##VIDEO ID:sS690Ofrjc8## [Music] for [Music] e e spe [Music] e [Music] e [Music] e e [Music] [Music] how are you okay all right you we EXC see a here l [Music] right get while but then they got come out from their seat don't thank you ready okay I [Music] told good evening this is the matachin Board of Education meeting for Tuesday November 26 2024 would you all ra rise for the flag salute please pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you notice the meeting please I hearby make this statement to indicate compliance with the open public meetings act known as chapter 231 of the public laws of New Jersey 1975 which became effective 90 days after enactment January 19th 1976 notice that this meeting was given by providing the location time and date of this meeting and posting of the same on the front door of the Board of Education offices by delivering copies to the burough Hall in the matachin public library the home news and Tribune and by filing a copy with the burrow clerk as prescribed by this law thank you roll call please Mr bot Mr bot has let us know he won't be able to attend this evening Miss Cook here Mr deringer here Mr glassberg here Dr Johnson Marcus here Miss Colleen here Mr lton here miss thresa is not here currently does not appear to be um Dr spner here and Mr CS here thank you Dr kuto we have guests on the stage and in the audience we do we'll start the guests on the stage tonight we have the matachin high school chamber orchestra under the direction of Mr mckuin the chamber orchestra has routinely received High ratings at from the Central Jersey and New Jersey Orchestra festivals was the 2023 winner of the Rowan string Festival performed at the 24 New Jersey state conference and was selected this year to participate at the national Orchestra Festival in Atlanta Georgia the chamber orchestra tonight will perform along with the curricular Orchestra Ensemble and MCO low light quintet at the high school winter orchestra concert Monday December 9th at 7 o'clock tonight they'll perform the first movement of the serenade for Strings Mr mccuan w [Music] [Music] e [Music] for [Music] e [Music] [Music] w [Music] wow just stunningly beautiful feels like a night at the New Jersey pack it really does it really does just uh speechless really uh congratulations on all the hard work it certainly paid off just just beautiful um and the uh performance will be the 9th you said yes MHS Winter concert right here aou in high school Monday December 9th 7:00 a full evening of music like that amazing it should be a very hot ticket uh just beautiful thank you so much for sharing it with us thank [Applause] you okay boy it feels like a bit not that it isn't wonderful what we're about to do also but back to the to uh voting on things as the Board of Education we will in a few minutes seems like quite a quite a cown for that it's a great start to every meeting when we have these it is it is and and welcome to all of you as well so next so as the uh Orchestra is making their way off we'll be I'll just begin with an introduction to the next uh part of the Showcase and so tonight we're honoring students with perfect njla scores for the spring 2024 testing cycle uh I'll invite Dr Herzog to help tonight either from her seat or from the podium she'll be doing um she'll be reading names also want to say thank you to Mrs alevic for creating the certificates um for handing most of them out to you tonight if you didn't receive yours yet please come up after the presentation and see Miss alvich to my right to your left and she has your certificate for those Folks at home not here tonight don't worry we'll send them over to school so you'll get them from your from your principes at school tomorrow or uh next Monday um and when Dr Herzog reads your name we'll start by reading the perfect English Language Art scores and then we'll move to the perfect um njs SLA math scores and then finally the perfect science scores when we read when Dr herar reads your name we ask you to stand up um and just remain standing for the entirety of the the presentation till all the names are read uh we'll do a big round of applause for everybody at the end and I think Mr lifton will probably when that's all done we'll probably do a little break in case those you need to get home but during that break if you don't don't have your certificate yet please come up see Mrs alevic and if you want to come up and take pictures and whatever that'd be a great time to do that as well so without further Ado I'll turn over to Dr Herzog our assistant superintendent thank you for being here and I know you're really proud to celebrate our perfect SLA uh scorers tonight thank you druto I'm super proud of the students who earned this distinguished um recognition this evening so we'll start with our perfect n njsla English language arts scores we have mateline a anakah bangia isan bataria Levi Bora Martin Brenan Alice carvalo Jonathan Chen Daniel Choy David Dickman aah Dolan Natasha drapkin Clark shayen Gandhi Emma giland dwarte sujay Gupta eileene hay Caleb Shu Viba Cari Alex Alexis Lynn Lucienne Lynn Sophie Lobo Jeremy Mark n Macy Caitlyn mlli Aaliyah M maabo K Kash Meyers Ashley oang Milan Poncha as asre ashre ashria pasam Ana prabakar Nicholas Tang Julia TTI Wen Torres Alina Varma SRI Vora Fiona wbach those are our students that's right you should be proud parents distinguished Award winners um congratulations for your hard work and for doing such a great job on this assessment okay you can have a seat we're now going to recognize our perfect NJ NJ SLA scores for mathematics we have macarius a Alicia Blanco Michael faet Claudia gu Audrey gumnick Timothy Mark KES Meyers and Felix pets congratulations to our perfect njsla math score student Dr Herzog there was one name third from the bottom that just may want to read I'm not sure if they're here tonight but you may want to read Rowan's name name the third from bottom yeah yeah yeah oh Rowan Moda I'm so sorry oh he's here all right congratulations Rowan my apologies thank you Dr Kudo okay um we have one student who was on both of those lists Kish Meyers okay and now we have um four students who earned the njs laa perfect score on the njsla science which is known to be a very difficult test Rowan Brown Ethan giri Jackson gold and Savar TOA congratulations students congratulations parents thank you congratulations to all of you a tremendous achievement um we see the uh the aggregate scores but you know and we we everyone does well and we're proud of all of you and we're proud of every student in the district but a perfect score on these exams is something to truly celebrate and be proud of so thank you so much for coming tonight letting us congratulate you congratulate your parents and taking a uh time out of a school night to come and let us uh honor you so thank you so much Mr lifton before we wrap that part um just an incredible turnout tonight I mean I think of all the years that we've done these we've never had such a great turnout so thank than you students or thank you parents for being your students or students for being your parents we really appreciate you taking time out of your busy night tonight to come on camera and let us recognize your great achievement so thank you thank you thank you for doing that so um so we will take a a brief break to let you all go home I know it's a school night um many of you hopefully don't have too much homework the night before uh the last day before Thanksgiving hopefully there aren't too many tests and homeworks due tomorrow but you never know so uh thank you for coming tonight we'll take a take a few minute break hi Jonathan don't you want to advertise the exciting agenda no okay it was a good night this was spectacular sure I used to have I in used to have seet I I shouldis scho the old kids T nice job on those you want to know did you I was glad that guy was here we both work out great he got his own like kind of like moments of sun great oh sorry yeah but you didn't become a social studies teach you didn't become a social science yeah well the next is the uh open so we'll see if anybody's oh that's right so go there yeah you can go yeah I wouldn't think so one of my neighbors I I think she was be polite okay we'll uh we'll continue with our meeting I think there's uh what's that was are we good Brandon Brandon I made my is my mic okay okay we'll continue with our meeting um the next item is um we'd like to open the meeting to the public for any topic to comment on any topic seeing none we'll close that section and we'll move to presentations Dr Pudu has a district goals update which which seems highly anticlimactic after the the chamber orchestra and perfect njsla scores but still please Dr kuto thank you for the nice setup Mr LIF I appreciate it um back in August we presented District goals after a lengthy process that begins in the springtime continues through the summer takes input from the board from teachers and administrators from staff and students and parents we try to do our best to put together um a set of goals for the year um that really that really measure and um highlight what we believe is important for our kids um our theme this year is better every day um and we wanted we you saw a lot of our best right today right we saw our Premier Orchestra group 40 or 50 strong playing Just Amazing Music you saw a list of dozens of our perfect scorers in math Ela and science they certainly are getting better every day you see the school buildings getting better every day uh and we think through our goals process uh through rigorous goals and consistent work on them throughout the the 10 months of the school year uh we think the district gets better every day so here's our first of three updates we do one before Thanksgiving we do one around spring break and I do a final one in June uh where we measure truly our progress for the entire year uh these were our quality um School empowerment network uh um messages for this year and this is what quality schools are and by the way you can find these on our website uh the goals from August are posted there and m al Miss Ali has either posted or we be posting the district goals update from tonight on the website our first Focus area the goal is to implement rigorous curriculum effective pedagogy and assessments that drive adjustments and supports in order to maximize student learning there are three key actions and the principals and their staff work toward those three actions in all four schools we'll talk a little about the scoring system at the end but it's a one to it's a one to five scoring system uh and each of the key actions is rated at each school so if in this Focus area one there were three actions times four schools 12 different scores the mean score of all those was 2.25 and those made were made up of twos or threes so I want to highlight some of the evidence today again this is the first time we asked our principal to assess where they are uh and 2.25 out of five may seem low but remember this is based on the first couple months of school year uh but there's already some building evidence at Moss uh Miss Al Mrs asperis reports that we're aligning building wide approaches to the sustainable Jersey for schools actions for certification and and complete submission of the application we haven't done that at Moss before so we're really excited and it clearly aligns with this Focus area Campbell are um developing Ela K5 PD professional development leaders and the parent webinars and events at Kai's really align with uh with with the key actions here at Edgar observations and recommendations focused on student discourse and maximizing instructional time two of the key look fors in our classrooms this year student student dis discourse and this maximization of instructional time we all know we're short on time and we every teacher could use more time but our goals this year is not to make more time but to make better use of the time we have and at the high school looking at lesson plan uh the lesson plan review document which includes feedback on strength strength or areas to grow based on those two things student discourse and instructional time our second Focus area this year the goal for that is to create a positive learning environment that supports high expectations Focus area 2 has four key actions and we look at those four key actions across all four schools so 16 scores made up a mean score of 2.75 Focus area 2 was actually our highest of the five areas this year and this was made up of twos and threes and more threes obviously with an average of 2.75 at Moss very proud of the partnership with CNS and the PTO for Community Day Services looking to strengthen Community ties engaging volunteers and connecting students to community around them at Campbell um highlighting the monthly Bulldog buddy initiative of which Dr Herzog and I visited a couple of them the the overall programs and we're really proud of the work led by uh Dr stanza and especially Mrs kersner at the school uh at Edgar the SLT has developed a monthly character Ed program and that includes morning announcements with a theme advisory lessons raffle tickets all around the monthly character trait at the high school the first ever MHS activity fair was held and it's to help promote student involvement and to facilitate connections within the community so still lot work to be done but we're really proud of the uh the first quarter work on Focus area 2 Focus area three the goal is to dedicate time resources and expertise also with stakeholder input to analyze indicators of success really looking beyond the traditional test score how do we determine what makes our schools successful in this in this area Focus area three we had a mean score of 2.31 a wide range we had some ones up to Fours at Moss monthly kindergarten Department tasks that collabora revised curriculum for full day kindergarten no we don't have full day kindergarten right now we hope and we're doing everything we can to be able to implement full day kindergarten for next September so Mrs asperis and her staff are doing everything they can to be ready for that um that possibility we're doing everything we can to do that at Campbell bonly survey structure that includes all stakeholders and informs their advisory groups at Edgar the supervisors and teachers are to review that SLA data as well as Benchmark data to drive instruction and we really feel that listen there's some students who are going to do well but there's many students who benefit as you saw tonight from that um parents and students and teachers and supervisors all being aligned around benchmarks and the data that that provides at the high school a close examination of new AP course requirements uh that are new this year um and content outlines for specific courses Focus area four of the five areas the goal for that is to enhance teacher support use collaborative structures and encourage distributive leadership to further develop District priorities there were five key actions across four schools so 20 scores in Focus area 4 lot lot to work on our mean score was 1.80 our lowest and it ranged from ones to threes at M the SLT that's our school leadership team steering uh survey was completed and analysis begin with goal setting and the goal is to vertically align the approaches um with the approaches at Campbell School looking to make that cohesive transition between the future prek to2 school and the future 3 to5 school at Campbell their goal one of their goals focus on math uh the others are on construction and schoolwide climate and culture data at Edgar working on their character Ed program and moving out ways to celebrate the school's diversity and celebrations is a very part a very important part of focus area for and at the high school also highlighting the school leadership team doing collaborative meetings with the principal's parent advisory to support collaboration of stakeholders with a f f focus on construction and the mission and vision statements review for the school and finally our fifth area the goal for this area is to support student mental health and wellness by enhancing our tiered systems of support in and particularly to remove barriers to student achievement we had a means score of 2.05 with a range of one to 1 to three at Moss refining the seal and creation of the PBIS program those are year-long goals at Campbell lessons embedded into the new morning meeting at Edgar uh character Ed program developing there will be less instances hopefully of HIV and at the high school traumatic event team comparing current processes with the lifeline recommendations revising and re revamping the district's response um to those events so those are our five areas as a reminder we also aligned and at the end of the year we'll also score ourselves um with those um mean numbers to the whole child tenants here and you can see how the focus areas and the whole child tenants align and a little bit about that scale we developed this scale about 7 years ago um because we Wen happy with the way we were scoring ourselves along the way we wanted make sure that we're doing these District goals But ultimately we want to make sure these District goals have an impact on students yeah there's things that we do um that we just have to do but when we choose to work on goals things that teachers and supervisors and students and parents are working on every marking period every week of the year we want to make sure those impact students so if we scored ourselves a one this time and maybe because we just didn't get to that yet it's only our Thanksgiving update uh or there are circumstances that prev vented us from doing it if we scored ourselves a two that means we made some progress and that's pretty good for the first quarter of the year uh that progress was either minimal or not yet at the student level good progress and if we hit threes already by November that's really good it means that the progress is either not completed or there's limited impact of student uh at the student level four means we did it well and we had one or two fours of the uh uh for throughout the whole scoring this time that's we did it well and there's evidence at the student level and five some of our goals are too difficult we may not reach fives um and we didn't have any so far but fives means we did it well and there's significant evidence of impact at the student level those are lofty goals we hope to get some of those uh actions up to fives by the end of the year so that's our report again I'll do another public update around spring break and another public update fi with the final results on a little bit longer disc discussion in June happy to take any questions tonight thank you Dr Caputo for uh as always well this is as you said this isn't as comprehensive a report as we'll get at the end of the year but certainly the goals are comprehensive and the subg goals are comprehensive and the indicators are comprehensive and it's certainly good to get an early year I know it's the second marking period um an early update on the goals to see if we're trending in the the right direction and certainly I think I think we can see that we are um we've talked about this many times in the past how important and how much emphasis you place on goals and how you use them to drive improvements and change throughout the the the district and um how important it is to you that these goals if they can't all be achieved if we can't get all fives at least we've worked as hard as we can to to implement them as best as we could under the circumstances so I certainly appreciate it and thank you for your presentation questions from the board Mr sus yes two questions uh great presentation uh just echoing uh What uh Mr lifton said about don't give me a promotion I'm not come on um you have a doctor in school board how about that something like that um just C question you uh on Focus item number one can you just describe the event at kais I was curious about that oh yeah um U DRC castanza and sometimes special guests hold these offsite um uh coffee and tea with Dr C's and sometimes he'll bring other teachers and they'll do presentations or other administrators and it'll just be there for students and and parents and community members for that matter to come out to the kind of an informal setting be able to interact with with the principal ask questions kind of make a personal connection do you know if it's well attended I I haven't gone to myself um I see pictures on social media and there's always students and parents and they're taking pictures so I know people know about it and people come uh and I think in those kind of events if you're connecting with you know a dozen people or 10 people or five people even it's you know we appreciate him getting out there and doing that bringing other people into those meetings uh and I know the parents and kids that go to it you know really appreciate connecting personally outside the normal principle of the school kind of thing and uh the other question was related actually Campbell school again Focus area three so Campbell School bonly surveys structure that includes all stakeholders so is that like all the parents um yeah so Dr stands for a couple years now and he's grown it um over the years has um has this survey process where it's a um it's based on not not from education but a an NPS rating where um you're looking at your your Advocates the people think it's okay and then the detractors and there's a score that goes along with that and he asks his staff he asks his students and he asks his parents to give feedback on specific questions about how Campbell school is doing he reports those numbers out to his community includes it in the newsletters and um and then he even bases his self assessment on what what his stakeholders tell him so it's a good process sounds great thank you other questions from the board is that you Miss Colleen the only question I have is about the microphone microphone thank you uh the um in goal number one think hold on my phone just switched um yeah goal number one part B was about the AI policy and the lessons for AI and in the update you didn't include anything but do you know if there's like if the lessons are going with the kids right now how that's going what shape you think it's going to be taking for the rest of the year so there's always lessons informally there will be formal lessons starting soon but that's a great question I can give you an update we had an report meeting last week Dr Herzog and I and some other folks so our AI committee has been leading the work for the last year and a quarter uh that's Natalie Dy um and Caroline Ford and their committee members so they developed guidelines they took those guidelines and developed them into a um our what what we we'll present to the board as our plan which is required by the policy and the plan will include um recommendations for elementary students and recommendations for elementary teachers and then recommendations for um um middle and high school students and middle and high school teachers which look a little different and then a a stop light a red yellow green light system which it will be something that we adopt uh which tells the user the teacher the parent uh whether no ai ai with restrictions or it's open Let it Go and teachers are going to try to work in different opportunities for that um the AI policy will be going to the policy Committee in December January um and then in by by February when the board approves that we'll have this new plan and policy in place per the per the state requirement thanks can't wait for the updates on that one really proud of that work we've actually shared it um our our our working document with several other districts and several districts are shared back with us so it's been a really good process connecting with some folks that are kind of pushing the envelope uh and trying to make AI less about the less punitive and less about the consequences and more about the instruction both for adults and for for students that are growing up in this with this new technology other questions thank you very much for your presentation Dr kuto appreciate it okay the next uh item on the agenda is the president's report I do not have a report this evening and I will fil austa for a moment waiting for Dr [Music] Caputo um okay um superintendent report nothing extra tonight just Happy Thanksgiving to everybody thank you uh committee reports um Miss Cook policy I do have a report except it's not actually mine so I'm going to thank Mr derflinger for taking control of my policy committee for me while I couldn't be there um so very quickly um it was a long but short meeting in terms of the agenda uh the district professional development committee was there for one of our twice annual by annual is that the right word um collaborating meetings and it was great um they went through the various um inservice days from August and talked about what's coming up next um and it's always a great report to see all the wonderful things the district is doing and then the calendar discussions began so they are ongoing there is nothing to report yet um the policy committee got its first look at some proposals they are not final um so there was some back and forth I apologized to Mr derflinger for throwing him into that meeting um it's always an adventure to try to figure that out and as you know we've asked the public to you know give us as Mr bot would say some space and Grace um as we figure out this calendar with the construction needs as well so it is ongoing we'll continue at the December meeting and hopefully have a calendar for the whole board by January is so there you go and my last policy meeting will be on December 17th thank you Miss Cook uh Mr derflinger curriculum thank you curriculum also met on Tuesday November 19th uh we started with a discussion with Mr Robbins who's the co-chair of the district's instructional Council um we learned about some of the goals of the committee this year um which are always flexible addressing ing needs instructional issues um it's really built great collaboration amongst District building Administration also the Board of Ed teachers um uh multiple stakeholders um in that group topics from the first meeting included operational items curriculum guides collaboration opportunities and District initiatives we then moved on to curriculum Dr Herzog shared a draft of the program of studies um at the high school high highlighting minor changes this year um we talked about a few curriculum guides that are still being revised um those won't impact the program of studies but they are still being worked on and we also got uh new text requests um some novels for Middle School La and texts for AP Psychology and then finally we uh discussed the um student participation for the NJ GPA fall testing um and some next steps for portfolio assessments and then the committee discussed two uh 2026 summer proposals World Language Department trip to France um in early July for French students and a mid July trip to Cuba for 10th through 12th grade students proposed by social studies and Ela departments and our next meeting will be December 17th thank you uh Mr glasberg facil um construction yes construction met on November 18th uh we were first joined by the health and safety committee from the from the district uh they discussed health and safety related to construction uh the IDE the identification protocols at High School and Middle School uh there was a update on um the procedures for fire alarms and we also discussed briefly the local water report that had come into the news a year or two ago then oh and that was uh Mr stti and miss Miss Chini I get that pronunciation right hopefully then we went on and discussed the progress at each school at M school um we discussed the progress for classroom renovations to be done on time for full day kindergarten um the building is going up nicely there if you passed by that area there's been a a ton of work that's taken place um we expect some decisions related to the calendar later in January uh full day kindergarten decisions about whether that will be ready on time hopefully um that decision will be made in February and some uh busing uh decisions and conversations um decided by sometime in March that's the goal at this point uh also at Moss the UV installation is complete that's the unit ventilators the switch gear is on track for completion on time um that is all connected to the uh being able to have air conditioning for example so that's currently on time for next school year Edgar uh they're working on the office editions the uh UV installation is almost complete there switch gear is on track for completion on time at this point Campbell school the cafeteria Edition is due for completion on time uh the UV installation and switch gear though are on track for completion in October uh at the high school the gy foundation is going in shortly um it's on track for a delayed completion of the gym um closer to December the cafeteria is on track for completion on time at the high school and that could potentially be used for um Board of Education location um from May until September if they're working on the uh classrooms at Moss that they're turning into the kindergarten classrooms the UV installation and switch gear on track at the high school also for completion at this point in October uh we also discussed Rod grants um and that will allow um some air conditioning that could be uh replaced to some areas that already have existing air conditioning such as the MHS the High School auditorium where we are right now the Edgar music room and Library the Campbell main office and also adding it to the uh Edgar school um kitchen area which was not part of the original plan and uh part of that cost is covered by the grants and then we discussed some change orders um the cafeteria windows at the high school which was already approved and then we're waiting on some Financial numbers related to some change orders um with adding air conditioning to the Edgar gym um some cafeteria window replacement and also uh bathroom remodeling at moss and Edgar so we're waiting on numbers there before we make any decisions and then we also discussed um one of our contractors um and uh communication between the uh contractors and the uh construction management company our next meeting is on December 9th that is in the mouen high school library and that one is open to the public at 700 p.m. that's my report thank you thank you um Dr Johnson Marcus anything NADA n NADA at this time okay uh Miss clean um extra extracurricular thank you extracurricular met on November 18th we had a couple things that we discussed you guys all see on uh the agenda for tonight uh one thing that I'm like to propose a resolution for that did not make the agenda but uh we did discuss and and approving committee so that's the first thing that I'll start off with there's a club change for Campbell school um student Council had no adviser this year so uh the club wasn't able to run and as a result uh Dr Caputo recommended that this committee approve running a book club um with the unused monies so student counselor will likely return next year uh with the realignment so we were curious about that and eager to see it return uh but for the book club uh this will be an opportunity for students to um select books uh with the assistance of the Campbell librarian or the students can bring one in for home and there'll be a basket of theme books at the Li libran would compile and can be taken out so the club meetings will be focused on book reviews which will be facilitated by the advisor and the goal is that sharing sharing of peer reviews will help students become interested in new books to read so that's kind of an exciting opportunity at Campbell School uh that we'd like to add as a proposal for this evening okay so when you later on when you move um oh actually EXT where do EXT that'll be under um why don't you just make a a motion on its own for that probably in the person SE in the personel section I think okay so then so I'll tell you what I when I move Personnel I'll just move what's on the agenda it'll get voted on and then I'll stop and you can make a separate motion for that item great that'll be great thank you for catching that Miss clean appreciate that and the folks at Campbell will really appreciate it thank you okay I hope the kids love it okay so then moving on you'll also see some a volunteer coach recommendation for this evening for mouin high school student to volunteer with the middle school cheer team which is really exciting to have our high school students mentoring our middle school students uh we'll have some other there's some other coaching recommendations on the agenda for tonight that we discussed um so you'll see them in the Personnel section as well uh wrestling and uh baseball and then we had a great Wellness committee update by uh Miss huff and representing the district Wellness committee and Mr cgar and we talked about a bunch of things that are on their mind um one of of the things that we talked about also was the social media streaming that's available for high school sports this year and how appreciated that is for uh parents and Friends of the sports programs that can't make it to the games to see uh and Miss Huff shared that it is also growing um interest with the students because they're able to follow their peers Sports which is kind of a nice thing to see and um she also mentioned sustainable schools award that was received as a result of District collaboration and strong communication between staff and administrations so we love that so great job to the district Wellness committee and that is the report from extracurricular thank you um Dr spner Equity yes uh the equity committee met with the racial Justice and Equity District committee on Tuesday November 19th uh the district committee presented to the uh board committee what the district committee has been doing what has been um their area of focus and what is you know potential areas of focus uh for the next coming months um and they very much an alignment put some of the things Dr Caputo talked about today with the goals Equitable school system working on with anal approach overall health and wellness of our students so that was really good to learn about their work the prior work that they did and um possible you know uh topics uh including uh assessing curriculum for Equity um discussing structures of school for for students from from different groups um and finalizing Equity principles and getting feedback from students and and how some of these items impact uh students um personally and as a group and uh they shared with us their next steps and some of the things that they're doing is especially with the staff to share professional PD um through Google Classroom uh discussing some current policies that the state is is proposing um and its implication planning for future meetings and encouraging participation and feedback from from all members staff members as much as possible so we think they're doing some wonderful work we talked about some ways we can collaborate both committees can collaborate on some uh potential uh resources to support some of our students in different groups as well and with the goal of course as I said before of supporting everyone across the board um with uh different approaches that will help support their needs and health and wellness and that that's my report thank you our next meeting is December 17th okay thank you um Mr sus Finance yes Finance met on December 18th I'm sorry November 18th after after Finance um we C uh we met first with the district cyber security committee Mr thuman and Miss Evans uh reviewed a newsletter they put together to encourage staff about the importance of cyber vence vigilance my god um take a drink of water here jet lag not this time no excuse um very good newsletter uh Chuck full of really good information uh they were going to do it uh by monthly we had made a couple of suggestions that they should really do it monthly um there there's so much stuff to cover but um it looked really good um we had a budget overview from Mr harier we talked about uh the outlook for 2425 no issues 25 26 26 27 27 28 um we seem in uh very good shape all the way uh to 28 29 which we don't really you know it's pretty far away we don't really have a view yet but uh if Mr Harvey is Happy uh we're all happy um we can uh we talked about subscription busing um potentially uh uh having charging uh different groups uh different amount of money the plan for full day kindergarten if we don't reorganize the schools but we have full for full day kindergarten what we would do about busing at this point if we don't reorganize a school but still have full day busing I'm sorry we don't reorganize the schools but we have full day kindergarten we won't offer busing to Moss um and you know we're still looking at the you know what would the um new bus areas look like um when we do have Moss being uh K through two we talked about a uh potential uh addition to our health Healthcare offering um you'll see tonight another item you'll see is in on the agenda and finance uh the approval for resolution that will allow us to auction obsolete items as we uh Mo move schools and we reviewed a few other things and that was it okay thank you um are there any questions about any of the committee reports Mr glasberg um actually for myself so uh I forgot to mention or wanted to mention remember to go to mouin schools.org to get updates on the construction progress um there's a twoe look ahead as well as some new photos that are added periodically um every now and then I hear somebody say like why is that fence up at matachin high school and um tell your friends and family go to metuchenschools.org and click on that link there to see exactly what's going on and what was approved thank you thank you other questions about the committee reports Mr sus just another item from Mr glassbar um I think one of the items we also talked about was we're still also waiting for an estimate on fixing the entire fields at moss regrading moss schools right not Moss Campbell Campbell like yeah that I don't think was in our change really really difficult time this evening I don't think that was part of the change order um conversation though um that's just like a separate budgetary project is that right right would that just fall directly under Finance is or or is it all the same does it matter I'm not sure it matters but we got one quote okay we just waiting for another one right okay yeah I wasn't looking at that under the under the um construction change orders because it was um got outside of the new construction area or the outside of the construction original uh project basically um but yes we did also that was also mentioned about uh the regrading of the Back Field at Campbell um not near the new construction area um so one of the things with construction at Campbell um that came up pre- referendum and part of the referendum was fix fixing some of the um drainage issues that were right around that new construction area um because when kids would step outside there um it would really of flood and and um the water would stay for a long time right around the playground area and closer to the building as well um what Mr sus is referring to is the field that's at the back part of the property so it was not part of the origal construction plan but we are also obtaining the costs for possibly regrading that because that does have other uses even though it's not part of the um original construction project thank you other questions regarding the committee reports okay thank you we will um move on from that to um our student board member is not here this evening so I did get a um a communication email from Miss tresta and she apologizes for not being here she wishes everyone a a good holiday break and of course I told her we missed her so we'll see her back at the December meeting wonderful thank you okay move to the next item which is old business is there any old business from the board seeing none uh new business from the board seeing none I'd like to move the approval of the following minutes of the Board of Education November 12 20124 special business meeting 1 November 12th 2024 special business meeting 2 November 12th 2024 board meeting is there a second Mr derflinger are there any comments or Corrections on those minutes seeing none wel call please I abstain sorry I didn't turn that off I'm sorry abstain thank you Mr derflinger yes Mr glassberg yes Dr Johnson Marcus yes Miss Colleen also GNA abstain on that one you King Mr lton yes Dr spner abstain and Mr SS abstain okay thank you motion anybody I was say Z five well we can we can approve I had to make sure there was a majority there was five there was five sun was here sorry Mr bot was here Mr bot was here and the four yeses here now we don't need an absolute we don't need five to approve minutes do we no we need five for a meeting no no no I'm just saying to approve the minutes four yeses and zero NOS so because that's what I'm asking I I think only Personnel items need a true majority of the board to to yeah so that's if we are informed otherwise we'll be voting on them again at the next meeting okay okay um moving on the meeting is now open to the public for any topic seeing none I'll close that section move to the recommendation of the superintendent of schools often times it may appear to members of our audience that the Board of Education takes action with very little comment and in many cases unanimous vote before matter is placed on the agenda at a public meeting the Administration has thoroughly reviewed the matter with the superintendent of schools if the superintendent is satisfied that the matter is ready to be present to the Board of Education it is then referred to the appropriate board committee the members of that board committee work with the administration and the superintendent to assure that the members fully understand the matter when the committee is satisfied with the matter it is presented to the board of education for discussion before any final action is taken only then is it placed on the agenda for Action at a public meeting I'd like to move the Personnel items A1 through 17 is there a second Dr Johnson Marcus are there any comments or question questions on those items is that something Miss C no Sor roll call please miss clook yes Mr derflinger yes Mr glasberg yes Dr Johnson Marcus yes Miss Colleen yes Mr lifton yes Dr spner yes Mr s yes motion carries Miss Colleen will you make your motion please I'd like to make a motion for the approval of a book club at Campbell school um at the prated club rate using the available monies that were um initially appropriated for the Campbell clubs and activities for the 2425 school year thank you is there a second Mr sus are there any comments or questions on that item and I believe the um the adviser is Mrs gasa that great that's what we said the meeting yep okay thank you any comments or questions on that item roll call please Miss Cook yes Mr derflinger yes Mr glasberg yes Dr Johnson Marcus yes Miss Colleen yes Mr lton yes Dr spner yes Mr sus yes motion carries thank you Mr sus Finance I'm afraid to speak I'd like to move items B1 through B8 as listed on the agenda thank you is there a second Dr spner are there any comments or questions on those items Mr sus just one other item I want to point out item B5 is for an easement um with the state so um regarding the bridge over the railroad track so the long awaited rebuild of the bridge is actually going to happen so um and we got paid for it and we got paid for it okay um thank you any other comments or questions on the finance items seeing n Welco please Miss Cook yes Mr derflinger yes Mr glasberg yes Dr Johnson Marcus yes Miss Colleen yes Mr lton yes Dr spner yes Mr sus yes motion carried thank you Mr policy yes I'd like to move items C1 through C3 as listed on the agenda thank you is there a second Mr derflinger are there any comments or questions on those items seeing none wel call please Miss Cook yes Mr derflinger yes Mr glasberg yes Dr Johnson Marcus yes Miss Colleen yes Mr lton yes Dr spner yes Mr sus abstain on C1 but yes on two and three thank you motion carries thank you uh curriculum uh Mr derflinger thank you I'd like to make a motion to move items D1 through3 as listed on the agenda please thank you um is there a second Miss Cook are there any comments or questions on those items roll call please Miss Cook yes Mr derflinger yes Mr glasberg yes Dr Johnson Marcus yes Miss Colleen yes Mr lton yes Dr spner yes Mr sus yes motion carries thank you the meeting is now open to the public for any topic seeing none we'll close that section move to the announcements um Dr Johnson Marcus alrighty folks I'll do my best uh to read Mr bot's announcements in my voice they've already pushed you out Miss apparently I'm like I'm the second name on that spreadsheet me feel free to jump in uh okay all right uh so from Mr bot yes this is I'm reading his voice be mindful of early dismissals through next week with count conferences abounding okay I can't do this I'm going just give you the highlights each school is uh working to balance making sure that you understand that they're early dismissal days both this week as well as next week because of conferencing uh we are in the second marking period if you are not already signed up for teacher conferences please do check in anywh who with your teachers and make sure that you have any concerns or questions addressed uh PTC fundraiser is coming up save the date well save the date for May 2nd this is really early is that accurate Miss Cook okay all right May 2nd save the date with more info on the way uh Moss Campbell holiday bazaar coming up where your little ones can uh purchase some fantastic Trinkets and gifts for you and their friends uh the spring X theme is career Quest so stay tuned for more information but it'll be exciting to see the school full of opportunities with respect to careers uh within Edgar there's a push to donate more books to fill classroom libraries so if you have middle school appropriate books please get them to Edgar and the PTO can help you with that um as mentioned earlier the orchestra concert will be on December 9th the band concert on the 11th um and Mr bot proposes A Day of Silence on 1210 so the air jums can recover from the magic of 129 and be fully ready for 1211 um and lastly and importantly have a wonderful Thanksgiving embracing being thankful changes more than your perspective it changes you and makes you a happier and healthier person and you deserve it so that is from Mr bot thank you in my voice um I'd like at this point I'd like to make a motion to adjourn is there a second Miss cook all in favor thank you and good night e