we do have an executive session scheduled would somebody like to make a motion in regards to Executive session at the evening I Mo to enter executive session to conduct strategy in preparation for negotiations with non-union Personnel the planning director and the Town Administrator and who will be returning to open session when we are finished second was a roll call vote that um Jeff yes Justin yes I'm a yes David yes am M yes live yet so we now in executive session Mr Johnson all right we're going to open the um reopen our meeting move into um open session and before we get into the business of this evening I'll read you the scripts for remotely conducted open meetings presented to us by the governor as a preliminary matter preliminary matter I am Christ Silva the chair of the mayor select board and please permit me to confirm all members and person anticipated on the agenda of President can hear me the only person who would be in question Steph Dugen just wave there you are okay so Steph is there um everyone else is in the room so good evening this open meeting of the select board is being conducted by zoom and in person as a hybrid meeting and the speakers on the agenda will be participating remotely in the chair may allow for the public to provide public the public to provide public comment as well the board would like to hear public comments and if there is further action that is required by the board the chair or meeting manager will add the matter as appropriate to a forthcoming agenda depending upon the comment the board May if there we are able within the confines of the open meeting law respond with information as opposed to needing to deliberate on the matter later please note that will an option for remote attendance Ander participation is being provided as a courtesy to the public the meeting will or hearings will not be suspended or terminated if technological problems interrupt the virtual broadcast to individual attendees unless otherwise required by law accordingly Please be aware that other folks May able to see you so please take care not to screen share your computer because anything you broadcast may be captured by the recording and all the materials for this meeting are on board docs except for executive session information we'll turn to the ground rules of the meeting and um first before we do so let's permit me to cover the ground rules for Effective and clear conduct of our business and to ensure accurate meeting minutes the chair will introduce each speaker on the agenda and after they have concluded their remarks chair will be on the line of the members inviting each by name to provide any comment questions or motions please fold until your name is called further please remember to meet your mute your phone or computer when you are not speaking and please remember to speak clearly and in a way that helps generate accurate minutes for any response please wait until the chair yields the floor to you and state your name before speaking members wish to engage in colloquy with other members please do so through the chair taking care to identify yourselves for items with public comments after the members have spoken the chair will afford public comment as follows the chair will first ask members of the public who wish to speak to identify themselves by their names and address only and once we have a list of all public commentators we will call on each by name and afford three minutes for any comments public comment for public hearings of which we have two this evening will only be accepted in person per open meeting law and with that said we will move into our regular scheduled meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance if everyone can stand and Jo On The Pledge of Allegiance please [Music] all right um public comments do we have any public comments in the room this evening okay online do we have any public comments on Zoom okay we'll move right into the agenda uh the first item on the agenda is a public hearing but we do have [Music] um one item to to take care of first and that is a donation acceptance of a flag box from Colt Jackson so Colt you'd like to have you say hi uh my name is p Jackson I'm a boy scout in troop 130 um I'm here to ask for the for you guys to accept my donation of a FL box to help the citizens here and mayard um who need to retire their Flags um I'd like to say that um we have a date tely on June 14th at 6:m where we'll hold our ceremony at Memorial Park um with the lodge uh the Els Lodge in meter um and um I'd also like to say that we do have uh 24 flags that were donated to us and that if you show up with a flag and you give it to us uh we have 24 flag and one flag could be um all right exchange all right that's great and we will I think I can speak for all of us and we'll get to in a minute we'll accept the donation but could you tell us um where where are we going to place the flag box um it will be held at the um mayard fire department okay indoors Outdoors um any idea it would be held okay we have a section right in that vesal so somebody could come in when in the back in the front we the lobby there little well we consider the back yeah when you drive up to it okay so vill all right all right I know where you are okay up on the hill okay great so C is this part of an Eagle project or is this something you wanted to do part of my e project beautiful it looks amazing very happy to help with this project and say we get a call at least twice a week on what to do with the flight um and this is resource that have so very proud of for being there we work really hard judging by the judging by the picture qu you're my neighbor somewhere it's definitely my neighborhood Paul quick question uh you had mentioned during your presentation that you had a date is that gonna be flag date June 14 be flag dat June 14th that's 18 yeah okay all right fantastic does anybody have any questions for col other than the ones that have already been poed just just one comment just uhon congratul congratulations standing up in public is is not always easiest thing to do but you did a very natural wel thank you we're gonna have you do the pl Allegiance but they don't want they don't want to they don't want to make you upset but anyways so would somebody like to make a motion I'll move to accept the donated flag collection box from Scout Colt Jackson second all those in favor so um thank you very much we doing this for the town and good luck and good luck as you move forward in the Scout process good luck yep thank you thanks all right uh so now we're into a um we're going to have a public hearing it was scheduled at 7:15 so we just can't stop before that so we're going to start at 7:19 let me read the um public hearing notice then we'll get into the hearing so this first one is for um 86 P um notice is hereby given in accordance with Massachusetts general laws chapter 138 as amended that a public hearing will be held on Wednesday May 8th 2024 7:15 p.m. at Town Hall room 2011 195 Main Street main Mass 01754 to consider the application for a transfer of a section 15 package store all alcoholic beverages licensed for mayard Liquors Inc doing business as mayard Liquors manager Anand Patel at 86 powdermill road mainard Mass hybrid option attendance via zoom using access instructions on the posted agenda to be found at ww w. toown of manard DM mas.gov and a copy of this application is on file in the office of the select board the hearing is now open at is 7:20 um GRE yes so um for the select Bo in the Public's awareness this has this particular license has been the topic months ago and a lot of confusion between um those who had possessed the the license but then also the ab sort of transfer between two parties but it kind of went around and the and the license was kind of had in Lio for a while City involved Etc um so I'm excited to have potential new partners with the town if you would with these gentlemen and it is it point of confusion there was patels involved with the past parties these are also patels different Patel and then my assumption is you're attorney Porter I am very good so uh so I'm I'm relieved to have these gentlemen come for you um because it does show progress in this the sort of like turmoil and confusion of where the license was going to go hopefully this is resol this is for our own our own recollection this is the license that was bought and sold and resold and rebot and it's been back there was questions about whether so this this will um so I guess I'm asking you Greg and attorney Porter yes I'm asking you YouTube this will put this to bed we'll be done with all that from from the business no no but but from the standpoint of the the license the legal ease and all that stuff that we've kind of all of us have kind of struggled through with this license over the course of I think it's been about two years minimally yeah okay so great that's great yes it is um so there's two motions Greg can you just for you know just explain to us what the first motion means and what the SE Mo second motion does and then we'll um we'll and once we you know open the hearing to questions the board may have questions and then we'll do the motions and move forward so um in the conal of Massachusetts we have a very strong Alcohol Beverage Control Commission and whereas the select board is the local licensing Authority still has to be vetted and reviewed and therefore applied to the abcc at the state level the board AC evening is is to consider to authorize the application to go to the abcc with the understanding that it's already been vetted on on our office by the town or what not so when this when the state receives that application the assumption is the local licensing Authority is endorsing the license to eventually be issued however it's not yet issued if not then it comes back from the abcc to the town we found out recently that unlike many years of practice in in in the town of mayard the abcc says the licensing Authority must take action recomend Ed by the abcc within 5 days of receiving the ABC's decision meaning um in theory if the select Bo were to authorize this application with the ACC however long it takes them to get through it we're going to get an email Greg and I and within five days we're supposed to issue them or not if if they maybe they don't is to them um and so unlike years of past practice the second motion for the for the board reing is to authorize us to actually give the license because the ABC's expectation is within 5 days of us getting that email we have we have to keep it okay um does anybody have any questions for the applicants I could give a brief rundown if that would be helpful Mr chair okay yeah um so just to introduce myself again I'm Matthew por the attorney for M May lers Inc along with me as p and Patel Mr Patel is one of the two principles of the corporation as you stated this is before the board on a transfer of the existing all alcohol Package Store license so Mr Patel and his partner a non Patel would be taking over this location both are very experienced operators Mr Patel owns three other locations uh which she's operated very successfully and very responsibly as well um so it's a very good ownership group coming in obviously the the store recently had fallen on hard times but it was a well established business for a couple decades um so Mel's plan is to fre new life into it um no major structural changes no extension of hours or anything along those lines but certainly some cosmetic repairs um you know he'll bring his wealth of knowledge into operating it um you know this has been held up for an extended period of time but the agreement is in place with the bankruptcy court um everything is squared away there we have a new lease in place with the landlord Mr Coffman who's actually on the zoom call in case there was any questions of him um Mr Patel is also financing the purchase so Rockin trust as the bank behind that so before the board you'll see in addition to the transfer of license uh we're requesting a pledge of license and inventory to Roth and Trust which is basically just collateral for the bank but with that I can certainly answer any questions that the board may have in this as well I I I apologize for you know we we have been going back and forth with this for yeah a very long time so I just um for my understanding as as M Mr P have you you haven't been before us before at all so I can give you a little bit of a background so there was a transaction together with with another Mr Patel which is a very common name with so that transaction fell apart the the uh license itself fell into bankruptcy correct that point the bankruptcy trustee yeah n represents the bankruptcy trustee here with you and I know You' met um essentially uh Mr Patel and the bankruptcy trustee were able to come with an agreement you know together so bag agreement is now in place um and everything is essentially if it's approved here it's off the ABC CC and that it um you know it'll take a few months up there to get approval and then Mr will be able to get this thing up one so so can you go back to the piece about Rockin we don't have to do anything with that that's you do yeah you have to approve a pledge so um a a pledge is essentially it's collateral for the bank so the bank is lending on a purchase of a liquor store one of the most valuable assets of the package store is the liquor license and the inventory within it so it's essentially bank's collateral on that loan now how a pledge would work is forbid and we do not anticipate this happening if the bank were to foreclose on The Bu on Mr Patel's business the pledge of license it does not mean that Rockland Trust then owns the license the license would have to come back before the board for approv go any El so while you're approving The Pledge today you're not the board is not losing any control of that license okay but as I'm reading through our our evening's packet I don't see that pledge I was so I the was not aware of that now maybe you to my office and it doesn't matter but I'm so I would like a little bit of time to consult with Council about that so if you don't mind maybe reconvey that that intention to my office so that I can double check with Council sure I I would say that the only thing that is a little bit finicky about that is that the abcc requires that the board approve the pledge so I'm I'm not asking the board if the board is not comfortable proving it tonight then it is what it is but we would have to go it's not as simple as me just reaching back out to because actually happen no no no no we I understand that we have to um we have to approve that but we don't have it so we so we so we don't have the language we don't have any of it in front of us and to Greg's point you know before we um pledge anything we are going to get advice from Town Council that's and that's it um I assume that you know I assume that he wants to get going you want to get going Greg will get it in the next 24 48 hours I would guess and then we'll have it on our next agenda which is May 21st I would expect it if we have it on May 21st if Town Council approves we we'll vote at May 21st and have it to by the apply a public hearing we just we just continue the public hearing continue the public hearing yeah and what I would say you know and I understand there's confusion on this I would just point out so the application that's done with abcc is a multi-purpose application so if you look at the application itself it has the request of pledge of inventory so there's no additional paperwork that's filed it's already can you can you give me the reference if you have the application and I I can verify that now although I would feel more comfortable with have more confidence by the time to look that through only because I'm not this is rather unique I don't recall board ever being asked to authorize a pledge and I'm not saying that it's un but I I just not I'm not yeah so it's standard practice for the most part now with with any banks that are financing package Shores and you know the reason being is it's not there's no real estate involved in these transactions there's no collateral there for property so the only collateral for a bank to lend on a business who essentially took buget so it's though they're taking a security interest um but if you look at the application itself you would see on the monetary transaction form which is the first form uh in addition to that that section one which lists off you know the requests for pledge of licenses so you could see request for inventor pledge um and then within the package itself you would see a draft pledge you know from Rock Trust oh certainly happy to answer any questions you know right once you review the town okay so so uh aside from the pledge does anybody have any questions for yeah one quick question uh probably very simple answer yes or no I would assume uh the prior owner operated as an online service at least at some point this has nothing to do with an online this is it's going to be a break of mortar Story I mean obviously every one of these package shorts now contracts with Jersey and of that supplement this is so people will be able vast majority oh yes the vast majority of business being done within that location there may be some delivery services but that's not the central focus of the business thank you anybody else all right being that this is a public hearing does anybody in the audience have any questions or comments and anybody on Zoom have any questions or comments okay all right with that said um so we'll hold off on voting we we will um not close the hearing we will extend the hearing to um May 21st at 7:15 pm and then we'll have soon we'll have all the information back in regards to the pledge and we'll be um we'll be able to vote pretty quickly at that point and and certainly what I could do I I would prefer to not drive back up here no what I can do is um I can appear via Zoom as well so that way if there's any followup questions you like man I love it it's beautiful right no no we we appreciate that we appreciate that you both came um feel free to both you know do it by Zoom we've met you guys there probably other questions um and we'll we'll just Breeze through it and just once we have that back we'll yeah we'll be good to go have Town Council reach out if they have any questions have okay great thank you gentlemen good luck thank you so we're going to um extend the hearing to that date there any other language other than that continue hear continue the hearing till May 21st at 7:15 p.m. all right um next we have a a layout hearing which is a public hearing where is the um the language for the did we have to advertise this yeah we did but hold on I just want to I know what you're asking I'm just looking for the language for that provided this language to council said so I'm double checking that there's no move to through the heing I would recommend at a minimum perhaps the board make a motion to open hearing and then we move into the second okay I make a motion to open the public hearing on the layout hearing for Fletcher Street Allen Drive in Heights Terrace that's 7:33 second second okay all those in favor of opening public Jeff yes J yes David yes Mike yes I mean yes as well so now the public the layout hearing is now open um Greg you or Justin who's gonna to this this is this is although Justin could speak to maybe the operations but this is um administrative so there was not a lay hearing when we tried to do this cycle um more than year ago for these particular roads Allen Drive Fletcher Street and Heights Terrace this this particular action was was missed amongst the long actions that it takes to you know basically accept private roads into public roads um with and the and the easement and the takings was approved by special town meeting in Fall 2023 um and then this action tonight of the layout here Will allow for presumably the full acceptance of the roads at the May 20th annual time meeting um I also want to point out for the board that since the fall and now the plans have gone from draft form to final F so um you'll see that the motion includes the dates of those plans which are both on the board du and kep cl's office as August 8th and August 29th as verified by the town engineer um and then that that motion is also reflected in the annual town meeting motion it's a slight Amendment till morning it's the one that was written a while ago so otherwise it's relatively straightforward it's again this is an administrative action um and operations of you know why planning to to make those improvements to these streets once time okay um anybody have any questions from Greg in regards to this this hearing anybody in the room have any questions anyone online have any questions hearing no questions I will ask if anyone would like to make a motion I'll make a motion to lay out and thereby adopt the following roadways as public ways Allen Drive Fletcher Street and Heights Terrace as shown on a plan entitled plan of land in Mayer Massachusetts and prepared by VHB Inc 101 Walnut Street P box 91 51 Watertown Mass 02471 9151 and dated August 8th and 29th 2023 second second any further conversation among the board all those in favor Jeff yes just yes David yes Mike yes I me yes anyone like to make a motion move to close the hearing at 7:36 p.m second all in favor Jeff yes Justine yes David yes Mike yes um yes the hearing is now closed and we're on to special licenses long time no see we've been here for a while must be summer seat yes all right so um why don't you either one of you gentlemen tell us what we're being asked and then we'll read the motions and see what happens sounds good we have two um one day permits in front of you today for beer and wine um one is for the May brifest which is coming up on sorry Jun yeah Sunday June 9 from 12 to I think 5 or 12 6m um so we have an application there for that event and then we also have one for the May jazz fesal on Saturday um June 15 okay so you guys are just going to kind of go across the street with your your uh yes' we've done Jazz Fest I think three times so far um the idea was we' been asked by the economic development committee and in different groups um to be present at those events so that we're not drawing people away from a town event to come to the Beer Garden where they might hear the music they JazzFest they come over and sit with us and become forer but then they wouldn't be attending JazzFest um and so we've been asked to participate in those events part of that we do a sponsorship for those left world but we also um set up a shouldest to set up a premises there we can serve here um you guys going to be on the parking lot area I see be in the grass this year I talked with Chief Noble um we had a long talk on Friday and we got a discussion about this because both events are moving up to Memorial Park this year um they're going to be Shing down Summer Street I guess as well um we did have a conversation with um Chief you may have an older map because when I put in the application we got a new map for each of these I can bring up to you um that one for um just because after we put those in we had a meeting with the chief Noble he said he didn't want us on any of the paved areas he didn't want to have anything on Summer Street or on the sidewalk Park itself we had a discussion about how to handle a perer for those events and he said signage um us having our our people on on site and then the fle off we don't play we keep an eye and make sure that we're enforcing um that drinking is held in through the park area you see on both of those plans there's a slightly different Tye for each event just because of the layouts so we' be within the grass area against a basically against the black p um and then so the stage is Mark there as well as the whole how do you um limit the um you know 21 and under yeah so the same way uh so we do with bracelets um so is that you would have signage up you'd have to 21 plus to to approach the bar s and then we be bracelet so we be able to identify who's able to have a in the hand we've done some events with the town in the past where there's like a special area that might have been like 10 by 10 that was roped off and the problem is it kind of segregates the group so you get one person might want a beer and some ons food and they kind of end up split up and you can't be together can't be together so um that's what we talked to to Chief Noble about what they done at The Rotary Fest in the path up here at the parking lot was having a larger area that you know you can kind of stay within that area and I par would be a good way to keep it as long as we signage and and we're clear about that and the and the event obviously I know you're you're dealing with the both event organizers as well so they're okay with you taking up the entire park um yeah they they were were not taking up the entire park we're going to have a little a little you know we'll have our tent where we selling from but they they had asked that we also were able you know people able to go through the whole park with with the vage that that Mak sense that was a question so so a person who is of age who has a bracelet and who buys a beverage from you guys in theory then know you can't control it necessarily they're required to stay within the red lines of this diagram correct it's GNA be a fence they told you that so Chief no prer not have a fence so he said he thought signage and then we'll have a person selling a person checking and then there'll be also police presence on on the site instead of keep an eye on the one I you guys do what you want to do the one the one for the night it's is there a room over there there's an opening there they want to put us originally like right up against Mason uh against Summer Street but the fear was that people would be trampling the bushes the things that were there because there's no way to stay in the grass area so put us back where there's an opening there you know so someone wants so if someone wants to get to you right and that on that in that scenario yeah they walk walk on the you walk in the brickway and there's the monument at the back and you to the left of the monument to the right big gap like a 10 gap between big monuments the goal to keep people on the cement area we didn't want to have people like I said tramping the okay okay and that organizer requested that we Are CL for your food so that's why we're flexible um chief chief Noble also said that we could use the um as done some of the other CL done multiple events in the town is the first one and then whatever suggestions you know work with the police department to make whatever necessary Corrections we need to the fallowing week if there are challenges um we've done that P when we've done like um we the six we licenses back to back we met with the police chief after the for we again going through everything made sure that we have everything buttoned up and work with them really closely just to make sure that there's no issues or no things that came about that we you know we want to build control all right great I I have one question um I'm just having trouble located in the exact place where does it stand in relation to the memorial itself I'm just concerned this is the memorial that's Memorial okay I'm just concerned about you know being right in on the memorial yeah that's we want to make sure we weren't anywhere where any of the any any of the um stones are any of the benches any of the plantings we wanted to be in an area that that's kind of between these two trees that doesn't it's it's already a walk with sense I know that the organizers are are sort of arranging for where you are but um I'm with Mike and that I think is a reference to Memorial Park Park itself and you know there have been other issues where people have wanted to have events of you know of some Ado in the memorial itself and you know for me it's s of a it's just personally I I would prefer it to be somewhere else but the organizers can do what they want to do I guess but uh you know I would prefer we stay away from having beer and uh fality in the uh in in in what supposed to be a reverend I fully understand that I mean that's for jazz that's we wanted to make sure we were getting off the other side right it was you we'll go wherever if the board approves our application we'll go wherever the board would like to have you know I mean um but that was the the site plan that I gave you based on what we got from I don't I don't have a problem with it I think that [Music] um to David's point I'd like to take a look or have someone take a look at exact L where they're asking you to go because they may need to be corrected to David's point if you have a a memorial or some other spot that's considered you know sacred in some way to have people stomping around is just not it's just not what it's designed to do so um this one clear you're okay with it being in the park is not yeah so so looking at the picture that you know y I understand picture the actual part I couldn't find a drawing so here's so here's here's what I'll say to you um we'll vote right we're likely to vot to approve it unless these guys don't like it but so we'll vote that way and then um I think what we will do is I think we'll have a conversation and perhaps um just tell the organizers of that thing to move it to ask you to move it and that's that's fine yeah and we can to me Park I did it on Friday some drawings get an idea for but we're happy to do whatever the board recomends okay so um all right um other than those issues does anyone have any questions These Fine gentlemen no would anybody like to make a motion on the um one day license for June 9th prid day uh move to approve the one day special license for the sale of alcoholic beverages by Amy's Tomb at n Court in conjunction with the mained pride bestest on June 9th 2024 from 12: p.m. to 6: PM authorizing the use of digital signatures if approv second any further conversation questions I have one or one and a half more questions which is that so we are going to reach back out though to Prest to make sure I had that as that that okay um yeah I don't I know I I was going try to pull up quickly what we gave permission for but I guess we don't normally we don't usually dictate where what goes what right but I don't think anyone normally uses that area either no you know I mean I think that's the I think that's that's the part that I'm we're trying to get up from the stage up towards Mason just because we're not behind the bands and stuff better overall but again yeah no that I mean and that's fine but the other question I have and it it's it's Fe to this but also if it engages Justin just a little bit hi there um it might be something that the board thinks about moving forward but if we're having so we've got you know two events that are a week apart where there's going to be a whole lot of people on the grasses that's a whole lot of use for that area and that might be something that we need to consider and it has nothing to do with you guys and but if we're if we're looking at hosting more Festival type things in the grassy area that's going to that's going to um really affect the look of the park you know after the next few like in in a week this might be a good F like it's it's it's not it's not a sport field so it doesn't have the best grass in the first place but and it and it's rare I might be mistaken I don't recall a lot of backtack events like this right exactly so it just happens they both came up and and I'm fully supportive of other the events and if 10 you know being there it's just something that we need to keep in mind moving forward which was your half question that was that I think okay I was confused and the reality is there will also be more than usual number of people on that property the week before that as well Memorial Day that's well it's good yeah that's great we just need to we're gonna put we put our fertilizer to to test our fertilizer Lawn Care System but that being said um so we had a motion it was seconded on the um June 9th Justine had a question or two does anyone else have any questions before we vote we want to amend the motion to put the location of the beer tent between the stage andat or do we want to go with I think you they I mean I think we can trust these guys yeah I think I think I think yeah I think I'm okay without it but if any if you guys you'd like to make an amendment that's fine too would like to amend the motion to include a um location to the be determined section you know move to approve the one- day special license for sale of alcoholic beverages by am's Tomb at nayor court in conjunction with the m of Pride Fest on June 9th 2024 12m 6:m location to be determined and authorizing the use of digital signatures that approved would work for me second okay anything else okay so all in favor of that one all right now we're on to JazzFest different location um does anybody have any questions about the uh location or the date and time of the Jazz Fest yeah which is June 15th the following week no no I think they were all answered rep yeah exactly I it's a good idea to revisit the you know to to touch B CH yeah we'll follow we'll follow I think anyway whoever whoever's the EV make I like the location of the tent on that one a good spot we can get a good we're trying to plan a spot where you get a Viewpoint too of most of the park so we're not so we have as much visibility on it and we'll use bright color bracelets that we have the other problem there is it's not the flest no that's okay we're we don't need level surface but I know chall winter events that's where the donut table goes during our winter event donut and coffee table but anyway um so would somebody like to make a motion in regards to the um Jazz Fest application on June 15 I'll move to approve the one day special license for the sale of alcoholic beverages by am Tom at nport in conjunction with the mayor JazzFest on June 15th from noon to 8:00 P.M and authorize use of digital signatures if approved second do does anybody have any further questions in regards all those in favor all right gentlemen thank you your time good luck see you there thank you I'll you have time Jazz all right so now we're on some contracts Mr Mr Mr Justin I know this is your time um so contracts a contract a is being um pushed back to the next next meeting we had some questions in regards to the information we received tonight so now we're on to um contract B which is M burning group this is loosely associated Justin but and then and then there is I mean it's up to to you Mr chair about the order of objects but you have Justin here you can do all of them um but even C is not really Justin but we'll get to that in a minute so um for the B bur Mr chair it's uh it is related to The Green midal School which trust the member of the school building committee as you so we're also joined this evening by Jerry goldbert hey Jerry he's the chair of the school building and we have Phil Palo he's our project manager guys all right so so Phil I guess you might be the best person to just give us a brief overview of what we're looking at sure so in that Amendment you have six designer proposals all six were were budgeted for um one is for additional Geotech borings which is typical once you get past the local vote to get more borings and test pits done as relates to building foundation design and storm water drainage design um another part another proposal within the six is for Environmental Testing so the different soil samples grabbed during the borings to uh test those out to see if there's any chemical concerns in the soils third ad service proposal is for one second is for additional Hazmat sampling um of the building as well as the exterior envelope and the roof um and then the remaining three are related to um making a move with the uh K through three playground within the site design so you have one of them for the civil engineering work behind that one of them for the landscape architecture work behind that and one of them for the architect to kind of manage the whole process um so between those six proposals you have a total Amendment amount of $393,500 and all that money was budgeted for okay thank you yep somebody like to does anybody have any questions about those six items or any of the information Clos in the packet for either Jerry or Phil or Greg Dave or Justin [Music] okay U would somebody like to make a motion I will move to approve amendment number five with Mount Veron group Architects for the Green Meadow School building project design bid Bill designer contract in the amount of $393,500 as presented authorizing use of digital signatures if approved second okay um questions concerns Greg anybody all those in favor all right contract C the community electricity aggregation com thank you very much Bill thank you guys good seeing you thanks Jerry thank you good evening so yeah thanks for having us here um my name is Sally Warner and I a member of Mayers sustainability committee um I have here Town um onar Street I am also a professor of climate science and with me is Paul gromer from Mass power Choice he is our consultant welcome for the project um so our purpose today um we want to give an update about where we're at with Community aggregation um outline the next steps and um we have passed on some documentation of our aggregation plan to so I hope that you um have um and just answer any questions that you may have um so yeah so first in terms of progress um we chosen a name it will be m in power Choice we've designed a logo there's a website um and materials have been created that will be sent out to Residents um when we get to that point in the process um and we well in the majority of the work in drafting the aggregation plan document um and the aggregation plan this version of the ation plan document has been reviewed and approved unanimously by the sustainability committee um and there has been a bit of a delay over the last six months in terms of moving this forward and that's been because of legislation going through at the state level um and actually this works out in our favor because the legislation has um reduced the amount of time that dpu has to approve new proposals so it used to take up to two years now they can only have four four months or so um so even though we've been delayed a little bit in submitting our application we should get approval faster than have we submitted prior to the teain decision um so in terms of next steps um hopefully the select board today will give us um the okay to move forward at which point we'll advertise um a 30-day public comment period um in the ways that are um detailed in table 3C in the document um and then that will start with a Public Presentation which we would like to do at a subsequent select board meeting we're bringing this forward to you now just so everyone from the select board is on board and aware and then when we do the Public Presentation which maybe could happen next time or when we can next get on the agenda that will start the 30-day comment period at the end of those 30 days we'll take any comments and put those into the new agation plan and then submit that to dpu um they'll have 120 days to approve the plan and then once the plan is approved then we move forward and finding bids for from energy suppliers and we start um education plan to let Town residents know what to expect um so yeah so the um the aggregation plan document it details how we plan on going about this so this if you have any questions out the plan or want any changes to it um so is if you decide to not opt out not opt out if you decide to not opt out or you decide to opt out I guess yeah if you decide to no if you decide to not up that would stay in if you decide to stay in which is what you know everyone's going to end up doing at the beginning um is there a guarantee of a saving or savings cannot be guarant guaranteed um but there would be more price stability because the contracts like you know ever Source can change our elect changes our electric rates every six months whereas this we would likely have a longer term contract so people know the price of electricity for three years or so the length of the contract um uh and then there's three levels there's the mayor basic level which would meet just the minimum state required um green energy then there would be the manor standard that's what we would enroll everyone in automatically and then there's the 100% green option so people can choose between those levels and I don't know Paul if you want to comment any more about is there a price difference between the three yes and what is the um least expensive option the basic plan the one with the least green energy so why aren't we enrolling everybody automatically with that um I guess it's typically typically it's done enrolled in the in the middle in the middle version and people have the option to select to go down to the basic or up to the um up to the 100% green um being that we're doing this from sustainability committee one of the goals of this is to have more green energy use by the by the town so therefore enrolling in the middle level would would provide that um but the document and the website will be clear as to like we don't know the prices yet um that will come when we get the bids from when we choose an energy supplier so when you have the presentation in in a month or or so you it's still going to have all these X's like there's not going to be any information as far as like what the costs are or anything like that yeah and then there'll be an educ once we are approved by dpu then there'll be an education like a pretty big education campaign will be doing presentations at the library presentations at the center for aging um and and we'll be sure to like get the message out to people and by that point then we will have prices um so this is more just a public comment period about going forward with with with commun will there be direct mailing to to people there will be mailing during the education period and that will include the opt out notice that people can um go to either mail it back or find the website in which they they use or change the level at which level of energy available I'm still I'm honestly I'm and I know that I'm in the minority here but I I I don't agree with an OP out program and I don't agree with rolling everybody into a not the cheapest to start off but that is my of my two cents if you will what is it what is so when will know what the price is to op to become enrolled well we'll know once we so it has to it has to get approved by DP the plan so this is like the aggregation plan like how how we plan on going about bringing Community aggregation once that's a premade dpu then we reach out to we open the bidding to companies who and energy suppliers who would want to provide the energy and then and then will have multiple bids and choose choose the one that is the best for for mayor and then we will have the price and that's when we'll start the education campaign and how do you decide which one's the best fit is it cost how are they are they exempt from the 30b process or yes so the the procurement for supplier will be exempting the 30b process it's typically done as a competitive procurement and then the town makes a decision about which of the offers it finds to be the most attractive okay and so those um those standards as far as advantageous most advantageous etc those will be spelled out during the Bing process yes so talk for second it will be it'll be a decision for the town to make so I'll say is a is an introductory thing s done a great job of explaining it's a little bit of an odd process because what's in front of you now is really just an authorization document because you can't get the prices until that document has been approved by the state so it's a little bit of it chicken and mil so this is just AEL which kind of a plan of how you're going to get forward without deciding yet on any of the prices or even actually ultimately deciding whether you're impl program you don't decide that until you see the prices so you wouldn't want to make that decision I tell you how much things would cost so once the plan is approved the typical process is it's actually a two-step bidding process where first um we would help you get bids from suppliers are what's called indicative bids they're not binding bids but they're bids that are going to give you the sense of how much it costs how much it cost for Renewables and think about those make decisions about how much Equity you want to put in the default product if you want to put in anything at all decide on the tiers and everything else then there's a second bid process where the final bids come in the reason for the two processes is that when the final bids come in they're only good for a couple of hours so you want to tee up in advance what decision you want to make and very commonly towns will have that initial round we'll do that we'll be discussion with you you'll decide to provide guidance typically to the Town Administrator so that even when it comes to the bid day he's got your input into what the decision should be and that you can act so at what point is the town in its decision-making process at the point of no return at what point do we know when when are we at the point where we either have to yes or no this when does that occur when does that time come and then I I have one other question but when is that that's after State approval once you get bids you're only bound once you sign a contract with the winning bidder anytime between now and then you can s right so before um before Sally comes back on the final time right and with with a with a with a deal in place we will know before we what all these x's and blank spaces are before we get to that point so we'll have another look at that I'm assuming is that is that a fact or is that not a fact it sounds like we'll have that initial set of bids which we'd expect to be close and then we would authorize Greg probably within a certain limit of that set of bids to approve it so otherwise we'd have to wait for the bids to come back within those several hours of the board so I think we would delegate that last step to Greg but we have prices if I'm not mistaken that we expect to be in the bulk or comparable pretty close to the final bids that we would then authorize bre M did I get that correct yes exactly okay how volatile are these prices and I'm I'm favorable of this so but how volatile are those prices in other words if we come in and they say it's I'm totally making this up one kilowatt per hour what's the chances that by the time the thing comes back it's 5 kilowatt per hour um very very small if if I if I understand your question is what's the likelihood of a change between the indicative bids and the final bid yeah typically it's very very small because we would do them reasonably close together so you within a few weeks typically um it's unusual for the electricity places to move a whole lot like that and if they were to and the final bids came in and they weren't in in line with what you were expecting you can always reject all the bids and then the final bids again in another day so the bids are a surprise you're not obligated to take one okay who is Manor power Choice program management yes that my question too So the plan is is that we can Implement an Adder to the cost of electricity usually that is a tenth of a cent per kilowatt hour up to maybe a a 20th of a cent per kilowatt or a 10th wait 0.1 Cent or02 Cent kilow right and that's money for the town for someone to administrate administer this but m i mean mass pirs and Pa they're are Consultants so they help with a lot like they have done a huge amount of the work already in getting this off the ground and doing things like maintaining like setting up the website and maintaining the website for us um and mailers that go out to people that comes from the the power or the energy supplier that we choose right so and which I understand but I guess is that require the town to create a new position a new a new Department a new program what what does that what does having Main and Power Choice program management require of the Town um in terms of are we are we are we going to have an additional employee or part of you know part of an additional employee right equivalent like a you know the schools talk about P all the equivalents and everything else is that how that works or is it just go to say the you know the management company that has walked us through and helped us through this how does that where does that go that's going to be when people see oh I'm giving up you know even though it's a a small number you know people going to want to know where is that money actually going who's actually who actually does The Power of Choice program management consist of what you know and I don't you know we can answer that at some other point probably would that will be a question we'll need to answer at some point that is definitely a question we need to answer we also need to decide how big we want that Adder to be um in an Ideal World I do see bringing or having someone where this would be part of their part of their job would be to oversee this um but the sustainability committee certainly will take some the load of administering this and the sustainability committee is the entity that's working on this now okay so it's I'd be concerned about that though because I don't know as if residents are supposed to administer a program andg maybe you can PID as a contractor but so the sustainability committee no whoever is identified so yeah so I think when Sally said it would be part's job she's not necessarily referring to a town hall employe per se but it could be a consultant that would Contracting out am I mistaken in stating that yes that's corre just take a step deeper so there's a there's a fee that's built in to pay your consultant happens to be me could be somebody else who High that's part of that's part of the this second ad we're discussing here would be additional Revenue that would go to the town communities you have to use it to help with the program what most communities who take this matter do with it is they use it to cover the cost of portion of the cost of an employee who's involved in helping make program work so wouldn't be enough money to most commonly to cover someone's entire salary but it would be a contribution toward So within this document it does not say that does it say or if it doesn't should it say that that's there is a it exists that you no that uh Outside Agency exists for um you know Consulting and that type of stuff and that there's a cost is it in here yeah right underneath the chart says program prices included 8.01 is that right but that operation right but that both of those go to the consultant to the consultant um one would the other would go to the town but um part of the the reason this is difficult to discuss is that the that letter that you're looking at will say whatever you decide to do so if you decide not to have the ad to it wouldn't be in the letter this is a a representative example of what you might disclose if if you will disclose what you do this is a representative example of how you might do right and I'm not being critical of you know your role in this or any of that I'm was just saying that these are the questions that will be asked who who who's paying for that and how and that's and and so we'll we have time to figure that how that all is going to play out but okay so now I understand what the 0.001 and 0.2 do and where it goes and that's fine and then you know how who and how from the town side will be worked out as we go forward and then we also have um you know your organization as well so that's that's fine call call company that's okay does anyone have any other questions yeah I I have a question um are there any other towns in our immediate area who are looking into this possibility and if so what are the pathways to uh working with those towns to you know seek further efficiencies in in this kind of progam you given that we're pretty small town yeah and it would be great to to have it more Regional rather than just right Town that's a great question so um there's over 200 towns in Massachusetts who have Community aggregation in their town so this is not we're definitely not the leaders in in going forward with us um uh so um the sustainability committee has actually talked to the town of Acton um when we were first getting this going just to see if maybe we' make sense to join up with them um they're at a different stage than us in terms of like like they have had Community aggregation for a significant amount of time um and just like when like they just were going up for when we had the conversation with them they were just going up for bids with the new contractor so like adding Us in wouldn't have worked at that time so like finding a town where the timing would align might be difficult so that would be maybe more longterm but another thing Paul explained when we spoke to him was just that you don't necessarily get a better price if you're a larger town and I don't know if you want to speak more to that William so that that's exactly right what you said which is a little counter inor because most things you buy the more you buy the lower the price but electricity purchases don't work that way once you're the size of a town if you're an individual sure you be better grouping up with your neighbors but once you're the size of a town the variation in prices that you see depends more on the nature of the town when the town tends to use electricity whether it's at high price times or low price times and we've seen for example that often the city of Boston will go out this city Boston does this they'll go out to bid at the same time as a bunch of smaller towns and often the smaller towns get a better price than the city does just because of the nature of their load so in terms of buying electricity it's not really um not helpful to be bigger once once you're a town better to be a town than an individual but not better to be 10 Towns than um and as as Sally explained there may be like administrative efficiencies of grouping up and that could be a longer term you know thing to look at down the road for the moment we're kind of caught up in that different towns are starting at different times so not on the same one one thing that kind of put me into that same question because I had the same question m because if you go from several thousand households to one bargaining unit you gain a huge factor of several thousand in terms of scale efficiency but at you're one town to Two Towns you're only getting a factor of two and at that scale with the bonus of um aggregating the different proposals doesn't isn't as effective so it's that thousands to one unit as opposed to you know two units into one unit thank you okay all right um yeah I don't have any other questions for now does anybody else have any other questions all right I don't is there a motion move to authorize the final preparation of the proposed Community electricity aggregation plan as presented and who are we authorizing the I guess the sustainability committee the Town Administrator who are we authoriz WR actually I have one quick question the um I forgot you call it introductory when is the when is like the draft did conducted when is that done after the 30 period or during much later actually not until after the state approves the plan months and months down the road from now so my understanding is to your to your to your question board um is that uh that that sustainability North hul had asked for particular motion you made I developed this motion just based on the dialogue that we had and I and kind of go said very probably over simplii steps of tonight the board authorizes final preparations that's just why I extracted from the email um so that's what you all are proposing but um my understanding is it is not yet to be submitted to the state but a correct wrong it is after the 30 period right so you're really kind of giving is a green light you're you're saying yeah continue to make these final preparations continue on the path you're own okay and they they'll come back they'll come back and we'll vote to start that 30-day do pres you'll do presentation the public Outreach here correct we we will do that here by just just to response specifically so the way you typically do it is this authorization would allow the start of thatly final to be made available for public com and the part of that is is would be a Public Presentation of the plan which often is done at a select board meeting just because people are paying attention so that would mean that 20 minute presentation we going into the details of how this thing might work to make it easier for folks to comment on it if they sorry one more time does the 30-day Period start after this next presentation or within when the 30 yeah so with with the next presentation with the next presentation right okay okay it right so all right that's fine um the the last question I have and it just is um is escapes me now but whatever I I just want to CL I'm so old I forgot my I just want to clarify one thing because I I think that I heard two different things so I heard you say that when with this vote tonight that effectively opens the 30 days that's so I just want to make sure that and I might have heard it wrong right right okay all right so once we the 30-day will start with the perfect perfect I just want to make sure that we give people enough time to comment and yeah what this the point of this is just a chance for you to ask all of your questions to us before we're making kind of that more Public Presentation I'm sure we'll find more questions for you s but we we'll do our best not to not to bog it down the last question I have is and I do remember it now is um whereas we looking at a couple different review periods does this require um are there any towns required public hearings on this do you know have have you heard of anyone like you know seeking a public hearing to to push this through or you know to pass it do you know I don't you mean a public hearing on the plan document like tonight we had the two L do a public hearing that type of public hearing so um not at the town so that the the meeting you discuss here is at public that we're talking about not tonight but it's more like a public information session when it's filed with the state the state will hold a formal public hearing with the formal noce and as part of their review they will have a they will have a public hearing not in regards to main it specifically right they'll just have a public Hearing in regards to the program itself well M as a public hearing on Main specific plan because you need to file the your the town needs to it plan with the state the state needs to review it and approve it as part of that would they hold that public hearing here would they hold that public hearing at the state house where would in Boston their offices also by Zoom though okay okay fair enough all right I I was I'm I'm listening and I'm looking and I'm saying how do do this without a hearing but all right so that's the answer to that question anything else from anybody for for um PA in St Sally and Paul no all right so um the vote is basically to um request that and authorize these folks in front of us to um Carry On so so all those in favor for lack of a better term right but good luck with it and I look forward to um you know seeing seeing where it goes and see how how it helps everybody thank you both thank you yeah thank you thank you for your time thanks should be on future agenda oh yeah good thank you all thanks have a great night thank you contact D contract D Stant get get in get comfortable in your seat Justin lightning lightning round all right so we're um D St Tech just yeah yeah yep so Justin Marco director nice to see you all um the contract change in front of you in the board tonight is for an amendment to our our miscellaneous consultant and Engineering contract with stantech represents our consulting firm for both Water and Sewer um the fact of the contract amendment is that we have this contract set up with cap limits of spending so we have met that cap limit so we're looking to move the amendment to um not only increase the cap limit but to recycle it so really we've already hit the 200,000 so this is an additional 250 but this is a three-year cycle and it's one that we account for in our warrant to a budget every year so we've already accounted for this potential increase um and then to one the qu one of the questions I received from Greg Johnson is why is it going from 200 to 250 is because the rates it's the unit the unit pricing model so the rates of our Consultants continually rise like everything else with inflation um so 250 gets us the same as 200 used to get us so is it 250 over a threee cycle that's 250 that could so it's a on call service so it's up to 250 so it's based on how many times we use them over three years over three years y sometimes so let's just say this is a perfect example of why this is happening within our three-year cycle now for multiple times is Major policy changes at the EPA and BP level so that's part of one of the conversations where we looked at our operational plan and we have addressed up through our GIS coordinator slash um it's coming from yeah like rgis SL so that's just to help offset some of these long-term costs moving forward but obviously we haven't implemented that person yet um because our budget hasn't been approved so this is still in response to Major policy changes in our assistance okay so this threeyear cycle it looks like it ends um in June of 2025 so we're in the last year we will soon be in the last fiscal year of the threeyear BR correct Y and this two so here's the thing again with the 250 cap that doesn't mean the 250 ends in June it's just the carryover so I we may not use the 250 within this entire cycle we may hit it again and have another amendment again it's an on call service so it's unicost service okay I have a quick uh very probably very easy answer question to answer um the documents that we had in our packet had some questions with some answers where did the questions come from I want to say the greates Y you made up the questions I'm your agent sometimes I ask questions no I the reason I say that is I like that I like okay well ask Justin I sometimes I ask him I try to catch him no I don't try to catch him more more or less I'm trying to figure out what we're what I'm asking you toci I I like it because it sort of preps us for what it's all about so I really don't have any questions will tell you something D with thisly you see that I pumped up a lot of memal in a amount I also wanted to make sure I didn't miss the email and said if you have any questions no this one's a cyclical one it doesn't it's it's weird because it is cyclical but again it's that unit cost pricing so if we don't use stch on an alarming rate meaning our war isn't moving in Pace you may not see this amendment again within an entire contract we're doing a lot of work um we also have a lot of significant policy changes in front of us so this isn't a use it to use it a lose it though I mean it's that 250 there it's AR almost like carrying our town but we had some type of a disaster we could have an amendment come in before us where we say we need to add an extra 50 Grand or whatever yeah and I will say this so if you notice throughout your process we have singular contracts for specific projects this is our on call Consulting service most of this work is based on the fact of our responsiveness to policy requirements and moving process forward and assisting our entire process with that assisting our entire operation with that you know that we do not have fulltime engineering staff this is the replacement of that for one okay all right would anybody like to make a motion or does anybody have any further questions in regards to contract B I'll move to appr change order four with Stan tech for miscellaneous Engineering Services in the amount of $250,000 as presented and authorized you digital signatures with approval second any further conversation all in favor thank you sir um next up is the VHB contract space in that gentlemen M4 yeah so quick overview um as you're aware this is our other engineering support contract but this is on our DPW side represents of Highway for the park CTI Stow Etc um vhp is under contract with the town um to assist on our ms4 compliance which is storm water compliance um we they assist us mainly with our permit preparation and um adhering to those perent requirements as you know we've presented in the past um several years Our concern with um funding mechanisms to support the stor water process as we go through them for and as the state and the federal government start to mandate significant policy changes for improvements to S infrastructure so with our recent um with our recent PowerPoint presentation to the board we indicated that we would be exploring grant opportunities for um funding to conduct a full feasibility study as you know we've been peac mailing it with u limited funding resources to try to put full comprehensive plan on our approach for still m this change order is some hard work done by um my staff and BHB to modify the scope of our original ms4 compliance we really budget engineered what we needed to do to stay in compliance for this budget Cycle Plus um put together a strong application for a Federal grant to help supplement the entire feasibility study this change order is uh a representative of $5,000 but technically we're able to maneuver were with some scope changes of about 10,000 so it's really a $155,000 change but the overall value of the contract is only a $5,000 increase I kind of spelled it out a little bit in the purpose of understanding why this is the amendment um number one versus the previous scope change that gr already approved which had no value change so this this comes on the back that once we um were able to digest the entire RFP of the b319 grant there was some major hurdles that require some funding mechanisms up front one of those is public Outreach and education is severe meaning there is a lot of work to get public Outreach and education as part of the application to receive the advantageous grants we have to um secure a third party consultant to assist us with that and we also have to develop a u River protection Watershed plan as part of our application so on that specific toand so we're we're very lucky that this change order only represents 5,000 as I said we were able to do some SC modifications um but we were also able to allocate some localized accs Opa funds and that's also part of the budget process so we have the fund for this um Amendment through our FY 24 budget so it's in our FY 24 budget plus the allocated aler funds as um secured by gr okay um anybody have any questions in regards to the VHB amendment number one I will move to approve amendment number one to vaness hen bristlin Inc VHB contracts number 161 24.01 for ms4 storm water management compliance and EPA 319 Grant application support the amount of $5,000 as presented digital signatures if it's approv second all right any further questions all those in favor thank you all right Amendment two from VHB actually another another one Amendment one traffical as you go out you can rehearse that um so as I explained a little bit with our engineering support from a water and sewer vhp is our on call consultant but when there's specific projects we have S their contracts to support those projects this amendment is specific to vhp's design and development at A's interception movement this amendment comes on the fact that we just recently bid out the overall design development and as we work through that contract process which is the next contracts we have construction Administration support which is a field engineer on site that works with the contractor this amendment included which includes $75,000 the reason that this amendment is is right in front of the other contract is coordination pren so once we award bid we have a preon meeting to understand timelines and that timeline also allows us to understand how much construction Administration need typically large cities have fulltime fan Engineers which could supplement this we do not so in order for us to have um an engineer on site which does the inspections of the process this is construction Administration which is not uncover so we're looking for a $75,000 Amendment to the original design development contract um and then you can see the funding mechanism as highlighted in the end of my um in the end of my memo we have the funding for this we secured it in a couple of different fions I might as well hit this now on part with of one of both as you're aware in order for us to move this forward we've kind of positioned ourselves in a multiphase budget approach very similar to what we seem to consistently do in mayor because we don't have a lot of funds we kind of PE mail ourselves together um we were able to secure the $500,000 year mark from um eldri's office in the state of Massachusetts which helped pay for the design development there's some leftover funds um which is going to pay for majority of the construction projects we also secured and uh we're able to uh allow $58,000 of local funds from a previous town meeting article which is Road and sidewalk repairs which falls right in line with traffic improve this intersection Improvement project we also have a dedicated traffic Improvement fund which was mitigation that we received from mayor Crossing which is actually um designed to help with any U situational aspects as part of that overall development that came to traffic improvements which falls with this we also have secured to now prior to town meeting um support from both the select board and the capital committee and the Town Administrator for free cash um allocation of preferred me uh preferred funding metric which gives us a balance of 1, 31791 which can account for all of design development construction Administration and the entire U Construction contract but in case that meeting goes a little wonky which it has recently with free cash we've also secured preapproval under our chapter 90 program to supplement this um free cash allocation so we have the funds to move this project one way or another our primary goal is to not use chapter n fund for this in section that is why we put together the free cash allocational request um again I don't want to speak for the capital committee but that's one of their highest ranked I don't want to speak for GR Johnson he can speak for himself in regards to that but our goal here is to stick to our chapter 90 plan which is the PID management so I and I want to I want to reiterate that for a second because what you're saying is that so so everyone understands we could use chapter 9 but that means that most of the the other roads that were supposed to be paved will not get paved that means Fletcher Allen that means Field Street that means elport that means anything in the future we would have to wait an entire fiscal year for another another 265,000 which gets us a about a road right right right yeah okay I just want to make sure that that's there for everybody yeah so our goal is is to defend that free cash allocation uh this is a strong project I think one that has an extreme amount of support from me as both um but we just wanted to make sure we move process a lot of This was um that we wanted to get this contract bid in the winter into the spring to secure ideal pricing which we have so we've secured ideal pricing with a base bid in all our ad alternates under our estimates um so we want to keep this this process moving as we um were able to secure Advantage bids um so we just positioned ourselves with a couple of different um Authority allowances but what we're looking for now is the approval of the construction Administration and then prior the next contract I believe on board would be the Full Construction okay would anybody like to um make a motion on the amendment number one traffic signal will to approve amendment number one to V ass hangen bristlin Incorporated phb contract 122 9364 for additional engineering and construction Administration services in the amount of $75,000 as presented authorizing use of digital signatures if approv second second anybody have any further questions before we take a vote none all those in favor thank you my kids watch this show like aing show real cake yeah okay heard of it um all right so next up is the Harding traffic signal contract by the way I know that there's been a lot of work going on at that intersection and it's sad to say it has nothing to do with the lights that is 100% correct on to the motion I don't want to hear about the other thing okay if you want I can that out no no no this is enough all right so as part of the construction Administration you're aware that we have full design development for a major Improvement of one of our most dangerous if not most dangerous um pedestrian intersection pedestrian vular intersection uh conquered act Haze we went through the design development process we had public input we had cyboard input we came up with a um very efficient and effective plan that also included a number of an alternates to expand some of the limits of the original um intention of that project um to actually increase um safety along the corridor of B Street so we were lucky as part of our overall plan plan we were able kind of describ the Justine we wanted ideal prices so we wanted a bit of the winter where were really on the Forefront of securing good pricing we were um very lucky to see that we were able to secure pricing 765,7 242 for the entirety of our base plan which is the entire intersection plus our at alternates which actually enhance a lot of pedestrian improvements along M Street and then actually move over to the intersection of conquer and a which is same intersection but it's like right next to the C cart so we're able to incorporate all of them and we're happy to say we can award the entire um design development plan with all that alterat um within our spending cap and we actually are very happy to see that IW Harding was able to win our bid um if you're unfamiliar IW Harding was the construction contractor that did our complete streets project on Glendale and cobber um they did a fantastic job um in a neighborhood that is and hard to maneuver and they were very um they were very good with our residents they work hand in hands they were very respectful of we approach again this is going to be another location that's hard for residents to truly understand there's going to be a significant amount of detours there's a lot of density in that location which will come with um great sensitivity so we're happy to see that the same contract that was able to perform those same processes Glendale is going to be performing those processes in Cong Hayes um and we're hoping to get that um project rolling immediately um once this contract's approved they can start ordering um material they're waiting on us there our anticipation if contract is approved to have the majority of the construction done um prior to the fall there is already material delays if you're unfamiliar with the industry steel is still a significant delay even off of Co um and we have a mass government which will most likely be a four to six month timeline but it could be up to 12 months so this funding source that's included in here um from free cash is the same funding it's not in addition to correct yeah I just wanted to kind of get so very similar to how we had to track a little bit with the multi multiphase for a treatment plan process again this is sensitivity to some of the questions you have previous with that with my memos with those is I wanted you to have a full picture of our entire budget in our entire process and all the funding mechanisms um and then as we move forward I want to say that we have a very strong design but it's not uncommon to have some change orders I will start to track each one individually so you'll see the overall budget but you'll see them combined very similar to what you see phase one phase two on 4 so that we're tracking entire the enti project for give my ignorance on this one what's the arpa spending billar what's arpa yeah so theer American Rescue plan Act and the town was given like $3 million which the great majority went to support water infrastruct there was and I mean like not very much left over so to speak um and it's kind of miscellaneous although most of it had been sort of um endorsed by the S otherwise to go to help right so so we were to hire Health director health nurse um which is great there's still a little bit left over which I decided not to prom is all to Steve Silverstein because odds and ends like this stuff which is which was the original intention of ARA was to like support infrastructure improvements and what not and that's this is like small compared to like the great projects um but because we hadn't devoted um there was some sort of not left over so to speak but like there was some that not yet been committed and I I don't mean a lot like some and we still have to spend that money by December of 202 so so but isn't this arpa ear Mark isn't this the one that's like the federal one or from the state like Jamie Al I can so Greg's talking about that four so we had local share I apologize and this was state shareer fund so to Greg's point though we as a local received over $3 million direct to the town mayor which we're able to move a significant amount of that for our well for project which actually reduced our rate on all as a whole this was the state also received so it was a federal federal Bill the state also received direct funding and we were able to work um actually Greg I will say worked very hard with Jamie because this I remember this year mark Cleo's day um to secure the 500,000 Jamie was able to earmark the states portion of the states offer direct payment years I was confused because Justin had made reference to the same or of different fun but from two contracts people okay I will say as an industry we're still in the co we're just getting through and just fulfilling all of the we're actually just starting to exhaust all of those okay um so would anybody like to make a motion I will move to approve the contract with IW Harding for the construction of a new traffic signal and related improvements on the intersection of Route 27 and conquered Street in the amount of 765 7 6242 as presented and authorizing use of digital signatures if approved second any further questions all those in favor before we move on to um contract H if you would like to just give us the briefest explanation of what took place in that intersection this past week go ahead all right so part of our big contract if you have not ever dealt with ever Source justing public going to be very familiar with this so ever source is our gasing electric utility provider for the town we have soul Source we don't have National gr Curr Resource as a DPW we provide fiveyear forecasting of what our work processes are and we provide fiveyear moratoriums I one to where previously was meaning in our five years if I paid Grade Road last year ever source is not allowed to dig that road up and then we provide our projected Road layouts whether it's Paving Construction Etc in advance so that ever Source can plan properly while ever source is in agree so um they are well aware that we were doing this process because we're in full design development we do this on a cyclical annual basis and um probably about three weeks prior to bid ever Source panicked saw the bid on comis came to us and said we messed up we really need to do the gas in this intersection as part of our overall Le detection post the issue that we had on Park Street this was slated we not sure why it didn't get in the into the um process in advance of your project is it possible for us to pre- coordinate in advance of this project due to the timing that our select board meetings are in our contracts Administration and some material delays we had ever Source going front of this contract or in Fr of this project one obviously there's a public safety issue when I when I'm asked to the we on these issues I always look at the public safety application two it's two years after this intersection that starts leaking then it's going to be very hard for me to say no and then we're going to have an intersection that's after so when you have large scale Public Works projects you may have heard me talk about this before is you have well we refer to in the industry is a full Recon or full reconstruction we don't have the funding for full reconstruction projects well reconstruction projects typically are all underground Utilities in advents of surface equipments we try to do the best we can with the funding we have to it to look at our water and sewer in advance and we coordinate with our utilities often to try to come up with what I like to say is a peace mail Recon we're comfortable with our water and super utility we did some Advanced water utility improvements there over a year ago ever sourc um unfortunately dropped the ball but we're able to fit them in the timeline um and a lot of their public Outreach was explained to me so I'm hoping that it happens because every source does have their own public Outreach process they're supposed to be calling their customers in advance very similar I reach I required that they put the digital signs in place and coordinate with mpb um and that public Outreach was supposed to be on my other sour so I'm hoping it happened I hear some Rumblings of I didn't know I I know but I didn't know um but the idea behind it is to get in front of our project and not create delays which would drive up our project all right thank you um H Winston you lose all right so this is a change order as part of our phase two project at our waterpr plant I think I indicated that we should be seeing a slight decline or continuing block Decline and change orders as the project is coming to final completion um this ch order is a number of minor change orders that equate up to 91,5 51 I mean I know that's not minor money but when you're talking about the project scale that's these are these are close out processes um that include a number of um potential um upgrade changes that were indicated I did not bring the scope um but I believe a lot of them had to do with some facility modifications as part of the adoption process or the adaption process of our treatment um so I'm just looking for an approval of this change order I do excuse me I do anticipate uh two more change orders uh but each one is probably one change order and it has to come with some timing delays as the contractors trying to fulfill their contract they're trying to get to final completion the next two change orders that we uh believe may take place is we had some drainage issues as part of um as part of the upgrades that we need to modify with conservation so we're working a little bit with permit modifications um that that is holding up our payment process for the roadway going in and then the final one which I believe is the final change order is our um building operation control system the one that we had in place that was over 15 years old it's not capable of handling all the modifications it's not running properly so it's the commissioning aspect of can system U so so we've been working with our electrical engineers to try to clear that up see if we could have done repairs to our system but it's also so need to be changed out you know my question uh it's already budgeted for uh and second question is including the two change orders that you mentioned that will be coming down the road uh where will we fall on overall cost of project versus budget so as um if you approve this change order right now I assuming we approve this one and the two that you mentioned so we're still looking um at roughly anywhere between a half a million to 750,00 under budget great any other questions would anyone like to make a motion I move to approve change order number six PC 024 25 26 27 28 29 30 and 31 with Winston Builders Corporation for the well for a treatment plant water treatment plant upgrades phase two Construction contract number 1376 in the $1,551 as presented authorized to use of digital signature appr St all right and questions for Mr DeMarco all those in favor thank you Justin he's not leaving I see him I see him I see him all right um he want to make us so popular with people you know by virtue by virtue of the fact that several of us have sat through the next discussion several times I understand exactly what it's going to be but with the range we've had and all the flooding and all the nonsense no one else in town is going to understand why we're having this discussion but I'll leave it to you to discuss tell us what we're going to do and what restrictions are going to be in place for our water use this this summer season yeah so Chris to your point I understand um the confusion behind why there would be a water band versus you see through precipitation but unfortunately as part of our Water Act which is 20year permit it requires matter what that's because our usage is over a certain amount correct no so technically we're low use so there's two thresholds you know we're under 65 is phenomenal cons serving water yet we still have a water capacity problem which is dangerous that's why it's so dangerous um no we're actually on the lower team so as users we average about 51 to 57 gallons per day the industry yeah Pur excuse me per day the industry is one so mayard is a significant conservation process but no this is due to the share fact of the aquafer for which we withdraw our water so the aqua is the conquer River Basin which produces about 75% of our water is a stress Basin no matter what they allow two new straws so a lot of this has to do with controlling that oer Beyond just recharge and precipitation that's also why when you put on a new well Source it takes about four to five years of permanent because a lot of that is Research into the oopi that you're tapping into you're so that being said this is part of our 20y year permit you need to get used to it it is what it is um and actually it's most likely going to change even after 20 years because the share fact of B urban sprawl so the aquifer doesn't move it's a natural caring oer as UR ra moves in more towns like us conquered act and Linn subr they keep tapping straws we all share the same aquifer it's going to um still have to do with conservation processes I will tell you without going into too much detail like beyond the scope of this that is why phase two is focused on Rockland Rockland is not in the con it is not in that same which is why Mater explored Rockland as an alternative White Pond yearsing it's also why our phase two is highly focused there so when we're talking about growth You could argue even though we put well 4A on this is very high Lev but we put well 4 a on our permit didn't change for our Max withdrawal it just added redundancy to our system it's because it's in a stress Basin Rockland if we do find well sources we have one well Source we already know about but we're exploring more than just one well opportunity over there we are most likely going to apply to increase our Max day demand which will allow agent flexing not only the the straw pulling water out of the ground but our permanent allowance which will then result in growth opportunity whether we choose as a community to take it or not we're not inhibited by our water we're talking about Community wants versus needs um but all of this ties back to the share back with where our water comes from in the stress Basin that's part of our permit with drill I did make some quick modifications some feedback I received from one of the our commissioners um our permit requires that we only allow two days it does not require the days our operational constraints were highly focused the reason that we picked the two weekend days last year is be share fact to enforcement we don't have staff work on Saturdays and Sundays we do have water staff that works on Saturday and Sunday specifically for the treatment meaning they're treatment operators but it's only usually one operator that runs all three treatment um so enforcement is a little dangerous game but we're willing to make modifications because at the same time we're going to adhere by policy but we also are service so if our customers want this we're willing to explore that opportunity if we see variations or there's policy issues and abuse then we can explore the opportunity of modifications to for um We just cleaned up a little bit of the language I hope that helps other than that it's our yearly it's here to stay and I'm not going to lie in 20 years it's probably going to get worse y okay just to be fair we didn't just build redundancy we did so as part of an overall plan um to make sure we can continue have water if something breaks down and as part department you're not the project it wasn't just for Dy what happens is there's a real I I like to explain a real simple we have a big glass of water you have so many straws in it the straw can empty an entire glass of water but D allows us to hold the empty PA and depending on how many straws we have in there we actually our permit has multiple Wells that fa but they still hold them against us so that's part of the redundancy we had wasn't just redundancy to provide extra straws in case we're trying to balance it was also to replace a failed well but that still counts against us in the permanent process so that's really where I but my idea of why we're moving to phase two and why I explain not just my idea here but why our approaches we're looking to enhance that not only from a redundancy but to increase our Max day demand which would allow for larger scale than yeah I'm not going to remember all that when my neighbor wants to know why he can't wash his car on Tuesday so you just tell called justtin all right okay so and we're good with the essential water use permissible Saturdays and Wednesdays does that sound say well that's what it says so I just want to make sure that that um Crystal advice to your neighbor as a tur manager the best time to water your grass Before Dawn or after dust that's also why it's like that for evaporation purposes so as a paying customer that said neighbor may not want to irrigate at noon the minimum effect I thought that was because no one could see them but that's okay and I would ask that we make sure that our school department and our fire department and our Police Department all adhere to the same rules that the residents are asked to adhere to so as part of that just know there is exemptions to that law for permit so firefight fire safety as a whole I don't mean you can't turn technically I I don't write that regulation but they are exempt same as public parks but I will we we manage the irrigation systems on beh of the school we manage those at the early hours so just like you heard the electric uh PPA conversation there's Peak demand for water usage a lot of that part of the hour restriction is to avoid Peak demands um it's the stress on our system so typically no matter what even when we irrigate our athletic fields we do it on down a desk um because most people you should be doing it those times but it's it's a little disconcerting for some when you drive by by Lum night field on your way to get your lunch and they get the water G at like you know midday not oh those are repairs yes so when those no they are so when those happen those are typically the okay I I I'll win one because I'm I'm going to sit there and go like this and see who's fixing what but that's all right so that those are head identifications foration purposes so the only way to identify heads you have to run ccal go on the sheer fact of Maintenance versus at least I won't be standing over it like at the golf course when they turn the water on so that's okay but um okay thank you Justin for that explanation of the water restrictions um would somebody like to make a motion in regards to the water seasonal water restriction move to implement deoration of seasonal water use restriction pursuant to the town of Maintenance Water Management act permit special condition six seasonal limits on non-essential outdoor water use hereby granting design design authority to the Department of Public Works director to implement restrictions processes effective May 1st 20 24 does anybody have any further questions Mr Demar over are we going to have some type of if we haven't already of an announcement to the community somehow to once you pass Facebook our yeah yeah okay signs are typical signs that are required they still use old school metrics so we still have to put all metal signs you do the new Flash the we yeah so we'll do it all yeah we do yeah so okay all right second um I seconded there's no further questions other all those in favor my neighbor asked I'm just I got a repair got make a repair you [Music] know you okay wh yeah thank you let's go out of order and get to the correspondence item number 13 like to make a motion we the correspond I have comment about correspond yeah we got to make a motion and get a second first and then we'll we'll take your comments Mike so I move to accept and approve a or corresponden say a through c as sh okay second he Mike you're up um yeah this is with regard to the second item on the uh the man for Palestine uh man ceasefire resolution um and I I just want to thank the group for engaging in this matter and their refusal to ignore the humanitarian disaster that's currently evolving in Gaza um and their quest to raise public awareness and call for political action through the Democratic process in support of solutions that will try to limit the scale of violence and suffering in that region um on a personal note I too am horrified by what we witness on the news from afar and encourage any initiatives that lead toward more peaceful resolutions in Gaza Israel and the region um okay I do personally support the general intent of this draft resolution even if I might debate some of the finer points of the word many questions arise from a discussion of this nature is it truly the role of a select board to take on matters of foreign policy when we have our own immediate if more perhaps mundane problems to deal with what of other armed conflicts around the world there are over a hundred at this time many involving us funding and Military Support do we not also have a moral obligation to consider them given the terrible toll of Civilian lives lost in them too is there a risk that a debate in man it of this nature leads to Serious division that would distract from other matters of importance to the town for my part I believe that a small town such as ours can indeed enter into these issues even if they seem so remote at first glance from the daily routines of man the people of Israel Gaza and other Palestinian territories are directly subject to decisions made here in the us and our citizens have every right to seek change through peaceful and Democratic means the billions of dollars being spent on massive destruction of civilian life could for example be spent on rebuilding infrastructure education or healthare much as many of us are proud of our town were still inextricably linked with other communities both locally and globally these are my personal views which I'm prepared to share however I do believe it would be a mistake for the select board to vote on a resolution such as this without the inclusion of much wider representation from the town when people voted for each of us they entrusted us with making decisions such as we have seen tonight uh among other things Public Works Public Safety tree planting and the education of our children discussion of foreign policy was probably not on people's minds when deciding who to vote for on the select board a resolution such as proposed here would ring somewhat Hollow unless first debated and then supported by a greater proportion of citizens of M it other than the five of us and maybe a dozen or two dozen people who we have seen part of this group there are various outlets for this to happen of course a citizen's position a petition for one or perhaps even a select board vote as has happened in an increasing number of towns throughout Massachusetts and the nation those who truly want the town to make a collective statement of intent to the US government should seek to ensure a wider inclusion so as to make any potential resolution genuinely authentic and meaningful if residents of the Town choose to seek further engagement then I am confident that we can model the attributes of thoughtful respectful and peaceful conflict resolution that we so desire around around the world uh so that's my observation on uh this resolution thank you for that Mike appreciate it um so typically um when we receive a correspondence just for the record we don't act on correspondences um the first time through typically would take something like this and um create an agenda item if that was the board's will further down the road and then have a a broader discussion along the lines of what Mike just spoke about and several of the points that he made in so far as um more Community involvement more Community participation um and certainly you know the um the letters that I think we've all received from many of the people that are on zoom and some of the people in the room I believe um were you know received um in the um you know with the good R in which they were offered to us and and we read them all and I think that you know there's a lot of uh thought-provoking information within some of the letters and lead us all to um you know come to some of the same conclusions that Mike so eloquently um voiced tonight so I think and um unless anybody on the board has a strenuous objection um I think that we will um add this to a future agenda for for you know the discussion and and discuss some of the points that Mike has and Mike if you don't mind um I think it will be a a a good gesture and an important gesture to take your words and enter them into the minutes of the meeting if anybody if anybody if anybody doesn't if you don't object Mike i' like i' like to have I think because from my standpoint I think it captures very well the way most of us up here and um and that's where I'd like to go and then we'll put the manate for Palestine ceasefire resolution onto a future agenda which is our our practice and and start the conversation and I do appreciate um you know all the information I received from everybody I think the know they had gotten to us and I'm Excuse me I'm not accepting public comments right now think was just a mistake yeah I know but anyway um so that's that's you know unless that's not the will of the board and that's kind of the direction I think that we typically take when we get a um a correspondence that obviously requires further compensation and action on our part is everybody okay with that course of action I'm all okay so so we will we will Greg so Greg I I spoke to Greg this afternoon and he has had indicated that he had spoken to a couple of people that um I believe represent the group directly I've been in contact with Miss Thompson okay so so um we'll I'll talk to Greg we we when we formulate the agenda and I'll have Greg reach out so that you guys are all aware of um what we're doing and where we're as we move forward in this conversation it's very important conversation that we keep you guys arised of what we're when we're planning what we're planning to do and I apologize for keeping you guys waiting right we're gonna have to just vote on we're voting we're voting to accept the correspond that's that's that's no no no no no I know and it's said so Mike Mike brought it up so which just led to a little bit of a and and so yeah very much appreciated the um the letters of support the information we received are very informational very very um thought-provoking some so um we look forward to have a further disc further discussion on that but in the meantime um the motion's been made it's been seconded all in favor accepting the three correspondence items great and so we'll we'll be in contact and um let you know when we're when we're and it won't be it will be soon um you know okay thank you Mr chair thank you have a great night thank you thank you for coming waiting yeah I'm waiting all right um now we're on to the um marij marij you Steve you're up HCA application R natural healing good evening good evening good evening everybody thank you for having me my name is shk so much can you say Shara Shara R okay Shara nice to have you nice thank you than you you're welcome welcome to join us we're happy to have you um all right Steve let us know what we're doing uh Steve CL executive director Municipal Services I have the disain pleasure of uh uh coming to you with a request for to begin negotiations for a host Community uh agreements uh on behalf of of the applicant Chara Rivers doing business as Rivers leaves of natural healing uh Shara is seeking this HCA to begin negotiations with the town uh to uh begin a cannabis start a cannabis dispensary which will be located at 42 Main Street uh here in downtown beautiful downtown May uh and at this point I'll let Char discuss uh you know give an overview does have a PowerPoint if you are so inclin um which has been pretty do we have a copy of it because most of us because most of us can just bring it up do you want to bring it up okay bring it put up can I also give a little bit of extra context and I appreciate um Steve kind of giving that overview the the our St practice here in the town has been that we um we sort of like we get an application for an HC with a potential establishment and then um there's a little bit of betting on on Town stat but not too much it's pretty service level um unless more you know circumstances more otherwise and then it goes to economic development for me just for like a quick little blessing because they advise the time district and then if everything seems on the up and up then we come to where we are at this evening so we bring it to the board and this is a episode I just want to emphasize still very much in the sort of beginning stages but it is developing relationship so you will have a a potentially um a legal relationship with this particular establishment if it gets that far and so I just kind of want to emphasize like that's what we're really kind of doing is like you're are you what what is the basis of this presentation introducing myself and then the uping dispensary um so our mission statement is we're we're trying to um provide the most user friendly U experience in the dispenser want have great experience coming into the dispensary if you don't mind goinging I to the BL points there great thank you so we want have a nice large um variety of canist products available um that be flour Edibles concentrates um different products that are you know available for the consumers and we want to make sure to provide affordable pricing um and emphasize also that it's a it's a welcoming store we wanted to to look inviting and so that's where I'm hoping to really play up the um the the ambience by having um it decorated with Native American art pieces I am a Native American ancestry on both sides of my family um pretty strongly on my father's side so I really wanted to um decorate the store with a lot of different cultural art pieces that would both serve to decorate the store as well as be available for sale I feel like that might help to to um make it more of a good fit for the cultural um surroundings of Mayor as it's a very strong uh Community with with very a lot of Pride and with some cultural respect um could go the next slide so just briefly about me sh Rivers I'm the company owner and um new to the business world I have a long um uh career background in Psychology and that's where and basically my expertise comes into place I will allow history of working in medical community and in patient and residential facilities and with um very diverse populations I'm hoping that will help to come into play in the the business world and and working with the clients of the dispensary the side please thank you so location is 42 M Street as we've mentioned um we do have a signed lease with the owner we have a fiveyear lease um and it's an existing building that's right in the part of Main Street so it should have a lot of foot traffic which would be great um hoping it's going to bring in a lot of Revenue to the town and um we also um we have a fiveyear agreement with the with the property and that owner is on board with the being dispensary that's part of the details we've already worked out and part of the lease so just a little um highlights on the Canabis market so I I feel like it's uh important to really emphasize that there is a really strong demand for cannabis in the area and especially with um being one of the few towns the area that allows it I feel like having another dispens will be um a great asset to the community and bring in a lot of Revenue and in foot traffic um 35% of Massachusetts residents have consumed kind of this in the past year it's a really strong figure um supporting again the demand for the service and the store especially in in consideration of the surrounding towns that se conquered um and even act in having you know tighter restrictions um than me I know there's the medical use AC but they're they don't have a recreational that that mayor does offer and so there are a lot of um surrounding towns that would really be bringing in um more people to the town um and there's um the town north hon actually has quite a few dispensaries 12 in fact currently class jck and they are generating millions in Revenue as a result of that so I just noted that something that's probably on your mind is having other dispensory in town um and how that might affect things but um newk is a great example of where that's really um flourished in the revenue that that's available for that time and that may be something that we but really um take advantage of too is the revenue that comes in from dispensaries and which of theand there is for them um there thank you sorry so um to the target market um particularly in Greer and this upcoming dispensary then hoping that you will all approve um I'm hoping to really again emphasize how there are um so few towns in the Sur area that that are allowing dispensaries and how that um really highlights that more Revenue will be brought to main by that increased foot traffic um and I'm really hoping to also um play up the small town feel with me it's it's such a wonderful um feeling to walk you down walk down Main Street and have all those small shops and just be able to get a really a great FL for different cultural uh influences that are part of this town I'm really hoping to add to that and so I'm hoping that um having the U warm and colorful inviting um storefront will help to to Really draw with into that cultural um significance of the town and so hoping that you know we'll have the small town um that feel really thbe in that to in that store that I'm hoping to bring to the community and I'm hoping that that foot traffic will be brought into the store as well as BR you braging me into the town and really draw in um people of of diverse background with different budgets and different um interests in both cannabis and just in in culture and and small town field next slide please so um what sets um this upcoming dispensary apart from others is that it's independently owned it's small business it's only shop so it's not it w have that um corporate feel that other dispensaries might have and also would have more flexible pricing and and availability of options um as it doesn't have all of that corporate oversight and and um as well as Financial demands that that larger companies might have so I'm hoping that by being a small Independent Business we can be more in tune with the dematics of the town and the consumers that are in Manor specifically as opposed to more generally speaking um and and more of like um you know instead of having that corporate corporate cookie cutter feel at people feel like warm invited come in and see what we're all about and get to know us and I really feel like it's a welcome welcoming environment um so that people can feel like they really want to come back and and get to know us and be really a part of the Town um and I'm I'm really hoping that also that having those um Native American art pieces will help to to emphasize that I um I've actually um a part of the North American Indian Center of Boston and so I have a few um artists in mind that I'm I'm working on um having them bring in art pieces to the store and as well as I've also lik to have a large mural commission to go across the storefront so that that way as I you know if a put traffic passes by the store they'll be able to look at a nice warm and writing powerful mural as opposed to having a glass blacked out or having to worry about um underage uh pedestrians you know looking into things that might not be appropriate for that age so I feel like that those things will really uh set us apart in in the overall um look of the store and feel of the the store um and a practical um speaking you know cost effective basis another thing that sets us apart is I happen to be um an accepted member of the social Equity program through the Massachusetts pist commission um and as a member of this that it gives a lot of benefits such as um an xay process in the application through the State once the um hopefully host Community agreement is approved it also allows a lot of the waivers and reductions over time which will again also trickle down to the um benefits to the the everyday customer in that I'm able to provide lower uh costs lower um prices for the um the um products that are available in the store due to the cost savings that will be um uh available through the C ofis commission social Equity program um the next side oh sorry one little thing that wasn't on the the slide before we skipped this another thing I'm hoping to also have is a a display case in the store which I'm working with the architect um that I have on the project to incorporate a way in which we can have like a visual last display case that will show the products as opposed to I don't know how familiar you might be with dispensaries but often we go in it's it's prepackaged product we're not able to see it until we're off the propy so I'm hoping by having a display case in the store we'd be able to have products securely in glass display display cases but also a part of working that into a more inviting art piece to where we're again trying to move away from that cookie cutter Corporation feel and having that more of an independent feel we're looking at what we're getting and and making the customer feel like they're more important to to make them feel like they're getting something that they're happy with as opposed to a take it or leave it f where those PR packaged items that you can't see hard to purchase thank you for backing up go the next slide so um this is a copy of the survey um that was done to show more of the location um and aami areas of where this location is on street and then uh this is the uh store for um and like more of a zoom out of the location provided by the architect have a more visual of what we would expect um of course it' be a lot more detail and that um that neuro also will be a strong component of that and this is the proposed um plan from the architect that that incorporates the highlighted spes the store and then the rest of the of course is the the property that won't be utilized for the actual store phase is actually part of the existing and then we have a lot of security uh plans in place which of course will um get approved through the police department see that they're they're okay but we have glate of outline which is a um a dozen security cameras which will be play strategically to see all of the entrances exits um um and as well as the Vault and storage areas and these over the registers and other um important areas and then again we will get approval on those locations prior to installing them um there will it will be um Security Services on site and delivery and deposit dates will all be F and make sure everything is C appropriately in align with the um with the commissions regulation um and they will there will be definite monitoring of the exits and exits and um sorry entrance and exits and we make sure to have all that approv before fall so as far as anti-erosion measures of course valid state ID will be necessary to enter and will be checked there will be a door that you'll um have to that will be secured prior to um having that ID chat so we'll come in the main door you have their ID check and then once it's checked you'll be buting to go into the actual dispenses itself um we will have the appropriate software in place to be able to track the customers sales and make sure that their purchases are in line with their state regulations and of course virtual record keep keeping to um again keep uring that that customers are not um buying any more than uh they are legally allowed to do so um and we will um also of course keep in line with the video surveillance of of all products all customers are in store and we will of course run all these anti conversion measures through the uh police department make sure that they're um in line with with their expectations as well so our financial security um so just um mention again so we we already have the existing uh lease on of of the property and many Brent has been repa in advance significantly um we also because of the relationship with the Canabis commission social Equity program anticipate extremely reduced call um as the entire application Fe is completely wave um so that really uh adds to the Financial Security of the business on top of that I u i gr me have a um a property that I'm in the process of selling which has significant equity which will add to the financing of the business that concludes thank you questions pleas uh yeah uh welcome um thank you for choosing mayard being interested in our community one of the things that has frustrated me over some of our other uh dispensary is that they they have I think to a person that came in Spoke always about the community aspect and how they want to keep it local and they want to do with it and then they sell out to a national chain oh um we have rise down the street that sold someplace in Chicago and when they came in here and sat with us they said many of the same things that you said about wanting to be involved in the community and wanting to be you know active with the community Etc what guarantees can you make to us that that won't happen with you well I actually been a longstanding member of the community for a while now I pruc to live in mayard I currently live in sord so uh my son has actually been a boy SC and lard for about eight years now he's he's currently a senior so he's of the best attendance honestly in the senior year but previously had been regularly attending every weekly meeting at the meor boy Stouts for St since past eight years so we have um been a part of this community for so long I don't foresee moving anytime in the near future we've lived now in sbur for um four and a half years as I mentioned just before that we were in mayard so so we're local and that I plan to stay here my children are in high school here and I don't want to move I I like the community which is why I specifically chose me and I feel like it's a great fit because I want to be close to where my kids are in school and be able to do business here so I don't foresee beoc anytime in the near future I I hope to really keep this a small family operated business and hopefully in time maybe add another location or two everything goes well I really would like to keep this a small family own business thank you and the the other question I have is the property right now um when I saw that it was on the agenda I walked by the location is it currently a residential location so interestingly enough it actually is a zoned for dual purpose and it has a um residential and business zoning so in the back of the location there's actually a full apartment because as again zoned as such and with the architectural plans as you could see in the plan it shows that apartment right behind it So the plan is to put a dividing wall between the apartment unit and the um anticipated retail states which again is what it's own for and that the architect has uh thoroughly researched to make sure it's in line with all of the regulations of the mayor um from a legal perspective or whatever and I'm not a lawyer so I don't know but you can answer uh typically um you know in the discussions we've had there's always been some concern about residential proximity to a marijuana distribution location what's the what's the issue with with that in this situation so as Char said she she's correct it's a Zone specifically live work um so there is the residence uh that is a part of the unit we spoke with Town Council about the very question because obviously you it's Springs to thought and they said there are no clear restrictions if it's zone for live work then there's no problem there um you can have the Cannabis retail in proxim to the residents uh and it could even be contiguous however there has to be a pretty concrete separation between the two and that's what I believe you were alluding to there you're going to create the dividing law how about entrance and exit yeah and then of course everything will have to abide by building code and be suitable to you know to M Police Department so how that actually is is there currently a separate entrance for the residential area yes there is there is an entrance in at the front and rear the property so dividing having that dividing wall will not interfere with the ability to maintain those separate entrances yeah the only entrance I saw and I didn't go exploring I only wanted to see the location was there's like a door there like shoes inside yeah I'm sorry it's just because um so yes we we just don't our shoes inside it's par residential I've just been using that kind of hard time um and so you know we've been it up and just don't have shoes inside no that that that I'm not concerned about I just saw the few I figured there was somebody living no it's I mean it's it's not and I haven't like suaded or anything it's just I go there sometimes as I mentioned I live in sbur so I have a you know house there but I do have a lot of children so at times I go over there and you know get some work done and things like that since I have the space already red yeah okay so the there's no restriction on children living next door to a marijuana the children wouldn't be living there they totally definitely wouldn't be living there you might be referring to like uh a distance from the school no I'm speaking specifically about residential I know you are but I meant like it is relative to the concept that it can leave a certain distance from school right so like could could a resident and that's a good question the the residents it's okay as long as it's partition the children can't enter in any way shape or form the the retail what's what's the distance from the school 300 300 300 yeah are we 300 from the sanctuary yes I haven't measured I remember having a conversation specifically about that okay and I actually it's that's is it pre this particularly came up because uh no Wellspring Wellspring when they were across the street now they're the B but when they were across the street there was like slly closer to sanctuary and yeah because they're like this distance looks further than that okay just yeah you were talking about schools so yeah yeah I think the only concern is if the live component is being preserved to some extent if people are going to be if there is there are kids or your family residing there there's going to be a question of being a you know Ingress and egress they're going to have to be able to get out to a separate end from the one that they get into that's my that was little get to my question yeah and I haven't seen the interior I'm great at reading Flor plans but that's something when it crosses Rick asin's desk you know he'll have comments about that what is permissible and what's impermissible do there's still there's still the planning board if it even gets that far because again it would not get that far if you don't even authorize one didn't this already go before the planning board for at least one uh I was contacted by somebody that said they was on the planning board's agenda yes okay it didn't happen before this meeting yeah okay so let me clarify that that's a good point so we when we got this initial S contact this rivers and then anyway so that was however long ago and then just to the to the National course of consideration at OMS I think it was just presented to go and he started moving forward with with sort of like expectation that would go in due time to the planning boards and he planning meetings however we didn't get to this step sooner and and then uh but the planning board already s schul so it had been postponed at the planning board but to go my early question was going to be relative to the planning board um know site layout and otherwise it still does require special permit doesn't it yes okay so so my presumption is that the planning board really get to some level of detail when it comes to like the layout and how work and relative to the residance CC that's right um for just a clarification it was not Bill who expedited I it was on me to expedite to try to do the parallel permitting at the same time uh especially in consideration of the uh the state's general direction as it uh pertains to social Equity applicants and you know kind of FASTT tracking those applications specifically as a way to address cast um yeah juses and and uh you know organ drugs etc etc uh so we with Miss rivers with application we did it you know wanted to get things going fast you know the Machinery of government can often times be slow well thank you for not letting me f build bu and and thank you for your honesty that yeah it's that's all okay and and by the way anything else that HCA has to come back from here as well so Mo another look we have other questions but I don't know does anyone have any other questions for Shon or Steve my my only comment is and I I I appreciate the presentation I appreciate your want to be in mayor um I I just personally I I can't I can't authorize a a fourth HCA in that little area um because I we already have we already have M Well Spring we already have R we already have another one that's in the wings that that there is that could open at any time next to Wellspring and it it's just in You full disclosure I'm one of the ones who who brought it to the brought it to town meeting several years ago that I wanted to limit our our um our cannabis retailers to two I think yeah um it failed which is fine um but I you know I I I appreciate the thought that you put into this presentation I don't want you to take that away um but you know I I I can't support it just because I can't have four in a little Tri and that's my my two sense that's been consistent has it very consist the third one too so in in hearing Justine say that which is you know not a shock but um you know can you it's separate from this can you just get us an update on what's going on with um sugar Flavia and Sugarloaf and all that because like in our conversation in regarding this yeah you want that later you want me ask no I don't need it now I'd like to get it down the road you know just not it doesn't it doesn't affect what sh is trying to do so I just would like to get um I'd like to get a followup on on that because that's been two years since we've heard from them y or seen him it's been a bit so just just you know is there still an intention what is it you know yeah well very very briefly no he said it down don't no if you have information now go ahead I oh all right it's as my understanding they were having uh financing issues and those have been resolved and they're now actually in arts building the Arts Special building and preparing for uh well they're renovating so they're currently renov they're currently those dumpsters out in back you've been in the in the Basin that are right behind his building that's those were there associated with suar level so I update on that guy too but um what um what is [Music] um well it there's a there's a problem with the layout right we never resolved the problem with the layout for Arts that problem was never resolved I'll have to go back and check there some sort of fencing and some other stuff going on there and and it was it was going to impede on other people I there was an issue there was an issue with the that was the delivery company that we said no to so that that's that the same building in the same building okay okay okay okay prior to that there had been some discussion about the where and how in the front but then they moved it to the back if I remember correctly then like you go into Arts but then separ to get a should I will double check and I think it's a good idea to always double check so so Mr arol and Mr n and the rest of the planning committee are going to community planning Community Committee are going to have an opportunity to um you know kind of V this on in their their way and do that that you guys are going to discuss an haa if we vote to allow you to and then it all still comes back through here and then we have the the process has to move forward so Sher one other comment I like to make is um I want to thank you for coming in as an individual um in some of these other times we've had uh you know councel which is fine people have the right to have their attorneys and they come in and they you know try to blow smoke about how wonderful their uh bu their you know client is ETC um and you don't really get a sense of who it is that we're dealing with and then they try to talk you the one guy came from New Bedford or something he talked about how wonderful maned was he'd never been in maned ever because he was on zoom and you know mispronounced you know names and everything else not that that's the worst thing in the world but there's sense of connection when it's not so thank you for coming in yourself and presenting yourself and presenting your business plan yourself because I think it goes the long way you're so welcome thank you so much for being for making that comment and for being so welcoming I really appreciate you saying that because I honestly was a little nervous about not so I really appreciate you taking the time to say that thank you very much all right that being said um would anybody like to make a motion on this item I will move to authorize the Town Administrator to negotiate a host Community agreement HCA with the river's natural healing for a recreational marijuana established license to be located at 24 Main Street 42 I beg you pardon 42 okay would anyone like to second that motion second okay um does anybody else have any further questions for Steve Greg sh or anyone else in regards to this item isue all all those in favor all those opposed okay um good luck if you need anything from us call Greg you're close by we we won't be fine good good luck in the process and good luck with everything else as you move forward thank you thank you thank you much thank you I really thank you have a good evening right on to town meeting planning so chair so there's two two um actions for the board to consider um you do it either order one is to consider the address that was drafted by Mr smallberg and then the second one is you guys got to tell me what you want to do tell me got my list ready put it away um I'm I'm I have no problem with Jeff's um you know recap presentation I don't know if anyone else does but I'm fine with that appreciate it and thank you for that um as far as the article goes the Articles go um I mean I don't I don't see anything within the Articles that's gonna you know prove to be controversial does anybody else wait can we go back other than the bunny rabbits well I have I actually have a question about the so we'll go back to like the order my my first question is I think the board should probably take a motion to you I didn't expect the board was going to maybe approve the statement that was drafted by Mr schamber I want me that Jeff tonight but but I recommend that just kind of make it very but I did so I didn't know that was an expectation if you're GNA approve it tonight or or I didn't want to well if we didn't approve it tonight we're not g be able to bring it to town meeting because yeah that's fair all right would would anybody like to make a motion in regards to the message from the main and select board to town meeting I will move to accept and approve the message from The Manor select board to be distributed uh to be offered town meeting presented offered at town meeting uh on May 20th as drafted by as drafted by select board member J thank you do we have a second second is it the intention to just have it as a handout I asked I that's the exact question I had my my understanding was I and Jeff and I corresponded office Qui was to have it as hand out not to you read ahead of time this is my understanding of the board this was this was that that was the direction of the board at the last meeting and that that came from you know Dick's how dick wanted it done and we decided why don't we just make it make it the first time as a hand out and if we feel as though it's something that we want to do from the stage some point we would do it at a later date but the first time through this was the direction that we agreed on um I think we took a vote on the last yeah and maybe and maybe that can um call attention to the fact that it's in the packet or that we someone knows it's there to read one of us well after after day we'll put it online we go on the website and if you put online and then and then when the first person gets up to read um you know article number one say oh by the way there a case anyone hasn't know there's a there's a method from the main selectboard to everybody in the packet do we want to have um although Jeff off it yes all the signatures the botom or all the you guys all the names I like that just because I don't like having third page have just one line yes use of digital signatures if approved okay very good I'll put it on your second second second yeah thanks all right so thank you um no all in a favor all right thank you I apologize for um so back to I guess back to the the um articles is there anything on there that anybody thinks is going to be controversial other than the roosters well I'm a little confused about the how overlay district and NBTA communities and adus all being discussed and voted together because I don't feel like they're the same thing I think that the MBTA Community is kind of a I mean for for people who are paying attention it's kind of a community um so I would I would I would agree but we don't have a say dick Downey is going to do it the way he wants um but we can't get feedback to Dick saying the opportunity to give your feedback will be Monday the 13th during the prep meeting no well you tell me down I'll prep so how how would you prefer it just vote it separately okay discuss separately vot I would think so I mean I don't and and again I'm I'm one person so so if no one else feels that way let me know but I just feel like you know I mean the MBTA community's bylaw is a is a big deal and I so I think that just by grouping it with something else you know you know I agree and I would say truth be told that the bundling of these articles in my eyes was an advent of Co and an advent specifically because we were doing outdoor meetings during a pandemic when people were not supposed to be gathered together I'm you know I I don't like the plan now dick can do what he wishes he's the um the moderator but I think each article should be independent of one another and presented separately and that's what town meeting is it's not rush through and vote it's rush through and discuss and now granted I think that there are some routine stuff like the you know the one talk where we accept the town report and we do that that c count certainly not yeah certainly not anything more than consent again we're having a discussion over something we have no authority over but the uh bottom line is I would prefer to go back to town meeting where we have uh each and every article discuss separately as opposed to grouping them together and sort of marginalizing certain articles because it's included if you don't want that one you have to vote Yes because it just becomes clumsy to me Mr chair I just I don't want to interrupt the board and and expect youall to stop talking but I wanted to tell you that look like Chris AR is on if you want to get his input oh Mr Arsenal how are you good evening everyone there he is good evening um good evening I wasn't uh prepared to speak tonight um but I I I I did not actually uh I was not aware that there was any discussion about bundling these items and I just want to um give my support to what David just said about uh that these articles should from my point of view should not be bundled particularly I heard that 27 and 28 War Article 27- 28 where proposed to be bundled together those are very sort of different articles correct um yeah and I I think the town deserves a um you know a clean vote on each would be the way I put it that's all okay thank you thanks Chris you can so I think we can I can this to the moderator then also a number of you are invited to the regular pre meeting on Monday as P you just mentioned um but as David as you said like it is like how he sort of runs the show like um but you can have it taken out so how I mean honestly like if we have to we can stand up at town meeting and ask for it to be separated but I'd rather not have to do that because I'd rather I I'd rather this come from Dick and him plan it like we we've kind of given our feedback and and again and Chris agrees with that feedback especially with those articles I would rather be able to move forward with that without having to almost go around it to actually get that done well you know to to David's point in Chris point I I I agree this was this was a these this bundling of Articles and you know it makes sense for a few of the smaller ones that are you know similar and you know if you bundle the water the two water items and the two s items I get it I get I get that but you know um to have some of the other things bundled is is wrong I I think that the point that David and Chris both make that these are these are important things and they have have them just kind of lumped together I don't I don't think is I I think it goes against the uh spirit of town meeting even though it's allowed legally because it got it got allowed to happen during Co to save time and to you know do all the things that it did during Co but I don't I don't think we need it anymore I think we should go back to you know this x number of articles there should be pretty close to that number of votes and discussions by the way the discussion is more the important part than the votes yeah and I I I quite frankly I think bu thing of them uh diminishes the discussion on various topics because you lose what are we talking about you know it's it's are we talking about the first article that we're talking about are we talking about the second article well I mean let's go through mik you know you get to the revolving funds certified free cash should be a standalone every year that's a huge that's a huge even even if the money shrinks it's still an importantance um it's an important article every year because of what it represents and what it is well can you imagine if somebody wishes to do like what Natasha did last year and two years ago whenever it was and reallocate how do you do that under this circumstance it becomes so confusing to the voter and you really don't have discussion on the real topic I yeah is rather think is rather inflexible I don't know if he'll change for us or anyone else to start right I mean we didn't always do it this way correct correct he came up with the idea to do this the first the first town meeting that was in Co Outdoors when it was swalter heart the first the first one we did he came up with the idea to do it this way and he's he just kept back going you know but I don't know is if anyone has given him I I don't know but has anyone given him the feedback of all right we you know we feel like we're losing some of the intent of time meeting here probably so what is the official means of communication between the select board and the town moderator so officially you can invite him it's an invitation he a sub elected official you can invite him I as the Town Administrator in the charter I can more or less summon anyone I want to typically I just email him and and I say like um and I'm writing down a lot of this stuff you're saying I'm just saying like it'll be kind of like an anchus brief to a court just a friendly little like I think I think I think that's that's enough you know dick it could be brought up at the planning however typically dick is very strict about and very controlled and I do appreciate that he's got a structure to it about like it's Logistics before the town meeting it's not typically into like how do we feel about something LEL after town meeting within a week or two and it's already been I don't remember what SP my head we have like a followup and we say one right it's like a it's like an after action where it could maybe also be a to bring up like you know what we really didn't feel like this is given a fair Shake I remember last year in Chris L signed off it um he went at the very end and it was late and he had to kind of like fly through yeah and and for better for worse like it was a judgment call that dick made at the time like we're gonna get through this so those things are kind of my my expectation there this evening is to I'm going to write him some quick email today and maybe he'll bring it up maybe he won't but let we so know the question the other question I have um regarding the planning meeting um is is there going to be I mean there's not a horrific amount of articles on the agenda um some of them could generate some discussion um so is there going is there a time where we're not going to take new articles after because I do think that's the other part of it is you you just have to make it a second night but you oh oh um I don't know D has I think that's certainly a part is that you know because I I think that I mean that was that was that was the reason that we flew through that and everyone was exhausted and everyone just voted yes just to get out of there so you know I mean that that's not that's not the process either so it's tough to say because you're right I mean like the in that particular it was we knew it was G to be a heavy meeting because the school boat so I don't know I don't know if dick like is predicting I mean rightfully so there's not it is a lot of standard business for the most part besides own so maybe he doesn't expect you to go to the second night and would therefore need to say hey 10 o' we Clos get 18 articles that require us to good bot that's a lot and that's the other r that leads to um you know his desire to bundle is is the delay that you have in voting uh in getting the results of a vote and you know I don't know I see it seems to me and you know that I'm I'm a nerd for this stuff but the other towns make do and they all vote independently on each article other than Town report and obsolete equipment everything else is done uh independently of of one another town that does all open Bing there's no secret facts I think these are some of these are some of them according to well according to according to um Lisa they go over this they'll go over this on the 13th and they'll she will tell him no dick that has to be secret so that she's saying that it's yeah they have had that conversation so so no but what I'm saying is to the point that just funny I just assumed that that's the way it was and then I I hear in other towns that it's there are other towns that just have our Charter bylaw dictate that's why okay so no May loves secret bels so they I don't however long AG if it's if it's something worth over what $50,000 or something that has to be that's right I think it's something you're right the state does dictate certain things um I think it's um borrowing zoning that that changes the the majority for two but um it's I think it's about to the time whether they rece it or not or something could be open and then someone could make motion and then so yeah yeah very any well I think it's I think it's important that even the presenter of the article mean namely the planning board is concerned about bundling certain articles and you know I agree with one I think in general though the bundling if it saves time and it issues and similarity I think really there's a you lose Democratic participation if you cross over that threshold you have to go to a second night and you lose turnout if you start to extend meetings to that length so you have to think about that balance yeah we' be fortunate to get a qu on a second night to me oh I agree well let's have we'll start the conversation with him on the 13th Monday the 13th and say dick there are those that think we should stop doing it that way and he'll tell you why you're wrong and then you'll do it it way anyway but at least you've had the conversation I I don't think that for a second that he's going to take the take it under serious consideration or make a change and that's based on a conversation I had with him about something totally ridiculous that he just didn't want to hear so so with that would the like to I'm just trying we I just I just lost count there's either 22 or 23 22 I think that are sponsored by the select board yeah just um is a tree committee presenting themselves uh yeah yeah they they're presenting I think you were making the mo I don't remember break where does it have like make motion for oh there so what so just how me each and just go down the list and divide them I guess I don't know I don't have a problem with that unless anybody has anything SLE equipment I'm king that's what my wife called me she calls me article to you're you're right Justine that's a that's a good way of coaching it is like how many how many SL boards specific in that I would just unless anyone objects div them well because that was my question because I thought that so does CPC present their own yeah like move they usually come up and do move their own I think so yeah so everyone moves their own with the exception of so so that's why the slide forward like I said we have 22 I think CPC one2 B of Health well would we do the Board of Health no they do it yeah we have 22 there are five of us so a couple of us get to do joint no we'll read every other word I think the first first I don't know the first five are a layup in terms in terms of the just repetitive events the only one being free cash maybe it's the first three in free cash is one but then you might as well be up there for five because it's a bundle it's a bundle just distributed on go ahead I'll take my assignment yeah I we can figure out we can figure out out I think in the past I've done spreadsheet and I apologize we're not doing the same approach I I think earlier I think in years past I had like already broken out a resume like this section this section this section according to VES so I can do that again and and if yall are really in differenter I will just go down the list and I'll just assign people okay yeah yes so we just have some notice so we can review the warrant and so we can review this time I did also um already I've like in the last couple days I've done the presentation so whatever so you look at it and it's a script right so you can you can edit however you want to whatever articles you want but if you feel uncomfortable with those particular articles you're good assigned let me know and then maybe we can okay just give us enough time to be [Music] yeah but as I said most of them are the regular business of the Town well you know I would I would say to that yeah I said I wouldn't do that until we hear from dick on the 13th oh that's fine to we'll see what he has to say that might affect that might affect that might change the num in some way you know or whatever but um I don't know that what else what else do we have to plan with time meeting other than that we we'll be posted for a meeting at what 6:30 6:30 yeah that's pretty standard we'll be there at 6:30 I guess a little early so you can check in right yeah oh I did there was one Mr chair actually appreciate you and I so I mentioned this earlier about the layout so in the PowerPoint presentation and the script you'll see that uh the layout remember that is anyways it'll it'll say that there's an amendment to and this is pretty standard usually there is a number of articles that are an amendment like it's not exactly as written in warrant that's that happens every year this year there was only the one which is article whatever it is and it and it talks about how the plans have not the plans have been thus certified so it's not January whatever it is it's August 8 and AUST oh it's for the acceptance of Roads yeah yeah yeah there was those those those that's it so that you'll see WR in there it's the oh actually had to write up right now so the the motion won't be moved to accept Article 19 as PR period it'll say move to approved AR 19 as printed the word except the dates of June 23rd March 33 except the words on and adding the date August 2th that reflects the date it's pretty standard but I know it looks a little confusing but anyways just for the board thank you Green School building we just have that update I think that's yeah that was kind of an update but the other the other one of the things that were on that that um that contract change was the um some changes to the um prek and the uh playgrounds the location of the playgrounds and the shapes and the sizes they actually much longer discussion than I thought it was in pretty robust but the you know um the team the team of people that doing the doing the stuff they have a pretty good understanding of how it has to be and it's just the way some people wanted to do it was kind of amusing but they got it to where everybody agreed that it was a good plan and very very minimal change in the dollars and cents but the um surprisingly they actually went to um Brian hos um Rober L the principal of that school Lindquist miss m Lindquist who was the um vice principal and the incoming principal because rber below is leaving at the end of the year and some teachers and other and they so they had a lot of input from people that um it's going to affect most so they think they have a good plan for the the uh the new playground so that was that Senior Center um sat through a meeting their last meeting and listened a lot more than I spoke and [Music] um they want to come to us with some stuff and and bring some stuff to us but there's nothing ready yet um and you know uh I think a lot of people on the committee understand that you know money is an issue um timing is an issue and right now there isn't a dollar put aside for that project and and I don't know that everyone's in alignment with that thought process because they're talking about at least being imminence and other things taking place in in in time frames that I frankly I don't understand that where the time frames come from I did miss a meeting so if at a meeting I missed when it all came up but they had time frames that I just don't understand I haven't had an opportunity to speak to um Jerry culbert but I I I intend to before the next meeting would you agree with that Steph that some of the some of the things that they want to time very quickly are ahead of where you might anticipate them being yeah little bit I think we need that report to start things off right from the which won't be ready until October November time frame so right yeah that's the guell yeah yeah and I I don't know you think be ready that quickly I thought that Amy was kind of saying that there's a there's kind of in a point now where they're in like a little bit of a lull in the activity because they've done all the um data collection and they've done the focus groups and they've done all that now they're going to work to compile and um and analyze and that's going to take a bit of time and I I think some of the people in the room thought that they were just you know the would stop and they would give us the information tomorrow but yeah see they have some stuff that they want me to bring back to this board so I said we prepare it and I'll bring it and we'll see but they're working hard they have 20 25 committees and subcommittees and they're ready to go don't laugh stuff you're in three of them by the way I've avoided it so far I'll be on the next one if anybody ever ask you to be on that committee don't ever miss a meeting because if you miss a meeting you're going to come back three different committees they're notorious for that yes but but it's a good group of people and they are working hard and there just seems to be some disconnect with timing and and and money but um they they they want to see it happen so they're working hard towards it yeah okay um minutes we have some minutes to accept move to accept and approve the meeting minutes of March 19 2024 as shown authoriz use digital signatures if approved second second does anybody have any questions about the minutes all in favor Town Administrator report Mr Johnson U Mr we had an election um and I and I don't want to on Thunder but I do want to of course thank the clerk's office and the workers and and everyone that pulls together mayor police the the F School staff superintendent office it takes a lot to put it together even it's kind of normal and not very controversial it still takes a lot of for eff so I appreciate that good and all the voters for turning out and all the mail BS Etc successful um I always love uh when I get great pictures on the town administrators report so I of course got compliment the library and Council on as the library in particular always highlighting um the how the library is really the the Cornerstone in a lot of ways of the community and now have a lot oftion and then um one thing to note about theing is Amy L and I the director have been talks with this um you know National firm called LPI um we are have negotiated moving away from action unlimited for the distribution of of the newsletter into this this other vend LPI LPI um sells ads so it comes at no cost for the the actual production of the of the newsletter um however the distribution of so fall over town but still I mean that's significant savings compared to paying actually for the publication um and am's very excited about it a lot of towns M use this platform she think she's she really she thinks this the best path for um but it won't won't you won't see any change until October so it'll still go that household it'll just it'll just be a different it'll come from a different vendor and then um um and then I also want to highlight some some some great collaboration amongst all the public safety departments fire police and uh dispatcher um because uh they pulled together look like a pretty good event uh for the high schoolers for the juniors and seniors about this effed driving good that's all I have unless there's questions I will say I will say coming around the corner and seeing all the apparatus and everything in the parking lot was like what what happened and then they said oh I saw the car and I said oh okay you know it's practice for that that the event with with the kids it's a lot of equipment with there interesting um yes I have so yeah otherly I have one thing on my my chair repor it's just a question for um Greg maybe maybe Justin and I don't know who to address are to so you can tell me at the M gol course yeah they they have installed four charging stations three or four right the the other afternoon I was I was doing my thing up there and a guy when I was leaving a gentleman pulled in he was plugging his car and so I I had never seen anyone do it you know and so I walked over and I said you know had a conversation about the cost and he didn't have a problem with the cost he said it's seven bucks for two hours and you know so we were talking about how that um kind of computes to miles per gallon and all that and the cost said it's right when you're paying for gas is you know I'll get 80 gallons about 40 miles per gallon at 350 a thing whatever so you know an interesting conversation well one of the things that I said to him was what's with the two-hour limit two hour limit if you remember I have the board approv the rates yeah and the limits um and the conversation with the limits was Turnal so as they start to have um use patterns just remember this is a cloud system so we went to one ourti product so it's uh efficient and effective to utilize um but a lot of the limits are set points so that some don't park their cars overnight and we all these locations are public use par right so change um the golf course is probably the least utilized evv stations that we have within our entire process but we're hoping to see that change the the thought processes as so the DAP test and those processes that the may actually right so here's so here's the the the conversation the in the questions and in a you know concern in a sense right not it's it's not going to you know change the world but if you play nine holes you pull in the parking lot you get your clubs out you get your stuff you get to the tea you play nine holes and you're done and then you you know do you stu or soda or beer or do you whatever that's three hour for nine holes so that's three hours that way if you play nine holes 18 holes you're looking at you know five plus hours now the interesting thing about the conversation was I said so can you charge for if you're there for four hours can you charge four hours or you know whatever he says no they can only charge for two hours and after two hours they start Charing me rent on the space which I thought was kind of funny but my point being it's is is there is there a possibility to adjust those times to fit the facility if if it's if it's a place and it's just the SE away or something I get it but it in in reality a man or a woman or anyone else that goes up there to play round of golf is is going to exceed those times and then by no fault of their own because they're not just lay in about and leaving their C sitting there they're they're going to they're going to beat you know they're going to beat for longer than that period so the reason that they get charged for the is actually penalty that we impose as part of that process to enhance changing but to your point Chris the board could definitely make a consideration we have the ability to change the move specification trueone I don't know but ask um I'll talk to Brad and I'll ask him if they have similar stations at other courses that they manage and see in see what they do I I don't I mean I you know I'm sure that the rate for parking rental and if you don't want to pay the parking rental you just unplug you got well that's you know and that's and that's kind of what some of the you know a guy park next to in a in a Ford F250 Super Super Duty he ain't electric he's not plugging in he's you know this guy's squeezing it to plug his car in but um it was very it just it's just a very interesting thing part of the penalty process in the the the process is to count so some is essentially looking to the stations they have an yeah and again there actually not as many as you think and mayard has the luxury of having significant amount of e St other communities is if someone is actually running low battery they only have so many stations to go to and if that station is full someone who's just squatting as opposed to a gas station you don't just sit with the pump and then leave hours there's turnover process but again we can definitely have a conversation about isolated locations this is still a new process for the um we don't have a significant amount of feedback I haven't had a real complaint about anything St no I I think you just you tell us how how long did just yeah I'm just I just sorry and thought that's kind of it's kind of a penalty for you know for for no fault of your own right sounds to me like an incentive to improve your golf improve the P improve the Pace a play got no problem with my golf I play I played I played last Wednesday morning I teed off at 5:40 and I was at my house by 6:30 I have a problem with slow play but it it's just a matter of you know during the regular during the regular hours makesense whatever um the other thing do you know Andrew deore do you remember him planning board gu just in aside for for whatever wish him well he's playing in a Massachusetts Hickory open on Friday so good luck to him a guy from town yeah and that is he plays he plays golf with clubs from the 20s and 30s all Hickory shafted clubs and the whole that's pretty cool he came out he came out I did recognize him and he said hello and he he had you know an old sunday bag with the but he but anyways he's playing in a tournament with the um with Hickory shafted clubs which you just don't see very many of at all that was kind of cool that was it but that's all I have um board members Mike um just one comment again my own personal thanks to the um election all the people involved in that um the one thing that struck me from the results was and also when I I did actually vote in this case there were just two candidates for select board yes um and it seems from the results that there were different numbers of people voting for each candidate and I'm one wondering if part of that was it not being clear to people that they could vote for both candidates now in this particular situation this year it's it wasn't a big deal of course but in a scenario where there might be three candidates vying for two seats then um that potential confusion if it's not made clear uh could be more more critical you didn't say on theot on theot yeah so I don't know I'm just going byy you know the difference in numbers I mean people could have had all kinds of reasons for voting for one or two of no candidates um but it was just something that occurred to me Clarity of course is a challenge imagine if he lost no it's but it was it was it was a different kind of turnout anything else David uh quickly a couple Saturdays ago Mike and I had the pleasure of being out front of town hall for the uh Arbor Day event um small little crowd but very enthusiastic about um you know planting trees not only in front of town hall but all over the community and uh it's once again a volunteer committee that uh shows their love and desire to make m a better place for all of us and they should be thanked for uh for their dedication in uh you know trying to do what's right and then again Mike was here what's his name Smith um Steve Steve Steve Smith was here um and he and his wife donated uh trees to plant um you know that type of thing should be recognized I will say it you know thank you to that committee but also when before they put they give you so much great information about the trees they're putting in and all that that it's it's it's pretty cool they're doing with that good to get all the information too that's it okay Justin uh I want to congratulate um Mike and Lindsay mccon for their positions on H select boards and um I unfortunately don't have the uh I know Hillary congratulations to Hillary for school committee and I don't have the name of the other um thank you Alexis fishone um so congratulations everyone um it was it was um it was an interesting vote this time because I think there was so much that was uncontested that it was just um I think it looked like only 855 people voted from what I can tell looks like the number yeah um because if you voted two you end up with or 18 so 98 I guess maybe um yeah so 98 people out of 10,000 um but I appreciate all the hard work that went into everything and uh and I can't wait to see what all of you do on the board next year yeah why you leaving tomorrow you are not that lucky is that vacation time anything else no yeah I'll also extend my congratulations to everybody uh the election and thank the town staff and looking forward to continuing to work with you Mike and lindsy was on earlier to joining us um also draw attention to the article question with the treor Review Committee um and especially extend my thanks to Bill Coleman or fearless leader chairing that committee that's been a very long process and he uh guided us through some many hours of of conversation uh around um what you saw on the ballot uh I also had the opportunity to attend the mayard Spring artw Walk so thanks to the mayard business lines and all the partners there know the believe the cultural Council was in art space looking um at ballots for artwork to plan on Hall to collect opinions um there good reviews on the jazz band that was playing up Memorial Park another another successful event and the weather was ideal thank you to all participants for that and that's it for me all right would anybody like to make a motion to right so moved second so mov all in favor next meeting is the 21st at 6 o'