##VIDEO ID:dRQ2D6npRNI## [Music] my you me h if you are here to present on an item today and have a presentation please go to the podium to ensure that your presentation has been received [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] please take your seats the meeting is about to begin remember to speak into the microphone as this meeting is being recorded for public record please stand by we are going on air in 5 4 3 2 1 good morning welcome to the Friday October 11th Board of adjustment meeting we apologize for the um delay and getting started a little bit late uh we appreciate your patience with us um before I start I just want to say I'd like to on behalf of the entire board our thoughts and prayers go out to everyone that's been impacted by Hurricane Milton uh we keep getting lucky in South Florida and we uh breathing a sign of relief but we wish those impacted you know uh the best and um you know I'm sure we all be there to support them uh back in recovery uh with that let's go ahead and take attendance uh Mr Madden if you can go ahead and uh do that please uh Mr Goldberg present here uh Mr Aion here Mr Davis here Mr krenik here Mr nagler here M Silverman here Mr Silvers is absent okay so we do have a quorum okay so perfect awesome thank you uh Mr City attorney if you can give instruction how to participate via zoom and swear in I guess the public that's here and if there's anyone on Zoom when it comes up you'll swear them in at that at that time sure thank you Mr chair good morning all today's meeting of the board of adjustment has been scheduled in a hybrid format with a quorum of the board physically present in the commission Chambers located at 1700 Convention Center Drive and applicant staff and members of the public appearing either in person or virtually via the zoom platform in order to participate in today's meeting those wishing to participate via the zoom platform webinar may dial 888 853 5257 which is a toll-free number and enter the webinar ID which is 828 6961 5309 or log into the Zoom app and enter the uh webinar ID which again is 828-6951 5309 any individual wishing to speak on an item must click the raise hand icon if they are using the Zoom app or dial star9 if they are participating by phone before swearing in those that are testifying today I'm going to remind all and read into the record the city's notice regarding lobbyist registration if you are appearing on behalf of a business a corporation or another person you need to register as a lobbyist with the city clerk's office if you haven't registered yet you should register before speaking to the board you do not have to register as a lobbyist if you're speaking only on your behalf and not any other party or if you are testifying as an expert witness providing only scientific technical or other specialized information or testimony in this public meeting or if you are appearing as a representative of a neighborhood association without any compensation or reimbursement for your appearance to express support of or opposition to any item expert Witnesses and representatives of neighborhood associations shall prior to appearing disclose in writing to the city clerk their name address and the principal on whose behalf they are communicating if you are an architect attorney or employee representing an applicant or objector you must register as a lobbyist these rules apply whether you are appearing in favor of or against an item or encouraging or arguing against its passage defeat modification or continuance for those that will be testifying today um and that are here in Chambers if you could please stand and raise your right hand are you guys testifying okay do you swear or affirm that the testimony that you'll be giving in this proceeding is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do okay thank you please be seated and with that Mr chair uh I'll continue with swearing in those folks virtually as they come in okay thank you Mr city terney um do we have any discussion items Mr Madden we have no discussion items today okay in your package that was sent out you had the minutes from our meeting on September 3rd hopefully you had a chance to reiew that um and if there's no changes or Corrections I'll location needs to change yeah okay yes so correct the location uh we're going to change the location the agenda uh we were not the May beach commit Center um again miss Silman we apologize um for that um so let's go ahead and motion to approve the minuts so moved okay got a second second second by Mr asion all in favor I opposed okay the minutes are passed thank you we have a request one request for uh continuance it's going to be zba 24-1 61605 Lincoln Road Unit 800 RF can you please uh te that up for us Mr M sure this is uh an administrative appeal of the planning director's decision and the applicant has requested that it that it be continued due to some unforeseen circumstances that they've had and they were not able to make the meeting today okay so they'd like to continue it to the November 1st meeting we don't need to vote on that do we we do we yes we would need a we ation um to approve the continuous move to approve okay second move by Mr Davis second Mr krennic all in favor I opposed motion passes thank you uh continuing continuing on um we have do we have any previously continued applications we have no previously continued applications okay so with that we're going to go ahead and take on take up our first uh application we have a total of three for this meeting that's going to be zba 24-1 64 54 451 Alton Road uh can you please uh te that up for us Mr benon thank you yes so this is an application has been filed requesting variances for the required front interior side and some of sidey yard setbacks and to exceed the maximum unit size and lot coverage in order to construct a two-story addition to an existing single family home um for background this home did receive a variance from the board of adjustment in August of 1998 um and that was to wave the minimum required front setback in order to construct a garage at the existing uh single family home um the property is located on Alton Road it fronts the Lor Golf Course uh on the rear um the home currently experiences significant flooding from uh from the golf course and they would like to improve the home and make the home more resilient raise the ground floor and and and as part of that do a second story addition to the home um as a result of that the home has existing non-conforming setbacks um and existing uh variance that was issued for the garage that they would like to keep and as a result of these changes they would need other variances in order to do the Second Story Edition um as part of the home because they would like to follow the existing um um building the existing walls of the of the single story home so they're doing a second story Edition that'll essentially follow those same same walls um so the first variance that they're requesting um is of the maximum lot coverage for a uh two-story home so the maximum lot coverage for a two-story home is 30% however for a single story home it's 40% today it complies with the lot coverage once they add that second home um technically they would be required to to remove portions of the home in order to comply with the two-story lot coverage which is lower than the single story lot coverage um so that does represent a practical difficulty and a hardship for them um um currently the um um they would be allowed 30% the current home is at 37.3% of of a lot coverage and they would be increasing that 38.4% still lower than what would be allowed for a single story home uh but it is slightly higher because they do need to do some some modifications of the ground floor in order to be able to access that Second Story um staff is supportive of that variant the second variance is for the required sidey yard setback of six uh 7' 6 in and the sum of side yard setbacks which is of 25% for lot widths that are um that are less than 65 ft um and that's in order to do the Second Story Edition the single story home already has these setbacks in order to go up they need the variants to be able to have the the second floor at those same setbacks again staff is supportive of keeping existing homes and and making existing homes resilient so staff is supportive of this variance it is a practical difficulty for the applicant uh this the third variance that they're requesting is of the maximum unit size of 50% um in order to construct the addition um so they're they're going to be requesting a variance that will allow them to go to 51.8% of the maximum unit size this is in order to do some some minor additions that are necessary to access the second level the steps and some other things um um that are necessary it's a it's a minor increase um that makes the the addition workable and staff is supportive of this variance um overall the um oh additionally they have a variance which will be continuing the variance that was approved um back in 1998 of the first story uh setback for what was the garage that garage area will be converted into a golf cart Garage in the front a mechanical room in the middle and then the remainder of it will be turned into an office um currently I believe that space is used um there's a space behind it that's used for a kitchen the kitchen will be relocated to what is today the garage um which is which is um or sorry the garage will be relocated to what is today the kitchen um and so the the home will continue to have a two-car garage but it will just be located in a different area um the mechanical room is intended to conceal all of the mechanical equipment so that it doesn't impact uh the neighbors um so that sort of offsets uh some of the negative impacts of the of the sidey yard setbacks um so staff is supportive of that variance given that it was previously approved and it's just a continuation of of a previously approved variance so overall staff is supportive of the requested variances and and recommends that the board of adjustment uh approve the variances subject to the conditions in the attached draft order thank you do we have any disclosures okay um showing none um the applicant Miss spol I believe you going to be presented to us so can we go ahead and set the clock at 10 minutes I think you did most of our presentation but we'll repeat it just you know and we do want to hand something out for all of you um to see okay if we can have the first screen please n okay thank you um I'm my Diaz bakavoli and with me is my son Michael bakavoli we're here to present to you today our proposal to renovate our home shown on the screen above and request the board's approval to accommodate the necessary changes the home was built in 1948 we purchased a home in 1999 um in 1980 I'm sorry and we added in 1999 some living space in a onecar garage um currently the home is occupied by my son Michael his wife wife and his son Winston um our home is directly behind the gor golf course as mentioned by rallio the golf course Golf Course was renovated in 93 and at that time Miami Dade County durm requested that there be low retention areas behind our home and throughout the golf course these low retention areas are designed to collect water and drain the water into the lakes of the golf course and eventually into um um um Indian Creek Waterway and biscan Bay however during high tide and heavy rainfall the water does not drain and sometimes actually water from these waterways comes into the golf course furthering the severe flooding on the golf course and in our property altum Road also floods the flooding has repeatedly damaged our home water from the golf course enters the north crawl space of the house exits through the South crawl space and attempts to flow onto Alton Road only to meet the flooding on Alton Road water stays in the crawl space for several days or weeks until it evaporates this has resulted in damage to the wood floor trusses as well as the wood floor water from the golf course as well as Alton Road has also gone into the uh garage as well as the equipment room and has damaged some of the equipment there as well well the State of Florida is working on a design to renovate Alton Road um and replace the storm drains with a 10t diameter storm drain um this project however has been delayed for 15 years and it's now scheduled for 20135 um visible on the screen above are pictures from the recent rainstorm um water from Alton Road has led to kneee levels in front of our home which is the top right picture and the the remaining squares show the golf course water flooding into our backyard our side yards and the crawl space The Continuous water damage has necessitated the replacement of floor trusses and the floors in 2016 and in 20201 despite these repairs persistent flooding continues to weaken the structure and affect our safety this is documented in claims to the insurance company we applied for for and received the city of Miami Beach private property adaptation program also known as the PPA uh matching Grant this grant was awarded to homes most affected by flooding uh our property received a recommendation from the city's consultant to elevate the structure as a primary mitigation strategy given our significant investment in sustainability we want to protect our home from flooding while also retaining its value since ele ating the home was the primary recommended migration strategy we considered two options option one Elevate the home to base flood elevation plus 2 feet while maintaining the outside walls and renovating the interior or option two demolish the home and build new construction we met with three contractors and four Architects to determine the costs and resources needed for both options we found no significant construction cost advantage to demolition verse elevating and renov renovating however there is a property tax advantage when a home is renovated versus new construction following this primary mitigation strategy for flooding which is beyond our control already incurred a substantial cost as longtime homeowners in Miami Beach with a homestead exemption we did not see the need to build new construction and incur significant property tax ramifications building new construction would dramatically increase the property tax value value adding a further financial burden to our sustain stability efforts I grew up in the house and I'm now raising my family in the house and we plan on staying for a very long time therefore we decided to elevate and renovate since we decided to elevate and renovate we considered changes to the interior of the home to accommodate a growing family and the lifestyle changes that came about as a result of postco um things have shifted significantly where both parents now are working from home this change demands additional secluded spaces for professional activities which are essential for privacy during work rated tasks Michael is a realtor working from home Alice and his wife has a remote job that involves daily Zoom calls their jobs require them to work in different spaces to avoid interrupting each other's calls Miami Beach homes most of them were designed for those living in the homes only during the winter months today more families at least we do live in our home year round requiring larger closets kitchens and storage areas this is all in addition to the office space and the workout areas that are required families living on the golf course utilize personal golf carts to visit and play on the course these carts are best stored in a garage with their related equipment such as golf clubs this is preferable to storing the cart in the backyard in backyard sheds or or in the side setbacks under an awning next um picture please thank you to achieve these objectives we need the board's approval of the following a variance for lot coverage we currently have a lot coverage of 37.3% with 2847 Square ft and we're proposing a lot coverage of 38.4% um with 2959 Square ft it's a loot coverage increase of 1.1% or 112 Square ft the variance will allow us the extra depth in the garage for a vehicle such as an SUV and the golf cart to be kept inside instead of in the backyard of the home even though we are requesting this lock coverage increase from the existing lot coverage you will see that our permeable area will increase as opposed to the permeable area that we currently have right now it will increase in the backyard as well as in the side s uh South yard South setback this is um visible on the left side of the screen and in the document U provided to you today the screen above on the right side reflects um this lot coverage um for unit size the on the right side I'm sorry the proposed unit size is reflected uh we currently have 50 1.8% with um we're proposing 30 51.8% I'm sorry with 3987 Square ft the allowed amount is 50% which is 3,851 square ft and you see this in the screen above on the right side the variance is an additional in unit size of 136 Square ft or 1.8% which is mostly attributed as Ro Helio mentioned to the staircase which is counted twice it's counted for unit size on both floors next screen please the renovation will not demolish all the exterior walls or sidewalls of the existing one-story home the renovation includes adding a second floor with the same side yard setback as the existing first floor of the home with a lot width as mentioned by roio of 60 ft the required sum of the side yards needs to be by code 15 ft even though we are retaining the side walls for this renovation of the first floor the planning department is recommending that we request a variance for the first and second floor side setbacks this will allow the sum of the side yards to be less than the required 15 ft the proposed sum of the sidey Yards on the east side is 13.25 ft and on the west side it's 11.19 ft this is partly due because the lot is pie-shaped uh the proposed setbacks are the same as the existing sidey yards on the first floor as mentioned previously and would remain the same for both floors with the renovation next slide please there are homes on the road that did similar Renovations and additions we were able to that were able to retain the same side setbacks there are nine letters of support from Neighbors on our block a document provided to you today also addresses the addresses of homes marked in Orange as similar to the uh screen above that provided letters of support couple of minutes you need more time yeah just one minute five five more minutes good um go back to the previous screen please or next screen I'm sorry yeah lastly on August 7th the board of adjustment approved the variance to Wave 3 feet of the minimum required Southwest front yard setback the planning department is requiring that this previously approved variant be reapproved at this time while renovating our home as mentioned by ro Helio we added a mechanical room which is opened on the sides and on the top roof that allows for the storage of mechanical equipment this will keep mechanical equipment from being stored on the rooftop such as AC units or on the side setbacks it will house hopefully a lot of the equipment required for a home today such as water heaters AC equipment and door generators the ren in conclusion the renovations are essential not only for our family safety and quality of life and changes in lifestyle but also to enhance the overall value and sustainability of the property we kindly request the board's approval for the variances so that we can proceed with this crucial Improvement we're committed to working closely with the city to ensure our project aligns with Community standards and environmental sustainability goals we thank the board and staff for your time and consideration of our request thank thank you um let's go ahead and open it up first the public comment um do have anybody on Zoom Mr M nobody's on Zoom okay any anyone in the chamber okay with that being said I'm going to open it up to the board for questions to the chair um questions Mr asion first comments thank you for for uh coming here this is a longl lasting family of Miami Beach like my parents and I love that you guys want to stay in the house and fix the house and and I'm going through the same thing at my parents house with the flooding so hats off to you guys for for taking this toll and and wanting to stay there and fixing the house and and making it better um small comment on the driveway I I'm not sure what kind of material you're using but you might want to have spacing between um some type of U like large tiles or whatnot to have the water absorb better I'm not saying that you should I'm just saying that something for you to consider just to absorb the front yard um water better uh but I think that the house overall looks beautiful congrats on the design I have certain I have a few ideas I would tell you to do on on the house I'll share with you later but I think it's a I think it's great what you guys are doing thank you to your comment Mr Aion the um or Aion as I always have mentioned um the the board or the building code or at least the city now requires those pavers to be permeable um when used in front driveways so it will address the issue you made thank you okay other questions quiet board this morning wow um I'll just add add a comment I think it's you know I love the multigenerational that your sons raising their family there um you know I go out and I walk all the sites and I did you know walk walk around that area and um and when I saw those pictures of the flooding you know my dad's on 59th in North Bay Road his garage got totally flooded yeah uh his car got totaled and and you know to see to have to live with that quality of life I mean and you're a longtime resident stakeholder you know in the city so um and when I looked at the design of the house and as compared to the other houses one you know pictures are one thing to see a picture of a house but you know to go and see it it gives you another perspective um I mean you're really making a major investment to for the long term and I think the house looks great I think it's going to fit in great with the other houses in the neighborhood so you know I thank you for you know not going that route and not in it down and and and you know going going up because you know this probably I think we had one at our last meeting which which was the same you know you got to weigh the financial impact of it um but you're basically redoing the whole house um so you know we thank you for that and um you know I have no issues and we'll definitely be you know support you in this so thank you Mr thank you yeah I have one question I heard something about um an intentional plan to create some sort of a area where water is caught and collected and then dumped back into the golf course into the bay and sometimes it works the other way around but that this was done by whoever in the state or the some Municipal whoever it was whatever is going to be done on the house is that going to in any way impact that setup where these collection basins are impacted in any way so in response your question Mr nagler this the um City requires that you have a retention wall around the property that you keep your water within your property um so that's one thing and then that there has to be drainage in within the property uh to collect that water and take care of it as far as um Alton Road what they have designed right now are uh which is about 60 to 80% designed at this point the State of Florida they're putting um drains in the soil areas uh to accommodate the water that may flow in from the street into um the pro you know the the sidewalks and swales they're also putting in the 10t diameter uh pipe which is extensive uh but that's to accommodate Alton Road as well as neighboring streets but that's not till the year 2035 we're working for that to be moved up up to sooner because as um chairperson Mr Goldberg States the flooding on these homes is um Beyond uh incredible he has a brother that lives across the street the house was flooded during the last rainstorm and the water came into not just the house where the grandchildren had to come out through the windows but um The Cars one of them had 30 gallons and another one had 20 gallons of water damaging the the two SUVs uh as far as the golf course the lagor country club is working with an engineering firm to fix the drainage and the flooding that occurs once we put that perimeter retaining wall it will keep their water from coming into our property um but they're furthering their investigation of what can be done with these low retention areas that are immediately behind a home and were required by day County dur back in the '90s so that hopefully will be corrected going forward as well I guess that's what we're not messing with anything that D County Derm is requiring that's all I'm asking really no no no this doesn't affect any of the the drainage requirements would continue to apply regardless of the issuance of these variances those standards would still would still be uh imposed all right thank you the other comment I'll make is and I'm glad that you you handed out one of my questions was 5455 and 5449 wasn't our package letters of support so and I guess that's you just handed that out that you got letters of support from Neighbors on those are additional letters of support that came in afterwards there's another seven in your pocket yeah but but it's great because you know a lot of times when these variances come you know some of the applicants aren't as proactive and and getting the approvals and it's always one of the first questions one of us always asks is did you speak to your neighbors did you get a letter of support and if there not allowed of support you we always question is there something going on between the neighbors a rift or something like that so we appreciate the efforts and and there's a another house there that's vacant on the Block and so I didn't reach out to them and but I learned that from Michael lgan in the back there to get support letters it's all good um any more comments by the board just Mr Davis yes um I'm very familiar with with the property I I live five blocks north of this particular house and I'm also play gol the country back situation not great for them hasn't been great for a long and I appreciate you're what ah okay anyway you heard I'm not repeat what I said no I'm just very supportive of the project glad you're spending the time money and energy to to get this done for for the City of Miami Beach to to preserve the the look that you have so thank you we're trying to keep this Michael in Miami Beach okay any other comments okay no other comments I'll ask for a motion by the board I move to approve okay motion by Mr Davis I hear a second second second by Mr asion all in favor I I I opposed congratulations and good good luck thank you good luck thank you thank you for your presentation appreciate your time okay give me a second let's that's done okay let's go on to our second item which is going to be bear with me for a second here zba 24- 01621 1691 Michigan Avenue uh Mr Madden can you go ahead and to that one up for us please yes so this is an application has been filed requesting a variance to permit an alcoholic beverage establishment that is closer than 300 ft from an educational facility and closer than 300 ft from a place of worship uh so this is a um this this building is few blocks away here on 17th street it's on land that is owned by the city and there's a long-term lease to the um to the owner of the office building the office building is currently undergoing a renovation um they recently had their their facade uh reclad of both the the office building and the parking garage approved by the design review board um they're going back back to the design review board in a month or two uh to approve a driveway this building has currently uh a drive through teller for a previous bank that existed on the site they're going to be turning that into a valet drop off I'm mentioning the valet drop off because it's relevant to this variance and I'll I'll discuss that momentarily so the idea here is that um the applicants requesting a variance because they're located near um uh the Lincoln Marti school which is on 17th Street um as well as the um uh Cuban uh Cuban Hebrew uh synagogue um that's also on 17th Street so they require the variances due to the proximity to those establishments to have an alcoholic beverage establishment that is not a that is not a restaurant the um the the applicant is proposing a small speak easyy type establishment which will be on the third floor of the office building um the off the location will have an occupancy of 1337 persons and provide 97 seats the applicant is proposing hours that will be uh during the daytime will be uh from I believe 8:00 a to 6:00 p.m. uh will be limited to the use of office tenants by reservation only so if you're a tenant in the building you want to have a special event at this location you can call and reserve it won't be open to the general public after 6 p.m. it would be open to the general public um the the um the applicant is requesting that they allowed to be be allowed to be open till 3:00 a.m. staff is recommending that that be limited to 2: a.m. however we are suggesting that there be a progress report three months after the establishment opens uh before the board of adjustment and at that point if there's no issues the board could potentially consider uh modifying those hours or if there are issues potentially restrict those hours further um the the um the establishment because it's going to um it's going to offer options of self- Park they do have an on-site parking garage that is open to the public or valet parking this valet parking area is located on the east side of the property and it's right next to uh an apartment building so potentially that apartment building could be impacted by noise as people are going to their car after after drinking um in this Valley area so staff does have concerns so we want to we recommended a condition that this variance be tied to the approval of that uh of that driveway at the design review board um as well as uh in order to make sure that that there's that there's a sound wall or something done to mitigate any potential noise we do have concerns that as people leave The Establishment they're going to be loud they're going to make noise and that's going to impact people that are located right there because that apartment building does have units on the first floor um so with those two conditions of of uh hours to am and tying the variants to the approval of that driveway with with um noise mitigation staff recommends that the variants be approved okay thank you do we have any disclosure ures okay I'm showing none um Mr Lin and Mr rodri are you Mr Rodriguez you going to be presenting I'll go ahead and give you 10 minutes to make a presentation great thank you Mr chairman board staff Michael Lin T South bisc Boulevard here representing the applicant with me today is Nick Rodriguez and Patrick Corey um can we pull up the presentation as reelio describe we are proposing a modest Speak Easy that's well within the interior of this building um next slide please as you can see it's located on the south side of 17th Street uh just north of Lincoln Road the zoning district is CD3 to the north of us is the Palm View historic district and then obviously the south of us is the commercial center of our city Lincoln Road um next slide this these are pictures of the existing building it was built in 2002 a public private partnership including a six-story office building and an attached parking garage the parking garage contains over 700 spaces which is a huge Boon to all the shopping that occurs in Lincoln Road the patrons I know I've parked there so many times I lost track uh it's a great location to have a garage uh next slide and this is showing the drive-through area you can see the dark kind of cavity on the bottom elevation um souths side of 17th Street um that is what Rael was describing as the driveway there next slide Robert ravani is our client he's the principal behind black lion he has assumed the tency of this building it's a good building but it's somewhat dated so he's doing making every effort to improve it and this is an example of the facades that were approved by the drb at the beginning of September he really wants to revamp it and make it as nice as possible in fact he has coined a phrase he calls class X offices which is somewhat even better than a Class A office building would be uh next slide this is one rendering of the valet area we of course agree with staff's concern about shielding the residents to the East and we'll have a very thick acoustic barrier there uh to prevent any type of nuisance from occurring uh in that location next slide this is also just another shot of the valet area um next slide um right now we are in a situation where chapter six which contains all the regulations concerning the sale alcoholic beverages applies there's distance separation requirements between places that sell alcoholic beverages and institutional uses such as schools and synagogues so here we need to seek a distance separation from the Lincoln Marti daycare and from the Cuban Hebrew synagogue which are the institutional uses that are on the south side of the Palm View neighborhood and edia on the north side of 17th Street next slide here is uh floor plan you can see the Speak Easy is located in the northern part uh of it and then the employee lounged in the South part as raelo mentioned the Speak Easy will only open up at uh 6: PM uh for the general public and we are proposing a closing time of 3 P.M if we would stick with what staff is saying closing time of 2: am then all the people have to get out basically by 1:30 we're pushing them out the door what I we spoke to Robert Rani relli was kind enough to talk to me before the hearing say that they're not comfortable with 3:00 a.m so what we're proposing is a compromise of 2:30 a.m. that means that at 2: am the employees are telling the patrons okay finish up this is the last drink you need to get out by 2:30 we think that's a reasonable compromise I'll leave it up to you all uh to make that decision next slide this is just a rendering of what it would look like on the inside next slide another rendering this is the Speak Easy itself quiet intimate space next slide another rendering next slide next slide so these are the hours operation for Office tenants 8 to 5:59 to the public 6:00 pm to to 2: am uh 3:00 am just on Fridays and Saturdays but again we're willing to dial that back only on Fridays and Saturday nights the rest we can abide by staff's condition of 2: am so just on Friday and Saturday we' like to have it uh 2:30 A.M um we're having a DJ there but of course this is all inside but we will still install acoustic paneling to prevent any type of noise leakage to go out to the corridor we don't want to bother the other office tenants but it never will be that loud DJs will just there for more atmosphere um next slide and that's it and then you know we reached out to linol Marti we had Patrick actually walk across the street knock on their door and they were very kind and they said well you know what the owner is actually his office is in your office building so we went to see him Mr Demetrio Perez who's uh a legendary figure he and his father in Miami politics um but then now they founded this very successful daycare chain of daycare throughout Miami day County and we spoke to him and he is in support of this application we have actually an email from him we can pull up um is that possible yeah we can pull up the presentation again hard for me to read even with my lens surgery but it's there I thought my lens surgery was like the best but not but it's there and he was he was responding to an email saying yes you know curtly no problem you know we're done um so um Mr chairman board members that's it uh we're here for your questions um anything thank you okay thank thank you uh let me go ahead and open up the public comment do we have anybody on Zoom there there are no hands raised on Zoom okay any public comment in the chambers okay seeing none going to open up to board members for questions to the chair anybody Jan Miss Silman so you reached out to the daycare thank you you reached out to the daycare did you reach out to the synagogue as well you know I tried to go through Max glow whose father oh um Oscar scar was active at the synagogue one time and then he told me he's no longer active and I reached out to Alex tmas who was a fellow zoning attorney and he was active at the synagogue one time he said he's no longer active I used to live in Palm View for a long time and it's always it's been my impression the synagogue is just not that active nowadays and I feel that you know we weren't going to be any type of nuisance to anybody and I saw that the daycare was daily active with lots of activities so I was like I tried to figure out a way to get in touch with the synagogue but I felt that the daycare since it's so active I felt that we can go to them easily and we did thank you okay other questions Mr asion yeah um is a thought process that the majority of the business is going to happen um for people that are obviously not in in the office building or is it just to attract more tenants because they had to speak easy so they figure that they're going to be able to raise rents because this is an amenity of for the offices or what I think it's more in line of creating a new image for his class X office and that is an amenity for the 10 tenis L be there I don't know I think some members of the general public uh might come to it uh but I think it's more just to have folks that are tenants there have a place to relax like right after work um so I see it more of an amenity for the tenants but because the operator is going to be hwood hwood is a very well-known company they did the Lila and Bickle City Center the nice guy they taken over a building that's almost going to collapse in Lincoln Road where uh Icebox Cafe used to be a long time ago they're taking that over and it's so they're making their presence known and they're great operator so just by virtue of that fact I think some are of the general public will come but I also think that it's more in keeping with Robert's vision of repurposing this building to make it just as exciting as possible and then that Valley entrance is that on uh the Michigan side between the the the garage and the office building is that where that valy entr is I missed it sure so I don't know if we can pull that up it's on the ground floor it's on 17th Street it's at the northeastern corner it functioned as a drive-thru for the bank predecessor if you look at that cavity right there on the upper right hand corner that is where it is right now the traffic flow now is going from south to North we're going to reverse that tra which is a little bit dangerous we're going to reverse that traffic flow have it go from north to south and um we just feel that it's it's a good place to have our Val when it when it comes out it it's going along the the apartment building and then it comes back out on the on the Alley and it turns East alongside of the apartment building as well to get out is that how it goes out or no so what would happen you would be driving let's say East on 17th Street uhhuh you would get to this valet ramp area you would take a right drop off your car you pick it up in the same location then you drive south to Lincoln Lan North which is the alley you would take a left so they're heading east but that's still a part of our our garage at that time our garage is in that area of Lincoln Lane North so when you when you hit the next street our our garage is there it's not the it's not the Residential Building got it it doesn't flow out to Jefferson that's what I'm saying correct it's a smaller Residential Building got it good thanks um I just want to Pig you back off Mr asion I'm very familiar with the building um when I was with Colonial Bank we were the first tenant so we did the drive-through there um and it was a little bit of a challenge and we had to meet with the condo association next door and you know assure them of you know the the traffic counts and how many clients we had and all that um but to that effect is it going to be two ways I I I agree with it going from north north to south right north to south turning in off 17th Street so where the valet are going to then they'll be able to turn in the alley and go right into the garage which I'm assuming they going to park the cars in the in the garage right correct okay so how are they going to bring them back is it going to be two ways so they're going to be going the other way and there's going to be a lane two lanes one on the east and one on the west side because when if you do that and I actually drove it yesterday because I went I looked at the site and I drove it and if you're going if you're going from south to North it it Narrows going out so my question is how are how are you doing the you know ESS is it going to be two lanes one way how are you get to the pick up the drop off really important it will just be uh one lane heading south with regard to the valet route it's a little circuitous but it would be you exit on not Michigan what's the street just to the east it's Lincoln Lan and then Jefferson Jefferson so You' exit onto Jefferson You' go north a little bit you'd hit 17th Street you take a left you head West then you hit Michigan you take a left and you would well I think you would just turn you turn East when you pick up the car you would go straight and then you turn East and you come right out to the street so it's really down the alley yeah yeah I did it yesterday which which I think will work um have you had conversations that condominium there is really key um have you spoken to them are they forward against it because this is a major change for them it literally AB buts the the that drive that driveway because again I did this challenge in 1999 when we got it done and they were they they objected to us putting the drive through we got it done eventually but I think your relationship with them is going to be really important I agree and I remember the public public hearings um you might have represented us back then by way I don't remember back that far but I do remember the public hearings there is a a Charming older lady came out she was forcefully against the project for many different reasons um uh some of were kind of funny in retrospect but like I do remember her and a couple of other folks so you're right it's prudent we reach reach out to them and we will through the chair Mr asion yeah I'm just looking at Google Earth and you could actually go into the driveway and I see that the apartments there on the second floor those are actually I think the the bedrooms and and and bathrooms that back up into that Ali so um I'm just thinking out loud that you need to do something strong for a sound because that people getting their cars at 2 o'clock in the morning that's literally in those since it's an older building that have those chacy windows and you know right it's you're going to hear right into that bedroom um I I think that this is awesome what what what's happening with the project just think they need to and by the way who knows what's going to happen to that building you know maybe in in the future that building you know get knocked down and something else but in the meantime I'm sure you're going to have an issue with the those bedrooms that run alongside you know what I'm talking about right yeah I do that's a bedroom right there that's a bedroom that's a bedroom this is drought I I I've known that building for a while and my gem happens to be circuit Academy which is just right next to suit supplies so I go by there every morning so I see it and the um you you'd be astounded nowadays what you can do with noise absorption materials so we will make sure that's blanketed on on that first level where the valet will once again make that driveway area become active right great all the people in that building would have gotten noticed yeah for this right so and they would have got notice of the first drb hearing the second there's been no no one has come forward and objected all right uh no one's coming forward okay well okay so that's a good thing that's a good thing other questions from the board Mr nagler yeah two things first about what um my colleagues have been discussing um do do those abutters have any other than I guess public comment do they have any standing to take a position on this whether it's here in the Dr drb whatever it is I mean it's it seems shocking to me how close it is I don't know um do that well that's why that's why I asked the question having gone through it when I had to put the drive-thru there we we were proactive and reaching out to them which it sounds like Council has been proactive um I don't remember if we got a letter supporting it but I don't know if there was anything they could have done to stop it is that what your I guess that's is that what your the question is well what I'm trying to understand is it looks like there's a the sound wall or whatever it is that's not there now and it's going it's no it's complet it's completely open right and you can't just put a wall up there too oh that's what I'm asking I mean is that what you're you're proposing to do to put something because that would change the whole game because I know well it's wide open right now right and I don't know if you can close it because from the standpoint of cars going through there and and it being you know the fumes and all that I don't think you can close well I think one of the visuals it showed a wall there that's what I was asking did it it did it's being enclosed you can certainly do that could you pull that back can you can you pull that back up literally blocks one in the balcon I didn't is that if we can pull that back up on the screen and just kind that one that's the one yeah let's take a look at yeah no that's that's the one okay so that on the left yes okay so that is okay now thank you for bringing that up so that explain what that wall is on left looks like it has the name a name on there is that I guess going to be the name of this speak okay so what M what is that going to be like what material it's not going to be a solid wall it's it's going to be a noise absorption material that's Sol there also will be water features kind of integrated within to also soften any noise that will come from the cars and patrons in this area it would you couldn't leave it open that would be a terrible mistake and I do understand about how um it was it was originally permitted as driveway area so it was permitted for that type of circulation and we've had our architect look at this that was one of my early questions on the Florida building code could this be permitted and it was permitted and there's still adequate circulation and air coming from the remainder of of this drive driveway area that it's not going to be an issue so can you see through that wall like if you're standing on the right side you can you see you won't be able to see through okay so it's gonna be well well all right so this isn't even I was just sort of piggy backing off of you guys this isn't even my main question but I'm just I'm just observing that let's go back what it looks like now go back to it looks like now well okay if you want yeah I think there's a closer one on one of the other pictures but and what I was saying was I'm just observing I'm thinking um right that's open now okay so I'm just thinking of like found and blue Eden Rock with like the the shade over the pool remember that one so I'm just thinking like the residence on that first floor by building that wall is that is that you know casting more shade is that preventing sight line whatever it is I I that's why I was curious if they have like standing to take a position because it seems to completely change their property it looks like already in the sheet if you look at the building it Towers over it as it is right commercials up commercial Zone you have zero setbacks for your interior side setbacks and I would I would argue that it's much better to look at we can make the wall as decorative as possible facing them but it's better to look at that than an open driveway anyway that was an observation let me gu my my real question is this I think the the variance and and since they I guess it gives us the opportunity to put all these restrictions and whatnot on it but the the bottom line is the issue is that there's two properties that requ require 300 foot separation that's why they're here right and we can we can essentially use that it's not a pre but as a reason to say 230 instead of three you know whatever it is but really the issue is two properties that are 300 feet away or not 300 feet away so my comment and and I guess it's a comment I did some quick math um you got the issue the singular issue before for you for you all to get this approved is do we are we okay with putting this less than 300 feet away from these two properties a a school and a place of worship that's the issue and 50% of those you all directly reached out to and 50% of those you reached out to an old friend Mr tach me a lawyer who used to know back when or who used to go there but doesn't anymore and then you said if I got this correctly on the record but something like you kind of like did what you felt was easy and that you didn't actually if I don't if and tell me if I'm wrong you didn't pick up the phone and call you didn't Google their phone number and call them you didn't open the Yellow Pages or whatever it is nowadays and type up a a letter and put it in the mail and send it to them at their address um that if I'm if I'm and correct me if I'm wrong but there was no effort of of any kind to make direct contact with the place of worship and and my math is that it's 28% less that we'd be allowing for meaning it's 216 feet as opposed to 300 feet so that's a that's a decrease of 28% why didn't you guys you have two places that are issue why didn't you send them a letter pick up the phone and make a phone call well that me no disrespect what's that we call you to step up you want you want to step up hey guys good good morning thank you for having me you were sworn in right yes I was yeah pleasure thank you for guys for having me uh we as part of ownership we did call them we never got a call back from them we did put in calls to them uh we left voicemails we never received a call back from them who called uh me personally and my asset manager her name is El the two of us were also responsible for reaching out to both the school and the place of worship uh there was never uh we never saw anyone there we were not able to get in as as he said we did walk over to the school it was the same process for both we did get a response back for the school Michael Lin did reach out to his contacts and we never made we never made any Headway with that okay and was anything ever put in writing letter email anything no never never had an email for them or a letter no did you all put anything in writing no no sir I I I I think um what do expect a little more effort okay anything else nma okay um other board members Mr kic I assume that the temple was noticed as part of this process yes they they would have been within the 375t radius that we Reed by and other methods um so I guess my just along the lines of what we've been talking about with the valet to me probably the valet is less of an issue potentially than just these days you know and uh people aren't going to necessarily Drive their own cars there and in great volume it's going to be Uber and lift um that people are going to be coming out you know late at night and and picking up and is is there any plan or you know for that and you know I guess just second question is um you know hopefully this is wiely successful I think you have a 97 person occupancy so you know on Saturday night there could be an extra 20 30 people waiting to get in I assume the queuing would be ins the building MH correct we would do that okay and then just thoughts on the Uber lift you know the principal entrance is over on Michigan um the cars if you're self-driving will go to this valet area but the principal interest where the geoc catches is going to be over on Michigan still it'd be hard to get Uber and lift to switch it over to this driveway area so some might come but I assume most of them will come from the Michigan Avenue entrance and be able to get easily in that way and there won't be any backup on the right away Mr okay you good Mr qu good okay J um listen I think it's a I think the office building is goingon to be beautiful I think it's a cool concept I get what he's trying to do in general I wish unfortunately that it was on on the Michigan side obviously this valet that's it's impossible for it to happen I get it um you know people are going to walk out to that sidewalk get their Ubers and talk on that sidewalk right next to these these these apartment units and it is what it is it's just part of the you know changing element of it my guess is that some of these people are going to eventually start to complain from it and you have to do the best is possible to try to mitigate the sound between there and there because obviously people are going to walk out to get their Ubers on the street and these balconies are right next to this I mean literally it feels like they're inches away right um I would tell you to speak to the association and have a meeting with them just to explain to them how you're going to deal with this because obviously they're going to be your name neighb again who knows what happens to that site in the future but for now just to make sure that they are comfortable with it um I know that they have nobody here from um I reached out to somebody right now that that I know is involved with their Association and she wasn't able to get on but uh just speak out reach out to them and I'm sure there going to be a meeting of the minds somehow yeah I tried to reach out to their who I thought was their property manager Daniel vitia who does a property management company but he no longer represents them so um I'll give you the phone number of one of the people that was on the board and you could reach out to them okay I'll do that I got it thank you Mr Mr n uh you know let's get Mr Davis will come back to you okay Davis I just a question for for you Mr City attorney uh uh what is our authority to change that from 2 to 230 what what what power do we have to do anything with that totally within your discretion okay because that was the only thing that that that I was not happy about they've profer A reduced amount reduce time on the weekends on uh Friday and Saturday right right I saw that from from The Proposal was three I think compromise was offered at 2:30 and and and and 2 am is 2 am. set by City well I'll defer to staff Ro Helio but I I'm imagining it has to be consistent with what's in the area isn't it a 5 a.m. liquor license they they could potentially have a 5 a.m. there's no restriction here that would limit you any further staff is recommending 2 am because of the concerns of the proximity to the to the Residential Building Mr Mr nagler yeah uh is the place of worship still in in business so to speak I mean I I assume it is if if it weren't I guess it wouldn't be one of the two item two one of the two things on that issue but is it is it still in operation I mean it's the building's physically there and the notice requirement does require that they be notified they're within the 375 radius um I don't know if it's come back uh unclaimed or anything but I can I no I guess I'm just was asking if anyone knows like is it use they came to the I believe the design no the historic preservation board a few years back to add a daycare facility there so as of a few years ago I know it was it was functioning I'm not sure if if uh they're still very active today um but they're they're they're they have um as far as I know they're licensed and they're operating did they add the daycare facility as proposed it relocated to Temple Emanuel they had it there for a while I represented them the daycare it relocated Temple em Manuel as long as you keep your license active you can shut down entirely but in the city's mind you look like you're open if you just renew your BTR but are they open yeah I I just um you know sorry to interrupt this but I kind of wanted to address you know your concern with the Uber and whatnot you know right now if you call an Uber as Michael said it will pick you up on the Michigan side so it wouldn't automatically take you to the valet and in addition we're building inside of the lobby area we're building an indoor waiting room so anybody who's waiting for the their valet won't be congregating outside we're not going to have benches that you're sitting outside and finishing your drink you wouldn't be allowed to bring the drink you'd be inside and then as you mentioned the queue is also uh if there ever is a waiting uh to go upstairs all of that does remain inside and you know for us we're building a class X office which is a notch above Class A uh the tenants of the building are going to be of of the of of of that class X Caliber right hwood as they mentioned I'm not sure how familiar you guys are they're a worldclass operator uh they they offer high-end establishments across the world including Dubai um La Las Vegas Nashville this isn't a run-of-the-mill establishment we're not expecting people to be running a muck and creating a scene on the contrary this is a very intimate uh again as I mentioned high and Speak Easy so I I wouldn't be as concerned about those folks because the Uber does now come on the Michigan side so if they are calling an Uber they're going to be forced to go to that side and if they're waiting for their car they're going to be waiting inside so just wanted to you know for the record I what's your name I don't if you your name Patrick Cory I represent black lion okay thank you P thank you Mr asion yeah uh with all due respect I'm very familiar with the organization and what you guys are doing and and hats off and that's why I say you know I I I love the concept of what's going on regardless people are going to walk out to the sidewalk you know I use Uber every day I'm sure you do as well and when you call a car there's if you drop the pin on 17th Street it's going to pick you up on 17th Street it's not going to pick you up on Michigan so that's a nice thought but it's going to happen regardless people are going to walk out to the sidewalk and they're going to be right next to this unit I'm not saying that I'm against the concept I'm just saying it's a reality that we have to deal with with the Ever Changing dynamics of these buildings and that are by Lincoln Road we want you know the city in general wants to see more activation on Lincoln Road wants to improve Lincoln Road wants to bring more people on to Lincoln Road so this is part of it but we also want to make sure that we're not going to have you know uh people that are right there being upset of having people just waiting on the sidewalk and and and what not which is going to eventually happen sometimes thank you um question the valet is only going to be at night or is it going to be during the day too all day only at night right all day let me for someone that was a tenant that building for many years that is going to be a really nice addition you know because I always hated going to that parking garage how it's situated so for someone to be able to just drop off the valet you know the car there and walk right in that that's going to be a good value ad right now as you know you got to go into the garage come down the elevator come around so this is going to be an out of feature to tenants to guess of the building Etc and it is going to be two lanes that are both going to be headed south so we'll have two lanes it's not gonna be two-way traffic it's oneway traffic yeah so one other thing and I'm surprised nobody brought it up and maybe it's CU I was a tenant there for a while and familiar with it you know Lucky Strike uh was there on the ground floor uh which had it was big bowling alley uh full bar I'm not sure what time they open till I mean I I went there many times uh and that actually was on the ground floor open um you know in kind of vicinity of some apartments and all that so you know this is going to be is it the whole third floor the whole third floor or just part it's just a portion of it and and you know Michael had even shown a kind of a site site map of it a floor plan of it and only the Speak Easy portion is what's going to be open at night the the other renderings that he showed are more tened amenities that just happen to be on the same floor but it's just a it's just a a small portion of the third so I'm bringing that up because I'm not sure back then if this ordinance was intact the 300 foot you know from a place of worship um it was so I would assume they would have had to get you at that time and again to me that you know that would get noisy at Times Lucky Strike when it was there so you know if you just want to compare the two I I don't really see an issue because this is going to be inside insulated and um and you know looks like a great concept and I think it'd be great for the building it's great that you're investing the money in that building it needs it it was built in 1999 um so it's time uh we appreciate you know the company's uh investment to Miami Beach and doing that chair but nobody drove in or or walked into Lucky Strike from 17th I was just addressing I wasn't addressing the the traffic impact I was addressing more you remember what is on the table and what we're looking at is a variance because of being 300 feet within a place of worship and and a school um uh you know I'm semi comfortable with the valley operation again knowing it very well and being a tenant in that building at the beginning and we were there for about 10 11 years um I think I think it work um I I like what you're going to put up there um they are going to fight you I'm telling they fought me they fought me at Colonial bank and but I don't think legally there's anything they can do but you know I would just say like we did try and make nice to them because you know how it is when you deal with you know condo boards um everyone has an opinion um and just try and give them comfort that they're that you know of course some of the things that you that you said tonight because you know I'm sure I I would hope that they're watching this but assume they're not and you know reach out to them and and you definitely you have to be like State Farm be a good neighbor you got to be proac versus reactive so um Patrick's much nicer than I am Sol um does anyone um M go ahead um just with regard to you know two versus 230 versus three or whatever you made a comment that the business plan of the proposed amenity floor including the Speak Easy was more for the people in the building can you just can you just speak to what your business plan is and how many people hybrid um you know truthfully we wouldn't be bringing in an operator like hwood if we were just trying to limit it to the tenants you know again we want to really bring something of caliber um to the building to Miami Beach like we noted just next door they are opening nice guy which is probably along with theila which they have um in Bickle Bay Boardwalk is probably the two of their best Concepts that they have in the world and so this speaky is kind of a a a an offshoot of that High Caliber and so they it certainly would be attracting locals alike so it's not just for tenants it certainly is open during the daytime for tenants immediately after work we're going to be fortunate enough to have our office there that's where I'll be having my 5:00 drink uh but you know certainly if you all wanted to come in anyone would be welcome after 6 after six so yes correct I I I think you know it's important thank you M for bringing up the time because I was going to actually bring that up that we all kind of be in agreement you know they wanted to they wanted to be open till 3: they back down to 2:30 I mean is this sport comfortable with that with the 230 just so so we kind of know which direction we're GNA go I think if it's a problem with the neighbors it's the extra half hour is not going to be the problem you know people are going to be annoyed at 11:30 12 12:30 exactly you know the the extra half hour and it does again our code is end of consumption that last call so this does you know as Mr lockin says get it to more of a 2 o'clock last call and you do have Milo over there which is a competitor friendly competitor and and and uh you know over on Miami and Windward it's also I believe 3:00 so you know again we want successful businesses we got to give them the the ammunition to be successful and this is just Friday Saturday the rest will abide by 2 2 am. this again it is you could be till 5 a.m if you wanted to so it's it's a big it's a big you're scaling back a lot and this is also a 97 person occupancy establishment so it's not Mr nagler can we see the email again that was sent by the school got it okay I just want to have an opportunity to read the whole thing can we make it bigger can we Zoom can we zoom in on it the last part of the first should be able to Z just keep One X out of that to the left and that should open up to the whole screen if you X out of that it should there you go now now now Zoom it now you sho more that's you there you go there you go okay board can you see that okay that's fine there's no need to bother with a call or take any further I appreciate the heads up and you willingness to educate me as to the use but there's no need we will not oppose the variance thank you for offering to host the chicken the children I for your Halloween event it would it would be best for Maria to meet the director of the child care center Lenor and discuss that with her I will let Lenor know yeah that that second part I think that's that's it's good that you have that and I think it's obvious it's a legitimate email and I think that's that's important and you know the other people in the area they got notices they had an opportunity um you have to come forward and say something so um right so it sounds like we're all good with uh with the 230 are there any other comments no I I'm just I'm a big fan of the organization I'm a big fan of theas I'm a big fan of nice guys I think they're going to bring an an added element to Lincoln Road and Elevate uh Lincoln Road which is uh continue to be needed and and what you guys are doing are fantastic I just think that you just need to speak to your neighbor make sure you have a a good meeting of the minds there because eventually it's going to be an issue and just have to try to make it as as as good as possible okay I think we have someone on Zoom Mr Madden yes we have Jose has his hand rais okay I think you want to swear him in Mr s attorney sure you want to reopen the I'm sorry yes we're going reopen the public comment oh he seems to have taken his hand down okay so I apologize for that must have been what you said Mr oh no back up back up okay so we're reopening the open open public hearing okay thank you very much I appreciate that my name is to swear you swear you in yeah before you start I need to swear you in do you swear or affirm that the testimony you'll be giving in this proceeding is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth oh yes okay and I'm going to set the clock for two minutes for you to address the board thank you first of all thank you very much for reopening the public hearing my name is Jose gabal I'm on the board of the Jeffersonian condominium which is the building right next to uh the building where these proposed changes are and I also have a unit that faces that driveway and the board and many of the neighbors are very concerned because we already have noise problems coming from that driveway and you haven't even started these operations so this is a a very peaceful building it's an owner occupied uh there are many older people here and so our concerns are if you could do something to reduce the noise and specifically the things we thought about are is there any way you could enclose the driveway so that it doesn't so that it doesn't releasee as much noise or would you be willing to help pay to soundproof the units that are right next to the building and I'm talking 15 feet so we're literally right next to that and I I think uh since this might since this since approving this requires a change I was hoping that the board would uh would would would take our concerns into consideration and make sure that our expectations as owners and residents of this building are are taken into account thank you thank you do you want to address that Mr sure so we are going to do the sound barrier as he suggested that's no problem that's already in the works with regard to the support agreement we require a support agreement for us to give funds to the association that's something I can't do here on the podium but when we meet with them and go through the details we're certainly open to that yeah and just question just to clarify right now that that driveway is an active driveway so this isn't changing anything correct say inactive well it's active you can use it permitted it's it could be used right now yeah yeah so even if this Speak Easy and you know the building would want to valet anyway for its operations and that that doesn't need any variance right no there are some parking spots when you first turn in there are those I think 10 or 15 spots okay those parking spots are going to stay yeah right and I see cars there every day pars there um that's the the Williamson folks the old Lucky Strike location that's um those Williamson okay so those are assigned so like the same people are parking there corre the whole time okay all right perfect no problem reaching out to them of course another another person raised their hand um who do we have on Zoom Robert Robert you there hi everybody okay you need to get uh swor in Robert before you address the board I have to swear you in do you swear or affirm the testimony that you'll be giving will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes okay and I'm going to set the clock for two minutes thank you everybody for taking the time to to hear our hearing about this my name is Robert ravani I'm the owner for the building and I want to address a couple of the issues specifically The Neighbors in designing this building there has been nothing more important to me to make sure that we could cohabitate in a peaceful manner that is the reason why we are spending hundreds upon hundreds of thousands of dollars to enclose that area and provide a sound barrier in addition to a water f on the interior of the uh valet in order to further mitigate that noise so that was the first thing I thought was of utmost importance right now that driveway is completely open delivery trucks are going in and out people are using that as a way to skip traffic or go from Lincoln uh Lane out to 17 street so I think by making it one directional and enclosing it that mitigates a significant amount of problems furthermore while this Speak Easy sounds very Grandeur and and big and it can cause a lot of ruckus it's only 40 to 45 seats so if if you break that down into couples or groups of people you're talking about maybe 10 to 12 vehicles in a given night um so you're not talking about an immense amount of traffic so I think between you know the space only being 12 to 1300 square feet with the um seat count being so minimal in addition to providing the barriers and uh the noise barriers I think that significantly uh enhances any of the concerns um that the neighbors have and again if there's anything else in addition that they would like I'm more than happy and for being a good neighbor thank you thank you for calling in Mr R we appreciate it thank you that's it okay last last chance for any comments from the board Mr chair just CL the public comor close the public comment okay no more comments I'll ask to entertain any motions on the floor motion to approve with the 230 okay well motion to approve with the 230 both both variances there's two Varian with with the VAR aners and adjusting the okay so we have a motion by Mr krck second second second by Mr asion all in favor I opposed congratulations and good luck thank you so much thank you for your invest Mii Beach we appreciate it so and there will be a a progress report within three months of the establishment opening um so so you will see them again before the board okay thank you um okay so next item are third item and final item is going to be zv 24- 0163 411 Michigan Avenue um Mr Madden okay so this is an application has been filed requesting a variance to permit an alcoholic beverage establishment that is closer than 300 fet from an educational facility so this is a similar type of variance is the one we just heard um this is at 411 Michigan Avenue that's uh it's it's a building that's currently under construction it's an office building currently under construction um the site you may recall the site it sat for a while uh they started the foundations for a previous project and then the site sat vacant for quite a while the a new a new office building is currently under construction there on the rear of the on the rear of the property on the west side there is um what was previously a single family home that was relocated to the corner of uh of Michigan Avenue on the south side of the property and um um and that is a contributing historic building that was relocated there so the applicant is currently requesting a variance of the distance separation requirement they're located close CL than 300t from South Point Elementary School um so that they can open up a restaurant that will serve alcohol alcoholic beverages the restaurant will have a few different areas one will be located in what was formerly the single family home structure um and that will have a uh a smaller component operating there um I believe it'll have uh 20 total of 51 seats in that in that area and then in the office building on the ground floor and then in a a second floor mezzanine area they will have uh 184 seats um with an occupancy of 214 people I believe we've heard from the applicant they they submitted plans that showed a total occupancy of 270 that they actually can uh fit a little bit more so you may be hearing a different number from the applicant staff is not opposed to modifying the number um um to the to the number that they're that they're expecting that they think they can fit a little bit more once they go in through permitting um staff is not opposed to that increase as long as it remains below 299 occupancy which is the limit in the code for a neighborhood impact establishment um if if they're going to exceed the neighborhood impact establishment we would we would uh we would prefer that they come back to the board and adjust the variants um they would also need to go to the planning board as well um the the establishment um since it's located with near a school staff is recommending that alcohol only be served with full meals during school hours so that would prevent somebody from sitting at the bar just to drink all day it would it would lit it would have to be somebody who's going there and eating and ordering a meal and then you could order an alcoholic beverage as part of that meal after school hours they could operate you know somebody could sit at the bar and just have a few drinks without without ordering a meal um so staff staff is not opposed to this variance um it's this it makes sense for the site the ground floor was designed to accommodate a restaurant um and this does represent a hardship for the site because this is a major commercial Corridor this is the type of use you would expect to see on Fifth Street um and so so staff is supportive of the variants okay thank you do you have any disclosures on the dice uh I went to their top off event and uh spoke to them there but not about this particular meeting so that's all I have okay um I I um commissioner magazine who's in the chambers reached out to me this morning to show his support he's VP of the PTA there and his daughter attends there and he's a supportive not sure if he could to talk commissioner but wanted to go ahead and disclose that appreciate you coming in sorry to that effect I got a text message from uh commissioner as well okay all right well that's what we have disclosures for okay um all right um with that let's go ahead and um te it up we got Mr Lin and Mr Yano pois is that you no who's with you um this is my colleague go ahead Benjamin Sherry okay got the names wrong that's all right um give you 10 minutes to present will that work yes sir okay so it's all yours sure so good morning Mr Sherman board staff Michael Lin T Southeast clean Boulevard here the applicant can you pull up the presentation with me this morning is Amit corana from the applicant and we have uh Matthew Pender and Vidant mamman they are from the friends of South Point Elementary they are the nonprofit PTA that support South Point Elementary we've established a close relationship with them not only for this application but for another office building close by um we're coming here today with uh great ground floor tenant for you all consider and it is important to disclose you all that we've entered into a support agreement with the frown of South Point Elementary uh we've done this previously for our prior application for this property and for our new office building that's a little bit farther to the West next slide so this is a development team of sumar and corana and uh busy and partners they have joined together to bring this uh incredible building that I don't know if you all know but it was like a vacant 20% built Subterranean garage had been excavated and then the developer went bankrupt it was supposed to be a hotel so they came in and tried to fit an office building on top of an existing Foundation it was torture tough but we did it and now they're populating the building with different tenants and this is the ground floor tenant for your consideration today um next slide so this is a work product of busy partners I worked with them in 87 Park along with a terror group David Martin and this is another one their highrises to the right uh next slide this is a work product of suata and corana again elegant Office Buildings residential buildings that they are a genius at doing next Slide the property location is situated at the southeast corner of Michigan and fist street it's in the cps2 zoning District next slide again it's has a cps2 land use designation in cps2 zoning next slide it was back in 2022 we obtained a conditional use permit from the planning board for mechanical parking and same year we obtained a design approval for the office building from the store preservation board next slide this is our world famous architect Spanish architect that designed the office building Alberto compo basa I I'm proud to say I work with him he's a genius and just he's going to bring when you all see the finished product you will be really proud uh next slide this is some renderings of it from different Vantage points next slide next slide this is the historic building that's situated in the corner of the property closer to Four Street we are required to uh maintain it of course we're happy to do so it's going to uh have a cafe for the Overflow seating because the restaurant is going to be very popular we think and just like in Gotham Bar and Grill in New York north of Union Square they have a casual seating area and they have a formal seating area we expect this might operate in the same fashion next slide just a view from Michigan looking Eastward next slide This Is A View From The Alley looking Westward next slide so of course just as with a prior application there is a distance spacing requirement between uh our use and Southpoint elementary school that's triggering the variance that's why we're here today next slide this shows you the distance there's two distances one between the school boundary and the cafe and then one between the school property line and the restaurant slightly to the north next slide and again in order to satisfy the standards either hardship standard or practical difficulty the way it is in May beach where such a dense Urban environment it's very hard to separate restaurants from adjacent schools or other institutional uses are all kind of crammed together in South Beach we don't have the luxurious space that you have in mid Beach where the single family neighborhoods are so well segregated uh so here our practical difficulty is just the dense Urban environment of South Beach next slide and this is the use uh St Ambrose is a famous famous uh Italian Restaurant originated in Milan it spread throughout the world it's fine dining it's a bakery it's a coffee bar it it fits really everything it's going to be open starting at 8 a.m. and closing at 2 2 a.m. next slide this is the one that's already functioning in Palm Beach again it's a everywhere they go they try to do the utmost in terms of design and service and the Aesthetics next slide they've made the papers in every single City they've been in it gets in Vogue or it gets in the New York Magazine they are truly a force to be reckoned with next slide uh this is just the menu I always time look at it gets me a little bit hungry no matter what time of day uh next slide please this is the combined floor plan of the restaurant that would be in the ground floor of the office building to the North and then you see a smaller floor plan of the cafe that's in the southwest corner of the property next slide this is the blowup of the restaurant seating again ground floor of the restaurant on the of the office building next slide this is for the mezzanine area uh very small seating area in the mezanine of the office building next slide this is the hours of operation this is the seating capacity uh next slide and this is the variance this is our request next slide and then of course we agree with uh staff's condition about only that during school hours alcohol should only be serving meals next slide this is our support from uh the friends of South Point Elementary we're happy to continue to work with them we've established a warm relationship with them uh next slide and the only two conditions that we ask for your consideration to modify is the seat as raelia described we're still formulating it it's a little bit loose but we had asked for a maximum of 260 rather than 235 and then while we're not intending on selling many packaged goods from the cafe it was the tenants plan to sell prco and wine on occasion not all the time but when you use the term package Goods that prohibits everything and we're certainly not going to sell sixpack of beer or nothing like that but we would like occasionally from the cafe area to sell to patrons bottles of wine wine or PCO and that would be it so those are the two modifications we're requesting uh that's the end of my presentation I would like you to hear from our client Amit he's an eloquent speaker he's more passionate than I am and he talks more than I do but I've told him two minutes so go ahead okay great welcome and I believe you he has to be sworn SW he came in late okay sir uh please raise your right hand do you swear or affirm that the testimony you'll be giving in this proceeding is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes it will be yes it is good morning board members my name is Amit kurana I'm a founding partner at sua and corana with my partner safe sua alongside our partners David B alesandro poo and Sardar bil jilli from B bitan bil jilli we are developing the fifth and office building at 411 Michigan Avenue when I first visited the site with my partner alesandro poo I was an aband fully excavated lot that had been was filled with dirty water a literal swamp on Miami Beach um for those who lived there was an absolute eyes sore uh and it had been for many years uh yet when we saw it we were filled with enthusiasm about the possibilities of of what we would be able to develop there we envision creating an important piece of architecture um designed by one of the world's greatest architects and developing an office building with design pedigree quality um and and craftsmanship unlike any other commercial development in in Florida or perhaps even the United States catering to a sophisticated clientele that we develop projects for in New York Italy turkey and other parts of the world before considering Who The Architects would be um we discussed how extraordinary it would be for San Ambrose to be the restaurant operator at the property um the the Italian restaurant opened in Milan uh in the 1950s and and has just been one of our favorites for many many years uh we generally eat at their locations be it New York The Hamptons Milan Aspen uh and Palm Beach multiple times a week um and uh the exceptional quality of their food the impeccable service and the cheek Decor um of the restaurants they embody an understated Elegance that that's that have attracted um you know the most uh Cosmopolitan of patrons throughout the world and and frankly our tenants which which is I think what's critical here subsequent to that site visit we commissioned um the master architect Alberto Campo bayaza uh and the celebrated interior architecture from gabini Shepard uh to design a Timeless building which is is it's almost a jewel box it's kind of an Exquisite Jewel box after we received approvals we returned uh back to our vision of collaborating with Sant Ambrose and we were really fortunate to develop a lovely uh relationship with them and we were thrilled when they when they agreed to come to the building and and we've uh We've beg our collaboration and I think we we really share the the same values and and the same sort of principles as it relates to just our love of quality and and um and and Excellence be It Craft or Cuisine um as we've developed the relationship our our building has developed and we've actually just topped off and the facade is going to begin uh being installed in in the next few weeks will be completing in the spring um sitting in front of you all today it actually it feels like um like I'm we're coming full circle um and and and moving towards you know just I think uh being able to have these the sort of Exquisite uh you know Millen Specialties for lunch uh when it's completed um but in order for that to happen San Ambrose does have to be in a position to fully operate uh and that means allowing their their their diners to be able to to drink alcohol um we'd be very grateful for your support and consideration um in improving this and I'm certain that the residents of Miami Beach will feel the same um when dining at the restaurant or bringing their their children for for delicious pastries and Gelato at the uh gelateria uh Pastry Cafe that uh that they'll also operate at the uh property thank you so much for your consideration thank you appreciate your presentation that's it Mr chairman okay with that being said Thank you Mr Lin let's go ahead and open up the public comment do we have any any anybody on Zoom we have Matthew Pender okay you want to swear swear attorney please thank you Matthew Mr I'm here yes hi uh do you swear or affirm that the testimony that you'll be giving in this proceeding is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do okay I'm going to set the clock for two minutes for you to address the board great hi my name is Matt Pender I live South I I live south the fifth I've been here um 15 years or so in South the fifth um I have twin boys who are in the fifth grade at South Point Elementary which is the the school in question um and I have a 12-year-old who's a graduate of South Point Elementary for the last five years or so I've been a member of the a board member of the friends of South Point Elementary and I was formerly the president of the friends of South Point Elementary what our foundation does is we provide support for the school um and the reason why it's so important is that in the State of the State of Florida is among um when it comes to per student public school funding is among the lowest in the country so we try to fill those funding gaps uh Mr Aion had had brought up a phrase um like a good neighbor before I can tell you um that samit and corana are not a good neighbor they are a great neighbor so when they started looking at this building um they came proactively to to us to see like how they could help how they could be a good neighbor this is before anything was even any any ground was even broken there um if you go along Michigan Avenue if you had gone along there say three years ago you would have seen a dirt patch there where kids would go out there and ruin their their pants every day when it was when it was raining it was a mud bog when it was sunny it was just clouds of dirt today we have a a soccer field there an artificial Turk so turf soccer field worth a couple hundred thousand and one of the big reasons we were able to raise money is because great neighbors and great friends um like these developers partnered with us and inspired others to do the same and so um you know being a resident of south of fifth I when I look at this project and when you talk about like uh this restaurant there I also faith firstate I'm going to I'm going to I'll finish up I could not imagine where I live living on the street and not having NEOS outside my front door where I live at the courts in South Beach I think this will bring the same element to Fifth Street and to Fourth Street and I think people that have lived here can understand what that type of restaurant and what that type of establishment can do for a community and so I don't think we're talking about a bar here I think we're talking about something that is going to be a high-end establishment that is going to to lift all boats in the neighborhood so with that I will uh turn it over thank you thank thank you for calling in Mr pendo we appreciate it any anybody else for public comment on Zoom or in person I see no others oh we have one in person sir come up um you've already been sworn in no not okay you want to swear in Mr do you swear from that the testimony you'll be giving in this proceeding is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do okay and I'll set the clock for two minutes uh Dr Mark H Haskins I am on the board director of the sof Association I'm here to support uh San Ambrose um our members have reviewed the plans uh we think it's a a great addition uh we look at the you know Fifth Street alone it's been run down over the past few years it's kind of like the gateway to the South the 5th and you know and in the South Beach area itself uh I think that this development and hopefully the development of the old Pier One will actually start you know Reviving fist street again uh but I think it's a welcome Edition um and I'm here just to to let you know that the entire sofa board supports this as well thank you thank you so much for coming in we appreciate it um yeah come on have you been sworn in I did we hear you hear we hear at the beginning so he's fine right Mr okay can you state your name please and go ahead two minutes excellent thank you thank you board for having my my name is Betto Guerrero I am um a member of the FRS of South Point Elementary board as well I have two kids at sou Point Elementary um and I'm here to support Ahmed and the S and Bros group we believe the addition is welcome in the community um I'll just read this my supporting local restaurants is vital to fostering a strong Viber community and one down in this area is St Ambrose and um it's friendly staff in war atmosphere make it a welcoming spot for families friends and solo diners alike uh by choosing to St amb brose we're helping sustain local jobs promote economic growth and maintain the unique charm that makes um our community special um myself and the friend of side point um um Foundation supports local businesses like San amb brose that can get back in so many ways thank you for your time and also part of friends of South Point and I just second what BTO said I won't take a bu more will you sworn in will you I sworn in yes yeah thank you I just second what BTO says and I'm here to represent friends of South Point and uh also representing my daughter who loves that restaurant and she's super ecstatic that uh she can get treats there going forward so I won't take much more time thank you awesome thank you uh anyone else public comment last chance okay not seeing any one no one on Zoom okay we're going go ahead and we're going to close the public comment I'm going to open up to our board for questions to the chair uh Mr nagler yeah one question and no no uh beef with not sending a letter it looks like uh the relationship is there this time um my question is about um this uh I guess proposed amended order is that the proper way to describe it um paragraph maybe it's B5 with the exception for wi and prco the way it's worded I'm not clear if the wine and prco would be um also is it is that only an exception to the no package of sale of packaged Goods or is that also an exception to the no sale of alcohol during school hours without a meal it's not clear to me the way it's worded meaning could you serve wine and prco without a meal during school hours the way I would read that you would be able to sell um wine in prco for off-site consumption during school hours the intent is that the intent I mean that's how you're reading they're they're proposing the modification I would I would ask the applicant what their what their intent is here so it's meant only to modify the second sentence and the subject of the second sentence is the sale of package Goods yeah so it's just Crea an exception to that main subject of the second sentence okay so so this is not making exception to the uh not to the first sentence to to the correct alcohol with meals right all right and that's on the record then because apparently off the bat we had two different interpretations from two different people so it might it might be good if we split that that condition into two however you want to do it I mean it seems like it's not been clarified on the record by Council for the applicant um but obviously it's subject to um different interpretation based on what we just observed I I think I think for clarity what we can do is we can split that there shall be no sale of packaged Goods with the exception of wine pryo and make that a SE its own Standalone condition that way there's no no confusion there makes sense yeah okay thank you Mion yeah just for clarification are you saying prco you really mean prco or you mean sparkling wine sparkling wine okay cuz I'm you know I want to know why you were being racist to Champagne just you might I didn't know it to the country of France yeah so so I'm just saying I'm I'm just pointing out that you are being racist to Champagne that's all I'm saying I hope my French classs are not watching being upset um I I just want to say I'm grateful that uh the developers have chosen to take on this project because obviously they're you're elevating the neighborhood I'm also south of Faith the resident um you know the estons next door are probably you know getting upset you overshadowing uh their building was a beautiful building now now your building makes them look like you know just a random building I love that uh it's it's a it's a gorgeous building gorgeous rooftop you know Milos is probably the number one elegant you know find dining restaurant party south of Fifth and now you're adding um you know another element to that which is is great also for the neighborhood and hopefully you know you do the same on Alton and fifth um and and it will be great so I'm looking forward to um to projects like this elevating our city you thank you um I got a question um do you serve um wine and prco in other locations too so I kind of put can you please come to the microphone yeah and champagne too by the way that way yeah they they serve alcohol generally I mean it just as in any restaurant but but specifically when they have packaged Goods they they have uh you know prco and uh this is just a an item that they they when I went to the website it didn't you know looked at the menu didn't show that you can purchase you know wine to take out that's that's why I was kind of asking the questions on the other location in because we'll have um some sometimes they sell Goods so if you go to a different section on the website I don't know which one but you know they'll they'll sell um olive oil and you know it's just uh very you know I think fairly innocent it's just they have their own branded kind yeah and I want to echo on what Mr yon said you I drove I drove the location yesterday I walked it and um yeah fist street is so important coming in from Miami and it's just it's going to be beautiful um and thank you for the investment AB you know in trusting in Miami Beach you know we really appreciate thank you so much okay any other comments okay with that I'll entertain I I think I did close the public I close close public comment forgot if I close or not say it just in case um without entertain any motions okay okay moved by Mr nagler second by Mr Davis all in favor I opposed great pass congratulations thank you very much thank you so much and and I promise Mr N I will do better Outreach to all parties in the future I'm sorry about that and in the future it would help if you bring samples you know we see those pictures have them after proo and champagne all right wait okay guys um with that we have no other business no appeals uh no other business our next meeting is going to be November 1st it's going to be a little bit of a longer one we have two appeals on November 1st and three applications so please make sure you allocate enough time for that the appeals could take a little bit longer um any other good and Welfare anything Mr Madden or anyone on the board no okay with that motion to adjourn okay thank you everybody enjoy the weekend thank you for your participation we appreciate it okay for