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Building including one or more w wav to replace an existing residence on the site okay so this is a a 50ft wide interior parcel it's located in the West Avenue overlay District um it has rm1 zoning so that's uh low intensity multif family residential uh the applicant is proposing to construct a building that has uh three habitable floors and then a ground floor that consists of parking and an entrance Lobby um the uh it's it's going to be a duplex two side by-side units roughly the equivalent square footage for each of those units um it's in a neighborhood that has a a variety of different types of uh of uh low-scale buildings including some single family homes built between the 1920s and the 1950s and there are also several contemporary four and five-story buildings in the immediate area I believe there's a new building under construction um immediately to the west of the site uh it's about a four-story building um the applicant is requesting a design waiver uh regarding the clearance of the garage level um the code currently requires that there be a minimum of 12T uh clear at that first level for habitable spaces U the applicant is requesting a waiver that that be reduced to 10 feet um given that the only real habitable space at that first level is an entrance Lobby an entrance vestibule staff really is not opposed to that that's uh sufficient clearance uh for for an entrance vestibule and if that height has to be reduced in the future due to raising of the roads reducing that to 8 feet shouldn't be a major issue um so staff is supportive of the of the waiver uh the design of the home of the duplex is in contemporary form uh rectilinear massing uh has a com again the common ground floor it has four parking spaces uh it has the storage trash entrance vestibule uh at the ground level um the uh the Landscaping it has Landscaping that follows up uh the the facade of the building um staff does recommend that there be screening of the garage along the openings on the side and rear elevations in order to uh prevent light spillage from the garage and and other other noise impacts from the garage on the adjacent properties um staff is supportive of the design overall uh and recommends that the design review board approve it subject to the conditions in the draft order you begin your presentation good morning my name is Ronnie M I'm the architect 8887 Southwest 131st Street Miami Florida um some of you may have been here couple of years ago when we actually uh presented a a project on the same site uh and it was approved by this board um the bad news uh was that the owner at the time after approval decided to uh sell the project the good news is I got hired Again by the new buyer to design this time a duplex on the same site it is it is a small site uh we have uh taken uh a design uh program that basically is a a a mirror image of each other we did the ver uh the duplexes in a vertical format uh side by side but we wanted to treat the uh front um I don't know if I can put this on on the screen here we go um there is an existing um structure there one story house that would be demolished uh the project is um across the street on the north side of a of a building that's under construction a multi-story four or five story building on the South Side uh on this drawing site number one to the West west of our property is uh currently empty but it had been um a site where there had been a five-story um multif family project proposed before and I think it was also approved by this board but it's never been built yet uh these are some of the images of the neighbors the neighborhood is an Eclectic neighborhood um composed of some remnant uh houses some one-story houses uh are still in the neighborhood and uh yet construction is taking place um and the for example the upper the second from the left um on the top is a building across the street on the south of our property being under construction and some of the variety of buildings and architecture in the neighborhood our plan is really a very simple uh approach in design we are U meeting as uh as it was stated earlier we're meeting all uh we're asking for no variances except that change of level of the first level uh to reduce actually instead of a grow um we have a Lobby that is entered from pedestrians on the left side of the property and a driveway on the right side and then the parking areas are all um um hidden from the street Side by the lobby and the stairs that form the entry to the multi-level uh design that that front part of the of the uh building acts sort of like a a front porch it's a transparent uh sort of design that has a combination of horizontal Louver elements U for shading on the south side and also a vertical green wall proposal um along the uh the front of the property and the corner to the East side this green wall is U also visible from the inside of the what I'm calling the sort of porch uh uh facade in front of the the units and it is accessible for uh maintenance from inside and we have uh the system that we're proposing uh here in our presentation uh the plans are symmetrical about uh both sides the big feature of our design is that in uh in the center um uh let me go back to the second floor plan which is the main level it's sort of a big gr room space but it has sort of a in the dining area it has sort of a twostory volume that allows us to provide glass on east side and the West Side uh for a for a full uh twostory uh Heights that allows light and openness to be part of the design um the back is an a bedroom on the backside on the second floor then on the third floor we have two more bedrooms including the master on the back side uh again with a whole series and I'll show show you in the elevations in a minute uh of punctures and and design features and plantings around the facade of the building to break up the um the the volumes the building also has a roof deck uh that has a series of spaces starting with a sort of a covered uh dining area and then it's a trellist uh patio area and then an open area where a small pool is at the at the at the back these are the elevations and the relationships of the existing um Block in the street our elevations for the buildings are uh designed to be a sort of a composition of shapes and windows and again some loued spaces that allow light to come in and yet shading uh uh score lines for the simple pallet of materials that we are proposing which are stucko white uh tile and an exposed concrete with the Lou elements being metal uh tubes um in in a sort of a brownish uh color the uh Again part of the composition is to introduce landscaping and planting and pl Planters in not only just in the front but along some of the facades uh in the front sides and back uh we think this is a very uh simple uh clean design that will make a great uh neighbor to this uh community and uh again some of the images here that show the transparency especially in the front uh the land escaping uh in a very tight lot that we've brought up um vertically especially in the front um and specifically the intent to make the front facade which is obviously the most important in this interior lot all of the facades we consider to be important but this one we wanted to uh have a composition that wasn't u a duplex looking facade but rather made the facade in the front an interesting and visible uh transparent facade um these are images from the different sides and the and the neighborhoods and um we are looking forward to hearing your comments I'm I'm sorry let me I I failed to introduce Ken Gardner our landscape architect who's here that will be able to say anything and everything about green things that we have introduced here in this project finally the the materials again a simple pallet of um textures colors green um vertical materials and then some detailing of the system that we're proposing for the uh vertical wall that is accessible and visible from both side the inside of the sort of front porch and the outside thank you thank you very much are there any members of the public wishing to speak no anybody online nobody online okay great thank you I'm now going to close the public portion and open it up to the board for comment I should say I was one of the people that was here that approved the first version and it's interesting that this would come back because you know these are such as you know challenging Lots awkward code um you've managed to squeeze a lot in a small space um so yeah so and then you had to do the challenge all over again so any other I can start um my I think that there's a lot of you know interesting elements and thought put into this design um and of course like you know that rooftop is really you know clearly a selling point um I had some thoughts though about the relationship of the the detailing the window placement the penetration um on the sad in that there seems to be a lot of elements that well I felt like I wanted some design cohesion as to when things begin and end um let me see if I can bring up a a picture to sort of explain you know this I guess if you go in the presentation to um on page 10 you want to bring it up maybe the next um page 10 of of this presentation the architectural presentation I don't know if that's the yeah that's something like you the next one before this one maybe the next yeah those so so you know you have this the the wood you know that sort of goes up almost from the ground and you know I understand the placement of that it indicates the stair and then you have it them becomes a horizontal band and then it sort of goes around but then it stops and then it starts again and so and then if you look at the rear elevation it's the same thing with the window placements like I'm not quite sure one of the choices I understand the rear elevation those are the bedrooms that it's you know going to be it seems like a double height ceiling the light is going to come in from the uppers and then you have the the lower ones with the plantings which is lovely but then the second yeah I guess it's the second story or the first habitable story um that to me seemed like again there wasn't the same intention one of the things I noticed that with the floor plan is you put the bathrooms on the outside wall and I thought that was an interesting choice because it seemed like the bedroom itself was now not going to get any natural light okay hold on let me I know that was a lot so the second floor plan yeah so maybe I was reading the plan wrong but I was wondering why towards the back of the building there there wasn't a lot of Windows or open and it it seemed like it was because you had the bathrooms along the rear well we did put the the intentionally the bathrooms on on the back um and and we do have some punctured windows uh in the bedroom uh when you open the door you see right through to a vertical window at the End by the entrance by the sinks and then uh on the sides uh you know we had closets uh along the outside walls with puncture windows again at the ends I mean these are all things that we we can um manipulate and move or or add if that's an issue uh we we felt that uh people would probably prefer to have uh more closet storage space in bedrooms than not this is why we we we did this and these are not huge bedrooms um but that's why we located them where we where we did and the the in the floor plan you can actually also see that there's a glass where the showers are there is a glass that looks into the bedroom so you get light from through the shower if you will um that sort of a thing that we've been doing on some of our uh houses to have you be able to see from the bed bathroom and the bedroom and a sort of a a sort of a funky little idea of allowing light and yet openness okay well I mean we we have both but you're you're you're suggesting that it's not enough not big enough for the views from the bedroom the the other the other I'm sorry oh did you did catch any of that um so I I had just said that I'm surprised in a bedroom you'd want privacy in the bathroom and views from the bedroom and that's not necessarily how you've designed it and I think that relates you know what if you could also bring up on the presentation this illustrates what I was saying before as well as this better page [Music] 13 this one keep going it's a it's a rendering oh okay Corner next that that okay so this shows really how it seems like the bedrooms which is on that the lowest level in the corner you have those two square windows that those are the only that there there's not a lot of natural light being able to come into the bathroom I mean into the bedroom um you said you put the closets there so I just thought that was a little odd and it also this view also shows how again the wood the the trellis or the wood paneling um the wood screening it again it doesn't it starts it stops one goes I I understand why okay that goes along the roof but it it seems like it should connect to the other similar wood feature in the front but it doesn't I just feel like the the placement of the windows and this the elements along the outside need to be a little bit more cohesive and tell a story and reflect the intention of the activities of what's going on inside I do like that you've made this wall sort of thin jutting out to delineate one that it is a duplex and that's what I want to see that sort of intention with all of the elements that are punctuating the facade of this is this is defining a space for a reason the part of part of the reason and and we can certainly add um if that is a you know a recommendation we could certainly consider adding U more light to the lower bedrooms uh part of the reason we sort of did it more on the North elevation is because the setback from the back to the property line and the next neighbor to the north is farther so the reality is that at someday the the neighbor to our East and the neighbor to our West are going to be building probably four or five story buildings and I was concerned that having too many glass pieces to those sides would would be an issue with privacy because the setbacks are less on the sides than on the back and again by doing the U glass in the shower and having glass from the shower to the bedroom that allows light and and your ability to see through a space rather than just on the on the edge but we can certainly add U another window reduce the closet spaces in the on the wall and put a you know another opening on the side but that's part of the reason why we Tred to sort of limit for privacy reasons the openings to the to the sides especially a in in a bedroom uh we we are more generous obviously in the in the in the great room space that has the louvers that's a two-story glass space that let's light into The public's but but that's more of a public sort of uh I mean I just think that you know I understand very much what you're saying about the sides and there's going to be buildings there um you know typically what we see in those situations is that the front of the that there's a lot of windows in the front of the building and a lot of Windows on the back of the building to let in to let in that light and you know in the front of your building it's you know access it's a stairwell and a solid I just guess the opportunities to let in natural light in your design are very very limited and I just wonder you know I'm always looking about how to make the most livable spaces possible um and certainly for your client clearly how to sell these spaces and it just seems like there are opportunities that maybe are not being taken advantage of um and you know just company that should be explored um I would also say too and the green wall was in the previous design yes we had yes I think one of the things we're always concerned as a board with a green wall um because of the maintenance and I know that that was talked about and there was that that one um you know with the one owner was committing to maintaining that but especially when you have a condominium and you know who knows what the owners will want to commit to are they going to be full-time are going to be part-time the typically a green wall is not something that we allow in a condominium a property like this and it's definitely something that I would you know discourage you from including so I'm not sure what my other board members are going to say but that's typically something that that we don't encourage or allow any I'm sure there'll be other comments as I come up but that was just sort of you know to start off um I I was going to say that I I do appreciate sort of the way you described the architecture um and the fact that it isn't so obvious of you know a a duplex and that there's a little bit more language in there and I think to that ambiguous that some of the sort of the what we're struggling with in terms of reading the other facades um and I think just building off of Sarah's point it seems like on the east and west elevations you're showing Windows um where there's or currently no I guess that's at the upper I was going to say where there's currently closets but that's at the Upper Floor um the green wall I I don't know I mean I agree with what you're saying but I I also wanted to comment that I appreciated the approach to the landscape I appreciated uh sort of the the wall that so I'm trying to get back to a rendering now where you're just like here's our yard it is this raised yard you're driving in on one side and sort of stepping up on the other and that the whole yard looks to be sort of planted with native plants and to be you know collecting rainwater so I think that may also take care and maybe there's a way to get a commitment in terms of the green wall on the facade but I do like the language of how the landscape is working with the building right now so maybe if there's a way to get a commitment from it or if I don't know if you guys have tried that before and it just doesn't work I I think if I if I may if I may say that part of the reason you know we we picked this green wall system is because it's and we put it in a place that was open behind so that you can access main maintain Etc but also you have green it's not just the backside on on the inside it's not just the backside of the of the green things that look pretty on the outside but it's actually a dual uh uh green wall that is green on on on both sides but but the bigger thing was that in the prior I think on the prior U uh design two years ago it was it was hard to get to to the back of that wall because it was behind it was behind a twostory volume that you couldn't you know access but in this case you can at each level so I think that mitigates the concern and I'm sure that whatever uh you you know if you say that we part of any approval would be to have some sort of a maintenance program or something that I'm sure that that would be acceptable yeah I mean if you drive around the city there are buildings that green wall type were proposed and approved and and some of them look lovely and others don't we did and it really just depends on especially like a you know with this being you don't really know who's going to end up owning the building and we can have this I mean I'm sure every time every condition every time we approve a building the condition is it has to be maintained and it's just not and then there's so much of the green wall I mean I would maintain it sounds like you would maintain it but there's just a little bit too many unknowns to for me to think that this is you know a a not environmentally sustainable but just a sustainable design in the future to plan for future different owners and maybe even the initial round of owners fall in love with it because of the green wall but who's to say what happened happens down the line and then we're stuck with you know large two facade you know two large sections of black or whatever material is underneath there so well it's it's again it's transparent so that's why we did it there so that we could have access to the back so so so it's not if if I were to take off all the green that wall is not solid no what what it's a it's a it's a an open uh space with this the green wall system is what what clads the openings so if you were to take the the the the green Walls out there would be big open you know we'd have to do something obviously for railings or something or a grill or something to keep people from falling over but it's open that's that's the difference of what I think why I think this green wall idea makes some sense here I mean there's a building on West Avenue it's a large condominium building that has you know what we're supposed to be Vines all over the building and in some places it looks good and some places it doesn't it's just I just think it's poor planning to have you know you just never know I I think it just requires a lot of Maintenance and I don't know if the people that are going to be in charge of that maintenance are going to commit to that it's expensive and then yeah I mean having lived in a condominium building it's hard to get people to spend money on something after they've now just spent so much money on their own unit you know how much money are they going to put to perhaps fixing whatever is Left Behind that's that's just my opinion um you know that's just where it is were the other thoughts that you had or you like the well I just want to I completely understand where you're coming from and the history of the board I do want to say that I appreciate that it's a system you're proposing and not just oh we're going to have a sule wall with you know a tray and Vines are going to grow and from the discussion we had earlier about the Whole Foods again I understand these are individuals and not a company but we're putting our faith into them to let landscape be architecture so I would want to put my faith in here um and I appreciate again that it's been thought about that it's a system so I would be in favor of supporting it but I also understand the history so Scott did you have some thoughts I mean I agree with both of them but if you have a system I I guess how Dependable is the system and has it been proven and used locally anywhere that yes um you don't remember it say we we put it in the drawings but we I can I can make available uh they they they're a local um firm that uh installs of these so they install it yes and is it it's got its own water um do you know what the plant material is the plant material we can we we can we can pick do you know Ken no not yet the provider will work can you please come up to the mic if you're gonna good afternoon Ken Gardner gsla design Landscape Architects 17670 Northwest 78th Avenue uh we don't know the material yet but we will work with the supplier and the the maintainer of that system to uh select a you know plant material that'll be appropriate uh for this so again you know we have one side that's facing south you're going to have one side facing north produ uh you know have to select the proper material for both sides to to ensure that it'll be good but as as as Ronnie had mentioned that the the system is equipped with an irrigation uh too so most of them aren't and this is this is a a much better way you know can you guarantee that this is something that's going to be maintained no matter who buys it or is it just going to become an isore or you can change it for something that will look really good for as long as the building exists I mean that I think that's that that's the question that I I seem to be asking because even if the greens aren't there um you know then we're left with this industrial looking black grided planter situation you know I I I mean I'm just basing this on on the experience of what it is but I I that no I don't think it's I don't think it's the smartest choice for a project like this as as lovely as it is and I I I do like the yard that you like I I really like the concept but I don't think that the execution is going to last in the ways that we're all hoping it will and that's my hesitation if it's not a green wall what is it have you thought about that [Laughter] no um you know we we we did the green wall for a number of reasons um uh we felt obviously that that it helped um soothe the very architectural sure sort of modern vocabulary that we we do in most of our work um we thought it was uh also a way to to mitigate uh know resilience and and add more green things to to to to the design in a very tight sight um I'm a little actually perplexed a little bit about how you're not uh liking the idea of a green wall and and and I wish I could get you the address of the building I'm talking about on West Avenue and to have you drive by it and you're going to look at it and say oh you know and that's a taller building do you know what building I'm talking about donad Terrace I don't I don't and and I can and I can also give you the address of another house that we did in Miami Beach that has a green wall in the front yeah no I mean I I have a neighbor that has a beautiful one I also um was talking to somebody else who has one in you know and has the resources to maintain it and does but doesn't like it because it's so expensive and is now stuck with it so I I think it just sort of depends on I've definitely been in condo situations where some tenants want to spend the money to maintain some things and some don't and then that becomes an issue I mean there's only going to be two people living here but I just I mean I I love the concept you know I understand I completely I I want to go with you on your journey um and I I I think I I just for this particular context for what this building is going to become I don't I'm not convinced that this is the appropriate solution um as much as I love a green wall and I love green and I want to soften it and and I see where you're going I I understand why the choice was made but I just I I have a lot of caution and I'm just very very concerned what comes after what comes when somebody wants to change it there's just too many unknowns you know as opposed to doing something that is there and it's it's permanent and that's the design gesture so when I have a couple questions one is with the system that's being proposed you know it's going to be anchored into some sort of structure you know we we don't see the building without the green so we don't really see the coursing in the of the system is there a way to have um either these horizontal elements or some other elements continue maybe behind it or it be designed well I would say that those elements need to be there um so that if the green wall doesn't work out those elements are there but I guess my procedural question would be is there any there's no way to come back and say oh in a year you have to check in and present images like to staff or yeah I mean what my concern is is what happens in five years you know which has nothing to do with you at all you know it has to do with the reality is that you could say that about anything and any building and any material not just landscaping and you can't say that about things have to be maintained things have to be kept painted but not in the same way as living they're different yes of course my my client uh loves the idea and uh I can speak for him I cannot speak for someone or or should you not ask that question of what happens 5 years from now if he sells or something you know it is incumbent on the people that are going to be in charge of that of the project whenever and it may be that my client owns it forever I don't know but that's hypothetical and I and I think you could say that about any material is is important to maintain things especially on the beach with Sal air issues and flooding issues and all that kind of stuff it all of it is very important and we thought this is a an excellent idea to incorporate vertigal green elements uh in a system that is easily maintained from inside and it is a system that when you're inside you're not looking at the backside of a green thing you're looking at Green inside also so that that was the unique thing that we wanted to u to bring to this uh project and and and to your question about the structure of it there will be a obviously a structural framework uh that will meet all the you know requirements of the codes etc for holding the the containers for the Landscaping uh in place I mean I really the Green's important to the design without the green I think it would be you know not it would be Stark yeah my only comment was to see if there's a way to get a B both and solution you know I think the proportions everything is working nice and it's well and so and of course the renderings look great um but what is a solution if it's if it's not that I I guess I don't I'm not sure there is a both end so we we may just either have to say no or move forward in Hope yeah I mean I also there was also the common to and I don't know I'm trying to think of the the rendering that again with the sort of the the vertical banding about how it goes up it's nice in the front it comes up and it goes around and then it ends and then it sort of restarts along the side and I almost feel like I'd like to see the banding be continuous in a way or at least wrap it or tell some sort of cohesive story it's the same thing with the windows have a very punched out character um and then on the on the rear elevation you know you the the the there's to I guess if you go go to um maybe page 14 um you know the two rear there's two rear windows that the frame of the window is bisected by the center fin or line you know that seems sort of awkward to me I I mean I I just think that second floor again like just needs to be worked to be more livable um and to be more sellable I mean maybe I'm wrong I mean do you think that Scott have you seen that people want do they want privacy in the bathroom or do they want privacy in the bedroom I mean truthfully the whole shower exposed to the bedroom thing is it's it's subjectively you know people don't a lot of people don't love that but you know can we yeah I mean that's tough too I ideally I mean we all have our personal preferences I like a bathroom to be private I don't like to see people in the bathroom um or in the shower especially I think we're trying to make this project as successful as possible both aesthetically as you know a kind of you know as what it's supposed to be um yeah I mean that's certainly where my comments are coming from and and you know what Scott is saying too but I I I thought it was sort of an awkward choice but you know it doesn't bother me as much as the green wall Madam chair I apologize for this something something's come up and and I have to leave in a few minutes um I don't know how much how much more discussion we were intending on on this item if if Sam leaves do we have to end the meeting because we lose we lose Quorum on for the rest of the applicants I'm I'm deeply apologetic um well that being said let's try to do something with at least this one um what do we want I mean I personally I I think this needs refinement um I I can't support this design as is um that that's my thought that this be continued but I don't know um I can support that I can make a a motion to continue uh with the conditions that you review I I mean are you wanting to remove the green wall or I think alter I like your and or so is there can you can you bring us an option that has a back that allows the green wall but also is architecturally already present if the green wall has to go away um and then it sounded like your other condition was looking at the cohesiveness of the windows uh their their layout um the relationship from Florida floor okay I second motion by Miss Meyer second by Miss Giller Nelson to continue to September 3rd uh and then direction to the applicant on options if the green wall dies and the and the relationships of the okay um all those in favor I I I motion passes so when would you like to for do you say September September 3rd would be the so so we would need to see some revised options uh mid mid August um okay okay never heard the the I've never heard the opposition to a green wall okay er do you think we have time to maybe do the 41st Street project because that is time sensitive for the city uh sure okay you drb 24 1023 44 street right of way improvements yes so this I I'll I'll just turn it over to the applicant to describe the the changes the applicant is the city good afternoon KET sachel CIP um this project came to you one year ago and for advisory review we had favorable review with a few comments and conditions since then we've gone to fdot and we've had several meetings which required substantial change to the documents consultant Jeffrey hoer from Brooks and Scarpa we'll walk you through that very quickly thank you hi good afternoon Jeff Huber principal of Brooks scarp Architects um yeah I'll just kind of go through this really quick I think you understand the scope of work we're from Alton to basically Pine Tree Drive going one block north and one block south of 41st Street um a lot of what came about on the streetcap project was improvements of some of the existing challenges whether those be trip hazards excuse me some lighting some other inconsistent features as well as broken pavement um in the in the corridor um and so what we were looking at this is the existing condition today um what we presented to you last time was what a concept that was called walks in oases was which was really looking at these kind of botanize asphalt areas um that would go across the throughway that created these kind of shade hammocks um and created a kind of pedestrian calming or at least traffic caling along there um we went and brought this to fdot as as Miss Satchel said um we were asked to kind of tailor that back where you're still coming up with these the concept of these kind of walks and Oasis so the walks are the kind of in between zones of these miimi Beach red uh kind of sidewalk activation areas and so just kind of kind of walk through some of the those major elements um two I just want to kind of point out uh first and foremost we're only removing eight on street parking spaces throughout the corridor even though the city commission resolution allowed for a much larger amount to be removed as well as there are a lot of Florida Royal Palms along this Corridor some of those we are looking at removing also and those that are being removed may be relocated along the corridor this is one of the fdot comments that we just got that those are assets that they may want to be relocated the city commission resolution actually allowed for those to be moved to the side streets but fdot doesn't see the side streets as as their RightWay so they want them back on there and so we're going to be looking at some of those challenges as well as we're moving through we presented this last time as a kid of parts that material pallet is still consistent as well as the Landscaping is still consistent with what we presented last time these are all drought tolerant heat tolerant saltwater tolerant type species uh that we are really integrating in there they will also have um specific plantings at the intersections to allow for line of sights as well as specific planting around some of these uh what we're calling those oases again these kind of uh very uh planted bized kind of areas um again similarly to what we presented last time same material pette uh looking at seat walls looking at the miim beach red um looking at some of these other gray concrete uh branded pavement patterns and so we'll kind of uh get into that a little bit and just tell me to slow down I'm just going a little fast for Mr Sheldon um so what you're seeing here at the top is the kind of existing conditions of those of the um the elevations along the corridor and on the bottom too you're seeing what we're trying to really do is create these kind of shade Landscapes or these hammocks along that Corridor that currently don't exist and these are happening around midblocks are important locations that again are what we're uh talking about these oases so it's a kind of Prospect and refuge that's what those walks and oases the walks are these kind of areas between those shade hammocks and then you get to these hammocks so it's really breaking up this kind of tunnel vision that's happening along 41st Street and having a u a kind of Prospect and refuge to those those canopied areas and so just working from the West to the east here um this is looking at Alton Road and uh at 41st Street and so what you're seeing is to the north to the South we're really looking at bringing in some of the Miami Beach red concrete pattern that can go ahead and tie into those side roads um you're seeing some of the gray branded uh concrete patterns that are also going to be placed into the on street parking areas um and so it really allows for that sidewalk to feel very uh wide um even though we're only able to get about 7 foot clear zone for traffic along the the sidewalks we are not changing any throughway or traffic pattern on that street no curbs are really moving out of sequence anywhere along 41st Street to preserve and maintain the five lanes that are currently there um this is just highlighting which uh the X's are are pointing out where we're removing strategically some of these floorida Royal Palms that we can bring back in some shade trees um and then it's also highlighting with that red outline of the rectangle there that there is one on street parking space in this area um it's not being removed in this case um this is the look and and feel um as you're looking North uh along uh Alton Road and that's 41st Street uh kind of the middle ground there and so again you're looking at this kind of integration looking for more shade trees um and that's why we're looking strategically to remove some of those uh those palm trees um we are looking for uh Gateway markers and other elements um and so what you're seeing in this one this is on the north side of uh 41st Street with Alton Road directly uh behind us uh with some of these uh bench elements and some of those kind of public art wayfinding um Gateway entry kind of elements at night we're looking to integrate lighting into some of those features um and this is just what some of those uh those Gateway features um you know some of the precedents that we were looking at um so these are going to be very robust durable materials we're actually looking to integrate potentially even perforated plate into them to allow for them to be even more shade structures and other elements as we're moving forward into the project um this is going down towards Garden Avenue um and 41st Street and so again there um this kind of creates a set or a family of these kind of features in there to really give that Gateway at Alton and 41st Street a kind of clear identity as you're moving into that Corridor and so as we're working um East this is looking uh with Jefferson Avenue right there at the kind of center of uh this drawing um and so we're we're looking to bring that Miami Beach red in around that Starbucks area and then you can see the Branded gray concrete uh patterns um this is just highlighting we aren't removing any of the palm trees in this particular area that's why you don't see any red X's but you do see the can I interrupt you a quick question so the sidewalk some of the sidewalk is going to be the Miami Beach pink and some is going to be gray correct it's not going to be consistent throughout correct and that's what we're we're still trying to create these kind of hammocks or these kind of rooms or these living rooms if you will and that's what that miim be dread are as it moves in these become more of where we're intensifying where we will have more furniture more of the shade trees and other elements where the gray branded that's where we um are looking at where we're kind of keeping consistently where even Planters are now but we're going to be en enhancing the paving and uh basically it becomes more of an open walkway uh where we'll have some of the B and furniture and then the other 80% we're really trying to M maintain Ada accessibility walkability um and and visibility to a lot of the shop fronts through those areas um and so this is just highlighting uh the amount of on street parking um that you see there on the top left we aren't removing any on street parking within this block and so I think we presented this last time you saw these probably even in the aeom reports that I think have even comeing in front of um the City previously but this is the existing condition uh this is what was proposed by aom this is what we're really looking at so again you see that the sidewalk is being expanded to the maximum that we can uh get it fdot actually requires 10 foot uh if we got 10 foot you would have any landscape in this Corridor and so we're we're still trying to enhance uh with a very uh low maintenance landscape in here and so you're seeing some of that condition uh along these kind of walk areas uh at night we did present this last time we're looking at tree ring lights that would be uh basically straps to the tree so they're not going to harm the tree in any way but you would UPL light the canopy if you go in there right now the canopy is not lit up and so it kind of feels dark um and one of the things that we want to do is have some uplight into that canopy so you can kind of see those uh those Palm frons wisping around in the wind and then some downlight that really dresses out out that trunk um we are have been going through a lot of cost estimates as you can imagine costs of in the last three years have kind of gone a little crazy so we're looking at a couple different options so we're showing and presenting you today an option two that just looks like we may put it on every other palm tree rather than every palm tree as a possibility with that but we feel like this is a more elegant solution um option three is uh one that maintains those string lights but perenti is them right now they're kind of looped and kind of tied to all the lights um we've gone and had a lot of community engagement meetings 80% I would even say 90% of the community wants the uplighting that we were presenting in option one and two um but there's still a small contingent that would like to see the the string lights maintained um and so there's some challenges there where we would need to have to have them on diable if you go out there right now they're very bright um and so that has some concerns especially with fdot and so this is just uh showing you what some of the the the tree ring and that strap light would look like um again it's we would minimize any damage to the tree which I think was brought up last time we came in front of drb and so we wanted to kind of show you some of the specifications and our drawing sets on that so again moving East uh this is where the biscane Waterway is uh we are looking to maintain the Mosaic tiles and actually uh fix some of those tiles that are missing and maintain the pavers that on the ground in that area as that enhancement we didn't see it as as as much of a a concern and wanted to maintain uh those elements that were part of a uh placemaking uh previously and then we're bringing in that uh that branded gray concrete and then tying back in on the side streets to some of the Miami Beach dread uh coming back into there um and then here you can see we are removing one uh on street parking space and that's really to get some shade trees um on that North Side one of the things that we did get with a lot of the community engagement was get more shade more shade even outside these hammock areas and so this is the only uh parking space um and then two actually uh the City resolution was we could not remove any on street parking west of viscan Waterway that's why you weren't seeing any so this is the first parking space to the east um and and um so again moving Eastward um you know again kind of maintaining some of those elements this is um uh where North Beach Elementary is on that uh that block on the North side here but looking at how some of that Miami Beach red concrete kind of ties into those side streets brings it back towards 41st Street but also looking at uh that kind of little respit that's there on the um um just to the uh the southeast of of North Beach Elementary and kind of looking at that becoming a kind of outdoor Plaza with more shade trees so it becomes one of these kind of outdoor living rooms with some of the enhanced uh Furniture features again on street parking in this block is going to be preserved none would be removed um and then we're as we're moving uh further east along this Corridor um at this particular um First midblock Crossing that's where we're we're looking to enhance that with a lot of those shade trees which which you know pretty much was presented last time it's just removing out that element that went across the throughway um and we are removing four parking spaces and a couple palm trees in this particular area but the reason why we're we're we feel it's better to sacrifice a few parking spaces is just to the north of here one block is the 42nd Street Parking Garage as well as um some City uh uh surface parking lots and so we're going to be having some signage that we'll be integrating around here kind of pointing to those parking Loc I'm sorry sorry to interrupt your presentation given that we're we're this application does not require a vote simply comments and recommendations do do you need my continued presence uh I believe just for the core purposes just just for the presentation uh yes okay so I'll okay thanks so just again moving East towards the other midblock Crossing again similar kind of treatments and again you're seeing that for removing three parking spaces so that's the total of eight parking spaces that you're seeing um this was uh again presented existing this was from The aeom Proposal here's where we're at on our current design for those midblock kind of Crossing which was one of those features that really came out of that aeom report to have areas for spill out and Cafe seating um and then as we move further east um towards the Terminus at Pine Tree Drive uh Henry leedman square and we have really what we're trying to make that is a true Square uh we're going to be bringing a lot of Mii be tread in there making it a kind of Festival street but we're not going to remove any of the on street parking that's in there but the the the street can be closed down at times to have markets other Festival events and I'll just kind of kind of show the rendering from the uh the the north side of the street looking South and you can see star child there back towards Henry lman Square Henry leedman Square there itself looking back to the north uh with Starchild and so the street is off to the leand side there and that's it thank you happy to answer questions sorry thank you very much so how should we proceed here okay I guess you can you can issue your advisory recommendation I'm sorry say that again oh I said um you can issue your advisory recommendation for the city okay y any comments coms go for it yeah I just um so the the the structural things that were not really shade features but they looked like light Gateway features yeah so I really like Miami Beach red but I got to tell you it all looks like it was painted in Pepto bismal to me the whole it's too like I just and the the cement is never the same color when they do new and then it fades and I just the I I think their color is awful for like a structural thing was that a big part of the design so that's why we moved towards the gray and I'm speaking for Jeff but that's why we moved towards the gray branded concrete from a jority of the corner Corridor um the red is introduced at a certain locations where we're um harmonizing with the side street so you'll see it pick up on the side streets because we've got to meet the condition on the side street um but people are familiar with the red and the design is is done in a way where you know it it's it will look intentional in the future when they have to make um repairs the idea of doing bands of pavement throughout the whole not I'm talking the the red pavement I like it is these structures that oh that pinkish color at alternative colors if that's yeah I mean I just that to me looks like it's supposed to match but it's not it's just I think it's it looks like Pepto Bisal just going to be flat out there and then are the Little House on the Prairie lights staying those Victorian era black lights they they have to be maintained yes we we there's not a budget in the in the project to replace those and then two there are the standard light for the city and and part of the effort just looks so out of place in this city on so many levels I can't even yeah I would say I know I know there's what there's with this there's a budget and I feel like that's my only concern that you know it's like you renovate one room of a house and then you realize that there's some other areas it's in looks so but you know I mean it is what it is um I I I think that um the the the sort of what do you call it the Gateway structures that I also would like those to be refined I um I see what you're saying about the color and the nice thing is it seems like you could make them any color you know and I agree that it's a lot of it it does become a lot of the red and the pink I think Standalone it would be great in this flamingo pink but I could see how you know you're trying to be a little matchy matchy maybe something in like an a yellow or some other fun bright color um I would also You' started to allude to this a little bit about maybe using those for shade that was one in one of the pictures in your present presentation there were two views with the structures and one of them is is the bases surrounding a palm tree and I thought that looked fantastic and really fun and really because it calls attention to the Royal Palm which we all love but then there was another one that was over the benches that it didn't have the same sort of intention and what I wanted it to be was a shade structure but it was see-through so I think that with the placement like I like the idea of I mean obviously shade is a major theme with this um that's what I would encourage you to explore how you can make some of those shade structures or put them in places where sort of art with nature situation um yeah that was my and I think too I remember our discussion about the lights I would vote that the down lighting be on every other tree that it doesn't need to be on every tree um so option two yeah option two I'm I'm team option too um and then I was also one of the things things that I was thinking about with the question that I had um so as you walk up and down 41st Street the the P the current paper situation is odd um and I feel like it changes and so but you mentioned that on the bridges you're going to keep what's there is what's there that brick or is it just white so it is it's like a gray paper so I think it will go well with the Branded okay it's not it's not this you know what I'm talking about where it's like a white frame and brick that's not what's on it's not like one of these is not like the yeah we're gonna it's going to be bridged a little and Blended to make yeah that would because I I think that we want the street to be cohesive and that and right now it doesn't necessarily feel like that um yeah I think those were my comments oh actually I do have one more comment I don't know if this is possible but I'm sure it's come up the the lean Square sculpture is fantastic and there is the largest thickest light pole in front of it that I think is in existence is there any possibility that could be moved no or rework could the square be reworked I don't know something it's such a missed opportunity right it almost would be easier to move the art it would that that was one of the things when I was looking at your presentation it seemed like it had been moved and and I got excited um a little bit of artistic Freedom sorry I I just have a question jefff do we ever see the Gateway structures over the gray pavers or intentionally are they always linked with the Miami red we currently have them as in the Miami Beach red yeah that's where they pretty much only stay within I mean I personally I don't have a problem at all with sort of the bright pink color and and I know that there are other bright colored sculptures around but I think sort of these sculptures having their own color and their their language being that they are a neon color ties them together um but I also understand sort of the relationship with the color palette that exists that you're working with and how it can be a challenge but uh some things we may just not be able to change because those are contextual and set in place but my only other comment is about these Gateway structures I do think you mentioned you know how can they provide shade and you also addressed Sarah how they Embrace sometimes Palms which I don't love King Palms but it can they Embrace shade trees you know is there a do they start to have a family where at one moment if they are independent there is this other layer of additional perforated metal or something that is attached at the other moment if they're engaging a tree or you know existing shade then they appear a different way so then you start to understand how they adapt to the context I think that could be really interesting and help with the budget where you're not add adding that additional piece to every moment how often are they they only happen at the gateways the two gateways at Pine Tree Drive and at Alton um at Alton they do kind of slip back towards uh Garden Avenue a little bit so within that block on the south side of the block but they primarily stay at the uh Pine Tree Drive and Alton Road intersections there there is one other area I think we have them at the North Beach Elementary um in that Plaza I have a question um sorry were you going to say something I really like the idea about the gray um sort of movement you know in the in the pattern and how you're just doing that with different finishes Aggregates um so it's a language within itself but the same material Etc is there any opportunity to introduce that language to the Miami Beach red concrete and then if with some experimentation it may look slightly different or you might like the broom you know it might change it a little bit and absolutely and we can look at different tents so it almost looks like it was meant to be so and the the intent of that is if they do have to come in there and Scar to dig up and kind of work on any of that that it looks intentional like it's not just a patchwork that it was designed to kind of have that look and feel so yes we can I don't does that change at all how you feel about that or wait you already liked the Miami Beach I'm fine with the Miami Beach red sidewalks and it I'm like it it it it it is Miami Beach to me so I and I know that it changes that doesn't bother me as much as that pink color sculptur is next to it I just think it's too much what if what if the benches weren't pink but the sculpture was or it's just it's a lot the benches are part of the concrete that almost it sort of grows out it it just kind of yeah it anyway but I I made my point I mean take it for what it is but I think that would be um I also just want to say that I think the you of the the new trees and the intentional shading is clearly it's integral to this project but since we're saying things that are going to be advised to the Commissioners like that's huge you know not cutting out any of that uh you know and where you have to sacrifice parking to introduce shading or moments of pause I I support the analysis you guys have done and really excited to see again how the urban sort of landscape evolves as we continue to evolve the urbanism here and I know I always ask you this what's the time frame just back and forth so there's a lot of work that's going on within the city as you know and this project is going to be combined with a water main replacement along 44st Street um duration of construction is going to be anywhere between 24 to 36 months um for the complete scope of that work that has to be scheduled along with other project schedule including including the Alton Road project that FD has if we could move quickly we could get ahead of them and we could start constructing the latter part of next year if we do not get all of our permits in time we may have to you know we have to see where this project Falls schedule wise so we are running that's why it was important to have this heard today we need to get ahead of fdot and then the water main project is that like what you did closer to the ocean closer to Collins is that the same sort of thing didn't you just replace a water man or no ke across the bridge yeah yes this is a continuation of that so all down 41st Street yes wow okay you want that to happen though I want no I I I know we need that to happen I'm just I'm feeling sorry for all the city officials they're going to get massive complaints with yeah yeah but it has to happen you know and we've had a lot of public input and and we've taken all of that into consideration you know if if it has to be night work it may just end up being that um the work cannot be continuous you know all at once we have to break it down in phases so that to minimize the disruption and that's something that we have a team of Consultants just looking at the logistics of of executing the project so yeah we're ready we're we're trying to move quickly and get this going but thank you so much for your help today thank you thank you thank you thank you so do we now need to continue the rest of these other two to the next meeting okay so we don't even need we don't need to they're automatically continued yeah I mean I don't know can we do that or how does that yeah you can provide some feedback you just can't take a formal motion okay wait if we don't have a quorum but then the three of us are talking about a project together is that no it's fine it's a you're in a public setting that's being recorded so that's fine that's a lot sure yeah that's yeah that's a good idea yeah yeah yeah it should be there so these these uh these applicants actually have the next two projects that are the two last the last two projects then Bora Bay one demor Bay 2 uh so it's trb 23- 0960 and 0961 um we had I I guess we can I can let you know what our recommendations were uh so for this first one which is uh 704 84th Street we were recommending a few things that the um should I should I just would you like me to do a formal presentation on this give you my give you our recommendations because we did have a few design Rec recommendations for these yeah I had some thoughts too so okay so for the first one this is going to be 704 84th Street um we were going to be recommending that the architect uh in incorporate the same screening proposed for the stair Tower and that the and additionally that the architect that recommend that the trellis structure and stair screening uh be reduced in height to the same height as the mechanical roof currently as currently proposed they have some screening along a stairwell that goes 15 feet above the rooftop level which we feel overwhelms the design so staff was recommending that that be reduced um it's about five four five feet um and then additionally recommending that there be screening on the garage levels that's something we've been recommending on most most of these uh on the perimeter of the garage to to minimize light spillage um so the main design concern is that that trellis structure be reduced in height because we felt that it was just too massive for that uh for given the proportions of the design um so that's the main design uh concern um but I'll let them describe it because I'll do I'll do a full presentation when it formally comes before the board okay I'm not sure if I yeah there you go uh well basically to make it quick um I'm not sure if you want to go H through the h building or just the a the exterior aesthetic um this this is a seven units building it has the ground floor only with the parking and the access to the apartments and it locates uh three units in the second and third level and another unit in the in the fourth level with a Terrace with a j um the materials we are trying to make it uh natural materials because we believe that over time it's easier to maintain with a with a cleaning than being dependent on the painting and the maintainance of that um and as these um small lots are very challenging with the structure and located the parking spaces we're trying to put as much parking spaces as possible for the neighbors and we decided to do some uh sort of exoskeleton with the structure and to uh do like boxes with the Sid in texture one in in in Wood color and other ones uh with like a dark uh clading panel and concrete textures I'm going to try to to go like fast to the renderings so so we see that very quickly there we go so those are the the proposed materials as part of the requirements we need to locate the stairs first so that creates this like large panel in the front that's kind of like mandatory there is no much options for that so we are um um creating a screen um that it's permeable it is a little bit uh covering the stairs because I don't find the stairs being aesthetic for the facet um but I don't want to have like a too hard surface there so that's why we're proposing that a metal metal panel um those are the perspectives like the first one is from the street uh like more on the other side and then you you see all the circulation the open circulation to the side and the rear facade that's it okay well no that's like like a look from from the RO uh well that's that's the the main idea of the of the aesthetic of the building then you see the different concrete the black CL clading in in the ground floor and the the wood color in the front I think that was a good summary of trying to make it past few as I understand okay um thank you do uh do you want to begin and there anything else no I that was just the main point that's the main point to see if you uh have any thoughts comments on the design okay um yeah I can add a couple comments so um I was just quickly looking at Deora too because I assumed there was going to be a similar architectural aesthetic which there is um so I I want to say that in terms of the trellis in the front um I understand why it's so high it is but I also agree that I think if it uh you know wasn't the most prominent feature uh that it would feel a lot better um and so figuring out how does it feel cohesive with the design without having to go over the top of the elevator um and the other mass and so does it how does it get lowered but still feel integral I would definitely support um my other comments are a bit of a question you know I think you guys I haven't seen your a presentation from you before you very clearly have a design aesthetic one that I would suggest you know to be something maybe more like South American than Miami y just from the colors the material palette I very much like it I I think that there's I appreciate you know the exposed concrete sort of these heavy um Dark Materials in some places and then sort of a lighter you say natural materials but I I know I see that it's aluminum wood colored fins that's because of like how it last yeah right the lifetime of I appreciate the approach and I think that the color palette is very thoughtful and one that I could get behind however it's not anything that we have really approved or supported in Miami Beach so it I guess my question is maybe one since we're here to have the conversation and provide feedback to the remaining board members that are here is you know if our goal is to question how do these houses become you know Miami Beach and how are we um supporting that language while also supporting artistic and design Freedom uh within the proposals that come in front of us um so you know I I think if if that would be the goal then my response would be some of these elements um need to become uh lighter and and brighter and so it's not about a dark and dark contrast but a light and then a natural contrast um I I'll end there and I think that's a discussion for both projects when we get to it yeah I'm I'm gonna agree with shaa that um this it's it struck me that you talking about wanting to use natural materials because my first impression of this building is that this is a very industrial and one of the things I'm constantly thinking about especially for this site is I know that this is an area of town that's in the process of doing some Redevelopment but right now it's a lot of single story buildings uh and so one of the things I do appreciate about your design is that you've designed it on all sides because it's going to be seen from all sides for a while um however I I agree I I feel like this this looks like it belongs in a different city it it doesn't seem like and it's it's very dark it's very industrial um I want it to be more inviting than I actually feel like it is color I understand if you can you bring up I guess it's slide 15 in the presentation yeah so it shows another the one before that or after that oh yeah that one um yeah I I definitely agree with staff about the height of the trellis um and so yeah you know you have this really massive concrete encased column and then the rear of the building it you know it just reads a sort of concrete block you know it's not there it needs to be lightened it just like I said it feels really industrial and maybe even there are parts of Miami that this might sort of work but in this area in in this it's it's yeah it needs to be less industrial and more something else no I understand perfectly so that that part the concrete has the wood texture but it's like the concrete we can we can we can work it up it's board form wood concrete and I just want to say that I I really appreciate that I think it can be beautiful and so I agree that it it feels a little bit industrial I think it's it's the architectural style what you're choosing to Express and also an intentful with the materials that that is an expression of the material right which a lot of times we don't see here so I'm wondering without being artificial in our feedback like how do we maybe maintain the exposed board um formed concrete but these big um sort of bold you know concrete horizontal lines and and Frames around it if they become lighter or if they have a soft color Hue to them um you know even if the trellis uh I don't think it has to change material but it feels industrial when it's black or if it was raw but again if it was white there's a lot of concrete so maybe that's what it actually helps more in the industrial look we can play with the with the with the colors maintaining the textures um so the aesthetic in general a two- sorry are you proposing a two-way concrete slab system yeah yes I again I don't want to say that that's bad that I think is good design we don't see you know something where you're thinking about the structure and exposing the structure so I I I appreciate that very much and I'm wondering if there's a way that we can do it that just maybe makes it feel a little bit more my M you know um yeah yeah we're going to prepare options and to present to roel I think that you you know perfectly what they like um yeah yeah I also think you know and and I'm not a working architect so I'm just you know relying on renderings and um you know that the rendering the the wood too it's it it it the rendering is not doing Justice the tones of the wood just they don't it can be lighter too you know if you're going for natural a combination of natural and Industrial which I think is literally what the board concrete press concrete does I don't quite see that here and that's what yeah there needs to be some sort of softening or lightening or something yeah sorry just to make one more point I think it's because both the form is hard and rigid and then the materials right so like um if you're familiar with uh a building on the un's campus by architectonica where it is all board formed concrete but then it has this sort of delicately curved roof that softens it so it doesn't feel that way you know like yeah something that helps wear so so I think it's it's the combination of the two that makes it that hard so I think yes maybe not to put words in your mouth no I think that's a great that's a great way to put it and I would just explore the materials because even the glass is it's it's all very just hard and angular and okay perfect I hope that's helpful and I feel like it's similar I don't know do you have any other you know I agree with everything they're saying but I really I still like it a lot like I I love that you see it from different angles that it's interesting um yeah the trellis definitely seems to overwhelm everything though and um but I like a lot of the I like a lot of the it's interesting and um yeah it is a challenging lot because it's very small restricted they all are that's that's for sure but yes we are open to to your opinions obviously you're you're here for for the entire community and and I I know that you're putting all the pieces together so we understand that's why we wanted to to get this first good I mean it's help it's it's it's helpful for us to recognize you know again we're just trying to make this the best structure for the community you know and for you and your client whoever umia she'd mentioned that the stairs have to be in the front for the zoning the the understory regulations in the arm1 district uh have requirement that the stairs be located before the elevator I believe is the is the requirement let me go to that and why is that just um I believe it's to encourage more people to use stairs it's sort of an active design uh guideline and then from a design feature so that you don't have the the elevator uh elevator well as the prominent feature in the front that that be more located towards the back um and not be the prominent front where just have a blank column going all the way up cuz I feel like stairs are more likely to be unattractive than an elevator column that could have been decorated unless you do like a really interesting stair like we tried to put it um in the like more in the halfway of the apartments yeah yeah and it was impossible they were I don't remember which uh part of the code will will say that it needs to be in the front because we Tred to put it more like behind initially you had it backward course we had the elevator before from close to the facade and then the stairways behind it but then we follow the the especially because it restricts a lot the the main foret yeah such an it's an interesting code decision I don't am I wrong like I I just think putting a stair is you know the feature in front of your building it's an Build architecture it's circulation it's not you know well and I guess we're going to be seeing more yeah you're going to have the same situation in the other one yeah well and also other projects that we're seeing to have the St you know cuz my my one of my First Reactions not just with this but with other ones we've seen is don't put the stair is not the dominant Street side element there is no much that you can do with that with with that element that it goes all through yeah here we have the the require so you can okay um yes so it says for a new construction in the arm districts if there is an understory level at least one stair shall be visible and access ible from the building's main lobby whether interior or exterior shall provide access to all upper floors shall be substantially transparent at the ground level and shall be located before access to elevators from the main building Lobby along the principal path of travel from the street so so the stairwell itself can be enclosed just not the initial the the first set of Tread Like the first story like the first story has to be transparent or the whole thing has to be transparent it sh be substantially transparent at the Grand at the ground level and shall be located before access to the elevators from the main lobby right because you'd also think that you'd want the stairwell enclosed in air conditioned also be protected from the rain I mean how annoying would it be if you have to walk up four flights of stairs and it's pouring rain and you've got groceries yeah and the thing is most people are going to be parking under the structure so they're going to get to the elevator before the stairs unless they're walking in from the street but it's the stairs that are the street yeah yeah and okay so is that did you is that good I I mean I think that those those comments apply to both yeah projects the only doubt that I have with the other one is that we created uh it's similar to this one in certain way we have the corridors in the lateral um and we created I'm not sure if I can access here no we cre Uh Wood oh sorry no in so in the other project we did have a concern with the uh the screening of the ground floor elevation um they use screening if if you can go ahead and bring it up the same material that's at the that screens the whole ground floor also screens the elevator column um the sorry the stairwell column and uh and staff felt that that also overwhelmed that facade and that perhaps a different treatment can be used for the uh for the ground level than what is used for the for the column and also as we've had uh screening along the whole perimeter of the of the ground floor anytime we can see the other presentation St here um can we load the other presentation yeah they're gonna they're going to do it the screen thank perfect thank you there we go yeah there you go well similar situation with the size of the lot and more units I'm going to go to the renders paper whatever that is this D but basically same same similarly with the with the corridors on the side um well same same idea same or similar materials uh apply differently uh the idea is to have a screening that is a sort of dynamic covering the stairs so you're not so obvious to have a stair there trying to hide it a little bit um trying to play with this um wood is not real wood it's aluminum aluminum um but we are also um proposing a screening with green natural green plants uh linked with different uh iron wires and chains I'm going to show the side of it this is this will be like the interior Corridor it is open but the idea is to have a biophilic feeling for for the people there to have fresh shadowing that's between the stairwell but in the ENT that's the that's like the entrance to their Apartments that's the to the to be more protected from the heat the Sun and have more natural green but at the same time to have that screen that it's going to be building up with with with the pl and I understand the concern that you had before with the green Walls but the idea is to have that natural growing um and it will be more transparent in contrast to the one previously where this one it's not the idea to have like a full green screen well I I think this one has a little bit more room for if some things don't grow is what like it this there's a little bit more room for eror and it seems like it would look interesting without the green and and also at the same way this one is not located on the front facade being the main point on the building which is on the side and is in order to create a more biophilic feeling for the habitat so you have the breeze and your cover it it stops a little bit the rain being an open Corridor so I think that that's actually help but I wanted to bring it up because of what I heard before just in case um and the idea is the same to have like a um a common jacuzzi on at the rooftop and to have those Shadows with those H wood planks um and these are going to be rentals or condos rentals okay cond put mm oh no they're going to be condo each one indiv usually sold yeah as opposed to one owner okay we got 10 units there we're we're trying to put like like as much green as possible because we're in Miami Beach and we like the idea of of Nature and that's that's why we have all that bcon in the front and and adding more green too but once again I want to clarify there is a lot of concrete too if we if you want to to change that or to address that with different approach um thank you I think I I agree with staff's comment about the um the screening I I do like the Rhythm that it has and I think it's a interesting gesture that this is the stairwell and so there's a rhythm of going up and you have the Rhythm in the aluminum um yeah I would I I really like it as the stairwell column but not necess it is a little too much around the parking structure so I that would be something to sort of rework and also um yeah I also again the rear it just it feels very severe to me um is that the the detail that is um is that also the aluminum structure or is it wood it's a little hard to see from the picture that you provided well it simulates wood but it's it's with aluminum material but it doesn't have the rhythm of the the tower it has the same pattern I think it's the same application okay yeah that was my question the the picture on the right um that the wall between the two glass do is kind of like a big wall like can you add more openness to that or we have the kitchen behind that wall so we have the counter tops uh adjust into the wall we we can add a wind like a backsplash window a backsplash window or something would be amazing I just think that that's just a big Stark wall and um you know it's a shame not to have more light that that's a really beautiful and elegant solution it's done in really highend houses and it's it's really a cool thing yeah we we can add the that would be nice and also because you're going to get an interesting I know that a backsplash is not eye level unless you're short like I am but um that would be an interesting view too again because there's not much what is it facing north well that will be facing the the the neighbor the rear neighbor oh there's a building behind it great oh sorry for that idea but still I like the I do agree that the wall should be BR they have a balcony right they balcony so they can create their own yeah how wide are those balconies 3T wide 3T so they're really kind of catwalk things and there's no are are they are those sliding glass doors to access them or no is there from the living room for sure yeah so for sure if that you know just having a blank wall when you're out on a balcony too is it's just it's sad so I think I think it would be fun to have a little more transparency between the kitchen and the balcony one of the lighting doors belongs to the living room and the and the other sliding door is to the master bedroom uhhuh are you guys proposing a metal structure or is the horizontal lines the horizontal lines is just uh is a c Chanel trim just applied correct oh yeah the edge of the balcony yeah it's it's concrete so I guess again I overall you know think that these two designs are very thoughtful I think I would I would ask you guys to explore you know what is the color you know of those when when you have these moments that you guys have created in terms of the lines and the Rhythm or the features what are their colors and what is their relationship to the other material next to it so I I would hate to see actually the board formed concrete go away but how could you the rest of the architecture make it feel more refined versus um industrial and and I think that you're you can do that very easily with a couple um adjustments and and even uh using color and Shadow and light on on your as a tool perfect this helpful absolutely helpful absolutely because we can we have time now to work in that for September perfectly so yeah I really appreciate because I know that that was supposed to be done um I also keep thinking about how the the Denora 3 is so close to the international inn do you know are you familiar with that building it's this fantastic midcentury and it's I just keep thinking how it's the it's pretty much the opposite of this that it's very light and Airy and transparent and and this is so it's very very close now I saw on the map so I I don't know if that's something I mean I if there's a way to blend these two but certainly you know that and and I mean they were working you know mid-century with truth to materials and and a a bit of a different type of industrial but I don't know something with the lightness or I take a look thr there you know I mean certainly there's plenty of inspiration all over the city for ways to incorporate to come up with maybe a little bit different vocabulary perfect okay thank you good luck thank you thank you we appreciate the feedback okay any other okay meeting adjourned we will see you guys in did you did you want to have public comments uh how do we do that although we ran out of Quorum um yeah well since you haven't really made any well since you're not going to be making any decisions about it um I would say that any public comment should be um should be postponed until the next meeting okay where it can go officially on the record correct okay okay thanks me --------- [Music] please take your seats the meeting is about to begin please stand by we are going on air in 5 4 3 2 1 good morning and welcome to the July 2nd meeting of the Miami Beach design review board we have um a fairly full docket today and so I'd like to uh begin rilio good morning good morning everybody Welcome to the July 2nd 2024 drb um and I will confirm that we have four members present Mr Sheldon um Mr diffenderfer uh chair Giller um and and miss and miss Meyer um we have two members that are absent today and with that I'll turn it over to the City attorney hello good morning everyone today's meeting of the design review board has been scheduled in a hybrid format with the Quorum of the board physically present at City Hall City commission Chambers and applicant staff and members of the public appearing either in person or virtually via the zoom platform webinar in order to in order to participate in today's meeting those wishing to participate via the zoom platform webinar may dial 88847591 which is tollfree and enter the webinar ID which is 82273 941 924 or log in into the Zoom app and enter the webinar ID which again is 8227 3941 924 any individual wishing to speak on an item must click the raise hand icon if they're using the Zoom app or dial star9 if they're participating by phone now before I swear in those that will be testifying today I'm going to read into the record the city's notice regarding lobbyist registration if you are appearing on behalf of a business a corporation or another person you must register as a lobbyist with the city clerk's office if you haven't registered yet you should register before you speak to this board that includes Architects attorneys or employees representing an applicant or an objector you do not have to rep you do not have to register as a lobbyist in three circumstances one if you are speaking only on behalf of yourself and not any other party two if you are testifying as an expert witness providing only scientific technical or other specialized information or testimony in this public meeting three if you are appearing as a representative of a neighborhood association without any compens ation or reimbursement for your appearance to express support of or opposition to any item that said expert Witnesses and representatives of neighborhood associations still shall prior to appearing disclose and writing to the city clerk their name address and the principle on whose behalf they're communicating these rules apply whether you are appearing in favor of or against an item or encouraging or arguing against its passage defeat modification or continuance now if you're physic now if you're physically present I would like for you to stand up and raise your right and uh raise your right hand please to swear on oath and now virtual virtual speakers will be need to SP sworn one by one at the time of their testimony do you swear or affirm that the testimony that you will be giving in this proceeding is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do right thank you you may sit down you you may proceed thank you okay so so we have several items that are uh on the agenda for a request for continuance uh these are on the agenda for request for continuance because they include variances um and we need five members to be able to vote on variances so these were heard last month um and so we're requesting that they be continued to the September 3rd meeting and we have one additional item um so the the F the two the ones that are on the agenda items two which is drb 24998 which is 4330 Nautilus Drive we have drb 24-16 which is 976 West 41st Street 3925 and 3915 Alton Road drb 24-104 which is 4 through6 Star Island Drive drb2 24-105 which is 1801 Alton Road those are already on the agenda for request for continuance and at the request of the applicant we're going to add one additional item that's number seven on the agenda which is drb 23-9 968 that's the Citywide digital information kiosk the applicants requesting that that also be continued to the September meeting um so we can have a motion uh requesting that all of those items be continued to the September 3rd meeting make a motion a motion by Mr diffenderfer second second by Mr Sheldon all those in favor I I I I okay and with that we I guess we can proceed oh and we have the after action item uh after action um report if everyone's okay with that I'll make a motion to approve okay motion by Miss Meyer second second by Mr Defender for all those in favor I I I after action approved okay so we can move along we have uh our first item will be drb 23- 0956 that's 1901 Alton Road the first item of the agenda is drb 23- 0956 1901 Alton Road Whole Foods an application has been filed requesting design review approval for the construction of a new three-story commercial building including waivers from the long Frontage standards and a variance from the maximum wh for entrance and exit drives to replace all existing structures on the site this is continued from April 2nd 2024 and June 4 2024 only the garage screening was continued the remainder of the proposal was approved okay uh thank you just also stated um this is only being considered for the screening around the garage uh the garage is located on the second uh through the fourth levels of the of the building um second through third including a rooftop uh parking um the board had concerns last uh last time that this item came before the board regarding the Landscaping would not be visible or viable given its location it was located behind the screen um so as a result of that the uh the applicant went back to the drawing board and redid the plans for the screening uh and essentially they reversed it the Landscaping is now at the Forefront the screen is located behind the Landscaping um and so this makes sure this ensures that the landscape is actually visible uh that the landscape will actually receive direct sunlight and will be viable um and and should should address uh the board's concerns overall we feel that it's an improvement and staff recommends that it be approved those are the Good Vibes we like to start with Gran pen Burke Howard Del Fernandez L and tapen his 200 Southeast G Boulevard I do want to Echo that I think that the changes that you'll see this morning are an improvement to the design and we uh we appreciate the additional time that the board gave us to revisit it because we think we ended up with a better looking building for the record I wanted to note um because we did mention this last time we have a condition that's in the order that's related to the the portion of the screening that's against the New World Symphony uh properties to our East and our North Northeast East nothing in the design has changed related to those facades so we we sent that again to the to niss and casin who represents the symphony just to make sure I want to clarify that on the record again there are no revisions to that um the only changes we're making are what you'll see today which is on the south and on the west side so uh with me this morning our team the galts we got Marissa and Russell Galt Jennifer mccan who's going to get up here in a second and take you through the changes Justine valet from Urban robot our landscape architect who's Landscaping can now be seen without the screen in front of it so if we could take the uh through the I'll take you through it that is the the redesign right now but I'll take you through kind of the reminder slides of where we are property's located at the northeast corner of 19th and Alton developed with a Wells Fargo for a very long time we have the condition um that was imposed last time was basically that the screening needed to come back the rest of that condition as you can see see uh was what I just mentioned before related to the New World Symphony W well or you can get a general idea I don't know why it's not showing clearly but the uh that is the the ground floor that is a piece of the second floor and then we have the roof so so the yeah can we reduce the size can see it all right we'll do it we'll do it the old fashioned way you can see the Chrome around it so this is the plan that we had proposed last time which was consistent with the 2016 approval but as reelio noted the board thanks guys the the board uh asked us to revisit it to kind of reduce the Monumental scale of the facade in relation to the street because of the especially with the framing and so that's what Jennifer and her team went back and Revisited and she's ready to take you through the changes right now thank you Jer MCC there you go Jennifer mccan with Studio MCG architecture um when we went back to study the screen you know we we did realize that that that screen and the frames above the second floor were really creating a lot of massing on the building um it was also suffocating the landscape a little bit because the screen was in front of the landscape um so we said look let's see what if we take it off what happens and it I think it just it brought the massing down it created I think a much nicer project project we can see Urban robots design of the of the um the facade and the the trees that um they've decided to plant and let's go down so this is what it looks like now um and we simply just took the scre the the frames down um and then we moved the screen in front of the parking so you have the landscape you have a s foot deep planter which is very um generous um lots of different uh landscaping that's different and Justine's going to talk about that and then the screen is next to the car is where it should be this is a view of the previously approved plans uh along Alton and this is a few now so what we did here is the Landscaping will be taller you can see the screen in certain areas but I think we we kind of peeled back the Landscaping in this rendering just so you can see what's going on um but that landscape will grow and pretty much cover the almost the entire screen and then this is a view on the corner we have the really cool bio sale in the front um and then here this is a view from um the corner with the frames off and then this is a section so before there used to be a frame just on the um left side of that section that went up 20 ft plus um that comes down and then you you have that 7ft deep planter all the way around the building so uh let me go back to oh oh this is perfect um if you look at this plan which is the landscape plan you can see the entire perimeter of this building is planted heavily planted so on the back side facing um the housing we have a 10-ft uh wide setback with a lot of uh planting that um Justine has worked with the the landscape architect for the symphony on and then along Alton Road and 19th you have the second not only do you have planting at the ground level but you also have that 7ot deep planner that's the entire length of the perimeter on the street facade which I think is really generous and then you know that's what we should be looking at not necessarily the big frames in the screen um and then I wanted to invite Justin up here just to talk about that planning at the second level hi everyone Justine Bellis Urban robot Associates 420 Lincoln Road it is such a pleasure to be part of this more urbanistic responsible building um we are thrilled that the landscape can finally be revealed um whereas Our intention for the ground floor was to uh host a lot of native plants to uh sort of reimagine um a bald Cyprus bios and we have done so with the ground floor design the second floor design was really intended to be more um like a wallpaper more like a skin or an architectural skin or a facade and so the planting we've chosen there is a a compilation of large leav tropical plants that are really going to create that sort of graphic quality sorry I just realized so what you can see in our elevations is a sort of repetitive theme of The Traveler Palms interspersed with the fishtail palms and at the lower level we have monstera and other plants that have very large graphic shaped leaves very interesting to look at both from um a speeding uh car driving by and also from within the um parking lot itself as you've parked your car and as a pedestrian as well and so really that wallpaper effect is creating um another architectural uh facade in its own Lush living way and we're really excited to be here today thanks and I'm here for any questions you may have we're going to keep it short and sweet so um that's our presentation we would ask for your approval subject to staff's uh adjusted conditions in the order we here for any question questions you may have and I'd like to reserve time for a ble thank you so much thank you very much are there any members of the public wishing to speak thank you SAR Rees s Harbor neighborhood association I'm glad that they changed that because we were worried about the lighting kind of flowing into palao especially on the east side of palao so it looks much much better you don't even see that so we're very happy that that change occurred I hope to keep the buav Vilas uh that are in the back well they belong to the other building I hope they're there plus whatever planting you do but it looks very beautiful we support it thanks thank you very much anyone else anyone online no hands are raised online okay excellent I'm going to now close the public portion and open it up to the board for discussion who would like to start you know I'm going to start because I have a few questions um first of all so much thank you very much um you know we can sort of it's really lovely you know that's definitely I I really appreciate um removing this sort of super structure um but I do have a question you'd mention that you're just going to be removing it on two sides but not on the two sides that face so what is that going to look like are you rem are you not having is there a picture of what those other two sides are going to look like if they don't have are you going to leave it like it was or is there anything there we're we're going to leave it similar to as it wasn't it's in it's in the set um it's we don't have a slide today but we do have it on sheet a202 so condition and we're still working with the neighbors to implement that condition so we we do need a review that backside with the neighbors um but that is a scored uh stucco that you see along that side there's no openings because they were they were concerned with lights coming into their um facade so there's um there's there's a a stuck a wall right now facing them with a lot of planting at that setback and there's we also lowered it so that wall is only the height of the wall of the parking it used to go up a little bit higher than that and why wasn't that included with this why is that being done separately well I mean I can the from our point of view the the condition because we're it's required for us to work with staff and the neighbor that's what we anticipated doing between approval and building permit uh so it wasn't it wasn't part of the the elements that needed to come back to you and just to be clear about the the condition right the condition as drafted you know I can read it right extended it it needs to be extended to the maximum permitted by the Florida building code which means reducing the amount of Stucco as much as possible um any remaining stco shall be evenly distributed consistent with the mesh design at a greater density so it's got to be denser than than what's going on on the remainder of the property so that is a you know Madam chair we didn't we didn't consider that we had to make that additional change since we already had the condition for us to do it between approval and permit I'm just trying to paint a picture in my head of what this is in the initial design that you presented us last time was the Super structure also on those sides it was never there no I understand it just ended before it was incorporated into the backside but it's but it was a solid wall I see so so no changes have been made no I see to be clear about we're not reintroducing the frame right that's what I was just making sure of that it wasn't different the front versus the back it's all going to look similar yes absolutely okay and then what does that screening behind the plantings look like is it yes so it it's it's a simple screen we are it's not going to be white but it's a it's an aluminum uh powder coated uh probably a gray color okay yeah and then and so for the new world for the buildings they felt that this type of screening did not provide enough privacy yes even though we have a solid wall uhhuh they wanted a mesh in front of the solid wall so we're working on you know what that mesh is and where it goes so we'll work with them with that okay I would recommend that it yeah I mean with review of Staff but it's certainly I don't want it to look too awkward that you know I mean it's this is an enormous building you're going to see it from all sides this is very heavily trafficked areas just to make sure that it it it looks like it belongs there as opposed to flew there and stuck do that makes sense so and does the Privacy as well um any other it's going to work with the Landscaping so things could maybe grow up that mesh and protect them a little bit more on the back side we we're still kind of working through that um those but at the parking level like let's call it the upper level there isn't a width that has planting at it no no okay there's 10 feet at the ground at the ground near planting but then it's just a flat wall going I'll say flat or flush it it it doesn't step back and allow planting at the second level no cuz there's the ramp the ramp is on side that's what I thought okay yeah and just not not to blay with this but the the per our agreement with the symphony that is mostly mesh so it's got to be as much mess mesh as we can possibly put and and Tighter for purposes so the the stucco elements that are going to be visible have to be minimized that's what that condition requires do you have an image of the building without all the Landscaping you know that day one this is what it'll look like before all the Landscaping grows in um on the on on our elevations it's shown lightly uh the the landscape so if you look at um 2011 I believe I'll just interject a Qui quick comment that Landscaping is actually going to go in pretty mature so for example along the Eastern facade between us and New World Symphony the trees are installed at 16 ft height already um and within the the second floor parking structure the facade along Alton Road in 19 um on the West Side those plantings will also be installed quite tall so they'll have a mature look from day one thank you so I think it's a great solution we should have thought we should have thought of this moving the plans in front of the screen is great I have a concern in procedurally I don't want to hold this up but I happen to be looking at a couple projects that are currently being built that do not look like the plans that we approved this is a big example of this is very different it's not just the screen that's changed it's the whole top of the building so here we are like approving the screen but really the whole building is different so if you go back and look at what was approved last time except for the screen and then you look at this it's a completely different project and if somebody is going back to look at this and say you didn't approve this you approve that with a different screen we we have an issue so I'm just you know I'm really concerned about things being not being built to what was approved I I think this happening and I'm not positive I have to go back and research but I don't want this to be in that gray area as well so do we have when we've approved something that's very different now how do you how do you approach that the actual design of the building is different than what we approved I think overall the program of the building is the same the ground floor as far as as far as I can tell looks pretty similar really the second floor the second floor though is that is if I were the architect and this was my legacy and you did that to it I'd be really not happy so I'm just saying to protect all of us this is a very different thing than it was approved last month or two months ago I would say any any conditions that are related to the screening that affect the screening you you have the ability to to to adjust those conditions um and so it's up to the board if the board feels that there's any issues with that we can adjust conditions and add additional protections um to ensure that the uh that the architecture is built that the building is built that way or if you have to just to protect everybody including them if somebody later comes and says this isn't what was approved so and also one of the ongoing discussions that Scott and I have been having are the placement of um mechanical things on the rooftop and is that that's one thing that's not very clear here from the drawings I'm looking both last the one from last time seems to show more um but I think that that's something that we really need to be sensitive to because there have been sort of very I'm going to call it egregious uses of rooftop mechanical elements that completely undermine the intent and of the design of of the building and I can see how it's easy to come back and you know the people that are building and say this is necessary but I think it also needs to be a necessary process of the design process um it needs to be something that is included in the materials that we get and relevant our discussion I don't know what the code says about how those should be screened how visible or how unvisible those are I could see how in a building like this it's enormous so to ensure you know as much as possible that all of that is hidden as much as possible from street view um or internally whatever that is but you know we now have this condition that keeps coming up again and again and again um because of the far changes and so you know we just need to be sensitive to that Madam chair you know if you if you wouldn't mind I'm curious to hear what the you know this is more directed it internally our process not and I shouldn't say not just specifically for this building but in general all the project that we're seeing um and how that relates both to our job as well as all the different things so if you wouldn't mind the elevation there is foit increase do could they go higher we at 45 the screening up to 50 right we can if we can um so it looks like the the screening of the mechanical equipment is is the parit wall if I'm not mistaken um we could we could add a condition um recommending that the screening the the parit wall be raised or or or some additional condition to screen that mechanical equipment I don't know do you have any thoughts about it's hard to even see well on the roof plan on a105 if I'm reading it correctly I mean I think the stair shafts and the elevator shafts you know by the way the nature they're constructed they're enclosed by walls and that's what we're seeing on the renderings but there's not any um walls or screening other than the sort of of the primary facade screening proposed at the mechanical area correct in the powerpint presentation it seems that um there's a parit wall that's 3' 6 in um so that's the extent of what would be screened from the roof level from the level for the mechanical area only from the street view right correct correct okay I mean I I think that there needs to be some intention in the design of now that we're having these massive mechanical elements on top of the roofs in very visible places there also needs to be some intention and discussion as to how that is incorporated into the design of the building what effect that's going to have um I don't know if a three-foot mesh parit is going to do anything to screen this massive Blacky rooftop mechanical area um but I think that's the effect that we're trying to avoid well and can can I add something to that I think what everybody really appreciates about this um presentation versus the last is you know the response to our city and our environment and saying we can have landscape year round we can have landscape as part of our material pallet in the architecture and I think maybe what we're asking for now is how does that maybe become more integrated or even set a stronger example of how that landscape is used you know instead of building tall walls around mechanical or you know like can we continue to develop that material pallet for the experience all around the building and not just at the street at the second level and I I mean I I want to state that you know I'm conscious of all of those requests having cost and I think that the um a good a good example and I and I know I preface this with I'm sure it's expensive is the the OM buildings with the landscape by inia in the Grove where everything is Terrace but as you move up the buildings you know the infrastructure to support the building to support the landscape to support drainage mechan it's all sort of integrated into that experience wherever you are around the building um so I guess I'm just putting that on the table as one way I think this building has the potential to set a precedent that landscape is what's being used as part of the architecture so how does it really set that precedent yeah I think in solving one problem another one has been created and again this is not just for this specifically this is in general in a lot of the projects that we've seen um can I can I explain mechanical a little bit so so a lot of the there's a lot of refrigeration equipment in this project it's all located in the mezzanine level so that that's got lers that's already been approved that's that so a lot of that mechanical is there at the second floor hidden and equipment and as you get towards as you go away from the the edge of the building you would have the taller equipment that would need a screen um so we we would have a screen there but I'm not expecting that to be more than 5 feet tall so from the from the street view you wouldn't really see it because it's set in and you have the 42in high screen in front of that so once we figure out what that equipment is will'll have that layout but it'll all be set in we won't have any tall equipment up against the edge of the building although well it's showing here on that a1. 5 that the mechanical area is towards the front yes but we would put the lower equipment towards the towards the front front front yeah and then we and that could be a condition we you know have no issue with that because we don't expect the equipment to be Giant I don't think we're going to have a cooling tower here I think it's going to be something smaller than that well yeah we've just we've just seen huge cooling towers on not big buildings we've seen generators that look like 18-wheelers on on roofs that are right on the edge and I just want to make sure because the building's beautiful now and it would be a real shame to just have this big ugly thing in the corner there which is facing 19th Street so just if staff can be aware of that and I also note that the design review board has the discretion of approving a parit wall up to a maximum of 25 ft in above the main roof line so that is just something to consider well I was even going to suggest that when looking and I don't know what the process is with the architectural drawings but I do know that you know we approve it here and then a whole other set of working drawings are then created that you guys then have to approve I would like to see a condition in all in in these not just Comm seems to be mostly commercial buildings but in a lot of the multi- rise structures that we're seeing that the rooftop the roof line and all the Mechanicals need to be approved so that there is sufficient screening that integrates well with the rest of the design and if it seems like just as you know an architect would make changes to the design that you feel is a little you know change es it and has to come back to the drb that if something is so different than what is approved like what we've seen on a few buildings around which essentially look like they have two additional stories of these blocky mechanical things that it come back to us to review um I I think for me that seems to be the only way to ensure because now you know everybody is redoing their floor plans they're taking advantage of the fact that the um that the roof line is is now being overlooked and it's it I mean it seems like people are just doing whatever they want and it's really getting in the way of the um success of the design and so there needs to be a little bit of oversight um with this situation so I I think that I I don't know what the process is of including that whether it's in your process or in the um in the in the orders that we do but I don't think that that is an unreasonable request considering what's happening I mean I'm trying to think of like a reasonable way that this can be you know regulated or that you know we can have some sort of involvement in this um so so definitely if the if the if the screening the mechanical changes the project significantly it's something we would tell them you're going to need to go back to the board otherwise rework your mechanical equipment maybe move it more towards the center of the building so it's not visible from the from the edges um but you're right that is something that at this phase they're not fully sure what mechanical equipment they're going to need they don't know that until they get further along the line in the building permit process so we can certainly um we'll we'll definitely be more mindful of it moving forward with projects that come back but for this project uh maybe we can include a condition that says uh the mechanical equipment for the first uh five or 10 feet of the facade cannot exceed 5T and then anything taller has to be recessed uh 10 ft from the from the Ed of the building um so that way it's less visible the parking that can be very difficult I think as long as it's covered and sta has involvement in making sure that it's aesthetically cohesive with the rest of it that that's fine I mean I think people would rather see a wall than mechanical equipment so I think if you use your discretion but I hate to put conditions to move things setbacks because that could be problematic with parking and elevators and everything else so right well they have an outlined area there but and I think that we could put the condition like you said where maybe it's not so prescriptive or definitive but um that the language is about the screening being um just augmented of the existing language at the mechanical area so again it doesn't feel like an afterthought or something else is introduced and then the the layout um you know is very you know getting higher towards the back and I think what we could also do is set a precedent you know in our future conversations to say like hey we want to actually see a street view with a section where if I'm six feet tall standing here looking up you know and here's the different potential Heights you know like I know that if you're doing that in a historic district you know you have to present those kinds of drawings even though we don't know what exactly it is so we can anticipate and we can respond at that level I think also the the general idea is to encourage our Architects and designers to think about these elements holistically as part of the building and not just something you know utilitarian to slap on at the end I think that that's that's what we're going for um because that seems to have what been Fallen to the Wayside um and so whatever gets us to that point where these elements are taken you know as part of and again this is not specif this is in general big picture everybody that is presenting to the city just to ensure the quality of architecture from top to bottom I I agree and I just want to say that I'm excited to see how this building turns out with the landscape already having sort of the Cypress um Swale in the front you know that's something that I think is pretty bold and it's going to set a language for this so when you're when you're sort of a trend Setter I guess we're asking you guys to to also you know think about these other parts so that comes with it all I would say I apologize but the the there is an existing condition right which is I that requires right now all rooftop fixtures air conditioning units Mechanical Devices shall be clearly noted on a Revis roof plan to be which is submitted a permit and shall be screened from view on all sides in a manner to be reviewed and approved by staff consistent with the uh design review criteria and directions for the board I think this board has been very clear in and what it needs staff to do in that review so I think that the concerns that we've heard obviously we've heard them and we're going to design to that and it's already incorporated into your order thank you um yeah no I think that I'm glad that you pointed that out because I think that the issue that the board is having in general in general is that that condition doesn't seem to be very well executed again not you know on some built projects that we've recently seen so thank you for pointing that out and hopefully others will take notes yes seriously any other comments so regarding the screening in that condition should we consider having uh allowing for higher parapets um where the mechanical equipment is located because that's something that if we do want to do that we would need authorization from the board to go higher than the than I believe what is the plans proposed it's about 36 well and that I mean 25 ft you know I I wouldn't say going all the way to 25 ft but but maybe a little more than and I mean my concern too is the screening it's sort of from a distance you know I don't want it to look like a chain link fence up 20 feet right so I I don't know the answer to your I I don't know some something yeah I think as long as it's architecturally integrated into the other conditions that it will be fine and if it has to go up however many feet you know let's staff determine that because I think they get that we don't want to see mechanical equipment from the street and I mean it doesn't need to be it doesn't necessarily need to be this this screening you know it needs to be something that's not a 20 foot wall on this beautiful otherwise beautiful lovely building you know it just and and I I I I have no idea what that is I feel like I'd like I'd love to be able to give the creative team designing the building a little bit of license for I mean something something you know some sort of potential to do something interesting um well I don't want to drag this out but there are already you know three large if if I'm counting them correctly you know large elements at the top of their that again are going to be a shaft one that sets a precedent for maybe how we do treat the screening of the equipment which unfortunately is a tall wall but then now I'm saying you have four you have enough of them to be a an architectural language so I guess my question is also how could we ask them to treat those are they just white walls are they painted is there a texture is there something on there that as those their own objects sort of protrude and come up which are part of a functioning building in an architectural language can they appear more intentional than just White Walls if that's what's being planned I think also and I might be it it seems like moving the Mechanicals not not considering the Mechanicals as part of the rest of the design of the structure has now created its own issue because now they're not being part treated part of the structure and yet they're living on top that that it has to go somewhere and so I think that there needs to be some way to reintegrate these elements into the design of the building that maybe it's not internal but it needs to become part of the language of the rest of building so where does that leave us what's our next step I I don't know if if that's if this now you know from us is we approve this as is and then with the condition that and again not just for you but for you know a blanket the Mechanicals need to be refined in some way and that they can be worked on with staff once you have a better sense of what those mechanical elements how large they need to be how tall etc etc but I feel like you've gotten I mean I hope that we've given you some good direction as to what that should how you should advise or work with them for that with the condition that if it is significant to have us come back and take a second look and I would advise and this is for everybody you know from when you are designing a building don't have that as an afterthought and then the swall go so much more smoothly from the beginning so yeah I make a motion to approve what is the condition that it's if it's already here I is already a condition right perhaps strengthening perhaps strengthening condition I that mechanical equipment shall be designed to be integrated uh and refined into the architectural language of the building yes I make a motion to approve uh strengthening I to go ahead I would say to add it to or I don't know what the language is but when you're reviewing the working drawings um to review it then you know sort of like what you did with the roof of that one house that you weren't sure was going to I mean I'm sure this is you're going to pull this off but some sort of I I think the language needs to be very specific well I guess a policy question or procedural question when do you go back and make sure that these existing conditions are met it's it's part of the building permit review process the the plan reviewer that will be uh reviewing it for compliance with the zoning code we'll also look at any applicable board order so they'll look at this order they'll look at the planning board order and make sure check check it's really not even you it's the whoever the plan reviewer is that receiv this project and for and for the most part when they receive something that has the approval that design review board they'll come talk to me and make sure hey how does this how do you read this condition how should it be applied in this case um so so definitely in this situation they would come to me uh to make sure hey does this meet the meet the requirement of the of the board order so so anything that you that needs to be in there we need to make sure is in the board order uh because that's when that's what they'll be looking at so I think uh a motion has been made do we have a second a second all right uh motion by Miss Meyer second by Mr Sheldon uh motion to approve SEC with strengthening condition um condition I di um requiring that mechanical equipment shall be designed and integrated and refined uh with the architectural Lang um any any significant um anything that significantly changes the language of the architecture shall be re uh shall be presented to the design review board something to that yeah I'll I'll refine it a little more the final condition but I think yeah could something about working with the existing language shall be screened in a consistent manner um with the existing architectual language and I mean and I would say too it doesn't even need to be screened if it becomes part of the building building it becomes you know that's a big you know we need to stop screening these and integrating them shall be addressed in in consistent manner or integrated in a consistent manner yeah I like that yeah I think that's the point that these need to be integrated I like that we will definitely be mindful of that moving forward with uh any projects that come to us okay um we have a motion in a second all those in favor I I motion passes thank you so much congratulations thank you thank you the next item on the agenda is uh drb 24 uh 1 04 2121 rata yes sure next item in the agenda drb2 24-104 2121 rata Avenue an application has been filed requesting design review approval for two-story residents including one or more waivers and an understory to replace an existing home this was continued from the June 4th 24 meeting okay so this item um as stated was continued from last month at the request of the applicant uh there were some inconsistencies with the coloring on their plans um there they had a materials board that showed that the facade was going to be a cream color but the renderings actually show showed it more of a brown color if you happen to look at the plant that has since been corrected um and the and the renderings show that the facade will be a cream color um as as originally indicated in the in the materials board um so the proposal here is for a two-story residence on an irregular lot it's a vacant corner lot on Sunset Island number four it's designed in a contemporary style it's an under story home um so the first fully habitable floor will be located at 17 ft ngbd and they're having uh an understory area that will provide some non-air conditioned space that uh that can be used for parking that will be used for parking and some additional amenities for the home um the staff does have a concern the the lot as it's in regular shaped block um is adjacent to a uh a property that's in a regularly shaped blot it's a triangular property on the east side of it um it's a it contains a pre- 1942 single story home um so because of that staff does recommend that there be some enhanced Landscaping on that Eastern property line uh because that is in a regularly shaped lot their functional backyard is located on the interior side setback um so they do have a need for some additional uh privacy give in the location of their backyard um so staff does recommend that there be some additional enhanced Landscaping in a manner to be reviewed and approved by staff as part of the building permit process um staff overall is supportive of the design um and staff recommends that the application be approved subject to the conditions in the draft order and before we go forward I just like to ask whether you have received any export Communications regarding this case and not application from anyone okay yeah you may proceed thank you good morning everyone Jose Sanchez director of practice architecture um the owner of the property is available by Zoom if necessary and also the landscape architect may be available in this first image of our presentation package if you can see there uh that's basically the front of the house on 22nd Street the main image and uh it's an underst story project with the the first level uh it's um a base or or Podium for the carports and parking and and the terres and the uh first and second level Reed into two different volumes set back with some landcaping for a terrorist uh uh look now this is the the area the vicinity it's uh on 202nd and regata very close to um Sunset Drive the main access to the islands and in close proximity walking distance to Alton Road and the business district this is basically one of the first Lots uh internal lots that that you can find in the first island and there's a mixture of as as in most of these islands in this south of Miami Beach a mixture of Aller 1950s and 60 houses and some new construction especially across the street get back to the materials and other views but let's go and to the plans to understand the project this is the side plan that meets all the setbacks all the uh different regulations and um and uh as far as the the comment for extra Landscaping I would propose that the entire um its East Side would be provided with Landscaping even if you do not pass through that area because there are other areas to access and we can see now in the ground floor this is the ground floor and basically what started the project because my and my client the owner they had approaches for a regular two-story house but once we did the diagram in this size slot we realized early on that you could only have a one car parking garage um it's it was not uh possible there's no parking in the street so this was um the The Logical direction to go to with an understory house based on the sustainability ordinance in this uh ground floor we could uh have parking for um three parking three uh automobiles or maybe four smaller ones and there's a large Terrace with um enough green area around it much more than if it was a one a regular two-story house uh the first floor is it's very simple it's a small house it's I think less than 4,000 th000 Square ft and it has all the common areas to the rear one uh guest uh bedroom or flex room and the living room in the front and it has it has setbacks or offsets in the in the front planes in uh the North and the uh the the north the west and the South sides second floor it's uh very compact uh circulation just three bedrooms that's uh very simple floor plan and uh Terraces to the back primarily and also to the to the front and another Terrace equipment is located in the roof towards the center and these are the elevations that comply with all the regulations uh we're not requesting any extra height just working with the the minimum within the range of 24 ft in height all the other technical drawings and elevations South and the East and the uh sections now going back to the materials this is the front view and this is uh on the side and we are uh proposing a simulated wood material that the owner uh um selected or or preferred uh for the upper level so it would be as as and and that's number three as a some folded planes with um inclin sort of an italic uh font that is repeated throughout the floors and it's um in this uh side elevation regard divided into three mainly horizontal volumes and not one uh vertical volume that's um expresses the the the height more and that's the side view of the house with some of the Landscaping that will be be located the street trees approximately and some of the plants inside of the property so it's uh this um simulated wood uh siding material or to to be selected and painted stock in the at the base and that's um that's the color palet and for the project and that's essentially it it's a very simple uh small house that um makes the most of this lot um that uh concludes the presentation I'll be happy to answer any questions thank you very much are there any members of the public wishing to speak anyone else online no I don't see any hands raised online okay great I'm now going to close the public portion open it up to the board for discussion um I will quickly say that um this is not a simple like this is definitely not as simple but it's and I'm not saying that in a bad way so I I feel like this is a very complicated thoroughly worked design so don't undersell it so okay thank you I mean the floor plan it's simple Yes usually small projects to make them fit they are get can be more complicated than larger projects any would anybody like to put in yeah I think I just want to say that the side and rear views um the angles of the of the vertical walls the vertical angles you did are really interesting one of the best kind of not front views I've seen of a project so it looked really really nice and the color schemes look way better than they were so thanks for listening to us I just have a question I didn't see a landscape plan did I miss that or is there I I understand that there in the renderings you're showing more landscape on the East um it was not part of the presentation package but it's in the um main package I'll try to find it here in the screen so I have you here at the end they did submit a landscape plan it is on the uh on the online agenda opening it now okay I'm downloading I'm going to look at it apologies I should have already but my my concerns and and this isn't unique to this project and I want to Echo your comments about I think the design is thoughtful I think um IT addresses you know the cardinal directions where you want openings where you don't want openings where you want shading um it understands you know some of some of the existing context and I think that's what we're asking for I think one of the biggest challenges uh that everybody is aware of in Miami Beach is as we develop these sites how are we um addressing grade changes and what's you know happening to the adjacent neighbors and I understand that every applicant tells us that they're responsible to collect all their water by code but that's not always how the design performs so um you know I I do see that on your let me go back to the other presentation um yes in in A1 a1.2 you could see theor side and the side yards but I'm wondering and so like that led me to try to understand what is being planted in those areas right and if it's um you know like a sod that's not really you know how are we treating those areas to maybe be the most responsible um in terms of you know like mini swes and addressing uh the delusion of water that we get and just you know it I get it that we're building a wall and that's going to retain the water but you know how do we preserve the longevity of that wall and and how does landscape be our friend during that process so and handle the Overflow of all of these additional and it's not just you these longer pools and water features now that are dotting the perimeters of homes uh yes we're having a very hard time trying to Fed everything Landscaping storm drainage sometimes the civil engineers they use swells but you know swell is really a ponding water and you don't want that near your property we've been requesting some uh civil engineers to do deep Wells uh Within uh code and not not too many swells and that allows more space for for the landscaping or locating the um some of the uh exfiltration trench trenches the pipes to to store the water under the driveways but really cordinate with the Landscaping in this case we would need to raise that um yard about 3 feet it's a code requirement so we will have a a full retaining wall most likely an Allen Block retaining wall or or if needed in in concrete and that takes some space but in the the good thing about this site is that on on that side yard that entire yard could be used for planting you don't need to pass through there because you have access through the other side of the the house right and and I'm looking at the landscape PL so I agree with everything that you're saying and I understand you're raising the grade and you're building the wall but then we have a wreck of Palms on one side and two types of palm on the other and then you know everywhere else so um I guess I'm I'm asking in a way that we are asking for our commercial projects to be sort of responsible um Urban neighbors and and to think through how the landscape is a material how do we do that the same thing when we sort of uh transform our neighborhoods um I know I'm not a landscape architect but I don't if you guys have the landscape architect may not be available because he was on vacation try to make it but I could say that we we could propose two layers of planting with different heights perhaps uh small tree um and and uh taller ponds so I I think the width will not allow more than two layers and to use as much as possible of that side yard and I think also I want to piggyback one of my concerns on it too and again maybe this is the code overall the building and looking at the elevations not only do you have an understory but you also have an incline up so it the house seems very tall maybe I'm just not it seems taller than a lot of ones that we've seen but also you know when I was thinking height and visibility but in the context of Shauna's comment it's now the water is going to go low and we did hear from the adjacent neighbor who said she had has an older home and as somebody who has an older home next to newer homes the water just floods the yard You know despite so I I think that and again you have all these pools I I think that you know Sha's comment because it's it's graded you have even more ability to flow down so it it just becomes even more of an issue of making sure that the water stays on the property or altering the design whether it's the design or the landscape um to make sure that you ACC for that okay understood yes I I think the house looks taller because it's small yeah so it's a matter of proportions and um overall by doing the under story we end up with more green area because that's part of the trade-off uh when the Civil Engineering is done uh there is even a final inspection where the civil engineer has to sign off that everything was done per plants all the plants are prepared in a way that the the the water is not supposed to um go to the neighbor or to the street anywhere uh in in most cases these retaining walls will require waterproofing to avoid any seepage but I could say um I you know so the amount of water that's falling this that it will the the property if anything will hold more water than the current situ ation because it will be raised so there will be more dirt and the space in between the dirt absorbs the the a good portion of the water and um and so in in any new construction I can understand the neighbors concern but it it has to it has to be a better situation than than currently is unless there's a a flaw that the water is allowed to to travel outside of the the lot but that's um I mean it's not designed in that way and it's it's inspected to make sure that it doesn't happen if it hasn't H if it has happened in any other project it must have been a construction uh deviation but in in we haven't seen that in most of the projects we have done and we're just trying to be thorough and it's it's also freshen our minds what recently happened um let me ask you a question too with and again this was something that you know witnessing what was happening in our community fairly recently does the planning department when they look at designs like this especially do they then look at what's happening in the street and where the drainages are and all of that I mean would you ever request that an applicant or work with the city to add an additional drain um outside the home or that's that's really under the purview of the public works department they definitely do that as part of the plan review process they look at the the the civil engineering and making sure that uh that they do retain the water on site um I have heard concerns from Neighbors that there are some construction flaws and and sometimes they doesn't work the way it was designed to work the way it looks on paper um so that's definitely something we need to improve uh but that's definitely part of the part of the permitting process is is looking at the water flow and how it's going to make sure that that water stays on site and my oh go ahead well and again this concern isn't unique to your project but especially when we ramp up to the driveway and then we have you know the new retaining wall all the way around the house but like I'm looking at the plan on a1.2 um and we have you know the metal fence and we have the the operable gate but everything is sloping down towards the street so how do we collect water there well there there should be um a tring drink train the entire width of the driveway which is directed to the exfiltration trenches that's something that I mean Public Works will will not approve it without that so there are different ways but when there is a the slope is uh too steep that's usually the solution I mean it's not shown in that section because it's it's a schematic I guess it's it's um I don't know if they're required to submit a grad plan you know I know that's typically the Civil um but as the architect or the landscape it's you know they're the ones creating that and the Civil is engineering it so um it would be great if if we're able to ask for that in the future as part of the landscape so that we can really understand I think this is a thing again it's in the code but I I don't think it's integrated in the design process just like in the commercial buildings you know we know that mechanical equipment's going to be there and we'll get to it um and then in here even though we've thought about the landscape that water management is just an afterthought and not not integrated so that would be my request but yes uh the civil engineers they they prepare a set of drawings about five sheets and there's a percolation test done to test the um the capacity of the soil to to hold the water based on that they do the calculations and they design filtration trenches pipes that that can be 20 in in diameter I'm not concerned about the engineers being able to engineer I'm concerned about the integration of the design intent with the spaces the architecture the landscape and that aligning with what's been designed by the engineer because often if that's not coordinated well then that's where the failures occur yeah yes we we sent uh the civil engineer the landscape plants and vice versa and and check on that but that starts at this point from this point on right now we're in at the design stage but yeah it's it's usually done um and it's very hard to to coordinate and and fit everything the utilities in in tight spaces been okay was that yeah can you also like I said this the design it seems very tall and this is this part of the updated code that we're seeing I mean it's because you we're not used to our I'm not used to seeing the underst story the understory seems excessively tall and there's a ramp up and so the overall effect also the design it has this pedestal effect because you know I think you have some really interesting lines and Rhythm and and and details um but the base the underst story it it it really enhances the height as opposed to um and because it's a small it's a b smaller something taller really stands out more so so so it does take advantage of the the extra three feet that is provided under the new resiliency code uh for understory homes uh and that the intent of that regulation is uh to make that underst story more usable because typically applicants were seeking variances for an additional three feet they were typically granted um and so when the code was updated it was just made to give them that extra three feet without having to seek a variance yeah I mean I was surprised I thought that I I understood that the co and Grant you know better than I do that the code was either you have a ramp up and you grade it or you do an understory and this I think is the first one we've seen that's had both so and you're saying they they they have to ramp up Less in an understory home so they still have to bring their their their ground floor to the Future uh grade and so given that this is sunset Island number four the grade is low right now and there's plans to raise that grade um so they have to bring it up to what the plans are for that grade um so that's why you may have that discrepancy at this point in time um that you may not see on another home that's on the on the main land of Miami Beach for lack of a better word um because the grade is going to be higher to begin with so that's that's where you may see that discrepancy on this home so work we keep being in this position where there's as we transition there's awkward awward transitions yeah exactly the the ground ground floor the minimum height of the ground flooor is dictated by Public Works depending either on the future CR of Road of the street we are at the minimum right now and the ground floor height is shown in the section at 7' 4 Ines which is very low and I think we can raise it by having some beams exposed but it will not out the under story well I've often looked at the designs with the underst stories or seen homes that have been built with underst stories and the understory is very low and you think okay something's going to you know the car that they're parking under there that's very obviously going to flow so um but I guess it's just evolving and I I mean I also think too it it there's also a design component I keep going back and forth with your design because clearly there's you know there's a design Choice here with these very heavy elements you know the verticals um there's a bit of a sort of futuristic brutalist element to the design um which I think is interesting and you know certainly a SC like those diagonals really do offset it and it gives it an interesting Rhythm and a lightness um but you're but this pedestal is very heavy um I also keep thinking about the staircase that just seems like an enormous amount of stairs and I guess it's created from the thing does the I didn't even look does the house have an elevator or I mean I I I don't mind walking upstairs but I think that that is the exception rather than the rule and you know we're always looking at the the sort of livability of these homes yes there is an elevator and the number uh the stair I I believe we could not do a a landing in this stair because of the setbacks all the of the constraints but I don't have it in here in section I'm counting perhaps 16 steps well as I mentioned before the ground floor is not very high so it's it will not be a super high St yeah yeah and then behind um I'm looking at one of the renderings in in the front elevation there is um the section between the cutout for the the carport and the stairs is it what sort of material is the wall just solid or is there some sort of material there at this moment it's solid stock so everything looks monolithic perhaps it could be changed to Wood something cuz again you know we're always concerned with the Landscaping looks nice when you plant it and then it's only as good as the person that maintains it and then you end up I mean that's a pretty large section of plain white wall um if there could be something there and also very thoughtful about what gets planted uh yes we could add some detail in in this case the the upper levels have more articulations so we wanted to keep the Bas no I I I I understand the reason behind the gesture artistically I think it's a good choice but practically that's my only concern so um okay I don't know does anybody have any other comments or thoughts okay does anybody want to make a motion or do you have anything else you know I also have a question too again relating to flighting so we're seeing a lot of these home designs that do have many more water features is there any discussion or any anything about those you know over now that there are heavy rains and I think the heavy rains are going to be regular um doing something because now we're adding large bodies of water to these properties and managing that um that that's really not something that we've discussed uh to any significant level uh probably something we should look at uh the they should be taking that into account in their storm water plan making sure when that overflows it's not per it's not a permeable area so that should be taken into account um in their in their waterf flows on the on the site uh but maybe that is something that we should look at a little closer to see if uh if it is having a negative impact on on the way the water flows in the during a flood event well and especially if we're getting these really heavy rains that suddenly are upon us and everybody has pools and again we're High we're low the pool's overflowing because somebody can't get out in the rainstorm to or even where is the water going to go if you start to drain the pool in the middle of the rainstorm or they're not home we have so many people that live in these homes that aren't even here to do it it just seems like something and it seems to be this new trend to have lots of water features in the side and backyard right that also lets plan for that in some way so yeah that's a good idea we're definitely seeing a lot of homes that have uh this one you not not not the standard pool in the rear yard that you're going to be swimming in but a water feature that runs along the whole side setback we're seeing a lot more of that so yeah that's definitely something a beautiful Miami Beach fantasy you know like I understand why and again this isn't specific for you we're just talking about General precedent but something to consider as you know we want to make sure that we're all caught up with both what people want and what Mother Nature is rought upon us well in every place that we have that water feature is a place it's not absorbing water you know and I mean I know again that there's the code and the amount that we have to have as open space and have to have as permeable and all that but I I guess I'm just asking how do we augment that as much as possible as we approve these designs because it's one thing to use that integrated as a part of the environmentally friendly landscape design where these are designed to catch rainwater right but they're not they're decorative yeah if it were designed as a bios Swale it would have a a benefit for storm water right now they're just pretty which I understand but maybe that's something to consider in some way or it goes to your point about integrating all of the elements of the environment into the average design as a way to be a more sustainable City feel like we're on fire today yeah great great ideas all all suggest great ideas um okay does anybody want to make a motion or any other comments do you feel like your concerns have been sufficiently addressed sure okay all right I'll make a motion to approve drb 24-14 second okay we have a motion by Mr dender for second by Mr Sheldon all those in favor I I motion passes thank you thank you the next item on the agenda is um 1691 Michigan Avenue drb 24-19 next item in the agenda drb 24-19 1691 Michigan Avenue an application has been filed requesting designer re approval for exterior design modifications to an existing commercial building this was continued from the June 4th 2024 meeting okay so this is um this is an existing building uh the building was originally approved by the design review board in 1999 for it was a it's a six uh and seven story office building in a public parking structure with ground level retail uh that design was further updated in 2015 and again in 2016 uh with some some alterations to the facade uh the building is known as the Lincoln um the parking garage is uh has 709 spaces and then it's a six-story mixed use office building uh with 43,000 ft of ground level retail space and 118,000 ft of office space uh the building front 17th Street uh and goes all the way to Lincoln lane north um essentially encompasses most of that block there is a there is some um residential building on the corner of that block um it is land that is owned by the city it's part of a public private partnership with the city uh that was done as part of a competitive solicitation process and they have a ground year a ground lease of 50 years with some extensions available um so the applicant uh in this case is is proposing an exterior renovation of all the facad of the building the building programming itself does not change there's no real interior construction I'm sure they'll be updating the interior but but really the the layout of the building is is staying the same um so they're proposing a new skin the skin will be of a limestone veneer to clad the facades on 17th Street in Michigan Avenue um and then they're going to be adding some uh horizontal banding um uh that will allow for some contrast they're going to be providing some slim vertical light scon is um integrated between the banding of the facade uh the um eyebrow details on the corner of the building will be removed and they'll be replaced with a pattern of alternating awnings and concrete PL uh landscape Planters um similar facade treatments will be applied to the garage uh the garage will be changed to a warmer color um and they'll also incorporate that veneer cladding and and uh and they're going to be rearranging the building currently has some concrete PL uh Planters they'll be rearranging them uh to have a more um uh a more uh uniform uh uh layout of the of those Planters um the Lance the applicant did provide these plans last month they did make some updates to the plans uh between last month and this month uh particularly with the corner uh features and adding some additional detail uh to the mechanical screening on the uh in the upper levels of the building um I as I understand that they're going to be proposing some additional updates today is representing black line Investment Group as raelia mentioned this property is owned by the city but our client recently purchased the ground leash for the property um and they're very excited moving uh towards renovating this building and giving it a big cosmetic upgrade um we'll tell you that this is just the first phase of of many cosmetic upgrades that they want to make to the building uh but it is as Ralia mentioned a skin of the building um and something that is not changing the height or the floor area of the building but just uh bringing it a more modern a warmer design um and something that that the the applicant is really really excited and energized about and um so much so that we can't just get him to stop designing after we submit um so we we've continued last month uh to add some changes to design and just before this meeting um I you know consistent with you guys' discussion earlier we want to show you what we actually intend to build and our client is really excited about this he's making some tweaks uh constantly so what we'll show you today as a housekeeping matter is a comparison of what we submitted um versus what we're proposing today and it's just a minor change on the garage um the top level of the garage we're just bringing down that parapet wall um to where it exists currently and I'll let Jose Gomez our architect um and I should introduce our team Jose Gomez our design architect Carlos Rodriguez our designer and Andrea MOS our project manager um and I should also mention that we do have material samples today for the Limestone veneer that's going on the building and the garage screen so we have those here and we're happy to pass those around if you guys would like to see those um so with that I'll call up the digital presentation and Jose do you want to go through just that initial housekeeping matter as comparing what we submitted as part of our final submittal and what we're proposing uh for you to consider today good morning Jose Gomez B and go Architects with office at 8101 bisc Boulevard excuse me my S thr um just wanted to show you the uh the differences between the previous design and the design that we're showing you right now and um all it is is that the pared on the parking garage was designed uh one story higher than what we really wanted to do structurally uh was a concern so we brought down the parit and you can see the new design basically keeps the uh The Same Spirit of the design is just that the parit was lower so you see one band along the very top that was removed and now the design is wrapped by the uh metal screening so it's it's a very simple actually reducing intensity of the building make it uh making it more like uh what it is today um I'm the AO for the AR for the project uh I'm here to answer any uh technical questions or the designer is Carlos who's here so I'm just going to be very brief about this is this not working there you go so this is the location of the building I'm sure we all very familiar with it it's been there for since 2000 this is part of uh this is a building that we've uh worked on uh probably during the time of the building three times uh the Lucky Strikes I'm sure you all remember used to be at the bottom and now we have Williams Sonoma uh we feel that the parking garage and the building are sort of there's a disconnect between the facades of this two building and I think that was the primary reason to uh redesign the the skin or the building to tie together the U the that disconnect that you have today with the two buildings um and um this is just a cplan show you the uh the size of the building is is basically a city block uh we have uh is it's bisected by an an interior um uh driveway uh which comes out on Lincoln Lane and um now we going to show you Carlos is going to show you how we're able to make this whole block as one integrated building rather than multiple pieces and Carlos can you Ro through good morning my name is Carlos Rodriguez I'm the principal of scal fora Studio I'm very excited today to present you our latest design um which we believe is going to help and assist in the uh pivot role of the revitalization of Lincoln Road um our building um designed Blends the Timeless charm of Parisian architecture and minimalist nature inspired ethos of Japanese um design creating a space that's both elegant and Serene the building facade showcases inae and detailing with bevel Stone cladding on the facade and a champagne pattern exterior complemented by floral patterns that touch of greenery and vibrancy inside um adds its softness to the the design we emphasized Japanese Simplicity in the clean lines open spaces and natural material like wood Stone creating a tranquil environment to ensure the building seamlessly um integrates into the block um particularly on 17th Street which is a main approach we've added Planters along the edge to create um a buffer a green buffer this softens the transition from the street building enhancing The Pedestrian experience we've also addressed the disconnect between the existing parking structure and the main building by using consistent material design language we've created a cohesion in this material by connecting and enhancing both aesthetically and functionality our project introduces new office design concept which the owner calls the class X this typology reimagines office environment making it more residential commun Community oriented flexible workspaces communo areas and holistic amenities transforming it into a dyn dynamic environment we believe that this building will set the standard of office design and significantly contribute to the vibrancy of Lincoln Road I want to thank you for your support in bringing this Vision to potentially life thank you yeah so guiding you through the design as you see here um the the building has always had this kind of foreign nature between the parking structure and the front facade um this disconnect allowed The Pedestrian level to be a little bit more confusing it felt very hospitall likee in a way um and the irregularity in the planting um one allowed a unsuccessful condition where the plant material never survived um we want to prevent that and creating a more regular approach to the planting beds um the ownership has a $5,000 allowance a month to maintain the florals so that unlike certain buildings in Miami Beach um suddenly you approve something and then in the interum it changes and the look changes and it's not truly what you approved we want to make sure that the building has an iconic identity where it feels the same today as you approve it and it feels the same in 10 years as previously said in this forum um you mentioned the screening of certain areas that are against the facade which is as you see here in this condition um this is the staircase shaft which we wanted it to be instead of a stepco condition we wanted it to integrate it and bring it part of the fabric I you see in the frontal part of this rendering the Residential Building takes up that kind of sector so the building allows from every angle to be kind of seen um in a special way and I believe that's oh that's it the materiality um where's the oh sorry so as seen here you have the the champagne color um facade and then you have can you hold it up so we can see it yes sorry you have the Limestone with the honeycomb base to prevent weight um and for it to be adjusted securely to prevent it from being a projectile on this building structure is that clipping on right over the existing concrete correct and then you have the Met condition which is going to be done in one of these champagne colors we want it to be a natural finish we don't want it to be a jarring uh disconnect where some metallic thing becomes this isore we want it to kind of lead and create this architectural language between the Limestone I think that's all we've got and we're open for questions and board discussion thank you very much are there any other members of the public wishing to speak anybody available online no I'm now going to close the public portion open it up to the board for discussion does anybody have any questions yes I have a few questions um okay so you talked about the cohesiveness at the street level can you be specific in terms of what you are doing there is it painting you know a consistent color because I don't believe you're suggesting any modifications to openings right so we are not changing the opening condition what we are um introducing it's more plant material I've seen in um the rendering um is there a way to at the street level specifically exactly there'll be planters that make it continuous and then how are you treating the so is every surface like are the columns getting clad with the so as you see here um in this uh rendering the cladded material occurs everywhere as you see the let me go back to the the building looks like this so stucco straight through the Limestone veneer will be consistent from the corner all the way to the ground floor of the parking garage we we want to have this almost Monumental approach to this building this building has always been kind of an oddball in a sense a stucco Wonderland we want to soften that uh condition we want um even in in the rooftop you have the mechanical equipment that was hidden behind this ginormous fin uh we switched that Fin and made it this iconic piece of art within that design and what is that fin constructed out of that's a stucco it's a large wall oh okay well tell me how you're oh sorry it has a metal cladded finish um to create this same um as you see in the proposed light scones um the lower number six it's a triangulated condition that allows light to filter through to create this almost um like so you're removing the horizontal strips that are on it but are you also creating introducing a faceted stucco or are you suggesting just lighting is going to produce that effect on a smooth stucco surface let me let me explain the the parit today is a concrete parid Y and it's stuckle finish there's no finish to it so what we're doing is we're clading it with a metal material that is sped as shown and it's going to be lit soed metal material okay and that color is the champagne color which is tying with the metal around the and then you're going to uplight it right but the screen itself does have some sort of texture to it cor right that the that the lights are just going to enhance during the night but during day you're still going to be able to see a texture correct okay right it's not a texture you're actually fasting the material right pan top of it it's a panel on top of it corrugated that has to you're going to see was it corrugated or is it actually a custom has bads it's pleaded it's basically you know that it's uh it's a pleed system that's all it is so during the day you will see the shadows in between each yeah and that's what I'm trying to understand is what that material is corate is quite different but if it's a folded metal panel that's a curved surface so then you get you know non planer surfaces and so this is proposed you guys haven't picked a material or manufacturer for that yet correct and then that is the only place that that particular metal panel appears on both of these projects right it's like the accent marker up there we want it to be truly about the lighting um and the shadow play M as you see it's the finish of it is the Limestone kind of to emulate the Limestone Ivory um we didn't want it to be a jarring condition like that gold finish that the metal clad has so I more sorry and then sorry the windows are staying as is right so we are adding a film uh right now the windows are this sharp blue we want to soften the blue and make it a little bit more champagne and their frames are going to stay and the frames are going to be wrapped as well and they're going to be wrapped with a dark material yeah uh it's going to be the champagne metal we want the connection between the metal clotting to the Metal Frames all to be one unit in line and then can you talk about I'm looking at your page 12 the treatment at the ground floor it looks like I don't know if that's applied to the windows or if we're just it's being illuminated so we're seeing something on the interior but um there's a sort of a vertical metal that's just a part of the Interiors that's not uh considered or an effect that is in the exterior in the image it looks like almost like a black metal fence where the bottom corner there and around it looks like wrapped around the first floor that was a question I had as well and I guess I want to say I think in the image it's working um and when we look at the existing building you know all the frames are sort of this are white and I guess my concern is I appreciate the um veneer in that color palette and the idea of it being neutral and tying things together but I would highly discourage um champagne frames like if you did a dark bronze if you're wrapping the windows at that street level and at the windows that's a moment where you can get that bit of contrast it's still dark it's a dark neutral and then you get a little bit of Shadow play because you're going to be adding I don't know if that's an inch of the panel you know so you're already getting a little bit more of a jam and depth but I think and the rendering shows those frames darker and I think if we were to see them light in here I don't think we would like it I think it feels uh and then your vertical lights I guess I can't they don't exist now right no you're adding those yeah we're adding those and they look dark but what color are you proposing them as so um the rendering as you see is in a uh later time in the day so you have that kind of dawn approaching the building um in the different uh points of the building you'll see it kind of change they are a little bit more bronze um the lighting condition so the decorative lighting becomes an accessory to the building and the placement of those was that just for the Rhythm or was there yes okay so um as you see in the previous uh slide how do you go up not okay um there's this kind of regularity in the pattern you see it in these kind of breaks here we saw it as an opportunity for that light play um we didn't want to miss out on that opportunity and just clad it with just a piece of limestone um we thought it was a special moment within the design um a moment for you to have a breather and have uh lighting change the building uh from from day to night I think it's at risk of feeling outdated very quickly in a in a way that some of the applied um architectural features feel outdated to the existing design I thought of you when I looked at that I was wondering about the intention of the scones that's because of what you always bring up so thank you can and one last question I'm sorry I'm hogging the conversation the curved um the existing form of the building as IT addresses the street corner number four I believe uh oh the fabric awnings can you talk to me about that then what part is Fabric and and I I don't necessarily understand the enhancements that's proposed that's happening there so uh seen here um the building the original design takes a set back and you have this kind of jarring Point what we're trying to do is soften that condition so by adding the planting beds IT projects the building forward we don't want the kind of to create a solution and then create a problem so the awnings um as seen in oh sorry so you're alternating uh new planting beds there's three of them and then these fabric awnings that negotiate the condition condition I wonder again I I think the goal of sort of cohesiveness is a novel or um is a great one and um we could definitely use that I wonder if there's a way though to tie the language of what you're trying to do there with the fabric awnings to the same faceted metal that you're proposing as this sort of feature you know at the roof I I think what is success ful about that is that it just sort of continues the line and maybe that's what you're going for I would be worried I don't know I I really like this redesign and I really like what you did with the corner and the fluting um and I think that I didn't even realize that it was canvas so or you know some sort of awning material so could call that I thought it was just an EXT you know something built in extension whatever the planter made of it was the same material and I think that having that continuous line enhances the effect because you're really calling attention to this corner which right now this building is awkward but that diagonal there are some really interesting features that with I think your redesign look much better it's much more successful but I wonder if you're hesitation but it does make me a little concerned that that material is not a permanent material that it's it's this fabric as opposed to stco or whatever is normally used just for durability so and and harder to clean and you know I sort of I don't know is that where you're sort of getting at the material yeah like why not just I'm assuming it's a cost decision that you didn't just you know make those other three levels follow the curve out of no it was a design um it was in cost I think that um too much is too much and when you over um design a building it could lose its concept what we want is that shift in material we wanted that kind of uh Monumental approach that Parisian architecture has where you have an awning introducing into a limestone into a beveling and then that kind of amalgamation that Union between all those textures creates this beautiful line where it's not just a massive block building we want want to have some Romanticism in that corner so the reason for the awning it is a Som brella fabric it is a durable material uh for exterior use um the concept is lost without it being perfect so there is uh an allocated sum to make sure that this is kept up that it is not something that becomes yellow and becomes a eyes sore within the corner I'm just very concerned concerned with it in that you know you have the sun it's going to I know Sunbrella is designed to prevent that but I I I I understand your concept and like I said I agree with the design but I think the material choice is Not Practical for the conditions and I disagree I think if that was stuck over whatever sort of material it needs to be I don't think that you would lose that effect I don't think that every surface needs a decorative element to it and I think also what's really interesting to me about this corner is you know the the element on the roof and this diagonal line that's bringing your your eye towards it and so I think if you if you make it not a Canabis material not umbrella I think it will just be a more successful Sustainable Building in the long run without interfering with your vision of the design like I think it's just one small element and a very well-designed hole so um through the chair we would be open to a condition requiring maintenance of of those canvas awnings you're you're you're sold on the canvas like the owner really wants the the canvas awnings and I think it's hearkening back to like you think of the Betsy Hotel and certain awnings of like that that iconic awning arrival sequence yeah but no one's really going to read it and what about just at the ground floor I mean it's just it's odd I I do think it's odd like your presentation is all sorry to cut you off all about cohesiveness but then this isn't cohesive when you are alternating these materials I I mean I could the way that it's at the ground floor you know it's it seems to have a rhythm that could expand you know along the street but it I don't know I agree I just think it's it's another element that needs maintained and feels different and isn't really trying to provide a a sort of a Sleek new presence on this building it's also going to be very hard to clean on that Upper Floor I so we can just do the ground floor awning if that would be preferable and I think we would be looking for a little guidance as to what you guys want to see on the upper levels is it what material is the ones the SE that have as the other one as the plantings the balconies what are with the plantings what are those made of um that is made out of a um stule yeah um with a raming clay finish I think also there's a certain sleekness to this building and using the canvas awnings interrupts that okay would you uh have a different approach if it was a metal um finish um no what is I mean it seems like you also you keep using the word cohesiveness I just wouldn't I agree with that I don't I think what makes it n what is different I think about this design than the previous that sort of overcomes the awkwardness is that your eye is guided up and I think it's also interesting that we started off the whole meeting talking about how can the architecture be used to mass these Mechanicals and this happens to do that this is a a great example of that being done I think that that's your architectural element not the horizontal banding and you don't want to interfere with that you know you don't want to interfere with that moment um that it's that giant fin that distinguishes this building um and that if you're paying attention you notice the offset and the hor you know the diagonal line lines which is really nice addition to that it's not just like they threw something up there and stuck and so what I'm worried about is you have if you put too many elements in this one corner then everything is going to be competing um I'm always looking to you know I mean as a designer that it's easy to add stuff and it's harder to reduce and to take away but still keep that Essence and I think what we're trying to do is make sure that the essence that you're trying to express is expressed in the way um yeah so what a condition that the ground floor awning would remain but we do Planters the remaining way on the corner would that would that satisfy your concern allow us them mo forward I would I would like that as well listen I I worked in that building for years and I really like the update you did to it and you're so thoughtful with so many things that you talked about um you address my biggest concern which was the Planters dying and so I'm glad you were proactive about that I feel the same and I'm the non- architect here but I'm just I feel the same about that corner it's it's really kind of the coolest part of the building and because it's wider on the bottom and narrower at the top by alternating those things you're kind of breaking that that I don't know continuity up and so I I feel the same thing and I also no matter what people say about maintaining things they never they never look right they never ever do and it just becomes this big nightmare and then it looks crappy it it always so anyway it along the line I was going to say the planners too if you had planners on every level it would kind of um it would kind of enhance the narrowing of that going up anyway we're open to it and and I like that there's not planters on every level you know like I think I do like the oh yeah I think I think the more consistent it can be is is the better and like the way that you did continue the parit like I think it it makes that corner 100% better but yeah just letting the awning and then I would I would show plantings you know I would make every other level the same maybe you don't have it at the roof because that feels a little weird just let the roof be continuous um I guess I don't understand can we talk a little bit about the parking um oh wait actually I also had a similar concern too with the scones you know one of my along the along it seems like all the facades um and I did I heard Shauna's little voice in my head of what what's the intention with that is it just decorative I I when you didn't have those did the building just seem too plain no the the building at night um becomes a little bit uh like luster it becomes lost um the lighting condition helps one elongate this building and create a even layer as it transitions we want it to look good in during during the day as as well as the night so that's why the reason it was I I would think about lighting the new corner you know like again the planting bed will have lighting yeah so um enhancing that and adding planting all the way straight up you're going to have that even flow of lighting on every planter MH if we add that well I'd like to get to the parking garage but I will also say before I forget um with the materials um I think ultimately I would I would like because it seems like your materials aren't exactly perfectly you know often times people come and they say this is the because I like the sample better than the one on the picture that you show because it's a little bit more um geometric and simple and so so yeah so I think having the exact one is going to be much more helpful um in visioning and approving what this is I I mean I like that one better the one what is the stacked stone panel um this is the beveled Stone the sample that you see here so right now on page 12 there's the proposed Limestone veneer and on page 13 there's a proposed stackstone panel both supposed well the images are quite different too so they're both going to be the Limestone veneer so you see um you could see it around the corner so the shaft the Elevator Shaft I mean uh sorry the staircase shaft at the base condition we wanted to have that a treatment to that pedestrian level so that it didn't feel lost so we added the stack which is the use of the same uh material uh and introduce it in those awkward Corners within the building the same material as what that's Limestone veneer yes correct and then you'll simply just layer up the panels or at that scale yes and it only happens at the base you don't understand that vertical shaft okay it only happens at the base of the design where the building sets in and yeah I guess I had understood in your presentation you wanting to use the med the metal panel the perforated metal panel is sort of the beacon of that vertical core or am I did I miss understand that like when we look at page 14 the space joining them that's not that vertical shaft that we're seeing at the corner or it is that's in the other side of the building so there's about four Sha that are introduced within that rooftop um so there's one so page 13 when we're looking at that facade that is not the facade that we're seeing on page 14 of the presentation yeah so that's the Jefferson Avenue side that faces on the east side of the building okay and then this is the that's the michig that's Michigan Avenue this is Michigan elevation and so then is there a moment where that stone that you were just talking about comes down to the ground here or do we have images or renderings of here so that stone occurs in these areas where the building sets back oh no you're looking at a different one if you see the mouse basically that occurs where the building sets back in that shadow line right there okay my question about the parking was and sorry if I missed this you talked about a budget for the plantings was that the only change or is there some sort of structural change to the planters that is making them function better so right now um we're introducing a drip system to the entire uh planting condition okay um and also a sleeve and access um what I mean by that is a perforated panel are on hinges so the plant beds are accessible right now there is um that irregularity in the existing pattern that there is no access to some some have access so or overwatering um we want to make sure that these are accessible to be removed um so it's a sleeve that falls into a metal bed um and it could be removed fixed and adjusted and placed back into a spot okay last question about this and then they on the existing Planters they're sort of the gray boxes and then these white elements you know you guys are removing those additional horizontal elements yes to simplify awesome and then everything is clad in that same Limestone veneer yes um other than where you're proposing at the ground floor so then that proposed stack stone panel at the ground floor of the parking does that continue to to wrap to the corner yes at the other build the Lincoln building yeah so from the garage to the office I think is yes yes it wraps through to where like for example you'll see it here in this condition you'll see it down here so basically is it's like a rusticated base exactly so it allows it to be a detail so it's not like we're just treating the frontal facade of this building building and putting lipstick on it we want it to feel like it's layered let me ask you a question in what you're showing us now we have a similar slide number 11 that does not on our presentation now go back to what you had there because I wanted to ask you on the slide that we have we do not see either of those projections on the very right side the two projections or in the middle the horizontal Pro Pro that we don't see that in this other presentation so I wanted to see what that's a ramp so that's the uh existing condition of the final ramp into the elevator which is this box here that comes down into this door okay so this is the final protrusion of that are are you looking at the submitted plans just so we can yeah and what about looking at the other banding that we so you're saying that exists right now that exists currently yeah so on the right side though those two projections at the at the roof what are those those are staircases existing staircases and are those are those clad in the same metal that you have they will be clad okay what are the height of those those seem a little bit tall and I should say I do like reducing that that band like I think that was good but now yeah the angle seems uh like a pedestrian level for the rendering they are lower they're not if we have um pictures of the building you can see they don't protrude as aggressively so you can see you'll see one here um oh there yeah so see currently they become this kind of Stucco Tower MH we want to introduce that that also that it soften that edge it's a great solution MH and it consist dat with the metal yeah yeah and you're not adding any height you're just clading it's already there and it it's it's hard to tell from the photo but is it is it angled no it's we are removing that angle there's a current angle to it we are removing it to bring less Focus to that irregularity right I think on on the drawing the renderings you show us it seems like it protrudes a lot I would like to encourage you to have it as low as possible yes yes of course yeah and I mean you do it does making it go from floor you know to ground to the roof it does I think it's a nice element and again it's a good solution for a rooftop utility item so thank you I mean I I overall I I appreciate all the work on this project I am concerned that there are nuances and details that are not quite right um I'm okay if we want to define those as conditions if that's the way that you guys want to move forward but I think that in it's in those nuances and details that are going to make this where people say wow that's awesome or wow they kind of miss the Mark here and you know I think that these conversations are about us trying to make things better and stronger not picking things apart you know we're on the same team here um so I I guess my primary concerns I'll just State them are I I want to definitely understand better the Approach at the uh roof parit I think it's um a great idea as this Beacon that you know with subtle angles and light is is where it is um but even on the plan you know we you're not showing us that we don't have Heights I would like to understand that material and the color I think the color that you put in your presentation is not the right one um I'm concerned about the lights applied to the facade and then I really feel like that street level um and the both the window frames and that second material being introduced I would like to have a closer rendering or understanding of that like I think the I feel pretty strongly about the window frames being darker um and and I'm not sold on that introduction of that other material when we don't see the material here and I'm not sure if it's helping the cause of cohesiveness I let me maybe I'm just not reading the image correctly because I I keep getting focused on the pattern the sort of angles I'm looking at page seven at the the bottom floor corner is the rendering showing that that's what's inside that there's the sort of great thing is that in the lobby yeah that's with that's not that's not the not changing the windows correct okay good that's not anything that will affect it it might be a shadow line of something that's happening but it's nothing that we're they wrapping the frames they're wrapping just exterior the metal so like right now the metal is so if you look at the it's dark in the where Pottery Barn is at the garage and then if you go to the Lincoln it's all white so you see here oh you're making it the same and I well I think they're proposing to wrap everything in a light champagne right so yes it's well it's a darker taupe it's not with um this type of finish you can't get any metallics because it looks very fake so the idea is for it to be a little bit more of a darker toe so if you see here this is existing condition it's a very very light gray um and I feel with the Limestone it kind of create creates a weird monotone box so there will be a contrast between the two so if you see here you can start seeing in this kind of night shot that it is a little bit darker and it continues to the floor but that metal pattern occurs inside doesn't occur right but when I asked you the color of the frames earlier you said it was a light champagne so if you see here the bottom base has a darker tone of that taupe and then it bleeds into this light it's still a light neutral though not a color yeah so and if we look at the parking garage first floor are you proposing to wrap those frames in the same like are you making cohesiveness because the existing is dark yes we are wrapping it everything will have one unit United line we don't want it to um we don't want to create the same condition that is currently where it's a garage attached to a building yeah I too want to reiterate Sha's contention too that what I one of the things I like about this project is it's you know you're reusing and and renovating and existing you're not tearing it down and I think that yeah you have some there's little refinements but overall that I think are going to make it better I don't want to I feel like we are going into a lot of detail but and I don't at least for me it's not like I don't like it like I I really it's my first impression is like oh this is such a fresh update of an awkward building that always seemed to fly there and stuck but yeah I think these little refinements are going to be very helpful um and I I want you to recognize that we're not you know we're we respond come very well I think it's a great comment about the corner condition I think those are things that are just the goal is to create a catalyst yeah we are not trying to do a building that is completely foreign or stands out for the wrong reason we believe in Lincoln Road we believe that of regenerating that area so any comment like this is greatly exercised into the design and I think it also shows that this can be done that things can be updated they don't have to be destroyed I agree and really in the same language you know like you're not it's it's still feels very Miami Beach and I think that's the goal and I think that's hard to do you know like I I think that I think the building is is is successful in a in a lot of ways um so where do we want to go so just through the chair I just wanted to point out that there is a condition uh condition G the final details of all proposed torer and system and Associated details shall be reviewed and approved by staff consistent with the design review criteria so I think every single one of those elements is listed on a through J here as uh the final details to be coordinated I think we would be open to exploring I know perhaps ensure there's contrast or putting inserting some language um so that we can work with staff to get that approved um you know my client is texting me he doesn't want something really dark um but he is okay with a contrast uh he is opposed to something dark um but I think we can we can work with staff to come up with something that's a happy medium there I think also the concern is just that you we don't really know you know there's not a final so we're just sort of speculating here there's not something that you're presenting us so that's part of the concern as opposed to this is it right like looking talking about what we approve and what gets built you know and if we're looking yes at a dusk or Dawn rendering and things have contrast but then it's all a light neutral pallet I don't think that's the right thing um yeah so would you like to make a motion whether it's continue or work with staff it's really up to you I mean I I again I think it's a great effort so I don't want to be discouraging and I want to you know be on the same team so um I think you know we can make a motion to approve and just put a couple conditions on there um I think that you know one condition would be only having the awning at the ground floor the other upper floors um being the same material as shown in the r if you think that there are enough changes that you'd like to see happen that you would like to see them come back you know that's that's certainly within our perview I'm I'm okay giving the conditions if okay but um and then and again these are just my conditions so I don't know if you guys are going to say you don't want all these but on on the on the awnings on the on the upper levels I did hear I believe that uh the chair say to remove the planter on the roof line I don't know if that was agreed upon by everybody I I yeah I would I would vote for that but I would say maybe that the corner element be refined and that certain things be explored including the materials that are being used for those Corners in lie of the canvas um the placement of are there going to be three Planters are there going to be five planters is it going to be on the roof it's not I feel like that could be something that maybe could be explored by staff because when you do it maybe if you make all of them Planters it doesn't look as good or you take it away from the roof you know I I think that all has to be done cohesively I don't know if you can say as long as we add that word where we're exploring cohesiveness yeah then yeah to to so to explore the elements of of the corner including the material being used used for all of I'm just going to call them balcony or the corner units um the number and placement of the Planters asking the question of is the roof line the best use of it or not um and then the colors what other conditions were there for the corner I would include just Lighting on that the lighting of the Planters or do you mean the scones along no I meant lighting at the Corner yeah yeah and certainly finalizing that material like I would have really have liked to seen the material that you're going to use to reclad that fin you know that that should be something that staff should review you know it's a stco right yes it's a proman clay so it has the same texture we want it to look like the stone so ultimately Stone won't curve like that correct some sort of sample right yeah right some sort of sample that and I mean I I want to make sure that it looks it looks beautiful with the lighting and your rendering and just to make sure that that translates no matter what time of the day um what other I think maybe exploring I too I'm not sold on the scones and maybe they're too long maybe it's I I don't know if the building really needs that um but at least I would say as a condition something to explore I would I would vote to have a condition to remove remove the scum why because you think it's just intrusive I think it's just applied and it's not again it goes against this idea of trying to create an architecture that's cohesive and you know it's it's just applied I mean and on the um parking garage you already have the protrusions of the planter so I think letting your language be these neutral stone m materials with you know planters that are the push and pull on the facade um you know if you like if you looked at the lighting on the way I I think um I so lighting holds a lot of the design um I don't I disagree with it being just supplied um there took we took a lot of um kind of direction of what the building even the garage building how it is currently and the intr ction of that protrusion of these Planters creates this weird Shadow pocket within each planter as you see in the rendering we're actually introducing that lighting condition as well on the garage so it nurtures that ption and carrying that over to that corner also creates that regular language so it becomes almost a pattern or um a repetitive condition I I hate to I disagree I agree with you on that I think the lighting is is an important part of it with the garage and I think it's successful on the garage but not so much with the office building okay I don't know if that if you agree with that or not I think the cohesiveness of having it in both is is really nice and I think at night it will show it as one property versus two separate things I think if shortening them or having a different kind of shape um could be something that we could explore yeah I mean it seems like that could be a good com you know it just needs to be a little refined you know um and I I think that it works better in the garage because there's a defined space that it seems to be highlighting um whereas in the office building you don't really have that I I also wonder to you know what this building is as a it also needs to be embraced you know I don't want this isn't a Parisian you know like this is a very modern like you know early 2000s modern American office building in Miami Beach and so I think that also is part of you know don't when you try to make something what it's not it's not going to succeed and I wonder if that's what's H I think that the cohesion is really an important goal to have and honestly I didn't even realize I I I lived here for years and been to this and didn't really associate the two buildings together didn't know they belong together at all um so I think it's an interesting idea to want to unify them but yeah I I certainly think as a condition which is now for paragraph song um to at least explore the the the dimensions of the sconces or maybe even I I would again I think maybe just the overall condition is to for staff to review that if cohesiveness is the goal that they're achieving that so I I would hate to put you know like a different shape or length or whatever um but you know I just that's my biggest condition on the approval is you are talking about cohesiveness but there's 15 different elements here so are we achieving it I I generally hate to slow things down but I think given the the length of the concerns that you have it may be best to to continue to September and and maybe we work with the applicant to refine pursuant to your concerns in your direction um I I would hate to leave all this discretion up to our permit review staff um I it it's it's it's going to be a lot for us to figure out as part of a building permit process when we have a very limited time to review um and determine if if if these conditions are complied with especially if they're not very precise okay um okay so I I but shaa has made a motion do we have to what's the procedure now withdrawal we just do you just want to do you agree do you want it to Contin so I I would the motion should give direction to the applicant on what the board would like to see and then to continue to the September 3rd meeting if you're not uh are you okay with revising plans in advance of the September 3rd meeting when would our deadline be for resubmittal typically we would like to see them two to three weeks prior to that meeting um so that would be August um that's fine we'll make it happen mid August f as long as it's not like next week yeah yeah no mid August um we don't have unfortunately we don't have a July meeting um I would support a if you want to meet in August okay so sh are you going to withdraw I I would be supportive of continuance do you want sure I withdraw my motion to approve I propose we continue this with the condition that you guys update the corner per we already previous stated i' would like to when you come back I would like to see the actual material samples for the parit um and some drawings of what what that is I think as you explore that it may be metal it may be stucco like I I think the design you're proposing is great but how the execution is I think going to be important um and then the actual uh material the color of the material wrap at the windows do we have a second are there any other conditions no so just it's the color of the the storefront wrapping for the the metal uh the corner changing the corner to remove the awnings and the Planters um the light sconces will explore some different solutions there um and bring material samples for the the metal uh Corner feature and and like detail like have more details drawn understanding how you're going to execute the parit how we're going to actually build it in it to them okay and and the samples the phys I think that help of exactly this is the color we propose and this is how it's going to look and this is how it's going to change or whatever the more specific okay okay um I second a motion okay we have a motion by Meer yeah to continue to September September 3rd uh we have a second by Miss Giller Nelson all those in favor I I I I motion passes thank you thank you I'm excited to see some work to do yeah if and if you'd like to to meet with us we're happy to to schedule meetings with you so you can bounce ideas off of us and uh and move along that way okay thank you I think we'll be doing that thank you um board members lunches here if you want to grab your lunch if you want to eat now if you want to wait till a little bit later it is a little bit early but it's up to you um I feel like the next this one might be pretty straightforward should be mhm so maybe let's take a maybe a five minute break and then do one more and then have lunch is that okay or are you starving it's not that I'm starving about it's only 11 my food is hot I ordered hot food oh um okay then I guess we can one two three we have five more to come back to five more yes okay I mean I'd sort of rather get through this one thing quickly and then are nice people from Public Works Madam chair up to you but it doesn't really okay well maybe it's yeah maybe if we could hear the next one okay and then take a break because I don't think it's going to take so long okay let's do it okay drb 24 1012 okay the next item in the agenda is drb4 d1012 1291 West 23rd Street RightWay storm mortar Pump Station 24 water quality upgrade an application has been filed design review approval of an advisory basis for a pump station related equipment the project includes the construction of electrical equipment Wells and other related equipment the equipment will be located on the West 23rd Street right away to the west of North Bay Road okay so this this project involves the uh installation of equipment that will improve the water quality of the existing storm water pump station number 24 so this pump station is already there it's functioning this adds a few other elements to that to that pumping system um as just all stated located on the West 23rd Street rideway um um some of the equipment will be located within the mini dog park that's located at the street end um and so this includes the construction of two storm water wells within the boundaries of that dog park that will be primarily below grade most of it will not be visible there will be new electrical equipment over an existing asphalt parking space surrounded by decorative concrete ballards um um and there's also landscape hedge around that around that uh electrical equipment uh replacement of the mini dog park fence to provide picket fence with sliding Gates so that that will allow improved access to the to the equipment and the underground infrastructure um and so the um this is NE on the surrounding Community most of the equipment for the storm water pump is already there so this is just a few extra things um and staff overall feels that this will benefit the community by improving the the water quality in biscan Bay um so with that staff recommends that the drb discuss the proposal and provide any recommendations to the city commission um this is this is an advisory uh review and the recommendations of the board will be transmitted to the city city commission via a letter to Commission and LTC thank you can you hear me uh good morning board and chair and vice chair and board members my name is John Carlo Peña I'm the assistant city engineer poly works and here today we have a consultant Nova consultant which is going to be doing a presentation going through all the details and making sure you guys you know you guys go have any questions we can answer so Brian if you can thank you thank you Carlo um also with me so my name is Brian Morano I am with Nova Consulting we are the civil engineering firm working with the city of Miami Beach Public Works Department we also have stepen Eagle who is the engineer of record he's connected through zoom in case you guys may have some more technical questions um to be answered um so as as mentioned this is a pump station Improvement project this is going to be for storm water um there is an existing Pump Station in that area and we are going to be improving the water quality that gets discharged into the bis Kim Bay so a quick uh outline I know we are trying to make it through lunch so I'll go briefly through the scope of work talk about the existing conditions and then go into some of the project specifics and highlight the demolition some of the site constraints and then some of the proposed improvements and the final restoration of the work um as mentioned in the brief introduction this is an enhancement to the existing infrastructure that is capturing the storm water um along lower North Bay Road between Chase Avenue and west Street um this new pump station is going to be capturing what we call the first flush which is essentially the first inch to 2 and a half inches of rain that's what carries the most contaminants uh in a rainfall event uh so the idea is that we will be diverting that first flush of rainfall into the new pump station and then that rainfall is going to be discharged into two new wells and then any additional rainfall will then be discharged that's the cleaner rainfall will be discharged into the uh the biscane bay that's the improve movement to the water quality that's the project in a nutshell um important thing to note is that this project is part of an active settle agreement with the FD as part of our ongoing efforts to improve our waterways um and so let's just jump right into it so as mentioned uh there's an existing pump station within uh the rideway at the intersection of West 23rd Street and North Bay Road um it's highlighted here in the little blue box you can see some of the concrete slabs again most of these infrastructures below grade the only thing you guys will see and the residents will see are axess hatches and potentially concrete slabs and and the electrical equipment that's usually uh elevated to meet sea level rise requirements um highlighted here in this yellow box this is the dog park and this is where the proposed improvements are going to be I'm going to run you through some of the existing conditions here again just highlighting where everything is at um in in this area we do have um again most of these are below grade structures there's a trash rack wet well dissipator box outfall and then we do have some elevated structures as I mentioned the electrical equipment and its slab uh an existing fence and then some Vortex structures which are below grade um and then just kind of walking you through what you see uh as you approach the site this is from the intersection of lower North Bay Road and West 23rd Street um this is now looking West um you can see that most of the infrastructure here is below grade the infrastructure that you do see on the left hand side here these are Communications this isn't related to the storm water uh improvements in in this area uh moving more towards uh the dog park you can see here these are some of the access uh hatches to these Vortex structures that we were referencing uh we do have a uh water infrastructure here this is a hose bit just for maintenance purposes in case we need a clean the pumps where we need access for water during the site um and then again you do have these electrical equipment which is not related to this project these are Comcast Verizon your fiber optics Etc um as we move more closer to the dog park we uh we do have a resident who does have a they're facing their um their driveway into their garage in that area you can see that they do have Landscaping on the westand side of this area and then on Photo here number five there is this space between that residency and the dog park there's this green area it does have a small patch of asphalt um and this is the area that we're looking to as we get into some of the proposed improvements where we're going to tuck away the electrical slab you can see there's a lot of landscaping there we're also going to provide some additional Landscaping so that hopefully the electrical slab will be surrounded by uh Hedges on all three sides and then kind of you know again tuck it away from from the S of the uh of the residents and the users of the dog park uh this is what the dog park looks like there are some features here that I just would like to call out this existing tree uh will need to be relocated just north of the site it's going to remain on site but in its area right now there is um a conflict with the proposed improvements um as well as this existing fountain um it's also going to be relocated in this sense to the north which on the presentation will be to the right hand side um now we are looking towards the South um again the the home moer next to the dog park has a side AIS yard um and they have a gate with a sidewalk that leads to West 23rd Street and then this photo here number seven this shows what the existing um Pump Station looks like it's this very large concrete slab the proposed Pump Station will be smaller the slab isn't going to be as large um but you can do you can get an idea of the hedges that will be installed on the electrical slab side to kind of uh mask the uh the electrical equipment here so in plan view these are all the items that we're talking about that are going to require either relocation and or demolition um there I mentioned that existing tree I mentioned that existing water fountain there is a park sign that's going to have to be relocated as well and then the existing steel fence will be demolished and a new steel fence will be placed um in that area as well um there's also Al going to be some minor uh demolition to some of the hedges sidewalk and signage that's in that area and all of that looks like is here and highlighted to kind of give a visual representation of what we're working with as I mentioned these are the concrete ballards um there's some signage some small Hedges here that will be removed um that's going to be removed to Grant the city access to the pump station during their operation and maintenance you know they periodically clean the pumps monthly and quarterly um so there will be a a 12T access driveway into the park so that they can park the truck next to the pump station use a boom lift the pumps do what they need to do and then you know go on their way um and then as I mentioned this uh this is the existing access gate here so at the moment let's say that they needed to access the structure in the park this is what they would use to open and put the truck in and that's going to be um relocated to this enf area um as we'll see and as I mentioned this is the green space that is now between the residents and the dog park and it's kind of used as parking there is this little asphalt patch there and this is going to be um reworked for the elevated equipment the elevated electrical equipment for the pump station here and this existing access to the park is going to be removed from the north side to the South Side so that way the infrastructure is on one side access to the dog park will be on the south side and again trying to keep our eyes away from the proposed elevated electrical equipment here so some of the site constraints um we did try to see how we can tuck all of these improvements um away from the eyesight while maintaining um visual to the waterway in the area um and not try to impede that visual um to the to the biscan Bay um but unfortunately to the north we have an existing gas man there is an existing um storm water pipe and outfall that essentially runs on the middle half of the park and then on the south side we have all of the storm water pipes that are associated with the existing Pump Station so essentially we had two areas that we can work with either the northern half between the gas Main and uh this existing storm water discharge or between the two discharge uh storm water pipe locations and we chose the second half again trying to stay away from the gas main um there is a utility easement there uh God forbid the contractor for whatever reason has an accident because again this is going to require um significant excavation during construction um so the footprint we just w comfortable to place it on the northern half um since that's why we chose this uh this bottom half for its installation um and so here are the proposed improvements that we will be placing it's going to be a total of five structures um one of them is going to be the manhole which we show here as number one number two is the wet well and Val VA this is the meat and potatoes of the pump station um again all of this is below grade what's going to be seen is just the axis hatch and a concrete slab uh number three is the injection Wells again an axis hatch and a concrete slab is what's going to be visible uh number four is the Big Ticket item I would say which is the raised electrical slab to meet that sea level rise requirement and then number five is that new park fencing that's going to house the sliding gate for operation and maintenance to access the pump station and then a new swing gate for the residents to use and access the dog park um what that looks like in plan can you go back what's number two that's in the center of the park that's the wet well so that's the combination of that that's the pump station which is a two-part component of wet well and a vault VA the wet well is basically where we collect all of the storm water that houses the pumps and then what we call the valve VA is all of the mechanical equipment to uh and piping to uh distribute the PIP and that's above ground or that's below grade the only thing that's visible is an axis hatch and a concrete slab yeah and everything within the park will be flush so you won't see anything above above ground and to mention about number three which are the injection walls there you may ask why you would don't put it together to to save space the issues that they need to be separated so they could work correctly so that's why they have a required separation to make sure that they they're effective and they can treat the water so that's that's the minimum we can separate yes um so what that looks like in plan again the majority of these features one two and three these are below grade what you'll be seeing is a flush concrete slab and axis hatch four and five are the above grade uh structures I would say four being the electrical equipment and five being the new fence that we will be uh replacing here so um in terms of the electric was equipment um this is all based off sea level rise requirement and meeting everything that the Regulatory Agencies require us to do um so here we just showing uh a brief uh example the calculations the base blood elevation the freeboard that needs to be met the sea level rise requirement that needs to be met essentially puts us at A+ n um elevation requirement for the electrical equipment um we did use submersible hatches which allowed us to create a lower foot needed um had we not used that we would be looking at plus 11 so uh the submersible uh control panel does allow us to reduce that uh profile for the electrical equipment and this is the best that we can have to offer while meeting the other requirements cuz um in addition to the electrical control panel there's things like FPL meters and things like that that also need to meet the sea level rise requirement as well um and in terms of the proposed plan it should just be almost a onetoone replacement U the only items that we're going to be adding is there will be a rolling gate again to provide access for the City trucks to get into and operate and maintain the pumps and then we'll be having the 4ft swing gate rather than having it on the Northern side of the property of the dog park it'll not be on the southern side of the property um restoration here's kind of what everything looks like in in a nutshell um the entire park will be roted um we will be milling and resurfacing in the street um of course any excavation that we need to do will be brand new uh asphal in terms of its base and subbase and all that um and of course curb and gutter that gets damaged will also be replaced in here as well and here on this area here this is where we can see the electrical slab and Equipment that's going to be elevated um and you can see that the proposed Hedges would be on the south side we do have existing Hedges on the east side and the northern side is already vegetated um and and the um homeowner already has a 6t concrete wall in that area um so that kind of gives us again that access uh that coverage of the electrical equipment um so that is our presentation don't know if you guys have any questions for us we'll be gladly to answer them thank you very much um are there any other members of the public wishing to speak we have no hands raised online okay great I'm now going to close the public portion open it up to the board for comments I have a couple questions so where are you're proposing the raise electrical Slack there's already a asphalt slab there right and that's already yes your property okay and then did you say this is a dog park it's a small dog park yes I'm just wondering like I know what dogs do at dogs park and if there's any issue about you know like peeing all over the access stuff or okay and last question is what is the city's current um standards or protocol in terms of screening uh any of these you know above grade I mean as we continue to build the infrastructure there's going to be more and more of it around so like this electrical pad that's up and then has you know the panels and whatnot um is there any screening the city as we done all the projects in the past we have implemented Hedges that's that's the the fastest and and and and and it's work the best I think in our opion in terms of Maintenance as well is is it keeps you know our maintenance to to a lower cost so and the public has received that as a good I think they as as you know it covers well the the the the electric equipment not only that we have pump stations as well that we're trying to put you know Hedges and trying to to to to cover so people can you can be concealed and how is that because as I drive around and I know I've heard complaints from other of my neighbors of the equipment that's not necessarily hedged is there sort of a minimum size or how do you how do you ensure cuz I when there is a hedge it does do a nice job of BL bling it and I'm that was one of my questions too I just wanted to make sure that this equipment that you're installing is well hedged and then also to make sure that any sort of above ground pumping that you install is is there a like I I know there was something that was just installed by the Normandy fountain that just sort of blocks the fountain so I just want to make sure that everything is hedged yes moving forward yes that that's the the direction we have is moving forward any project that's moving forward now that's going to planning design we're making sure that there's some kind of you know component as part of landscape architect involv in the projects that we can have some screening as you know screening as as landscaping or it may be some some panels as you can see in s Harbor that was some some panels design and Architectural know if somebody if if a resident wants to make that happen or who who would they call who would handle that all it works we we he needs to contact us and we'll we'll see what is the situation and see where where what kind of you know equipment is or or something that isn't as as is in the right way as maintained by by po works is a pump station or you know that that's that's something that we're look and we could so to call and say I'd like to talk to somebody in public works who's maintaining because I know Public Works is a very large department is there a subdepartment within it or just all the engineers joh Carlo P assistant C or oh if if it's with operations I'll transfer to operations so we we could find someone that could address the situation okay thank you and then um so you're going to be replacing the entire fence or just a section of the fence the entire fence is going to be new yeah okay yeah um I have a general comment about the park portion I appreciate that you designed it with the you know to maintain the views because this is a pretty View and it really is you know um one of the few places where any sort of Resident visitor can see um you know the canals in the bay on North Bay Road one of the things that I again I I live in this general area and it's very hard to tell right now based on the fence and the signage and the ballards and all that this is actually a public space and one of the things that I wanted to see if you're going to redo the fence anyway is to make the fence lower and to make sure that the signage reflects that this is a public park um I was also hoping I think the park would be greatly improved by adding a bench um close to the seaw wall um so I was glad that this came before us and if you're doing that sort of thing please make it a little bit more welcoming I think not having the ballards there is is going to make it seem a little bit more welcoming but you know these are public spaces that should be used by the public and and it's it's um and that was definitely something that I wanted you to be aware of and that when our comments are transferred over to the commission that they are aware of as well so I wanted to go on record to say that to think could feel a little bit more Park like yeah yeah yeah right I mean yeah building on to that I also that I also was asking if it's a dog park because is sod you know sod doesn't always work well in dog parks I understand everybody has a budget but you know if there's a way to think about okay how do we make it function better as a park as part of these also infrastructural upgrades you know is is saw the right material Choice couldn't agree more with the bench maybe even a sign that has a name of it I know there's a lot of these sort of pocket park um throughout Miami Beach um and then the adjacent owner sort of take ownership which um isn't your guys's fault in any way but my my one other comment was just going to be about the hedges is that on your plan on page sorry 19 like it looks like there's a a way to turn in and you know maybe a work service vehicle park next to that raised platform and then access it from the stairs that face North would you ever plant Hedges as well along the west side there so that if you are in the park you're looking back at the hedges definitely look at that yes okay we can look at providing Hedges on on the look into the water to the West I don't know if it disrupts access the One requirement from operation and maintenance um typically when you're using the control panel you want to turn on and off off the pumps and so you typically want to have a clear line of sight um but we can take a look at potentially you know kind of closing and bringing maybe one or two shrubs maybe not a whole roll of four um to kind of maintain that line of sight um we we also have the the stir to access the platform on that side so it couldn't if it if it's going to be installed hedes or L caping it could be in a small portion of that lens of the side of the platform so we'll look at it yeah we'll look at it to make sure that we maintain line of sight for operation because they need to make sure that they looking to who are working on the pump station and then they turn it off around is a safety concern so we're look as we'll maximize our our use of of of hedges around the the control p and I think we live in a very unique community and that you know we need these um the the water management issues but we also happen to have res res and visitors that you know also demand a really beautiful environment and so it's you know the mixture of Form and Function so appreciate any work you can do on both sides of that equation any other comments no and this is just again a a recommendation that you're then going to pass on that we're giving right now okay so I think are are you clear then and what our questions and concerns were and what we passed on okay thank you yeah give us our Park back thank you do anybody want to make a motion or is this a motional action okay yes there should be a motion making a recommendation that the city commission consider the following so my notes lower fence to make more welcoming improve signage to identify spaces of park at a bench uh Jason to the water uh at a hedge on the west side of the uh electrical equipment to screen uh views uh from the park to the extent possible okay I make a motion subject to those conditions second second who gets it Mr Defender second okay uh all those in favor I I motion passes than you very much thank you so much now I think we should take a a lunch break yeah 20 minutes so let's let's be back it's it's 11:50 maybe let's be back at 12:15 okay [Music] yeah e [Music] [Music] [Music] know you know how to Mo Escape bring up the next oh here we go