##VIDEO ID:aniABlSWtBA## e e e are you and the light a e I was about to say I was wrong I was freaking out for the cons she doesn't need be Hest she's doing great on her own e good was what would have does that's not normal you would front pay for some type of deposit or something to get the contractor money to buy materials yes but not 100% I mean the money's the materials can be bought over time and as the money CHS bought if he hasn't bought them yet pay materal bu next what's that okay yeah no I wouldn't go to good evening good evening this is the matachin Board of Education meeting for Tuesday November 12th 2024 would you all rise to the flag salute please United States Amica yeah thank you notice of meeting please I hereby make the statement to indicate compliance with the open public meetings act known as chapter 231 of the public laws of New Jersey 1975 which became effective 90 days after enactment January 19th 1976 notice of this meeting was given by providing the location time and date of this meeting and posting of the same on the front door of the Board of Education offices by delivering copies to the burough Hall in the matachin public library the home news and Tribune and by filing a copy with the burough Clerk prescribed by this law thank you wel Please Mr bot here miss c um Miss Cook let us know she wouldn't be here this evening all right thank you very much Mr derflinger here Mr glasberg here Dr Johnson Marcus here Miss Colleen Miss Colleen let us know she would not be able to attend and thank you very much Mr Lon here M resta here Dr spner Dr spner let us know she wouldn't be able to attend okay Mr sus and Mr sus as well let us know he wouldn't be able to attend okay we have some guests here right we do you can see the uh stage looks a little different than it normally does uh tonight we have the MHS fall play preview and the MHS footlighters will present the comedy clue on Friday November 15th at 7 p.m. and Saturday November 16th at both 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. tickets are available at mhso lighters.com and at the and also at the door clue is based on the classic board game and the 1985 film of the same name in which six Anonymous guests are given aliases and invited to a dinner party once there they must solve a comedic mystery similar to that of a board game who did it with what and what in what room tonight we'll have an uh we'll present an introductory skit the footlighters can't wait to see you at the show he's dead really I hadn't noticed there's no time to waste who did this really as if the murderer would just fess up like that have you never kept a secret Colonel have you well what for once the colonel is right about something we don't have time and we have to find out who did it well it wasn't me don't me me fine then if no one's willing to confess we have another urgent matter to attend to what what could possibly be more urgent than a murder you know I hate murders who's going to clean this up wow what I'm just impressed he's so calm impressive indeed too calm if you ask me well it's a good thing no one asked you then can we please focus on the task at hand why do we need to clean up don't you have a maid for that Wadsworth ah yes evet we must do look what you did oh sorry sorry I'm a bit hack and prone I'm afraid now we'll never know who the murderer is not necessarily there is one way to find out who did it how if you come watch the footlighters present clue this Friday and Saturday Friday at 7:00 p.m. and Saturday at 2: p.m. and 7:00 p.m. tickets are sold at MHS foot lighters.com and will be available at the door we hope to see you there well see you all then it was a good experience seeing me at least more like good riddance I love puzzles [Music] so Mr LIF the members of the board uh Friday night 7:00 Saturday at 2 and 7 mhsf footlighters docomo uh for your tickets they [Laughter] disappear keeping that suspense going by the way while we're killing time for a moment you know how on the History Channel they they play these like the history of like candy or candy or or cars there was one on board games recently and clue is one of the ones that they talked about it was invented in England and it's got a very interesting sort of backstory and how they marketed it and had to change it for the United States and it was all very interesting I loved it when I was a kid you know they used to have they used to I don't know if it still does I guess it still does with props you had a little prop rope and a little prop uh Candlestick and this this seems really fun look play Brandon I'm still killing time Brandon where are you well thank you for coming tonight it was great to see it and I'm I'm sure it's going to be a great show and I hope you have a full house so uh thanks again thanks for coming thank [Music] [Applause] you good okay um the meeting is now open to the public for any topic seeing none we close that section and move to the presentations Dr Kudo we do we have a presentation tonight uh we're happy to have Mr pry High School principal with us today to present our AP and act data thanks Mr praski for being here really appreciate it thank you uh good evening and thank you for the opportunity uh to share with you the overview of our students AP SAT and ACT results from the 2023 24 school year on this slide you can see the 5-year trend of student participation on the sat on the left hand side the AP in the center on the top and the act on the bottom right in 2023 24 we had an increase in students taking both the SAT and the AP while the ACT remains steady let's take a closer look right now at the advanced placement results this slide highlights the AP total offerings and exams over the past 5 years you will see that last school year we had 22 AP offerings and 506 exams taken just a highlight for you for right now for the 20242 school year we currently have 21 AP offerings with currently 565 exams registered nice um please note however that the number of exams taken might decrease as we get closer to the exam date because that's when uh students start realizing oh I'm not going to be up for taking all of these exams at that point in time uh the next slide highlights all of the AP exams and the numbers of students who took the exams this does not identify the number of students who were enrolled in the course it's the number of students who actually sat to take those a P exams um please note that the asterisk indicates any exam with less than 10 students who sat for the AP exam in Slide Five here this slide highlights the percentage of students in each course who took the AP exam please note the footnote highlighting the fact that students who took the AP language course do not typically take the AP Literature course exam because College will only accept one or the other um AP Literature is also a dual credit course so uh that's also a way for our students to earn credits if they do not sit for the AP Lit exam note the asterisk again highlights any course with less than 10 students not reported on slide six here we have the we're highlighting the number and percentage of students over the past 5 years who received a score of a three or higher remember that a score of a three indicates that a student is college ready in a course typically with a score of a four or a five the college will grant credit for that particular introductory course you'll see that the percentage scores of a three or higher have increased over time remember that 2020 was a different year uh with very different approach to AP exams so that is still considered an anomaly if we look over our 5year cycle here but we do see growth from 2021 to 23 and 24 if we look at the overall AP score average you'll see that our scores have continued to increase and now surpass the average high from 1920 school year again in 1920 was an anomaly delving deeper and going further back because I wanted to make sure that we were uncovering things as we could the highest AP average prior to that time frame that average score was a 3.4 now look at where we are and look at this past year we have eclipsed 20 19 2019 2020 with an average of a 3.85 overall score our next few slides will identify for you the mean scores for AP scores by subject please note when you're looking at these scores you'll see blue is for MHS red is for New Jersey and yellow is identified as the global uh group who have taken the exam in mathematics you'll see that calculus AB outperformed the state and Global results we had an increase of 4.45 last year to 4.57 this year our Calculus BC results reflected a mean of 4.05 with New Jersey being a bit higher and uh while the global mean was a bit lower when looking at the subscore of the ab section of the abbc exam our students performed strong at 4.26 with New Jersey being 800s of a point higher while the global score was a 10th of a point lower our statistics mean score was 2.64 which was lower than both the state and Global scores in science our biology mean score was higher than both the state and Global scores and the same is true for our AP environmental score science scores our AP Physics scores were both lower than the state and the global scores this past year looking at our 21st century scores MHS performed strongly in both microeconomics and computer science principles both performing better than the state and globally when looking at our Spanish language and culture mean score that was very strong again outperforming the state and Global results now taking a look at Social Studies our students mean scores were very strong performing better than the state and Global mean scores in apus history and US government and politics then take a look at English both the English literature and English language mean scores were stronger than both the state and Global results now I'm very proud to share that matachin high school has received the following honors from the AP college board programming we received AP School honor roll silver award meeting the criteria with 58% of our graduating cohort from last year taking at least one AP exam during High School 51% of the graduation cohort scored a three or higher on at least one of those exams during High school and 7% or more of the graduating cohort took five or more AP exams during high school that's why we received that AP honor roll silver award additionally I want to highlight the fact that we were recognized as providing all students with a chance to participate in AP programming including students of underrepresented populations which is the reason why we received that AP access award so I'm very proud of our school I'm very proud of our students and I'm very proud of our programming here now we're going to talk a little bit about SATs when looking at the SAT here's a description uh of the College and Career Readiness benchmarks for math they need to meet a score of a 530 and for evidence-based reading and writing Benchmark it's a score of a 480 now as per the College Board I'll read this directly for you students are considered College and Career ready when they meet the above math and ebrw benchmarks College Board points out that students who score below those benchmarks can still be successful in college without any further preparation as college readiness falls into a Continuum students who meet both math and ebrw benchmarks have a 75% chance of earning at least a c in the first semester credit bearing College course for example in algebra statistics pre-cal Cal History Literature social studies uh social sciences or in writing classes and that comes directly from the College Board as a definition for what those benchmarks really mean so now let's take a look at our class of 2024 SAT scores you'll see some specific observations listed here regarding the class of 2024's performance 68% of our SE seniors took the SAT our total mean for MHS was 1193 that was the total score the New Jersey total mean was 1050 so we performed above the New Jersey total mean and we performed above the national total mean as well we were 143 points higher than the New Jersey mean and 169 points higher than the total group so meeting these benchmarks and those benchmarks that were listed previously remember that 530 and the 480 68% of our high school students uh met both benchmarks while in New Jersey 4 4% of the students met those benchmarks and in the total group population um that global population that was 39% so you see how we perform uh beautifully on these SAT scores um this slide also highlights the SAT scores for again it's we're looking at both English language arts and math you'll see we continue to score above the state and Global groups if you look to the right you'll see our five year uh our fiveyear trajectory here from uh 1920 2021 21 22 22 23 and now this past year 23 24 please note that last year was the first year that the students had to transition from doing a paper and pencil test to doing a fully online test and what's interesting to note is that that happened during the school year year so if a student sat in uh sat to take the SAT from uh September through December they were doing a paper and pencil test starting in January or actually for our kids that they started more mostly in March the March and the May SATs were digital so it's a difference as far as the type of test so that could also indicate why we see a little bit of a drop there from our 2020 22 23 school year to this past school year 23 24 here's the insight into the English language arts again the reading and writing scores in particular you'll see that we are still above the mean scores in comparison to both the state and Global scores in 2024 the mean score was 602 the New Jersey mean score was 531 which is 70 we were 71 points higher than the New Jersey mean and in the national mean which was 519 we were above that average by 83 points again look at our benchmarks 87% of our students were colle ready uh as opposed to New Jersey and the group which are identified there as well now let's take a look at math same type of thing again the mean score for our students at the high school was a 590 the mean score for New Jersey was 519 we were 71 points higher than the the New Jersey mean and the total group the national mean score was 505 so we were 85 points higher than than the national uh group the high school again met the Benchmark we were at 70% of students meeting that Benchmark um and again you can see that we are still holding very strong in comparison to both New Jersey and the uh National groups now we're going to go look at the ACT results real quick this slide shows the number of students who have taken the acts over the past five years notice we've seen a decrease in our numbers and we see a similar decrease occurring at the state and National level um on the slide we're showing you the uh Benchmark and mean scores first off uh note that the college readiness benchmark scores are the minimum score needed to indicate 50% chance of obtaining a b or higher or approximately a 75% chance of obtaining a c or higher in the corresponding credit bearing college courses for some context when we start looking at these benchmarks if you look to the left um no I'm sorry not to the left but to the right um well let me start with the left the 2024 uh percentage of students who met those Readiness this benchmarks the you notice that the high school outperformed the state again okay 97% in English 81% in math 91% specifically in the reading 81 in science and 78 for the composite score now if you look to the right you're going to see the the high school state and national mean scores here's a little context for you so if we're looking at English in particular for 2024 in order to meet that Benchmark students would need to receive a score of an 18 now look at what we scored we were scored at 27.8 we are a lot higher than that Benchmark in math the the minimum college readiness Benchmark score was a 22 we hit 27.5 for reading it was a 22 we were at 29.6 for science it was a 23 we hit 26.5 so again we hit above what the expectation was for the minimum College read Benchmark score and our composite score was uh was a 28 while the composite score for uh meeting that Benchmark was a 9 19.9 nationally butou and high school scores reflect much higher percentages in all areas in comparison to the state looking at the mean scores you'll see that MHS continues to demonstrate stronger performance now taking a look at the five-year trend for the acts you'll see we continue to do well and with the last three years our scores have increased while the state and National scores have decreased note that our mean compos composite score is above the Benchmark of by 8.1 points and the national composite score does not even meet The Benchmark composite score so we are doing very well so one of the things that we have done throughout our school year thus far is collaborate with our teachers our supervisors and our administrators to identify areas of Celebration and to make recommendations to address areas in need this slide is the result of the collaboration between these groups to determine our next steps for both AP and for the SAT act so looking at the AP side our goals are to continue AP summer Institute Training for new teachers and recommend AP summer Institute Training for teachers whose courses have been updated which we do have a few courses that have been updated most recently we are examining uh the instructional materials for identified courses and seeing what things we need to to adopt and potentially approve for uh further growth we'll make recommendations for further use of AP classroom resources that are made available by college board we provide students with additional practice based on the formatting of questions posed on the specific AP assessment and we will continue to refine our curriculum to meet the needs of students while maintaining alignment with ap standards with regard to the SAT and the ACT we continue to learn about the changes made to the SAT and the act now that both assessments are now fully digital this past year the SAT went fully digital this year act has followed suit so we're going to be seeing what the shift is going to be in both of those tests now uh we've been examining released test items to inform instructional practices we are providing uh students with simulated tasks within courses when possible and we remind students of resources through Varsity Tutors to Aid in reviewing for these assessments because we have that at our fingertips so I'd like to thank our teaching staff our supervisors and our a AP coordinator Mrs Bernett and our AP sat coordinator uh Miss be for all of their hard work a special thanks to miss curtain who with her assistance was able to construct the data data reports that we are presenting to you this evening thank thank you for your time thank you Mr py for uh your presentation uh some very impressive scores um it's interesting as you know I'm a parent of a High School junior right now and I have three children that have already graduated and the the changes that um Co brought and the test optional um applications how that potentially skews the data I don't know how much it skews our data but it certainly excuse the college's data because the only people who submit their scores are the ones that they think are good scores and the students in so many students don't submit scores that if you look in in a online at a a Roundup of colleges and their statistics the SAT and ACT the average keep going up because the students that would be in the lower half of those statistics don't submit their scores it can be very intimidating to to students I I know firsthand because the school you want to go to all of a sudden you know if you look back to 19 uh uh 2018 their average SAT was 1150 and now it's 1320 you say did they really get that the students that much you know smarter better however you want to classify that now not really it's just that the bottom half of the of the cohort isn't submitting scores anymore so it's all skewed to the top it's a very interesting phenomenon we have a uh um somebody who works in counseling School counseling on our board Mr glasberg I'm uh you know you have to get students just Panic that their scores aren't good enough to get into a school because they're looking at the school they want and that the statistic is so skewed at this point of what the average score is that um it makes it uh harrowing yeah it's a stressful time for high school kids right now um and uh you know I think that when they think schools that used to be safe schools are no longer necessarily save schools too it's it's hard to predict but there's also a little reversal maybe in the colleges that requiring the sat there might be a little bit of a of a reversal that's making some colleges require them again yeah I that comes I just got back um from a a college tour with my son over the break that we just had and I heard something for the first time at one of the schools in the midwest you know usually it's um tests required or tests optional what was it it was it it wasn't test recommended it was test it was something like I forget what the exact word was but I hadn't heard it before it sort of said well we don't require it but if you don't apply you're not getting if you don't give it to us you're not getting in it was it was a very odd word I I I I wish I could recall it at the moment advisable um what's that advisable yeah yeah that's what it was it was great it was sat or act advised advised is a pretty loaded word if I've ever heard one um so it's very interesting but the these scores are just just wonderful and uh um thinking about why our ACT test end number our test takers have been going down I think it also has to do with the test optional you know we're in the Northeast traditionally an SAT area and uh so if you're not as keen on taking exams as you used to because you don't necessarily need them maybe you do maybe you don't you're just trying it out to see what you get you would probably take the SAT first most most people I think in this area not not necessarily true in the rest of the country but in this area and so if you didn't do as well and you just said you know I'm not I'm going optional anyway you never get to take the ACT so maybe that's why our number is going down but it's certainly an interesting time uh to be a parent of somebody applying to colleges that's for sure so but certainly great great um scores and and outcomes um anybody have any questions from Mr go ahead Mr quick question about the AP um sure so the AP averages obviously I think in include students who sat in the class as well as students who did not sit in the class where they they were able to take the test as well yes okay is there um I would just be curious for the future you know whether there's data on the average score of students who sat in that class and whether you know when you're looking at those suggestions that you had up there the part that you can only really control is the part with the students who are sitting in that class you know whether they're using the um the AP resources that you suggested up there for example so I'm curious if that average is going up and whether you've looked at that or will Mr we probably do but those data points will probably be suppressed because of the 10 n10 number oh yeah we wouldn't be able to report out on that you mean because less than 10 um would not have been in the classes that what you're saying yeah we have how many total you think took the exam and didn't say across your school I I want to say that we have just a handful of students who took things that were they were not scheduled for in their courses right so maybe not enough to significantly impact the numbers I 100% Can can attest to that okay um however I will say that when we look at the numbers uh with our staff we're our teachers are looking specifically our AP teachers who you know have taught these kids are they're looking at the individual scores to say okay well this is what I had gauged this child to be accomplishing and this is where they ended up are we really is my work really um ensuring that they're prepared for this exam and like are the outcomes exactly what I had predicted and as a former AP teacher it's you know frustrating obviously to have that two or three attached to your score when you didn't have a chance to teach the kid but you'll also take that five from the kid who took the test because he was going to get a five and I took those into my account as well so you know guy kind of works both ways fair enough thank you other questions for uh yeah Mr PR I just wanted to say particularly about the AP results um those results make me so happy and you should be really proud more students than ever are taking APS and now our score is higher than ever um we removed barriers we offer more courses and we give more students more access at the same time seeing our score go up it's a home run it really is the best of both worlds so thank you for that thank you I will make sure that our staff hears that as well I just want to say something as well um I also want Tok thank the the students who worked hard to achieve these results the teachers the supervisors the administrators and Mr prusy you for your instructional leadership in this building um achieving these these results so thank you thank you other questions Mr peroski once again congratulations thank you so much thank you um for coming here tonight and presenting these uh it's great to present great stuff it's it's always better to come up here and talk about great things than it is absolutely it is so so thank you Mr asking thank Youk you um just a really quick anecdote because uh you know just feel like wasting a little time um as I just mentioned I was on a college tour uh I saw five different large uh universities in the midwest in a 7-Day period so uh I drove quite a bit but one thing that struck me um having my experience on the board of education is that um all I would say all of them all of the admissions counselors who run the the um the presentations before you go on the tour for those of you who haven't ever gone on any of these yet Your Children Are Young or you just haven't had the opportunity go you sit in a big room and they they show slides of you know people sitting in a football stadium and they they play the band but they also show you a bunch of statistics and hopefully what what they you're going to get out of it is they then tell you like to think they're telling you the truth of what they're looking for in a college applicant what's important to them and every single one of them noted AP classes noted um rigor um especially and it was noted in everyone everyone noted that we're not going to see your senior year grades but we are going to see the courses you choose and we'd like to see you maintain rigor all the way through now not every school is is um competitive is has competitive admissions many students some students won't go to college many students will go to less competitive schools and that's all wonderful um but for those who are looking at mildly or highly competitive schools um I think you know from one person's anecdote um I think it's important to to push yourself I think it's important to stretch yourself in the very first meeting I ever had with Dr Caputo before he was a doctor and before he was our superintendent and when he was interviewing with us uh and the board on the time he said that one of his goals was to make first AP classes more accessible but broad more broadly college level experiences more available to all of our students that that was something that was very important to him coming from outside our district at the time and something that he thought he could bring that emphasis and um I've thought about that a lot over the years and and I hope not always perfectly but I hope we've removed barriers I hope that we've um that we are no longer gatekeeping honors and AP classes trying to keep students out who aren't undeserving in some way but that we are encouraging students who want to try and want to stretch to take the most rigorous schedule that they that they can and they would like to and I think you know from one parent I as I said I have four children I've gone through three of these and about to go through a fourth I truly believe that the rigor of a of of the schedule that that our students take is one of the drivers of how well they do in in admissions obviously we want to get good grades everyone wants to get an A in every class everyone wants to get have straight A but there's another side to that which is that if you're getting straight A in classes that aren't pushing you and Aren't stretching you that may not be the the best way to first of all get the best education you can from a touch in high school but also to impress those schools which you wish to impress so one person's opinion again I don't know why I felt like talking today yeah I know CU you had a great experience last week so so thank you um and look now we move to the president's report I think I I think I just gave it um but I just would like to note that there was a local school board election and um we have two of our current board members who were reelected and I wanted to offer my congratulations to Dr spner Who is not here tonight unfortunately and Mr derflinger who is and also I want to congratulate Miss chetam who uh also uh was elected and we be seated on our board um in January replacing Miss Cook and we'll have time uh next month to uh the sing Miss Cook's Praises as she as she exits the board but I just did want to note that we did have um a local obviously we we all know we had an election but there was a local Schoolboard election as well and that we're thrilled that um our our two board members will be returning and that we have a new board member coming on board so thank you uh Dr Pudo superintendent report later on in policy I'll be asking the board to approve a resolution approving our self assessment on the qac that's the New Jersey district monitoring process and just for the folks watching um qac is a every three-year cycle so we're really working on everything that contributes to qac all the time but every third year we have um an in-depth monitoring by the county office uh part of the state department they monitor districts in five areas instruction program fiscal management governance operations and Personnel um we're required to submit some information uh some of the information comes from the state like test scores um and sometimes even the uh the county folks will come on site and they'll spend days with us reviewing our documents to make sure we're doing doing the things that we're supposed to be doing that we pledged you know to follow ethically and legally um and um um I just wanted to pre thanks to Dr Herzog and Mrs bonisa Mr harvier and everyone that contributes to the the core team of that in addition we had a representative team including Dr Hazel and uh Johnson Marcus uh this week um uh yesterday meet to review all of our data and that's the data that you see tonight that's self assessment of course um after the visit in January and February on person by the springtime we'll get the state's version and some areas may drop some areas may go up but that's this is our self assessment where we think we are and usually we're pretty close to what the final State um assessment tells us so just want to say thank you everybody for the participation and thanks for looking at that data tonight and approving the resolution so we can meet the November 15th up below deadline thank you Dr Caputo um we'll move to committee reports um first we'll go to uh policy Dr Johnson Marcus since Miss is not here are you not ready you want me to you going to start down there no I'm I'm good this one is thankfully quite easy uh so the policy committee met on the 22nd of October and uh discussed alert 233 we hosted uh the district committee again as part of our ongoing District collaboration in District intradistrict collaboration um and many policies were on the alert but most were minor updates um um doctors Herzog and kaputo described the district's new plan for approaching policy and regulation updates which was very well designed and executed trying to maintain maximum continuity across leadership uh we still don't have enough information to be 100% certain on a calendar for 2025 26 but of course as we get information we're going to begin to make decisions but no decisions have been made about start end or holiday dates for the 2025 2026 school year so that is policy thank you why don't you go ahead and give the elt as well sure while I'm at it just get a little closer to the sorry microphone oh sorry it is rare that someone says they cannot hear me well but I shall speak directly into the microphone because that is indeed best practices all right so uh the district leadership team met on the 24th of October um and as usual there's discussion around construction I was uh joking with Mr glasberg earlier that usually he goes right before me and talks all about all of the construction things so I don't have to say much here uh but indeed things are rolling along um catchup is being uh is happening if you've driven by Moss recently you'll see the immense progress that's been made um we're fingers Crossing that things are going to continue going along smoothly but you know it is construction so there's that uh we also talked about the um priority around full day kindergarten and the hope that that will be available and more information will be forthcoming um uh I heard there was a walk through at uh Campbell we did the Campbell cafeteria so the hope is that uh we'll be able to make some progress there um whoa insuring uh that things will move along smoothly um we talked about qac just now again this District collaboration um so as board member I was fortunate to sit in and observe the uh District's conversation around the qac process our self assessment portion of it um and as Dr kuto mentioned we'll have a site visit coming up to kind of close out and then finish up once we get the data back uh more on collaboration our Public Schools collaborative continues to grow um incorporating the New York Public Schools as well so we are just continuing to be the Exemplar across the state and indeed Nationwide almost I would say right it's not just our state uh but we uh are very proud as a small But Mighty borrow uh in representing ourselves um with respect to collaboration and modeling effective collaboration we also we fortunate enough to present some of our collaboration work at the New Jersey school boards Association con convention down in Atlantic City that was really fun Dr kaputo and I presented together you did great thank you very much it was very fun indeed um and then uh just kind of uh updates from the school leadership teams moss and Campbell are focused on their goal setting managing construction of course um Edgar is working on their advisory program and of course those of you with children at Edgar know that the theme for October was respect um thinking about the way in which the high schools uh team is going to incorporate more parent and student Advisory Group feedback as well as uh the special education uh leadership team is focused on uh sharing materials with respect to things like positive behavior supports uh for parents in enhancing the way in which they can interact with their young people and I think that is all I've got from the district leadership team meeting if I missed anything please let me know okay I think that's it for me lifted thank you okay moving on to curriculum Mr derflinger thank you curriculum met on Tuesday October 22nd um we got some more curriculum guide updates from Dr harzog um we discussed a course name change there's a current High School uh course called digital Graphics 2 it's going to be renamed um architecture the change of the the course title better reflects the course content and description description um additionally Parent Academy sessions are going to be held to provide information about evidence-based practices and how they've been incorporated into our revised Elementary Ela and math curriculum links to the the recordings of those sessions will be provided by principles in their newslet newsletters for families who could not attend the next thing we discussed were assessments District assessment results Dr hazar shared that the testing for the fall NJ CPA assessment is now complete and we heard a presentation of the AP sat act assessment data which we all heard tonight uh we then discussed overnight trip proposals one was for the summer of 2026 which out outlines a trip to France um dates are not finalized yet however once the new academic calendar for next year is is finalized those those dates will be proposed and then for the following summer there is another proposal for Germany Austria trip as an Austrian whoop whoop uh and that's going to be pushed back to the summer of 27 Dr Herzog shared information about a guest speaker invited by the district to serve as a motivational speaker working out some some key details about um availability but that is currently in the works Moss school has started collaborative committee to work on positive behavior reinforcement schoolwide reinforcement of posit positive character development and related behaviors um this is also going to supplement our existing character Ed instruction Edgar school is partnering with uh Wellspring prevention to Pilot a unit of of lessons focused on character development and resiliency um so that's exciting something new for our Edgar students um The District's mental health leadership team is meeting uh well met uh that week of the 22nd to continue planning for program enhancement um also the district's collaborating with the matachin police department to review Mental Health Services and threat assessment processes and then the traumatic event team which um our district has met in October and is working on revising the district's plan to incorporate best practices from that lifelines training so all very very important work and finally we heard from Mrs kirner and Mrs Levin from Campbell um Campbell schools continues to implement their monthly seal and wellness themes with a schoolwide focus um the two ladies shared um their the details and outlined what some of the wellness themes were for this year so the committee is focusing their efforts on Campbell this year with a goal to extend activities to other schools and our next meeting will be on November 19th thank you thank you Mr deringer um Mr glassberg I don't believe construction mat uh construction has not met uh I'll give just a brief update anyway just to piggy back off of what Dr Johnson Marcus said um first of all we are meeting next Monday uh and then there's an open to the public committee meeting on December 9th at 7 p.m. in the mouen High School uh Library so Moss school is progressing nicely uh Edgar is as well um and if you drive by there you'll see all those uh changes especially at Moss because it's such a big one there uh at Campbell the cafeteria Edition is coming along nicely as well uh here at the high school cafeteria Edition is making really good progress um and the gym area is delayed um at this point and we're still working on progress there uh so we hope that things are going pretty pretty smoothly move moving forward and I know it is people do have that concern that it's connected with the calendar a little bit um and we just need a little more time before we're going to be ready for that uh into the new year so that's all that I have thank you thank you um uh Miss Colleen is not here she let me know that that extracurricular did not meet um Dr spner is not here did Equity meet Equity did not meet no Mr sus is not here Finance I know did not meet they'll meet Monday Monday um Miss uh stresa student report okay well hello everyone good evening um I just have something short a very short update since we just got back from the Break um I hope all of your breaks went well and we all got the chance to rewind now that we're all back it's great to see students across all grades settling into routines and gearing up for the excited seon ahead with Halloween behind us I can confidently say that we're all shifting into the holiday mode even as this hot fall continues starting with our elementary school students are already excited for the upcoming holiday shopping event where they'll get to pick out gifts for their families and friends and I think that's really cute um they're still adjusting to being back from the break but this is kind of lifting their mood so and at the middle school we have a recent highlight with the matou and marching band performing at the MetLife Stadium and even though they didn't place as high as they would like to the experience of performing on such a big stage was Unforgettable for the students and they're proud of what they accomplished together this dedication reminds us of how committed our students are to representing matachin and I think that's what's really amazing about it and at the high school students are also adjusting after the break and are happy to have wrapped up our first marking period And as we saw today exciting as building as we approach to November 15th which marks the opening night of clue our fall play the casting crew have been working hard and and I know the entire Community is looking forward to it our fall sports team team also deserve a special a special recognition for our fantastic season with both the boys and girls team showing impressive performances let's keep the momentum going through the holiday season thank you thank you for your report um are there any comments or questions on any of the committee reports um I'll take that as a no okay we will move on to um old business is there any old business from the board new business any new business from the board seeing none um I'd like to move the approval of the following minutes of the Board of Education October 15 2024 board meeting is there a second Dr Johnson Marcus so there are any comments or Corrections on those minutes seeing none wel call please Mr bot yes Mr derflinger yes Mr glasberg yes Dr Johnson Marcus yes Mr lton yes motion carries thank you the meeting is now open to the public for any item seeing none uh we'll move to the recommendation of the superintendent of schools oftentimes it may appear to members of our audience that the Board of Education takes action with very little comment and in many cases unanimous vote before matter is placed on the agenda at a public meeting the Administration has thoroughly reviewed the matter with the superintendent of schools if the superintendent is satisfied that the matter is readily presented to the Board of Education it is then referred to the appropriate board committee the members of the board committee work with the administration and the superintendent to assure that the members fully understand the matter when the committee is satisfied with the matter is presented to the board of education for discussion before any final action is taken only then is it placed on the agenda for Action at a public meeting I'd like to move the Personnel items a one through 12 is there a second Mr um derflinger I apologize are there any uh comments or questions on those items sing non rco Please Mr bot yes Mr derflinger yes Mr glasberg yes Dr Johnson Marcus yes Mr lton uh yes motion carries Mr lton before you move out of personnel if I might please um in item number three the board just accepted the retirement of Linda rhods uh Linda joined the mouin transportation family in September of 2008 first as a bus driver then as a bus Aid she's loved arm a touching children as her own for the past 16 years now it's time for her to take care of her cats her health and enjoy her retirement and we wish Linda nothing but the best on this next adventure absolutely thank you we wish her the best in her retirement thank you okay I'd like to move the finance items B one through five is there a second Mr glassberg are there any comments or questions on those items seeing none wo Please Mr bot yes Mr derflinger yes Mr glasberg yes Dr Johnson Marcus yes Mr lton yes motion carries thank you I'd like to move the policy items c one through four is there a second Mr bot are there any comments or questions on those items seeing none Mo call please Mr bot yes Mr derflinger yes Mr glasberg yes Dr Johnson Marcus yes Mr lifton yes motion carries thank you um Mr der in your curriculum please thank you I'd like to move items D1 through four is listed on the agenda please thank you is there a second Dr Johnson Marcus are there any comments or questions on those items seeing none roll call please for me go ahead just to note that the second item there was that Target trip that was pulled from last agenda and we just clarified that with the correct description great thank you roll call please Mr bot yes Mr derflinger yes Mr glasberg yes Dr Johnson Marcus yes Mr lifton yes motion carries thank you uh meeting is now open to the public for any item seeing no comment we'll close that section move to announcements Mr bot sure uh lengthy announcements it's been a minute since we all got together uh Edgar book fair is underway uh and the PTO is also collecting gently used Middle School level books for a new book swap uh book swaps are in Vogue uh Campbell Tomorrow is makeup picture day uh which was uh confusing for my son who didn't know didn't want to wear makeup to school tomorrow but we worked on it picture retake day I think also works as the name uh Ruby Bridges walk to school day November 14th there's the end of the food drive on the 15th uh the fall play again uh excellent this coming weekend a book swap at Campbell on November 19th the book swap at moss on November 21st uh parent teaching teacher conferences at mouin high school on the 25th you've got early dismissals so I'd pay attention to those 26th 27th for the high school 27th uh for the rest of the schools and then I think also December 4th for Edgar is what I saw in the calendar there's a toy drive uh that's kicking off uh at MOS Campbell for uh November 25th to December 19th the H Halloween parties were wonderful uh there's a lot of celebration going on and gratefulness thankfulness around the staff at uh at Campbell via the PTO check out the Facebook page it's just it's really kind and wonderful the holiday bizaar uh from December 11th to December 13th with family night on December 12th again uh great fundraiser at Campbell and then the spring run ra fundraiser from itou and uh PTC is on May 2nd uh they are great and early planners uh save the date more information to come um a lot a lot going on okay thank you uh this point I'd like to make a motion to adjourn is there a second Mr derflinger all in favor thank you and good night