um self-contained in other words they they they contract out very little besides like the design team but they even that design team are very practiced and those three individual today they've done multiple of these sites so they they understand how the procedure Works they're relatively patient they're professional this is they are coming to our town probably simultaneously to other towns and they're just going through the motion of what we need to do so um right so it's happening and and we will continue to receive those comments and again I encourage the public whoever they may be go online check it out you can see all the plans you can there's a reallyy I think pretty simple we in form your comments in I do appreciate the town staff since last meeting setting up that intake form for people put comments in that's nice clearly particular way for us to collect comments and and move them through so thank you good job any questions we covered this uh quite extensively at our last meeting so um as I said the main change is that extension for public comments which we discussed and got um so we're glad to have that extra time especially with the town meeting coming up um during the comment period what any other questions or comments from the board I have a quick question for Justin uh seeking a quick answer from Justin um I know that I recall back maybe a year and a half ago you made a pretty uh U detailed presentation to the board relative to um um our capacity our water capacity and you talked about various things there graphs and it was whatever can you point to the public so that they can find that presentation in some Fashion on the DPW website that because I've been getting some questions from people about what what is the science behind it all what is the uh specific details because people don't want to just write we have a water capacity issue they want to be able to site specifics and I told them that that there was a presentation and it was very clear and it was it was you know I know you remember the presentation where basically said there could be a time where you know on a certain day maybe it's just one day but it could be that you could turn on the faucet and nothing could come out that could be theoretically true yeah one would imagine that if there's a further stress on the uh on the system that there might be several days that you turn on the water and no water will come out because of capacity issues corre that is all documented in a presentation that you skillfully made for us about a year and a half ago and I'd like to be able that let the public see it and refer to it so they may be able use it as part of their U presentation so David we actually do that presentation yearly so there is a track record over on the past 10 years and then there's actually a case study that it continually goes back to which is referred to the White Pond study which is a 500 page all of this can be found under the dpw's uh website under our uh water resources planning page so if you go to the town Manor Department of Public Works there Water Resources page we actually already peer reviewed this development for water and sewer capacity and there is a peer review technical memo that was provided to have one um that is also archived their website so within that we do try to take that technical language and simplify it onto a two or three page memo that's what most people can refer to um other than that they've already been just again briefly the results of the peer review were they were denied water capacity allowance to disclaimer that doesn't mean that they can't tap their own well or seek alternative sources so just know for the town of mayard we can't support a development of that size under our water utility capacity has been well documented that will be provided and that should be emphasized public meetings every time we T discuss this that aspect needs to be ver needs to be made very very clear and nothing to do with affordable housing and nothing to do with uh you know we conducted that early and that will be included in the town's comment period um the technical paper he's right I'm on the website right now it is there I will before is it easily to easy to find I mean the Public Works office has a bunch of information on there um yes I mean like if you go to the Department of Public Works on the town's website if you click on water tour and then you click on water resources and rate planning it's there I mean like unfortunately whatever is the it's difficult to determine what has to be at the top of every page but in it is there um I I will do a quick email to the board just you guys have it in case you get ask can it also be connected that study if it isn't already to the town's page on this project so that it be can become evident to anybody review all the docents that's a good that's simple way to do it okay and it's a good highlight of something we like to get in front of the public from time to time anyway so they're understanding what the overall status of our water water infrastructure is and and progress that uh We've made over the last few years because I'm looking at it now and it's it's easy to find if you know exactly where to live you're point we have a lot of information you know when somebody wants something quickly we always encourage this any one of your constituents easily reach out to the Department Public Works and we will assist them in any you will rest assured that that is exactly what I have done look I don't know exactly where to find it call down they would be happy to help I do this all the time that's how I make my stories I put those links in there a lot there thank you um any other comments on 8A are you g go to possibly somebody who wasn't here earlier um sure if anybody has any public comments and missed the initial public comment we can reopen that good all right all right well um we will continue along the timeline as presented there no other comments um item nine we are going to delay to a subsequent meeting we're hoping to finish up that relatively shortly though so looking forward to having the subsequent meeting and we'll move on to item 10 which is FY 26 uh and so here it is this is the policy statement we issued this every year and this is really the kickoff to the budget season it's never feel like we're never not never not budget season but you're you're absolutely right care so to T Charter section 64 submission of the budget and budget message the board issues a policy statement um honored before the 15th day of November of each year um the select board in consultation with time Minister finance committee shall issue a poliy statement relating to the budget for the next fiscal year so um right it's largely the same year by year I mean like there's there's obviously constraints of the resources and um but you have about two months um to issue this um so I put it in front of you I took a quick stab at it I really didn't change much beyond the date um you see last year's so it's it's up to however you would want to do it I I put the data of November fth at the top because that's the last regular sort meeting before the the deadline by the trer um in the meantime um I think I includ this in board docs I've already issued some guidelines to the department heads which again largely the same so we've been we've been using clear go for the last couple years uh both for the operating side and I think excitingly for the capital side um and I reached out to Doug Adler who's the chair of the capital planning committee and they said that they have issued um direction to the Departments already just um with the exception I think of I think just the one department head all my which is forthcoming the new Templer um I think they've all used it in the past so um this is it I mean I think if I I didn't really have any expectations for the board tonight unless yall know exactly what you wanted this to look like otherwise it's up to the board you can provide me input tonight you can think about it and then shoot me an email about it um it can be as detailed as you want or as as broad as you want um the charter only says the statement shall establish the outer limits and guidelines of possible budget growth for the town to be used by various Town agencies officers and committies and preparer but so again you're just trying to say like here's the here's the batterers yep kicking off like a season but it's it never really stops because uh when we amend the budget we're kicking off a portion where there's three budgets instead of two that we have to consider actually right now we're very much in three budget period so Town staff the finance the finance team um Town account office FR fers they're closing the book still so like it's we're they're very much in three different fiscal fiscal years right now um questions comments so now is about the time when you're going to I mean I will recommend to the chair to have maybe not every meeting but eventually every meeting there usually going to be something budget so the date on this is November 5th that's the date you're going to actually issue this no if you finish it early I just I just said I I think I looked ahead and I think the the last regular select board meeting before the charter deadline of the 15th is November okay so this has what where you see here has not been issued not at all just just sort of it does say consultation with the finance committee do we run this by them so that's a good question in the past I've notified them um I don't think there's been a formality to that yeah it's not so it depends on how you want to do it not required by Charter or anything like that it just says yeah unless objections to or or desire changes to the particular statement we have in front of us I think we notify them as we have in past and then we [Music] can um any objections to that plan I think the major conversations really pick up once we get through special town meeting and see the decisions there and then that's true and um in the very future as we as we sort of wrap up the f24 and then um get into Revenue so like you start to budget with Revenue so like that Revenue projection is forthcoming and that I mean obviously it's very much estim it's very approximate but you know like I go to the the assessor and I ask him um what are we looking for growth he tries to do the best he can we're conservative in that and so that really kind of drives as even the charter dictates that really drives the rest of the process you kind of start with how much money you think you're going to have and then that's also going to obviously influence the decision- making down the line um if certain departments and I'll just speak to it the school department they're our biggest department so if if I have a certain underwhelming projection for Revenue then everyone needs to know that it's responsible so that we can sort of um set our expectations according I mean but I mean you all know like as far as growth goes we're we're relatively stable I mean and it has been like that which is good since like market baset like came to fruition there's a little bit more to be done in that may got some shopping Cent but like really growth is going to be relatively stable and so people should not expect there's going to be like a huge windfall it's going to be yeah there's going to be constraints any thoughts on this are we happy with the content and good to move forward all right let's notify the finance committee and we'll okay bring it up and uh approve it at a subsequent VI is anyone are you are you okay with me sharing this current dra yes okay that's the what I'm getting from the board y okay good okay cool okay moving on to 11a select board goals um I think we said if we have comments on the goals please reach out to T administrator Greg did you receive any comments uh I hate putting people on the spot no okay well no you're putting all five of us on spot ran out of time put one of us on the spot that's not great but if you put all five of us because we didn't we didn't that then I'm okay with that I have a couple like small changes so what yeah because I don't want this to linger on for too much longer um do we want to take another two weeks do we want to have a more robust discussion now do we want take another two weeks is that what I'm getting I would like to I mean it was certainly my inent I I think we've had various people travel we were out for the summer so great then let's take another two weeks take another review and same uh action I brought or get your commentary to the Town Administrator got okay sounds good to me any other comments on that before we me the only point is that the comments presumably should be as we discussed last time sort of f way to make me more measurable and specific yep and yep right and easy easily communicable to people read sounds good all right very good all right so no significant change other than giving ourselves we more time uh 12 special town meeting October 7th uh what's that sorry I said it is definitely happening where it's very real now I'm sorry but Mr J go on no I go ahead I wasn't goingon to set too much more up I think we uh no here so we have the division um or proposed division of who will be presenting each article that's right so typically the the board decides amongst yourselves how you want to split up the presentations and um which really um again like no one expects the board to be the subject matter expert so you so traditionally uh individual board members for those particular articles that are sponsored by the board which is the majority and in this case I think all but one or two are all but two all to are are sponsored by the board um you say the motion um and then and then the the town moderate allows for a presentation so that's like what see on the screen but there will be a little script and then then it kind of opens it up to the floor and then the subject matter expert could speak to any questions so all I did is I took the eight articles I put them in little spreadsheet like I usually do and then I looked at what the um Town moderator you know he likes to break down whether it's singular votes or discuss together or same agenda so um I just use that as reference and then I and I just sort of assign people but I did I did go with the chair being the first person but you can fight amongst yourselves if there's one you really want to do or if you want to change it up this is me just I I just I just assign people the only ones I doubled up on is um the use of the retained earnings from the water and sewer Enterprises I I gave that to poor Chris um but depends so up you guys if you have personal preferences looks fine to me yeah um and just to note I I'm still am planning on drafting a message very much along the lines of what we put out before the last town meeting um just from the select board on all those major projects so um it look pretty similar with just updates on those bullet points uh ideally and perhaps in alignment with their goals in time for annual town meeting I think giving a PowerPoint presentation from the major budget but I don't know if that's as appropriate for a a relatively small Amendment to the budget year so that's just let you know where my head's at um me go ahead we may be not checking the from the last meeting the the um item number eight the home rule petitions special legislation liquor license for the main Corner Store why is that going to the special town meeting and not to the other processes I don't understand that one all right so yeah that's okay so um in the Comm and massachus it's the legislator that determines how many liquor licenses each town has I apologize if this I'm not trying to patronize you so like if you um so it's not up to individual municipalities to to decide how many pack stores or restaurants or whatever farmer assist for so like that that quotas like how many you can have determined by the state legislator so if you want to change that there has to be an act of so you're the the petitioning is you want your a home rule petition that's what it's called to the state but it comes from voter so the voters have to say yeah I I allow for the select board to submit this okay um but even as and you weren't here but the the board um considered the and it was kind of an application from from the owner of the corner store and and his representative um it's not all that controversal but like and I so I do I can see why it's appropriate I understand it now I just wasn't that being said let's talk about that one because I think the general feeling I picked up from the board last time is that we're happy to sponsor it but the true defense and um explain the motivation to the public should be the responsibility of the corner store themselves uh and um you see from the message from the town moderator he's willing any combination where we simply move the article and they present or we move the article we give a brief presentation just simply throw to them for questions I think are the two two main passs would go forward uh Lindsay looks like you've been signed that article so I'm open to your input or even if you wanna even if you want to get away from that one ask some questions already about it I think no I mean it sounds like I'm just reading it and if there are specific questions that I can answer I Willer any subject matter question do we want to invite them up to give a presentation or do we want to Simply throw to them if questions come for the audience I'm pretty neutral on this so I'm curious I don't I'm not sure that that was in this exchange with J dowy but what would the content of the presentation be so I we I would think we would just want to make sure that we have it or at least grg can see it beforehand or just invite them to give a very brief um verbal update this is what we're planning to do something along those lines and make sure that you know dick is usually like he he he as you we've been over this it's but in me but like it doesn't usually have like a hard passes how long how many slides or whatever Cas usually doesn't sort Case by case but as as you reference yeah he's kind of leaving up to you do you want I think that was very clever suggestion would you like me to invite the applicant at the next meeting you have one more regular no I'm saying if do we want to invite the applicant not to give a full slide presentation but at town meeting come up and say you know right here's who we are we want to give a brief pretty much the same that we asked them when they were up here last time I'm not expecting any change to what they stated there yeah I I that's that's fun too I didn't know if you were but I appreciate the clarification if you want to hear like a rehearsal from them beforehand but if F I think they were pretty clear there SL or two I'm open to that so I'm open to what the board wants on that yeah I think the main issue with this is that nobody's going to have any idea what home R petition is with with an exception of some people in the room so people are not going to understand what's being asked of them they're going to think that they're voting on a liquor license it's true um and so my recommendation or preference would be that we um if they are going to make a presentation provide a slide whatever it gives a little bit of explanation of what what people are being asked to vote on in simple layman's terms um saying there's only so many liquor licenses the town is allowed to have that the state allows we want to go petition the state for the town to have one more so that we could have one yeah so yeah Lindsay wants to send usel they either what just did it yeah if they if you could write that down for them and they could say yeah and because what I am worried about is the people don't understand what they're voting on which I don't know that they will because this is um lengthy description in AR that they're going to think that it's going to look like we are sponsoring advocacy for another liquor license and that's actually a separate conversation right that'll be up to the board but the the state we went over this last night with Russel this came up Russ although I don't remember if we had Jamie present at to meeting we did not but we the last time I remember the well I guess Jamie did we did it there was a a big request I think we went for like five of them back when par stre yeah was first coming in those were all those were restaurant LIC and they were and so and that's the other thing is I guess Jamie I didn't I hadn't recalled that Jamie was for a specific restaurant the other ones that I remember doing we just general into the bucket so we have more to be able to develop and to be able to uh but this being a specific Resturant and learned from Jam that that the state needed to see the address so I was in correting my initial person that I thought like it'll still be up to the board you know like just because they approve it at the the quota town meeting doesn't mean the board says that's specifically going I thought you were just including quota but I was but then the legislature said no they wanted to see that was an issue that was an issue back with 129 Parker too because they wanted they wanted just liquor licenses for them but they didn't have an address they didn't have a business they didn't have anything so couldn't do it so that I think the town petitioned generally for More Liquor licenses with the anticipation that we were going to need them to distribute at some point in the future so then let's just let Lindsay give the presentation more or less along the lines she said verbal or one slide um on the kind of technical aspects of that to walk down meeting through and then if people have questions relative to the business we can just throw to them the subject matter experts on yeah sure am I making a presentation Yeah by presentation presentation is a very big word for what hold on let me give you some okay um it's so at this point this will be my 13th town meeting with you guys I don't because twice a year so this is how it works here's how the S made the background okay um once yall decided what what articles youall want to do right actually doesn't really matter I'm still going to make the PowerPoint slide with and I give a deadline as I already have to those other groups so um I told the superintendent's office I needed a PowerPoint I told the CPC I needed a PowerPoint but even CPC it's it's just the same slide really like it's a difference sort of like spreadsheet that we do then and then so I make the PowerPoint but that then I provide youall with a little script that you can read and it goes along with the slid so it's like don't overthink it I mean if there's something in particular you want to see in there like this is a really good feedback yeah I'm just gonna wait to hear from you no honestly if you don't like totally yeah if you don't like what you see say you want I will oh let's Roger is this relevant to the conversation that we're having right now all right Roger do you have a question Roger if you're speaking we can't hear you so we're we're happy of course as always you can email us all right I think we're clear on eight uh so I would like to talk about Solid Waste and Recycling services or at least the presentation thereof I don't know if I want to talk about Solid Waste and Recycling but I want to talk about how we're going to present that to the town uh I see Mike has this one um we talked about this a bit last if you don't mind what are we thinking of a presentation is that what we're doing so that's a good question what do you you we just met at 5:00 today was our meeting our La our first meeting since our last board our Focus today um was on some stakeholder questions from Green mayard um as we work towards town meeting we also look for um support in that process our Focus today was uh Su excuse me a suent Hello presentation that includes three PowerPoint Pages um focusing on Enterprise fund only um we should have that draft to you within a week and then we're open to comments concerns questions um you let us know and we do edits to them as well but our goal is to speak strictly 98% on Enterprise that that's wise I was out of hand at the last meeting going down the path to I will also say that most likely will happen at town meeting our job is I don't want to necessarily Stone wallet because then that looks like non-transparency but we're going to circle back to where it is we have a a nice um little picture diagram that just kind of looks at the five pillars of solid waste with Finance being one of them and we're going to focus on that's why we're here as this pillar while we work and finish through the rest who um who will be doing the presentation is that wiita like last time or so I just found out today that wiita um will not be there for town meeting so Meg was volunteer here um and she push back a little bit but I think maybe we'll end up doing it and then I'll be there but I have to be called upon you all know but I encourage mag if there's questions or comments please just call upon me so that sounds good and um okay just want to make sure that we highlight kind of the the depth of uh all the different perspectives that you had um and the depth of the community outreach that you've done and just make sure we highlight that which I'm sure you will but three slides is a amount of time content so we didn't want to do too much I will tell you that we did not put anything on there about public Outreach to this Factor but if you want us to re-engage that back into a town meeting slide we can absolutely do that I think there's a benefit but I'm I'm open to I'm open to the feedback from the task force and from the select board as well it's the you can always speak to it verbally and not have it on the slid that was my thought process was if that was a contentious point that we could easily speak to that point um I just didn't want a huge convol power presentation it's a highlight the results of the survey but just acknowledging that there was a survey and people had the opportunity to weigh in yeah I'm wondering if it would be helpful to do kind of like a season preview where you know you you indicate what might be coming without sort of giving away the excitement of of what the plot uh how it's actually going to work out because we don't know that yet so I think that was what we gave the select ERS of power presentation but then the comments that we received was that might be too much information for Tom meting so I then go back to I know Mike you were away and my condolences thank you if you didn't get an opportunity to look at our C presentation about month ago I encourage you to relook at it and then provide those comments too because a lot of wasn't that just two weeks ago it might have been I'm here ago I I would say that that was our original presentation but I think the focus to Jeff point is we can go down a rabbit hole that we're not asking to meetings toily focus on we're asking an Enterprise fund so when I say like 98% is Enterprise fund I leave the door open for comment on the floor to indicate where we are in those processes so again I'm open to if you want more I also know I've dealt with the moderator quite often many times you may not want something so Grand as what we I think your instincts are are good and it's it's hard to predict what to being is going to want to hear about that's the that's the real challenge with pre- preparing content so uh but I think the the full task force when they were here uh just two weeks ago um was able to respond to technical questions from multiple angles so and we'll do the same we have done an extensive Outreach to a lot of major groups St holders that we know will be present at town meeting that would have potentially either been an opposition or on question so we're trying to do a targeted education piece in advance um okay so I think we'll we if we run into her we can all right any other feedback on that one I think I think the direction that they're going in looks good to me yeah okay um those were the only ones I wanted to talk about in more detail anybody else want to talk about any of the presentations the Articles the assignments all right any other overall direction for special time meeting as we approach it all right very good uh moving on to item 13 which is the senior center I know uh Jack had reached out to me letting know the group has planned to come to our next meeting on October 1st for a presentation um any further updates from that particular group no note from jury today and they will finalizing the slide to that presentation today okay and they look forward to presenting them to the the um committee this Thursday night we have a meeting so the committee the subcommittee is going to present those the PO committee um this week and look for a vote of approval on the slides um unofficially Jerry says that they're waiting on some um lease estimates from 141 poet Street that's call es nothing official nothing set in stone and then um Thursday night they're also be talking about this meeting about um social media efforts and how the um members of the senior C committee think they should um should could be handled that being social media efforts and that's about it for that one okay I I would like to reserve our votes for formal votes that we need things on I'm happy to you know get a a sense of where we are relative to providing as much Direction and support as possible but want to make sure that we're reserving votes for formal current in the committee in the committee no no for us for us they're voting got sorry I misunderstood totally fine totally F vote whether or not everybody in the room likes the questions of no that makes complete sense slide all right very good and as far as the green metal SCH building project goes that's you know driving by everyone can see that there's a lot of activity going on um and still working towards securing the securing the areas of the site that need to be secure and safe for you know pedestrians um everybody else um putting up some you know different types of um environmental barriers and fencing and whatnot um and then uh they're also at this point they have a group of the folks involved in that committee that have started the process of working with the the planning committee planning committee and as a result of that we have actually have scheduled a special meeting on Monday the 23rd to specifically discuss um replacing replacement of trees that are being you know relocated or moved you know taken down um it's part of the part of the project so you know it's it a one for one who's counting the trees whose number is real whose num is not all that stuff it's kind of up in the air so we're going to meet and talk about that Monday and that's and that's really just everything's moving forward they're you know there's still planning going on there's still design stuff going on but now they're fully engaged with um the planning not planning Comm planning board that's it please go ahe um did Steve Steve overa did they solve the issues with like the deliveries at drop off and pick up there were like wheelers driving through the parking lot of little kids the fence was open buch things the first week yeah to current situation but the superintendent had told me that they were h on shifting well proposing some shifting of um who is parked where where the be staff or the parent teacher drop off they're doing the best again without without the expectation that it'll be perfectly frictionless but they try to increase supervision separate where who's parking where and to pick up drop off I it sounded like to me in in might just like just to gloss over my understanding of it it sound like to me there need to be some more on-site supervision and and the superintendent that is what he said but as a I couldn't tell you what it look like today okay well I was there today um I didn't see anything you know similar to was there two weeks ago um but yeah and when you say onsite management you mean from like the project manager not the school right that's not their respons I actually thought a little bit of both I wanted if I was the principal I would want to make sure if I was responsible for the yeah that's for the superent side I'm just saying like if if I if I was in issues I would want to make sure I had my people's eyes on ultimately I would be responsible for like the helping self the school the school should absolutely be taking responsibility here I heard the same thing my understanding is a superintendent did take corrective action in response to that so that's good would have been nice to have in first place but let's get it in place and then um have that be a lesson learned for the future very it was all very seriously taken and I think the superintendent's office did appreciate that instantaneous feedback I mean like yeah you have to address these things as they come and I think they did but if um if you have any of the questions of course we can BR it up so are we comfortable at the moment that there is good line of communication between the principal and the the project man I'm not involed in that I can find out better than it was before the incident I can just speak to we have weekly on-site meetings of major stakeholders which it does include the green medal principal there was a pre-site walk through with the contractor and the schools logistically all of that work was done well in advance of timing schedules based on school I think until it went through was some inefficiencies that was clearly um focused on at the beginning but there was always a communication the last project I was involved in the the project manager was coming in like two or three times a week to the principal's office that communication is steady that's a small subgroup to Chris's Point within our bigger committee we have subgroups one of the major subgroups is the is the pre- site now which includes all of Public Safety DPW fire police principal assistant principal that's a weekly occurrence meeting good good all right uh moving on to there's nothing else on 14 no that's it all right moving on to 15 correspondences are two this evening including an announcement of the beginning of the accreditation or reaccreditation process for the police department starting next month any comments all right good luck to the police department move to accept correspondences A and B to Second all in favor very good we have one set of minutes this evening any comments Ms on the minutes from September 4th anybody like to make a motion move to accept and approve the meeting minutes of September 4th 2024 as shown we authorizing signatur approved second all in favor very good Town Administrator report thank you Mr chair um hey we do have a new clerk starting it's exciting congratulations W um I'm thrilled um and uh so you all get a chance I'm sure you'll see her I mean you definitely see her at time meeting so like she'll be on she'll be on stage real quick and then um but she's not new so to speak she y'all might have already met her it's Melissa Melissa Peltier thank you and um she's been sort of helping out he was already coming with um with you know our town Town Co staff previously but only so much as like just being on on hand so um yeah she I think it'll be the transition and then um separately I plan on attending uh Monday's what's new Municipal law Municipal law hosted by division local Services which is a branch of the Department of Revenue and that's at University I'm sure it'll be thrilling really exciting uh Municipal Finance regulations but it's important to do um uh Finance team some members are planning on going as well so it's good professional development and then um uh Town Offices um are expected I'm I'm planning on closing those town offices for a couple hours on Tuesday October 1st uh to do we usually do this it's got a nice time of year to get outside we a little trading lunch and out back um all the water so look forward to that and then I was grateful and I Leed some pictures for the board um the T boort I was grateful Senator ald and his team came out with a big check U for half a million dollars which is appropriately a big checks for and um that was over at the r 27 intersection project so it was a good little turnout I I appreciate the attendance um got some questions answered to some quick pictures um so it was it was well worth it and then I um lastly I do want to definitely appreciate the fire department for hosting the 9911 ceremony last week um I allowed Town staff to close their office if they wanted to for an hour and a lot of people took me up on that so they walked down to the fire station we took a we took a quick you know the little ceremony little pop in circumstance um it a beautiful day so um I appreciate the fire department hting that and that's it there was a bunch in there so uming any questions that's my report any questions to the Town Administrator all right very good um I have nothing from the chair report this evening so think we covered everything during the meeting we'll go to board member reports starting with Chris um just want to recognize our police chief for his 30th here 30th year this year this week this past month 30th year this month okay thank you my check in within this on Friday so's not here this weekend playing Chiefs conference he's not here chief's conference chief's conference this oh what a convenient time to schedule department meeting but they did they did they had a little little uh even a little black or trophy something last Friday or something but anyways 30 years is quite a long time to get one job so to that that's it okay thank you Lind uh congrats and thank you to the chief um beyond that I just think there's a lot of stuff coming up in the next couple weeks or month or so in mayard so encourage people to participate mayard Fest tournament spor by Weekend uh no that's in October 19th October 19th yep there's the Fest there's there's just a lot going on so get out there get involved while the weather's nice but then we're all going to be traide that uplifting note we going to do yes Chris stole my congratulations to achieve so I wanted to Echo but also along the same line I want to congratulate the um Public Safety department as a whole the police and all those who responded um those who know there was a brief emergency missing student uh in the last week and uh the reaction was incredible from what it appeared um you know I heard about the missing kid and uh about 20 minutes later I'm hearing the police action has begun and everything else it was amazing response I did send a text to the chief congratulating him on the response and um the actions but not only the chief and the fire and all the part parties that were involved but the community involvement was incredible as well from the first notice of that situation um then secondly I know that there was a fire at least I don't know how detailed how serious the fire it was but that um Theos or um the either Theos the laund event where apparently our staff again responded quickly there was Mutual assistance from acting at least from what I understand um and again so our our guys guys and women are working it and uh they should be commended for it they do a lot of work on behalf of the community keeping us safe so I just wanted to recognize that thank you thank you um yes so I also echo my congratulations for the police chief and and the department as a whole and on that subject of Public Safety there was an unfortunate incident um you may recall back in the early late spring or early summer when there were some uh demonstrations with um a pro Palestinian group and we had some uh pro-israeli groups and there was one person who was present there who uh at the time demonstrated some threatening behavior which was reported to our local police department um and that person uh was involved in a shooting incident down in Newton on Friday the victim the um the person who was reported for aggressive behavior here in mayed um he was um he allegedly shot another U protester um at an incident in uh Newton he was arrested and then released on bail um so there are obviously people in man who are concerned about this I don't have any reason to believe that there's any imminent threat to those people um but uh I mean I mentioned it to to Greg and um H to meet with the police chief and again it's not about whether or not there really is an immediate threat just to to highlight an awareness that when these kind of events happen there is the possibility of of high risk to to some people who are present so hopefully it's something that will not affect us and impact us um more than I I say that but there are some some residents who are who are deeply concerned um about this person's Behavior so regardless of one's opinions about um you know gun rights and self-defense laws this is something that does indeed have an impact on on our residents and I think it's just important that that our safety people are aware of that thank you anything else no that's it that is a darker note butw more that is well it is it is frightening but our uh police department has responded to a number of um uh high risk situations over the last couple years with both speed and professionalism and if prior results are any indication I'm sure they will have to re accredit colors I know that they take that very seriously and put a lot of time into that and that in turn results in the Professional Service that we just spoke about so I'm glad glad to see that continued uh level of professionalism from the police department and I'll of course pass on my congratulations to Chief for his 30 years as well that being said next meeting is October 1st and I move to a Jour second all in favor thank you