[Music] yeah yeah yeah that's there [Music] please take your seats the meeting is about to [Music] begin please stand by we are going on air in 5 4 3 2 1 testing testing good morning thank you everyone for being here sorry for uh the technical difficulties as we move into our new chamber the first time actually this commission is sitting in City Hall as we move from the convention center so this is a momentous occasion as we renovate but with Renovations and Technology comes some glitches uh so apologize for the delay but this is an exciting moment this these Chambers have not been renovated in decades and we um this is done obviously partly for us to be quite honest to have the latest technology but it's also done for our residents and everything I think this commission does I think has become apparent is for our residents so thank you for bearing with us the the convention center was a great host but it was not the ideal location to do these Mee meetings and uh we're blessed to be here today we are going to do a ribbon cutting for the occasion um so we have a very busy agenda so we're going to try not to take too long on these ceremonial aspects but let's all go down for the uh for the ribbon cutting e let's play a video okay great so while we wait we're going to have a quick video that's going to come on uh and then we're going to continue with our ribbon [Music] cutting up feeling hyp [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you everybody that was our new find your play part of our new parks campaign so now we're going to get back to our ribbon cutting we're going to look at Dean right in the middle all hands in everybody try to squeeze in there you go [Applause] I'm going to ask the city clerk to um to give any announcement and read the zoom information before we do our invocation thank you mayor during this hybrid commission meeting the city commission is physically present in the commission chamber at Miami Beach City Hall 1700 Convention Center Drive the public May attend the meeting virtually however members of the public who wish to attend the meeting or provide public comment in person may appear at the commission chamber to participate or provide comment ver uh public comment virtually during the commission meeting the public may join the meeting by visiting the Zoom app on their smart device or on the web at zoom. us or by telephone at 3052241238 or tollfree 88847591 475 4499 the webinar ID is 813 9285 7671 pound again webinar ID 813 9285 7671 pound members of the public wanting to speak virtually on an item during the meeting must click the raiseed hand icon if using the Zoom app or press star n on the telephone to raise their hand mayor I'll make the announcements regarding the separated items after great thank you we're going to do our invocation and I'm honored to call up our general Council of Israel in Miami mayor albas starinski to do the invitation yesterday May 14th was the modern state of Israel's independence day 76 years most of us were at the Hebrew Academy the other night for an incredible celebration also memorial celebration it literally is a modern-day Miracle it's the only state it's the only country in the entire world that literally every day has to justify its existence so I'm honored that you're here thank you thank you very much can you hear me right it's working it's working yeah technology thank you very much for this opportunity I'm really really overwhelmed so I usually I speak out just from from fre the talking but I did prepare this morning so allow me please honorable mayor distinguished council members council members esteemed colleagues and honored guests as we gathered today also to commemorate the 76th anniversary of the state of Israel let us take a moment to Bow our heads in reflection in prayer almighty God Hashem creator of Heaven of heaven and and Earth we stand before you in gratitude and reverence as we celebrate the establishment of our beloved Homeland the state of Israel we give thanks for the courage and vision of those who Forge our nation from the depth of History transforming ancient dreams into a vibrant reality almighty God Hashem remember with solemn Hearts the sacrifice made by so many the Pioneers who cultivated the land the soldiers who defended it with their with with their lives and the citizens who build a thriving Society through their dedication and hard work almighty God Hashem we come before you with heavy hearts mourning the innocent lives lost on October 7th we pray for comfort and strength for their families and loved ones that they may find solace in your Embrace during these times of profound grief May their memory be a blessing and their legacy a guide in life for future generation Hashem let us also pray for the Swift and safe return home of our hostages who are held by the Terri of Hamas bring them back home now we also lift up the brave soldier of the IDF who stand as guardians of our nation grant them courage wisdom and protection as they carry out their duties may they be safe from harm and return home to their families in your mercy Hashem bring peace to our land and heal the wounds of our people when we find unity and strength in the face of adversity oh Lord Hashem bless the state of Israel with peace and security Grant wisdom and strength to its leaders and protect it all its inhabitants May our nation continue to be a beacon of democracy Innovation and compassion Foster in spirit of unity and cooperation among all people we pray for peace of Jerusalem the Eternal City and our internal Capital that it it may be a place where all Faith coexist in Harmony and a symbol of Hope for the world may your Divine guidance is power Inspire us to pursu Justice and righteousness to extend our hands in friendship and to build Bridges of understanding and Good Will as we mark this significant Milestone we ask for your blessing upon our all our endeavors Endeavors strengthen our resolve to uphold the values of Freedom equality and human dignity help us P persevere through challenges and to celebrate our achievements with humility and gratitude may this Gathering be a testament to the enduring bone between Israel and the US Florida and the City of Miami Beach bless its people and its leaders we will forever be grateful to the leaders and people of this country state and city will'll never forget the fire firefighters who risk their lives volunteering in Israel the ambulance donated to mendavid adom the Israel bonds purchase and so much more God bless you all together may we work toward the future where peace Reigns and where all nations can thrive in Harmony and mutual respect with Heart full of Hope and determination we pray for continued blessing upon the state of Israel and the United States of America Adonai o Shalom amen amen thank you thank you m we going to do the Pledge of Allegiance I'm going to ask a dual Pledge of Allegiance by our new City attorney Rick too and our interim city manager R Williams United States America the rep stands one nation God indivisible great we're going to start the sutnik hour so please come up and obviously raise your hand on Zoom if you wish to speak good morning go ahead please good morning uh the chambers are beautiful I'd like to recognize uh Bill Lane architect uh he's done wonderful work in the city he designed the Lifeguard stance and my home in addition to other uh wonderful Projects South Point Park uh Mitch novic I reside at 901 Collins Avenue I would urge you to support commissioner Suarez's items consent item C4 AA I believe removing parking requirements will incentivize Workforce housing along Washington Avenue my concern is height in F should not be decided by you it should be decided by the voters similar to the vacating of alleys uh the air rights above the alleys and the public right of waste uh another item last week I tuned into commissioner Fernandez's L use committee meeting a few Commissioners misstated that the Entertainment District generates tax revenue for our city this is incorrect the Entertainment District suffers from a net loss between $6 and $28 million annually at least for the years 2016 18 and 19 and you could be assured that the number is much higher today with all the police resources we've hired in subsequent years and finally I would urge you to quash the bundle Lumis Park zovich Lumis Park plan which has a 10 million money grab if Ocean Drive is relocated to where the palm trees stand today this is a desecration of uh uh of the park and I hope it is uh killed in due time your focus should be on cleaning up my neighborhood by focusing on those businesses which exploit the public right away with blasting music and dance performances that's bre brought inside thank you our next our first virtual speaker is Glendon Hall Mr Hall State your name you have two minutes name and address please GL Hall 5748 Pine Tre drive I have some comments on spring break 2024 there wasn't one Silver Bullet strategy that made the spring break successful but multiple tactics implemented successfully promly by the men and women of Miami Beach PD should be emphasized that the negative markeet campaign was not the key factor in this year's success both Mayors gilber and minor are quoted to saying that the vast majority of springb visitors to the beach are peaceful and come to support the businesses and a small minority causes violence and Chaos it's unfortunate that after Action Report excluded some very important statistics 72% of the people arrested of this small minority that his caus in the springbak carouse were local 46% black 4% white out ofate visitors and black and brown college students are being set gate coded for the violent behavior of small local minori they break up with spring bre Market campaign future Market campaign should be focused on the safety of our visitors and our residents and not scapegoating them for the violent and illegal activities of a few locals negative campaign has had immediate consequences we had no support from the county for gral ambassadors this year which also will affect C of support from mold weekend also excluded from the after action acknowledgement that key tactics that made spring break 2024 successful was suggested by the black Affairs advisor since 2021 to control access to the city and a proliferation of guns the after action included that the city go Ambassador supported mbpd extensively with their high visibility presence fot support curfew enforcement Beach alcohol checks and closures plus crowd control they should be recognized individually at a commission meeting with certificates of appreciation for their considerable efforts over multiple weekends this type of recognition is done regularly at the county for County Goodwill ambassadors and finally there's no mention that a result of the professionalism of men and women of of M Beach PD there were no incidences of excessive or deadly force this year there were no press conferences from the crb ACLU and of ACP and others at City Hall de crying excessive police tactics during spring break again providing that a successful spring break can occur without a zero tolerance policing policy thank you thank you Mr Hall next please state your name you have two minutes name address please Reginal Lester representative of fop William Nichols large 8 good morning my name is Regal ler I come before you as the vice president for the fop William Nichols Lodge in the absence of our president Mr Robert Hernandez and our 400 Plus members we would like to acknowledge someone who has this far exhibited qualities of a true public servants her compassion her Integrity her emotional intelligence and her professionalism has been warmly received by our members as she served in this position we appreciate her commitment to working beyond the challenges that we face and the obstacles that sometime swed our perception as well as hindering our purpose I stand before you with other executive board members to present a small token of appreciation to commissioner ton Bak if you can come down please [Applause] yeah she she didn't expect this but I'll say this to you uh I've been here 20 years and in my 20 years this is the first time this ever happened uh a lot of times the fop uh give these things in advance and sometime they're not deserved but I can tell you that this token of appreciation is observed uh is well uh well appreciated for what you've done for us for during Memorial Day weekend and it's it simply reads the Miami Beach fernal Order of Police William nickol Lodge 8 honors commissioner Tanya Bach with sincere appreciation for your support for the Miami Beach Fraternal Order police late on this day thank you [Applause] thank you our next public speaker virtually is Johan Moore Mr Moore state your name address and you have two minutes yes good morning Johan Moore 717 Jefferson Avenue uh a couple of comments on various subjects uh I want to uh support Mr Hall's comments uh I think it is important that we distinguish between uh what is been statistically shown as local troublemakers and uh the on the other hand uh largely uh uh not troublemaking uh African-American visitors uh to our Spring Break um I noticed that the video that was shown in addition to being a little long uh contained conspicuously few people of color uh I will say that um a comment about the new commission Chambers and the technology at least at one point in time this morning the sound and the video uh desined uh and it froze completely a couple of times maybe the technicians can look at that a further uh comment in support of various efforts and thank you to Commissioners Lingus and suades uh for uh pursuing reform of the special Master process for those who are unaware uh special Master meetings from now on will only be held in person I expressed my dismay over the difficulties under virtual at getting members of the public to attend uh now it will be even more difficult so I really urge you to support that uh in addition I want to urge that in fact the public be given the first word uh and that no activities precede the sutnik hour and workingclass uh residents possible testimony for you as they are rushing off to work my final comment uh today is nakba day uh observing 75 years of Zionist occupation of Palestine and unlike our Police Department which has thank you Mr you have two minutes are up I need you to wrap it up please virtu then in person please whoever is next you have two minutes state your name and address please Chris Infante 7500 Northwest 74th Avenue uh good morning everyone uh my name is Christian Infante I'm the owner and CEO of sfm Services Inc uh we've been providing janitorial services for the city for the last five years uh I'm here today to ask you to pull item C2C from the consent agenda uh I feel this item should be discussed uh one of the biders that is tied for first has provided a irresponsible price in and I can provide uh later on in this meeting uh further uh details uh American Facility Services is 57% lower than sfms current bid and 28% lower than our contract from five years ago so all I ask is that some some common sense gets put into this decision and to avoid um what happened 5 years ago when this contract went out to bid um there was another bidder substantially lower it was a large red flag the city went ahead and went with that bid and uh they didn't even make 60 days uh that contract had to be terminated and it created a lot of uh complaints and and issues for the property management uh division of the of the city so uh once again I ask you to please uh pull item C2C Mr infon just for the record it's item c2e and has been separated clarifying our next virtual speaker is Amanda nap miss naap say your name address and you have two minutes Miss naap please unmute yourself PJ let's go to Mr Miss naap oh I didn't have an option I can can you hear me now go ahead please okay um my name is Amanda nap I reside at at 1200 West Avenue good morning uh commissioner and Commissioners and Mr Mayor as you know I wear many hats in our community but today I'm here as a doctoral candidate in public affairs who has specialized my research in vulnerable populations such as human trafficking victims and the LGBT plus Q Plus committee communities both who are subject to high levels of homeless situations the Countrywide problem of homelessness is not an issue that can be solved one-sided as Miami Beach Sergeant Bernan States it's a multi-prong approach that must be tackled through multiple Community efforts currently our homeless population has nowhere to shelter for safety at night and after the recent murder of a trans victim it is clear we need to investigate this issue today I'm asking you to support commissioner Fernandez item c4e a referral to the public safety neighborhood quality of life committee for the Administration to explore and provide options for establishing a nighttime dropin Center here in Miami Beach dropin centers are available in major metropolitan cities and service youth runaways human traffic victims and other homeless individuals there is strong empirical evidence that show that drop in centers directly correlate with the Improvement in substance abuse mental health and a pathway to long-term Services a discussion about opening a center will not only address human rights issues but it will also mitigate the issues of homelessness and our tourist areas businesses and residential neighborhoods so please support this referral item thank you for all the public service you all thank you so much go ahead please this spachman 1800 Sunset Harbor Drive um first of all I want to thank you all for your wonderful work it is so much shorter to look through your agendas as we used have to both of them item by item for n various and ridiculous items um I do want to worry about this r5t I think it is yes this is an ordinance that would um take back some of the reforms that you had already put in place in January to shorten commission meetings and make sure they're held efficiently and there particularly one part of it that says items that haven't been heard before um they will be they'll have an extension of a regular commission meeting until all ordinances resolutions and discussion items not reach at the previous City commission are heard if you have this endless extension you'll go back to the old commission disasters I understand that items that have not been reached at some point you want to have them heard please for your own sakes your own health and the patients of your public do not extend commission meetings so that they right until 9: 10 or 11: at night uh second item is for the special magistrate thank you um the city for immediately putting on a link to the special Magistrate agendas at the top of the agenda page um you do still need to do some additional improvements I noticed when I pressed on the synopsis that are supposed to be available for each of them no information comes up or just it says nothing people need to know that they need to go back to code enforcement um logs and press those cases it's very difficult so I hope you will make that more navigable for the public thank you thank you our next virtual caller is Wayne Roberts Mr Roberts please State your name address and you have two minutes go ahead sir good morning ladies and gentlemen Wayne Roberts sou the 5ifth um I just wanted to I wasn't going to speak today but um I I take Mitch novik's uh uh uh uh view of his in within inside the uh new chamber and says the Aesthetics is beautiful and the seating is beautiful and congratulations on that I just had a problem uh with the link on the website to get into um the meeting U when I hit May 15th the link didn't work it just froze so I couldn't open up the agenda to um to hit the link to get to the link uh for this for this meeting I had to use an email from a commissioner to to uh find it so uh there's some problem there I would test links be you know ensure that uh access is available I went to the Mii Beach website on Facebook Facebook page and and that also did not have any uh link or or message that there's a meeting today and I suggest that Communications Department uh post that as well uh for each meeting onto the Facebook uh website uh page for Facebook um uh uh also the cameras uh the the deis is blurry um I really can't make out much on my on my mobile device and and then um the lumens when you face the camera towards the speaker is very dark so it's you know it's new equipment new new um you know spense but um you know I think that certain things need to be addressed there and I just wanted to make that everybody aware of that I could have put it in an email but I figured I'd speak about it uh great job you guys are doing love the city Long Live Israel thank you sir uh go ahead please state your name address and you have two minutes George Linderman 2300 West Bay Avenue systemic anti-Semitism exists in the United States and we have to fight it with Zeal and vigor we have to fight it like we fight other forms of systemic hate like we fought other forms and we must continue to fight other forms of systemic hate it's scary today being Jewish in the United States I've never been scared before to be Jewish and I am now and it's even scary being Jewish in Miami Beach where I've been blessed to live for 25 years without fear we can do better this is not a partisan issue it's not a right left issue it's a right wrong issue there's more to be done we have to do more for for to fight anti-Semitism and certainly here in the city of Miami Beach we can do better we must do better thank you all so much for being receptive and for understanding the pain that so many Jews feel today thank you thank you sir our next virtual caller is Bruce Jordan Mr Jordan state your name address and you have two minutes please yes hi uh this is Bruce Jordan uh 1615 Meridian Avenue I'm the condo board president here and this is a um Quality of Life issue for Miami Beach and for our area at 16th and Meridian we have constant flooding here when we have heavy rains so I'm wondering if we can get a priority to get that fixed um when we get the rain I have to the water backs up onto 16 U from 16th Street up Meridian and comes into our property floods our garage and into our Elevator Shaft and I have to put up sandbags to prevent that from happening so I'd like to have that um critical need are that that needs to be done um as soon as possible it is a critical need for us we're fighting that all the time and with the sea level rise it's only going to get worse thank you thank you sir our next uh inperson speaker go ahead please state your name address and you have two minutes please good morning my name is Carolyn Gomez thank you for your time um I would first oh my address is 2000 via re Drive uh I would first like to say there are much more serious issues happening around the world my thoughts and prayers are with those in need of light right now I am here today to discuss the service industry um prices are Inc are rising in every direction and unfortunately the quality of service provided by those who work in the industry is not Miami Beach is one of the greatest cities in the world and thriving showing up to work is simply not enough we must raise the bar in the quality of service just as fast as we are raising the prices $15 in valet $15 in drinks 18% plus gratty with rude service um doesn't find financially make sense nor does it sit well with me if I wanted a stake with a sight of attitude I would have stayed home and asked my teenager to cook dinner for me uh we must raise our expectations and have them met I propose a Hospitality package to be provided to all businesses with posters videos and guides exemplifying proper behavior good manners are forc positives when people know better they do better to do better and repetition to better repetition makes things sakes I have full faith that the service industry can be guided into Rising their standards and be the best in the world respect starts at the top and works its way down I myself personally financially try to do posters and try to put them anywhere I can in the city but unfortunately Me by myself and with my finances I don't think I could get far enough but together I know we can make a difference thank you thank you so much our next virtual speaker is the Miami Beach Boat Association uh please state your name address and you have two minutes hello my name is Carlos Leon I'm the president of the Miami Beach voters Association I'm calling regards to the item number R 5j I request the commission to take that thing out the harassment is too much now you guys want to close down the 20 minute doc please tat please don't follow don't follow it's harassment it's bully please please we've been working with you guys we sat down F 3 4 hours the other day we didn't get to anything because you're asking for something that we couldn't give so please stop the harassment don't be afraid of the bully stand up to him please don't let him control this commission meeting all of you stated that you guys are afraid of him so please stand up to him please thank you thank you so much uh next please sir go ahead state your name address I have two minutes uh Brian Sanders 100 Jefferson I'm the treasurer and a board member of the Courts of South Beach which abuts First Street um I'm here to represent the board and the community we are fully supportive of the First Street flood mitigation project as originally planned without change it's vital that this commission move forward on this project promptly and if I'll be here for any questions thank you thank you sir our next virtual caller is Step Morse go ahead sir two minutes address and name please yes um Steph Mor I live in the courts and Brian does not speak for me I live between first and second in the courts I do not approve and do not like the current P plan previously about two years ago there was a vote on this and residents voted for a Greener plan with fewer parking spaces more green space so I oppose this we don't need more parking there's plenty of parking already we had a vote on this two years ago why is it back on the docket thank you thank you sir uh our next virtual speaker is Chris perier state your name address you have two minutes Chris please unmute yourself PJ let's go to Andy Andy state your name address and you have two minutes sir hi uh good morning this is Andrew diely I'm um 1661 West Avenue uh first I would like to express my support for Israel I am a veteran of the US Air Force empoyed in Afghanistan and a lot of the events that have transpired in the last few months remind me of um you know what I went through and you know every day I wake up and thank God that you know we have a country that we are safe and free and we don't have Rockets flying over our heads in Miami Beach and and you know our homes being attacked but not everybody has that luxury in the world and and I believe we should continue to support Israel and their right to exist um I here this morning just to make you aware of an issue of a a lady named Elena novikova she has a daughter that is disabled and has not been able to access Shore in over six months um we filed an ADA request which was denied and uh believe that it is very cruel and hurtful to to have her daughter confined to her boat as a prisoner for the last 6 months and she's not been able to access Shore um so I just ask you to consider that you know there are certain individuals in our city that um maybe not have their needs met and may have special needs including the homeless you know which may have mental health issues that are not being addressed or people who cannot afford housing and um I would just urge you to take that into consideration how we can deal with those individuals ethically and I just thank this commission for your hard work and just remind us to Express gratitude every day despite our disagreements for what we have here thank you sir and God bless Israel thank you sir please St your name address two minutes uh Brian Sanders 100 Jefferson just a point of clarification there was a caller uh Mr Sanders if you spoke already I got to go to the next person I just I I'm sorry I have other people waiting and we have a limited time so I apologize we have another one at one uh our next speaker is James Derby set your name and address and you have two minutes yes good morning name is Captain James Derby and 18 can you hear me go ahead yes can you any Echo the sentiments of my colleague Andre and my beach is cre this Puritan enclave and it's absolutely ridiculous I'm not going to to the Jewish situation and plead and plead for uh I don't think it's a proper place for pleading you know is platform at any rate Sailors and voter and we are being discriminated so the wom are you happy with the of one of your mission are you happy with um the forcing people to swim to shore you're trying to take away a do I mean Federal water and we as Andrew stated a minute ago woman out there I'm handicapped and I'm M the United States auil to put it's becoming a full-time job for me and it's really sad what is going on in America so you try and create okay uh lost signal there so our next speaker is Sarah Melton Miss Melton you have two minutes hi I am my mother who of two who lives in the courts at South Beach at 100 Meridian and I strongly oppose more parking on First Street I think there's ample parking we need more green space and less parking on First Street thank you thank you and our last caller is Steph Morse Mr Morse go ahead please yeah I I think there's some confusion between what is actually up for vote today on Street Mr Morris you spoke already correct then I have to go for right now I'm going to go to the next caller which is Chris perier Chris unmute yourself please hello my name is Chris perier sorry I didn't unmute myself last time um I live at 140 Jefferson Avenue and I do think there's some confusion about the First Street vote today um Brian who spoke on behalf of the courts as a board member is opposed to the changes to the plan that we all voted on we voted with a super majority for more green space and less parking and I don't know what happened but somehow this was sort of like secretly scrapped and more parking places were added on the diagonal which is not beneficial for our neighborhood we do not need more parking that is space that Escalade Ubers are going to use to idle for hours on the weekend what we want as a neighbor First Street is one of the prettiest streets we have in all of South and Fifth and we're devastated by the fact that all the trees are going to get shut down you're taking our median away and we just don't want it to be 54 feet curb to curb of asphalt Alton Road with the median Alton Road the freeway that runs through our neighborhood is 65 ft including the median please do not approve the new plan with alterations that have more parking and more asphalt you're taking one of the prettiest streets in all of south of fif and turning it into a giant parking lot please approve the old plan that the voters that the community voted on with a super majority 295 people came out to vote for this please approve the old plan and not the new plan and I know Brian the person who is speaking on our behalf on the board from the courts is in favor of the old plan not the new plan please do not approve this new plan with more parking the residents south of fifth deserve better first deserves more okay thank you go ahead please thank you good morning everyone my name is Luigi Mary uh citizen of Citizen resident of City of Miami Beach I'd like to take this uh opportunity to request a brief moment of silence for uh Mr Marley William Lester case the gentleman who was um unfortunately uh slain at um exchange nightclub um let me um politely provide this disclaimer um my opinions and comments are my own I do not speak on behalf of any other person persons or entity at this time uh I am going to be calling for a truce in the uh black community I'm going to be reaching out to uh many of our uh artists within the State of Florida and the um hip hop and entertainment uh industry um including uh residents of Star Island respectfully I'll be uh reaching out uh to these gentlemen to try to see if we can establish a um a 30-day truce see if we can make it to our juneth celebration without any additional uh Mayhem uh again uh Mr Case is someone who was known to many of us and I also uh am a security guard in the veteran as many of you know um so I'm here on behalf of the family um of my own valtion and again um my opinions and comments um are my own I do not uh speak on behalf of any other entity with these comments but I am asking for Truth uh in the black community uh try to see if I can speak to some of these uh artists and uh particularly residents of City of Miami Beach these influencers see if we can get this Tru thank you thank [Music] you thank you mayor there's no that with the 30 minutes have elapsed great thank you for everyone who uh participated and spoke there's another opportunity at 1:00 at senic hour so please uh Avail yourselves of that um do you have any additional announcements uh Rafael yes mayor uh the following items have have been separated from the consent agenda you've been given a copy of the list of the separated items uh there's one additional and announce it uh mayor Miner has separated C7 AI he is also separating c7n as a Nancy that is not on your list so c7n needs to be added as a separated item commissioner bot is separating c7h and C7 ax commissioner Dominguez is separating the following four items C7 AJ C7 Au C7 BF and c2e commissioner Fernandez is separating the following items C7 y C7 W C7 BF c4n C4 o C4 P C4 Q C4s commissioner magazine is separating c4e commissioner Rosen Gonzalez is separating c7m as in Mary and commissioner Suarez is separating c7t as in Tom Additionally the mayor is deferring item C7 a apple dog to the June meeting the addendum items will be heard after 5 o'clock the addendum items have not been approved to be included in the agenda and they will be done individually those are items C4 AO C7 BJ rda1 and C2 may be heard at the time certain of 10 10: a.m. which is when these items are scheduled to be heard addendum 3 C4 AP C4 AQ and addendum 4 C4 a these will be heard after 5:00 or at the time where the RDA and CRA meetings are going to be held as a notation we have moved last night at the request of commissioner Fernandez item r98 which was originally separated at the last commission meeting R9 is now going to become c4a s that is a referral to land use potential Amendment for religious overlay requested by the mayor this item had been separated from the consent agenda at the last meeting and not reached it is back on the consent agenda thank you sir thank you I have a motion to approve the consent agenda excluding the items that were separated motion by commissioner Suarez and seconded by mayor sir Okay so all in favor consent agenda passes excluding the items listed prior okay let's get down to business um I'm actually honored that we have the presidence presence of our Senator Chevron Chev Jones in the house to give a legislative update I'll take one moment though because when I was in Tallahassee on the floor of the Senate you gave me a nice shout out so it's now my turn to return the favor we met recently as well we had a great discussion talking about so many different items that impact Miami Beach and uh South Florida but certainly with a focus uh on Miami Beach Public Safety and and uh I can say we're very fortunate to have you representing Us in the Senate thank you thank you so much mayor and I really appreciate U the meeting um that we had I I'm still holding you to lunch so we're going to do that uh uh eventually soon but good morning to the commission thank you all uh for having me here uh today uh and also want to thank to the residents for just me to represent you in in Tallahassee uh and mayor as you did say that we did have a a great meeting about two weeks ago where we talked about some of the things that we did in Tallahassee um but also sharing with you and looking at ways in which we our office can help you since we are in this Deb period uh of this recess prior to us going back into the legislative session which won't be until next year uh after the November election uh I just want to take some brief time then I will open up for any questions or comments um as it pertains to what happened in Tallahassee this last legislative session I do want to start though and I really want to thank the commission and also uh the uh the rence for their help uh in US uh removing Senate Bill 1054 uh from the agenda which which the par Mutual uh permit holders uh piece of legislation that would have allowed for uh more conal uh to be built in in certain areas um you mean allowing these permit holders to to move at will um knowing that right now in Miami Beach as residents continuously Tech uh email our office to express uh the traffic congestion and the concerns uh with those uh with the traffic already within the within the city uh we we made sure we to spoke with uh the uh the Senate President and your representatives who you all have sent to uh Tallahasse to represent the city of Miami Beach we work collectively uh to make sure that we didn't bring any more harm or bring harm at all to the uh to the residents uh at all in city in the city of Miami Beach we did pass Senate Bill 858 uh which was a specialty license plates and recycle Florida Bing capital of the world bill um this bill basically uh was for uh uh for the awareness of merrytime and allowed for dollars for those who uh to enroll into the uh to to get that tag uh to provide uh funding to the maritime industry uh for when it comes to education and our high schools and for Serv services to be created within municipalities such as uh the city of Miami Beach and there's also the recycle Florida plate which will fund the efforts to increase public awareness about the importance of recycling and increasing the resource conservation environmental stewardship here within um the State of Florida one of the bills that we put for but it got stalled over in the house was Senate Bill 106 which was the acceptance of cash payments by businesses we heard from a lot of rather um as it pertains to going to businesses and a lot of businesses say that they uh it's cash only I excuse me that it's card only no cash uh real realizing that we still have a diverse population of of individuals here within the State of Florida that do not carry just only uh credit cards some only carry cash and some are not as Savvy as some of us to use Apple pay on our car on our phones but um while the Senate moved along it was a bipartisan piece of legislation as a matter of fact the governor's office along with the Chief Financial Officer were on board with this particular piece of legislation but it got held up in the house we are going to uh put forth that bill once again next year uh we're going to Workshop it uh prior to us going back into the legislative session to make sure that we work with all stakeholders to ensure that this do that we can get this across the Finish Line next year we also went we also proposed Senate Bill 862 which was public records and County administrators and city managers uh this bill would have Exempted in the city managers and County managers um their home addresses their telephone numbers their birthdays from the public records disclosure requirement uh we did find oursel coming into uh a disagreement uh with the house on the language uh and that is another bill that we're going to put forth again the next legislative session and I definitely want to uh bring that up uh to you um we passed a $17 billion uh budget um of that 17 uh $17 billion budget 22 of the 80 requests that we put in um uh were submitted and did make uh the budget awaiting uh the governor's uh signature I do want we were able to bring $10 million back home uh into the district a lot of this funding will facilitate many of the services and developments from the evictions for Miami dat County residents even looking at flood mitigation here within the state um thankful for the City of Miami Beach you all will be receiving um upon the government a signature $417,500 for the Miami Beach Fire Department latle truck replacement um which uh I was happy uh to Champion and again as we wait the governor's approval we will um we will come back to report it and have a check presentation at that time uh the last two things I want to uh bring up is something that I think is very dear to a lot of the residents here in Miami Beach and that is the Community Association bill which was s Bill 1170 knowing that I represent a very large condo population for those who remember Champlain towers and the collapse uh after that collapse the State of Florida did a conern come ences Department of Professional Regulation ACC office people who are have Serv this alls to last this as we connectance not just some professionals and on their insurance ex moving into the and that billion that was placed insurance from people theot all I don't know if anybody but is parp we to the attorney [Applause] your show now my personal 21 here service we're forever a citizen of United States of America citizen of United States of America City officer off uned States the state of the United States and state Florida per duties of cityne I will and serve Integrity cility I pledge Integrity in all action made [Applause] [Applause] sure three one thank you very [Applause] much and sucess for office so we're start getting GNA say quick just R7 yes proceed with one get a brief summary of project now we're at next slide please options and there is better technology right now commissioner Suarez you're advocating to go back to a plan that was uh designed in 2016 now if we look at 2016 up until 20124 and the rapid rate of acceleration of technology in resiliency I would tell you that that plan probably needs major tweaks it was 2016 when we did uh Sunset Harbor and I'll tell you that that neighborhood filled up like a fishbowl all the time so to say that we're going to revert back to Old technology uh doesn't make any sense what we need to do here is we need to hold another Community charet because I have gotten emails this morning from uh people who live both in the the courts and in the cosmo saying you know you got a letter from your board but that doesn't represent who we are can PJ I have a Graphic can you put up my graphic please sorry one second please okay sorry because I just wanted to show you that it's also a street that has mature shade trees at a time when in May we are already experiencing temperatures in excess of 96° so we're taking one of the only streets that is successful that has no vacancies that has mure mature shade trees and has no parking by the way if you were to change the parking at night it would be full immediately because I'm sure that there's a lot of residents in those buildings in the courts and the cosmo who could use an extra parking space to be able to park there at night but the way it's set up they can't we want resiliency um but to take aund million Street okay and ruin it because we have some lobbyists in around that might not necessarily uh say that or disclose that they're lobbyists it's just wrong and why I wasn't paid by anybody I have no interest in this other than saving small businesses in Miami Beach so to ruin the property values on a stre Street just because we have somebody uh benefiting maybe $100,000 versus $100 million okay in businesses and properties I think that's wrong and I want a plan that we know is the best technology that we know is going to be the best for everyone in the community what does that mean it means for our residents it means for our businesses and it means for our tourists and by the way I spoke to the head of sofa last night the south of f neighborhood association and I asked him I said have you spoken to the businesses in the community and he said well they don't really reach out and they don't attend the meetings well guess what they are a pivotal and integral part of the community so you can't look at a community that has probably 30 or 40,000 people and you have a board that maybe 100 people vote in an election or 200 people vote in an election I respect them I respect sness so much but this type of decision making I mean we are going to be responsible when fer to child closes Milos or Joe's having problems who should I say spearheading this should I uh should I send them to you commissioner Suarez should I who am I sending them to the head of the sofa board because this is going to be something that residents are going to be angry about did I ever get my picture PJ oh can you put it back up can you make it any bigger PJ I just want you to see do you know how hard it is to get those trees to grow to that height look at it it doesn't need lighting it doesn't need shade trees it has businesses that are successful and filled so this might be in my opinion uh one of the worst decisions that we would ever make as a political body to ruin First [Applause] Trade uh Mr Mayor may I respond it's my turn commissioner Dominguez yeah we we'll get to you just thank you um Dr something or they can hear me you're hot okay um so when I started on the commission last year I uh immediately had meetings with public works and uh sopna on this item at the time it was at 40% design and uh the concern from sofa and other residents in the area was uh parking and every project that we do seems to cut out par parking and this wasn't one or two spots it was a significant number so uh Public Works uh and the engineers at the time said well we can redesign some angled because there's angled parking already on Commerce Street uh in order to mitigate the loss because the pump is going to go in one of uh the lots and then at 60% design sopna came in again and in the last six weeks or so sopna has been for it the courts were for it then in the last 24 hours the courts pulled it and then it's neutral and it sounds to me like this is not ready and to jam something through that's not ready is not right for the neighborhood or for the residents I agree with commissioner Rosen Gonzalez that I think another community meeting needs to take place because um this has turned into a circus and we need to get resiliency done and we need to get it right but not the way that this is happening in the last 24 hours and First Street is absolutely gorgeous street it's commercial and residential um so there's a lot of mixed use it's also the only street that I can think of with the amount of M mature shade trees and um we need to look at this again um yeah mayor said I can speak next um so I wrote down some points the shade trees I'm actually working with Rodney nolles on preserving every single tra shade tree right now in on First Street and and you won't find a bigger tree hugger on this commission than me and so you know where we where those trees that end up they might end up in North Beach in the west Lots they may end up in the same spot but those trees are not going to be cut down they're going to be preserved um commissioner uh um Gonzalez mentioned about Joe's Joe's is like three blocks away from First Street First Street happens to be the smallest Street in south of fifth and so um when I say there's going to be no net loss to residential parking there's going to be no net loss right now there's 38 residential parking spaces if we move forward with this plan we're going to have 38 residential parking spaces there was also a mention that we're going to lose valet that's untrue right now we have uh I believe five valet spots those five Valley spots are going to remain okay um also um there was a mention about uh the the we're there's no engagement with the business community and so uh Mr Gomez can speak to the fact that since we're at 60% the way we can move forward to mure that these businesses aren't interrupted is further down the plan it's not going we don't need to make it we that that that conversation is going to happen after this step doesn't need to happen now it it happens after this step and um and I want to also stress that look I I'm very I'm very cautious when it comes to parking and it comes to shade trees but if we move forward with this angle plan you're going to have less trees uh than you have today and so the whole point of this is to make this street beautiful you're not going to lose any residential parking spaces right now the the the the picture that Kristen just put up it just I mean I I kind of chuckled it there's no one parking there there was no one parking on that on that on that on that picture and so uh if we can make a commitment that we're going to save all the trees there's going to be no there's going to be no net loss to to people needing to park and and by the way the residential parking spots during the day from 6:00 a.m. to 7: p.m. anyone can park there for free for two hours so if you're going to lunch you're going to be able to park in that residential parking spot to to to go to to to Milos or folo to Chow Etc so it's not like their the businesses are going to lose uh that income commissioner Rosen Gonzalez yeah I'm just sitting here because uh commissioner GCO just mouthed at me that threat and then you said that I'm done I would just like to understand commissioner Grio what that means um former commissioner GCO and why you're threatening me up here and actually using expletives so I'm I'm sure that if I did that to you you would also say that but I'm feeling a little bit afraid right now given your body language what you just mouthed at me and the threats that you're hurling at me and what I would like to know and what I would like you to say right now have you accepted any money from Jacob's Engineering over the past few years related to this project because I would just like everybody to disclose that and I want to I want this to be completely transparent all right is my microphone is my microphone on of my microphone is not on but it's a point of order so I'm or is it on it is on now it is on okay people are coming up to the podium when they're not recognized by the mayor to come up to the podium and that shouldn't be happening we're not having public comments and we're not engaging unless the mayor has said so in debate and in a back and forth we are Inc comons from the days and all that I ask is that we maintain the the Quorum that the public defers deserves in our public discourse I understand your concerns but we're dealing with a heavy subject and I just I would ask of the mayor let's just maintain the the Quorum of the company thank you um since commissioner Rose Gonzalez did address a question I will allow but but that is true and I gave the courtesy since you are a public figure to to come up here um and I didn't say anything but I will not be doing that in the future go ahead I appreciate that Mr Mayor and thank you for the record Michael greo former commissioner former state representative um I served on the commission uh when this project started which was during the Obama Administration and to answer your direct question which I'm curious as to where the defamatory accusation came from are you strictly accusing me because I want to make sure so I can sue you let's please not get into a dialogue back and forth just make your comments and very clear I have zero relationship with Jacob's Engineering other than the fact that I served with John all on and she is my friend I've never taken a dollar from them I've never taken a campaign contribution from them they are a publicly traded company they couldn't do it anyway and they were a city vendor so I am offended by the accusation I'm curious as to where it came from probably from a certain developer who just wants to kill the project and you're carrying his water for him so I would like to speak on this Mr Mayor because I'll tell you this that I have been more involved in this project than anyone in this building and I have served longer in office than anyone on that days and I think I have earned the right to speak on this issue I'll give you the courtesy but please be brief Mr Mayor and the commission you guys have a decision as to whether or not you are going to campaign or whether or not you're going to govern it's it's a bright line choice if you're campaigning and turning I would just ask just just get to the specifics of the project don't let's not make this about any of that Mr Mayor respectfully that's exactly what this is about because that's going to but are we're going to get into back and forth let's talk about the substance of the project okay we can talk about the substance of it I just sent you all a text showing what the parking demand is in the neighborhood but let's go back to 2020 July 24th of 2020 this was already voted on by the city commission that is why we are at 60% Des design 60% design means we've gone 5% every year for8 years that is embarrassing okay actually yeah so here's the point our neighborhood has asked for this project if you don't vote in favor of moving this forward one design or the other I prefer Davids just because it's actually data driven but if you don't vote for vote for this you are thumbing your nose at the prior Commission the super majority of our neighborhood Who voted on this the courts the Cosmopolitan and everybody else and the statement that none of the businesses were reached out to read that memo that I sent you yesterday from 2020 from the staff they spoke to every business owner in the city Russell galit endorsed and supported the project as recently as 2022 and he was involved in every decision in the design so please do not think that this needs to go back to formula because that is a joke you guys cannot kick this can down the road anymore it has been eight years you need to get one project done at some point in our lifetime thank you thank you commissioner Fernandez thank you Mr Mayor um so I again I just want to State you know the importance of maintaining just a professionalism in this dialogue because there's there's no right or right right or wrong answer here other than we need to move forward with these resiliency projects our residents depend on this uh and the and the businesses themselves depend on this to commissioner Suarez's presentation so you're proposing the preservation of 38 residential parking spots how many other parking spots are we losing the the nonresidential because I didn't get the number if I may through the mayor yes or Joe if you if you know how many parking spaces then are we losing yeah technology well if you say it I'll repeat it on the record actually so there we go right okay so we have 38 residential parking spaces we have 24 paid we have 18 bagged seven valet I'm sorry I have people speaking here please okay we have 24 paid I'm sorry 24 paid yeah there's 18 back bagged which has been bagged for a decade mhm there's seven valet and there's three handicap okay um let I would like to ask the administration with the 24 paid parking spaces are residents in the area allowed to park in those uh in those paid parking spaces because I understand we're preserving the 38 residential parking spaces but does that mean that residents do not park on the in the paid Park parking spaces I see the parking Department walking up to the to the podium Mr Mayor Commissioners uh yes residents can park on on street parking spaces if they have a permit there we go it's scoring Pains of new technology there we go thank you Mr Mayor uh so so so under under commissioner Suarez's proposal we would still be losing 24 paid parking spaces even though they're paid that doesn't mean the residents don't don't use them residents still use them it just they they just won't have access to it I have a concern that you know during during the middle of the day you go to this area of the city and you can't find the parking space and that's the reality of it if we're speaking about this about the need of this area only based on the needs of the residents that live there well then perhaps preserving you know only 38 residential parking spaces might make sense we've seen pictures of how uh empty it is at night and in early hours of of the morning now we're thinking about this about the economic impact that this street has to our greater City its contributions to in Revenue to our city uh or the ability of a mid Beach resident or a North Beach resident to be able to to to drive to this area of the city and be able to enjoy lunch and and and and just be able to enjoy the area well then you are impacting the rest of the city you are eliminating parking spaces that perhaps the residents of that area are not using but the residents of other parts of Miami Beach who do want to be able to to to enjoy this beautiful commercial Corridor um uh are are are using I I'd say I want to see this project move forward we have to move forward with our resiliency uh projects I don't think that this alternative that only preserves 38 parking spaces is is is serves serves the area well uh I think we need to preserve as much parking as we can if we have the ability to to to preserve the parking with the diagonal parking I'd be all for that there's other areas of the city where we have diagonal parking and it serves it serves people well there the one complaint that we get besides uh traffic is parking and anywhere that we can maximize uh parking is needed especially in in commercial corridors I would like to know why why the pipe uh going going from Alton Road Eastward why you couldn't go in the alley why you couldn't go on Commerce Street or on Second Street I would want to know that uh but I think today we do need to move something something forward this is long overdue uh we need to we need to advance with our resiliency projects if not other people are going to make be making decisions for us other uh that are going to hurt our our economy and unless we move forward we we will hurt our own ability uh to uh to to to borrow money and and affect our own bonding capacity and our credibility uh with the uh with the credit rating agencies that site these very projects in their rating of of our city and that's so important that is not just important in the present but important in the F for the future of our city and everything that we that we need to accomplish as as a government um so you know I just I just need to know you know what other you know alternative the alleyway commer Street Second Street could we look at are you posing a question for okay at I'll relinquish the floor thank you Mr Mayor uh Commissioners Joe Gomez Public Works director um commissioner Fernandez the pipe that's going down on on First Street it's a 96 inch pipe I I remember yesterday the conversation I said 72 but I went back and did a thorough review of the plant it's a 96 in pipe because it's the end of it receiving everything because this system is being designed and built for the entire South Point neighborhood that that line is will receive everything from Alton and Washington eventually that pipe is 96 in that requires a 14t trench to be able to put that pipe in in the ground it's 96 in which is 8 8T in diameter Second Street is 50 ft wide they're simply plus the Hydraulics of changing the location where because of the pump station the alleyway is 17 ft there's physically no way regarding the question from commissioner Rosen Gonzalez about new technology certainly tunneling could be an option right but where am I going to put the boring machine the boring machine the the bigger the pipe is the larger the boring machine is you've seen the boring machine out at 41st Street that's that's currently out there now that's that's for that's for a 20in waterm and it's a sizable Boring Machine imagine trying to bore a 96 in pipe on the on the ground it's just simply there there are certain things that can be done and there are certain things that technology is not quite there can can I ask a question we got to we got to keep in the order we'll go around one more oh you're asking a question of of Joe okay then want to follow question okay uh commissioner Fernandez I'll follow up and then I'll call you commissioner R but we do need one I want one more other than questions one more round of comments and then we got to let's make a motion and a vote or magnifying class thank you Mr Mayor um Joe let me let me ask you this um because everyone has such good points everyone has really good points here um um character we talk a lot about the preservation of the character of our community that is important thought you had a question I do have a question I do I I do have a I like how how process is being held very strict on me today um but preservation of character is is is very important and this street has its own character but back to the question on on the followup so the alleyway might not be feasible and the other streets might not be feasible but we have the parking lot we and it's not our parking lot I think I think it's a privately old parking lot I think Joe's might own the the a parking lot and it seems to me here from what I'm hearing that you know Joe's has concerns about you know how this could it sounds to me you know one of our colleagues said that here that Joes might have concerns over over the impact to their business you know maybe putting this pipe below their property you know could be a way of of uh of mitigating this have we ever reached out uh to to Joe's and asked them on their ability to be able to I mean that is a parking lot that is a vast parking lot they it is it it is probably at least 50 feet wide if I if if if I had to uh guess have we reached out to them asked them on the ability to be able to use their property to underground uh this pipe not not that not that I'm aware of commissioner okay so M Rosen Gonzalez okay so that I can understand the the question regarding remember the pipe is part of the whole system which eventually goes to the pump station which eventually makes its way South through South Point out into the bay through the energy dissipator and all that so going through the parking lot I'm not really sure what that's going to accomplish I mean we've got to follow a certain we're picking up drainage from all of south of fif this system is designed for that that's why this pump station is as large as it is because we're putting the investment in one time in order to be able to drain the entire neighborhood so again I I'm not really clear as to what the advantage of other than crossing a pipe through there but again what we're trying to do is collect all the water from the neighborhood am I on yes commissioner Rosen Gonzalez so my question is Commerce Street Commerce Street is a is a street that has you know it Red Steakhouse is there but it has a huge sidewalk and it's one of the widest streets that we have there is plenty and ample space to run it down Commerce Street um why can't we do that I know that initially it was supposed to go down Commerce Street and then I think a building complained about um having it having uh the construction uh the building just adjacent so they said well no on commer street but really to take one of our best streets and rip it up just doesn't make any sense can you imagine it's going to be vacancy after vacancy and then we're like we have to and by the way the fact that Joe stone crab is having a massive Pump Station built at first in Washington and nobody reached out to them to even explain it shows that we didn't do our job CIP um did not I don't know if it's CIP or public works but we did not uh do our job because they were shocked and they didn't know so we need to find a solution I don't think threatening is part of the solution I don't think that fighting is part of the solution I don't think that screaming exploit is going to get us anywhere but I do think I do think that um coming together and figuring out how we can get it down commer Street which is which is a street that will not be necessarily ruined um like First Street will is probably the best solution and how long would it take us Joe let's say that we switch to Commerce Street and I know that people want to move forward and I heard Rumblings last night that uh you know that potentially we're going to build a pump station but then not connected to anything that to me doesn't make a lot of sense I think that if we're United and we move forward and we say we want to do the project and our direction is don't run it down first street because uh just to save these the businesses which are literally 50% of the street um by the way one other thing that I wanted to address that uh Michael Grio said is uh yes um Russell galet uh did complain to me about this last night but he lives there developing it it's literally his home just like you live on one side of the street he lives on the other side of the street so the so the fact that a quote unquote uh developer reached out to me yeah he reached out just in the same well in a very different capacity than you did I think because I don't think he's on um anyway we don't have to Joe if if I may uh just uh U the the comment that was made that Joe's uh hasn't been reached out to uh in 2020 July 2nd of 2020 uh Roy Coley my predecessor met with uh and and the neighborhood Affairs team met with with Joe's then in 20 December 12th of 2022 our city engineer Christina Ortega and our at that time project manager Mariana evora met also with Joe so we have been in touch with the businesses this has not been done in a vacuum and I need to be clear about that because I think there's a narrative going on that we just don't we don't talk to to the neighborhood we do these are massive projects and there's no way we can accomplish these projects without engaging the neighborhood it's that simple yeah I mean this is this has been going on since uh pretty much when I was elected commissioner over four years ago there's been over my information is over 30 Community meetings um doesn't mean there's not what to debate but um but we really need to wrap this up soon I don't want to um I want to call commissioner Suarez whoever hasn't spoken I promised Russell uh galber to speak since Mike Rico was they're apparently on the opposite sides of this issue spoke so I'm G to give Fair as Fair uh commissioner sareet um just want want everyone to know Joe's Stone Crabs has three surface slots and a parking garage they're not going to be affected At All by by parking loss um and and another thing that I don't know if this glossed over uh a you but there is a public safety aspect to angled parking which is going to which is going to increase the risk of collisions of P pedestrians bicyclists scooters other cars by 30% I don't I don't understand how we can sit here today and and vote on a parking plan that's going to increase collisions by 30% I think I think that's that's wildly inappropriate and so um look I can I can see now why sitting up here why projects get delayed 10 years it's because of this we need to understand that there are going to be difficult decisions to be made and we need to move forward on resiliency projects and and it's if we're going to say we are a resilient City and we believe in climate change and we believe in sea level rise then we really need to put our vote to the test because this is just going to stall it further further down the line and so um I just really want to again I just really want to caution against angled parking no one not even Russell wants angled parking on uh on First Street thank you commissioner magazine just gonna put just going to put a few thoughts out uh so we can certain laying our cards on the table to see where everybody is at I am fully committed to moving forward uh with this resiliency project um I I do think there's a certain degree of irony that we're sitting here talking about resiliency climate change projects and then our first concern is trying to shove as much parking for cars into into the place where we're trying to circumvent climate change and resiliency that that's straight out of the onion that that that can't be made up um so where I am at with this is I will not be delaying projects and just sitting there trying to do Death By A Thousand Cuts but I do think that there's legitimate questions that can be asked the businesses on First Street are very important to me but that doesn't mean I'm going to Forever delay a resiliency project but I don't think that this is a good form of governance where I know that this has been discussed for years but there are some legitimate questions that I think we need to have in just an open form without you know time constraints and mics I'm not talking six months from now or a year from now I'm talking about I want to move forward at the next meeting with a definitive plan no kicking it down the road no using public meetings as a way to delay I think right now it's premature to choose a definitive route I'm fully committed if we want to vote and say let's move forward with the pump station today fully committed to doing that I'll vote on it right now but I do think that we should explore some alternatives for where the pipes Kei go I will full disclosure if First Street is the only place that can happen then we're going to be forced to move forward with that but I want to go above and beyond for one month to say I'm not expert in this right I've stayed at a holiday in but you know some Elementary questions could the pipes be by at where uh a smaller one is run down Commerce Street and a smaller one run down Second Street could the Jo I'm sitting here looking at an aial view as large as those businesses on First Street I'm looking at an empty surface parking lot running from Washington Avenue to Alton I get that it's not owned by us it would be owned by Joe's but why would we not put it on an empty surface parking lot full of asphalt instead of one of our most beautiful streets and if we come together and and in a presentation a month from now our Public Works goes it it's just not possible because of reasons that are out of my pay grade then I will say you know what we tried and we went above and beyond tried everything but this is our our method of Last Resort and begrudgingly I would move forward with First Street I I am going to prioritize people over parking I'm not going to try and fit every parking space in there I want to be aesthetically pleasing as my friend and commissioner colleague Tanya bot says I want to plan for the city we want not the city we have and that is not trying to fit every single core in there um so that's where I'm at commissioner bot commissioner bot um I uh think it's allows the idea for people who are not subject matter experts to be trying to second guess those who are um I also however hear the concerns um and I will tell you that in North Beach where I live we have these gently angled streets that are full of angled parking and while it's not the most aesthetically pleasing thing I've lived there for a year and a half and we haven't had any incidents with cars hitting pedestrians or cyclists um I'm very sensitive however to the character of place um conversation and the fact that um we are ready to to move forward and I'm going to support moving forward as well um as my colleague Joe magazine said commission magazine said um you know if we can move forward on the pump placement and then have one more set of conversations about um is Commerce Street an option is a parking lot an option unless you know and I don't want to put you on the spot but if you can tell us right now that neither of those are options um then that's a that's different conversation but I I don't want to delay this interminably um um are they options without putting you on the spot are they options but we'd have to scrap the plan and spend another $50 million if we move the pipe from First Street then we're going to have to move the pump station it it it moving the pipe to to to the empty parking lot and all anything can be engineered but I want to be clear originally in this project we had another location for the pump station and that was turned down by the community so we we picked this location and it was voted by the community and it was approved by the commission now you're asking me to I I really don't want to engineer anything from from from the podium here but I can tell you is that the moving of the pipe from where we have it this has been looked at and relooked at by our subject matter experts so so commissioner i i i i with all due respect uh we can look at it um but I want want to warn everybody in full transparency right here on as I stand here that it will more than likely require moving the pump station which is going to be a controversial item which may end up killing this project all right so if I may then I um I will be the first to lay my cards on the table and uh my goal is to try to do the right thing for the most number of people um we we can't not do this project I remember how painful it was to find a suitable location for the pump station when I was president of mbu boy would did we talk about that more than I would have liked um we need the project we do need as much parking as we can get but if the the solution that would allow this to move forward is to go back to the prior if I understanded the prior iteration of this where we had a little bit less parking um but could maintain the character of place and move forward that would be where I fall on this so far nobody's made a motion so just kindon thing wait I'm gonna go I'm going to go in order um but I did promise since uh representative former representative Grio spoke I'm gonna give Russell gabet the floor but please as I told keep to this keep to the substance and brief please keep the substance and brief thank you very much for the floor congratulations on a beautiful new chamber uh I think it's Exquisite and I'm happy to participate in its first meeting uh my name is Russell galet and uh it's been alluded to before that I am a developer and that is correct I'm a proud developer a proud developer that's lived on Miami Beach for 71 years part of a sixth generation family that lives here uh my family started in South Beach and my wife and I decided to build our Dream Home 10 years ago more than 10 years ago on First Street and the reason we did was because First Street was one of the most beautiful streets in all of Miami Beach and someplace we wanted to be at primarily because of the incredible restaurants that are on the street and the incredible location where it is I've stood for resiliency from the day I started in the real estate development business and I am a community-minded individual and it was really my suggestion that we would accept this pump on Washington Avenue which we are more than willing to do as a community but but the reality is is that and we're willing to accept even a pipe but we don't want to change our street it's simple we love our street that's why we went there my wife and I planted many of those oak trees some 10 years ago on that street at a huge cost we like those oak trees we we go out and water those oak trees we don't want them winding up on 71st Street although we love 71st Street those are our oak trees on 8th Street you can core five pipes equal to his 96 ft wide 96 in wide 9 whatever it is you could still core five pipes and put them underneath First Street without changing First Street there's a solution here that needs to be developed and needs to be thought about and I got news for you it doesn't matter about the parking I think that that was clear and I think safety and and and and safety is extremely important we're community-minded I was friends with Michael greo until he started threatening me a week ago uh wait wait we not one commercial restaurant was reached out to on First Street that I know of and I've talked to them all so to say that yes I was in agreement with a resiliency program and I want to be a resilient program um I one second you have a motion then I'm going to call then I'm going to call you motion too but you didn't call me I have next Mr Mayor my my motion would be you know time is of is of the essence we can't continue to delay these the these items I think that there is a desire of this commission to achieve two things to advance with this essential resiliency uh project that is I I hear to be something that we all share uh we also Al share a prioritization to preserve the character of First Street I think that that is something that I think all of us have have expressed here uh what I would like to do is make a motion to refer this uh to a special meeting of the land use committee that I would convene between this meeting and the next city commission meeting uh to discuss some of the options have been discussed here uh to allow uh our Public Works director to to consider some of those options and just to come back with uh with a final recommendation that can be accepted at the uh June meeting of the city commission um but that means that we have to go down First Street then it means we go down first street but we do have to advance uh with this project but I think we need to give proper time to our Engineers our city Engineers to consider some of the other options that have been brought up to today as Alternatives commissioner Suarez I I have a motion to uh to scrap the angled parking I think it's unsafe it's unesthetic pleasing and I don't think that should even be a consideration for First Street if everyone is cons is concerned about the characteristics of First Street you're going to completely alter the characteristics of working solution you have a motion I'm I'm motion to scrap that idea from from the from the options so are you moving that option but without the angled parking I'm moving my my my motion is to remove the angled parking from any sort of option along First Street and if if if commissioner Fernandez wants to uh move forward with all second your motion okay on that but I don't think angle parking should even be a consideration at uh this quote unquote special land use meeting and I want to make sure that we have consensus on that on this day is because if we're going to prioritize Public Safety on the road we need to make sure that that's not even a consideration so there are you are you making a motion or are you agreeing with his Mo seconding his motion with a friendly Amendment request that's what it sounds like to make I I honestly I I don't want to limit the hands of of the committee the point of sending this to committee is seeing what is the viable path forward to advance a project my goal is to advance the project and so if it means that in order to advance the project you need to have a certain level of of angled diagonal parking then that should be discussed at committee and you know let the committee turn it down um so I I think I think we're discussing here you know some of the things that we would likely be discussing at the committee meeting does anybody want to move forward today with an actual vote on item or are we going to adopt with commissioner Fernandez I mean because I I'll second I'll second okay so like that's the the direction going but I'm going to hold you to it you said in June we are going to vote on this item and because we're never going to get consensus we're always going to have with all due respect we're gonna have Michael greo and people who agree with you we're gonna have people who agree with Russell we're gonna have the courts come in sof is going to give their opinions we're never going to get full consensus we have to make a decision June has to be the decision turn all well you you have my motion okay um okay do we have a commitment from everyone in June we are you don't have to that we're going to move forward because okay we have that because otherwise we should vote today because otherwise this is never going to get done say one thing yes commissioner Rosa Gonzalez I I just want to end this by saying that it's very easy for us to just give a definitive different direction and not ruin one of our only streets that doesn't have a vacancy and we can easily say build a pump station put it down Commerce Street that's our Direction and then the Administration has to execute on that um is it wonderful that uh that it's going to take a little bit longer no but is it the right thing to do given the fact that it's one of our prettiest streets um I'm not concerned about the parking either I'm concerned about um the outcry that's going to take place when this happens great thank you um so we'll see you back in June for this I think the public has heard loud and clear we're going to vote on this in June after your special commission uh special land use meeting so we're we're on the record the pressure is on unanimous consent to to defer and refer the item correct so all in favor let's call uh time certain North Beach community redevelopment agency item we are recessing as the city commission and convening as the RDA this item is item rda1 which is issue RFQ 2024 005 ND Economic Development consultant services this was an addendum item so mayor with your permission we are adding this item yes got committee clerk our new ceao and our inome city manager I'm Heather Shaw I'm the inome director of Economic Development and this item is to um include the RDA into a pool of signal Consultants that we want to have we want to out an RP with procurement to have a pool of Consultants that are available for the RDA to utilize that's okay that's that's what the item is about out for to get a a pool of Consultants that will help the the RDA I'll move the item I'll second all in favor thank you heather can we do the North Beach RDA then CRA next so we are now convening as the North Beach community redevelopment agency we have two items the first item is amend North Beach CRA commercial facade Improvement program again good morning Heather Shaw interum director Economic Development I'm I'm before you for the North Beach CRA we have two items before you one is for the extension of a facade Improvement program that we have on um April 8th the North Beach CRA advisory committee made a recommendation to have a um the boundary set for the uh the North Beach facade program which is an improvement program to beautify the North Beach CRA the CRA as as you know um is what improve the area so we can beautify the area we can encourage businesses to come to the area and the facade program is part of that um initially the facade program was limited to the area around the Normandy Fountain area and the um North Beach uh CRA advisory committee has suggested and recommended that the boundaries for the facade program be um Extended to include Collins Avenue between 66 Street and 70 Street you're so convincing Heather you uh you had a motion I'll second the item uh I've seen the progress in the work done and uh how it illuminates and elevates the neighborhood and I look forward to expanding it thank you commissioner by the way Heather I'll commend you I noticed you weren't looking at any notes unless you have some secret teleprompter up there so very impressive oh nice all in favor then we have one final um uh item which similar one minute one minute Heather hold on for a sec let me let me call the item so I can so we can put it up there the next item is North beat CRA item two it is issue RFQ 20245 andd Economic Development consultant Services mayor this was also an addendum item so we need your permission to consider it anyone have any problem going forward with this let's do it thank you um and this is a a similar item to the RDA item this motion to approve the item we're stealing your thunder Heather we have a I'll second yeah all in favor so we have commissioner Steinberg absent on this item and on the previous one commissioner SAR are you are yes on item one commissioner Fernandez I appreciate you taking to Heart let's keep this uh moving moving moving we're going to call r9e good morning mayor may I that's uh r9e Rafel r9e r9e is presentation 2024 Community satisfaction survey results may I uh good morning uh today we have with us our survey consultant Etc Institute Chris laam he will be leading the presentation I know we're a little pressed for time but I do just want to highlight that we've had this consultant since 2016 this is the ninth iteration of the community satisfaction survey you may note that on your committee and commission memorandums you may see survey information that's related to the community satisfaction survey and I think it's very timely that we have this discussion right now as we are in the budget process uh also this morning's discussion about priorities and vision I think it's very important uh essentially our community satisfaction survey allows our residents and businesses to provide feedback on city services and quality of life uh areas of our city so I want to turn it over now to Amy nolles our chief resilience officer to lead the presentation along with our consultant thank you okay thank you madam manager and good morning um mayor and City commission Amy NS Chief resilience officer so it's really my pleasure to be able to share this presentation with all of you hopefully you've had a chance to look at it in advance um we can all use good news any day so it's an important to take a moment so this is a great tool for all of you as City commissioners and our professional staff team to understand the perceptions of the community that may not come to commission meetings or otherwise meetings uh we know nationally about 3 to 4% of residents are active in those type of meetings so it's a great opportunity to really get that statistically valid data um so this is also really a a way to gear up for that budget Retreat as the manager said there's a lot of priorities in here I will try turn this over to Chris taam and what he's going to do is walk you through those highlevel results but please note we have full reports coming they're chalk full of data that is uh dispersed across the city by all different departments and we will also have a dashboard coming where it's you can easily access the data you know as you establish your priorities going forward so with that I'd like to introduce Chris taam the CEO of Etc and he has been doing this presentation every couple of years for us thank you great thanks Amy I'm GNA try to share my screen now I think it's disabled but if uh somebody allows me to do that I'll bring up the presentation all right hopefully everybody can see that it's mayor members of the commission it's great to be with you I've been doing work uh from Miami beach for about 15 years uh actually been doing work excuse me in Miami Dade County for more than 25 years so you're not familiar with our firm we're based in Kansas City but we actually have offices in Asia Africa Latin America and we do work for communities uh all over the world our Focus as a company is really to help local governments gather input from the community to help uh make decisions uh we know that the public opinion isn't the decision maker but oftentimes it's good to hear with the average resident or business leader things today what I'm going to do is walk you through essentially what we did uh recap the purpose and methodology you're the ones who ultimately use this information so I want to feel make sure that you're comfortable with the data we gathered and how we gathered it and as Amy said there are many findings in this report so I'm going to focus on perhaps what I'd like all the six things to remember there's lots of information here but I'll give you a few of the highlights that you can take away uh as most of you know as uh very few people actually engage in the public uh opinion process most people who attend public meetings number one reason is they come to see someone get recognized or get recognition themselves second biggest reason is they want to change the way things are being done third biggest reason is they frankly don't like something that's being done and so because very few people actually participate the city of Miami Beach has actually been very engaged in getting input from residents and Business Leaders for many years uh in fact you've been doing it for more than 20 years and I know that you as leaders have used that information to assess how the city's doing uh identify priorities and and adjust things over time and you've been one of the most effective cities that I've worked with at using Citizen and uh business input Like We Gather from this survey every couple years as far as the overall method ology uh the resident survey was administered to, 1300 residents so we selected just a little over 8,000 at random our goal was to get 1,200 to complete the survey and we conducted it in English Spanish and creole it's not perfect uh but the results have an accuracy of plus or minus 2.7% at the 95% level of confidence and that just means if we did the survey a 100 times we'd get the same results within about 3% or less it's very accurate it's Al also a rather large survey for a community of Miami Beach's size and it really shows your commitment to getting input from residents and we look at a number of factors just to ensure that the data is consistent from one period to another things like age making sure that all age groups are well represented we take a look at the uh race and Hispanic ancestry as far as the respondents are concerned you can see it lines up very closely uh with census estimates uh we get good representation based on years of service because we or years of residency because we often know that people people have lived in the community longer may have different views than people who are new to the community so we assess that data even look at things like income and a number of other factors I'm not going to go through them all today but I do want to give you the sense that we have a very good sample uh the composition of the sample is very similar to what we've had in past years and for that reason I think you can have a lot of confidence that what you see in these results truly does represent the residents of the community uh in addition uh we conducted a business survey uh we selected about 3,900 businesses uh in the city uh to participate in that survey we actually had 610 complete the survey which was an excellent response rate again the overall results aren't perfect but they have an accuracy of about plus or minus 3.9% at the 95% level of confidence and it was issued in similar manners to the resident survey but more of these were actually done on over the phone uh very few of the resident surveys were done in that manner uh good news is that most of the people who responded to the business surveys are actually the owner or the senior manager of the business uh we had good mix from the years of residency from those who were brand new just being in the city a couple years to a number that had been in the city more than 20 years and we had a wide range of businesses represented based on the type of business that they do and you can kind of see that I won't spend a lot of time on these details uh and we also had good representation uh from throughout the city so again when I look at your city service results and I look at how we've done it in the past years I look how it Stacks up to the census from my perspective you have a very very good sample of representatives from both your resident and business community so with that said here's the six things that I'd recommend you take away from the survey there's a lot of other good information here but here's here's the things that really stood out to me number one uh there is some cause for celebration here that's not actually one of my things to remember but these are some of the most improved results that I've seen in a community in such a short period of time when I presented with you two years ago there was actually some serious decreases as a result of many things that happened over covid but we've seen the city Really Turn Around from what I shared two years ago overall perceptions of the city City's image and efforts to prevent crime which were two of the biggest issues last time have improved significantly uh your satisfaction with City Services overall is up significantly from two years ago uh people feel safer uh than they did two years ago customer service has improved and when we stack you up and compare you to our national and Florida averages Miami Beach is Now setting the standard in a number of areas so you should be congratulated on that but to stay there uh things that come to the top as far as priorities for both businesses and residents are addressing issues related to homelessness you made some great progress from two years ago but it's still important Norm Water Management cleanliness and then your street inside walk improvements that's where we're going to be going so let me start off with the perceptions of the city there's just been tremendous improvements uh from two years ago particularly with the image and the perception of issues related to crime prevention uh you'll notice that we ask a number of questions that I considered to be perhaps some of the Strategic highlevel uh issues that really oftentimes Mark the health of a community such as how residents and business folks rate the city as a place to live quality of life image overall quality city services I won't read all of these to you but one of the areas that we saw the biggest improvement from two years ago was your efforts to prevent crime which are up 18% among your residents image of the city's up 15% even things like value for city taxes and fees is up 8% overall satisfaction with city services is up 6% we did see a couple areas go down slightly higher than the margin of error and that was with your public schools and efforts to prepare for disasters but all in all the city really appears to be moving in the right direction and when we look at how businesses rated those same items you'll notice that there were no significant decreases but in the same way overall efforts to prevent crime were up 18% among your business Community image of the city was up 18% and overall quality of life was up 177% and even things like value for city taxes were up 4% so again the data suggest that where we were two years ago as a city you've certainly taken some great steps forward so that's kind of the first thing is those high level indicators second thing we looked at is just some of your specific city services and again here we saw significant improvements in a number of areas in fact for the resident surve you voting on this item today I'm sorry I'm sorry to interrupt you you're this is really important but we I really want to use the time that we have in commission for voting items I don't think we're voting on anything this is extremely important but I think that might be other avenues to address the issues raised that you're raising I I I do want to share that uh we did put this item on as a discussion item so no vote is necessary uh we will be providing additional information via LTC you do have some information in your agenda as of right now that you may review if you have any questions we available uh I do want to commend all of our staff uh the survey results show that we're doing a lot and pouring in a lot of resources to improve the quality of life in our city and so I just want to recognize staff and and let them know that what they're doing is is being seen and our residents and businesses are valuing their work and effort so thank you no and thank I'm sorry and sorry to cut you off it's really invaluable I actually use these surveys personally uh to see the direction where our residents uh believe that we need to go they're very consistent by the way if you look at the surveys from three years ago uh six years ago they're the the number one items homelessness uh the condition of our sidewalks cleanliness I mean they're always at the top of the things that we need to improve so those are the things we need to address on but thank you for the presentation thank you staff um I'm sorry to cut it off but we do have to get we have so many voting items today that we have to get to and and we'll we'll review and we'll disseminate this to the public as well let's call uh two items that actually I pulled um because I thought it was worthy of a discussion um C7 Ai and c7n C7 AI is is terminate State lobbyist contract for convenience C7 is conduct feasibil feasibility study parking along 19th Street is that correct mayor c7n no c7n sorry uh c7n is accept allocate funds lobbyist legislative sessions uh so we're doing C7 n and C7 AI together we're going to do this under C7 AI yes I commissioner Suarez will'll need you back here but I'll I'll just I pulled it because these are important issues our lobbyists in Tallahassee are taking uh the cues from our commission and City Administration and um there are some big decisions here being made it was on consent I understand it if there was consensus but I I I kind of wanted to have that discussion and and hear what the thoughts were as we as we proceed I've actually had some thoughts about because there are a number of Law and Order items that I I believe I'll give you one example we I introduced a legislation resolution a couple of years ago that we should have Miami Beach judges and we that requires a state Constitutional Amendment it's a heavy lift we're going to need lobbyists to do it and who's the best lobbyist for that um so there there are many decisions that need to be made with this I thought um it was worthy to pull the items have the discussion commissioner Rosen Gonzalez one of one of the reasons um why I put this forward is because um our community there's several preemptions that have come out over the past couple of legislative cycles that we've really been able to do very little about and what does that mean it means that we're not being heard properly we might have made a tweak to some of these amendments but I think that maybe had we had the right lobbyist in place we could have just gotten the entire thing removed just to show you that Miami Beach was specifically being targeted was in this one um in one of the laws they Exempted literally the prior year right before everyone except for Miami Beach and now we are are grappling with serious situations between the live local act between the unsafe structures is that what it's called the unsafe structures Bill and uh we have not been successful I mean we had to threaten with Federal you know like Federal lawsuits to but basically say okay we have a federal designation but on the state level we were largely um ignored and grappling and I'm not discounting the work that was done because I think that there were a few items that um especially Commission Fernandez who traveled there many times and spoke out and we mobilized whether it be uh the casino item that was pulled um we need a louder voice we need a voice that is going to be more effective and we need a voice that can um you know that can truly uh represent us and get to this highest level and make sure that the governor vetos the items for example there were amendments made to uh live local that the governor needed to veto by today and I do not think that I don't know where Nick is is he in here no anyway uh today or yesterday seven days prior the the bill being released and guess what there was no veto but had we had the right lobbyist I think there could have been a veto on this so I you know I think that we allocated more monies um and I think that we could use uh some help or changes and that is why I brought this forward I know that commissioner U Suarez I saw his item so I know that he feels uh similarly I also feel that there is a conflict of interest because uh Mr book has come before us with several other items whether it be the tax for the homeless trust or soliciting us for money so there's a conflict because or do you want the millions of dollars for the homeless trust or are you representing Us in Tallahassee and if we don't give you the $2 million for the homeless trust are you going to do a lesser job in Tallahassee so I'd like to remove that conflict the local conf and really focus on what I think is which is get having our voice heard and not having to have these battles in Tallahasse yearly and with the right people in place I think that it will go much more smoothly commissioner Suarez yeah I co-sponsor this item um I I was also in Tallahassee multiple times this year for the no anchoring um Bill and what what astounded me was that there was a huge conflict of interest with Mr book um you know we've had since 2021 a relationship with Ron and he was supposedly fighting for our our our general um rights as a city and our yeah our path forward for for some of the things that we want and what I found out was that he took money from from someone from a a private individual on one of the sunset Islands to uh to represent their interests and when it came down to it and when when the bill was at the final committee after passing five different committees he was lobbing for just this individual and um I mean look you can there's plenty of articles that say there's a conflict of interest with the the books firm and I I think when it comes to our our interests we need to make sure that we have someone that we can trust and when there is a person who's representing us who can represent both sides of an issue and get paid for it I think that's not someone we can trust and aside from that I think things have changed in Tallahassee I think we need to move forward with some fresh blood and get new representation and look I I totally understand the the argument of of not um burning any Bridges but to be honest when when I realized that there was a financial conflict of interest that went against the the the interest of our city to represent someone that paid him just as much as we paid him I think that's not something we can trust my colleagues commissioner magazine yeah thank you Mr Mayor um more and more of our lives uh in our city are being dedicated from the policies uh that stem out of Tallahassee and getting a little Insider baseball for the public here but we lost uh somebody from our staff uh that actually was in charge of our relations with Tallahassee so as more and more demands are being placed on us from Tallahassee we've actually lost some internal Firepower as well uh so I am all for allocating additional resources uh to get every every ounce of help that we can get in Tallahassee to fight for our interest um so that takes care of uh I'm sorry the the first item c7n uh so I will be supportive of going out and getting incremental um assets and resources to represent us in Tallahassee uh for the fees that we're paying um I don't think it's wise I think it's uh Pennywise pound foolish to sever a long-standing contract that we've had with the person that represents us uh if we get additional help um perhaps then we can evaluate and say this is what our lobbyist a is good at this is what lobbyist B is good at um I don't know all the ins and outs in the history and things like that uh yesterday was my first personal conversation with Mr book but from uh what I understand he's brought brought us back a lot of uh significant financial grants and things like that over the years so our Roi of maintaining him for the rather nominal fee that we have uh compared to what he's brought back over the years I think it may not be wise at this time where we need all the resources that we can get in Tallahassee to cut uh to actually start cutting some of those so I'll be supportive of moving forward uh uh allocating additional funds for additional resources in Tallahassee but not report of terminating our existing contract commissioner Fernandez thank you Mr Mayor um and so I I have similar thoughts as as commissioner magazine I think it's important to to to have a good team of of individuals representing you in Tass it doesn't mean you only limit yourself to one company there's nothing wrong with with having a company that that represents you and expanding to other firms that can also uh represent your interest and Advocate on on the city's behalf and who may have relationships as well with with other in individuals but I also want to acknowledge that that under our current representation year after year after year after year we have been successful in fighting back against the powerful very powerful very influential interests of Casino gaming for example that is something that that would have broad uh negative ative impacts in our city across our city had the interests in Tallahassee that have been financing political action committees been successful in their in their legislative efforts to change state law and preempt local regulations to insert these uh these these these these very dangerous casinos into our community that that not only would impact the character of our community would increase traffic and would undoubtedly increase crime and and bring in all sorts of social ailments uh into into our into our community it's been through our current lobbying team that we've been able to defeat those efforts we've also had uh great success with our current lobbying team as it relates to funding this year this year alone I I think we were in line at least for three uh three budget items uh in in in the budget in the past we've had we've had so many projects that have benefited from resiliency grants in fact today in today's commission meeting we've been discussing two items on today's agenda that are benefiting from from state grants one being the uh First Street project we're able to advance on an important infrastructure project that we've all said here how important it is to advance in this infrastructure project in part because we've been able to benefit as a community from the state resiliency Grant that we have in our cers now in part thanks to the lobbying efforts of our current team we're also going to be advancing at some point at some location with a with a first streight um with a uh fire station fire station one at some location we're only able to advance with that essential asset that our community needs for Public Safety thanks to resiliency dollars we've been able to get not even through the legislature but through the executive to bring back into our city through the efforts of our current lobbying team that's not to say that there are not other entities and other and other companies in Tallahassee that could support us that could help us Advance our goals with anchoring limitation or that could also join the fight in our efforts to defeat uh uh live local and that type of stuff but I think we also need to be clear sometimes the things that we see coming from Tallahasse it's a direct response to us it's a and to us and to Prior Comm missions and to other communities uh I don't think it's a response to our lobbying team it's a response to just other political matters going on so um I Echo the comments of of of my colleague commissioner magazine I fully support expanding our lobbying team I think we need all hands on deck giv given the current climate um and that means also keeping with us the the current uh team that we have that has been able to help fund and and bring money into the coffers of our city thank thank you commissioner bot um so some of you may know that I'm a superstitious Red Sox fan um I don't like calling no hitters before they're over so could you just take back what you said about the Ginos because to me that sounds like a dare that we are going to be um calling Hell Fire Upon Our Heads so um but I agree with you I agree with you that was a that has been a win and it will continue to be a win where whenever it comes upon us if it comes back upon us um you know I I I hear what you're saying commissioner Suarez I I hear your concerns and they're not um without Merit my view at this time is we need more hands on deck not fewer um we lost somebody at the city we we have prodigious forces arrayed against us in Tallahassee we get accepted from the list of exceptions constantly when when um decisions are made at the state level other cities in their entirety can get carved out of things but Miami Beach isn't Miami Beach which is a a city a municipality which sends more dollars to Tallahassee than any other municipality in the state other than Disney World um and so I think that keeping somebody on board who does have relationships uh for the time being at least and bringing on other folks who might have different types of relationships is the way forward and then we can assess after a year or two years um is is this working is it beneficial are we seeing you know something better that that might serve us better in the future I mean we evolve as a city our needs evolve and our relationships evolve and so um at this time I would um I would be supportive of of adding resources and at this time I would not be supportive of cutting this contract thank you commissioner Suarez uh again you know I I I would rather work with someone I can trust and not have a conflict of interest you know if if Mr book can go up here and and through the chair and say that there's going to be no conflict of interest between the city and third parties for example developers that he may represent that have been taken that have taken advantage of some of the preemption laws that have been recently passed at the state I feel much more comfortable with him coming up here and telling us that that there's going to be no more conflict of interests with his firm and anything that goes against the interest of our city thank you since there no oh thank you Mr book mayor through you um response to the question number one um I didn't get paid to represent anybody on Sunside Island uh contrary to what's been represented um the representation on Sunset island is an existing client relationship that I've represented for probably 30 years and did not see anything inconsistent with con with adding Sunset Island to what the city's goal was on the issue that said I won't take anything with a conflict of interest and to the question raised as it related to homeless issues I would simply respond by saying not only is that not a conflict it is written into our agreement that specifically my Civic role in the community in as chair of the homeless Trust specifically allows me to represent the trust's interest here before the city government um I take conflicts of interest extraordinarily seriously we have a significant uh uh conflict check system in our office and we don't do it number one number two as it relates to any developers we don't represent any developers on Miami Beach uh period end of story um while we were engaged with the related companies initially on the doville project that got turned down by the voters um that was the extent of that involvement um we haven't represented anybody before this city um that provides any level of conflict our agreement that is written signed executed by both my firm and on behalf of the rutle senior firm does not allow us to take such interests we do not and we will not Mr Mayor if I may continue um I want to be I want everyone to hear this and be and and see EX exactly uh how these lobbyists perform and you can hear what he said I didn't take any money from Sunset Island that's because Ron book returned the money I know this because I spoke to the individual that gave him the $50,000 to represent this and so that's and this goes along the lines of what I'm saying is you cannot trust this firm because he's using double speak and he's trying to make you read between the lines saying where let well look we didn't take any money technically but you did and then you returned it and I have a big problem with that because to that he's telling us to our face that which is basically a lie and and so look this is a big conflict of interest I'm not going to fall on the sword for this I'm not going to look if you guys want to move forward with this I like working with people that I can trust and that have the best interest for us not conflicts of interests so uh with that that'll be my last comment before do you want to respond simply say I'm happy to have the City attorney review everything in my firm and take a fair look at whether we took one penny from anybody and returned it it's untrue it's inaccurate and that's all I can say to it I don't lie I don't cheat I don't mislead my Integrity is what it is and I'll stand by my integrity and my honesty commissioner Rosen Gonzalez and then let's vote I would like to point out the conflict with the doo here we are in a situation where we have been ignored um by the people who wanted to develop the doville we have assessed millions of dollars in fines to no avail and then yet um Mr book inserted himself into a political campaign against the city's interests which was by the way defeated because the majority of our residents here really seem to care about the doel so if you take I don't know about the this is the first that I've heard about the sunset Islands donation but if you look at the sunset Island donation and you look at the Doo and then you tack onto that um you know some of the the monies that we've been asked whether it's the 1% tax or uh you know other funding um I think at this juncture and also looking at the partis Intel what I would add is um I don't think that we have this is the primary reason is because we're not getting we're not getting to the right people in Tallahassee enough to make the decisions in favor of our community and now that I've heard about this additional donation and our lobbyists actually advocating against us I had forgotten about the related so thank you very much for pointing out the doo incident also um I would ask that we put out in RFP and let's see what who do we get who's going to apply who will represent us I mean these are serious conflicts and the dville just makes me downright angry I'm just and by the way two of us already can't work with him we don't get along with him actually when I was in Tallahassee this past year I used taxpayer money to fly up to Tallahassee and I was not included on a single meeting you did not call or email or include me you didn't I and I the only reason I know this is because I was up in Tallahasse wondering where every but one was as I watched the other Commissioners sit down at these meetings so there's a conflict because Mr book you know that I've pushed up against several of these things in the past so already one of us is being left out and that's a serious issue and now I see that commissioner Suarez doesn't have a good relationship with him so how can we move forward if several of us don't um aren't are being ignored or are not being able to work with him can't we just start a new with someone that doesn't have the conflicts with a firm that doesn't have these um issues we're in the process right now of hiring somebody who's going to be our new legislative liais on and maybe we should just wait until that person is hired let that person say to us here are here are some firms and we will put out an RFP and then make that decision then instead of us making a decision right now based on something that I don't really think is good for the City of Miami Beach I I'm going to speak actually so we'll know where the votes are I'm in the camp of pretty much what commissioner magazine Fernandez and commissioner bot said so now you know where I am I don't I do not want to terminate your contract we haven't always agreed on policy the homeless trust is a perfect example I think I vot voted against against what you've advocated every single time but this is a separate issue taxpayers had paid for my flight and then I didn't get invited to the legislative meetings I think that that was immature and Petty okay so um I think we should take a vote on c7n somebody want to make a motion well7 what is the process is it to issue an RFP RFQ I'm happy to make a motion for how we go about uh allocating funds uh for additional lobbyist uh s let's I'm gonna turn it over to our city manager Rico Williams just clarifying that this item would allow the administration to develop a solicitation and then come back to the commission next month okay I I make a motion to move forward with that second okay let's take a vote do we need to call roll Rafel all in favor I great thank you and with C7 AI what how we just I mean there there's no support so I don't think this just nice call R9 ah and c7b J R9 ah is discussed potential parking solution for West Avenue Phase 2 it's a supplement uh related to the c7b j7 BJ was not pulled from the consent agenda uh that is West Avenue project amendment to expedited arbitration it was an amendment so we are adding that item now to the uh to the agenda C7 BJ welcome Part 9 Ah Um is a proposal from the community wna and particularly residents of 1450 to with the hopes of providing some additional residential parking spaces behind their building how they propose to do that is to Route the Baywalk through their parking lot and then in exchange for the savings for the Baywalk the city would build a structured parking deck for their use behind the building um it proposes to uh provide approximately 20 spaces for uh resident use we have not been able to do the required due diligence geotechnical structural analysis and other things we do not recommend at this time to proceed with that proposal should the commission elect to do so then we would have to go out and uh engage a consultant so that they can do the proper due diligence thank you that was concise and very clear so I appreciate it commissioner Suarez um thank you uh mayor for putting the denim item on this on this um agenda has a companion item you know one of the issues that we're we're faced with here is that we have a big problem and it's and it's a loss of parking it's a loss of residential parking along West Avenue for this project we are at a 100% design uh we are at the goal line and um we're ready to move forward and the the last issue is parking and so I have um I put together an idea where the similar to The First Street there are in zone and 12 and the phase 2 there are about 133 commercial parking spaces that we should convert to a hybrid of residential parking spaces so that there is no net loss to residential parking in this in this Zone and so I think also there has been um there's been discussions with uh CIP on um the end of Lincoln Road where ny's building is they were going to cut it down to I I think three two spots in front of her building and one spot across they are now willing to put in I think nine five on the North side four on the south side and also squeeze in two more spots in front of stefans and know from from speaking with them they're okay with that um I also invite them to speak so look I I'm an engineer by background I like to solve problems um I'm not doing this for um for any sort of compensat funds I'm not getting a campaign contribution I just go down West Avenue every day and it's like a third world country road it it's been like that for about seven years it's awful and look again same thing on First Street you know we talk about resiliency we talk about moving forward on projects and and here's another project that has been stalled and we are unfortunately not going to move forward because of of of an issue that we can't resolve and I'm hoping that with my item and my idea which David uh Martinez can speak we'll resolve that so that there are no net loss uh spots now granted the residents that normally park where they Park they may have to move may have to park a half a block away or a block away but again you know this project is very important for resiliency you know we a lot of us talk about protecting the bay and cleaning the bay this project is going to put injection Wells all along West Avenue so that when it rains the initial flush uh water of 2 in of rain go into the ground and not Direct IR ly into the bay for every every year that happens every every rainstorm we have it's polluting the bay because we don't have the proper technology to treat that and so um I I want to see if there is a a consensus to to bring this to a to a close and bring it to a landing you know my my idea is to save the parking uh for residents and and move the project forward finally because it's been seven years thank you commissioner um I will go ahead and speak on the item as well before we hear then from the city Administration um so this particular item has been going on for some time and the city has also experienced issues with um the vendor and resiliency and completing the parking the project is very important but so is the parking spaces for the residents um the people on the south side of West Avenue are not affected by this by phase two it's the people on the North side and I've heard from them in droves some of them are here in the audience today and the solution that's being proposed is to change the commercial Corridor into a hybrid well none of the commercial businesses have been notified on this on this item so it's um bad government form uh to bring this on to an agenda 12 hours before meeting without even Consulting the affected people and somebody like Nancy Duke who lives on Lincoln Court would have to walk three four blocks to get to Alton Road where some of these parking spaces are needed um so I would like to request to defer this item so that the businesses and residents can be heard we're all looking for Solutions I love an engineers's mind and I appreciate commissioner Suarez who's working hard to try to find a solution I live in that area too very close I see it every day but losing parking is not good for that area right now the pump station is being built next to the post office I go to that post office often I can't tell you how difficult it is to find parking for a two-minute transaction uh because there's no parking at the post office and then on uh Lincoln cord the businesses there are doing um major reconstruction and remodeling where V 105 was and there is um no parking there cuz most more often than not there's construction trucks and and things of that nature so people can't go to Trader Joe's or to uh the post office and if this proceeds without adequately doing it uh vetting the parking for the residents um they're going to be lost as well sure just for clarity the R9 ah was The Proposal from the residents about the structured parking that is the one that the administration is not in support of the conversion of or the hybrid of the spaces was actually a short-term solution that was discussed and approved by the commission a while back this that item is about referring it to land use to get it uh installed as a permanent conversion I was removed from the referral because your mic we we got your mic back I'm sorry can you hit you pull it from yeah but this yeah but this item came up and I was I was well sure this item came up and then and it was my understanding that we were either going to move forward with the project or or or cancel the project so I iiz if I misunderstood yeah my understanding was that this was a referral the land that was pulled and then placed for a v to be taken today and discussion Park is iron out we can't vote on something because it's not there commissioner magazine yeah again you know it's uh it's not lost on me we're talking about climate change and resiliency projects and we're trying to go above and beyond to accommodate more cars more parking I started going to discussions on this before my daughter was born and she's now seven years old uh my entire family lives on West Avenue we continue to walk down the same streets and sidewalks that haven't been paved that continue to be neglected I have friends that have moved out of town not moved to departments moved out of town because of the state of this street right we need to prepare not just for today but for the future because it'll be my daughter Capri that's seven years old it's not just us that are benefiting from these resiliency projects but it's for our next generation and we've had seven years to iron out the parking for so many of these capital and infrastructure projects that we all campaign on we all put these cute talking points in our campaign flyers and emails we need to put our money where our mouth is for all of these projects there are going to be unintended consequences nobody wants to do this stuff nobody wants to spend a hundred million do to prepare for the future but it's necessary and whether it be the fire station or First Street or West Avenue there are going to be things that we all need to sacrifice we all need to deal with but it's imperative that we move forward we can't just keep kicking this down the road we are in very real danger of losing this contractor and if we lose them it's one of three contractors in the entire state that can do this project we have to start from ground zero this project I think was originally allocated like $30 million and now because of delays were up to $110 million we're not going to pay that it's going to be my daughter that pays that over the next 30 Years and I don't want that hundred million to now blown into $200 million so while it's incumbent upon all of us to work together going forward to find parking Solutions we can't allow that or any imperfection to hold up these projects so I make a commitment that we find any and all solutions to mitigate the impacts on residential quality of life for this but just like I had to deal with this in front of my building right and a business Anthony's Pizzeria went out of business because of this but guess what since that's happened we haven't had one single drop of water accumulate on our street in front of us on Sixth Street right from my balcony I can see on 8th Street where we stopped the project that continues to flood in an afternoon rainstorm right out front of an old people's home those people can't come out of their buildings quite literally cannot come out of their buildings because we paus this infrastructure project there so while there's unintended consequences of going forward there are very real tangible consequences of not going forward thank you commissioner Suarez then commissioner Rosen Gonzalez and and and commissioner magazine brought up a really good point we're very close to losing this contractor and this contractor desperately wants to be out of this out of this job he does not want to do this job because he is locked in at a certain price and if we lose this if we lose this contract because of how construction costs have gone through through the roof over the last couple of years we're going to be paying three to four times more than what we're paying than what than what was originally agreed on and can you imagine that hundreds of millions of dollars where we have an option now to save parking and and move forward with a project that's desperately needed and and and and have no net loss to residential parking or we can risk making our taxpayers pay hundreds of millions of dollars more than what is currently uh uh on the books for and what we are locked in and so again you know just like First Street we need to move forward and stop stalling these projects because our children are going to be the ones that pay the price commissioner Rosen Gonzalez you know there's a reason that we had put a pause on these um and the reason is that when we initially completed Sunset Harbor it filled up like a fishbowl okay it continually flooded these properties and I don't even want to mention what happened to the poor people on pal and Hibiscus Island we literally ruined their Island we took away all the parking because we didn't have these discussions okay their houses flood because you raised the streets higher than their homes and today they can't fix it so while right now we're flooding 10 days a year we still can't seem to get to a place where we're not impacting our quality of life and we're doing the resiliency projects which is why I'm so excited for Joe Gomez's hotspot program where we can go in and pave a sidewalk and take the $85 million and fix these hotspot areas because obviously if I lived on West Avenue I'd sayg great you know why because I don't need to park I can walk over to the market but unfortunately so many of us that live in homes we have to park and we have no other resources and and and and and and and and people are complaining all the time I sent out an email yesterday and more than anything else people were very upset about the fact that we closed that parking lot next to Trader Joe's next to the post office they can't go to the post office they can't go Supermarket shopping so we need to think of the needs of everyone when we do these projects now what we're asking for is at this moment we want replacement parking why are people here well I see one business owner who's really concerned that people aren't going to be able to get to his hotel because there's no alternative what should we have done we should have been proactive a couple of years ago and built a parking garage and then we wouldn't be in this situation right now and I I know that David are you a millennial or are you a generation exer I'm a Pioneer Millennial okay first Millennial but yeah so I mean you know I I see you guys around on your Wizards and who itss but I can I have a car okay and I have kids you know I I would be so afraid to whiz around but I I feel like eventually I'm going to have no choice but to get on one of those little Cruisers because there's going to be nowhere else to go and no parking to be had so while you increase density and which means I don't care if we remove and remove parking requirements which is another thing that everybody up here seems to you still have families and children extreme weather rain events um reasons to take cars and um and I don't just like I don't want to uh ruin people there has to be a way to complete this project without ruining people's quality of life what does that mean it means if I've owned an apartment on West Avenue my entire life and I've been able to park on the street all of a sudden where am I going cuz the city hasn't provided anything we asked them to find parking in the private sector it has not been and and and by the way I remember do you remember um we don't even have we don't even have a private garage that we could use we've negotiated nothing and yet you have negotiated a priv a private garage for some of this basis if through the through the mayor commissioner it was a previous commission resolution that was approved uh several months ago for 50 spaces in uh one of Mr gut's garages at a maximum of $775,000 a year and that was during the construction process it it was one of the short-term parking Solutions okay so it's a short-term solution and that's the whole point is that it's not a solution because it's only temporary so we have to move forward um fine but you know as we chip away at people's quality of life and I swear we can't go back on palman hibiscus and we cannot go back um you know we can't go back in Sunset Harbor where they still flood every time there's no redundancy on a pump okay and there are horror stories what I'd like to see moving forward is just have the solutions before you start that's fine but you have no solution um M commissioner Suarez and let's wrap it up um I I I I totally respect the fact that parking is a quality of life but right now you know the thousands of people that walk and drive and and bike and scooter on West Avenue their quality of life is every day that they take those roads it's it's uh it's worsening it's getting worse on the roads I mean it's like a roller coaster and there's Pooles everywhere it looks like a quilt patch um that's a quality of life issue um you know I don't think killing this project is the right step forward and I think that's what my colleague commissioner Rosen Gonzalez is is is saying is trying to attempt um also the parking in front for example of ny's building you know I just had a discussion with her and Stefan and Tim outside this this Chambers and we we showed them that you know we're not going to have only two parking spaces in front of both buildings they're going to be able to retain uh nine and two additional possible ones in front of stefans and they were very open to that and they they they like that idea um so that that's not going to change I mean it's not going to be 14 what it is it's going to be nine and um by the way also we have a private we have a public garage Sunset garage which can also be accommodating to Zone 12 parking spaces where you can use the pedestrian bridge to to go between Sunset garage and West Avenue and so if I'm if I'm uh if I live on West and I don't use the car every day but I use it uh sporadically I would much rather have my car in a garage which has plenty of space By the way uh where it's covered and safe and it's not going to get hit by a drunk driver on the road than on the street and so again there's going to be no net loss to residential parking with with this idea commissioner Suarez the only thing I'd like to correct on the record is that I'm not trying to kill a project okay I'm trying to gain consensus the right way before we do something that we're later on going to regret yeah my only thing is that we're at 100% I don't want to kill it I mean I just want to work with community members who upset and by the way if you were to go and really send out an email to all of Miami Beach and explain to them here's what's going to happen we're losing these parking spaces you you would see that the outcry would be um overwhelming I'm I'm not saying that we're not going to suffer okay that's it we we'll suffer a little bit but um I don't know about this plan but I do support uh and I do support commissioner Dominguez um who would like to take a step back and re-evaluate not because we don't want to move forward we just want to move forward the right way and I'm willing to look at your plan too in a public forum with the community and I think that we've seen over time that this is the only way uh to do this and the reason that it's taken so many years is because we have we haven't really gone the consensus until it was too far so I mean I I trust me I would like to move forward but we can't like this so what I'm reading I'm reading the room here we do not have a consensus to move forward there's an addendum item that I will approve unless anybody has some strong objections I believe it's your item commissioner Suarez to refer to land use for potential parking Solutions I mean we can this is a great discussion but it's a discussion item it's not even a voting item we we need to get just sort of similar to what we said on the first street do we have a commitment that we are going to come up with some solutions work with the residents by the way thank you uh wava Nancy as well you you guys carry your weight in in working on these issues so it's really appreciated but we do need to move forward we we can't keep saying that we're a city of resiliency and then punt these issues indefinitely commissioner Suarez that's that's fair and and you're the commissioner Fernandez you have the floor okay you know the reality is that all these projects as has been mentioned before will come with some sort of an impact we can choose what the impacts will be it's a short-term impact on on parking while we find a more permanent solution because I do think for example have we spoken with Michael scho I mean I I think Michael scho at some point had made some sort of offer and was interested in collaborating with the city in finding some sort of solution to expand the availability of parking so we're recouping 44 parking spaces we're at a deficit of 58 parking spaces are we again and I mentioned it with a First Street project are we willing to sacrifice our reputation with the credit rating agencies and all these other entities that have then a Citywide impact an impact on the fiscal health of our city over 58 parking spaces over 58 parking spaces that perhaps we could partner with a private entity that perhaps could help us solve that I think it's short-sided of us to the risks that we have on the table the long-term risks to the future generation we need to advance with these uh with these projects and I and so it seems like the votes are not here today but it seems like you know perhaps we should move this to land use where perhaps I hope someone can can reach out to Michael shot and see oh you know see it seems like commissioner Dominguez reached out uh and I don't know if I can yield to her and regain the floor afterwards yes let me add let me add you commissioner dingz and we're going to give those reading glasses for the mayor doing okay here okay thank you um so last night at the mayor's uh virtual Town Hall I mentioned that I have been working on a solution that's not quite baked yet and that's exactly what it is I've been speaking with alfredo Gonzalez and the Michael scho team on uh a partnership uh for his project and happy to bring it at the land use I'm not to discuss it today so so I will make a motion to refer this to a special meeting of the landu committee with the same meeting where we will discuss First Street let's discuss this item and let's just be realistic about members of of the committee we're going to have to dedicate the morning to to to one item because these are long discussions and the afternoon to another item because I just think that that's the reality of these discussions the public is going to want to weigh in the businesses are going to want to weigh in and we're all going to have our strong opinions about it so let's just dedicate one day of our agendas to discuss these two projects and come back at the June meeting but at the June meeting I moving forward on this item uh and I'm moving forward on the other item I am not going to jeopardize uh our City's future over parking spaces uh and I I just I I need to put that on the record it was a commitment that I made I am running to make our SE our city safer cleaner and more resilient and beautiful Miami Beach and we are lacking on the resilient part we saw the uh in the survey that our staff presented to us we're doing great we've improved on Public Safety we improved on quality of life we've improved on our City's image that's what Amy nll was showing to to us for on the community survey but we have not Advanced on the resiliency part and my commitment was a cleaner safer more resilient and beautiful Miami Beach we need to do better on the resilient part June I hope that we can make uh take a final vote on this thank you yeah thank you I agree uh commissioner Fernandez one thing that uh is lost in a lot of these discussions is the entire streetcape of West Avenue is being held up in these delays this should be one of the preeminent streets aesthetic wise in all of our city this is one of the highest density residential areas but there are parts of this street in fact the overwhelming part of the street where the sidewalk you cannot navigate down the sidewalk with two people I'm not making that up in front of the mirr door projects that sidewalk is not compatible for two people yet we have five Lane of traffic going across and that's why we have speeding is because right now this road is designed as a highway yet you can't have a child and her father walk down the sidewalk hand in hand so all this delay yes maybe people will have to go into a parking garage next to the Trader Joe's to have to go to the post office but you know what I'll get to walk down the sidewalk with my daughter holding her your hand without being afraid to get hit by a car because there's five Lanes of traffic and a 4ot wide sidewalk a motion uh commissioner bot and then um Stefan Jan from um from West Avenue is uh I'm goingon to Grant him a minute or two so you know it I'm finding it slightly amusing um that this is an item that is almost the exact opposite of the First Street conversation from this morning um everything we were trying to protect in First Street were we're taking an opposite Point here um and this is why these issues are so intractable and take so long and the fact that we have a godawful Road in West Avenue which is a roller coaster of a ride and where harmonization was an issue um is because when several administrations ago started working on these types of projects it was the notion of you know do it now and ask questions later and mistakes were made and we as a city have learned a very tough and expensive lesson and our residents have learned very difficult and unfortunate lessons um because in the first slew of resiliency projects things weren't vetted as robustly as we have learned they need to be and I'm not putting that on the staff I'm saying the direction was given let's just make it happen and and now we are have learned all of us collectively have learned over the last decade or so that sometimes you have to slow down at the 11th hour to make some final adjustments to get it correct and as correct as we get it it will never be perfect for everybody but I I'm supportive of referring these two items to a special um land use committee meeting I will tell you that there is another Garage on West Avenue that is um being investigated by the city Administration um just to poke around to see if we might be able to take that on which would be a different um option than building something new the location isn't necessarily ideal but it is a possibility um you know as I mentioned in the previous item angled parking and I know there are safety concerns I'm not minimizing that um but angled parking could be something that could be tossed into the mix we know that speeding happens when you have wider streets and we're not trying to make things um less navigable navigable because of traffic issues but if we narrow the streets and do angled parking and make them um slower streets with more parking that's may be something to be considered and I'm quite sure that there are urban planners out there who can tell us how to do angled parking in a way that it buffers and protects to the best of our abilities sidewalk issues that you mentioned commissioner magazine are endemic throughout our cities we went on a walk through on 71st Street two last week right Joe and we were looking at the sidewalks and you know there are places where God forbid you have a stroller or or a wheelchair or a shopping cart you can't get by unless you shimmy so let's I let's move this conversation to the land use committee let's move on through the rest of the agenda and let's get this ironed out we're at the 11th hour and we can do this and come back in June and vote thank you Stefan welcome good morning and thank you again it's another time in West avue um first of all you know I want to commit and I want to reach say thank you to all of you because I know you all want to help us and we have different approach to this but you know some of you have been on the commission for longer and you do understand what the trouble we went through um the a lot of frustration was built up simply because for our neighborhood we had to fight for every single item there's some neighborhoods they were simply said we don't want to raise the street move on and they say no problem for us we had to fight for not paying fee to connect to the water then we had to fight to move the pump then we had to fight for the ammonization then we had to fight for parking it is a constant battle I don't know why us but it it is this is a part of why we here and I want to congratulate you commissioner bat for bringing an item about making sure that residents are involved from day one it is critical we knew from the beginning and you all knew like the pump and things would not work it got designed we spend money it was not worth it um I'm very optimistic about this um you know we had very good conversation and some uh discussion as as early as this morning so there's good solution we have the solution in place the solutions are there we just need to make sure that they're fine tune that everybody understand them and that we can put in the writing so we can share them with all the residents you know it doesn't have to be a big meeting but this is simply telling the resident these are our solution you're going to be able to do this or this is an alternative on this but everything is in the details I just want you know we had talk about with uh commissioner Suarez this morning about the Dual meter system works great but we do need to make sure that at 5 at 6 pm and after this is only for residents so everything is in place there we just don't want to make sure that it's happening um and we will work with you and I really believe that thanks to commissioner Fernandez if he's willing to do this meeting we can Hammer this down we can make a list and and get it done we just need to have you know a commitment to have something in writing credibility is gone and that's why from the residents we want something in writing the the parking addition parking that we had talk about was brought up in November so we just got a little drawing we're told it's in the plan but we don't see it in the plan it just we just want a a plan that shows it all that that's all we want my last thing I want to add is and I know the the the City attorney is doing a great job about handling the the uh the relationship with the the contractor I'm just extremely concerned about working with somebody that does not want to do the job um to me my concern is like if I would hire somebody to build my house my hotel and the person told me before he starts building I do not want to finish your project I know what's going to happen we're going to have more problem and then even if we come up with a way of handling Med uh you know arbitration or anything like this there always going to be an issue just like we're in now is it worth three million or 300,000 and we will have this for three years this is a a a marriage the prenup is not strong and I'm expecting a lot of problems and my concern is the problems when they arise when we already have digging we're already digging in the street are going to be very difficult to handle World be in bad situation so this is something I'm concerned about and thank you very much and commissioner Fernandez then we'll take the vote yeah and I just you know uh Sean mentioned something that was brought up earlier which is the relationship with with Rickman and and my gut feeling is kind of like the same thing why am I going to be dating someone that doesn't want to date me why you know if they don't want to be in the in in in the the relationship what's that Joe the of your um if they don't they don't want to be in a in in in a relationship with us in this case a contractual professional relationship why continue with them and I started thinking you know the moment we start you know breaking ground like anything in construction especially large projects like this you know that things will happen bad things will happen and it makes it so much worse when it's someone that just wants to be out of the relationship but then when I started asking you know what our options really are the options are not good for the city uh going with with with another contractor uh just you know from the very superficial thing even cost uh wise and so unfortunately while while I would like us to explore that because I do think you know why be in a situation in in a in an agreement with with someone that is just doesn't want to be there um there's no positive to it uh going going with another company because just even on the cost front uh it's it's not going to be good or even realistic we're not going to be able to afford it likely if I if if we were to go out there in the market again thank you great thank you so we'll take the vote commissioner Fernandez you did you want to say something city manager I just want to strongly recommend that we pursue item C7 BJ and have that arbitration um amendment I think it's very important notwithstanding there's no conversations that the commission may want to have at committee uh I do think that item is critical yeah I mean I had this sort of a side conversation with Rick uh whether we need to go forward today because this item was added pretty late and I and I I I've heard some objection to voting on this since um it was it was a late item but if people want to vote if you guys want to vote I'll vote what I would like to do if it's uh acceptable is uh commissioner Fernandez mentioned which is to have a discussion about this at land use to give us time to give me time to work with uh Alfredo Gonzales and the Michael scho team on the parking solution that I had discussed with them previously is the recommendation then to defer C7 BJ yes correct yeah and and we're gonna we're gonna we're GNA hold off on that for now commissioner Fernandez yes we're about to take the vote on your motion we that we have um so that before the June meeting we can come with a final recommendation that we can either accept or deny at the June meeting but June just move forward forward and I hope do we all agree to move forward on something with this on June Yeahs that's six weeks away so I see including myself that's four of us that are committing that in June we will move forward and bring closure to this process once and for all that's that's four of us to have put that on the record here today so we'll have a special meeting before the June meeting of the land use committee yeah and I was going to say and then we're taking the vote we're taking the vote everyone spoke every everyone spoke we're take we're taking the vote but I just want to say that I am going to give you my commitment that I am going to vote so whoever wants to call us reach out to us email us do not wait for the last night let's do it in advance I can tell you that myself and the team in the mayor's office are going to have a sense of urgency on these two items in your L use City Administration as well two things are happening one these projects get delayed and that is causing a problem in our city these are important projects we need to move forward the other thing is because they get delayed we keep talking about them at every meeting we take an hour every one of these items and then important public safety items quality of life items do not get heard at these meetings so June it's it we vote Yes No but we're moving on let's take the vote why we cannot continue these meetings like this you spoke like four times in this item already remended by C7 AQ C4 AQ sorry that's the item that should be referred to the special land use meeting R9 ah isn't even uh recommended by City staff so I just want to make sure that is correct that is correct both are referred all in favor we're going to recess we're taking a meeting of the committee of a whole we're going to discuss the charter review proposal from the charter uh Review Committee and we'll be back uh approximately 1:00 for sudden hour thank you [Music] n [Music] [Music] he he [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music] fall up [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] take [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] take [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] n [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] me take [Music] n fire [Music] [Music] take all [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] n n [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he he [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] please take your seats the meeting is about to begin please stand by we are going on air in 5 4 3 2 1 Welcome Back for the uh afternoon session of our commission meeting we had a meeting of Committee of the whole the Commissioners we were discussing uh potential Charter review amendments that we are going to continue discussing and then vote on in July whether this should go on for voter referendum uh for our voters and residents uh for our voters and residents to uh to vote on whether we should make amendments to our Charter we do that um every 10 years uh a charter a deep dive and so Kudos kudos to the uh individuals who uh have spent the last year and a half and 18 meetings uh putting that together in the recommendations which we may or may not accept uh I see thank you for one of our members who actually laughed at that uh snic hour or half hour sir so our first virtual well in person say your name address and you have two minutes um my name is Mary kyth um my address is 1800 Sunset Harbor um Miami Beach and I'm here on behalf of um item r9x which is a teacher appreciation um I I sit in the QC and I was the chair of the subcommittee that took on this item for for a deep discussion um we live in a very unique um city in which when we have um active events our teachers um commute to come to teach our to teach our children here at the at school it has gotten longer and longer and longer um we want to be continue to be the Trailblazer city as we are with QC and be able to show appreciation to our teachers a profession that's been constantly being attacked and a profession that um is needed in order for any other professions to actually exist so um we want to ask this the mayor and the commission to put together obviously not for this year but for next year a teacher appreciation event during the month of May that we could show as the city our appreciation for our teachers that put up with all the traffic that we do every single day but they do it to come and teach and inline our students um the other thing that I want to talk about is an item that is being discussed for the transfer of the city funded VPK that is in biscane to be moved to Fine Brook Fisher um I'm in agreement for that um we constantly have um more than more than 15 more than 20 parents on weight list every single year um when we do the lottery and there's really nowhere for them to go and it is a great opportunity for us to be able to have that additional um VPK class here at fineberg so thank you so much for your time thank you our next virtual speaker is Nicole M Nicole state your name address and you have two minutes hello thank you my name is Nicole Morse my address is 4200 Community Drive West Palm Beach and I am speaking to the invocation which um was offered today the mayor has frequently stated that this is a nonpartisan meeting and has actually cut off a number of Jewish speakers who were trying to address agenda items blocking protest by saying that it was a nonpartisan meeting and that we could not discuss the state of Israel but today the commission invited the ccil general of Israel to give an invocation which praised the soldiers of the IDF this means that on today nakba day which is the day when we recognize 750,000 Palestinians were ethnically cleansed in 1948 the Miami city beach commission is taking a decidedly partisan stance on an international ISS isue um the knocka is ongoing as we are seeing the Israeli genocide enter its eth month it is disgraceful it's amazing you just continue to keep to keep going to keep to keep going at it when I've asked you not to uh make political accusations but continue you continue to make political statements by bringing in the state of Israel and by pledging fty to a foreign Nation and that means that citizens should have the right to weigh in on that same issue on that same nation state thank you m Morris our next speaker Mr basabi go ahead please you have two minutes afternoon everyone state representative Fabian basabi nine Island Avenue uh I came here today on a personal reason um not to make it about politics but it came to my attention that there was a rumor being spread um that somehow defunded the Holocaust Memorial and in these times that is probably one of the most offensive things to me personally to the cities I represent and the State of Florida I'm coming here to correct it we haven't had a chance Mr Mayor to do some of the more ceremonial things but I assure you as your office knows record funding was delivered for the memorial and uh and I came here on top of that to present something to the commission and I'll put it in your hands Mr Mayor for the city um this is something that I did as a session gift in Tallahasse um I delivered personally by hand this book to every member of the House Senate and the governor's cabinet and it is titled the Jewish book of knowledge um it's a beautiful coffee table book actually uh the whole production was done by a fellow partner and leadership in our communities who is a commissioner in beay Harbor Islands uh as Rapaport who's become a good friend and advocate for common sense um I think if we can invite people to further educate themselves um if they can't make a I guess a human decision just on the actions of October 7th alone some people might not know their history or history at all um which is why we are always in consistently doomed to repeat ourselves um I think this book might be an asset to the city so um here thank you City attorney are we allowed to accept the gift thank you I actually would like to put this out sort of in the public uh reading room as people come in and this way anybody who comes into City Hall can come read it it's a beautiful book and I think people will gain a lot from it um and I know a lot of times people see me they're expecting a legislative update um it's just not ready um I know that there are aspects of the governor's agenda and uh and budget that might be available but we are not complete I'm still waiting on some things to be signed off on and I'll be back at the next commission with a more formal approach to that a comprehensive plan uh sorry um recap on everything for my first term and uh anyway good to see you all thank you representative basabi for coming in by the way I had not heard that rumor about the Holocaust Memorial so either I'm I'm out of the loop or it's it's a poorly spread rumor oh thank you well good I just then I nipped it in the butt early because it was just shocking to me and uh listen I you know know we all run well a lot of us run clean campaigns and we just try to keep it above board so let's make it about the work thank you good to see you all our next virtual speaker is Howard Weisner you have two minutes state your name and address please Howard Weisner at 1 Lincoln Road can you hear me yes okay great I've WR WR okay 77 year old I'll try to do this fast 77 year old Jewish male disabled living at 1340 Lincoln Road and I have a wife who's Asian and we have a seven-year-old Miracle daughter um we're not accepted by the Jewish uh because my wife's not Jewish and uh my daughter wants to be Jewish but she's having trouble at North Beach because there's a lot you know with all this anti-Semitism now nine years we've lived at this condo and here's the issue next door 1300 they have a bodega and they put in a loud noisy generator I've written you many times before the election and after because you and the commission most of them when they were coming around campaigning last year just get in touch with me if you have any problems well the problem problem is that the noise is in Miami Beach is not tested with a DBA tester other municipalities other countries they use a DBA tester to see if it's noisy but not in Miami Beach they have the building department send out a 20-year-old kid to see if it's working for five minutes and he says it's okay he doesn't test for noise because he doesn't live next door now I've been fighting with this board for years I used to be on the board I was vice president myself there's a new vice president I found out because I got an email by mistake she turns out it says Le is on to the mayor and the commission and that scared my wife because it had a picture of our balcony from across somebody took it from across the street on Lincoln Road we're on the top floor so they must have got somebody Mr I need you to start please say that again I need you to start concluding your your time is up but go ahead please the point is I got in touch with the ethics Department the commission and telling them about Gloria Campos is stalking me as a vice president and using her power with the mayor and the commission now the Commissioners don't write me anymore the mayor doesn't write me so I'm all alone and everybody here hates the Jews and Asians thank you sir so that's the problem I need help go ahead yeah Howard thank you for calling in um yeah you did you had reached out many many times on that noise generator issue which I had forward to the city Administration and I know people had looked into it uh obviously it's not resolved I don't recall receiving something from you recently and I apologize if I missed it um but um I know our city has looked into it and we admittedly have not been able to resolve your issue but I'm happy to try again um we do have a new city city manager and we'll we'll take fresh fresh look at it so thanks for calling in go ahead sir name address and you have two minutes my name is alexe aonan 1661 West Avenue I'm Russian born American citizen residents of Miami Beach I have a 50 ton Masters captain's license every Florida law enforcement agency has the authority to deal with DCT and at risk derel vessels in order to have them removed the definition of a derel and at risk derel vessels are clearly spelled out in Florida statues and the identification and removal process has been made easier there is funding from Florida w n CD agency as well as funding from the Florida legislature in addition they all have the authority to expect inspect vessels for compliant waste disposal this is all cutting access to Shore by the city of Miami Beach to liveboard non deril or at risk derel vessels means finding everyone guilty it is cruel inhumane and borderline barbaric practice I'd rather find 10 innocent people guilty than one guilty innocent Joseph Stalin thank you thank you sir our next speaker is Wayne Roberts Mr Roberts please go ahead you have two minutes I just want to state that uh when you folks were elected uh the new Commission and the um even in the past you I really respect Laura and I respect uh Kristen and I expect and I respect our mayor um Lauren uto was the important aspect that voters voted for and that's why you're in office and um I think you've done an exceptional job whether it was March Madness or uh the ridiculous uh uh protests against the state of Israel uh that blocked the convention center and millions of dollars of of commercial activity um against the principles of democracy and capitalism uh whether it was yelling at an elderly person shame shame shame in his face from from three inches away um that had nothing to do with the War uh and that young lady that came on with her demagoguery um I have to say that Iran Hamas Hezbollah and Assad killed 600,000 syrians in the past decade plac 12 million in permanent permanent uh uh relocation and uh that's half the population and starved a million people uh that's what we're dealing with and the same would have happened to Israel after October 7th if they did not stand guard and thank God for the United States thank God for Israel thank God for democracy thank you thank you please go ahead Sarah r s Harbor neighborhood association I want to bring up a an issue that we have in Santa Harbor we have still we have FPL lines running on 18th Street all the way up to Walton while the rest of the neighborhood was all under underr and I thought that the city had a a program that was moving most of the lines underground so I don't know if something is a they haven't looked at it for a while but all along 18th Street from Bay to Alon all all the lines are there I know they took it off in front of the towing companies because the new building that was being built they put everything underneath it but the other area is still sitting there out in sset Harbor we also support our 5j and Tanya tried very hard to actually we had hours in hours of meeting we tried so hard to actually get some type of compromise and that did not happen thank you have a nice day thank you and we'll follow up on the uh on the on the on the FPL thank you our next virtual speaker is gig Gutierrez please state your name address and you have two minutes good afternoon my name is Gigi Gutierrez and my address is 1051 uid I am a conflict resolution specialist mediator and Miami Beach resident I concerned about the conflicts on Miami Beach although I must acknowledge that they have significantly decreased over the recent months however I am addressing participation for the high season I'm I'm sorry I am addressing preparation for the high season and diversity of tourists one way we can prepare is by understanding how to deescalate from not only the perspective of law enforcement I'm talking about a wellth thought out plan by commission and its leaders given the 12 million diverse background of people that we have coming each year my solution is for the commission to take time to understand who is coming why and know their expectations as of now the bridge between locals and tourists as well as businesses and political leaders seem to be far apart so when we're when we talk about solving the problems on Miami Beach let's think in terms of conflict resolution and mediation thank you for your time my name is gig Gutierrez thank you our next virtual speaker is Miami Beach Boat Association please state your name address and you have two minutes caros Leon president of the Miami Beach voters Association I'm just calling um to ask and and as a human to stop harassing us every time with the agenda please we can't be we can't be doing this every month please leave us alone we don't do anything to you guys please stop harassing us even the commissioner's wife said that she she flew drones and took pictures of my wife the harassment to us is real we got a lawyer already we we don't want to go in litigation in federal court against you guys but you guys are forcing our hands please please reconsider stop harassing the voters please thank you sir our next virtual speaker is Andy Andy state your name address and you have two minutes hi uh my name is Andrew dley I work live at 1661 West Avenue um I'm calling in support of the Miami Beach voter Association uh R5 J violates the eth amendment excessive bail shall not be required nor excessive fines imposed nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted as this commission is aware the Supreme Court is currently hearing a case on a a similar City that tried to attack their homeless population the voters the reason the voters are living out there is because the city over decades has failed to implement affordable housing for its residents and now instead of wanting to address the issue the city is merely trying to illegally evict these residents the water rather than trying to work with them and trying to cut out off access to Food Water land and and necessary resources could be seen as a cruel unusual punishment in a court of law furthermore it violates the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that uh a group of individuals may not be targeted by a government agency um because they do not fit with the demographic of this city because they're lwi income because they're minorities because they're disabled and we find that we have a Moren field coming if the city's intention is to to work with the voters then let's work on the moing field but the reality is that none of those boats are going to leave when you cut off access to the dock and so you're not really solving any of the issues you're still going to have to look at boats outside of your condo every day you're only punishing the residents living on the boat and I believe it's very cruel and you should reconsider and wait for the M fields and the lawyers in the lawsuit that's coming I mean that's the the end goal and we'd rather work something out but if we have to settle this in court we will settle it thank you and finally to the public um if you'd like to donate to our cause go to gofundme.com myami Beach booters we've already raised $8,000 thank you sir your time is up my name is j FAS I uh on part of the Marine water from apprpriate Authority um we support uh unanimous uh art FJ that is the resolution David Suarez about the sunset ramp thank you thank you our next virtual speaker is Kenneth Barnes unmute yourself you have two minutes and state your name please yes my name is kenth bars and I live in Miami Florida I want to state that mayor Miner your hypocrisy drieth over I stood before you on two occasions and you said that we could not talk about anything political yet you have the audacity to bring in the council General to for your invocation and to talk about the idea I the life of me I do not understand how you can tell me that I have to shut up and you allow anybody that talks in favor of Israel or talks in favor of uh the war they have a right to speak and you don't interrupt them I don't understand you it's it's beyond my can that's all I can say I agree totally with what Nicole M said I think she stated it very accurately and for people to be criticizing her is also total hypocrisy so please reconsider what you're saying and pay attention to what you're saying how in the world can you allow can you silence those who disagree with you and allow those to speak who agree with you I'm sorry that is not democracy thank you thank you our next virtual speaker is Julie roselli please state your name address and you have two minutes hi my name is Julie relli H 100 midan Avenue I wanted to speak about the first street parking so my husband and I are both frontliners and we're proud residents of the Courts at South Beach uh for over a decade now I was recently informed that a representative of the board of the Courts at South Beach had sent a letter stating that the courts unanimously supported this project to reduce more than 50% of our parking on First Street as a resident as an an owner it concerns me I do not recall any board meetings to discuss our unanimous opinions as residents in the courts regarding this issue I do not believe all the courts unanimously support this decision as a resident of the courts whose balcony and windows Face First Street I can tell you there's rarely any parking vacancies on First Street unfortunately because of the work that my husband and I do in the hospital every day we are often unavailable for these types of meetings but I see now the importance of dedicating time to be involved in these decisions especially since they may negatively affect and hurt not only my family and friends but also are Miami Beach residents and local businesses thank you mayor and commission thank you so much our next speaker is Wally Moran you have two minutes please state your name and address please my name is Wally Moran out of Melbourne I'm the president of Cruisers rights network of North America um I'm here to address R5 J which is the um doc issue uh as my be as well aware you were sted in 2016 by Dr Michael tenzer on a Civil Rights Act for issuing an illegal ticket to the man the city of course lost it cost you $5,000 to settle with Mr um Mr Dr tenzer now what's coming up now with what the city has been doing with the voters who are anchored offshore who are legally anchored offshore there will be another civil rights lawsuit under the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and mayor Miner as a lawyer you certainly understand what this means every one of you is going to be sued okay not just the city every one of you and it's going to be an expensive expensive lawsuit to defend the city has said going to be putting on moring field why don't you stop the Bony and start working with the boers solving the issues getting the Ming field prepared allowing the people to use of the dock getting a pump out boat you have to do these things anyway but instead you're fighting and wasting people's times okay it's time to start building the Ming field it's time to start working with people who in perfectly good faith are trying to work with the city that's the only proper way to do it thanks for your time any of the City commissioners wish to discuss any of this with me you have my phone number and email thank you thank you our next virtual caller is in Cindy esel please state your name address and you have two minutes please yes hi good afternoon mayor and commission Cindy esil South the fifth resident I just wanted to thank you all for taking the time to thoughtfully talk about the First Street project as many of you know I've been through this project since the very beginning as an as an advocate for the neighborhood I'm not getting paid I'm just strictly as a volunteer I'm very concerned as you've heard um from my friend and neighbor Julie um and Paula Allen who live on that street and have been living through you know many years right there on First Street it is a process like Alex Fernandez said earlier in Joe magazine that has to be thoughtfully thought through so I appreciate you guys taking the time to look at options that are best for the entire community and lastly like Christian Rose and Gonzalez said we must consider uh both sides of the street so thank you again very much for looking out for all of us as residents because parking is important there's an estimated between 70 and 75 um unit owners in the courts that have one space I believe at last count there were 70 to 80 residential decals just from the courts the nearby Cosmo who has 200 units there were last time I checked a few years ago there were over 100 spaces of one unit in the Cosmo next door and I believe um close to 100 decals for residential Zone one which is south of fifth was about over 500 residential decals so I just ask that you guys continually to thoughtfully think this through from from all the angles that you're doing thank you so much for your time have a great day thank you so much we have Paula Allen is our next virtual speaker hi hello yeah this is Paula Allen uh thank you for letting me speak I want to speak to the First Street primarily the parking I think most people agree that we do need to have some you know the U flood mitigation Street flooding project go on I think the the thing is about how much parking we need and we need it all I just pulled in and the parking is at 110% with people trying to find a place out on First Street what I'd like to say as a counter to what I've heard some rhetoric is that oh but and the pictures that's been that have been portrayed are like 6:00 a.m. and you know midnight 11:00 p.m. and yes granted it's not at 100% capacity at at 6:00 a.m. 700 a.m. maybe midnight guess what neither is the link Road parking garage or any other City Garage does that mean we go tear them down because they're not 100% capacity on off hours they are at 100% during you know the daytime just like First Street so we need to keep the maximum parking and it's odd that the courts where I've lived since 2008 to my knowledge none of the actual owners the five board members 3 weeks ago on April 25th sent a email or correspondence to sopna in support of the angled parking and then supposedly yesterday again with no owners that I'm aware of without their input or you know Consulting the owners switched their position and said they unanimously support less parking so anyway as an as an owner and a person who lives here my daughter's Parks out on First Street my neighbors do um I'm I'm for the project going forward but keeping the maximum amount of parking we needed thank you thank you our last speaker is with a phone number ending in 6222 state your name address and you have two minutes phone number 6222 my name yes that's me hello go ahead please say my name Jose valador go ahead hello Jose go ahead please hello my name is Jose okay hello my name is Jose valador 1715 Cay Drive congratulations to all of you that I've met you're doing a great job I appreciate what you're doing two minutes North Beach parking we need North Beach parking decals over here because there are deric vehicles that sit there and they don't ever get moved people that Park boats and have boats out here they use those vehicles to move around and they sit for weeks on end Normandy Waterway I live on Normandy Waterway I'm a homeowner not an apartment since 1997 born and raised here Normandy Waterway is completely filled with vessels all day long jet skis all day long not respecting no wake as well as on City seaw walls on the corner of my property Trel Esplanade they are loading and unloading people all day constantly 10 or 15 people four or five times a day they're loading and unloading on City seaw walls all the time all over Byron carile excuse me Byron carile although I do support the fact to have a new Full Arch complex meaning different venues for the whole Community different ages adults children elderly everybody body building artist Workforce housing only on a place that should be a full art center one block from the beach 700,000 plus condo prices 50 units for with no parking for artists that have no work no job don't promote to the community but giving art which is great we have teachers police firefighters people that work for the city people that work for the county that do contribute sir work for hous thank you so much mayor 30 minutes has elapsed do you want to continue or do we have any more callers let's let's take them and then but nobody no further Whoever has their hands up we we'll call it yes sir thank you our next speaker is Michael leak state your name address and you have two minutes hi Michael lake at 1300 West Avenue my question to the mayor and to the Commissioners is when is the commissioner Suarez introduced r5q uh earlier in the year dealing with boat squatters abandoned boats and when will this be addressed by the committee thank you thank you our next speaker is Tim Carr Mr Carr you have two minutes please state your name address Mr car good afternoon mayor and Commissioners this is Tim car westf neighborhood association I'm calling today on behalf of support for R5 J again I've been an active member as our association working with you all and other community associations with the boter associations to try to come up with some resolution after many many hours and many meetings they continue to show no flexibility to be a part of the solution versus continued problem and nuisance for surrounding neighbors therefore today I would continue to recommend that we support R 5j due to the lack of flexibility and accountability thank you sir mayor that concludes subject thank you for everyone who called in let's try to get through uh some second reading items that uh usually go quickly r5b r5b is in ordance to the mayor and City Commissioner of city of M Florida amending chapter 2 of m city code entitle Administration by amending article three entitled agencies boards and committees by amending division one entitled generally by amending section 2-22 thereof entitled General requirements by creating SE subsection 2-22 subsection 24 to provide that in the event that an appointee to a city agency Bard committee who is engaged to provide services for compensation to either one a candidate for City elected office office or to a political committee or election arean communication organization expending funds for or against candidates for City elected office such engagement shall be deemed a tender of resignation from such City agency board committee and providing for repealer cability clarification and an effective date this is a second reading public hearing this is item r5b commissioner magazine and also co-sponsored by commissioner Suarez me and commissioner bot thank you Mr Mayor uh important item and I hope we all think about uh ways where we can look at election reform cleaning things up I don't think it's any secret there there's certain parts of our election process that is is just an icky feeling of sorts um I I think it blurs the lines of ethical unethical legal illegal um one way to clean this up and I want to not focus on the past but looking forward is if a member um of our community they have every right to get paid to participate in a legal fashion as part of the uh political process um the election process you know that that's governed by the legal system and they're free to do as they so choose however I don't think that they should be able to elevate their stature in our community and then go out and Market themselves uh to get paid to participate in our election process so essentially what this item does its second reading we explained it the first time is essentially if you are a sitting board member uh and you are being compensated for your participation in some sort of election campaign uh you are free to do that you just essentially resign your board seat thank you commissioner Fernandez thank you Mr Mayor and I I want to uh support the the intent of what is being presented here um I think you know individuals have EXP experience things through their through their campaigns through through their elections that may be the reason why this is before us um and I would say we already have a hard time feeling feeling a number of vacancies on these boards and committees um what I what I would say is that you know in Spanish there's this phrase you know you know you're are you're you are sacrificing you know the good people because of the sinner um I think there's investigative agencies that these individuals should be reported to if they're seeking to profit from from their uh Civic duties uh they should be reported to the inspector General's office they should be reported to the state attorney's office um and I made that urging at the the last time that this was heard that if this has occurred and it seemed to me that it had occurred that then it should be reported investigated and those people you know should be um you know sought to see whether whether they committed any any violations so you know as it is I think it's it's hard enough to fill a number of these vacancies um I think also you know we have people that work in this building that engage in campaigns you know um you know they either come they work for us after they engaged in a in a campaign or they engage in a campaign while they're working for for the city are we going to to prohibit that too you know that you know those are people who are actually receiving taxpayers dollars and then engaging in campaigns and I don't think that would be right either so I'm not going to support this today I I I understand your intent I think your intent is good but I think what we should really be doing is that when this is occurring they should be investigated by those law enforcement uh agencies and they found guilty then they need to pay uh their time to to to Society for it thank you I'll just remind the body here we have we need four votes for this and we have four sponsors so if anybody wants to make a motion in a second we're probably there Mr Mayor I'll make a motion I'll second commissioner Suarez is this going to be retroactive to the last campaign uh the last election cycle City attorney well can we make it can we make it uh retroactive to the last last election cycle for anyone who's gotten paid on the last election cycle can no longer serve on a board City attorney all right commissioner Rosen Gonzalez I was just going to say what commissioner bot said which that it's unnecessary and potentially punitive also generally under the law you cannot uh punish someone for a law that didn't exist at the time that it occurred but um but City attorney gave the opinion okay we have a motion and a second all in favor I uh so I didn't catch you made the the second and this is a public hearing uh no one in Zoom is there anyone in the audience okay so last mayor Dominguez yes commissioner Fernandez commissioner bot yes commissioner magazine yes commissioner Rosen Gonzalez commissioner Suarez yes mayor Miner yes okay r r5c r5c is a nance of the mayor and City Commission of the city of Mi Beach Forida amending chapter two of the code of the city of Mii Beach entitled Administration by amending article one entitled in general by creating section 2-2 thereof entitled alternative publication of legal notices to provide that in accordance with Section 50.0 311 Florida Statutes wherever the city code requires a legal advertisement or publication and a newspaper of General circulation the city May publicly may use publicly accessible website hosted by the counties as an alternative means of publishing notices and advertising except where in the new where the newspaper notice is otherwise required under the city Charter County Charter or county code and providing for repealers of ability codification and an effective date this is a second reading public hearing r5c PJ can you queue up the presentation this is sponsored by commissioner Suarez and uh co-sponsored by me yeah sure I don't think we need the slideshow um I just want to I want to bring to everyone's attention when in our committee of a whole uh we didn't get to Amendment s this is also was recommended uh unanimously by the charter review for for ordinances this particular to remind everyone is for meeting notices and resolutions and general election uh notices and so if I remember correctly this passed unanimously on first reading [Music] this is a public hearing I see no one in zoom and no one in the audience may I call the RO mayor yes sir yes commissioner I'm sorry commissioner Rosen Gonzalez yes commissioner bot begrudgingly yes vice mayor doming yes commissioner Suarez commissioner magazine yes commissioner Fernandez mayor Miner R r5d David yes sir r5d is an ed to the mayor of City Commission of the city of May beach of Florida amending the code of the city might be troa by amending the parking fee section of appendix a to the city code entitled fee schedule to standardize and simplify certain parking rates to in clarify in in inconsistencies in the fee for of removal of a parking space and providing for codification repealers sub ability at an effective date this is a second reading public hearing r5d commissioner bot um this I will turn this over to Jose to explain it in more detail but this is basically an administrative of cleanup um to make sure our laws are in compliance and uh manageable so we don't all of a sudden face parking charges that spiral out of control Jose take it away thank you commissioner good afternoon Mr Mayor Commissioners Jose Gonzalez Transportation director and interim parking director so as commissioner bot uh pointed out this ordinance accomplishes various things uh specifically it it standardizes and simplifies the rate structure for All City Garage GES and establishes a uniform structure for all the garages in South Beach would have the same rate structure and then the 42nd Street Garage would have a reduced uh Fair structure uh the ordinance also revises the private permanent removal uh fee for a parking space to make it equivalent to the fee in Le of parking uh I second commissioner bot's motion I think you have to make the motion first I'll I'll move it I mean I'll second it rather sorry and I'll just add that there was no change between first and second reading Mr City CL call this there's a public hearing I see no one in the audience and I see no one on Zoom uh I've been told that we have to make sure that we hit the mic on when we vote because otherwise they can't hear us so I will do it a little slower this time around so we can't go out of order that's the problem right so at least for now I'm going to repeat your vote until we get this correct commissioner bot yes commissioner bot is a yes commissioner Rosen Gonzalez yes commissioner Rosen Gonzalez is a yes commissioner Suarez yes commissioner Suarez is a yes vice mayor Dominguez yes vice mayor Dominguez is a yes commissioner Fernandez yes commissioner Fernandez is a yes commissioner magazine yes commissioner magazine is yes and mayor Miner mayor Miner is out uh motion is adopted the ordinance is adopted on second reading thank you next item will be r5e Mr City cler R5 mayor minor was a yes on r5d r5e is an order to the mayor City Commission of City of Miami Beach fla amending Part One subp Part B article 9 related related special acts of the Miami Beach city code entitled pension system for disability and retirement of members of police and fire departments by amending section 62 definitions relating to Actuarial assumption rates amending section 66 service and disability benefits generally related to the implementing the conclusive firefighter cancer presumption established by section 112.1 1816 of the Florida Statutes amending section 84 distribution limitation providing for inclusion of the federal secure act 2.0 Provisions providing for repealer of ability codification and and for an effective date this is a second reading public hearing it is item r5e welcome good afternoon mayor and commissioner Sonia Walther there are no changes between first and second reading excellent this is a administrative to clean up it's uh three items uh for the and police pension one is the secure act for uh the federal government changing the age retirement age the other is the Florida statute uh letting the language uh for the firefighter uh cancer presumption be included in the uh fire and police pinion plan and the other is an Actuarial change to the interest rate I'm impressed the staff today there no notes straight direct looking in the eye I'm very impressed thank you uh it we got a motion from commissioner bot second from commissioner Suarez take the vote this is a public hearing we have one individual on Zoom uh screen name guy for sure uh do you have are you speaking on item R5 e sir please unmute yourself okay PJ we're gonna I see that no one else uh may or may I call the role please may can you call the role yes please commissioner Suarez yes commissioner Suarez will a yes commissioner Rosen Gonzalez yes commissioner Rosen Gonzalez is a yes commissioner bot yes commissioner bot is a yes vice mayor Dominguez yes vice mayor Dominguez is a yes commissioner magazine yes commissioner magazine is a yes commissioner Fernandez yes commissioner Fernandez is a yes mayor minor yes motion passes the item is approved that's r5e let's go to r5a r5a is an ordinance of the mayor and City Commission the city of Miami Beach Florida amending chapter 7 of the city of the city Miami Beach resiliency code entitled zoning districts and regulations Article 2 District regulations division 6 rm3 residential multif family high-intensity section 7.2.6 point2 uses rm3 to adopt and or amend hours for the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages on premises at alcoholic beverage establishments in the area generally bounded by Collins Avenue on the West 72nd Street on the North 53rd Street on the south and the eastern boundary line of properties for fronting the east side of Collins Avenue on the East and providing for repealer catification cability at an effective date this is a first reading it is a public hearing it requires 5 SS vote it is item r5a sponsored by commissioner Fernandez co-sponsored by commissioner bot take it away thank you Mr Mayor uh simple item uh I'm going to keep my comments short on first rating but this is uh it would limit the uh sale and consumption of uh of alcohol Outdoors uh to 2 to 12:00 a.m. uh for for properties in the arm3 uh zoning District in the east side of Collins Avenue uh between uh 53rd and 72nd Street in essence to protect the quality of life of our residents who live in the condos in in those areas uh this is a concern that we can address through this policy and this is a first reading item and I'm happy to move the item we have a motion a second let's call the vote so I have a motion from commissioner Fernandez a second by commissioner Suarez uh it is a public hearing I see no one on zoom and I see no one in the audience so I will call the role commissioner Suarez yes commissioner sorz is a yes vice mayor Dominguez yes commissioner magazine yes and I'm not sure pressing the button but commissioner doming was a yes and commissioner magazine what was a yes yes commissioner Rosen Gonzalez yes commissioner Rosen Gonzalez who's a yes commissioner bot yes thank you commissioner Fernandez yes mayor Miner yes passes motion passes second reading public hearing is scheduled for July 24th that was item r5a 70 thank you Tom it's called r5f as in Frank r5f is repeal of the CDD Co living incentives and reduce TCC co- living cap this is an ordinance of the mayor and City Commission of the city of Mii Beach Florida amending the Miami Beach resiliency code by amending chapter 7 entitled zoning District regulations Article 2 entitled District regulations as section 7.2.1 entitled cd2 commercial medium intensity District as subsection 7.2.1 one.5 entitled Washington Avenue CD cd-2 by repealing Cold living units as an allowable use and eliminating all references to such and by amending section 7.2.4 entitled North Beach town center core District TC at up section 7.2.1 14.6 entitled Town Center Central core TCC District by reducing the maximum number of co-living units that may be built within the district and providing for codification repealer sh ability and an effective date this is a first reading public hearing the item requires 57s vote it is item r5f it's commissioner Fernandez item co-sponsored by commissioner bot commissioner magazine commissioner Suarez I'll make it easy for you I'm going to co-sponsor as well commissioner Fernandez you have the five votes I move the item a motion I think we got a motion from commissioner Fernandez and a second from commissioner bot there is no one in the audience who wishes speak neither in Zoom or in person I will call the role commissioner bot yes commissioner Rosen Gonzalez yes commissioner Rosa Gonzalez is a yes vice mayor Dominguez yes vice mayor Dominguez is a yes commissioner Fernandez yes commissioner Suarez yes commissioner magazine yes commissioner magazine is a yes mayor minor yes thank you 70 the item is approved sorry second reading public hearing is July 24th let's go to r5i r5i is in order to the mayor City Commission of the city of manro amending chapter 42 of the code of the city of Mii Beach entitled Emergency Services Article 2 entitled alarm systems division three entitled burglar alarms by amending section 4285 thereof entitled required equipment and an intrusion alarm to require calibration of motion detectors that generate outdoor sounds or verbal response and providing for repealers of ability qualification and an effective date this is a first reading it is item r5i commissioner Rosen Gonzalez my microphone isn't working at all oh now it's working it wasn't working two seconds ago is someone controlling that not me okay just sitting here hitting the button and nothing was happening now now it's okay um where are we oh uh this is the item that uh we heard a committee were upon in some single family homes even if you're walking on the sidewalk or you're walking across the street you hear this stop you are being recorded and what it's done is it's co-opted the sidewalk the street across the street and it's a an egregious kind of um noise pollution so um what we're doing here is kind of taking back our ability to walk down the sidewalk I understand that some people are concerned with Public Safety and if if you couldn't if you didn't hear it on our public sidewalk or the street or even across the street I think it'd be fine um I think everybody was on board with this at committee I don't think it was very controversial so okay I'm moving this right now and second sounds fun just one quick question fire chief Virgil fernandz any issues with this uh Mr Mayor no the fire department doesn't have an issue great okay so we have a motion and a second let's call the vote Yes sir so I have a motion by commissioner Rosen Gonzalez seconded by commissioner Fernandez commissioner Rosen Gonzales yes vice mayor Dominguez yes commissioner magazine yes commissioner bot yes commissioner Suarez yes commissioner schwar say a yes commissioner Fernandez yes mayor m yes motion passes second reading public hearing is scheduled for June 26 R5 J R5 J R5 J it is an ordinance of the mayor and City Commissioner of the city of Mi Beach Florida amending the code of the city of Mii Beach chapter 66 entitled Marine structures facilities and vessels article 3 entitled peers docks and boat ramps by amending section 66 d-107 entitled maintenance of public peers to be retitled uses of the Barry ctin boat ramp and Associated peers dos at Maurice Gib Park and to regulate the use of the baren boat ramp and all Associated peers docks at Maurice G Park providing for repeaters have ability catification and an effective date this is a first reading R5 J Commissioner Suarez uh PJ can you pull up the short video the short boat video please and then play it so oh I wanted to bring to everyone attention I pulled this from the police cameras at the Maurice Gib Park of how much activity goes on in a matter of hours in a single day and you can see here that this dock is being used as a hub for pickups and drop offs for what I think is just Charter activity and you'll see in a second um that here you go this is a jet ski operator and you can see there's like three jet skis running around they're doing donuts they're disrupting the boats at the uh Sunset Marina and this goes every 10 minutes this goes on at the U at the markid park and so uh this continues hour after hour I'm sure some of even the LI board's can attest to this here um there's there's a tremendous amount of of activities and and there's even a line for for charter boats to pick up and drop off uh people at this ramp um and you'll see as the video goes on that there's actually a U-Haul truck U-Haul truck bringing in jet skis into the ramp um here you here you can see that they're actually on the inside of the boat ramp um um and this this was going on all day and here's another boat like one boat actually hits a police boat believe it or not um when I saw this this was uh this was a Saturday Okay um and Y I want you guys to see the U-Haul truck that goes in with uh these these jet skis please please please yeah so PJ you could you can um you can cut the video so this boat ramp has become highly intensive beyond what it was originally intended for um there is constant illegal and unenforceable Charter activities at this boat ramp the South dock is currently being used as a parking lot for people's kayaks and paddle boards they actually tie up where there's no cleats to the um to the floating dock and PJ can you pull those pictures up please and here you can see this is one boat that's tied up to the the dock itself this dock is not intended for leaving your paddle boards overnight uh or for a long periods of time you can go to the next picture please you can see on this picture this this kayak has Barnacles on it and the growth on the Chain uh shows that it's been there for all very long time and there's even paddle boards and kayaks stacked on top of each other go next picture please and here if I don't know if you can zoom in PJ but this shows about half a dozen kayaks and paddle boards that are just docked there indefinitely okay you can you can cut the show uh PJ so this this boat ramp was intended as a residential boat launch not a Marina not a parking lot and certainly not a pickup and drop off Hub um the item that I put forward is going to limit the facilities that what they were originally intended for and for the purpose they best serve this item will limit both docks to launching and retrieving vessels only hiccups and drop offs would be prohibited as well as any temporary short-term docking the boat ramp will be limited the boat ramp will be limited to only Miami Beach residents the southern floating dock would be accessible to both residents and non-residents to accommodate Leisure access to the water you move it yeah commissioner Fernandes second take the vote see the hands there is it um I Mr City Deputy City attorney um Rob do you mind um refreshing our Collective memory of the um item that was passed in January or February about limiting commercial limiting use on public property so that people who are um using public points of access like this for um commercial use uh are in violation of our laws um so if you're picking up Charter people if you're doing jet ski rentals off of our public docks they are in violation of our laws and we can enforce against that and in addition to that um if people are tying up kayaks and boats and paddle boards to our dots the way the people who Park a legally can't we um tow those or you know impound those for a an effective parking violation uh yes thank you commissioner uh in answer to your questions yes it is currently illegal to use any of our facilities for commercial purposes and also there is currently a 20-minute limitation on docking at the marce Gib Park uh pier and floating dock so after 20 minutes they could be towed so um I don't know uh sorry so what could we do to better enforce the laws that are on our books I mean we saw ample video of people doing things that are illegal and so can we not just have a code officer there kind of stationed and and require documentation and um write them up for violating our laws right and that's for the I'm sorry hernand cardino code compliance that's a further discussion we have to have about who's actually going to be at that Maurice boat ramp where there going to be a park ranger as a dock Master function or a code compliance officer we have not had Code Compliance there at that R yeah so the the notion of a doc master um was something that David my colleague David Suarez commissioner Suarez I'm so used to calling everybody by their first names I'm very bad at the commissioner and director and so I apologize that for not getting the formalities correct but um commissioner is um uh offered to do a meeting with the voters which a number of us attended and spent three and a half hours or four and a half hours trying to reach a compromise to get to the possibility of having a doc Master precisely for these purposes and um we were unable to get there so the doc Master issue or possibility has been precluded so that now puts it to is it's code is it police is IT Park Rangers who who has the authority and how soon can we get that in place um you know there are people who are doing things that are not in compliance with our city laws and that's not okay it's for in my view it's fine for people to live here any kind of person to live here um in any manner they choose so long as they are compliant with our laws and what I see is that people who are choosing to live here in an unusual manner that is perfectly legal are not complying with our city laws and so that's the behavior that I would like to stop so I would respectfully move to defer this item and give us a chance to try to find a a different solution that would allow um our city to put together a better uh enforcement mechanism and we can see how that um takes effect and give it two or three months and if we see that things are not improved then we can bring this back and and vote on it Mr Mayor commission the guys yeah for some reason the the uh order keeps getting cleared and then I keep getting kicked off but I've been next for a while um let's go back to the old system thank you so much uh I really appreciate this um I would be inclined to support commissioner bot's item because I had a number of questions the video showed clear violations and in watching that video I think I saw one dinghy so that's what would concern me if people that have Miami Beach addresses they live legally at this time in our Waters why would they be included as being illegal the charters those bad jet skis all of that other stuff clear um and then my other question was on the fines um I guess at C the fines are different um if you're on land you get a parking ticket is $36 but at sea if you get a ticket it's a thousand like where did that number come from is it in line with what other um municipalities do it just seemed awfully high so um is that a question for Rob Rob legal please the the fines can be any amount you want up to and including the current fines which are 15 and 15 I'm sorry2 and $5,000 which are the maximum allowed under state law so it automatically went to the very top nothing what municipalities do off the mar are we uh I think my impression is no my impression is that others do less but I haven't specifically research that um Mr Mayor commissioner Suarez yeah the issue with enforcement it's it's almost impossible to enforce I mean people show up they say hey we're friends and there's nothing that a code officer can can do about that and and again I think what we're missing in light of the fact of is that the boat ramp is not intended for a pickup and drop off regardless if it's commercial or non-commercial it's a boat launch it's a boat ramp this was unanimously approved by the Marine water protection uh Authority this was unanimous unanimously approved by Sunset Harbor Association this was unan unanimously approved by West Avenue Association this is um an ordinance that has been long time coming and it is much needed for this area and so again the intent of this is to severely limit the the intense use of this boat ramp it's not a hug it's not a marina it's not a parking lot it's being used and abused by certain people Charters and you name it to use our services and access land for free and there is plenty of other places on Miami Beach where you can access and pay a fee just as we all do we all pay our way to live in Miami Beach commissioner magazine you Mr Mayor I was just going to say I believe that there's a motion on the floor to move forward yeah there I thought commissioner Fernandez made the first motion well motion def well motion to defer I believe takes precedence precedence but I'll turn to City attorney was there a second to the motion to defer yes let's take that vote on the motion to defer we're going to take a vote by the way this is a first reading so there's still a even if this passes today there's a second reading let's take the vote on the motion to defer on the motion to defer do you want to make it a roll call or just Voice vote sure okay so on the motion to defer the purpose I guess of the motion to defer is to see that the city Administration can find ways of more I guess adequately enforcing the activity that's going on there is that correct to the maker of the motion thank you um yes because not even adequately there just hasn't been any yet so it may well bear out that it is difficult to enforce because people are not showing their btrs or claiming that they're personal friends but we haven't even tried yet so I think we need to give that if if the the desired action is to curb the activity there that goes a long way really I okay now I can talk okay I got that but this is a first reading item you know this this still needs to come back a second reading the reality is that the amount of resources that we would have to have there I mean it's going to have to be there 24 hours a day to to to to be able to enforce this this is a residential area of our city this is where our residents this is like one of the few areas of our city that our residents can actually enjoy you know um and it's being used for non-residential purposes it it it it is it is being over it's being over oversaturated with this activity that is commercial activity and what stands out to me in this language is that it's for noncommercial activity that is what stands out to me this is for non-commercial so we're saying that you know residential activity can can keep up can keep on there the only other type of activity that seems to me that would be allowed there in any substantial way would be you know a public use like a water taxi that we've already approved but other than that I don't have an issue limiting the activity there to non-commercial uses I think I think that's reasonable and and and the reality is that our the reality the reality is that you know we've been discussing this for a long time to defer this for more enfor for more you know for a plan on greater enforcement well that can happen between first and second reading we we should always aim to have better enforcement uh and the administration can come forward with a plan for enforcing the activities that are going on there between first and second reading oh um so there is going to have to be enforcement anyhow because regardless of um whether this deferral passes or or commissioner sares motion passes nobody who does illegally operating businesses now is going to know or frankly care so um we're gonna have to as a city figure that out anyhow sooner rather than later so that's one thing second thing is um if if this is coming back for second reading in a month we're not going to have time to really test the waters I mean is it coming back in rafhael maybe you know is it come back would it come back for a second reading June or July June June 26 right now so can can we split the baby can we push it for a second reading on July whatever the July 24th well first let's deal we have a motion to defer in a second on the table so we got to vote on that first but I'm saying we could push it okay but may I just ask one one question Madam city manager would that give your team enough time to do a quick you like figure out how we're going to do enforcement you you have the ability to override it it's not no but I'll I'll add you I'll add you give me a second okay there we go uh I think that would give us adequate time to come up with uh ways to augment our existing enforcement strategy so we come back to July for a second reading so we can advance on first reading today and then second reading July I'm sorry my mik commissioner Suarez I think we're losing sight of the fact of what this ramp was intended for this ramp was not intended to be a hub or a marina uh again we are going to limit this ramp to just launching and retrieving vessels that's what it's meant for we can pass this on first reading but again as far as enforcement goes there all there's already a park ranger officer there five days a week and he oversees this and there is there's nothing that's going to be able to happen short of an ordinance that says there's no pickups and drop offs allowed because again this is happening everywhere in Miami Beach it's going to happen at the easiest place which is a finger Pier at the uh Maurice Park so uh excuse me can can we can we come can we wait for our turn to speak please so um look deferring this the first reading is it's not going to do anything I'm I'm telling you that uh as far as an enforcement angle you can ask hernon that it's going to be almost impossible no matter how many resources you put at it it's not going to change anything the in the easiest way where it's not going to cost taxpayer dollars to put two or three different bodies there to enforce it 247 is to just limit pickups and drop offs okay even though this is not a public hearing Carlos you've been so invested in this I did I did promise you I'm going to give you the opportunity please keep it I I will I'll call you then I you were not I didn't see I don't see your name in the queue but I will call you sorry if I didn't see it Carlos please no attack that they'll taunt you know anybody who's trying to enforce them just by being 10 feet offshore and literally like call in and and you know like say you can't get us because we're you know we're floating so I mean it's it's it's a it's problematic and it's also dangerous um it's dangerous cuz you're renting jet skis to people off that dock that don't even know have never been on a jet ski before so there's liability I believe involved in it too Carlos hello thank you mayor um very quick it's sad that I'm just watching now everything is Shifting to Charters because the thingies and everything didn't work out but with this vote the consequences is us we can't get to land now we cannot get to land if I can't put my dog in the dingy and get to the marina and leave them with my wife and I don't care I'm doing what I'm doing I have to I have to dress like this tie my dingy off of off of a a moing and paddle board and wish I don't fall in the water and get wet that's what I need to do it's sad now that you guys want to restrict us more and take us the 20 minutes that is there it the commercial use that's not our fault you guys can put something there to control the commercial use but that's not us we're not doing commercial use there so please reconsider defer the two months try to get somebody to stop the illegal Charters picking up people there where are we going to park where to come here how am I going to get here if I can't leave my my dingy or my wife in the Marine okay thank you we we have a no please please please we have a motion and a second to defer let's call call a vote to deferred to July 24th commissioner bot this is to defer the item itself correct yes so all in favor that's why I think you need to do a voice for it's going to be a close I think commissioner bot I commissioner Dominguez yes commissioner Fernandez commissioner Rosen Gonzalez commissioner magazine commissioner Suarez no commissioner mayor Miner no the item fails so now we have the motion in a second on the R5 J and I did we agree that we'll bring this back for second reading in July okay let's call the vote okay so I have a motion for by commissioner Suarez a seconded by commissioner Fernandez and the second reading would be for July 24th vice mayor Dominguez commissioner bot no commissioner Rosen Gonzalez yes commissioner swarz yes commissioner Fernandez yes commissioner magazine yes mayor Miner yes motion passes 52 second reading public hearing is scheduled for July 24th this is item R5 J it's call r7e R7 e is accept recommendation engage consultant to assist development RFP analysis Financial impacts it is a public works item r7e people it's welcome back Joe the item before you is is a to to um it's a resolution to to to support the recommendation um to move forward with a to to hire a consultant to assist us with the RFP um for the waste holler item and in the memo that we detailed for you there were seven specific uh recommendations that uh were stated now I'd like to point out a couple of things um if you recall all uh Mr Mayor and Commissioners uh on at the January uh the January 31st uh commission meeting this item was referred to FK to the FK March 22nd meeting in the meantime at the March 13th uh 2024 commission meeting the commission voted unanimously 70 to to to cancel the RF to cancel the RFQ for the non-exclusive waste haulers and to move forward with the selection uh to to move for with the preparation of an RFP for the single hauler mayor just yes one second um what's your recommendation our our recommendation uh at this point obviously and that's subject to consensus from the commission but would be to move forward with letting us proceed with hiring a consultant to assist the administration in preparing the RFP for the single huler and I know it's in the member but what's the cost uh the consultant would be under $100,000 sir uh commissioner Dominguez thank you um so this item first came up uh in December and then was voted on about nine weeks ago and it passed 70 now um we currently have a multi- huler system and it's in a hybrid model so it was so important that we voted on a single holler now uh the Inspector General did a whole report on it and gave a lot of really good nuggets I know that the lobbyist and people that represent the waist haulers who are sitting here right now have been contacting the commission and confusing them and the reason why is the contract for these multi haulers the hybrid system that we have now ended in October of 2022 so they've been working month to month and the longer they can sew confusion and keep them month to month it's bad for the residents and it's bad for the city so I am thrilled to hear Joe Gomez uh proceed for us to move forward with the single hauler system and getting the RFP and um that's what I have to say thank you well you raised a good point it was a 7-0 vote Mr uh actually commissioner were you in the queue sorry then commissioner Fernandez what I'll say is is I have a general pre premise for business life competition is good uh I haven't talked to any lobbyist or constituent for Waste H holder for more than maybe a minute and a half in the past three four five months I'm not confused about the issue that's my basic General thought that competition usually yields the better results uh that certainly is not planted in my brain from any type of lobbyist yes uh competition comes at the RFP process um that's something that uh will be done robustly and the city believes in it so did the IG and I believe in it too healthy debate commissioner Fernandez thank you Mr Mayor uh I also do believe that um our city is a city that has unique needs in different areas there are parts of our city in which a single holler might be ideal given the unique aspects of it you have Alleyways you have narrow streets you may have you may have more um more transient uses that might necessitate other other types of services and then you have the rest of of the city uh where um where where hybrid uh option might be better where um where the competition should occur at the consumer level and not at the city commission level um and so and so I just want to make sure because what I heard uh here and what I heard commissioner Dominguez say was that this was moving forward only to study the uh single uh holler model I just want to make sure that we are still within the recommendation of I was uh moved at the finance committee which was to also consider a hybrid model where you may have a single holler option for a portion of the city that may have very unique needs while maintaining uh multi holler uh competitive system for the rest of the city so through the attorney I just want to make sure that that is still in the item I well he's turning on his mic I'll jump in real quick we currently have a hybrid multi- huler system so no that's not in the item the item is to move forward with a single huler system and that's what the city that's what we voted on 70 well I will regain the floor because then I'm concerned because then the item that's on the agenda is wrong the item says I mean I I mean I'm going to answer my own question the mayor and City commission hereby accept the recommendation of the finance and economic resiliency committee and it's March 22nd 2024 meeting and directing staff to engage with a new consultant to assist with the development of the RFP including analysis of potential Financial impacts for fiscal year 2025 Beyond related to additional City added responsibilities number two a hybrid option and number three waste holler systems used in other similarly unique coastal cities so I'm hearing two different things the directive in the piece of legislation is to consider a hybrid model but then I'm hearing on the day is something else so I need clarification from the city attorney on what it is that the city commission is taking acum commissioner Dominguez standing with the um uh discussions with the city Administration and the City attorney is that the finance department did not have um uh the authority to change the resolution because the resolution was clearly changing it from hybrid to single um so if the finance department is saying we need to go back to hybrid or keep hybrid that's a different resolution than what was past 70 Mr City attorney sure so I'm gonna I'm gonna regain the floor uh so not the fin commissioner Fernandez you're recognized thank you Mr Mayor Finance the finance committee has the authority to make recommendations to the city commission and the recommendation of the finance committee uh at its at its um at at one of its recent meetings uh was to move to move back to the city commission uh that the consultant uh consider a hybrid model that was the motion of the finance committee a committee doesn't have the authority to make a recommendation to the city commission that the city commission can then accept because then what's the whole point of having committees Mr attorney through the mayor okay the finance committee made a recommendation which is advisory to the commission so the commission needs to take into account that recommendation the commission could decide to accept the recommendation the commission commission could decide to reject it the commission could decide to accept portions of it um or not mayor yes that's the item that's before us today reflects the recommendation of the finance committee that is the resolution that is before the body properly adverti and notice in the agenda of the city commission yes the recommendation of the finan committee was properly made there was no infirmity with it but it is not binding on the commission that of course understood understood okay and that maintains then you know the the the consultant look you know considering the single huler but also the multi- huler where where the consumer would would have the ability to uh to you know negotiate and compete and all that that was the finance committee's recommendation yes thank you Mr attorney thank you Mr Mayor Mr Mayor commissioner Dominguez okay um so rather than have um the lobbyist continue to sew confusion on this item and allow us to move forward with the single huler system what I propose is that the city move forward um with the single huler system um and set out an RFP so that that we're not delayed as we have been since October 2022 um through through through the mayor um vice mayor just clarification um the part of the recommendation also was for us to secure or procure a consultant to assist us with the development of the RFP so I want to be clear that that that that's still the that's still what the body wants correct Mr Mayor commissioner Fernandez the item I just want to make sure that my colleague isn't confused the item that we have before us relates to a recommendation uh to for for the consultant Services we're not saying here you know whether whether we W to go one route or the other this is the consultant that is going to put together a study for for for the city if if I if I may mayor yes so I just want to make sure that we have Clarity and um staff uh has the proper direction to move forward I just but I'm sorry because I I had a question on the table and the question was what we have before us is is asking for for us to move forward with a consultant to help us develop an RFP that takes into account single holler and the consideration of of a hybrid but we're not tying our hands today to one model or the or the other we're just asking to let's go for forward with a with a consultant so is it that the consultant would put together a RFP for single hauler system as well as uh come up with an RFP for a hybrid model or is it is it just that the consultant will provide uh options and recommendations as it relates to a potential hybrid model I just want to make sure we have the clarity necessary to move forward appropriately with the consultant because at commission there was a 70 vote and then 9 days later at finance committee the the hybrid model came into play so I want us to be able to move forward and do whatever is the will of the commission I just want to make sure we have Clarity on what that is and so that we you know task the consultant appropriately and not waste City funds yeah if I could chime in for a moment so my understanding of this and please City attorney uh Rick please correct me if I'm wrong we voted 7 Zer a body to go to a single Haller sister system Citywide the finance committee then came up with a proposal that could potentially make for a hybrid system and multi- hallers for certain parts of the city but that is not that is not legislation passed by our commission we would have to then change our vote from a 7-0 vote from my perspective we passed it 7-0 that is the law of the city right now so we need to consider that if we want to change that that's can I ask you a question Mr may please let's say for instance uh this was an alcohol item and we said uh the commission votes to send to land use committee reducing alcohol hours along West Avenue from 5:00 a.m. to 2 am and we had discussion at committee and we said yes we're going to roll back alcohol hours but given some of the needs and feedback from residents we're actually going to say we're making a recommendation to have those alcohol hours at 230 year 3:00 a.m. would then that be able to be brought back to Commission because that that's essentially what we're doing here where we discussed the item and provided feedback and I'm not tied one way or another I'm like commissioner Fernandez I'm somewhat indifferent and I just think more options that we get back to evaluate uh the better but that's how I'm essentially viewing things is we moved the item to be heard uh Direction steered um in one way some somebody suggested okay we'll go primarily overwhelmingly towards a single H holder but there could be commercial interests in large multif family buildings that also have the multi as part of their option and that's kind of where we settled of at least wanting to hear back those options on the RFP I think that was a question for Rick so to commissioner Magazine's point this body voted 70 to go single holler at the committee some members decided that it might be a good idea to have other options and the recommendation that came back was to hire a consultant who would be hired in any event to help with the RFP but to hire a consultant that would also include some of these other options that could be hybrid so now the finance committee has made a recommendation this body needs to decide whether to move forward with the recommendation of the finance committee or modify it in some way I have a question for do you believe it's in the best interests of your department and the city to have a consultant here uh Mr Mayor we spent uh almost two years looking at the the non-exclusive model uh and at the end after after concluding first that it was accepted and then it was rejected I think at this point our recommendation is we've need we need to move forward with Clarity and at this point we should move forward with the single hauler and let us let us work with the consultant with come up with specific recommendations that are tailored to that RFP for the single hauler so just to to clarify you do want the consultant though that is your preference that we we were going to request the consultant to help us uh put the RFP together I think at this point we just want to move forward because we're on a month-to month we have been on a month-to month for at least almost a year now and it it's time is of the essence we really need to get this moving is it your preference for the consultant to focus on the single hauler or would you want the consultant to also review hybrid options the the the the the and I've had conversations with with our sanitation team the the the complication is if you go with a hybrid option um you're basically then going to have an RFQ for some sort of a hybrid because you can't have that under the single huler uh uh uh RFP so either we we choose the single Hall RFP and we move forward with that or then we go back to score one and and I think after almost two years I think we we've we' we've made the choice and this commission has made the choice M if I could just finish yeah so I agree it was a 7-0 vote unless obviously PE uh some of my colleagues have a different frame of mind now but sounds to me that what I would prefer is today we approve the use of the consultant but not go along with the other parts of this resolution which call for the consultant to review hybrid options and um looking at other hybrid options in in coastal cities I mean I I don't think that's contemplated by what you're saying I issue of looking at other coastal cities I I I don't there's nothing with looking at what other Coastal how they're doing uh rfps for single haulers there's nothing I think we can we can certainly task the the Consultants to do that but the the hybrid model is going to get complicated because at some point we're then going to have to split the baby and then we're going to go back to score one and we're in the meantime we're still month-to month and then we're going to have to figure out how we're going to partition that that that Hybrid part from the single hauler part and again uh it's just going to be extremely complicated and I think the decision has been made yeah that would be my preference so basically adopt this resolution without the hybrid option okay commissioner Fernandez thank you Mr Mayor and so I just want the public to realize that what's what's going on today we're taking away consumer option we're taking away from the taxpayers who who who elected us we're taking away from them the ability to decide who they want to be their provider of uh of of way bed uh waste hauling uh Services uh we're taking away from them the ability to compete for the best deal out there uh this body could end up imposing upon the consumer uh rate increases that the moment that it comes time to consider those rate increases what's going to end up happening is that we're going to end up deferring and deferring and deferring and deferring and sending things back to back back back to committee um I think having differences of opinion on this on this on the route to to go down I think having differences of of opinion on what might ultimately be be better for for residents whether whether competition at the consumer level or competition at the day is it's not confusion it's unfortunately it's unfortunate that a colleague of ours would manipulated into that uh I think I think it's it's it's ultimately uh just a different view it's a it's it's a view of what do we prefer negotiating these uh things on behalf of of the consumer or do we prefer the consumer to negotiate it and if there's a rate increase then be able to go to another waste hauler and see if that that wayte holler is able to give them a better deal I never want to be in a position where I'm taking away options for competition from those residents uh who I represent and I never want to be in a position where I have to pass down to our residents uh uh um a rate increase but undoubtedly with a single huler option that it seems like today this this would do um it it's what will ultimately happen we're going to be positioning ourselves to do that and I just know us when it comes time to approve those uh passing that along to the consumers we're all going to get cold feed and we're not going to want to take action and we're just going to end up deferring and deferring and deferring how we do with other things when we're going to eliminate parking we end up deferring and deferring and we don't have the will to to make that decision so I'm just putting it there for the record for the public to see what's going on I'll let commissioner Dominguez uh defend herself I would just ask that we not make attacks against other Commissioners and what their motivations may be I will reiterate though this was a 70 vote at this commission 70 and now we're literally Rel litigating this over and over again which is one of the reasons why it's making it very difficult for me and us to get through items on the agenda I'd like to finish this up let's call the vote but this was a 7-0 vote for single hauler there were many reasons for it we've we've rehashed this over and over again and there are many reasons including the traffic on our streets and and U and and and the the additional trucks that multi- haulers I mean there's different reasons whether you agree or not but it was a 7 zero vote commissioner Dominguez okay um I just want to clear uh the attack that I just received I'm not misrepresenting or misleading the public I firmly believe in the single huler system when Mark was a commissioner I remember this item came up and he received at least 100 emails of complaints from people in M multif family homes and businesses who wanted the single huler system and last year this started again um because we kept delaying making a decision on whether to do multi or single we currently have multi huler and it's not working we do have a single huler system for single family homes and it works well well um I never received complaints on that and for the single hauler in multif family homes and businesses it's not going to be a rubber stamp it's going to be tailored with pricing for each of the buildings according to their needs so this is something really important uh it did pass 70 the first time around and I'm excited to get this over the Finish Line um so as a member of the finance committee and as somebody who did vote before that to um go to single hall or um uh in part of the 70er vote I don't care which way it is because you can make a good case with good um with good operators for a very productive and responsive system in either the multi uh hauler or the single hauler model so either way it will be incumbent on us the city the administration to negotiate the very best deal for our residents and make sure that whoever wins the um the the the contract is responsive is responsible is attentive so it is that's our job collectively the staff and us up here I I remember the conversation the finance committee because there was a robust discussion about maybe there's a way to look at this a different way and it was um it was a a genuine conversation of maybe we can find a way to do all things for all people but given that we've been on this for so many years and and I I I hear you commissioner Fernandez I I respect the fact that you were trying to look out for our residents and nobody's going to want to hand out a contract to people who won't do a good job but given how long we've been at this I mean when the fact that that Laura was first introduced to this through commissioner samin's um tenure on the deis we've had we just need to fish or cut bait on this in my view and so um with with with difference to your with with paying respect to your concern I do think we should move this forward um and direct the administration to go prepare an RFP for single haulers and just have it be on us to make sure we get the very best vendor doing the very best service at the very best prices uh for our city and for residents can you make a motion I just did oh thank you sorry Miss said second if nobody did actually I had commissioner Dominguez made the motion originally and commissioner B will I'll make you a second perfect so it is a there's a lot of things going on right now and I'm a little confused on what's going on there's there seems to be some flip-flopping there's either the finance committee voted 4 Z we originally voted which I sponsored but now this is getting really confusing can we can we defer this to to the next month please and then we get a just 30 more days we're doing it for projects that have been around for years uh can we move this just one month to get a better lay of the land I'm gonna vote no to that but you need a second first I'm ready to speak commissioner Rosen Gonzalez thank commissioner Fernandez so what took place at committee was the following we decided my big concern was that smaller buildings and residents were protected that they were protected in the larger buildings that they were protected and the smaller buildings um that said I'm not going to impose on the fountain blue somebody that they've been working with for many years I'm not going to tell them who their hauler needs to be because they're big boys their commercial interests that is not my interest so they gave a lot of concessions they said that we could terminate the contract um for convenience correct when we initially did this that was under the non-exclusive AR under the non-exclusive they said that they could ter the residents could terminate for convenience we said that you know if there were any legal problems you know they they they they gave a lot of concessions so I was okay if we kept the residential um if we kept the residential if we kept the residents protected I'm fine and I will vote for the hybrid simply because once I sat down and started talking to business interest some of these people have had their commercial routes since like 1985 1980 I'm not putting people people out of business either but I had to really sit down and it was not fun no offense guys talk to all these wasti haulers to kind of get their perspective so that I could do the best thing for the residents and make sure that they were protected because I have a single hauler system and I would like every resident to be protected I don't think it gets confusing when you have residential and Commercial residence single hauler commercial they can pick who they want and they can fight their own legal battles so that's kind of where I am on this because I think that that's the fair thing to do um and I don't you know so I'd like to hear from the body I think it was pretty clear we had a conversation we all agreed that this was probably a great model um residential versus commercial so I mean that's where we are thank you m Vice chair if I may commission thank you madam Vice chair vice mayor not Vice chair vice mayor um so I just I just want to know at at committee what was the vote at at committee Mr clerk was it a unanimous I don't attend the committee so I don't it was a unanimous vote of the committee that means at committee a majority of the city commission agreed with this at committee and then now you know there's there's there there's a difference in in vote again I I agree with with what my colleague uh commissioner Rosen Gonzalez has mentioned uh about this it's not it's it's it's it's about protecting consumer option is about allowing if you're a large condominium who am I to tell you who you have to use you know we've what's that I'm not I'm not on board for that I want even large condomiums if they have residence in them I want them to have to go through the city and the single that said if you are a commercial Enterprise you can use multier but that's a hybrid option that's a hybrid option I don't consider large one at a one at one at a time we're having a conversation we're not fighting or anything I don't consider oh okay there's an exception for that I don't I don't I don't consider um large Condominiums commercial because they're not it's a group of residents just living collectively together which does not make them a commercial interest that said If you're looking at the edenrock I don't want to tell the edenrock who they have to use if they've had the same contractor for 20 years I'm not getting involved in that because I you know I just don't know maybe it will be the same contractor maybe it won't I just I don't want to meddle in the business interest but I want to protect the residents so that's where I am yeah and so and and so that's where and thank you and I'll regain the floor from that I thank you you know it's it's still a hybrid option you know whether you consider the large Condominiums to be commercial or not is still it's still a hybrid option you know I I I I apologize to my colleague if she felt my comment was was an attack on on her on on commissioner Dominguez because my point was that you know that the confusion it's not confusion the industry is not trying to to confuse us we just have a difference on opinion on on what on what is best for for our consumers and so I'm more aligned with the thinking of commissioner Rosen Gonzalez you know whether whether Condominiums end up being considered commercial or not that's that's a different story uh but I just don't want to impose on the market they should have the ability to compete for the best price and for the company that is willing to really give them the best deal for their business and I and I believe in that type of open of competition thank you commissioner um I was in line so I just took the liberty go for it um I think I'm almost fully aligned with uh my colleagues sitting to my right commissioner Fernandez and Rosen Gonzalez even when we passed the 70 uh during one of our first and second commission meetings I think that was my reservation of who am I to go to Joe stonecrab who's uh been in business since longer than I've been alive and tell them who their uh trash collector should be and same thing applies to the Fountain Blue uh to the Eden Rock these are Big Boys and gals uh sophisticated entities and um I think they deserve that right to choose their own waist toer uh now whether large Condominiums are included in that I am indifferent bring bring that back is a okay sulan is for areas where you're not an expert on and this is an area where I'm not an expert uh so that's why I'm in favor of this okay we have a motion to Second so let's take that vote the motion is to adopt the resolution as presented in our agenda package removing the hybrid option am I correct City attorney no the motion was single huler and get the that's what I so I'm saying the resolution no it's okay removing the hybrid option that's the motion we have a second let's take the vote so as amended removing the hybrid option commissioner bot yes commissioner Dominguez yes commissioner Fernandez no commissioner Rosen Gonzalez can you come back to me okay commissioner magazine no commissioner Suarez no mayor Miner yes ended this one time with commissioner Rosen Gonzalez it is 4 to three the item fails so so yes you can somebody can make a motion a different motion we have a second let me ask let me ask a question this is a dual question I guess for Joe and City attorney if we go this route the commission legislation from last month still stands though we're still going to a single Hol system we'll just now have a consultant give us multi uh recommendations consultant will come back with recommendations for the RFP those will have to be vetted by the commission we'll present those and those will be vetted so all we're really doing is giving the consultant direction to move forward or or you could direct the consultant to give you options for single high with a high with with commercial components that are multi- huler and there are probably a lot of different options that they can come back with you probably don't want too many but but you may not want to develop the RFP until you decide whether you're going to divide between residential and Commercial as commissioner Rosen Gonzalez mentioned or the different alternative that commissioner Fernandez mentioned which is historical sections versus other other areas in town so I think there there still needs to be more clarity as to what this body wants and if I may Mr Mayor I think it's important to note that the consultant will provide will give them a time period to provide some recommendations and I think the FK item also said we would be coming back to FK I believe it was in September or October to to present that so it'll be vetted through the committee and at that point it'll come back to the full commission for the r before we even issue the RFP so we're we're we're some some months away from issuing an RFP we just want to be sure that we have the proper direction so that we can tell the consultant what they are going to be looking at commissioner Ro Rosen Gonzalez and let's take the vote also I I feel like I'm a little bit of a swingboat on this but I would like to hear from the larger Condominiums between now and then I would like to do some sort of Zoom meeting with large Condominiums Condominiums over what do we consider large over 25 units so that I can get the feedback from them see which waist haulers they're currently using find out what issues that they're having so that I can be better educated on this to make a final decision I don't know how my colleagues feel about doing a zoom meeting but I think it would really be beneficial to all of us to actually go and and go out to the community and say what do you think we're looking at either giving all of you one wayist taller or you can continue to choose your own because I don't really know so um would you guys be in favor of a zoom meeting so that I can get that information I don't think it should be too arous just what you want Joe another zoom on waste hauling but this will be a good one we have to I I need to speak to the associations and find out what they think it's fine with me let's take the vote so as is as presented on the on the agenda package r7e with direction to have a zoom meeting commissioner bot sure commissioner Dominguez it's our as is with direction to have an additional as meaning as written on the agenda to accept the mul it's a single hauler correct I'm sorry no it's it's a the consultant will review both single hauler and um and multi- waste hauler options so as is with direction for Zoom commissioner Dominguez is a yes commissioner Fernandez yes commissioner Rosen Gonzalez yes commissioner magazine yes commissioner Suarez oh my God mayor Miner yes the item is approved 70 r7e it's called R5 l so r5l right mayor yes r5l is an ordinance of the mayor City Commission of the city of Mii Beach florid amending the resiliency code of the city of Mii Beach at chapter 5 off street parking article 3 design standards at Division 10 parking garage design standards section 5. 310 subsection a general standards and chapter 7 zoning districts and regulations article one General to all zoning districts at division 6 parking screening standards section 7.1.6 point2 standards to allow for additional height and modified parking screening standards for main use parking garages located on Terminal Island and providing for codification repealers of a ility at an effective date this is a private application to is first reading the item requires 57s vote welcome Tom you're on you're on can everybody hear me yes the mic's on okay um this is a uh an ldr amendment but unlike probably 99% of the ldr Amendments that you've had in the past this is actually been filed by a private applicant and so I'm just going to give you a very brief overview of what the application is for in the process and then I'll turn it over to the private applicant under our ldrs um property owners are allowed to file a private application for an ldr amendment they file it directly with the planning board which is what happened in this particular instance and the proposal is twofold one it is to increase the maximum allowable height for standalone parking garages in the i1 district on Terminal Island currently that height limited is 40 ft and the applicant has proposed allowing us a main use parking garage to go up to 75 ft the other part of the amendment is to remove the mandatory requirement for active spaces along Waterfront portions of a main use Garage which in this particular instance since it's an industrial district would be consistent with the with the existing garage um this application was trans submitted with a favorable recommendation by the planning board on March 26 of 2024 by a vote of 5 to1 the other thing that's important to point out and we discussed this in the memo is that because main use parking garages don't have um an F requirement their overall size is regulated by height and setbacks so in this particular instance by increasing the maximum allowable Building height you are in effect increasing the size and mass of the building lastly um as part of the planning board um review process for this proposal our um transportation mobility department um did a thorough analysis of the applicants uh circulation and traffic analysis and concluded that it's not expected to have any negative impacts at the intersection of um the MacArthur Causeway and the entrance to terminal Island should this particular ordinance be adopted by the commission the applicant would still have to go back to the planning board for a cup revision to expand its existing garage as well as drb approval to add onto the garage if this is approved at first reading second reading would be set for July 24th 2024 and the administration recommends approval at first reading hello mayor good afternoon mayor members of the commission uh Madame interim City manager and Mr City attorney uh and in these beautiful new Chambers they look really quite nice uh niss casden and Chris pelis on behalf of the applicant here which is fiser Island Community Association which operates the ferry system both the uh G residents and and guests on the East the west side of terminal Island and on the west east side of terminal Island what we are talking about where the employees contractors and others use uh we have a presentation but I'd like to dispose of that unless you would like to see it because I think each and every one of you have been briefed about the reasons for this I'll say just two things number one this is about relieving traffic congestion and improving the efficiency of the Island's business operations right now uh because the garage cannot hold more cars there are many cars that have to go on the ferry to the is Island bringing over employees trades people and other people in fact as much as 80% of the cars that go to the island using the East Ferry would do not have to go there what's the significance of that as you have seen in the evidence we have shown you the traffic analysis as well what happens is when they're waiting to get on the ferry the cars back up they back up onto terminal Island Road blocking the Coast Guard entrance blocking entrance to our facilities blocking entrance to the city's maintenance facility and they sometimes back up onto the MacArthur Causeway impeding eastbound traffic so this is a the principal way of reducing traffic congestion caused by that by letting the cars park in the garage instead of having to wait and load on the ferry uh we have with us today the representatives of the Fisher Island Community Association who are here to speak as well as our traffic consultant but the only other point I'd like to make unless You' like to see our presentation is uh Captain Omen Heiser who is a commander of the Coast Guard base is here to address this issue as well Captain good afternoon uh I'm Captain Roger Omen Heiser I'm the commanding officer of the the Coast Guard base there ever since the East fery terminal was constructed uh the the traffic on occasion will back up as as this gentleman said and it impedes Coast Guard men and women women from coming and going to to the base and so that's a big problem for us so um I'm not here to say yay or nay for for this I'm simply here to say that I'm I'm in I'm in favor of any initiative that will relieve traffic congestion on Terminal aisle and what what do you base your assessment that this would do that if there's more capacity in that garage to absorb more traffic as opposed to queuing up in front of the entrance to the base I am in favor of that question I have niss I guess is my understanding and this came back from a few years ago already but now we're back now that there wasn't a benefit a public benefit offer to the city I to be honest I think there's some confusion I still have after a number of conversations with we've accepted that benefit what that benefit is what is the benefit that you're offering and can we solidify that it seems to me from the memo that it's a little vague and I'd like to know before we vote that there's something locked in well here's uh Mr Mayor uh the main public first of all this is a zoning item and as a zoning item is what is the appropriate zoning to deal with the city's needs in that particular area here the case is clear and unequivocal that traffic backup will be reduced if cars do not have to wait in a queue for the ferry that's the zoning reason for doing this and that is the public benefit for doing this we have had discussions with the city about the city potentially uh utilizing some of the spaces in the expanded garage uh as re six months ago we actually made a a comprehensive proposal to the city which we've uh frankly had not heard a response to that proposal uh in terms of improving the traffic situation on that island with the the lanes the that the cars feed in on as well as potentially using our parking we are ready willing and able to sit and talk with the city but that is a different issue than the zoning this is not sort of contract zoning you get you know you get you give us this you get that this is needed for traffic relief it's needed to it benefits not only us but it benefits the Coast Guard it benefits the city benefits the residents we've been endorsed in fact by the icon Brickle the icon condominium ass assciation John stim there's a letter in your package from them and we are more than happy to sit down with the city as we've always been to talk about uh working with the city in terms of improving the traffic situation potentially use of our garage but that really is not is disconnected from today's vote I I'm not sure why let's get to the Commissioners first if if you're answering my question yes Fisher isy Community Association is a large taxpayer to the city of Miami Beach maybe not as large as the fountain blue or certain others but it's a significant taxpayer of the city of Miami Beach it takes very very very little uh services from the city of Miami Beach um in terms of a public benefit if you're seeking for fiser Island Community Association to somehow compensate the city for the a good deed that is doing I I struggle to understand that and it seems to me that in the context of a zoning item the decision should be whether or not the zoning item makes sense for the neighborhood and the other uses that are there including the Coast Guard which is very necessary to service the city in a variety of ways and and the and the and the officers Cadets what you call them the captains Bo captains the your staff have to get to and from the base so so my take and and my my my thought for you to take your question head on is that to the extent that there's going to be a conversation about a public benefit the appropriate form for that would be when this item has to come back through design review board or something like that but it really shouldn't be your your measure for whether or not this item should pass or not well I'm I'm gonna be more direct because I'm not so far I haven't got an answer to my question this this item came up a couple years ago and a a commission which I was one of one of them did not pass it so now we're back and my question I guess directly is my understanding is I've never gotten an answer from you or the city Administration what that number is and right now I don't think it's on the table because once we approve it I'm sure you're working in good faith you're you're actually you're very credible you've always been true to your word but I'm assuming once we vote on this after second reading that offer will not be on the table it it's just not it's just realistic it's not going to be so I want to know how many spaces is being offered by the way we are giving we're giving we're going from 40t to 75 ft that is the city we're giving something up that is extremely valuable if I may to put it in proper context first of all the CD3 District allows 75 foot garages as a matter of right and other buildings are as well this is a industrial Zone and this is a facility that services the fery terminal that's there but let me get to the point about what you're saying we stand ready to discuss it with the city to we stood ready six months ago we stand ready today we stand ready between first and second reading and we stand ready after it's passed and as Mr zakel mentioned this has to go before the planning board for conditional use approval and the city can attach conditions to that it also has to go before the design review board we uh I think I distrib I think I sent to you a letter that we uh sent back in November to the city saying that we wanted to sit with the city discuss a comprehensive plan we talked about we have also verbally offered the use and not for free but the use of 50 because we have to build this garage uh and and and every space is needed uh 50 spaces We Stand ready willing and able to talk with the city about it we're ready to do that happy to do it between first and second reading but since we've actually been making this tender for over 6 months it's not quite Fair the uh the the 11th Hour the 11th minute before first reading to the for the first time say now this for the first time here from the city we don't want to necessarily move forward unless we have an arrangement so well in all fairness I raised the same issue two years ago and Mr Mayor I think you might have seen the letter we sent over 6 months ago 6 months ago and even before that but 6 months ago and in meetings before that we made a proposal to we made a excuse me for second we made a proposal to the city so we've been ready willing and able what's the number of spots that the mayor's requesting can someone tell me that can I I have an idea mayor well just um can I repeat a process okay the City attorney is telling me that contract zoning wise I just want to make sure that I so uh got it I didn't pick up on that so but I think it's an I think it's an important issue uh commissioner Rosen Gonzalez dependent of the fact that it is not appropriate to negotiate for something from the city at this moment independent of that we stand ready willing and able to talk with the city about accommodating the city's needs on a temporary or permanent basis commissioner Rosen Gonzalez so I met with I met with am I on yeah no no hello am hello okay I met with the fiser island Community Association and um I have a pretty decent public benefit that I'm working on right now so let me explain it to you to see if all of you agree when you're at any of the towers south of 5ifth or when you go by on the marina there's a square with these big green industrial oil barrels that's there and that is part of Miami Beach and that is owned by a company called trans montain none of us know that I'm not sure what the zoning on uh that site is but it's very unsightly and it's very ugly and it's very industrial so Fisher Island said well that doesn't belong to us that belongs to trans montine but on their side of the island Fisher Island uh put in shrubbery and blocked out this unsightly these unsightly green barrels now if we negotiate for the association to sit down with us and trans montine and we actually do have a meeting coming up with trans montine um if the fiser island Association would assume some of the expense of that landscaping and fencing so that our residents don't see that Industrial Area I think that that would be an excellent public benefit and that's what I would be working toward I actually reached out and spoke to um as you can see you did not have the approval today of the sofa board and the reason you don't have the approval is they are withholding their approval until we potentially have this meeting with trans montine so I have the meeting with trans Montaine I would much rather the city negotiate this than or well I think Nick is going to be present at the meeting anyway and we did inform the city manager about this but we would like to work together to get uh landscaping and some fencing over the green barrels which really the green oil tanker barrels which really shouldn't be there in the first place and if we do this um all of those Towers um along the marina and I don't know how many repres how many residents that represents in full but it's a probably 10,000 residents if not more um you know living in all of those that that I think would be the right negotiation between first and second reading and you know we can all come to the table trans montine can uh put some money forward the island Association can also help because they want to beautify their Island too and as you drive up to fiser Island those industrial uh green tanks look very unsightly um and it's the entrance if you will to you know the port so uh this could be a tremendous public benefit that many people will thank us for later I don't know how you feel about this but I think that that's what we should uh strive toward between first and second reading um if you want the zoning the extra parking spaces help us beautify that area commissioner Fernandez thank you Mr Mayor um clearly there's there's a traffic issue that uh that that could help be alleviated by the creation of more parking clearly if people don't have to queue to get it on a on a uh Ferry you know then you have less backup on on the cway so we can accommodate them instead in a garage I think we all benefit from that um but the reality is that you know this hasn't been approved in the past because it is a height increase uh it it it it could potentially have unintended impacts uh to to to the closest residents to there which is south of fifth for us it's it's south of fifth um I want to know what commitments are there going to be that if someone approaches them and says like at 11-11 Lincoln Road you know 11-11 Lincoln Road it's a garage but occasionally there are special events on that on that garage because it's there's beautiful views you know I'm wondering if this height increase is is granted uh you know will the private applicant profer uh and voluntarily agree not to have any type of uh activations or rooftop activations on the garage uh commissioner Fernandez uh and I do want to point out that icon Bickle has actually supported this because I think of its traffic benefits but to your question we will voluntarily profer uh that there will be no uh I think your words are your activities uh yeah no no no no activations other than for parking uh in the garage we will voluntarily profer that there will be no activations on the top of the garage other than par than re and and will the app and they don't that's not the this is a Comm a garage to service their employees and and and and uh but employees employees usually are come come during office hours but then at night you know what happens at night is said oh it's a it's a rooftop oh it has beautiful views of Miami Beach of the port of downtown so you know some nonprofit comes around the PTA wants to have an activity on the rooftop and you know we start to have parties sir that impacts people voluntarily profer that thank you how about uh screening does the does the a private applicant intend to provide screening on the added height to protect the uh neighborhoods from the infiltration of light from the vehicles this has to go before the design review board and I'm sure those issues will be addressed at the design review board level but given that my legislative AC ction and my vote here today is going to determine whe whether this will make its way to the drb or not I need to know today whether whether the applicant intends to provide the screening so you're saying that that the that the zoning should include uh screening of yes well would the applicant amend its application to provide for screening on the we will agree to an amend between first and second reading which would require that we provide screening absolutely thank you and um and as it relates to the top level of parking um does does the does does what is being done to control let's say vehicle noise emanating from the top level of parking in the past what we've seen is that the top level of parking when you have car there sometimes a clicking of the cars or the alarms can be a nuisance to people close by um will the will the applicant agree to do anything to uh cover uh to to to cover the rooftop again Comm this one though I think commissioner remember this also has to go for conditional use which specifically deals with things such as noise and uh uh uh lights and things of that sort I would respectfully request that that be part of the conditional use process I'm sure there will be conditions attached but we can always as part of the legislation you know we can always provide that that that that this that any that the parking garage you know parking garage you know must provide for a cover for for the top floor I mean that can be legislatively provided in in an ordinance can it not uh uh well are you a cover or noise mitigation are you looking for obviously the top level well well the intent of a cover would be for noise mitigation but or or if you have some other way I see our planning director is coming forward so I'll seek his guidance on how best to address this Mr Mooney yes through the mayor commissioner I just wanted to mention that um with regard to the covering of the rooftop portion under the code that's not considered an allowable height exception so that potentially could increase the overall height they could certainly you could certainly make that part of the ordinance it's just it would result in a taller building because we would have to measure the overall height to that new or we could make the cover a height exception or you could now but to do that that would be another section of the code that would have to be amended right um so and and so I would you know that's something that I would be looking for between first and second reading yeah the only thing I would say commissioner as long as we can stay on track for no later than a July 2nd reading because otherwise we go W well into the fall on the Cycles the city now is established and we want to get moving with this garage as fast as possible now to go back to some of the other points what I would like to see be between first and second reading is to see you know what else is the applicant willing to voluntarily profer is the applicant willing to make any voluntary profit to assist with with with the with the city's parking needs uh is the applicant willing to voluntarily uh agree to continue supporting the city's continuation of use of parking on FD uh rideways those are those are things that I need the applicant to consider um as you know between first and second reading whether they would voluntarily be willing to make any profit as it relate to those things or you know even even though right now we're not in a development agreement phase commissioner some of those are outside of zoning and the regulations with zoning and therefore I think run a foul of the contract zoning issue but as I as I've said before we stand committed and we have set in writing to the city and we've reached out we are we we are ready willing and able to talk with the city about accommodating the city's needs in that area including use of some parking with our our garage as well my but my concern is we need to be able to they need to sit down with us and have that discussion sure AB absolutely um but my concern is not only accommodating parking within the garage but the parking that the city uses an FDT right away and but that's not an appropriate condition for a zoning ordinance to say that we will agree not to comment on the FD use of the fdot right of way I think with due respect to Ma I think what we really need to do is get the city to sit with us so we can talk about the best plan for that island and the city's needs but my concern is that the moment this moves forward and we create legislation you all have the authority to go before a board that later on this body has no has no Authority we we are far from from two things number one if you look at the correspondence record you will see how we have reached out and we are always remain willing and able to to work with and we have to work with the city and we should work with the city there are neighbors on this but in addition to that we have to go before the planning board for a conditional use approval and the conditional use approval can look at a range of things uh affecting properties and that's really the appropriate place to to deal with that package of issues commissioner and we will under understood I just I just want to make sure um because the moment we approv this you have the ability after second reading to submit an application to the planning board and then it's out of our control whatever happens at the planning board happens at the planning board I can't appear at the planning board I can't speak to the planning board members I can't influence the planning board and so to the extent that I have a piece of legislation that is asking for a significant height increase that in the past the city commission has used it its legislative prerogative to to vote down I want to make sure I use my legislative prerogative to to defend the best interests of the city that I was elected to I just think we have to be careful in connection with the zoning not to attach things to the zoning that are not appropriate for the zoning that's thank you just want to conclude by by by saying that I just want to make sure that um that the city's interest on FDT RightWay to park on FDT RightWay is not jeopardized with the approval of this of this application that the city later be you know put in a position that is being told Hey listen we created this garage give up the right the FDL RightWay that the city uses for its operational needs and shift it over to to the garage commissioner Fernandez if I may let me say this what's before you today to alleviate the queuing that takes place is the thing that could help the city most because right now in their parking in that fdot right away and whether it continues or not if it continues when there's a queue that is backed up on Terminal Island Drive out on the MacArthur Causeway that can impact the ability of city employees to get to that parking or to leave that parking so if we're talking about helping the city in its immediate parking needs there's nothing they could do better than by approving this zoning Amendment today sure but I I want to hear from our from our Deputy city manager if I may through the mayor because we have critical operational needs uh for our facilities that are that are by there which involves the use the the the continued use of rway um and uh and if I if if I may recognize the the city manager through through the mayor on that FDL RightWay because I believe this is something that the city can't jeopardize losing you read my mind so before our Deputy city manager speaks to the fdot RightWay issue I do want to make sure that we recognize that as of today there is no guarantee that the additional height will absolutely mitigate the queuing issue it may cause more uh folks in vehicles to want to utilize the garage there may be less car pooling uh we have no certain pardon me mad manager that's absolutely not n niss please you'll have your opportunity not have absolute certainty that it will solve the m and mitigate the queuing issue and so uh we would definitely want to have have uh discussions to see if there are uh secondary strategies that if the queuing issue uh remained um post approval of the height increase that there would be some opportunity to remedy that Mr Mayor if I may respond you may and then we'll hear from Eric that statement is is absolutely incorrect there's nothing and I'll bring John McWilliams up our traffic expert there's nothing that will relieve traffic congestion more than that understand and we can show the video remember this is for employees and contractors and workers on the Island the island is virtually fully built out you know there 150 unit Condominiums left to be built uh this is for the people who were already going over to the island and 80% of those people uh do not I use that terminal do not need to go on the islands there are certain Tradesmen with their equipment or you know construction trucks that need to go there this is the most important mechanism for relieving traffic congestion there because those many if not most of those cars can go into the garage where there's not capacity I'd like to ask John McWilliams actually no I'm sorry no no offense we're not we're not I don't think that's we need to go there if one of the Commissioners wants to I'll I'll we'll we'll call them up by the way just from my own standpoint here we're repeating the arguments you've made your arguments everyone's making their arguments we're repeating I want to hear from the other Commissioners because ultimately we got to vote Eric you have the floor and then commissioner bot thank you mayor and and thank you to mayor casden for for bringing up the conversations that we've had over the course of probably the last year um we've had several meetings out on the site um we've exchanged correspondents on this my understanding of where we stood at last discussion was that the fiser island folks did feel like at certain times of the year they might have some excess parking capacity that they would be willing to make available able to the city for a you know reasonable fee um we unfortunately are concerned that that doesn't make up for the 365 day a year need that was part of the proposal that was circulated back in November which was to do away with the parking along the fdot rway so that's concern we we do have some concerns about our operational needs on the island we obviously have concerns about the operational needs of the Coast Guard um and we're willing and able to sit down and continue the conversations um ultimately we do think that the height and the additional parking in the garage will end up being a good thing at the end of the day but we also want to be able to be careful about unintended consequences commissioner bot um you know this has been going on for years and I know that we have a a quarterly cycle now and I appreciate your referencing that because it sort of clears away for other things that we can't get to in our regular commission meetings um but I would suggest that if it gets heard Now versus in three three or four months it's not the end of the world having said that commissioner Fernandez to your point um even if we were to sort of conditionally pass it at first reading with the understanding that there would be some heavy duty negotiation we can shut it down when it comes back right and so um true I would suggest that more important than profer some reasonably priced parking for a few days a year when it's convenient which isn't super helpful to us um and I have to say I love the argument it's not I'm picking on you mayor but I'm not really picking on you but you're not the only person who's mentioned this as uh when when asked about public benefits When the project being contemplated before the body is offered as the public benefit that always makes me kind of chuckle so um thank you for that laugh um it it's not it's not the the public benefit but what would be a public benefit and I'm not trying to NE negotiate anything from the de but if this were to pass today um and I would suggest that it comes back in July uh not in June so there's ample time for all these details to get worked out in in the appropriate setting by the administration I would very strongly encourage you to consider a significant um contribution or whatever the right mechanism is to our city transportation depart uh uh fund or something that increases our options as a community to mitigate traffic backups whatever that is what however it looks to me that is a more palatable backup uh um um public benefit than the occasional use of a parking spot at a cost in addition to what um uh commissioner Rosen Gonzalez is working on as well I don't think one cancels out the other so just to lay the concerns that my colleagues have about if we say yes today it's a done deal I I think we need to we're we're starting to chase our taals I think we need to move this forward and give you guys the opportunity to come back with a really great offer because you are effectively asking us to double our height in that currently in that area where it is currently zoned as half of what you want and I understand your argument that in other comparable areas it's zoned differently but that's not where this is so we're dealing with the reality we have not something perspective so so far this is a so that's a motion to second okay to vote on it second and let them come back and you know in my vote in July I'm going to be looking out for the Public's interest we are now but you know we've made our okay let's call the vote so have just so everyone knows it needs five votes to pass so I have a motion by commissioner bot a second by commissioner Fernandez commissioner bot yes commissioner bot was a yes commissioner magazine yes commissioner magazine was a yes vice mayor Dominguez yes West mayor Dominguez says a yes commissioner Rosen Gonzalez yes first commissioner Rosen Gonzalez is a yes commissioner Suarez yes commissioner Fernandez yes yes mayor Miner yes but it's going to take more for me to get on the second reading as I think it's been evident has been delivered than you we good and willing and able to sit with the city it's in your interest it's in our interest so the vote was 70 second reading public hearing scheduled for July 24th all right r98 R R9 AP is discuss take action city manager selection process who's taking the lead on that I'm here good afternoon sure good afternoon again um today we are seeking direction from the body as to four items uh first is to approve the schedule and process that was included in the LTC which is also included in your agenda item is r9ap as imp Peter uh second that you all approve the job description and requirements for applicants third the approval of the recruitment brochure text which was included and then finally the approval of the advertising plan that was proposed by the recruiting firm okay you want to call them wanted uh so this just make clear there's four votes four items for your approval the schedule and process the job description and requirements the recruitment brochure text and finally the advertising plan commissioner Rosa Gonzalez you do it's in the original hand in the original books commissioner Fernandez let me get you on you're on thank you Mr Mayor um so I was looking at um at the minimum requirements you know one of the things that stood out to me in this is that in the description it says you know at least seven years Asing CAO CEO or Deputy CAO SL CEO uh in a in a complex D Dynamic and diverse government or private sector organization but nowhere nowhere here in this in this document doesn't mention experience as a city manager and I think that that's important you know it it leaves it kind of vague in my opinion in my take and I and I think approving this this document it should say specifically you know experience as a city manager you know one thing is to run run a hospital run a university uh run some other type of entity another thing is to run a city government uh we just operate under a different set of standards of expectations of of regulations and protocols uh than other than other entities so that's that's one thing I wanted to to put on on the record uh the other um matter I wanted to put on the record is that you it states at least 15 years of executive level management and management experience and you know just looking back in in in our in our history when we've hired city managers you know we always haven't had individuals like Alina that had that has had three decades of of of you know Senior Management government EXC experience you know we hired a city manager um prior to that that had been a city a city attorney but that's not a uh that's not a management level experience and prior to that he had been a county commissioner and that is not a you know you know Senior Management experience uh prior to that you know we had uh you know George Gonzalez George Gonzalez when he got hired you know he didn't have 15 years of executive uh level experience um and so I think I think we want someone that's going to be very Dynamic someone that's not at the end of their career someone that is still somewhat mid-career and I don't know if this requirement that we have here might be setting setting the bar too high uh for that so those are my only two comments I really think that in the minimal requirements we need to mention City experience City management experience whether whether and and the other thing that I would mention is you know the 15 years I just think we're going to we're going to eliminate a big segment of the job market out there in the industry that might be more familiar uh with new or more modern uh Trends in Municipal management those are my comments um I believe commissioner Dominguez is next and commissioner Rosen Gonzalez off okay um so when I was looking at the experience I noted that it said uh at least seven years of experience as a city manager and what concerns me is that nobody in the city would be able to apply because then nobody the way it's written like nobody here would qualify because none of them have been seven years as a city manager and maybe there's good ones that should apply so that part um uh concern me um commissioner Rosen Gonzalez I also didn't like the 15 years I would like to strike that and also it says City of Miami Beach residency is highly preferred but I would like it to say uh City of Miami Beach residency or willingness to relocate is highly prefer you know willingness is highly preferable because that right there you know you're going to eliminate a lot of people and makes it seem like you can only apply if you live in the city and we're willing to have people to relocate I think the way that it's written right now it's going to be very hard to find um the right person I would strike the 15 years and reduce it to like five years maybe five years administrative experience in a government that way at least we're going to get a wide net of people we want we want people to apply don't we the way it's written right now I would strike the 15 and make it 5 years and then it could be you know experience or public or private sector experience at the executive level something that's written a little U that's a little um easier otherwise you're right we're not going to get any applicants and this is why I wish I would go through every single RFP that we issue because I guarantee you if I went through it I would find stuff like this that is discouraging or would encourage this only one person to bid on something or one person to apply so um I do think it needs tweaking I'm not happy by the way I don't even see where it says here a preference for uh Spanish I I said that I said I'd like the person to be uh at least have a rudimentary knowledge of of Spanish I think that that was nobody like that idea what it's not even in there though like it's not even in you know like like it's it's like PR preference for somebody who speaks Spanish I I think given the amount of um his Hispanic people in our community that don't even speak English I think that that's important doesn't have to be a requirement but it could be a preference and I don't see that reflected here so I'm a no on this unless we make changes commissioner magazine thank you yes I I'd like to also cast a wider net uh going back and looking at our process last time I was actually quite surprised that we only got 29 applicants I think four or five were internal um that was surprising so I would like to essentially not that we would lower our Thresh shoulder requirements because we're going to demand Excellency um but just as uh we can do that at the end process right at the end selection let's try and get as many good qualified applicants I think this process was in the large part we want to think outside the box be creative be flexible and uh we'll make the best decision going forward when all those get in but L cast as widen n as possible so I prefer to um at least for the minimum required experience to lower that a little bit uh perhaps the five i' I'd be fine with that as my colleagues have suggested and uh as James pointed out I think you sold me at the end there yeah commissioner Suarez I also think one one thing that we're we're we're missing is should have construction experience because we have we have multi-million dollar projects that are about to start hopefully in the in the next year and we should have someone who who clearly has an understanding of cost construction and um and public projects such as uh what's going on in First Street and West Avenue and that can decipher you know is this is this a are we getting are we getting hiked on this bid or is this a fair deal I think that's very important that we we we include some construction experience I'm also open to to get a a wider net of applicants expand to pay um you know right now I believe it's like 350,000 if we really want to get some top-notch Stellar uh city managers I think we need to increase the pay yeah 360 it says 360 or higher I would start off with 450 minimum and that is really going to get the uh the applicants rolling in and I'm okay with lowering it to 5 years huh um and and I also have I I don't know how you guys feel about this but look there's definitely going to be applicants within the city who who may want to apply and then there's definitely going to be applicants outside the city I think I'm always going to be in favor of of city managers that live in Miami Beach because you have skin in the game you you understand the issues people see you at Publix they talk to you um and there there's an intangible value to that uh but if you are already working in the city I think it's a little unfair to say if you have like a family and you need to move your children are already going to school where they are um so what I'm proposing is maybe perhaps two forms where if you are in the city and you're applying uh you're not required to move but if you are outside the city you are required to live in the city of Miami Beach and given the fact that if we increase the pay to something exceptionally High um that should that should incentivize a move to our city I don't know what my colleagues feel about that so tell you where I am I'm comfortable with all the changes proposed so far except for the salary increase that you proposed but everything else everybody said I'm I'm in favor of maybe we just hear from our consultant from hrg to see if there's any concerns with any of the proposals that we've made and the changes that we're proposing uh good afternoon um thanks I want to thank you all for taking the time to give me individual interviews I think it really helped uh what you saw down there was what I believed was the majority view the reason we had the 15 years and the Seven is there I believe was some concern that you didn't want to limit it to just people that have either City or County government experience if we do that then normally we would have lowered it probably to maybe 10 and five uh obviously you can lower it as much as you'd like uh the reason we put it up higher was because we left that option open because in your requirements in your job description it still requires you to understand and and know government um we did put in a thing about uh oh I I did notice that that in the minimum qualifications on the City of Miami J's residency is highly preferred that was we probably stated that poorly later in the other material you'll see that that what we meant was once you're hired we say in there that the city would really really encourages you to move into the city think that it's important we talked about there was a possibility depending on qualifications that maybe the city could do something on housing as an assistance so we did try to address that so the F cutting it back as much as you want is fine especially if you're going to say you have to have city city or county experience I think that makes a lot of sense um we can we thought we had the construction experience in there but we can tighten it up more um the salary what we left it open was because you you pay at a fairly high level for the public sector now what we tried to say was look we're trying to get the best people this job description was not written for any City manag this was written for what I believe you told me you want it which was the manager to manage probably the premier City in the State of Florida and that's the way we're trying to advertis at trying to attract people all across the country that may have good jobs now the salary we put in really left it up to the commission to we indicated at 360 that we weren't kidding about the salary but that we were open to negotiations depending upon sort of you know the candidate that we find so all the things that you're saying are things that clearly uh we can make a change and it's easier for me to to reduce some of the things like the 15 years than it would be if we had put it too low and you were disappointed so yeah as long as as you can come to some con uh consideration on what you would like in here um so far everything you've said uh we can we can change okay thank you I think we have good suggestions I think we should get to a vote um commissioner bot and commissioner Fernandez but somebody please make a motion to incorporate these changes thank you um I I would like to add two changes to be incorporated but I'd be happy to make the motion um with all that said um there are two things one is in the qualifications the knowledge skills and abilities I think it's really important that we have somebody with pretty significant experience in contract negotiations and rfps not that they would necessarily be um leading the charge on rfps or RFP cues or contract negotiations but you know we negotiate with the police and fire unions as well as our city employee unions every few years and I don't want this to be a situation where somebody's learning on the job um we also have billion dollar well not billion but multi-million dollar um rfps for um big infrastructure projects as commissioner SAR has mentioned and again they need whoever comes in needs to not be a novice at at running that process even if they're not on the front lines of doing the negotiation so that is a change in addition I'd like to see in the knowledge skills and abilities um the other thing is I think under priority opportunities and challenges the first um point is New City Direction Focus I think that actually needs to be split into two items because it seems like we conflated something here um the first part is talking about we've intentionally moved away from a spring break image and I think that is true not just in the month of March I think we are are intentionally moving away from a party till you drop image with uh enhanced offerings in culture and lifestyle and wellness and and sports and all kinds of other things um great restaurants Great Park space um and that is something we're looking to continue to build upon separate from that and in addition to that we are also focusing on um effective community policing and focusing on on engaging with our residents and our law enforcement officers and our codee officers to upgrade Public Safety and positively impacting citizens quality of life but together you're you're you're kind of subsuming the culture part for for the public safety part and I think they need to be split up into their own separate points because they're equally important but different from each other thank you commissioner Fernandez did wait you didn't make a motion did you I I did in the beginning okay thank you and you second it okay yes and I seconded that that motion so I just want to ask uh Jim our consultant who was on by Zoom so what is the recommendation as to the professional recommendation from the consultant as to the experience I I I think you know we we feel the 15 years is is too high what is what is the professional recommendation on the years of experience Jim okay what we can do is we can change to 15 years I think you're going to need somebody that has 10 years of executive level experience and you can make uh at least five of them in a city or county government so that that it gives you more I I can't imagine somebody running a city as big as this without 10 years of experience because it's extremely complex job uh and and will require at least 5 years in city or county government that that will definitely I think take care of the things you need and I think it lowers the bar but it doesn't lower it too much to where we get a whole slew of people that are really not what I think you're going to find acceptable to run an organization and you all convinced me I mean this is the thing you convinced me and this adds a little different is and I've talked to the people at cvhr that we're not just recruiting for a maner here we're recruiting for somebody pretty unique in one of the most unique cities in America yes and that it's a great opportunity for somebody and we're really trying to get the best of the best Jim I think so if that sounds okay to you 10 and five would be my recommendation so I I'm just I'm just thinking about this because you know again just going through the history of city of city managers you know I was I was mentioning Jimmy Morales Jimmy Morales I don't think would have had you know 10 years of of that level or five years of City management experience when he when he was elected I don't think George Gonzalez would have meant that before that you know uh Jose Garcia Pedrosa you know I don't think the Jose Garcia Pedrosa even had that wi uh before George um I think you know you I i' rather us be able to get cast a wider net uh of people with diverse experience of great talented individuals out there with with energy with drive with VIs and then we together with the assistance of this consultant be able to then narrow it down but I I don't want us to see us end up with a small pool of candidates and and um and so I just would would would would value other feedback from my colleagues on that um regarding the would five and five be okay five and five let's do it uh I think five Mr Mayor sounds very uh reasonable at that Point um I I think also when we talk about construction experience I think you know construction experience that's important but Construction in government so capital projects so we want someone with experience in capital projects and infrastructure projects that's that's the key thing I I believe I just don't want to say General construction experience I would you know because what is the type of construction the government engages in you know someone may have construction experience with Condominiums someone may have construction experience building churches I don't know but what we want to experience with our capital projects and infrastructure projects that's the type of experience that I think we are looking for uh in this um and then the other uh point I was going to make um had to do um with with the with the salary I like the way um the salary is printed I know one of my colleagues raised a concern about it I like the way that it's printed because you know it sets it sets an opening salary but it doesn't set a cap and it gives us the ability really to entice and attract uh someone someone really uh really good to to to our city and lastly um you know my preference is for someone to live in the city or be willing to to to to relocate uh I think I think we shouldn't we we should be able to put that in there willing to relocate I don't want to have two different job descriptions for an internal candidate versus an external candidate because I don't think that or different criteria I just think we should make it clear in in one document you know preferred to live in the city or be willing to relocate to our jurisdiction okay we have a motion and a second as amended are you comfortable Rick okay here we go I just on to uh recap so we're going to move it to 5 years of executive management experience um we are going to include residency or willingness to re relocate as a preference or as a requirement because that was not clear preference preference okay um and then we want to include experience with Public Works projects or infrastructure projects capital capital infrastructure projects um um and only other comment that was made um but I wasn't too sure what what this would do in terms of changing the description was the inclusion of some cultural component in the description and maybe commissioner bot that was yours if you could yeah I need to I okay um there there was another thing that was added that that was missed um uh experience with contract negotiations rfqs and rfps and then separating the priority operations opportunities and challenges the first item that is new city Direction and focus rework that a little bit so it is two items um one talking about art change to culture and wellness and you know night you know more moderate things rather than party two drop and secondly um effective community policing and Public Safety okay understand okay so we are then also adding the um negotiation experience as well as taking the the item currently there and and splitting it into two one that focuses on community policing Etc and one that that focuses on the movement toward culture wellness and the like and I I missed I don't know if you said it Rick I'm sorry bilingual preference I didn't see that there was support for that but but that's not I don't that's that that wasn't a top priority for me I think it I think it would help but it's it doesn't have to be a requirement as long as you lower to five and five and let people know that you know it's just a preference to live in the city it's five years executive experience and five years government five and five well same then isn't it because we had five executive and five as a city manager or CEO and I heard that you didn't want to limit to five years CEO because that would limit the pool so I don't know that you need five and five it sounded like you just want five of executive management I think they should have some executive I think they should have experience as like the top leader in an organization for sure I think that that's important I don't know how you feel about that but I mean we could say five and three three years so maybe somebody who recently became a CEO or city manager and wants to move I I don't want to limit it too much um would just a question are you making that a preference or a requirement because to me sometimes you have you have all stars that are coming up the chain that may not have had that experience but you see the talent let's make it what we don't want always have a wider cast and then wi cast wi always Nar down the process I agree I agree I remember when you guys went through this process last time you didn't get you got no candidates so you know I want to make get as many candidates as we possibly can and um be able to have a nice choice so I would so that's the wider net so I a strong preference we can just put strong you know strong desire or preference Rick are you comfortable just to clarify five years of executive management experience we're not going to require a minimum as a CEO I correct I did not include the bilingual ready to vote Rick can I ask a question well we're ready to vote but yes go ahead uh if the if the five years of management executive management experience you had mentioned before are we putting in here that they have to have some experience in city or county government sorry Mr Mayor uh I I I think we we do want some experience in city or county government I mean I I I again I think um it is too very different worlds private sector operates very differently than than government in fact we've seen it in the past when we've had elected officials that have strong business background and then they come over here and it's and it's a culture shock it's a culture shock just being in the legislative body you know imagine then being in the administration government is administered completely different with different objectives and outcomes uh than a private for-profit entity and while what might be a benefit I do think they need to have government perspective government experience how about we say just preferred May yes but we have a motion a second that does take precedence I I could have called the vote so let's Fernand commissioner Rosen Gonzalez commissioner bot now we're taking this vote I don't know my name can you hear me you know when City of Miami was having problems they brought in Carlos magoya from the banking industry and he had no government experience similarly when they needed to you know straighten things up I remember they brought in uh Joe arola Ricky's father and he worked for like a dollar a year and he fixed it I understand that that wasn't a recruitment but the point is sometimes when you take somebody from the private sector like our new City attorney and um or like a Carlos magoya and you put him in you know somebody who has banking experience but no public sector experience and you put him in as a city manager or the head of Jackson he turns it around or she excuse me he or she can turn it around and so that's why wouldn't want to limitate yeah and along those lines I you know you might have somebody who's never worked for a government but has done a lot of work with a city government who um understands full well the limitations and opportunities and challenges and processes so I wouldn't want to make it a requirement it would be a preferred great let's call the vote so as amended uh all in favor I I yeah so the job description is adopted as amended great great conversation I'll just finish while we voted so we're finished but I think what's unspoken here is the vision that I have and probably I would assume all of us share is that whoever we do pick and it's hard to put this in a description has the energy the enthusiasm the sense of urgency that we all have for our city quality of life residents quality of life comes first working with our Police Department Public Safety these are all the issues I mean we kind of encapsulate it with a job description but that's what I'm going to be looking for and that's when I interview that that potential candidate these are all the questions I'm going to ask and make sure they they fit those requirements sure so we have a few more items to approve one is the uh brochure text which is included starting at page 1940 of volume three and I don't know if you all had a chance to review it yes I move I move to brochure I'll second um so the my second comment was the thing about priority opportunities and challenges actually was from the brour copy so I want to make sure that that gets Incorporated so I would vote Yes as amended or with that carried into the brochure understood should we call the vote let's call the vote commissioner Fernand that was commissioner Fernandez I didn't hear the second I'm sorry yes uh the mayor so the brochure as amended incorporating commissioner bot's request all in favor approved 70 next we have the schedule and that is on page 1937 so commissioner Fernandez so under the schedule um we would be having public interviews towards the end of of July and we should have someone hired by what point because that's what I don't see here ideally I guess by August we would have made well the selection would be made at the July 24th meeting and depending on whether the individual is currently employed or not um that will decide what their start date is okay I I move uh I move the schedule I'll second let's call the vote all in favor for the schedule as is I I I last but not least is the um budget for advertising which is at $2,600 2622 that's on page 1947 I move I'll second all in favor for for the advertising schedule and fees I I approve 70 all right I'm going to the do r7i r7i is directed Administration to explore purchase of Roosevelt Theater requested by Commissioners Rosen Gonzalez and commissioner bot r7i commissioner Rosen Gonzalez uh so anybody who's been here their entire life understands that prior to having large movie theater conglomerates every single Street 125th Street 71st Street 44 Street Fifth Street they all had smaller uh Community movie theaters Lincoln Road um we're losing obviously AMC and uh you know I know that there's a proposal to build housing on the Roosevelt site uh and what I would like us to do is direct the administration to sit down because we will have no Community Theater nothing um and talk to the owner of this property and ask him what is it that he needs in order for us to potentially purchase it get somebody to come in some really Dynamic maybe we make it like a cmx VIP Theater who knows but 41st Street really needs something and there's an opportunity um here and to not at least explore uh purchasing this theater and thank you commissioner V bot for co-sponsoring it would be a reason to go to 41st Street and possibly an impetus for other restaurants to open and anyone who lives near 41st Street understands that we do need to in inject that street with something so this is you know we're not saying that just direct the administration to you know sit down have a conversation find out come back to us with some sort of proposal and see what we could potentially do there uh that's that was why I suggested this so I don't know how you feel about this but commissioner bot I know that this is is your I have pulled the item that's why it was on okay so is there oh do you want to speak turn myself off but whenever the mayor well I think that's vice mayor Dominguez go ahead just put yes he's vice mayor commission fernandz thank thank you madam vice mayor um so I have pulled this item um you know I get concerned when there's property that is not wellmaintained property that is not activated especially his you know property that is that is you know architecturally significant uh like this this is a post-war Meo building from the 1940s it's a it's a gem of 41st Street and it's been left to deteriorate there and we've seen other properties in our city like that um it should be incumbent on the property owner to activate that space and when they don't activate the space when the property owner doesn't activate the space I think it sets a bad precedent when the city then says well we'll come in and we'll look to buy the property you know it I I I don't want to create a scenario where you know someone that may have the potential to activate a property then holds out in activating their property and the hopes that the city comes in and purchases the the property there is a master plan underway for for 41st Street there are a lot of conversations going on in 41st Street um the owner of the Roosevelt Theater came in and met with me they have a vision for for for the theater that doesn't involve having to invest the taxpayers dollars uh in in purchasing uh in purchasing that property I get your intent and I think your intent is good I also feel you know look at the Byron Carlile theater you know you know that's that's an asset that the city owns and we have structural issues with it we haven't done the best job uh maintaining it uh look at look at other um you know architecturally significant properties that we have I don't want to open up you know the needs of fire station one or other historic properties that the city has I think we need to you know if we have money to invest in property we first need to invest it in better upkeeping some of our own property that we already have in our inventory and really place the owner us on this private property owner to activate it and if they need anything from us any sort of incentive allow them to come forward and discuss that and we approved the referral to to the land use committee to talk about the 41st Street master plan and I hope that the owner of of the ruselt goes there and speaks about their vision for the site and how the city could help incentivize them to to uh activate the space and drive to commercial activity there but I don't think we should be going in and buying a a significant piece of real estate like this on on 41st stre I don't see that being our role thank you commissioner Fernandez commissioner magazine yeah thank you for everybody for uh caring about this um agree commissioner Fernandez my just philosophical view is government isn't always the answer but I think we can be there to help facilitate the process and instead of going and saying how can we buy this and then figuring out what we're going to do with it how we're going to fund it how we're going to operate it we come up with a vision of what we'd like to see and go to the property owner and say how can we help you this is in general the direction we'd like to see for 41st Street perhaps this property what do you need from us as Government to try and make that happen so uh I am all for trying to push this forward um I just get hesitant of there's some things government does good some things government uh philosophically does not and buying and then renovating operating a property is uh in my view one of the things that we likely don't do very well so would you consider having the administration sit down with a property owner and negotiate what plans they do have for the Roosevelt Theater and see what their intent is so that we don't just leave it ly Sal with no plan over the next 5 to 10 years would that be better if I amended my resolution to just say have the city admin Administration sit down with a property owners of the Roosevelt theater theater um to find out which activation they would choose I mean if it was up to me I would I would just purchase it and lease it out to a theater operating company somebody like a a heavy hitter you know not like a smaller you know not not a nonprofit like the O Cinema somebody who has experience and they're going to have to invest some money in it but we could at least if we owned it at least offer them some sort of affordable um rent for the first couple of years I think 41st Street needs something it needs a draw and there's nothing the forge is now closed there's Cafe Avon and a few restaurants but it having a theater there especially when we were losing the AMC is going to be key so if it's not for purchase what about just to so how should I word this to sit down with the city the city Administration to sit down with the owners of the Roosevelt Theater to find out what their plans are and report back to us at committee I mean like I how do you feel about this because I I want to do something to to do really uh just um to not understand the needs of that of our community commissioner fernandz thank you Mr Mayor so so today on consent we referred to to to committee um uh a review of the the master plan for 41st Street and all that and we can certainly invite and I've met with the property owner for the rooseville theater and they they they have a vision for activating that space and perhaps they can uh come to present to and I'm happy to reach out to them ask them to present as part of that item at the 40 and the land use and sustainability committee that's not my motion though oh I'm sorry my motion was to direct the city Administration to sit down with the owners of the Roosevelt property and find out what's going on and come back to this body and uh or in an LTC um and and let us know what the what the plan is I can't always attend these meetings I work I have a job it's very hard to to attend you know two committee meetings plus the affordable housing it's just impossible for me to attend um all the meetings so I don't know how you feel about hear from commissioner B was a co-sponsor and the mayor to see where you guys stand on this but I think we should take action I'll second your motion so the the the owner the property owner of the Rosevelt did put in a uh rli request for letters of Interest as part of that process it was a mixed use project building um retail on the ground apartment I believe a municipal garage to make up for the spaces but it's a heavy lift it requires um commission approval it requires a voter referendum and it needs a lot of work I've been inside that building it's it needs significant amount of money to to get something going there they did repaint that whole complex because the owner owns that whole street they did repaint it recently so it does look much much better so um glad they did that but I'm supportive I think it's it's worthy of a conversation and and try to get the ball rolling because it's been over 30 plus years and and you're right 41st needs needs some loving can we C can we add in then the potential just to know what the price point is that they would like to if they did want to sell it could we just add in to find out what they would be doing to willing to sell it because let's say that we did buy it and then we found somebody at a reduced rate initially to come in to incentivize them to renovate the theater make it a theater again um Revitalize it that could be a possibility but at market rate it might not be a viable option for a movie theater because it's tough these days and we're losing the AMC I don't know could could that be part of the conversation just to at least find out are you willing to you know not just the activation but just find just find out the number we don't have to I'm not saying that we buy it but at least find out what what what what what is he looking for because if he does want to sell this um you know and we say you know we don't want it to be Apartments we'd like it to be a theater um I'd like to at least have that as part of the conversation how do you feel about just to find out I I I don't have any issues putting anything on the table for conversation but I think I agree with commissioner Magazine on this one I mean I I just it's going to it's expensive that that is high-priced property and and I don't believe government is in the best the best Property Owners the best use of our resources I think but what you're proposing commissioner Ros gal is good to try to push them incentivize them other than that the there is a slope on the ground there because it was a movie theater other than that I'm not sure there there's nothing about that property anymore at least from my perspective that says oh you could just put some a paint job I mean that that needs a gutting a complete gutting so almost at this point my guess is it's not my property I don't want to speak for that my guess is whether they make it a movie theater or whatever they make out of it it's it's it's going to require significant amount of money to to to renovate so we have a motion in a second let's call a vote no to just have a conversation with the property owners have a good day thank you have a good day everybody and Mr Mar if I could um really commend you commissioner Rosen Gonzalez uh you know during the pandemic when Miami became the epicenter of the world it was as uh simple as mayor Suarez putting a billboard saying how can we help and I think that's the conversation that we want to do here is go to the property owner and say this is needed for Rejuvenation how can we help that that's what government should be doing you know not not buying it but how can we help what do you need from us we want to be your partner here to make something work so I'm fully supportive and if you want to do that about a 100 times across the city I I support you in each one of those does the administration understand what the motion was yes it's clear thank you all right okay let's call a vote so all in favor for the uh amended resolution I motion passes 70 as amended call r7j r7j is wave outdoor dining fees in certain areas requested by the mayor and commissioner magazine r7j so somebody had pulled it does that take precedence or since uh well since nobody's speaking I'll I'll go really the the the intent of this item is there certain areas of the city where we do wave outdoor seeding fees North Beach um and the reason why I think it's so important here is because there's a significant expense to get to pay for those outdoor spaces there's limited space on 41st and and my understanding in speaking some of the property owners is that they're hesitant to put in that that expense not knowing if it'll work because it is um something that is new and this is an incentive for them to do that try to revitalize the street I actually had brought this item literally on probably a month before covid hit and it P and it I believe it passed I don't want to misspeak and then we ultimately made it Citywide because we needed the outdoor seating during covid so that's the item and uh I don't know if you have anything to add Mr co-sponsor I'll second let's call the vote so as is all in favor MO passes 70 let's go to R9 AF R9 AF has discussed development of mix use project parking lot at 1000 Washington Avenue requested by Commissioners Fernandes and magazine commissioner Fernandez thank you Mr Mayor um this is an item that um that we've that that's on the agenda um because we have the opportunity to uh bring more residential uses on uh on Washington Avenue it's a theme of conversation that's been recurring over time and I think what we've what what we've seen over time is a lot of conversation a lot of talk talk about needing to diversify the economy on Washington Avenue talk about what we don't want to see on Washington Avenue you know uh making tattoo parlors and liquor stores and check cashing stores and t-shirt shops uh and and other types of establishments uh legal non-conforming or even prohibited uses on in our in in our zoning codes we've talked about uh perhaps possible reforms to our legislation having to do with nighttime uses to be able to attract other types of uh of residental poal uses on Washington Avenue but the one thing that hasn't happened yet is that one Catalyst project that is going to put the green light and start the wheels moving to attract residential uses on on Washington I want us to be able to go out into the marketplace and see how we can leverage this one piece of real estate and see what what interest there would be in the marketplace to be able to attract some sort of residential some sort of uh of of Workforce uh housing components on this piece of city land the one thing we do know is that in our city we need more Workforce housing in our city in general but specifically specifically on Washington Avenue we in general especially there have a significant lack Act of any type of of housing to support a diversified uh economy uh there so so I'd like for us to see are we interested in possibly leveraging this this this piece of property to see what interest there could be out there in the marketplace to see some sort of use uh that would inject the much needed residential uh demand for or uh inject the most needed residential housing that's needed on on on Washington Avenue while providing still for parking in the in in the area and kind of just diversify and perhaps start turning the page of the direction in which we are um experiencing there on on Washington Avenue that's the intent of this item before us thank you commissioner Fernandez commissioner Suarez thank you um Madam vice mayor I actually I Echo exactly what you're saying commissioner Fernandez I had a referral today to incentivize residential non-transient use on um on Washington Avenue that will not affect uh traffic but I want to be uh co-sponsor of this item Raphael that's possible please thank you thank you you there yeah and if I could uh Mr Mayor I'll echo my colleagues um I think Washington Avenue needs a complete reimagination and a revisioning uh so many problems could be solved with a complete reimagination of Washington avue one it could help with the strain on our infrastructure and our traffic if you just look at City Hall the amount even the young employees that have to commute into our city by Car Park Drive out of our city imagine those people that we work with every day living five blocks from City Hall and working walking to work right and then we just had one of the most tragic incidents in our of the Year happen on Washington Avenue because of I don't want to say because of but you know the the usages that are allowed on Washington Avenue when we spend so many resources and time and and efforts on spring break and things like that if we completely reimagine Washington Avenue Not only would it not hurt our economy it would help our economy and we wouldn't be having these spring break issues right you don't have that you don't have spring break challenges in areas that are highend residential or market rate residential Workforce housing so we are truly solving so many problems it's the entire ecosystem being connected here and what are we giving up very little right a surface parking lot is the least Progressive land use that we could have anywhere in the world and especially in the heart of what should be no longer our our mxc district our mixed uh Entertainment District but we can reimagine this into being the heart of our residential community and the workforce for City Hall for the new offices that are being developed so I think in many ways as Washington Avenue goes my Beach goes and I'm looking this as our Blank Slate to be our resident friendly resident Centric area so uh thank you for seeing this through and I'm really excited with what we can do here I think Troy Wright says that all the time as Washington Avenue goes so goes Miami Beach oh I'm sorry I think we have for commissioner Rosen Gonzalez next thing commissioner bot sure and yeah so that's exactly what the state of Florida has done with the live local act they have created and given people a blank slate to create whatever they want and I guarantee you the applications are a coming and I don't necessarily think that um giving this piece of land um without holding any Community shet or anything the neighborhood surrounding how many parking spaces are there in p113 35 35 it's a small lot but the people living around there do use it I just don't don't believe that like you said you know I I think that we I I don't like this idea I don't like to give up our parking lots to anyone um if you wanted to do this on a lot that was already built and build above it I would say fine because that's already it's concrete but I mean I I think that having some Open Spaces it's not the worst thing in the world so I I I don't love it I don't know what the community thinks about it I do know that Rishi kapor wanted that lot to build Workforce housing at one point in time um I do know also that in order to make a project like that work when we did give a lot in Collins Park the developer said that you know unless you build like massive density it doesn't work financially so what we had to do in Colin Park was not just give the land how much did we subsidize uh Collins Park total 10 million uh 5.85 in capital contribution and then 4 million through the arts and culture geobond okay so we had to get 10 10 million uh plus the land to make it viable um I think that you know okay it's fine but we're not going to like I like we're not going to okay in the middle of our historic district some massively tall building either that's going to be coming from other developers so I mean I I don't really see how this uh is viable Mr Mayor commissioner bot um I have a a couple questions about the the project that perhaps we can get answered but I I will I will say that one of the things I I hope to leave behind as a legacy is converting Washington Avenue from what it is now to a vibrant live work play Corridor right uh with an emphasis on live work and a little less on play um I I know there are um spaces contemplated in this project as it's as it's outlined I I also know that that parking lot is always packed so um with the spaces because I think there are around 70 spaces in the project are those available for um public use at a reasonable rate so the project contemplates 135 spaces wait wait Point It Forward can I just jump in here for a second there's there's there's no project on the table what what I want to see is a competition to see if there are interested parties to come forward with a project that is that is what I want to see I don't want us to consider uh a a project or what what I want to see is you know my item what I have before us is opening it up to competition so that anyone who wants to compete for this can compete for this for anyone that wants to propose something to the city can propose something to the city and we can see what is the best out there for us are we not not talking R9 AF it says discussing concept and unsolicited proposal I'm just trying to understand I'm not voting on this proposal I'm trying to maybe I'm on the wrong item discussing concept of an insoled proposal subject to compliance with FL statutes for the development of a mixed use project on the city owned surface parking lot yes but what I'm s what I was suggesting in in and what I was proposing when I opened was not necessarily doing a unsolicited proposal but us just opening up out there to the marketplace and see who in the marketplace would be interested in proposing things okay so that's different from what is in the agenda so what what I would say to anybody who is contemplating whether it's this project or some future project proposer depending on how this discussion goes um is that I don't want to um hold up the Regeneration of Washington Avenue based on parking lots on on um surface Lots because as everyone's heard me say you want to plan for the city that you want not for the city you have however I know that that lot is super used all the time so whoever is going to be proposing will need to have a way to during the daytime at least have have some access um uh to people who need to park because there's you know that that's not insignificant um the second thing and I'm again reacting to what I saw in in the backup material is that there were there's some flexibility on what the unit sizes were were and um you know I can't remember who proposed it David maybe you did or I don't remember but something about limited limiting micro units um on Washington Avenue along with some other parts of the city so in here and whether again it's this project or somebody else's who's coming down the pike um it would have to be a a Workforce housing project that is not micro units and you know the things that they're in here like you know no rentals of less than a year that kind of stuff so directionally the kinds of things I see in here would be the kinds of things I would be looking for going forward commissioner Rosen Gonzalez I maybe should be the type of somebody needs to hear yet um maybe this should be the type of um thing that you kick to the housing authority and let them bu I mean I watch what they did with Vista breze it took a while and I know that that's affordable housing we want Workforce housing but if we're going to give up our land and we might need to subsidize it the Housing Authority like has money uh to do this they are actually pretty efficient in managing these properties um why not do it like that commissioner Suarez then commissioner Fernandez and commissioner Dominguez um look I think this past week was a wakeup call okay that this past week was a wakeup call to really understand what's going on in Washington Avenue Washington Avenue has been this way for as long as I can remember it's very seedy it's a relic of what it used to be and they're the only way we're going to get out of this is through a change in zoning we cannot police our way out of Washington Avenue we cannot use code enforcement to get what we want out of Washington Avenue you know we we want to think of ourselves as a city that doesn't rely on cars but at the same time we're putting an emphasis on parking lots and I understand that parking is a requirement but if we can if we can build Workforce housing for people who don't need cars who live in Miami Beach and work in Miami Beach you're solving multiple things at once your starting a catalyst for revamping Washington Avenue you're putting less cars on the Road for people that that normally would commute to Miami Beach in a car at 9:00 a.m. or 5:00 p.m. and now they can either scooter to work they can walk to work they can bicycle to work and you know let's let's finally move as a body to make this a priority because Washington Avenue is not going to fix itself and and I don't you know and respectfully I don't think putting this to a committee is going to solve anything I think this is a great step in in in in moving this along where Washington Avenue in the next 10 years where my son my sons can live and be safe at the same time and be proud of where they live and the the effects of that is going to be generational and you know here we are again complaining about about parking on a lot that's not even for residents it's it's it's it's it's not for residents it's it's not a res I'm sure the residents use it they'll pay the the fee but at the same time you know we have an opportunity here to really change this this whole Avenue and we shouldn't we should take that opportunity Mr Mayor commissioner Fernandez thank you Mr Mayor so just just jumping uh on on some of the points that that that have been mentioned you know one of the things that that we have seen let's let's step back and and see step back from what has not been developed which is housing housing is what has not been developed on Washington Avenue um what has been proposed what has been developed on Washington Avenue is hotels hotels hotels hotels and micro units and that's exactly what we don't want and so and so here we have the opportunity on a piece of land that we own which by the way there's no historic asset there there's there's there's no historic asset that we would endanger uh there which I think that that's that that presents this to be a a great opportunity here uh and so and and so you know going back to the conversation of what commissioner Rosen Gonzalez was mening about the Housing Authority specifically why I want to do this public process if the Housing Authority wants to respond with their proposal they can if the if the people who who submitted something to the city that is uh described in our in our memo here want to respond they can or maybe maybe there are other people in in in the market place that has something that's even better to our taxpayers that still provides for parking and that provides for the much needed housing that we need in this area of the city they can respond as well what I want us to see uh is is is US authorized our Administration uh to move forward with an RFP to see what our options are for this site that provides for for for for parking and that provides for the workforce housing that we want to see specifically in this uh in this part of of the city and we can accomplish it here without affecting any of our historic assets and I don't know how many other opportunity we have like this on Washington Avenue whether it be private land or public land because I think most of Washington Avenue for the most part is built out except for a few token po postage stamps including this one this is one of those few opportunities that we can start leveraging today to start redefining and taking Washington Avenue in the new direction that it deserves and that we deserve to be heading in is that a motion second we got a second commissioner Dominguez commissioner magazine let's call the vote I just wanted to uh provide some background information from when this item came before land use last year and um the the proposal from the developer that person owns the entire block So the plan was to build Workforce housing artist housing on that uh parking lot and build a enough parking to replace what he was taking from that lot and what ended up happening is the numbers don't work for Workforce housing and so um I just wanted to give that historical background because I think we're going to get a lot of that unless there's height Workforce housing size units don't work commissioner magazine um so we're I'm out on this uh especially after hearing some of my colleagues um comments i w to really put our money where our mouth is and start moving forward with this is in an expedited fashion I would have just some parameters that I'd want to see and then I then I say we go out to the private sector and say let's be flexible no short-term rentals no micro units no co- living right the price point there in that area these aren't going to be $10 million super luxury condos so even if they are market rate they are still still going to be used for people that are living and working in our city they may be slightly above where the Collins Park uh project was but one of the reasons why we had to subsidize that is because we had very strict and stringent income cap limits on that so if we just provide some flexibility there then we don't have to subsidize that so I want to go out and tell the private sector show us the best product that could fit in that market that will provide housing for professionals families and people living and working in our city and the only parameters that I'd like to see or only constraints are no short-term rentals no micro units no co- living and let's see what the product that they can deliver in the quickest time manner possible I I I my I moved my item as amended with with that great can we call the vote so all in favor I I just to clarify there will be an RFP that will be brought back to commission for approval thank you with those clear I believe we have one no commissioner Rosen Gonzalez one no r5w GL this sound r5w is in orders of the mayor and City Commissioner of the city of B Beach Florida amending chapter 34 of the city code entitled Community Development by amending Article 2 entitled community redevelopment by amending division 3 entitled Redevelopment trust fund by amending section 3487 entitled prohibition to authorize the review and approval of certain requests for funding from the Redevelopment trust fund of the city of May beach Redevelopment agency to support the development of public areas of the convention center headquarters Hotel consistent with Section 16337 subsection 2c3 Florida Statutes providing for repeat heer cability codification and effective date this is a first reading this is item r5w thank commissioner Fernandez thank you Mr Mayor uh this is an item that's on the agenda uh we all know the $600 million taxpayer investment that was made in the convention center and in order to for that Convention Center to maximize this use to get in the quality convention that we want to see there and really maximize on the taxpayers investment there we need to do whatever we can to finally once and for all uh move forward with the Convention Center Hotel uh that uh that that that our city desperately needs if if we if we really want to see um this area flourish the way that it was and continue supporting the economy on Lincoln Road and seeing the Improvement on the caliber of conventions and and tourists that we attract to our city we certainly need to move forward with this hotel that that we that we must be seeing as an economic engine and uh this ordinance would be an instrument to help us move in in that direction and with that I moved the item um I would like to um second that but I'm I'm the co-prime sponsor whatever the official title or designation of that is this is this is something that is really important to the future of the city weed talk about it all the time about how we are changing the um direction of the city from a party to drop situation to tourists who come here to engage with what we have to offer um including businesses and and business conventions coming to um do business and spend money in our restaurants and hotels and um the with every passing year that the delay takes um the costs go up and the funding Gap gets bigger and we are now you know we we waited for a while we had some flexibility because the convention center hadn't been fully um redone the way that we were waiting for it to be and then now that that is and we have people who are very interested in coming here we're losing um opportunities with big large scale well off conventions because we don't have places for them to stay adjacent to the convention center and I know that we have a plethora of hotels in the city and that is very feeling to the folks who um uh who had the luxury of not being attached to the convention center but I will tell you having worked uh a million different trade shows when you're the schlep putting up the booth or bringing the samples in or making sure that you make those meetings at 7 o'clock in the morning before the show opens you do not want to be hiking across town you want to be able to take the elevator downstairs cross a courtyard and go to the convention center So the faster we get this done the faster the better better off we collectively will will be as a city so I second and I love it if the mayor would call the vote you get your wish let's call the vote vice mayor Dominguez yes commissioner magazine yes commissioner bot yes commissioner Suarez yes commissioner Rosen Gonzalez yes commissioner Fernandez yes mayor merer yes motion carry second reading public hearing is scheduled for June 26 that was item r5w R9 a R9 a is discussed developing strategies for addressing traffic congestion in the city questioned by the mayor R9 a basically this is a resolution asking sorry this is a resolution asking our city to having a tough time here asking our there's a resolution asking our city to explore three options one is a congestion pricing option for non-residents because of the traffic we're having again this is an exploration so um it's not going to be binding but to see if it's even feasible um two is to expedite the hiring of traffic officers which I think would be uh imperative and there's a third item I don't have you have the third item in front of you uh Mr Mayor was uh the development of more stringent requirements for organizers a major special events in our city yeah it's one of the things that I feel we have uh a numerous amount of special events that are not required to do traffic analysis and it's it causes tremendous traffic in our city backups all weekend and I think need to have a stricter eye on on how we issue those permits and and whether the uh the impact that it's having is worth is worth it that's it somebody wants to move the item I just commissioner Ros Gonzalez so we went to tassi several years ago with congestion pricing and they shot us down now that said I mean you have a better release ship than with the governor than anyone else but I think that their MO in tasse is that they don't we try to get tools on the bridges we tried to get congestion pricing and what they told us um and we actually went up there I went up there with commissioner samul commissioner gangora and what they told us is they're they they don't believe in taxing now that could have changed I mean if you can get it fabulous um you know I support it so I just wanted to let you know that we've done this all right ready and tried and it didn't work but one thing that I will say is that you can't say build 36 units here build 800 hotel rooms here build this here and then say and let's mitigate traffic because that's not going to work because even if we have people that are living in the city they're getting Amazon deliveries they're getting Uber Eats they're taking Ubers back and forth when they have to go someplace so you know it's it's it's it's it's twofold when you look at this large big picture right and you say I want to mitigate traffic but then again I want to build I want to change the zoning I want to build build build our way out of it that is not going to happen it's not now the one thing that we could do instead of building our way out of some of the problems that we have is to try to convince people that have hotels right now to change their transient uses that would work because right now they are operating and you know bringing cars in and out but to continually increase and vote in favor of density increases and at the same time say that you want to mitigate traffic um I find that to be incredibly frustrating because it's in essence um hypocritical okay thank you by the way I I I do agree commissioner Ros Sol it's a heavy lift but I think it's worth exploring and see what develops out of it and you never know there could be other benefits we can pursue um from that but we we have to we have to explore every Avenue and and you're right sometimes things change over over time and over over the years okay we have a motion to Second let's call a vote all in favor anyone opposed motion passes and after the fact resolution will be drafted on R A R9 have a couple of budget items if we can call r7a and might as well call r7b r7a is a public hearing adopt Fourth Amendment to fiscal year 2024 operating budget r7b is a public hearing adopt sixth amendment to fiscal year 2024 capital budget we will do all these items under r7a good afternoon to me steart budget director this is the Fourth Amendment to the operating budget it contains one item and this is for the GPS tracking DART program that was approved at the April 3rd commission meeting by the city commission it will be for an appropriation of $63,000 thank you uh I'll move the item second uh this is a public hearing there's no one on zoom and I see no one in the audience that was commissioner bot and I'm sorry commissioner Dominguez was it and commissioner Fernandez second in right yes if so if there's no discussion may I call the vote $8 million and a transfer of 1.8 million reaching existing projects so the first project is the Log Cabin geobond project the appropriation would be 1.76 million this was originally appropriated for the F the TR the trench 2 the recommendation from the city commission at the April 3rd commiss committee meeting was to appropriate appr Mr Shalo please state your name address and you have two minutes yes hi Daniel S uh with me to design preservation League I uh am very excited as someone that's been around since 2018 when the Log Cabin was going to be uner iously demolished instead the commission took the direction of uh the North Beach passionate residents who wanted to make sure that this very early example of our architecture was preserved so the commission agreed to disassemble it store it and committed to a plan to reassemble it eventually and we're really excited to see this moving forward it has taken a little while but I know that it's going to be a great Edition for North Beach and thank you so much for your support of this and other items thank you so much our next speaker is Mitch novic Mr novic you have two minutes H your name and address please good afternoon Mitch novic 901 Collins Avenue I'm all for the preservation of the logot cabin but I just want to mention being you're discussing amendments to the budget it's our budget which contributes most to housing and affordability since Jimmy Morales uh became manager uh over a decade ago our budget has doubled and I would ask you to just keep your eye on the money and do your best to cut out waste and pork barrel spending thank you thank you we have no one else in Q let's call the vote so this is an R7 v b all in favor anyone oppose motion carries unanimously 70 r7b is approved call R r5g r5g is an Ord of the mayor and City Commission of the city of Mii Beach Florida amending the resiliency code of the city of Mii beach by amending chapter 7 entitled zoning districts and regulations article 3 entitled overlay districts at section 7.3.1 entitled North Beach commercial character overlay to establish regulations and requirements for massage therapy centers within the overlay and providing for repealer cability codification and effective date this is a second reading public hearing the item requires a 57th vote it is item r5g commissioner Fernandez spon co-sponsored by commissioner magazine and Suarez um Mr Mayor with this item and and there's actually a separate item this this also r five um H that I'm sponsoring but my intent was to uh refer it back to the landuse committee um just you know because this started under the old commission and I just wanted to uh discuss it uh with uh some of my colleagues especially from North Beach and have the opportunity to give them the opportunity and the respect to give input on this policy so r5g and H I wanted to refer these two items back to uh land use I'll move that call the vote so all in favor so just a referral correct so r5g and r5h referral to land use sustainability committee commissioner bot and commissioner Fernandez are the makers of the motion so unanimously R5 G and H are referred to landuse since you did that so quickly commissioner Fernandez let's call C7 y C7 Y is thank you Mr Mayor I and I have placed this on item on the on the consent agenda but I pulled the item just to be able to just after a bond hearing or at some point they're they are released unfortunately our is I'm gonna show you picture there's a picture part of Florida the the only have available in front of TG so it's no wonder the of the owners it's we this Podium no wonder our police was taking down at the corner of of of the on that red beautiful entrance and the outside the countyil is a sign that back to and Injustice it is Place everything single relation that this disparity wayam amount inmates in C is and even during the week they have two best Headway I'm I that need to provide other options at TGK to go commun disrespect off criminal arrested that doesn't criminals arrrest in other parts of Miami or in other parts of Miami County I ask you all practice not ending up with inmates in our our and now much better than this this is a failure this a Comm thank you commission this is an you know perhaps next meeting we could for the Adra to put together plan C meeting if I could work with the administration to figure out what going to be our approach I think this needs a lob quite frankly we need on outstanding bench warrants which we didn't have before and I'm seeing Mark Fishman nod his head yes and that's the problem and you've addressed and and and that's why it's so key that you address this because you there's so many aspects there's dozens and dozens of aspects but if you have a loophole in one area then you're going to get a failure and you have to plug the holes everywhere and I think we're doing a pretty good job of that and I'm I'm I'm so happy that you identified this and we're going to address this head on should we take the vote so I have a motion by commissioner Fernandez second by okay all in favor any opposed the item is approved unanimously 70 C7 y let's call the uh boards and committee votes we're now doing item r9a and r9b we have on the day you'll have a a yellow piece of paper looks like this so the first item that we are requ requesting your vote on is for the ad hoc City Historic preservation ordinance review advisory committee we have one nominee for the category of financial expertise Michael Goldberg may we do so by acclamation yes yes got it thank you uh the next one is real estate development category we have Nom one nominee Alex witkoff may we do so by acclamation yes thank you so he is appointed the next member is City's historic preservation board we have two nominees Jack finglass and we have Ricardo Lopez the resolution that was passed requires that you be a Miami B my my desire correct but currently right now if you vote for Mr Lopez it would also require an amendment to the resolution because the resolution as it currently States it says You must be a resident of Miami beach but members of the historic preservation more some categories to serve on in in the category just a question Rafael I did livei yeah next okay r7n is amend resolution 2024 3293 to wave the qualifications of the ad hoc permit process uh advisory committee we're having difficulty finding nominees for the for these seats the permitting category and what's the other one vict you remember an inspector an inspector we have not received one nomination so this would make those two seats if you can't find one and at large person I'll make that motion second so then we are doing r7n and that if we may do that by acclamation r7n approve it approved uh so if that's the case may we approved Mr Carlton by acclamation yes okay so now affordable housing is being nominated Miss ANZ flax there's one Nom one seat one nominee may we do that by acclamation yes yes for the board of adjustment we have one open seat in the law engineering or certified public accounting category Steven Davis has been nominated he is an attorney yes yes acclamation he is appointed for the Geo Bond Kate Mosley has been nominated for the South Beach area resident we have one nominee and she is a resident yes yes well I thought I had but Mr Carlton then is appointed by acclamation uh for City resident with working knowledge or working with cultural arts organization Bruce Halper has been nominated for the geobond by acclamation the North Beach CRA committee David sexon he is the uh representative of the Normandy Fountain uh business category may we do that by acclamation yes sister City's program Britney bassant has been nominated by the chamber you need to approve that yes yes for the seniors senior affairs committee kza raffle has been nominated by Four Freedoms as their representative yes for the VCA Mohan Koka has been has been nominated he is a uh he he resides in he does not reside in the city however he works in the city and for this board you have to be a resident of Miami day and the last one is committee for Quality education in Miami Beach Harley Ross is a a nominee she does not have a u a child in the school so requires that we take a vote may we do that by acclamation so we have concluded thank you nice commissioner bot wants to change her uh the boat ramp item R5 J thank you so um the is the same as what I hope and this is to Commissioner of our I thought be worthwhile get get start with consideration we do may we good very briefly very briefly uh good afternoon my name is Christian in Fon with sfm Services while I do appreciate that the evaluation committee ranked us uh first and we're tied with someone else um it's just physically impossible and I don't think they understood the specification that if I can give one quick example uh the city is asking us to have restroom attendance at Lumis Park uh for certain hours uh a day or or a week if you backtrack their price by the hours in the in the city in the RFP their hourly rate comes out to a billing rate of $219 an hour so it just does not make sense obviously we know that the living wage uh for City of Miami Beach is608 so I'm just saying that um I I don't think that there should be any negotiations with a bid that's been submitted uh irresponsibly that's it thank you thank you it's very tough for us because of the Code of Silence and and all that it's very hard for us to step in and make those decisions we really do have to rely on the city Administration on these items so we need a motion in a second if we want to we have a motion let's vote all all in favor c2e anyone opposed motion carries 70 c2e c4e c4e is referral to Public Safety neighborhood quality of life committee established a nighttime Drop in Center in Miami Beach uh the sponsors are Commissioners Fernandez and Dominguez c4e was separated by commissioner magazine commissioner magazine uh I'll um I'm not going to belabor this I I want to be diligent and let this run its course through committee and things like that um so I don't want to beat this to death uh here um when to show respect to my colleague commissioner Fernandez um it just seemed like a deviation from some of the policies and directions that we had largely uh taken over the past couple of years um so I'm not going to hold this up if you want to just hash it out in committee not something I'm initially enthusiastic or overly excited about but perhaps I just need to hear it further through committee but I I'll I'll pass it over to you I'm not going to hold it up from going to committee uh here throughout the day I actually wish I hadn't pull it um just so we could do it uh due process but you decide how much you want to elaborate on uh no um move the item uh to to the public safety neighborhood quality of life committee so a second by commissioner Suarez may I call the vote all in favor any opposed hearing none the item is uh approved 70 c4n c4n is a referral to Public Safety neighborhood quality of life committee adjusting Beach closure hours during spring break uh requested by commissioner bot separated by commissioner Fernandez c4n yeah so there are four related items c4n o PQ s so I'm going to call all those together c4n I just read C40 uh referral to Public Safety neighborhood neighborhood quality of life committee Goodwill ambassadors for 2025 spring break c4p referral to public safety nebor quality of life committee Outreach regarding parking plans for future spring breaks uh and C4s uh referral to Public Safety neighbor neighborhood quality of life committee as well as a finance committee impacts of extending law enforcement during March 2025 all these items were separated by commissioner Fernandez thank you Mr Mayor um I think it's great that uh that we have these items before us I think uh commissioner bod has uh has has great desires to be discussing uh about next year's spring break and also seeing seeing what happened last year or this year it's not last year still this year uh and what we can what what we can improve for for for next year um I think we we already have these items quite frankly um before the Public Safety Committee uh back uh back on in in January 31st of this year we approved uh the mayor's uh comprehensive spring break item it was item R5 AJ uh together with that item we made a referral um to the public safety neighborhood quality of life committee where we would look at number of of these things you know the beach closure hours the Goodwill ambassadors the parking the marketing um the the the the law enforcement and make recommendations for next year as well so I think we already have an item that's been referred to the Public Safety Committee um that due to a staff error uh didn't make it on on an agenda but we already have that there it's an item that the mayor sponsored uh that's under his sponsorship that we have pending there and I think we also have on the committee probably a a heavy a heavy docket of of items that we have to go through because we keep on referring items to that committee so I just you know I I believe we already have this this this on a large scale um before before the Public Safety Committee and that was a purpose of pulling uh this item just not to be redundant in the amount of items that we have there thank you commissioner Fernandez commissioner but um I guess this uh shows what a rookie I am in this job because FR quite frankly the thing that I thought would be the easiest to get done um has proven to be one of the hardest which was uh to get my colleagues to agree which they did and I thank them for that for a productive listening session for a Spring Break um we had an open meeting where everybody who had something to say about how spring break went came and the reason why I was so insistent upon us having that meeting was so that we all our staff colleagues and all of us elected officials could get the same information at the same time to start having us all think creatively based on our own personal experiences with spring break this year and in years's past and also things that we all heard at the same time to start us thinking about how we wanted to to discuss improvements going forward this these five items are not um intended to supplant any pre-existing General conversation it is to be a part of that existing General conversation so to me they don't need to be P you know uh discussed separately at at neighborhoods they get incorporated into that and they are the things some of the things that we discuss and so I when I found out these were pulled um I was floored I I don't I don't understand and maybe it's because it's a procedural thing that doesn't make sense to me but I don't understand how articulating things that I think could be good uh steps forward to improving Spring Break um going forward to be discussed as part of a larger spring break conversation is a bad thing I thought that's what we were here to do so I would respectfully request that they move forward to the committee and at the appropriate time in conjunction with the larger issue it gets heard along with anybody else's ideas and everybody else's ideas that they might want to share on how to make March Madness a thing of the past I hear the arguments do you want um okay should we proceed moving forward get refer these items I'll make a motion Mr Mayor I'll make a motion to to to to refer them I'll just I'll just you know I'll just put for for the record again I I I think this is great I think I think it's redundant to to to what we have on the agenda item number one in your resolution Mr Mayor that is still pending for an after action for recommendations for next year item number one on that on that was law was law enforcement and uh and that's C4s item number two was the uh was was the beach hours uh and and uh and that's c4n item number nine of your of your of your resolution was the marketing campaign and that's c4q item number 10 of of your of of your of your resolution and an amendment made sequently uh subsequently to to your resolution um was was parking and that's c4p so we have all of this as part of your comprehensive item Mr Mayor that youth champion before the committee nonetheless uh I I support my colleagues efforts 100% I just realized we have like I think a lot of items pending in that committee I second my colleague's item uh motion to to refer this to the committee I just wanted want us to understand this is already before the committee uh you sponsored it Mr Mr Mayor and we we referred it in January uh so we can make recommendations based on what happened this year for next year so I I don't believe that when I put these forward into the agenda that I was and maybe I'm forgetting but I don't think I was advised that there were these items were already being contemplated we can if it's it's fine I mean it's fine I just wanted just the so for purposes uh vice mayor Dominguez when you call the mayor's item at the appropriate commission uh committee meeting just throw all these in at the same time and they'll all be heard at the same conversation and that makes sense that it's fine with me um so may I M um if I remember correctly at the April 3rd meeting the special spring break meeting was requested it was discussed at that meeting that the referral item would be heard then and then I believe commissioner Fernandez may have had confusion thinking it was going to be heard at neighborhoods when on April 3rd we had discussed that it was going to be heard at the special spring break meeting that happened we discussed the past now all of this is to discuss moving forward and I'm happy to have your items the mayor's items commissioner Fernandez's items on a future meeting it's no problem we need to talk about this thank you and and just for the record it's not my item I don't have an item before the committee it's the mayor's item um just just just for the record and the special meeting that we had at the city commission that did not resend the prior Direction uh which made the referral to the April uh public safety meeting we approved the special commission meeting which I was proud that I think I got a little bit in trouble for supporting that special commission meeting but commissioner bot it was your leadership and your initiative and I proudly stood by you in supporting that special meeting but but but it was not it did not resend the prior action taken in January uh with r R5 AJ so I think we have a a motion in the second and this is all trying to get us to a better place going forward and if I stepped in it because I'm a rookie I apologize if I stepped on anybody's toes but can we in the interest of moving forward just vote on this and move forward yes and I heard commissioner magazine make the motion and I am second so all in favor of all these referrals n o p q and s anyone opposed the referrals are made 70 unanimous c7h c7h is amend resolution 2023 32571 VPK relocation Miami Beach fineberg Fisher c7h was separated by commissioner bot oh um so I I'm not opposed this item I just wanted to raise a question concern for staff oh hello Dr Rosenfeld how timely so my concern is this I understand the reason why we need to do it and that's great we have a ton of people who want to use it um in one school and nobody who's taking advantage of it in the in the other school I'm very concerned about that because that's my neighborhood and there are a lot of young workingclass families with a lot of young kids and um I would like to have the VPK program at both schools so can you advise do we know why nobody's doing this in North Beach good evening actually um bisc Beach Elementary currently has four prek classes and fineberg has four prek classes the um four fourth class at biscane is the one funded by the city and uh there doesn't seem to be as great a demand for that class however there are 37 children on a weight listed fineberg so to accommodate as many as possible we moved the class from uh biscane Beach which didn't have anybody enrolled in it to fineberg to accommodate so it's not the program it's just the extra you'll still have three class that's correct and an additional class instead of having four you'll have three and then the additional capacity in that class it isn't being used is moving to Fisher fber yes and and actually just to elay your concerns uh the city's prek scholarship program um has 22 prek provider Partners uh seven of them are located in the 33141 neighborhood so there's uh plenty of uh access up in that in that part of our city perfect then I I move this item thank you very much appreciate it thank so motion by commissioner bot second by by commissioner Suarez all in favor I any opposed hearing none the motion passes 70 c7k c7m c7m is accept recommendation execute Declaration of intent Water and Sewer revenue bonds it was separated by commissioner Rosen Gonzalez um the reason I separated this was not a negative reason at all I just wanted people overall to understand that this morning we spent hours and hours on two very large $200 million projects that over the past five to 10 years we have not been able to find consensus for but this new plan that we have going forward this new plan to address the critical needs to address hotspots across the city $85 million worth um is so smart and I just wanted to congratulate Public Works on it it took a couple of years to come up with this plan but there are literally people I had somebody who had purchased a house on North Bay Road they spent $4 million on the home it was on a dry lot and they called me because they were about to sell the house because when it rained it flooded in that one spot now all of North Bay Road is not flooding but it just so happens that that one block happens to be flooding it could be plugged up dra whatever it is it needs to be addressed and that's what this is going to do it's going to address these critical needs for example like all of First Street is not flooding there's like one little piece that's flooding so if we approach this moving forward I'm not saying that we don't need to do this but my my point is is that this is a much easier way uh to address flooding address the insurance issues address the resilience issues and not make everyone um angry and never come to consensus so hopefully in this program we were able to approve it so um Joe just out of curiosity how many different critical needs hotspots are the $85 million going to address the critical needs for storm water address 20 20 so 20 spots around the city that are currently flooding will now be dry and it is approved and we are getting hopefully getting the funding as soon as possible and how long is it going to take you to complete these separate projects across the city the the the critical needs projects uh we we it's over a 10-e horizon okay so over the next 10 years today without any uh 60 public meetings without all of the chaos we are going to be addressing 20 spots over the next 10 years it is done when we approve the bond funding this is going to move forward all I'm saying is that I'm looking at the two options and it's looking to me like doing smaller little pockets instead of something that's transformational and ruins people quality of life seems to work and that's the reason I pulled it I pulled it for no other reason than to explain that we're stuck in these other two two projects right now which is great but maybe had we approached flooding from this perspective at the beginning we'd be much further along in the process because now we've wasted 10 years and and by the way as we do these smaller projects um they're much easier aren't they Joe for they they're smaller in scale ma yeah they're smaller in scale and scope they're easier to do they're easier to fund they're not as controversial so all I'm saying is as we move forward because it's going to be a constant thing I don't want you to think big but at the same time bring it down to the local level and you know when we do it like this it's much easier if I can just clarify something for the thank you just to clarify something for record this is a water and sewer not a storm water critical needs program the the storm water uh one was approved recently and that we'll be I think going to FK discuss that in the fall but this is the water and sewer critical needs correct if if I can they yeah our existing [Laughter] rad it's a water none of it is the storm water plan wait cuz this works 80 it's it's 87 million okay the St water is 87 million and how many critical needs are you going to be addressing in the 87 million quite a few I I off hand I can't remember I mean I know for the storm water it's 20 20 okay so for storm water it's 20 the point is is whether it's water and sewer or storm water instead of doing these massive projects that everybody's complaining about we're moving forward we're getting them addressed 85 million 87 million it's getting done whereas these other projects are not getting done I kind of think that if you were to take First Street if and chop it up because at this point like what we came to the conclusion that we came to this morning is that we were that actually somebody called me uh someone who concerned about this project yesterday said well you know all of your colleagues have decided to build a pump and I was like so we're going to build a pump that's not connected to anything the whole point is is that that massive redesign right now had if you chop it up and you do small sections um maybe you can get it done in a way that won't make everybody angry I'd like to move the item I'll second all in favor I no no one's opposed if so this item passes 70 c7m c7w c7w accept recommendation wave bidding fixed routes service Route 115 c7w was separated by commissioner Fernandez thank you Mr Mayor um this is an item that um that that I sponsored that I've been working on I know vice mayor Lord Dominguez has taken tremendous leadership with this as well uh looking out for for those that have been left without service and connectivity uh between mid Beach and and North Beach and meeting with with stakeholders and taking leadership on this is something that we both uh care care about uh there's there's a recommendation on today's agenda to uh to to work with an OnDemand service provider to provide for a fixed route service yesterday we received communication from our fixed route service provider of their interest uh to provide for this for the service is so happens that our uh fixed route provider is the same provider that used to operate uh the old uh Route 115 before was this continued by Miami day County with the implementation last year of the better bus Network what I like to do is be able to refer to next week's um finan committee and this item just to just see both options see what has being proposed uh by by by the on demand uh proponent that seeks to provide this um this this fixed route service and see what's being offered uh by our by our fixed route uh service provider who we have a contract with and Who provided the service until the discontinuation of Route 115 see both and see which one would truly be in the best interest of the other writers uh so I just like to make that motion to and and and I just want to check with the chair of the finance committee Mr chair if you great thank you I'll second that so and I and I and I again I want to thank the vice mayor uh Lord Dominguez who has taken great leadership in meeting with stakeholders and advocating for this uh because it is um it is important so all in favor of making this a referral to FK on May for May 24th all in favor I iOS anyone opposed hearing none the item is referred to finance for May 24th c7w no reso C7 AJ C7 AJ is direct Administration undertake initiatives for Community C population C7 AJ was separated by commissioner Dominguez mayor okay thank you um I separated this item because um so the Animal Welfare committee was actually started by uh commissioner Mark samelan many years ago and when I uh started in this role my office is the liaison for um the animal well welfare committee and a big um portion of their time is spent on the cats so I talk to them on a weekly basis sometimes more than that and so when this item came up there were just a few concerns and I wanted to make sure that with a friendly Amendment we can move forward with the item uh first it does not mention release and that's something that's very important to the uh Animal Welfare committee that is not just trap neuter but it also includes release back to um where the cat uh is from and the other part was removing the six-month Mark and speaking with the city Administration they said that it has implications and it's next to impossible to complete the task of the spay neuter and release all the cats in Miami Beach in a six-month period and so if um we can uh put in words like aggressive timeline or something that can actually be achieved and include um the release portion of it is that a motion yes second second by commissioner Fernandez yeah uh M commissioner since this is my item I I I agree um we can change item say in the most um efficient time possible or the most yeah with 90 day checkins do you want to include like status checkins ltcs where they are sure quarterly checkins on on numbers with cat populations and and uh and spay neuter and release the original item was to return with the c cost of the program so this will happen after the program is implemented in other words the the reporting will only be after the of course yeah Mr cler is um anybody from so cats on chance Linda yes Miss Diamond go ahead please you have uh unmute yourself hi there this is L Diamond can you hear me yes Linda go ahead um yes so uh I yes I I agree I'm putting the return piece in there also um we would need funding to compile a team to do the assessment um part of that assessment needs to include figuring out exactly the feral cat population in North Beach mid Beach and South Beach to include how many cats are ear tipped versus not ear tipped based on this count we would need to assess how many cats can be fixed per month and that would need to include the number of Trappers surgery Outlets available for volume needed and also the additional availability of no kill Outlets Andor space staff for taking the Overflow that the kitty campus which is our our shelter on 82nd and Collins can't handle and that would include adoptable kittens and cats and abandoned pets and also helping with the care and recovery for sick and injured cats that we will inevitably F during the trapping excursions okay so the funding piece for the um the team to assess this would be crucial thank you Linda commissioner bot I was just to move the item as amended it was seconded by commissioner commissioner Fernandez actually I have a motion by commissioner Dominguez and a motion by commissioner Fernandez ready so M holl I'm not even answering your question so all in favor anyone opposed no and I see the mayor is out so it's going to be 60 item passes as amended okay the C7 [Music] bf7 BF C7 BF is construction of pedestrian jogging path around Miami Beach uh golf course it was originally moved from c4i C7 BF it was separated by two individuals uh commissioner Dominguez yeah and commissioner Fernandez I um separated this item I love this so much what a great idea and what a great initiative and the thought that came to mind is the minute somebody sees uh residents see this fabulous protected Lane for walking you're going to have kids on bikes and people on bikes so maybe when um going into the construction phase get consideration for having bike and pedestrian because I foresee this being super popular it's such a great idea perfect excellent you know I think in that mid Beach area um right along Alton Road North Bay Road we don't have a lot of public space right especially on the Baywalk is all privatized uh that golf course it is such a large part of our city but utilized by so few and this would just bring a recreation activity to so many of our residents um I don't have have any specific ideas in mind uh so if we wanted to do some type of shared path I'd be all for it so I I want all of us to have a hand in this i' love it thank you and and I'm I'm just gonna I'm just gonna you know give you the courtesy that well is this a referral to committee or what what is this yes explore I'll tell you my concern I did I did have individuals from the Bayshore neighborhood reach out to me about this uh because there's already a shared use path that is uh funded through the general obligation bonds uh that is being proposed along the South along the north side of of of the golf club there's also a shared use path that's already proposed along the west side of of of the golf course that connects with uh 17th Street um and when we were looking at the issue of the shared use path uh the one that goes by 34th and Chase um that we were trying to find solutions for it I was trying to we I I went out with staff we did a side visit and we were trying to see well to solve the issues can we extend the shared use path around the golf club Behind the homes and taking it around and that was not deemed a feasible option I I would suggest before we direct staff to do this why don't we first have a committee discussion on this uh that's what I would I would suggest um I have concerns also about the safety of golf balls you know right now the golf club does not allow people on on on on the golf on the golf course or or or jogging around there or or anything like that um and I and I think that there's already right now in the the community in that specific Community a lot of concern about the added pedestrian traffic about the added bicycle traffic that's already going to be encouraged and attracted there through the shared use path uh and I think it just might Merit before we direct staff to do something to have a committee discussion about it that's that that's all I would suggest just to analyze a little bit better and if uh the sponsor is okay with it I'd like to move it to neighborhoods with the committee I'd make that motion to move it to neighborhoods committee the next one yeah M off sorry sorry is this even remotely feasible am I just wasting people's time I'm thinking some sort of fixed loop around the golf course uh as a recreation activity this wouldn't be part of like a transportation master plan that is used to get from one of the city to the other I'm thinking somebody that lives on Alton Road can cross the street uh with their jogging shoes on and Jog around in Scenic golf court the the number one thing that I'm concerned with is safety you know we get a number of claims to our risk manager risk management um Department from golf ball Aaron golf balls so I'd like to I'd like to work with risk the attorney's offic to take a look at that because we are protected under Florida case law when it comes to when those claims are made and the ca I I don't I don't want to get into legal aspects case Law changes when you make alterations so maybe I could work with um Mr Depo or somebody he assigns and the risk manager to really analyze would something like this change um the liability but it's a lot of Acres awesome but I'm not sure if we wouldn't be assuming risk you know what since this is going to the Public Safety Committee I want to be collegial and uh and it is a great idea we already have the shared use path so be interesting to see how the shered use path uh contributes to that and you know you're going to have to speak with Rick too uh and and their staff about risk and and that type of stuff so maybe you know we we moved this forward just to get a preliminary conversation going out the public safety it's worth the conversation why not y yeah excited thank you thank you all so acclamation we are not passing the resolution we instead referring this to the public safety neighborhood to Quality of Life committee of May 22nd is that correct so I don't think the May um public safety meeting would be I think we need more time to do due diligence so just a referral Mr Mayor okay so um we'll call c7h we did yeah I'm back um c78 c7a is reallocate part of the homeless trust fund Miami Center for mental health uh C7 Au was separated by commissioner Dominguez can you undo sorry okay um mayor commissioner Dominguez thank you um I separated this item because uh I'm sure we all received it but I got a text from uh judge lifeman and he doesn't want us robbing Peter to pay Paul and instead of taking money away from the homeless trust if we could look uh to allocate separate funding for his initiative um so I spoke to him yesterday too and um frankly he's in the process right now here's what happened with the facility they've spent $52 million with the facility um on the facility so far the County right now is in the process they had this company thriving Minds that was managing the lifeman center now he wants monies for both I don't think we have the monies for both but I will say that I did uh read that what we're paying into is um a facility for uh AJ homeless which in Homestead yeah so we're not even going to approve and by the way the community newspapers came out with an article about this and it was called overpriced and contaminated and I was like what Ron book or the center but the truth is these purchases are um overpriced our homeless population is not never going to want to go down to Homestead although I know that there's a separate facility Massa that is closer um but that is also for the Aged and that is not what our homeless population needs right now what our homeless population needs is the lifeman center now we can continue to give the 2 million that by the way we have not given $1 yet have we because they have not complied with our agreement but if we did put the 2 million aside and we do have the two million aside they are going to need that to open the lifeman center and that is important I don't think that paying for um I'm not saying that we don't have wonderful um that are I I have not seen a lot of homeless over the age of 65 that's not what I'm seeing on our streets and that's what we're paying into um there is one of his projects but that's not the one Mia Casa is for the agent but our aged um that are here need something different they're not homeless they need so theou uh good afternoon Al office of Housing and Community Services theou with the homeless trust would allow for 45 units at Blue Village for single males and 10 beds at makasa which is a um shelter specifically for seniors 65 and older and where is Blue Village blue Village is in Chrome okay that's in Chrome okay so our homeless are not going down to Blue Village and chrome so we're giving Monies to something that we're never going or first of all they're never going to accept services to go down there if we were going to buy beds um imagine what our first of all the city with our $2 million if we allocate that to the homeless we could do a lot or we could put it in escrow until they find the managing company and then help them complete the lifeman center but to put $2 million toward facilities and Homestead in Chrome to address homelessness in the South End of the county it makes no sense for Miami Beach and I think every single dollar needs to be allocated correctly so we have a few options we could take the 2 million yes oh well I'm not can I finish let me finish so number one we could take the money put it aside and then work with the county and really push I think he needs a push right now with this second operating company and then and then pitch in those funds toward a center that our homeless will occupy um or we take these funds and we uh you know do something create some sort of program uh inhouse that we're doing or we buy beds locally that are closer to us with the 2 million but I'm telling you our homeless are not going to Chrome they're not going to Homestead and they are not aged so it makes no sense m commissioner Suarez I I know some of us have just got elected and we on the new commission but I really don't feel comfortable giving $2 million to Ron book of all people to uh manage our our homeless situation especially if it's going to a facility that's so far away that that Homeless individuals are just not going to go to um I think using $2 million of tax pirer money should be properly vetted and and and rigorously discussed because um you when this was approved I think things have dramatically changed you know considering that we had that horrific uh death um the a month ago uh a murder excuse me I think our monies are much or could be better well spent on programs that is going to specifically help Miami Beach and whether that be different Transportation methods not to uh Miami Beach like commissioner Fernandez has suggested uh earlier today or or or actually providing beds that it's going to be near Miami Beach and so remember this is $2 million and I don't want to fund another part of a city uh because of Ron book's idea of how to uh manage our money for someone else's if you think about paying Peter to pay Paul that's exactly what Ron book is doing yeah I voted no twice for these allocations of Monies to the homeless trust I didn't think it was the best use of our money but I'm also without further analysis I'm not sure transferring it is going to be a good use of money either so the good thing is we haven't actually expended the money because we don't have the agreement from the county so we still have a little bit of time to figure out how that's going to work but that's my two cents youe this population our population will not be served by this so while we don't have to reallocated to Jud my motion would be to take this money and put it aside and see what needs we need for in my in the future okay that I'm okay with because I vote I voted no twice to this money I I never supported These funds to the homeless trust in the in the first place commissioner Fernandez thank you thank you m Mr Mayor um just just just some clarification um we have we've committed up to $2 million it's it's it's a commitment of up to $2 million how much of this is in our reserves and how much has been dispersed nothing has been dispersed nothing been dispersed dispersed how what has has the board of County Commissioners approved theou with the city no theou is has been approved through the homeless trust Victoria Mallette is on the phone as well um but it has not gone to the to the and and sure I'm sorry I just wanted to clarify that 1 million was appropriated and the second million was not appropriated so I just wanted to clarify that for are we don't have to give it do we commissioner bot oh now that that's perfectly fine I didn't didn't know you were done you weren't done go ahead okay um so and and just to clarify with with the $2 million that that that we have in this mou um our city was supposed to get a certain number of beds for clients referred by the city of of of Miami Beach I believe we we have 45 units in one location and 10 beds at another location is that correct correct it would be 45 units at Blue Village and 10 beds set aside at makasa and that and and those are exclusively for individuals referred by the city of Miami Beach by the city of Miami Beach correct and so and and and so that's that's that's uh that's a commitment that we have that if we refer individuals to those locations that that those BS are going to be set aside for for for our clients and I would imagine um Mr attorney I'm going to turn to you now um you know we passed an ordinance uh a camping ordinance and that camping ordin is based on the availability of beds and the Ava availability of units were to place uh in in individuals um if if we proceed with this and at some point we do get access to these 45 + 10 that's 55 uh does that does does that capacity help us with the enforcement of our camping ordinance um a few qu a few answers here and I think you're also going to need some input from Alba Andor Madame manager um yes having more capacity would certainly help with enforcing the ordinance I don't believe that capacity exists at Blue Village at this time um but I think we would want to know from um from Alba or from Madam manager whether we've had any problems with placements at this time I um at this time we do typically have bed availability as I have always said it really depends on the case that we have at the moment especially if the person has any special needs if they need a bottom bunk or any special requirements um the positive side is we do not have any beds currently at makasa specifically designated for us which we do see especially with the housing market the way that it is we have seen an influx of senior citizens especially that have become homeless due to the housing market all right thank you thank you Mr Mayor um commissioner Suarez simple just simple math 2 million divided by 55 is $36,000 a bed uh and you're telling me that we're we're very rarely at capacity I think $2 million could be spent on more homeless Outreach officers to really enforce the no camping uh ordinance in the evening times I think that is where money is severely going to be well spent uh you know right now if we're not even reaching capacity why why are we putting $2 million of taxpayer money at $36,000 a bed for Ron books homeless trust I think we should be spending money on officers to enforce the law on Miami Beach that can hopefully prevent any further tragedies I would also if I can also just like to clarify for theou um the beds are in perpetuity so that the it would be for as long as we have theou active we would have access to the 45 units as well as the 10 beds at miasa commissioner Rosen Gonzalez so I would like hello okay my motion would be to take the $2 million that we would be allocating for these facilities down south that are not nowhere near Miami Beach um and either and use it to at at Alba's discretion for programs that we currently have in place Visa the homeless can I commissioner Fernandez U I like the I like the direction that my colleague is is going I I I believe you know let's let's put this funding in reserve for homeless related services including potentially a dropin center uh for for a nighttime droing Center for for the homeless that still advances what we're trying to do providing a mechanism through which our officers can better enforce the the camping ordinance while still providing compassionate services and helping get individuals off off the streets so so I'm all for if that's if that's a rout that we want to go I'm all for um you know supporting your motion with the amendment that that we put it aside on on a reserve for for homeless services but let's prioritize uh a potential Drop in Center okay your second so commissioner bot I'm sorry I just for um edification of the the I think it's you said 45 beds in Chrome um are they ever fully used right so that building right now is in in the process of renovation as I mentioned before Victoria Mallet from the homeless trust is in the on the on zoom in case there she can give us more of a specific update of where they are in the rehabilitation of that project well regardless of the rehabilitation status when when it was functional fully functional did we use those beds a capacity ever and those beds would be new beds um they're currently not an there were currently these are would be new operational beds so wait a minute we've been paying $2 million to the homeless trust for no no we haven't paid anything this was got it this would be upon the execution of theou we would be giving the $2 million and we negotiated through theou to have access to 45 units it's at Blue Village so cost is the cost per bed of $36,000 or so obviously that's not just I mean that's the most expensive hotel rate I've ever heard of so does that factor in cost of services rendered like what is it covering it would also include not only the the unit but it would also cover Supportive Services that would be provided in perpetuity so you're making a one contribution and for the life of this sorry may you know and in perpetuity so you're making disinvestment and what was the amount of 30 something, per bed but that's a one-time investment that you're making per bed in perpetuity for the lifespan of this mou for capital for the and and for the services of 55 beds that we're going to have available for for to help us enforce our camping ordinance so so with the the is the model that we would place a person in this at the c000 and so is the is the model um that we would place somebody into one of these beds for $36,000 and if that person wanted to stay there for five years they would be able to or is this a transitional like well and and and and let me just go go go an extra step we've we've asked we've baked into this mou um what is it called retention rates retention rates so they need to have a certain retention rate the homeless individual has to stay in Services um in order for the homeless trust not to lose not having to return this funding to the city so there's a performance meure that we've baked into into this and also we're not just giving out these two $2 million they're benchmarks so it's not that if the BCC approves um approves this mou that we're going to just write a check for $2 million now there are certain benchmarks that are that that are put there um I I believe you know the first uh set of funding I believe it's like $300,000 is within the first 45 uh days since from the execution of of the contract the second batch of funding is upon us getting verification the construction has has started you know then there's um there's a balance of funding that's issued once there's occupancy in the property we're just not going to write a $2 million check there are benchmarks that they need to reach before they get a penny from this city and that even after they get uh the money from from the city if the homeless individuals are going there are not staying in the services and there's issue with with retention and they're coming coming back into our city and making it back into the system an Alba system our our homeless office has a tracking system and if they start to populate again their name starts to appear again in the tracking system then we can go back on that performance and ask for the holess trust to return their uh the funding to us Mr Mayor yeah then can we get a motion Mr Mayor so I think once you spend the money it's almost impossible to get it back no matter you know what circumstance it's going to happen it's just that's that's that's that's probably never going to happen but again I think what commissioner Gonzalez really brought home is that this is nowhere near Miami Beach this is not going to service when people buy into the program they're not going to want to go to Homestead or Chrome to to accept these Services okay we're talking about $2 million for 55 beds I understand it's in perpetuity but this isn't even going to be close to Miami Beach we could spend $2 million on on on police officers who will Who will dedicate enforcement of no camping on our beach during the evening times and that to me is much better money well spent and Al will tell you right here that we are not at capacity on on a daily basis we are not capacity with the beds that we even have so why are we spending two extra million dollar of taxpayer money on on if we're not even at capacity for the beds at cilla's house can I commissioner Rosen Gonzalez and and by the way there was an item on the agenda um that our affordable housing we're buying a building right now for $1.6 million that's going to give us five permanent Workforce housing units in the city of Miami Beach if we took that 2 million and we added a little bit and we bought like three different garden apartment buildings we could have 12 permanent Workforce housing market you know below market rate uh that we could offer people I'm just saying for $2 million for by the way it is I'm not saying the the home the the seniors who live on Miami Beach they don't want to go to a homeless facility in Chrome they're not going there they're not going and and and the only one is blue men and we don't even know if blue men's going to get done by the way the county hasn't even voted on the other facility and they did appraisals on what he purchased and it's like $4 million he's purchasing it for $4 million more than the purchase price so who are we enriching with our $2 million I'm just saying $2 million we could buy a couple of buildings and make them of housing or allocate it to the homeless my motion would be to take this $2 million and put it aside and allocated to our own homeless initiatives here on Miami Beach that to me seems responsible and um if somebody comes up with a a good proposal like your Drop in Center or whatever it is then we can use the money for for that so okay so we have a second yeah I agree with commissioner Rosen Gonzalez where I'd rather put this towards things like developing uh surface parking lots for Workforce housing and so Mr Mr Mayor I I I second I second I second the motion uh because I'm just seeing seeing where my where my colleagues uh stand on this I just I just want to see this funding one thing is affordable housing one thing is Workforce housing another thing is services for a population that is already on the streets and that's what I want to be clear about one thing is services to prevent homelessness and that's great but I I just want to make sure that this funding stays in the realm of services for individuals that are already on the streets that we're trying to get out of our commercial corridors our residential corridors because I think that that is the greatest emergency that we have right now to the quality of life of our of of our residents uh so I'll second uh commissioner Rosen Gonzalez's motion call the vote I'm not even the chair sorry Jason thank you uh Jason Green CFO just one one comment to maybe modify the motion just as a note there is a commission uh approved policy and and it is best practice that we don't use onetime dollars which this $2 million pool is for recurring costs so and which would be the recurring cost that's being proposed here exactly because you talked about initiative so I would just to make sure that for the pool would' be used for you know one-time expenditures just to just wanted to clarify that thank you okay we can if somebody comes up with a good idea for the two million we can do that too yeah uh Rick can you just repeat the motion okay the uh motion is to set aside the 2 million that was uh previously allocated for the homeless trust mou and to used for homeless for services to homeless here in Miami Beach including potentially programs like the Drop in Center and this is a onetime use okay let's call a vote all in favor I I anyone opposed motion passes 70 great C7 ax C7 ax request federal guidelines exemption 63rd Street Bridge c7a X was separated by commissioner bot so I just wanted to clarify I I'm all for um all hands on deck no pun intended on um trying to get uh better control of the 63rd Street bridge I want to make it known in the public record that one of the first things I started working on when I was elected in December was working with Jose and the transportation department to get the data that we need to make a formal request to the Coast Guard um to um to get this bridge working with better opening times for our residents and our commun you know the people who are driving not the people who are boating um there is not a chance that moving your yacht or your party boat takes precedence over getting to work on time or making it to a doctor's appointment or getting to school in order to have that conversation with the the Coast Guard you can't just pick up the phone and say hey this is ridiculous us do something we need to go with data we need to go the first step was to make sure they were complying with the um the deal that we currently have so we had to pull the logs and we had to an analyze the logs to determine if they were in compliance they were by and large mostly in compliance with a few exceptions thankfully it was only a few um then you had to do the analysis then you had to get the analysis approved about what kinds of options would make it better for people who are trying to get from point A to point B on the roads then you had to get that approved through the county then um am I leaving out of step is there a state thing I don't think there's a state thing it was a county thing for 63rd Street it would be the Florida Department of Transportation sorry so it's the state thing not the county thing um and that has to get approved and then once they're okay with what we're proposing then you can go to the Coast Guard and I was hoping that the Coast Guard Captain who was here this morning was going to stick around because I put him on the spot um but we are now ready we are now ready to have that conversation in fact it is scheduled for either next week or the week after so please know that it is not that we're sitting twiddling our thumbs waiting for some miracle to happen with the boers to just vanish and the bridge to stay closed there is a process that has to happen because you need to go with a plan backed up by data and I'll turn it over to Jose because he has a recommendation that we're going to take before we listen to Jose can I just but it's my item and it was pulled you know how you felt when your item got all your items got p no no and I'm I'm saying I love this I but I want to make sure that we know that there's this thing also happening so go and do this as well like I support it fully I just want to put this in the record because people seem to to be concerned that there's no work going on on the opening times so because this is such an arduous process we thought we would throw caution into the wind and have a conference call with the congresswoman which we did which is awesome and uh they want this resolution they already have a uh meeting planned with the Coast Guard we have the um item number and sometimes we can circumvent bureaucracy and do something politically which is what the Avenue that I'm taking so I need our resolution and what what our ask is and what we think we're going to get is that instead of every half hour on the hour we're going to ask for only one opening per hour hour which would cut the problem in half which is your ask too only it's different if Jose goes and sits down or if it's congresswoman Wilson who goes and sits down and we have congresswoman Wilson and her entire office mobilized we're working on this we will Loop you in on the next meeting Jose we do not want to mire her and a lot of bureaucratic stuff we just want to go and ask the co and ask the Coast Guard to amend this and we think that we can probably get this done with this resolution so I will make a motion to support this resolution to Move It I was not trying to derail it I was just trying to get on the record that this whole process has been happening because it hasn't been on an agenda at all um but we're now at at the Finish Line I think it's actually quite um serendipitous timing because if they call you know in those meetings say well where do you have the data to back it up you'll be able to say in fact we have it right here so I think it's great and and hopefully you know I'd like all of us to sponsor it we're going to take this resolution and you know hopefully um get it done very quickly we're hoping to get this done within the next month so um so there's a motion on the floor if you want to Second it okay I'll second that motion so all in favor of approving c7ax I anyone opposed passes unanimously and commissioner Magazine's just coming in so C7 ax okay so it's unanimous City attorney is telling me he really wants C7 BJ herd that is uh West Avenue project amendment number two expedite arbitration mayor we need you to add that to the you're you're adding that to the to the agenda correct yep present all in favor C7 BJ is approved unanimously Memorial Day weekend is that R9 AB a AQ thank you can we do this quickly I know it's obviously uh time sensitive because we're not going to it's going to happen Memorial Day weekend before our next commission meeting but it it is important that we discuss it I know um we have a plan in place I spoken to our police chief our city manager spoken to the state law enforcement I know they're providing significant resources I think 20 Troopers County so we're well prepared but who's presenting on this Mike oh okay I've been pushing it for a while uh thank you mayor uh you'll note that on your uh item you have a lot of background material on our plans for Memorial Day weekend we also issued an LTC uh last week detailing our plans as well we have the Hyundai air and sea show that's going to take place Saturday and Sunday we're in the process of finalizing that special event permit there will be a display Village in Lumis Park from 10 to 15 streets we will have enhanced uh Staffing uh for all of our enforcement uh departments as well as other departments that uh will be monitoring all the activity in the city we have 18 outside police agencies or enforcement agencies that will be assisting us we're going to be on Alpha Bravo shifts uh for many of our departments we will have license plate readers both mobile and fixed we have requested Goodwill ambassadors from Miami D County we will also have Goodwill ambassadors uh from our our city uh we're pending uh acknowledgement from Mii County on whether they will be uh supporting us with those Goodwill ambassadors our fire department will be doing night inspections uh there will be uh mobile first aid structure similar to what we've done in the past code enforcement will have 24-hour coverage there will be a focus on short-term rental investigations team as well as coverage at our our Marina and the int Coastal Waterway uh we will have a maintenance of traffic plan on the Julia Tuttle and MacArthur causeways our parking team uh has enhanced Staffing as well we will be limiting access to the garages in the mxc uh to 900 p.m. this will allow uh folks wanting to participate in the Aaron sea show and um musical activities that are occurring in conjunction with the Ocean Drive Association and the Miami Beach classical Musical Festival uh so if you have any questions or concerns we wanted to uh identify those we are having a resident meeting tomorrow uh which will be virtual so if there's anything that uh needs to be tweaked or added we would like to get ahead of that we do plan to issue a press release this week and so we want to make sure that the information is getting out there we do have some high impact measures that we think we will be utilizing as well as some that may be optional depending on how things go we have uh had conversations with the city attorney's office in the event we uh may need to declare a state of emergency for whatever reason we are prepared uh in the event that that might be necessitated so just wanted to let you know that we have planned and we are ready and if you have any feedback uh we're definitely willing to um hear that great thank you for the report and everyone please come out enjoy the a andc show okay let's go thank you um r5k r5k is in orders of the mayor City Commissioner of the city of May Beach Florida amending chapter 110 of the city code entitled utilities by amending article two entitled Water by creating a new division three entitled permanent yearound landscape irrigation res Water Management District's mandatory year round landscape irrigation conservation measures per chapter 40-24 Florida administrative code and providing for AER Sur ability qualification and effective date this is a first reading r5k thank you I'll actually let our co-director Edan uh take it away thank you vice mayor uh real briefly this ordinance restricts the times the number of days landscape irrigation is allowed within the city's jurisdiction additionally there's going to be u a procedure for uh residents who cannot adhere to the specific days and hours for landscape outlined in the ordinance it's an alternative method of compliance uh basically uh the restricted hours are 10: a.m. to 400 p.m. I'd like to move the item thanks Mr clerk so have a motion by commissioner dominga seconded by commissioner magazine commissioner Suarez I called you I'm sorry commissioner SES commissioner Rosen gonzale commissioner Rosales say yes commissioner bot yes commissioner Fernandez yes commissioner magazine yes commissioner Dominguez yes mayor Miner yes motion carries approv 70 second reading public hearing is June 26 thank you commissioner Fernandez I'm going to Grant your request C70 even though it passed on consent yes thank you Mr Mayor I I appreciate you um you bringing this this item back I just wanted to express a concern that I have um you know we were we were just talking about you know dollars that we have to support denas in our community whether it be the homeless or or or the other item talking about housing and and and and the purchase of housing this item that we approved and in consent I I just want to you know raise raise raise a point that we are paying $400,000 a unit five units it's five $400,000 a door a door for affordable housing units that to me is to me it's a little bit excessive we were saying it's too much to pay $36,000 a bed to have these beds in perpetuity uh for to place the neediest and then we're going to come in for affordable housing to pay $400,000 a door that to me now I know that the city um I I see our our director of housing do we consider other properties yes we and and how do we how do we you know how do we get the list of properties that we consider like did we have someone working for us have we put out some requests of properties for sale like how do we compile this list because to me it just seems excessive to be paying this amount of money per door for affordable housing units so we looked at eight through the chair we looked at eight properties um through the MLS system which is the multiple listing service and our housing team tour each of the properties the amount of dollars that we are utilizing are federal allocations of cdbg and home the reason that we chose or we are looking at this property in particular is we did put an offer on a different property for 1.3 um 1.4 my apologies uh but they did not accept the terms of the city and that sometimes we but tell me but it's is isn't it true that we're purchasing this property and we decided to go to the with this property because it's it's fully remodeled and that was and that played a part in it yes it also it was fully renovated and the composition also played a major role because two of the units are two tws and two of the units are one one so it allows for uh what the needs based on our on our affordable but but but but but that's my concern we we're paying a premium not to expand the the inventory not to get the most amount of inventory but because they're fully renovated when I get a we we base this on the MLS but also when I go on the MLS by the way I see for example for almost for you know at you know at $2 million it's a little bit more but you can get 80 units at $250,000 a unit and so so on one end we're paying $400,000 a unit for affordable housing where you can get double the amount of units double the amount of square footage at almost half the price using the taxpayers dollars for affordable housing that's my concern the item already passed and and and if my colleagues feel comfortable with us you know spending $400,000 a door with this I leave that on the I want to register my vote as a no W this because I think $400,000 a door is excessive when we have what when with affordable housing dollars the priority shouldn't be you know to get the one that you know is fully refurbished there's still livable units very livable units that have been renovated as recently as 2018 that are out there in in the market that could serve the needs of individuals to need affordable housing but we get much more inventory and I think when it comes to the taxpayers dollars and our investment in affordable housing the priority would be what is the most we can do with this precious amount of money to expand our inventory as much as possible getting getting such a small amount for so much money I think we could have gotten better better value for the for the taxpayers Investments but commissioner Fernandez if you want to I mean if passed so if you can make a motion for reconsideration you can bring it up you can bring it up the next meeting since you're on the prevailing side but it passed 70 under consent so what's the what's the what's the path forward I'm I'm going to register my vote as a no I just want to change my my vote if my colleagues feel comfortable continuing to support this item as it was written that's that's fine but I just had to put it on on the record because to me it's just concerning that we could have for nearly the same amount maybe maybe maybe we would have put have to have put a little bit more more money on on the table that's outside the 1.6 that we have but we could have gotten 80 units instead of four at a better value at 250 I understand you made that point procedurally it pass can he just register a no vote once it passes I don't I don't I don't think so but no you can make the motion for reconsideration I'd like to make a motion to reconsider C70 just so I can register my vote as a no I'll support you on this to is there is this time sensitive we're an Enterprise fund and so a lot of the reasons for the re for needing a building that has Renovations already set into it is because we have a set amount of dollars we don't get any general dollars for this this is specifically for uh Federal through Federal buildings that have already had Renovations done that have had Plumbing renovated done electrical upgraded yet yeah we're losing opportunity to get eight units instead of four units explaining to you that it's for families it is not little shoe box units they are ample two-bedroom units well I think it's very rude because you know what you've never once come to our affordable H housing advisory committee where we approved this and where we recommended it and honestly they've worked very hard to start to try to buy properties and build up a portfolio so that we can accommodate families and you know what the sad part is most of the time living in affordable housing means you're stuck in like 300 350 square ft now we're buying n like we bought some nice units that we can afford families to and that's what you're arguing about with Federal funding that needs to be spent this year I am just there are families that are in need that cannot afford uh to live any longer on Miami Beach that do work in Miami Beach in our hotels and you know what they deserve housing too and I don't know exactly what the breakdown is price per square foot on this but I would tell you commissioner Fernandez I encourage encourage you if you would like us with the federal dollars moving forward next year to to to come to attend the meetings okay and hear these discussions and hear why we do the things that we do instead of just or or pull it pull the item like you always do but I'm saying that some of our families deserve decent they don't they don't all have to be shoe box units and by the way in this current environment when we do have cash money like this and it is hard to get loans and we might see a little adjustment of property prices this is when we should buy and new construction is so expensive new construction plus land equals no affordable housing so here we are we're providing wasn't it four plus an Annex in this unit so five units four units four so the four units but they're two bedroom units and how many square feet is each unit um each unit is it's overall 3600 um 900 square feet per unit so you know what a family can live decently in 900 and all that I'm saying is these are also other two-bedroom units out there available that families can live in but the city just gets better value for those two-bedroom units there's other opportunities to get better values and so we don't have to reconsider the item if you're that passionate about it all that I'm saying is that it we could be we could we could have gotten a better value we could have housed more of those families that you want to house instead of getting four units you could have gone an 80 units that's all that I'm saying I'm not arguing your point your point is very well intended my point was instead of only getting four which could have got an aid that advances further advances your goal of providing for Workforce housing because ultimately we should be wise about these dollars because they're Limited in nature and so I'm I'm trying to help you advance your goal not get in the way of your goal because these are two bedroom units as well that are renovated that would accommodate if anything even more families that's all that I'm saying well then you you should bring can I have the microphone back you should bring a motion we have $2 million now so why don't we buy that too because honestly to have eight units plus four units that's 12 units do you know how long it's taken us to build Vista Breeze and how many units does Vista Breeze have to 50 119 okay it has 119 so it's longer 10 years it is so hard for us to realize projects so this idea of taking federal dollars that need to be spent and investing in real estate real units that are already built that you know that's where we need to go now I I and and by the way how nice is it that we have nice AFF that we have 900t units that are renovated because to go in because when you buy these buildings and they're not renovated it's structural damage and the new if I if I may respectfully I think we passed the motion but I am considerate to commissioner Fernandez's item I think we should refer this to land use uh where we can we can continue to discuss well I well I'm I'm hes I'm hesitant because this is I'm sensitive for federal funding yeah by the the way if it wasn't for the time sensitive aspect to it I wouldn't mind but if we're going to lose the the the the funding discussion about this broader program can I just say one thing sure I mean it is four okay it is 444 Square it is $444 square do a foot which I do think is expensive but I will also say that it's renovated and we are still pending the we are pending an appraisal we had the inspection today so that process is still it's a continuous process it's not did you offer full price or did you bargain them down what was the asking price the full price was 1.8 we bargained them down to 1.6 because of all the renovations that they had done and again we are still pending an appraisal to be able to negotiate negotiate further if necessary and and if I can add if we were to buy something that needed major Renovations as a city it would be probably impossible to do that for $400 a square foot impossible right and by the way we were planning on spending like something like how much per square foot for the Byron Carlo like $1,500 per square foot in construction cost for Workforce housing when you bet it out like the 36 million or something like that and those were for tiny shoe box units so you know sometimes we advocate for projects what I'm just saying that we wouldn't be able to build it for this price so congratulations and I I've been encouraging Alba and Marcella to use these federal dollars to buy already built units and now we're finally realizing it and I'll just put it I'm just going to put this on the record Mr Mayor you know it's it's it's like the $25,000 cameras it's it's it's it's the same thing but this is ultimately we could have housed eight family instead of four in property that's been recently renovated is it has never lived in conditions probably not but we could have housed more more families so I'll just share the information with with Alba's team because we're going to have $2 million in in in a pool somewhere and now maybe you know we'll end up with four units maybe we end up with another aid but my point is you know for affordable housing these don't have to be units that have been never lived in the point is we have families that are in need if with this $1.6 million we could have gotten more capacity instead of only four units then that should be our end goal I'm not trying to poo poo on what you're doing to the contrary I'm trying to advance and and support you because the dollars are so limited and we should be using them even more wisely especially when they're coming from the federal government because it's not coming out of our own pocket but Mr Mayor if I if I yeah go ahead and then commissioner magazine if I can make a motion to extend the meeting for 30 minutes well we have one commissioner who just said he cannot so we spent 10 minutes talking about so Eric you I'm sorry David you wanted to say something but okay all as well as the cost uh and and commissioner Fernandez I totally understand your your position and what and your angle I will tell you is obviously this building is completely renovated including all mechanical systems electrical systems Plumbing Systems so it's relatively maintenance free of sorts so we have to also think a little bit about operating maintenance expenses following if we do inherit a facility that that is not up to par especially since a lot of that funding comes from our own Enterprise fund so through the mayor if I may just add uh so we have gone through this process before we're not always successful in getting to the closing table on these properties so it there is a possibility I mean God willing we are able to make it there but if for whatever reason we do not happy to have a further discussion on our strategy and trying to um identify properties also so for the the comps that are are being discussed I'm not certain as to when those comps came on the market so our process takes several months where we do our due diligence we're looking for properties so it could be that while we are at the table uh looking at a specific property there may be something else that comes online in the midst of that and so because of the time sensitivity we want to move forward as quickly as possible thank you uh thank you everyone we we had a heavy agenda we didn't get through everything we got through a lot of things I just want to finish off by thanking not only my colleagues and the city administrations but specifically our Communications and Property Management uh departments and I'm going to mention a couple of names hope I don't leave anybody out Melissa berier PJ Elizabeth Myro Frank Garcia Frank Quintana Eric Carpenter and the architect William Lane the amount of work that went into this chamber also taking putting up the convention center taking it apart getting in here thank you it really is appreciated you want to go to my office no mine okay