[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] crumble cookie generic good evening this is the Mudan Board of Education meeting for Tuesday March 12th 2024 would you all rise to the flag salute please thank you notice of meeting please I hereby make the statement to indicate compliance with the open public meetings act known as chapter 231 of the public laws of New Jersey 19 1975 which became effective 90 days after enactment January 19th 1976 notice of this meeting was given by providing the location time and date of this meeting and posting of the same on the front door of the Board of Education offices by delivering copies to the burrow Hall and the matachin public library the home news and Tribune and by filing a copy with the bur clerk as prescribed by this law thank you roll call please Mr bot yes Miss Cook not here here not here Mr derflinger here miss demg here Mr lassberg here Dr Johnson Marcus let me know earlier that she was not going to be here today Miss Colleen here Mr lifton here Dr spner here Mr sth here thank you uh Dr Caputo um since I think I see a mermaid in the audience I we must have a Showcase of success this evening we do we have students and teachers today we'll start out with a preview of the High School Musical uh this weekend tonight senior Katherine Meyer will give us a preview of the MHS foot lighters upcoming spring musical Disney's The Little Mermaid as I said performances are Friday Saturday and Sunday Friday and Saturday at 7 Sunday at 2 uh for tickets visit mhsf foot lighters.com Katherine is playing the role of Ariel and the Little Mermaid and we'll sing Part of Your World which showcases Ariel's dream to live with humans up on the shore the footlighters can't wait to see at the show I'm look looking forward to seeing as well and Katherine thanks for being here [Applause] [Music] tonight look at this stuff isn't it neat wouldn't you think my collection's complete wouldn't you think I'm the girl the girl who has everything look at this troll Treasures Untold how many wonders can one Cavern hold looking around here you'd think sure she's got everything I've got gadgets and gizmos of Plenty I've got who it's and what's it's Gore you want think about I've got 20 but who cares no big deal I want more I want to be where the people are I want to see want to see them dancing walking around on those what are you call feet flipping your fins you don't get too far legs required for jumping dancing strolling along down the what's that word again Street up where they walk up where they run up where they stay all day in the sun wondering free wish I could be part of that world what would I give if I could live out of these Waters what would I pay to spend a day warm on the sand bet on land they understand but they don't reprimand their daughters bright young women sick of swimming ready to [Music] stand and ready to know what the people know ask my questions and get some answers what's a fire and why does it what's the word bur when's it my turn wouldn't I love love to explore that Shore up above out of the sea wish I could be part of [Music] [Applause] that just wonderful thank you so much for coming tonight and sharing that with us and you'll be able to share with everyone if they buy tickets and come on March 15th March 16th or March 17th it's very Friday Saturday Sunday 77 and 2 o' just wonderful thank you again beautiful job awesome job they're going to hustle back now because they have uh Tech rehearsals and everything lead up to the show singing earlier which is why we're here that's why we're in this room today in the cafeteria everything old is new again uh so we have more we do so next up we have some teachers um so each year we honor our teachers of the year and those teachers of the year are really two parts uh as part of the state program it's the governor's educators of the year and the educational services professionals I'm going to read all all all were invited somewh not able to come tonight I'm going to read all of our um honores all fully out of all of them and we really thank in addition as well as congratulations those that could come out tonight for us as well um actually new hires is next but since I set that up let's do our teers all right uh so first from Moss um Miss Tina Hubert is not here tonight miss Kelsey young is here so Miss Young if you come up to the uh the mic to let the board congratulate [Music] you um good evening thank you to the matachin school district for this wonderful honor um thank you to my colleagues and the administration for the recognition it has been a privilege to work with my preschool students both past and present and their families thank you again thanks H thank you from Campbell School our teachers of the year assadi riswan who couldn't be here tonight and miss Lindsay Omar who is here hi [Applause] [Music] Lindsay um being named teacher of the year for Campbell is an incredible honor and I just want to thank everyone who made that possible so first and foremost my co-teacher of six years Jenny Pasqual um none of the work that I do is possible without her she is the pillar on which I stand um to my students their curiosity and their laughter is my spark um to the families and the matachin community that I've worked alongside with I continue to feel your support and I cannot thank you enough um to my colleagues for your collaboration and dedication I'm constantly learning from each of you um I want to thank the leaders of our school who believe in the power of education and who Empower teachers um and to my family and friends who support me outside of school um teaching takes I think two equal parts love and learning um any kindness that comes within me comes from my mother um and my love of learning is a product of my father's Legacy um he had a deep admiration for learning um and matachin has provided me with so many professional growth opportunities and for that I'm very very thankful um while I'm standing here I also just wanted to take the opportunity to speak on behalf of Sadia riswan she was named Campbell school's Educational Services professional of the year and she couldn't be here tonight so having worked alongside Sadia this year and for many years I can conf ID L say that she embodies everything that this award represents Mrs rzan has a love of learning that shines in our classroom she supports students through challenges Fosters environment of Engagement and curiosity and works seamlessly with teachers she's compassionate she is resilient and she is humble I'm a better teacher and human because of her influence Sadia is an exceptional educator who consistently demonstrates a commitment to the students and Campbell school would not be the same without her so again I'm really grateful for this recognition and hope that I can continue to make a positive impact in whatever capacity that I can thank you thanks Lindsay we appreciate and thanks for the families that have come out tonight to support your uh teachers of the Year from Edgar school we have Karen Logan um thank you very much it's an honor to um receive this teacher of the year or educator of the Year award in the town that I was born raised and raising and teaching in now um um I couldn't have done it without my colleagues especially my wonderful co- teer Beth mlin we've been working together for I don't even know how many many many years now um as well as the administration and my my family my daughter is here to support me today um so thank you very much congrat [Applause] [Music] congrats also for ED from edar school is Patricia [Applause] Lewis Trish your last chance to win this award so it was a good year to win it as you're apparently um this was an award that really meant a lot to me um especially because um I want it alongside of Karen Logan who I think is a phenomenal teacher um she does wonders for our special education students even though she's a general education teacher um the fact that a lot of the teachers that you're going to see coming up here are from the special ed Department I think just speaks to how strong our special ed department is and um it's something that I'm looking forward to being able to you know help continue and try to get even more of our special ed teachers to be a teacher of the year and things like that but this is an honor that I really um took to heart because my colleagues were the ones that chose me um Power professionals wrote beautiful um letters of Rec recommendation for me and it really just meant a lot um and I'm looking forward to my continuing Journey here in mouin excellent chge thanks and from the high school we have Nicole benatti who was not able to be here tonight and an [Music] Bernett hi um thank you so much for this recognition um it is truly an honor to teach our wonderful and talent ented students at matachin high school I am so grateful to work with such a supportive Administration and such a fantastic and wonderful staff at matachin high school so thank you so much again I really truly appreciate it thank [Applause] you well congratulations to all of you on the honor as you say I'm sure it's incredibly meaningful as you were voted by your peers for this honor but we are not your peers but it still gives us the opportunity to congratulate you and thank you and thank you for coming tonight and giving us at that opportunity and on behalf of the uh students of matachin since so many of us are parents we want to thank you for everything you do in the classroom and it's wonderful that you were able to have this recognition and we had the opportunity to recognize you so thank you for coming tonight one one more group it will be our new hires maybe it was good that those new hires maybe will be our future educators of the year so um as you know we've returned to the um the tradition of inviting new hires to a a meeting um when they can meet the public in the board um often boards are asked to act on recommendations by the superintendent um and you're always very supportive and a lot of questions based but you're based basing those decisions on a resume and a recommendation so we'd love to bring bring forth the folks that we're really proud about uh our new hires so we'll start tonight with our new Edgar industrial arts teacher Nick [Applause] Tay uh thank you very much I just want to thank you for the opportunity uh the program itself means a lot to me um I graduated from autan high school I had my predecessor Frank Jones for three years I had three years with Lenny scudney who was amazing uh they both taught me everything I know about Woodworking and how to be a very memorable teacher um so I'm very excited to be here and thank you very much awesome thanks than thank you for coming next up our new uh Moss special education teacher Lauren caran hi everyone um some of you actually might know me I grew up in town some of you might know my parents my mom works at the high school but I've been at the Moss special ed room now for about a month and I've been having great time to get to know the kids and pair with them I can't wait for the rest of school year to learn with them excellent Lord thank [Applause] you and St with the special ed uh theme our Edgar special education teacher Alexis Walford hi everyone um I just want to thank you for the opportunity um I teach at Edgar the self-contained um uh classroom and I've had the opportunity to do some pretty cool things with them this year going on CPI trips which was new for me because last year I taught in first grade so it was a big difference going from first grade to uh middle school but going on cbii trips with them with another teacher we started up a coffee cart with actually a fourth year special ed teacher Miss Thompson and we've been doing power hour which is a reverse mainstreaming opportunity and we're just excited to continue the things with the kids and I just want to thank you for the opportunity it's awesome thank you Lex and the cleanup spot for us tonight last uh meeting the board hired on our first full-time uh Moss principal only at for Mo school and that's Jennifer asperis and we welcome you back to matou and Jen good evening it is with great excitement and pleasure that I introduce myself as the newly appointed principal of moss school as a lifelong resident of matachin and alumni of Metuchen high school I'd like to thank you all for this once in a-lifetime Opportunity as a little girl in the halls of moss school I probably never dreamed of one day becoming the principal but thanks to the dedicated staff and supportive School Community an important message resonated throughout my entire experience in matachin and then through my whole life yes you can you can do whatever you put your mind to you can achieve your dreams you can reach the highest Heights you can and you will I am honored to continue that Legacy and to inspire and grow the next generation of innovators humanitarians and leaders I look forward to connecting with each of you in the upcoming months as we celebrate the achievements of moss School thus far and create a future vision of moss together thank [Music] you welcome wonderful thank you um the end that's the end okay well thank you all for coming both our honores and our new new teachers and new administrators appreciate it I know it's a Night Out away from family and you know you spend so much time in our schools you know it's extra time tonight but we really do appreciate the opportunity to welcome some of you and congratulate others so thank you very much for coming appreciate [Applause] [Music] it okay um the meeting is now open to the public if anybody has a comment on any topic everyone is running away from the microphone okay seeing none I'll close that section uh I don't we do have a presentation we do have one presentation Miss L and yeah it's the final um segment of the budget um and between Mr harvier myself and we have uh U Mr Cathcart here to present the Athletics piece so I'll invite him up Mr Harvey anything to set the um stages Mr cathart comes to the mic no I can't think okay we're all said so thanks M kathar for being here tonight we appreciate you presenting the Athletics part of the budget all right well it's it's great to be here and we really appreciate the support of the board as you know we are kind of growing into our group two role right now some of our teams are still in group one because of the numbers of teams throughout the state but a lot of them have moved into that group to role right now you are supporting 23 Varsity Sports including both of our cheerleaders and that's without adding our newest edition of flag footballs which eventually in the next year or two will become a VAR City Sport and we've got a lot of interest right now building into it so I think we're going to be uh in pretty good shape for the next couple of years the first page of this really outlines all of our uh uh accounts that include right from salary straight on down to equipment and a lot of that has to do with the increase in uh equipment and supplies that we've had over the last few years and I'm sure with the referendum out there you realize how much things have changed as far as prices go we just quoted today because our softball pitcher happens to like a different kind of softball a dozen yellow softballs which came to $140 a dozen so you can imagine where we're going as far as equipment goes and as far as uniforms so it's gotten very expensive for us and we keep you know trying to do the best we can with the the money that's allotted to us but again there are 23 Varsity Sports and does uh everybody's looking for money that's the way it works the second page of it is more of a breakdown it gives you the idea of the amount of coaches the estimated number of events that we have and those events that were in here as far as Transportation goes we kind of over the top a little bit because we include what might be as far as GMC games go as far as State Games go and as far as tournament uh outside such as softball's playing in the suicide awareness tournament in April and also doing the Autism Awareness tournament uh so they do their part as far as community service goes so the girls really set themselves uh out and above uh when the other piece of that is the coach's salaries uh cleaning and reconditioning most of the cleaning and reconditioning has to do with helmets uh football gets the the brunt of that each one of the helmets now that in football have gone to almost $400 per helmet so they need to be reconditioned every single year and they have a shelf life of about 7 s years after that they're done and they need to be replaced uh field hockey and baseball and softball also with helmets uh they need to be reconditioned also so that's part of the reconditioning process there officials prices they never stop going up football prices for an official I'm going to say two or three years ago was about $80 and it's now $120 per game for each official so that continues to go up plus they had an official so instead of five now we have six uh and six mistakes um after that you'll see the uniforms and the uniforms we try to do a rotation on that uh the girls soccer you're probably going to notice that that's kind of low this year basically because they're only in the need of white shorts the white shorts that we take out on the grass take a serious beating and uh they need to be replaced probably every two or three years so that's why that's a little bit low they're jerseys are in good shape but the uh the shorts themselves are in a little bit of a struggle and the total cost and the number of athletes are are to the right of that as you can see it some of the numbers are a little low some of the numbers have bounced up so we're still in the process of trying to recruit kids out of this out of the uh hallways but at this point those are basically the numbers that we're seeing right now the last page of that is Edgar Sports and again that's uh a very minimal amount as far as equipment goes and as far as uniforms go most of the equipment that they buy uh it's kind of shared between the varsity and the uh the middle school for example with swimming we purchased the the swim caps through the varsity and we split them with the middle school because there's not as many of the kids in the Middle School uh but you usually end up having to buy a 100 caps for each one of those kids or for that that team uh and that's pretty much it I mean right in front of you is is in black and white is exactly what we try to keep ourselves within that that uh framework and for the most part we're able to do it sometimes the like I said as far as equipment and supplies go it does go up and each year it's an increase so you know we do the best we can with it thank you Mr cathart thank you um questions from the board Mr sus yes thank you uh Mr cgart for the report couple questions um line item 32 um probably the biggest Delta increase which is $3,500 in the misscellaneous line I think uh I think Dr Caputo suggested that was for huddle that was for hdle but like huddle really went I mean we have that every year that went up $3500 huddle last year lot more than that uh the Huddle that we last year was the first year that we had it I thought I thought we had something we that were required to give like tapes of our games and stuff to yeah but the the the um Advanced version for lack of a better word last year was the first year right John am I remembering that correctly yes so we had to do a transfer this year for the for for for for huddle so that's why it's appearing in next year's budget as a big increase so why all of a sudden like we've had to give the advaned tapes for years right right why all of a sudden that we have to pay for so so there's different levels of service with huddle we had the basic service um last year so this year we're planning for this advance to continue it's now in the part of the budget this Advanced service allows coaches to gather stats and do scouting right out of huddle not just a recording of the game but a detailed breakdown of stats and it's a great teaching tool and a great coaching tool for our coaches so it's a it's a increased level of service and it's strictly for football though no no no no no it's basketball it's wrestling it's football um can be used in the the they have for soccer also it's called a flex camera so you can take the camera out on the field we have a lot of kids at this point that are interested in playing in college and one of the problems that we've had was that we couldn't film the soccer games because of the positions of the field the flex camera allows us to do that so we can take that actually out on the field recorded in huddle and it goes automatically online it also breaks it down for the coaches so the coaches can see positioning they can see statistics they can see shot areas uh it does a lot for correcting the mistakes that go on during a game and the coach can show the kids and the kids are actually seeing now for one of the first times what they're doing on the field and on the court so next year we this is the the the advanced version so next year we won't see the huge increase correct but the only thing we might see an increase for and I don't know if it's worth budgeting now now but I uh Mr catcard mentioned about flag uh girls flag football so for our first two years of flag football we received Grant from the New Jersey uh from the New York Jets um they they've stopped their grant program this year there's so many teams involved that they weren't able to fund all the teams so this year we'll we'll find a way add a surplus to fund the team if it runs and we hope that we we will run this spring uh and we'll have to talk about next year um if we can fit it in the budget it's not currently in the next year's budget but between now and the final budget April we'll have to have those conversations guess Aaron Rogers contract kind of yeah the Jets run out of money um anything else Mr sus no any other questions from the board yes Mr clber uh so I see the number of students participating in the different um Sports is there are we seeing certain Trends in growth or deine uh there's been really kind of a a drop in some of our our female Sports uh softball in particular has taken a dip and it's it's Nationwide I mean it's not just here it's everywhere and that's all sports have actually taken a hit football is actually rebounding from that whole area where the concussion uh thing came out where it was the pros where had all these concussions and people started panicking and kids weren't playing any longer now you see that Trend reversing itself and we get more and more kids out uh and that's again that's a national Trend so softball has taken a little bit of a hit but you can see it in the in the younger grades right now we have a lot of our younger kids it's going to take a year or two to build that number back up but you can see the trend is starting to swing back up again uh our basketball girls basketball and girls soccer uh they've kind of stayed around the same they're not really that much different they're a little bit lower than they'd been in the past but then they've been low before and now they've bounced back up again so I think the trend is starting to swing back but it seems to be the girl sports for for whatever reason where the numbers have dipped okay thank you other questions on the board thank you Mr CG Mr CG guard um Mr harvier the co-curricular uh aspect of the budget please okay so the co-curricular is let's see it's hand out hand out yep hand out four and it lists all of the co-curricular and clubs I obviously won't go through all of them um and this all this information is also posted on our website so in total we spend uh 229,000 on clubs last year we spent 221,000 um and you can just see for yourself by the handouts the number of different different co-curriculum in clubs The District offers princip do a thank you Mr principles do a great job uh with a extensive report every June at the end of the year to determine which clubs will get funded we have a number of volunteer clubs which obviously the board knows about public knows about that we approve them on the agendas but they're not even includeed here so we have a lot of opportunities for students in a touching okay next we so so uh so tonight the board's going to be asked to vote vote on the preliminary budget the final budget hearing is on Wednesday April 24th we have to change that date from Tuesday so the final budget hearing will be on April 24th tonight's the preliminary budget the board will be asked to vote on it it could change between now and April 24th but we're not anticipating any significant changes up to in Prior meetings starting in January February we have reviewed the curriculum curriculum lines custodial maintenance lines Transportation lines special education lines and all those lines are depicted in handout number five I'm not going to go over them again we'll we'll summarize them at the meeting on the 24th t i I'm going to focus on handout six seven and 8 so handout six is for fund 10 only that's the general fund and the tax increase I'll just go right to the bottom line the tax increase for fund 10 is 2.7% the reason that it the as you know as you may know the tax levy cap is 2% the reason we went up to 2.7% is we were allowed to take an adjustment for a health health insurance increase our broker is estimating increase at 10% we can only get the adjustment for for 6% because that's what the State Health Plan went up with went up to we're in the process of negotiating with different um Health Care Providers or health care insurance companies to get a low rate um we don't know where that's going to come in so as of right now we're taking the exception for health insurance and the increase is 2.7% for fund 10 um does anyone have any questions on on handout on this handout handout number six okay handout number seven is fund 40 now this is the first year that the bonds for that referendum are are hitting our budget in the 2425 school year the increase for the bonds for the average average household is $370 um our debt service went from 2.5 million to 7 million but we're all we're using to to to lessen the tax levy or to decrease the tax levy we have 1.6 million in a bond syncing fund that we're using to offset the tax levy and interest earned on the bond proceeds of 480,000 so when we when we when we sold the bonds and we received the bond proceeds we immediately invest invested them uh and through that investment we're going to use some of the interest earned to offset the tax levy so the increase is $370 so the bottom line and when you combine fund 10 and fund 40 is a tax increase for the average House of $596 that's the average house of $211,000 or percent increase for everyone is 6.8% um any questions questions from Mr Harvey by the way I didn't give an opportunity for the board to ask questions on the um extracurricular part of his presentation either if anybody has any questions about that uh we skip past that a little bit um no questions um okay just point out that um obviously the public voted to pass the referendum we are very thankful of that the there'll be a groundbreaking on the 20th at Moss uh where we you know we'll put on our hard hats and get a ceremonial shovel and do all that kind of stuff but um and and here we see the the impact of uh the financial impact of the referendum and it's um it's expensive and we understand the sacrifice of the public took on when they voted for it and we are going to deliver beautiful modern schools for the money that that the public approved in the referendum and once again I just want to thank the public for trusting us that we are going to uh spend that money and build these these buildings and maintain them for um the current and future students of matachin so thank you once again okay do we uh is that the end of your presentation Mike yes okay okay we'll move on to the president's report I guess I just gave my president's report so uh superintendence report nothing further for me just to support thank you for the support of our winter athletes uh moving forward to the spring our spring Sports start this week and you'll have lots of opportunities for concerts and as you heard uh musicals like The Little Mermaid at the high school this weekend Friday Saturday and Sunday thank you uh we'll move on to committee reports uh Mr derflinger curriculum thank you I don't have anything to report our next meeting is next Tuesday okay um Miss Cook would normally be next she is not here this evening was is there a policy report did policy meet policy is not met we'll be meeting later okay thank you Mr bot um Mr glassberg uh construction yes construction met the committee met on March 4th um we discussed the high school field and track uh we there was a recommendation to use the co-op based upon price and quality uh the plan is for completion of the track by September uh the field and track by September 1st the field will still be there for graduation I know that's a concern of uh of a lot of people the track might be more of a black top at that time um since that part will not be completed it'll be started but not completed but the field will be uh usable for graduation the track team may practice and the football team may need to practice in a different location we also discussed communication uh from our committee communication um having a communication committee or hiring a company we discussed those possibilities uh the committee was split about the need for a committee uh or more communication in general um the board president will continue to discuss this matter there was not a recommendation for hiring a communication um director though the groundbreaking as was just mentioned that will be on March 20th at Moss school and a project update the district received the notice to proceed from the architect um contracts and insurance certificates the construction project um does not need a new presentation at the zoning board and the project continues to be on track at this time so we're very very excited for the March 20th groundbreaking and then to start to see um things in action very very soon the next meeting is on April 15th and that is in the matachin high school library that is the one that is open to the public we're doing those every other month approximately so that's at 7 p.m. in the mouin High School uh library and you can meet our Architects and ask questions and they'll do a short presentation at that time thank you thank thank you Mr glasberg uh Miss Killian uh extra curricular yeah thanks extracurricular met last night and uh we talked about a bunch of stuff we had a review of the winter sports Dr Caputo gave us a review of the winter sports season um and uh you know the the records and you know number of students all that kind of good stuff uh we went through a spring Sports preview uh talking about coaches team numbers game schedules that kind of thing uh specifically pointing out that um softball is playing most of their High School uh their games on the high school field uh and baseball also on the high school field for the high school um and the Middle School uh on Edgar field when available now that uh they have the new field right in their backyard um priority is to play all the games in the schools uh where they're where they're from and um not pushing out unless th those fields are unplayable um we talked about the proposed budget for the Athletics and co-curricular lines uh we discussed that this year softball uh at Edgar is going to be open up to sixth grade students we believe because of the numbers in seventh and eth um we discussed field trips a little bit more and um having the students assume the overnight sens for the teachers that um Shone the trips um we talked about the um golf coaches that you'll see some things on the agenda tonight related to some of these clubs uh Sports and clubs um we talked about girls flag football um and um matachin High School Hall of Fame is now accepting um nominations so if anybody has any nominees they would like to suggest uh please do so and then we um finished up talking about construction um both um from the referendum and also with Edgar field um uh update on the mouan high school track which we just heard a little bit about um again constructions on track on the track is set to begin June 1st and construction on the matachin high school field is set to begin the day after graduation so um related topics that we discussed included field usage over the summer um and um practice preparation for fall Sports uh with soccer football and field hockey um graduation path should the track um present a challenge there and then um the you know ideas for the night preliminary discussion with the KN of Lights um if if the lights are not ready um also burrow use the um Burrow's egg hunt which is coming up in two weeks will be on the high school field um and also the it takes a burrow um event for Father's Day so we talked about um potential use there and that was our committee meeting our next one um we I don't have the date to front of me but uh in beginning of April thank you it certainly was a long meeting last night it was a very long agenda I think it it went it was long but it went relatively quickly considering when I looked at the agenda and it was how many bullets on it you know it was it was a long agenda thank you uh Dr spikner um Equity uh we have not met since my last report but we will be meeting next Tuesday March 19th thank you Mr s Finance yes uh we met uh last Monday uh we talked about as uh Mr Harvey alluded to we talked about health insurance and potentially uh moving health health carriers we talked about budget 2425 which is what we went over today fund 10 fund 40 and and the uh uh increase we talked about uh something again that we talked about a previous board meeting me ings uh the utilities uh the utility bill analysis as well as psng coming in and reviewing our uh usage we talked about the future of the Zone uh we talked about Mr yy's favorite T Transportation uh one of the things we're voting on tonight is an increase in busing to $550 per student for for the next year and then there was a bunch of miscellaneous items um class trips in terms of uh making sure that uh for example Transportation chaperon for overnight trips um get fairly allocated back to the people using those trips to better grand for electric bus um we talked about the YMCA um facilities use and then we spend quite a bit of time talking about technology um that was one of the things that we talked about I'm not sure was the last board meeting board meeting before a number of uh questions regarding uh some of the technology spend um turns out not surprising that you know there was a good plan plan there nothing we can do we just got to keep down the path um one uh suggestion actually from Dr spner was uh you know taking a uh look at the you of you know just future use of let's say virtual machines rather than desktop computers um a lot of the focus of the technology uh conversation was really about the network and bandwidth but uh as the as the uh computer Universe evolves you know what are we doing about VMS the cloud uh machines under desktops Etc so hopefully we'll see that soon that's it thank you Mr sus are there any uh questions about any of the um committee reports thank you seeing none we will move on to to miss Demag the student uh board member report greetings matou and Community here's a recap of the exciting events and achievements happening in our town this week in Prior this week the Juniors at matachin high school are taking the NJ GPA exams we wish them the best of luck as they showcase their academic prowers then the anticipation is building up as our talented foot lighters gear up for the spring musical Little Mermaid rehearsals have been in full swing and the performances are scheduled for March 15th to 17th make sure to mark your calendars and come support our local performers then a round of applause for The Ensemble a heartfelt thank you to everyone who attended the recent event on March 5th your support is unvaluable UN valuable and the performance truly appreciate it and congrat congratulations to everyone who took the digital SATs last Saturday best wish best wishes for excellent results we are all in this together and your hard work will undoubtedly pay off this weekend I would like to introduce momentum robotics team is gearing up for their first competition of the Season let's rally behind them as they showcase their Innovation teamwork and technical skills Campbell and Ed Edgar conferences H are going on this week with early dismissals throughout parents make sure to stay connected with your child's progress and teachers appreciate your active involvement to all mean students we hope you continue to Excel and have a nice week ahead thank you thank you Mr inbank any questions for our student representative thank you very much for your report okay moving on we'll move is there any old business from the board seeing none is there any new business from the board seeing none um I'll move the approval of the following Board of Education minutes February 27 2024 special business meeting 1 February 27 2024 special business meeting 2 and February 27 2024 board meeting is there a second Mr glassberg are there any comments or Corrections on those minutes seeing NW call Please Mr bot yes Mr derflinger yes Mr glasberg yes Miss CLE yes Mr lton yes Dr spner yes Mr sus yes motion carries thank you um I'll move to the recommend uh I'm sorry the meeting is now open to the public for any item seeing none we'll close that section and move to the recommendations of the superintendent of schools oftentimes it may appear to members of our audience that the Board of Education takes action with very little comment in in many case is a unanimous vote before a matter is placed on the agenda at a public meeting the Administration has thoroughly reviewed the matter with the superintendent of schools if the superintendent is satisfied that the matter is ready to be presented to the board of education is then referred to the appropriate board committee the members of the board committee work with the administration and the superintendent to assure that the members fully understand the matter when the committee is satisfied with the matter it is presented to the board of education for discussion before any final action is taken only then is it placed on the agenda for Action at a public meeting I'd like to move the Personnel items A1 through A6 is there a second um Mr sus are there any comments or or questions on those items wel call please Mr bot yes Mr derflinger yes Mr glasberg yes Miss Colleen yes Mr lton yes Dr spner yes Mr sus yes motion carries thank you finance Mr sus yes I'd like to move items B1 through b11 is listed on the agenda thank you there second Dr spner are there any comments or questions on those items seeing on one call please Mr bot yes Mr derflinger yes Mr glasberg yes Miss cleen yes Mr lton yes Dr spner yes Mr sus yes motion carries thank you um Mr derflinger curriculum thank you I'd like to make a motion to move items D1 through three as listed on the agenda thank you is there second Dr spner don't be shy uh any comments or questions on those items seeing none wel call please Mr Bob yes Mr Dinger yes Mr glasberg yes Miss Colleen yes Mr Lin yes Dr spner yes Mr sus yes motion carries thank you the meeting is out now open to the public for any topic seeing none we'll close that section and we'll move to announcements Mr Bob great uh just a few things I think uh one all schools are collecting for teacher appreciation week so encourage the community to participate and support our amazing uh teachers PTC fundraiser at Jr's Pub on uh May 2nd um and then spring X next week at Campbell on the heels of a very successful read across Campbell event don't forget uh spring break early dismissal on the 29th and spring break from uh 401 to to the 5th and I would also like to announce that The Little Mermaid is a top 10 musical album of all time in my opinion so please encourage anyone to change my [Laughter] mind and what days are there are they showing and how do you get tickets 15th 16th and 17th and how do you get tickets again how do you get TI mhsf foot lighters.com there you go there you go thank you thank you Mr bot uh at this point I'd like to make a motion to adjourn is there a second Mr derflinger all in favor any opposed I don't think so thank you and good [Music] [Music] night he