##VIDEO ID:PgOUvY639GI## e e e e e e e e e e e e e TJ you're running the meeting right I guess so here we go all right so at this time I'll call uh this afternoon's uh meeting of the methan school committee uh to order uh the date is Wednesday October 2nd 2024 the time is 403m and I'll ask uh Mr Royce to call the role Ryan dolio May Beth Donovan here Lori Keegan here Kristen Maxwell here Daniel shabila here Kenneth wette here acting mayor DJ borgard here and I neglected to mention at the outset that we are meeting remotely via Zoomer I may have mentioned that I'm sorry if I did or did not um so uh at this point uh I believe what we need to do do is uh and correct me if I'm wrong Madam superintendent we need to entertain a motion to enter into executive session so moved no um so we need a motion in a second to accept the agenda for October 2nd 2024 as presented there we go do we have that motion so move all right who who threw the first one out there I believe it was danan shilia all right so member shilia U makes the motion the second is from Vice chair uh the vice chair uh we'll take a roll call vote Ryan isago mayor Beth Donovan oh we just lost her Lori Keegan yes Kristen Maxwell yes Daniel shabila yes Kenneth wette yes acting mayor DJ borgon yes so the agenda has been accepted uh I'm sitting here in the office I actually do not have the agenda in front of me uh are there any other items on the agenda Mr Royce except for the executive session um I believe that Vice chair Keegan has um the sheet that has the next item which is public participation okay so is there any anyone in the zoom audience who would like to participate in public participation secretary has anyone emailed you a public participation no they have not at this time we will close public participation portion of the meeting all right and now is the executive session okay great so we'll now entertain a motion to enter into executive session so moved no moved motion from the vice chair second for member shabila we'll take a roll call vote on entering into executive session and uh the body will not uh meet in open session we will adjourn from the executive session Ryan daglio mayor Beth Donovan Lori Keegan yes Kristen Maxwell Kristen Maxwell yes sorry Daniel shabila yes Kenneth wette yes acting mayor DJ borad yes um one second before we go um pursuant to mglc 30A section 21 A3 to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining or litigation if any open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining or litigation position of the public body and the chair so declares units a c and custodians all right I'll make that declaration and we are now entering into executive session Dr Quang you have a different um e