##VIDEO ID:bS9myzPpFB8## tomorrow is the uh meet the candidate there you answer yeah exactly yeah just answer what you can yeah no you answer what you can you ignore the other I see that we're getting the um njsla s yeah I don't know I'm trying to think if they did last time sun might remember yeah yeah S I don't think we got them Sunni we didn't get the questions or topics for meet the candidates night last year did we oh they did okay yeah it was like yeah okay so maybe you'll get something last minute yeah yeah no well it's like sun felt like it's hard when you don't have the yeah you don't have the Contex let's get rolling here got a long knife well you know presentation yeah the njsla I'll take no anybody here alici yeah maybe she'll walk in in the vi I don't know know yeah she told us she wouldn't prer the colors of Eastern Europe world no no no I get Vice presid Sor good evening this is the mouin Board of Education meeting for Tuesday October 15 2024 would you all rise to the flag salute please pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice all thank you noce of meeting please I hereby make the statement to indicate compliance with the open public meetings act known as chapter 231 of the public laws of New Jersey 1975 which became effective 90 days after enactment January 19th 1976 notice that this meeting was given by providing the location time and date of this meeting and posting of the same on the front door of the Board of Education offices by delivering copies to the burough Hall and the matachin public library the home news and Tribune and by filing a copy with the burough clerk as prescribed by this law thank you V call please Mr Bop here miss cook here Mr derflinger here Mr glasberg here Dr Johnson marus here Miss Colleen Miss Colleen let us know she would not be here this evening thank you Mr lifton here miss thresa here Dr spner here Mr sus here thank you um we do not have a Showcase of success that's even correct that's correct okay so we'll move right to open the meeting to the public if anybody has anything any member of the public would like to come and and say anything seeing none oh yes just kidding okay please um state your name and address please for the record hi my name is Jennifer kwans and I live at 46 Charles Street here in mchen Thank You Rihanna Anderson 93 Westside Avenue in the tou thank you go ahead first we just want to thank you for having us oh please yeah thank you very much for your time tonight uh we are here tonight uh our children are part of the varsity cross country team for matachin um the cross country team will be running at the GMC Championship on Saturday October 26th unfortunately that is the same day as the PSAT exam for sophomores and juniors um so we tonight are politely requesting um we're asking that our students be able to take the test and the makeup test with the Juniors um since they cannot make the Saturday date I don't Jen you wanted to add in yeah I just want to add the the GMC Championship if you're not completely away you probably are Imagine sitting at that table is the greater middle sex Championship it's um all the breast cross country teams in Middle sex County and if you're not aware of the girls and the boys cross country teams at this high school they're outstanding um they a very good chance of doing well and they work incredibly hard and unfortunately also I would just say for the girls team it is an incredibly small team and um if it were any other just meet that obviously that going to the PSAT would take precedence and this would not be a request but since this is the middle sex County championships um you know I feel we feel I feel feel that my daughter should be able to represent matachin um and run at that cross country meet for the championship and there's one more student that the parent couldn't come Julie Bourne um her son miles is also running on the on the in the championships as well well thank you for coming tonight well first I want to say that um you know the cross country team is a pride of matachin high school and has been seemingly for decades now and I'm not surprised but still still uh very full of admiration for the team and I wish your your daughters uh the best of luck at the at the meet um as far as the PCT schedule um it's really not something that the board would be involved in but um I could refer you back to the high school or to Dr Caputo regarding that we have we do want to thank Mr parowski he did reply to our emails and our request and the counseling as well I think what we're not clear on and where our question is is if there are free seats in the room we fully respect that the Juniors need to get precedent in the situation by all means but if there because they're giving the Juniors an alternate test because the test has been given on a Saturday um so I think our question is is if the juniors are allowed to take the test on the alternate day if there is room if there are seats in the room why can our sophomore children not sit in on the day when the Juniors come that's our question thank you no I app I appreciate you coming and and putting that question out there I assume Mr parowski and Dr Caputo would answer that question um either by email or yeah is that fair yeah okay all right well thank you for coming I appreciate you posing the question to us although as I said it's not something that the board really adjudicates but you know that's why we have open sessions people come and tell us things that even if it's not what we do it's out there in the open air now and and I'm sure you'll get get it appropriate response from the high school on that thank you so much thank you so much thank you um any other members of the public seeing none I'll close that section and we'll move to presentations um I see we have two yes so two presentations tonight I'll be doing a shorter Hib grading self assessment presentation afterwards I'll turn this first part though uh over to Dr Herzog who will lead our administrative team the New Jersey SLA um assessment results presentation um folks have worked really hard those folks here tonight as well as teachers to begin the process of analyzing all the data and making sure our curriculum instruction and assessment is all aligned um and that's what we do every year and every school is supposed to do that and I'm really proud of the work so Dr herach thank you very much I'll be joined this evening by many of my colleagues who are who will be stepping up shortly we have Dr uh castanza Mrs ASO Mr perowsky three of our four principles we have Miss franzy Dy M Lewis menzano and Mrs Kate lemich so we have our um Campbell Edgar and high school principals and a few of our supervisors who supervise Ela math and science so I'm going to start with a very highlevel presentation of the district scores um at a glance and I'll go through those scores for ELA Math and Science across all grades I'll highlight um a few trends that are visual and you'll see them and um point out a few things and then I will also give our subgroup and special populations scores and then I will turn it over to my colleagues who will provide some analysis of the scores within their schools for their grades and their subjects and then they will also present their interventions and next step steps okay so our tested subjects with the njsla are in ela Math and Science grades 3-9 for ELA math grades 3 through 8 and then in high school either Algebra 1 geometry or Algebra 2 science is only tested in three grades grades 5 8 and 11 there are a few students a very small group of students who take an alternate assessment called the dynamic learning map so we'll have one slide at the end for that assessment as well um what are the benefits of participating in the njsla well it is one of multiple measures of student learning we um have many so this is just one point that's important to remember it does help us identify trends of student achievement both across the state the district the grades and subjects it's a nice way to highlight areas of strength to celebrate across our schools for our students and our teachers and their the instruction and it provides Focus areas to guide our different iation our intervention and our enrichment it identifies areas of needs or gaps that drive curriculum revisions we've already started those and it informs areas of professional development that we want to focus on for our staff our participation rate is very high we're at approximately 99 or 98% for ELA Math and Science and you see our numbers here over 1,00 students took Ela math and 558 students took science so this slide presents our Ela data across the grades and Compares it to the state proficiency levels and the proficiency the percent proficiency includes students who are at or above um proficiency so the two highest score categories of the test so you could see the state state proficiency levels in the First Column and mouin in the second column for E Ela across all the grades and you could see see the difference the numbers are in the chart and then the graph on the side shows you um matachin and blue and New Jersey in Red so you can see that we are consistently trending well above the state line and we're trending with a similar pattern as the state where third grade is the lowest Statewide and it's the lowest for us and such so you see similar patterns and if you look at the difference column you'll see that we're approximately 20 to 27 percentage points above the state in our Ela scores with the exception of third grade which is a little um below that this is a um a five this presents five years of data in ela and it's important to notice that the to note that the first two columns are preco and then we didn't test for two years and then the last three columns are postco so when you're looking at the bars to the right the first two pre-co the last three postco and this shows our Ela growth across all grades over 5 years so you can see that over the last three since covid and we've stopped testing for two years we're trending back up and getting much closer to our preco scores this is the same the last column is the same data I just presented for all grades in ela but now this includes all grades 3dr fourth fifth 6th through 9th and each each grade has a f has five years of testing data in the same you know the same grades so you can see if you look at the last three columns you see almost you see all score almost all scores going up from last year to this year which is the last two columns almost all and you see um them most of them creeping back up towards um preco levels and over the last 3 years General Trends if you to draw a trend line are going upward this is cohort versus non-cohort data from last year for the last for the last two years and in the First Column you see our cohort data and that means that the same students who took the test two years in District went up from 74 to 79% non-cohort are different students so students were here in year one or year 2 but not here for both so um the non-cohort data is a lot smaller sample size than the cohort data but what is very evident here is that students who are in matachin for two years outperform students who are in matachin for only one year this is um our Ela scores by race so we have Asian black Hispanic multiple races and white and again 5 years worth of data over the course of seven years of course and and um you see the same Trends as before across all groups the last 3 years generally trending upward and creeping closer to preo scores across all of these groups if you want to um look specifically at a group you can see um for the Asian students close I think that number is 88% it's hard to see from here black students 67 Hispanic 60 multiple races 80 white 74 so that's the last column the percent that met or exceeded proficiency levels in all grades this is our Ela data by gender so females on the left males on the right again all of the breakout groups are following the same Trend upward over the last three years creeping closer to pre-co this is our data by program so we have our multilingual Learners in the first cluster we have students who receive free and reduced lunch in the second cluster students who have a 504 accommodation plan students who receive um special education services and then all other students on the right um again very similar trending patterns across the years okay all right now we'll move on to math proficiency level so we'll repeat the same types of data but now we're looking looking at math so we have on the left we have our grade levels the the state proficiency levels versus matachin and the difference and then it's graphed on the right one thing to note here is that students in alge students take Algebra 1 sometimes in at edar and sometimes at the high school and same with geometry so we have multiple score reports on this slide for and it breaks down like Algebra 1 EMS um and then Algebra 1 MHS but you can look at Algebra 1 for all as the real number if that's how all of our students are doing in Algebra 1 the second to last row or all of our students in Geometry that's a better representation because it's our it's all of our students so you can see again we're trending well above the state in all of our in all of our tests across all grades and we're following a similar pattern of where we score higher and where we score lower as the state average and these scores are generally um 20 to up to 50% if you're looking at geometry for all higher than the state average so that is really nice as well um once you start breaking out the algebra ones and rather than looking at them at a whole the numbers look different but we want to look at our whole student population there this is our math achievement over the years so you um over five years of data and you can again look at the last three columns trending upward when you combine all grades together and actually ex higher than preco levels which is nice and this is a breakup across all the grades in math and then algebra one at Edgar algebra one at the high school geometry at the at Edgar geometry at the high school and then all grades together so um you see some ups and downs some grade levels didn't do as well as others some really shot up many of some stayed high and many of them are um are exceeding preco levels and if you look at 5 years worth of data are well higher than where we were 5 years ago and again the principles will break this down more specifically in their analysis this is looking at the same students the cohort who took the students who took the test two years in a row in a touin and students who didn't are non-cohort again the sample size is not comparable to each other but you see a difference of the same students who took the test two years in a row from 69 to 68 went down but one percentage Point basically very consistent and the non-cohort students um again our cohort students who were here for two years outperformed those who were not those who were only here for one year this is Prof efficiency by race so we have Asian students black students Hispanic students multiple races and white um generally trending up for the last three years and in many areas higher than our first data point over five years of data and um I think what one thing although um Black and Hispanic students are not reaching the same proficient proficiency levels as some of the other student groups you see tremendous growth in the um the scores for the black student population which is nice to see that go up along with um many of the others this is math by gender and we have female students and male students over the course of five years of data and again very very comparable trending up but very comparable to each other and proficiency by program are multilanguage Learners free and reduced lunch again section 504s special education and general education and um similar patterns trending up exceeding pre-co levels and or you know being very very comparable now we'll move on to science at a glance so we only have three grades that test in Science fifth grade 8th grade and 11th grade and um we have our our matachin scores compared to the state scores and we are 23 to almost 28 percentage points above the state I'm following the same Trend where eighth grade is lower Statewide and in aouch in than fifth grade and 11th grade and while these scores these scores aren't as high in proficiency levels as our Ela and math in many areas it is consistent with the state and we our team believes this is you know the way the test is designed it's a harder test and it's harder to reach those higher scores so here are all grades um across three years that's a nice upper Trend I'd say reaching now we're at 50% so again Lower overall but comparable to State performance and here's our fifth grade over three years our eighth grade over three years 11th grade over three years and all grades together over three years so the last cluster is that growth that we're seeing overall with all of our grades interestingly we to look back at this to make sure we weren't reading it wrong our fifth grade stayed exactly the same and our 11th grade was pretty much the same exactly the same over three years so that's pretty pretty incredible but um we also see that eighth grade which was lower performing is catching up to the other grades okay here is the science data by race Asian black Hispanic multiple races and white and you see um either an increase or staying comparable in most areas or like a one percentage Point decrease among one of our higher performing groups this is the science data by gender um pretty comparable with actually female students um exceeding male students in in their growth most recently and proficiency by program are multilingual lingual Learners our free and reduced lunch our students with 504 plans our students who have IEPs and receive special education services and the rest of our population there are some bars missing for our multilingual Learners and our free and reduced lunch and that's because our total student population who took the test that year was under 10 and therefore we couldn't report that so um that's why there are some bars missing but um again General trending upward if not staying the same except for 504 there was a slight decrease this year but an increase over 3 years okay so um that is our scores at a glance for the district I'm now going to invite my colleagues up here to provide analysis of their particular grade levels and subjects and um what they are planning for interventions and next steps okay all right um so I'm losing my voice so just bear with me um my name is Natalie frany Dy I'm the elementary supervisor um when looking at the Campbell Ela analysis we're continuing to outperform the state um scoring 10 to 27% above State averages on every domain um and we're seeing you know real improvements with our writing and I think that can partly be attributed to the increase in foundational skills so the students are really learning um the rules to read and that structure and then also applying it in their writing um and our achievement is continues to be at or above um pre-pandemic levels so I'm going to keep it nice and short Dr castanza thank you Natalie obviously one of our um interventions is having Natalie talk talk a lot with our teachers uh and there goes uh her voice uh Vincent costan a principal of Campbell proud principal affectionately known as Dr C uh on Durham Avenue um a great segue um I remember when I worked for the Department of Education I worked with a lot of school districts and would say to them these data are not on the backs of third and fourth grade teachers but it's all hands on deck Campbell being first to fourth grade all teachers are engaged and great thanks thanks to all of the teachers the first grade teachers work with six-year-olds take it very seriously for the outcomes that happen in third and fourth grade uh of course uh great thanks to Natalie who obviously does great work and talks a lot with our our teachers um our RTI supports very important as well uh Miss Christina Borman Miss Megan Jenny so the three buckets really that we have and you'll see return for math uh engaging teachers engaging families and curricular support that's the feedback loop that we have some things to that are are worth as far as an intervention perspective uh continue the tradition of data Dives culture culture culture uh we preach this often culture is a byproduct of good habits I didn't make that up but I really believe in it you are what you repeatedly do today again obviously Natalie was leading some uh data Dives uh this is not something that we invented this year this is not something that just happened today it's a rinse repeat approach we keep coming back to it and keep coming back to it and great thanks to the work that Natalie does to help to inst Institute uh the the culture of really paying attention to data uh job embedded coaching a lot through our RTI specialist and you'll see that return with math and some other people to thank there as well uh teachers look at subgroup data um you heard Dr Herzog talk about at a high level the subgroup data and we definitely take a deeper dive into the um uh into the subgroup data pool uh as well uh We've leveraged the schedule it seems um perhaps perhaps uninteresting but um a very nuts and bolts lever and approach that we have instituted last year in fourth grade departmentalizing so teachers can focus in on content areas Ela and math we collected data from teachers to make sure that we had teacher efficacy with that we collected uh data from students as well to see what their experiences were we're implementing that approach in third grade and we'll have similar data the first survey for third graders went out uh last last week and will be closed on Friday um we're implementing a new Ela curriculum to help us dive deeper and really pay attention to standards um dep departmentalization has helped us with efforts of identifying teacher leaders as well uh opportunities for our vertical articulation um and something that you hear a lot about that we talk about at Campbell are two generation approaches there's a lot of research on if you want interventions to stick better that you engage not just a single generation students but you Eng engage multiple Generations their families uh parents grandparents we do a lot of that work at Campbell uh a Shameless plug to one of the things that we have happening um this month uh led by Miss dhy in partnership with some of the things that we've been been doing at Campbell our research to practice series and introduction to K5 curriculum there will be a virtual Ela workshop on October the 21st from 12th to one uh done by Miss uh led by Miss Christina Borman uh who will uh lead some of the ELA work uh we'll Return To That on the 22nd 11:30 to 12:30 with Dr vensky in math partnered with our community approach that we have to uh I do this coffee or tea with Dr C which uh Natalie and our coaches will uh instructional leads will partner with as well so families could come in a relaxed environment co-sponsored with the PTO and have some coffee or te and talk about curriculum imagine that in schools talking about curriculum stuff uh and that's some of our main interventions that we have for ELA and we'll return to some of that for our math uh and now back to uh Miss DY for some of our math analysis um similar to the trends you saw in ela we're continuing to outperform the State scoring 17 to 28% above the state averages on every domain um you'll notice that when you break it down and look at the subdomain means um supporting content was one where it was an area of growth for us um so we really thought about ways that we can include measurement in data and geometry um and we were able to see a growth in our supporting content um and again our academic achievement is at or above um prepandemic levels and really the more exciting piece of this is the intervention and work that we're doing to support our teachers so and students which again not to belabor the voice but miss Dy FR and Center uh with some of our uh math analysis as well and again a great thank you uh to Dr vensky uh very well known No Stranger um to this group um certainly um somebody who receives many MEF uh grants uh works very closely with all of our teachers um to provide um uh services in classroom through model modeling lessons would also help a great deal with data analysis with teachers and developing centers uh instructional practices Less in planning so great thanks to Dr fensky uh as well the um main buckets um that we're focusing on again engaging teachers engaging families and curricular implementation and support these are the elements the feedback loop this is our formula that we keep looking to evidence for um the tradition of data Dives we can't say enough this is what culture development is about you keep doing some of the same things you are what you repeatedly do uh job embedded coaching which Dr vinsky is front and center at um you know really leveraging the whole uh system the work that goes on from the DLT level that Dr kaputo and Dr Herzog um lead and making sure that um the work down it to the SLT level uh reflects the data that are here an SLT goal this year is directed toward math we do a lot of talk about literacy and literacy interventions and there's a potential downfall that it takes the air out of the room it's the national conversation is around literacy we want to make sure that we're focused and our habits are focused on not forgetting about math math is kind of important too and so we elevated it to an SLT goal again teachers look at subgroup information uh to have a whole group whole child approach to interventions uh we look at the departmental schedule of giving teachers an opportunity to really focus in on an area that they're comfortable with um through the help of Dr vinsky of making sure that we're implementing curriculum materials that are prev vetted does a great job of making some videos pointing teachers in the right direction and again engaging families uh the plug for our research to practice series that'll be happening later this month make sure you come visit us at at kais for a coffee or tea with Dr C on October the 24th 4th to sixth Ela math questions as well as anything else you want to talk about uh at about Campbell school and those are our data and Analysis presentation thank you um continuing along with fifth grade ELA um we're continuing to outperform the states scoring 20 to 32% above the state averages on every domain and if you look at our fifth grade ELA data we have 80% of or about 80% of our kids meeting or exceeding which is truly um speaks to the efficacy of our K5 programming and the changes that we've made to really move to evidence-based practices again we're scoring um our achievement is at or above pre pandemic levels um and um to add to um Dr castanza and what Miss oo is saying we these new curriculum documents once you see them up on the website we really really worked to provide teachers with vetted materials that could provide access to all of our students ensure that Equity is at the Forefront um for our kids so again I know the principles are talking about the the intervention pieces but I can't stress it enough how much we've worked to really aim to provide all students um with engaging materials um that are vetted so our teachers can really work on that data analysis individualized instruction embeding cell um do I am I okay there sorry L thank you I'm terrible with the cler hi there good evening I'm Lou manano I'm the ELA and social studies supervisor for grades 6 through 12 um so to talk about the ELA data for grades 6 through 8 as you saw earlier we are continuing to outperform the state at each of our grade levels uh scoring between 16 and 25% higher on every domain than the state averages uh 8th grade has the largest margin between all grades which is showing great growth as students are developing in age we are growing our way up towards our pre-pandemic numbers for grades six through eight written expression and reading informational text were our strongest areas and both six and seventh grade grew in literary text which was one of our grows from last year um I believe that as the Elementary grades are being supported by Miss frany Dy and all of the foundational skills embedded in that new curriculum uh that we should really see our middle school students grow those skills analytically and we expect to see some more continued growth um throughout the years good evening everyone thank you um for inviting me over to share um our next steps and interventions for Edgar so as you see our are we continue to grow to prepandemic uh times and hopefully earn another Blue Ribbon award as we are National Blue Ribbon School um and some of the ways we're going to try to get there is to continue with some next steps and intervention such as data Dives and an analysis with teachers so teachers have been meeting with mix manano they also meet um and review data and that drives instruction during plc's for those of them that do have plc's and today we conducted our noplace for hate lessons and for those of you that don't know um The Way We Run The no place for hate lessons myself Miss Evans and our child our student Support Services team teach the grade level classes while the teachers have time to meet with their teams to further analyze data and um start to plan for instruction um some other interventions are our classroom instruction we'll be integrating some small group where we're focusing on point of view and compare and contrast literature we have ongoing professional development with Drew writing project and our literacy con consultant with social studies and Ela and of course our new curriculum implementation and support um through vertical articulation through all grade levels thank you thank you um so again in math we're in for fifth grade we're continuing to outperform the state really scoring 25 to 33% above the state averages in the domains um again the supporting content continues to grow which was previously an area of um growth for us and we're continuing those pre-pandemic um levels of achievement um and our math is on Trend um to be you know right there with our Ela scores about you know being close that 80% of students which I think is really [Music] amazing okay good evening I'm Kate lck I am the secondary stem supervisor so I'm first going to start with uh Edgar's math analysis in 6th through 8th grade as you know we have um testing in many not just in the subject in the grade levels but also in many different subjects depending on uh which course our students are currently taking so in sixth through 8th grade um similar to what Natalie and uh Lou just mentioned we continue to outperform the state in on the number of students who are meeting our exceeding expectations in each of our courses um something notable was we outperformed the state on every test item in grade 68 and Algebra 1 which was significant for us um we the percentage of students meeting or exceeding expectations was above the state across all domains for all courses um at Edgar which is great uh we saw some some notable uh increases in grade six from 2023 to 2024 grade six saw a 10% increase um in modeling specifically which was notable in pre-algebra 8 uh we saw 9 to 11% increases in three of the categories supporting content reasoning and modeling which is excellent um algebra 18 we saw 10 and 11% increases in reasoning and the major content and in Geometry 8 we saw an 11% increase in modeling from 2023 to 2024 so that was uh really wonderful work um We are continuing to focus on the major supporting and additional content of the grade and then those reasoning and modeling areas as appropriate so the teachers do do data Dives and look at our evidence statements we're actually able to see performance on individual test it items which is really nice in mathematics um as opposed to in science we have a little broader of data and information so they are looking at the granular level to decide what are the areas of um growth what are they what are what are they strong in and then how do we continue to revise our curriculum accordingly okay okay um in math our fifth grade continues to outperform the State scoring 11 to 14% above State averages on every domain um and I think one of the positive things you'll see that's been part of um our process is we're doing way more science than we ever have before with the implementation of Mystery Science K5 it's really readily accessible to our teachers um and also our K through five Ela curriculum integrates science topics where the teach teers are really diving deeper um and I think this is something that's going to impact our uh upward Trend in um our science scores okay and in e8th grade at Edgar in science uh we outperform the date in each of the domains and practice categories um so for context we they report out to us from the state level on the three domains Earth and space science life science and physical science and then they take the eight science practices and they group them into three categories investigating sense making and critiquing um so are uh some really notable notable pieces for Edgar um we saw is anywhere from 0 to 9% increase in students scoring above expectations in each domain and practice category which is really amazing um our domain that had the most growth was Earth and space science with 9% growth growth from 22 from 2023 to 2024 and that was actually our area of growth for last year so to see and a focus area um then have 9% growth is excellent and same thing happened uh with the practice category we were focused last year on sens making and saw a 9% growth from 2023 to 2024 um our strongest practice category overall was critiquing practices which continued to be the strongest practice over the last two years and our Focus area for this year is on our investigating practices so asking questions defining problems using mathematical and computational thinking um and so we are looking at ways to integrate that into our curriculum specifically um adding in some of our practice items that are there at that level of rigor that's expected on the assessments um and of course implementing our new curriculum in each of our courses so our Edgar Math and Science next steps of course we we continue with data dive meetings with teachers um we analy we're analyzing the njsla data as well as the evidence statements and results uh Miss Limer has been doing a really good job of scheduling these um data Dives with the teachers and especially after benchmarks as well um and again those that have plc's um also review some data and today during the no place for hate all teachers were analyzing dat data um as you know there is an implementation of the new curriculum and with that there's ongoing articulation around the curriculum where there are three meetings throughout the year with Miss um limmerick leading them to articulate about how is the curriculum going what should be added and what should be changed and um this is to help with the growth for our students um and during these meetings the teachers are also sharing their best practices and um when we're doing walkthroughs and lesson plan um and observations were looking for discourse and maximizing instructional time and engagement of students in in these observations um and finally we are also incorporating n njsla practice items into both small group instruction and whole whole group instruction um throughout this school year as we prepare for the next Administration hello again um this time I'll be talking about the ninth grade ELA data um so looking at our cohort data students from year to year continue to show growth um we're continuing to outperform the state students scored 20 to 20 26% higher uh than the state average on every domain so each domain showed growth written expression uh literary text grew the most from last year's score from last year's scores um and they improved 9% and 177% respectively our written expression and reading informational text are our strongest areas and we're exceeding our prepandemic numbers in all areas um which is really great to say that we've improved in each of those domains across the board in n9th grade um we had the research simulation and narrative writing this year um and both of those areas were strong as well so we're seeing some great scores across both reading and writing in 9th grade um which is great to see throughout our testing hi folks Ed perowsky a principal at at matachin High School uh just want to highlight the fact that a lot of the work that we're uh going to discuss with regard to the next steps and interventions is all focused upon the importance of collaboration among the administration the supervisors but most importantly the teachers with our students so I want to highlight that that is a true goal and a TR true uh collaborative process that we follow at the high school in particular uh collaboration has already begun uh amongst the staff and uh mix manano with regard to the data meetings specifically highlighting the njsla data as well as our first round of benchmarks uh that were accomplished with the uh with the link at data uh which had been tested in September uh in collaboration with uh and in communication with the teachers mix manziano had shared that a focus for this year for our English language arts teachers they identified the fact that they wanted to focus more time in on their small group instruction specifically tied around uh student discourse in two specific areas and those are the areas that were areas that uh came up with regard to the evidence statements uh from the njsla data that we had uh uncovered specifically in Reading literature there was the area of uh reinforcing central theme and helping the students uh develop their character analysis skills there and in vocabulary with their use of context clues to construct meaning of unknown vocabulary words so those are two areas that the teachers will be uh collaborating with their students on this year uh ongoing professional development continues to be at the Forefront of our teachers work uh with our work with the national writing project and of course as you've heard multiple times this evening um the insurmountable amount of work that our teachers and our supervisors and Dr Herzog had accomplished with the curriculum uh revisions updates and implementation we're continuing to Monitor and Implement and support our staff as we uh go throughout this school year okay and for high school um math analysis again we have our ninth graders taking this assessment um which could be in whatever course they're currently taking in the n9th grade so some highlights there we continue to outperform the state um in each of the courses so in algebra one for those taking in Algebra 1 in geometry and in Algebra 2 um some some nice highlights uh to point out in Algebra 1 um from 2023 to 2024 we saw three and 7% increases respectively in both major content and supporting content so that was great and notable um in Geometry we saw 25% um or or greater uh difference between State and how our students performed in all four reporting categories so that was excellent and we saw an 18% increase in modeling from 2023 to 2024 which to me was remarkable um in Algebra 2 we saw increases in all four reported categories from 2023 to 2024 with 10% increases in both reasoning and modeling um so that is uh area again at the in mathematics we continue to look at our evidence statements and really dial into what are the areas that um specifically we can do within the classrooms and those are the conversations we're having in our data dive meetings and then in science uh we we test in science in 11th grade um and we outperform the state in each domain and practice category that's reported we saw saw anywhere from 0 to 8% increases in students scoring above expectations in life science physical science investigating practices and critiquing practices our strongest practice category was investigating practices um notable that physical science uh saw an incre 3% increase and continues to be our strongest area um and investigating was our growth goal from last year and we saw an 8% increase so that was notable um our Focus area for the this year is in sensemaking practices and we are already um having conversations and looking at items and figuring out where they best most appropriately fit within our coursework um because as as you may be familiar um we don't we don't teach our courses as a life science course in Earth and space science and a physical science course so it needs to be thought of as where do these most appropriately fit within our coursework um and we are implementing new curriculum in science as well so all of our courses did see new updated curriculum this fall and so we're continuing to work through that and make revisions as appropriate and I could probably just say ditto from what uh what was said previously in by both uh Mrs asedo and by uh Mrs lerich with regard to what is actually being accomplished uh with regard to next steps and interventions but I am going to highlight them anyway because I'm up here and I I want to speak so uh just right off the bat we're just want to identify that our math uh teachers are have been collaborating with Mrs lck and each other to uh go through the njsla data during their department meetings as well as Examining The linkit Benchmark analysis data um and they've been doing those meetings uh they had one in September and similar to mix manano as well they'll have ones in January and ones in March after each of the benchmark assessments have been completed in science you know it's a little bit different because it's only three grade levels where we're getting this information from but the evidence statement item analysis has been very helpful for us to determine uh next steps and where we need to provide our our students with more experience uh We've identified areas of proficiency as you've already heard from uh Mrs lck and we've also identified some target areas the examination of integration and integration of test items is Paramount to us we really want to spend a little bit more time helping our teachers uh walk them through the walk the students through um opportunities to engage in the discussion of how do you approach a problem like this how are you going to um analyze the information that's presented to you so you have a better sense of uh how to attack the problem on an assessment uh additionally they plan on integrating uh more of their teacher made assessments to have some of the um test items uh mimic some of the work that they would be doing on the njsla Science assessment uh obviously we're engaging in curriculum with every single curriculum document being Rewritten and uh revised and and implemented now there's time for you know the implementation of it there's articulation opportunities throughout the year and what's most important is as the teachers are going throughout the year they're also identifying things that work and things that didn't work and ways to improve upon those practices so that the second year of implementation will uh hopefully provide even more uh benefits for each of our students uh finally professional development uh we obviously provide our teachers with some instructional strategy best practices throughout their uh department meetings and other uh workshops that we provide for them throughout the school year here we provide some focus on a student engagement and understanding through opportunities for student discourse we want to make sure that the students are actively thinking and engaging in conversation uh with regard to the practices that they are expected to be able to accomplish in any curriculum as well as on uh assessments and finally we want to leverage ways to maximize instructional time which are uh the last two things student discourse and maximizing instructional time are also District goals so you'll notice how we've embedded our district goal work into our work uh within the analysis of our testing results and our implementation of programming that's it for me thank you okay the last slide is um the presentation of our Dynamic learning Maps our alternate assessment um it is a very small group of students seven students took this test so we're not going to report any results but I'll just explain a little bit about the assessment it's given to students in grades grades 3 through 8 and grade 11 in ela Math and Science as an alternative assessment to taking that regular njsla test it's given online it's an Adaptive assessment and it's administered in a onetoone setting in order to be eligible to take this test the child study team um has to make that determination as part of an IEP meeting and there has to be a a significant cognitive disability there has to be instruction that's focused primarily on modified standards based on the um Essential Elements those are alternative standards and the student has to receive substantially adapted instructional materials the test is scored either as emerging approaching the target at Target or Advanced and again we had seven students this year participate in that assessment um I'd just like to wrap up this I'm sorry very long long presentation but to us very meaningful presentation I conclude this presentation very very proud of the results um and the team and that presented them and the people responsible for these results I want to thank our our teachers our admin team and our students for making us so proud and being able to stand up here and present such such great results I um really I think we all heard a lot of we saw a lot of Trends in our data and we heard a lot of themes in what our team presented and these results and growth don't happen by accident they happen through the hard work the intentionality and the collaboration that everybody spoke to today and I think we heard a lot of consistent themes this team is working very um well together and very collaboratively and they are clearly committed to processes for continuous Improvement and continuous learning both for students and themselves so thank you for listening to us and um we our team is here to answer any questions the board may have okay well thank you for the exhaustive report congratulations to all of you and thank you to all of all the presenters this evening it's wonderful when the presenters are all also some of the people doing all the work because they justifiably can can Crow a bit about their results and and more importantly than that is the results are real students doing real work and and and and learning and growing so um just wonderful results um I do have a few questions um um first um for many years the state data came with something called a comparison to DFG now we haven't had that in many many years is there any type of comparisons we get not just to the state but to some type of like districts um that used to be the the thing that I mean it's been a long time since 2010 was the last time um they reorganized by DFG and then they start they stopped porting out that data probably a decade ago now yeah it's been a long time I think they had tried an Al an alternate they did party groups uh your 20 most nearest schools and it was different for every school like with concentric circles they don't provide comparative data like that anymore they don't okay um yes I would say that we do uh take a peek at the other presentations that normally the old dfg's kind of have like our our former competitors um however you know it's not a it's not a exact science for us to compare uh Apples to Apples there so uh it's it's still hard to to do so as Dr Caputo had mentioned but we we do see what our competition is up to as well I appreciate that and um these results in and of themselves you know I do remember obviously the tests have changed four four or five times since then and obviously the cohorts our populations other populations of students have changed but I do remember the what the gaps used to be between matachin and the state and in my memory flipping back um these are still pretty impressive results compared to the state I mean we we traditionally are well above State averages but the this data is is I would say sparkling if if I can use an adjective um you like it yes thank you um the other question I had is um um you turn you use the the word growth um in a way to to talk about well we were at 60 and now we're at 64 but um they there used to be another set of data which actually talked about actual growth where student cohorts were tracked and students who had a certain level uh were then compared to the same to similar students around the state who had the same level to see how much growth uh the school could claim if you will from year to year do we still get that data is that still data still compiled I know was was been a long time since been on the curriculum committee Dr you can fill in the blanks but the um the accountability reports share those out and those accountability reports usually lag like we usually get those in January or February and they have those right now the only growth data that we have comes as part of the the teacher um growth data that we get based on what you described a student from last year compared with all of the similar students last year and figuring that what did they gain over last year with a certain teacher and the teachers get those uh scores um but we don't have that uh uh that data yet but that comes as part of the accountability data report and I think that comes out in like the winter time but it's it's teacher focused it's not District Focus we have that data right now or we're getting that data now okay um and we get that each year that then populates the overall um uh district and school growth numbers yeah it's student data that the teachers get their data sets and the principles meet with them and review their data sets from how much their students grew between the years but it's also used in evaluation with the SGP process but it is analyzed at the student level okay all right well thank you other questions from the board Mr glassbrook yes just one one question thank you for all of the presentations and for the thoroughness of the data it's really great great presentation um is there any theory on why math has reached preco levels faster than English levels any of our math people want to it's okay if not it's just uh it just it makes sense that we're sort of getting caught back up to those pre-co levels I understand that I'm just curious why it seems like math got there I if I had to guess I would have guessed the opposite would have happened perhaps we're going to have our experts come but I'm I'm I'll just guess that perhaps there's more there's more Headroom in math because because we traditionally score so much higher on Ela that it's harder to make gains because you're you're getting towards the top of where the gains can let's see if you're right and I would also Mr GL I'd also guess that um that across the state math scores are probably lower than Ela scores and maybe we do better holding off any kind of drops in math um so when we compare to State maybe we're doing a little bit better than other districts who maybe haven't made the growth we are but we'll see what people say vote for Mr lton or Dr Capa survey says um Kings speaking from the K5 perspective we've really had a lot of targeted strategies when looking at our data and how we're utilizing our resources so for example um I believe it was two to three years ago when we were looking at specifically the gaps for our black Stu our student our black students um not only did we devote Esser tutoring funding to provide interventions but that was Dr venky's goal where she was looking at the data of our black students and then meeting with specific teachers to make sure that those were those students were getting those extra supports and I think when you look at our data overall as a whole we've really been breaking it down and providing interventions in a way that we haven't been previously and even with the implementation of I ready um they have a report called the grade level planning or prerequisite it used to be called the prerequisite report report which essentially helps teachers understand where the instructional gaps are for that specific lesson so it's really enabled our teachers to be targeted with the way that we're providing the intervention as opposed to going okay here are the like areas of growth for that student um we're going to like really work on addition for example but that might may not necessarily tie to what they're currently working on in class so with this strategy we've really been able to work on closing those achievement gaps for our students um utilizing our resources and really being intentional with the way that we look at our data and again like I cannot sing enough Praises for Dr vensky um she's really been a partner in this work so for example um I alluded before that geometry and measurement and data were areas of growth so we've really looked at ways to spiral um those Concepts in a very meaningful way for our students so they had more exposure um so again I think it comes down to being very intentional with the way that we're using our data and how we're approaching our instruction and really making the most of our instructional minutes thank you for that appreciate it please don't ask her any more questions I I was feeling bad no I think as well you want to consider the fact uh looking at our cohorts in particular and watching the cohorts growth over the years as opposed to um just taking the snapshot of say for instance a grade level uh over those 5 years just because as you uh pay attention to the cohort growth you will see that there's more consistent growth across the uh students um with as opposed to just the ELA or the math test that is is given to every ninth grader or every fifth grader so um I would just kind of caution that piece of it as well and and let's focus more on the cohort and see how students are comparing to the M themselves and uh how how they're progressing because I think that's a a bigger celebration for us okay thank you thank you other questions from the board well thank you all so much for coming out tonight and it's a long presentation I'm sure this went a lot of work went into just the presentation let alone all the work behind the scenes to get these kind of results so thank you congratulations I think you're in order for for everyone and and thank you so much for coming and sharing the data with us and with the public so thank you all appreciate apprciate it thank you good night good night okay Dr kuto we have another presentation Hib uh grading thank you so thanks to Mr IG who's not only uh doing the broadcast for tonight but he's changing the uh the slideshows for us here so I'll be doing the um the annual um HIV report um and we'll go through each of the sections that's required for every District in the state of New Jersey to present on I'll provide some period 1 versus period two again this is for the 2324 school year um and then we'll we'll talk about the the the types of incidences and how they were um how they were dealt with uh across the district so this is called the District AB which is the anti-bullying bull of Rights summary report for 24 23 24 so this report as I said is uh required of all districts the nature of the HIV the effect of the HIV the mode of the HIV and any disciplinary or other actions that were taken as a result of that investigation section A is the the overall counts so period one is the first half of 2324 period two is the second half uh of the year so across the district there were 37 HIV reports investigated and a little less than half of those 15 were found to be HIV the other 22 were were found not to be HIV the 10day investigation which is in the law was completed for 100% all 37 cases and all those all 37 were presented to the board of education and we asked the Board of Education to vote on all 37 um of those decisions that were were found at the school level and then affirmed By Me section B in this report is the summary report of the nature by race color religion ancestry origin gender sexual gender identity mental physical sensory disabilities other characteristics or no identifiable natures and just note those don't add up because sometimes in HIV cases there may be one or more you know of those um those distinguishing characteristics identified and those are the categories that the state asks us to fill in uh section c is the effect of those hivs um the first categor is the offender knew that would uh cause harm the second category is the victim may have been in fear um the third category is that there was a a student a group of students that were insulted or demeaned the fourth one interfered with education and the fifth one created a hostile environment and again this might not have to add up to 37 because there could be U multiple effects from a particular uh a single HIV um as I'm halfway through this just to mention a shout out to Alana curtain and the um the vice principles at each school who really do a lot of these investigations and for Mrs alvich for um helping put these together section D is the mode of the HIV it was it a gesture was it written was it verbal was it physical was it via electronic communication section e is the disciplinary action taken so there was there were two suspensions and eight cases that resulted in detentions the other actions could they take a wide range suspension of privileges counseling conferencing uh restitution um group counseling transfer student conferences irrs referral for therapy and other measures beyond that we list those community service reflective assignment um no contact contracts informational text Etc uh the state requires us to do a self assessment and then once the state confirms our results we're required by law to post these results on the website and we do that every year um for 23 24 MOS self assessed at 72 out of 78 Campbell at 75 out of 78 Edgar at 73 out of 78 and the High School 74 or 78 districtwide that's 94% 735 divided by 78 94% for comparison going back to oh we have a comparison slide oh since I mentioned it let me do that first going back to 134 school year you can follow along uh for each school and the district um percentages on the bottom uh starting at 88 86 90 90 89 90 91 91 94 96 and this year 23 24 94 so we ask our folks folks to to really put their heads together um we we say that we we try to do everything that we can but as long as there's one Hib that we can do more um so what are we going to do well the high school in Campbell uh continue a demonstration of respect for differences and Equitable treatment of all students within the classroom um High School in Campbell again continued use of restorative justice practices when appropriate at Campbell updated the morning meeting calendar and resources to include anti-hib kind of messaging um at Campbell also providing monthly area Focus for social emotional learning and wellness at the high school demonstration of body acceptance um Across The District Parent student training on the differences between HIV and student conflict and even though we're more than a decade into the anti-bullying Bill of Rights that's still an important um training that we do and we need to up that all the time at Edgar and Campbell newsletter for parents with follow-up social emotional learning lessons and another uh Campbell where there's parent training on again on the differences that we talked about uh especially around whether or not the parent reports it but then says don't investigate it kind of the train has left the station we're responsible to to investigate at that time um so it's all kind of in the mix about what we can do better as a district and as on a school by school level again here was those self assessment grades which I mentioned this year you could see the far right column um out of 78 I don't know why it's at 78 points and we and when we divide that out across the district 94% on the um the Statewide self assessment and one last one we're not required to present this but we when when St may put this policy out with this option G uh alternative uh and again I Define this each time I present the this option G alternative in our policy says that even if all the facts of the case as presented were true it still wouldn't be HIV principles are allowed with my approval to investigate as investigate that as a code of conduct violation again if even if all the facts of the case were true and it still wouldn't be HIV it's investigator's code of conduct so we Implement that implemented that seven times in the um in the 23 24 school year so questions thank you Dr kuto for your report um any questions from the board seeing none uh I know the district uh takes its responsibility very seriously when it comes to uh investigating HIV cases we we hear everyone enclosed at least a summary of each one enclosed and we have to uh vote on on appr you know validating or returning or overturning every case so we certainly see them all we know they're not easy to adjudicate and um but but for the safety of our students and the health of our students it's something we we take very seriously and and thank you for your presentation thanks everybody thank you okay um while uh Dr K is making his way back uh the next item is President's report I do not have a president's report this evening um Dr kuto uh do you do okay so um our next board meeting is not until November 12th so as a reminder election day is the prior Tuesday November 5th please remember to vote on November 5th or early via vote by mail now as as early as now every vote matters your vote matters and a government for the people means that people need to vote in order to have a democracy so please get out there and vote I would only add one thing that um for the first time in a long time I won't be in New Jersey for election day and I so I voted by mail uh it is um very easy and it is trackable which I did not know I discovered that you can go on to the State website and see if they've confirmed that they've got your ballot that it's been accepted that you filled it out right that you don't have something to fix or cure so uh you know as I said I hadn't done it before and it was it's an education and it was really quite easy so if you're not going to be in town please I think you still have a little bit of time maybe another week I think to is it that long I don't I don't know the actual date don't take my my word for election law but uh I believe you still have time if you want to do it quickly to request a ballot if you are not going to be in town or you just prefer to vote V New Jersey doesn't require a reason um you can just request a ballot and that's what I did and it was pretty seamless so okay uh moving on to committee reports uh Miss Cook policy uh policy has not met we meet next Tuesday night okay great thank you Mr deringer curriculum ditto to what she said okay thank you Mr glasberg Construction Construction met last night it was open to the public um we discussed the progress at each School um we were joined by our by greyhawk Construction Company um High School progress it's moving along now that we have approval from the Buckeye pipeline uh the field is complete the cafeteria addition is progressing um there was some soil testing done uh out near where the new gym is going to be and that came back without issues so that's a positive uh Campbell is progressing on time the steel is um starting to be erected um someone from the public uh made a comment regarding dust and sand in the field area on the particularly windy day recently so that's going to be looked into for to be mitigated uh at Edgar steel is erected uh the Project's moving along well the mechanical is being SW swapped out in some of the classrooms um at nighttime there was a question from the public regarding air conditioning in the kitchens and uh we will get a list of spaces that are not air conditioned um just as a reminder all classrooms will be uh air conditioned but there'll just be an inventory of other random spaces that um may not have the air conditioning at Moss uh the retaining wall on Vorhees side has started um this the start of the underground retention system um the concrete pad is poured mechanical equipment has arrived uh overall is about 17 days off schedule that is a significant improvement over what it was recently um so that's a good sign and then as we start going up in a couple of weeks um hopefully there's areas to further improve that there was a question regarding the time of the water uh when the water retention system would be completed there's a question regarding which is supposed to be November there's a question about Landscaping um around the retaining walls uh the date of the retaining wall completion uh there was a question SL concern regarding the um color of the building there was uh questions regarding midyear grade realignment and busing just just the different scenarios if the project were to finish on time and if it were not to finish on time um a couple of people talked about um busing questions that's primarily taken up in finance um because it's a financial issue for the district but we did discuss it a little bit um in the fact that uh determinations will be made about all the different busing routes in the late winter early Springtime uh the finance committee continues to look at how to add an additional bus route so to keep in mind we currently have the two bus routes Campbell and Edgar um if we were to also bus for Moss that would be three bus routes so they're looking into the added costs uh to the parents and to the district um if we were to do that then in a Clos section we discussed um concerns from Neighbors and uh and one of the houses on Hunt Street and we discussed um the Epic construction company which is responsible for moss and for Edgar our next meeting is on November 11th and our next open public construction committee meeting is on December 9th I'll repeat that later on uh but the next one is closed November 11th thank you thank you Dr Johnson Marcus um nothing tonight no report tonight no report tonight um Dr spner um Equity Equity hasn't met um depending on agenda items we probably be meeting next Tuesday okay thank you um Mr sus Finance Finance met last night um small we had a gr great uh meeting with the uh AI committee and uh Miss Dy sounded actually perfectly fine last night did something happened so your fault I I she it's your fault I don't know she was great well maybe well Dr C said you know maybe she was working so hard today but uh she s it perfectly fine last night and she everything she said was great um we we really are like leading the way in at least in my opinion on the AI front um we talked about the after school programs at Campbell and Moss we talked about just a a quick discussion on the uh 2526 operational budget and 2526 budget plus that's it thank you um Mr cleen isn't here I know we met last night extracurricular does anybody have a report an actual report me I have the notes I can I can go or to Dr Caputo you or me um yeah I mean I can do it if if it's a pretty short meeting I I don't um I'm just going to walk through the agenda it's up to you go ahead you do it you do Mr s um so we had a uh another collaborative session with the district sustainability committee again um some really good work I just want to highlight um they talked about collaboration with the with the burrow which is great connecting the kids with the the real stuff that we're doing with the burrow which was was which was very very good and another thing that was I thought was uh very good was that they actually have a high school student on their committee as well and just you know meeting up with the high school so that was yet yet again another good um collaborative committee meeting we talked about the uh Edgar cheer Club um getting two High School volunteer advisers again gotta love that um we talked about um eighth graders in the MHS marching band and we briefly discussed um there uh the njisa put out spectator guidelines njsba had put out suggested policy um recommendations and just you know what we were going to do with it which was basically uh uh we don't really want to make the school district a police state and until there's a problem we won't really act on it thank you um Miss Miss uh sha do you have a report this evening please just like um just something quick so hello everyone I hope you're all settling into The Fall season as we transition into the new season student across all grade levels are finding their Rhythm I'd like to share some of the exciting things happening at each school at the middle school there's a lot of anticipation around the upcoming volleyball tournament students are eager to participate and showcase their teamwork skills which is always a great way to build school spirit in the elementary school excitement is high as the students prepare for their field trip to the town hall happening very soon and over at the high school students are registering for their AP exams earlier due dates because of the new deadline but on a higher note seniors are also picking out their quotes and superlatives which is always fun and brings a sense of reflection as we get closer to graduation the rest of the grades are all getting into the swing of things and extracurricular activities like the mock trial team and robotics team are hitting the ground running in conclusion whether it's gearing up for a tournament a field trip important exams or buying pumpkin spice lattes we're all embracing the opportunities that come with the fall season here's to a productive rest of the year thank you everyone thank you thank you so much for your report okay are any questions on any of the committee reports see none we'll move on to uh old business is there old business from the board Mr sus oh I'm sorry hold on you can go first oh there's two old businesses yeah okay I recognize Mr sus first go ahead Mr okay um so meeting from the 17th of September uh they discussed the PSAT I was wondering if the administration can take us through their uh thought process as to why not let the handful of uh sophomores take the PSAT um they had alerted to us earlier about the PSAT situation even before that meeting and I completely agree with the administration that when the ban was involved and you're dealing with 40 kids and not that big of a school um good decision but when we're dealing with a handful of kids that are dealing uh representing the school at a sporting event just wonder if they can take us through their thinking and not moving forward on that one um yeah I'm not like I think like Mr lton said that might be best discussed at the school level for parents who have questions but in general as as as principal Mr prow is looking out for maximizing instructional time something that I've asked him to do this year um you know we're always looking for the margins and and we're looking to um make sure we maximize instructional time number one um secondly PSATs are for 11th graders and every 11th grader um by hook a crook will have an opportunity to take the test uh the PSAT you know it's a practice sat so a 10th grader can take a practice practice sat online and books and courses um lots of opportunities for that um so that's that's generally Dr Herzog as assistant superintendent in charge of curriculum instruction anything that you could add to that well I know that Mr Mr PRI is monitoring he he knows of some conflicts but he also knows that there may be some others that could still merge between now and that date and wants to make sure that you know with specifically with Athletics or playoffs or things like that wants to make sure he works with the athletic director and and knows that information so I think he is monitoring that and just wants to make sure before he makes the final decision that he has all the information and can continue to prioritize the Juniors so I think he's expecting to he is monitoring it and expecting once he has all the information he FS the time is close enough to make a final call if he can accommodate the sophomores who have conflicts or not well that that would be great so it's still not a final decision so there's still an opportunity if it's just a handful I get if the marching band you know you know comes back into play so the decision is that all 11th graders will take the test yes and that anyone has a question should contact their counselor that's that's the decision I think what Dr Herzog is adding is that Mr praski is always keeping an eye on what happen to school in every aspect of the high school um and those folks should go through the process to find out what if there is any other options for that right he's in touch with those families or will be in touch with those families throughout the week to if they have a conflict well I I think we know we know at least the few that have a conflict so's saying do do we give them hope or I think they wait to talk to him at least at least the two parents that were here said they did actually talk to um talk to him so yeah he's going to monitor it so right yep okay um Miss Cook mine's a little less controversial uh well well potentially more controversial in the state of New Jersey you have up until 7 days before election day to request a mail and Ballot or you can go in person to the division of Elections the day by 3 p.m. the day before and request a mail and ballot so there you go that's why it's good to have lawyers on the board or good googlers at least former lawyers non-practicing attorne of a license recovering retired lawyer recovering lawyer recovering that thank you any other old business from the board seeing none is there any new business from the board seeing none I'd like to move approval of the following minutes September 24th 2024 special business meeting 1 September 24th 2024 special business meeting 2 and September 24th 2024 board meeting um is there a second Dr Johnson Marcus are there any qu uh comments or Corrections on those minutes seeing none W call please Mr bot yes Miss Cook I abstain thank you Mr derflinger yes Mr glassberg yes Dr Johnson Marcus yes Mr lton yes Dr spner yes Mr SS yes motion carries thank you the meeting is now open to the public for any item seeing none I will close that section oh you don't have to state your name again we know who you are thank you um so my question was uh just because we stayed and you know we listen you know just to see if it would come back up talk to the microphone sorry about that um so I guess my question question is obviously we don't want to interrupt any instructional time for our students for other students um but uh when this issue came up I was told to look at other schools in order to take uh to have my daughter take the PSAT I contacted Edison High JP Stevens Ward law St Joe's Edison Academy St Thomas aquinus I even contacted Hill bro High School who was having it on also on a Saturday and they would not allow any outside students to come in only Hillsboro and Edison Academy were having it on Saturdays every other school is having it during the week um I think to and I just I guess my question is is maybe is it something that we might want to think about or look at is to have the PSAT again during the week where we can maximize student participation in order to uh you know to not have conflicts if kids have outside activities and school sponsored activities so I just want to bring that up well thank you again okay um any other comments from the public seeing none we'll close that section um move to the recommendation of the superintendent of schools often times it may appear to members of our audience audience that the Board of Education takes action with very very little comment and in many cases unanimous vote before matter is placed on the agenda at a public meeting the administration is Thoroughly reviewed the matter with the superintendent of schools if the superintendent is satisfied that the matter is ready to be presented to the Board of Education it is then referred to the appropriate board committee the members of the board committee work with the administration and the superintendent to assure that the members the matter the members fully understand the matter and the committee is satisfied with the matter it is presented to the board of education for discussion before any final action is taken only then is it placed on the agenda for Action at a public meeting I'd like to move the Personnel items A1 through 19 is there a second Miss Cook are there any comments or questions on those items seeing none roll call please Mr bot yes Miss Cook yes Mr derfflinger yes Mr glasberg yes Dr Johnson Marcus yes Mr lton yes Dr spner yes Mr sus yes motion carries thank you um Finance Mr s I'd like to move items B1 got that part right through V6 asisted on the agenda thank you is there a second Mr derflinger are there any comments or questions on those items seeing none wel call please Mr bot yes Miss Cook yes Mr derflinger yes Mr Glaser yes Dr John Marcus yes Mr lton yes Dr spner yes Mr s yes motion carries thank you uh Miss Cook policy yes I'd like to move items C1 through two as listed on the agenda thank you is there a second Dr spner are there any comments or questions on those items seeing none wel call please Mr bot yes Miss Cook yes Mr deringer yes Mr glasberg yes Dr Johnson Marcus yes Mr lifton yes Dr spner yes Mr SS yes motion carries yes um Mr derfflinger curriculum thank you I'd like to make a motion to move items D1 through n as listed on the agenda please thank you is there a second Dr Johnson Marcus uh I have a question that was just brought to my attention uh the item that's marked CES Target uh it's in the middle of page 11 seems not to match the description is that fair to say just different place in the description oh y um is that should that be two different items is that um Sage can you help us out with that trip um which one CES Target yeah yeah it's in the middle of page 11 I don't know I'll have to figure that out I will get back to you guys so we'll what we'll do um if there's questions about it Mr lifon we'll just take that um that entire line out if there was a mistake CES Target grades 1 to eight Mr Jenny's the first name 126 1660 no subs and if board's uncomfortable we'll strike after the agenda yeah I just think it it might it might maybe it should be two different items or maybe it's just mistitled I remember we want to fight we want to wait I can we can look through our our system to try to find it or we can strike it and bring it back at a future agenda um yeah yeah we we can well the next meeting is yeah we could you can approve it at the next meeting right yeah they're not going if you're can approve yeah you can vote on it next time hopefully you approve it yeah yeah there's OB is not the trip it's just making sure we are clear on what we're approving okay so all right so we're just going to take so we apologize for that error obviously y um it's already been moved and seconded but we have not voted how do we have not voted how do I so how about make an additional motion while you have I'm I'm going to make a motion to um to uh table lack of a better word stri um to strike from this agenda the C the that that item we were just discussing M middle of page 11 marked CES Target um because there is some confusion so I'd like to make that motion is there a second Dr Johnson Marcus all in favor of tabling that item just raise your hand it's fine are there any opposed to tabling that item seeing none okay now we're going to move to the balance of the motion are there any other comments or questions on these items roll call please Mr bot yes Miss Cook yes Mr deringer yes Mr glasberg yes Dr Johnson Marcus yes Mr lifton yes Dr spner yes Mr sus yes motion carries thank you Mr lifon thank you and we'll we'll look forward to uh to seeing that on on the next agenda uh where are we was was was that got us all the way through the end of 14 yeah right we're all the way to 14 right we okay meeting is now open to the public for any item seeing none I will close that section and move to announcements Mr bot sure um great meeting today uh I would say a number of announcements uh as the fall gets busy so uh reminder 11:4 to 118 fall recess schools closed tomorrow uh at Edgar Middle School library there is the meet your board of education candidates we have three candidates there uh sponsored by the PTC also on Facebook uh channel 15 on Optimum and please hold any judgment on Optimum uh High School uh for mou High School 1021 school picture makeups 1025 AP exam uh standard registration uh closes 1026 obviously we've heard quite a bit about the PSATs and then 1028 the marking period one ends uh for Edgar uh 10:31 happy Halloween first marking period ends still time to register for the PTO there was a nice first meeting at beans and bread and the Edgar book fair is coming soon uh Campbell had a great book fair uh in the camp M PTO uh with $600 in books uh gifted to teachers into the school which is outstanding uh the cam Moss PTO food drive is going on through October 24th and as Dr C mentioned you've got coffee or tea with Dr C on October 24th we're still looking for some class parents at Campbell and shout out to Jackie raviola for her efforts um and then there's an assembly on October 24th for Moss the community helpers uh where you get to meet uh some of our just amazing First Responders and folks in the community with the Moss school and that's all thank you Mr bot uh just to wrap up the meeting I do want to you know when we came in today all the board members at our at our positions had the um the program from the matachin high school Hall of Fame induction which was October 4th unfortunately I wasn't able to make it but um I just wanted to offer my congratulations to all the inductees I'm sure it was a wonderful um ceremony and uh looking through you you know I moved to mouin in 1999 so I'm not familiar with all the names but certainly reading uh all the backstories of all the the various inductees and obviously I do know some of the inductees like uh Miss glutz and Mr graph but um I I I don't know all of them and certainly reading them that they're very accomplished and certainly meant a lot have meant a lot to the matachin community and certainly the high school so I just want to offer my congratulations and I just want to make one note that um you know on our book on this booklet and also on our our Christ graduation we print the alma mat on the back I'm not sure if anybody knows the song or I mean obviously these are the words we never sing it may maybe we can uh have a have some type of investigation as to how it actually what what's the song that goes with it has anybody I mean certain talking about the Hall of Fame I'm C certain it's somebody who's been inducted in the Hall of Fame at some point that used to sing the alma mater it's one of those things you know I went to college and everyone knows the fight song and no one has any idea what the alma m is but uh when the new board memb initiated in January it Mr harvier will lead them through will lead them in in the AL out the tune Miss Miss Colleen knows it missen knows the AL is that right y maybe we can talk to Mr Jay and um you're on that Dr Herzog that would be really neat we've never done that been here 13 years maybe another showcase maybe a showcase and we can come out and highlight that um with with someone from our I mean it's a beautiful you know poem um it be like it would be wonderful to hear what it actually sounds like but okay well after that little degression um I'd like to make a motion to adjourn is there a second Dr Johnson Marcus all in favor thank you and good night as long