##VIDEO ID:m3iLNud1gII## thank you good evening this is the matachin Board of Education meeting for Tuesday September 24th 2024 which will all rise to the flag lute please Ali to the flag United States of America to repice thank you notice of meeting please I hereby make this statement to indicate compliance with the open public meetings act known as chapter 231 of the public laws of New Jersey 1975 which became effective 90 days after enactment January 19th 1976 notice of this meeting was given by providing the location date and time of this meeting and posting of the same on the front door of the Board of Education offices by delivering copies to the burrow Hall and the matachin public library the home news and Tribune and by filing a copy with the burough Clerk is prescribed by this law thank you roll call please Mr bot here miss cook Miss Cook has let us know that she won't be able to attend this evening Mr derflinger here Mr glasberg here Dr Johnson Marcus here Miss Colleen here Mr lton here M sha here Dr spner here Mr sus here thank you I see we have some guests we do thank you before we start thank you for being here tonight miss Taylor good to see you back over here thank you yes we do Mr lifon uh so we have continuing the introduction of our new staff this year we have three uh new and soon to be new staff here with us and they're able to be here with us tonight we really appreciate that as we've done I'll invite them up to the microphone um and I'll just explain to the public in the board what their role is or going to be and I'll ask them to say as little as thank you or if they want to tell us a little about their you know their hopes and their dreams and what they're what they're planning so far in their you their first month here in matachin they they're certainly more than welcome to do that we know that the board really appreciates the opportunity to meet the folks that um you know that you that you review the resumés and you consider my recommendations and then to have them here in front of us know it's important to you first up we have Eric fwell MHS English teacher and he's a leave replacement while miss wagon blast is out we're excited to have Eric here with us today hey what's going on hello hey how's it going it's been a long day right uh yeah I'm I'm filling in for Eileen uh so it's a TW semester fill right September through December uh before this I taught college for six years I in a GD program for two I wrote for everywhere possible in literary criticism and journalism and now do like media writing outside of this so stuff like uh I ref for like Marvel and DC and Disney and board games and produce on some TV shows and stuff and that's pretty much it cool excellent well thank you we're very happy you're here and thank you for coming as you said it a long day I'm sure for all to all of you thank you for coming we really appreciate getting the opportunity to say hello and to meet you all so thank you thank you for being thanks thanks Eric next we have Heather Mills pavonis who will be supervisor of guidance leave replacement while um Miss curtain is on leave and um welcome Heather good evening thank you all so much for uh approving me at the last board meeting I love forward to working with Alana and the staff here in matachin it's kind of like coming home I actually brought my family with me because my husband is a graduate of matachin high school and he's already given me like a tour and showed me the gym and the banners and um we got married at at the Cathedral um so certainly matachin is a really special place um to us and to me and I've had the pleasure of um working as an interim School counseling supervisor health and wellness and I know Mrs curtain we've been in communication we're excited to transition and look forward to a very smooth and fluid year so thank you all so very much and I'm honored to be here great well thank you for coming and it's nice to see you welcome back and welcome back yeah yeah thanks Heather and then also tonight we have Lisa par who will be Campbell School ESL leave replacement teacher when uh Mrs Reyes goes on her leave hi Lisa good evening everybody so it wasn't a long day for me since my position hasn't started yet so I'm a retired Jersey City School ESL teacher I started my career in the classroom and then after I pursued my Master's Degree I started teaching ESL and that's been the majority of my career I retired during the pandemic but always in my head I knew that I wanted to continue teaching part-time or leave replacement positions so I was very excited to see the posting for a maternity lever placement here I live in um middle sex County in East brunwick so thank you for hiring me I'm very excited well thank you for coming and thank you for coming this evening even though it wasn't a long day it's still late into the evening start in November and uh we certainly appreciate getting the opportunity to welcome you so thank you and welcome to the district thank you thanks Lisa really appreciate as as Mr lifon said everyone coming out tonight and getting a chance for the public and especially the board to meet you tonight so great thank you [Music] [Applause] okay um the meeting is now open to the public for any topic seeing none I'll close that section we don't have presentations this evening that's correct so we'll move to the reports uh president's report I do not have a report this evening Dr kaputo superintendence report no report for me great uh committee reports uh Mr derflinger thank you um I was not present for the last curriculum um meeting Michelle cook um filled in for me but I do have the notes it was this past Tuesday uh Dr hazar provided the committee with some district testing updates um followed by that there was a focus and a conversation around theal programs at both Edgar and Campbell School Edgar's goal and focus um is on um SLT development and beginning implementation of a character education focused on respect responsibility and kindness um at Campbell the school climate initiative is also focusing on seal competencies and wellness Focus areas integrating important monthly celebrations that focus on inclu inclusivity there was a conversation around curriculum updates they continue to roll in um and today we have some motions for approval of some of those documents so you'll see that today there was then a conversation around two High School 12th grade semester math courses um um a discussion around um the the curriculum of these programs being Rewritten with more of a focus on data literacy and and a proposed name change for next year's program of studies um following that there was some conversation around Ela curriculum curriculum updates excuse me um there was a full kindergarten El Ela curriculum guide um revision as well as a great grade 6 Ela curriculum guide revision as well and the next meeting is on October 22nd thank you Mr Jer um does anybody have did did policy meet and if so do we is there a report I've got it has it sure thank you Mr absolutely uh so uh a few updates on the policy committee side we were able to meet last week uh on the policy manual side no mandatory reviews uh so a quick a quick discussion there we then talked about uh art artificial intelligence and just walk through some of the great early work being done from a gen perspective uh in the district and we're very excited about the direction uh and sort of expansive approach that uh the district is taking with respect to it and are you know eager to see the progress and and we'll discuss timeline when it's ready but it is a truly Progressive and exciting um bit of work there's a discussion around homework guidelines more than anything just an emphasis on maintaining homework as guidelines uh and making them more visible to the community uh great discussion there and then there was also a message I've been asked to you sort we've drafted and asked to share if I may uh just about sort of construction updates which I know we'll we'll get a little bit more detail around but with respect to something that is top of mind for you know many in the district with respect to the calendar so when we shared last year's school calendar for the 2023 2024 school year we highlighted that the Full Construction process would require us all to remain flexible while focusing on our two top priorities completing the construction as quickly as possible and minimizing disruption in our schools and classrooms students teachers and staff we talked about giving each other space and Grace on the journey is the destination will be more than worth it it's a big project right as we you know pass these schools on our drives and throughout the burrow drop off and pick up our kids see the work progressing around us it's really easy to be pulled forward and enticed by the amazing impact this work is going to have for decades to come once we're done it's enticing which is why it's important to remind ourselves that we are still very much in the early goings and I think the team here and the construction committee and the Administration has to focus on answering questions and giving our construction teams the space they need to keep moving as quickly as they can so the promise to you is as we have information we'll share information and with respect to the calendar as we're equipped to make decisions we will share them with you but the guidance we've received is to acknowledge a bulk of the foundational work will be happening still in the next few months and that it is only once we're through this phase that we can pick up our heads with a clear picture of what the next year will look like so we're still heads down for a few months if you have questions or if you'd like updates you know join us at our bimonthly construction committee meetings in the MHS Library the next one is on October 14th or join us here Board of Education meetings and check the Board of Ed website the construction website for update dates which are posted uh posted after each committee meeting if you look right now you'll see amazing photos really rich set of updates and it's a great way to stay informed so this was our ability to acknowledge what may be on some people's minds and just start the discussion with the information we have thank you Mr bot um Mr glassberg Construction Construction did not meet I think that uh Mr bot said it said it all there October 14th 700 p.m. aouch and high school library that a meeting that's open to the public and mouin schools.org great resource thanks for all that soon Mr bot thank you uh Dr Johnson Marcus um nothing for me tonight okay uh Dr spner Equity oh I I I'm Sorry Miss Miss clean um extracurricular extracurricular has not met since our last Mee Dr spner we have not met either committe Mr sus Finance nothing for me tonight okay um did I miss any committees did I miss any of them no are there any comments or or questions yes Mr sus just a question to uh Mr bod I know uh on on the policy committee were there any concrete recommendations about uh getting the homework guidelines which are not school policy out to the public like how how are we going to go about making people more aware of it and understanding it Etc Great question I believe we had a takeaway to discuss how to share uh I don't have the update on exactly how we planed on doing it it is available um but in terms of how we evangelize it that's still a takeaway from last week no it's just funny because we were just talking about construction and when you asked do you have any concrete recommendations I thought we were talking about the construction just way my just the way my mind works at quarter after 8 anyway long day for you as well long day for me too um you know concrete concrete recommendations you know just to repeat the the joke nobody liked it okay um miss tresta the uh the student report student board member report how are you this evening I'm good how are you I'm very well thank you I I do have a small report if that's okay so um I just wanted to say good evening everyone here are the latest and hottest topics among the students in our district right now first up at the elementary school students are really excited about the upcoming book fair which always brings a lot of enthusiasm for reading and just buying a bunch of erasers and things like that so and moving on to the middle school student council elections are just a couple weeks away causing a lot of excitement between the students they are really busy preparing the posters and campaigns which are always inspiring to see and finally at the high school we are gearing up for a week of Lights filled with exciting Sports and games everyone especially the seniors and I'm a senior so is thrilled and making an effort to attend the games as much as possible because it's our final year together Additionally the upcoming book club Fair has students working hard as Club presidents and captains collaborate on posters and advertising ideas to attract new members we are look looking forward to the upcoming events this year ready to have fun learn and promote school spirit thank you thank you thank you for your report any questions that report yes Mr dfin I just wanted to give you some positive feedback it's nice that you talk about all of the schools in the district so keep doing that I really like that yeah of course thank you well done thank you any other questions or comments okay thank you very much for your report okay moving on um is there any old business from the board seeing none is there any new business from the board seeing none I'd like to move the approval of the following minutes of the Board of Education meetings September 10 2024 special business meeting 1 September 10th 2024 special business meeting 2 September TW uh 10th 2024 board meeting is there a second Mr derflinger are there any comments or Corrections on those minutes seeing none wel call please Mr bot yes Mr derflinger yes Mr glasberg yes Dr Johnson Marcus yes Miss Colleen yes Mr lton yes Dr spner yes Mr sus yes motion carries thank you the meeting is now open to the public for any topic iPic hello just state your name and your address please for the record hi I'm Alisa schli and I live on H Dorian road down the street um I this isn't thank you again for all of you uh for everything that you do for the school district I was just um I just wanted to make a comment about something with regard to the scheduling at the high school um I have a son who's a senior now and um he's like it seems like every year he gets math the math class that he's assigned his last period And I think that um I don't know it just seems like why does that happen like why is math offered last period instead of being offered first period or second period something sometimes earlier because I just think it it's like a disservice um to the students I think they're exhausted sort of maybe I shouldn't say the word exhaustive I think sometimes you know it's hard to take in like a very difficult class last period and um I don't really know how schedules are made but um yeah there's no option for him this year to move to a different class uh because I think it's the only class at at the level that he needs so um you know I don't know I just wanted to make a comment that I just think that you know they should offer um I guess if it's a one-time class they should offer um it maybe earlier than last period because there's no option to kind of get out of it so well I know this is probably beyond what the school board does but well thank you for coming it it it isn't what we do r large but certainly uh the high school itself the scheduling um it is a very complex job um and I know they try and do the best they can to accommodate student requests and as far as when when math is offered it's not something the board of education is really involved in but it's certainly you know good to hear your concerns and obviously the administration is here Dr Caputo is here and um I would only say that you know of course our teachers work from first period to last period so that math is offered throughout the day I just think it's sort of bad luck that your son has gotten the if that's a concern for him is just sort of the luck of the draw in a way that he's gotten the last period but that's just you know my experience from having four children that have gone through the high school not having anything to with my role on the board of education because we were not really involved in scheduling that way but um you know it's uh we certainly hear you concern and as as I said the administration is here and um if you'd like I I'm sure that we just we just uh welcome the new director of guidance uh interim here if you'd like to send an email to Guidance just for your own information as far as you know with the history of why your son each year gets gets the last period I'm sure there's a reason just what was offered at one time it's just seems like it's just bad luck but I appreciate you coming tonight thank you well hopefully the construction will make scheduling a little bit easier when they expand the cafeteria well that is true that is true the uh the fact that we'll have a larger cafeteria will give us more flexibility in scheduling going forward at the high school I would think and and the teachers work really hard cuz they work from zero period to last period okay thank you uh any other member of the public would like to make a comment seeing none uh we'll move to recommendation of the superintendent of schools oftentimes it may appear to members of our audience that the Board of Education takes action with very very little comment and in many cases a unanimous vote before matter is placed on the agenda at a public meeting the Administration has thoroughly reviewed the matter with the superintendent of schools if the superintendent is satisfied that the matter is ready to be presented to the Board of Education it is then referred to the appropriate board committee the members of the board committee work with the administration the superintendent to assure that the members fully understand the matter when the committee is satisfied with the matter is presented to the board of education for discussion before any final vote final action is taken only then is it placed on the agenda for Action at a public meeting I'd like to move the Personnel items A1 through n is there a second Dr Johnson Marcus are there any comments or questions on those items seeing n roll call please Mr yes Mr derflinger yes Mr glasberg yes Dr Johnson Marcus yes Miss Colleen yes Mr lton yes Dr spner yes Mr sus yes motion carries thank you uh Finance Mr sus I'd like to move items B1 through B8 as listen on the agenda thank you is there a second there's Mr glassberg out I'm here for you thank you appreciate it you know I didn't want to have to turn my head the other way that would been too much was here for you as well thank you um are there any comments or questions on those items seeing none rco Please Mr bot yes Mr derflinger yes Mr glasberg yes Dr Johnson Marcus yes M Colleen yes Mr lifton yes Dr smiger yes Mr sus yes motion carries thank you uh Mr derflinger curriculum yes uh would like to make a motion for these pages of field trips that we have on the agenda which is wonderful uh motion to move items D1 through three as listed on the agenda please thank you uh Dr Johnson I didn't ask for a second I know I was is there a second Dr Johnson Markus is quick on the draw tonight are there any uh comments or questions on those items yes I do have have one comment I just want to thank Dr Herzog for her work on all the curriculum documents it's been um a significant amount of time and energy by the teachers and under her Direction so I just want to acknowledge that and thank her appreciate that thank you okay any other comments or questions on oh I'm sorry just in response thank you but the credit goes to the teacher writers who stepped up and to the supervisor team who have been closely closely reviewing and providing tons of feedback and the teachers who went back at it and so thank you but credit is not mine but worthy of recognizing those who are doing the work thank you thank you um other comments or questions on these items Sig on W call please Mr bot yes Mr derin yes Mr glassberg yes Dr Johnson Marcus yes M Colleen yes Mr lifton yes Dr spner yes Mr sus yes motion carries thank you the meeting is now open to the public for any item see none I'll close that meeting goes to announcements Mr bot sure uh so uh the midpoint of the marking period is upon us uh I schools are closed on October 3rd for rash Shana so sha TOA to us all uh voter registration is open uh for everyone in the country age 17 and a US citizen uh through October 16th uh Governor's educator of the Year nominations open through November 24th this is we're in the midst of mouin high school week of Lights uh field hockey yesterday girls soccer was today I believe boys soccer tomorrow and football Friday but also a great place to see cheer marching band and just support and celebrate our seniors uh school by School matachin High School AP exam registration has started Edgar meet the teachers night is uh Thursday the 26th Edgar PTO signups and PTO PTC signups in general uh obviously a great conversation at Campbell Moss yesterday uh and the first meeting for Edgar PTO will be Monday 9:30 at uh Monday September 30th at 7:30 um I continue to encourage Edgar parents to look out for your Bulldog briefs it's a great uh it's simply a great update Campbell picture days on September 30th and October 2nd uh Campbell book fair uh thank you for the shout out for kids reading uh and that will be the week 107 108 with uh after school shopping on uh 108 for everyone in the community All Families uh the PTC cookie dough fundraiser is often running with Mrs Fields uh she's great and uh Campbell parents uh also look out for your Friday 3es and then Moss picture day will be before we meet again that's October 11th and then it's very important just based on the composition of the board to call this out as well that no matter how hard the New York Mets try uh the Phillies have won the NL East oh my Lord wow blow I think you're doing announcements for the rest of your career we'll move past that especially since the Mets are currently down three nothing to the Braves moving on uh at this point I'd like to make a motion to adjourn is there a second Dr Johnson Marcus all in favor thank you and good night