recing in progress guys 5:37 don't put these in front of me guys welcome to the 16 18th 19 19 18 so we got 18th change it um 18th public meeting of the atoc charter review and revision board uh CL G take the role yes sir Mr B here M basner here Mr Gonzalez pres mron pres Mr Raven Mr s here sir full board excellent well welcome everybody welcome our guests uh Comm magazine is here as well um we have um an agenda that is uh hopefully pretty straightforward first item is the acceptance of the minutes from the March 4th you had correction yes correction I wanted to make I think it's page five of the minutes um indicates that I said that there been only had never been an exist an experience where the the the mayor's race lived from general elections I said there was one time where that has happened in the 30 some odd years so I should like that David derel race of 2001 and we will make that correction with that is there a motion I'll move second motion second all in favor say I I opposed Sam actually can if you're if you're here the only reason you could obain you had a conflict so you can't well so what if I can't vote on the meeting minutes of a meeting that I didn't attend what do I do vot you vot but then I'm saying correct when I wasn't at the meeting well then you can vote now you can go to the bathroom you can go to the bathroom while we vote I take back my extension I I agree with unanimous unanimous Mr chair also have their this meeting and the one prior we have not concluded the minutes so I request permission from this board to present them to the chair and if he says they're okay accept those bu do that activation is that something you all comfortable fine we want to leave those minutes floating for 10 years order of business at the next Char riew Mee to find out that Sam couldn't vote on the minutes thank you sir okay all right so we've got that um commissioner you're here uh we we have the next order of business is really to discuss the final report but I want to extend the courtesy yep it's impossible to do that but we will we will go forward to it my daughter tries it all the time so all right so then and I guess some people in your cars sometimes do that too right all in good um okay so item two is the final draft report of our recommendations that we uh hopefully tend to transmit to the commission I um I I looked at these uh I had an opportunity to give edits to to the staff I think it's in really good order but today is the day that we should spend time making sure that we're comfortable with everything that's in here as a report and that it reflects our intentions and what we wanted to do before today I I I wrote up a little piece that I wanted to insert into the intro at the bottom near the conclusion that uh tries to kind of thematically you know group The amendments into kind of our efforts you know transparency protection of public land opportunities for public input just kind of scoping the the the various amendments so they don't just float out as nine different amendments they they they do reflect a a theme that I think we all participated in so if I can just share this and if you're all good with it we can figure out where exactly it belongs with I sorry I didn't get it too soon it really was 30 minutes ago let me keep going last Cas um I I suppose while you're getting this um have you all had a chance to read the report thought this group did a good job putting it together 60 hours almost 60 hours 60 hours to your right thank you uh one comment also in addition into what's going out um it's more editorial when we list the people that came to speak to us we list like 10 or 12 title first and then name and then the last couple name first and then title pick one and consistent okay I have no preference either way but whatever you want to do let's just sure oh okay you see how at the bottom we start to his name first it might name first might be better but I don't I like name first too okay yeah yeah think name first major decision we'll take care of that okay so that's on page um 24 48 yes okay particular order we we did um well what what I did here I I wrote the introduction in background section so naturally I started with the Commissioners first then I started with um senior staff um you know uh senior staff and the attorneys um Charter officers we have Joe okay so those are the city those are the city um the city Charter officers then we have the two past chairman and members of the charter Review Committee um the committee members um the house the the Homeowners Association members and finally the outside organizations that are not City related the housing authority and the two County organizations so that's that's kind of the that I that was concerted okay sure I wanted to put us first I think I think this might fit right before we go to through and through it had been a collaborative effort if you're all yeah I was thinking the same thing George that we do that as a separate paragraph there right and it just tries to put some thematic comments good addition to the nine questions that were recommended anybody have you like to yeah be the I have I have a legal question on four okay this is the one weend a lot of time last basically told we were guys that the elections supervisor of elections that had mixed our idea of having day half so just the one question is if either the the commission or the voters do not accept our Amendment then where are we are we not in the same place and so you know again I kind of question whether we know whether the the supervis elections has considered it as carefully as I would like because we because this this may not get approved by voters and then what well I would I I would like you to answer but I just start by saying the supervisor of elections her priority is that there be uh at least four weeks between the general and the runoff so there's there's discussion about when those elections occur but the you know this this iter this iteration so the the the question that that this board is recommending provides for four weeks there is an alternative um which Jean which Jean can walk you through well the so the alternative that uh Nick is referring to is not for purposes of the board's deliberation today respectably because you have your recommendation when there is the briefings with the individ idual members of the city Commission because of the fact stemming exactly from what braon said that the election supervisor has said this is not an option the city must change its election cycle to provide for the at least a minimum four we um gap between the general and the run all further said October and November is what that's right if the city decides to keep odd numbered here if the decision of the city Commission is to switch to e number gear then correct my Ral my understanding is that the supervisor is suggesting following the state and County cycle which would be the general election at the time of the primary in August and the run off at at time of the general election in state which would be basically um our present election date November right but the recommendation of this board is to maintain the odd number year cycle and to move our election cycle from the first Tuesday in November and two weeks there after the runoff to the first Tuesday in October for the general um for the mayor and for the first Tuesday in October to the be the mayor all runoff and the date of the City commissioners general election and there would be no runoff for City commissioners because the proposal of this board is that unlike the mayoral election which is retaining the majority vote scenario dead members of the governing body are elected now the majority vote requirement would still apply to the mayor but not for members of the city Comm the City commissioners the City commissioners would be a plurality vote which is uh the highest vote getter Le three vote gets the high however many they can see there are so back to what Ron pointed out um which is you know a very important question right what if the city commission approves this recommendation for placement on the ballot and the voters don't don't V vote don't Ag and it's not approved then you are left with the existing election cycle which again only provides for The twoe Gap the supervisor has told us you have to have a four-week gap um if the voters don't approve it the city clerk will have a discussion with Christina and supervisor can preempt that and that decision for us okay she's gonna change it but here's the thing here but here's the thing still have the charter language we and we still have to comply with the charter language now Christina may say from her perspective I need a four-week g but we think this is what she would say right BR she's gonna say I need a four- we G but I'm saying but I'm saying after the election right if the voters don't approve of this she may still say I don't care how you do it right we need that before we get we then will have to decide right but we still have the charter to comply with even though she will say that was my question so if if the supervisor of election says we are not going to do November and then four weeks later just period as she has said then what we have to run our own election or is it just that you say we can't comply with the charter because the supervisor of election has a Charter office well that would obviously be our position but we are thinking well I think for let's say let say we were in a situation where where this measure where the city commission submits this measure to the voters and the voters reject it um I think we would I think we would need to confer with the supervisor but I think at least that first year we could change the dates by ordinance could we not under that state law even just one time if it's a one time you know to bring you up to speed on that issue right the um we um much like when commissioner Samuel and P passed and we had a Miami Beach had a special election to fill that vacancy that was pursu to a state statute that we've been discussing with you that in certain limited instances even though the election dates are a set and the qualifying dates are set by Charter that there is a state statute that allows in certain limited instances cities to change those dates by ordinance it's not a charter Amendment but to change it so that's what happen when we that permanent change or a permanent Charter change would not fall one time that one time vote would be shall we move it to October and November and just keep everything else same right some or November December but to get a longterm fix we would need to submit a new a new question or again depending upon the the chief Deputy feelings on this and the city attorney's uh opinion possibly filing a deck action to explain to the court that this is an possibility for Miami Beach to vote because you know what if you submitted voters again because you know against the backdrop of this and I apologize for repeating it you've heard us talk to you about the the um limited abilities we have now to educate the public the state legislature has curtailed the right of the city which used to send out voters guide we now have limited ability to do that uh there are certain exceptions that allow the city to do that but all of this combines for the fact that um if the voters don't approve of this it's very difficult to explain to the voters what this is about to then get a subsequent voter approval um and the alternate that that the chief Deputy was referring to was when we have our briefings with the city commission um we have in the same lines of an October November election date if the city Commission if the decision is under the um uh supervisor's consult that you have to change your election date that the city commission may feel in their discretion that the matter that will be put on the ballot will be in October November election cycle keeping everything else as it yeah that's a choice have right you think they're gonna understand this anyway I think this issue the alternative they will understand uh this is a it is this is a tough ballot question um in in the sense that we've had public meetings public input um full opportunity for for Citizens and the public to voice their feelings on it you've had full explanation a lot of discussion um but this is a u a change that is not a simple change to understand you've done everything that you can do pursuant to law to explain it to the board and you've taken your vote after public opportunity to voice their opinions but this is a a complicated question to understand I P after this but I I think that if it doesn't ask it could be because voters don't want to come out twice to vote that that they could you know because for the if they um the only time they'd have to come out twice is if there's a runoff um and the way we've structured this is year but that doesn't change I me that's is you go back go back for history in the beach and there's always a around yeah go back 30 years or more and there's always been a r so sooner or later that they always come out twice um whether it's mandated or by action it always ends up that way right although if if if we're successful and getting rid of this idea of people running for specific seats then you El need run off for Commissioners because it's the top three but anyway all right I this present present our recommendation and you know the the commission will determine in their best wisdom what uh is or isn't um the the outcome is you laid out it fails and um that one time question allows the the the bigger question is always well what if it keeps failing right how do you deal with that right well obviously you cannot think continuously keep amending your Charter by ordinance U we haven't looked at it I'm just being off the top of my head but but obviously the bigger the bigger suggestion is you need to have a charter Amendment you need to have a fix so that this it needs to be fixed right um I'm inclined to go with what we've all reached as a unanimous and then you know that's our recommendation others choose to vote for it great not vote for it the commission chooses to put it on the ballot or not just goes the way it was and or and Christina comes in and says guess what get four weeks there was a time when the city conducted its own election I don't know we want to go there but that was long ter you could consider transmitting you know this is your recommendation but in the alternative uh should the city commission elect not to submit this voters or should it go to the voters and fail that the city commission um you know I I think that's you know that's understood okay I don't think we need to put in our report and okay make it you know kind of a a compromise or whatever this is what I think we want to recommend and the other alternative is we spent many hours I don't understand why we would want to do it now the commission's going to have the opportunity to engage and discuss this they can accept it reject it do whatever they want to do but um it kind of get a feeling at least based on past experiments what will happen is the more likely than not the electorate will either support all the Amendments or they won't and uh you know I think trying to micromanage this is not particularly our job we're offering our best suggestion the commission can agree not agree and the constituency out there will make the final determination right and we we are available well the question for you guys is you know once we've transmitted this you know if I know the Chamber of Commerce or mbu or some other local organization wants a presentation or information on why why did the charter Review Committee recommend Acts or explain why to us is that something that we have as members the perview to go and do or how how do you guys c um I think that well this is your last meeting um um but I think that if the board wanted you know to appoint one person say the chairman to I think well I'm just saying I think it' be good for that I think the board should have that discussion um and it you know if an organization asks for a presentation uh by members of the board might maybe you know I think there's a question for the board here is who should make those presentations you you had said that we're Limited in terms of it being here explain these uh amendments did public but my understanding was the city can still put out some kind of informal panl is that is that right well what we can no longer do is direct communicate so we can we can no longer do a voter's guide the way we used to in the past but was there there was something we could do and what was that we could like do a do a public forum video it and then put it on the website yes you know the main restriction is using public resources so um you know you all are volunteers and thank you for that uh you know so that's not using public resources but even in a public form you know you using lights and electricity but there is a specific exemption in the statute for public form the clerk can can review that with you because the clerk has done certain things consistent with the statute right r that fits in the except like it's also reflecting any action that was taken at a is it at a city commission meeting you know then that could be that's one of the exceptions mbtv us to do these interview type thing that's that's more specific resources and we as a committee drafted uh pamphlet explaining our reason behind the Amendments we're a volunteer committee well you have your you have your final report so I would that's where I would Point am we're not really giving any like reasoning behind it as much as we are you talking like about the chance to Advocate yeah explain what an educate okay okay Nick when does uh is the Sunshine Law restriction lift June 12th June 12 so as far as it goes from presentations I think we're talking you know uh actually we probably when it talks to some of these other organizations I think we ought to think more about doing an a June 12 so that any number of us can go and participate right well may I say something on that you know items that are are or forceably coming before the board and yes we voted our final report but here's the thing we're done the um the city commission I would suggest depending upon it if you will that the Board needs to wait until after the city commission votes on which recommendations the city commission will not be voting until July 24th presumably so um I think it's premature for for the board with all respect you know to be sort advocating for these because have to see what the city commission votes on the problem with that is is what we want to do is we want to get public as possible because they can then help influence the vote on July the city commission vote sure you know they can say hey I like this I don't like this the government usually works let's put it this way though I mean technically as a board you're still you're still in effect or operative until June 12th that's when the board sunsets so the Sunshine Law Public Records law and all applies to you until that date we've also said in previous meetings that we don't have a problem with any of you meeting individually with the Commissioners to express your position as to particular amendments you know we'll be doing we'll be doing our own briefings with the commission but we decided we discussed that at the last meeting that there's nothing from prohibiting any of you from contacting your elected officials you know directly you know to talk about we could only be one of us meeting with until until June 12th that's correct couldn't go meet with Joe but I meet with Jo and you can with correct okay yeah but after Jun so here here's the thing is I think most of the advocacy explaining all that a lot of that needs to happen before after June 12th and before July whatever so that so that the general public can start expressing opinions on this stuff and also the good thing is is that we meet with individual Commissioners have well doesn't have to just be one of us one commissioner two of us I think that's better if we did it par absolutely you don't want to just have one voice and and I would just prefer rather than calling it advocacy that you want to call it education education yeah yeah and explain and and as Sam said explained the board's reasoning for for for its recommendations right can but I think Ron point is a valid one um candidly I think is Ruth has an ownership interest if you will in this document and we spent a lot of time many hours uh dividing what we believe is B for the city um it's an opportunity I think for US Post June 12th to sit down whether or not with individual Commissioners whether or not with mbu whether or not with the chamber ultimately maybe even with the editorial board of the herald to you know let the people know what's coming first before the commission and ially and then secondly what they may be voting for come November um and you know there's a a relatively short period of time between you know June and July date when the commission makes their gives this their imprimer one way or another and then between that July date with summer and everything else and November and a presidential election everything else that's going on to catch the individual the eye of the constituency out there Just one thought with regard to um the editorial board in particular might again might be something the board wants to discuss as far as who would you like to speak to the editorial board obviously the editorial board can contact act any of you and any commissioner any of us um but you know as far as I mean I was just want to make sure you know obviously the board only can only act as a body you you know after today you will voted on your recommendation so anything anyone says it's gonna be important consistent with the report right um but I think the chair Vice chair do the board the editorial board that's a proper role for the chair and vice chair how about it but other meetings other Chambers and other stuff you know I think any of us could represent the board whoever can at the time that scheduling out right and and as I said we have more one person there more comfortable I mean you already have our timeline from what what happens from today to J to July when which is the last meeting that the commission has walk through that again so get the exact dates on can you just tell me the do you need those dates again I didn't bring oh okay at the um no I got it between now that we haven't scheduled that but between now and um may we will be scheduling we will be scheduling individual briefings with the Commissioners to go over the the valid questions and answer any questions they may have at the May meeting what's the date of the May meeting May 15th 15th we'll have our first oh well first let me back up a minute because um the George had made a point last week that when the final report is presented to the commission will that be in May when or or April when when are we present May 15 okay because I think George had made a point that when the final report is presented to the commission he or members other members of the board may want to be there you know at the at the public meeting to you know case to ask any questions or to discuss their process at that same meeting we're also going to have a committee of the whole meeting which is held in the city manager's large conference room but is also a public meeting so and that's usually held at the lunchtime recess it's a one to two-hour meeting um and you're all invited to attend that as well um that that that really is the purpose of that meeting is to get input from the Commissioners as to any of the Val questions or or or or questions they may have in preparation of their final vote at the June commission meeting which is when Ralph 26 June 25th 6 26 26 26 we have another commission of the whole meeting scheduled just in case as a buffer again public meeting held in the lunch during the lunch recess you're all invited to attend so the commiss after what what our expectation is is that after the two Commission of the whole meetings the commission may either take action at its June meeting or at its July meeting but the purpose that we wanted to have those commit committee the whole meetings that I well the purpose I wanted to have those Committee of the whole meetings was to get 25th 24 24 sorry 26 May 15 wait I just want May 15 June 26th July 24th right so we wanted to give our plenty of buffer in case the commissions have question the Commissioners have questions as you so that when they go for the final vote we can just go for a final vote and be done with it we're not drafting on the floor what's the soonest they might vote saying June 26 it could be June yeah or it could be I mean I don't know it could be as early as if they don't feel they need another Committee of the whole Workshop it could be as early as may but I I doubt it so just thinking what the date our committee sunsets we should try to and when are you transmitting our report commission should sorry April May 15 May 15 May 15 get transed okay right well that'se you're going to send it before that yes saying what's the day the agend the agendas go the meeting agendas go a week before the meeting so I assume it'll be in the agenda then yes and be we could send it out sooner yeah I mean I think send it out as soon as you can we can do that okay email but you're already you will do you said between now and May at some point you're going to do agenda briefings with the commissioner so technically you're transmitting the report to them right in that meeting whenever that those get scheduled the official transmission is the agenda package and then the council the commission meeting and and Ralph we could issue it by LTC LC yeah yeah in the next weeks yeah that then yeah I think that would be good because commissioner we would like to have read it of course yeah so you would like the report sent out as soon as possible after today yes okay can you make a motion unanimous motion Sor Sam and Ron all in favor I I anyos okay show un um and then our effort probably should start soon after that but you want to have your conversation with whoever you feel comfortable with before May so that you in May is when they're really going to start to chew on it may commission meeting we should be present for that item right didn't you want to you wanted to be present for that item we get a Time certain it's GNA be before your committee the whole so Ral I think for May you maybe want a Time certain for the members to be present reest and you wanted I guess before the committee of the whole meets right so that would be good you know it's before something like that I I actually already have a meeting set up with mayor Miner on May 8 I was originally his appointment but then I think I've got now I've got commissioner B who who's got mayor yeah I want to join me I'm happy to join well me do together that's I was gonna say the meeting is J yeah oh not before June okay we basic problem we basically finished our work voted on our final report have no meeting scheduled before the 16th how is there something foreseeably coming before I'm you know you're you're not officially sunsetted until and it's a date in June and so I I I would not recommend right yeah you don't know I mean in May a commissioner could foresee if refer something back to you so so so that June 12th date is really your cut off Ral is it the 12 June 12 yeah all right so we should we should at a minimum I think as a we should kind of schedule a sit down with the person who appointed us yeah yeah and then if you comfortable with others yes feel free I mean it's up to your schedule and availity yeah the individual then yeah I'd say before the May 15 meeting so that they can all say that they've been briefed by their appointed rep and you know agree disagree whatever they want to say it's and and well this will be transmitted to them after today yeah it's you know within days I would say before the meeting and us we put June 30th on this just to end it at the end of the month so our report should June 30 I think I remember that when is it we did June 30th Sunset yeah that's what we wrote was that on the Reser June 30th it says six months but usually the committee sooner Thane meeting it's in the report thank you so we're so we're definitely June 12 is not to date then it's June 30th so we sus June 30th not June 12 June 30 30th yeah okay so I I guess could we does this make sense to ask at the make meeting the commission there's two possibilities one could be that they could say we'd like you to work on this once more before our our next meeting you can decide that at the of the whole or they could say okay we don't you guys to do more in which case maybe we should ask to be um said is so that we can go the rest you know the board you can ask whatever you want I think it it introduces another layer of complication guys the legal advice we're giving you is that you sunset on June 30th so act accordingly leave that I just up the res it is Jun June 30 do we have to make a motion and vote on this on the report we need to make a motion to as amended as amended that the amendment yes oh no um what did we do one thing this the amendment George you hand it out on um on your third proposed uh Edition where you reference enhance transparency ethics and electoral process because this is going to be within the report uh you are referencing that's your that's like your general summary basically what these items are right but I think you need to tweak it a little bit because for amendment five which is the charter 2.02 Amendment that's um the compensation and the duty the request the ethics opinion so it it does fall under ethics but the increasing compensation doesn't fit under transparency ethics and electoral process so I'm happy to take the words you where I saw transparency in that the salary is now very right you're right but one of the cheap purposes is the cheap purpose is increasing the um the salary shorter Amendment and amendment number eight which is 207 the filling a vacancy uh it it it it certainly relates to transparency elal electoral process these are topics I'm just right but it's still in the report we don't want anyone to say just suggest after enhanced transparency ethics and electoral process take out the word an say enhance uh transparency ethics electoral process and commission compensation I do have one question what if they choose to sorry sorry sorry on that same question I'm sorry yeah yeah on that same so on that same question though that did remind me we have blanks here still yeah we need so I I have a have a fill in the blank I have a fill in but I also think the board may want to discuss it so um as we discussed with you in in at your meeting in March the commission uh on March 13 adopted a resolution increasing uh the cend the car allowance and the cell phone allowance um and then also providing for a cost of living adjustment and grossing up to account for the increased uh tax burden so I have the final numbers from HR and I wanted to I got them uh today and so the number for the mayor is $ 59,4 9041 the total for the office of commissioner is 59,6 38 59638 it's more it's more and it's a more because um when the commission last in increased its siphon under mayor galbert the mayor asked that the office of Mayor be excluded from that resolution so the sort of the basis for that number this time around was lower so I just wanted the board to be aware of that because it's it will read a little funny that that the that the that the commissioner's total uh compensation is more now now it's fair fa but when we were doing this we end we landed on 55 and 60 that's right which is not that far off from this right but this is just sens and all that stuff end on that yeah we we put a cost of living not to and by the way not to exceed 3% point on that as well um you CPI you got to define the lesser of yeah was the lesser of but the um we we when we kind of Revisited this we just said all right well let's pick their number pop it in and make it a question um we could choose to correct this situation of the mayor and say 60 for commissioner and 65 for mayor I'm not trying to open up box again but it feels kind of weird to have these numbers be so precise and furthermore that the May is lower than the that's the weird part right I I agree and I think Our intention was that the mayor have a a small differential what about I was well I was going to say 55 and 60 well I'm sorry 65 65 and 60 well now we're talking numbers but is that we put them both at 59 at the same it also will save some words here because you could you won't have to say you'll mayor and Commissioners 59,000 it'll just say it'll be one number and because as it stands now um the the Commissioners are more so there's but so there's no and they voted for that already so I I think you know and going over 60 no but it lower than what they're getting now because they would have you know I think thatal I I think that the mayor has more responsibilities and I think that there should be some recognition of that in their compensation that's my view Julie I don't disagree with you I think that and it's not unreason and we're not talking about a much larger right I I think George's numbers are are good numbers 65 and 6 right so the explanation would be this is what they're getting the explanation would be this is what they're getting now 60 how would you articulate the hire for the round it off for clarity well it's not rounded off I mean it is the 60 but not the 605 like how would you exp head of the organization and runs the meetings and a lot more events and activities and receives more mail email than I'm good with either way Elizabeth 65 and 60 is the fill in the blanks what can I just ask a quick question what did they vote for themselves what were the numbers those are the numbers I just gave you that exclud the the number 59 includ their office budget okay got it so your vote will Al also authorize uh I need to change The Narrative description of 202 to reflect what you just said yeah okay we took their number tried to you know reconcile it a little more round it off and then add 5,000 for the mayor because was so it'll be amending the the uh ballot question and the text but more significantly it'll be amending the report that you that you want I can review that a language and then on the CP CPI want to Define that it's CPI for laud or whatever but that doesn't be the question that could be in your text in the not the the text of the report even the text of the the text of the right right now it just says CPI is issued by the US Department of Labor no but you need to Define it to the Fort Lauderdale it's the Miami Fort Lauderdale West Palm Beach and it's the CPI for all Urban consumers I think is the one you're looking for yeah because otherwise it's it's a different number 1984 equals 100 do that can we go back to yeah I thought we were and we just kind of jump that I wanted to ask is that okay we go back and that I want to just try to understand something so what I understand is that you all will conduct this meeting which gives them the opportunity to provide input on our recommendation yes so they could push back they could improve you know they could they could have no comment see but then we'd have about a month and a half before our committee we Sun s that we so maybe this is naive of me but wouldn't it make sense for them to kind of if if something wasn't stin it well for whatever reason to kind of like hunt it back to us so that we could potentially work with the commission to land on something that could potentially get the voters to support our recommendation I think the challenge is time is short now could they conceivably uh refer one of these measures back to the committee that's possible but there's you know limited period of now that would but that would happen probably between May and June still correct so we would then if that were to happen we could maybe try to schedu a meeting and do what we need to do to get an answer back to them June 26 meeting so just to be proactive could we potentially agree to a meeting date and time and then let them know that we're ready potentially if we can doit something to show some you know measure of like solidarity or so I don't know something that's that's a good point jul maybe we can do the we can do the Dole pole like we've been doing other meetings for a June dat J want another meeting this is what we anticipated but Julie makes a great point in May I think the chief depy was trying to say is that what we would expect is that any comments or revisions that the commission would have would be directed to the drafters and be brought back to the to the Committee of the whole but it is conceivable that they could want the charter Review Committee to discuss something more fully or whatever and they they could address this to a meeting now the issue here is time you know because although it seems like we have a month and a half between meetings you know we have to get the we have to convene this committee we have to prepare those amendments and we have to get them on the agenda so but it is conceivable I think that's at the commission's so Mr I have a question if if if this leads to this also so they could potentially take part of that and say we don't want that but we want that yeah that's they can do whatever they want that's where we would come back now the the similar question but in a different vein so this this Committee of the whole meeting on May 15 you say we should be present um will there be a role for us as a board to be able to Advocate with the commission why we felt strongly about the sale of public land needs to go to referendum or something like that if it's being debated yeah there's always room for public comment at these meetings that's public common is different than a board participate I also and I don't want to overstep but Comm discretion but I don't understand why they wouldn't want to hear from you right and I think it's appropriate for for for you to reach out out um to the mayor we can give him a heads up that that uh that the chair and or vice chair will be reaching out you know I think that's I think that's appropriate I think it's appropriate that they hear you know we spent the hours we should be able to Advocate why it is we landed where we landed and not just sorry but if the purpose is for the public to weigh in then I feel like we're sort of now we're div stepping on their toes and super that I think at that meeting it's a public meeting they're they're still chewing through and digesting what we're giving them so we should be there to try to help them I also think it's appropriate for the bo to make even make the presentation if you want you know that's what yeah what I'm thinking is that we should have a role yeah and then in July at that point that's their public meeting people can you know have their public uh input we can come into the public but by then we hope it's pretty much settled isn't that something the chair done in theair makes not not a committee the whole but at the meeting there the formal the chair I think you gonna get up and kind of you request so that's that portion yeah correct right just remember when they're gon I I suspect what will happen is they're not gonna debate it on the day they will but the purpose of Committee of the whole is really for them to be able to digest as a body and there's nine valid questions right you know and a limited amount of time to cover it so really the purpose is for them to digest these so they want your input as to how you came about that's great but it's about it's it's really their chance as a body to really see these for the first time sorry I don't think there was a vote of 65,000 we had a motion in faor CPI CPI am the question the report corre and then the question TT to attend yes at the commission time certain in the morning you'll let us know what that I'm sorry so you got the vote all in favor I no oppos no okay unanimous U so yeah on May 15th we would be there you know all we should you know all be present at the meeting and you know we can present it and then that's their opportunity to thank us for our work as well commission starts at what time 8:30 but that's not the time certain we want want a Time certain a little later time morning or you asking before the committee of the whole meeting whatever that is ideally we would do it and then roll right yeah it used to be it used to be that time certain was it's certain that it won't be heard at this time well it's probably still still is Ral will you make the request or the agenda we will you can say it's a request of the board yeah okay want make it that way a letter to commission say at this we also request that should be timec just before they break to go to well it's up to the May it's up to the mayor's office correct corre it's just a discussion with Miner and and he's going to be easy to deal with 30 soes right before we roll you know do that and then roll into the Committees that's so good for people here they yes that's except I do I I renew my motion uh to accept the report so now we have uh an accept of the report hold on George I just wanted to ask it's minor um on the before the people that appeared before this committee do you want me to add commissioner magazine yes okay Sam sorry you're ready all right already made it you have the re reorder the names you know name first the amendment as recomended by you guys and the amendment to the salary as we just voted on yeah that's our report and you delegate to me to review to make sure it's so by Sam second Elizabeth so Sam Elizabeth all in favor I the opposed no so as well all the way through all the way through and guys um it is our report now so we we Advocate the report it's only been a year and a half and listen listen was somewhere around 60 hours but I think it may be I I will tell you that you know eight or nine questions is about where I thought we would land so that's good we have some stuff you needed uh as a as a as the commission needed to get resolved like the vacancies and things like that we've put some stuff out here that's you know a little bit thought provoking and out of the box let them you know chew on it a little bit and then you know there's some protections I think that are to the benefit of the residents and you were a great leader you scared us through this these trou Waters great it was a lot of fun let's hope that all of these a life you convinced me but been real fun you convinced v um you need anything else you send me a date for the June get a new it's gonna go out again yeah yeah May I'm make a statement hopefully somebody will take it up as a motion um that we should include in the request for all these other requests that the uh the the parking benefit to this committee sunset on December 31st I didn't say not for me but there are others in the room that uh I'm not let's not Point any fingers at anybody guys let's just you know let's be unanimous they're just gonna your car I don't need it have two two thoughts um you can strike that from the record I was one is you know in deference to to Rick who was disappointed City attourney i' like congratulations unanimously appointed and I've worked with him on the CRA for about a year or so so I know well and the second for those of you that don't know is that Nick has decided to stay as Chief Deputy City attorney yes so um no I just want to say I want to give Rick the opportunity also to make any not non-substantive you know it give Rick a chance to um to to to go through the report and particularly on on any about any you know uh language any specific changes to language again non but I want to give opportunity if that's okay with the board one of kind of things so when you end submit the report which we just said you know as soon as possible to the commission um will we be C how will we know that that the commission the commit we will transmit it by LTC which goes out to the whole world and we will let the board know that it's on out and it will be as well yeah and that will be a formatted Report with all the valid questions and Charter text that you all have what are we and chair that's why final reportal but it's good job listen in the report uh I'll tell you that the section here where it says thank you they did not write that but we should thank the staff and the folks that so thank you thank you guys all the answers yeah Nick has all the all three amazing Jean's third Charter review well he to sit next to me3 guys uh thank you to appropriate motion so we've adjourned at 6:35 don't even know what to say did you get his number do I I think 305