##VIDEO ID:tycqbbsdo9U## just do you need a pen [Music] [Music] game [Music] the for stands one nation indivisible comp New Jersey public meetings act adver retrospect pool downstairs and through all official bur social media channels ask for those of you who are here with us uh in person you please put your cell phones on Sil if you need to speak to somebody business please do so outside of council chambers Cher pres Mr MCL here M Morales here Mr per pres Mr here Mr Woods here have thank you very much first it is the public P the meeting public Wish Come forward to speak on any topic please forward state your name and address for the record okay hearing and seeing none we close that portion of meeting we move on to the public hearing on ordinance 24-11 police salaries police years 2024 7 anyone from the public wishes to come forward uh and speak on that ordinance please come forward state name address for the record okay hearing and seeing none close that public he ordance 2411 police police years 2024 2027 uh and we'll move towards adoption 2411 police for police 2024 2027 I have a motion so Mr wood with first M Morales second any discussion on the ordinance 2411 discussion call Mr Fitzgerald I Mr M yes M Morales yes Mr perel Mr Mr yes thank you very much old business first old business is sign or um so this is S updates the R1 properties related to all signage 'll recall we had a couple people come up who Express concerns about signs on personal properties sizes of ETC number of signs um and since we are through what could have been perceived to maybe be a time of conflict uh where bringing these issues up might that created more of an issue than needed to be uh I wanted to revisit this issue and start talking about a path forward um we obviously are dealing with limitations based upon uh constitutional law uh but at the same time I think that we should at least consider uh some discussion about limiting the size of science or amount or total square foot or something on uh properties that are in the Residential Properties in our district we have no sign ordinance that speaks to that and I think that it's something that um we should consider so um looking for volunteer take the lead on that council members kind of want to take the lead practicing working with Mr to do that entertain any any interest um obviously there's be different views so I would encourage you guys to reach out all the members of council putting these together [Music] exactly you ahead and send thatle Okay um Mr woods and just I would encourage you guys to reach out to the members of council get their important thoughts um you know I can B at times and I don't want to put a position on on what you youve said before but there is some compelling argument to stay out it uh at some level um there's also I think some compelling argument to to have some of guide rails on these things [Music] so so anyway um this is not something ipate you guys finished with this will be something 25 Council I'd like to get moving on that so that what's that by November 25 Place well I mean whether it's November 25 or whatever the next time that the situation comes up where it it is something that is that people are upset about maybe have something to point to so we can advise we can advise our staff how to manage it as this this has been on books for a very long time was put in place by Republican Administration put about that um are you sure was it was so but bottom line is you I think it's I think people are reasonable yeah I think regard signage or any type of signage limiting to a certain square foot to that's that's aesthetic yeah just limited to to a total yeah okay good I look forward to the that [Music] is the C the frame still up yes the don't frame the mini gold okay cool okay uh anything else on that all right uh Somerset construction delay update so this is more of an FYI for Council I don't know if you noticed but subet Avenue has not been constructed uh we had to make you know emergency um arrangements so that people could get there on Election Day we had uh you know we had a host of issues there we've s had a number of issues trying to get people in and out of for events um we have sent a number of letters and correspondents to the contractor uh their contract time runs out on November 29th uh therefore if they are not completed by the 29th or substantially complete they will subject themselves to liquidated damages and the like we put them on notice that we are going to be sending uh or calling their bond reached out to their insurance company to make sure that the insurance that they provided to us is still no no they're not they're not make actually no they're not making any claims we didn't do any well not you know listen when we start liqu D Tri but uh no it's not it's not an issue for us at this point they're they're in a number of they violated a number of Clauses in contract uh to ensuring access to Residents in the there's a resent has not had access in or for six weeks supposed to be at the end of every day so um we course we have received notification from them they're going to be out there tomorrow good I can't R it might rain more no I'm saying overall for theay no days in the last [Music] 45 have th too yeah they're going to do double overtime thanks um so I it was more of an update to you to the to the extent that anybody's asking you about it so that you're aware hey we are taking very hard St on this we're not happy either and um we I guess I'll update you guys in December um to let you know what's going on but hopefully I will not have to update the stream will be completed um if it isn't then we will call had some else do I I would imagine that won't be result this is not a ping company that is Fly by Night this is welln Maris so this isn't like some new kid on the Block it's not so it's uh just don't bre so anyway any other questions on that that I can answer didn't they have another Street or was that somebody else just some was also wasn't it what that they did before no something was West just sorry all right any other questions number it for new business read by agenda council is willing objection okay um resolution 24106 authorizing transfer of tax sale premiums and Trust to current fund resolution 24107 demands for breakfast to Santa event resolution 24108 dedication by Ryder resolution 24109 budget transfers resolution 24-10 cancel emergency appropriation Mo second Mr first Mr F second please Mr hi Mr M yes Mr Mor yes mrno yes Mr yes yes thank you very much ccel um that is the end our agenda the only thing I I will say uh first we are expecting that jinen will be submitting a proposal or application or some document um requesting uh support for a consumption L at their site now they've met with I think majority of the council members uh or at least all the council members who wish to meet with them um I advise them to put something in writing send it to us in advance we don't want some presentation to be I said first off that's probably the worst thing you can do um so I expect I think the email from rebec indicated that they were going to send something by the end of this week and uh if we do receive it in sufficient time uh that I feel comfortable you've received it had a chance to view it uh and and consider questions you might have uh then I do plan on having that on the agenda for our next meeting which is December 9th um if they do not submit it in a timely fashion and basically that means if it's not to me earlier than the fourth I'm not I'm not put on the agenda uh because there's a lot of questions I think that will arise as a result of this and I want to give Council enough time to sit consider it before they come and make the presentation uh everyone okay with that sort of timeline and framework um I don't want to you know we gave them an opportunity to speak to everybody and you know I want them to have an opportunity to make the application and talk to us uh hear your concerns or or where you think that you may be supportive of it so that they can make a decision one way or another how they want to move forward you know whether it's approved or not um [Music] um we need to do anything convert our means [Music] to okay um otherwise uh we have this weekend on Saturday small bsiness Saturday there's the Sip and Shop event for our small businesses so make sure to try and do your best to publicize that and get out there and support our small businesses encourage others to do so [Music] um house tour house tour is on the seven is on we haven't already responded do so Toca out and um have a great Thanksgiving we have a lot to be grateful for so U anything else for good order I'll accept the motion to every [Music] sh [Music] think [Music] FL whole we