##VIDEO ID:tcQscj6tEaE## e e e welcome to the December 3rd 2024 board business meeting at Memphis Shelby County Schools Miss Clark please call the role commissioner mckisic present commissioner Garcia present commissioner Porter present commissioner Murphy Pres commissioner love present commissioner mcken present commissioner OT present commissioner Williams president board chair Coleman president you have nine in affirmative thank you we do have a quarum tonight's posting of the colors are presented by Sheffield high school please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance please remain arms I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all right forward Mar colors forward forward please remain standing for a moment of silence in Our Moment of Silence tonight let's remember the family of Mrs asq a 20 plus year veteran of uh White Haven High School also son Isam a member of the district's facility planning team who passed away on Saturday October the 12th he was a six-year member of the district's facility planning team and also for our student that was killed from South Park the kindergarten student from South Park Elementary thank you may be seated the question now is on the approval of the agenda are there any amendments superintendent fagin Madame chair we will add 12.1 all Memphis sea training mou we will add item number 12.2 resolution for TVA donation and then item number 12.3 collaborative conference collaborative conference administrative committee board members REM I would like to add three items 4.1 the 2 excuse me 2024 Lea compliance report 4.2 Charter for committees chair will decide if she wants to like to go forward on committee chairs Charter for committees policy 2001 annual budg annual operating budget to extend the suspension of the policy there being no further amendments to the agenda is there a motion for the approval of the agenda MO motion second motion by Vice chair love General Council Bailey thank you madam chair two additional uh agenda items I would uh propose to the board uh is uh moving items 12.1 and 12.2 from the request for Action uh to the consent agenda take a look 12.1 and 12.2 see what it is Madame chair these items were discussed at the business at the work session the completion of the agenda was incorrect and so the request being made is to ensure that it goes with the additional items on the consent agenda as the board has already discussed I object to a school seat I object to school SE yeah I object to school SE donation at what point can I ask a question about why some not that um for the budget resolution you you can ask now yeah my question is is why are we getting it just now we haven't had a opportunity to look at it is there is there something that needs to happen now it was discussed okay I wanted to make sure thank you Vice chair love you had come in a question your light was up commissioner Williams what is the urgency of this and what will this a Amendment do what does it provide for that can't wait will you repeat your question what is the urgency of this to be added to what we've already done and why can't it wait C for what is the urgency why now if we haven't the business that we're adding to this vote the consent yes so all this does is move money board member Williams I appreciate your Clarity there is a bit of confusion so if if I can clear it up I hope so this isn't new we discussed this during our um board work session um this is required anytime there are moves made remember we short up the budget anytime we receive grants uh in October uh once we understood and received our budget from the state uh then the team you know does what the team does to ensure that all of the dollars match uh ensure that we have closed out any grants or anything like that and so there's nothing new on here tonight that wasn't discussed during the board uh work session uh what took place was a misplacement if you will on the part of the agenda that it should belong on it should go on the consent agenda with the other 11 point I think there are about 11 items or so it should already be on there this is not a new item nothing has changed just for few future reference so that we don't get confused if it's nothing that's changed don't it's you had it in front of us so it it was like it was a change to it when it was already in the on the docket right they always the it okay they always print the items for you all all right thank you madam chair if I may ask asked Dr Schultz a question sure regarding um moving something to the consent agenda if if I'm in support of that does that not uh we we usually hand up by General consent unless someone objects to the motion then there's there's no reason to vote and and go through the formal procedure okay this is a pretty standard thing however there is an objection to moving the school yeah the school seed uh so that will stay where it is okay okay all right thank you actually if someone makes a motion to move it it would take a majority vote to move it to the consent agenda um I'd like to move that we um move the school seat item to the consent agenda second may may I ask your reasoning I don't have any more questions about it and we discussed it at length at the board work session we still don't have Clarity on it uhuh we can't talk to each other we can't do that so it's moved and seconded to move it to the consent agenda I object that that is available for for debate if anyone would like to talk about it yeah I I is is is it up for um Madam chair do you mind if I ask it is debatable but debate is limited to the wisdom of moving it to the consent agenda okay I can debate it then okay thanks yeah commissioner Murphy I know Mr schz asked my question he said we can debate it in the consent okay I'm ready to debate it you can't debate on the consent agenda okay so we I can debate it now that's what I'm asking you can debate the wisdom of sending it to the consent agenda now okay well I want to debate it now say and the reason why I want to debate it now because there's still there still we don't have clarity about this check this check was sent to uh the board on August 13th it was deposited on August 14th but the board did not approve $45,000 and when it was brought to our attention the last meeting it was stated that Dr fagins and uh Mr Langston didn't know anything about it to previously and so my question to that is how could that check have been deposited and the board never approved it who did this we don't have Clarity if I may speak um Madam chair um out of a $2 billion budget um and I know when you have an organization that's large yes a mistake was made um but at $445,000 and that it was a grant check um it just from what I was satisfied with the explanation that it was simply a mistake that was made and um since the amount is not a large amount it's a we're appreciative of it but at $45,000 and we discussed it at length at the work session I'm okay with moving it to the consent agenda to accept the money that's what this is about to graciously officially say thank you to school seed for supporting our children in Memphis Shelby County Schools I understand that but we have to look at this in detail because that was a violation of I I have't be recognized you have to be recognized okay Madam chair commissioner Murphy so so what I'm saying is is I understand where you're coming from commissioner but this is a violation of policy 0 20119 we have to look at this it's a policy we don't violate policy Madam chair can we call for the vote on whether or not we move it to the consent agenda uh just one second um commissioner Murphy I understand but we need to accept the check and allow super attendant and her her people or her team to deal internally with the situation and we make sure we do our oversight that it will not happen again because we're constantly going back and forth about this we're not able to approve this check and let it be used for what it needs to be used for I understood but the check already cash we got no point it's not cash that was deposited it's the same okay we are for vote the question before the assembly is shall it be sent to the consent agenda do the vote roll call vote commissioner mckisic I commissioner Garcia I commissioner Porter I commissioner Murphy no commissioner love no Commission mckenny no commissioner OT I commissioner William no barder Coleman I you have five in the affirmative and four NOS in negative that motion is adopted thank you we are now on to public comment in accordance with State Statute the board shall reserve a period for public comment during business and special call meetings only those members of the public who submit public comment cards to the board chairman prior to the commencement of this meeting shall be permitted to address the board public comments shall be taken in the order in which the public comment cards are received a signup sheet for public comment will be provided 30 minutes prior to each applicable meeting and will be closed at the start of the meeting this sign up is located at the entryway table just past the security checkpoint speakers must State their name organization he or she is represented if any and subject of their comment before they are permitted to proceed speakers May off objective comments about school operations and programs that concern them speakers are asked to refrain from using names of personnel or names of persons connected with the school system particularly when lodging a complaint speakers will not be permitted to engage in Gossip make def flammatory comments or use abusive or vulgar language the chairman shall have the authority to terminate the remarks of any individual who is disruptive and does not adhere to the board rules Dr Schultz will announce the number of speakers and time allowed per speaker we have eight speakers three minutes each your time is projected on the screen to your right and directly behind the board when you hear a Bill your time has expired our first three speakers Vincent mcal Katherine L and Claud Bo there we go my name is Vincent mccal I'm at 2180 Union Avenue Memphis Tennessee uh representing School seed foundation and I want to First give honor to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who leads me I come to you all to talk about Spirit of collaboration the spirit of collaboration I come because I was a little concerned from the conversation that took place last week regarding the item that got on the consent agenda related to school Siege role and so forth and a statement was made publicly by your employee regarding School seeds operations and it was stated as if it was fact when in fact it was not no one has ever called me to ask how do we work things at school seat my door has always been open since 2009 School seed has been a partner with Memphis Shelby County Schools working with every Administration with a shared Vision shared goals for me it's about the children and I don't have to go over everything School seed has worked with the district on but everything has been about kids and in our city we have a very vulnerable population so I just want to set the record straight since it was done publicly and I did follow up with an email to you all never got a correction publicly so I'm publicly letting you all know that what was said last week was absolutely false second thing I come to you all because I want to do things transparently in September 25th I received School seed a letter of intent from your homeless identification and support work we went through the process RFP process and we were notified that we had won the the the contract to this date I have not heard anything back I did reach out to your procurement department and they indicated that the board has not approved the homeless identification and support work this is money that comes from the state and it is my understanding from the state now that the district will have to Forfeit that money $34,000 I'm about serving the vulnerable population if there's an issue with school seat we would gladly move out of the way so these resources can impact the vulnerable people in our community we have never in our 15-year history been anything other than help and support to Memphis Shelby County schools my question is why now Spirit of collaboration above all things get wisdom and in all thy getting let's get an understanding starting now okay greetings my name is Catherine larche uh I don't do I need to get my address or just say my name your an address also please yes 1010 hathorne Street 38107 Memphis Tennessee and I am a substitute teacher for the Shelby County uh schools and I've also uh have been a substitute teacher when it was the Memphis City schools and then I relocated to Houston and return back home uh in uh n or 10 and then I uh became a substitute teacher again uh about two or three years ago with the Shelby County School System just to give my background I have been at Douglas for the most part I've been at several schools but at Douglas High School for the most part and um they have I understand They're bringing back the proximity positions back with the teachers uh and in there there they have the ESP or the education support professional in the classroom it requires that you have a 4-year college degree to do that position and I have done actually both because that position was eliminated the school year and I'm mainly in one classroom although I go to different ones when there's a need and I'm kind of covering both for as a substitute teacher and the uh ESP education support professional so I am asking that the board uh considers a waiver in the position posted regarding the 4-year degree and that it may be a waiver in the position to consider your experience along with it just not being cut and dry for a 4-year degree so that's what I am asking for consideration and that's all I believe I have to say and thank you thank you my name is Claudette Bo I live at 713 bstone Avenue Memphis Tennessee I'm here asking Dr Richmond and Dr Fagan for a professional accountability and educational support and workshops long range plan plans and all those things for our school at maril high school some things work some things don't work so we're caught up in between what's good and what's bad so I'm asking that you set up some kind of Workshop that we all can come together with a comprehensive plan to make sure that we get achievement what we want to achieve in our community um we want more accountability we want our uh relationship with Mar High School we're we're not separate we're together what goes on in orang Mound goes on to maril high school so you can't separate us so we need something that we can put together that will make us cohesive uh right now with the marose football team we happy we celebrating we doing all those things we had 18 young men to come back and give their time and effort and money some of them pro pro players some of them just you know ex players at Merill High School to give their time and their efforts to help us with our young men and they did a wonderful job very successful that made me wonder why we can't do that all the time with every program in meil high school that made me consider I took a trip to New York City to Harlem and I asked met with the people the Development Corporation Harlem Development Corporation Mr Curtis Archer how did y'all develop your Harlem School District I'm thinking if we can do that in Harlem we can do that in nor Mound have our own Mound School District where we put forth the effort allout effort between the citizens and the board to work together to improve our school and have more assets because right now I just don't see it happening I see you School Board pulling one way the community pulling another way we need to come together and be more comprehensive about how we can get this done if Harlem can do it we can do it so they already have a blueprint we already got things working Mr Archer is coming to Memphis he's going to put on a a display and we're going to try to figure out how orange Mound how Mar's High School how we can do our own orange Mound school district and work together now we're asking you to do your part asking you to help us show us how to do it because we're interested in getting this done and with your help I think we can thank you Jacob troli Latasha Griggs and Rocky Jackson good afternoon everybody my name is Rockie Jackson um with er2 670 South 4th Street 38126 uh I'm just here to express concerns about the uh 1111 uh it bid that we have that's uh up for consideration uh one of my major concerns um is just the fact that we feel that one of the vendors has um a considerable disadvantage uh or considerable advantage over the other vendors being that this vendor was previously the deployment vendor what that does just to break it down for you is being the deployment vendor that means that every category of device is sent to this vendor's location over the course of three years they have all knowledge of how many devices for each different category get ordered what that does is allows them to go to their distributor and actually put numbers to the quotes that they're trying to get so if I'm going in to get a quote with my vendor and I have no knowledge of how many of these devices are going to be ordered over a three-year period my quote is going to be significantly higher than than someone who comes in and says over a 3year period 20,000 of these are going to be ordered 15,000 of these are going to be ordered 4,000 of these are going to be ordered when you can put quantities to those devices that encourages your distributor to give you a a much greater price break that is a huge concern being that my company for one we've only won one device since I've been involved in this bid which only gives me knowledge of one particular device and it's a device that's not ordered as often as student laptops teacher laptops Etc one of my other concerns in this situation is I feel like local vendors are kind of being ousted we're setting a new Presidents by putting a large corporation into this pool with the smaller vendors these larger corporations are coming in they're not playing Money Trees in our communities they're not donating shoes as I do to athletic teams they're not one of the principles is in here now that can attest that I just read to her Elementary School student last Friday we brought in lunches for her teachers local vendors are making an investment and utilizing these opportunities when we have the larger vendors that come in have large greater buying power they're still in relationships we have a vendor here who is actually working with one of the Distributors that this particular company is working with and they've come in and ousted this vendor who has built relationships for years and years with this particular manufacturer now this vendor comes in with the buying power they come in and say hey we can take this opportunity they undercut the pricing now they have that opportunity I just feel like this is a scary presedent for us to set being that we have an initiative to work with local minority vendors in this city but now we're bringing in these larger corporations to take these opportunities away from us and where does that leave us at the end of the day that leaves us well I I don't think I think this encourages other large corporations the best buyers the cdws to also come in and do the same thing and follow that Trend that's my two cents thank y'all for [Music] listening is Jacob Tali hello thank you everybody um my name is Jacob troli I'm from uh Ary Jones educational Solutions um my company has had the pleasure of supporting the district over the past 3 years um and we have been uh you know loyal to to the district um we operate locally and our offices and warehouses are located in Shelby County uh the majority of our amazing employees and staff that work with our Memphis Memphis facility are alumni of the mscs school and the local colleges and universities in the Shelby County District um over these past three years as a trusted partner to the district we've been excited to support and give back to the district whenever possible in the past three years we have helped to deploy over 50,000 devices to all the schools throughout the district in this past um and in this past may we actually participated in a sponsored portion of the tech explosion event uh which focuses on the growth of students awareness and familiarity with the latest technology Trends uh in addition to this we have also offered to donate technology equipment to some of the newer School openings like COG 3 stem school that recently reopened at the start of this school year um and as a local vendor we are committed to continue providing that best technology and services to help enhance student learning outcomes without or within mscs um just wanted to say that that we are very thankful for the opportunity to be a vendor for the district and it has been a pleasure supporting Memphis Shelby County Schools um I'm actually looking forward to uh continue growing and strengthening our partnership with the district and uh again this past three years has been amazing so thank you guys good evening my name is Latasha GRE can you step up to the mic please my name is Latasha GRE thank you how you doing I'm a keep as a parent I miss grie can we have your address 1091 B thank you you're welcome um as a parent I feel like in the 38107 zip code I think that we need act workshops in that area because those kids over there in that area needs it you know they they get help here and there but they need the workshop you know you you hear about the grades the grades the reading the literacy but they need the help with the workshop you know we need it over there 38107 zip code they need that help they do now that's all I want to say on that and on the other side of the flip side I wanted to say happy holidays I ain't want to be mean this year I want to take it out saying happy holidays cuz last time I was up here I was kind of heated with y'all so I wanted to say happy holidays and y'all have a nice one happy holidays to you thank you so much it feels good to be spoken nicely to we appreciate you now don't come in January fussing at us we love you we love you Daryl Thomas and our last speaker Damian Curry Morris happy holidays board member superintendent I'm Daryl Thomas founder CEO of Thomas Consultants a firm I founded here in Memphis we located at 4140 East Range Road Memphis Tennessee 38118 been in business since 1986 I'm a product of the Legacy Memphis City Schools educated here all of my employees own property here we pay property taxes in Memphis and Shelby County we have had the privilege of being shevy County Schools provider of HP computers and I'm here speaking a against item 11.11 tonight uh we provided probably over 50,000 computers to the uh District over the years during the covid we provided HP devices you bought 98,000 devices then a mixture of Microsoft and HP and we were fortunate to provide the HP and we've done that over the years recently and and you know in the words of the great philosopher and theologian James Brown I don't want you to give me nothing just open the door I'll get it myself I don't want handouts but this particular bid is it's not a Level Playing Field I can compete we have competed a long time we have the state of Tennessee contract providing HP devices but this company from California was allowed to come in here because they're the deployment vendor they have an economic advantage and I'm going to just make up a number for a second let's say you give me $50 a device to install them if you allow me to bid on selling the devices that I installed as well I got a $50 advantage over all of my competitors and that's what's Happening Here the carts that you all are buying we introduced the carts to the district because I have to ship them to that company from California they knew where I was getting them they call that company I have the best pricing you know they beat me by $1 $1 this is a $20 million contract that should stay here we do good business here not asking for handouts you notice I didn't say I'm a black company I'm a company I just happen to be black and we do good business here but it is so unfair to give someone an economic advantage over your local locally owned businesses and we can't compete with that I beat major I beat Giants all the time but this was an unfair advantage and I tried to meet with before it even happened I told them what the results would be and it came out just like that we're the we're next in line but I would think our business me means more than a Dollar on the cost $1 the only reason they could do it because they were the deployment vendor you shouldn't be allowed to have both contracts thank you oh y'all give me three minutes tonight okay big mistake but anyway I am Professor Damon Curry Morris 1529 DM Ro you all I just want to start by saying uh I think the last time I was here uh the new board hadn't been sat yet but I think the superintendent was here so I just want to welcome you all to Memphis and sheret County Schools you all your ti yet I just asked one board member that um I want to um sit here and talk about the virtual teachers um I understand that that could possibly create some more jobs but I think uh we need to think about um I think everybody's forgot about Coit okay and the impact that it had and the third grade retention law that followed okay that we fought so hard for up in Nashville um so I think a little bit more research needs to be done as far as that impact because what we don't want to do is that we don't want to go backwards okay because that third grade retention law is still in effect they F to add some more to it we got these vouchers that are possibly coming and you all uh I don't know what your political affiliation is but it doesn't matter in that point because we about to embark on the biggest attack on our public education system coming all the way from Washington DC and we got to get ready for that we got to come out these backdoor meetings we got to come out of folks Pockets we got to come out of our emotions and think logically about the future of Education not only in this County in this state okay and across this country and you all got to be ready for that fight okay we don't need to bring politics into this when our children's future are at stake and we're talking about college career technology all of these things that we've been talking about for years board members are employ you and superintendent fans I'm not tell trying to tell you how to do your job but a little bit more research and personal feelings need to come out of this for the future of our children in this County you all because Memphis and Shelby county is doomed to repeat history if we don't get ourselves together thank you all our appreciate you all and may God bless all of you all on your endeavors for today thank you we are now on to committee reports 8.1 board chairs report and at this time I ask my colleagues if you go down front so we can recognize oh I'm sorry that's not on my yep questions on the I'm sorry I didn't have that well now we are now on to the approval of the minutes from the October the 22nd 2024 business meeting the October the 15th business meeting that's wrong October 15th work session two of yeah that's what I read it's not on my paper though okay pap I have a motion in a second to approve the minute motion to approve the amendment second roll call vote please commissioner mckisic hi commissioner Garcia I commissioner Porter commissioner Murphy Oh I commissioner commissioner mckenny I commissioner OT I commissioner Williams I borer Coleman I you have seven in the affirmative that motion passes we are now on to commited reports we have some we're now on to superintendent's recognition of Grants gifts and donations we're in the hands of superintendent chair board tonight we recognize First Mr Cedric turner He's a president of global Mid South Corporation a leading restaurant and real estate development company when we think about the impact of Partnerships and what it means to really stand in the gap for our students and families Mr Cedric Turner is certainly one of of our our our phenomenal partners that we highlight this evening uh tonight we recognize Mr Turner for adopting 25 schools in Memphis Shelby County School District Mr Turner Mr Turner Mr Turner has earned a reputation for his exceptional leadership and Visionary approach uhuh come forward Mr Turner if you will if you'll come join us in the center here he's a proud alumnist of Tennessee State University graduated with a bachelor of business administration degree he's a member of Capal faide Fraternity Incorporated and a past member of the renowned Tennesse State University Aristocrat of bands Mr Turner we thank you and we salute you for your service and your commitment and dedication to Memphis Shelby County Schools oh e during our board work session we celebrated schools that achieved a Tas level five but this week we or tonight we recognize and celebrate those schools that made progression from a level one to level five and so we've asked principles and any staff from these schools to join us this evening if you will come to the front as well as this is a tremendous accomplishment and we want to honor them tonight American Way Middle School compass Community School Orange Mound campus Dexter School Freedom Prep Park Rose Hamilton School Hickory Ridge Elementary Kip Memphis Collegiate High School laurance elementary middle Sherwood Middle Southwind High School Treadwell Middle School Westside Elementary School and Willow Oaks Elementary School from a level one to a level five congratulations staff we appreciate you for all of your hard [Applause] work can we give a huge round of applause for all of the staff who stayed with us tonight after a long hard days of work thank you for your commitment it come back here e e [Applause] you okay for where is she we're now moving ahead under the chair's report tonight we would like to wish a very special young lady a very happy birthday when you go up on the third floor if you do not pass miss Karen Waters you're missing a treat Karen normally come up carara oh um excuse me for one second we have one more birthday hit it Yolanda birth [Music] I am sending you this message from a car wire line and I know you know all about thank you so much for all your years of service and first came on to school board together in 2018 and you have brought so much Caring Heart to this came to do great things we wish you all the best this year and all the years to come happyday s I was too late happy birthday ladies and Gentlemen please join me happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear Joyce and Karen happy birthday to you thank you so very much thank you yeah I know it does not take much to make me cry okay we are now on to thank you Dr Shel on behalf of car and we thank you happy birthday that's what I'm doing now we are now on to committee reports the board chairs report and first we want to do our recognition so I'm asking all board members that have someone to recognize to go down front we're going to do this quickly cuz we've been given a time frame if we can meet it we're not going to meet it but commission all board members go down front she going do okay here you go I got the names here our first recognition would be from Vice chair love she would like to recognize EEG the volleyball team for being undefeated in area play area [Applause] champ area area champions sectional Champions and state championship [Applause] appearance the coaches for E Jeter are Michelle Barger and Elise Perkins the principal is one of my sons principal Nome the manager is Sky Garcia the players are Taylor Lockett hope Webb Maddie madis Masters Gabby can Cano Payton Gibson Chassidy Hopson zoy CanĂ³ Joy Perkins Joy true Naomi Tucker and Lori Lee Harvey and Janice size say I'm sorry if I said it wrong thank we on yes thank you all for allowing us to be here tonight thank you Dr fagans and I really want to give a shout out to Stephanie love since I have been the athletic director at EEG Jeter she has supported us locally socially financially um and we don't have very many businesses around where our school is um so we really appreciate all your support for athletics at e Jeter thank you so much appreciate you um and I don't know if you can hear or not but these girls right here have worked so hard to get in the position that they were this year we're the first mscs Middle School team to make it to the state tournament [Applause] and I want to thank uh Mr news our principal for all his support this [Applause] year Elise Perkins my assistant coach thank you for all your hard [Applause] work and especially these girls they deserve this honor and everything that they have done I'm not an easy coach to be uh working this hard for U but I love them and they love each other too we've had a wonderful season and I thank you girls for all of your hard work and effort this year congratulations [Applause] next Vice chair love would recog would like to recognize yeah no they not here I'm just gonna call her name she Vice chair would also like to recognize Memphis Business Academy Middle foot Middle School football team for being the four-time district Champions 2021 2022 2023 2024 three time Ms CIAA City Champions and three times tmsaa state champions they are not present with us today due to a schedule they had to be away commissioner Garcia at this time we would ask if tyon golden would come forward let me tell you all a little bit about Tyron Tyron struggled with both academics and behavior at the beginning of his fourth grade school year over the year he developed a close relationship with one of his teachers who saw beyond the person he was trying to portray held him accountable and pushed him to reach his full potential as a result Tyron excelled both academically and personally rising to pass the for grade teap test this year he was inducted into the brand new Beta Club is a leader inside and outside of the classroom and is an all exceptional allaround exceptional young man we are proud of his accomplishments and can't wait to see what the future holds for him let's give it up for tying tonight please [Applause] and we thank his parents for being Ro models for him commissioner Murphy would like to recognize principal Blanchard we call him principal D of Hamilton High School and principal soya Moore of inv viticus high school in school if either or both of them are here if they'll come forward principal Moore Ed inv viticus principal Moore has ined has dedicated an entire wing of the invus school for mothers with children so they don't have to miss school they can have their babies at school with them and we thank her for that invus oh Airway who okay okay next we have commissioner OT we have Dr Tanya Miller from Cordo Cordova Elementary this is her ninth year as a principal she's been with the district for 24 years she has a record of a continuous increase in student enrollment and she's known for sustaining and supporting positive School culture for students parents and staff most recently moved Cordova from a level one to a level three School let's give it up for [Applause] the band is not here with us tonight but we want to recognize craigm High School band for winning the byou classic you know we talked about them a couple of months ago they were a part so we want to recognize craigm high school at some point in time I may ask them to come and actually show us their stuff yeah we'll look forward to it Miss Mr Freddy MC Williams is not with us today or he is I'm sorry Mr Freddy I do apologize Mr Freddy MC Williams is from savy Innovations Technology Solutions and he donated turkeys for our schools during the holiday season and we want to thank him for donating the turkeys to us we were able to help feed families two more quick things thank you words cannot express how deeply appreciate appre how deeply we appreciate all of the love kindness and and support shown to US during during this difficult time it will always be remembered by the family of Joyce and Walton Lindsay everyone knew Miss Lindsay forever in our hearts and we thank that we support the family and the last thing I want to say well I have two things I ask that you all keep my family in your prayers some people know my husband's brother transition so we are preparing for that funeral and the other one is let's remember three amazing schools that we have in Memphis Shelby County Houston High School uh mace and the the Melrose High School will be all going to play for the state championship on this [Applause] weekend um we we pray for a safe journey for all of those that are traveling that our young men go and this is an enjoyable experience for all of them did I tell y'all Mose the Mose High School is playing for the state champions I'm going say it one more time then I'm going let superintendent lose the Melrose High School is playing for the state championship on this Saturday at 11 a.m. so we thank you for your support superintendent it's not academic performance and committee report no report budget audit and finance committee report thank you Coleman um colleagues tonight I want to uh share a couple of documents that are in front of you for your review um one is the budget calendar fiscal year 2025 through 2026 um given that I think we we brought it to the attention that some of the community meetings would be on with less than a week's notice um we did adjust those for January for public budget meetings having uh different times of day which I think commissioner also mentioned a morning evening and midday um our our board retreat so the public also seeing this as well is January 10th through the 11th so they um I have asked for us to have an in-depth what is currently in the budget so we can have that conversation and know what is our our Baseline as we provide input and then look at the metrics around the things that we are investing in um and then just adjusting all the dates that followed thereafter um and clarifying when there are internal meetings just so you can see all the processes that are happening um uh co-chair Porter and I provided feedback on the community engagement parent and staff survey I think I just see the parent survey here though um so if you have any feedback on questions there's two surveys oh I'm missing one sorry uh if you have any feedback on these survey questions um please let me know or please let our our budget team know uh and I'm I'm happy to take any emails that you have or any any written feedback that you have about what you want to see in the budget but during tonight's committee I did just want to give us 5 to 10 minutes to hear from you um what do you want to see in the budget um what what is feed back that you're hearing from constituents teachers staff without attaching a dollar amount to it tonight knowing that we want to review efficacy of anything that we're investing in is there anything that you want to share as to get some early thoughts um going into this budget development so I'll open it up to my colleagues you can't do that well I yes it if discussion can't happen here we can or no comments okay yeah we at our January committee meeting if you'll send it out and everybody to have their questions ready for you at the January committee meeting we'll dedicate extra time okay okay we will do that thank you mistake I made a little while ago that's okay Charter Schools committee report the charter partnership Council will be meeting next Tuesday December 10th at 11:00 a.m. at the teaching Learning Academy thank you community outreach and engagement committee report no report evaluation committee report no report policy governance and legislation committee report I'll speak on behalf of legislative unless uh Miss Love I defer all policies are on the agenda and Madam chair uh as far as the legislative committee we presented uh to our state legislators uh earlier this month or actually in November at the end of November and uh all the uh legislative agenda items are on the agenda tonight procurement committee all items are on the agenda General Council report thank you uh Madam chair good evening board uh I I would like to briefly uh speak to what's been added to the agenda is board item 12.6 it's the 2024 uh Lea compliance report uh and just to give you all a little background on on what that is and and why we're submitting it for your consideration this evening uh every year all school districts in the state are required to complete the uh Lea compliance report uh and submit their finings to the Tennessee Department of Education uh the report evaluates the district's compliance with applicable federal and state education laws as well as rules set by the State Board of Education uh when filling out the report school districts must either confirm compliance with all federal and state education laws and S rules or indicate compliance with exceptions if there are any areas of non-compliance identified the report must include a corrective action plan uh the report before you tonight uh identifies uh four such areas of non-compliance with uh the uh requisite uh uh corrective action plans um and the the report is before you tonight uh for approval and submission to the state the report will be uh will need to be submitted uh tomorrow that's all I have commissioner love Vice chair love I'm sorry when did you get the report uh the report was completed just before the holiday day break it was submitted to uh all uh the senior uh leaders I think across 10 different departments all in all I think there were about 546 total compliance areas that needed to be reported back on uh so we did need to receive feedback from all the different areas before they compiling this comprehensive report uh that was uh submitted um for approval you have the corrective action plan yeah yes ma'am they are included in the uh report again there were four items uh that were identified areas of non-compliance and there is a a corrective action plan included for all four of those this plan is going to go into effect tomorrow well the report will need to be submitted to the state tomorrow but the plans will go into affect ASAP I mean and who is going to be monitoring the plan uh well it would be up to the district to make that we're in compliance but um again this report will be submitted to the state but we we will be monitoring the progress Mark compliance team thank you yes [Music] ma'am now we're on to the superintendent's report Madam chair board tonight's report justing includes um the commitment of a real estate plan and so you have it hard copy before you and then it's also displayed on the screen and so uh essentially you we've just taken our vacant properties so what you see on the first page are our vacant buildings um listed in no order other than alphabetical order uh We've provided all the information that we have available to us the address the year that it was built uh how long it's been vacant the capacity uh Acres square feet uh and then the most recent appraisal value and as well as the last appraisal date so that we are just transparent that we have not you know done any of this like recently um but that was the last appraisal amount per that date and then our consideration in terms of what we're thinking about the buildings uh for all of them you can see it we're accepting offers through June 30th of 2025 and if we do not receive offers we've just tried to demonstrate what our next action would be uh and based on the status of most of these buildings we would demolish uh then immediate next step is to advertise uh to make this plan public uh so that this is effective tomorrow and open for in short words for business uh for the public to review uh and and if there's any interest to begin touring uh and following the process on page two you can see our vacant land um and and what we believe uh we have held some of our land in terms of some of our Prime Property um but this land you can see uh what the land location was a former church or whatever it may have been uh in recent years the address the acreage uh the most recent Shelby County Assessor or the estimated value you see the last assessment estim last assessment or the estimate date uh and then you see the district's consideration and you see that we're just accepting offers here uh We've also provided the annual ground maintenance cost and then our next steps here are also to advertise the final page uh are occupied facilities and then the status of those facilities and so just to consider a space of transparency um the we are um in current negotiations uh or offers with these um but of course anything could happen and so we did want to just list but also provide the current status uh of of what is happening uh Humes Riverview Elementary Northwest prep and then night Road school and so we don't want to signal that something is wrong we just want to state that these are current offers that are occupied facilities but there we are in negotiation and then we provided the applicable policy and laws uh essentially this is just the real estate policy for the board uh just so everyone is clear about just how the process kind of works and then the the Tennessee code annotated essentially that charter schools have the first right of refusal to any of our properties and so we just wanted to be clear uh in terms of the the state's law and guidance and then certainly our district policy the extended portion of this just says the process um just call you know Tiffany Bracey if you want to tour and then the next steps that's our real estate plan it would be effective tomorrow I want to be clear that this is not the master facilities plan so it's not confused of our 200 space is that um the third party veritos uh completed the assessment that is separate this real estate plan just gives what's available in terms of our vacant properties and land uh and how we are accepting business and offers accordingly uh we'll be back to the board first individually to talk about recommendations that the administration plans to make uh or is considering for each individual property whether it's going to be a renovation uh an addition even if it's programmatic shifts for schools we plan to share all uh plans for facilities and so just want to be clear with the board and the public that this is not just about repurposing uh or demolishing this is about our general master plan for every facility so that each district and Community can see our future plans for their spaces as we think about a bold future and a Way Forward um those conversations internally have started with Administration we've been looking uh and peeling our eyes uh to to just make good recommendations to board members but before we take it to the public to get community conversations started and feedback before doing that we will share a plan so that you can see each date uh comparable to the budget plan that you see here we will complete just one comprehensive um timeline as you can tell these will start to overlap for our facilities plan and Community conversations there and then our conversations for the budget and then our conversations after the Strategic plan is approved we have to begin rolling that out and so we'll just create one massive uh timeline and Communications plan Madam chair that completes my report thank you superintendent new board business polic I'm sorry commissioner hu Garcia commissioner McKenna commission Vice chair L yeah I had a question about um these are through through June so I'm just pulling one off the list as an example say Corning Elementary is there is there like a bidding process where somebody May submit I'm willing to pay up to x amount of dollars or like what there are multiple competing bids how do do they have opportunities to go back and forth or is it just submit your best offer like essentially you submit your best offer U and then then the team takes a look at the offers uh makes recommendation of what should be considered uh just based on what we think we can get what we should get if we don't get anything you know just uh considering business and overall cost of demolition uh which is quite expensive and so okay thank you absolutely thank you superintendent I have a question about the um schools that are occupied facilities are these all of the occupied facilities that we can be contemplating at this moment in time in terms of possibility of selling yes ma'am okay U this has to do with I'm this is the most appropriate place I can see it I have a question about the $34,000 that we heard was forfeited for the um well for the homeless homeless students is that accurate do we have access to those dollars yes we do have access to those dollars how it's not specifically earmarked for houselessness so want to state that um I think the question the funds are through leftover monies and so it's still accessible to us so we can access those doar irrespective for what but we can access those dollars okay thank you Vice chair love Natalie asked my question commissioner OT commission chair superintendent I just had a question since she mentioned it I just wanted to get clarity did we accept the funds cuz it seemed like in the comments he said we did not accept the funds we have access to the funds I just want to get clarity are which are we talking about the same she's talking about 304,000 we didn't have to accept those that's left over um these are Sr funds these are left over which funds ARP Co yes so these are still Co funds this is not this is not something that we had to accept I think you're thinking about the check okay so yeah I was think about the check I was thinking about the comment that was made by Mr Vincent with us not partnering taking up the opportunity for that 304,000 that doesn't I'm saying we have the funds how we use the funds I think is not what you're asking but we're not having to accept the funds in terms of your specific question gotcha okay commissioner hu Garcia what's the cost to demolish a building uh about half a million easily which is why I shared we would be um entertaining you know offers that as long as they are reasonable commissioner Williams I've had several calls from vendors this week and the process for winning bids in this District particularly for uh janitorial services and For Those computer services that we've T heard about tonight is there anything in the process that gives local vendors any preference as opposed to going to California or out of this country to get the same services and that's what uh I have been told by many of the vendors who live in Memphis that they have a very difficult time competing particularly with those folk who say they can do it better and cheaper but we get no no friendes from it no any employment or anything else no taxes or anything they live in other places besides Memphis so my question is is there any preference given or anything that you look for or you you invite for local vendors to competitively uh compete with v VES whether it is in uh cleaning up buildings whatever it is Services what uh one guy was Computer Services I think he spoke tonight but do we have any preference that we give to our own is the question anybody can answer so I am going to defer as superintendent I don't get into the the the processes of reviewing submitting rfps I I don't see anything until it's complete and so I'm going to defer to uh either Mr Langston or general counsel um because they entertain those conversations thank you madam superintendent board members so as it relates to the procurement process um I think we kind of talked about this at the work session so it just depends on what the bid format is so um there's a number of different bids that you can do it also we have also we have a office of economic uh opportunity as well so our office of Economic Opportunity depending on what the bid is they set a goal for certain projects what I can also tell you is that typically they don't set a goal for projects that we're using federal dollars for because under the federal rule um it is not you don't you can't give a preference uh to any vendor it is the best fiduciary opportunity uh of the district to use the fund so um for instance as I mentioned last time as it relates to the information for bid per law you go with the lowest and best price um and again if the office of Economic Opportunity sees fit and they ask every uh Department who's doing the bid what funding source are you using but again if you're using a federal funding source there they won't set a goal so again um and maybe um Council ba Bailey can talk more about it but our office of Economic Opportunity they set goals on particular um uh bids that we do but um again depending on what we're buying and going out for bid for um what I can tell you is particular particularly for an RFP if we're doing a general fund and not federal funds they're usually is a 5% local preference so if a local vendor is bidding on a award for an R FP and um it's not using federal dollars they get a 5% local uh preference um for towards their score um but particularly if you want to talk about computers in this instance the there it's the FED it's the law that if it's a ifb in invitation for a bid that it's the best and lowest price how many vendors do we have in the janitorial services outside of who operate or live outside of Shelby County I I can't I I can't say how many we have I mean there's a there's a lot of local vendors who do janitor services no I mean how many do we contract with we know how many we contract with don't we how many we currently contract currently for gorial services outside of the city of Memphis outside company would be I know you have one who's in Knoxville I know that I just want to do you have how many do you have who provide cleaning services as as a matter of fact we had one vendor to not pay for so long I guess last month or so that was on the that's how I learned about it but the Ser the workers were not being paid and the district did absorb that so I just want to know how many people how many vendors operate in the cleaning services who live and operate and spend their money outside of Shelby County as it current relates to what we have in place now we only have one vendor that doesn't uh wasn't wasn't given a local preference as it relates to the contct how did they get it there they had the best bid no no no so again and if if we're sticking with the custodial the last custodial bid that we did that's in place uh currently um it was awarded based on uh scoring so as a part of the scoring um particular for custodial there's a the office of Economic Opportunity sets a uh goal for uh local preference or if you will so in that particular be for custodial Services um while that this company that's outside of of of of uh Memphis they still was awarded the contract they just want the highest B Bild because they didn't get a local preference it doesn't mean that they can't work with us it just mean that portion of the scoring of the of the RFP they wouldn't get a local preference points for that the ones who are locally here they'll get extra points if you will towards the scoring for a local preference and the bid if we're talking particularly about custodia right now but how do they get preferences if what is the Preference they get I it's it's usually and I don't have it right in front of me but you so if I can explain how the scoring works for an RFP and again we sticking with RFP let's just stick with codium usually in the RFP separate from an ifb um there is a rubric set the rubric can be set up based on pricing it can be based on performance it can be based on uh the ability to uh um to to do the work and then it and you also can get a local preference for companies who bid who work here again so if you if you if you're a local vendor you're going to get around 5% or so uh uh towards your scoring again there's another 95% that you have to be scored on as well if you're not locally here you won't get that 5% scoring if that make sense what what is the name of the company where the employees were not paid for the past at theend ending of the school year so many months and we have to absorb which company was that I won't name I won't name vendors here they've been uh terminated general counsel if you would name them I won't name vendors here they've been terminated the contract has been terminated since yes where were they from they were locally from here hope that you would do a better job of hiring people who pay taxes and live in Memphis and chelby County as opposed to those who live in Knoxville and California I just not do not think that they would have the same interest in absorbing the cleanliness of the school or the dedication to it than those citizens who live in Shelby County Superintendent I'm going to ask that at our January committee meeting that the procurement process is explained in great detail to us everybody that's aart don't leave anybody out that should be coming to us to explain this because it's like every time no not every year every time we get less information about the process or we the process the information is not being distributed as it should so if we don't do anything but talk about budget and about the procurement process in our committee meeting we want detailed yes somebody no disrespect explain it all the whole process yes yes sure commiss Commission commer love Vice chair love commissioner Murphy commissioner OT going back to school seed um an RFP was put out yes and who responded to that RP team Vince mast said he was the only one who responded to it and he won the vid so Madam superintendent if I can so again uh as CH colan mentioned I think it would be a great opportunity for us to talk about the brief about the procurement process but Cher Coleman only thing I want to give you is that um we can talk about the process we can't give names of people who was on the scoring committee and things like that cuz obviously uh that's that gets into a deal but uh board member love to your um question around how bids typically work um as a district we have the right to put out a bid for services um we also have a right to score the bid we also have a right to do an intent to award for the bid Tito yes ma'am I don't want to know the process um if you could answer the question who won the bid I would particularly on that bid I would have to take a look at that bid I don't I don't have it in front of me I would have to take a look at the beid to see what was put out who won it who who um did such and so on and so forth if I'm I'm looking at a letter commission M commissioner Murphy then commissioner mckenny two quick questions um what custodial service violated the procurement agreement we are not on we just flipped from procurement to Stephan's question we have let let hold on we going to get to that okay okay thank you commissioner OT I'm sorry commissioner McKenna and then commissioner OT so help me to understand um I have a letter here September 25th 2004 from procurement Services letter of intent to award for RFP the number of homeless um identification emergency support essentially it states that this is a letter of intent to award to school seed and it's in the amount uh it then says if an agreement is required which it would be because it's $250,000 so it's over the $100,000 minimum or maximum the recommendation will be submitted to General council's office for contract preparation MCS will move forward with the award upon approval which will which may include full execution of a contract and approval of our of the boards at the next scheduled board meeting session should the dollar amount total be 100,000 or more um so I note that it does say please note that this notice of intent to award is not intended to create rights interest or claims of entitlement any recipient of this notice but I would like you to pay attention to the um language that says if an agreement is required which it would be the recommendation will be submitted and so my question I guess we're having is did it get submitted to the general councel superintendent that's for the that's for S yeah I did so I I guess to answer your question about whether a whether a contract was ever ever left our office for this no it did not and it was not submitted for drafting thank you commissioner commissioner thank you chair superintendent okay so I'm GNA have a follow question to that but the question I want to ask we talk about I heard Tito mention um we have extra points for local preference but that is that specifically for specific contracts cuz I heard a couple of complaints about local vendors then I heard that we do have local preference so I just was taking notes and I just want to get clarity I think all of us want probably get clarity on that too is local preference reserved for certain contracts is that the question I think local preference is on every scorecard correct it's not on every scorecard let me so that you can share a bit uh additional information with an understanding that it is obvious that we need to bring this as uh a clear uh explanation for all um including myself to understand the process from A to Z thank you madam superintendent board members so as it's so take contracts contracts is down the line let's talk about bids so our office of Economic Opportunity um they are the one to set a um nwb go or and or a local preference goal um depending on um the bid certain bids again and we can talk about it in depth in committee um will have a local preference um others will not um but again it's set by our office of Economic Opportunity as I also mentioned before um when we're using federal dollars because there's direct regulations on federal dollars there is no there isn't a preference you have to go by you have a fiduciary responsibility to use the the to have the best interest of the dollars that you're using from the federal government um we so as as a superintendent to mention I think CH Coleman mentioned I think it'll it's it'll go a long way for us to have a lengthy conversation about just the bid process to uh strengthen uh everyone's knowledge but if I answered your question it just depends on the bid and it it depends on the uh the certain bid and then it also depends on whether or not uh what funding source we're using so again if we're using the general funds which is funds that come from Shelby County state of Tennessee then we have an opportunity if it's a a request for proposal but if you're using Federal funding uh there is no local preference for federal funding because the federal government says that you have a fiduciary responsibility to you to go with the uh best possible uh one of the options depending on the bid to go with the best possible pricing yes okay if I might make a suggestion since we're going to be bringing this up next couple board meetings um if we could look into making changes so that we can be more Equitable across the board in other areas um and then we get more clarity on I I did hear you say the federal dollars um there's it's absolutely only for the lowest bidder absolutely that's for goods not Serv for goods and not Services okay okay I just want to get clarity around that because like I said when the statement was made regarding that I wrote that down and we just had two people locally speaking uh regarding that and I just wanted to just get understanding on why there was no local preference or if there was for that specifically and not for in this got that make sense so again as I mentioned before on the invitation for bid there's a direct law for invitation for bid as I mentioned before when we did there's the process for the invitation for bid when you're doing Goods particularly around computers uh first of all it's a seal bid process which means that nobody sees the pricing until everybody sees the pricing that's number one number two there's a law that says you have to go with the L's best offer it's the law uh there's no local preference that's given um so um when there is an opportunity to give local preference we always do we always do it's part of the scoring when there's an opportunity and again we can talk more at length next committee about when an opportunity is I think um I think board member mckenny asked if there's an opportunity to do uh that certain bid that gives a local preference um and again we could talk about um what we go out for bid for and then what's our best interest uh to to what bid solicitation should we use to go out for their best interest but partic TP typically uh the law says for goods particularly on computers you do an invitation for bid and that processes is by law says the lowest and best offer thank you commissioner mckiss one more addition I was just going to ask if I might superintendent for our next meeting we can have those documents in front of us um and then the second part of the question was well since she um asked her question it yielded me to ask one more was there a reason why we didn't um the letter of intent to award um School SE was there not is there a reason why we didn't give it to him like since they received the they actually uh I guess won the bid it says a letter of intent to award I mean they didn't get the award so I just just want to get clarity on that I know you were trying to explain it to me yeah let me take a look at it uh what I was sharing with you in terms of a point of clarification and correction for the record is that the money the 304,000 or the specific amount is reserved for homelessness for houselessness it is not something that we need to receive it is ARP dollars that already exist does not come from a specific vendor is not relegated or dedicated or Associated to a specific vendor so I just wanted to state that correction on the record in terms of your specific question why didn't we move forward with this let me take a look at it and I can circle to the board commissioner mckisic yeah thank you madam chair I just wanted to move that we um move the discussion along we're going to get into a very granular detail discussion of it it seems that upcoming committee meeting and since this is not formally on on the agenda if we could focus on the items of the agenda of the meeting tonight okay thank you yes you good um I agree as long as the money um homeless as long as the money is here with the the um board and it does doesn't go away no more proposed polic proposed policy first reading if you'll just explain what they are we don't have to take any actions tonight M can you hear me thank you madam chair good evening Commissioners and Madam superintendent we have six policies for first reading tonight the proposed revisions align with statutory and regulatory requirements um and we presented these during the November 10th policy committee meeting the revisions are in alignment with changes to state law state board rule or state board policy policy 5013 promotion and retention the revisions align policy with state law to include required tutoring for grades K through three for retained students a provision for voluntary retention for grades K through uh K through two provision for a school with parental consent to file a state board Appeal on behalf of a retained third grade approaching student also the proposed revisions permit the superintendent with board approval to establish additional requirements for promotion and retention as a point of information the rules and regulations were also revised to align with state law um po policy 516 limited English proficient the proposed revisions again align to changes in federal and state laws or regulations including requirements for assessing and providing appropriate services to eligible eel students um also rules and regulations were also revised of that receipt policy 5023 Family Life Education proposed revisions align requirements for Family Life Education to the revisions in state law to include but not be limited to internet crimes against children human trafficking in which the victim is a child and human growth and development it also author IES the superintendent to develop procedures and new rules and regulations as a point of information were established to provide guidance related to uh parental notifications and opt out Provisions policy 6047 school fees and debts proposed revisions to the policy are based on changes in state rules clarifying what fees may be requested but not required policy 6060 school day the proposed revisions are based on a new state law prohibiting leas from requiring students to participate in or attend a school athletic event or School athletic team event on a school holiday an observed day of worship or religious holiday and require students to be excused from regular School attendance to participate in release time courses if requested by the parent as a point of information we would like to make you aware that we also made revisions to the administrative rules and regulations to policy 004 graduation requirements and policy 006 awarding credits to align to statutory and Regulatory revisions related to graduation requirements approved course substitutions and awarding credits thank you any questions thank you thank you we are now on to the consent agenda are there any items to be removed from the consent agenda I say something I screw up Dr [Music] Schultz ladies and gentlemen I used to make a funny that I made a mistake once 1955 I thought I was wrong but I was mistaken um I dragged you through something that had no function tonight where you move something to the consent agenda the right to remove something from the consent agenda cannot be overcome by any vote so I wasted some of your time and I apologize be aware she may now remove it from the consent agenda even though you put it there thank you Dr schz commissioner Murphy commissioner huy Garcia commissioner McKenna I would like to remove 12.2 which is school seed Foundation uh that check for school seed foundation and I would like to remove um 11.11 thank you commissioner hu Garcia I'd like to remove 11.7 proximity learning Incorporated 11.7 proximity okay you you was going to do one of those okay more commissioner love Vice chair love um I would like to remove Parco contract renewal what's the number on it 12 point we're on the 11s um 11.22 11.22 I have a question about it so 1111 11 1122 1107 and the one that we 12.2 122 yep any other that's it that's it okay so go ahead and read the 11.1 approval me memorandum of understanding between Memphis Chevy County Board of Education and the Tennessee Department of children's services Shelby region 11.2 approve a transition school to work Grant in the amount of $ 38,4 19712 11.3 approval State schools State special schools with exceptional education 11.4 contract renewal after school Reporting Center The Pursuit Center $320,000 11.5 Charter renewal timeline 2025 through 2026 publication 11.6 2024 through 25 the Tennessee investment in student achievement Tissa accountability report 11.7 was removed 11.7 is gone 11.8 contract approval mou with Shelby County Sheriff school resource officer program 11.9 contract extension diligence corpor Corporation and Universal Security $400,000 11.10 contract renewal d marketing import protection platform annual renewal $822,500 11.13 contract approval governmental Grant contract for the Tennessee Emergency Management agency tea $2,321 76 11.14 contract approval Dexter School roof replacement Med for roofing two 2 million $325,000 11.15 contract approval AB Hill Elementary School roof replacement Carol's Roofing $1,535 535 3265 11.16 contract approval Treadwell Elementary Middle School roof replacement B4 applied Incorporated I don't have a dollar amount 11.1 contract approval Georg and Hills Middle School roof replacement $1,555 th000 contract approval Bolton High School roof replacement 4,568 34330 11.19 contract approval Clark power service districtwide generator preventive maintenance 147,50 147,000 $50 11.20 contract approval State systems sprinkler system inspection $261,400 11.21 contract renewal Service Master Clean 10,220 th4 $449.99 next one's moved 11.22 has been removed 11 23 contract approval districtwide elevator and lift preventive maintenance service United elevator service $2 27,31 3 11.24 districtwide fire extinguisher preved maintenance service Johnson's control $212,300 inspection testing monitoring and maintenance Johnson Controls 677 729 11.26 approval emergency connectivity fund repayment $687,500 in a second to approve before you do that um general counsel just answer my question so I can put the park back on the C agenda what was the number on that do you remember 11 1122 yeah go ahead and read that one 11.22 11.22 contract renewal Parco LLC 800 8, 9318 $ 5545 okay now motion second do I have a motion and a second to approve motion by commissioner OT second by Vice chair love roll call vote please commissioner mik I commissioner Garcia I commissioner Porter hi commissioner Murphy hi commissioner love hi commissioner mckenny I commissioner OT I commissioner Williams I board chair Coleman I we have nine in the affirment to thank you that motion passes the consider agenda passes we're on now to request for action1 12.1 November 2024 budget amendment resolution fund balance resolution that was moved s there that's consent on the action did did she announce it during the reading of the consent agenda I don't think it was announced take a motion in a second and just vote quickly motion Vice chair love second by commissioner Otay roll call vote please commissioner mckiss I commissioner Garcia I commissioner Porter commissioner Murphy I commissioner love I commissioner mckenny I commissioner o i commissioner Williams I board chair Coleman I you have nine in the affirmative that consent item passes 12.2 approval resolution approving School seed donation in the amount of $4,634.00 motion to approve second they beat me to nobody wants to talk about that I do okay yeah yeah commissioner Murphy I I ask that we have more discussion on 12.2 and we kick it back to committee yep the motion is to refer 12.2 the resolution approving School seed donation back to committee that requires a second it is moved and second to send the committee send back to committee it is moved and second to send it back to committee whether to send it to committee you will vote as to whether you want to send it back to committee if you don't want to send it back to committee and we vote on it now if you want to send it to committee vote yes if you want to deal with it now vote no when we deal with it now what what will we do if uh if the motion to send a committee is lost then it comes back before you in exact form it is which is what you see on the page to accept the donation yeah to accept it and you can decide if you want to accept it or not at that point it's a question of whether you feel you need more information if you need more information go ahead and send it to committee to do some work commissioner hu Garcia I I'm planning to vote no I I think if you need more information get it right now and let's deal with this and accept the donation commissioner Murphy I vote Yes we need more we need Clarity on that we need Clarity we need Clarity the question is whether we're going to send it back to committee yes it goes back to committee no we deal with it now roll call vote please commissioner mckisic no commissioner Garcia no commissioner Porter no commissioner Murphy I commissioner love I commissioner McKenna I commissioner OT I commissioner Williams I and yes board chair Coleman no okay you have five in the affirmative and you have four negative so it's going back to committed it's referred to committ it's referred back so the funds can't be used is that correct I don't know not until you uh not not until you accept it yeah okay that's correct okay legislative proposal legis 2025 legislative proposal 12.3 2025 legislative proposal I move that we accept the legislative proposal I second roll call vote roll call vote please I commissioner Garcia I commissioner Porter I commissioner Murphy I commissioner love I commissioner McKinny I commissioner OT I commissioner Williams I board chair Coleman I you have nine in the affirmative thank you that motion passes you send it back to committee yeah they're supposed to be here it hasn't gotten put up on the computer apparently what were the items that you added item 12.1 all Memphis sea training mou okay so I won't read numbers then the next item was resolution for TVA donation see that one okay and then the final item was C collaborative conferencing administrative committee for Pekka what number is that num are so those three items so first item is all Memphis sea training mou the recommendation is for the board to approve the memorandum of understanding between Memphis Shelby County Board of Education and all Memphis Incorporated this is for the purpose of providing in-person training to our specialized education assistants in the spring of 2025 uh essentially this will provide six days of in-person training for our seas uh all Memphis Incorporated is one of the district's strategic partners for literacy they've demonstrated expertise in improving literacy instruction um they are accredited by the international dyslexia Association uh our funding has been provided by Urban child Institute and so being able to provide these six days of in-person training for all of our specialized education assistants uh will be at no cost to the district for M mckenny I'll make a motion motion to approve I have question might have question I got questions motion by board member McKenna second by commissioner OT questions your line I I have a question okay is is this just for this one or for all three just for this one okay I'm good [Music] okay commissioner mckenny yes um has this mou since we just got it today has this gone through legal yes then I'll ask legal to tell us about it because we've just seen it yeah [Music] thank you War McKenna I I'm not aware that that contract has been approved by our team I can uh Mary Brighton who's our contracts Dr myle good evening uh in my newness to the district I entered it into our green folder portal and it was reviewed and and approved and I got that notification before I started on the correct process to to this body which Council I'm unsure I'd have to go back and look at the notification in the system this go ahead [Music] Madam superintendent um board members I believe this item was submitted on the um dashboard for the board um items that go before the board for approval this item wasn't um submitted through contract Advantage nor did it make it to the official agenda so this mou didn't come before us for review Dr Miracle I apologize for the confusion it's my fault is it important to get it done the question I have now is this will do you need this before we meet again in January we can I mean the scheduling of the training is at our discretion so we just ship the training again this it's my apologies for not being familiar with the different process for contract review for this body versus other approval so again apologies no worries I just want to make sure that we know what we're um approving so I would suggest that we bring this back once it goes through the proper channels how do how do I remove my motion the way to deal with it is is there any objection to postponing indefinitely which just gets rid of it there being no objection it's gone okay gotta okay the next one was a TVA oh no I sorry commissioner Hugh Garcia you had a question I come in I'm sorry yeah I I saw December 31 But realize it was until then 2025 I I just want to acknowledge that there is no cost I hope there and thank you to Partners who are supporting the district so I'm I I feel confident that I want to support this I just want to make sure it goes through the proper Channel so um thank you for continuing to look for Partnerships on behalf of the district commissioner Murphy I think they answer my question just move to committee commissioner mckeny real quick Dr mle that we're human so thank you and thank you to the partners I'm very familiar with all Memphis they do good work but we need to make sure that we cross all our tees and Dot all our eyes so please bear with us thank you TV TVA donation the recommendation is for the board to approve the $25,000 donation from Tennessee Valley Authority to sponsor Memphis Shelby County schools for stem initiatives motion to commissioner h Garcia oh motion to approve motion by commissioner h Garcia second by commissioner o and third by commissioner Vice chair love no no roll call vote for y for okay for okay Goa you want mckissic uhhuh m i commissioner Garcia I commissioner Porter I commissioner Murphy I commissioner love I commissioner mckenny I commissioner OT I commissioner William I board chair Coleman I you have nine in the affirmative passes thank you that motion passes one more the collaboration superintend superintend the recommendation is for the Shelby County Board of Education to approve the collaborative conferencing administrative committee to participate in the p. process the names listed below based on the skill set necessary for the 7 areas um that the process restricts uh for conversation uh per statute State Statute the board has to approve a committee to convene for collaborative conferencing we do not have the names it should be listed in the item it's online I'll read the names for the record is that accurate Dr Schultz okay um Dr Angela White Law Dr Taran stalworth Miss Jessica Jackson Tito Langston principal John Bush principal W Earl Felicia Frey assistant principal Whitney Evanson assistant principal William Schuman Dr Kim Chandler Miss Katherine wood motion to approve Vice CH La um what are we voting on Council Morton or Bailey do you want to just review just the backdrop of this is required yeah so as part of the collaborative as part of the collaborative conferencing uh process under statute uh the district is required to for its side of of negotiate negotiation I guess uh appoint um 11 7 to1 uh District staff uh to represent the district uh on on the collaborative conferencing side so this is simply uh approval by the board uh to uh for the uh superintendent's recommendations for those District Representatives uh in the collaborative conferencing process I want to be sure um both unions are going to be treated fairly okay yeah uh I mean that the so the Assumption or expectation is that and the and the people that are chosen uh to represent the district are based primar primarily on their fields of expertise and skill sets um we know that for instance uh things like compensation benefits those thing types of things will be or what are for negotiation so that's how uh the district went about identifying the individuals um who who uh will will represent the uh the district so um I have every confidence that both sides will be treated uh fairly and respectfully um chair uh Coleman she entertained a motion that Natalie and her were going to be on the committee right that was that was for the special questions committee for the ballting process yeah uh this is for the actual representatives for the district during the collaborative conferencing process it's it's nothing to go back y'all we the board is really done all that we're supposed to do for this we just have to approve the names if we will approve the names I'm not going to say we have to approve the names that superintendent just read off to go to the bargain table that we we we really have done what we're supposed to do Madam chair um hold on hold on hold on I'm sorry she had her light first okay thank you um Madam chair with all the respect this is first time I'm really hearing about it and I don't feel comfortable with voting on something that I'm just not comfortable with uh Madam chair I just would like to illuminate um to my colleagues and those who are newer on the board um there are many things that often times come before the board that don't have aand you know alert we don't have the written names of us but this truly is as colleagues who've been on the board for a while standard and and they typically get people who are representative from the two teachers unions and then they handle that process and then we are welcome as board members to sit in on a collaborative conferencing we don't contribute at that level that's what I was talking about right we can sit in anyone the public is welcome to sit in on this but this really is standard it's standard and if we delay this then it really does put a kink in the chain of this whole process which can be lengthy so I I would ask my colleagues I know that it may be new right but just to kind of um I I I plan to support this to vote Yes for this because um it's then it's a comment upon this committee and they have reached out to the teachers union to get these names of those who are going to represent them and so the the the district does not ask or or pick those people and so um just to you know it's just to to move this process so it continues for the teachers and what they would like to accomplish and negotiate with the district if we could support this for tonight it um it would be a good thing thank you they are already behind they should have started their con collaborative conference on the first if we put this off we're putting them further and further behind only thing we're saying is that those names that superintendent fagans just read off will go to the bargaining table and give Fair objective ideas or suggestions to what the unions have said that they want to see or want done commissioner Williams I would like hold on hold on commissioner Williams general counsel first and he can shed light on this and then commissioner Williams I apologize thank you m CH I was going to make a point of clarity that the the associations actually picked their own representative these are representatives for the district yeah the the the each Union has their own people that they pick now these are district people commissioner Williams I'm thinking I would ask the the board to Del this process for the simple fact that the process has been tainted and it has been it is under investigation it is in litigation hold on no no no pardon conflict of interest to debate on the floor it's not I'm talking about what has what is happening Mr Williams hold on hold on let General counsil talk let me let me finish and I will say what I need to say and I am done I'm saying that there are issues involved in the process that I think the Board needs to be made aware because the board will ultimately be liable if there is a litigation no commissioner huie Garcia I want to ask board Williams to recuse himself from both the discussion and the vote given his professional role commiss commissioner Murphy I had a question because uh I receive this and then I think I don't know if she she's part of it's part it's part of this this organization but she her name is not on there so they get to pick who they want after we approve this so when we pick people to do stuff we have to pick the right people to be in in place versus somebody doing something they ain't supposed to be doing the only people that we are approving are the ones that the district has suggested we're not pick we're not approve approving the one that the two unions pick we're only approving the ones that the district you understand what I'm saying I got it I understand perfectly yeah that those are the people that we are we are here to approve the ones that the district those names say can we you say the names again please Dr Angela White Law Dr Taran stalworth Jessica Jackson Tito linkston principal John Bush principal W Earl Felicia Frey assistant principal Whitney Evans Evanson assistant principal William Schuman Dr Kim Chandler and Katherine Woods commissioner McKenna you had something I just want to um to the best of my ability and understanding of the Pekka law Pekka is is this process is largely dictated by the statute and everything that we are doing currently is in line with the statute so we do not as a board have any authority to make the decision about who the administrators are it's a process um I don't know if the I don't know why they wrote it this way but basically it's just it's a check off the superintendent gets to make the administration the law is very clear the administration gets to pick who they want we just have to approve it and that's that's that's there's no um there's no no um discretion around that it's just it's a process and it's just it's dictated by the statute so um I just wanted to provide that Clarity if I could for everybody a motion second can we get a motion motion to approve second roll call vote commissioner mckisic I commissioner Garcia I commissioner Porter oh commissioner Murphy no commissioner love uh I commissioner mckenny I commissioner OT I commissioner Williams okay and Boyer Coleman I you have six in the affirmative you have one negative and you have one obstain that motion passes is that is on suspension of a policy so that you can I think the chair added that to the floor to the board will need to suspend the policy again um for we are behind if you will in terms of establishing priorities and so this will take us through December uh and get us to January it expired in November so the motion is to suspend the policy and approve suspend the policy and approve the operating budget the operating budget the amendment to the operating budget this is the oper motion by commissioner OT second by commissioner McKenna I'm sorry madam chair I think the motion would just be to extend is that yeah not to approve motion by commissioner OT it's it we good we we okay we already you you approved she second roll call vote please miss go go ahead super Miss Stewart can you just make sure we're we're getting it right that's all good afternoon so what you did a couple of months ago you suspended the policy and the suspension of the policy ended last month what you're doing this month is to extend the deadline to complete um your priorities and the extension date will take you through February we added language in the policy to say that you will have to approve those priorities by the end of February so it's actually an extension of um the deadline the original deadline in the policy was set for October we're setting a new deadline for establishing those priorities as February of 2025 and that's just to give you some leeway in case you don't complete um the priority process in January at the retreat so for clarity it is to suspend the rule and you want to approve the revision which ex to extend which extends to February okay so it is to suspend and approve vote roll call vote please commissioner mckisic I commissioner Garcia I commissioner Porter I commissioner Murphy I commissioner love I commissioner mckenny I commissioner OT I commissioner Williams I boy CH com I you have nine in the affirment here that motion passes Miss steart will you come back one more time and update us about the um committee Charters yes ma'am good afternoon again um I think in the it was either in the August or the September meeting board chair you assigned um committee chairs but the charters actually expired in October so you have to have new charters for all of your committees with the exception of your audit budget and finance your audit budget and finance committee is a standing committee all other committees are ad hoc and by standing committee with the audit budget and finance that means that it goes on indefinitely unless you change the charter now that doesn't mean that you can't have new chairs and co-chairs assigned but the charter itself itself will stand indefinitely and again for your ad hoc committees you have to have a charter each year so these just make legal all of your ad hoc committees motion to approve second commissioner h Garcia motion second by commissioner mckisic you got a question I am waiting roll call vote please commissioner mckiss I commissioner Garcia I commissioner Porter commissioner Murphy hi commissioner love I commissioner mcken I commissioner OT I commissioner Williams board chair Coleman I you have nine in the affirmative that motion passes we are looking at proximity learning 11:07 proximity 117 proximity learning M the rest commissioner huie Garcia commissioner Murphy thank you uh superintendent in our oneone I asked a clarifying question following the board discussion from work session and that we put an RFP out for this and they were the only respondents uh but this is for 6 months and I if I remember incorrectly we had a three I remember something about there being three years is it possible to in have a contingency vote for a longer term that is subject to board funding each budget cycle or a one-year renewal so the team does not have to go through the RFP process to do this and we only allocate the dollars that are needed so thank you for the question we don't have to put the RFP out again the reason that it just goes through or we're making the recommendation for it to just go through June 30th 2025 is because that keeps in the current budget year and we've allocated These funds in the current budget and so the the optional years we would just bring back as we've done with several contracts that we're recommending to the board to use the additional one year of three years or you know however the language reads and so we do not have to go just for clarity we will not have to go put an RFP back out uh we can continue this in the next year if we you know believe that this is effective uh and then we we would go through the year so we're just going through the balance of our budget year because this the funds are allocated in the current budget year okay um a follow-up question this is the total dollar amount for up to 1004 proximity I understand there are education assistants that have to be part of the classroom uh or assigned to one of those classroom are there additional costs of this contract that are not reflected in this uh 4.6 million additional cost yes for engaging or utilizing the services I I I believe that we have vacancies and that there is Merit here and and we've we have data but I just want to know if there are additional costs that are outside of this contract for utilizing it so in terms of what you're sharing there's the contract itself and then yes to place an assistant in there because that's the requirement when there's a virtual instructor is to have someone in the classroom then that bears a cost certainly we have you know some pcns available um but yes in terms of outside of the contract as written there are additional costs that come along with uh standing up individuals for proximity learning well we would already have we could assume that groups of children already have an adult with them in some form okay that's right thank you commissioner I'm going just go down the line commissioner mckiss commissioner Murphy thank you I was waiting for me to be called on so formally I I want to follow all the proper protocols Dr Schulz um so um Madam chair I wanted to um speak to superintendent a bit of a sidebar regarding the individuals who are the assistants in the classroom as you know it was uh brought up in public comment tonight regarding the requirements of standards for those individuals and I know this is something perhaps can't be addressed at this moment but is that a possibility to reconfigure because if someone has a four years bachelor's degree age you know I'm wondering just how many of those people are going to want to be in this type of assistant role um I don't know I'm not sure what what that level of Interest would be but just as we are struggling with trying to fill teacher Replacements in the classrooms to increase our talent pool for that is there opportunity to explore that short answer is yes uh it's a delicate balance of ensuring that who we still have in our classrooms although they are not the the lead or main instructor still giving consideration to who is in our classrooms with our students and so while I'm not trying to say that a bachelor's degree is equated to being you know a quality individual I think just that's some of the thinking there but certainly the opportunity to just explore you know different ways forward it yes like perhaps an associates degree okay thank you absolutely Madam chair superintendent um I think my questions were answered by uh commissioner Garcia and commissioner mckisic so I was just concerned about the the 6th month um and if we could extend it for a year but you answer that question so thank you yes ma'am Vice chair love commissioner McKenna um correct me if I'm wrong but there have been contracts multi years superintendent question I apologize I didn't want to cut you off I I will say yes there have been multi-year contracts I wouldn't be able to speak to how many but I think the short answer is safe to say yes so um correct me if I'm wrong why don't you want to give proximity a three-year contract I I want to be clear it's not that I don't want to so I I do want to correct that uh it's not um correct yes ma'am I will weate my question I agree with Amber uh Garcia we don't have to give them a six Monon lease we can extend it for three years um the issue with that I don't want the same thing to happen this year next year that happened this year our schools need to have everything they need beginning of school I have went to all of these schools and they're um begging for teachers they're begging for us to do something I don't want to happen this year um next year that happened this year yes ma'am absolutely understood and so to your to your question and your valid concern and your feedback all together I I will say that this is not going to fix it right we're still limited to who they can provide and so it's up to this number of teachers in the areas that they have in terms of certification and then those certifications have to align with our needs and so we're still going to have some vacancies uh in terms of what you're sharing about the contract act and its length uh I I would not feel comfortable bringing the board a recommendation to bind us to something um in this regard for sure uh in terms of we've given the data uh in terms of Effectiveness uh and and what we get out of it in terms of performance on end of course exams and so while it suffices and satisfies you know a need uh I would not bring us a recommendation for a multi-year contract in this moment uh and to the large L ger concern or the the the larger response is what I shared earlier this keeps us within the budget that we've already allocated the funds which is through June so as you hear us start to have the budget conversations you know this time moving forward then you'll hear us build this in as well for the upcoming budget I have another question yes ma'am um the superintendent brings us a budget request request and then we approve it based on the board's decision cor does does the superintendent bring the board a recommendation for a budget and then does the board approve or after conversation and feedback does the board then approve yes that is the process um so we want this I do because I am tired of my uh uh schools complaining um how much is it for six months versus a year I don't know the the number off the top so I'd have to get that for you what I will say is that we built this into the budget so this was a part of the budget uh that was presented and approved in June this is earmarked um in terms of utilizing a a vendor if you will uh for virtual instruction uh to provide support uh this was not something that we removed from the budget so this already has been allocated um as we used proximity last year I think I shared how we landed uh with placing the RFP out it's been very clear that not one board member um guides that particular action um but that's how we essentially uh landed with placing the RFP out we still receive the same vendor but this has always been allocated in the budget so there is money to allocated um 12 months yes there's money Alec no there's money allocated um for the time and what is used if you will um you said that there was money allocated in the summer months based on what we used last year in or around those that same amount has been allocated in the budget the team would have to correct me if I'm wrong or you can sharpen my response Mr Langston thank you superintendent uh board members so to your question board member love um your first question was do we sometimes do multi-year uh contracts yes if it's beneficial for the district and we can lock in pricing what I can tell you for this pro project that is the pricing is locked in already um we are going to we have this currently if you approve this tonight this is currently in the budget if you if you wanting to extend it next year we're going to start next year off with having to keep um this in the budget and if if that's the will of the board then it's fine but right now we haven't started a budget process or finalized a budget process for next year you ask how much this would possibly be for 12 months well this is for 6 months if you double it then you're talking about a close to A910 million purchase which again from a fisical standpoint it's probably it's it's recommended by gasby standards that you go year by year as you're setting your budget so uh it wouldn't be beneficial because you have all the rights uh and by RFP standards to renew this contract uh as we see fit in May so as we go through the budget process if board members uh if we earmark this line figure out uh what it takes to stand a full year for the budget for this particular contract then uh we can bring it back in May or June and we'll be still on on on track to start the school year off next year in August when school starts with this very contract so but from a physical standpoint it's not recommended that you go across multiple years especially with this high dollar amount uh for um any contract um the only contracts that U May uh you may consider doing it is for transportation and custodia but um as good board member h Garcia always allude to those are fixed and mandated costs that we know we have to have in the budget this is something that is um um a um a cost that's not fixed and mandated our first instruction pref preferably is an inperson uh instruction which is why we stood up so many hiring blisses in the first place but again from a physical standpoint it wouldn't be it it it doesn't benefit us to go across multiple years because we have every right to renew this contract in May if the board sees fit to approve a budget with this end next year commissioner mckenny commissioner mckiss thank you I think what I'm hearing from my fellow board members is the concern that we're not in the same space next year um we have um this has impacted our middle school and high school students for the past six months with no um apparently with no certified teachers in the classroom um or not enough certified teachers available um so I think that my fellow board members superintendent is are they're trying to stress that we can't have this Gap again um because I don't know where we're going to get the miracle of a bunch of certified teachers in six months I wish we could we could do it but we need to plan ahead and be Innovative about it I have a question about how many students have actually been impacted by the fact that we have not had these um proximity learning teachers available um for the past six months that's one question um the next question is what have we been doing since August 5th not having this available so I I do want to emphasize that this is a national Challenge and we review the data and we're all aware but just making sure that we we state that and we even review data uh I I sit on the state's committee for the educator Pipeline and we review National Data today this is also a state issue in in rural areas in small districts large districts we just happen to be hit the most and the hardest because we're the largest uh in terms of how many students are impacted it can't be I can't say it's because we don't have proximity learning um but in terms of how many vacancies we have I share those vacancies monthly uh in terms of what the work looks like uh where a student or where a certified teacher could go it's based on what proximity says they have available uh and what we need so if we need need 80 or 67 exceptional education teachers we know that won't help there if we need 37 Math teachers they may not have that many certified Math teachers available through proximity so it's based on what area or content area they have so that's why I wouldn't be able to share how many students could be impacted just because we don't have what I'm ask how many students are currently impacted right now without proximity learning students in it when I look at the the documents it's able you're able to tell me how many students um over the past I guess three years or so that have been impacted that had proximity learning um so proximity learning teachers so my question is there has to be some projection some number that we're basing why we're asking for 100 proximity learning teachers in the first place so how many what's the projected number of students that have been impacted currently this semester that we are now needing proximity learning um teachers for so the the projected the the number of teachers is based on what we have allocated in the budget which is about 5 million so that's how we arrive at the number of teachers that we could have the number of students who were impacted in previous years is because proximity was already available again until we know the list and see the list of of of teachers if you will that are certified through proximity uh and their content area we would not know how many students could then benefit from having said teacher in their class so currently we do not know how many students are currently being impacted by not having a proximity learning teacher by not having a teacher in general that means they might have a sub or something like that then that would go in our vacancy numbers I think our latest vacancy number was 3 37 312 we're down so let's say times 30 because what is it 30 kids in a in a in a um a classroom and it depends on if it's middle school or high school because you're going to have different sections I think it's a a I'll give you time to answer the question but I think I've I've asked it um several different ways but I'll give you some time and we can get clarity because I don't want to keep us here going around and around the next thing I want to talk about um is um I'm concerned that we don't have a true budget number um we know that it's 4 whatever that is 4.6 million for the proximity to learning but we also have in the bids and purchases that a non-certified staff is requested to be present in each proximity class to support in-person students needs so I think at the board work session I asked would that require us to have more um hire more people and I think your your answer was yes so I'm now asking what is the budget um do what's the dollar amount for that does this require that's one and does this require us to um have new positions are these do we have enough that are open already um and if we do have them open then it's really not a budgetary issue but my question becomes do we have to hire more people which means new positions do we have to hire more positions yes we do um because we did not allocate for these positions um do we know how many we would need that would be based on where the teacher would fit so we're talking about sections as opposed to the number of vacancies right that means you get what I'm saying there so far okay so that means sections as opposed to just vacancies it's not a a match to match and so that's why it's not a I can give you this many students until we know which classes could potentially be served by a teacher from proximity learning so we're going back to students I'm on positions so let they go together okay so let me be clear what is the we're going to have to have new positions so that means that the ones we cut we could have used because we had proximity learning so we now have to bring those positions back for for proximity learning so there is a cost to that correct yes okay so that's the cost that we need that we don't have and I think that's what board member hu Garcia was asking was what's the true cost of this this contract I feel like what you're asking me to do is to pin down a number that we don't have unless we know that this contract is approved what comes in addition to this contract would be additional materials that could be headphones that students might need that could be supplies that they might need so that's what I was referring to to board member hu Garcia's question about are there additional costs associated with this contract that are not written in this 4.6 million or so contract so that answer was yes in terms of cost that you're asking about associated with Personnel we'd have to go to the table and see what that looks like again we're not talking about um the number of vacancies matching the number of assistants that would be necessary because that one assistant can be in a class that serves five sections and so it is not a equal to equal so we can take our our time and we can get the the the response to you but in this moment I don't have a dollar amount okay and that's that's I think that's the answer you don't have it we need it because we need to know what that's going to do to our budget can I make a suggestion and we take this back to committee to get more clarity no we can excuse me Madam chair well I mean we recogniz me my light been on for quite some time going round and around in a circle well I'd like to bring some clarity to to illuminate this as well because right now we need to focus on what's best for the children currently in the seats and so um the six-month extension it is completely within the piew of this board to dictate what we do with the next budget cycle and the funds for that we can absolutely say that this is not the you know the tail wagging the dog situation here we have that control so I think I would love for us to focus on you know addressing the the concern and the issues we have right now for the next 6 months and I would like to recommend to close this debate so that we can actually call for a vote you moving to yeah moving I'm moving I'm moving it oh okay okay you can he said you can I move to vote now they that's a second the question the motion before you is the previous question it takes a two-thirds vote to adopt and it stops debate and you will vote immediately if it's adopted everybody good okay second it's not debatable a motion commissioner love you motion mckenny made the motion M mckiss I'm sorry mckiss M I'm I'm sorry made the motion it's not debatable it's not amendable you're either going to do it or you aren't it takes a two-thirds vote if two-thirds of you vote in the affirmative then debate and questions stop and you vote this thing can I get a second please Vice TR roll call vote please commissioner mckisic hi commissioner Garcia I commissioner Porter I commissioner Murphy I commissioner [Music] love reluctantly I commissioner mckenny I'll try to reluctantly I commissioner OT I commissioner Williams board CH colan I we have nine in the affirmative thank you that motion passes now now you vote this you're done talking now you're going to vote on it you just closed debate that's all you did so now we're voting on the contract all all Co call vote on this item business for proximity learning for 4,697 n640 roll call vote please commissioner mckisic I commissioner Garcia I commissioner Porter I commissioner Murphy I commissioner love commissioner mckenny I commissioner OT hi commissioner Williams hi Boyer Coleman all we have nine and affirmative that motion passes 11.11 commissioner Murphy I motion to postpone indefinitely subid motions let's get a motion in a second first this is 1111 which is the contract for buying computers yes $20 million you have a motion second to adopt it first can we have a motion a second to adopt and then we'll motion to adopt commissioner McKinny second from mckisic second by commissioner mckiss no it's open for it's open for debate discussion go to Miss Murphy Miss Murphy commissioner Murphy a motion to postpone indefinitely motion to postpone indefinitely requires a second if it is adopted then this be piece of business simply goes away and you will not be buying anything for $20 million roll call vote can you please clarify what this particular vote on since I put a motion on the floor what are we exactly voting on at the moment if you vote Yes on the motion to postpone indefinitely this piece of business will not be before the assembly anymore can come back at the next meeting yes it can come back at the next meeting so Madam chair so Dr Schultz what happens to the motion that I moved that we vote on as it stands right now what happened to that one if you vote Yes on this that motion goes away if you vote no that means you're going to deal with this motion okay thank you no one's a subsidiary motion you have one main motion which is to to buy the computers this is a motion to kill that sucker get it out from in front of you we're getting into the weeds we vote Yes if you don't want to deal with this piece of business roll call vote please commissioner mckiss no commissioner Garcia no if we don't this is for commissioner M Murphy's postpone this is to postpone indefinitely no no means that you going to deal with it now yes means you going to postpone it indefinite uh confident no commissioner Porter yes commissioner Murphy yes commissioner [Music] love oh she left okay commissioner mckenny no commissioner o yes commissioner William yes board chair Coleman yes you have five in the affirmative then you have three negatives and you have one absent I'll have to do something to bring it back we're going to bring it back I you do have five votes in the affirmative the motion is not before the assembly Madam chair and board I will want to place on the record that this will greatly impact our students in terms of the devices that we need to move forward we do have testing uh that is coming up we do have significant needs I do want to place that before this body I understand the vote has taken place but I do believe a superintendent I need to State for the record that this the timing uh is of the essence uh and this places us in a real uh predicament and I think we understand where we are with technology just in general um but but I just want to state that for the record okay vot's been announced you need to announce what happened it is postponed indefinite it is postponed indefinite we are now on to strategic allocations items I will read the no I ain't reading all approval resolution approving MCS board member strategic School fund allocations November 202 for in the total of 97,7 46 is there a motion to approve this item motion to approve second roll call vote please mckisic I Garcia I Porter I hi commissioner Murphy commissioner love she gone commissioner mcken commissioner I commissioner Williams board chair Coleman I we have one more that we did not vote on the compliance report yeah there it is a compliance report is need a motion in a second Motion in a second motion to roll call vote please commissioner mckisic I commissioner Garcia I commissioner Porter commissioner Murphy hi commissioner mcken I commissioner oot I commissioner Williams hi board Coleman hi you have eight in the affirmative and one person out that motion passes being no further business this meeting is adjourned thank you for your patience minute minut what like schools have put in their grants for lab so we're going to have to go back and reite the grants for