there will be a meeting of the medd Comprehensive High School building committee held via remote participation for the uh committee and the community uh via zoom on uh Wednesday July 17th from 6:00 to 7: the meeting can be viewed live on Medford Public Schools YouTube channel through Med Community media on your local cable channel which is Comcast 98 or 22 and Verizon 4345 or 47 um this meeting is being recorded participants can call or log in by using the following information um this Zoom link is 998 8316 2141 um so I'm going to call the role if you all can um let me know that you're here um I'm just going to run down the list so uh Jenny Graham here mayor lungo Kar see her yet um uh Dr Edward Vincent here uh Dr kushen present here I hope you yep I heard you thank you um Dr gy don't see her just yet um uh Marta cabal here Libby Brown here Marissa Desmond uh Maria dorsy here I'm sorry my camera is not working you're good Maria Brian hilard that Brian Tracy Keane here Emily Lazaro Nicole Morell uh Aaron olap saw Aaron here Luke Pryer no he's not going to be here Larry Brown here Bob Dickinson um Fiona Maxwell Joan Bowen here Joan um Tom Dalton here Chad Fallon Lorie hodon here John mlin here hey John uh Paul rouso here and Philip Santos okay um hi Emily I'm marking you here thank you so we have one two three four five six 78 nine 10 present five absent um we'll call the meeting to order um the first item on the agenda is our consent agenda which um for this meeting only includes the um approval of the minutes from our 612 um full committee meeting is there a motion to approve the minutes motion to approve motion to approve by Aaron elap seconded seconded by mayor Longo Kar hello um okay we have to do a roll call because we're on Zoom so um Jenny Graham yes mayor Longo Kar yes Dr Edward Vincent Yes Dr pushing my apologies yes no problem um Dr gy absent Marta cabal yes Libby Brown yes Marissa Desmond H absent Maria dorsy yes Brian Hillyard oh we can't hear you Brian but I heard a yes is that thumbs up okay uh Tracy Keane yes Emily Lazaro yes Nicole Morell absent um Aron Le yes and Luke Pryer absent so 11 in the affirmative zero in the negative five absent uh motion minutes are approved um okay I actually think this meeting is going to be very short rep and thank you for hopping on and making sure that we have a quorum um but I am really delighted to report that all of our feasibility all of our um all of our uh eligibility phase deliverables I'm getting ahead of myself are complete and um submitted so that's like a big deal um so just a quick rundown for all of you um the feasibility study uh funding earmark is something that the council had to take up and vote on um they did that at the 625 meeting uh and they voted to earmark or allocate $3 million to our feasibility study um that has been moved into a special account that will sort of sit and wait for us to be ready to um spend that money uh by a vote of six affirmative Z negative one absent um and that information has been transmitted over to msba we did that they they actually um had to approve the language up front uh they were watching closely they watched the meeting get post the meetings get posted um and uh they were very eager to hear um our results and so they they know that um that has been approved so that's a really big deal um and uh very exciting the very next day um I finally hit submit on our chapter 74 form which includes the expanded programs that we're looking to study in our feasibility study um so thanks to um Dr Cushing and Chad Fallon in particular who helped flush out um that document um both from a like current capacity of programs um future capacity um to demonstrate sort of where the weight list was at to demonstrate um that expansion was viable um as well as um the work that they did in the leadup to all of that to bring forward to the school committee a proposal that would have us study five new programs um as part of this feasibility study from a space perspective um so all of that uh and you all approved the submission of that form a couple of meetings ago but all of that um went in on the 26th of June um the educational profile went in on um on 71 in the morning um because I wanted to read it again with fresh eyes um it is um a 20s something page document um that includes a lot of hard work from um all of you and the administration in particular who worked hard um to answer a lot of questions about teing teaching methodology and um in particular some of the um questions about early early education and child care um where we have an opportunity to be thinking about studying those things in our educational profile so um that went in on 71 um you all have copies uh that Lisa Malone shared with with you with this meeting agenda um of those two deliverables uh we are also working to update the website um so that all of those deliver deliverables are available to the public so you can look out for that on the um on the public site coming up um but those deliverables have gone over to msba um the next thing that we submitted on the 11th which was last week was our enrollment projection um and that uh goes through a series of questions around um not just like School enrollment but ver verifying that their numbers that they get from desie are correct as well as asking a lot of questions about um the development plans of the city in terms of housing um housing capacity housing expansion um and all of that so um the mayor's office was very helpful Alicia hunt in particular uh was critical to collecting all of the information from a whole bunch of um different folks um across the administration including like the number of building permits and the housing projects that are that are sort of in permitting phase and how many units there're supposed to be um and uh the other thing we had to submit um with our um with our enrollment projection was a lot of information about our special education programs that um Joan Bowen helped with and then um a a big discussion around our Early Education and child care um programming that um Dr py was very integral so all of that went in on the 7th uh sorry on the 11th and then on Friday evening um thanks to the help of um John mlin and in particular uh Paul rouso and Dr Cushing we submitted our maintenance and capital planning documentation which was um sort of a beast to submit because it covered everything from what are the job descriptions of your maintenance staff to what should your maintenance budget be and if there is a variance between your actual budget and what you think it should be why is there a variance and essentially like asking us to respond to how will we ensure good solid maintenance of the building so it required a ton of um exhibits and attachments um and um lots of work by the finance office under Jerry McHugh um and Noel so all of that work um finally finally last finishing touches um went in on the 12th um I did talk with um msba last week and um at the time what they indicated to me was that the next step for us would be um a a meeting where we essentially agree on a certific a certified number of students that we would be studying the size of the building for um when I asked last week what she thought the timeline of that would be she indicated that we should expect to set up that meeting either in late summer or early fall um and yesterday I got an email saying that they're available to talk to us as soon as next week so we will be having that meeting next week um with msba and um folks from the mayor's team and from the administration um where they will go through sort of their deep dive into all of the information we submitted the housing plans everything and then we will talk about um what that certified enrollment number uh should look like so that is is um the next piece in the puzzle and the next step for us um once that is done all of our information will have to go to the board for consideration and approval to move to what they call module two um and um that according to the 270 day timeline that would have had us at the February board meeting um I am hopeful that we will um make an appearance at a sooner board meeting than February um given that we're sort of moving quickly through our deliverables so I'm not sure exactly where that will land or what the lead time is between the time when we say like we're we're sort of all in agreement about this um enrollment study and when um reasonably things can get to the board for consideration so we'll sort of learn more about that in the coming weeks um but um that is um a wrap as they say for the eligibility phase so I'll stop and ask if anybody has any questions you know how frequently the board meets is it like quarterly or they meet every other month so they have um they have a December meeting they have an October meeting so they must have an August meeting is my guess um but yeah it's like an every other month schedule um okay well seeing and hearing no other questions um the other thing that um I wanted to mention um in terms of next steps is um for this group to really start to think about immersing itself in what they call module two which is um officially called assembling the project team so this is where we will put out a procurement um to hire an owner's project manager um we will bring that person on board and then that um that OPM will help us craft our procurement to secure the architect um so there is a process around the the work that the OPM will do with us in order to inform that um that uh architect's um bid or bid request um as I've started reading um there is a template that I believe msba requires us to use um to secure the OPM um I have been in touch with the procurement office to make sure like we have a good understanding of what all is needed from the city Side um for compliance purposes but um between now and the next meeting if you all can find 40 minutes or so to immerse yourself in sort of that next module process I think that would be informative and educational for everybody in terms of like what we need to do but but briefly we will have to form a selection committee who will um who will pick the OPM essentially um so there's going to be some work for us to sort of get that procurement ready to go out the door and then um once we receive those um bids back there will we we among us will have to decide how the selection committee will be formed is my understanding um and then there may be some uh meetings with msba or um like round taes that happen that they may require us to go to so um there is a whole slew of other things that happen in module 2 because you move on to the architect but like in my mind once we have the OPM on board um it will it will be somebody who does this for a living with msba and they will be able to sort of help educate us um along the way so um that's just a sort of to-do for everybody um and I'm still like reading and Diving through those documents myself so um that is something we'll talk about and take up in our in our next regular meeting questions about that Tracy where do we find modulo 2 if you go on to the msba website um there's a section called building with us and it it specs it out module one module two module three so if you go in there you can like really dive in um there's lots of help there's lots of information out there um all the model doents are out there um as well as um you know there's there are documents around like really like what they see in terms of um costs that other communities have um incurred or o over the course of this next phase both for the OPM and the designer and then in construction um and you know it's hard to look at those and and really assess like how does that compare to what we will do um I will say that msba was um comfortable with the allocation of $3 million and they don't give communities numbers but they are happy they they will tell a community if they have not allocated a sufficient amount of funds for the phase so we're good there um and obviously the procurement will have to um support whatever we do from there um so yeah all of that is on their website um and there's lots of templates and information out there um their board meetings are public um everyone is welcome to join um as as are all of their meetings so if there are meetings that you see out there like you're all welcome to just join and listen and be a participant um uh but I you know we'll there will be some formal things that we have to attend over over the course of the the next phase as well so we'll keep an eye on that um any other questions about module two all right um so the other thing that I wanted to make sure that I say out loud is that uh we originally had an August 14th meeting scheduled for the full committee um via zoom and we will not have that meeting as a full committee um because we are very much um in in a mode of waiting to hear so I don't want to take up your time um in that next meeting if there um is an action for this group to take instead um the communications and Community engagement subcommittee will meet at that time on August 14th um at 6m and um that's that will help us fill the gap of the meeting that um I needed to reschedule at the end of June um and they will be uh working on the communications and communic agent subcommittee will be working on some of the surveys to collect FAQs from um from residents um as well as um a survey that gets out to all our boards and commissions to help understand sort of who needs to be plugged into the process and when and then the other thing that we'll be working on is um you know the start of what will become a little bit of like a road show kind of document that um we can use to talk about uh where we are with the project um and um I also um am in touch with a couple of folks in a couple of districts about tours to be scheduled over the course of this summer so as soon as I have those dates I will let you know so you can mark your calendar um my contacts are just trying to like work with their contacts and navigate everybody's school vacation out of office time um so more to come on that but as those get scheduled I will keep you posted um are there any other questions for um from the group about where we are what we're doing anything just wanted to say I'm just so happy that we're making great progress and I'm very optimistic about NE next week's meeting so thank you member Graham for all of your leadership oh it was a true team effort it was there there was a lot of documentation um particularly on the maintenance Capital planning oh that's thank you for that reminder though um the enrollment projection and the maintenance and capital planning information gets submitted directly into a portal um so it's not quite as easy to just like pop it out to the site and Link it there um so I'm working through like how to make that information sharable like have working documents that we use to like get those answers ready and they're a hot mess like working documents are so I'm just going to I'm just working on like how to make sure like there can be a cohesive story there and then we will publish all of that stuff out to the website as well if people are interested um and we will share all of that with you all as soon as it's um as soon as it's cleaned up so that's on my that's on my to-do list over the coming days is just to figure out like especially with the maintenance stuff it's just it's a lot and it's 100 attachments and all kinds of things so um any other questions comments thoughts um okay uh is there a motion to adjourn I'll just also thank you um member Graham for leading the charge and to the whole team as you said it's a team effort but for getting this in and in so timely it's exciting to see everything moving forward so quickly so thank you and with that being said I'll move to adjourn a motion to adjourn by mayor lungo Kar seconded Maria seconded by Maria dorsy um and one more painful roll call Jenny Graham yes mayor Longo Kern yes Dr Edward Vincent Yes Dr Cushing yes Dr galy absent Marty cabal yes Libby Brown yes Marissa Desmond Maria Dorothy yes Ryan hilard yes Tracy Keane yes Emily Lazaro yes Nicole Morel yes Aron yes Luke Pryer absent so 12 in the affirmative zero in the negative um three absent um that's probably the fastest meeting we'll ever have thank you everyone have a good night bye everybody for