##VIDEO ID:16BKHS06hPs## for were W up [Music] for for for you want a lot more [Music] desable for e [Music] spe [Music] [Music] ready let's get this party started [Music] andice thank you uh good evening this meeting is being held in compliance with New Jersey meetings advertis retrospect downstairs all official bough social media channels I ask for those in attendance this evening please put your cell phone on silent uh and if you need to speak with somebody while we're conducting business please do so outside the council chambers uh the first item on the agenda this evening is the roll call Mr Fitzgerald Mr mlo here M Morales Mr perno Mr here Mr Woods here have thank you very much uh this is of course our reorganization meeting so it's a great night for the buau where we get an opportunity to uh swear in our elected officials uh we are fortunate enough this evening we have a centl bill Spearman in the audience this evening our fifth district legislator thank you very much for being here uh and Jeff right from uh Congressman North cross's office is here as well representing Congressman so thank you very much for being here and attendance to evening uh the first item of the agenda will be to take uh the oath of office by Dan spazza Dan is re-elected to what term is this so doing or two all right come on you want to come the sure do you have no do that [Music] there do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and and allegiance that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same to the same and to the governments established and to the governments established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and I will faithfully and I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly abute perform all the duties of councilman of the bur mer Bill perform all the duties for Council for the bur mer Bill according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me that so help me congratulations [Music] um so uh next we have Eric Benjamin first time elected official here in the bur and Eric's family is [Music] here hi St hi Eric Benjamin do Solly swear do Solly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith that I will bear true faith and Allegiance and allegiance to the state to the state and to the governments established and to the governments established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state and and that I will faithfully and that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly and justly perform all the duties of perform all the duties of councilman of the burrow of merchand councilman B viral according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so Healy gu so helpy gu congratulations [Music] [Music] see the uh now after the the new very suspicious not [Music] start remember all right the next of the agenda is Council Council presid [Music] that don't anybody move Nom fitgerald the first Mr the second are there any other nominations hearing no close nomination Mr M sure yes yes yes [Music] yes all right okay okay [Music] your name to swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States I'll support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith in allegiance to the Saint true faith and allegiance to the Saint and to the government's established the government establish in the United States the state in the United States and in the state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will faithfully and partially adjust it and faithfully and partially adjustment perform all the duties perform all the duties of council president B of merch council president according to the best my not F that okay uh the next part of the agenda is the uh remarks by newly elected officials so we are fortunate we have two and then we have take the Le ER not that's not fair he gets to do a first one counsel course next week well I'll say my fifth term it's an honor and privilege is not something I thought it would stick around doing this long but it is fun it has moments has ups and downs but you this is your group we have great staff in this town it's always locally um you know you do get to touch people more directly it is a lot of fun and welcome congratulations on your election hard election Mr congratulations on your prob 18c but you know there's a lot of work to be done and you know we made a lot of progress you know progress in government you kind of have to In terms not just one year but three years years but you know I think we've made a lot of progress we share it's coming to permission and you know you see the development in downtown you see the progress being made um and it's going to be exciting next few years and hopefully we can see by the end of this term some actuals of those labors so I want to get thank you Eric all right I Wasing before for the meeting I didn't realize to be remarks so I sound pry quick person my first official um so first off uh honor members of council members of the public uh I want to say I'm honored and I'm truly humbled to be a member of council and I want to thank the residents of marille for the trust that they plac Ser of our community couple thank you I just want to mention here I want to thank mayor BR for support guidance um couple ex Council a few ex council members that I do want to make mention this but didn't uh their mentor ship their friendship that me here today that the ex council members V and W um I know this you here I think person on a social basis but a little bit little bit the background on myself here not to wor my life story uh but I grew up in Mount Hol uh older Town older homes downtown shopping district kind of like barville and uh Christmas is 1998 I always remember this because Christmas of 98 I was down at Char home mall and uh was 20 years old and pulled out the mall got turned around for Christmas traffic and this is before GPS and you know I didn't know the area ended up downtown mer never never heard of merville never been merville but somehow I was downtown merville and I was just in all it's kind of Blown Away the way the town was decorated beautiful homes and I KN at that time um I said to myself I want to live here so a few years later U my wife and I I could buy a house uh had to get out of our condo and I have a house remember visiting workville and mention it to her and came down and visit and true story we bought the first and only house we looked at and we're still in the same house today um couple times over the years we thoughted about moving different towns going back to we GRE up but we couldn't need this something that that uh that you hear people say it's like a hallmar it truly is um so after moving here didn't really know too many people just a handful of people got public events and started to get know members of the community how things really work out here uh came an officer with the task force when we started the initial Music Fest I think part of that to um we brought back car show briefly for a couple years to that hopefully one day we bring that back uh now I uh then also started jointly in orts since 2016 between uh now my daughter's in second grade at merch Elementary so involved in a lot of activities at the school and also coaching her uh her softball team with MPL I can tell you if I can coach bunch of seven-year-olds at softball I think this should be um so that's a little bit about me um I look forward to working with with Council public and making a positive difference in our community again I'm honored to beet thank you so much fantastic [Music] thanks yeah things one I just want to thank everyone for their support support here on the council that's been s in terms of this been time I know a couple of things changed over the years one think most there actually this town the downtown of it has really bring some much back into it I know the of the Bank building uh which is you know sat for a really long time now see some back that development planned out in the center part of town I think it's really critical I think it's probably one of the lasting tenants that will really you know Mark the our time you know Council was there it's really important to see that through and continue to develop that make sure that happens I'm also aware there's things that Community is still acutely concerned about we want to make sure that our Public Works contines to do a good job right a bit the taxes are always an Ever present issue here in and we will do our best to good stories of that uh despite the difficult financial situation that we be placed in every year I do recall when I first joined the council uh the state was providing over $1.4 million in Aid to the bar and now it's only a couple $1,000 this point and so the time the cost to go up our Aid continues to to drive the opposite direction but overall I think actually Health in town is actually exced see that thank you been great uh you know I've been with you for 17 of the 18 years um feel like we talk about this every single year um but I Eric it's wonderful to welcome you to our bur Council as somebody who I've known I feel like God it's been at least a decade around uh you wife I remember that first music I think there's a picture of the three of us and somebody else from that first music Quest that I've seen a couple times uh but really appreciate your involvement in our community for a very long time appreciate you taking the step to sit here at this table uh and as I said to you at times we'll feel thankless trust me uh but you have the right approach you're doing it not because you're looking for the accolades not as you said not looking for the plaque because I know I'm getting back to my that's the type of approach I think you'll find from every person on this Council maybe some who you don't know that well uh everybody approaches the business in that manner and so it's wonderful to have you here and wonderful have was part of our community so thankfully you stum upon us that winter of 98 um you know as Council scza said I feel like I'm I'm measuring this in do years nowadays uh about success and how and the progress in the buau uh but we've all been a part of sort of how this thing is moved forward I can remember when I remember going to K County Democrat committee and meeting again for the first time like hey you want to run for office I can't believe it was that long ago but uh I do remember that um we're coming off here in at the beginning of 2025 the 150th anniversary of our fin of our Comm and looking forward to you know the next 150 we won't be here uh but as was mentioned you know we're creating a legacy and a lasting uh impact in our community today and I look at 2025 years as a year of opportunity for us to really begin to see truth of our lead as C the Redevelopment of the Bank building is something that from the moment I walked on the bur of Council in 20 you I was one in in January 209 uh to now has been something that is just it has eluded us um and we've had vision for what we wanted there and we've dealt with a lot of variables outside our control and we are um you know heading towards the finish line here with that restaurant plan be open in the third quarter of 2025 which will be a great it'll be a really really big accomplishment for us um seeing that Vision through was difficult at times it required disciplined sort of thought and taking a lot of heat from people uh but we did it uh we were able to maintain a a building that is historical character to the founding Bo community and I think we we've we've done a nice job as a a governing body um we'll have an opportunity in 2025 I think through that and other development and other actions to remind people why they chose to live in the B marille um why they chose to raise their family here why they chose to invest their harder money and opening small businesses here um and why they come here to celebrate at our wonderful restaurants and and other Service uh facilities uh I look at 2025 as an opportunity for us to improve our infrastructure and really to enhance one of the biggest um amenities that we have in the burrow uh with the $850,000 we were able to secure with the help of Congressman Norcross and Senator poer um it will really be something that will continue to be F in the cap of the bur of Merchantville um it's something that is not just an amenity for us but our larger South Jersey community links uh in as a a bike path throughout the a network that extends you know throughout Canon Burlington and hopefully someday uh all the way you know down to the shore um and we're really excited about that because it's going to provide opportunities to enhance and improve access uh to our community including uh direct access for the senior housing Mar there um and then you know finally I think and Council per sort of touched on this it's an opportunity for us to continue to find the type of community that we want this community to be ear and to to find the right investment the right types of things so that um we can justify the actions that we take the things that we prioritize so um I look forward to working with all of you for this year and the years Beyond uh I'm excited about 2025 uh I think you know it will be for from my perspective as somebody's been sitting up here now uh for as long as I have to be able to see some of the construction and some of the just the vision and work that we've done come come to fruition in 2025 will be a major major feather in our cap here and something very proud of so thank you for your continuing support I really look forward to working with you guys this year thank all right we have uh Council assignments and standing commit for2 I didn't get I think [Music] they I do know that ER I didn't reality is nothing Chang you on counil last year uh for everybody um you basically have the same comms as you had last year Ray you graduated from having to attend the joint land board meetings uh Eric board member now the council representative uh Eric you are as we went over you're going to be the director of Court uh you're going to be a member of the committee for Ways and Means and as I discussed you council perno is is the director of that very beneficial knowledgeable individual was worked on that for a long period of time Council representative to public events the director for the bment of Parks and Recreation councilman Clon is somebody who great background on that program very helpful Department of Records and licenses uh as the Director BR is your key individual there Personnel policies and procedure your part of that group liaison to the senior citizens liaison to the diversity committee and of course the communications website as I mentioned to you Rebecca Sher currently work rework with that it would be great to have your report there so other than that I don't think I need to read the record everybody else's responsibilities but uh congratulations on those um annual appointments I will Works director Kevin Patty Fire official Kevin Patty fire inspector Kevin Patty additional fire inspectors Tommy Connelly and Stephan L code enforcement official property M code Kevin Patty Deputy code enforcement official Tom Connelly Deputy code enforcement official Stephanie zoning official Rebecca callway construction official Phil aari Chief Financial Officer through in the local of barington is moles and our tax collector same Arrangement Chris Kem clerk M BR my left also the purchasing agent uh safety coordinator right to no officer is Kevin Patty relocation director is Lieutenant Brian callway office Emergency Management coordinator also Lieutenant Brian callway our police fire surgeon and position is worknet violations clerk Moran finan retires at the end of this Mon and Amber Ross right taking over Forin is our court administrator what's that you say whatever you want app yeah I'm not I'm not appointed Court Administrator here uh the municial prosecutor uh Gabrielle Dort Chief Municipal public defender Chuck witon Spanish interpreter Gerald Tes Court sound recorder Caris tusi uh animal control official is officer County the board of appeals is C and myself Municipal housing L on spr Municipal drug Alliance your name graia uh regar Vital Statistics Denise Brouse Deputy regist is Father Bennett sanitary sewer inspector is former councilman Joseph rcky and development [Music] director change your OPP okay uh board and commission members let's talk I'm just going to go through a couple of these for new appointments everybody else is for reappoint so Joint menu boort uh reappointed this year is few um Jessica Stewart uh taking over a vacant position is uh as a class four is Jason haes uh mayor is Matt fair Eric henin is class three officer and that's mad mad is the solic ER as the engineer okay um am I reappointing Mr walr this year for HPC s preservation commission yes okay uh sea Walen will be reappointed to a threee ter on the HPC uh Andrew mclone is the Council of the ason and Dalton Gregory uh is being a appointed uh to a full position not to the vacancy would say not to the so we should have a full hpie here uh shade tree commission Council Woods no other changes Health commission uh reappointment counsel Aon Sean Fitzgerald uh Jennifer Dr Jennifer Phils catur and Andrew Carol [Music] um Council representative merity committee is er benjam uh nothing on Green Team and that's it for appointments for the board and commission uh so I will a motion to approve those appointments Mr wood first Mr second any discussion Mr fitgerald Mr yes Mr Benjamin yes Mr Carno yes Mr spz yes Mr Woods yes thank you uh all right Council we have a resolutions to be approved by consent agenda um as request I'd like to take 255 and 2510 pull those out consider them as a separate secondary consent agenda uh if councils okay with that everybody all right with that okay uh so I'm going to read into the record all the other resolutions to be voted on resolution 2501 rules of council for 2025 resolution 252 reorganization for 2026 and regular meetings for 2025 resolution 253 designating depositories resolution 254 designation of official newspapers and newspapers notices of official meetings resolution 256 fixing rate of interest due for delinquencies resolution 257 establishment of Penny cash funds resolution 258 appointment of CG advisory appointments resolution 2509 adoption of cash management plan resolution 2511 appointment Certified Public Works management resolution 2512 appointment of public compliance officer pres 2513 mpal court administrator and Deputy court administrator resolution 2514 authorizing accounts resolution 2515 designating officers to sign court for resolution 256 regist FAL statistics resolution 2517 appointment of Humane law enforcement officer resolution 2518 appointment Municipal housing L on resolution 2519 adopting 2025 temporary budget I'll entertain a motion to approve those resolutions second Mr per with first Mr woods with the second please mrd hi Mr mlo yes Mr Benjamin yes Mr perno yes Mr yes Mr Woods yes thank you very much uh now the secondary consent agenda resolution 2505 appointment of Insurance Agency resolution 2510 appointment of bur accountant engineer Municipal planner solicitor Bond Council payroll financial advisor environmental engineer special counsel conflict engineer land use board engineer land use board attorney historic preservation commission uh Municipal Court prosecutor and Municipal Court Defender do I have a motion second Mr woods with the first Mr SP with the second roll call Mr Fitzgerald hi Mr mlo yes Mr Benjamin yes Mr Carno Mr scz yes Mr wood yes okay um I don't see anybody in here who needs to be sworn in this evening uh schedule 2025 burs any change the only question I have Christmas you asked me yeah we to make that one why okay uh St Patrick make that list yet they can sorry uh okay uh now uh since we don't have an open public uh you know session we have now on our reor meeting we gener open it up to remarks by the audience anyone in the audience like to say anything uh go ahead stand up the [Music] best all right uh hearing none uh I will entertain a motion toj Mr wood with the first Mr that second all in favor [Music] iions those like to [Music] join uh Dan and ER [Music] [Music] exactly second one [Music] you want like this it's