[Music] [Music] thank you ready good evening this is the Board of Education meeting for Tuesday February 27 2024 would draw all rise to the flag salute please allegiance to the flag of the United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice thank you notice of meeting please I hereby make the statement indicate compliance with the open public meetings act known as chapter 231 of the public laws of New Jersey 1975 which became effective 90 days after enactment January 19th 1976 notice of this meeting was given by providing the location time and date of this meeting and posting of the same on the front door of the Board of Education offices by delivering copies to the burough Hall in the matachin public library the home news and Tribune The Star Ledger and by filing a copy with the bur clerk as prescribed by this law thank you please Mr bot here Miss Cook miss cook has advised should not be thank you Mr derfflinger here miss Demag is not here she let me know Mr glasberg here Dr Johnson Marcus here Miss Colleen Miss k k has advis thank you Mr Lon here Dr spner here Mr sus here thank you uh Dr we have showcase success we do and we'll follow the order order on the agenda we have some students we have some faculty but first up is our students tonight we'll follow the agenda and we I'm really excited that four members of our student Advisory Board um most of them have been on for many years are with us tonight so I and Mr Taylor thank you for um as member of that coming tonight as well so I'd like to invite the four student board members up to the podium I'll read your names um maybe just say hi to the board and then I'll turn it over to the Board of Education this is the informal visits we'll have two of these this month and uh ail April and a formal presentation from the board in June so tonight we have Maggie Rivera Kyle Rudder Sydney goreski and isan bararia so thank you guys so much could you come up toward the maybe gather yourself around the podium maybe just uh say hi to the board one at a time and then um um so it looks like Sydney's not here but if Sydney's here we'll we'll bring her up later hello I'm hello welcome that's Kyle hi I'm isan hian hi isan hi I'm Maggie hi Maggie so uh it's always wonderful when we get the uh students on the student advisory U Council to come the board um you always have interesting uh anecdotes and things to say and we we hear about your discussions with Dr Caputo quite often but um well first let me open up to the board does anybody have any any questions for our students from the student Advisory Board here this evening love to hear an update of uh anything any topics that you've been talking about sure so first of all which schools do you are you representing all the high school all the high school yeah me and Maggie are both seniors and I'm a freshman this year you're a freshman okay so what what has been the discussions like in for the high school this this year in student advisory um so most recently we invited the uh ponan uh lunch service to come to the meeting and we had some discussions about like many new options or what like may or may not be like Optical for students or what they like the most like the snacks they brought too right Kyle uh we also had like the tour of the school district and seeing like the changes going uh going on with like the referendum and yeah oh nice yeah so we took a a bus tour uh to all the schools and then I promised another one in May and now that we've appointed uh approved the bids and awarded the cont contracts we'll see work by then so that'll be a good meeting May meeting that we have sure what what did you think of the well obviously you're in the high school now unfortunately you seniors will be graduated before graduating before you really see any of the benefit but our our freshmen will will probably will certainly see if you know if everything goes well uh all the uh all the new things going on at the high school any anything in the referendum really struck you as you can't wait for it um I think it'll be really cool to have like a second gymnasium when that is eventually built um just means like multiple Sports can go on at once or like even like when I had wrestling pra or like a wrestling meet we would have to wait for the basketball to be done for us to start or to set up so it would just be like easier to have two different gyms sure sure especially in the winter season yeah um I also know people are looking forward to getting air conditioning and the like additional hallway that we're going to make to connect um yeah to help with traffic cuz hallway traffic is that's a pain to retract all the way back down the hall when you go into this know I feel B for you guys I try not to do that when I come and have to do that in between classes because it's a it's a hard Transit there to have to do that all right any other any anything else from the board were there uh two two quick things thank you for coming um do you share any of that information with the other with your fellow students for example you guys got to go on this tour of these different buildings that maybe uh other fellow students haven't been to in a long time do you get to share that with them in any way is it just informal or formal manners um yeah it's mostly informal uh like we'll be sure to like inform our friends or if anyone has questions and just also especially before like a meeting I'll for like the couple days like prior I'll ask like around if there's anything like uh that they need to see like change who's doing well like the questions we always ask during meeting so thanks just to get in thank you and did you have any specific food uh suggestions when you met with pomptonian what can you give us an example of what you were suggesting Sushi maybe or most like most of the suggestions like like cuz the ones the people who have more issue with the food itself is like the younger crowd more so they have lot of input but uh I don't know the only thing that I said was like the pasta like nobody really likes the pasta we always ask three questions Mr lton um of the of the student board members every meeting what's working and we talk about things like you know what's not working and the suggestions they want to see changed and then who's doing great uh and it gives them a chance to give shout outs to various staff members coaches Paris teachers administrators who were making a an impact on them and they really come with good feedback from their friends and themselves and my one of my favorite activities each month is being able to send um emails to staff to say hey just anonymously uh who said it but that members of the student Advisory Board were really you know excited and staff really appreciate getting those U those shout outs from the students themselves well just wonderful any any other questions from the board well thank you so much first of all thank you so much for putting in the effort to be on the student Advisory Board it's I know take some time and it's a responsibility and it's it's greatly appreciated I know by Dr Caputo and and by the board as well and and the The District in total and and thank you for coming tonight I know it is a school night and uh your seniors I don't know how hard your seniors are working but our freshman is certainly working hard I'm sure so so thank thank you for making the time and thank you for coming we appreciate it so have a good night thanks Magie thanks Kyle thanks [Applause] youan okay and we have some new hires we we do so um following um following up on a couple years of not being able to be in person uh not bringing our staff out at night for additional times we're really happy the last couple years that we've gotten back to the tradition of uh at a meeting after teachers are approved and hired by the Board of Education based on my recommendation but hired by the board that we bring them in front of the board uh and the and the cameras in the public U because a lot of times you'll just see a great resume hear great recommendation from me uh and then you make that vote U and if you don't have a child in that school or that grade you might not know how how good the teachers are and this gives you a chance to put a face to a a resume and we really appreciate those folks some are recent hires and some are more not recent hires that just haven't been you know schedules haven't allowed them to be here tonight so I'm I have just you your names on a list I'm going to call you um up one by one I'll tell you I'll tell the board about what you do and I'll stop I'll let you interact with the board you can say as little as thank you or or kind of talk maybe a little bit about the role that you're in what's surprised you what what you want to make better what's great about matachin it's really you know it's up to you so first we have Trey jorski he's a fairly new high school biology teacher hi everyone thank you so much for this opportunity to speak with all of you welcome so my name is tryy is Dred I'm new ninth grade biology teacher this is an awesome District I really really appreciate this opportunity you allv given me thank you well thank you for coming welcome to the district um have some uh shoes to fill he does uh the prior ninth grade biology teacher was the biology teacher for how many years yeah he's been here for a number of years yeah couple decades number of decades also he's your okay yeah okay but we've had a couple of recent uh retirees with a lot of institutional history and and try bring some some experience to the job um and we're you we're happy that he here with us absolutely well welcome thank you for coming to the district and we hope you have a very long career here like our other biology teachers have had AB I agree thank you thank thank you I meant to ask Trey if he was a track coach also oh well come on back now I was joking see if you were also a track coach like the former biology teacher uh I could good good next we have a diro Solomon high school special ed math hello um hello my name is adero Solomon like he said thanks for having me um this is a great District um one great thing about matachin the kids are really really sweet um they're nice kids they're great kids um I don't know if that's so much about matachin as it is about the kids themselves but they're they're they're amazing kids um they really are um and then something that surprised me about the job um that I would like it this much um I was surprised by that yeah we appreciate you taking the leap kind of a career change and you know we just see so much potential and we're glad you're here I'm in Touching with us yes thank you thank you thank you for coming and welcome thanks next is Lexi Walford Edgar special ed teacher she started in August and we're happy she's not here tonight oh but Lexi is doing a great job at the middle school and our self-contained special education class uh has been a great hire um uh she shows up she's with her kids shows up at District events all the time and uh always happy to visit her her students at Edgar so uh we'll bring Lexi back another time to meet the board and then finally tonight we have Shan rapet uh new high school math teacher hey everyone as said I'm Sean Raper um it's great to be here I actually um went to school across town at St Joe's mouen and I currently coach there and I you know with me coming to mouin I think it'd be great to be involved here with coaching at some point uh but in my short time here I came in in November I found it to be a very welcoming environment uh from staff and colleagues students have been receptive they they've welcomed me as well uh something I've enjoyed about being here is just the collaboration with my peers I think we've shared different ideas and uh it's seems like there's a little bit more of that here uh I'm coming in from St Rose High School down in belmare with three plus years of teaching experience uh so those are some of the things I've enjoyed uh it's great to be here in the short time I've been here I'm looking forward to the future uh it's been a little bit of a tough winter coming in with the coaching season and getting uh you know some of the curriculum made in this short time but the hockey season over at St Joe's just ended so I'm actually looking forward to the spring and uh into the future planning in the next year so I'm happy to be here uh I appreciate you guys having me here uh it's great to be a bulldog so thank you thank you Sean thank you welcome thanks thanks everybody for for making time on a rainy night to show up it's really important public and I know the board appreciates I w't speak to you but thank you for allowing me to you know continue the tradition of bringing the hirs in front of you it's it's important for the board because as Dr Caputo said we see names on a page we see resumés we see credentials but we are much we're much more than that we are we're we're parents of students mouin is a small town we're a close district and we want to we want to see you and talk to you and it means a lot to us that you come out and give us that opportunity so thank you that's it for me thank you okay um next is the me um open the meeting to the public for any topic if anybody wants to say anything seeing none we'll close that section and move to presentations um Mr harier we have some budget presentations I think we do I I'll take that Mr Harve so yeah we have curriculum technology school and special EDS we have a lot of presentations so I'll just jump right in I've um we've ordered them so we'll stick to the order Dr Herzog could you start us off with the curriculum presentation for this year good evening thank you for allowing me to present the curriculum budget for the district for the 2425 school year this curriculum budget reflects the district's commitment to high quality curriculum and professional growth for our staff there are four main areas in this budget curriculum writing expenses professional development supports and services provided by outside vendors or Consultants professional development services provided by our District staff and curriculum office supplies the first area is the curriculum writing and that's about 40% of this budget and this money goes to stiens paid directly to staff to to our teachers who write and revise and update our curriculum documents we're currently in a multiphase process of updating and revising the majority of our curriculum guides and the focus of the latest curriculum revisions include the following full alignment with the 2020 and 2023 content standard revisions and interdisciplinary standard revisions we're preparing for qac monitoring in the fall and all the components that need to be included and updated in our curriculum guides and we want to ensure that our documents continue to reflect our commitment to educating the whole child all of our instructional priorities and include the excellent curricular work which has been the focus of the last few years so we want to make sure all of that work gets in our updated documents we've already begun this work and we're systematically making our way through all of the necessary content and the proposed budget will include the remaining curriculum writing which needs to be done throughout next year the the the second area is Planned is Planned for contracted vendors who support the growth of our staff the professional development of our staff so this includes registration fees for workshops for supervisory staff so that they can go out and stay current and bring back best practices in their discipline outside Consultants that provide some professional development for us related to areas we identifies as a district this year's budget includes some contracted providers working with our secondary Ela and social studies teachers in the area of writing provided specifically through the national writing pro project resources um there also some fees for mandated training for our staff that need to be um that need to take place outside of the district such as our CPR trainers and and such and then the last uh part of this section is our teacher evaluation and our staff professional growth systems that are managed through Frontline so our subscriptions our annual subscriptions for those come out of this account the third area is our is our stiens to compensate our teacher leaders who contribute to our professional development programs by sharing their expertise during ins services and throughout the year during workshops rely to our district goals our mandates or other specific areas of need based on their expertise they also support professional development as mentors for our newest hires to set them up for Success there's also a small amount in this budget allocated to curriculum office supplies to run our in services and our office this local budget not included here is also supplemented by Grant funds um in Title 1 a 2A title 3 and title 4 a which also provides additional support materials and professional development um in special populations and targeted areas so I just wanted to mention that there are other supports to our curriculum instruction and intervention that is not part of this um with that said I'm excited to for to lead this important um area for the first time and I'm happy to answer any of the board's questions about this curriculum or this curriculum budget should say thank you Dr Hera questions from the board regarding the curriculum budget Mr SS thank you Dr her by the way great presentation I hopefully all the people watching at home you really explain well where the money is going you know you did a really good surface for the taxpayers there uh just a question I if it's to you or Mr Harvey a what's the Delta between this budget and last year's budget there's no percent change do you know that off the top of your head I believe last year Year's budget was 81,500 1110 and the difference is about 2% I see it's on the last page okay the two numbers the 83110 okay thank you thank you other questions you've done a great job because there aren't many questions so stuned into silence tonight absolutely that was a great presentation thank you there's plenty of people in line behind me so thank you Dr h u thank you Dr herach next we'll move to technology and Mr thuman has his budget jacket on tonight so we're excited to uh have him here tonight so Mr Thurman take it away thank you for uh giving me time to present the budget tonight um I'll note that this is my uh 13th budget with the district and uh I can thank um the board for uh for that for sure most notably Mr lton who predates me here so true but no and and Mike but nobody else so there we go um very unlucky number 13 because last year I think uh Mr sus was held up from coming here because of some sort of traffic but my luck hasn't held this year so so good I'll uh I'll wait for I'll wait for the barrage of questions no problem can you raise raise the mic just to touch of course or if or I'm a low talker too it's very annoying Mr glasberg wants to make sure that the community is also hears your jokes oh I was the jokes about you yes yes can't L up I was trying to keep it quiet um so uh the budget is uh is before you uh I'll jump into licensing or cont it I should say connectivity is increased uh because we are in the process of uh um widening the basically the links that uh are around the buildings that connect all the buildings to the high school from 1 gig to 10 gigs um the the service between the buildings is strained lately uh we figure with the uh enlarged footprint of the uh of the district after um after the coming Renovations and the addition students that we can expect uh over the next few years includ and just the amount of uh increasing size of data coming into the district opening up the pipes between the buildings is a good first step and probably next year we'll be uh looking at expanding our internet bandwidth in general um but uh for now that's a $35,000 increase roughly uh because of the uh basically a doubling of the cost of each land link um for the three buildings uh over 12 months so uh a little under 36,000 um the licensing uh backups went up a few things went up a few things stayed the same and a few things disappeared uh I'll address the Microsoft licensing so we used to get uh some actual freebies from Microsoft but they've uh uh there were these A1 licenses that we were able to give to some users uh but uh Microsoft basically uh deprecated that program and um but the trade-off is is that we have better security with more users on the more expensive licenses um so that's uh that's what we're getting for that uh 5,000 extra dollars um the app River spam solution is being replaced by mcast uh the mcast cost is significant but uh mcast also comes with a replacement for no before which is further down that's our um uh fishing testing and training software Ware uh for uh for uh training staff uh that's an insurance requirement and we would have to pay for it regardless uh but we're getting a better price by switching over to minecast for our spam and fishing solution so uh let's see uh malware bites is just a solution that we're just getting rid of it was it's been increasingly hard to maintain over the years company hasn't haven't the company support so we're just going to drop that uh for now because we'll be picking up some uh uh some additional uh features in our um uh our other uh cyber security protections um uh like I said no before is going away uh our Wasabi cost drops out next year because we were able to take advantage of a discount offered if we went with a three-year license so uh we were able to negotiate that um there are additional subscriptions that are at the towards the end of this these are um our RFP annual support is uh one of those things we have to um uh our five years of free support uh with our phone system expired this year we've been with uh our system for five years now we pay year to year um there's a few other ones in there uh uh Pure Storage is uh that's a progam so we have some storage arrays that we pay for storage on but it extends the life of our storage equipment I could handle questions about that you know afterwards um then we have our Chromebooks uh are uh that are um coming up price dropped slightly because the price of the Chromebooks we're leasing dropped uh from last year finally they really shot up last year um and uh and as you can see there's some offsets from uh eate that we'll be getting for internet in Category 2 uh uh network devices um it's an increase over uh you know higher than we want but there are um just prices going up everywhere and it's kind of tough to uh not get increased prices for technology lately so I'll take any questions thank you Mr thuman uh questions from the board Mr sus thank you Mr thuman and uh great jacket um the I know we talked about the uh connectivity between the schools um we 10 gig going out to this to the street from the high school and everything comes in uh to the high school can that can that just be pushed off do we have to do that this year I don't believe it should be pushed off uh like I said you wouldn't have put it down if you but sure uh no we're we're topping out even with our internet there are days where we top at about uh 850 megabits per second uh and it's a little bit you know it gets a little bit scary but we've had issues where we've had some bursts that push up to a gigabit around the schools um some of those thing some of those uh issues were just kind of uh fires we had to put out but either way we can't continue to worry about uh topping out our uh our Network links um so I think this is the best time to do it the company that we use uh for this is crown castle we've been using them for 12 years for our internet they have never raised their prices on us and basically kind of generally commit to like you know uh the price that they originally quot us to I can't that's not in writing but it's like they've been very good with like not uh raising their prices so I believe that if we do it now we'll kind of carry this price for the next uh you know half a decade at least I think it's good uh I think it's a good move on part of the uh the districts uh with the board's blessing it's a um it's just forward uh just forward looking way to go I mean more capacity is good it's just uh obviously the the number is up 9.37% I'm just looking for something would it make sense or not necessarily logical sense but economic sense maybe do you figure in terms of internet usage you're probably talking about the middle school and Campbell let's say more than let's say Moss you know do we do we have to do all the schools at once I'm just trying to cut down the number uh we didn't uh think about that I mean at Moss right now we have central office so we always want them up uh kind of balances out the uh uh the fact that not a lot of moss students use technology I think it's just a good practice to have service spread out uh and I can appreciate the high cost of it but I'd much rather cut anything else than than internet bandwidth so let's talk about the Pure Storage support renewal is that an annual or is that like I mean it looks like it's a one time or new one yeah it would have been uh we we had to um uh get a second Pure Storage R so it's 10,000 per device per year so it's their program it's called Pure Evergreen forever subscription and basically it allows us to uh upgrade components kind of on the fly with no additional cost uh after I think the first two or three years of paying this uh so if there's a CPU that we can get that's upgraded we can uh those components can be added to these machines so instead of spending uh more money on new arrays uh we basically are able to um just pay this we get the support with it and we can add capacity over the years things like that it's you know it's a good way to kind of maintain a working um uh array to to two working arrays uh in the uh in the district so is this a one-time cost or it is it is not it's annual so this isn't so now the budget went up $20,000 every single year what's on what's on the storage because I think we talked about this also can you Leverage The Cloud do I mean do we need uh do we need the UN Prem storage uh yeah our backups are on there and uh multiple um server uh virtual servers are on there um we do need we're not using the fully another thing that we want to use it for uh probably in the next budget would be realized uh is to instead of putting money towards uh replacing uh computers at $1,000 per we can get the uh Services uh that we could add the the storage capacity to these arrays so that we could run virtual machines um to the district so that'll take our costs down pay for itself uh over time um so you said this was a storage you're going to run vmms in the storage rack you're going to yeah yeah we do it's for uh we don't run VMware but we do hyperv Solutions on them but we could also uh we can do VMware on it as well so you would uh so this is the thing you would cut to rather you rather cut anything but the connectivity so w I was I was struggling for something to say but uh you know there's a I mean every year things go up on my budget and it's difficult to say that you know to pill anything out because there's just you know there's more and more need for solutions for uh cyber security for instance I mean we went up $15,000 in the past five years because of um uh the noi Force requirement from insurance I mean and that's that's what I'd love to get one last question which I think is near and dear to Mr glur's heart is that the only charge we pay for schoolb board.net or is there other charges no that's it it's only uh $1,900 a year and uh Mark is that his name good guy in California if you picked your phone up now and called him he'd pick up I mean they're very responsive it's it's it's not I don't love the solution either but it's really I mean we get our money's worth so okay thank you yeah other questions from the board Mr Glasper just to follow up on one thing that Mr sus talk about this is really for Dr Caputo could do we know if there's uh pain points in terms of our bandwidth from that we're hearing from students or teachers or could we find out if if um if there is where they're where they're complaining that they don't have um the speed that they need or the yeah Mr thuman has showed me graphs that shows our usage at the ceiling of our current bandwidth so I mean I trust our professionals yeah I I certainly trust you and thank you for the presentation I mean I know sometimes though there's um sometimes there's a difference between like what I actually um experience as a user of my phone for example and how much bandwidth you know like if if my speed slowed down a little bit or if I'm not downloading something as fast the numbers would show me that I'm that's happening but I'm wondering if I like have dramatic answer for you but our our internet and services are are very reliable right um we rarely have you know issues you know I mean any day could bring a you know an outage but we rarely have issues but when we don't have issues and we're at the top of our usage according to the graphs that Mr thuman shows me right we're just a you know a day or a program away from having those SL and then it impacts education so and is that like across the is that across the buildings do we know or is that building specific where we hit those thresholds we uh so the uh uh most recent things that I showed Dr Caputo were basically the internet coming in and we were like topped out so it affects the entire uh B the entirety of the district okay um so okay internet coming in because we already have 10 gig from the outside to the high school so this is for fixing the bandwidth between the individual schools so the graph you showed which I assume High School would have been fine since that's connected you know 10 gig to the outside so which school would was impacted potentially were almost impacted by the increase or the hitting the limit of the one gig uh line yeah it's it's one gig coming in uh we have one gig of service coming in oh we have one gig coming in yeah so you're first doing 10 gig around uh the schools then you're going to do 10 gig to the outside right yeah we'd love to do both at the same time but we we can't so I'm I'm just going to again guess that the high school probably uses more internet than any of the other schools does it pay to do the 10 gig to the out so is that the is that the graph you showed Dr Caputo was the was the one gig coming into the district right it's we had one gig we had about 850 megabytes uh of uh what do you call it of bandwidth being used uh on a given day when we were having issues and once once it gets that high up uh our tool start to suffer and we don't get as uh good speed we kind of see suffering in like video conference but I get that but that that video is split across comes into the high school which is the The Hub please correct me if I'm wrong and then goes out and then is distributed to the other four schools maybe the top priority should be from the high school to the outside world versus This and like you said you want to do both maybe one is going to be cheaper than the other but it sounds like based on what you show Dr Caputo maybe that's the higher priority my concern is that if we open up the bandwidth and we get a lot in then we don't have the means to distribute it uh easily around the buildings to to kind of share it so we figured it was better to do the 10 gig W links first so we're going to ask Mr thuman to come to the finance committee meeting on Monday so we can ask him okay more questions and also with with the connectivity we're reimburse 50% so it's not 100% savings if we do reduce it but we can talk more about that on on Monday and just while I'm thinking about it there are there is equipment attached to the WAN links and those um those routers are like 10 12 years old so I mean while we're swapping out equipment we're building we're getting the new equipment that'll handle the 10 gigs so we're doing the service while we're doing that so that's part of the can I just ask one more thing on a different topic just sure brief I but I feel like it's we recently switched to the paper cut system so the paper cut support number went down I'm just curious whether for for is paper cut working is is it working to reduce our paper in significant forms I'm just curious about that um paper i' have to get back to you about uh but in terms of like we don't we don't really I have very minimal ink costs now uh we don't buy as much uh I don't buy any printers anymore uh except for the paper cut printer so it's working in reducing the overall costs in in the printer area right and basically if we do you know in uh I think the high school is kind of the last hold out where there's a there's a printer in like every classroom but as they break we don't replace them so you know these uh basically the uh the paper cut uh printers that we put in closets around the the hallways uh they're the ones that take up that slack so there's less time that we we spend uh uh responding to tickets about printers because it's uh under uh support and there's um less costs involved in general less time we use so thank you appreciate it thank you other questions I I I don't really have a question just to comment that obviously if pieces of our budget are going up 9.37% there are going to have to be other areas that are going to be below 2% because in the end we need to get to a 2% cap basically with with some exceptions we have to get to a 2% cap so um I I wait to see the finance committee and the administration's final budget but um Mr thuman obviously makes a good argument of why all these things are needed but there's only so much you know money in the pie and if one area is going to go up close to 10% other areas are going to have to go up much much less it's obvious so um I wait to see how we manage that thank you and again thank you for my 13th uh budget presentation I appreciate it I enjoy the Fest thanks next we'll transition over to the school based budgets now and we'll start off with the High School this year Mr parowski welcome thank you so much good evening and thank you for giving me the opportunity to join you tonight to provide some brief highlights regarding matachin High School's budget for the 2024 25 school year you might be thinking to yourselves buckle up what's Mr paraski going to attempt to do in his presentation this time well tonight's presentation was constructed with time in mind you see I found over the last few years that the more I talk the greater the possibility that my audience's attention Wes uh the more colorful my descriptions the greater the likelihood that your phones will come out to check texts respond to emails or endlessly scroll Instagram I'm watching the longer I go the chance of me sounding like Charlie Brown's teacher exponentially increases instead of doing that I'll talk about matachin high school budget by taking taking the less is more approach here we go matachin high school's overall instructional budget has decreased this year by 3.7% I'll say it again it has decreased by 3.7 thank mrki good night I I think we should give you the technology budget also it's cuz I'm wearing my cardigan as opposed to the jacket I'm sure uh the our supplies budget increased from the previous year as General Supply item costs have increased this budget line also increased due to the specific need for one-time long-term Replacements including an updated audio mixer for the music department and updated gas stoves for the foods room both due to the fact that their functionality has decreased over the years after use additionally we're purchasing class sets of TI 84 plus graphing calculators as they're necessary for some of our classes I'm sure we've all seen the increase in our personal food shopping orders the same is true for our Foods course we increase their budget by 10% to ensure that all students have similar learning experiences in Mrs stans's popular foods classes a counterbalance to the increase in our supplies is the significant decrease in our textbook budget this is due to the hard work of our supervisory staff in the past few years to ensure that we have an updated textbooks in all content areas but specifically in mathematics and science as a result the decrease was over $31,000 this year we are still updating and purchasing textbooks though but we're now focusing on more targeted purchases including new texts in the German classes due to the prior textbooks being out of print the purchase of a consistent updated edition of an advanced placement statistics textbook and a two-year rollout plan for our advanced placement US History textbooks to reflect cultural responsiveness w w w w w now that I have your attention with movement to more digital resources in the library media center we have a decrease in funding in the library books account while simultaneously increasing our online periodicals and our online AV material subscriptions there's an increase in our miscellaneous instructional supplies account which helps to accommodate our membership dues to various organizations which continue to increase annually including njsa GMC National Honor Society and others finally our school counseling budget reflects that both accounts have decreased due to careful targeted budgeting as for the anticipated questions that are always posed I have one single answer regardless of whether you gifted matachin High School more funding or requested for us to cut our budget my response is the same the decisions for enhancements or Cuts would be determined in partnership with the stakeholders within our school decisions are not made unilaterally here supervisor and staff input along with care ful examination of our students needs is now and always will be Paramount in our planning thank you for your time thank you Mr parowski um questions from the board Mr sus a a great presentation as always and you really should lend the cardigan to Mr thuman um just just actually one quick question the text the textbook line which went down significantly yes is that digital and paper text yes so that's they're both included that one line that's it any other questions you left the speechless Mr praski thank you very much for your presentation you have a good evening thanks next we'll have misso for Edgar Middle School I don't have a Blazer or a cardigan but I do to do my hair good evening thank you for the opportunity to present the Edgar middle school budget considerations for the upcoming 2024 2025 school year through collaborative efforts with our district supervisors I'm confident we have crafted a budget that prioritizes both program stability and continuous improvement in our school this year's budget proposals embodies a commitment to our fiscal responsibility we have reviewed each of our 10 budget accounts and five have seen either no change or decrease in allocated funds this demonstrates our commitment to maximizing efficiency while ensuring essential programs remain fully supported however we recognize the need for strategic investments in areas crucial for Student Success here's where some targeted increases are proposed in language arts a slight increase caters to the rising cost of resources used in all of our different classes including General Ed special education and rti in social studies there's also a slight increase which facilitates the implementation of History Alive exper experiential learning across all grade levels and bolsters our differentiated learning resources through an expanded subscription to nuella Pro School while General supplies and math see a reduction there is an increase in um the textbook budget as we are purchasing new geometry books to ensure the alignment between our geometry curriculum and the high schools curriculum we remain committed to utilizing Delta math for a student censored learning approach the science budget prioritizes replenishing essential supplies textbook and Equipment repairs additionally allocations for the science and environmental clubs were included to help support each of these extracurricular opportunities including the environmental Club requests are parts to maintain the courtyard which we have started to use more frequently this year the budgets of industrial arts art and music had a slight increase primarily due to Rising consumable costs additionally the site reading Factory program will be implemented with chorus and National Association for music educator memberships will be acquired for staff to nominate deserving students for prestigious Regional and honors ensembles our general supplies for instruction experienced also an increase which covers the increase in cost and ensures the continued use of linkit for data management in ela and math and across grade 6 through eight and the fifth grade continued to utilize I Benchmark aligning seamlessly with both programs and providing valuable data for targeted instruction and RTI placement another area with increase is the miscellaneous expense for instruction as you know our camp Mason trip has gone back to a three-day two night trip there has been an increase in the cost of the C Camp as well as a transportation which we try to offset through through our budget other crucial areas such as Library resources administrative professional development and travel expenses have maintained at their current level the proposed budget reflects our unwaver bring commitment to Student Success and maintaining the high standards that have earned Edgar Middle School's National Blue Ribbon distinction we firmly believe that having the necessary resources is Paramount to continued growth and imp Improvement once again thank you for this opportunity to present Edgar Middle School's budget your unwavering support for our students and teachers is deeply appreciated and is the foundation upon which Edgar Middle School Success is built I'm confident with this budget will be able to enable us to continue providing exceptional educational experiences for our students as they meet their academic emotional and social goals thank you thank you Miss Alo for your presentation questions from the board Mr sus thank you Mr ASA for the presentation actually this might be a question more for Dr Caputo or yourself so you mentioned the kind of a followup on my my question she got the blue ribbon ask her this true you mentioned new geometry you mentioned the new geometry textbooks do we always try to buy dig digal or we just look for the best textbook if it's not digital at paper or there is digital as well so it's both but okay I was just I was just wondering if it's this kind of like just our general thinking like look digital first paper second or I think it really depends on the course I know yeah I mean Dr herzog's come to me with with supervisors are doing a really good job about that Mr prasi mentioned that Mr ASO alluded to that too in terms of aligning between the schools finding the best resources um I mean digital textbooks bring their advantages but there's also some classes and some students who benefit from you know inperson textbooks and some of the subscriptions come with like a class set and individual subscriptions for students so they have that on there but there was also a set in the classroom that stays in the classroom that they use there so kind of trying to find that balance okay thank you um just just one other question if there was something you could add to the budget that you would you would do is what particular item would that be um so there's mrowki did a great job dodging the question so we're fortunately we're getting U more classrooms for um larger classrooms for the construction which will allow for the the self-contained classrooms to have more space um more small group space um I'm also interested in um more positive behavior incentive programs like PBIS or that would be ideal but we're trying to implement one uh within our school ourselves without having to go outside for the budget well thank you you're welcome any other questions thank you very much M next up Dr stanza and Campbell budget presentation good evening everybody so good to see you thank you for the opportunity to talk about Campbell's budget we do lots of great things at Campbell Elementary School very much because of the budget uh we do great things at Campbell Elementary School actually not just because of the budget today would be a great example of that we have so many wonderful Community Partners who provide such great funding also for Campbell Elementary School such as the matachin Education Foundation because of their generous funding we had such a wonderful day at Campbell today doing a one school one book challenge Mr poppers Penguins were given to all of the students at Campbell Elementary School uh and because of the generous funding of the matachin Education Foundation and of the wonderful leadership of Miss salot and Miss Bethy two third grade teachers at Campbell Elementary School it's often said that leadership is not a position but the acts that you do and what great third grade teachers who worked with our wonderful Community Partners to bring such joy to uh the Campbell kids who I know are excitedly reading their books uh at the moment uh however the budget uh in developing the budget we modeled our actions after the collaborative process that the district not just believes in but lives out every single day uh by doing so C uh Campbell leveraged its Community student and teacher advocacy councils in development of the budget in addition to our bimonthly surveys of the community students and teachers it all gives us a sense of the budgetary priorities that we must have lastly department meetings are leveraged to get more specificity on curricular requests for the administrative team to consider So based on the very data points and feedback there are two specific areas that I'd like to highlight in the budget this evening first this year our teachers have been busy building Tech sets into the curriculum to systematically build knowledge around science and social studies topics to be used and integrated into literacy instruction this is something that was included in this year's budget to be able to purchase needed materials uh in the classroom Tech sets center around a single topic and support students in building vocabulary and knowledge something essential to all of the district approaches it's a strategy that's aligned to research to help support comprehension instruction as well as access complex text it's an opportunity to provide as you would hear uh administrators and teachers at Campbell talk about Windows and mirrors Windows offering new views while mirrors offer Reflections for our students with materials utilized in classrooms it's important to include stories that reflect the experiences of your students our students and provide them with insights into experiences of others next Campbell Elementary School is a complex organization little elementary school that's not really that little situated right in the middle of a community a super complex organization with 700 beautiful children 100 dedicated staff members and three front office staff who who take the lead in welcoming your children their names are lur chiano Pam Hofer and Kate ESO we do many important things at Campbell Elementary School but making sure that your children return home is perhaps the most important similar to last year I'd like to highlight that Laura Pam and Kate our wonderful teaching STA and our wonderful teaching staff utilize a tool called pickup Patrol to assist with the process of returning your children pickup Patrol allows parents to make changes to their children's dismissal plans without the need of notes forms or phone calls and I'll tell you anecdotally we actually had a little glitch this week where emails weren't getting through and so we actually had to go like old school and do paper copies and send them to all the teachers of course we managed it but it definitely put a glitch in the system and we needed to double down on those efforts so pickup Patrol especially when it's working as designed is definitely an asset uh the system track each students dismissal plans whether they're pickup bus riders Walkers after care clubs such as the wonderful board game club at Campbell Elementary School that 150 first and second graders uh attend get to play trouble and all kinds of games like that in short it simplifies the complex process of running the complex organization of Campbell great thanks to Laura Pam and Kate for leading this welcoming work by the way in the bimonthly net motor surveys that Campbell really listens to and uses as a feedback loop to make ourselves better uh members of the community call out by name Laura Kate and Pam as well as a whole bunch of other staff really modeled under the approach that Dr Caputo takes after the student advisory to let staff know how well that they're actually doing uh because they are such good representatives of the welcoming way that we demand at Campbell Elementary School always assisting the community to know that they belong is their top priority while there are many metrics that let you know how your organization is doing I would argue that the data offered from a welcoming front office team is a pretty good indicator to the actual health of an organization this year's budget allows us for the organizational systems we need to welcome children to teach them well and then to return them well home those are the two relevant highlights that I'd like to highlight this evening for Campbell school-based budget thank you so much for your support and I respectfully await your questions thank you thank you so much um questions from the board for that to stand no questions there to 3,000 Delta nice job appreciate that thank you thank you for your presentation again you've left us stupified thank you have a great evening thank you Dr I appreciate that Mr Harvey would you take the um the Moss budget for uh this goand sure miss glutz prepared this budget before she started coaching basketball in December um as you'll see I'll just go to the bottom line it's a 2.1% increase over the prior year it's a fraction of the other schools because it's only one grade uh 80% of the of the money is in supplies the supply line includes all of the supplies for the classroom uh if you give me one second here um it includes phonics supplies for phonics for reading and just all of the all of the reading supplies any supplies that go into the classroom uh come out of that line and um there really not much more to talk about this budget because it's so small if anyone has specific questions that I can't answer I'll get the answers for you any question questions regarding moss thank you Mr Harvey thank you Mr Harvey and then to uh bring us home tonight we have our special ed budget presentation with Miss bonesa good evening and thank you for inviting me to speak this evening about the special education budget and the services provided with these funds tonight I will address address four major areas supplies and materials contracted Professional Services tuition for outof district students and specific initiatives and programs there are currently 405 students with disabilities in our district which represents approximately 17.5% of our student population all of the assessed needs of these students are reflected in this budget so for supplies of materials these lines support the supplemental instructional supplies of materials needed to differ differentiated instruction support modifications meet IEP goals and objectives as well as the major the many other unique and individualized needs of our students also included in these lines are essential supplies and expenses required for child study teams speech therapists and School nurses for next year there is no increase to any of these lines for contracted Professional Services this is one of the largest expenses contained within this budget it's the cost for services purchased from individuals or agencies that possess specialized skills knowledge or professional licenses to address specific needs in the area of the students disabilities the contracted related service providers directly provide services to students with disabilities are included are physical therapy occupational therapy speech therapy Bo certified Behavior analysts and behavior technicians as well as teacher of the death services and nursing services as well as specialized evaluations Consultation Services are also provided to our staff that to meet the unique needs of some of our students um which are also included in this line these lines reflect the many specialized programs and services we Implement to maintain students with unique needs in our district there is a substantial increase in the prek perge tech services line which is consistent with our increase in referrals and classification of students with more intensive needs this line supports an increased need for speech occupational therapy Behavioral Services as well as specialized evaluations for our youngest Learners the perch tech services K to2 lines are also used to provide the therapeutic and behavioral services within the mental health initiative which includes the Clinical Services of effective School Solutions Rucker ubhc and Wellspring as well as the contracted Behavior analytic Services we have had a substantial increase in our contracted Behavioral Services to support student needs which will be elaborated on during the mental health initiative update the increase in the K to2 perch Tech lines reflect the increased rates from some of our vendors as well as the expansion of our Partnerships with other contracted experts that have the expertise that we do not have in District to address the needs of our students with disabilities the increasing needs for more intensive Services over time were able to be offset by allocating eser funds for some of those behavioral and mental health and nursing Services postco they continue to be a need for these more intensive essential Services which is contributing to this increase for ad of District ad of District tuition other than perch tech services this is one of the largest lines of of this budget these programs um are for students for district students who are placed in out of District plac who where we do not have an appropriate program to serve them here in District over the past seven years we've been able to maintain students in District through the addition of therapeutic and in District programming through the leadership of Dr Herzog as well as our transition to adulthood programs which has allowed numerous students to receive an education in District with the in with the matachin community with their peers um instead of having to travel to an out of District placement even with the rising cost of tuition rates there was a minimal increase in this line the special education budget also accounts for medical and nursing Services districtwide additional nursing Personnel was added postco through the allocation of Grant funds due to an increase of student health needs at every school we have students with a high level of different medical needs um requiring preventative medication emergency medications and skilled actions in case of emergencies as outlined in individualized health plans postco there's a significant nursing shortage um and without an extra nurse on site we would not be able to manage student needs and account for essential coverages for each building especially when a nurse is out um I'd like to take a moment to highlight some of our special programs special programs that um um have a specific Focus area based on the resources in this current budget I also want to acknowledge that the excellent programs are taking place in every classroom every day um and to thank the teaching and support staff for their dedication to meeting the needs of all of our students so we are currently in our third cohort in our partnership with Fairley Dickinson University for the teacher certification program in Orton Gillingham multisensory reading instruction we have nine teachers graduating their two-year cohort this year in May um our special education ELA teachers continue to work with the district's literacy coach and reading specialist embedding multi sensory reading instruction into our programs to guide target targeted literacy instruction and closely monitor student growth our students in our mile are matachin internship learning Pro experience program um courses have continued with great success we are so very appreciative of our many Community Partners who give our students these opportunities to prepare for their transition to adulthood our UniFi program at the high school is embedded in our school community and continues to be very successful for all of the students um this year we've also added a program at Edgar called Power Hour which is similar to our UniFi program where students with special needs um partner and work along side by side with their general education peers um and the last specialized program I'd like to highlight are the proactive support provided by our Mental Health Partners including parent training staff workshops student centered lessons and activities to promote coping skills positive Wellness safe decision-making and a wealth of knowledge and resources maintaining these specialized programs to support the unique needs of our students in District does require the necessary obtaining the necessary resources each year these resources vary from year to year and are based on the presenting needs of the students as I conclude the special education budget presentation I would like to thank all of the parents community and St staff members who contribute to the Daily successes successes of our special education programs I would especially like to thank those who participate in our CPAC leadership team and the special education District leadership team for their ongoing support and commitment to The Continuous improvement in our department I am so appreciative of the time effort collaboration and support of our parents and Educators who are all vital successes to our students and I would also like to thank Dr Dr Caputo Mr harvier Dr Herzog and the board of education for your ongoing support of the special education department which has allowed me to continue to implement the programs discussed this evening I'd be happy to answer any of your questions now about the special education budget thank you very much for your presentation uh questions from the board Mr sus uh thank you for the very detailed presentation just a point of clarification on the nurse this budget doesn't include adding a nurse Nur this is just uh we have a set of nurses now and there's no change so with the additional nurse we're actually offsetting that c it's a daily sub that we're using to rotate through the buildings in order to cover any of those areas that we may need so we have her the nurse exists in 23 24 and the plan is to keep her for 2425 okay so it's not an additional it's not a it's not an FTE it's just a rotating nurse no right okay thank you other questions Mr Glasper um so I appreciate the care and the thoughtfulness that went into all all of the presentations um you know obviously a lot of time energy and Care was put into that I appreciate it um in the in this budget I think what I want to highlight is just the time the care the effort that goes into providing for our students who need this the most who need the most educational support who need the most emotional mental health support um you know we're we're you're not we you and your team are working really hard on that and I think that's something for all of us to be proud of so thank you for your efforts in this area thank you so much I really appreciate that thank you very much other comments or questions on this budget um actually actually uh if you don't mind yeah go ahead Mr so just out of curiosity um what's the daily cost or the yearly cost of of the rotating nurse off the top of my head I think it's 35,000 so this and I can get you the answer this budget budget presentation doesn't include salaries oh so that nurse is not even included in this no it's not in this presentation it's in a separate line okay but I can get that figure all right thank you um so uh thank you for the presentation I I just make the same comment that I had made about the technology budget clearly these um these costs these are are needed to support our students and some of our most vulnerable students and students who need the most supports as Mr glassbook said um but 10% increases um in a in a world of 2% caps and this is a very large percentage of the overall budget compared to to some you know 3.5 million out of a four what's our projected bu 45 so it's a pretty large uh piece of it and that kind of increase on that larger piece of it is something that we have to manage uh from a budgetary perspective and I have every faith in Mr Harve and the administration of course our finance committee as well but um just goes to show to the public that watches at home um these these costs are needed this is not something that we uh we just you know decide to spend oh we can spend a little extra on special education this year I mean these are costs that our students need and the law demands and um spend a lot of time and effort making sure to get get our overall budget into in in line with not just the law but our responsibilities to the taxpayer and and um we will do that but um just goes to show I illustrates how difficult that job can be sometimes when uh pieces of the budget and very important pieces have to rise significantly more than the overall cap so thank you for your presentation thank you very much thank you and that concludes our presentation on the budget tonight Mr L thank you thank you for the in-depth um presentations all of you thank you out in the audience we really appreciate it it's always good to see you thank you um okay we'll move on to the reports president's report I do not have a report this evening uh superintendent report two items um thank you to the administrators that you just said as well um like other midsize districts they wear many hats and one of those important roles they um they play as budget manager uh and they take great care with the Public's money um and com that's always something on their mind that we talk about all the time so appreciate and thanks to them secondly um number of uh important items on the agenda tonight that the board will be considering and voting on like field trips and some important Personnel recommendations one of those Personnel recommendations is for a numos principal uh the board will consider and that would be for a potential start date of July 1 and I'd like to thank all the stakeholders across the district who played a very important role and getting us to this point in the process so uh thank you Mr lifon thank you Dr Caputo uh we will move to committee reports um Miss Cook is not here this evening is there a policy committee report no policy polic did not meet this uh week this month okay uh Mr derflinger curriculum thank you president lifton I'm just opening it up give me one second hope it's not from slow Wi-Fi it is not from slow Wi-Fi well played so curriculum met on Tuesday February 20th um you heard uh a pretty detailed uh explanation of our curriculum writing update that took a a big portion of our meeting time um Dr Herzog outlined the information in detail regarding those extensive plans um we then discussed District um level procedures for approving overnight trips um that's going to be an ongoing conversation but we did uh discuss the district's procedure to approving those trips for board approval um we discussed and reviewed the final draft of the matou and high school program of studies we then reviewed a district letter that outlined student choice for participation in any experiments invol involving any sort of animal harm it is a state requirement and it's now implemented in our system in our district and finally we reviewed the initial plans for the May 24th professional development day um that will be an ongoing conversation we'll give give you guys more details as we get closer to that date and our next meeting is March 19th thank you thank you Mr deringer uh Mr glassberg Construction Construction did not meet uh we meet on March 4th and then again on April 15th April 15th is the one that is open to the public at 700 p.m. in the mouin High School auditorium thank you matachin high school library excuse me thank you uh Dr Johnson Marcus no report no report for me tonight thank you Dr spner yes so um my first uh chairing of the equity committee we had a meeting on February 20th at 8:30 p.m. uh with uh Mr glasberg Mr derflinger Dr hland Johnson Marcus and Dr Caputo and um we had a a a theme if you will of um looking at howal goals in our district and and theal the part of our curriculum that we embed into could align with the inclusiveness um topic of our committee and goal of our committee and along those lines we discussed uh a few things uh that's related to faculty and staff as well as students we acknowledge the progress the equity committee made under the former chair Dr hisan Johnson Marcus thank you and the administration in terms of things we looked at worked on and accomplished in uh the past year or so and um so setting uh benchmarks for our 2024 objectives along the line of inclusiveness we talked about faculty and staff representation and how working on that um having a moving the needle on that and looking at how we can further uh incorporate some um tools if you will some uh strategies to continue to work um achieve some significant progress there we've talked about professional development and that inclusiveness alignment in um the the PD that our staff uh faculty and staff receive and continuing to do that in the coming year because we've know we've done some of a lot of that already with our staff But continuing to build that with effective evidence-based um trainings and so on and in terms of student outcomes of course uh inclusiveness is a huge uh piece of that Equity specifically um continuing to uh look at the outcomes uh academic outcomes and achievements of our students um we see some gaps closing which we're really um happy about and we want to continue to and the administration is working hard on continuing to remove barriers for students in terms of achievement so we're the committee is really aligned on the administration on that and we continue to um find ways one of the examples that was given during the meeting was um the appeals process for placement making that an easier process and opening up the the opportunities for many more students of many different backgrounds um who traditionally might have felt um that the process was not as um navigable if you will and also in terms of um creating an environment where all students feel included we want to continue to look at ways we can support our students in self- advocacy self-confidence um to put procedures in place if you will and to continue to explore for that to be able to support students and to be able to support them in the identities that they they may have to feel safe to have create a safe environment and for us as adults and uh you know the faculty and staff especially with um interacting with students on a daily basis to have the kind of knowledge and information needed to make our children feel safe so I think we accomplished a lot in the first meeting I'm looking forward to our next board our next committee meeting is on March 19 thank you Dr spner thank you um Mr sus Finance uh Finance is not met our next meeting will be on March 4th okay thank you are there any questions or comments on any of those committee reports okay thank you um we move on to the next item which is old business is there any old business from the board seeing none we will move to new business is there any new business from the board seeing none I'd like to move the approval to minutes the Board of Education meetings February 13th 2024 special business meeting 1 February 13th 2024 special business meeting 2 February 13th 2024 board meeting is there a second Mr sus are there any comments or Corrections on those minutes seeing none roll call please Mr bot yes Mr derfflinger yes Mr glasberg yes Dr Johnson Marcus yes Mr lifton yes Dr spner yes Mr sus yes yes motion carries thank you the meeting is now open to the public for any item seeing none we'll close that section move to the recommendation of the superintendent of schools often times it may appear to members of our audience that the Board of Education takes action with very little comment and in many cases unanimous vote before matter is placed on the agenda at a public meeting the Administration has thoroughly reviewed the matter with the superintendent of schools if the superintendent is satisfied that the matter is ready to be presented to the Board of Education it is then referred to the appropriate board committee the members of the board committe work with the administration the superintendent to assure that the members fully understand the matter when the committee is satisfied with the matter it is presented to the board of education for discussion before any final action is taken only then is it placed on the agenda for Action at a public meeting I'd like to move the Personnel items A1 through 11 is there a second Mr glassberg are there any comments or questions on those items seeing none wel call please Mr spot yes Mr drifer yes Mr glasberg yes Dr Johnson Marcus yes Mr lton yes Dr spner yes Mr sus yes motion carries thank you uh Mr sus Finance like to move items B1 through B6 assisted on the agenda thank you is there a second Dr Johnson Marcus are there any comments or questions on those items Mr sus uh just a question from Mr Harvey a item six that was uh added to the agenda specifically what service is that for that's for testing the cement the steel that comes on site and that's that'll be supervised by the construction manager and the architect so very exciting this is one of the first kind of things we're doing right thank you are there any comments or other comments or questions on these items sing on wel call please Mr bot yes Mr Dinger yes Mr Glaser yes Dr Johnson Marcus yes Mr lton yes Dr spner yes Mr sus yes motion carries thank you I'd like to move the policy items C1 and two is there a second Mr derflinger are there any comments or questions on those items sing n welo Please Mr bot yes Mr derflinger yes Mr glasberg yes Dr Johnson Marcus yes Mr lton yes Dr spner yes Mr sus yes motion carries thank you Mr derflinger curriculum thank you I'd like to make a motion to move item D1 as listed on the agenda please thank you is there a second Dr Johnson Marcus are there any comments or questions on those [Music] items seeing none wel call please Mr bot yes Mr Dinger yes Mr glasberg yes Dr Johnson Marcus yes Mr lton yes Dr spikner yes Mr sus yes motion carries thank you the meeting is now open to the public for any topic seeing none I'll close that section move to announcements Mr bot yeah uh I just want to uh thank everyone for the uh budget presentations again reinforce that message uh also want to highlight that these board meetings now reflect my life as the seats next to me tend to be vacated first um we have a handful of announcements I would say I think uh pay attention to conferences at Campbell and Edgar uh mid-march 13th to the 15th with some early dismissal days um Edgar science fair exciting large turnout March 7th um and then we have the SATs in matachin high school coming up uh March 9th with some testing for juniors March 11th to the 15th and we heard about the next referendum update uh open to the public on April 15th thank you Mr bot just like to add what uh Dr Caputo and I were just talking about the next board me meeting is what's the date March 12th March 12th will be in the cafeteria so for the large crowds which mob our meetings if you if you come to the auditorium there will be a a uh a group on the stage practicing yeah the tech rehearsal the for the for the um the spring musical the spring musical so we will be relegated to our old position in the cafeteria for those of you who may wish to come to our meeting um at this point I'd like to make a motion to adjourn is there a second Dr Johnson Marcus all in favor thank you and good night [Music] everybody