let's open this meeting of the Mard select board and before we get started we'll read the um Governor's script for remotely conducted open meetings so as a PR preliminary matter this is the main and select board meeting and permit me to confirm that all members and persons anticipated on the agenda are present and can hear me um Mike Stevens yes okay so Mike is the only member of the board of the staff that's remote tonight so um he's he can hear us we're go with him so good evening this open meeting of the select board is being conducted via zoom and in person in a hybrid format the speakers on the agenda will some speakers on the agenda will be participating remotely and the chair and meeting manager may allow for the public to provide comments the select would like to hear public comments and and if there is further action that is required by the board the chair or meeting manager will add the matter as appro to a forthcoming agenda depending on your comments the board May if we are able within the confines of the open meeting law respond with information as opposed to needing to deliberate on the matter please note that while an option for remote attendance and or participation is being provided as a courtesy to the public the meeting SL hearing will not be suspended or terminated if technological problems interrupt the virtual broadcast individual attendees unless otherwise required by are accordingly Please be aware that other people may be able to see you so take care not to screen share your computer as anything you broadcast may be captured and seen by others all of the meetings for tonight's meeting all the documents for tonight's meeting are on board dos and we suggest that you follow along the agenda that was available on board dos unless we otherwise know we will now turn to the first item on our agenda but before we do so permit me to cover some ground rules for Effective and clear conduct of our business and to ensure accurate meeting minutes the chair will introduce each speaker on the agenda and after they conclude their remarks the chair will go down the line of members inviting each by name for any comments questions or motions please hold your name please hold yours until your name is called further remember to mute your phone or computer when you are not speaking also remember to speak clearly and in a way that help and in a way that helps generate accurate meeting minutes for any responses please wait until the chair yields the floor to you and state your name before speaking if members wish to engage in colloquy with other members please do so through the chair taking care to identify yourself for items with public comments after the members have spoken the chair May board public comment as follows the chair will first ask members of the public who wish to speak to identify themselves by their names and address only and once the chair has a list of all public commentators we will call on each by name and afford three minutes per comment public comment for public hearings may only be accepted in person for open meeting law with that said the first order of business is the pledge allegiance so if everybody in the room could stand and join us in the pledge allegiance plge Al to uned States Amica so next on our agenda is public comments and this is the only time that we will take public comments tonight if anybody has a public comment now is the time yes sir my name is Bab sheer you like to the front so that the ow can hear you uh my name is Dave shepher I represent acne theater I'm here tonight because of the choice on the RFP or whether one will be submitted or one will be established I would in consideration for it to make sure that the ideas of what will bring more business other than just a single paycheck of highest bitter for the downtown the bars and restaurants will benefit from something like acne theat some art organization bringing new people into town the public has come to us and has come here tonight that more than just theater people to support the idea so when you decide please take into consideration more than just what dollar fure worth hading and what we can bring to the town and bring to the restaurants and bars that definitely need more okay thank you thank you anybody else in the room sure Ed man longtime resident I oppos this acne thoughts concept the fire station's been there since 1950 time frame it's a valuable asset if we're going up to bid we should get the highest price possible to create the best business environment I'm going back to the digital days when the town wound in a viable business in the mill and it's another brick building I'd like to see this art stuff set the side for a while and start focusing on real business to lower the tax that's in this town I'm retired and real estate taxes are killing me and if we can lower something by increasing the business wonderful but I don't think all right we'll do that thank you okay thank you yes appreciate it my name is Paul Mar I'm a lifelong resident employee of the Town um I actually worked in that building many years ago um I own a company called strongwatch Security Services currently based out of Acton and would be interested in possibly places bid on the building so I would like you to consider the uh possibility of opening it up to bid rather than narrowing it down to just a certain SE thank thank you anybody else yes hi I'm demit S I live here in mayor um I appreciate the mention about real estate taxes before but I do think that there's plenty of evidence when art organizations are part of the town that the downtown the retail or restaurants ET all benefit and so I really I also am here and supported the idea of Acy or some other Arts organization having a chance at the building I just don't want it to go away like I think it's Dave said like for just one one time payment I think there's a way to bring a historical building that's relevant to Mayor to make it work for us all for a long time to come thanks thank you can you say your name one more time Deitra sarus would you like me to spell it yeah okay would anybody else like to comment yes um I think we really need to think about the downtown and being somebody who just moved in with art space in the center of town we can see how this is going to change the downtown and art me could be another moon to the downtown with having people there they've already got a fan base that will instantly follow them um district and I think probably people know about ke and N is an Old Firehouse and it's been incredibly successful um and really busy all the time so I really hope you guys will consider the Cultural District and adding to it me downtown okay thank you um anybody online interested in making a comment before we go back to the room okay anybody else in the room yes Michael ali uh question and a comment I'm not really opposed or uh for or against the uh at me but I have a question about has the finance committee looked at this or they have any involvement in it um I believe that the ReUse committee has met with the finance committee and if they haven't they will correct well the finance committee was was already aware since more about a year ago when the town had already approved for the select board to dispose of that's the leg of this um so recently no we didn't go back to the finance committee after the original um purch sale failed we we already had a Pur sale with public we already had with another developer and then they pulled out okay so we right this is the first time we're considering anything since then yeah thank you yeah anybody else okay so we tonight what we are going to do I think most of you people are here because of the conversation about the old fire station more than anything else unless you guys just all to hear Kate and Jamie in a little bit um but all we're going to do tonight is get the report receive the report from the ReUse committee and after that um once we receive the report we're not voting tonight there's no motion to vote we will we will then consider the options in the recommendation that's going to be made to us this evening and at that time there is going to be no public comment when we get to that point so if anybody has anything else they want to say tonight this is the chance yes fire station that's two separate items this is this is the fire station then we'll get to the the other the other the other on the agenda as well we're receiving two and then receive recommendations once okay all right so that being said um the next item on our agenda is the states delegation we will have um Senator Eldridge and representative Hogan B here this evening to make their um you know some remarks to us regarding where we are and where we're going and I'll let you guys determine which one goes first which one go second and welcome thank you for coming it's our pleasure to um have you with us this evening again thank you very much well thank you so much for having us for the board and um I know there's a lot of presentations and discussion tonight so really just wanted you know we're here for our annual budget update obviously perfect timing because um while we're getting a picture of the state revenues of course the House and Senate budgets will will be debate will be happening the Senate budget will be in in May um so I just wanted to outline first just on the the cherry sheet so far is that um you know looking at what um the town uh including the main School District received for Chapter 70 Aid education Aid is that uh the governor's proposal and I I do I do believe as usually the case is that the legislature provides more money than than the governor um for for most areas of of funding um so I'm I'm hopeful we would provide above this but the proposal the cherish sheet for FY 24 that meor school district received in Chapter 70 with $5.6 million uh and the proposal by the governor is $5.7 million um obviously not a significant increase uh but hopefully we can do more in the legislator's budget uh and then uh often especially for municipal officials the unrestricted General government Aid AA I know is particularly important to the board all the different decisions you you have to make um and was pleased that this was an increase um I think I think it was a 3% increase uh committed by the governor um so last last year fy2 24 is1 uh8 million and the proposal by the governor is $1.9 million um so again hopefully the legislation will provide a greater increase again that the Senate budget will happen in in May I do know right now a chapter 90 uh bill is is making its way through the legislature um was pleased in in part due to um the millionaires tax passing two years ago that there has been additional funding to every every town for improving your roads and bridges so so hopefully you saw that increase um and I I I do feel strongly the legislature in terms of how it uses that millionair tax revenue which could be upwards of about $2 billion a year half for Education half for transportation but I do think we'll continue to be commitment that part of that goes for roads and bridges on top of you know public transportation other other Transportation priorities um beyond that um on the just because it's on the Cher sheeet for public libraries I just want to note that uh Kate and I were recently at at the regional libraries breakfast um so that covered a lot of the communities we represent together and some of the other communities I represent so you know we know that libraries are very important I want to make sure that that the line item that supports libraries including the The Lending uh uh system the minim system continues um so that that's also a key priority um I do want to note on the revenue front because revenues have consistently been lower than expected for I think now five or six months is that that certainly is a concern about what we're going to be able to do in the budget um and that's why we're we're fighting hard for increases that continue to happen um I have filed a bill working with the mass Municipal Association that that has been of interest to a lot of Municipal officials for local options taxes um sort of noting that if uh the state is not going to um pass additional Statewide re Statewide taxes if revenues are going to be down what can we do to provide more tools in the toolbox for minicipal officials that you know I know you have fiscal challenges and requests so so one of the bills I filed is for local options meal sacks to to allow that to be an option to to towns um and the governor has filed a similar bill in her Municipal empowering act so that's that's something I've been in close touch with with the MMA and then I just wanted to note uh in closing and really just so proud of a partnership I have with Kate Hogan to deliver ear marks for meter and um you know we've each uh prioritized certain ear marks is that over the past couple years and some of these have been year marked that happened you know during the pandemic than the federal ARA money and finally have made their way uh to to different projects is the the first one which I work very close with Town Administrator Greg Johnson on a couple years ago was uh half a million dollars for the ACT and conquered Street intersection that is somewhat Infamous intersection that a lot of people complain about that the rail trail goes along um so I understand that that project is now on the works so oud to prioritize that um open table which continues growing food insecurity uh of course it's it bought the warehouse behind it so helps secure uh funding for Open Table uh so it's really become kind of a regional food hub for to address food insecurity not just in mayard but Hudson maloro other communities uh the aspect Co-op providing them them some support including to uh create a computer system so so aspet Co-op can accept uh people who have SNAP benefits to make sure we're serving all residents of Mayor and surrounding towns and then the one that's been quite a back and forth for a couple years glad to finally resolve it is um $200,000 for art space in its new location to allow them to for renovation um and so I really appreciate the partnership I've had with with Greg and uh fixing that year mark uh from a previous um allotment in another budget and that was fixed in the supplemental budget the past late last year so that's just you know example some of the uh commitments I've had the metard and obviously many other topics but that's those are sort of the the highlights and happy to answer any questions from the the board after h k chats and uh thanks for having us appreciate it good evening everyone I will try to be breef uh I just want to uh review back um to uh coming before uh all of the Committees earlier uh this month or within the last few weeks talking about the big picture that this fiscal situation um the economy is Flowing tax collections are down and the governor is uh trimming spending so a lot um a lot of the earmarks that um we were able to receive we had we had taken a cut um for instance the uh the Monies to secure Friends u m seniors their study w't able to get all of the monies but we were still able to deliver half of of what we had promised and we're able to get all of the Transportation cost for uh the mayard van mayard senior van and and uh so last year though it was uh we went into it not knowing that we'd be coming out of it uh quite like that but that is what happens but the good news is that nationally um the econom is stable and the B Administration continues to inject stimulus through the infrastructure act ships inflation reduction act and what's happening I think is that we're just putting right size in from much of the infusions of cast uh over covid and and right sizing so I think by next year we'll be able to gauge more accurately what's coming into the state and what can be able to be spent uh by the state um we've had some um tax relief bill that have passed and we're very uh happy to say that that many of them will help work in families and making the state uh both more competitive place to work and also uh easier to do business in um transportation 200 million for the the uh chapter 90 and I know that Justine had asked about uh chapter 90 and the and the formula from mayard and so I think it's all been been worked out that there was there were fewer dollars this year um not on a grand scale but enough to notice and ask and so we figured that like most things when you start to unfold the formula there was uh a reason uh regarding employment or a little less employment in the in the town of Mayor so therefore affected your your chapter 90 not by a lot but enough to to want to ask um in the house we were able to uh permanently authorize municipalities to approve o d dining request that was really uh something important from Co um and infusion into the economy and that will now be permanent and authorize establishments to sell alcohol beverages to go I don't know if the Senate yeah we'll do permanent out dining but I'm not sure about the that may Ono but um the house has also passed long-term care bill with quality and oversight of a long-term care industry gun bill that addresses ghost guns um a bill to modernize laws around preventing abuse and exploitation um the workplace equity and to strengthen ma Massachusetts Equal Pay Act of 2016 and pay time off for voting that's all of of the most recent Act passed by by our our house and and um some of them gone right through uh to the Senate um one of my legislative priorities is uh agriculture it's been very important to me two of my four towns really are still of agricultural nature and uh working closely on on a bill I passed and create the 21st century agricultural uh Commission we're working to uh find ways to help our Farmers to figure out where we need to be in the 21st century um and to understand that if there are no Farms there's no food and how we want to approach um all of the challenges and opportunities that Li there through education technical assistance and really understand the needs of our farmers in terms of economics um also working on transportation and infrastructure I co-hosted event um with the 495 Metro West partnership to welcome our new Transportation secretary uh tibit nut to the region for an important discussion on 495 and the region Transportation needs and what we might be able to do to address them um consistently meeting with Administration members to discuss how how we move forward the priorities of our district um they're very important and uh look to hopefully have some of those folks in town and foring and seeing um what we're a what we offer and what we we need to move forward um Mass P pass Bill a priority legislation for me it was filed uh just this year protecting public water uh resources from health risks um and contamination of P pass it's been reported favorably out by public health and we are looking to now go through it again work with uh our activists work with the business Community work to see how we get this over over the line so that uh we're able to address through regulation or mediation the uh challeng of p in our environment um there are other bills that we're working on but I won won't get into it too much today RTA funding is something we're really working hard on uh looking to see what we might be able to do to bring more funds for Regional Transit how that might help mayard and not only connecting mayard around but also connecting mayard to other towns um and and Mak more of a regional transportation system rather than you know sort of the the very small efforts that are made through earmark um and in fact mayard has for the most part it's been ear Mark have kept Wheels on the road uh in other communities that I serve as well and it just something needs to happen and something needs to evolve and so again working closely with the administration and the folks say it's a it's enough for 26 miles from Boston and we need to with Gras the ability of us to have a better transportation system so thank you all for your time I always appreciate uh working with all of you um and look forward to working um through the next year together and and moving towards a better a better manage so thank you all for your time thank you thank you um so last night I was sitting in a meeting with a subcommittee of the mayard senior center committee which also included a visit from um Jerry culbert Who's the chair of the Green Middle School building committee and uh we were talking about chasing our state delegation for senior center funds and and that chasing that Avenue down and um but before we did that um it in the conversation with Jerry with the uh thought was to thank you both for all your help in getting us to where we are today with the green medal School building the upcoming School building and getting us through the um msba process so we wanted to thank you guys for that and then itre up with the um thought of um keeping a senior center in mind as we go forward and um you know it's a great committee with a lot of people starting to do a lot of good things and and um I'm sure that um in some sometime in the near future that they'll um likely invite both you guys to a meeting they're usually about an hour on Zoom so um I'll keep you posted on that but other than that that you know thank you for that the the school stuff and obviously all the other um things that you guys bring to Mayor that help us along the way every year so um that's the only comments I have anybody else have any questions for Kate or Jamie comments I'll just say thank you for all the work that you do for mayard tirelessly I think um you highlighted a lot of ways that um the the work you do in the legislator turns up in real very real physical ways here within mayard um I know from from represent office we're looking at um an assessment of the DPW garage which is literally to protect assets which are improving infrastructure elsewhere in town um and then Senator Eldridge talking about the conquer Brown Street intersection with again an upcoming set that I think we're all very much looking forward to having that that significant intersection along with everything else that we highlighted today so thank you always for your advocacy of man thank you I I agree and I I just want to say thank you both as well um it's manard is just such a small town that it means so much to all of us that we're not forgotten and that we're part of the conversation and and that's evident with all the work that you both do and and we really appreciate everything and for you fighting for that thank you again yeah thank you um thank you both um as always for your leadership in so many ways um from a personal perspective um some of the things that I have some concerns about and I know you both do too is the affordable housing crisis that we have not only in our area but in the entire Commonwealth and if not the nation um where we need to find ways to uh basically create the American dream for a lot more people that can get themselves into home ownership and uh any opportunities we can do that at the local level I'd love to be a part of and uh and participate in um it was it was commented on briefly about the big needs that we have in our small community and whatever help we can get from you and there are so many big needs and you know one that recently came up with this DPW blind that sort of like all of a sudden dropped on us that hey by the way which is a huge expense for all of us but it it's going to need to be addressed so that we can make sure we're not polluting an area and let alone have the proper locations to uh to allow us to serve our residents um I want to specifically say thank you Jamie for your leadership on the local options issues uh sitting on this side of the table as a municipal leader I recognize the fact that you know we can't get everything we need from the state but any opportunity that the state can give to us to help ourselves is welcome from my perspective and uh you know we have to of course looked at all those potential options but the fact that they are there for a small community like ours um I think is extremely helpful to try to bridge whatever we can uh gaps to to help us along um and to both of you um thank you for your your leadership within our community um it's it's Jeff said you know tireless relative to every single event that I seem to attend um you're both there if not both one of you is there and uh it's um it's nice to know that our um State delegation and Leadership is uh is hearing us listening to us and is part of our community as well so thank you both very much and uh you're welcome here even though I'm you know I'm sure I speak to Chris you're welcome here whenever you want to come they don't need my invitation but we do appreciate you being here um Mike any comments or questions for okay um only just to Echo uh what the four of you have already said and appreciation as the uh the new guy on the team here uh it's been an education for me to uh learn so much about what you do and and respect to Echo in particular what David just said about your your highly V visible presence uh on so many occasions so it's much appreciated and U I look forward to uh continuing to learn and continuing this partnership so thank you very much thank you Mike all right well thank you very much we'll see you again soon thanks thank you all right all right item five on the agenda is the consent agenda do we have a motion we'll move to approve the consent agenda items 8f as presented contingent upon adherance to all federal state and local public health and safety guidance authorizing the use of digital f and yeah we can do both one unless you likey second the first yeah we'll do the first which is the a e then okay amended to say a sorry all right um anybody have any do we have a second I'll second okay any questions or comments about the consent items I I mean it so I I had one question about the actually is about um the motion to approve the use of town property for set of purposes that was what I meant by we're gonna do that second that's second but I I'll speak to it now okay so we had been asked if if they could set up before your what the board's um consideration this evening for the consent agenda is the kind of the annual start of the outdoor um eating program which starts April 1st there was one restaurant who asked if they could set up before April 1st but then to actually start serving April 1 and I said well that's a different request that's not that's not outdoor eating that's us property so um we want to make sure that we at least we offered that to same if am I correct like we offered all the all the same applicants the same if if U we didn't want to let one applicant start ahead of time before the others but it's still up to the board the board would like to allow the use of or town property which is Main Street and otherwise set up set up the tables but they can't serve until their permit allows really wouldn't that be a public safety question too that we get uh input from yes DPW I snow doesn't start or doesn't stop sometimes yeah so you're right so we did ask DUS Marco and they said that that's that's the consideration um so but I mean that that would have been the case otherwise for whatever sort of like Public Safety are even even outdoor eating always is sort of the caveat Public Safety con so um Justin said he was okay with it it's only a couple days ahead it's March 29th that's then and then the eating starts April 1st okay anybody else go back to Jeff's original motion his original motion should stand a through F because the the conversation on F is not applicable the second half only applies to a through e so the original motion should stand a through F and then we'll just that the last motion will be a through e yeah um but go together sorry yeah yeah Mike do you any comments or questions about um the consent agenda items as presented tonight uh my only question and and I can presume it's it's been reviewed properly is the the traffic safety obviously for like Pleasant Street and Al weel um in terms of the protection from any vehicles that uh might choose to speed or go somewhat Wayward um are we genuinely content at this point that uh that has been addressed properly yes so thank you for asking that um police fire DBW have a looked at these applications this year just as they've done in the past so we've gotten word back that they're endorsing these applications and just to reinforce these are these went under extensive review the first time we set these up during the pandemic are essentially the same ones that had there's no significant Chang from any of these I do want to confirm also the um so is the application for aukar did originally indicate n Court also um in the in the picture I believe because it was an older picture they that was their their first application Right In fact when we were really in the midst of uh of Co right the first year they did and then we took away the second year correct so I'm just I'm looking at um let me see hold on I looked at it earlier this this week so if it's been taken off I apolog no so it's still on not including it it's still on the 20124 application as a as a photo so I just want to make sure that and that that is confirmed that is not we're not using na rept I I'll I'll get that verified after okay all right thanks Mike um any further question all those in favor has to be Rong call oh yeah that's right sorry all right all those in favor Mike yes Jeff yes Justine yes David yes and I thank you very much um actually can I asked but we're all set with the um scheduling for the Fage oh yeah yeah yeah so that yes so so um now we have the second half of that um motion somebody like to read the second half of that move I'll move to approve the use of town property for setup purposes in accordance with the extension of premises applications beginning March 29th 2024 second discussion Mike anybody else all those in favor Mike yes Jeff yes Justine yes David yes and I'm a yes all right so now we're going to move on to a public hearing you guys are up on you guys yeah how do you how do you pronounce this m a m a k i i n m I didn't want to say it wrong all right so we're going to go into a public hearing um I will read the legal notice regarding the public hearing and then we'll start you can sit please please feel free um notice is hereby given in accordance with Massachusetts general laws chapter 138 as amended that a public hearing will be held on Tuesday March 19th 2024 at 7:15 P pm at town hall room 2011 195 Main Street mayard Mass 01754 to consider the application for a new section 12 restaurant all alcoholic beverages licensed for high 88 Corporation doing business as mckin manager Harry Korn at 74 Main Street mainard mass in the hybrid option attendance via zoom using the access instructions on the posted agenda to be found at ww. of.gov and a copy copy of the application is on file with the office of the select board the hearing is now open at 7:38 welcome you have your they online good evening my name my name is Attorney John conell um appearing remotely I have Harry Connor there in presence okay thank you um all right um so we are you like us or much you gonna open a second place great yes we love may if I if I may Mr chair uh yes sir board members this is an application for a new section 12 all alcoholic beverage license a common vict license and a non-live entertainment license to be used at 74 Main Street uh for a business to be called Machin which is an Asian word for come on and eat this will be an Asian fusion Cuisine Restaurant uh the proposed hours are 11:00 a.m. 1:00 a.m. 7 days a week there will be speakers for music lower than conversational level and perhaps one or two TVs uh the seating capacity is currently uh 48 I understand the occupancy will be finally determined with all the Departments weighin and the manager of record is Harry cognic porn who you have there presently who is tip certified and has experience in the industry and as obviously he's operated the smack noodle restaurant down the street um we think uh there's a public need for this license at this location Mr Korn has operated a restaurant there for five years he's pretty in tune with what diners want patrons want and generally they enjoy an alcoholic beverage with their meal so um that's our presid presentation if you have any questions of myself or Mr concorn um we stand here ready to answer them okay great thank you very much counselor all right um welcome Harry um does anybody have any specific questions um for Harry we got to this license a new license one quick question Harry first off um I had the pleasure uh about a week and a half ago of honoring um Harry with an award at the economic development committee's uh inaugural uh breakfast or I guess it was a brunch for um businesses in the community and smack noodle was recognized as the rising star here in the town of Maynard and not only are they recognized here in the town of mayard as a rising star but Boston magazine recognized them as one of the special businesses in our region which is Inc incredible um you know accomplishment for such a small business here in the town of main so I want to um congratulate you again you know with a with a a bigger audience not only in person here but on television with our massive audience that we have on television for um you know the good work you do and I wish you luck with this new Endeavor and this new initiative and um I'm hopeful that uh it will be as successful if not even more successful than your current operation but my one follow-up question for you is is there a reason why you would not consider live entertainment um hopefully maybe in the future okay we have a lot of good musicians that probably have here in town people love to hear and that love to come out and play and I don't want you to miss out on an opportunity like that to have you know another draw for your business right now got I own place yeah yeah I think I we try to make everything as good as we can as a smack so uh when we try to make a walk slowly slowly to make sure everything is um going to the yep you want to get you want to get things straight before you reach out further understood well good Lu good luck congratulations yeah um yes Mike no just wish them all the best yeah yeah I would say that the EDC in Boston magazine got it right is what you're doing in smack Noodle and we look forward to the same success for you down the street you going to are you going to have a full bar beer Wine Liquor everything yeah that's the intent okay some some when and they only have intent to be one but okay that's just a curiosity question um all right so we'll take a vote here if anyone would like to make a huh it's public does anybody have any comments in the room no anybody on line have any public comments you'd like to make or any questions you'd like to ask in regards to this license no okay would somebody like to make a motion on um four two I will 4 a four four four on attached to the hearing yeah they he got it as two 42 yeah 4 4 42 I will move to accept and approve the section 12 restaurant all alcoholic beverages licensed application for hoty 88 at 74 Main Street and authorized use digital signatures if approved second all right does anybody have any questions about the motion Mike any questions on the motion nope all right thank you all those in favor Mike yes Jeff yes Justin yes David yes and I yes as well and then the second um 4 A3 I'll move to authorize the town administrator's office to distribute the section 12 restaurant all alcoholic beverages licensed fori 88 at 74 Main Street upon approval from the alcoholic beverages Control Commission AB authorizing use of digit signatures have approved second okay again Mike any any questions or concerns regarding the motion not from here no anybody else Mr chair can I speak that you may I don't mean to in case no go ahead F so this is a little different than the norm so in the past um the local licensing Authority the select board has authorized the application goes to the abcc we get it back and then you isue then we found out the this is from the ABC the local licensing Authority must take action recommended of the abcc within 5 days a receipt of the ABC's decision so that's where this motion comes from um we're authorizing my office to give the license once we get it back from the apcc so we're skipping and I we' thought about this in the past like this has come up many times right so if you authorize this if you approve this motion once we get thumbs up from the abcc all right so just for everyone's knowledge in the pth it's come back to us for another vote we won't need that vote that's correct we're voting all right okay just while we're on the subject I believe there was proposed legislation to make this whole process a lot easier and remove and increase municipalities ability to do this without the state level kind of back miss your opportunity to ask that question that's that's true I mean the state has always been trying to be as business forward and be advantageous to the local licensing Authority with a certain amount of like regulations a little bit oversight we're maybe not all towns sophisticated as we are um but um but that's true so I but this I think this is a step in that direction if the board was this thanks for the clarification thank you Greg yeah um all right any other questions Mike no I'm almost that all right sir all right all those in favor Mike yes Jeff yes Justine yes David yes and I yes as well okay um all right it is now um 7 thank you very much oh thank you very much um it is now 7 don't wait we got to do the next one it's now 7:46 um the public hearing is now closed and all those in favor of closing the public hearing Mike yes Jeff yes Justine yes David yes and I'm a yes at 7:47 the public hearing is closed and we are now on on to item 4 B which is the common Victor license would somebody like to make a motion I'll move to approve the common vict and entertainment licenses for hot 88 Corporation DBA M at 74 Main Street May MTH authorized and use digital signatur get approved okay second all right um Mike do you have any questions regarding this license how VI li no no all set anybody else no okay another open a little later than select board meeting sick McDonald's right so um when do you anticipate opening Harry like how long do you think once this comes and stuff you'll probably be ready before this on the same time as the bagel table yeah yeah you're not getting a new knee or anything are you table joke you had to be here did you say may yeah May okay well great hopefully you have this back by me and you're ready to go um as soon as you want to be um all right so Mike you said you had no questions okay we did did we do this motion yes the motion right okay all was in favor Mike yes Jeff yes Justin yes David yes and I'm yes as well Harry good luck best of luck if you need anything you know where we are thank you okay um next is there some use of town property items to discuss I think BYU okay y did hi Jean welcome hi there hi yes so we're requesting Veterans Memorial Park for Monday April 8th from 2: to 4: and this is so that we can have a group solar eclipse viewing and uh the activity will be led by our young adult librarian Casey pipa Hagerty and there'll be a couple other Library staff there as well and we'll be Distributing Eclipse viewing glasses to the folks who gather there and there'll be different stations of activities to learn about the eclipses there'll be some games um some water will be distributed so uh that c last time there was an eclipse there was a big crowd uh hundreds of people gathered at the library so we realized that we need a bigger space to have something like this all right you guys have the most fun [Music] Jean me try yeah you do all right um any anybody have any questions for Jean before we move on to Mike any questions regarding the eclipse um can we guarantee that there will be no clouds that afternoon I wish that would be great yeah um okay um anything else David Justine yeah can't see the glare off the telion either one um all right so um would somebody like to make a motion in regards to this I will move to approve the use of Memorial Park for the mayard public library for a solar eclipse viewing event on Monday April 8th 2024 from 2m to 4m and authorize use of digital signatures if approved second second okay any follow up on the motion all right all those in favor Mike yes Jeff yes Justin yes David yes and I yes as well thank you Jean and good luck I hope you don't have any clouds thank you very much thank you appreciate it okay um all right now next up is um M and cultural Council use of Memorial Park in nay court for the main and Jazz Festival on June 15th Mr CH so the the board had had already considered this in the past there was some discussion about whether there would be a street closure involved and my is the cultural Council Recons the application submitted this amendment I think we I thought hey hi so um she better to it than I can I wasn't at the Mee but she um she is with the cultural Council chair of the C and um so so the C Council um is uh resubmitted the application this time to include the closure of some street a Street Mason Street and um I don't know if the motion was correct so I just I just fixed it you refresh your screen we'll see now it says um Memorial parking and close a section of Sumer Street Street just from I I think I and to close the section of T Street from a to read the motion that's all right so yeah that that's in the motion so closing a section of Summer Street only from acon to n okay all right um go ahead no I'm just curious as as far as traffic control there um so basically they I forget how this works they're able to close close at Glendale so people can't come down acting to come on to okay I no um I would like to ask the same question we had the last time just a few weeks ago when this came up um as to whether or not the businesses that are open on Saturdays um have been notified and are aware that this is going to happen um we got the movie theater we got Maxin we've got the other place and then now there's the newest shop uh up on the corner of uh the sign shop Mas the sign shop um are we comfortable that they're aware and are are on board um yes we reached out to before we've heard back from all right and just out of curiosity so you want it shut for the for the five hours so we doing a little bit before and a little bit after too or is it just from 1 to six you do like 12:30 6:30 or for the for the road closure for the road closure we did ask for a little bit on either end what's the rationale is it for just to to lower the noise or is it for safety last year we had um around between three and 400 attendees and we had a downpour last year Sudden Change to Sanctuary but we would have expected to get more if it had been in Memorial Park um and so from a safety perspective that's my personal primary concern we think it's a will be a saer experience for attendees when there's a crowd that large um in one space together um it also will improve the experience as well not having that road right next um also additionally previously we had had a SE in mail report and we had talked about being an education stage that's where the students would be um we also felt that had potential safety issues because people would need to travel through the parking lot in order to get to where the where the students would be and so by closing down the street um you be able to put the education stve on part of the close off students in one space and TR outside of the all right um anybody have any further questions for cural coun just for the 3 to 400 do we have un or Greg and for the M Community bands especially their their big concert what kind of attendance we [Music] see but there's usually one per year where they have a headliner act the library I can speak to that if you want okay Dean were you asking about the attendance number if yeah if we have it yes yeah we usually get between two and 300 okay thank you sure thank you um I guess I raised a question if you thought you had 300 last year and you got rained out and thought were expecting more what's the capacity of that area like what at what point do you not continue to allow people to congregate that in the park itself yeah not sure probably not there's probably not a capacity in an outdoor it's not I don't know I don't I don't know but I don't you know I don't just you know the crowd maybe yeah yeah I you know I would hate to have someone come and chewing people away but I just wonder if there is a if there's a number if there's a number out there right yeah that's spee for right I mean trying to get but yeah all right just a curiosity question more than anything else um anybody else here have a question for cultural comp you know somebody like to read the motion board I will move to approve the revised application to the mayor jazz festival as presented for use of Memorial Park and Naylor court on June 15 2024 and to close a section of Summer Street from Aton Street to naon Street for the duration of the F seconded all right all right Mike Mike any questions or concerns regarding um the event uh no not at this time all right anybody else here I I'm sorry one more question um for J is so I know that we just approved for for nail report also but is nail report involved so with this approval we would no longer need okay that's fine I just wanted to okay the revision ref that in the letter okay all right um okay anym anything else David no all right all those in favor Mike yes Jeff yes Justin yes David yes and I me yes as well thank you good luck on the 15th of June do you guys have a rain date I only I only ask because we've been asking everybody Indo lucky yeah okay all right um next is an appointment to the historical commission him eggar here okay come on up we're going to interrogate you welcome see you you protectional yeah well all right um usually usually at this point we we can ask what you know what what's your interest in the historical commission what brought you to the historical commission and um so just if you just want to introduce yourself and let us know who you are and we we'll move right ahead Pamela agner and I live at Oakridge condos and since 1999 here in mayard and I saw um an open invitation to attend some of the meetings so I went there and I've been a visitor and volunteer for the last few months I had met of the members a few years ago when I volunteered on the um flower planting along the rail trail so I'm interested and helping to work with the and other stakeholders to preserve historic building good sites in the area great thank you very much um anybody have any any other specific questions you like to ask p did you find a lot of um items that needed to be updated for the walking tour that you I found some but I think the person who did originally did a a great job and I was impressed with the time it because I walked all of the roots had done some of them before just when I moved here and when I first saw the brur but I walked all of them and I found there were some things that needed to be switched around or a few things updated one Barn is no longer existing and you know uh with the Wildlife Refuge there needed to be some updates of websites there there have been some changes in organization and um they're not planning to have the visitor center open but they're planning to move offices from we Hill and Sudbury over there so I made those updates well thank you for doing the work thank you thank you thank you was very informative and I enjoyed being able to contribute some thank you very much and I learned a lot more about you're in the right group to learn a lot about the town that's all that's the group to go to um all right does anybody have any other questions and if not would somebody like to read the motion point I will move to a point I will move to approve Pamela agner as an alternate member of the historic commission with the term expiring Jun 30th 2025 and authoriz use dig signatures second Mike anything um only to comment that uh yesterday I was uh in a a restaurant in a nearby Village which was founded in 1425 and is still going on so I imagine the the Historical Society there has quite a lot on their hands but anyway I just thought I'd point that out given the reputation of those Brits they probably haven't updated the [Applause] menu just to show just to show off Mike that's what you are all right um um so all right um other than that any other any other comments or questions where we go forward all right Mike in favor yes oh thank you Jeff yes Justine yes David yes and I a yes as well thank you very much good luck with it you're in good hands thank you Alan next up is the Verizon license renewal and we have a guest Mr Solomon attorney Solomon welcome thank you good to be here come on it is so all right for the ports um you weren on the been a bit five years ago mron attorney Solon joined us um to go over two contracts two license RS um and he'll get into the details but for the for the board of the public awareness um the the town like most towns does have an understanding agreement with utilities namely Verizon and concast um because we allow those utilities public way along the streets and po up um so with that there there's sort of an advantage that's provided and an agreement that's given through a license with the town and uh we're we're happy to have um a special Council if you will so attorney solman um who's been recommended by Town Council and this is this is one of his exper te thank you thank you and I did the license five years ago and and then 15 years ago and it's great to be in in mayor I just want to follow up on one thing board member Swanberg said and thank you uh it's 8 o' and smack noodle closes at 9: I never like to get there too late everything it's going to work out thank you I Town Council for 30 years in stonum so I I I follow once twice I have enjoyed your meeting dur the board and town always so let me um apologize I wasn't able to get summary up early as I wanted I have paper copies I know it's on your would anyone like your paper copy yeah we have it thank you great thank you all right let me do a summary of uh I know the hearing and the likely vote is next week so thank you for meeting today just let it allow me to walk through the uh the license agreement with one issue um that I determined today has to be finalized and have a discussion tomorrow with Verizon's Council John Harrington with a local firm in Boston uh they're fantastic they represent Verizon very well but they all have a sense of the importance of community television more important now he access public education government television more important now postco uh than than it ever was before and scen is more important than never more challenged financially because of the changing nature of how people watch watch videoing their hybrid meeting today you know for what what came out of uh working together with your your excellent program and and your your tech people um to allow a closure connection with public so to take you through uh Verizon as of December 31st in 2022 First full up there and 1,259 subscribers at the end 2023 uh that number had been reduced in 1,17 Comcast had a few more subscribers but but fairly fairly equal the license term again will be well first time will be five years um and the last one was five years that administrator said what's different is that since the beginning of 2021 um with beginning with Dela all Verizon licenses have a three-year unit Lal out that they can exercise across the country they many licenses Verizon has people franchises have the right for them to terminate unilaterally without notice levels that apply here with Massachusetts um because it's they're an excellent cable company but they they see their their f future as streaming video R than necessarily a cable company and as a result uh they went from a 10-year license to in 2016 to a fiveyear license and then in 2021 the three-year unilateral out but in exchange for that three-year un unilateral out Verizon pays five years of pay Capital payments as you know there's the franchise fee comes in quarterly 4.85% of company's growth revenues for that of its Affiliates and there's P public education government Access Capital funding and they're paying five years of that Capital uh and they're paying it as a set dollar amount not as a set dollar amount and a percentage of grow Revenue that is a for subscriber amount a set dollar amount that'll be $85,000 uh and it has a premium to what normally would be paid so uh Verizon understanding that the fiveyear license the threeyear out creates some uncertainty although fiveyear license now and the second one that they stepped up and very fairly provided a good pay Capital uh funding amount for the town uh to go toward your equipment and facility the uh Peg channels again will have the right or high definition channel I believe at this time now the town is ready to implement that high definition channel so you have continuation of three peg access general public education government uh if if you want to use all three um and now a high definition channel uh what that high defition channel will be used for your uh access folks to work out of the pool will give you their recommendation but at the end of the day it's really up to this board and uh you can decide that going forward after the license assigned uh five years ago six seven years ago I would have thought that most towns used the highdefinition channel when it came about for the public access for sports or Outdoors or things where the picture made a difference but interesting enough a lot of communities use it for the government Channel because people at home then can see those documents or those plan and follow along so that'll be your decision you'll discuss going forward but the good news is that m is ready for that high defition panel uh that the board can send a letter off provid a graft to the Town Administrator um that you can vote on next week and that Chann will be provided within 27 days um in addition the peg access support continues at 4.85% of of the gross revenues the full definition of gross revenue that's very important there are no arbitrary exclusions gross revenue includes advertising home shopping equipment uh and going forward uh there are going to be issues uh with some of the changes in cable as to whether or not a cable company will got to argue that something no longer cable no no longer cable revenue and it's something else but uh folks on my side of the aisle view it this way that if someone has internet service talk and reaches out and decid to get Netflix or Hulu or whatever the program is that they're using the internet but if a a cable company company that has cable license decides to put a to makes a decision at the programming uh that they're providing that they're going to provide those same Services Netflix or ULU or apple and they're offering that together with broadcast TV and traditional cable channels and you can pick and choose from their menu then as we see at that cable uh and uh that's what the the subscribers fees so those are the issues going forward but good news is we have a very strong and Broad and specific definition of uh gross anual revenue that will put us in the best position to make sure that if something's a cable service uh then it's the those revenue account uh when you apply your 4.85% um the PX support we did P Capital CR discussed $85,000 paid in free payments 45 days then the first anniversary of the effective date of the license next week you vote and the second anniversary uh of the of the uh of the license so they're all $ 28,33 with a few of the cents changing to get to 85,000 Peg interconnection and cable casting there's a Verizon picks up as that's Comcast from the high school where the studio is uh there's a Verizon fiber line between the town hall and the high school uh that's issue the wording of that is be finalized Horizon intends to and plans and will continue that F along but there's some PR competing it's something were to happen uh going forward what what what then would happen and it's really in a fber last for many years it's 35 45 years uh so this is B is I believe only 10 year 10 or 15 years old uh so I'm finalizing that we've realized now that there's a little misunderstanding uh not a big deal and tomorrow I speaking Horizon Council I we we've dealt extensively on the mayor license over the last uh five six months um and I'll report to the Town Administrator on that you'll have that in whatever final result occurs uh that'll that'll uh be in your license will be provided to you sometime later this week from the board's consideration you know there's not a uh final agreement on that issue and expect there will be the board can still have a hearing uh you just might not take the vote but looking forward to trying to wrap it up next week um in addition to that U the electronic program guide I'm not anticipating Verizon will provide that that's that's electronic PR guide for uh p access channels so people can see that the program is going to be going forward and they can set their recording device to record it like they might with with the commercial Channel Verizon however and I give them again credit on this the agreed that if they uh they provide it elsewhere come toor to talk about the feasibility economic Technical and about providing it our license is a little different let licensees dat to talk about Theory Theory great we'd like to provided so what this means is if per chance Verizon were to implement the electronic program guide for Peg channels elsewhere then they would come to us we request they come to us and if the company were to say well you know we'll do that on the next license we'd say no in this license we talked about you're coming to us and providing it so obviously we're not looking to wait five years we'd like to have it now so it gives m a leg up if that were to happen and don't anticipate happening but if it were May would be in a good position it's the same for um that access video on demand they provideed it elsewhere and you know they they come here and they talk about about providing it here in in M uh cable Serv the public buildings uh Comcast provides cable service for public buildings in mayor the incumbent cable company generally provides that in all communities the Verizon doesn't to my knowledge provide that but uh if the so requested they would provide it you only need it from one party there's an FCC ruling that that talks about the fact that cable service the public buildings falls into this newly created after 40 years they're shocked to find out that they did it wrong we think they did it right but G the public buildings will count as towards your your 5% franchise fee cap but in mayor we're at the 4.5% so that these other things that would take you to the 5% these State feed state license feed it goes State 80 cents a year 50 cents a year to the town those things count to a 5 C so if you were at 5% you would get less than 5% from the company so being at 4.85% you know has some advantages uh for the town and for the cable describers so that if uh the town were to ask Verizon provide cable devel buildings and they were to implement this FC um interpretation of the cable act that cost would not bring them to to 5% so it would not impact the result at all so if the town wants that service going forward it can get it upon request the date no town has requested that that's there uh finally um Verizon like most competitive companies RN any overbuilt that does not have a senior discount um uh compest is very small senior discount $2 a month Financial qualifications um and and you know that's that it's voluntary under the cable act uh the great benefit of having Verizon it provides a level of competition good service so um you I wanted to State there's no discounts but any senior discount s that exist are so minimal um that that that it pales in comparison to the competitive benefits that exist with with a an overb Builder final Point not every town has a cable competitor mayor worked hard and to make sure parizon came here they came here early it's PR of the board and Verizon and there are a lot of towns many towns in the Commonwealth that just always are asking could they get a cable competitor so the T manard through which work is in a good position and you've done the best you can over rates which have which can't be regulated under under federal law so if be happen to answer any questions about the license it's strong license uh and provides excellent benefits for the town to continue with its excellent uh back access program anybody have any questions I have quick comment um not that it's going to make any difference but I am a Verizon customer and I enjoy my River rizon TV and um I am also as my colleagues are well aware I'm a I guess you'd call me a local Peg access nerd I watch local Peg from uh on cable not only not typically I don't watch us I watch other Town great and so we've got in in in Verizon's Network we have active that's great neighboring town you know I'm interested in knowing what's going on we've got box great neighboring town I'm interested in what's going on we've got Stow that's great I like watching Stow I know some of the guys you know it's enjoyable to watch we have walam okay that gets a little bit out there but you know walam stuff is on and I watch the mayor and whatever then we have hangam really hangam is 50 miles away I have no interest in hangam but I I know I know everything that's going on in hangam but I don't care about it is there any way we can talk to them about getting hangam out of there and put in some other oer community well two things one is it's interesting you have hang on I know the cable attorney and so but um so yeah first you can always talk to him so that's something uh we we I can write to the uh gentleman who who was the government manager for for Verizon and I'd be happy to do that even before you know long you don't FAS long you don't I'm not looking to make work sort of being tongue and cheek but it it it is um it's frustrating to me the hangam is on our cable network and I have no and I'm probably the only one in the whole town that watches the damn thing and it's hangam yeah the three member board uh the so you know I know George I'll write him and my email I'll send to the Town Administrator um so you can always ask interesting enough it's their technology of using one headend that has this uh this this reality that you get to see other communities and the license says they have that we tell them they have that right yeah they can do that um so um I'll find out uh you know it's uh very few Comcast in the old days the prestor the uh Continental C Mission uh when I was in stonum you would have Burlington and wuber other communities and that that went by the wayside and it was unfortunate because I used to go to the brilingtton mall and people would recognize me uh so um but but I will write them and and ask uh and in a sense you know if they free channels they don't have to take king of off you would just like more other more oh that might be yeah that be the approach is you know I don't want you know I don't want the uh bordering towns on New York State either you know right right so I will I will write them and ask and will not charge the show and I no and I think that's a it's it's it's it's good to know for in my work you know because I have I I heard people talk about enjoying it but that's a great point of wanting more but made yeah thank you any other questions I'd be have to answer I do have a question about the um so I I think I heard you say that a lot of these um fees are set by uh their standard fees you know we can't ask for more I guess my my question is how does this contract compare to the one that we signed five years ago uh actually yeah well it's um the the ma the major difference is the threeyear util lateral out so as far as the money goes dollars the access operating the same 4.85 so the that Capital dollars and those dollars are are stronger in this sense if you were to take I do I French the numbers when I take the formula we had before um which was a um a half percent that's over here say yeah uh on the current license we have a half per of growth revenue for pay Capital a half% of growth Revenue um and like $908 a year so the half% of growth Revenue plus the 9,8 a year so that basically worked out to um 80 the $888,000 in in the year 2023 so $888,000 capital for five years this license is $885,000 for for five years but it's the set dollar amount so if subscribers uh leave or if people buy fewer cable services because they might buy other types of video that we have at $85,000 and it's not paid over five years it's paid over two years in three payments so and the dollar amount because of what this port has been able to do in other licenses the the dollar amount looked at on a fiveyear basis yearly basis all the same for a subscriber basis is on the uh very high end of communities in the Commonwealth so you are um that that amount which comes to uh 70 $76.79 per subscriber over five years each subscriber the cap you take the capital the by the number of subscribers $76.79 over over uh over 10 be $153 per subscriber that's that's extraordinarly high there were a few odd liers but not many it's it's in the top it's say 3 4% in in h sure thank you Mike any questions um just one question about the um I know it's states that there's no senior discount provided by Verizon has there been any conversation about that recently uh either in uh you know this town or or neighboring towns yeah thank you uh uh a lot of conversation over the years and even sometimes recently uh they have never provided anywhere in the country a senior discount or in in in the Commonwealth um like all corporations that work in towns if uh Mayer as a sort of senior need or interest an event or something uh Verizon comast are always willing to to you know to accept a a a letter that said we help support this uh but they don't have a regular senior discount and again it's it's just the fact that when they when when a comple like the Verizon comes in even though they were the phone company they didn't have any cable subscribers they had none they had to get those cable subscribers and they they they try to regularize their Sprites and and also have you they they have less Administration and you know they probably have less they have fewer customer service offices and administering a senior discount can be quite you know quite time consuming uh and you know for For Worse not better those te discount do ex this was it's great to have and we appreciate that from companies are are very minimal so I think in that sense the value that a company like Verizon ad toor on that 4.85% of growth revenues which is you know into the millions of dollars over 10 years uh and the capital payments which are very strong and upfront um I think that puts the town in the best position position to help a senior by having excellent Community television that they can see at home they can come in if the programs are set up for training you they or the senior center and have a video component so I think there's a lot that's done with those revenues uh that would dwarf any senior discount that that that that would come so we're we're in the same boat we have asked many places and it's they just don't provide that and they're consistent about not providing it anywhere okay thank you anybody else any questions questions just great for next sub committee meeting to make sure that we review this topic it's been a y point of interest for the school committee especially to take a look at these numbers of this agreement gets move final and we have the hearing next week and my my recommendation would be uh for the boards to voted next week in a in a in a world lots of variables the best thing I think that the town can do is you know to vote and sign have ter firmer and move a capital funding uh understood I just want to make sure you understand the implications going forward in that um while we're on it can you just describe the current status of the extension and implications of the we're under an extended version of the previous contract right now yes yeah just the current life and stays in effect okay for how long um can't remember what what that is but I'll take all right thank you so will this be on the April 2nd yeah attorney's home saying next week it is April 7th so yeah two we I'm S no no that's fine I just want to make sure we weren't I'm G to make sure we all know that we're not coming next Tuesday but for a reason so we'll be here a sec okay just want to make sure we didn't have something scheduled that some of us might not have been aware of all right um so I guess thank you very much we'll see you on April 2nd and we'll hopefully vote to accept the contract yeah and I might have to check the calend again originally I I believe I have a conflix but if there's a reason to be hey here remotely yeah if there's a if there's a reason yeah Greg will know so you communicate if you need to be there you will if not we'll we'll carry on yeah and great you know kind of say find it be remote but I really want to be here first and talk to you and and spend the time we appreciate it thank you abely thank you thank you very much Hurry Up Smack is going to close yeah I looking at the clock I call Harry and tell him to hold on all right thank you very much see you soon don't forget about hangjo watching well that's the who else would I do want to say again uh Greg was here came here when the when we did the last license we called um Verizon and Comcast that I think the same day and uh and it was great meeting him then he did a good job he's been you know a partner in this hand hand hand to hand working on the license coordinating going over the dollar numbers so I appreciate that level of Interest I would say it says a lot about that administrator uh when they get involved in cable because there's no glory for them they do it could they care about the town so I want to thank you for having great work on that I want to thank for thank you very much by the way we also get I I enjoy watching thank you thank you very much have a good night contracts two of them imp wi Winston hope it's crowded for me no anyway on to the contracts we have two would you like to tell us what the first one is before we read the motion sir yes so Justin Marco Public Works director first contract is um an amendment to our engineering contracts for our W 4 treatment plant project um is our final Amendment for engineering and should carry up the project all the way to June which is our anticipated project closeup um this incorporates um some design changes based off the rock water um Quality versus the conceptual quality and some treatment process changes that we have to incorporate as part of D it also follows the closeup process and and the commissioning of the entire treatment plan so this is the final um amendment that you'll see as part of our Engineering Services as indicated I try to provide you a nice U broad scope of the balance the available funding where we're at tracking I know this is a little more complex of a project because we have three contracts um following Pace um but to David's question the last time we had a change order I tried to upd that at the back side so you can kind of track where we're what we're looking financially we're still looking at coming in under overall allowance budget and hopefully we can get that somewhere in that half a million dollar range which would potentially uh reduce our costs um to our rate payers in the long so we have designed our rates to incorporate the entirety of our allowance but if there if we come in under value we can make that adjustment based by operation now is that going to reduce rates that's what it will do is offset other change like other aspects of our operation so the water and sewer electric rates go up by a and we have some values we can we can help reduce that that cost for so that is the stch Contra Justin can you just I want to emphasize that point because I got an email from a resident about the um um you know change orders and as you know each and every time you came forward basically I asked the question is within the amount that we have and uh so you can confirm that we are not seeking any more money for well for beyond what we had asked for originally at the or is yeah we will not be asking any rate payers for an additional right we will fall well within our limits we we conceptually put that into our financial structure okay um and we're on target we're actually on target to be less than anticipated overall and thank you for anticipating my question I ask it every time da I always only by the Way's water is really in a tough spot so they're our competitor in salt water all right um Mr Mike any questions for Justin in regards to this this change order for um Stant not for me no okay anybody else anyone like to read a motion I'll move to approve change order five PCO 005 with stch for the well 4 a water treatment plant project in the amount of $312,000 presented authorize the use of digital signatures if approved second Mike any questions once the motion's been read nope all right anybody else okay all those in favor Mike yes Jeff yes Justine yes David yes and I yes as well thank you for that one now on to Winston Builders well 48 order five all right so just again a brief update as I just indicated our engineering um amendments with our Final Approach towards the end of the project our phase two Construction contract is still underway just a quick up on phase one we issued uh substantial completion to phase one which is associated construction so they um they are at that budget cap that I indicated to Dave so that you will not see a change order again from Associated construction they are finalized phase one as part of the overall project is complete we are rounding off on phase two we're we're at about 90% completion but again this change order is based off of treatability changes that we had to make to the design based off the raw water will puming into the system and how we how we work that through so this change order um change order number five incorporates U mostly treatment um upgrades to adapt our raw water to our system as the board may remember our system is back then is there something you ready 71 s 35 bill I got [Music] you I it's ringing B oh it's not there so all right thank you I apologize all right thank you good night just back to back to the conversation the board remembers our system is made up of three treatment plants that we back feed our distribution Network so we mix our water from our treatment plant so not only are we taking into well sourced raw water into a treatment plant we're also having to mix it with our our um treated water in our system ultimately our contract or our um our permanent allowance of D is we're testing our system not a singular location so as we introduce new raw water sourcing with treatability we also have to to our system that that aspect that okay um we may anticipate a minor change order change order six in advance um that's only due to some site conditions that are part of the consom permit for erosion control but insignificant costs and where um this should be our largest change order acceptance moving forward when we're talking about final project he so the treatment this the final treatment plant phase and then we'll wrap up site work and then we'll our away okay Mike any questions nope thank you anybody else Jeff Justin David no good okay would someone like to read a motion in regards to the change orders for 4 A I'll move to approv change order five PCO 019 PCO 01021 and pcco 022 with Winston biller Corporation for the we for a water treatment plant project Phase 2 Construction contract number 1376 in the amount of yeah and I yes thank you Jus anything else provide you a quick Financial update tow we're anticipating bonding out as part of the green meow and the treatment plant process and we're actually only looking to bond out 4.75 million and that still provides that Financial contingency for that last anticipated change order but we're on Pace finalizing this project any rate increases out and hopefully a cost ruction great thank you thank you thank you J all right 6163 Summer Street re youth committee says that Ellen and Andy will be here all right folks welcome Andy Mor 123 Summer Street 23 Street all right I'm grateful for these two to join us they are only two of multiple been involved in this committee as charged by this select board months and months and months ago second to be pres look at that a year ago so yeah yeah yeah so um um for the Public's awareness we're referring to the old B School 61 63 summer school which had been arts bace for over than 20 years um but since then um you know our space has moved out we're trying to figure to do with the property so the board charged the group of citizens including Le here in front of you um come up with some boxes brought to the board and this then is this commit has been working very hard and I've been really impressed by um the Outreach that they've done the collection of the interest and getting un understanding what the condition of the building are and the property are and it's and its capabilities and as well as working and I know I'm probably still your thunder but working with um mapc as well so um mapc which is a regional planning agency that helps ten city um has provided some some input that was sorry so you maybe there's nothing else need to say well I think we did provide the board uh in February late February was an interim report which would have been in your package at the end of February I believe a status report kind of a timeline of from the time we were appointed to um when we reported um you know briefly we were asked tonight to come um to explain a motion that we took at our meeting on the believe the 7th of March to recommend um that you go forward and declare the uh the old Fowler Art Space or 6163 Summit Street complex and surplus property so that we can move into the RFP stage of this um we uh as a committee I think um realized that this is a big big important building in the town and it's one thing that I have found through this last year of working with my team here um is that uh there's a lot of wonderful feeling about this complex um and you know all the just quickly you know we've we've surveyed over 600 residents we've done multiple focus groups um we have had a townwide forum in June at the library that had about 60 to 80 people there so we've a lot of uh rich rich document and research that we can provide the town when we write our report which we are about ready to do in May mapc came on a little bit later in this process so they are a little maybe a month or so behind but they have a five chapter final report which I think will be very rich with information uh to inform the RFP process and um personally I'd like to thank obviously the people on the committee they've just been a fabulous group to work with um just a modelist group to work with but we've been blessed with Greg's help through this whole process and Steve since he came he's helped us with a cost benefit analysis which is both quantitative and qualitative and I think will be very important going forward as well are you are you is your group anticipating or um open to the idea of being part of the group that creates the RFP when that time comes do you know been discussed we'd be very dedicated to to doing that at least the information that we have I'm not sure that's all right I don't know that I don't know if that's typical yeah yeah that's that could have been an understanding but just want to kind of put it out there that that's you know that's part of the thought process if it is more of a qu so okay has there has there been any discussion and I'm sure there was over the course of the year and a um about the desire regardless of what the outcome is of the future of the property to save any of the facade or anything like that is that going to be part of the to give you five options and they're not they're not set in stone yet um okay I won't I won't take away the um there seems to be an overwhelming desire people in the town to preserve the building and um there seems to be an a a lot of interest from we've done I think about 10 interviews extensive interviews with mpc's help local and Regional developers um some with historic preservation some with act communities some with affordable housing experience right across the board a kind of a plethora of experience in in developing buildings like that and I haven't heard one of them say they would raise the facility like to keep either the facade it's quite a historic building I'm you know as a historian that means something to me and and I think if you look back the original building on the right is 1916 the one that was the high school the one on the left was the Fowler and the George Washington Auditorium in the Middle with the Kupa um so it has a long proud history in the education of of man more than just the last 21 years is H States many of us remember it as an educational Institution for many generations M audience um so yes I think I could speak for myself that I certainly would go forward um in helping with the RFP proc I think Andy might be interested the other we're down we were seven that you appointed there are four of us left um one of whom is more of facilitator because she's on the finance committee so there were three of us that would be I know two of us would be willing to help in any way we can it's been a fabulous experience um fabulous lot of work but a great experience but this is just preliminary um we when we were charged we were asked to give you options and included in that option is is looking at other ways that that property could be used if it was if the building was removed so we're also offering that to you when we give you information so this is preliminary though what we came here tonight was to say that in our investigation the building which 23 years ago first be twed to the art community um was already at a state of mediocrity um everyone knows it was not in in great condition it was inadequate condition and it stayed in adequate condition all these years but to bring it up to a point where the town of man would have value out of it really exceeds the the value that we that we see that the needs to get out of it at this point and we see moving forward to a sale as really the best solution um all our options consider that as the direction that we're going and we would we we unanimously agree that that's where the town should go okay the your report will be may may that's a wish and you think and you think that mapc will be right behind you yes okay does anybody have any questions for the committee Mike any questions uh no questions but um I mean having worked in that building myself for six and a half years uh having so a bit of a vested interest in in its future um but I've also been to several of of the meetings with this group and I just want to compliment them on their thoroughness um their real desire to explore many many options for what is as I think we all appreciate a very complicated uh decision that that has to be made so I I just want to like I said lend my congratulations to them for all the hard work that they're doing thank you thanks Mike anybody else no I'll add my feedback along the same lines as Mike I know that you guys met with just a lot of different people I had also the pleasure of attending several meetings in the library and elsewhere um to see you guys at work um there is a lot of history in that building and there is a big emotional commitment from the town into that building which to recognize and I think that's very important to make sure that we're considering as we step forward so having think a very deliberative process is important here and and I think you guys have taken that deliberation and we'll need to make sure as we move forward with any article to make sure that we're figuring out the best ways to communicate the amount of work we've done and the options analysis um as as we move forward with the next phases and as we go into that RFP process and just want to also recognize it almost seems like this is the section that's dropping up here youo and then we open it back up into an RFP which is not through a lot of the work you guys have done I'm sure will go into the creation of that as well so it's there more of a continuation rather than a stop and a start of a pH here so just wanted to tap that up and thanking both of you and the rest of the yes I agree I wanted I just do I also want to thank you all thank thank everyone who's been on the committee for um their willingness to really kind of go dig into the multiple options you know keeping the building not keeping the building raising the property all of it um because and I think that when we first created this um this tax force it it was such a broad topic that I think it was asked you know basically how on Earth are we GNA because what we really want is we want those five options we don't because we want to be able to take each one at their value and then decide as opposed to saying well this is the one option that we've decided and I know that that is such a tall order um and I appreciate all the hard work that that you all have put into this because I I think that um the amount of you know the amount of meetings that you've had and the amount of you know meeting with developers and really getting a sense of of what's out there is just it's almost insurmountable how much work you going to get so we I really appreciate it yep you're do anything else that we look forward to the report made the suggestions and again thank you both and the rest of the committee for all your um hard work and you know obviously massive amounts of time we look forward to it thank you thank you very much good evening how are you I know waiting for him to come over I knew he we were going to get away with sitting over there yeah know said you under the weather I hope you're feeling better I'm feeling way better all right so we also have two members of the committee here tonight as well there's one Member One member okay would they like to join you or the Yes No Maybe oh she is welcome uh Steve Silverstein director of The Office of Municipal Services here the town and not the town of pum or anywhere El for anyone else watching all right so this is the discussion um anybody doesn't have an agenda for them this is the discussion about the disposition of the old fire station at One Summer Street right so uh my start date here was mid November I think that we that I've been meeting regularly with Donna doson and John Kramer who are the uh the two members of The One Summer Street Advisory Group group yeah working group uh since probably early January so it's about three months that we've put in so far and uh really uh Donna and John are the brains behind the beauty so I'd like to thank them very much for all their their help uh getting to know The Old Firehouse and getting to uh explore the possibility of a sale with uh all the various uh developers and other interested parties so so far we have either toured or been in contact with at this point so I wrote this memo a few weeks ago uh and I think I I said that there had been seven interested parties uh there's probably now about a a good dozen interested parties uh who are who would like to purchase the old fir house and that's without going to RFP and re advertising it so the interest is you know very demon out there uh and oh in saying that I'd also like to give a special note of thanks to Kyle Brainard the facilities manager for the town because he's always been uh more than uh at the ready to show anybody that's interested be The Old Firehouse so thanks to him basically from given the interest that we've seen I think the the first observation of note is that uh unlike the previous RFP uh we don't really see the need to go back to a broker uh which had been previously O'Brien so that's one area where there could be a difference I don't know how how much of an added value it would be for the town to uh you know to to retain the broker Services uh so we I do believe we will uh get some uh we get some good bids this time uh let's see what else we have some other considerations uh just before we get to that just because that's kind of a lesson we've learned we're not thinking about it for this one de we're thinking about for other inces in [Music] town I mean that's a good question we had talk about that about about other so if the board were to later in this agenda consider the article for the disposition of 61 SEC Etc but we we haven't really talked about we're not there yet okay thank you my question before before we St back up we have clear of O'Brien we don't have anything to do with them anymore they're gone I hope so shouldn't have been here in the first place that they did take a tour of The Old Firehouse yeah right so uh so we have a a robust and diverse interest in the uh The Old Firehouse and before I get to the meat and potatoes which is the discussion of the RFP and possible changes for your consideration in your you know your stamp of approval uh there's the issue of surplus Goods in The Old Firehouse uh if you've been on a a teld pouse lately it's kind of a time capsu from when mayor dep was there the day before they left uh there is a lot of stuff and some of it can be sold for American dollars uh it will it will take an effort because there is a lot of you know both both valuable items and not so valuable items but the sheer mass of the you know the scrap metal basically uh I think they probably get come back as Revenue to the town in the previous RFB it was uh Old Firehouse was being offered as is so that's still a consideration um if you would like to sell it as such or we can dedicate resources to kind of doing a of quick and dirty inventory and then finding a vendor who would either induct an auction or who would you know buy all the goods at a set price you got to think kind of um what's the uh the show on on Discovery or whatever when the people buy the you know storage I don't know what you're talk wor type of scenario uh because right now there you could kind of you could say that there's money being left on the table by not selling all the Surplus Goods that are in there or at the very least giving some of them up to tock which is a Poss what type of things you talking about like what what type of equipment is in there what type of equipment is in there well there was uh there were epip pens I'm assuming they're expired uh I have to check again uh there is old uh uniform there are old uniforms there are the old lockers um there are the very very heavy uh jail cells for what it used to be the station the police station that yeah but the the bars the prison bars which weigh a good ton I don't know what a a purchaser would be able to do with those because it would take Quite a feat to remove them but you know who knows there might be somebody interested in that for its retail value um if they could they had the Machinery to extract it there's also there are Al the old uh I don't know if they fire hydrants or stuff that have that has memorabilia or collectible type of value where people would be interested there are other assorted knickknacks there's also the kitchen was fairly recently furnished so that those appliances that are upstairs have resale value you know there's a new oven microwave Etc uh I don't know offand what a good what the estimate of it would be but it's the question is is it worth the investment of town resources to just to go through it and to say yeah let's sell it or let's just throw the baby with the bath water and just get rid of the whole thing well by taking those out you're lowering the value of the property right so you're basically by selling them you're doing something a prospective buyer would do anyway so we're really convinced that we're going to make more money by putting Town resources into it then we're not going to lose by reducing the value of the property overall as we go into this RP process again I mean I think that currently that having the stuff in there is is a drain on the value of the property because it's it's an ordeal it'll be an ordeal to get rid of everything from to the bottom I'm really surprised that and again I I I I am naive to this but you know I understand we fill the building we RFP was you know the building is as is but I thought it was empty it was empty of any operational value like there was no the fire department took what they needed what he's referring to is I I would argue beuty the eye of the beholder like there's there there's I am also curious as to any value when we watch with the p Fire Chief and the current fire chief and O'Brien they it was not of this as Steve is kind of alluding to what's the right balance is the juice worth the squeeze is it worth our time and energy to try to find an auctioner and inventory and all stuff um I'm I'm not convinced that it is and that's what Steve is pointing out like if we want to sell it tomorrow Steve is only pointing out in his observation that that there may be a value there but it's not clear and so right now a chief recur officer my policy is that the first thing you do is determine the value of whatever cace properties that may be um but um you know Steve is is is an opinion he felt like there might be a value to it um but I felt confident I still do that we were on the right path with black rock and and that there was no there was not enough value to the property that was within the within the fire station and which it go off but but in in general when someone leaves a building shouldn't they empty it when they leave like shouldn't that have been included in us the new Fire Station you know what I'm saying yeah but that would come at a cost to us so that at the cost of the of disposing of that property would come at a cost so either you have to hire a trash Hauling Company or or Manpower other which we don't have whereas we determined at the time value was not there to produce costs and sell it as is I mean I understand this is confusing but I I still no it's not confusing it's just more that again I I'm under the impression when you when you switch buildings the building that you leave is emptied of all the stuff whether it's and and it's included into the cost of the move so I I think that that should have been wrapped into the cost of moving the fire station you know what I'm saying we should have been nothing left I think nothing of value there was nothing of operational value if there if there's an operational dishwasher that you know somebody could use and put into their kitchen that's value if there's an operational um refrigerator that is you know that is can be used that's value um microwave whatever it happens to be that is value because I'm defining defining that value to the town we we were moving into a new fire station it was coming with all the all the bills was all the brand new kitchen Etc nothing we did there was some material since that was transferred from the old fire station to the new fire station but not not kitchen appliances so anything that anything take to say that anything that was part of the scope of the new fire station and purchased for the new fire station was not taken from the old fire station no that's what's left is caught but I know I mean I know there's some equipment that you know was was not operational is outdated that they replaced with new stuff yeah new technology in the new station so the old was left behind yeah that's it makes sense to me but I guess the other question along those lines is have you guys had any conversation with the historical commission about taking a walk through and see if there's anything in there that's of value any artif effects or articles that they might have an interest in taking before we went and know offer it for sale to other groups that don't necessarily have a similar interest in the town and its history no that's a good point uh I also would add that uh NPD and MFD might want to take one last look right right yeah think what on the walls yeah right exactly yeah okay Ellen the Historical Society that's been the pay Master building yeah they went through there whistle that we all have memories of you know no school and 10 1012 every day it used to go and town that was authored to the society to keep and I believe they have it so yes that you know I think anything of any value historically that they felt they could take they took okay thank you yeah there was old call boxes like there has been sort of like we have dispose of which often just donating okay sorry interrupt that water Tru I know um the historic commission has made comments to me about that the uh it's now a plan okay front yeah yeah okay had an opportunity to make comments and there's a plan to move it as all right okay right so okay so in considering all of the all right you know you get one shot at this to sell the municipal building unless you're lucky enough to get two shots at it so this time it would be you know there are some slight amendments that could be good right uh to the process and that's basically what we would like to recommend here through uh amendments to the the RFB uh basically there are three one would be the first one would be adding an evaluative okay let me take a step back one of our primary considerations was in the old process or in the in the former process the sale price was to people who were not well acquainted it looked you know fairly low that's because the building needs a lot of work done and it has a fairly significant uh presence of spense um the procurement processes that we could use are either the RFP so the town is able to maintain a degree of control over who is selected and what they do with the with the building or we could go to an invitation for bids in which case it's sold to the highest B so there's a good chance that it would be given the interest at multiples of the result would be at multiples of the the previous sale price if we went if you went with the invitation for bids um but with that said I believe that the RFP process is better because of the central location of the building uh and the idea that it can be used as a part of you know to to create a sense of economic cohesion for the downtown area so that's one of the uh evaluative criteria that I think would be important to add is when you're with the developers when they make their proposals uh how are you adding to this was all this was present uh in the previous RFP as down Vitality but I think now yeah yes well yeah did but with a special emphasis on the Cultural District designation of the town which is a significant uh value ad of mayard compared to some of its neighbors so and not just you know we're not just talking about Vitality whatever business wants to come in but specific types of business that could create the you know the the the at you know the the sense of downtown mayor as a place for culture arts uh you know that almost type of the you know western Mass Ty aspect to if for for your consideration um second would be contributions to the town in additional in addition to just tax revenue so some of the the interests that we've had are from uh nonprofits and if they're nonprofit then they are tax exempt so they wouldn't be you know contributing to the town conference and that obviously is something that would be would put them at a disadvantage so one of the adjustments to the to the criteria that could you know request what are some of the additional you know advantages that you would bring could it be you know from Pilot payments uh things other than tax revenue to strengthen the case and to even the playing field for uh possible developers who are not who are associated with nonprofits and then finally uh the third major criteria Chang if you will would be um emphasizing again the financial health of the developer because it seems that what we had previously thought was a fairly financially healthy I mean I don't know if you could classify Black Rock as financially unhealthy but changes that they saw between May and October led to them reneging on the deal so we want to ensure that they're you know that the offers are serious they not going to change in span of two months when economic conditions remain mostly the same but do they even take a turn for the worst we want to make for that that whoever takes this bid is not going to back out uh due to you know excuses related to uh to to finance I feel like and I'm I'm sorry I'm interupting but I I do feel like the as as one of the evaluators on this last project that that RFP pretty much spelled out pretty much what you're saying now mostly as you know I mean it was trying to it did touch but you know and you know ensuring the ensuring the financial stability I looked at I looked at it again today no we want to strength I'm sorry I just interrupted you but I agree I interrupted him so no no I I I I think we want to strengthen it so um what what he's pointing out is as you said we did get financial background from the from the proposal black Ro in particular they did have to provide a um payment B so they you know because basically makes them stick to it or they lose money and then um but in this case I think something Black Rock in particular they didn't have a lot of experience in this particular Redevelopment proposal and that is like a financial success story that I would like to hear for whatever Dev developer comes so they say I want to use the building for a b or c I'd like to I'd like to see the group that they've done in the past successfully financially you know so speak that's my interpretation on that particular Point had we done that the first time would we have have rated black rock lower and gone with another one of the BS that was out there not compared to that but that we got Black Rock was by far they they really were like the best deal we're I'm still surprised that play out with them but but now we know I mean like they that particular and they admitted that it was a little bit different out of out of their wheelhouse a little bit out of their company which they were excited about um they wanted to do Residential and that's not really their business model they want to be residential on the second floor um um so so be it I mean like we I think I think it's all good Lessons Learned that's what Steve was trying to capture in that the the exact formulation I don't have down but in retrospect we spoke with the the owner of Black Rock who said that it was essentially Financial consideration he didn't realize it was going to cost as much as it it did to fix up or to bring up the building up to code but all we want to make sure now is that nobody's going to be able to or the the winning bidder is not going to fall back on that as an excuse you essentially want them to say yeah we know that this is going to be expensive to to bring up the code we're financially prepared for it do we know the cost of what it's going to cost now to bring it up to code we have the estimates we just have the estimate from the previous bitter okay all right I was just curious if we kind of depends what that they want to do yeah and so it's a little hard to estimate as a blanket number okay but there's but there is regardless of what the use is is the is the question of the asbest and the removal of all that and that's that's the that's the highend that's the high price spread of the of the building right what do we have a cost of that because regardless of who goes in there there's going to be you're going to have to get one of a certain number of ASB bestus removal companies to do it there's only a limited number of those people what's what's going to be the price to to you know do that it has to be done and that's that's the high number at least my that's my yeah yeah so when we spoke with actually when we spoke with black rock and just take it for what it is it's just the word of one person uh he the owner said that that spus removal was not his major concern it was actually bringing it up the building up to uh the trip energy code was okay yeah yeah that's new too primary among it all right we had an estimate from early in Co and I adjusted it for inflation so it's about 300 Grand to remove the as Festus but of course you could also let Theus lie where it is and not disturb it and that's one way of you know quote unquote dealing with it so I mean especially if you're not going to convert it into residential use then you can you know just stay if you if you just stay and somebody somebody decides they get want to get lost in a building and it doesn't stay and it gets interrupted it gets Disturbed who does that fall back to no that's the liability of the buyer I know what the chairman the town always complain well no that that's that's a concern right is is you know uh if it if it ends up in a situation where you know we sell the building and the next person in there oh we're going to we're just leave it just leave it lie like the schools wanted to do at some point before we you know we kind of forced ourselves to make the repairs and do the do the remediation what what happens then that's the concern you know and it's not only just a concern for the cost of building but concern for the cost of what a spe this is you know what it means to everybody so that's that's a huge concern the town had set aside we have but yeah there is money so set aside the town appropriated um I think perhaps you could capture that the RFP like I I would be interested but they had to kind of provide a plan within that plan they could they could speak to that whether or not they do want to Abate the property themselves or where I end if they do do they understand the cost like have they have they done that work in the past or at least they have some sort of we just have to have confidence I I didn't know that in a change of um change of hands right in a real estate transaction that you had the opportunity to not address that issue um I mean we already had a person sales sign already so we we were we were out our way we were disclosing it at all I mean there was yeah so I I have one question that came up to me after we signed um after we approved it the first time uh and that is you know and I understand the theory behind an RFP is you have a little bit more control over hopefully what would go in my question is for how long so if you sell it to an RFP the winning RFP buys it or we sell it to them whatever how long do they have to keep it the way that we all want it to be kept before they could sell it and then we would have really zero control I I'm just wondering is is is the RP an illusion of control or is it that that you will have control longer than is is that put in the deed how do how does that work against yeah so I mean this is a question I asked count Town Council and there are some uh Clauses that you could put into the the pns that would you know bind the the winning bidder to doing certain things so part of it could be part of the development agreement where you say well you know you propose this you better do it or you're in breach of contract that's fine your question is more about the duration right so it is it is it is a a defined duration of change right we can always bake in right of first refusal so it could come back to town to ensure that you know you said you would do X if you are going to sell it you know once you sell it you have the right to then purchase it to prevent it from changing to a different use afterwards but then that then again you know now we're entering the market so yeah building so yeah it's I think it's a it's a it's a good question you're buying we're buying control for the immediate term and given the rig of the whole process you know your the transactional costs involveed hopefully you know that's a good few years of time if not seconds so obviously like its neighbor that we've been dealing with back and forth for a little bit right there are going to be some um infrastructure repairs needed and some changes needed you know whether it's sidewalk upgrades or other other things in that General vicinity of that building and that property are those items that can be included in the RFP or be you know so that so that the person walking in the door that you know um whoever it may be they go through the RFP process they're awarded the bid they're awarded the you know they awarded the opportunity to buy the property and do whatever they they they're going to do with it um is that something that has to be done after that factor that's something that can be part of the you know a knowledge of that become part of the RFP talking obligation so that there yeah they have to understand that there's an obligation ahead of them not just the billing but the surrounding you know I mean you you know with some of the other um developments in town we've asked for um intersection upgrades we've at the sidewater improvements those type of type of things um are those type of things that we can put in to the RP typically we're not selling the building so we don't we you know someone comes with a plan a project they give us give it to us in the planning board and yourself and we kind of work through it and we see what's needed and we see what necessary and what the asks are is are those asks something that can be put in to the RFP prior to the sale is the question yeah absolutely so it was the case in the previous RFP there were intersection improvements was one of the the criteria we could you know that could be hammered home with a development agreement everything as Town Council said everything is a negotiation so even with the a winning bidder ultimately the town decides yes or no even after you you know discuss all the particulars so if there's something that the town wants Town's going to get it however a development agreement wouldn't be until after a sale right because they have would have them come in and said here's what our plan is okay we will approve that plan but here's our development agreement we're going to require so to the point that Chris was making where um we make it known upfront that one of the desires of the community is you know have it to con to connect my view connect the downtown area to our future Economic Development along um ill Road some connection so we have to upgrade that intersection and there's a rationale behind it because this is this is a once in A- lifetime opportunity for the community to have that connectivity that we don't have right now and to make it known that that's something and I don't know if I'm not speaking Chris here I don't know if this is his vision too but uh to uh you know so that we know that if somebody comes in and purchases it we're going to get that aspect of our uh Vision complete that walkability will be uh you know continuous uh from downtown to our new economic engine of uh of pwo Road uh as pie in the sky Visionary as it may be but that is the the vision for the future um I think through the RFP you re you know if you make it part of the the evaluative criteria then you assess the magnitude of what each uh proposer is willing to contribute and then to lock it in it's the development agreement but you don't necessarily need to use it as an evaluative criter you could say by the way you're going to be doing you know you should realize that we expect this from whoever wins but we're not going to use it as a a criteria in judging uh in judging yeah it's it's all part a part of the requirements of a bid is the understanding that this will be part of it it's a potential that that could be Again part of their proposal like we could evaluate if they've done this in the past show example and say like we've done this in another time this is how we tied it in improved the intersection here's the reward said right that could be part of it so you can make the RP as exhaustive as you want there's there's right okay the problem is the more you tighten the the screws and and add bells and whistles the less people are interested exactly narrow the pool and the idea was kind of to broaden the pool to see what we get in terms of price and also contribution to downtown from my perspective it made sense just because I'm trying to think of the you know a coherent vision for downtown but if you know if you want to just let the the market decide it doesn't need to we don't include anything about the Cultural District per se just what whatever it's the overall best in the eyes of the selected committee that's currently sit inside the map of the Cultural District sorry does it currently does it currently sit inside the map of the Cultural District I believe it does yeah okay I'm not sure that I know at one time we had we had a specific M question I'm looking at I'm looking at triangles and corners and and and I don't know that it I don't know that it extends Ed that far when it was initially created I thought it ended kind of at n and went down and then we added um in the second vote we added actually added the finot theater so we so it didn't extend originally to Fine Arts we added that kind of sort of after the fact because that was in limbo when the whole thing took place I think it does I'm looking at I think it does I don't yeah either way I just just know we I know we we we um we increased the size of it at one time we had you know we had the original and then we had another um increase to the size of what the actual mapping of the Cultural District was yeah I'm looking at the map I think it do all right no problem either either way so if I mean if it wasn't we could change it so that's that's not a big deal but I just I just didn't know if it that in there today but that's cool that might require State I think we're ins good um go back to the disos of good so and now here on it raise the value burning staff time to do it is the tradeoff um can we do that in parallel or would that delay the time it would take to issue an RFP depends on who youed to do it I don't think you would I think you could do it in parall applicants be working RP while we have a timeline for that process you you don't have to do because otherwise you take the time to get rid of the goods is RP delay or can you start working on the issu of the RFP and in parallel that so you don't that's my but as saying it is it's just time so like you're looking at the team um there's it's it's more like I know the other things you both are working on too and that's part of the reason why I'm asking right so I think it's worth exploring I that's why I appreciate bring it up like I think we should look at that question and if and we'll keep it if we find out like oh the juice is not wor this week exhaustive we don't have then we can tell you but I'm interested in in at least trying to do parallel that that the sort of path you described I don't want to delay because again it's an asset that's not doing anyway if you create the RFP and it's going to be as without the things you can make sure the goods get out by the time you get to the end of that timeline too right you set yourself up a timeline you got to guarantee on staff time to get rid of the goods don't you to degree or you get rid of what you can in the time that you have so then we were already at one point so like might just just cut it off where you can however it's an exhausted process like it took us months to get the pns and then it was and that just really opened the Gateway into the development agreement this is I'm also thinking about the other things I know you're both working on at the same time in parallel and it slow those things down as well those are part espee I think we could work with DPW and start doing things in in parallel and then also keep in mind that by the time from advertisement to uh receipt of bids you have about two 12 months adjust have a visible re we we all looked behind is there is there I mean you know aside from you know you need a couple guys but is there are there things in the building that we're talking about that are left behind that if you had you know not a yard so but a you know an open type of situation that people could carry out I if I wanted if I drove down and put my pickup truck in front of the FR door and I we took a walk through and I said I'd like to bid on that item and you know bought that I can carry it out or is it stuff like the like you mentioned the bars right which by the way you you know bars and the prison look and all that is a big thing in restaurants and bars these days I don't know why but I mean it's you know you'll get someone to take them at some point but I just are there other things that is that is that something you know involve the community and say hey folks on you know whatever the date is we're going to open the fire station for 3 hours bring your checkbook bring your C and if you want to buy some of these things it'll all be gone to doability I mean yeah you know I don't I don't know so I think it it would be like if you're gonna well I don't know I would be reluctant to let anyone take whatever they want for build like structurally wise no you can't think anything structurally but if there's if there's something sitting on the counter that the fire department behind a microwave you want a microwave and you know somebody wants a microwave and there's a microwave there and it's 25 bucks or have engag with with auction houses okay like munici isn't that a that's a thing that is a thing that is the thing so that's what I'm saying and my expectation would be if we were GNA like engage with one of those firms that is what they would do they would show to the firehouse and then sort of like do an on-site auction kind of like an estate sale and yeah but we've never really I mean they would get it all downstairs and line it up and there wouldn't be people walking up through the stairways and all that kids trying to jump down the fire pole for fun you know all that stuff they would they would eliminate that that's that's a huge item for sale if it's not already gone fire and that that's fair but and all of that would come at whatever the overhead cost would be to that right yeah no uh I feel like I didn't do a great job selling the changes on the r on the RFP but I think I think it's a it's not it's not happening tomorrow there right some some conversation amongst yourself and everything El um we're interested if the board has any directions so if the board says well I it's kind of like what yeah what do you want to us that's so now it's a recommendation right I mean then it's a recommendation but until there is something in front of us what there's not much for us to decide on other than to say yeah go ahead and see what we come up with those three options no no I know no I'm not talking about the three options I'm talking about you know what is included in those three right me I don't you know um I would say specifically Sor no no no no no I'm just just thinking a lot the general direction of the criteria do you think I'm F to amend this proposed and rep for with an RFP and I'd like to see the RFP it certainly makes more sense to do an RFP from what I'm hearing than an ifp ifb phrases um I don't know if we're prepared tonight to make that decision but Jee you're just suggesting we make a motion to that to that motion just saying should we go ahead and write one up for a motion later and I'm saying yes go ahead write one up so we can make a motion at the appropriate time align with what they're proposing here unless we want to give any more specific feedback yeah yeah if you if you um if it comes to us and it's something that any of us any of us in this board have a problem with we we adjust it or we you know we can always say no we're going and then if we all disagree with something we see or something we don't like just go to an ifp before we release it you know if we have to know that the until we agree on what the RFP says and until we vote with that DRP we want to release to the public it's it's just a suggestion and we're happy to accept your suggestion just as the last group that was here that you know the 61 63 summer you guys have done all the work and so you know give us give us the results of the work and let us take a look and I don't see another way of doing it if nothing else I'm not hearing an objection to this no no no does anybody object to the idea of um allowing the group The reuse group to create an RFP based on the conversation tonight and get it back to us for review no no no what they're going to do is just take the original one and add in maybe these three things that we before right inter you know whatever experience you you given us some good feedback could be no surprises though is what I'm saying next time we see right right yeah we'll start with the meat of the criteria get some adjustments you know this one page here you'll take a look and you take it back you say all right Mr Mike are you okay I am doing fine thank you yes all right um did you have did you have any comments or suggestions or questions for um Stephen Stephen Donna getting late sorry Donna okay yeah so any questions for either or or or you know questions to the process of the what's no I I I think uh as with the the other group that we were just discussing um I think they're doing a very thorough job and um it's I I I feel like they're doing very well all right okay so there isn't there isn't a vote Mike but we're just going to um we're going to allow that you know we're going to allow the recommendation to stand and we're going to ask these folks to come back to us with um their version of a new RFP for that piece of property in the near future and then we'll you know we'll take a look at it and vote on it at a that meeting or a subsequent meeting and see where we go yeah no it's a it's a complicated process and I think it's it's been very well handled I believe all right anybody else thank you thank you thank you Don thank you Steve see you guys um all right uh Mr Gregory you're on to our annual town meeting accept an improvement of many many many articles many articles this is H I can't really say ultimately how many this is so there this is um most of it is is the the standard um articles that you see every year the town report acceptance obvious equiv um Community uh Community preservation fund which I know the board had already seen previously sewer water accounts which came after the board approved um the utility rates of the last meeting public CH that's that's to the board and I think we're joined this evening by and maybe there but Steve's here sorry I'm getting tired sorry so so they can explain that but and then there's a number of articles that are related to what the bo heard from the planning boards references when is stevea that last mean talking about talking about the planting around n n and and um Street under the underway by the way okay excellent yeah so all right so you're here to talk about um the shade trees yeah we public shade trees draft control in a name okay right we're asking for support and endorsement from the board thank you for having me by the way um for the um in the uh adding the mayor tree bylaw onto the agenda for this Springs time meeting okay so this is a this is a bylaw that we looking to add yes so this is something that we've been working on for the committee's been working on for the last uh almost three years in conjunction with Justin as the tree Warden um for the town um it's gone before the bylaw committee and also in front of Town Council at this point um whove all made their Corrections edits and suggestions that we've implemented so I guess Justin maybe you can either one you know want maybe you can join I guess so can you just kind of give us a quick um you know a brief synopsis of what this new BYO is going to you know mean to the town and mean for the town what's the benefit I don't I don't see I don't see a drawback but what what are we what are we um you what are we doing so one we're identifying um the rol and responsibilities of the tree committee which is part of Master specific the within that we're also looking to identify the roles and responsibilities of the tree Wen that are in conjunction to M General law and the reason that we're excited to move this forward um as explained to to several stakeholders is the piece that our residents find a gap in understanding roles responsibilities when they try to look at mastering the law versus local so this bylaw is an educational Outreach process for our residents to understand public shade tree protection what's already baked in the M Mass General law what our tree committee looks to perform and assist the tree Ward and and the community with and a high level understanding of what our overall goals and objectives are when we're talking about public shade tree protection and public and urban for urban fore canopy growth for the community as a whole we've uh vetted this for over three years uh Steve is actually the second chairman going through this process it is one that um the Commonwealth of Massachusetts a number of communities have already adopted very similar bylaws some are far more in strict than ours ours is the first rendition that as um potential management of Law changes or we come up with policy recommendations in the future and may have adaptability it also allows us on great opportunities for future Grant processes so with DCR there's a huge enfor program that provides hundreds of thousands of dollars for shade tree Improvement programs um we have been the recipient of a DCR Grant in the past which is our tree of impr and our management um report um with that we're really looking you know Steve under Steve and Danny leadership we really um move forward with actual items as you guys are familiar the tree committee is now going to perform their second um tree implementation program of a large scale and has been successful with localized grants moving that proerty forward but that's the high level stuff that the board SE so a lot of a lot of the initiation of the tree committee was success stories of volunteerism donations of trees not at a cost of the community not even at a grant cost of localized funds but they' really started to gain ground um community support and we're looking to continually enhance that through the bylaw adoption and um future Grant processes and Outreach and in so yeah as you're all aware you're all aware I wear many hats and I'm I'm very happy and proud to do that in mayard but that pulls me in many directions the tree committee and this bylaw will help to assist the tree War this all right oh that'ss if um now I hope that the tree committee is prosperous and uh well well-managed for decades to come uh but suppose unfortunate in happens where the tree committee disbands uh because lack of interest for whatever reason whatever reason it no longer has the enthusiasm that it's had for the last five years or so and is there any unforeseen um you know concerns that should that happen that we are now tied into a bylaw that wait a minute we don't have a tree committee we can't do X we can't do y can't do see in the charter yeah in the recent Charter review tree committee is now part of the new Charter moving forward whether they serve to fill those roles or not as you as long time board member know that there was even Charter committees that just went unfilled yeah and then they get Revisited as you can see when you go through the document I ask you to re-review it um after our conversation a lot of the implementation of this by law is may not fa yeah so in legal terms it is a process of what the community would like to see but it is not a bylaw that mandates it should be so we looked at that very careful yeah right because one we didn't want to add Financial constraints to the community that's not what our goal is there is none no fin Financial constraints or resource PS so as you're aware the Tre Wom DPW already put in a report at an annual town meeting um most of that is already part of the responsibilties under mastering the law a lot of this is more an understanding of support mechanisms and how the tree committee can assist moving forward this also goes to the fact of now that this is a chartered committee so technically they're a TA appointed committee so if you have a change in TAS it's not a change in policy the policy is the same unless we change the bylaw which isve done annually which then has to go before the select board the bylaw committee Town Council and then town so it's more of a it's more of a goal setting understanding of what we're looking to do and and my concern is the unintended consequences of establishing something that then later on totally unexpected or undesired occurs and we've kind of hurt ourselves but you've answered my question so the question is going to come up at come meeting is this going to affect only trees on Town property owned and controlled by the town my neighbors not going to have to worry about Justin coming to their house with they cut down the pine trees okay members of the tree committee coming to your house saying hey yeah right and a lot of that is to help Define so 50% of our tree calls are private private issues that Waste Town resources because there's not an understanding of what the roles and responsibilities are of the town when it is referring to trees so I spend a significant amount of time expecting areas that end up being private private issues then I have to educate our residents that it is a private Private Matter then provide them Cas law to understand how they resolve it so a lot of this is to try to actually reduce that constraint on the pre whether it's myself or somebody else in the um a lot of it is just localized education versus State educ I know as the board I'm sure I bet you Jeff start to dig in the after in the law it's not easy to P unless they've been doing it for years even myself sometimes I feel like but it's one of those situations that it's just it's very complex okay sometimes with something that affects our this affects almost every one of our residents I I receive calls from so many residents that are not our typical call residents in regards to public so if I this is not there's no situation that exists that I'm asking about if I am at my house or anyone's house right if you're going down and there's a tree that's between the sidewalk and the street is that mine is that how that how do all that work this is the hard part of Massachusetts so Massachusetts we didn't do a great job of planning because most of our infrastructure started as four cart roads that turned into XY so there's always an assumption and even Steve you know this is education P we've been in Industry a long time is this assumption that oh it's a 20% set back on all right away that's inactive there's times where technically we own up to somebody's front court and vice versa there's sidewalk on private proper so a lot of that is a determination factor that the tree has to go out to determine whether it's public treat tree or not a lot of my calls are that okay all right I just I just said no and that's interesting unfortunately there's no standard yeah okay all right of those standards basically what this is it's like the first step right this is kind of the Baseline for us to go out and do some of there's one actually there's one really good standard in there and it refers to the standards utility companies here to and a lot of that is a control mechanism if you're unaware ever Source will come through and do vegetation clearing of Po shade trees and interference with um overhead rway wires A lot of that standard fell on the fact that they typically need tree warant approval sometimes they may even need to select appr depending on the scope a lot of that actually defines the standard where it's as simple as ever sorts having to see that in advance so when they come with the vegetation management plan I don't have to spend time ripping through it as they have to get on and that's the ANZ standards which is a National Standard there's a multiple standards in there that just kind of follow industry um processes but in one compartmentalize byw and we did take that from multiple multiple towns we looked at their bylaws and P from that and review this notri no so so in in say so listening to what you're saying right and to your point we may own up to somebody from porch and they may own up to the line of the street and maybe Beyond in some cases right if you do the the surveying if someone if when if and when questions arise who makes that determination and is it like we have a a town map that tells us what so we have a paral overlay G data system that um DPW is trying to enhance it's really the assessive data and we're starting to implement process I don't know if you remember in our management plan we talked about you start you'll start to see our CIP when we're talking about B management the same is that development over time for an overlayer system of our tree ID data so all of our inventory data is not host on Arc because we weren't the host of our we've been funneling money from the DPW to try to enhance it so that's the role Chris the future role if you reread the responsibilities of the tree committee it's only the assist the tree W they are not the determining Factor but if you're unaware because most are with master in the law is the tree Warden can appoint Deputy tree wardens at any time and that would still be a process that can be done if we had to through the select Bo so the treor can make a recommendation to adopt a deputy Tre to assist in those processes we're not there yet a lot of this is more of an outreaching educational course that the tree committee is really pursuing grants that I don't have time to write they're pursuing projects that I don't have time to support outside of the role of just answering some questions I mean Stephen Danny 98% of the work of all all the stuff you're seeing in the Bas I'm only giving some advice and just guidance on the process they're doing all that work all right we are getting um private citizens that are also looking to plant trees in public spaces and this will give us some guidelines when it comes to that as well we had a resident over on [Music] Linda yeah that there and so we had no guidelines to give her about what we should you know CER how it should be treated what we're looking for all those things and now we can literally go here you go this is kind of what we need you to follow yeah and over time actually we would love to start to look at setb back plan things which is not uncom uncom in the Comm world when we start to um if we're able to receive award grants for public shade tree plantings we would look to have set plant things on private property if the resident wanted to have enhancement of public shade trees at a cost to the state but again the long-term maintenance will be a sign off on the priv property owner um it's it gains a lot of traction follow a lot of communities and the car all do it it's a heavy lift so this is our start towards hopefully enhancing our overall uh shade tree canopy which again will take many many years the commun is well aware of this um and it also allows us just opportunities Grand opportun OPP okay all right Mike do you have any questions for um Danny Steve or Justin regarding the trees uh no no just uh hi to the three of you um no I think you guys as with so many other people in this town you're doing a tremendous job and very appreciative of what you do okay all right I actually encourage Mike to look up the tree laws Where You Are those are some of the oldest in the entire world I believe some of them are even older than the uh the pub I mentioned earlier so true all right so I guess does anybody in the room have any other questions for Danny Steve and Justin more just procedural and I think I'm more concern the same comment for the control Z which is 6163 Summer Street but to make sure I want to see the comments there's no comments on the article right now espe for 6163 appr just to see what that's look like for the voter the pack through meeting I have no particular concern on this see what the wording looks like or have that yeah so just for clear you looking comments as part of our traditional and you're not concerned about the article I'm not concerned about the article and I'm more concerned about wanting to see the comments 6163 which is the only other article I see on here without comments today yeah because I but it's it's um you're asked the question I asked Chris when it comes to you know the SP comment is advocacy for what whatever craa legal stuff there they're voting on and it's exactly that why would I say yes to whatever this is and and that's what I think we can capture succinctly as as you heard tonight we Absolut that's just something typically with the bylaw we don't we don't typically write the comments but will write the comments as as the original sponsor we can also talk to um the BW committee if they want to add anything because we've gone through their I'm not worried about the comments are this particular one just want to make sure we have them before we accept them so all right so all right um then then when we read down this list of motions are we going to read them all at once and then vote them all at once or that's the clearest way all right so we'll we will not include in that motion n and z Oh because you don't because want we want to exclude them n and Z we want to exclude from the the motion because we're waiting on the comments to accept is that correct Jeff what you were saying that is correct we're not holding up anything by doing that no right I guess will be cleaned up before yeah yeah it's a constant yes you edit and edit and edit and edit and edit I I just saw one earlier tonight you um Mike do you have any do you have any questions about any of the other um draft control numbers um that you would like answer before we move to accept and approve these notes as listed no I I'll be honest I I don't feel knowledgeable about them uh enough to maybe figure out what questions to ask but uh at this point no yeah all right um anybody else have any other items between a and um AC that they'd like to delay or have concerns over I don't have concerns I'm just trying to understand so the um the transfer from the gra account which one the transfer from graves account to Perpetual care expenditure account it is so so two different num yeah go ahead yeah so technically it's like a receipt re account so like right so we sell grade blocks rece yeah the O requires that to be one account then we have a special care trust that trust is our large amount that earn is an interest earning bearing account then we have an expenditure account that can support maintenance upgrades for the interest to the yeah so one sale of gr LS hasn't been transferred in a very long time okay and that was actually the intent of the last year article right and wrong so now we're taking s grave LS we're replenishing Perpetual care trust which is not really where we wanted the previous situation so technically what we removed last year we're adding okay and then we're taking other half of the S the graves and putting it in the expenditure account okay to account for our ongoing maintenance and um upgrade as part of our sary process so technically sale of graves taking it 5050 in the Perpetual care trust that's the interest earning account in the expenditure account so but they have to be written as two people okay so so seeing that 90% of these are annual that's right items will those now become for the next those will become an annual item those two articles not necessarily both but so if anything it would be a conversation of do expenditure account need funding yeah but at a minimum trust should always go the trust at a minimum because that's a higher yield okay all right question all right um would anybody like to make a motion and read all that lovely worded verbage Oh yay I will move to accept and approve the following draft controls draft control a town report acceptance draft control B obsolete equipment material draa control d D fiscal year 2025 salary Administration plan draft control h Community preservation fund budget for fiscal year 2025 draft control I Community preservation Reserve fund Appropriations draft control K seart Enterprise fund budget fiscal year 2025 draft control L water Enterprise fund budget fiscal year 2025 um draft control s mayor Golf Course receipts transfer fiscal year 2024 uh draft control T sewer retained earnings transfer for sewer Enterprise Reserve fiscal year 2025 draft control U water retained earnings transfer for water Enterprise Reserve fiscal year 2025 draft control V amend zoning bylaw section 10.5.1 applicability of water supply Protection District site plan approval draft control W amend zoning bylaw sections 3.1.2 4.1 8.1 and 11 accessory dwelling units adus draft control X amend zoning bylaw section 3.1.2 7.2 and 11 Firearms businesses and shooting ranges draft control y amend zoning bylaw section 9 powdermill overlay district and mdta communities draft control AA transfer from Cemetery sale of graves account to Perpetual care expenditure account draft control AB transfer from Cemetery sale of graves account to Perpetual care trust account and draft control AC which is water Enterprise retained earnings transfer for Capital Improvements as Stone and forward to the finance committee for review and comments I will second but I believe some of the ones that you read we had already approved because the one3 up up top to a b and then H but no actually I want to point out one difference that's what so um this is IO you had said the salary admin plan you had included that D that's what you said d d yeah could you could you revise your would you accept like a revision amendment to your motion and not include that because as I was looking at it tonight Stephan and I were not prepared so with that exception so I will make the I will well you can make the the acceptance of the friendly amendment I will well I accept a friendly or you have to make a friendly you can make your Amendment y okay so I will um in the friendly way remove draft control D fiscal year 2025 salary Administration plan um and for the rest yeah rest I'm fine with that I noticed there was a difference between the two that was it I do have one other question is so the mayor Golf Course receipts it's for fiscal year 2024 no so it should say 25 and if not another friendly Amendment yes okay so another friendly amendment is to submit draft control or actually do we want to submit it at all or do we want to look at double check the actual I don't mind let me uh article I I'm surprised I didn't get I'm like wait a minute that's the wrong P year is it's not in the motion that's maybe why I didn't catch it because you're right it's it's if you bring up the the article itself it doesn't so that's how but it's okay also I see may just spell wrong so like we have a little bit of cleaning up to but it's not doesn't say FY for on yard okay so I aming the morer golf course receipt transfer warrant article second sure okay all right excellent I think those are all them did you just pull no no I didn't pull S I forwarded S without the 2024 because the the title actually isn't that thank you I'm on board all right um so I guess um all those in favor of the acceptance and pushing on to the um pcom Mike yes Jeff yes Justin uh yes David yeah and I mean yes thank you thank you it is it is a lot I mean but as as you pointed out most of these are the standard with which which so next we next meeting is the second and then there's one more meeting at the following people meeting is on the board that is to the is have the rest of them on the second inevitably I feel like there's always like some like last thing we just don't know about until the last week my plan is to have it all for your for two weeks um you'll notice that general fund revolving accounts free cash transfer the msba money back towards General stabilization I there more either way but those usually hold off until the end because that's we we kind of don't know what change is going to come and that's actually the next topic but just to kind of okay all right next is the budget great so I'll I'll be this brief because it's late um uh we got our general liability um premium um I was off by $7,499 not bad um in the past I would have just deducted that so speak from um health insurance because we usually put aside so much health insurance in this case we still put aside 120 Grand over what our premum increase your health so Seven Grand not going have made greaters like that that would be negligible that is what I am on might end up recommending to the board but I just haven't got to that yet I just want to update the board that we did get our liability TRS which just like property charts so we didn't get that information um then the um there is a budget subcomittee U meeting for next Thursday night next week um and so we we in preparation for that and then um uh the board is asked to consider a meeting on June 11th at 6:30 p.m. to kind of part two if you will to the to the fiscal year joint budget review um um it was discussed at the Joint budget review in February that there could be a followup talking specifically about Capital plan um so the proposed date is June 11th so maybe I'll ask you now is anyone adly opposed to a June 11th meeting maybe you have to check your calendars know it's just a Tuesday between our regularly scheduled meeting that's the idea all right very good um and then my last point is something else my last point is um oh no two more things so that preach so um preach was higher than what I had estimated so I asked the capital planning committee but I asked the capital planning committee to just let me know what their parties may be but I need to know soon so I can get you an article and then um and then Jillian penr from finance committee had invited um Ernie H who's the superintendent of b um the asked High School to come to their meeting but I have also asked Ernie to come to your next ail that was the board I wanted to hear more about St the stabilization fund yeah I understand that worth the PO to sponsor it but I feel we're sponsoring something that we know nothing about yeah that's right so I gave that feedback back he said he's you know he's probably making this Rounds Around All April second uh that's questions about fy2 um okay on to the green metal School building project my only notes to add on Mr triers that um you know we're still we're now into the design phase um Justin that done a great job I think I'll give you the credit if it wasn't you who initiated anyways but Justin head pointed out that um we've been had a long partnership with breath greenl for um um Consulting for our town solar array which is going in high school right now and to make that connection of our welled consultant towards the new school so that conect did happen and pro manager deser did talk with that she's wealth do I was grateful for that con so thank you Justin and then um separately just as kind of a side note um our project managers had um gotten sort of advice from council at my office uh to get with a tax consulting firm in this case it's energy tax saers which is you know in the discussion of the project and the development we've been talking about how to sort of capitalize on any tax incentives the inflation reduction eny in particular and this do that how much do it cost what is the contract for energy taxers I don't have and I don't remember when the next meeting is but it's probably next week so but either way the building committee has kind of split split but it's like is now working in different Divine and you also have the um the Forum on April 1 right yes that's true point that out very good okay unless there's I don't know if there's anything else you think they Mr chair to add but that's no or M on that all right CER committee they had a meeting since our last meeting and I think really what they did was they talked about they had finished um cat cataloging the all the documents and they had some conversation about fa an FAQ form sheet of sheet series of FAQs that Deborah s was going to work on to provide for the town going forward in regards to that group and a lot of documents um so they went back and they they there's a whole library of documents in regards to various senior centers iterations of it and everything El old fire St and all those of things so they had a group a subcommittee of the larer group that took and reviewed all of those and um through out what was um not spefic spefic to what we're looking at not you know there was a lot of redundancy so they came up with a list I think 30 some 35 or 36 yeah some that range of documents that are are pertinent to what's going on today and and then they created a finance group sure kind enough to add me in their absence thank you very much um and so we met yeah so so actually we we actually met um that small little group consists of Jack mcken um myself and Josh Morris and so we met last night um Jerry um cobbert sat in and you know just kind of looking for a number of um what op what options and opportunities are out there for um financing how it how financing would look what it what what it what it would look like and all that that type of stuff be considered and um part of that was the discussion that we had as a whole committee earlier that you know seeking some assistance or some ear marks at some point down the road from um either of our two State delegates April Jamie would be um something that they would hope would happen so that's why I mentioned that to those folks tonight and then they they meet again um they'll meet again Thursday we meet again thday at which time I think Deb is prepared to um publish the present to the group The FAQ and um Josh has a um he's got a couple different documents that he's been working on that he's going to make a part of that Thursday night meeting and once they're part of the Thursday night meeting I'll for with them to everybody here so let you guys know what what those things look like but cool that's it really I want to know why the survey asked for ages it was sent to everybody ages 50 and up but then when it asked at the end what your age was it started at 18 it was interesting too you know like wait a minute but I mean I guess anyone can answer it that was targeted for has anybody else heard back from anybody else has anybody else heard from Mrs KBS Mary KBS is her name yes she reached out to me asking if I spoke to her today okay and she is the she's um I believe she's the leader of the project for um Bost yeah and and anyway she had a bunch of questions but I you know she kept talking about 50 yeah and they're doing that they're doing their survey is based on 50 and up not 60 right that's right so I had said I had said to her today during the conversation I said I said I don't have a problem answering questions 50 up I said but the interesting part of all the SE that we've ever had in this room everything starts at 60 is how you know how I think it's been looked at so I don't know if that I don't know how that plays into one plays into the other or not but I just thought it was interesting that they starting they're starting at 50 where the COA in the town doesn't recognize until I think it's gonna take this long to get everything in motion that they want the in the 50y olds who are use it well I mean not necessar let's let's look on the right side not necessarily 60 but you know on their way to 60 right so yeah that's right long yeah in my experience the the timeline from 50 to 60 is actually only about three years that's true probably you're probably right all right so that's that um and and you know things are moving along um correspondences we have a through H someone like to make a motion yeah I will move to accept correspondence in a through H is what is it a through eight a through okay um does anybody have any questions or concerns about any the Articles or items in a through h I will comment on this I uh one of the things is there from Verizon who interestingly enough we discussed tonight I recently switched over to the news and sports P package for Verizon and wouldn't you know what's in here that um they removed the MLB Network Major League Baseball Network it's removed from news and sports like what the hell that's the reason that I went there and they removed very remove it and make it its own module or we move together maybe they have it in hangam all right um so so no one has any concerns about the Articles other than that um it was SEC me and seconded um all in favor Mike yes Jeff yes justtin yes David yes and I'm a yes and we have one set of minutes no we don't no minutes no minutes quite right we have a TA report I'll be quick Mr chair lots of pretty pictures um I was I was grateful having privileged to attend a number of events in in the last couple of weeks which is great I I going um David at the economic develop communties inaugural Awards brunch that was great well well well attended um and then uh I went to the library and I saw I saw Mr Tom o Carrol perform and then I also went to the Middle Chamber of Commerce um networking event hosted by education and um a lot of progress over at the training me mezine at the fire station um which would be very cool when it's done I let's see if we can get a tour for everybody over there it's just it's just kind of fun it's not much more than a box but it's an interesting an interesting box yeah yeah yeah um and of course I'm grateful for all the Departments for their sub poli police reports always fascinating that's all I have unless there's questions Mr chair um I don't have anything for the chair report this evening um board member reports Mike anything um just one about the MVP 2.0 program um in that they've invited me to be one of the Town Representatives the the member from the select board so I just wanted to make sure that that was clear for the the rest of the board just in case there was a concern about that it's going to involve some training over the next couple of months um and so hopefully it'll be a good way of of keeping us fully informed of the progress of of that particular group oh from my end it's been frozen I don't know if you can hear me but it uh shows to froze just at that moment hello everybody Welcome Back Mike oh there we go all right uh not quite sure uh where I left you but very briefly the uh MVP 2.0 program there's a project team that's been formed and uh I was invited to be the select board representative for that um so I just wanted to make that clear it's going to involve some training over the next couple of months and so hopefully a good way to keep um the board uh you know to act as a leaon for the board and the core team as they develop their program okay okay sounds good well while you were in um Purgatory Jeff suggested he had nothing for this week and Justine was just getting into a question that she had where we are um so I was I've been trying to keep up a little bit with the sustainability committee and we we created the the um committee a few years ago and I don't necessarily know that they' come before us since we created them well they did for the mbb for the but I but as far as like this is this is who we are this is our chart you know whatever and I know they in their minutes they keep referring to a report they're going to give you to give us so I'm just trying to figure out no no that's good I think this MPP thing is a good cave on that's yeah yeah yeah not is all all right um David I'm good all right that being said it looks like um we'll make a motion to adjourn second all those in favor Mike yes Jeff yes Justin yes David and I yes our next meeting Mike is April 20 April 2nd 2024