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um um we will not be able to continue uh to consider variances so we will have a lot of continuances today um and I'll I'll announce those earlier early in the meeting uh but I'll turn it over to the City attorney to go over um the requirements for the meeting yes good morning everyone today's meeting of the design review board board has been scheduled in a hybrid format with a quorum of the board physically present at the city hall City commission Chambers and applicants staff and members of the public appearing either in person or virtually via the zoom platform webinar in order to participate in today's meeting those wishing to participate via the zoom platform webinar may dial 88847591 which is toll-free and enter the webinar ID which is 82273 941 924 or log to the Zoom app and enter the webinar ID which again is 822 7394 1 924 any individual wishing to speak on an item must click the raise hand icon if they're using the Zoom app or dial Star 9 if they are participating by phone now before I SAR in those that are testifying I'm going to read into the record the CD's notice regarding lobbyist registration if you are if you are appearing on behalf of a business a corporation or another person you must register as a lobbyist with a city clerk's office if you haven't registered yet you should register before you speak to the board that includes Architects attorneys or employees representing an applicant or an objector you do not have to register as a lobbyist in three circumstances number one if you are speaking only on behalf of yourself and not any other party two if you are testifying as an expert witness providing only scientific technical or other specialized information or testimony in this public meeting three if you are appearing as a represent representative of a neighborhood association without any compensation or reimbursement for your appearance to express support of or opposition to any item that said expert Witnesses and representatives of neighborhood associations shall prior to appearing disclose in writing to the city clerk their name address and a principal of whose behalf they are communicating these rules apply whether you are appearing in favor of or against an item or encouraging or arguing against its passage defeat modification or continuance now if you're physic now if you're physically present please stand and Rise your right hand um virtual virtual speakers will be need to sworn in one by one at the time of their at the time of their presentation do you swear or affirm that the testimony that you will be given in this proceeding is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do I all right thank you you may proceed all righty so the first item we have is the after action if we can get a motion in a second uh sorry uh I make a motion to approve the minutes from the May meeting okay I'll second all right second all those in favor I okay and it's pass um okay so I guess we we now have uh we'll move on to the continuances we have a few requests for continuances um what I think I'm what I think we can do is we can list them all and we can just have one motion to continue um all the items that are going to July we do have one that's requesting for September so I'll I'll I'll identify that one separately um if if the board doesn't mind or would you prefer that we look look at each individually um if there I don't think we need to look individually um again we apologize for being late this morning we have a couple members that are sick so we only have four people we cannot do any uh variances today so that's why we're doing all these other continuances so okay so I'll go I'll list them all um uh we have uh drb 23- 0956 that's 1901 Alton Road the Whole Foods they're requesting a continuance to July 2nd we have drb 24- 0998 that's 4330 Nautilus Drive uh they're requesting a continuance to July 2nd we have uh drb 23- 0968 they're that's the Citywide digital information kiosks they're requesting a continuance to July 2nd we have drb 24-104 that's 2121 Riata Avenue they're requesting a continuance to July 2nd drb 24-19 that's 1691 Michigan Avenue they're requesting a continuance to July 2nd drb 24-104 that's uh numbers 4 through 6 Star Island Drive they're requesting a continuance to July 2nd and then finally drb 24-105 that's 1801 Alton Road they are requesting a continuance to July 2nd um so if we can get a um motion to continue those items IA move okay second second by Mr dinder for all those in favor I motion passes and then you have okay and then we have one separate that's uh drb 23- 0958 that's 428 South Hibiscus Drive they're requesting a continuance to September 3rd okay we have a motion for that a motion I'll second okay by miss all in favor I I okay all right motion passes all right um so I guess if you're ready we can go on to the first item we are ready so our first item will be now uh de number five on your agenda okay drb 23- 0982 that's 1100 fth Street okay so um go ahead the first on the agenda is ZB 23- 0982 11005 Street an application has been filed requesting design review approval for the construction of a new five-story commercial office building including one or more waivers and a variance from the Open Court requirements for Lots greater than 100 ft in WID and a variance to exceed the maximum allowed Building height on a site containing two existing twostory buildings and a surface parking lot to be demolished this was continued from March 7th uh only the landscape plan was continued the remainder of the proposal was approved okay so uh stated this item was was approved most of the item was approved the project the design review and the and the variances were approved last month so this is only the landscape plan um when the landscape plan was was provided uh for the last meeting it did not initially comply with the requirements of the landscape code the applicant has since provided an updated landscape plan that does comply uh the Landscaping is more consistent with the landscaping and the surrounding properties um and so with that staff is supportive of the revised landscape plan and staff recommends that the plan be approved and now before we proceed uh have any of you received any experted Communications in regarding to please all right you may proceed thank you thank you uh good afternoon ladies and gentlemen of the board it's my pleasure to see you again and my name is Paul Savage with Law Offices at 200 South biscane Boulevard Miami Florida with the burkow Rell Law Firm we're here today I'm here today on behalf of the applicant on item number seven of today's agenda which as roio explained is 1100 fth Street and the corner of Alton Road uh we have been through uh a full application as you know uh at the last drb meeting uh there was I just wanted to make a quick correction for the record there was not a height variance um necessary for this item it uh the height is as of right everything else resided is correct and uh today I would just like to uh if we can pull up the uh our PowerPoint presentation please uh my plan today is to very quickly uh go through the slides and turn this over to Justine valz of urban robot who's our very talented landscape architect and she will use the majority of our time today because the only item as rilio uh described procedurally before you today is only the landscape plan portion which was continued uh I'm here today also I want to be sure and recognize my client mid corana of the Alton Venture LLC uh Who's down from New York to attend today's hearing and um if I have let me get this again as we saw last time this is a exciting and beautiful new iconic entryway uh structure that's going to be uh really a marker to coming into the city as you come over the bridge and experience Alton okay okay I'll just switch okay and the existing condition is the uh now the Pier One on the corner there that's been out of business as well as uh the Burger King that is still uh in business uh it's a five-story project as we learned last time we uh what's relevant for today is you can see there in that uh photo the icon is on the right hand side and we uh met with them with other neighbors and they were uh very excited about our project and wanted us to really try and form an entry way if you will by matching the Brazilian beauty leaf trees that they have installed on their side and we thought that was a great idea and it's a beautiful uh species that brings a very dark leaf and a nice contrast to the building so we went with that and you'll see when just uh shows her presentation you'll see the Brazilian beauty leaf trees that we are bringing to match what the icon has this is our renowned developer you may recognize him from doing the fifth which is approximately a block and a half to the east uh and that's a beautiful project that is now a similar project that is breaking ground now Eduardo sto Deora is our architect and helped design this gorgeous building and again I won't uh I won't spend our valuable time on all the architectural features that we discussed at the last hearing again our local architect is the renowned zovich firm and uh I have Daniel Bush here uh from from that firm if you have any questions and without further Ado with this slide which introduces uh Justine valz of urban robot I'm going to go ahead and turn this over to Justine and she'll take you through the matter at hand which is the landscape plants thank you Justine thank you Paul and thank you everyone so my name is Justine vellis and I'm one of the owners of urban robot Associates um which is located at 420 Lincoln Road and we are just delighted to be part of this project it's um as mentioned before going to create a new gateway to what is previously or what is existing um as kind of a lackluster entrance for the thousands of people that stream into the city every day um it really could be much improved and the architecture that's already been approved is something that we're very proud to be collaborating with let's see the arrow button okay great so here we are showing that entrance um and as as Paul referred to um one of the things we really want to do is um make this a true Gateway so by Framing the left and right hand side of Alton Road with these Brazilian beauty leaf trees which I'll show you in plan shortly um we're going to create a really sense of sense of place and a new neighborhood identity um but there's so much more going on with this building um I think you know we have uh three objectives a three-fold um approach to this project so the first one is to um respect and improve the public realm we really want to make this place a wonderful neighborhood to live in I'm a local Miami resident Miami Beach resident and I actually used to live south the 5th right nearby um so it's a place I'm really familiar with and really passionate about the second objective is obviously to Echo and um work with the architecture which has this beauty to it of this sort of delicate repetitive Bree solay that um undulates throughout the sides of the facades and it also um lightens um from inst structurally speaking from the lower levels to the higher levels the slabs reduce and thickness creating a sort of a weightless effect so we want to respond to that and be respectful of it and our third objective is of course to create um an unusual level of Beauty for a project um where we want to make sure that the users the future users of this beautiful building um enjoy using it and coming to it every single day so um in terms of creating an enhanced public realm I think as we all know living in South Florida basically the best thing you can do is provide shade so the trees that we're seeing here on the left and right of this corner the northwest corner of the building are really going to do that and we are very excited about um responding to the the the icon side which is slightly off the rendering um by providing these Brazilian beauty leaf trees and we're working actively with the city of Miami Beach parking division to um remove the the three parking spaces that are there which are underused to provide this planted Verge we're widening the sidewalks on all four sides of our project which we also think really improves the public Realm and um you can see that here we also bring the Brazilian beauty leaves onto this um northern facad as well interplanting them underneath the palm trees palm trees are beautiful they're really a statement piece you know they really establish the tropical nature of Miami beach but it's the shade trees that are going to provide that shade um and then on the Eastern facade where we have overhead power lines not depicted in the rendering we have selected a um different tree species called Silver Buttonwood which um remains naturally SL lower and and can be maintained as such to make sure that you know we that we avoid those power lines um let's see and another thing I want to point out before moving to the plans is that um in terms of our second objective which is to respond thoughtfully to the architecture what we've done is to the very elevated refined um pallet of the building what we're doing is we're introducing a very um thoughtful sort of stripe of buganvilia all around the second floor which you probably noticed in the various different renderings so that's something that's very important and in terms of responding to the weightlessness effect that the architecture has created we've ensured that the planting on the roof is recessed back from the edge of the building so that it's not really in your face um that was a very calculated decision to make sure that we don't add that heaviness to the top of the roof so that was something that we've been coordinating carefully so this is kind of a color-coded non-technical plan to also show another aspect that we are are incorporating into our Improvement of the public realm and that's the southwest corner which is actually a public parking lot um what we're doing here is we're enhancing the existing parking lot um the the developer has agreed to add um flowering trees and native trees to work with an arborist to um prune the existing trees to make sure they're they're really in better structural shape to live a long long life and adding the underst story to them what you also see here on the left side on Alton Road are the five new Brazilian beauty leaf trees that are going to be providing shade on our widened sidewalk and you can see that in the same color code along Fifth Street so um you know we have a lot of technical drawings here but I um I think I'll Reserve those mostly just for any questions you may have but what I do want to conclude by saying well and I I do want to show you the pretty pictures of the plants just in case not all of you are familiar um another aspect that we're doing is using a lot of pollinator plants um we recently installed um an installation on Lincoln Road with the Lincoln Road B and um we were amazed with how in an urban condition just a few pollinator plants attract so many butterflies so quickly um so despite the fact that this is a really heavily trafficked Corridor we feel that there's a lot of opportunity to introduce um butterfly attracting plants so that's happening all along the base of the building and we're pretty excited about that so I should mention that so um the other thing I wanted to show is uh the crosssections of each of the facades just demonstrating that um we have this enhanced public realm in addition we're ensuring that we have a long life to the new trees that we're providing um by providing the suspended pavement and sufficient soil volume we'll be working with the structural engineer to ensure that these plants have enough soil which is always a challenge in in the urban condition so we're showing that suspended pavement pavement and the um and the widen sidewalks all around and um these are our uh rendered elevations to just kind of uh recap of of the this these design moves that really are consistently deployed around all four facades and I will finish um by saying that as roio mentioned um we have worked closely with staff and we're delighted to do that to make sure that we come into close compliance with all of the landscape code um and I think I will turn the um presentation back over to Paul but I'm here for any questions you may have thank you so much thank you so much Justine in conclusion we remain very excited and very proud to represent this project it has enjoyed the unanimous support of the community to whom we reached out the south of fifth neighborhood association the icon other uh community members the planning board voted unanimously in favor of this project as well as this honorable board and none of the forgoing groups and people that I just mentioned are particularly known for you know being an Easy Pass everybody looked at this very carefully and has been ecstatic about it um but basically I'm not sure why that went down but that's okay uh we have uh I just wanted to highlight that as rilio recited uh after meeting with us extensively and resubmitting the landscape plans we enjoy the full support of the staff with a favorable staff recommendation as well as uh the next slide will depict a favorable letter from the south of fifth neighborhood association so with that beep I will respectfully request your favorable action on the landscape section of our plans thank you so much and of course we're all here for any questions you may have thank you thank you roia where do we have timers I can't see a timer I saw one on the TV screen but I have one timer here okay but we don't have any in front of us any way to see it on our screens okay yeah it's just we used to have used got to see what was going on okay note to manager yeah okay okay that be should we open it to the public now sure do we have any members of the public wish to speak on this topic anybody online I see nobody online okay with that we'll close public discussion and open it up to the board anybody like to start I'll start um yeah I I mean like I said in the last meeting very supportive of this project I think it's beautiful um I I do like the consistency of mirroring what's not mirroring but resp y taking some of the plantings from the Icon and especially with the date palms I think that looks really great um I guess my only question is along fifth was there is are there power lines is that why you couldn't add any additional date palms along fifth I'm sorry Alton Alton oh on Alton um well so in general the um the resiliency code understandably favors canopy shade trees rather than Palms that makesense um and so we wanted to just get in as as much shade as possible that's fair okay yeah no questions I'm I'm in support anybody else um sh is I was just going to say I didn't get to see the uh presentation at last month but this project uh looks very exciting and very thoughtful um I agree it's going to be a Gateway project and um I think there's a lot of thought going into the landscape as well I think one thing I would ask the team to keep in mind as it is a gateway and you're talking about shade that has to do with resiliency but how how does it also um represent itself as landscape behaving to some of our other you know resilient needs in terms of water collection um in terms of you know being resilient or adaptive when we have those those harsh moments which you're the expert on so I'm sure you've thought about that but um I think that as you tell the story or as the building story gets told as the Gateway it would be great to really acknowledge those moments and those characteristics that make Miami Beach what it is so I would just ask that thank you absolutely Sam um yeah I think you're off press it again red light see yeah okay um thank you so yeah I I I think barring any other comments um I move to improve the landscape plan I had I had one question actually about the suspended pavement or whatever have we done this before and is I'm just curious about how yes we have it's it's wonderful because it's been something that a lot of Landscape Architects have been using and um the city has supported for a long time but now it's actually officially in the code okay yes great thank you okay I'm sorry no no not at all I didn't I didn't realize you had a question um so borring any other questions or comments uh I MO to approve the landscape plan do I have a second I'll second and any other discussion all in favor I I okay motion passes conratulations thank you okay our next one is it number seven next roia number seven so the next item is drb 24-105 409 East Toledo Drive Right Next it on the agenda is crb 24-105 49 East Alo drive an application has been filed requesting designer view approval for the construction of a new two-story home including one or more waivers and an understory to replace an existing home okay this item uh was presented to the design review board last month on May 7th uh the board continued the item to this to this meeting uh the board had specifically had concerns regarding the colors of the facade uh and the screening that was being presented um the applicant has revised the plans they've lightened the colors uh painted the stucco Incorporated some wood sighting on the exterior faces and ceilings uh which better accentuate the Bree solay and staff is very supportive of those changes um Additionally the applicant at the board's direct uh Direction tested additional patterns for the Bree solay including some more symmetrical patterns um however uh the applicant believes that the proposed solution the the solution they were proposing is the best solution um we looked at the at it and with the revised coloring and the revised uh plans it does look much better um and so staff uh does not object with them keeping the same uh the same screening pattern that they were proposing um and so with the changes that they've made staff recommends that the application be approved and and I'm sure they'll make a presentation now yeah and before we proceed um have any of you received any experted Communications in regards to this application all right thank you please proceed good morning everyone Jose Sanchez architect for practice architecture um after our previous meeting and the feedback we went back to to the drawing board and redid the renderings that in a different software so it can show the right lighting that was uh that's that was an an improvement to the colors and also work on the much needed color change now the majority of the walls are sand color and the the GD elements and the sofit in a top uh color so that was changed and you could see the planes behind and the the depth in the in the facade um we also reduced the rooftop element it was reduced approximately um 8 ft it was it could be seen in the the main image um of the package uh projecting but now you cannot see it at all from the street and on the uh Waterfront side it can only be seen in a small portion and about the um grade as it was mentioned we look at it at different options and discuss with the owner who's here with me today and um it it was uh um the his opinion that he preferred to stay with the grid that was originally presented and from my perspective I also feel the same way for several reasons this uh the concept is really about um um designing a facade with planes it's the opposite of um a closed uh box or or white box and the grd is very important because of the Shadows that they uh produce it's the another important part of the concept is to create a space uh that feels very tropical with a very tropical Vibe with the with the Shadows projecting into the into the entry and the under story and the the great in a random pattern I think it's more appropriate for what we are trying to do for the tropical um evocation and the plants the renderings don't show all the plants for practical reasons but there are uh um Planters with hanging plants and and um a lot more Landscaping that the typical project I would say so for that reason I feel very strongly that that um it works well like that and we would respectfully ask for the approval and I'll be happy to answer any questions okay do we did you send a a presentation yes I did it's not here but I sent it I think it's up it's up now okay right so no but this is the this is the um full not the presentation package so that's that's the view from the front and you cannot see the third floor uh projecting the the canopy of the upper level so I'll um pass to the other images this is the other View and we added wood in the back number three right yes one of the comments was to add more wood uh to the front of of the house and so we added the the uh wall in number three and the ceiling had wood already but it was not visible in the rendering that was not there another um view of the project in the rear yes with lighter color the sand color and top and lighter wood as well yes this is the full package I I didn't see the presentation here yeah these are the updated colors new yeah cuz we couldn't see the wood before okay can you guys clarify there are updated colors on the presentation but then you also said you're not choosing to go with the updated colors or I can you clarify that no we we changed the colors those are the new calls and we we will uh change to these colors but it's the the front the design of the front grid we were asked to study options or a variation for for the random grip so we tried a a couple of more rational design regular grid but it was not the best option but the colors have been Chang they were darker okay does that conclude your presentation yes corre do you have it it should be on the agenda presentation 6424 that should show the uh the updated um options I'm not sure if they can pull it up yeah that's what we're looking at right the ones we looked online so I'm not noticing a difference between what we just saw and what I yeah they they do mirror each other he just had a PowerPoint that pulled out the the key the key slides versus he just showed the whole plan the whole PL okay all right so do we have any uh questions any comments from the public I see no hands raised online and nothing online nobody in person okay I'll turn it over to the board who would like to start I have a couple comments um questions I guess uh again this is my first time seeing the project um and I understand that you are referencing the grid as a methodology to create shadows and to um articulate uh sort of tropical architecture um I appreciate that I I think and I don't I'm not I'm not aware of what the conversation was at the last meeting but I would ask as as you go forward is that normally in tropical architecture and we think about Bree solet or shading it's responding to the form or the you know transparency opaqueness of the building but um so I would have assumed that in your studies uh that you produced from the original that maybe that would have been a method you studied but it doesn't seem like there's any um I mean I think that it's it's providing privacy and it's providing a little bit of shade but it's not really responding to the architecture at all in terms of like a performative screening or Shadow play it's it's providing depth to the facade and and it's providing uh shade yeah as as you come into the entrance that's it doesn't show in in the renderings um the exact angle but you can see uh by the right side wall the shading so I think I I think you would feel the experience the effect going through the the the entrance uh but it's it's not a dark uh shadow in the rendering but it's it's I think it's a very important part of the experience of the project I agree with you but I I'm saying I don't think it's successful in in terms of you know at the entrance there it's the highest where the entrance you're the most vulnerable the most exposed and you might expect a density in the Rhythm or the language of the screening and then where there's a solid wall in the building you might anticipate less members because you don't need to shade that area and then when you get over to the glass so I guess I'm just saying that um it's maybe more of a comment for going forward or when you're thinking through the ideas of the tropical architecture and and creating something responding to site and place in terms of you know how is this actually performing with the architecture that's behind it with the program with how people are moving through the spaces the scale and the size okay I understand yes this grid is done in in concrete um so in this case there's a limitation as to the number of elements and but you know I understood you know we explore that way what is the depth of that grid approximately 16 in 16 in yes okay and can did you add a planter to the wall on the right on that sheer wall is that an additional planter that wasn't there last time no that that has no change okay no it's nice to see the wood and the depth with we couldn't see that before so I think it's much more successful in this iteration um I'm kind of concerned about that the flat wall in the front by the sidewalk the plants look rather short for that and that just seems like a rather lot of Stucco how tall is that wall in which wall excuse me the wall in the front of the building in the front of the property at the property line by the sidewalk in the new do you mean the in new renderings you're okay number one that one right there I see that wall looks very very tall very tall and very still beige but um it yeah the planning is in front of it it just it it looks like a lot of what is the length and the height of that plane stuck a wall the height is 5T so it would be recessed 2 feet from the property line and how tall are those plants really like they don't look very tall yes no it's not representative of the final landscape architecture plan okay there are some limitations to the renderings the landscape architect is available to answer any questions and but they those could be uh taller of course yes okay that would be my comment is that I'd like to see taller yes it would be much better if it was at least at Mid height or three quarters yeah okay absolutely I mean on that wall too I was I was wondering that could have been an opportunity to to perhaps bring that grid through there as well um I I think that you know you have the the line work with the fence and then it just becomes this Stark stuck a wall so perhaps you pick up the the grid that's on the building MH and then there maybe makes more sense of that grid being there it's not just in the one place um that would be my maybe suggestion to explore that um but again yeah thank you for listening to us in the last meeting I think that bringing the wood through um and just showing the renderings with the wood is it's it improved the project yes that would be much better and of course we're willing to explore it and and incorporate it that makes a lot of sense Sam did you have anything does anybody want to make a motion uh uh I make a motion to approve the application maybe with the condition to explore the the offence the the go go ahead and make a I guess you would sort of make a second with a friendly Amendment yeah do we have a second then of this of just you yeah I'll I'll second with a amendment to with a condition to explore you know trying to make that front wall wall or fence wall um more comparable to the building grid is that something that I don't know so we're referring to to this so not being the architect I got to ask because the the horizontal grid of that um of the of the gate I think would conflict with is the clarification on the horizontal cable railings or is it to in reduction to the stucco reduction to the stucco more to kind of to kind of make those not just two Stark different things but maybe exploring I mean it doesn't have to be if it doesn't work it doesn't work I'm not well maybe the friendly Amendment could be to explore landscape or a textured stucco so like a combing or like so the adjacent property is a board formed concrete wall so it's it's monolithic but it has a rhythm and a texture year so do we have the landscape AR are you the landscape AR no I'm the owner is the landscape architect no but there he's available yeah he's I guess I would just we would have staff work with with the applicant to deal with that Stark wall because I think that's the big sticking point so with landscap Landscaping work with with the applicant to soften the yeah soften that STK wall okay that's time motion okay and we have a second from second okay all in favor I I I okay motion passes so that was a motion by okay got it thank you thank you very much thank you thank you and next item is 10 correct so we have drb 24 d1010 it's 6444 and 6455 Allison Road the next item in the agenda is drb2 4-110 6444 and 6450 Allison Road an application has been filed requesting designer review approval for two one story accessory structures to be added to an approved single family home okay so um this this property uh was subject to a lot split approved by the planning board on February 27th 2024 the lot split different from most lot splits was actually intended to um make this lot larger um so so the lot so there were three lots the middle lot got divided and then half of that lot got added to this lot which already had a home that was approved and under construction um as part of the lot split requirements it requires that any new construction on the site come to the design review board uh because they have extra land the applicant is proposing to add two accessory buildings um that would be a guest house um in the in the front of the property and then a um uh on the rear of the property they would have a one-story pool Cabana on the rear in the rear of the property uh in this new area that they're adding um the proposed construction is very compatible with the home that's already underway that's almost almost complete I believe at this point um and so staff has no concerns with this addition uh staff recommends that the that the application be approved so it's basically an application for two accessory buildings on a home that is already approved and under construction um so with that staff recommends that the application be approved and then before before before we proceed I'm required uh to ask again whether you had any expert Communications in regards to this application no all right thank you you may continue good morning or I guess we're just into the afternoon good afternoon Nicholas Rodriguez on behalf of the Sidman and Allison Road LLC I'm joined by our talented Architects from Strang architecture and design Sarah melon branch and Simone Stark of our landscape design as Ria mentioned we're here resulting from a lot split it's a kind of a unique lot split where we grew the lot in size uh but we're only asking for approval today of a guest house and an accessory Cabana structure in the area of the lot that actually grew in size and the lot's about 29,000 fet in size um unlike some other applications that result from lot splits we're not asking for a variance from the unit size or lot coverage um it's since the lot is so large we're actually well below uh the maximums permitted even with the limit with from the planning board um so just to provide some context the digital presentation is up we're on Allison Island on the west side of Allison Island fa uh facing the Lor Island and the Waterway um and just to kind of diagrammatically show you what roio explained perfectly there was once three lots our client's lots are Lot B and Lot C with the star next to it our client owned a lot C they were building their home when the middle lot lot B became available at 6450 they purchased it and then they worked out on agreement with the owner of lot a to split Lot B in half uh and basically eliminate that Center lot and create two larger Lots uh just you know this is more context for the planning board but there are lots of similar size on Allison Island so this isn't like an out of context home or structure or lot for the area and so really what we're asking for here is just a modest addition of a guest house and a cabana structure normally this wouldn't even come before you guys but since it's resulting from a lot split we're here for the approval so with that I'll turn it over to Sarah and Simone to walk you through the design thank you good afternoon quicker as Nicholas mentioned um this house is located on Allison Island and we wanted to start with this elevation to illustrate how the home at the center um the elevations that you see in the middle are well within the context of the neighborhood um as he mentioned the house is well under construction we have the first floor second floor and the roof of the main home already built um however the in is today is on the one-story Cabana and guest house being built so in terms of design the one-story guest house at the front of the property is a one-story and well within the same proportions of the garage that's already built for the main home you can see it across the driveway on the opposite side and the one-story Cabana the rear of the house is also one-story just an additional space for the client for um like a multi-generational um home and and to have everybody together on the property um in addition to that those two structures apart from those two structures being on the lot what's left of the land is heavily landscaped so we are proposing and we have Simone here landscape director we are proposing to um provide a lush oh this is not as clear as we'd want okay here we go to provide a lush landscape and a beautiful design throughout um the land to help with the heat island effect to help with um just really bring in more Greenery and more um you can elaborate if you'd like but more Greenery onto the property sure um a couple points I'd like to make about the landscape design um for the extended lot um is that we're looking to retain um the existing trees uh that were on the the former uh middle lot there we're moving them to the perimeters to create privacy between the two uh Lots now uh we have a high Alberto uh driveway with sandet pavers and um we're planning for a crushed shell aggregate within the joints um which is pretty contextual uh we're proposing green roofs on both of the new structures with overflowing Planters around the edges uh so that the foliage can soften the structures um we're also proposing a large number of native salt and drought tolerant plantings uh with the addition of an orchard and as you can see a lot of prominent Green Space um for water infiltration and uh finally we're looking at the continuation of the site wall in the front of the property which has an embedded planter um which is designed to have overflowing uh foliage as well as climbing foliage um to Al also soften um that structure along with that landscape we are also incorporating a lot of lighting on the site um for security for um safety this was one of the comment as well that was received so we wanted to make sure to to touch on this um landscape lighting being incorporated as Simone mentioned we do have a green roof and again it matches with what's being provided on top of the garage for the existing home so our intent is really to maintain a similar language for the design um in terms of materials as well which you can see in these elevations we are maintaining that same travertine um finish on the walls that we have on the existing home and we did bring a sample if you're interested in and seeing it as well um and both structures are again immersed in landscape really uh proportionate within the required setbacks and Zoning requirements um and I will leave you with these 3D renderings just to further illustrate the design and we're open to any questions thank you so just one procedural note uh and I discussed it with Rio before the hearing started the order contains a condition I the quicker think it's 3F um that a recycling Salvage plan be provided as part of a demolition permit all the homes have been demolished already so there's there's nothing to recycle or Salvage so we're just asking that that condition be deleted so it doesn't cause any confusion during permitting the 6450 home is gone and uh as mentioned the 60444 home is under construction so there's no demolition happening so we have no objection to that okay great do we have any members of the public wishing to speak on this application nobody's hand is raised on Zoom nobody online nobody in person um I'm going to turn over to the board anybody want to start I have a question um on the green roofs is this a is it like a living green roof or is it Turf a both It's a combination um the center portions of the roofs are Turf and then we have a Planters going around the edges which will be Li plants okay and that's how it is on the existing house on the garage correct that's how it is on the garage so you've got a nice symmetry there from the street gate okay thank you I I just want to say that I appreciate um the concept and the scale of the small structures and aggregating it on the site and I'm assuming you're not um near your you know maximum sort of you have a lot of open space and so I I really appreciate uh seeing something at this L and sort of intimacy being brought to us so thank you you I agree Sam do you have anything um yeah I mean I'm I'm the non architect on the board but I note that it's a one one story structure I'm sorry these are two story structures so I can't imagine uh it bothering any of the neighbors who haven't bothered to show up in support or or an objection um and um yeah since there's no no variance or or whatever being requested I'm I've I've no problem with it works for me yep it's nice to see a lot split without 12 variances requested after they try to build something on it okay no promises for the next one sorry I make a thank you very much do we have a motion yeah so um I make a motion to approve the application I'll second and we can approve do we need to approve the removal of that comment yeah subject to the condition of was it condition three Roman 3j yes 3j exactly thank you for so sub subject to to to that condition um I move to approve the application okay any other discussion all in favor I I I okay application passes thank you very much nice project next item is number 10 correct 11 11 all right we just okay next item is drb 24-10 13 3 300 South Point Drive all right the next item in the agenda drb 24-10 13 300 South Point Drive the portero an application has been filed requesting exterior design modifications to the parking garage of an existing building including the construction of stairs and an elevator to provide pedestrian access to a garage so um as stated in the title this is a a modification to the exterior of the building this is for the Pino Tower uh they currently have a a two-level parking garage uh and they're proposing to to modify the facade of that garage and and significantly enhance The Pedestrian access uh specifically they're going to be demolishing the existing staircase and they're going to be providing a new uh a new staircase with elevator banging towards the center uh that has a a design that is that is far improved um this will greatly enhance pedestrian access to the site uh in more inviting uh uh pedestrian access currently pedestrians have to um go all the way around through the building in order to get to the garage and and it's a it's it's it's a complex uh access point so this is a far improved situation um staff does recommend that they do have add some additional Landscaping Along The Pedestrian Pathway to create a buffer uh between visitor and exit Lanes that's our that's our main uh modification that we're requesting but overall it is a great Improvement to the site um and staff is supportive of uh of the application yep and uh have any of you received any experted Communications in regarding to this case all right you may proceed good afternoon again Nicholas Rodriguez 200 South bisc Boulevard and this time joined by Javier Barrera our architect of record and Marsh kin our landscape architect um and from the board of directors of the Pino via Zoom Allison Herman uh so as R mentioned this application is really about improving pedestrian access and accessibility um the current scheme is is really a nightmare for accessibility you have to walk through two doors almost like a vestibule a narrow Corridor and then across the entire surface level parking garage to the elevator Bank um it's difficult for a a person that's not suffering from a disability to navigate uh I can't even imagine what it would be like for a person that suffers from a disability to have to go through that entrance um so credit to the board for putting this forward uh and Javier for coming up with a really nice design to kind of make the the design much more pedestrian friendly uh and actually when we brought this design forward to Tom Mooney he told us uh the original developers told him that this would be a temporary solution um here we are 27 years later it so it's not temporary the stairs are falling apart it's it's a a terrible situation there on f um on South Point Drive uh for a really iconic building in the city so this is going to be a big Improvement uh with that I'll ask for our digital presentation to be called up and Javier and Marsh will walk you through the design how do I get the uh the presenter view so I can get the notes here it's usually like down here you want me to open it up here that's okay I got it you got uh hi good afternoon my name is Javier Barrera I'm the principal of the former Studio 5555 pisan Boulevard and I'm here with Marsh kin from macwork um there we go so uh the area of work is is pretty limited with this project and um it really just encompasses the entrances to the Pino Tower and the uh South Point Tower as you can see here in the uh in the map so the arrival experience um is this is an image of of what you see today so the image on the left it's taken from across the street the image on the right it's taken as soon as you turn into that drive and um if you're coming by car you would just go off the ramp to the left and if you are a pedestrian resident you would go in through these two gates right here uh into the uh the complex itself here is a plan this is a ground floor plan of what currently is there there are two entrances off the street you have the entrance to the left that brings you all the way into the garage like Nick was saying if you are uh U somebody uh with a disability you'd have to actually cross the entire parking garage to get to an elevator uh and then we have the other entry um or the other door right here which leads you into a stair that um just brings you up uh three levels to the lobby level and that stair is currently in this repair and needs to be replac so that's why we're taking the advantage now of uh creating something that's a little bit more inviting here's a view of the top um again that switch backs there just coming up up to the uh to the lobby level and uh an existing view again of what uh the existing conditions are in addition to the structure that that has the the stair inside we also um I want to point out the sign for the building which is currently above the uh garage exit door um we feel it's not the nicest place to put it so we are um proposing to move somewhere else and I'll show you that next so here's a plan of the improvements we'll be making um so we have the new entry feature here on the left um it's um it's a circular stair um that brings you up to the lobby level like I mentioned before we also have the elevator right here and uh we're also looking to improve that landscape right along the garage facade and also the uh the path that brings you up if you're a non-resident you'd have to go up to the gate um so we're improving that and we're separating that from the drive lane as well the new location for the building sign we're proposing is right here and we'll see a rendering uh showing that in one second so here is the proposal for the structure um we feel this would improve the the uh the arrival experience from the street and it would still serve as a egress there for the uh complex itself the circular concept was inspired by the current arrival you have at the Port Kare in the building and uh also by creating this shape it allows us to have a curved stair which is a much nicer way to go up than a Switchback stair which is what they currently have today uh the proposed materials for uh this structure are Keystone veneer uh stucco to match the new cream color of the building and some new metal and uh wood accents here is a ground floor plan of the structure so we have one gate right now that is visible from the street and it's this gate right here uh if you're a resident you would come in you would use a fob you would walk into the space into an open courtyard uh that courtyard would have a central planter with with a speci specimen tree or a specimen palm and then from there you have three options you can go up the stairs to the to the lobby you could take the Ada lift or you could take uh you could go into the garage as well the Ada lift is completely contained within the parking structure so you won't be seeing that uh from the outside there is a second gate this is really just dedicated to the next door building and it's it's an egis way here is the second floor um again this is just showing the same structure from the top um you can see that stair coming up first landing second landing and then straight into the lobby level the Ada lift uh comes up to a small vestibule and then from there you come out onto the lobby level and here's a here's a larger view on the left this would be the port CER where the cars drop off everybody um and uh yeah the pedestrians would just be dropped off at the same location this is an interior view of what the structure would look like um again we see that Central planter there with with the specimen tree and then uh that's there kind of leading you uh upstairs and uh an aerial view of what the concept looks like so this is a view of the entry access ramp so this is what leads you up to the to the guard house so here we're showing that new separation between The Pedestrian path and the drive lane uh we're also seeing the new uh architectural uh improvements that we're making on that garage wall as well as the uh some of the landscape uh treatment and on the right we see see the location for the new sign which we think's a little bit more prominent than what's currently there today and it's uh it just makes the property look a little bit nicer here's another view this one looking from the top of the ramp coming down again we see that architectural treatment on the uh on the wall here uh some of the new landscape coming up and I think at this point I'll turn it over to Marsh so he can expand a little bit on the landscape design thank you good afternoon members of the board Marsh krippin principal at macwork architecture landscape architecture 1251 SouthWest 20th Street in Miami um thank you for having us thank you for reviewing the pro project as Javier said this is we think a big improvement over what is there now both architecturally and uh uh practically in terms of pedestrian access and vehicular access to the property we we know that there's some concerns with staff with respect to the width of that intermediate planter that's between the residential drive lane and the and the walkway um that walkway is a new walkway currently if you are walking down from the project on the ramp you have to walk in the driveway so this is already an improvement we think we can probably that that walkway the proposed walkway is about 7 ft wide we think we we can probably get that down to 66 or six which would allow us to make that intermediate planter lower or wider rather we also think we're going to lower that as was shown in some of the renderings it it's a little taller than I think we really want it to be we want it to match the planter that goes up the center of the of the driveways um I'm reticent or we're reticent to make that planter too much wider because what we think is most important is that we uh develop a sort of layering between the newly exposed garage wall and the streetcape because is as we know now when you're on the street looking towards that building it's all Ficus benjamas and those are heavily pruned um but they need to come out in fact all of that Landscaping needs to come out to do some waterproofing work on the exterior of that garage wall so the intent was to go back in with a layered landscape that still gives us um the visual screening of that wall from from the public realm um and we think that can be best achieved with a little bit wider planter at the face of the wall then the walkway then a narrower planter between the the walkway and the driveway next sure so uh keep going that's the preliminary planting plan uh the planting is a mix of the Phoenix daif which is is uh part of the language the landscape language of the site that's that's the entrance landscape uh tree of choice that goes up the ramp and up to the port Kosair at the top of the port Kosair we're converting an old Fountain feature into a planter and that also has a number of dactal lieras in it so so that that Palm species is important to us that's also the Palm species that's down at the at the base of the ramp adjacent to the liquor store um uh and in the center of the ramp itself so that we're bringing back up the side of of The Pedestrian walkway in Spurs below that are a number of um smaller understory trees are natives some Stoppers possibly some some green buttonwoods and then as you get down towards the sign we've got a nice big Everglades Palm behind that which is another native so there's a mix of ornamental um and native plants that we're that we're providing um that we also have up on the upper upper level the lobby level where we're doing some extensive Renovations that's part of a different scope of work we think probably in the middle of the courtyard entrance into new stairs we're going to propose a a a bigger specimen Palm although we're back and forth with ownership on that we don't have that specified yet although what we're showing right now is aact alifer so something big and Grand in there but possibly a different species and that we'll know as soon as we get closer to permitting okay but that's that's the plan so I think that that uh Nick unless you want to say something else that concludes our presentation yeah and just for the record and for your information the condo board's Architectural Review Committee did approve this it's gone through all the prior uh proper approvals with the condo so uh we're we're properly did they assessed for it yet I don't know that on think so I think they have a lot more to do than just no I'm sorry um do we have any members of the public that would like to comment on this application I see no hands raised online okay and nobody in person um I'll open up to the board I'm really delighted to see this um along with the other improvements going on the building this is this is a horrible functionality the way it's been all these years so it's really nice to see this so I'm supportive of it do you guys have any comments I have a question um I think it's on page six where it shows us the existing condition um of the adjacent building I I see that the proposed design you know maintains that ADA eress but there also seems to be a vent or a grill on the facade and the new proposed design is bigger and we'll cover that just an item that you might want to be coordinating Now versus later if it still exists the um you mean the the number seven here the the the door on on the other building or can you go to page six or it's page it's page six in mine go one uh yeah right here okay and behind the Palms yeah uh the grill on yeah so that's that's actually an FPL room for the building next door yeah not where the mouse but that's what I'm saying I know it's not part of your building I'm saying no no no we're not blocking and I think we show it actually um let me see we actually show it right there on the rendering where where is it um right there no no go back that's not where I'm talking so there's a black above the entrance there's a grill who's who's controlling the mouse I'm controlling the mouse okay up to the right right yeah right there yeah okay oh I see um it's like an exhaust gr so I don't know what's in that building right there I'm just saying you may want to make sure that yeah wow good cat good eyes the landscape there anybody else does anyone want to make a motion um yeah not noting the supportive staff and the supportive comments the other members of the board um I move to approve this application okay do I have a second I'll second and any other any other discussion oh Laura I'll do it and then all in favor I I I okay application passes thank you thank you thank you all have a great afternoon do we have one more or not we have we have one more item sorry we have one more item um this item is for design review approval waivers and it has a variance as we stated earlier the variants cannot be considered today you can consider the design you can vote on the design you can vote on the waiver um however the variance would have to be continued to the following month so just keep that in mind so with that I'll turn it over to jelle the next item in the agenda is drb 24-16 976 West 41st Street 3925 and 3915 Alton Road an application has been filed requesting design review approval for the construction of a new seven story commercial building to replace existing commercial buildings specifically the application includes a variance to the required rear setback and include one or more waivers okay so this item um it's a it's um it was approved by the planning board on March 22nd for a neighborhood impact structure that's for that's basically uh in commercial districts if you have a building over 50,000 gross square feet it requires planning board approval so this project did receive that approval um the applicant is proposing a new seven story commercial building they will be replacing three existing one to two story commercial buildings and those commercial buildings contain retail office and some restaurant uses um this is at the intersection of Alton Road in West 41st Street um and it includes uh access from the alley to the rear of the property um the so the proposed building the ground floor will consist of commercial uses and that will include retail restaurants and the upper levels will have office uses uh parking will be located on the the second through fourth levels and the access will be exclusively from the rear alley uh there will be no driveways on Alton Road or on 41st Street as part of this uh the building specifically will have 4,600 ft of retail 3,800 ft of restaurant space uh 3175941046 [Music] rounded corner and sharp edges uh the parking levels are proposed to be screened with a tile mosaic that will consist of bright colors and those colors are consistent with the Giller building which was built in 1957 and is across the street um overall staff is very supportive of of the design uh the applicant is also requesting a waiver of the short and long Frontage standards um it would have a short Frontage on Al on 41st Street along Frontage on Alton Road um the standards are the waivers are being requested because because the city is uh going to be undergoing a process of rebuilding West 41st Street um you that actually an application will be before the board next month uh for for um advisory review so you'll see what's being proposed for that design um so with that the applicant is is is not proposing to to redo that that Street Front because it's going to get redone anyways and and it would be best if that's done in a consistent fashion so staff is is uh supportive of the applicant's uh waiver request additionally the project in the front has a raise uh uh Plaza level so if the road is raised in the future there won't be any issues with harmonization with this property and and uh and so so everything should work well um so with that staff recommends that the design and the waivers be approved and that the variants be continued to next month okay yep and before we continue um have any of you received any experted Communications and regarding to this case no all right you may continue thank you okay for the record my name is Ira Giller I'm president of Giller and Giller Architects 975 Arthur Godfrey Road Miami Beach I'm also president of uh Gateway uh Gateway Group Inc the general partner of the owners of the land and developing it on my own account uh you've seen the package and we'll I'll walk you through it very briefly uh it's nice to be the last one on in the room and just about we'll go through it quickly and rather informally uh this is the site plan showing the location uh really is the gateway to Miami Beach and we've called our holding company Gateway for many many years as a result of that uh I'll skip through all of the detailed information I and get to the surrounding area you've seen pictures of both the building uh front and rear this is the alley uh View and then the surrounding structures across the street is the aiva and the new apartment building going up um to the South is the parking lot for St Pat's church and uh just to the east is a uh two-story apartment building uh in which the owner is contemplating some work there in the near future as well as part of the Redevelopment of 41st Street and see the rest of the block and the Giller building across the street and integral with the design concept uh is to try and relate to the Giller building as well to bookend the entry to Miami Beach this is a site plan uh and you can see on the Outer Perimeter is the area that the city is going to be redeveloping the sidewalk and Landscaping and that's the reason for the short and long uh Frontage W uh waivers that we've requested access is through the alley uh into the parking garage and uh the ramp that leads up to multi levels uh in the red is the existing the existing building that's going to be demolished and the existing parking it's all one story commercial uh and this is the main level as you can see along the uh 41st Street Frontage to the right and the uh Alton Road Frontage on the on the top uh I've got a raised Plaza both stairs and ramps leading up to that Plaza level anticipating uh two restaurants in the facility uh and eating indoor and outdoor uh to the upper left I've got a couple of uh big trees that will be shade trees that the cafe experience uh experience can grow out there and make that a very pleasant space and be able to walk through and then in the center is the access Lobby uh for the office building upstairs uh second third and fourth are parking I've made Provisions for uh elevated emergency generator elevated uh electrical room for Florida Power and Light uh we've got the bike storage we've got Provisions in there as well for scooters and uh made those accommodations three levels of parking and then the fours four five and six are anticipated to be office space uh if it's it's uh fully uh occupied we may have one or two tenants that may take a whole Flo my market is focused on some of the new people that have moved to Miami Beach that are tired of going to Brickle and downtown and fighting traffic if they live on the islands on North Bay Road uh you had a project on Allison Island it's a much quicker ride to 41st Street and much less traffic than going downtown so I'm anticipating uh that to be the market area uh and then Up on the Rooftop will be an amenity uh partially trellist area partially open a garden where the tenants can go and relax and and interact and uh it will be landscaped they'll have a view of the bay and a view of uh of downtown Miami this is the elevation from 41st Street uh as you can see the uh the turquoise colors are the are the uh mosa glass Mosaic tiles matching the pallet of the Giller building uh down at the base will be uh the raised Plaza with architectural concrete uh uh form workk uh delineating uh and detailing that edge as it goes around the corner uh and this is the main view the Long View on Alon Road and uh you can see again the the tile will become the major element uh I've ju supposed it on the gild buing it rises vertically here it's spread out horizontally uh on the right side there are two very long columns that go up to the uh the fifth floor to support the office space as the whole upper portion canle levers over the uh parking level and the lower portion they ultimately fall into three segments I did bring along a um a a mass model I'm going to pass it around for you to take a look you get a a little better perception of what it's all about uh the long side is Alton Road the short side is 41st Street North is to the uh to your left uh I've got some sections through the building uh to the South it fronts an existing one-story uh store building that should be torn down in the next couple of years as part of the Redevelopment on the neighbors's property but it's it's a blank wall facing it now um and here you see a section through as elements can leave over uh or move back and forth you see it better in the model though and and the I intend to have the uh the all the glass Mosaic lighted at night so that will become an attractive piece upon arrival and some multiple views which you've seen in your package and uh this is the plan the new plan for or the latest you'll see it next month as the uh site work improvements uh from the city come through the city's spending $10 million and redoing the streetcape on 41st Street which we really welcome this project is is part of a a building momentum of of what's transpiring on 41st Street uh we've got the new apartment building next to the Shiva Mount siai is underway with their their major new cancer center uh there's another apartment building at 42nd in Pine at Pine Tree Drive the called 40 42 Pine and now this project and the 41st Street has also created a business improvement district uh which I chare and hopefully this will be the momentum to uh Revitalize 41st Street as we move forward so with that if you've got questions about the design I'm happy to answer it if you're ready to vote I'll shut up okay do we have any members of the public online wishing to speak uh nobody online wishing to speak okay so I'm curious I'm I'm really glad to hear you're doing scooter parking because no one seems to do that and they always complain that they can't do that with the technology is it a gated parking yes and how will you accommodate scooters uh I've got areas set aside once they come in as any other vehicle would come into the building how do they get in though because I'm always told that there's not enough weight in a scooter to prompt the gates to give a ticket and stuff do you know this I've not heard that all right uh there's got to be a solution to it but be aware of that because that's why the city doesn't have any scooter parking within garages because they say the gate mechanism there's not enough weight on a scooter uh to do it there's got maybe there's not enough mass that picks up in the the magnetic field that's buried yeah uh I'm anticipating we're taking tickets for parking so that may alleviate the scooter problem okay okay anybody else they may get in I don't know how they're going to get out yet that's the issue no it's something you got to consider though because it's kind of a AER that senses a vehicle weight or magnetic stuff but I I I look into it you'll probably go to Europe to have to figure that out um anybody else have any comments questions what's on our agenda voting on thisday we are voting on everything except for the variance they so they have a request for a 5ot variance in the rear rear yard setback that cannot be voted on today because you need five votes to approve a variance so I can show you what that is if you want um you know I I think it should wait until the board you know the board that's going to vote and consider on it um and that's going to consider it and vote on it is here to to make that presentation but um noting the um noting staff support um and the favorable comment to the other members of the board um I make a motion to prove the application inclusive of waivers excluding the variance request the variance request would be continued excluded from the approval corre be continued correct yeah it has to be right so what while we're at it though what is the variant what you need a five foot setback that five foot setback on the rear AB budding the alley uh the when you read the the code closely it talks about what are the hardships that run with the land one of the biggest hardships that runs with land relating to setbacks is the shape of the property the ordinance is basically designed for rectal linear right layout but if there's a piece of property in Miami Beach that's deserving of a hardship it's this odd shaped curved uh offset piece of property understood okay so do we have any more do do we have a second on that approving everything but the variants I'll second that okay second by V all in favor I I okay thank you very much it's a beautiful project thank you thank you appreciate it and that concludes our meeting today uh our next meeting is July 2nd so motion to adjourn to adour so are you related to on the other side of the street yes I am you're Rel [Music] [Music] [Music] n n [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] come [Music] [Music] [Music]