##VIDEO ID:Q37xEQ7XPGE## please take your seats the meeting is about to begin remember to speak into the microphone as this meeting is being recorded for public record please standby we are going on air in 5 4 3 2 1 hi everybody this is commissioner Laura Dominguez and we're having our Public Safety and neighborhood quality of life committee meeting today and I'm joined by the mayor we'll be hearing his items shortly but we also have the fabulous Stephanie Ray Brooks assistant city manager Mark Texas uh Deputy City attorney Rob Rosenwald and committee members uh Joe magazine and very soon we will also have uh commissioner David Suarez and commissioner Rosen Gonzales uh any announcements today Stephanie hi yes our meeting today is a hybrid meeting you could join by Zoom or diing in at 312 626 6799 or 888- 47544 N9 today we have two items that are deferred item number 18 discuss the creation of incentives to establish Miami Beach as a local hub for World Cup as well as number eight which is discuss the expanding of the capabilities of Public Safety Communications divisions to support cause regarding suspected human trafficking in the city of Miami Beach and we have the mayor joining us and we can start wonderful so we will start with item number 12 and mayor Miner I'll let you kick it off thank you so much taking my items uh first yeah so this item is to discuss the potential removal of bulb outs um there are many throughout the city I had done a walk with uh our police and transportation department months ago uh on 41st Street where there was a couple of blocks where you could see where if you remove the bulb out you could add another Lane of traffic probably have to remove maybe one or two spots um so I'll let I'll let you take it away but I know this was a big I don't want to use the word fad but a little bit uh several years ago and um but I think it was done for pedestrian safety but it's it's I think uh at this point it's causing a lot of traffic problems just to give the quick example I know I'm probably stating the obvious but you're driving down the street there's one lane if one car is turning left then it holds up everybody and if you have the second Lane obviously would allow cars to either turn left go straight or turn right um good morning um Madam chair and mayor and board members um o Rodriguez for for the record assistant director with the transportation and mobility department as you mentioned Mr Mayor yes um uh the city right now we're doing a traffic study to evaluate the visibility of incorporating a dedicated left turnning lane on the side streets along the 41st Street Corridor um more specifically Chase Avenue Sheridan Royal Palm and Prairie Avenue right now um based on the preliminary uh data that we have collected on the first step that we have to do is is if we have enough um if it warrants to have a dedicated left turn on those side streets based on the preliminary analysis that we have received it does warranted having those dedicated left turns Lanes now the next step of of that traffic study I know you have to do this study but I would have saved you the trouble yes well we do have to partner with with fdot and dtpw and this is part of part of the process that we would have to go through um now the next step is to see how we can incorporate those and what is required and like you mentioned potentially removing ball bels however we believe that we are able to accommodate at least on a few of them incorporate that dedicated left turn without having to remove the ball BS so that's that's a positive um for us that way it reduces the cost of the infrastru work that would need to take place now we anticipate how many of those would you say I'm Excuse do we do we actually have a number of how many B bouts there are in the city Citywide um it's hard to say I know the the bulots are primarily installed in areas um to enhance The Pedestrian Crossing experience um something to add is that where you have bul bels um is often in areas where there cannot be any parking regardless but as far as uh Citywide uh we don't have a number on top of my head of how many ballots we have and are you making that assessment as well I mean that there there could be situations where there's a significant increase in pedestrian sa safety from a bul out so I recognize that is that something you're assessing as well that is something that we're assessing as well as part of the analysis again throughout the 41st Street quarter okay well it's and again it's not just 41st Street it's it's other areas as well this item is not specific to 41st Street correct um the when we created this item um you know since we were since we already working on the 41st quarter since is one of those areas where there's there's a lot of congestion especially in the PM peak hours U we tailored um this particular item for that um so but if you if we want to assess the ball BS throughout the city that's definitely something that uh we could potentially explore to see how um I know we we did have a walkth through in North Beach in which we identified we look for areas in which we can remove potential ball bouts in order to uh increase the number of parking spaces based on the walkth through and the different quarters that we did take and wait I'm sorry to incre to remove the Bol BS to increase parking parking in the in the North Beach area Okay correct what what we did um see when we're doing that walk through is the ball bouts that we currently have in the North Beach area even if you remove those ball bouts you would not be able to install parking space because there's certain clearances and distances that you need to be away from from the intersection um per per standards so even if the Ballout is removed uh a parking space may not be able to go in place of the Ballout just because of the clearances and the distances that must be kept also something that we did see is that the potential removal of the bul outs may also um necessitate the removal of trees um that are currently in place within those bul bouts so that's always something that we would need to consider as well I have a question to ask you mentioned that their standards are those City standards County State what are the standards um there there's there the city has standards was part of the PA manual the county also has standards um that we must follow and the state so it depends on what the quarter that we're talking about if it's eity RightWay we have to must apply by the by F standards um but there's County and City standards yes I did I have noticed in a lot of places where the bulb outs and I did notice that in in North Beach um and sometimes on 41st Street where they're unusually large and taking up a lot of space and um for The Pedestrian safety you have uh the science on either end indicating when somebody should Cross or not and in an effort to gain more space um since we're making so many changes particularly North be on parking I want to make sure that if a bulp out can be safely removed uh we do 100% thank you so what's the next steps so right now we're anticipating getting a draft report in January of 2025 um who who's drafting that u a consultant um procured by the city we're working with on rotational Consultants to evaluate um that draft report um is also looking at the existing Mass storms cuz incorporating a new left turnning lane would also required um changing the signal heads um to allow for that protected left turn lane um so we're looking at the to see if the existing M storms have the enough capacity or uh you know there's the the structural analysis that needs to be done to see if you can add an additional signal head um for that turnl so that draft report in January will tell us what will be required um in order to incorporate those dedicated left earnings yeah I'm I'm not adverse to the that left turn signal but I'm curious why that's necessary I mean the way you made it sound like it has to be because right now the cars make left turns there's no left turn dedicated signal it just just allows cars to go one way or the other so right now you have what it's called a permissive left it that it's what what is called it that what that means is that a vehicle can make a left turn as long as there's a break in the traffic what this would have is part of the signal cycle will provide that protected left turn lane um to allow to go without the uncoming traffic so it's allow it's going to allow those vehicles that do want to make that left to go without the oncoming traffic and and be able to flush the traffic faster okay and that's going to require working with the county and the state that's going to require working with a with a county for for the operational analysis with the state U since the state owns the the the traffic system signals uh so there's a a lot of coordination amongst all three agencies and the draft report you mentioned from the consultant is that going to incorporate just mid Beach or the entire city right now it's only on 41st Street so the middle Beach area um in other areas where we feel or we can we can determine that it'll be it's feasible you know from a from a from a city standpoint to add additional um turn Lanes U by removing the ball PS that's something that we could potentially Inc incorporate uh as part of a future study um however always funding is is the question um for those studies funding for the consultant for the to engage the consultant to continue to do any additional on studies or even enhancing the scope of work I think is this going to be a one-size fits-all approach across the entire area so I recognize the need where uh perhaps in North Beach and on 41st Street where these are counterproductive uh but I do think that and I'm going to be looking to bring items to actually uh through better Street planning and urban planning to mitigate uh traffic right or at least the high speed of traffic and part of that is you know shrinking laneways and things like that so while this may be feasible on 41st Street or North Beach I look at areas like where I live on West Avenue and I brought it up in the finance meeting there was just a bad ACC this week we have five Lanes of traffic across we have a turning lane on West Avenue and there's zero need for it the only reason that it basically is used right now is for cars passing um so I guess what uh simplistically are we going to have nuance and balance looking at these in specific areas or are you going to come back with one recommendation that kind of applies Citywide it wouldn't be necessarily a recommendation that fits you know Citywide U these will have are look that on a Case by case basis um for example we are looking at 41st Street um separately and Alone um if we were to look at West Avenue that would be a separate because there's different considerations to take into account okay I think that's just what I want to ensures you're looking at things on a case-by casee basis that'll come back to us and we'll essentially have time to analyze that correct okay can we bring this back in January yeah definitely okay St public comment all right and we have Matthew Gano with public comment Matthew you have two minutes please unmute yourself hi good morning mayor Commissioners um I want to thank the mayor for bringing this item forward uh while the city Administration did previously recommend against elimination of bull bouts this is a really important topic we all know that Mobility is something on the top of everyone's mind and so is pedestrian safety uh I do want to know whether or not this has been um talked about with members of the community and various stakeholders including the 41st Street bid I know there's a really large Capital project about to get underway that actually includes enhancing the bull outout and making them uh even safer for people to walk this is a very walkable neighborhood if you go on the weekends there are many families and children that cross 41st Street there's an elementary school on 4 on 41st Street uh so uh while I would be very much opposed to this and I would urge you all to look at other items instead of removing bulb outs I do hope that serious consideration is given and that there is a pretty robust stakeholder engagement on this before any actions taken thank you thank you okay just to um clarify uh on the comment we're we anticipate not having to remove ball belts in order to include an additional left Turner Lane um so just wanted to make that very clear um at least a few of the intersections that we're looking into not having to remove ballp to include the left turnning lane if for whatever reason the RightWay is not there um that would be part of the recommendation but our first and foremost approach is to look at how we can incorporate the left turnning lane without having to remove the ball bels to make sure that the pedestrian safety remains in place sorry there's a lot of talking in the back I honestly couldn't can you repeat some of what you said I couldn't hear what you were saying just to that we're we're the we're trying as much as possible as possible to not have to remove the ball bowsing order to incorporate the left turnning links great yeah all right thank you so uh bring it back in January and with that we'll go to number 10 okay item number 10 is discuss enhancing public transportation on accessibility and efficiency at senior centers with a dedicated midsize bus service this will be a transportation item sponsored by the mayor yes so the thinking here is uh one of one of the issues we hear from our seniors and when you visit the the seniors is transportation um it's difficult even with the Trolley system and the thought is to have a dedicated midsize bus that can have dedicated trips to the bank to grocery store um basically necessities and kind of the the ideas also from and it like if you go to uh like a Century Village up in further up in north in West Palm Beach and BR they have those bus services that take that take the senior community to handle their basically daily Necessities so I wanted to update on that and what's what's the feasibility obviously there's budgetary issues and uh just want to see how we can get this moving forward Yes again Rodriguez assistant director with the transportation and mobility department as the mayor mentioned this is an ask that has come from many um of our seniors um we did want to get some clarification um from this body to see um to further um you know come up with a plan how this how this new service would work um right now we do have um the freebie for senior service um which is provided to all the senior facilities in our city and the way that Pro the that service works at the time uh at this time is is that if you are register in any of the senior programs or or living in a senior facility then you could pretty much um order a freebie it'll pick you up in your at your house and I'll take you either to the nearby the nearest pharmacy or Publix I from our understanding uh the ask is to further enhance or to have a SE a separate service that will take you uh to other areas in the city um again like you mentioned Mr Mayor there there's budgetary uh constraints however in order for us to be able to develop a plan we wanted to know how how is the service going to work um would it be for every senior facility right now in the city we have about 40 senior facilities would it be on a fixed route um service will it be on demand service um we recently started our new what we're calling the mount sin link which is a fixed R service which is as it was mentioned a midsize van um operating um 7 days a week from 7: to 8:00 p.m. and that annual cost is about $245,000 um and that is 7 days a week again from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. now if we wanted this is to give us more of a cost analysis and a basis to understand how how much the the the vehicle would cost however how the plan or the service would work this is what we would like some direction U so that way we could potentially come back with a with a more defined plan sure well you mentioned 40 senior facilities but for example when we do the uh quarterly senior event at the convention center we have buses helping bring the seniors we don't my understanding it's not 40 different facilities we're bringing people from maybe I'm wrong but I think we can identify probably using that that as a gauge so when I mentioned 40 Senor facilities uh I'm referencing the 40 C facilities that right now are elegible um to participate as part of the freey on demand senior service right well obviously 40 is not going to be reasonable we'll get we'll get the number to some identifiable for the direction in the single digits yeah and mayor I had a question so when um you were thinking of expanding was it more than just Public's and uh doctor's offices because one thing that came to mind uh when nneil was talking was maybe uh Lincoln Road being another option yeah and I'm open that's why I wanted to bring it the committee to hear suggestions um doctor's visits could be more difficult because that's that's a one-off it's if it's a if it's a hospital facility that's one thing but if you're talking about specific doctor's offices that could be the the purpose of the bus is to take a group um and basically say okay you we'll we get here at 10 o'clock we pick you up you're here at 10:15 by 11 o'clock let's we're going to head out commissioner Rosen Gonzalez I would like to point point out to everyone up here that one of the reasons that we're having this challenge especially with the seniors is because the county okay the county which has been in charge of our transportation traditionally year over-year has reduced our funds reduced our budget cut our bus routes and seniors can no longer easily get to where they need to go so you know while they're claiming that we're not contributing to the homeless they are completely cutting us back in terms of Transit and we've heard this because we go to the large senior centers like Rebecca towers and they tell us we can't get to downtown anymore we no longer have you know a service that takes us where we need to go so I mean what County bus service did they cut off at Rebecca Towers because the most complaints that I get happen to be uh you know that bus stop by Rebecca towers and they say that they don't they no longer have the service I mean have also actually had complaints at Collins and 86 but we should also do a deep dive how many dollars has the county cut from us in transit over the past 10 years how many bus routes have they cut from us in the past 10 years and when we go to them now for this big negotiation over the homeless we should say to them if you're going to cut our Transit you know if we're going to contribute to the homeless cause well then stop cutting our transit in other areas so I would like I think if you're coming back with answers I would also like those numbers like what have they cut what are the routes and how does that affect the people at Rebecca Towers because those are the people using the routes really it's our senior population I'll make uh another comment on that so um last year when the county made a bunch of changes to the bus routes so many residents in West Avenue who are seeing years but not all of them have cars and they live on their own not in a low-income housing they now if they wanted to go to Mount Si had to walk to Washington Avenue which is not closed from West Avenue in order to get a bus I will say a couple weeks ago the county did bring back a metr link bus that will eventually turn into a regular bus and it stops on Alton there's five stops in total and it goes to Mount Si and I got a text um on Friday um from two seniors that took that live on West Avenue and they love it so there is room for improvement I'll send you some more feedback that this resident shared with me um so that you could work with the county but there has been a little progress made and if you want to know where they're complaining the most I would definitely say Rebecca towers and then once again Council Towers at 86 I know that both of those places they wanted on demand freebie I don't know that they have the on demand freebie up there do they well when we we when the Route 115 was discontinued we were able to expand our mid Beach um free on demand freebe service to the North Beach area I would have to see where Council Tower is I don't know out the top of my head on where it's at but we could see if that is part of the geographic area that was expanded or what options we have Okay so this wasn't about normal bus service this was just about like Parks taking the seniors to places to like field trips the item yeah oh no the item well it's more than just field trips it's it's Necessities going to publ or grocery stores to to the bank I mean these are the issues I'm going sure you here too these are the issues they say they have difficulty getting to these places we thought it would be here you take a bus get a group to go um it's it's efficient and they need to be able to get to the doctor and they also need to be able to get to Walmart all of them yeah that's the big ask yeah so and this is exactly what we were looking from this body we would like to know what is the desire service area the the origin and destination the schedule frequency of service in order for us to be able to develop a plan service area I mean a service plan and then come back U for our recommendation why don't we just have a trolley that once a week goes to all the senior centers Picks Them Up goes to Walmart stops in Mount Si and comes back just like does a WRA like pick them up in the trolley take them all to Walmart do the rounds and um I think they'd be very happy with that yeah I'm not sure what you have in mind my concern is if it's a trolley open to the general public they're going to be less inclined to use it um this would literally come to the front of the senior center pick them up they would be a dedicated bus for for them um instead of making number of stops in between what if it's okay with everyone one I think this needs a lot baking um I what I'd like to do is meet with you and Jose maybe Eric as well bring this back and then because you've you've mentioned some issues that do need some fine-tuning I think it would take us quite a while to do that here if I can come up we'll come up with something and I'll bring it back here in January if that works I've also spoken to Senator uh our state senator Garcia about this to see if there's potential funding from the state so that's also something that hopefully I can incorporate in January does that work thank you mayor yes that works and is there any public comment before we move this no public comment okay so we're on to item number two please item number two is discuss the from the Geto initiative that aims to overhaul the building permit review process by ensuring that all necessary items are identified during the initial submission and review and building we will be presenting so Marie before I turn it over to you thank you um I know we've done a lot of working with this and have had a number of meetings just to quickly summarize the intent of this this is that the one of the complaints we get is that you submit a permit either on the first round sometimes in the second go you get different comments when they think they're done they're not um so that's that's the purpose of this and from the get-go meaning that the city has basically one shot at it obviously barring some life safety issue that the city identifies certainly we're not going to put something out there that's not safe but um so that's the purpose of this initiative I know a lot of work has gone in already but if uh if you can take it from there okay so wel convinced um so thank you mayor for putting this on um and giving us the opportunity to basically update um the whole commission and um committee and let you know where we are in this process so as you all are aware um beginning in the early summer all six of our permitting departments um have been engaged in a service improvement initiative to enhance the customer experience the initiative includes um training of every single staff member uh creation of service standards which kind of didn't exist before for every key role that's intake review um inspections and even uh violations uh a process Improvement across the board uh revisiting some of our internal policies and enhancing the communication and access for all um customers custers so the next step in this whole thing um is going to um involve uh a business process that's related to each permit type and align these using an updated technology called decision engine so that's the next step in the process we have a short presentation that um we want to show you that just kind of lets you know what we've done where we are today and then where we're going and it's going to show you some metrics that you will see over and over again because we're going to come back to these metrics so PJ um yes thank you um do I control this PJ or I guess I do so um this is the permit process right so we have basically a 21-day review cycle uh for each review cycle the areas that need to be identified in the very front end where the two stars are which really relates to starting correctly um is in the very beginning when permits are uh applications are submitted and they start conducting the initial application review then it goes into the review plans and it is this beginning process that um decision engine is really going to help redefine um so we're also enhancing our iners experience we have moved some very n knowledgeable staff to the front desk um and we've created a QR code for Google reviews we didn't have that before um and then we have also we have also re relocated violations and um recertification teams to the front counter to answer a lot of questions to avoid a lot of confusion we've gotten a lot of very positive feedback for this I'm not going to bore you with all the details this is the all this text is like the cardinal sin of PowerPoint um my favorite of these is the third one where actually um we are compared to the customer service you get a Crispy Cream um so I found that interesting but um we've gotten a lot of good feedback and it's all there on Google reviews if you want to look at it so the next thing we're going to do we've already done over-the-counter permits so that is something that's already in place now the next thing we're going to do is something that we call fast permits which are on a five business day cycle for review use uh interestingly enough 40 to 50% of all the permits that we issued that we issue today are in those two categories so what are these over the- counter which is already in place now is a total of about 13 different permits and then fast permits and walkthroughs is the next step and that's going to have like nine different permits and that's coming soon this is going to be a pilot uh we're going to have those walkthroughs twice a week in the mornings it's just going to have that that limited number of permits we can expand it later if it starts working out we're going to have to do some changes to the um to the front of the building department and that waiting room in order to bring in more plan reviewers for this and the benefits of this is it of course it's going to give you immediate and clear feedback um from the plan reviewer and you can make Corrections on the spot so this is something that everybody has wanted for a long time and we're going to be doing this um this is is my last slide and then I'm going to turn it over to Natasha but decision engine what it basically does is that it funnels you into the right permit Class A lot of mistakes today happen when you don't go into the right permit class undoing that down the road is very difficult the the issue though is that for us to really make this work is going to take a lot of time because we have to go through every single permit type that we have we have over 200 and we have to basically go step by step by step for all 20 40 of those permit types we have to map it all out and then it gets input into the system Frank is here if you want to get into the details um but this is where we're going and this is going to be the next step in our process so without further Ado when is this all going to be implemented it's going to take take a it's going to take a few months because it's going to take where's Frank um it's gonna a decision engine um it's going to take several months because we have to have meetings with groups to be able to identify every single step and it's a lot um what would you say Frank um a lot of that's going to be contingent on how much time departments can spare the staff because the ones making the decisions to do that also have other tasks we have a a schedule put together um we should be able to have a better idea of that probably in the next you know once we start the first couple rounds of it and everyone catches a Groove with that uh we should have a better idea of timing but it'll be at least a few months worth of effort um Our intention is to start that mapping process and as we get the results of what the process is we'll do the configuration in parallel so it's not like we need to wait everything to finish and then we do the configuration portion um it's also expectation that the more the Departments engage in this the faster Pace will start running once they get used to it um but as Maria said there are well over 200 permits that need to be mapped step by step by step and the reason for that is um the way the solution works when you go and you start using it whether you're internal staff or the public It'll ask you for example what is it that you're trying to do it's what what kind of property do you have for example it's residential it's commercial what is it that you're trying to do a remodel you click remodel is it a bathroom you know is is it a patio is it a kitchen is it flooring and you go clicking through those things in very non-technical terms and at the end it would give you a list of what it is that you need to submit what your steps are really the intention is to provide our residents and our business owners that use the permitting process clear instructions from the very beginning so the the building process and the permitting process for all the Departments that uh use it tends to be very complicated so this is a way to simplify it in less technical terms so anyone uh can go ahead and open a permit and and help um as we look I'm not sure if we're going to cover all the statistics um it'll help cut down on the questions that we get on the volume on the call center you know the amount of people that come in confused so that's all tied to the same strategy thank you and Maria the walk-in Center fully staffed when is that well we have to hire um a design firm we're going to take someone from our rotational list we were trying to hire the same people that did it before but no longer on the city's rotational so we have to go to a new firm um but we are in the process yeah we have to we need to physically reconfigure so we are going to have to make some changes um uh specifically to the front counter and the waiting room we don't need a waiting room of that size anymore uh there's hardly anybody in it if you ever look look at it from the fourth floor it's usually empty so we're going to to take advantage of that space and make it um set it up for these walkthroughs okay thanks sure thank you this is so important I have met multiple times with the consultant that is working uh with I've given him businesses residents um and in hopes of helping give uh feedback to make the process better because the number one complaint of all the departments in Miami Beach was the building department so Vince we're so happy that you're here and um commissioner Rosen Gonzalez yeah before we programed that system and I know we had welcome and I know we had something in the pipeline with you guys to distinguish between what our requirements were as the city and what the Florida building requirements is is anyone working on that currently because for example yesterday I had somebody complaining to me they were like we're renovating our condo we're chasing Ching the floors and we're putting in two new bathrooms and the City of Miami Beach and no other city does this requires an architectural plan now that architectural plan costs $5,000 so because of that requirement it sets everybody back so if we don't I mean if you don't simplify our requirements and strip us down so that we're not over regulated and we are that needs to be number one you need to go through all 200 permits and say what is mandated by the state of Florida what is mandated by Miami Beach and I don't know if you agree with this but remove some of our requirements which are expensive and egregious and take up a lot more time if we do that and and that has to be before you even start the program I would move that by how long would you need to go through the 200 permits and remove and and show us here's what's mandated by the state of Florida building code here's what's mandated by the city of Mii Beach and see what you could remove to simplify I mean I think there's a lot of simplification that could be done you know I I don't think we should require an architectural plan if you're not you know if you're not changing where the plumbing is going and you're not changing your electric and you want to change your floors and you want to why do we have why do we have to do that so if you keep those requirements and start the new software there's not going to be any difference because you're still going to mire us and tax I if I may uh good morning everyone or good afternoon I'm not sure um there are mandates in in the Miami day county code of ordinances chapter 8 that regulate all jurisdictions all 35 municipalities throughout Miami day County including Miami Beach a floor plan is one of those when you're doing interior work and when you're doing exterior work a site plan and there's some minimum requirements you have to identify in a bathroom exchange for example uh a simple floor plan from your condo docks perhaps a research in microfilm will circumvent the entire architect cost but I have to have some kind of reference to know what's going on to verify that that toilet didn't move and then alter the isometrics which are the Angles and the down bubble that that the plumbing has to operate with so if they could provide that and I know it's existing that that you just knocked out a a huge chunk of cost and time but in this case they said they brought the building Department a a plan and they said this is not a certified architectural plan we're not accepting it and then they had to go and spend $55,000 for an architectural plan I would hope that you could just even draw it with the dimensions that you needed to and you know like it shouldn't be all I'm saying this is one little incident my only ask would be to find out what have we mandated above and beyond what the state and what the county wants and what can we remove to simplify maybe we don't need to pull the painting permit you know maybe maybe we shouldn't have to pull that permit maybe if you want to get a dumpster you don't need to pull a permit to get the dumpster you know like like these simple things that a lot of what you just mentioned isn't us so planning and that's another thing yeah we only tell you how to build not where to build or what additional Cosmetics could there be a simplification before we program the software that's my only ask could we simplify what we mandate yes and you know have us vote on it did you want to add something no I didn't absolutely though to to answer you absolutely and and all of that is is part of the streamlining and the process that it and the building department will look at with other departments to see if we could pre-program some of those options so you know it could be as simple as do you have this already check now we don't have to look at that because you've already answered that so all of that takes some some Logistics and some planning and massaging when coming up with decision engine and how that workflow is going to operate to facilitate it again for the lay person and the second thing okay I mean I guess my motion on this would be to come back in two months with the 200 permits to see what you could strip out regul Reg regulatorily that we can strip out of our code to make things easier if it's not mandated by and I think that that will go a long way and I don't know if anybody wants to second that you like that I'm okay with that obviously we would U just make clear we would revie if there are any I mean Vince you can't even think of any offand right is that uh no like again going back to the floor plan uh situation uh I have an entire volume for existing building code for existing buildings right as long as it had a permit it's considered existing and the only way some of this Legacy items that we could attach to would be through condo docks for example and and I we accept those uh or microfilm all right uh or they call it laser fish now but those documents would again relieve you and prove the fact that it is legally existing and we could take off running from there and that's a much lighter lift if you're doing if you're doing a deep dive and you have to do a deep dive at this point because you have to go through all 200 permits could you take two or three months how long when are you starting the programming of the software when is that commencing as we speak uh part part of it is also Staffing on my side uh we've already got some staff coming in to help facilitate the uh the fast permits um and the over-the-counter so that you could walk through and touch to the ACT talk to the actual person reviewing so that you get that that customer base and hey I need this I need this I need this they bring to you and and you come back to that person and and you're Off to the Races uh and again some of the issues and I've heard this several times are outside agencies that aren't even within the city of Miami Beach and you know dare I say durm at Miami day County as an outside Agency for some of the larger lists like restaurants or changes of use and things of that nature but for simple remodels again if I have something to show you're not moving anything right and it's from an official record mhm we don't need an architect at that point your your contractor can lay out exactly what he's doing and give me of the list but I do need a reference document establishing that I could use that existing volume okay and and hang my hat on that and that way we're compliant with all state statutes and the Florida building code if I can say a few question second the item commissioner magazine uh thank you and Vince we uh we spoke briefly um welcome you aboard it really excited to have you obviously very critical process uh that a lot of times the building department is used as kind of like a catchall phrase for the entire process but I I kind of want to bifurcate two different things the actual process and and I fully support uh what my colleague was saying I want it as simplified as possible um uh you know we we're not going above and beyond and making this you know an arduous task but then there's also the culture aspect to it as well and I think it's ingrained in our city and I I get this from my own anecdotal experience hearing back from residents but also talking to senior staff members that have been here a very long time where whether it be the building department or the permit process or even some of our boards the goal in design oftentimes is the be very rigorous and very hard and I'm not saying that we shouldn't have a high bar right because we all want you know uh the absolute best for Miami beach but I want Miami Beach the G reputation for both businesses and residents to be a great place and an easy place to do business and get things done and a lot of that starts with the culture so right now it's kind of ingrained in staff in our processes of we need to push back right I want essentially our building department to start answering the phone calls with how can I help right I want us to be viewed as we are here to help facilitate the process not here to make the process harder because it's complicated a lot of people are not experts going through this so I want our city to be viewed as helping our residents and helping our business stakeholders to facilitate to achieve what they're trying to do as opposed to having a culture where we're just automatically pushing back for the sake of doing so so I'll leave the expert details up to you uh but what I conveyed loud and clear is one of the reasons why we thought it was so important to fill your position fill your position with somebody of your credentials of outside experience private sector experiences because uniformly we don't want to maintain the status quo right we want to change the culture we want to change the processes and uh we want to make this a a a city that is known for being easy to do business in thank you so much so we'll bring this item back in January yeah we can get an update then as well yes with along with the motion okay thank you any public comment no public comment and our next item is item number 15 which is discuss the school board joint use agreement review regarding the Miami Beach Nautilus Middle School fence request at Polo Park and the school board is here thank you hi good afternoon um John rebar parks recreation director this item in front of you is um a joint item with the school board and in the city because um it's a security measure which I'm going let them speak on and I know they do have to run to another meeting um basically it is to provide a perimeter security for Nautilus Middle School um during the school day but we'll still have access to our playground in our tennis and pickleball courts during the day which is heavily used by the community but for sake of time I want to turn it over to um my friends from the school board um good afternoon my name is um Yia P I'm the North Region superintendent and I'm hi Betto Bon the director overse overseeing the uh the schools on Miami Beach so we're here um in support of dispensing due to a new house bill House Bill 7 um 1473 with school safety and that House Bill calls for um establishing a new perimeter and door safety requirements in which school districts and Charter Schools governing boards must comply by August 1st of 2024 and it's keeping routes of Ingress and egress security closed and locked when students are on campus thank you for that um so this is going to be at our uh regular commission meeting after here yes if if we get a positive recommendation we'll take it to the commission I've heard positive feedback from residents on this thank you for all of your hard work in getting it done uh uh Mark can I move the item yeah I'll move the item okay thank you second by Suarez all in favor okay so uh we'll move forward thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you any public comments okay then we'll move on to uh number one okay item number one discuss possible suggested building department processes and historic buildings and that is sponsored by commissioner Rosen Gonzalez and I am a co-sponsor and commissioner Rosen Gonzalez we do te it up um okay so wait discuss possible suggested building department processing connection with building violations for small older okay so would um we I actually have an item right now about creating a code compliance task force that is focused on the older buildings which is more legislative in nature and is a resolution coming before us but I want to hear I'm sure you guys research this so um I know that we have a building violation curing program that we already have across the city I don't know how many people really take advantage of it do they they do there there's a a handful of people and we're trying to spread the word and get get it out there that we have this program it's an amnesty or reprieve program and it does allow those that um either want to cure a violation or bought a property um and they're not aware that they there was illegal work done they can come forward and we will number one not issue a violation no violation fees and then we'll help them through the process of legalizing it so as I as we issue violations with this code compliance task force I mean right now like what were what what were you envisioning CU I think what happened is I've gone beyond this now and I figured out some before we even had the chance to meet because this is from September and I continued to work on it I mean the only thing that I could say that we do is uh wave all fines of historic buildings but I don't know commercial residential historic buildings is that where you wanted to go with this correct so in speaking with um the Flamingo Park neighborhood Association we were talking about how can we help historic buildings to uh address their violations and um offer an incentive that not does not have to do with height so when I saw this item I wanted to co-sponsor it because it had to do with violations for fixing things and I thought we could come up with a better process um if you have legislation that's coming maybe we can close this out and then uh wait for your resolution at the commission meeting and and um well I definitely think and you guys aren't going to like this because you're an Enterprise fund but I do think that people are going to need us to wave more and more violation fees especially on historic buildings and because of the fact that we're trying to invest in our historic districts um I don't know how many current current violations we have outstanding if they're building if they code violations and I didn't even see what the administration is recommending here the city is dedicated to proving this is really nothing we we were writing that we do not recommend um reducing fees for violations you don't we do not and there's a simple reason uh so a violation exists for failure to perform or do the right thing maintain Etc so think about it if there's no penalty what's compelling good behavior or correct Behavior proper maintenance well the problem is is that it has been such a nightmare to get a building permit that people have gone out and changed their bathroom without a permit because to try to do so in the city of Miami Beach the requirements are such and the process is so expensive and arduous and lengthy that people have done this I wouldn't penalize them Lauren could we keep this could we I know you want to I I know you want to um cross out this item but I have more I would like to keep it here that's fine when you want it to come back um bring it back in December after I um work on my other um items commissioner bot yeah I I I share the sentiment that I think a lot of us do that we want to try to incentivize people to do the right thing hi Vince nice to see you um uh do the right thing and help people who are trying to do the right thing I think the issue is that um people who might not have known or made a mistake or got bad advice who are doing something on their own homes or their own 4unit multif family building are one cast of characters and maybe there's something we can do to help mitigate some of the fines for them if it's only once or you know one set of activities occurring to one thing it's it's the businesses or the multiple property owners that have a history of doing this that I would like to get you know hold on the hook and hold accountable for um so maybe as as we continue this we have that conversation and figure out how to separate the wheat from the CHF abely and I'm sorry but to your point they could also go to the magistrate which at the magistrate that at that point is when you can mitigate some of those fines when you've showed compliance and and good faith and applying and and going through the process so the magistrate is is that kind of solomonic individual who who weighs the process and can wave the fines on that side uh but initial fees is a minimum requirement just to cover cost and I'm we're kind of obligated by Statute to follow and be consistent across the board because if not you're choosing winners and losers and favoritism and then you you become indefendible basically thank you uh commissioner BR Gales um I I tend to agree that I would like something simpler than the special magistrate process like for example if you get a building violation um if you get a if you get a building violation and you got and you start to rectify it we immediately remove without having to go to special magistrate um we'll remove the fine and that's something that we could work on legislatively together if you'd like to commissioner bot and along in conjunction um with the building department I I mean I and and commissioner Dominguez would also co-sponsor so you've got three people who would like to wave these because what happens is and every it's the biggest complaint we have maybe after you're here for a little bit of a while we'll you know we'll see uh a a slight shift in that but there's been like a a real inflexibility and it's one of it's one of the biggest complaints we have um I don't know so let's move it to December we'll move it to dece okay we'll move it to December and work on well no um I think that we should move it to the commission where if you get a building violation where's Rob Rob this would be you okay if we move if if you get a building department violation let's do it for residential not for commercial just residential homeowners and you you get the violation and you go in and you apply for the permit we're going to remove that's that's what the reprieve is that's kind what we have already in place the reprieve and amnesty allows for that already until when commissioner right now it's been extended till 2026 April 2026 so it's even on new violations so I thought that those were people coming forward with their own violation like people who self you know that that was for people who wanted to come forward and remove their violations so we're going out and giving people violations and then saying okay we're not going to charge you for them because I thought that that program was for somebody who purchased a property and realized oh look they redid the kitchen okay and there's no permit and they came forward to legalize it I think that's the program that you're talking about which is very different from what we're what what I'm mentioning right now okay so what can you reiterate what you're suggesting then what I'm suggesting is UN Residential Properties should we do it we should probably only do it for yes for sure B with all with all due respect I I'm as you know a big fan of measuring twice cutting once um I think we want to get this done in a way that actually accomplishes what we want we have like 15 meetings stacked up in the next six weeks I would humbly request that we give it the time to work with staff to come up up with um what we actually want to get done and then bring it back fully baked rather than sending it directly to the commission without having time to have a conversation and figure out how to make this work okay and I think you have to parse out residential versus commercial and all of these things I think it's mostly our resident and we could do it for only historic districts too if you get a well it should be extend you can't I guess you have to do it across I mean look if we're looking for a better City with better better residential product let's make it for everybody and look there's investment in this city like no other the building department is flush with cash I mean you want to paint a condo how much is that you guys get like a $200,000 fee $250,000 fee because the building job is $3 million I don't know what the I don't know what the current budget What's the total budget of the current Mami Beach building department it's approximately 17 million 17 million and you have tremendous reserves too correct we have a fund balance yes how much is the fund balance it's at about 10 million okay top of my head all right so I mean these are simple discounts these are just violations for residents um so that when they get the violation and they have to go in and cure it are you okay Natasha the situation is I know he has thoughts on that okay no say it it's fine we're we're mandated by uh Florida statute 553 uh that the fees are there to cover our expenses and there's a limit on how much reserves we have I I just I want to reiterate something because uh throughout my time in enforcement I've traveled and supported people on the west coast and up north that have been hit by hurricanes okay those funds are crucial when a disaster strikes because that's how we bring assets to bear and when I mean assets I mean other inspectors okay I mean other facilities and things of that nature that if we deplete those funds we can't bring additional staff be it private or beg borrow and steel basically and if if you're expecting FEMA to bail us out of anything anytime soon we're going to be waiting for a while so again some of those reserves have a very important and specific need that said we are still lacking a lot of staff that the training comes specifically from that those fees are only for enforcing the Florida building code uh improving software specific Building Code Enforcement items so when we talk about discounts one thing that that we have also in statute is time periods so we can we have mandatory times just like we have to return plans and to perform an inspection we also have time with which additional actions take place so 30 days 60 days 70 days because again and I I hate to use this example but if someone behaves badly and there's no consequence time period to it what's there to keep them honest so we need some kind of guide rail so if we could sit down and massage something out going forward that doesn't doesn't go conflict with statute and we could go forward and and is amable that that's something we could we could definitely discuss and have something that we measure twice and cut once um but to those ends funds are very specifically mandated what we can do what we can't do and and discounts get into uh a whole other uh area that I think we could discuss further okay I would why don't we bring it back in December and in the inter room we can both meet with um the building department and work something out yeah yeah all three of us we can have a sunshine meeting that would be my Alex I mean are you okay should he be invited all right let's move on with this item then uh December thank you very much any public comment we're bringing back comment Okay so December and then the interim we'll we're going to have a sunshine meeting in the interim with Rob okay let's go with number 19 please number 19 is discuss the naming of for Street in honor of Robert Raven craft and this is sponsored by commissioner Rosen Gonzalez commissioner domiguez commissioner magazine and commissioner B okay hi Raven this is sponsored with uh commissioner Rosen Gonzalez thank you for being the prime I'm co-sponsoring commissioner magazine and commissioner bot and uh commissioner Rosen Gonzalez would you like to te up yeah if you'd like to come forward right now as we complete these hearings in your honor we have the man the myth the legend the world record breaking Raven who has run every day for the past 50 years 49 years and 11 months 49 years and 11 months and December 31st will be 50 50 years and that is a world record uh on the sand pardon on the sand world record on all time all you know running and uh long long streak on the sand and in the same place right here on Miami Beach and by the way he has not mentioned this but on December 31st are you not having an operation in the morning and running in the afternoon I was thinking about it but no no guarantees I'd make it back so so okay well that's that's good news that you're not oper so far having an operation and running on on the same day I I'm so pleased all of us up here are here to honor you by the way it's not just me community members have come forward I don't know how many people have reached out to us individually asking for us to commemorate you so we have two parts going on and it was supposed to be a surprise so you're not really supposed to be it was supposed to be a big surprise but unfortunately legislatively now you know when a lifeguard said yeah we are giving putting a plaque for you on Fourth Street and eventually does it have to be on Fourth where would you like it third or fifth third third I know I live on third so you want it on third I'd like it on okay possible okay because we were naming Fourth Street after you is that not a good thing they said fourth but four is my lucky number what four is my unlucky number it's your unlucky number can't do that oh no so we're going to have to sorry redo the the C the street naming to Third Street okay good that we're having this conversation I shouldn't be Beggars can't be choosers you know okay so we're changing the plaque to uh Third Street and um we will be presenting it to you on December 31st are you guys going to be here on December 31st we will all go out to the beach and uh the what time cuz I know a big group is coming at 4:00 at four well we will be there at 4:00 they're they're coming to fist stre to run with me we we'll work out the details we'll make sure yeah we'll work out the details yeah and thank you uh Raven I've been out with you several times my late partner commissioner samul and ran with you a couple times as well and we just think you're terrific chess commissioner po yes the Chessman the chess man right so um for purposes of this legislative item I'd like to refer to as commissioner Twitchy please because that's my my name niame um uh let's see yellow rose of Tex yellow rose is that her name yellow rose yes um has has been reaching out to us and we'll make sure that she's involved as well and um a a few others so there's a lot of a lot of folks interested in making sure this gets done well and to your liking and in a way that's significant and um you know we're we're talking about um turning Miami Beach into a Blue Zone city which is all about Health and Living Well long long and late into your years and with good Community all around you and I can't think of a better living example of that than than you are and so it's it just it fits so well I'm so proud of everything you've accomplished and all that you represent to so many people here in the beach and and what that now means to so many people who come here just to run with you from around the world thousands so congratulations well thank you and I'm in Muscle Beach every day too still that's right yes oh I'm not the chair okay um so oh do you want to speak commissioner vice mayor Fernandez thank you and uh welcome Raven it's great to see you here and I think also we're working on a New Year's St run uh that I think uh someone contacted our our office there's Monica uh that they were reaching out to celebrate your your uh your anniversary so many years running consistently here on the beach and I just have a question for the City attorney does this uh Cod designation need to be approved by the county not the plaque but the street naming but this is for the pla oh this is for the plaque excellent so we're approving the plaque which has does that have to go to the commission this this plaque yeah it would have to go to the commission okay so I would make the motion to send this commemorative plaque for Robert ravencraft to the all right November commission meeting um and we look forward to all the celebrations in December and we appreciate you and now we got to change everything to Third Street thanks so I'm Glad You Came okay this is we're actually starts on fist stre we have two items we're actually on the street naming now which you need to approve and then goes back to City commission the plaque is next and that also goes to City commission well I think we're we're going to approve both of them and we have to CH with the change to Third Street and then um and then we have to send this to the countyc commission and I think under the county code the uh the commissioner of the district needs to approve needs to sponsor the uh legislation not for the CL just for the street for the street naming that's correct yeah so one one might happen sooner than yes yeah the plaque we know is happening the street naming uh we're working on it because the count is giving us a little hassle over some taxes so um hope be sad something like this but we're going to work our way out of that and uh we will have it for you Third Street and uh that'll be a big day that people are coming from all over the 31st so wonderful we'll do it maybe earlier in the day and then I could do the run the street naming I can pretty much assure you that that will not be finished um by December because we're having a little it could there could be a miracle all right um no rush well well no even that would require a public hearing of the county and and that would take too long yeah what we're having a little yes so but the plaque and then that we will the street naming takes a long time so but it will happen I I'm not going anywhere of at eight miles okay all right Madam chair good yeah thank you for coming and thank you for having me we appreciate you Raven appreciate what happens next um Madam oh commissioner magazine uh Raven embarrassingly so while we're personal friends I haven't been out to uh run with you so I don't have a nickname but I am going to make a point to do that I promise you you're on the record but I about before the 31st I I would love to I would love to um one thing that I've uh never conveyed to you is there was a a photo in Aro view of you uh during covid and it's with the entire Beach cleared and it was when a time where all of us were facing a great deal of uncertainty what was going to happen it was just at the beginning of covid and you were running and I sent that around to my corporate team to a long email list of uh people there were a few things that I've seen that are more inspiring that despite all the challenges life throws at us we must persevere so uh uh the example that you send uh people that you don't even iiz is something to be commended for 74 days 66 miles out by myself anyway thank you thank you appreciate it um Madam share all right thank you um Stephanie did you also read number 20 I'll read number 20 for the record discuss installing plaques on Fourth Street beachwalk in honor of Robert Raven and and that's going to be Third Street now correct there's going to we're going to in the after action it'll say Third Street and move to the full commission uh yeah o yes for the for the record Rodriguez assistant director with the transportation mobility department uh we would like to know um two things first um the limits on Third Street that the coaming is going to take place on for the coaming of the street and then um the second item is that right now there's no criteria um to co-name U Mr U Robert ravencraft um so then we would also need a recommendation to go back to the city commission to amend the city code um to add that additional criteria to name on Third Street on his behalf so we need to add if you have a world record you can have a street named after you can we amend the city code Rob that be my motion to not just approve Third Street but amend the city code to add if you have a world record you can also eligible to get a street named after you uh yes we could we you definitely do need the ordinance Chang to create some category and if the if that's the will of the commission to make that the the category that can certainly be done okay so that would be my motion do I have a second okay so a second and by clamation bring it to the commission and the the limits um on Third Street from where to where um the conam will Washington I would do um yeah right Collins to Ocean from yeah from oan Ocean to Washington thank you and that is the motion that was approved was the category if you have a world record you can have a street named after you and the street naming that the street naming yes okay okay okay so on to the next item on to the next item then uh we've completed 19 and 20 any public comment no public comment at number 11 number 11 is discuss the potential installation of speed tables on 47th Street in order to reduce traffic speeds and increase road safety and that will be presented by Transportation you know why don't we leave this uh commissioner Suarez went to get his computer so can we skip it I had noticed that he was the sponsor okay we can SK so let number let's go on to number 18 number 18 has been deferred per the sponsor so we will hear number five discuss a proposal for enhancing South Beach volleyball courts with smart lighting this item is sponsored by commissioner Rosen Gonzalez and commissioner Maxi commissioner Rosen Gonzalez do you want to te it up so we refer this committee so we could have a conversation surrounding this it seemed like a a great um plan we want to have the smart lighting so John will you let us know what you found um yes commissioner um after review as a parks department we certainly would like to have as much Sports lighting as we we we can however there's a great challenge putting any lighting at all on the ocean and the and and especially the beach and in in the turtle nesting area so whether or not it would be permitted or not which I don't think it ever would be the lighting that was presented to to me was not Sports lighting it's Acorn walkway lighting which I would never recommend to Ser as Sports lighting it just doesn't have the proper foot candle and lumens to safely have a sporting event if if if you if you review the proposal it's it's these Acorn lighting that go along sidewalks typically and they're also selling 5G transmitter service so I wouldn't call that Sports lighting so I'm just here to say I certainly would love to light as many pts and field as we can don't think the beach is going to be ever be possible and this in front of me is not Sports lighting it's lighting okay so we thought we would discuss it with you it seemed like a win-win but now that I'm thinking about the Amber Turtle am Amber how you can see explain uh hello my name is William and I am the beach volleyball Guy where do I start I guess um um we finally got this sponsor Lights by a private organization and I do believe uh on the sketches that the lighting will be enough for the sports event I know there is a lot of hurdles between City and stuff this is an idea that everybody likes um and probably one of the the biggest problems is the what is it the ffwc the total people um but we are working with that and I believe that we are going to get through with them the lights are going to be installed only on the of the total season they they will be completely removed during total season so there is no conflicts or anything like that let's let's let's do something because I didn't Loop John in on yet another item that we have let's defer this to next month and in the interim let's meet and let's come to some sort of aord because I I want whatever it is that we do do if we are allowed to light the courts at night outside of turtle season I don't think it's a very controversial thing but I want to get approval from our parks and wck people because we have to so it's the right thing to do so let's could we defer this to December and think bringing it to the Commission in December you want to bring it to the commission because we'll know if you want it or not okay yeah bring it to the commission and between now and the December commission meeting we'll have a meeting and maybe we can come to some sort of compromise thank you so much Madam chair if we are going to bring this to the commission uh John we've talked about about uh similar issues would love I mean that area has has been one of the best things that the city has done uh for Ocean Drive we talk about kind of uh changing the culture and things like that that volleyball area Muscle Beach we've talked about uh if that's the proper location for paddle courts and that that is just a sport that's taking off bring changes in culture uh so if we're able to make an accommodation for the lights I'd like to think about it holistically and really turn that into our entire Sports and parks and wreck area down there so when we think about adding lights for the volleyball court if we could think holistically if we'd be if we find a solution if we'd be able to incorporate paddle facilities as well um I I think the more the M you know the bigger the better down there absolutely yeah thank you so commissioner I get clarification are we doing a memo to commission with a certain recommendation or are we going to meet first with the sponsor and then the memo will be driven from exactly meet first with a sponsor then send the memo uh to the commission for the December 11th meeting you have to do it the week before and um make sure that it includes having the lighting outside of turtle season okay all right so it's pending the meeting commissioner rosenal I'll get with you and your staff thank you Jackie okay great now number nine okay item number nine is discuss the implementation that's commissioner so we'll hear six so let us skip over yeah number six number six is discuss additional Police Department budgetary items recommended by the police citizen Relations Committee and this will be presented by police and it was sponsored by commissioner Dominguez hi good afternoon uh assistant chief Danny morgalo here on behalf of the police department so we discussed the uh item with uh the pcrc recently and and it's the the Department's position that we ask that this be deferred to the next budget cycle as opposed to being included now as a budget amendment simply because um we are currently trying to staff the department to full capacity and if this were granted now we would not be able to staff it until later on in the year so we would ask that we defer it for the next budget cycle for discussion then I completely understand and um and having the finance chair here I don't want them to get concerned they're bringing funding outside uh after we have already approved the budget so what I will do with this item if we can have it sent to the first Workshop that we have in May um about the budget so that we can review and discuss and the police department can make recommendations thank you so much let me see if the next one is police as well number seven item number seven is discuss options to dress drones or other aircrafts that engage in illegal activity I made Hello Commissioners Eric Garcia police tech services um the Federal Aviation controls um regulates the national airspace regarding all manned and unmanned aerial vehicles um I'll have uh the deputy chief uh the deputy City attorney speak on behalf of uh the rulemaking authority but it's basically uh pre we're preempted from uh regulating uh many things related to drones including uh pilot operations uh airspace altitude flight pass and equipment so um I'll have Mr Rosen wall discuss some of the legal challenges and then maybe at the end what we can do and what techn I have something on the November agenda where um we reviewed the preemptions and tried to address things where we could um Rob anything to add here before we close this one out no that's it okay uh yeah the concern with with this item was that I had some residents say that there were drones outside their windows and um what can we do so it's unfortunate that there isn't much we can do for privacy yeah there's uh there's very there's really very little uh we can control um we do we have been receiving anecdotally some uh complaints about the same things that you do obviously um the only technology that's available is really just a uh a technology that tells us that drones are flying and when but it doesn't really tell us what they're doing or if they're violating any rule or anything so it would basically be an investigative tool for us to so we'll continue to monitor I I think we continue to monitor see how things develop and and if needed then maybe we have our lobbyists include this on their list of things to address with the state so that um people can be held accountable if they're doing uh bad things like looking people's windows in their highrise and there's a drone sitting out there yes uh commissioner Rosen Gonzalez we saw this massive drone the other day South the 5ifth and we couldn't believe that it was just hovering in a place that it could like see us so yeah I guess this is a new territory maybe you want to place it on our legislative priorities drones drones are allowed to fly I'm sorry yeah drones are allowed to fly uh anywhere and really the expectation of privacy is very little if you're if you're in you know anywhere where you can be normally seen yes you know I don't like to over regulate but at the same time I understand the Privacy concern so what are you planning on doing um so why don't we give uh my motion is to give this item to Peter our legislative person and see if he can added to his list if there's any opportunity to address with the state um are my colleagues in favor any second okay and we'll close it out in neighborhoods and we'll close it out yes um number 16 commissioner Fernandez will you text him cuz he went upstairs so he can come back down okay I'll read the item into the record discuss a resolution of the mayor and City Commission of the city Miami Beach Florida directing the administration to develop a plan to strategically Implement enhanced public safety measures periodically through the year and present the plan for discussion at the public safety neighborhoods quality and life committee hi how you doing doing great ma'am you know it might be a couple minutes for him to come down let me get the another item oh there you are hi he's here aosta will catch you he's a Marine an older Marine slowing down a little bit all right commission uh vice mayor fernandis if you would tee up your item thank you madam chair uh this is an item I placed on the agenda a while back um to see how we can get a consistent uh level of of enforcement throughout around the year um comparable comparable to what we have during certain periods of time and let me explain what I mean during certain periods of the year we see a heightened level of traffic enforcement a heighten level of DUI enforcement a heighten level of tag checks which help prevent criminal activity from occurring in our city which helps us intercept uh criminals even from entering our our city uh and my and my request of the police department was to put together a plan how throughout other times of the year other than let's say spring break or Memorial Day weekend or or or these more high-profile weekends we're still incorporating uh some of these measures because it does align with our calls for consistent enforcement for consistent uh intercepting uh guns consistently uh catching uh people who may have open warrants before they make their way into into our city consistent uh enforcement of DUI so I'd like to turn it over uh to the deputy chief to present to us uh their plan uh and their recommendations thank you sir good morning Madam chair Vice mayor members of the commission deputy chief Paul aost on behalf of the police department um vice mayor thank you for the item um what the police department did at your direction was take a look um at all our special events that the police department manages throughout the year and take a look at the current operational plans um that require enhanced Staffing um additional alpha bravo Staffing throughout the year and also look at some of the proactive measures that we take um as an example DUI checkpoints LPR checkpoints DUI saturations and things things of that nature one thing we do is live by a calendar um we know when these events are coming into our city Sometimes some events are sporadic in nature or they catch us by surprise but one of the things that we are able to do is Pivot and prepare and call resources in whenever necessary so one of the things we did in looking ahead at 2025 is we looked at what we know now today um about special events that are coming into our city or some sort of holiday and things of that nature that might bring in additional um um visitors to our city the residents expect a high level of police visibility not just on holidays or special events they expect it throughout the year so it it's our it's our mandate um to go ahead and prepare throughout the year enhance that in and lean on resources not just within the police department that uh may not be T typically used on a daily basis but outside agencies um as an example our County Partners we have a phenomenal relationship with Miami dat County and as we look at these events we we anticipate um um pulling them in to provide us additional resources for additional police visibility for additional law enforcement action when necessary and also to prevent crime um one of those types of resources and deployment schemes that we'll use are bicycle patrols from Miami date County um we know that they have a robust big bicycle unit um they get in and out of traffic whenever we have those particular concerns with certain special events and allow us to get to places and answer calls and be more visible than than normal um with the new sheriff being elected most recently um I will share um that for us as a police agency we're excited that um Sheriff um elect um Cordo studs um has been elected because she has a phenomenal relationship with us in the command staff and throughout the years we've been able to lean on her uh whenever we've needed her and just to pick up the phone and ask for a favor for additional Personnel so we know that that relationship and that partnership will continue and if will even be robust in nature when she assumes the office um Mr vice mayor we have a list of events for 2025 that we can now anticipate um that we will prepare enhan Staffing and the the use of these outside resources as well this will be consistent throughout the year not just in specific time frames where we've been challenged this will be throughout the year so our residents will will be able to see a dramatic difference in what we're doing and I think they they really do like the enhanced uh enforcement measur whenever they're out there thank you uh Chief and if I may through the chair you know the reason why I I asked this to be place on the agenda because right now the implementation of a lot of these measures have drawn criticism as they have been perceived to be targeting specific populations as opposed to the intent of the city which is to address crime and public safety concerns uh which have been specifically experienced in his historically experienced During certain high impact periods and so what I want to make sure and I thank you for this presentation you've put together and you've placed here I see we have 14 uh events proposed for for for for the fiscal year uh during which a certain level of heightened police presence will be uh placed uh what I want to make sure is that is that is that we have License Plate Reader details we have DUI checkpoints uh during non-event weekends and I want to just make sure of that uh that for me is is very important that independent of any event going on that we send the message uh to anyone who's looking to pray in our community you can come any weekend of the year and whether there's an event or not you are to expect for there to be police presence you are just to assume that there could be a DUI checkpoint or that there could be a license plate detail and that if you are coming here to with with illegal weapons or illegal substances you might be caught and arrested before you're able to penetrate into into the city yes and so and so I just want to make sure that that is part of the plan that is before us it is vice mayor it's it's noted there um towards the end of the the numbers it talks about um doy check points or dii saturations I believe yeah dii checkpoints on a quarterly basis now of course we have to make those announcements to the general public whenever whenever and wherever how about the license plate details how come we don't have those on a quarterly basis we don't um vice mayor those are um actions we could do at any time um we could do it every week we could do them every month as an example so our plan obviously we want to make sure that we're not burning folks out our plan is to do it in line with the DIY checkpoints quarterly um DOI checkpoints like I said have to be announced to the media and and folks like U like that from a legal perspective but the license plate readers and or DUI saturations those are different we can do those at any given time and we have also um grant funding to do those so um you have our commitment that it is um our intent to weed out any um criminal activity that comes into this city through these kinds of measures throughout the year would you be open to incorporate to number one um these quarterly DUI checkpoints independent of any event I think we need to lead with and I think that should be number one on on on the plan because events come and go yes vice mayor but who stays here are our residents who we and our community and our businesses who we're trying to keep safe so number one should just be on a regular basis on a quarterly basis if we could do these DUI checkpoints yes sir and Incorporated into into the plan even though you can do this on a regular basis but incorporate into the plan a minimum amount of times that we're going to announce that we're going to be doing these uh these LPR details um that way it's being communicated uh to the criminal world out there the Miami Beach is being very proactive about this but also the message is being sent this is not targeting uh weekends when when when when specific populations are coming here that that has been the misrepresentation that has been put out there over over over time um and so if you you would be open to that we we are vice mayor and and listen we really appreciate this item because this codifies what we do uh do throughout the year we do DUI checkpoints outside of special events We Do It um saturations throughout the year but no one really really knows that right so this at least puts this in well but but wait hold up but let me just ask you yes if we are doing it why do people not know it well the DUI checkpoints um it's announced we do a press release people should be KN they should know that yes but as far as a DUI saturation um that is DUI saturation is different from a DUI checkpoint um what that entails is police officers that are DUI certified are skilled in locating and detecting drunk drivers they are moving throughout the city it's not in one location so they go and they hit all areas of the city looking for drunk and impaired driving so that's what a DUI saturation is there's no announcement that's required by law that's an enforcement tactic that we use but I I you just said something that concerns me okay because it feel I feel like now this is a status quo I because you just said that this codifies what we're already doing and I want to make sure that we're going above and beyond what we're already doing uh because it we're just doing what we're already doing there's no need for this item I want to make sure that we're going beyond what we're what we're already doing that we're not just doing the special events that we are actually going outside the special event world of weekends and that we're actually targeting just regular weekends out of the year and making sure that we're keeping those weekends safe as well with this level of enforcement absolutely yes okay yeah all right uh so will you so um I can't make a motion but it' be great if we could make a motion to send this to the commission to to for this to go to the commission it's a great item vice mayor and thank you for keeping on top of Public Safety and our special events and Beyond so uh I make the motion is there a second to move it to the commission all right all in favor okay so now number 17 thank you Chief okay item number 17 is a resolution of the mayor City Commission of the Miami Beach Florida directing the city Administration to explore the viability of creating police substation similar to The Police substations in North Beach in the Collins Park neighborhood at City Hall in south of fifth neighborhood and in mid beach in order to make law enforcement resources and incident reporting more easily accessible and readily available for residents and visitors and to more efficiently address criminal activity throughout the city and further directing the city Administration to report the findings and proposals to the public safety neighborhoods and quality and life committee at its July 10th 2024 meeting in order for the committee to provide its recommendations including the fiscal and administrative impact to the mayor and City Commission in advance of the fiscal year 2025 budget process now I am tired thank you uh vice mayor uh I'm gonna U recognize as assistant chief Danny morgalo uh to present on this item assistant chief welcome thank you sir good afternoon assistant chief Daniel morgalo on behalf of the police department uh first off thank you for for bringing this item sir because it's brought us into uh a very meaningful and and prosperous conversation about how can better engage the community so throughout this process um we've asked our area captains and different n and Personnel within the police department but also working with other City departments to try and identify facilities that may be viable for us to expand our Outreach with regard to Neighborhood substations um among the different locations that we looked at is we looked at the Collins Park artist Workforce housing that's under construction and that particular location is not viable for us to use as a permanent um facility for a neighborhood substation just because of the design layout and the area that that they're actually identifying for that is supposed to be like a common shared artist space for the building so that particular location would be more appropriate for us to use as like a community meeting office space from time to time similar like we do at the ballet and other areas in Collins Park um the 210 Second Street location for a permanent substation is a city-owned facility but it's going to need to undergo considerable construction to make it viable to meet our accreditation standards that we're required to have to have a substation uh where we host folks from the public within the building and then we have common spaces that are shared with the public and areas that the public doesn't have access to where we keep computer systems and sensitive areas that uh were required by law to to keep separate um so the way that building is currently laid out it has a small footprint inside um I want to say in the area of 200 square ft 2 to 300 ft inside and then it has an additional covered patio area in the back that would need to be enclosed and then there would need to be some construction inside to redesign that facility um the estimate that we received in 2023 for that facility is $280 to $380,000 just to enclose the screen patio space um in addition to that we would we would need to go through the design uh phase to set up that space so that we can bring folks in and it's a forward- facing south of fifth uh police substation in addition to that one we looked at City Hall and the City Hall spaces there's a couple of spaces within the building that we we looked at the most ideal space would be downstairs at the area right between the two elevators that's currently occupied by a a city department so we would need to find a new home for that department if we took that space however that would place our police substation at the main access point to the building um there is an additional space that was looked at on the third floor of the building but the farther you locate this the police substation within the building then it affects uh response and and access to the building to be able to get to the police substation I believe you may have a question sir or you want me to Contin through the chair commissioner Suarez I think the last time we talked we also explored the idea of a mobile unit yeah that's in the Memo's part of his presentation and that's what I'm going to get to next um so in addition to all these fixed facilities the city's recommendation and I'll cut to the chase is the most ideal option to give us maximized visibility to be able to give us the mobility and the flexibility to have a substation staffed one time as opposed to Staffing multiple locations would be the mobile concept that we talk about in the memo and cost wise it's on par with a brick and mortar facility but as opposed to a brick-and mortar facility that gives us visibility in one area this particular option gives us visibility wherever we want to set up throughout the city um we could set it up on a schedule it could be staff with folks from Community Affairs or neighborhood resources or basically adding staff specifically to operate this vehicle on a regular scheduled basis throughout the city and allows us to maximize presence visibility wherever the need is within the city if that's you know cresy Island if that's on the west end of Normandy if that happens to be on the Venetian Island if we potentially have a crime issue that we need a visibility Mobility option this mobile neighborhood stuff station becomes the best option and so let me just ask you a question because I and I through the chair if I may um I see that that comes at a fiscal impact of about almost half a million dollars um and so that's a significant cost um what's the average life SP span of one of these uh Vehicles so I can tell you our current mobile uh command post which is a similar type of vehicle we've had since 2011 or 2012 and is probably in the middle of its lifespan there is periodic maintenance that is incorporated within that cost and that is not just the initial outfitting cost there's warranty it can be serviced here locally um but we are still 14 years almost into our main uh mobile command vehicle and it's still state-of-the-art and why wouldn't we just use that vehicle because from what I see that vehicle is used during high impact periods for for example or when there is an emergency that then it's deployed um but then correct me if I'm wrong other than that it's usually a stationed uh and in the police station isn't that correct it's either at the police station or it's at an off-site location where we park it however the way that particular um MCV is configured it's not configured to have members of the public inside the vehicle so there there's too many sensitive areas within that vehicle that we cannot coordinate off or section off and it wouldn't be suitable in its current configuration to bring folks from the outside additionally that particular vehicle requires a driver with a CDL whereas the suggested one anyone with a Class E Florida driver's license can operate it it's smaller so it allows us to deploy it much easier throughout the entire city um and then it gives us the option of having a backup mobile command vehicle in the in the event of an emergency and how many staff uh persons would would that mobile vehicle require so we'd have to obviously go through um an operational assessment of what type of services we want to offer out of the vehicle but it would probably be a driver um who's also the person that operates the the vehicle itself and the different systems on the vehicle and then there would probably be a public safety specialist and a police officer on the vehicle as well when we deploy it uh colleagues I I number one I I think it's been the policy of the the board of the of of the commission to be advancing a substation of sorts uh in the south of fifth neighborhood uh and I think that that's delineated here and I think that that should be uh considered um I know that there has been a desire to designate the police department I mean the city hall as a substation of the police department uh for its Public Safety benefits um I'm not sold on that need completely I'm I'm open to the recommendations of our committee um I think commissioner Suarez had a great idea at the last meeting when when the Mobile police substation was brought up and I think I think both the south of fifth location and the uh Mobile police substation is something that we should be considering because that way we get to move it to the areas of greatest need you might notice certain times of a year you may have an issue in one part of a city and you may and then another time of the year or during certain day Parts uh you may need it in a different part of of the city so I really like the flexibility that a Mobile police station could uh could offer could offer us and uh and it seems like a good investment from what you're telling us if we're currently halfway through only the lifespan of our current uh unit thank you madam chair yeah Vice chair Suarez uh thank you madam chair here uh just a couple things um the for south of fifth that's an internal affairs station no that's actually on the on on the Second Street kind of right behind where Amnesia used to be so on the Alley of Second Street and Washington Avenue on the South Side forgot where Amnesia was no so it's it's uh it's the address is 210 Second Street so it's actually facing Second Street no there's there's an internal affairs office next to the dog park on on Washington this would be across the street on the south side so that that that's still an internal affairs building yes okay could that be made into a police Sub Station you're saying that's too small or we really hadn't looked at the internal affairs facility to to be able to convert it to a substation um because it seems like perfect I mean it's already a it's like centrally located that's what the South the fifth residents you know have been asking for for a long time a mobile I'm all in favor of a mobile unit I think that's a great idea but it's mobile right it's not going to stay in South the 5th right it's going to be moving around so um would it be possible I guess I don't know how my colleagues feel I think we would need to refer this to finance for the mobile unit if we if if we're all okay with that and then maybe come back at next month and look at that Internal Affairs um office on next to dog park on Washington to see if we can convert that I mean I'm I'm assuming there's only like a handful of people there and Internal Affairs it's just administrative but that location is you know it would be the perfect substation for South the 5th um so maybe you can come back at the next meeting and and and see what your thoughts are on that yeah we'll definitely look into it um we'd have to obviously find a a new home for our Internal Affairs because uh ideally we want to keep Internal Affairs not collocated with the main headquarters so that folks feel comfortable coming there to obviously report complaints and and then this is commissioner Fernandez's item so okay well I want I want to make sure that um so when you come back you'll have specifically for that site um an idea if that's possible and and if it is possible what could you do with the internal uh Affairs Paul are you in the back you want to say something you're like moving around man huh do we own that property yeah I don't know if we own it or it's least I I believe it's ours it's ours I know one point the the the clerk of the courts used to operate from their I don't know if we own the property or if we have a lease on it so we'll do a little bit of research into that particular location we hadn't looked at that as a as a potential substation location but we'll look at it and and we'll get back to you right and and look we're not looking for like a jail cell in there you know they people who walk around they want to see that there's a police fixed presence there and and you know they've been asking this for a long time there's one in North Beach so you should have one in South but uh so I'll make a motion to refer the mobile unit to finance and then bring it back or no um well we could to commission yeah to we have to go to the commission would you join me as a co-prime on this already the mobile substation sorry if you join me as a co-prime yeah of course and uh I'll co-sponsor that as well and I believe we have public comments yes we have caller in user number four caller if you could please identify yourself and unmute yourself you have two minutes hi hi good afternoon Matthew ganof I'm a south of fifth resident and at a recent opportunity I had to ask the assistant chief margaro about the necessity of a substation south of Fifth and I believe the response was that if you look at the crime statistics it's not necessarily needed so I know that we're in a very heightened alert of fiscal responsibility and U you know when I go and talk to my neighbors in the South fith neighborhood the number one number two number three priority are here is not hey we need a police substation uh so I just you know I think that we all want to see more police officers walking and biking in our neighborhood we want to see more traffic enforcement to make it safer for the residents and the visitors that live there I'm not sure and I don't believe the police staff is necessarily sure either if a substation is what's best for the neighborhood thank you very much thank you for the feedback any others that is um if I could just uh have clarification your referral to FK it needs to go first back to the commission uh commission refers it to FK then it would go back if FK approves it it'll be go back to the commission for its final stop for the appropriation of the funds to to do what you're asking to do so I love it thank you that's your path great great okay and then with that um vice mayor Fernandez is deferring 14 and 13 yes to next one and um Vice chair Suarez is deferring 11 correct all right so we will now uh go to number nine item number nine is discussing implementation of rain Gardens increased natural vegetations along City roadways to enhance water I was I'm sorry I wanted to um you hear 11 yeah backwards sorry so U so that item that I just read into the record will be deferred number nine and we will hear number 11 discuss the potential installations of speed tables on 47th Street in order to reduce traffic and increase Road Safety uh Vice chair Suarez uh y if you want to take it away um would see what you guys have prepared yes um good afternoon Madam shair for members on Rodriguez assistant director with the transportation and mobility department just to give you a little bit of a backstory um the city recently completed a traffic study in the Orchard Park neighborhood um the traffic study was um from Prairie Avenue to the West um Pine Stree to the East 47th Street to the north and and 41st Street to the Sou South as part of that traffic study uh we did uh analyze the traffic conditions on 47th Street um 47 Street is a collector Road uh which at the time um it did not recommend um traffic calming devices since the county does not allow um uh traffic caling devices on collector roads since then with been able to negotiate uh an interlocal agreement with the county that in essence would allow the city to to install traffic caling devices on collector roads that are owned and maintained by the city uh we're in the process of finalizing that agreement um that agreement will allow us now to be able to install on devices on 47 Street so that is the the the recommendation that we're looking forward um for right now we are proposing to proceed um with a short-term solution uh which is to install temporary traffic common devices in anticipation um of the permanent traffic calming um at a future uh date um the cost for what are those what give me an idea of what are the temporary traffic caling devices um we're we're anticipating installing speed cushions um similar to what we're installing in the throughout the south of fifth neighborhood uh right now okay on that and the idea is to sorry the idea is uh the idea is to install those first and then make them permanent as part part of the neighborhood wide traffic calming project and permanent would be like a concrete more of a concrete or asphalt type of a ra sidewalk May would not necessarily raise um crosswalks uh it will be more of a um speed hump um looking device how wide um wide so it will be one per Lane so at one location you will have two and that is to allow those bigger vehicles to not be able like fire trucks to not be so the length is a lane and the width the with varies it could go from um 4 to 8 ft it depends on on the design okay commissioner B then commissioner Rosen gonal so um will this I have two questions will this on 47th Street help with the issue with 4746 pine tree that whole drama uh unfortunately uh not necessarily uh the concern on 46 and 47 is the speeding along Pine Tre Drive okay on these speed hums or speed cushions on fire 7 Street will will U mitigate U the potential speeding and and and cut through traffic along 47 Street so one of the the frustrations has been that we all generally think that speed cushions or tables on Pine Tree in that area would serve just the right amount of of help that we need for that area rather than having two traffic circles but we've been told by the county that we can't do it because it's a collector Road 47th you you just said it's a collector Road it's a difference that we maintain 47th and they maintain so is it would would there be an option for us to take over the maintenance of that portion of pine tree in order to be able to effectuate the traffic caling measures that we want to see there instead of having it be a county owned and maintained Road just for that section well in order for that to happen um commissioner um the County would have to provide you know give the city jurisdiction of the roadway so that's a much broader conversation um that would have to be you know further explored so maybe we could get together after or in the next few days to talk about that as a possible work around okay thanks we already got a traffic cing circle where where you putting the speed bomb we have one right there on 47th Street like how many more I don't know that we want this I mean let let speak so we have the the the traffic circle that you're referring to commissioner is in the Nautilus neighborhood which is from Alton Road um and Meridian um the 40 the segment of 4 47 Street that we're referring to is between um Prairie Avenue and Pine Tree Drive so it's a it's a 47th Street in in essence connects all the way from Pine Tree Drive um excuse me from Pine Tre drive all the way to 47 Street we do have some traffic common devices on the western segment now this would be to provide additional traffic common devices on the Eastern segment did you have complaints oh I mean I have videos of accidents of like flipped cars that people have come to me about on 47th Street I never see any accidents or flipped cars I mean it's fine you're going to put one speed bump right now be like an obstacle course it's going to be like go around the traffic circle go over the spe bump well that's but listen that's that's not necessarily a bad thing I mean you know look I guess it's fine no it's it's fine I mean there they're speeding and and and there's you know there's people walking their dogs and their children and you know it if there's a couple more obstacles in the residential neighborhoods I think that's a good thing that it there's sidewalks on both sides of the street it's not like there's no sidewalk there and who's really C I mean I guess you could I guess if you were going to do a a speed it would would it be over by the commercial area down there the exact locations have not been determined um commissioner uh that would be part of the analysis that we would conduct finding those suitable locations uh on top of that uh as part of the traffic calming we do need to get um you know concurrence from the directly affected Property Owners so once we've determined where those locations are we'll be going to those directly affected properties both on the North and the South and they have to provide concurrence that they agree to have those devices in front of their homes how many are you considering like one we anticipate potentially two locations um but uh whether it's one or two will not be finalized until we do the the data collection required um for that yeah I mean look I again if it slows car if it slows cars down a little bit in a residential neighborhood I think that's a I think that's a a win no I mean I I suppose I mean we already have the traffic circle that kind of causes a lot of problems I see the bus like like stuck in it all the time is I don't love what we did so far so I just if it's a speed bump and it's just a simple like cement speed bump like you normally find and not something like the county ones are like these weird ones on steroids that to like you know what I'm talking about on the G drive is the traffic circle already implemented the traffic we already have a traffic circle so when did it get implemented we got two years ago C years back so this is new it's still a problem yeah no yeah it's it's it's it's I mean he wants to be I don't have a problem with maybe one speed bump but don't I mean like traffic circle then speed bump then speed bump I mean like I guess I wouldn't do the commercial area I would just do one then on that one Street between Prairie and you know like one I mean it's not like you don't have sidewalks there're no circles on 47th Street right yes there's a traffic circle on 47 there's a there's an existing traffic circle on 47th and Michigan that was that was also part of the Nautilus yeah so where where are the two where are the two locations that you have the speed uh tables at that you've identified so we have not defined those two locations but it will be somewhere between Pur Avenue and Pine Street Drive yeah so commissioner just to your point there's only one you know there's only one speed uh there only round out at 47th of Michigan that's on the the West End of 47th a lot of the speeding also happens on the east side of the bridge um and there's no traffic coming whatsoever there well that's I could see you I could see you putting it um putting one like okay there's delineated sidewalks on both sides so it's not a pedestrian issue if you were going to put a speed bumb well there's also like a bike lane you know right and so you could put a speed bumb possibly like nearby I where um there's like a convenience store and a shol like over there I mean that's random like I have no data to back that up right and I think let's let's have staff decide I I think let them let they're the professionals I I think just don't go crazy and make that street like you know an obstacle course everyone's going to be messing up their car angry we also have to look into is the the the access drivers so the single family homes that they're not in front of them any on fire hydrants or they're not covering any um manhole covers or water valve covers so there's there's a whole exercise that we would have to do in order to finalize those locations but uh and that may may very well limit the locations where we can perhaps only one location is suitable but we won't know until we do the the due diligence Madam chair that's that's okay that's right where the commercial area is and I suppose you could put one there that's a flip C on on 47 okay but I mean honestly we don't see flipped cars that often on 47 well I mean how often do you see just a flipped car L well yeah but just there's an accident which is an accident that doesn't mean that you fill something up with speed bumps based on one accident I mean how many accidents have there been I mean I know that we need a traffic Comm we we got the traffic circle like one I so I guess you need direction from us to to do what um so there's a there's a funding um the the the cost to analyze and potentially design on the addition the temporary devices approximately there's two of them right and there about 13,000 each well between design and construction implementation it'll be approximately $55,000 that's the estimate that we've come up with um if you if this body U recommends moving forward incorporating those as part of the overall the neighborhood traffic commy will'll take that to the city Commission because you know I asked for each speed table in the south of fifth um I think it came out to about 11 or $1 13,000 that is correct right so if there's two at the high end it's 26,000 so you're telling me that it's going to take another 24,000 to to design and that that that is based on the the cost estimates that the preliminary cost estimates that we receive from our consultant that is currently engaged on to design the traffic pling so if if we're going to be spending $24,000 on on on that maybe they you know for now let's do two okay but maybe they can also identify other areas that may need it um based on traffic uh accidents so just so you know commissioner we do have the neighborhood um where we have uh a number of devices throughout the neighborhood um which is already under design um for the orcher Park neighborhood so there's already been other locations identified where we're going to we're installing um traffic circles um race crosswalks and also and this is all done through a consultant the design yes it has to be done through a consultant correct yes so the traffic team can't do it them I can't say hey we suggest it here and save ourselves $26,000 unfortunately at this time we cannot can I say ask one favor sure can do do you have the accident data for 47th Street we have the data readily available correct yes it was included as part I mean if it is if it is an issue then I want it to address it but I'm want to find out how many accidents we had we have those traffic things everywhere by the way it's good the DAT kids running around you know like it's the data that was utilized for so commissioner I'll be more than happy to share that data with you um in the future yeah and look sure come don't put a police officer on 47th Street just just wanted U I just wanted to add um that for us as a department speeding is a concern on Pine Tree Drive um that is that is clear and we've also had a number of serious accidents just south of 47th Street as the roadway bends to go um South is a huge tree and historically over the course of my career um the tree unfortunately wins each and every time folks that are driving U when they're speeding don't negotiate that curve to the right properly if they're driving too fast or impaired and they drive straight into that tree so traffic calming devices ahead of that and forcing people to slow down may help with that particular situation yeah yes commissioner bot um so at the I forget which meeting it was recently where we were talking about the traffic calming issue I think it was Finance um we talked about having proactive police enforcement if we know that accident data is predominantly Friday Saturday nights after midnight when people people are impaired um it's not a permanent solution but can we just have somebody out there even just having the blinking you know having somebody out there um not just having the car with blinking lights yes ma'am um yes especially as we head into season and basil and all that stuff where we know people are going to be out um you know Festiva um yes ma'am that would be great absolutely thank you okay so we need to so let's move this to Finance or well you know what I here's what my suggestion would be um because we already have the budget that we approved on for this year why don't we included in the May budget workshop for consideration in May yeah okay well ad chair if can can I uh yes is there not like a transportation budget that you can use discretionary funds uh um on an in-year basis so we do have part of our operating budget we do have about 400,000 that you know it's for few different different things it could be maintenance of the rfps or U miscellaneous traffic common uh traffic studies that we conduct um uh as they come up um but it's not just dedicated um for this this work because I ask you just considering what the timeline could be we've had the discussion on the speed table on West Avenue um six months seven months any update on where that is that right now is in design y that is part of a capital project that is dedicated for race crosswalks so we're we're able to tap into that um so so point being you know the these can have a significant lag time after you even undertake the project uh so I don't know if we're able to you know we're talking what $26,000 if we'd be able to tap into that uh ongoing maintenance fund and and um just two things I I I again I mean I I people send me accidents all the time on 47th I certainly don't want to try to delay uh Madam chair on on sending this to a budget I agree but we should be fiscally responsible and earlier in the meeting we sent stuff to the May audit that's why I'm saying like let's refer this to finance if that's okay um and and see if Finance would be okay with with approving this um but I I also want to get into a little bit more of a discussion yel if why does it need to go to a consultant why you know why are we spending money in a consultant where you guys can make the decision on where it could be placed and save taxpayer money good afternoon Madame chair committee members Jose Gonzalez Transportation director interim parking director commissioner most of these types of projects begin with a traffic study the traffic study needs to be signed and sealed by a professional engineer if if the improvements are found to be warranted then have proceeds to we don't have a professional engineer on staff we have one well we do we but they're managing several projects dozens and dozens of projects not necessarily designing them but managing dozens of projects are they are they a salary employee or are they just on staff as a consultant no they're a our employee is a salaried employee they're are it's a salaried employee correct so instead of paying $226,000 to put in two steep speed tables can't we get our in-house uh specialist to approve two locations on 47th Street well our our in-house specialist who's actually right here it's our senior Transportation engineer gasan so gasan for example manages dozens of projects such as these tra studies different designs because there's a lot of management that goes into the Consultants managing the Consultants that that do this the plans have different phases 30% 60% 90% 100% that's um submitted to the county for but this is such a small little task that could save a lot of lives potentially I mean can't we can't we just uh do this inhouse but it would still require design drawings the county requires design construction drawings that they review they permit and then those drawings have to be developed in in CAD and so well kasan do you feel comfortable doing this like I mean sorry to put you on the spot but you know I'm just trying to I'm trying to save you know $24,000 of taxpayer money where it could take you you know maybe a day or a couple days to just come up with some drawings it's just speed bumps so I mean we're not we're not changing traffic patterns let me see first of all first of first of all my name is gassan I'm actually the senior Transportation engineer for City of Miami Beach I'm actually a professional licensed engineer in state of Florida and California so in regards to this situation what we do have is this is a collector Street compared considering uh from the traffic study that we already have established from before by the consultant and they did not recommend at that time speed cushions or speed comes on that segment between pine tree and and uh and the Prairie Avenue okay so there are certain limitations that we have to follow in order to do this stuff now if I need to do some changes I need to do some variances things like that that's why it's a little bit cost effect like the cost that they were providing you is a little bit uh additional you think it's too much but there's a lot of work in order to approve from the county to get it this installed and commissioner one thing we can do is reach out to other Consultants we have a pool of Consultants to see if we can get a better you know NE negotiate that down and try to get a better price and AutoCAD I'm I am an AutoCAD person but I have not used it in a very long time because of managing projects on on daily day day-to-day basis yeah I just it just seems like you know as we move closer to micromobility and and speed caling that maybe this is the Department that we want to maybe invest a little bit more in where we're not you know look I understand Consultants serve a need but um you know I I foresee us having a couple more Pro well many more projects down the pipe to to to to to address the concerns from the community so um all right I I don't want to belabor this I I I'd like to send it to finance so back to the commission yeah thank thank you so we'll send this back to the commission and then uh number four okay item number four is highlight the demand of Miami Beach summer camp program and explore the expansion of the Miami Beach summer camp program if needed commissioner Rosen Gonzalez um I know that we wanted to expand our summer camps wait this is number four right yes um and I know that this was commissioner magazine wasn't it yes was both of us so should I te up to John yeah and oh sorry Y where I come from that uh being a parent of an elementary AIDS child you literally have to sit online um for some of our camps uh on the day that the registration opens to be able to secure spot and I think that's a testament to the amazing job that you your team do John about how much demand there is there but uh it breaks my heart knowing that there's children in our community that want to get in that camp but also likely need to get in that camp because uh as a parent I know some of the logistics constraints of trying to work uh being involved in the community and if you can't get uh Camp spot you know locally uh at a subsidized rate it it can really uh constrain a lot of parents optionality going to work and things like that so uh we're we're having a problem that is a result of our own success uh and I know you did some analysis of where some of these possible options would be to expand our summer camp programming thank thank you commissioner and and that is correct just this past summer we had 190 um children on the weit list to get to get into summer camp which does show the popularity um however we have another companion item with this which is at the finance committee which this was dual referred plus there's a Southshore Community Center item at finance and what we did through our analysis is if the decision from the commission is for us to to program the parks recreation specifically part of the Southshore Community Center which right now we're looking at the the ground up a section of the ground floor we could um possibly by next summer start up a summer camp spot there for approximately 80 children so that would be our low hanging fruits um so to say if if approved to move forward South Shore if not I do not have um a definite solution but we still want to continue to speak to the schools schools are challenging because they have to do all their maintenance in the summer you know they they need a shutdown period but perhaps in the future we might be able to get in because we need that whole 10 that 10 we period that 9 10 we period not just two weeks maybe in the future we get into the schools we took a look at the convention center logistically security wise unfortunately it didn't work because there's so much space there um just maybe not for the full 10 weeks and security issues so just to wrap it up Southshore is our our recommendation from from staff however it's a companion with that finance committee item commissioner Rosen Gonzalez yeah I like the idea of um of using the Southshore Community Center program starting programming for kids there too I think it'll be a great Community Builder especially for the kids that live in that neighborhood um I'm all for it I know that commissioner bot has an item about the everybody has an item about this out short Community Center but um it would that would be the upstairs then downstairs right now we're looking at the ground floor oh isn't that where the senior lunchroom is going though oh okay I see what you're saying like use it for both okay I love that kids and seniors cats all good through the chair if I yes so what's being envisioned for the Southshore Community Center is a really robust you know almost 247 utilization of that space by lots of different moving um organizations and and uses and you know depending if it's Saturday evening or Tuesday at noon or Friday after school it might be a different set of people doing different funky things there so there's a lot of room to accommodate a lot of really different and important and impactful community engagement so there'll be room for everybody okay love it motion to what are we doing just hearing it at Finance or are we making to the sponsor how we want so back to the commission yes okay uh item number three item number three is discuss partnering with the Aiden Perry hero life ring initiative to install life rings in various locations near water ways across Miami Beach and this would oh commissioner Rosen Gonzalez this is a great this is a great initiative and I'm just gonna te it over to John all right thank you commer yes I'm not sure if I'm if any of you have seen these in per uh in person or on the news but this is the Aiden Perry hero life ring initiative and they're popping up um throughout at least Miami Dade and Brower County this is about a 17-year-old jumped into a a a a pond to try to save someone from a car accident and himself um lost his life in trying to save another life and his his mom has started and others have started this initiative this Foundation where it's like a throw don't go education so they're placing these life rings on these posts with with with a a a rope with some small small instructions and if adopted there will be a Community Education um process we probably work with um the fire department the police department so the throw don't go is if something like this does happen you want to help you could grab the life ring secure the end of the rope and throw the rope in allowing yourself to stay safely on land it it it's it's a wonderful wonderful initiative and um we've come up with you if we if adopted the first phase we we've identified 14 parks that have bodies of water because it doesn't need to be a canal it could be any body of water it could be a a a pond at a golf course or in in Bay Shore Park Etc so we've identified 14 possible locations um there is a cost but it's minimal we believe we can absorb that within our existing operating budget so this is a win-win we could save lives by having you know a life ring there and not only that but it teaches kids about Public Safety too and you know and how you know instead of jumping into the water and trying to save somebody who's drowning which could be frankly dangerous if you're not a life card so it kind of turns it makes the kids attune to to Life Safety issu so um I heard from uh resident David Adams on this um and he's with the Coast Guard and he's gone to the team and they'll help fund the Rings or provide the Rings so I can connect you with him to get more details you did already okay yes I got to the manager's office so then with that I'd move the item to the commission commission okay I'll second any public comments okay we're good I think uh this is it uh thank you colleagues and the meeting is adjourned and we have some fresh time until our shade session lovely 330 e e