it's [Music] no know fin how are you Happ [Music] you were [Music] underdressed very [Music] light I than no order this meeting this meeting Hance New Jersey public meetings act it's been advertised in retrospect on Bing board downstairs and through all official bur social media channels I ask that those in attendance uh please put your cell phones on silent uh kids make as much noise as they want and put you down uh but if you need to speak with somebody while this I ask you to do so outside chamb Mr Mr M here mores here Mr Mr Mr wood here thank you very much a little bit out of order and we'll move into new business and sing in police officers applic councel uh this always a uh an honor to be able to do this to welcome new off into our community become a part of our bur part of our community we don't get to do it too often uh but this evening we have two officers that we're going to be swearing in so um first the Mr you want to come on [Music] up the resolution first at the end okay we'll do that we'll adopt Council 2426 and R 2428 uh a consent agenda I have a motion second a motion to Second call Mr M yes Mr yes Mr wood yes okay so now official pay the big who would you like to come up and hold the Bott everybody absolutely you ready okay right hand through Sol swear that I will faithfully and partially and justly perform all the duties of bur merch police officer police offic according to the best of my ability so help me congratulations welcome congratulations thank you congratulations I say your name to S swear that I will faithfully and justly all the [Music] off [Music] ACC congrulations on back not getting out thank [Music] you okay um and at the of War every you can all go celebrate you don't have to sit here and watch us congratulations thank you guys thank you better okay we'll go back into regular word here the first matter on the agenda this evening is the public portion of the meeting and public anything name and address okay seeing none we're going to move on from the public portion of the meeting uh and we'll move into our other new business uh item number two in our new business is discussion the shade tree ordinance uh regarding removing repl trees on private property coun discussed this a little bit there's ordinance out there councilman Woods do you want to take a lead on this and what the status is where we think we're go yeah so just a couple things I know the last meeting we had a few recommendations that we took back to change trade uh they had L of feedback um in regards to the the the fine that would be assessed oration that would be provided if if the the president decided not to property differ is AED if they [Music] go um so the the sh recommendation was to add s $50 if they said would be bare market value for any type of rep aage replacement yes um so 7 is what they recommended uh I had went back to them and and told them that Council was interested in potentially suing no net loss uh they were open to the idea uh so this is where I uh we have Mak first toact this DP continues to come back with changes to model ordinance I think we P out until April see if there's any additional changes and then we can at that time but I don't we act until we have that is I I I mean we're have to Mo forward I just I don't want to put something in place and then we feel I think thato [Music] matter I I would be that I think that if we're going to pursue that roundout my recommendation would be that we take out the diameter t so it's just one for one you're not placing one tree or two trees regardless of the tree it's onee we're going to provide this of subjected trees that are acceptable and then one for yeah that's but I think create we also need create a 5k process where that's we planing on Residential Properties if it's happening on B property the shade Tre is making recommend [Music] suggestions 100% I love that whole concept I think that there's so many like questions about resents who like know treat Ed of the property this Mak very clear time you want take your property orrow property you can but this is what's going to cost you and tree thate this again even since we started taking this up they Chang it so [Music] I this no modification you don't have anybody going actually not um I am concerned with $750 though I feel like that's a lot of money yeah um and I I appreciate sh Street's concern I appreciate spe um I have a concern that's that's a little too mizing to people and then people will now pictures down and not be involved in the process and then we're going to get into you and I discussed earlier which is actually just a feature of our code enforcement as a whole is Neighbors reporting other neighbors um I just I it seemed like a lot of money when you're already spending a few Brands to take a tree down potentially rather $300 I was Tre perspective they would say that the floor should be I they didn't plan reasonably have something that I $300 you ask Advance work or it's if we discover own that's to funds you have funds you know you want to word it pre pre- removal or post removal AG but you're getting uh you're getting close to the you get that side um I just I let's just keep taking a look at that and find a Reon um I I don't have a specific number in mon I just don't want to be tooing yeah um I wouldn't encourage people so the 750 number was the was putting the difference between so i s [Music] they all right for the process of what went down okay thank you I [Music] appreciate so we get appreciation probably what other finds I think you may have what if the person from the list Tre they want to to yes they have right to do 750 is in L it's planting decided they purchas and then Don to I can see like doing own but what if they're like not expensive I can go to a nursery and get the family discount and then Don the tree the the 750 is not just the cost of the tree as I understand from shade tree would be cost to planted maintain it to some level we get one of those watering bags around so there's additional cost into that 750 yeah whatever it is so I don't know I don't know that that we permit that now um any [Music] ordinance yeah probably bu what size that's okay actually we we aren't controlling that we can um if they take a tree down on property Ty tree that weiding on our list can spend whatever the market will bear to to replace that and the reality is we don't have week out so do requ them to maintain the TR for two years so years we don't have I mean I and I'm interest see the intent behind p but I perspective I don't think we do that okay so we'll take a week and see attitude on that to see if DP makes any additional changes let's just consider that um donation number anything and [Music] then acting the beginning of April to introduce and approve April 8 if they don't move the deadline for May right April 8 give us the adoption the 22nd that correct no Easter there aren't any other Poli okay uh next next item is the discussion regarding uh pocket pocket liquor licenses we kind of touched on this at the last meeting I think but we are preparing an RFP uh and we'll be ready to release that RFP on July 1st to uh see if we can get um private owners of inactive or donate liquor licenses in our neighboring communities so uh it will Beall and Cherry Hill I don't think we can get creative enough [Music] to my understanding would be that the the municipality would have to agree to that it would be when it becomes where they can give it to another neighbor in town is after the license orderer doesn't sell it or doesn't use it for two years and then the so would be they're not no no it's the private owner need to respond to the RSP and then get [Music] approv so it's not it's not a it's not aaction s in or us now they get a piece of the P they get a fee for allowing the transfer to occur but as I understand that that's like a stand then no we would then have the rights to sell the license to somebody for use and what happens if that user gives up the license in future or goes they sell that license to somebody else the same process would apply and it goes years we don't that doesn't now go into our column right merille doesn't own that license I don't believe there is no ownership rights to it it is basically just a way of transferring into another Community license I think that the LIC could sell to a subsequent purchaser the within our within our right but I don't think it revert back to us it doesn't revert back to us I would imagine it would cons so they respond to R then they buyer within no so we we we we're the middle yeah we buy a license and we sell it and we sell it for that market the same basically we could probably make a premium one but we can't there are limits in I'm just trying to figure out how go back to the previous own you can't find doesn't go back to the owner go back to the community okay so so we have it we can't find anybody within years to who wants to take it go back again whoever we yeah I don't think that's back to the the community that owns the license have the right to issue the license we have a a license to issue the license that's our our ownership interest we have a license and as far as cost to the burrow it's market value whatever and then we return regular regular disposition of a license for municipalities and those continuous now what happens is they have to respond to our RFP owner of the license so if they respond to two different rfps one coming from yeah Cher Hill I guess you could say has s out an RP and that same owner sends a response into them and a response into us and ter wall was a better deal then that person goes there and basically we'll bow out of our RFB response but we wouldn't get into a situation as we really wanted that I how much we put out purchas license there are some there's some language St dictate with the average of certain amount of sales in your community over a certain period of time or neighboring I can't remember exactly and that's why uh one of the other reasons for this being on is that to be ready okay we need to we need to be in a position to Value what we're going to which can be done by right so we have we work so we're not buying we are buying a license to sell we buy1 we what if we can't turn around and sell we thought sell sell didn't happen do we forfeit that thing in like two years or get $100,000 back I don't think I I I don't know the next so I if I told you that that's 100% risk on ours I might be lying it could be risk on us yeah um I don't know the statute presumes that you're going to be able to up the license immediately because you're a community which is the void of LIC we could okay it's m yeah the requirement is it has to be right now a property in a Redevelopment or Rehabilitation Z our entire Community is Rehabilitation so I'm not you know we did that over um and in terms of you know I don't want to say too much because there is a process a public process for sale of this said but I do know there are interested parties that I have spoken does that mean it's 100% absolutely we actually wouldn't be paying P off so just as a for instance I um I contacted real estate and he said that he doesn't J Captain okay so to be ready we should consider you know that maybe at the next meeting or we'll have to know that before the RFP goes out again the RFP at the earliest we can go out would be July because there was six months run after the law was passed and I'm sure there's regulations that written that could provide guidance stuff um but I won't be ready to get out there and Le see where our options are see your response you know and if respond um so that's the update all right we have two use of facility approvals that are pening this evening first is American legan ppsu and we have second part of [Music] a little bit more detail uh the first one for the um for the walk on the bike PA was scheduled for June 29 how many years eight eight eight years [Music] and it has all the approvals and pass [Music] so the second one to move move both at the same time again the merch bbo and um part Day event this occurs again on Center Street between the school and for Saturday June 1st 11 a to 3 those also first F been approved by all Public Works official and chief mclud makes a motion to approve those second Mr M yes yes Mr M yes um next we [Music] have next we have an ordinance to be introduced this is an ordinance for introduction person reading the consider for adoption uh at the second meeting in March March 25th uh this is ordinance 2402 chapter 16 B privately owned salt storage um as we previously discussed regulations from DP this one likely not applicable to the Bur that on home for Public Works uh so this one doesn't require as much P out as [Music] second mrd Mr yes Morales Mr Mr W yes thank you uh next we have uh consent agenda for Resolutions 24 25 2429 2430 and 2431 uh everyone okay moving those as a group yes hearing no objections to that uh I'll read record resolution 2425 appr by Council alol and brother resolution 24-29 Professional Services for reconstruction project of sunet ad resu 24-30 approval to fire a real provide property evaluation and resolution 2431 proove application Department of Community Affairs Mr first second Mr Mr yes Morel yes okay thank you um the next meeting uh is on March 11 um the only [Music] do uh we will be trying to schedule um a public session at some point soon regard to mul excuse walkway uh there's a final stakeholder presentation uh after they've met with number of other groups in town so we're going try maybe late Mar we'll see we sched design changes um and then uh we will at the next meeting and iend to have on this meeting iot to add it was just bring that park at streets gate and present it to council because have done a nice uh nice model that we had been constru this year for the BRS it was it was 2016 there were definitely timelines changed a lot of that um we you know the senses that we could potentially start construction that by the end of this year more like [Music] not what's that a commissioner there exactly um so I I don't I thinka I'd love to say4 but it's very un because we have to go back for addition funding Associated um for the improvements being made there but the the county uh road project on East Park WI and streetcape improvements that are going to be made there they're going to be putting in um flashing beacons just like we have on Center Street Hope up um yeah intersection five [Music] intersection Street um so that uh there's a lot of designs there intended the crosswalks in those area are going to look like Center Street with the brick book crosswalk so it should [Music] be they are interested I I don't not in this project but they're not against it um um I I think we be ultimately in favor that there are a lot of things that have I think that's future project so okay uh anything else for the good can I take five minutes for session session [Music] second [Music] take