okay question my to I was like great I steak counil everybody please join me in a moment of silence since our last meeting um we've had the unfortunate passing of Denise mol's father uh and also um our offic that who passed away after a threee battle with caner uh Rec so please join me in a moment of silence uh this meeting being public Compliance New Jersey open public meeting act they've been advertised in the retrospect of the board downstairs and on all official the social social media uh I asked if you have a cell phone please silent you speak to somebody while business please do so outside thanks call please Mr Fitzgerald Mr M M Mor Mr Mr exp okay first it the agenda this evening is the public portion of the meeting anyone from the public wishes to come forward and speak on any topic St your name address R all right hearing and seeing nobody coming forward to close the public portion of the meeting uh we'll skip over old business we don't have any old business in this Caucus meeting this evening we do have five items for new business uh so um let's get into those uh first item in the new business agenda is the shade tree ordinance discussion uh regarding removing and replanting trees on private property so um at Council two weeks ago Mr Woods had brought up the idea that the shade Tre commission was interested in such an ordinance in that time period uh Mr Higgins I believe worked with woods and develops the draft coordinance that is in font of everybody here um and so you know I know geord isn't here to evening talk about this uh and I don't believe that there is any intent to um introduce this in the first reading this evening U probably the next meeting but I don't know if anyone's had an opportunity to review this and provide any comment feedback on this um I'll only say from a from a very high level uh that you know one of the things I think we pride ourselves on in this bur was the fact New Y Tre City USA been for 42 years now in 2024 uh and it's something that I think sets our Bart I also understand the need for residents on their property to remove trees from time to time as is their right uh but that we should make commitment to our prop and planting additional TRS and establishing the fund and the cost for those removals um not I don't think it's out of line I just think it has to be you know rationally related to the policy that we're trying to uh accomplish here which I think is to continue to plant trees and have funing to so um and maybe even use some from not just but additional removal of her owned TRS that are in at end stage of their life so um I don't know you know I I'm supportive of this uh not necessarily this specific ordinance but the idea behind this um and so that's sort of where I stand council members have any thoughts not specifically on on this ordinance else to go through and word Smith it I am seeing where everybody lands on this [Music] all mustache I'm not necessarily opposed to this I need to understand property at this saying if you trying to the two and in you I want to understand what that little bit what would be the reason we would say no is or is it just a hey you gotta got you got replace um I see every you tree to be removed replant it's a 13inch caliber tree get one tree for every 13in Cali tree that's where I'm thinking about I like the idea Tre that again right put it I don't I I don't think this in any way is trying to regulate Le can or can right speak out turn go some's property to to say you can't remove that tree on your property um what happens if the tree is dead or die I don't think this makes any distinction so the getting the not so much the removal the being able to number one charting Tre that's being taken out being able to measure it so they know that if what are going kind [Music] post CH not to replace thee to put how much contribution to the right a over it doesn't make distinction what place you know the treat in the replacement yeah think again I don't think you can go that far I you can make recommendations on the types of trees based upon what is native to this area and or you know but I don't think you can tell people hey you got to put this type of for tree we should we should have some of that Authority I believe we because you have yeah it the treine do right the road talkity infastructure that sort well that's going under the jurisdic of the commission any you're worried about Trea people private properties extend into the right most repl appropriate spot that should they put put a or blood Plane Tree underne the [Music] to yeah you put a smaller tree so I I think um and I don't know Tim you shared this with Ray I'm assuming the shade tree commission hasn't meeing to have reviewed this yet and I think that it would be important to have their input yeah agree um so what I would I mean again I think from 30 40,000 foot perspective I think that this could be good policy I think that there's a good reason behind it um you know either planting or funding the planting of new trees importantes it's actually betterer anyway so let's uh I'd like for this to be reviewed by shade tree [Music] shade so we was last week right so well we will have a council meeting on the 26 of February so why try and bring this back at that maybe we can introduce to that one so um I would ask for feedback and revision after that meeting on the 15th of February from shade tree and then get those to you that when the agenda comes out Thursday 2st 22nd Council have [Music] those yeah thing is that the the amount the doll am is not [Music] okay anything else on shs I would just say if there's anything with the tree replacement requirements looked at it sometimes more economical for smaller trees find two and half depending just say more different offs if we could have a little B more I don't know I don't know that but if down 33 in diameter tree with four maybe it's cheaper than six Smalls all right thank you okay next the 150th anniversary update um let's talk about where we are so as everybody knows we are planning several events celebrate anniversary um the EXC the next one coming is history night which is February 29th um we're making good progress with that um we have a number of different C ories of meral history that will be represented from architecture to schools and even just sharing different stories and and kind of War about the town um and hope to have you know Council support and as many of your attendance as are available um then moving on past that is the big anniversary weekend which is May 18th and 19th uh we have a parade that we're working on dinner party in the downtown and then traditional n birthday picnic in the park um and this is you know all these things we need support with uh from you know Council from businesses and from our residents um and one thing that we had discussed at the last committee meeting for This was um having our council members who are really out through town very well help to initiate conversations with the different neighborhoods and areas in town to get people aware of what's going on um you know have them up in a way to to want to be involved and participate um so you guys want to be kind of the leaders on that and we'll get you more information on on what thatly that will entail after our next meeting I believe you guys are being fall told um in all seriousness um we have to really begin to get the word out here on this and we need your efforts not just in that but um I need you guys to really be involved in everything that we have going on here and then we ask a lot of everybody uh but we only have one 150 of the family of the town uh so I feel like we need more investment and time from from you guys on these issues to work with back and help the get some of these events together and moving um well I'm I'm in char sponsorship for the whole thing if you have ideas for large sponsors to fund some of these activities one of the things that we're trying to do is the fireworks display we need money for that uh so if people you know if we happen to know individuals and this is not homemade fireworks this prob like New Year Eve the merchant bill or July 4th in merchant Bill uh but this would be a professional show so these are things that we're working on and trying to find money to fund so we could use all the help that we can uh we're looking for major sponsors there's opportunities to do a lot of different things here so um first is let's get people excited about this all to our neighbors you guys block captains for these events specifically with regard to these flows um for the par it doesn't I'm not asking you to float I'm not asking you to do anything other than get your neighbors to get involved and really start to HP up that idea of fls we'd like to have uh Community well represented so and I will add we have a really good team gathered together that's working on all these things now in the events that are happening for another six months we're already well into planning for them we just had another Bri meeting today uh Steve Mor and Janice Moore are are spearheading that one um and have some really great ideas we have that and Z more sorry y jimo you know helping with the we're to do like an adult dinner party Downtown which is going to be really incredible he's GNA um find that one and then J Brandon is organizing picnic in the park so we've got people who know how to do things well are great organizing great at getting things done we just need the support of our neighbors and as many as we can get to a see um so Rebecca with me foring ask you guys to try engage you and get you involved and uh so be on look [Music] out I you put a lot just short flight his middle the only time turn 150 [Music] all right next reol are update there's not a lot of updates I'm trying to get to a point here where we're going to discuss what's going on on the east side of that re area Okay so we're still talking about potentially a passive Recreation Area to compliment Clips uh and to maybe more formalize and extend our Market season to allow for shoulder Seasons with some sort of building with heating and things like that um uh we're looking for potential for outdoor bathrooms there looking for a lot of different things right now to really um make that area a nice area people want um so we'll have more updates uh probably at a future meeting on that but right now we still are are looking to get that done in the same sort of time period maybe the Bas two after the restaurant and and Park app um we had Park app meeting on the 7th of February uh they were pretty much finished with design and looking to move forward on Street State uh we're going to have there's drawings downstairs uh we're going to have a as we discussed before CME is meeting with re team representives uh also during that same time period first week or so of February to go through the design for the Petri walkway element and uh once that's done there will be a stakeholder meeting and that will be going to bid um restaurant is still moving forward at bank they're heavy into design uh and you know although not perfect we will gladly accept the recent changes to New Jersey liquor laws because I do think that there is opportunity for us so just to to put this out there um two things one for the brewery the rules and regulations that were very restricted so there able now to show games with sound and have food trucks sitting outside basically they they the food or the the brewery lob one thebe right on the other side on the liquor license side which I think is important for us because we've always been confined by our population um the law is essentially going to allow us um beginning in July to put out an RFP for inactive licenses in contous communities uh and to potentially say hey we have opportunities here you can do one per calendar year and two for every five years um this could be a great opportunity for us to basically bring in a new leor license into town uh into one of our restaurants maybe it has to be in a Redevelopment Rehabilitation area um and so maybe it's something that we can get and that the restaurant can have we can away from concessionary places in land and all that or maybe it's an additional license that somebody else will want uh but there's a process behind that asked Tim and the needs to be ready to send an RFP on day one out it would have to be responded to by private parties the whole process ultimately we would have to purchase it and then be purchasing not from mpali but the actual private there's so many years that has to be so um there has to be sign off from the contiguous Community although I'm not sure that they can stop it they they do get pie action so admin IED reading through is there a way that we're on the hook for those costs so if we purchase it for certain price the same price I don't I wasn't quite sure how that goes I don't really know um that whole side of it and obviously it's January we're be able to figure out exactly what we need to do in advance because this we want this we just want to be a facility we're just looking to move it from one in one not using it to somebody who does once count stay here I believe that it it does stay in count as it's yeah yeah be inactive for perod time it doesn't it's it's like proper it has to be not used for X time before it gets deemed inactive so before it goes back right right I'm not sure the exact they haven't written the rules necessarily all this wall is only the framework and then the rules will be sort of what dictates exactly how that process we what every you can have one per calendar year Max two every five years so the way I look at it for us so in 10 years we could have five LIC in 10 years we could have five lies and the way I look at it is in five middle looking at if by 2025 we're able to get two additional lior licenses for restaurants those are more viable restaurants in our community that is clearly the difference what what you're seeing struggling to survive based only on food versus those that are able to sell alcohol which is a good Prof a good margin so um W we'll see I can make Happ but I think it's just to we we will that's for further consideration uh but regarding our Redevelopment area look it's something that I know as soon as I saw this moving forward I reached out the redeveloper and said this has come there's going to be an opportunity I want you to be aware of this law pay attention you know if this is something you're interested in it's going to be out there um and then I think it could be a COR Zone to potentially Redevelopment on the West End too not need to be in 2025 it could be in 2026 but we had a Redevelopment plan Redevelopment area uh and it could be something that is the beginning of so um you know I think we there's some plans that second one for me first one you know it's a sh I can put it there and remove the ex I think that would be preferable for us I to be so anyway we'll update you on that but we are going to be prepared in July to get out P [Music] probably don't yeah exactly so I'm not sure say it's like the average of the last three s um so okay that's that all right next cannabis consumption Lounge rules so I put this on the agenda just so everybody's aware the Cannabis Regulatory Commission finally adopted the rules for consumption langages uh for class five licenses okay and I know that the group that is here is potentially interested in the consumption however the one item in those rules that is potentially the sticky Wicked for them is you can only have one in the entire State doesn't matter how many licenses you have so I know they have multiple licenses in this state I know they have one in Central Jersey I won't know what their preference I've had discussions with them said look this is not like a SL dunk in Merchantville that you're you know that this is what you want to do I don't know that we have support for this um and I've had some discussions with them I was trying to discuss with them to see where they were today I just could not connect with them um I had intended to I just didn't get a chance to uh I want to find out what they're thinking because it may have changed Bas you know before I think they just thought they had a bu right class five no matter what more rules it is just one uh in the state so if you have multiple licenses you can only do one um so I'm not sure if this is the priority place for them or not and if it is what I've already uh spoken about is well there's going to have to be some very serious discussions about what that means and um they recognize that they need our support or they don't have any license location in town uh so they recognize that they need to come to the table ready to discuss if that is something they want to look at here um ready to discuss how exactly we can protect the interest of our taxpayers and residents and children and any of the other interested parties that might be interested in what happens there so um I don't think it's something that's right for material and substant discussion amongst this group uh but I did want to give a heads up that hey it is now it wasn't illegal before but it is now legal and rules will be published in the register I think in February uh so it will be ready to go and they may be interested we may have to have a real discussion with them at some point I imagine that would be something that would Ur you know obviously so uh keep that in mind think about you know where you are how you're feeling about that what things You' be looking for and know I had number of discussions about this and there are certain things that we that are kind of like M or in our opinion like things that we would like to see and something like this was going to come forward um but no [Music] G [Music] questions they resol yes and there a separate there's a separate application process that they can get if there's approval from us approval from the it's it's like it's an add-on let's say th bucks or something it's just an add-on for their license you can't get it unless you're glass spot you don't obviously know reason why you want on retail um and again there has to be alignment with the community so um there's a lot of steps and Hoops to go through GE uh but I do know that they had expressed an interest before the rules came out I don't know how that's changed in the last week all [Music] right um you know I think that they're waiting on Final State approvals just they have all local approvals and all cosos and everything's good um they are I I don't know I thought they would begin in January and now you know their Facebook says April 3rd or something like that I know that that there is something that is holding them up at this point that is not us and I think it might have to do with some final to Stage or CRC or something I I don't [Music] know work I think they're complet all the C have been State I one of the last post they put up was that they has paperwor so and I don't know regulatory they so could they have all the approvals at a committee level that they need um I would imagine it would be administratively internal to the Regulatory Commission um but I don't know again I had intended to try and talk to them today and I just didn't get because I wanted to I wanted to understand way they were if this is the one that they're looking for you know that would require some conversation that's it I have this evening for caucus for new business um we approved the use of facilities for music best any else anyone new business like to discuss [Music] approve okay um approval use facility for music yes so I have an application here from the U merville music committee they are looking to use September 21st 2024 as the date this year's Music Fest um there's a little I would say to be advis to be depending on the location if there's any type of work that's being done in their usual area but they do map out all the uh the contingency options and things as they get closer to the date has been signed off by Public Works community development director Chief Patty and um just looking for approval today for that dat there is no I [Music] know um MP months later say they should follow that what's the obser what what other space are they propos if we try unavailable which it may be unavailable I think there's strong Rebecca reached out to me about meeting to talk but that won't work because of the size of the stage something with the stage would work has to get delivered like the night before so it has to be somewh where a stage canor and then option see the Center Street stage near okay well let's we'll continue to work on that I I would expect and I'm not going to put words in the County's mouth but we're going to have a meeting with the County on East Park Avenue like I said first week in February they'll be out by the end fe uh and probably construction late moving it's not FAL funded it's all their but it's also I mean I say that at the same time this has been a coordinated effort with the F walkway the same time so I don't they're not re bid together because P walkway is federal monies walkway is going to be slower because we have to ask for additional subal dolls that street stting the maybe I think it goes down the B later because I just think we have to get of funds because everything P so much more compared to the 2016 p r that's what this is so um I that's why I said ask me talk about I mean I can talk about it answer so okay Andrew's moving that I have a second second Mr uh any other discussion I have a question about that area it's the flashing light that crosses it doesn't always work I find it works like let's this all right all in favor close now that so County did their work on the road they hit some wire in there they're saying they have they don't get a wi because when weh have come out to test the light the light works when it rains or was in the air there's a short that's happening and it shorts the light then turns out it doesn't [Music] matter just and so then we fall have someone come out to look at it the by the time they get out there and they charges $500 for the site visit to do the investigation and the guy literally told us you need to wait till the thing fully shorts out which is I don't find theal answer but that's the answer I four times yeah that investigations got tell me I figure out's you never seen anything flashlight you know it's workday one side work more the other side um Okay resolution to be approved we have resolution 2423 cancel checks on cash over 6 months resolution 243 I have a motion second mroll call please Cher Mr M yes Mor yes Mr yes thank you uh ordinance for adoption next council meeting will be the bank ordinance which we introduced last meetings you will possibly but not actually not discuss um for those of you uh B burall is going to be closed from 10:30 to 11:30 on Thursday so the first staff invitation Services um anybody else that wants to contribute and ordering tomorrow so I I have money from several people thank you I just got and some people came today so if you want to do anything please do it by tomorrow you can and um don't forget that the B dinner is tomorrow at 5:00 and [Music] [Music] monkey thank you about the location I can send it to all of you I have it and um questions uh no I don't I think so anybody else [Music] anys I don't know [Music] why not all right I'll motion [Music] 30 separate violations