##VIDEO ID:ehQo1z-2r7g## we're going to start the recording if you're on zoom we're getting ready uh in person we're just gonna have everybody start taking a seat uh and then we'll kick off today's uh meeting so welcome everybody my name is Kevin pedo I'm the neighbor her Affairs division director at the city of Miami Beach I'm gonna get our camera going for those of you on Zoom thank you for coming in person and coming out today with all the rain and some of the flooding in the area we appreciate you all for those of you on Zoom thank you so much for joining us this afternoon and participating in today's meeting uh I just want to before we get started I'm going to recognize some of the elected officials that are joining us online and in person of course we have our mayor Steph Miner thank you mayor Miner for coming then on Zoom I do see we have commissioner David Suarez thank you commissioner Suarez as well as commissioner Joe magazine uh I saw vice mayor lorda Dominguez Aid Aaron uh was ALS joining us as well as commissioner Alex Fernandez's Aid Monica and happy birthday to commissioner Fernandez um so today's presentation uh is to go over the new Resident uh restricted resident permit program uh that's being proposed for North Beach there are four zones there's one in biscane uh biscane Beach which is today's meeting one in Northshore uh one in town center and one in Normandy so today's meeting is focused on biscane Beach and you're going to see maps related to biscane beach but that doesn't mean uh it's only biscane beach so I know we have some people in the audience that are in the NorthShore area and this area specifically so everything you're going to see on the maps is about biscane Beach but the program itself is the same for your area too so even if you live in this area uh and we'll clarify that in any questions at the end we'll do questions and we'll be happy to answer any questions that you have or or listen to any comments that you have about the program uh and then today's presentation the presentation itself is going to be in English but if you want to have a question in Spanish M andos so they're happy to help if there's anything you need to clarify um so with that I'm going to introduce Jose Gonzalez Jose is our inim director of parking and director of transportation and he's going to kick us off go through the presentation and then at the end I'll come in and I'll help moderate we're going to ask everybody two minutes per person uh again any questions that you have about the program uh hopefully we could answer them so Jose good afternoon everyone um again my name is Jose Gonzalez I'm the transportation director for the city and interum parking director I want to introduce my leadership team Jackie Kao and Albert Ventura Alberto Ventura thank you very much all right so um what brings us together today is to discuss a potential pilot program that we're calling restricted residential parking permit pilot program and so that is a mouthful we're going to refer to it as rrpp as part of this presentation so what is an rrpp and why are we contemplating an RPP restricted parking in residential areas prioritizes residents we and no one better than you all understand the challenges of finding parking in areas of of North Beach and so this program or pilot program is intended to prioritize residential parking so that when all of you finish your your workday you can come you could come back home and there's a there's a space or spaces available in proximity to your home without having to be circling and and navigating the streets to find uh parking so this is our timeline here this started this concept was first discussed in December of last year as part of a referral at our city commission meeting um sponsoring Commissioners referred this uh item to the finance and economic resilience committee and so that happened on on April 19th the finance committee discussed this this potential pilot program and passed a motion favorably recommending it then on June 10th we uh brought this this uh issue to the transportation parking and bicycle pedestrians facilities committee who also unanimously um supported a pilot program then on June 26 um the city commission accepted the finance committee's recommendation that was a critical step because they passed a resolution um directing staff the administration to start taking the steps to initiate the pilot program which then brings us to where we are today we're having a series of community meetings as Kevin mentioned we're having a total of four Community meetings um to to in all the affected uh neighborhoods and the purpose of these meetings is to hear your concerns your comments your suest suggestions as we're still trying to give this pilot some some shape and and some form before we go back to the city commission for a public hearing on July 24th and we'll have the details to that um in another slide so um a lot of the pilot programs that we initiate in the city start with with data right um we like to show that there is a need to and a problem and then um the pilot the pilot would be addressing or would be the solution to that to those problems so here on this slide you see the neighborhood biscane Beach is all red it's a 99% red this is based on current year data and it's what we call parking utilization it's what percentage of the U of of the parking spaces are utilized and as you can see red means over 85% so it's you know we've got a limited inventory of parking in this neighborhood and it's very highly utilized some of the current challenges that we're trying to address as part of this pilot program um and there's several um you all are probably very familiar there are a lot of commercial vehicles that are taking up spaces that could be used by by residents uh some of those uh commercial vehicles are being used by car share apps and these car share apps advertise on street parking Spa spaces for for free as as part of their business model um visitors and Beach cers are also looking for free parking there's a lot of free parking in the area um businesses and employees are also competing for the same space and uh and then lastly we have some cases where the spaces are used simply for storage here you see the boundaries of the biscan beach uh neighborhood pretty simple on the south we've got 75th Street on the North 86th cresy on the East and Hawthorne on the west uh we are including as part of this pilot p100 it's parking lot um at 8100 Hawthorne Avenue it's a metered parking lot and it will remain I'm sorry it's a a residential parking lot and it will remain residential as part of this P of program so some of the boundaries of some of the other neighborhoods which we're not going to get into a lot of details we're having meetings as I mentioned with each Pacific neighborhood these are the boundaries of the NorthShore neighborhood we had the NorthShore meeting on July 8th the Normandy aisle neighborhood um you see the limits there with some exclusions and single families areas that are single family homes and then the uh Town Center neighborhood which we've included as as well that'll be our last uh um meeting before the public hearing so um these are some of the parameters um pertaining to this uh pilot program starting with the duration we're anticipating a one-year pilot program it would be free of charge uh for residents during that that first year uh the city would still be issuing visitor permits or visitor permits could still be uh purchased it's $3 per visitor permit for a 24hour period and the city uh can issue up to 30 visitor permits per quarter um we're initially we we're contemplating a maximum of two residential permits rrpp permits per household with any additional permits uh being considered on a on a Case by casee basis we've already received some feedback with regard to the maximum of two uh per household and also in terms of uh the exclusions the last bullet there on the slide is initially we're contemplating that um properties that have dedicated parking on site would be excluded from the pilot program meaning those um residents living in those buildings would not be eligible for rrpp um we've already heard some some feedback from the community on on on that issue and also any on street parking spaces around parks would be excluded we know that you know parks are open to everyone the general public even folks from outside our city um so we want to respect that and keep those spaces available until the park closes at which time those spaces would then be residential the parking the restricted hours that we're looking at as part of this pilot program are 600 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. Monday through Friday and then from 6 P p.m. on Friday through 7:00 a.m. on Monday for the weekend and then all legal holidays would also be included uh during the first two months of the pilot program we will not be issuing any citations it we what we'd like to do during that two-month period is focus on on education on promoting the program uh informing our community about all the details of the program helping our residents register for the for the program we will however be issuing written warnings they're just warnings not citations but it's important that we keep track of compliance as part of this pilot program and after the first two months we will start issuing citations but no vehicles will be towed throughout the entire 12month pilot program in terms of registration as I mentioned we're offering two types of registration either in person or virtual as well uh this slide includes some of the required documentation that will be needed for an in-person um registration we will um need a completed application form government issued photo ID proof of residency such as a utility bill over the last you know it's got to be a current um utility bill we're also um accepting leases lease lease agreements to that validate the resident's address and valid vehicle registration virtual registration as I mentioned is also being offered it's very convenient uh you could do it from anywhere including the comfort of of your home um a completed application could be submitted via Miami Beach parking.com we we do require proof of residency such as a current utility bill and your valid vehicle registration and our it Department highly recommends that you do not um submit any government uh ID via email for security purposes you can uh if you if you register in person you can visit our customer service center located adjacent to City Hall at 1755 Meridian Avenue those are our our working hours uh there and then um to to to provide better C customer service to this community we're also off offering um in-person registration at the North Beach satellite office of our building department however space is very limited in that office so we are asking that you um call ahead and make a an appointment uh because as I mentioned space is very limited and we don't want folks waiting outside some of the safeguards that we're looking uh as part of uh looking to as part of this pilot proog program is that we can where we can issue temporary permits for a 90-day period to allow residents to switch their vehicle registration to a Miami Beach address we understand that a lot of people are in flux or or or moving so um we are we are sensitive to that and can provide those temporary permits also um although we will be issuing citations after the first two months of the pilot program we uh can dismiss a your first citation can be dismissed as a as a courtesy but we do require at that point that you come in and register for the program and uh houses of worship uh we're very sensitive to that as well we understand that congregations can come from outside other parts of the city and outside the city so um we are looking at a special provision what's what we call a house of worship uh permit that would allow congregants to uh Park in the residen zones um these are some of the advantages to registering uh as part of the city's uh residential parking program um we offer discounts on all our meters usually it's two it's um four so well it depends on the area could be but it could be up to $4 in South Beach um if you're registered as a resident it's only one $1 per hour you can uh pay by phone through the pay by phone app or or Park mobile app or at a pay station um the 40 the 46th Street Lot which is a very um you know popular lot in in mid Beach uh we offer a $6 flat uh rate versus a $20 flat rate uh which is the normal flat rate for non uh non-residents that could also be paid through the mobile apps or the paystation and then add garages which is normally $2 per hour we charge $1 per hour to Residents so again this is your parking lead leadership team myself Jackie and Alberto the this is our contact information should you have any questions or want to provide any feedback on this pilot pilot program we uh we'd be happy to answer any of those and um in terms of the next steps uh as I mentioned we're going to have two more meetings we've had two including this one we'll have two more one on July 15th which will focus on the Normandy aisle neighborhood and one on July 18th to focus on the Town Center neighborhood and then on July 24th at uh two we're going to have a series of four public hearings as part of our city commission meeting uh one for each neighborhood um starting at 2:30 for Town Center 2:35 for Northshore 2:40 p.m. for biscane beach and 2:45 for Normandy Isle that doesn't mean that each neighborhood is only going to get 5 minutes of discussion time those are just time certain times which means that the item will not be heard before that time okay and here are a few resources available um to stay in touch with us and provide uh feedback or any type of parking concern Parking Enforcement issue that you may have thank you very much great thank you so much uh so now we're going to open it up to questions uh in person and in Zoom so if everyone could just queue up over here at the mic uh and then what we'll ask if you could keep your comments and questions within two minutes uh so that way everyone has an opportunity to speak uh we're going to focus on everyone who's in person and then we'll also recognize those of you that are on Zoom I'm just going to bring up my timer here just give me a quick second um and then great if you're on Zoom go ahead and click the raise your hand feature if you could just state your name for us and my name's David hey David just for question so if I have a guest coming over I get a for them I'm so let's say hypothetically there's this Airbnb rental you can just get permits up for the people that he wants to come over and there's still going to be no more parking I just just want to know like how would you guys would counter that and Albert if you want to come over to the mic for the people on Zoom since Airbnb is commercial they're not authorized to have an account to purchase visitor permits if they're registered my question is I like the full program but why not directly approach Airbnb since they're this is the rm1 zone why are they still that you can we can work with our code enforcement department to uh to to enforce that so perhaps after the meeting we'll have a discussion because it's you know I I understand this is going better us but this seems like now I have to pay $3 to have to have my family over it's sort of becoming like an HOA dated Community without the benefits there's still crime there's still things I understand resources are limited I do like the program that we can have more space for for residents I just feel like it needs to be a bit more fun because those Airbnb rentals are vicious and they can find any us and just so you know that if we do find an Airbnb doing that we rol their right to have any per so that that's right away perfect thank you so much David um so anybody in person if you guys want just come up to the mic please um and again if you have anything in espanol uh we're also happy to help you could just State your full name for us hi my name is Natasha so I don't really understand it very much because I have never stting where I live um do we get a in how do I know yeah how do you know that you're registered because my right so we get a piece of paper or what do how do we so when you register when you register online it's GNA be the license place it's by license all right so okay so the question is my question is at least where I live um 86 Street I really don't have people really that go to the beach par there and we don't have any businesses really next door so we don't have restaurants and stuff so that is not my problem my problem basically um I have people from other streets who come and park there and like to stay there for four five a week four nights five nights in a week and and I want to park and I have to like go all the way at the end of the street so for me that's more my problem so I'm so my question is is that permit for the whole area that we saw like you know that whole biscan area so basically I can go park in 85th Street or so I still have the problem of people parking so for me actually it's not resolving my problem because I still get people from other streets parking on my street it's kind of like I wish there was a way to if this has to be put it you know that I can park in my street but I don't want other people coming and parking in my street too that and I think I have people all of a sudden notice people from my street and they know that this is a problem right I'm not crazy how can we you know so make a bit nice to them have to pay make it a bit better for us then too so typ typically um these types of zones are not Street specific it's usually neighborhood specific it could it's as big as the neighborhood is it could be even larger or smaller there's no set size but typically not down to like the the street level now part of the reason that some of your neighbors from other streets may be parking your street is because they can't find parking on their street well but that their streets aren't such a rbnb kind of Street let's be honest and there's still no restaurants on that street so the only interesting street is maybe our street in the end of it so for if you know there's an ordinance that a vehicle technically cannot be in the same parking space for 48 hours once we are notified of that what we do we start an enforcement action we put a red tag on it if the vehicle doesn't move within 48 hours then the vehicle can be to when it had when when we do have a residential program then we could run the tag if it's a resident then we can always notify that the vehicle can be move that's another plus when you have a program that you are able to reach someone and ask them to move if there is a construction project going on before we told the vehicle again we have the information on the on the owner of the vehicle where we can ask to please come and move the vehicle to this mic for Zoom so there's also a question if that's in effect now it is in effect now uh where it it's less I mean over 48 Hours it can be ticketed and towed but what Albert was saying was there is no there's no residential parking permit now so we can't reach some residents so if a resident is parked for over 48 Hours uh unfortun and there's a complaint about it unfortunately we would go ticket and possibly tow it with this program we will also be able to call them and say hey your car has been here for too long can you please move it um okay and this is the number for all of you to call and you should have it on your phones so if you want to take out your phones this is the number to parking dispatch which is also with code compliance uh so it's a good number to have if you need a reach parking and code uh it's 305 um and I'll repeat it a few times 305 60447 85 again that's 305 604 4785 you call that number and parking uh dispatch will respond uh and in Spanish let's try say one more time uh all right and well if somebody else has a question in person come on up to the mic I'm GNA go to somebody on Zoom yeah I'm gonna go straight to zoom and then I'll come back to you thank you uh I have Nicole if you could say your full name for us Nicole hi yes it's Nicole iaro hey Nicole hi so I have a question my husband and I own a property in Normandy and we have a tenant that lives here that has a vehicle how will it work for us to to obtain a parking permit for our tenants and in the event that it's no longer her and maybe a future tenant how will that work thank you Nicole so Jose is gonna come up and help answer that question to you Jose uh as I mentioned earlier a lease agreement is one of those documents that you can show upon registration so um any you know any properties that are being leased a lease agreement would would work so commissioner Suarez hello everyone can you hear me yep hey hi I'm just chiming in uh I just want to let everyone know um this is this is a I was a sponsor of this item the intent of this item is to give more residents parking who live in your neighborhood um and we are more than welcome to we're more than happy to accept feedback and and accommodations for for this program uh like Kevin said we're going to have no parking for the pilot program it's going to be 100% free and we are doing everything we can to make sure that uh this pilot program is successful and uh you know I'll be the first to admit it that if this doesn't work or if it's a complete disaster you know we we we have no problem abandoning it but in every residential neighborhood in Miami Beach that has a residential parking permit program it's a it's a 100% success and there are no complaints whatsoever so so um and that's because it works and people are happy with it so uh I'm hoping to bring this to to to other neighborhoods that really do suffer from the abuse of uh Bad actors such as the turo app uh or Airbnb and um and vbo so um we hear you and we are more than welcome to accommodate even further to make this work thank you thank you commissioner we're go back in person if you could just say your name for us thanks yorman I have a lot of questions so um number one first of all you talked about the as a resident of North Beach I'll be able to use Parks but now you just said that it's residential for the whole weekend so as a resent North Beach I can't go to Normandy Shore pool and park there because I'm not a resident of Normy Shore Pool so how's that one number two dedicated parking residents do they get options for the visitor parking or not because if they don't then basically you're saying that someone who has a dedicated space can't have visitors everyone else can that's a problem um number two I think we're having some yes paring could be a problem but we've missed a lot of opportunities and making it worse all the built bubble outs that we built in North Beach that took a ton of parking away the all the ocean turff we just put a ton of parking it away U we did the the lot on on clor which I we did it one story instead of three we can do a three three story build house but we can't do a two or three story parking garage why have problems we have to have Solutions before we do a residental parking thing we have to give people options of where to park garages we have none zero now we're going to also have a bigger problem when the parking space 71st to 75th are we building something there at some point we start building that what's going to happen where is every in the park all the the residents and companies where am I going to park to go have dinner or have a shake it's you're you're making it difficult for us residents to live with so I know I threw a lot out there but my concerns okay uh Al's gonna walk us through some of those and then we'll help Jose with anything else okay the first question reference the park we work around the park hours we have this residential permit in South Beach in the flamingo area so we work around the the park hours the residential Zone does not go into effect until that park closes seven days a week no and and that's what and that's what I'm saying that we work around those park hours because we know they're open seven days a week so and we'll have specific signs around those Parks stating what time those residential hours go in effect the visitor parking the answer is yes um we will be giving visitor parking to Residents who live in in buildings even if those buildings have their own parking spaces and to your question about the ball bouts very good question so one thing that's important to note about ball bouts is that a lot of times you know they're they're at the corners at close to the intersections the reason they're there for a couple reasons first is because usually parking is illegal there when when when you're so close to either a stop sign or a traffic signal that that area actually is prohibited if we don't have a ball bout and all we do is stripe that area people go park there and then that creates site visibility sight line issues and safety issues so aout is a physical impediment that does not allow people to to park approaching the intersections they also decrease the distance that pedestrians have to cross when they go to cross the street it what a BAL does is it it presents the the um The Pedestrian it it positions The Pedestrian to be further out further visible to cars and reduces that cost and distance so it's it's for safety and enforcement reasons now right there are some ball bouts that are either mid block and we could take a look at that we could also take a look at bul bouts that are really big perhaps bigger than they need to be we can we can look at that and um we're going to be doing a sweep of North Beach because we've heard several residents and because uh mostly for those of that are on Zoom um so there was a suggestion to build a multi-level parking garage near the bis Gan Beach Elementary School at or at the school um so you know thank you for that comment that's something again that goes through the policy level uh that is a few that would be a few years away depending you know if it's approved but I appreciate that I just wanted to repeat it for everyone who's on Zoom listening uh we're going to do another in person and then we'll do two in person uh one on Zoom uh vice versa so if you could say your fullone name for us sure hello everybody my name is Adam Ganuza I am here representing the Miami Beach Bandshell uh it's right across on the other side of the parking lot here um we are very much our our operations and our sustainability is very much dependent on on parking um first of all thank you guys for being here tonight it seems that there is quite a lot of research and data that was done to help informed this particular program I'd like to ask you what did that data show with respect what do you expect the impact is going to be of this program the impact would be on the use of the surface law here and the other street parking that the commercial businesses and and the and the toal assets of the banch will rely on great question Al well we expect the utilization of those uh metered areas to go up because those individuals that are parking in the residential zones will no longer be able to park there therefore we'll be opening spaces for the residents that live there to have those spaces for themselves all right so on Zoom we have screen name is Miami if you could say your full name yeah Jam here hold on one moment we're gonna get right back to you yeah so just for the people on Zoom so just to clarify it's uh the question was from the last gentleman what's going to happen if there people are parking in the metered zones uh because they can no longer park at West of Hawthorne um I think that's probably going to come down to enforcement uh and also I mean that that's something we're going to have to work out through this program really um it's something where you do have once the program starts to take form I think it may push some people out of those free zones into those metered zones um those metered zones after 6 PM are already free um so you know I think that that's one of those hardships that we're gonna have to look into unfortunately so but uh let's see next sorry Miami if you could say your full name for us hello hi Wanda Jamon hi Wanda how are you Kevin um I have a question regarding um this program I absolutely uh uh I'm for it I just have a I think there's a little glitch here uh I think I understood that buildings that do have parking I excluded from the pilot program um and that uh I think that's a big problem for people in my building although they have parking it's just all the apartments are three and four bedroomroom Apartments so they are big families and uh everyone has one parking space so with that exclusion that is going to put us in a really bad situation uh and uh I just want to mention that to someone to revise it and take note of it because I heard that he says someone that has parking space is completely cannot uh cannot be part of the program or visit a parking uh uh spaces or anything like that thank thank you Wanda uh and I'm gonna let Jose uh clarify uh this did come up in the previous meeting again this is a pilot program so these are one of the things we're looking uh where this resident feedback of you all telling us hey this is not going to work for us that's something we want to hear and that's something that Jose's uh making some uh changes to so Jose thank thank you very much for for that feedback um we heard similar feedback the first meeting and I anticipate we'll hear similar feedback in the meetings to come um just to explain our rationale a you know a little again we want to prioritize residents who are having a difficult time parking so the thought was if their buildings that already have their their parking dedicated um they're already you know they're already taken care of so to speak but and we thought well perhaps we can deal with those on a case-by casee basis um but we we understand that you know it's an issue of of concern so we're taking that feedback and we're going to be discussing it internally and um you know on on 20 July 24th the city commission will be uh discussing all these parameters associated with the pilot my name is Alejandro fromp my question is say you give a for every fa no two per for what about the people have my yeah so just presume so it's really multi cars uh so right now I guess if you get to walk through how many cars per household we're saying two initially the the pilot as as it's um as it was as it's being envisioned is two permits per household um just if if you don't mind do you live in a Condo building or do you live in in a single family home okay with multiple cars so one of the things we're looking at our single family homes with driveways and what accommodations could you know could could maybe be made there we're trying to balance a lot of needs here you know the needs of you know the residents the uh the the workforce employees businesses as well as as you just the general the general public so um your feedback is very important uh single family homes we're going to see how to properly deal with that as well as I mentioned condo buildings that have their own own last I'm to parking space in the city my house don't give me is it will the the permit for one year for free after that you to think pay so so yes usually there is a cost associated with residential permits at least the the one we we have residential parking zones in South Beach and there is a cost Associated you know with that the cost the cost is to be determined we we don't know that yet that that would be a policy decision of the city commission I go to the city right now to make a to make you think they give me the option I'm sorry the option to [Music] to to create U we have to yeah we have to see what we could do is details yeah if we get your info email each other what we can do is we'll take it to I think it's building or maybe the planning Department you said you already applied and you got denied but um you know there's this's program starting we'll try to guide you through the process and see you know why did it get denied did it get denied because of comments did it get denied because of a planning decision so we could that's something we could explore think the garages uh the garages uh similar to this gentleman's point that something that would be a policy decision but it's at this time the only garage that is kind of in the hopper that's ready that uh is going to be constructed fairly soon is here on 72nd Street uh but I think we heard today some feedback can we explore options near biscane Beach uh near where you live I believe are you on biscane or Normandy biscane Beach okay yeah so that that could be an option I think that's something that would take place more at the policy level it's a longterm out that's a little long more long term than you know but thank you and make sure we connect afterwards and if you're if you have to step out put a star next to your name yeah come line up uh I'm gonna go to somebody I'm gonna go to Sarah uh in person first oh sorry I think this gentleman in red was lining up so you come up oh hold on uh we're gonna get these people oh okay come on up hi [Music] Sou Peach Flamingo like Flamingo Park no but all right thank than you so hold on we're going to go to some of the people that are in line uh try to get everybody's comments and we still have some people on Zoom uh and then we'll put back on the slide the day where the public hearing is that's really when the decisions are going to be made uh for the future so those you know that's really where if you have any concerns email us we'll make sure we share with the commission come to the public meeting the notices in the back because that's when you know we need to hear this as well sir yeah hi the first question I have is uh what's the number to call to get the residential guest permit the residential visitor parking permit it's going to be virtually uh so it's going to be online on our City's website if you go on our City's website now and you go to the parking page uh you will see the residential parking uh permit right now it's only in South Beach so you could see how that process works for South Beach uh there's links there available uh but for North Beach since it's not in it's not there uh just yet because there's nothing to be put up CU we're waiting on this public hearing if the program succeeds or proceeds then it'll go up and you print it out it's by tag so my uh other concern is I I've been living in this area since 2008 and I I've you know sometimes parking has been a little bit of a challenge but I've never you know not been able to find a parking space currently I live in 7 4 Environ I know my block has I don't know 11 12 buildings uh my building alone has 24 Park uh Apartments so you know I know that it's crowded but I've never not been able to find a parking space even when I get here at like one o'clock in the morning I can hope you guys are saying that the uh garage right there is approved to build a garage you had years to do this and right now here in this part um weekdays you have two of two uh baseball games going at the same time and these people are using our parking spaces and I understand that that you know they need to park somewhere but if you start building a garage over there you're going to take also those parking spaces out of commission for a year maybe two so you're going to really be stressing out not only the people that live in the area but also the businesses that that are in this area and most of the businesses that are here are not um Chang you know they mom and pop so you're going to be like stressing everybody out um I don't know I I think it's it's not a good time to implement I mean maybe in the future it'll be good but not right now because you don't have enough parking space for everybody else that comes through this area to enjoy the bans shell or the restaurants or whatever you know if you're only going to issue two parking spaces per um household or whatever I think I think you know it's not it's not a good idea I I appreciate that thank you so much for sharing those comments and yeah go yeah definitely and many of you may already know but uh the city is designing a parking garage as part of the 72nd Street Community complex that the garage is in design um and it's going to once it's once it's built it's going to provide for about 500 parking spaces but it it's in design but it is moving forward uh Brandy 123 if you could say your full name PR G try you one more time Brandy gonna try Ula uh yes I'm here hey if you could say your full name for us we could hear my name is Julia aguo and me and my family we live in a three-bedroom house my husband and two adult kids so I really concerned about the two parking space per household because our driveway can only handle one car and we have four thank you you thanks thank you for those comments that's something uh that was also brought up so um we're also we're putting those comments we going go in person I live in the neighborhood for years I want to thank you for this opportunity I wish it was done earlier in the process have more time to better develop with C so that's one thing second in my personal experience I never had any issu finding space even go from in the morning I do have to walk a little more that's true and it's tight and but I never had that problem that's and for that also um I think the program Sal works too because of the garage you already have this C so that will help having a garage uh and also like if you have also some other measures you can Implement like for instance where I live on exou where I see at night that there are very big spaces left in between cars where you cannot park a car a small car might keep not a larg car because there are no lines that's one thing so that you have to optimize the space that you already have the other thing is that uh you have to also think about Transportation this have to be sustainable you keep growing and you're not going to have Internet space so you have to be sustainable transportation is important I have an office in South Beach I'm not going there anymore because I cannot take the to I cannot take the B because it's impossible and driv there for so if I didn't have to drive I didn't have I wouldn't need that then I want to know how you're going to implement and finance this program because it's going to take money where are you going to get the money so that's my question perfect thank you so much so Jose if you want to go towards uh cost of the program for the pilot and then uh in the future there will be a cost associ correct correct but as I as I mentioned during the 12 month period of the pilot program there is no cost beyond that if the pilot is implemented on a permanent basis and that is totally a policy decision the cost would need to be determined as part of that you know as part of that decision so we don't we don't know yet what the what the if this moves forward what the cost uh will be with regard to Transportation because I also wear that hat uh Transportation director um we're in the process of negotiating a contract with a new vendor our our our trolley service as as some of you may know is 10 years old already it actually started in this in this neighborhood in North Beach back in 2014 so it's already 10 years old it's it's reached the the end of its useful life and we're negotiating a new contract for the Next Generation uh public transit service Citywide and as part of that we've got you know we've got some several ambitious uh goals to make the service more convenient uh low floor vehicles for example all low floor vehicles and um you know different um different benefits to make to make our Transit service even better and we're also looking at the the routes the alignments of of the different routes as part of that new system touch on the striping they're actually not striped uh today to increase the amount of parking that was the idea behind the striping there was a comment about striping why are they not striped the idea was in other areas of the city you have uh striped spaces that are one space uh I remember I used to be in the Capital Improvements department and when we did bis Gane Beach we did not stripe it so that way we could squeeze more cars in and but yeah the issue is people don't which I've noticed in this area people when you go to New York or other parts of the country people Park on top of each other here but we're actually very respectful in that regard where we don't park on top of each other it zones for compact cars yeah and that's yeah and they leave a gap yeah and that that's a good comment maybe that's something they could look into for the curb management I'm gonna go uh Sasha hi Sandra I want to thank everybody for trying to help us with parking problems I think that's great I think think um we I have talked to some people and um we feel that we need the parking garages first and then maybe we can think about this because um what is going to happen when let's say we go go with this first and then what is going to happen when they build the one the parking garage on 73rd you're going to take all that parking away while it's construction right so that's going to become uh a major problem for the area and um also for example the other thing that I want to know is I live in a and if you decide to go with this first which we really really would like you to maybe wait and do the parking garage first but if you do decide to go with this I live in a condo and I hav't Time parking but the neighborhood is Big so sometimes I need to drive to go visit a friend in the neighborhood or do shopping in the neighborhood and if the condo owners or resident with a Time parking we don't get um resident parking what do I do like if I have to go visit my friend in like 10 blocks away within the same neighborhood what do I do you tell me neighborhood no no same neighborhood but I need to drive so I'm a resident here I live in a condo I have an assign parking and when I go see Mark for example I drive and what if he doesn't have he has two friends over and one Vis parking or whatever so how do I park I should have even though I live in a condo and I have an assigned parking I think we still need to have a resident parking um ticker even if it's just one not two whatever right but we do need that extra because I mobilize a lot in the neighborhood and I drive even to go shopping sometimes to go to the Post Office it's only like five parking SP post office right and I mean and then I'm going to be penalized not being able to run my errands in the neighborhood so maybe we should think about that well thank you yeah thank you for for the comment again um the parameters that we shared with you earlier are not set in stone thank God they're not set in stone we you know the purpose of these meetings is to to hear from the community hear the The Good the Bad and and the ugly and then we'll go back and we'll make whatever adjustments they need to be done yeah but I think listen we want to find a win-win situation for everybody and we all have to commit a little bit so I really urge you to all of you the C the neor and the Commissioners to think about building the garage first and then go with it I think that's going to be a less stressful a a way to approach it so we really really I know you want to help us um and and commissioner Suarez thank you for wanting to help us we do need all the help we can get um and we appreciate your support even though you don't live in the neighborhood but the parking garage I think is the way to go first so that is going to be an easier transition for the residents because just like you want to get more parking for the residents we also want to make this process not painful for the residents and the way that is the structure right now it seems like is going to be painful not only for the residents and I'm I'm almost done but for the businesses in the area thank you thank you Sandra thank you you come on up we'll do another in person then we're going to the zoom my name is Joe I live in Normy Drive I missed the meeting a couple days ago okay make yeah first of all I agree with what she's saying it's better to build a garage and create more parking spaces nothing everything I've read about this proposal doesn't create any more parking spaces it's only a way of trying to limit that certain people can park I think you may have a hidden agenda there I'm not sure I mean there's been problems with people uh losing their apartments and their homes stuff like that their short-term rentals I think that's what the hidden agenda is to try to get rid of those Ty of people but the way it affects somebody like me I'll give you an example I have a brother who came to visit me last year I should say and uh he stayed for 10 days and he used a public parking spot on the street not in the apartment that I live at so you sort of penalizing people from like my brother from you know if you if you make it if you you strict if you make it strictly for Beach residents you know you're pen penalizing somebody like the brother who doesn't have a parking space You by car by Point um I also have another friend who I'm not sure how you're going to deal with this but I have another friend who actually has a handicap sticker in his you can regulate that or not I don't think so but if he comes to visit and he's in that zone yeah yeah um so those are both great points uh the first off I think uh and Jose correct me if I'm wrong the your brother would qualify I believe for the visitor uh pass that would be implemented but if you could walk us through also the handicap registration uh because the second part of the question was if there somebody comes with a handicap how do you regulate them parking uh the handicap uh permit how do you regulate them parking in the neighborhood and we actually started a new program this year uh or maybe at the end of last year uh where we're looking for people to register but if you could walk us through that sure and and I'll I'll let um Alberto fill in on the details but Kevin is correct we we implemented a disabled parking placard program earlier this year as well and there's a way to register we encourage everyone to to register everyone with a disabled placard um to register um just the one the one thing I wanted to say is there really is no no agenda here other than to just try to prioritize parking for the residents that we've we've heard from many residents that is challenging at times so um I'll turn it over to another question you mentioned something about the PRS I think about six months ago maybe a little longer maybe eight months ago I call a complaint against one of the probably operate operators he passed there were four four or five people at this at the stop and pass this pass I got the number [Music] the I called it in I never heard anything else about that what happen uh well and you reported it you say you you reported it all right so um I right after the meeting I'll get with you and I'll I'll get while ago six eight months ago yeah so um what what is the process when somebody calls in a complaint we investigate the complaint we have cameras on board the trolleys video cameras and so we we view the those those cameras we speak with our operator our trolley operators our trolley drivers are actually private you know private employees contract employees um which so that that service is operated by a private company we we speak with them we take we take action against the employee depending on on the U on you know whatever the the issue with the issue is we have some issues that we have zero zero tolerance we have others where it's you know three strikes and and you're out um and so those disciplinary actions are taken I made you know I gave my I remember I spoke to somebody I gave them my name and address and phone number nobody ever contacted me either by mail or by phones I apologize for that but uh after the meeting I'll take down your your name and we'll we'll dig up that that incident and and we'll close the loop with you currently we have two residential programs one is for residents that live in residential zones once they register they're able to park in that zone that program is free no one no res uh disabled permit has to pay for it then we have a voluntary program which if you don't live in a residential Zone but you want to continue to park in any meter free of charge you have to register with us once you register you could park throughout the city and any meter space whether it's a parking lot on street or garage and there is no charge for that so those are the two program that we have if if for whatever reason the disabled person is not the driver then we authorize up to two different vehicles that can be registered with that disabled permit hi Michelle if you could unmute take your full name press did I unmute this time yep you're unmuted okay thank you my name is Michelle Med I think someone did end up mentioning my question um or my concern it was mostly about the parking spaces noticing that people don't park back to back or they leave a lot of half spaces or quarter spaces so that it kind of um feels like there's not enough room for cars to park when we could make more room for cars to park um so just wondering if there can be lines painted over something so people can designate spaces um better thank you Michelle um so that's something uh what I was mentioning earlier that's something we could take note of in the sense that uh I know in previous projects I had me had mentioned they were not striped in an effort to create more parking uh and some people are saying well what about compact car parking where uh so that's something that the parking team's going to take back to see if we can make maybe special zones for smaller cars versus trucks and prioritize those so people Park a little closer and creating more so thank you for those comments before I go to Brandon I have everin who we tried earlier everlyn hi my name is Evelyn Lopez um I have a couple questions first off I'd like to know if you would reconsider the cost of the visitor um parking fee I have my sister who comes and visits me at least three times a week um and sometimes I have family that comes from out of town and they'll stay with me for a week or two so now we're adding a cost to you know my sister every time she comes she's going to have to pay you know $3 just to come have dinner with me um and the other thing is I'm wondering is what is the specific data that you're going to use to measure the success of this pilot program and to decide um how to move forward or whether or not to move forward with it that's all thank you thank you so much um and then we're gonna we have in person uh we have uh Brandon we're gonna Brandon yes hello everybody good evening so my name is Brandon Lloyd um actually I work for the city but I'm also a North Beach resident I live right up here on Normandy um I'm the aid to commissioner David Suarez and he's one of the sponsors of this so I wanted to come in person since I live right up the road I'm coming to all these meetings and I just wanted to go over a few things in person talk to you guys face to face get your ideas I'm working closely with the commissioner um like the commissioner said the intent of this program is to save more parking spaces for residents who actually live here that's the intent that's what we're trying to accomplish we do want to make this program as accessible as possible right so any we're open to ideas any concerns my office is always open you can call the commissioner you can call me you can email us anything we can do to make this hasslefree to make it useful we're going to we're going to work on that all Resident you know suggestions are going to be taken into consideration now a lot of you are saying well we need a garage and I agree we do need a garage I mean that's that's obvious unfortunately the garage it's not going to be built in a day it's going to take three to four years for permitting to build the garage and the commissioner you know we can we can go to the commission and we can give them your input and try to expedite push it forward as soon as possible but it's still going to take time and last thing I want to mention is the overdevelopment problem here in North Beach right so all of these buildings are going to come online the current commission did not vote for these buildings it's from previous commissions okay so all of these I don't want to say monstrosities but all of these new developments coming online time they're not going to qualify for this program so the developers are going to have to tell all of those residents that either they Park in the development's garages or they're going to have to find not have cars or find alternate parking because the people that already live here we don't have enough parking as it is there's not enough parking as it is so yes we need the garages but all the new developments they're not going to get to be a part of this program we didn't choose the developments one more thing and I'll I'll cut it off but we didn't we know you didn't vote for these developments North Beach actually voted against a lot of these developments in the last referendum but this program is going to disincentivize all of these people from building huge buildings without parking because they know their new buildings they're not going to be a part of this program so it's actually going to help us the traffic is a different issue this is about the parking new new developments are not going to be a part of the parking program so the the alternative let me put it to you this way the alternative if we don't do this program they build all these buildings they're all going to fight you guys for parking right so it's not an us verus them but the new developments are going to be excluded so think a little bit into the future you're not going to have to fight these new developments per par so hey I I agree maybe it's urban planning issue right so just very quickly just very quickly like I said all these develop going up they're going to be excluded that's a positive and it's a pilot program folks so we're going to try it out we're going to take come speak to me come speak to our office speak to the other Commissioners that's that's that's that's not true though that's that's not true so just just just a point of clarification it's free for the first year so I'm not sure how free is theft well after after the first year if you guys Brandon Brandon Brandon Brandon really quickly it's the commission can decide after the first year okay so speak to your Commissioners tell them to keep it free perfect so I hear you I hear you guys we hear you the Commissioners are listening to you so if you want to keep it free I'm sure they would 100% consider that they 100% take your feedback okay so write an email I'll give you all my card write me an email I'll pass the feedback along to the Commissioners hey they want to keep it free and if that's the will I'm not a commissioner but if that's the will of the commission guess what you're going to have free parking so it's up to the commission it's a political decision but that's a year from now get involved in your government you know write the commission talk with us um I live here in North Beach I'll come to your house I don't care you can text me you 247 I mean we're here to try to make your lives easier so right I think I've taken enough enough time but the garages are coming I'll let the commissioner know that people want to expedite it all right so we're going to bring it back up right it's a new it's a new commission so our commissioner just started in November my commissioner just got elected so greaton we're gonna work thank you so we're gonna bring it back up understood no we appreci thank you but thank you for coming uh hold on before I go to you we're GNA clarify uh on the cost you're right just a point of clarification since cost came up and I was purposely trying to stay away from cost because we don't know exactly what the cost will be but in South Beach as you all know we we have a residential parking program and the cost for an Ann for for all year is $56 $56 for one year that comes out to about 13 cents a day that's the case for South Beach for North Beach we don't know what we do know is that there's no cost associated with the pilot the first year okay what's your name you say your name for us even to everybody hello my name is Lizette Monty and um thanks for having this meeting I wasn't able to meet uh come to the meeting for par view Island I think it was Monday I showed up on Tuesday I got confused with the so I messed up I live in parku island and my friend herea also lives in park Island we both own town houses I don't know I'm sure they talked about this at the meeting and I have my parking space that I've been there for 35 years and so am I going to still be able to buy get two more decals or do I have to have a decal do I you know do you have a parking space yes okay so that but that's another issue because there's a couple of bles in the area that have capitalizes have taken away a visitor's Park that used to be there for 35 years I've been there that long and he has taken two parking spaces so is that going to be straightened out about the parking also uh us people to have the tow houses there we both live underwat and then I just want to know do I still have to have my decal so I think for this can I get to can you get two so right now I think that goes into other words everybody that lives on the island they have dedicated parking so that that's what we were discussing earli because Park View Island the people we live us there's 72 tow houses in Park View Island and there's issues with parking to begin with there's Wars there going on understood and I think we all should have a decal because there's people that go to the beach and just park in people's parking spaces there's on that's another question I have for you we have the we have Park you Island Park the park and there's parking around what's going to happen with that parking also I want to know that's part of the residential Zone good because you mentioned Parks I was I was one okay good so I need to know about my parking space people that be we that live there in the town houses that are only entitled to one and what's going to happen to those people that are taking two when they don't Bel to them there one you know for example where I live there's uh four town houses and there's five parking space and there's one that is uh it was always for the visitor but the neighbor in the front decided to take it for herself is that going to be a problem is you guys G to check into that did they talk about that on Monday are you GNA check into that who has what yeah so this mostly goes into properties that have existing parking and that's what Jose is mentioning that uh in the present that you saw originally properties that had a parking space will not qualify we got community feedback that that's not going to work parking space and I wanted to have a second one exactly so that's where we got community feedback where it's going to be at the discretion of the parking director uh where we're looking to add that to the program so that way if you have a parking space situ I care about what's gonna happen yeah exactly so if you have a parking space today would you qualify for a pass that's really what it comes down to so as we as we initially envisioned the pilot program um the answer would be no however we've been hearing from residents who only have one you know they're only entitled to one parking space so we're we're open to reconsidering that but we do need to discuss it internally so us people that live the 72 tow houses all of us that have the live in Park wir we're not going to have details well again we we're we're reconsidering we're Rec considering that um rather than qualify for two is that what you're telling me as according to the original parameters that we shared with our city commission no you would not but that those parameters are not set in stone So based on the feedback based on the feedback that we're hearing and we heard very similar feedback in the first meeting and as I mentioned I'm sure we'll continue to hear that feedback for so not everybody's going to have a decal not all the residents will have a decal because I'm a resident there for 35 years you know that I live there oh the scar not it's not decal per se it's gonna have your plate registered and then what he's what he's saying is for you have a parking space so originally you were not going to be able to qualify we got community feedback where we need if we have if I have an apartment and I have a parking space I need to qualify thisam awn yeah single family home a property with yeah it's a property with uh a property with a parking space that's where that's the feedback we're getting where they need to go back to you know go back to the drawing board and see how do we incorporate this in the program how you g to re record that I live there how are we goingon to record that you live in do do you own your town renters are part of the program and if you own it then yeah and it's recorded in the in the property of CER site on Mi County so it's recorded uh and even if you had a renter your renter would still qualify because renters qualify for this program no I know but just for the other people on Zoom that may be concerned about renters so I don't qualify to get to as of right now no but but we it's something we're reconsidering in for for residents in situations like yours my daughter visiting to to be able to have two baby you know she used to she pars around the park right so what's going to happen she's not gonna you know I'm going to do a three that's ridiculous there a$3 uh visitor parking add it up you only going to give 10 10 a month because 30 for three months per quarter so so we're going to be considering in in your situation one additional permit for example you already are entitled to to to one well it it and and that's how we case would be one additional one additional in your case right and that's how we're structuring this on a caseby Case basis but we're hearing feedback from the community that they would like to have some definition to that to be able to know whether they support the program or not happen how I know she lives alone too like I do but she has also her tee that comes over to help her so so um well and that's what these meetings are for so I we'd like to know okay in this neighborhood what are those situations that we need is a huge problem that is a huge problem we're taking notes on this but before we go to you we have commissioner Suarez on I also want to recognize commissioner bot commissioner bot's on as well thank you for joining us commissioner Suarez wants to clarify a few points that he raised his hand um so commission can you guys hear me yep we could hear you I to to everyone who's listening I I I think uh it's been loud and clear that the most democratic most fair thing to have is that every household gets two part spaces so for example if you live in a condo or an apartment and you only have one parking space I I believe fair thing allow one parking space for the residential program if you live in a condo or apartment that has no parking spaces you'd be given two uh and so I think that is the most fair you know unfortunately there's a lot of people who right now live in a condo and they have six cars for whatever reason and they're taking up parking spaces from residents who live there and um we hose is correct when this was originally drafted it was intended to say you know uh you no parking no permits given to anyone who has a single parking space I don't think that's fair uh I was planning on moving forward with two spaces per household no matter what uh however you have one parking space it wouldn't be fair to the others who don't have a parking space so I think again everyone Every Family household should be afforded through parking spaces so um I heard you loud and clear and that is something that I'm going to discuss with my colleagues uh on the de to uh revise thank you thank you very much thank you commissioner so again on uh July 24th that is going to be the day of the public hearing the meetings in City Hall in the back there's a little piece of paper that has it also has a zoom so you can call in on Zoom before I go to the people who spoke I'm gonna come back to you hold on let me go to Thomas this guy that's okay go ahead this program this pilot program apply for the sea too the seaw wall the sea water and still water still water and biscane point are not included it's only biscane beach that middle piece water that includ well still The Still Water behind the guard gate is not included Still Water Drive a different huh different Zone yeah there no there's no Zone the neighbor Street want to close the property uh sorry what do you no thank you what do you mean if they want to close the property want toose oh if you want to put a gate on yeah if they want to put a gated area on 86 that well what do you mean it does not apply for those so basically if you wanted to pursue that as a neighborhood yeah if you wanted to pursue that as a neighborhood you would need to come together all the homeowners and Property Owners come together uh and there's a there's an intense process for that that includes the county so that that's an option but really to answer your question Still Water Drive behind the guard gate that's not included so let me go to Thomas and then I'll come back to you Thomas Thomas sorry you had your hello how are you can you hear me yep yeah my name is Thomas Aoki and I live on Normandy and I thank commissioner Suarez because I sent him some nastygram emails um my concern was about condos that only had one parking space especially since some Condominiums here have two three bedrooms so that was kind of my commentary but he jumped in and cleared verified that so um I'm hoping that he'll push for that extra space for those condos that only have one parking space and that's that's about it thank you all right last person how's it okay am I the last person yeah yeah think you're gon be unless anybody else thank you all thank you all again I'd like to um resurface an important question that uh one of the attendees asked on Zoom earlier but that was um was an answer okay which was what are data or what is going to be considered success for this program how how will you all know that the program is successful and my sort of secondary answer part of that question is would that data include the economic impact on local businesses perfect um so measures of success uh Jose if you go walk us through that for first and foremost Community feedback we're doing this for the residents so um how the residents how the residents feel about this and is is going to be you know Paramount uh the businesses as well you know uh even though we're doing this for the businesses we don't um sorry for the residents we don't want to uh have un you know very adverse unintended consequences for businesses so I think it's going to be very important to hear from the businesses and then always you know data that we're going to be tracking in terms of compliance in terms of how many people register how many warnings are issued during the first two months how many citations after that I think that's going to be very telling in terms of whether it's success or or not great so with that um this concludes today's meeting we're going to stay here if you want to talk to us offline uh for those of you that want to do this again we're gon to do it all over again next week on Normandy aisle that's at the golf course on Monday July 15th then Thursday we'll be back in this room to talk about Town Center again it applies whatever neighborhood you're in you're welcome to come to these meetings uh and then the day of the hearing is going to be uh July 24th uh those are the time sens again A Time certain doesn't mean it's going to be heard at that time but it can't be heard before that time so again thank you for participating if you're just joining us we're going to be here and we'll be able to talk to you uh thank you everybody