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with mayor Francis and I and all of our all of our colleagues as well as uh our school board member some of our state representatives we partner to make sure that our communities who are experiencing food insecurities are able to make it through the month with this Farm share assistance Mr Mayor uh thank you madam chair and before we recognize Farm chair I just want to to um take a minute if I can have everybody's attention I just want to take a minute to commend our city for the way that it performed during the fire devastating fire last week we had 120 plus firemen and women which is a large percentage of our entire fire department of 700 people we had yeah three alarm um we had a shooting at the same time and the police department apprehending the suspect within a very short period of time so dealing with that variable we had all our commissioners coming and providing assistance and you know going above and beyond working you know endless hours no complaints all cohesive and we had our departments uh Human Services our elected officials Department everybody coming together as one city to make sure that these people who lost everything in a very devastating and dramatic way could recover a little bit of dignity so I just really wanted to contextualize it because you know we get criticized a lot but uh you know it's it's incredible to see the city as an organism as an organization come together all the way from the political all the way through um to every single member in as one organism one unit to really deal with a tragedy like the one that we had to deal with last week and it wasn't the only one we had we had like two with the flooding as well so I just want to say thank you and start by saying that thank you so Farm share I call it Gail share where's Gail where is where is she there she is oh and barber share Gail and barber share uh no as as the chair said you know all of us all our offices collaborate together we've all want to present a farm chair share with a check and they get made a also a key to the city that we're all going to present where where are you farm sh there you are okay thank you for all the work that you do you know I I want all our commissioners to to to say a few words because um it's incredible to see the amount of need that there is in this city you know we do a farm share event and people are in lines you know for blocks and for hours and so we're doing everything that we can not just on homelessness not just on affordable housing which addresses poverty but also with the most dramatic need that we have which is to feed people and I just want to commend farm sherff for being such a great partner command all our all our city officials who attend whose offices participate who give money commissioner GAA 15,00 chairwoman King $155,000 Manola Rees $115,000 I get a Mercedes I get a BMW no I'm just kidding uh mayor Suarez $155,000 um you know all of us putting together and I know that uh commissioner partos just left his check inside the the office so we'll get his check soon too but uh this is a a city-wide effort so the farm share congratulations Farm share that occurs in District 5 I have so many of the residents that thank me because like I said this covers a food insecurity for many of our seniors who without this assistance would not have food to carry them through the month this really means the world to Residents in D5 that use this and like the mayor says we have lines and lines and thank God for Gail and Barbara because they continue to find sites for us in District 5 so that all of District 5 residents have access to the foods that farm share provides so I want to thank you thank you on behalf of our residents of District 5 thank you on behalf of my office we do everything that we can to support you my staff is out there we love Gail and Barbara for doing this and my colleagues as well I'm sure they will Echo the sentiments that this addresses food insecurities for our communities and we are so grateful and it is my pleasure and honor to contribute and to continue to contribute thank you so I wanted to say uh to reiterate what the chairwoman said thank you very much for what you do uh my area is deeply uh appreciative uh the seniors are and it's needed in my area so thank you again for your organization and uh and what you do for us thank [Applause] you so on behalf of Manolo Reyes commissioner Reyes who isn't here his chief of staff will speak on his behalf on behalf of commissioner Reyes I would like to thank Farm share Steve Shel and I go way back um and the services they provide to our seniors in our district and the city thank you and it's not just seniors years and commissioner was reminding me that they do food pantry so whatever way that you are able to contribute and whatever way you do we we're very grateful thank you and let the record reflect that even though the check sizes are different the amounts are the same we get procurement to work on that there's different size checks I don't know commissioner Gava and I are like in the same we're in The Penalty Box right mine is a little mine is a little bigger than yours I don't know what's going on here all right all right all right thank you guys you want no thank thank you very much I I want to thank you guys you know Barbara the mayor chairwoman Commissioners for for your partnership because it's not just about the money although money is very helpful it's what we need as an organization to make operations work and these dollars that you've donated will generate about half a million pounds of food which is about 400 meals for your residents here in the city of Miami but it's it's your actual work it it's rolling up your sleeves it's helping put together these events the the volunteer hours the location of the sites I mean you guys are an ingate part of our organization and our efforts to feed your residents in your community and so without you we couldn't do what we're doing and I want to personally thank you each and everyone for your commitment to our organization and your partnership to help feed the community because again with decades High inflation it's not just the homeless that we're talking about it's Working Class People it's teachers it's nurses it's entrepreneurs uh they're not able to put food on their table right now and you guys are helping them do that so again thank you very much and thank you for this recognition thank you thank you that's you that's you uh another one okay sorry wait all right moving right along this week is Code Compliance appreciation week I never knew that we could appreciate Code Compliance but we do actually it's interesting we this is actually true I want you to hear this we used to call the department code enforcement and I actually effectuated the change to Code Compliance because we don't want our we we're not here to enforce the code we're here to get our neighbors to comply with the code right we want the idea is not to find people or to you know make them have to pay money the idea is for them to actually comply with the code so that everyone can have a better quality of life so we changed the name we want it to be more educational we want it to be more um merciful right and uh and and I think that it it creates a different energy right so um Madam chair this is your uh Proclamation yes so it's Code Compliance week and I have gotten the opportunity to meet our Code Compliance team some of them share an office with me my district office and we are going to share an office soon in the Overtown Community these are fine men and women who are doing a job that is thankless because even though we're trying to be Cod compliance not everyone is happy to see them when they show up but they show up and they do a fantastic job and I'm going to introduce the director director Santos good morning everyone as we make our way up Madame chairwoman Mr Mayor thank you so much we are we are very humbled by the recognition so as you said uh and and one of the things we do we're compliance minded right this is what drives us and we collaborate we work together with our partners and police and fire and often times when they see fire come up right we're there to assist but not so much with code right with code uh sometimes they say ah but we collaborate and we are there and so for the recognition and they they are the boots in the ground they are the ones that doing the work day in day out uh and and we are much humbled for the recognition so thank you madam chair and director Santos has done one smart thing and he has an ad that's a woman girl power that's right W that's right and I love that when we have women in positions of authority because I believe that a woman brings a certain calmness calmness empathy you know because women we we are negotiators by trade we negotiate our siblings our parents our children our spouses you know women women are the backbone of this Society if I may say so humbly so I want to thank you guys all of you guys I recognize many of you you guys do awesome work and when I call on them they show up they show up no matter what time day or night they show up so congratulations continue to do the great work that you do my colleagues may want to say something because we all have a unique experience with code nope nope okay so here we go um is this it no which one is it envelope the envelope here you go I would read it all but it just says that they're wonderful and it's Code Compliance Appreciation Week [Applause] get W everybody everybody smile thank you than [Applause] one one so we're going to recognize our city employees who created and helped create the fit city challenge what we did in May was get all of the city employees to join the fit city challenge because the mayor and I are very big On Wellness physical mental wellness and there are two employees that we want to recognize who you've already heard their names you've already heard their names Miss Gail and Miss Barbara because I came up and it's a surprise they didn't know because you couldn't know if you knew then they would find out and it was so hard it was so hard to keep this secret because they actually create the proclamations so we had to learn how to do it ourselves but I came to them and said hey I don't know oh yeah we signed it signed it too yes so um I came to them and say hey I want to do this fit city challenge cuz every month I do some kind of Health Challenge and I wanted to get all of our employees together because if our employee pool are healthy then we get good services from them and we educated them they were able to go to the clinic that the city has for free and when I asked Gail and Barbara to help me with it they didn't hesitate much like they do with the farm share program and everything else they do they jump in no hesitation and they get the job done so we wanted to say thank you without you guys knowing it because we really appreciate everything that you do you guys are amazing and you always show up with a smile you never have a bad attitude no matter what and on behalf of myself and the mayor myself and the mayor but they weren't alone there were others that helped put this fit city challenge together the city even created its own app so that we could track our progress on the app and I hope when we do it again and I'm thinking we should do it in January because everyone makes these New Year's resolutions this time I want my colleagues to join me and everyone everyone get in on the fit city challenge in January but for the rest of us come on up guys that um help create it it's Christine Christina G is from my office she did heavy heavy work Diego from my office we have Moises from the mayor's office but he's not here he's helping the SE the the residents from the fire so he couldn't be here jar Espinosa and Anna man Mia Medina Medina and this is also an initiative that comes out of our Risk Management Department risk management so come on but everyone got involved the manager got involved with it we had departments competing against each other and every single Department in the city participated so you guys thank you so much for making my crazy ideas come to fruition thank you madam chair uh I I don't want to say who came in first place in the 5K but I could tell you who came in second place in the 5K I came in second place in the 5K and my son who is 10 years old was running faster than me the entire race and I sort of held back and the last 100 yards I sprinted ahead of him he was very disappointed that I beat him I said guy I'm too young to lose and you're too young to win okay we can't at 10 years old you can't already be faster than that that just shatters your whole image of your father for you know uh but uh it was fun we had a great time and I think uh you know I'm going to challenge the manager not a physical challenge um in the next contracts because we just signed Union contracts but in our next contracts I think there should be Health metric bonuses in other words people should get bonuses if they meet certain Health metrics because I think the the the I think the the savings I think the the savings the I think the savings the savings will far outweigh the bonuses the savings that we will have on medical treatment on Medical Care on risk will on sick days will far outweigh the cost and that's my my hypothesis we can study it because I know we just entered into three-year contracts I won't be here that's probably why you're laughing at me cuz you're like you're not even going to be here already negotiating the next contract buddy but I I I I I I I I will leave a note right to the next mayor hey this is something you should do Adventure Miami Adventure Miami uh who is here sweating up a storm with us too thank you guys oh they created the app they created the [Applause] app sweat to your Drop app okay on the app a little bit yeah I mean they literally created in a week more or less you got it together Comm commissioner you have a I think a 20 service yes service so this is for a um a very special person that's uh retiring after I believe 29 30 years of service 30 years of service and uh so this Proclamation goes out to gandia [Applause] V there we go [Applause] so the proclamation basically says that she is awesome that's what it says she is awesome and I I don't know if anyone can appreciate what it takes to work a place for 30 years how many years did you hate your job I never hat never hated your job okay okay well my mom retired after 37 years of service in the same job there were days that she hated her job but she stuck in there and she did what she had to do and retired and I'm so so proud to stand here with you because there's not many of us that have the fortitude to be dedicated to a job for 30 years so thank you thank you for your service wo so in the in the fire department we we say our mission is very simple our mission is to help people that's what we do I think it's a beautiful beautiful Mission and when you think of our employees Kia embodies that to her very core in the many roles she's had she's been a dispatcher so when the community if someone calls 911 in the worst day of their life they want to hear a calming and soothing voice is going to get help there she did that job for many years worked as a net administrator working in the community and more recently in Emergency Management helping to build our community Emergency Response Team our Asser team to the biggest it's ever been she embodies what it is to help to help the community it's the best of what we have to offer we we wish you very much success we're going to miss you and from the Department of fire rescue we hear and recognize kand bisho for your dedicated service to the citizens of Miami and the department of Fire Rescue [Applause] I just want to say two quick things oh wasn't it I just want to say two quick things one is we got to see the C team activated this week I think it's the first time I had ever seen it activated uh and it was incredibly impressive to see citizens responding to an emergency um so dutifully and so helpfully uh in in such a difficult situation so congratulations on that second thing I want to I want to mention is we're about the same age and I've been here for 15 years when you combine eight years as a commissioner seven years as mayor which means I've been here for a third of my life she's been here for 2third of her [Applause] life I'll let you do the math on when she started but she's been here for 2third of her life so it's not just 30 years it's 2/3 66% of her life has been dedicated to the city thank you thank you so much um it it has been the ride of a lifetime um my mom told me to apply for a job she was a dispatcher and um and I met my husband here and I've met some incredible people and um I'm I'm very very humbled and blessed right now and thank you so much for this thank you thank you to the fire department you've been amazing thank you [Applause] and and we have another 30 year of service proclamation to Alicia Romain from the police department Alicia are you here yes yes if Gail says yes if Barbara says yes I got to say yes yes all right sure pi okay so P picture first right so uh I I just want to say a couple of uh a couple words about uh Alicia but Lisa as we uh as we call her so uh i' I've known Lisa for the better part of uh at my career at least half my career uh when I met her in our Recruitment and selection unit and we know the incredibly challenging task that it is to hire the next generation of Public Safety professionals to keep our city safe to keep our our uh our residents and stakeholders safe all of the magic that happens really behind the scenes never asking for any any credit any Glory uh is is really Lisa who does the heavy lifting in our Recruitment and selection unit so when you think about recruitment drives when you think about you know years where we have to hire 100 plus police officers it's you know if you're wondering you know who's the who's the person behind the curtain making it all happen uh it's it's Lisa and thank you so much on behalf of uh not just our department but of the people of our city that absolutely owe you a debt of gratitude for helping keep us safe thank you and and and after Armando said that it it brought something to mind you know I like to highlight our statistics particularly when they're good statistics and our officer related complaints have gone down by 15% from last year the previous year to last year and I don't know this year's number so I have to I have to get get them I'm sure you'll give them to me after the after the meeting but we have three I I just want to give you some context we have 330 to 350,000 calls for service on an annual basis means 350,000 times someone picks up the phone and calls 911 in our city and I think the last number I looked at we had 358 complaints complaints not even sustained complaints just gross complaints right out of 330,000 calls and that's a testament in large part to the vetting that you're doing and the screening that you're doing and making sure that we're getting the best of the best applicants in our department and the training of course that they're getting but it starts with the first filtration mechanism which is you guys so thank [Applause] you got it it's okay let's go don't worry nobody's watching on TV it's fine okay nobody's here all right maybe a few people it's recorded first and foremost I just want to thank God for the strength to endure my family and my chain of command I just want to say thank you thank you thank you [Music] and now nope we're not done and now oh we're going to recognize the employees who won the fit city challenge so you guys please come up Darren McCrae Jonathan major Rosa Castillo Alexandre Gomez I can't pronounce this one this one Melissa Paula I'm going to let them pronounce that I couldn't pronounce [Applause] milia congratulations thank you thank you congratulations who okay who didn't I Pronounce You Lilia Lea the didn't pronounce last name is nin not here no okay so these are our top winners from the city fit challenge we had fantastic prizes I believe everyone already received your prizes already did it's after okay so we had fantastic prizes but these are the employees that stood out that showed up that participated and they never call out sick true true it's true see yep see it's true so let me hold on I got certificates for youa I couldn't pronounce it anyway Daren thank you for showing up thank you for showing up thank you for setting the example of being a healthy City employee and I look forward to our January 2025 City fit challenge with everyone thank you [Applause] well done [Applause] City biking okay we can right we can we can consider that all all recommendations are welcome thank you good morning I believe this concludes the proclamation portion of our meeting and we are going to get started we start every meeting in prayer you do it okay and there's one second one I don't remember the second one here introduce yourself in your church because I always forget good morning my name is Archbishop George W sanss and I'm with St Peter's African Orthodox Cathedral here in Miami Florida if we could bow our heads in prayer for a moment oh God we come before you with gratitude we thank you for being a god of love who is with us now In This Very Room you never leave us or forsake us your Grace has brought us safe thus far and your grace will lead us home we thank you for making each of us in this room every person we meet every citizen in this city in your own image with dignity and infinite love thank you today my God for these your servants our mayor our city manager our city staff and the city council members give them I give you thanks for the way they serve this community and they've chosen to be servant L citizens we all come to this room today as complex human beings carrying burdens carrying a hope trusting that you alone can hold us together in your love and peace help us Lord to trust you more more than our fears our wounds and even our accomplishments may we learn from your Everlasting Arms we pray for wisdom and strength for courage to do what is right and good for all citizens may we put their interests of others above our own may we act with love for the common good may we be good neighbors recognizing your image in every person here we thank you again for the council our mayor our city staff and for our First Responders our Hospital staff and all of those who work to make this city that we call home such a wonderful and Magic City amen amen thank you thank you commissioner Paro would you lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you Mr City attorney would you read your statement for the record please yes Madam chair thank you George weisson City attorney detailed information about the processes order of business rules of procedure and scheduling or rescheduling of City Commission meetings can be found in Chapter 2 Article 2 of the city code a copy of which is available online at www.mm code.com any person who is a lobbyist pursuant to chapter 2 article 6 of the city code must register with the city clerk and comply with related City requirements for lobbyists before appearing before the city commission a person may not Lobby a city official board member or staff member until registering a copy of the code section about lobbyists is available in the city clerk's office or online at www. municode.com any person making a presentation formal request or or petition to the city commission concerning real property must make the disclosures required by the city code in writing a copy of the city code section is available at the office of the city clerk or online at www. municode.com the city of Miami requires that anyone requesting action by the city commission must disclose before the hearing any consideration provided or committed to anyone for agreement to support or withhold objection to the requested action pursuant to city code section 2-8 any documents offered to the city commission that have not been provided 7 days before the meeting as part of the agenda materials will be entered into the record at the city commission's discretion in accordance with Section 2-33 f and g of the city code the agenda and the material for each item on the agenda is available during business hours at the city clerk's office and online 24 hours a day at www.mo.com any person may be heard by the city commission through the chair for not more than 2 minutes on any proposition before the city commission unless Modified by the chair public comment will begin at approximately 9 after 9:00 a.m. and remain open until public comment is closed by the chairperson members of the public wishing to address the body may do so by submitting written comments via the online comment form please visit www.miamigov.com meting instructions for detailed instructions on how to provide public comment using the online public comment form the comments submitted through the comment form have been and will be distributed to the elected officials their staff and City Administration throughout the day so that the elected officials may consider the comments prior to taking any action additionally the online comment form will remain open during the meeting to accept comments and distribute to the elected officials their staff and the city Administration up until the chairperson closes public comment public comment may also be provided live at City Hall located at 3500 panamerican Drive Miami Florida subject to any and all City Rules as they may be amended if the proposition is being continued or rescheduled the opportunity to be heard may be at such later date before the city commission takes action on such proposition when addressing the city commission the member of the public must first state their name their address and what item will be spoken about any person with a disability requiring assistance auxiliary AIDS and services for this meeting May notify the city clerk the city has provided different public comment methods to indicate among other things the public support opposition or neutrality on the items and topics to be discussed at the city commission meeting in compliance with Section 2860 11144 C Florida Statutes the public has given the opportunity has been given the opportunity to provide public comment during the meeting and within reasonable proximity and time before the meeting please note Commissioners have been generally briefed by City staff and the city attorney's office on items on the agenda today anyone wishing a Verbatim record of any item considered at this meeting May requested at the office of communications or view it online at www.mo.com planning and zoning item shall proceed according to section 7.1.4 of the Miami 21 zoning ordinance parties for any planning zoning items including any applicant appellant appal City staff and any person recognized by the decision-making body as a qualified intervenor as well as the applicants representatives and any experts testifying on behalf of the applicant appellant or appal may be physically present at C City Hall to be sworn in by oath or affirmation by the city clerk the members of the city commission shall disclose any exp parte Communications to remove the presumption of prejudice pursuant to Florida statute 28615 and section 7.1.4 point5 of the Miami 21 zoning ordinance the order of presentation shall be a set forth in Miami 21 and in the city code staff will briefly present each item to be heard the applicant will present its application or request to the city commission if the applicant agrees with the staff recommendation the city commission may proceed to its deliberation and decision the applicant may also wave the right to an evidentiary hearing on the record um for appeals the app the appellant will present its appeal to the city commission followed by the appal staff will be allowed to make any recommendations they may have please silence all cell phones and other noise making devices this meeting can be viewed live on Miami TV the city's Facebook page the city's Twitter page the city's YouTube channel and Comcast channel 77 the broadcast will also have closed captioning thank you madam chair thank you Mr City attorney Mr city clerk will you please read your statement for the record thank you chair the procedures for individuals who be providing testimony to be Sor in for Planning and Zoning items and any quasi judicial items on today's City commission agenda will be as follows the members of City staff or any other individuals required to be sworn in who are currently present at City Hall will be sworn in by me the city clerk immediately after I finished explaining these procedures those individuals who are repairing remotely may be sworn in now or at any time prior to the individual providing testimony for Planning and Zoning items and our quasa judicial items Commissioners are you comfortable with all the notice Provisions set forth in us and reform rules of procedures we established for this meeting and then chair May yes thank you chair and chair May administer the E of the one Planning and Zoning item on today's agenda yes please thank you chair good morning ladies and gentlemen if we would be speak on item agenda item pz1 agenda item pz1 may I please have you stand and raise your right hand I do not see anyone uh that will be speaking on pz1 so we Mo proceed with the rest of the meeting thank you Mr City clerk at this time Mr city manager do you have any items that will be deferred or withdrawn from this agenda good morning Madam chair Commissioners uh Mr City attorney city clerk at this time the administration would like to defer end or withdraw the following items ca4 to be deferred to July 11th re5 to be deferred to July J 11th re6 to be deferred to July 11th sr1 to be deferred to September the 12th F fr1 to be indefinitely deferred F fr3 to be deferred to July 11th and bc5 to be deferred to June 27th what item the last one was bc5 one of the boards board appointments till when the next meeting June 27th Mr Vice chair do you have any items that you would like to withdraw or defer from this agenda uh I go commissioner sorry he said um he'll tell us later all right so so bc5 uh U on behalf of mon that he's not here um and ask for that to be deferred right the manager just said oh I'm sorry okay commissioner Paro I have none you have none okay um may I have a motion to set the agenda there there there I'm sorry go ahead there's there's one more thing I was wondering if we can U we put the uh the CRA the omn uh the to extend the omn uh and I was wondering if we can uh defer that to the uh the next meeting no it's kind of important for us you want to get it done yes okay um the acceptance of om Omni commissioner gabella wanted to defer it but it's time only because because uh I don't know wasn't here that's um but that's fine okay those things are very time sensitive and time wounds all deals and this deal has been lingering for many many years 2020 so we need to move with that so if I may have a motion to set the agenda I'll make the motion a second all in favor all right I agenda is set and at this time I will open the floor for public comments anyone wishing to speak on behalf of any item that is on our agenda please state your name address and the item for which you are speaking on good morning good morning Madam chairwoman Kristen brow 888 BC Boulevard speaking on behalf of the downtown neighborhood association asking you to do the city of Miami and the downtown neighborhood a favor but most of all to do yourself a favor because you can stop us coming down here to talk to you all the time about the complaints we have about Bayfront Park and commissioner gabella has made a very sensible suggestion that you review who it is who is in charge of the park commissioner coroy this is not personal to you but we've been down here in the past year talking about Led Billboards talking about trees coming down that are illegally taken down talking about gyms that are put up improperly talking about things being paid paved over talking about noise we can stop that by having the person in charge of the park in charge of the trust that runs the park be the commissioner who is responsive to the people in the neighborhood and that is not the commissioner from outside that is the commissioner who whose District the park is in and that is Damen parto of District 2 and whoever is successor maybe from years to come the park is a wonderful resource for this city it's really the Gateway for people who come into downtown Miami we love it it is our front yard and we're asking you to do the right thing by listening to what commissioner gabella has said and what he has recognized and what commissioner Paro has done and to be responsive to the neighborhood not just to outside interests whose primary interest seems to be to squeeze every dime they can out of it at the expense of those of us who live there I know that this happens to be a meeting where there aren't so many of us here but I want you to understand that this is of critical importance to our neighborhood and we urge you to act on commissioner gella's suggestion and thank you thank you for coming good morning Elvis how are we today we are very well thank you chairwoman Elvis Cruz 631 Northeast 57 street I'm here on ca7 which is a Morningside Park summer camp always a good thing unfortunately we have a very very flooded playing field in Morningside Park and let's talk about that here is what happened back in 2012 the City built a walkway across the uh drainage ditch and caused this flooding and I know commissioner Paro is quite familiar with this but I want others to be aware of it in the administration that's what causes the water to back up big problem and so we've been asking for a fix for 12 years the city recently did a similar fix on 7th Avenue it's very simple some concrete some PVC pipe not a big job the funding to fix this was approved on May 25th 2023 over a year ago and nothing has been fixed yet so please make this happen there's an additional problem the uh for the first time ever in the heavy rains we had earlier this week the water level was above the walkway and I investigated it's because the mangroves have clogged the drainage Culvert that leads to the Bay so here it is on the other side where it goes out there's 2 feet of clearance so that's very badly clogged and the mangroves need to be removed in order to do that here's an overhead view this circle shows where that Culvert is that's clogged by the mangroves and uh mangroves were previously removed and unclogged from the inlet to the Basin so yes it is possible to remove mangroves permission was given by durm to Capital Improvements to unclog by removing the mangrove so please let's get this fixed thank you thank you good morning good morning ingred daso I live in District 4 2151 Southwest 24th Paris um I'm going to give my dad my time thank you little angry good morning morning my name is Jose daso 2151 Southwest 24th Terrace first and foremost I want to thank God that he has brought me here today I believe good morning I'm here to speak on ph34 and then a comment on R E1 E2 I'm here to speak as a resident of District 4 about a situation between FPL the city of Miami Building and zoning department and on behalf of 104 homes before 2016 I thought it was normal to live in the city leave Miami and have 15 power outages a year in 2016 FPL decided to go underground to start a project that ultimately got sheld in October 2023 the area and District 4 experienced a power outage that lasted 13 hours with countless crew members had to work on a lateral line of 104 homes to turn the power back on with 17 power outages since then frustration it had its peak I started I decided to start a grassroot movement movement which has now become a coalition involving more Prof many professionals from all walks of life since October of 2023 104 homes have left up in the dark on the status and expected timeline for completion of this 2016 FPL project our neighborhood Coalition decided to get PSC involved and FPL workers Janet Blanco and our ts are in charge of above and underground came to the scene after more than a dozen phone calls and emails the underground Department after all wanted to full action to resolve this problem all 104 homes signed their waivers and FPL Engineers submitted their plans to the city which resulted in the pulling of seven permits every permit calls for a quarter mile it's 2 and 1 half miles a line and it goes from 22nd Avenue to 16th Avenue can you imagine the zigzag that's in there they seem like promising progress the community however almost a full year later has passed passed and ground has yet to be broken on the project I'm here to transmit the Coalition sense of urgency as it relates to the 2016 FPL project this is what I suggest please all critical infrastructure permits need to be an an expedited system that I have Dove Fastpass the policy that we are pleading for commissions to write should reflect on these permits because they directly affect the citizens of Miami and specifically The District 4 Community although there seems to be lisons on both sides there are discretionary positions the commission's policy should lay out a mandated timeline for the city and FPL I am a problem solver I plan to bring my business agument to the city of Miami that greatly needs it I have lived in the district for 34 years and I have two thriving businesses within the district now on the fire department I would like to recognize what an outstanding job our city of Miami fire department did when called on the three alarm fire these were fragile residents we did not lose one life I want to congratulate the fire department for the collective bargaining agreement as well as I was once a fellow Teamster for over three decades I have been on the front lines taking care of our most vulnerable citizens the elderly and I've had a lot of experience working with the city of M Miami fire department they are truly the most loving and giving individuals that have come across on a monthly basis for over 30 years of service thank you and and and again I want to go back we should have a system that if a utility a critical infrastructure company wants to do something in the city they must be on Fastpass they must be expedited they should not wait in line with everyone else for their for their permits to be processed so I I urge you greatly on this thank you Commissioners thank you thank you good morning good morning Nicole desiderio 900 bis g bay I'm speaking on item di5 I have a little that I Mentor with Big Brothers Big Sister she's considered to be underprivileged and lives in a low-income area I first took her to Fay Park back when she was 7 years old she's now 15 there's a picture of her at the park when I told her about the gym and other amenities being installed in the park she said to me why who's doing that it's such a beautiful Park why are they putting that there every Park I already go to around me in my neighborhood already has those amenities Nicole when I come visit you I want to see something different something nicer at 15 years old even she sees the potential that this park has this park simply deserves better the trust currently has $20 million sitting in an account year marked for Capital Improvements for this park do you know what can be done with $20 million when you have that amount of money you don't throw away 300,000 of it to plop an unwanted gym in the middle of the park what you do is you hire a professional Park planner to design the entire park so that every element is cohesive and then you implement that master plan a master plan that is in fact already in existence with full construction documents that has already been paid for by the taxpayers sadly none of this was accomplished in the last six years during the current Chairman's control the latest version of the Park's true master plan was a $10 million construction project there are plenty enough funds for that and I'm sure more could easily easily be donated with the right person in charge with the right leadership this rare Waterfront Park could be spectacular there's no reason why this park shouldn't rival the most famous parks in the world we need someone in charge who sees the potential of this space otherwise it will just become another mediocre park for all these reasons and more I ask you to remove Joe carollo from his position as chairman of the Bayfront Park trust and replace him with someone who truly cares whether that be commissioner gabella commissioner Paro commissioner Reyes really at this point just anyone but Joe thank you good morning morning Madam chair fellow Commissioners Mr City attorney Mr manager my name is Alexander ginas president for the Miami Association of firefighters local 587 located at 2980 Northwest South River Drive I'm here to speak on behalf of re1 and re2 before you you will have the opportunity to in My Hope support a contract that's been um one that's been negotiated for well over two years now in our efforts to try to address the needs of Recruitment and Retention and to be very Frank these contracts what's in these documents especially article one which defines what this document represents pales in comparison and does nothing to give it the justice that it's due like the three alarm fire that we had in downtown on Monday day if you want to get a depiction of what these documents represent that's your best imagery to show you the firefighters lieutenants captains and Chief Fire officers that represent the city of Miami fire rescue Department the brave men and women that give it their all day in and day out to put it all in the line to fight fire save lives and protect property and do so in a selfless manner it gives me the greatest honor and privilege to negotiate on behalf of these individuals and for 2 years negotiating for individuals that are highly skilled phenomenally willed dedicated individuals it is truly a blessing to be in this position before you today and presenting you with these contracts I believe that in our best efforts we've accomplished these goals of Recruitment and Retention I ask humbly for your support and I also want to take this opportunity to thank all of you the elected officials and your staff for your support and your efforts as well as that of our city manager AR Nora and our CFO Larry spring we've negotiated in a very respectful manner um we've negotiated in good faith and I'm truly happy and privileged to be before you I hope I can count on your support thank you good morning good morning my name is Michael fene I live at 900 biscan Boulevard and I am here speaking on D15 I am here to present the petition started by the downtown neighborhood alliance asking for the removal of Joe carollo as chairman of the Bayfront Park trust we have often heard commissioner carello claim from the de that it is only and I quote a handful of elitists losers and racists who want him removed the petition that I am presenting today has over 1,075 signatures with approximately 9 % of the signers City of Miami residents We Believe commissioner Carell's leadership has not been in the best interest of the community in fact his entire tenure tenure as trust chairman demonstrates a clear trend of decisionmaking that prioritizes his personal interests over the well-being of shared public spaces we would like commissioner Coro removed immediately and replaced with a commissioner who has the best interests of the residents and will work together together with the community to make the park in the image that it was intended to be thank you thank you good morning Brenda 1436 i63 I hope that you guys are dry and thank you for all the ones that help for those who are stuck in the water and I really appreciate it and just keep in mind that we all residents are here when we have a problem and we expect for you to kind of listen to us um many of us live in Little Havana but in alap I know that we have a lot of cars in Rico as well please commissioners try to see how can you guys do the drainage problem to be fixed I remember that we as a voters vote for those bonds couple years back for us to fix the floating problems many of you I think we're not here when that happened but we still asking the same questions where is the money goes and where it's working it's not working it is in a process what's going on with the money that we as a voters approve for you as a representative to fix our drainage problem and and it's very sad that we do not trust just the way they say it is being used the right way because we don't see the progress um I just want to please keep that in mind that we need to see what you guys actually doing with the money of the city of Miami residents we pay taxes and I one of those who live work in the city of Miami so I pay taxes more than once as a owner of the property as a business owner as a person who actually drive in the city of Miami so please I want you guys to keep that on mind because so many need helps thank you thank you seeing no one else for public comment the public comment period is now closed if I may have a motion to approve the city commission meeting minutes for April 11th motion approve I have a motion in a second all in favor I gentlemen for our consent agenda items is there any item that you would like to pull for discussion CA a 1 2 3 5 6 or seven any item you'd like to pull I'm good may I have a motion mot motion for approval second I have a motion in the second to approve CA 1 2 3 5 six and seven all in favor motion carries unanimously chair yes sir because I do want to finish early today uh I'll be a punching back for today only okay yeah we don't have to attend every party we're invited to not necessarily later okay now okay Madam chair yes there is one thing I wanted to acknowledge and that is the juneth federal holiday tomorrow uhhuh and basically you know the fact that 2 years after slavery had legally ended it was finally practically ended and the federal holiday tomorrow there are two events in the city one is the beach bash in Virginia key I think that's from like 11: to 4: and the other one is juneth Jubilee which I believe is on the 19th from 11:00 a.m. to 2 p.m. and for anyone who would like to participate in any of our juneth celebrations you can find the information on our social media calendars is there's going to be big celebrations all over the city thank you commissioner Paro for the public hearing items ph1 2 3 4 are there any items that you would like to pull for discussion and keep in mind that PH2 is a 45s item and require Ires all of our votes because commissioner Reyes is not here yeah that's uh that's mine in my area it's for affordable housing okay so are there any items any of you would like to pull for discussion I'm ready Vice chair uh I'm PH2 commissiona yes sir this is uh um for sale yes we're selling it to uh uh for for the lottery uh to have two affordable homes uh for the are town houses how many are are there uh two two I wish you had more that's good I think that's what we should be looking to do more is to to encourage and try to help affordable Housing Home Ownership I agree do I have a motion move I have a motion in a second second all in favor of pH 1 2 3 and four i i i motion carries unanimously thank you Commissioners thank you thank you for the resolution items are E1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 and 15 of any of those items would my colleagues like to pull so can you say one two hold on M my apologies CH I didn't hear re7 in the list re7 I didn't say that okay re7 so can so are there any of the re items that you would like to PLL for discussion but which are the ones that you mentioned that you want to pass now are 1 2 3 four which requires a 4 fifths vote r e 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 and 15 okay give me a minute here okay take your times and chair just for the record r88 needs to be amended uh pursuant to a substitution Amendment distributed on April 9th 2024 thank you yeah I'd like to pull AR okay anyone else that's all for me if uh if I can you're you're pulling 10 are 10 the the that's fine I understand I I just have a question since this the only place we can discuss um fourth for the future commissioner have you given any thought into a CRA into alip we we have commissioner but the problem is that by the time it's it's uh funded it's manyy many light years into the future and and this is the the whole problem okay and and and that's why I want to talk on re10 with all due respect so are there any other items that you would like to discuss not not in the re okay so may I have a motion to pass re 1 2 3 4 which requires four fits vote re 7 8 as amended 9 11 12 13 14 and 15 motion I have a motion and a second all in favor I I items passes unanimously and now R 10 commissioner Bella for discussion yes ma'am so I short yeah okay so um let me start by saying that uh the the problem that I have uh extending this to 2047 without an extension in the boundaries to to the to the C is is a couple items that I want to bring you to your attention Commissioners uh one of them is uh there was a study done by my pres predecessor that I'm sure you all are aware if not I've got a copy that can be made available of of uh of moving the line from the existing omn Westward B and I'm sure you know a little bit about it commissioner by do you know on on the one hand I'd like to do what you guys do for your areas um you know my area I have troop light uh especially on 7th a that 7th Avenue Corridor uh we have all the homeless situation going on uh you know they they bust him from Miami Beach from TGK at the end of the day were the ones that foot the bill uh they say that because all the Hub you know the medical center and the the jail and everything revolves around that that area it it's a hub it's a magnet for this kind of uh situation that we have going on this is also one of the reasons why I would like to with the help of you commiss extend the Omni CR Westward bound and and of course it's the lines are negotiable you know uh so there's a heavy consequence to to be paid there you know we're bearing the brunt of the problem my district is bearing the brunt on the pro the problem on that 7th Avenue Corridor you know I know there's homeless uh not only there but that's a majority of of where you know the problem lies in that 7th Avenue Corridor close to ca's house and you know we go there we move them the heat does a job the policeman does the job we're wasting resources and they they come back and it's just ongoing situation and and this is one the other the other uh thought that I'd like to to bring to the Forefront here is you know I remember when I was a kid in back in the 70s and ' 80s and '90s that you can make the argument that a lot of uh a lot of the uh of the areas in the Omni area were blighted uh you know uh a lot of stuff to be done but today you know I think this is a different scenario it's a different map uh this is not the case anymore even though I know some will argue that the federal guidelines argue as as is still in some areas but I would argue that the majority of this area now it's Prime real estate and therefore blight has gone away not all of the area but the majority of of the area you know and I I would just like for you guys to consider you know like I said I I would like to do things for my area you know that you guys do for for your area and this is where I'm coming from I I believe that my area my constituents can can tremendously uh you know um we can do a lot of things that we can't do now and and and like commissioner garu rightly asked you know creating one yes you can create create one but by the time it's funded it'll be 9 10 years 11 years 12 years you know and this is the reason why U you know uh in the meetings somebody said we can float a bun but that's not possible you know that's not doable an actual fact it's it's it's a fallacy you know so I would urge you to to please consider my situation okay that my district situation my cons the problem that I have on 7th F okay with all the consequences we are absorbing those consequences they cost money to fix those consequences and this is what I would argue uh to move the line you also have the medical center that can use the the some of the CRA funds and again commissioner uh Commissioners you know this is open to interpretation where we can negotiate on the on the boundaries thank you um thank you Mr Vice chair thank you chair Comm I I I've heard what you said and I I understand first of all the need that you have in your District um secondly of all I heard what you said that if we go for a new CRA How many years it might take what I would suggest that we look at is the following there are commitments that cannot be broken for whatever is left in the CRA period seven more years or less or whatever it is it it's 2030 isn't that it expires in 2030 um but 2030 be Beyond there for the new period that's what we're talking about here I think we should look at the CRA boundaries and take out some of the areas that are closer to biscan that really are not blighted anymore and extend that more into district one in the alipa area where he truly uh it it meets the requirement of a CRA so I would be in favor of that going into the future but taking out areas that we have now in the presentent C that are no longer blighted the job was done when this CRA was founded and extended more into your District uh where the need is there what we need to do uh I I think before we take any actual vote in that is to have the administration and to do it quickly not to be one of those things that goes for 6 months or a year that they could do a quick analysis uh of whatever new areas we're going to take take how much money is that going to take from the general fund uh and then figure out how much we'll be gaining from any areas that we'll be putting back in so that you know we could have a uh a realistical view uh on the general fund which that we have an obligation to do but uh I'm I'm in agreement uh with with what you're saying is it commissioner Paro thank you first of all I'd like to say commissioner gabella I totally understand in the areas that you're discussing I believe a CRA would be a very good vehicle I think what's important for you to understand is when this broader extension was first introduced by Alex Diaz deap Portilla it was considered a very broad overreach to the existing CRA and it was not welcomed at all so we are not in favor of extending the boundaries we are in favor of providing all kinds of assistance expert knowledge and getting the CRA up and running for alipa I do not believe it will take eight years I believe within two to three years there will be significant funding there are all kinds of resources including loans that can help establish it but the answer is not to accept the previous extension that was poorly conceived from the very beginning I'd like to address the issue of about blight yes it is an area of blight I mean this is the thing when when you're the district commissioner for the area you understand the area you're getting the problems from the area whether it's a renovation of Mount olvet Missionary Baptist Church or whether it's the flooding on Northeast 15th that's horrific and the lack of infrastructure it is very much an area of blight and I take issue with Commissioners that don't service this area weighing in and saying things that are contrary to that it is vital that we ac pass this acceptance mind you this is an acceptance this has already been discussed approved it's a very long process in 2020 it was approved by the County Commission it came back to the CRA it was approved by the CRA it is now before us as an acceptance that's necessary for us to be able to fund projects like the Schoolboard project which is coming our way and we don't have the capacity without this acceptance so I would beg you to once again respect the area commissioner respect the office that has the greatest amount of technical expertise and knowledge in the area and to please defer to District 2 and allow us to continue the jobs we're doing because commissioner Coro you mentioned affordable housing these are projects that we're very much on top of including with the Schoolboard project we have some amazing projects in line and over when we do the CRA board meeting you'll hear about some more of them and this would impede our progress so please continue this progress and allow us to continue in this direction and vote in favor of the acceptance I agree with commissioner Paro because like I said before and I've said all the time time wounds all deals and and the state is moving away from cras they're not granting additional cras now they're changing the legislation to make it even harder for us to address slum and blight in our community I do understand commissioner gabella I support alipa I believe that alapata should have a CRA because of we share the most the poorest districts in the city of Miami and if there was a path forward to extend the line a reasonable path forward to extend the line I'd be the first to support that and co-sponsor it but I believe it would be a mistake to hold up approving the extension for the omnic at this time when you take into total ity the temperature of C within the State of Florida can I interject absolutely so with all du respect commissioner by the way commissioner King the the study that was done was also done in your area extending from 441 North uh and you have part of your area right to include Little Haiti I'm familiar with it it it wasn't a it wasn't a great plan right but uh look uh with all du respect I'll be voting no for this uh with all du respect I I do uh believe that commissioner G is right when he says that maybe and this is a good thought uh the areas that are not within the area of the C he's arguing that the areas that are not needed that are not in BL anymore but taken out to make room for other areas that's that's a good Pro proposition I think that's pragmatic I think that's that's doable uh I don't see what the problem is with that but for me with all due respect I'll be voting know on this the I'll just mention what the problem is the problem is the length of time to do any of that we already have projects and motion that are critical including the Schoolboard project we don't want to delay those projects I understand that but you know what I got a critical problem on Northwest 7th half like I said and I need you know I I need to get a result just like you know and and I understand but but I guess we're all you know fighting here for our districts but with all due respect I'm I got a big problem 7th avue you know what I mean and and you know every time I sit down down in a briefing on Wednesday before we have our Thursday meeting okay I I I once again ask about the homeless situation what are we doing about it what are we going to do about it blah blah blah blah blah and and and really you know it's a problem that nobody has there's no Quick Fix You know that I know that we all know this you know but nevertheless this is the problem you know and I cannot you know in in in good faith representing my district you know agree and I understand but with all the respect the gay I have to vote no on this because I mean somebody's got to come to the table and and and look at what's going on in 7th AV and say say you know yes it's beautiful that that you know everybody wants to support me but you know at at the end of the day it's like you said this needs to be passed because you need stuff for your area I need stuff for my area and this is where where I'm at with all due respect again what what I'm trying to suggest commissioner gabella is that there are many ways to tackle the problems you're discussing and we're on board with you we will help and do whatever is necessary we recognize it's a very big problem we want to be as supportive as we possibly can but that need and those issues don't need to stop what's been happening here for 4 years years no but if I agree with this this is a negotiating process in the sense that if I give into this you know I'm I'm you know I'm I'm I'm sorry you know you know I'd like to help everybody you know and and I'd like to help you but but this can't fly with me because I I I have to to find a a a negotiation here where people will understand that we have a problem on 7th half in that Corridor with the health district and all that district and we need funds okay and and we don't need them in 10 years we need them now and and and you know this is the reality of the situation I arest my case thank you commissioner commissioner Goa and please do not misunderstand what I'm going to say now I I mean this in a good way uh and what you're doing for years years whether I've been an elected official or not I've seen elected officials come and go in alipa they change but you know what doesn't change is the condition of those streets the condition that the people live there I I think what you're trying to do early on is to break that mold and not to be here for four years or eight years and when you leave the same thing happen everything stayed the same or in some cases in the past worse so I I I think you deserve some attention to this because what you're trying to do I think has Merit can it be accomplish or not for many ways I don't know nobody knows but I think we should look at it closer now having said that uh next thing we discuss this I'd like to get a map of the Omni C District because to with all due respect to commissioner BAU uh he might be the commissioner there and he certainly has my respect on that but I also uh served that district for many years when I was a city y commissioner and I spent more time as the city white commissioner uh representing all of Miami uh that elected me than being a district commissioner and I also spend more time as mayor that was Citywide than as the district commissioner and there are areas in the UN C that I like to have pictures of them and then bring pictures of commissioner gabel's uh District in alipa and let's see if you're right or I'm right if those districts those areas in your District that I don't know anything about your District as you stated really need uh the monies from a c you have very welltoo areas now in your District that do not necessarily in the future C need to be there while he has areas we as a city and that's how we should look at it if I can quote uh commissioner Reay is not here today that we have a responsibility to look at things as a whole not just in the district uh he has tremendous areas there uh that are in need so you know I don't want to for me to say something for you to say something let's bring the pictures and see uh if indeed you have in every part of the Omni District uh Omni CRA District all this blight that you're saying that I haven't seen uh because I have seen that area as well as I've seen uh district one and they're not the same at all Madam chair what I'd like to say is that this shouldn't be pitting the interests of one District against another District much excuse me much less when we're at the final stages of a four-year process that will be that will do tremendous good for the omnicc district you can sit and argue about little maps and little buildings but at the end all you're really doing is stalling a very important piece of legislation that will benefit the city of Miami and the district and affordable housing only for this horse trading that should never happen there is no reason that this should not proceed forward and that we should not fund these projects in the omn and there is no reason that commissioner gabala can have all of our support to cure the very problems that he's bringing forward which I commend you commissioner gabala because they are big problems and I commend you for tackling them but this isn't a binary situation these two things can happen and it shouldn't be used as political you know bartering at all I I agree with you commissioner Paro and I am taking the temperature of my colleagues and I'd like to perhaps offer to defer this and have staff give us a comprehensive report on extending the boundaries give our vice chair the opportunity to get the information that he has requested because I don't want to see this item fail agree so may I have a motion I have a motion to defer do I have a second second final final word one final word yeah uh I keep hearing from District 2 uh affordable housing the housing that we have been providing in the Omni C has been Workforce housing uh that's the housing for the most part that we have been providing there now and the ones that you're talking about with the school board the school board uh deals are work force housing I'm not saying that we don't need it that it's bad in the country we also need that but in district one just like in District three in Little Havana what is needed is affordable housing uh even more so madam just to clarify we are doing affordable housing commissioner Coro it's inaccurate and I'd like to indefinitely defer the item definitely I was thinking that we would defer the item until the last meeting in July and that way staff would have gotten an opportunity to bring forward the information and we could get it done in July okay if if it becomes a further issue then okay so do I have a motion to defer the item to the last meeting in July motion I have a motion in the second all in favor I I and that will be July 25th Mr City attorney would you please read the second reading item title for the record yes Madam chair second reading item an ordinance of the Miami city commission amending chapter 38 Article 1 of the code of the city of Miami Florida is amended titled Parks and Recreation General by creating section 38-37 titled naming of East shenoa Park to provide for the naming of the parcel of land consisting of approximately 7,692 Square ft located at 1320 Southwest 21st Street Miami Florida and other contiguous Parcels that may be added in the future as East sheno Park further directing the city manager to take any and all actions necessary to effectuate the naming of the park containing a severability clause and providing for an immediate effective date thank you do I have a motion I have a second I'm I'm sorry oh I've been distracted second have a motion in a second what we sr2 sr2 Sr yes the naming of East shann andoa Park yes yes yes all in favor I motion carries unanimously Mr City attorney would you please read into the record can I can I absolutely can you indulge me for one minute um I have to step out at some point because Mr Diaz theoria uh the gentleman that I ran against in 20 uh last year is still trying to take me out of this chair as we speak and somebody out there is serving me U and um I just want to you know just let you guys know I might have to go there City attorney has to read the titles of the first reading item so you can step away and come back yeah okay Mr City attorney would you please read for the record the titles of the first reading items yes ma'am uh F2 in ordinance of the Miami city commission amending chapter 2 Article 4 division 2 Section 2-11 titled administration department planning building and zoning department denial or revocation of certificate of use to conform section 2-21 to the motion approved by the city commission and to remove language related to repeat offenders containing a severability clause in providing for an immediate effective date fr4 an ordinance of the Miami city commission amending chapter 20 of the code of the city of Miami Florida has amended titled flood damage prevention providing recertification of existing drainage systems and providing standards for development in special flood Hazard areas and non-sp special flood Hazard areas as newly defined and providing for an effective date F fr5 in ordinance of the Miami city commission amending chapter 37 of the code of the city of Miami Florida as amended titled offenses miscellaneous more particularly by amending section 37-16 of the code prohibiting encampments on public property providing for an additional definitions and procedure for enforcement repealing a prerequisite for enforcement provided in ordinance number 1432 containing a severability clause and providing an effective for an an effective date that's it do I have a motion for the FR items is there any discussion on a second thank you Mr manager uh thank you chair um f fr4 mayor Suarez Chair King and commissioner re will be co-sponsoring F fr4 can I uh speak on F fr4 when you madam chair when you are there any items that you would like to pull for discussion I'd like to co-sponsor F4 as well um Mr city clerk please show commissioner capardo as a co-sponsor for fr4 as well sorry I think you're who the chair I'm not sure you're a sponsor he says you're sponsor oh I'm already a sponsor yeah you're already initial sponsor already you're the initial familiar okay so commissioner gabella you would like to discuss four yeah so the only thing I wanted to discuss to to let you know commissioner P do of you Commissioners is the only thing that that uh in our office we were discussing we're also discussing with with uh with uh with the um the staff at at U whether the only thing we're worried about and we think it's a good thing but the only thing we're worried about okay number one the the load that this might put in that department okay of of getting this 10year certification you know that that's what we were worried about I I believe and I don't know if you guys that I know of has been fully supported by staff yeah it has and and really the this is all coming from Bickle City Center uh there was probably like seven or eight Wells that were not being uh tended to that were not being maintained brookl area was flooding like crazy we were able to determine that those Wells had not been maintained people forgot that maintenance was part of the responsibility so this program is here to make sure that privately owned especially drainage areas like that are maintained appropriately yeah the only thing the other the concerned was that some of these uh guys and some of these buildings have cemented over part of the property they need to fix it yes we might have uh problems along that line U so I just want to put it into the record before be careful what what you wish for right just want to make sure that our staff is not going to be overwhelmed that's all but I'm I'm ready to to vot if you go sir I see that staff wants to make one short comment please p patricias uh senior assistant uh City attorney there is a change with regards to uh section 20-12 which is the variances and appeals this is fr4 just sorry this is fr4 we had uh a section J that um we need to combine with section c so we are what we're doing is we're removing C and adding it to J and I'd like to go ahead and read it into the record so it would be designated historic buildings a variance is authorized to be issued for repair Improvement or Rehabilitation of a historic building that is determined eligible for the exception of the flood resistant construction requirements of the Florida building code existing building chapter 12 historic buildings Upon A determination that the proposed repair Improvement or Rehabilitation will will not preclude the building's continued designation as a historic building and the variance is the minimum necessary to preserve the historic character and design of the building if the proposed work precludes the building's continued designation as a historic building a variant shall not be granted and the building and any repair Improvement and Rehabilitation shall be subject to the requirements of the Florida building code this change is being made because the FEMA consultant has advised that with there was two contradicting paragraphs within here so therefore we removed section c to make it section J and now we have no J so and then there's one other minor change in that section 20- 3B we inadvertently omitted several words so I'm going to read the entire thing as as it should read so that it is clear 20- 3B is the provisions of this subsection shall not apply to off street parking facilities constru Ed underground and other similar types of low grade areas within a building which are not lowest floor and certain neither electrical nor mechanical equipment all such facilities constructed below grade shall be designed and constructed and contain essential equipment if necessary to prevent infiltration and accumulation of water or to provide for immediate and continuous elimination of water a Florida registered engineer or architect shall submit and a FL data and a flood proofing certificate to assure that the design complies with all guidelines of subsection 20-5 B herein so those are the two corrections to the proposed legislation as printed thank you are we ready to vote Yes do I have a motion and a second second I have a motion and a second for f FR 2 4 and five all in FA as amended all in favor I motion carries unanimously and against rec4 as as amended as amended um Mr City attorney would you like to address ca1 or ac1 yes Madam chair um see that dyslexia comes up you see that just yes happens to the best of us um I know you all will be disappointed but we would like to roll the um attorney client session from today to the next meeting and um I uh I have to read the script for the next meeting so bear with me uh so my apologies ter for the interruption um Mr City attorney uh I believe the agenda for June 27th has already gone to print so I'm not sure if you're trying to have the attorney client session for June 27th or maybe July 11th July 11th understood thank you madam chair and members of the commission pursuant to the provisions of section 28611 parentheses 8 Flor statutes I'm requesting that at the city commission meeting of July 11th 2024 an attorney client session closed to the public be held for purposes of discussing the pending litigation in the matters of Robert Gusman Bruce Gusman and Jackie Gusman theer as successful Trustees of real property of Maurice Gusman Cultural Center for the Performing Arts Inc a dissolved Florida not for-profit Corporation versus City of Miami case number 22- 23242 ca1 pending in the Circuit Court 11 judicial circuit in for Miami D County Florida and Maurice Gusman Cultural Center for the Performing Arts Inc a dissolved Florida not for-profit Corporation versus City of Miami case number 3 d23 3-1 1842 pending in the district court of appeals of the State of Florida Third District to which the city is presently a party the subject of the meeting will be confined to settlement negotiations or strategy sessions related to litigation expenditures this private meeting will begin at approximately 10: a.m. or as soon thereafter as a commissioner schedules permit and conclude approximately 1 hour later the session will be attended by the members of the city commission which include chairwoman Christine King Vice chairman Joe coroo Commissioners Miguel anal gabella Manolo Reyes and Damen Paro the city manager Arthur Nora I fth myself City attorney George weong chief Deputy City Attorney John a Greco Deputy City Attorney Kevin R Jones and assistant City attorneys Eric J EES and Margaret C Snider a certified court reporter will be present to ensure that this session is fully transcribed and the transcript will be made public upon the conclusion of the litigation at the conclusion of the attorney client session the regular commission meeting will be reopened and the person chairing the commission meeting will announce the termination of the attorney client session thank you Madam chair thank you chair my apologies can I have a motion to withdraw ac1 motion second all in favor I ac1 has been withdrawn thank you thank you Mr city clerk would you please thank you forward with the boards and committees yes so I may start with bc5 uh earlier today bc5 was deferred to June 27th but the agenda for the June 27th uh meeting has already gone to print so if I can have a motion to reconsider bc5 then we'll withdraw bc5 and then I will bring a pocket item for the um Civil Service Board appointments at the June 27th meeting absolutely may I have a motion second second all in favor I motion carries and now was to reconsider now if I could have a motion to withdraw I have a motion second all in favor I motion carries unanimously thank you chair bc8 code enfor Ward commissioner gabella would like to appoint Gustavo Chon to an atlar seat do I have a motion motion second second all in favor all right I dc1 14 General employees sanitation employees retirement trust asme 871 is seeking confirmation for the reappointment of Lewis Fernandez and Clarence Graves second all in favor I motion carries unanimously dc16 historic and environmental preservation board commissioner gabella would like to appoint na Campbell and Chair King would like to reappoint Robert Bob Powers motion all in favor I I motion carries unanimously Urban Development review board bc23 chairwoman king would like to appoint Francisco Perez aoua second all in favor I motion carries unanimously that concludes the boards and committees thank you chair thank you Mr city clerk at this time we have discussion item number one leave no Trace policy implementation update Mr Parks director how are you this morning good morning good morning I'm well how are you good thank you all right good morning good morning Commissioners morning Mr City attorney Mr manager um today I wanted to just uh briefly provide an update on the leave no Trace policy um and highlight the steps we've taken to implement it its impact on the community and the environment um just as a little background on in Timeline um 1987 the the National Park Service the forest service and Land Management created to leave no trace for land ethics pamphlet it's evolved into the leave no Trace principles and the policy is crucial for preserving biscane Bay and this ecological Health uh the no leave no Trace principles um we are focusing on the disposing of waste properly and being considerate of others just a a timeline of the policy in um in November received a directive to draft the policy and ended up being unanimously approved thank you again in March of uh March 14th and implemented into policy on April 8th we announced that the Le no trades policy was going to take effect on May 18th unfortunately uh day before the uh policy was going to in effect we received notification from Miami dat County that it would no longer be servicing the uh Morningside Island Osprey Island and Pace picnic Island I know I mentioned the last time I made a presentation there would be no budget impact but we know that we have to continue to keep the islands clean as we implement this policy so we have amended our own contract that we uh take care of south of the uh Port of Miami for those islands and the the vendor is going to an additional service day at PACE at uh Pace picnic Island uh overview of the island we do have 11 islands that are owned by the city of Miami that are in the uh Parks Department's um assets we have 21 City of Miami parks that board biscan Bay and 46 City of Miami parked with a waterfront Edge we started a public awareness campaign and it's been critical to raising Awareness on the the efforts we have uh items such as a boat as you see here on this image here going up and down bis game Bay in uh Dade County and Broward with our leave no Trace messaging we've been featured several times on the popular don't trash our treasure series from uh Emy award winning journalist lisis agir from our local ABC affiliate also want to thank our Communications Department who's been crucial for amplifying our messaging so uh on the digital Billboards around the city a lot of the leave no Trace um marketing has been been there you'll see not only the boat but the um the images there on the bottom right are on all the U about 150 of digital boards that are existing around the city and then also our digital um um efforts with Comcast and our different uh companies that we we service um all of these things were free of charge a lot of the the companies are definitely welcoming of spreading the message of leave no Trace so we've been appreciative of that that but before we implemented the policy we had several infrastructure improvements we removed the trash cans installed cans definitely wanted to make sure I gave a shout out to Marine Patrol they've been critical in this effort lieutenant tamaran and his and his staff uh they've been instrumental on on cleaning the islands as well prior to you know implementation we wanted to make sure we had a clean slate the group um the Marine Patrol cleared about a th000 pounds of garbage from our Islands before we implemented the policy so they've been they've been definitely helpful we had the leave no Trace launch Day on May 18th want to thank mayor Suarez commissioner Paro chairwoman King and definitely all of the Commissioners in your office for helping us amplify the message of when we were starting the policy so May 18th we went out to the islands we did a an educational opportunity with some of the the the voters and those that were engaging in the islands also had a lot of our community groups that are that have been you know pushing for this policy for years um come out and assist us we cleaned up Morningside Island and Pace Island day it it it was beautiful a lot of the people that were there they understood leave no trace and and what we were trying to do two days after we began the the policy the we had a um an opportunity with the parks department and the department of resilience and sustainability we both presented at the biscan Bay Marine health Summit on May 20th at Jungle Island there was about 500 you know City County State uh employees those from the science community and the um the business Community just to talk through how we can improve this game Bay leave no Trace with a very popular topic uh came up with the county mayor's speech it came up with the with the workshop that we did I'm going to be adding to the public record all of the comments that we received we um myself and and and Sonia from uh office of resilience and sustainability we got a lot of comments on things that we could do better and also things that they were they were proud of that we were taking the Bold steps to initiate the leave no trades policy impact and results so we had nine of our 11 Islands I'll say they they're great everybody understands how to go to the islands how to clean up after themselves how to how to make sure they they um respect the environment and um but we do have two islands that are that are known for for partying and we have we had drastic we had to take drastic measures to try to address all of the the the things that are that are going on we want to correct so we did close the spoil Islands about a week later on May 24th we closed four of the spoil Islands Willis Island Pace picnic Island Morningside Island offs spray most of the the issues that we have have honestly been at picnic Island and at Willis Island located near Virginia key but we decided to close the other islands that were close by as we understand just like I was probably in college if they shut down the party at one location we're just going to go to another one so we decided to close the the morning side and offs spray to give the bay a break we've U had an opportunity to to have Marine Patrol and our park rangers take a more critical role in U enforcing the closure with the anticipation that when we open the islands again we're going to continue to to have a strong presence and make sure we're we're telling all the folks at the islands that we need to make sure that they clean the islands and respect them or we can we can close them again so enforcement measures that we're taking while the island is closed you'll see a picture of how we have been closing the islands on the left there we've been barricading it off there's do not entner signs we are updating all of the signage that is on the islands currently that's a lot it's really wordy but we we're deciding when we upgrade the signus that we're going with more of the images that'll show exactly exactly you know the the rules not to break so we're going to be updating all the signage we're doing that now in anticipation that we're going to open them we've been working with police and code enforcement to discuss the best practices to enforce the rules on the islands and working with our partner agencies so that when we open we can have an educational campaign there on the islands um talking through leave no Trace we've also applied or this week we we're going to be applying for a fine grant for additional debris service management days when we open reopen the islands on the ones that are that are key to that that rules are often broken on on Pace picnic Island and Willis Island a long-term plan is to explore creating a swim Zone around the islands with buoys so we you know boers we can welcome them back to the island but we won't have them anchoring on the shoreline those that want to come on the island can can walk through the water to get to the islands enjoy and then leave after they're done taking their trash with them so we we anticipate announcing next week when we will reopen the islands we want to make sure they're open ahead of the July 4th holiday I know that's uh that's a key another key holiday for those that like to get out on the water so that's our plan to provide an update then and and I am available for any questions that you may have on our uh strategies any questions gentlemen so if I understand it it's basically closing them off great education campaign reopening them try to re reinforce with better application of rules Etc and then kind of play it by ear see how it goes we may have to close them again right um I'm I'm hopeful I'm hopeful we're going to work um our park rangers we're going to work with police and code we're going to have a a strong presence on the days that we reopen we're going to make sure we're working um with our our news and our Communications Department we're really going to just tell everybody like these are the behaviors that we expect these that you know to keep the island clean and then we'll have to reassess and and make sure you know if we're going to keep them open if they people can't you know uh play by the rules then we'll have to close them again great job I know folks in my district and in the city in general were very much uh enthused by our application of that of that policy yeah you you I know you touched on it but you might want to also emphasize beyond our own internal resources we've also aligned with some volunteer groups that are going to help us with the enforcement and education too so we're bringing in Partners too that are going to assist as well so the load doesn't entirely you know rely on us absolutely I did I did miss out on the Florida Department of Environmental Protection we've been working since we've talked about you know these strategies and we hosted a community meeting they've been active so they have a group of of staff that are you know enforcing rules on a lot of the islands throughout biscan Bay so we're going to partner with them when we open they're going to come out on the islands we're going to hand out the Disposable leave no Trace bags we're going to talk to people in English and Spanish so we are going to engage with those groups and then we're going to invite all the community as well so there are Community groups I know at morning side and at Legion and folks that are super engaged on this so we're going to want to bring them together for like another day on the bay excellent I'd be concerned about Fourth of July you you're going to have more than the normal attendance at these islands 4th of July is going to open it up to not necessarily residents of the city of Miami but people visiting Miami for the holiday I don't know if it's a good idea to open the islands for the 4th of July because it is going to have an overwhelming amount of visitors because it's a holiday because people are going to be renting boats and having parties and will you have the capacity to address the increase in attendance on the bay right for that holiday right we have a commitment with with police and having a zero tolerance policy towards littering and some of the illegal behavior that we have so we want to come out in force you know when there are there are folks on the islands to to make sure they know what we're doing so that's I I wouldn't I wouldn't want to have people arrested on the 4th of July because they're having a good time and they're not aware of our leave no Trace policy they're not necessarily from here I'd like to see a balance with keeping our environment safe and clean and you know not having any destruction as well as not arresting people for having a good time so I I would consider just a thought that maybe we don't open the islands for the 4th of July just maybe and the enforcement because people get boisterous people do things during holidays that you did when you were in college and I'm trying to be tactful in my words but again you know hanging out on the island having a party celebrating the 4th of July will lead to more Madam chair um in spite of the fact you just called Chris out for his behavior in college um he started it I I yeah I guess um we we will absolutely take that into consideration and I I you know after hearing you um sort of um make the case for that I think it might probably be a good idea to defer to reopening the following weekend after July 4th you you make a compelling argument so we'll we'll definitely uh take that into consideration thank you and thank you you're doing a fantastic job and may I get one of those hats um I saw you had the Hat on during the thing somebody got you I I do have a hat but at this fit city challenge I met a young man on the SWAT team and he wanted one and I said I would get it for him so if you could get it for me great all right on the microphone and everything you got me all right I got you thank you so much you're gentlemen would you mind if we take up the one peasy item and get that out of the way no Mr city cler um Mr City attorney would you please read in the title for the record of pz1 pz1 an ordinance of the Miami city commission amended ordinance number 13114 the zoning ordinance of the city of Miami Florida as amended Miami 21 code specifically by amending article 6 of the Miami 21 code titled supplemental regulations to extend the sunset provision for one additional year to allow educational uses by right and T6 transect Zone in certain circumstances pursuant to ordinance number 14188 directing the city manager to place a discussion item on a city commission agenda to review the ordinance 9 months after adoption making findings containing a severability and providing for an effective date thank you Mr City attorney my colleagues would any of you like to discuss pz1 may I have a motion for pz1 motion I have a motion in a second all in favor I I motion carries unanimously we are now at di2 annual board reports is any so Madam chair um there is no representative from vcap again they have submitted their report already at this point we've we've moved on from this item a number of times it might be fine to just bring it to a head uh and take into consideration the report that was submitted and just and just move on if you're if you're okay with that I have the report my colleagues are you okay with that yep accepting the report the written report for the Virginia Virginia he advise virin advis Advisory Board okay di3 half penny tax being withheld by Miami day county is anyone here to speak on that item weren the didn't somebody asked to defer that or something di3 didn't you art didn't you ask to defer that I mean we we discussed the deferral on it so it's probably a good idea that we do just because I wanted a little more time we just missed it on the deferral list you're right right I have a motion to defer it motion I have a motion in a second to defer it to the last meeting in July July 25th July 25th all in favor I I motion carries unanimously di4 di4 is me you know with the Portilla you know and and you guys know the way I feel about this you know but uh last time I didn't get any support so I will continue you know deferring to I don't know uh This legal battle is is over between him him and I you know but but I keep stressing again you know uh I want to present to you something why in the next meeting that we have yes sir uh I want to present an item that basically when you guys in your office are going to go get legal councel we at least have three three different entities vying for that legal representation of outside when we Outsource our legal counsel sort of like a bid process um um the the only thing the only thing I don't like about that is a lot of times these complaints come in there's a short time to retain councel to um file an answer and prosecute the case so um the retaining or the engagement of attorneys is specifically excluded from the procurement code for that reason because it it just doesn't work to try and apply uh bidding standards to something like so forget about but okay so I hear you what about the part that may be two viable you know competitors for the same well once again would I entail also time you know um I I'm Sor I didn't giv two choices give me two choices um for for for legal representation you know of one one firm to the other will that also hamper the the time constraints that you just made case for cuz what what ultimately happen though is like let's say some there's two different scenarios there's scenario one where we go for conflict councel because um you know there's an issue between the defendant and the city and it's at some point the the the defendant the represented person could be a commissioner could be a city employee needs to be comfortable with that lawyer so they ultimately it's we will seek counsel for them try and get a good deal for them as far as the representational amounts that they're willing to charge and um you know but and I guess ultimately you could say well anyway I heard I heard you I heard you U how about at least that we be notified when you were obtained we can certainly do that Outsource certainly do that yes Vice chair we could do five-day memos or something like that if you prefer may may I suggest may I suggest that uh for legal reasons whatever questions you have for ideas with the city attorney you do that personally with him and I'm only bringing this up for legal reasons Madam chair I I do have a question uh art I mean city manager sorry uh the issue of legal fees I mean I think bottom line the main issue here is at what point should the city stop paying fees when a commissioner's Behavior or situation has gone further than the normal course of Duty and created litigation I think that's really the question I'm not sure the best way it could be handled maybe there could be a recommendation from your office but you know is it looked at as an employee benefit that ends at a certain point or is it looked at as a you know standard procedure that we use in the city of Miami regardless of which way it's being looked at I think it is important I think we should address it and I think when there's an overreach by a commissioner they should be on their own and I think that's what commissioner gabella you know has been trying to to state here you know on the record so what what I'll what I'll uh what I'll do is a sort of a a cause of action as a result of that inquiry I'll sit with the the City attorney Atty we'll kind of come play through some scenarios in terms of what we may or may not do and then come back with a recommendation to the Commission in terms of a future policy related to that if I may yes if I may I don't believe we should Tinker with this too much if a commissioner is being sued in their capacity as an elected official there should be no hindrance to obtaining legal representation and I just want to make that clear if a commissioner in the course of their Duty as an elected official is sued there should be no impediment to obtaining legal counsel and I agree except for when you engage in activity that is beyond your scope that is not within your commissionership or your role to to do I don't believe that the city attorney's office or the city of Miami and let's get some clarification is representing any elected official that acted outside of their scope and is being sued for such we would not be represented if we were accused of a crime a criminal crime correct that is correct okay so they will not be representing us if we acted outside of our scope as elected officials if we're accused of a crime if we you know if we've done anything agre like if we kill somebody the city of Miami is not going to represent us you know those kinds of things but I want to make it clear that I would not support any legislation that would take away representation of us because anyone can sue you for anything in the course of your 10 people can sue you today because we live in a litigious society and that would have a chilling effect on elected officials coming to serve and it's also it's also um a a guarantee that we get from the state correct yes and 11 it's not just the city of Miami elected officials it's elected officials right but but but if I may and I understand what you're you're saying what I'm saying is for example in the case of former commissioner Portilla where it is alleged that he went out uh you know uh in other words uh the charges that he's that he's facing and on a separate matter the malwani incident with the marina you know where clearly if it is proven that in fact they were seeking this then that's that's a criminal activity you know and and and now and the argument is okay but you know you don't know that until you know it goes in front of a right and I understand that but here's what we're doing so we're paying out money and let's pretend that at the end of the day Portilla is guilty then thatone we're not going to recuperate on the other hand if Portilla is uh innocent then you know the the monies we can you know uh we can uh reimburse them but but this idea that we keep paying and paying and paying for for people getting in trouble and I'm I'm I'm specifically speaking about Mr Portilla okay specifically speaking about Mr P Portilla nobody else okay this is a problem okay and and the the and I I know what you're saying legally you know but the residents asked me all the time hey how can this be how can this happen how could the guy even run okay how come the people don't you know how many times that I have to explain to look it's you know you know you're you're innocent and proven guilty we have due process blah blah blah blah blah but you know this is this is the concern that the voter has that the taxpayer you know is footing the bill for this kind of scenarios going on in the city of Miami and it doesn't look good for us that's all I'm saying I also understand your correct but what we need to do is um it it's not specific to a commissioner put X for the the commissioner no name ATT yeah for for actions actions taken that are no name attached to it it's just correct X the variable the scenario that attaches to that because while each complaint is is different you don't know what someone will come and accuse you of or you of or you of and to have to front that cost because we are elected officials that would be burdensome and I'm telling you that anyone can come up and my friend David who likes to sue the city and does and can it will encourage meritless lawsuits and although they may be meritless they still have to be defended and as the only practitioner here I'm probably the only one that could maybe do that at no cost because I could represent myself which is not a good idea but I'm saying others don't have the wherewithal the means to address and there's some in in other municipalities at least one this I think he was the city city attorney he was SU like 10 times he was sued 10 times because they didn't like him and you just have to protect yourself from those instances and Madam chair I just wanted to add that um whenever a complaint comes in we review the complaint and with an eye towards whether or not the actions were within the course and scope whether they're colorable under law and Etc so we we will not defend or offer the defense if they are Beyond The Pale so to speak but um you know sometimes there will be judgment calls and and I encourage you to bring a motion to to question our decision to um represent somebody upfront um as the law stands both the chapter 111 of the Florida Statutes as well as common law under the Supreme Court of Florida if you Prevail in those cases you're entitled to your attorney's fees however and as M commissioner gabella is saying if you however lose then then it's up to us to seek those reimbursements no no no no the taxpayer the taxpayer all of us the taxpayer and and here's here here's the other thing one more thing I'm going to close on this the other thing is some people have a track record of things the gentleman in question has a track record okay of things okay and I'll leave it at that and I I'm I'm I heard you I'm done I think it's a good opportunity to take the chairwoman's comments and some of the issues as far as putting out a reimbursements and create that policy so that both everyone on the de and the community understands exactly what the rules are understood thank you and at this time we will take up di5 I believe commissioner gabella you put that item for discussion okay so um so we have here di5 commissioner gyu which is uh chairman of the B fun trust and uh I got here what in December January this year and I'm hearing the what's going on the people talk I'm hearing this I'm hearing that commissioner Reyes which is not here today said that he was going to initiate uh a florenc uh investigation of the books am I right and that was back in January and then I asked how much is that going to cost you know and I think it was it's it's in the tune of somewhere about 50 Grand I think it was what Larry or somebody said to me there was or white it was going to be about 50 Grand once we get remember that Larry the conversation we had through the chair uh Larry spring Chief Financial Officer um context that's the audit pool that we are um putting together to do audits of all the agencies dependent on the scope the that price could be from 50 to I probably say up to 200,000 for one for each audit depending on the scope so so so here's where I'm going with this U nothing personal toward you commissioner C you I'm hearing things you know from from both sides okay and I'm I I don't go to that Park often to be honest with you um I went this weekend to the uh to the frost good you should see it no I I did go this week and I got a glimpse of of it and you know what's going there it looks like a pretty Park so so here's what I'm going to say in light what I'm trying to make sense here is you know this this investigation I think this is not going to happen probably till next year because at the rate that we're going right this is supposed to be in January you know and you know I I heard you say because he asked you the other day monola did yeah yeah um so the selection committee is convening on Thursday right um it's so it's a pool so it's just um verifying qualifications um you the city commission you already took action to allow the manager to then uh approve the pool so Friday we'll have the pool and then we'll be able to start assigning uh all right so so so by the time so let me ask you by the time this all is said and done and these people start what are we looking at the September October I mean it depends on the scope so I I've met with some of you individually and I asked what do you you know what do you want to look at I've heard everything from everything to well whatever is there um so our approach or at least my recommendation is to take the most recent Financial audit that was completed by each of these agencies go to the management letter comments which are the the sightings of any deficiencies and internal controls things that they've kind of seen and have them do a deeper dive in those areas as a starting point and then it'll go from there but usually by the way for the record I I never since I don't know what's going on there night going on I never said look at this because I I wouldn't be able to I I wasn't one of the ones that you know because I don't know what I'm looking for right you know now mono seems to be you know if he calls it and if you called for something like this because either there's something going on or you suspect something's going on my point is my point is this okay you know we address the issue I don't I don't want to spend more money on these you know forensic things that at the end of the day you you know I don't know what's going on where were the other commissioner K with all the respect I'm not trying here to to you know for wit H I'm I'm not going to do that you know but I just think okay that maybe uh a new commissioner is is is excuse me a new uh Bayfront uh person is warranted to save these $50,000 or $200,000 in the time and all the you know the speak backwards and forwards I'm just because I'm tired you know I'm one of these guys that I'm pragmatic I don't like these deals let's study the study on the study on the study and then in 10 years time we'll find out where the hell we're going if we're going this way or that way and Meanwhile we're spending money we're spending time and nothing gets done you know so and and so I leave it to you to you commiss king and you know enlighten me let me know how you guys feel because this is what what I'm thinking of of saving this is for my part this is not uh a Witch Hunt on my part to get C you out I can state that on the record it really is not okay but like I always said when it comes to this U you know I'm going to be professional you know and and maybe you are warranted to stay maybe you're not I don't know but you you people let me know this is what I my problem is continuing to spend the taxpayer money you know to the T $200,000 and you said Larry by the way I think if if I remember that didn't you say that most of the time when an A's been done and then you do another one they're going to you know it's it's going to be most of the time the same thing from from and and I and I've shared this on the record with everybody and you know we're we're implementing what was directed but all of these agencies have had recent Financial audits all of which were given the high you know the highest um uh audit finding or highest audit report finding which were all clean audits so it's going to be very interesting and I'm I'm someone that holds a CPA license I'm not going to go behind another audit firm who just determined that based on their detail review of internal control structure and everything that everything is fairly presented and you know Falls within you know the the confines of Gap and gby so so there got to be something out of the real the ordinary that pops you know that that that the the ones that come after are going to make a different opinion um because I we know be extreme it it be extreme so so I think this is a waste of money me personally I think this is a waste of money you know to to because of what I've seen and now in January I didn't know anything I came in as a commissioner and I said okay Florence like you know but nothing's happened you know a year later $200,000 maybe spent and I just want to you know I don't want to spend that money you know I want to see the way you guys feel okay and and again if if maybe a change is needed then we should do the change that you know you you gentlemen you're also my colleagues I'd like to offer I'd like to offer that when the item came up to do these forensic audits I was not in favor of them because all of all of us have audits uh at the time our CFO said this is tax season we're already in the middle of audits it's going to take time to hire la la I was never in favor of it um and again we're in June 6 months later and as the CFO said we will not be able to get anybody before X date it's going to be costly we already have Audits and our colleague isn't here to discuss his rationale because this was commissioner reyes's item issue and I would like to continue the discussion when he is here because we don't have him here to add to the discussion okay so let's defer the item then um well we don't have to defer we just would you like to yes if I if I could add something look um all of us are elected for a certain time uh that's why we have term limits so that new uh fresh ideas can come in the I don't think audits have anything to do with Chairman's because you could find minor things in any uh of the agenes we have and that certainly doesn't fall on any of our chairman than we have in the commission we have executive directors there we have board directors uh but the bottom line is that the question that I'm seeing is on how long should people be in in boards um and when should we have changes and in my case I believe I have about 17 months left when this item will officially come back to the Mission uh will be in the first meeting I believe in January when we usually make the renaming of chairs having said that I strongly believe that in boards in particularly a board like this um any outgoing uh commissioner that is chairing that board in my case I will be term limited out of November of next year should step down at that time so that whomever the commissioner that is going to replace him as chair comes in they could be around for that time so that if they need to go to that former chair uh for any information any consultations Etc that chairman would be around to help because in in the trust there are certain things that are done uh throughout the year that's for the whole city uh and and requires um the institution knowledge to help so I think I'm I'm being clear what I'm saying uh commissioner gavella and my colleagues um that you get three people or you got in a handful of people uh that have their own agenda by making statements uh that many are not accurate uh at all that they give you um a petition where we have scores of people that live in other cities in other states or in other parts of Florida or in foreign cities in other countries and you got scores of other people that live in unincorporated date um you know any one of us could put one of those uh or uh petitions and I guarantee you could put anything down we could even put down you know know uh do you like uh the uh hairo the commissioner partu has and they're going to hit it they're going to be liking it well he doesn't have any hair you're going to say well how can they say that but that's how it is you got people that will click anything on and this is what's happened there um we recently showed um and we could have shown a lot more but we showed about 40 over our city residents that Express themselves uh on our parks there our regional parks we showed a lot of what had been accomplished there um you can't please everybody uh we all know that and I'm never going to please a small group of people that want uh in particular for a park for themselves the other side which frankly those should be the people ironically that should be complaining the most the buildings that live across from Bayfront Park because they're the ones that get the brunt of the noise of the activities their park being closed throughout the year and you don't hear those complaints from them as you do from a very small group from from the other side so have having said that commissioner I think I've expressed myself uh as clear as I can uh I I think there should be a new chairman uh when we bring this up again uh in the first meeting of January uh for the reasons that I've stated it's good government that whoever has the institutional knowledge stay on for that last 11 months uh so that whoever comes in into a new position can have the ability or possibility if they need it if they want it to go back to that institutional knowledge that the colleague had before uh and used it in many of the things that we have to do in those regional parks in different events for instance we have a major event July 4th I know all of us most likely have smaller events in each of our district for the 4th July but the main city event is held in Bayfront Park which you all are all invited to it and you know we will send you the invitation and we're finishing it with the official United States uh Navy Band uh that that would be uh singing in there um so anyway uh I I you know think I've expressed myself enough in that chairwoman commissioner Paro I also support the deferral I support it coming back as soon as possible I know that the words Regional Park are used by commissioner Coro that's where they are I would I disagree with you sir I completely disagree with you because there's a neighborhood there there's a vertical Community there and they consider at their neighborhood park and we have to share those perspectives I also will tell you that as our our office District to office and as commissioner there practically isn't a day that goes by where this topic doesn't come up whether it's with our rapid response teams that are servicing the area whether it's our constituent that's hearing it or whether it's me at forums hearing it time and time again this isn't a handful of people uh dismissing the petition is nothing and kind of making it seem like this is a non-issue is really not right for the residents of the district they have been speaking up since I entered office and they are still speaking up and even while we don't have lots of people here in Chambers they're still coming and talking about it so it's very disrespectful to our residents and the taxpayers and folks the people downtown pay extra taxes to not be heard so I'd like it heard as soon as possible mam we can we don't have to defer it we just leave it on the the agenda perfect correct we don't have to we don't have to take any action on the discussion items can I yeah we can show it as discussed and bring it back and we will do that I understand commissioner gabella I'm sorry did you want to say something else before before we close U so my objective here is and I agree with with commissioner commissioner puu and I heard what what I agree with him on the principle that look let's not spend the $200,000 let's make a decision here you know and if the decision is for next committee commission meting the next one put up a new chairman then let's do that if the decision is made let's wait till January so he finishes his thing that he volunteered to sit down let's do that but what I want to get is results let's not spend this stupid money that I call because we've been at this for six or seven months okay nothing's going to happen we're going to waste $200,000 I don't think that there's a need and if if if there is such a need let's then take a vote change the chairmanship if that's a problem if if the body's not in agreement with that then let's do January like like commissioner K is volunteering to step down but by all means let's avoid you know this thing with with the $200,000 where it's not going to get us anywhere there going to be taxpayer money wasted okay and I think we we can do better and and I would like to also put an end to this one way or the other the next commission meeting either let's have a vote up or down you know uh yes we have a new chairman and who or no we don't we wait till January and put this to bed that's what I say thank you thank you so that's fine but all all we have to do then is bring a handful of people and complain about anyone being chair and as long as we could muscle up the votes here that's how we're going to be running things no no by the way i' I'd like to add one more thing I I kind of I'll tell you this thing uh in Freedom Park when Freedom Park is built I understand that the MRC building there's going to be a new building and I understand that we Commissioners will be hous there as new offices whenever that happens 2026 2027 uh now here's the question that's in my district but is that a regional park yes you consider a regional park yes I I to my Dent might also consider a regional uh Park but the the point is that the point is Domino Park yes but we will be Happ you're coming over I'm coming over uh chairwoman King is coming over K I don't know if you're coming over because you you end in in 20 year I won't be coming over you might not make it but the point is definitely will not the point is is it a regional park that's the question is it not a regional park are we we're all going to be there I don't think one one excludes the other I don't either I believe that the Bayfront Park is a regional park because it is visited by from outside just like Domino Park just like it is also a community park for the residents that live there but tax to say that bay front Park is not a regional park would be a fallacy it is a regional park it has an element of being Regional in that other people and tourists come through it but they're not the people that see it every day they're not the folks walking the dog and they're not the ones paying the taxes I agree so we have agreed we're going to have this discussion again when our colleague is back let's move along I understand that we need to revisit re 13 may I have a motion to revisit re13 re13 re13 yes it is that was the donate the accept the accepting funds for Theodore Gibson Park I believe forgot to say something I have a motion in a second Mr City attorney you have a and and my PL is ter the motion in second that is a unanimous yes okay okay the modification to re13 would be the acceptance of an additional $200,000 for uh the development of a code enforcement office at the park thank you may I have a motion to I have a all in favor thank you and as amended as amended we have one last discussion item it is protection of residential property um we will um indefinitely defer this for now do I have a motion to to indefinitely defer a motion I have a motion in a second all in favor I all motion carries unanimously and at this time ladies and Gentlemen We Shall conclude the city of Miami commission meeting for June 18th 2024 thank you thank you madam CH if you moment so we can flip the tape with the omn meeting and um at this time we're going to have wait wait wait wait wait we have a future legislative item we just need to put on the record cuz we're going to bring it to next meeting so okay I thought you just had to put that on the agenda we didn't have to say anything about it all right okay you don't have to say anything about all right if you don't want to no that's okay we're flipping the tape so we can now have the Omni CRA meeting tape done okay let me know chair Paro chair Paro we're ready to go okay thank you uh good afternoon everyone I'm calling to order the June 18th 2024 Omni CR meeting is there a motion to approve the I'll give you a second to review the minutes open the floor for public comment maybe I don't know and and the minutes were distributed um prior to the meeting so you're good to go is there a motion to approve the minutes for the April 25th 2024 omn meeting move second all those in favor say I I any oppose say name Madame executive director please briefly read the agenda items C resolutions 1 through three and to the record good morning commissioner there are three items on the agenda um re1 purchase of property at 41 Northwest 20th Street Miami Florida for mixed use development including affordable housing um re2 is a 4 fths Grant to the Overtown family land trust for affordable housing rehabilitation project in the amount not to exceed $500,000 re3 is a resolution authorizing the horsepower contract with the city of Miami for maintenance services authorizing the CRA to Peggy back on on those services [Music] on the public comment period is now open for all items on today's agenda seeing no further public comment for the agenda agenda items the public comment period is now closed is there any discussion amongst the board members regarding resolutions 1 through three one what um Madam executive director uh appraiser have we done on this property to see the worth of it um commissioner we have two appraisals that were completed on the property it was listed for $6.5 million we completed two appraisals the first one was for 5.35 million and then the second appraisal was for 6.24 million we averaged the two appraisals and came up with the purchase price of 5.7 okay what can we build them there we can go up to a maximum of 12 stories on this site um by right we can do um commercial retail on the ground floor we can have affordable housing um at the top we can do based on it's Zone T680 um and then I believe you can you know based on our plans for the area if we're able to get more assemblage together um we can do more okay um who are the present owners of the property the current owner um of the property it's hold on for me just a minute the current owner it's owned by two different companies um let me confirm that for you big big canessa LLC and 17 Miss East Mr PLC it's owned by the same individual who are the individuals it's one person Mr Doug LaVine Doug LaVine Doug leine all right uh any other information that you have on this do we own any land right adjacent to it or how far is the cities uh those 20 acres that we have how far is it from here oh um the are you referring to the the Schoolboard property the no no no I'm referring to on 20th Street those 20 acres that we have over there the GSA site yeah um it's not it's a bit of a distance but not too far okay all right um are we looking at any additional property to buy yes yes absolutely commissioner we are looking at some other properties that we're um looking right now um but we're waiting on those appraisals to come back okay how are we intending to go about in developing this property if we buy it this property so if we're successful in acquiring the property and we have no um issues after the due diligence period um then we would issue an RFP um asking for the highest and best used proposals for you know maximum um development on this site that really works with a character of the neighborhood it is right next to Overtown so we don't want overdevelopment but we want something that works that's functional for that area of Windwood that really goes to the character of the neighborhood my last question have they accepted this price um they have they have they have accepted this price I make a motion if there's no further discussion for all three items re1 re2 and I three second okay all those in favor say I I I and I just wanted to put the r I'd like to kind of do these kind of things in my area too I'm sorry what was that I'd like to do kind of do these things in my area too there's nothing stop friend create a c yeah anyhow any any anyone oppose say nay no okay so motion carries and just for the record that's unanimous unanimous thank you all again that concludes the city of Miami commission meetings for June 18 youour the city Commission meeting yes thank you chair Paro board meeting thank you [Music]