[Music] m [Music] for June 27th 20124 although I do not have a quorum Mr City attorney I believe you can read the titles into the record for the PC Items that remain while we wait for our colleagues absolutely Madam chair all right the first item I have is pz6 an ordinance of the Miami city commission amending ordinance number 13114 the zoning ordinance of the city of Miami Florida has amended Miami 21 code specifically by amending article 7 titled procedures and non-conformities to update the waiver summary list and amending appendix a titled neighborhood Conservation District NCD to modify the requirements for proposed demolitions within the NCD making findings containing a severability clause and providing for an effective date pz7 an ordinance of the Miami city commission with attachments amending ordinance number 10544 has amended the future land use map of the Miami comprehensive neighborhood plan pursuant to small scale Amendment procedures subject to Section 163 3187 Florida Statutes by changing the future land use designation from medium density multif family residential to rest restricted commercial of the acreage described herein of real property at 2600 2610 and 2620 Southwest 27th Street Miami Florida as more particularly described an exhibit a attached Incorporated making findings and providing for an effective date pz8 an ordinance of the Miami city commission with attachments amending the zoning atlas of ordinance number 13114 the zoning ordinance of the city of Miami Florida has amended Miami 21 code by changing the zoning classification from t4r General Urban transic Zone restricted to t40 General Urban transic Zone open of the property generally located at 2600 2610 and 2620 Southwest 27 Street Miami Florida as more particularly described in exhibit a attached to Incorporated making findings containing a severability clause and providing for an effective date pz9 an ordinance of the Miami city commission with attachments amending ordinance number 10544 has amended the future land use map of the Miami comprehensive neighborhood plan pursuant to small scale Amendment procedures subject to Section 163 3187 Florida Statutes by changing the future land use designation from medium density restricted commercial to restricted commercial of the acreage described herein of real property at 7924 Northeast 2 Avenue Miami Florida as more particularly described in exhibit a attached to an incorporated making findings containing a severability clause and providing for an effective date pz10 an ordinance of the Miami city commission with attachments amending the zoning atlas of ordinance number 13114 the zoning ordinance of the city of Miami Florida is amended by changing the zoning classification from T5 urban center transic Zone open to T680 Urban core transect Zone open of the property generally located at 7924 Northeast 2 Avenue Miami Florida as more particularly described in exhibit a attached and Incorporated making findings containing a severability clause and providing for an effective date pz1 an ordinance of the Miami city commission amending ordinance number 10544 as amended the Miami comprehensive neighborhood plan of the city of Miami Florida pursuant to the expedited State review process subject to Section 163 3184 Florida Statutes by amending the future land use map interpretation for the duplex residential future land use designation and the correspondence chart to accommodate a residential density increase up to 100% in certain cases up to a maximum of two dwelling units containing a severability clause and providing for an effective date and finally pz2 an ordinance of the Miami city commission amending ordinance number 13114 the zoning ordinance of the city of Miami floor has amended Mii 21 code by amending Article 4 tables 3 and four in Article 5 illustrat 5.3 to clarify the buildable units within T30 Suburban transic Zone open making findings containing a severability clause in providing for an effective date thank you mam and um Mr City attorney or Mr planning director I believe there was a substitution for pz2 so it's going to be a minute on the floor correct sorry what did you say uh so essentially um pc12 there's a substitution memo um distributed uh June 26 2024 so pc12 be amended on the floor so it would be as amended pc12 yes thank thank you Mr City Attorney at this time I'm going to go back to discussion item one I believe there's a presentation please step forward Madame chair fellow Commissioners uh my name is Bob felin I'm a partner at RSM I'm here to report the results of your external audit um the objective of our external audit was the rendering of an opinion on your financial statements I'm very happy to say that we end end up issuing an unmodified or what we call clean opinion it's the highest level of insur assurance that we can provide on the city's financial statements um the city has Financial Integrity principles that require a certain amount of designated and unassigned fund balance that you meet I'm very happy to report again that the city met that requirement um part of the requirements uh obviously the city receives federal and state grants so as part of our testing as well I'm happy happy to report that we had no findings relating to any of that testing which is great news um the auditor general for the state requires us to issue a management letter to the city again that that management letter had absolutely no findings as it did last year as well um the only last two things we didn't have any significant issues that we identified through the audit process we had no issues or disagreements with management and the last thing I just wanted to say is you know you all have a very very very tremendous Finance team uh it really made the audit process extremely efficient and we're extremely appreciative so that's it thank you at this time may I have a motion to approve pz items pz6 78 9 10 11 and 12 as amended second so I have a motion and a second is there any item that we would like to discuss all in favor I I motion carries unanimously and this concludes the city of Miami commission meeting for June 27th 2024 thank you all for participating see you again in a couple of weeks --------- [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] he [Music] [Applause] [Music] he [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he [Music] he [Music] [Music] m [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] 27th 2024 I am Christine King your chairwoman and commissioner for District 5 I'm joined here with my colleagues mayor Francis Suarez commissioner Manolo Rees and commissioner Damien Paro we are going to start with our proclamations and recognitions I'm going to turn the mic over to our mayor I understand we have some very very special recognitions today thank you madam chair good morning to you too um welcome everyone today uh is a day that we want to highlight a an illness that maybe doesn't get as much attention or as much um press as as it deserves and so I I didn't know much about it to be frank um I I learned about it uh in preparation uh for today scleroma is um an immune system disease which becomes hyperactive that leads to the tissues attacking via collagen overproduction and it manifests across all age groups including infants all the way to the elderly and its onset is most prevalent for those between the ages of 25 and 55 it's highly individualized in nature and the symptoms can range from mild all the way to life-threatening it can result in skin thickening organ damage including the lungs heart esophagous and gastroint gastrointestinal tract the timely diagnosis and appropriate treatment by qualified medical professions can mitigate Scleroderma symptoms and reduce the risk of irreversible harm despite the absence of a cure we want to highlight the existence of seven National Scleroderma Foundation support groups within the State of Florida and acknowledge the foundation's commitment to advancing medical research fostering disease awareness and offering support and education to individuals who are diagnosed to their families and their support networks why don't you please come on up and receive this Proclamation for scleroderma awareness day today thank you [Applause] good morning good morning I just want to express my sincerest gratitude for the proclamation received in honor of the clod a warness day this distinguish is just a recognition of of the all the hard work and dedication that everybody involved in this cause thanks to your support we can continue working and raising awareness about the Scleroderma and improving the life of those people living with this condition this Proclamation just motivates us to move forward with greater strength and determination thank you so much and I hope we can continue counting with your support [Applause] no he good morning all so this prop clamation is for a very special gentleman uh that I'm known for a very short period of time but uh the city of Miami whereas ignacius e Carroll Jr effec known as Iggy was born in New Orleans Louisiana to Camille and the family come on up come on up everyone come on up [Applause] I've had the pleasure of being friends with Iggy for the past I'm not going to for the past 30 years Iggy and I have been friends we have walked this journey long before I became an elected he's a fantastic guy his his daughter and my daughter share the same name Kennedy although my Kennedy is a little older than his Kennedy by maybe a year or so I guess yep so um I know what a fantastic person he is and it is our honor our newest commissioner commissioner um gabella took the lead in doing this Proclamation but Iggy has earned it deserved it he has been a fine fine gentleman Community servant um good best friend and fun fact he was really crazy about sports cars like crazy he had this red remember that red sports he let me drive it so you know you know we were friends cuz he cherished that car so congratulations thank you for all of your service I'm going to turn it back over to commissioner um gabella so he can finish with the proclamation and then we hope you would say a few words so it's an honor for me for us for me for us to give you this award Iggy uh where is Ignatius C Carrol Jr officially known as Iggy was born in New Orleans Louisiana to camil and the late ignacius Carol Senor in September 1968 and is the oldest of Four Brothers as well as a proud husband to Crystal Carol and father to do daughter Kennedy and Son Emerson and whereas lot Iggy moved to Miami where he attended Miami shers Elementary Thomas Jefferson Middle School and graduated from North Miami Senior High in 1986 and whereas 1989 1989 at the age of 19 Iggy was hired by the city of Miami fire department marking the beginning of an Exemplar career in public service and whereas throughout his distinguished career Iggy has served in various capacities including firefighter ptic paramedic fire department recruiter fire inspector fire investigator EMS instructor special event officer and public information officer Pio for the department and whereas in 2007 Iggy was recognized by the state of Florida as the first African-American recipient of the public information offer officer Pio of the Year award a testament to ex exceptional communication skills and dedication to Public Safety and whereas that Iggy demonstrated his aspirations for career investment by being promoted to lieutenant in 2007 captain in 2014 and ultimately to ex ex executive officer to the fire chief in 2018 and whereas the executive officer Iggy currently oversees the Office of Public Relations serving as Department of liazon to numerous local state and federal agencies and holds critical roles such as external Affairs officer for the Department of Homeland Security Florida Urban search and rescue Task Force 2 senior spokesperson for the state of Florida's Emergency Response Team region seven from the flor's governor's office an executive board member with the national information Officers Association nioa and whereas ig's leadership and expertise Have Been instrumental during several major disasters at both the national and international level including his role as lead spokesman during Hurricane Katrina various hurricanes impacting Florida the covid-19 response efforts and the search and rescue operations at the champion Towers collapse in surfite and whereas with over 35 years of dedicated service the fire department of the community Iggy has exhibited unparal dedication professionalism and his steadfast commitment to Public Safety with aspirations of one day becoming Fire Chief and now therefore I uh commissioner Miguel to hereby recognize and commend for you and your exceptional service leadership and unwavering commitment to the city of Miami and citizens we honor and plug Nation C Carol Jr so if you've been around the fire department unless you've been living under a rock you don't you've never seen uh Iggy's face before he's the face of the fire department he's been the Pio through multiple ranks from firefighter all the way up to executive officer he's always been the pi over the last two decades because he represents what the fire department is the fire department is about competency and service and reliability and transparency and honesty and that's everything Iggy represents and I said all these things in in Iggy's retirement uh celebration but I I want to personalize it a little bit to tell you a little bit more about the Carol family Iggy was hired when he was 19 years old and Iggy's father Ignatius senior died when he was 17 a a Civic leader in his own right he was the first African-American councilman the village of elportal which left Camille to raise four boys Vincent Michael Steven and IGN Jr and it's an honor to me I I look now years later they're all fathers in their own rights of a woman who raised four boys who has dedicated her whole life to taking care of people she was a registered nurse has undergraduate started when she was a teenager was in the first nurse practitioner program in the State of Florida in the University of Miami has spent her entire life caring for people and rais four boys that if you see them she is a true matriarch as a father I'm a father of a 19-year-old boy you look at her and say this is what we all want to accomplish in our life is to have men or children that can contribute to the community so yes we're celebrating Iggy but today's accomplishment really is the entire Carol family it's really Camille's accomplishment Ignatius senior's accomplishment the Marshall family I congratulate you on your family we have benefited the city of Miami has benefited because of the way you have parented with the men you have developed in her life we owe you a tremendous amount of gratitude and we celebrate it e [Applause] today okay uh now Rob made me tear up okay and I was already so you caught me off guard so um but uh I think I just want to say uh thank you all uh 35 years seems like a long time but it seems like it just started yesterday uh having my good friend here remind me about our our good times even though she's not going to say when that year was but I appreciate all that she did not wreck my car so which was great um thank you sir um but uh you know it's been a it's been a great run um it's been a and a privilege to work alongside a lot of people my brothers uh my brothers in blue all the cityor employees and it's been a a privilege to be able to serve the community and work along a lot of wonderful people so I thank you guys very much thank [Applause] you it's it's really hard to add uh anything at this point other than to say you're a saint for having four boys I have a theory that if you have twins or three boys plus you automatically go to heaven so it's good to meet somebody who's going to heaven for sure um I think your public sector work igy obviously we're incredibly proud of it and we um benefited tremendously from your ability to be calm in the fire no pun intended but I think for me when I when I saw you come up and I saw your beautiful family which I've never met before it it to me that's really the true success right your your success your legacy is right here and it's beautiful and I just looked at your family and I'm like wow this guy's got it all this is unbelievable so congratulations thank you for giving so much of your time and your life to our city [Applause] no yeah don't Bob Bob not Rob guys are beautiful guys got to make your that proud okay that proud than good morning wow good morning I'm District Two commissioner Damen Paro and on my part on behalf of our commission and our mayor we're here today to honor the Life of George muli George maruli was a brother to me and to many other people he's someone who left led the fight in 1998 with save dat campaign to include sexual orientation in our anti-discrimination ordinance that was really revolutionary at the time and it took a very special person it took someone who knew how to listen someone who could build Bridges and someone who had the patience to move all of us forward together instead of little pieces of our community so he was a great bridge builder and we'd like to show you a video where we have comments from the former Miami dead County mayor Alex pelis comments from former city of Miami mayor Manny Diaz and some tidbit comments from George himself Madame chairwoman commissioner Paro and the other members of the commission ladies and gentlemen good morning and thank you so much for this opportunity to say just a few words about my good friend George M who you're recognizing and honoring this morning and of course much has been said about George's work with organizations like save D which he led from 1998 to 2003 uh people for the American way democracia USA and so many other organizations that really were at the Forefront uh of addressing uh issues faced by our immigrant and other marginalized communities um some people don't know however that as a proud Cuban American he was also a conservative Republican he was a Roman Catholic uh he was a staunch anti-communist who frequently spoke out in favor of the Cuban people and against the Castro regime a profile that's not typical among uh many of the activists in the community uh but I want to talk a little bit about the George Mori that I knew and got to know uh in the late 1990s when we worked together to pass Mi day County's first human rights ordinance um I was the I was the mayor of Mi day County at the time and I will tell you it was a different moment in our history um it was a moment uh of time when we didn't have uh the understanding and the tolerance for certain issues as we have today in fact taking on uh issues of equal rights for gay and lesbian people was done at an extreme political risk um yet that was the ability that George had of bringing a diverse Coalition of people gay and straight Republican Democrat white and black north and south to understand why it was important and why it was beneficial for all of us in Miami day County to P to pass this human rights ordinance and it was that courage that commitment and that tenacity and his intellect his ability to bring people together to build Bridges to form coalitions that ultimately led to the passage of the human rights ordinance which still today bans the discrimination in miam day County based on sexual orientation uh it was that skill level that ability that George had that not only secured the passage of the human rights ordinance but also helped us defeat efforts uh to repeal the ordinance at The Ballot Box and I think that's the Legacy that we need to take away from George's life he accomplished great things while he was alive but let us remember now that he's gone that you can accomplish great things things by bringing people together by building consensus by Building Bridges that's what he taught us that working together as a community we can accomplish more than by driving Stakes uh between us and that's his legacy and one that I think in these troubled uh extreme uh partisan times that we live in that is the most important lesson that we take away uh from George Mel's life thank you very much good afternoon I am truly honored today to join so many exceptional people to celebrate the remarkable life of a truly extraordinary human being now it should come as no surprise to most of you that Jorge called me from his hospital bed to discuss the details of this Gathering he requested that I speak and ordered me to keep my comments light and include a big big dose of humor you see for Jorge growing old was mandatory but growing up was only optional thank God Jorge never grew up now naturally my immediate reaction was to cut him off suggesting that this was a foolish conversation that he was going to be fine and actually outlive me of course he brushed me off demanding that I agree to speak and as usual I could not say no to Jorge when the time came I realized I was not strong enough to keep my promise I simply could not stand in front of you today and make light of this moment now he is probably pissed at me right about now but I am confident he will understand you see two years ago I lost another brother named Jorge today hits way too close to home for me I met Jorge during my first campaign in 2001 receiving the endorsement of safe a meant a great deal to me we then worked very closely during my years as mayor the human rights ordinance in Florida red and blues say NO2 campaign are just two examples he was so proud of the Spanish tv ads he held helped produce for me we also worked on numerous campaigns and voter registration efforts Jorge believed that those who live with us are our brothers that they share with us the same short moment of life that they seek as we do nothing but the chance to live their lives in purpose and happiness Jorge understood that the future does not belong to those who are content with today apathetic toward common problems and their fellow man alike timid and fearful in the face of new ideas and bold projects instead it belongs to those who blend vision and courage and a personal commitment to the ideals of a just society today we mourn his death but we thank God for his life you see there is no death people only die when we forget them and because we will remember Jorge he will always be with us death leaves a heartache no one can heal but love leaves a memory that no one can steal I close with a quote from Ernest Hemingway from A Farewell to Arms a quote that is often used in the context of the loss of a young American American president some 60 years ago if people bring so much courage to this world the world has to kill them to break them so of course it kills them the world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong at the broken places but those that will not break it kills it kills the very good and the very gentle and the very brave impartially Jorge may you rest in peace and may God continue to bless your soul what advice would you give any minority that find themselves today in similar positions that you were in trying to pass legislation that was meaningful I think the biggest mistake that that that folks make these days in my personal opinion and you can disagree with me is the sense of entitlement the fact that somehow you how dare you um do a B or C or D to whatever whoever you are whether you're black or Hispanic or a woman or gay or whatever and you know I get it I get it I get it that people should be more enlightened more woke more whatever um but the truth is is that there's a difference between having an opinion about where things should be and making a decision that you want to create change do you want to make a state statement or do you want to create change those are not necessarily the same goals because when you want to create change you have to understand where people are why they're there and have a plan for meeting them where they're at and then have a pathway for them to follow you back to where you want them to go that requires a lot more energy and uh uh a lot more that requires listening skills real listening skills and that's often times hard um um so you know I know that I've that I I've I've been told quite often that you know why should we be trying to teach blah about blah and I'm like well okay you can you can make that choice you're that's certainly your right you can have expectations that if people don't agree with you on this particular issue then they're idiots and you you you you may not want to have to ever deal with them again that's your choice but that's not the world I want to live in you know if I wanted to live you know in a world where everybody was saying the same thing and doing marching step with whatever you know my parents would have stayed in Cuba you know I I you know I don't I don't get that I don't get how that I don't get I don't get the lack of curiosity or the lack of um desire to to scratch your head and say I don't really get that like what is that about Madame chairwoman commissioner Paro and the other members of the commission know obviously George muli leaves an enormous void in our community because these are skills that we need now more than ever in a very polarized environment and so we hope that people learn from from him from his life from his actions because we need so much more of it today and I know mayor you wanted to say some comments and then we invite his family and friends to come on up for a very special recognition which is a proclamation and the key to the city of Miami you commissioner thank you commissioner um I wish every commissioner meeting started this way right uh it's uh in terms of the knowledge the Poetry the reflection when I think of George uh I think of and I think of that Hemingway quote that mayor Diaz is um articulated I think of my cousin Patrick like he thinks of his brother George my cousin Patrick went to balen Jesuit went to um Georgetown undergrad uh Harvard uh Masters in public policy and a and a an MBA from MIT and was a lot like George he was someone who brought out the best in you I think George brought out the best in all of us George aside from the policy wins which I think are are in credible for me it was not about the policy wins with George when you when you encountered George when you sat with George when you looked at George in the face you weren't looking at a policy you were looking at a person right and that was part of his disarming nature almost from the minute you started talking to him you disconnected yourself from the policy discussion you connected yourself with the person and that's where he began to disarm you and I think part of that you know we live in this world of tension and toxicity and you know all these things and it's part because it's a supposed idea against an idea and the first thing that George did was he broke that barrier down okay we're here as human beings how are you you know how's your day and then you could see it in his video he was you know fundamentally about action was wasn't about winning an argument it wasn't about making a statement it was about creating an outcome but he took you there was a journey you felt pressure but not pure pressure not pressure in the sense of oh my God this guy's putting so much pressure on me it was more of like a moral pressure right where when you finished having a conversation with him you felt obligated it was an obligation that's where the pressure came from I have to do something I have to make a difference this makes a lot of sense by the way we didn't always end all arguments and agreement and he was also fine with that which is also a Delta from what we see today he didn't have to agree with him he didn't have to agree with you you didn't have to end the argument saying George you're right I'm wrong you know he could end the argument and say you know you gave me something to think about and I could end the argument saying you know George you gave me a lot to think about let me think about it and let's let's touch base again and let's let's see if we can move the ball forward um it's really an honor when when um first of all when when when commissioner Paro told me cuz I didn't even know he had passed when he told me that he had passed and he said he wanted to do this you know I thought wow what a beautiful way to recognize George's impact on our city and our world really and then when I saw the tributes the videos I was just blown away I mean I've never seen any tributes like that and uh he deserves it um so I just want to say thank you to all of you uh I want to say thank you to you George I know you're up there probably cursing at all of us for making such a big fuss about you but you you made an impact on all of our Lives we remember you fondly we love you we appreciate you you changed us fundamentally and you made us better versions of oursel and I think that is the ultimate impact that you can have is to push people to be a better version of themselves sure thank you so much mayor Suarez and commissioner depardo um this is an honor you guys are recognizing him um I'm Evie Evie Marie I am his uh goddaughter and I I was lucky enough to be raised by him and at a very young age you know what I saw in that video that's that's my uncle banino um go where people are get to where they're thinking don't already go in guns blazing your fist up and try to change them try to figure out where they're coming from first and you'll get farther that way and I've I've tried to leave my life that way since a little girl and um it's gotten me to where I need to be and I'm very proud of everything he ever did I remember in 1997 I was a freshman in college and I was interning for State dat and I was so proud I thought he was the coolest person in the world look at him you know he can he would it was that moral obligation he wouldn't tell you it was like a Jedi mind trick that he would do to you but he got you where you needed to be um so I'm I'm very grateful I'm here with my husband and my daughter and our friends Richard and Dennis and of course Damen and I'm I'm extremely grateful for you guys for this um this is very beautiful and he would be proud thank you [Applause] only George could do that I think it's fair to say that we all feel his presence today we all feel his presence right now yeah thank you so much at this time we are going to begin our meeting in prayer and I'm going to ask my two summer interns to come up they are part of the wonderful summer jobs program that the city of Miami have that the mayor and I have funded where did he go the summer jobs program employs over 200 youth in the city of Miami and I make it my business to make sure that my summer interns have a overall experience of what it's like to be a public servant they went to their first event yesterday with our seniors and they were dancing and having fun and just being little mini public servants and I'm so proud to be a part of this summer youth program tell them over your name hi I'm Charlie abto hi I'm joer brownie so um if you see our summer youth around because they're in every Department they're all over the city you know take time out to say hello to them Mentor them because they are truly our future and we have to get it right with them by showing them that we are good stewards of our community and at this time Reverend Kutcher from greater bethl am Overtown historic church is going to lead us in prayer good morning can we open our hearts up to an almighty God who's been loving and kind to all of us as we lift him up father God we come now to just thank you for for being God Almighty and we can't talk to you without saying thank you first for blessing us in ways that we don't even understand and we come now to activate your divine presence in the midst of this meeting the meeting that will affect the lives of people all over the city and Beyond and so we ask oh God that you would be in the midst of this meeting and God lend to us your knowledge your wisdom your understanding and definitely your Unity that we would work in a Oneness oh God and that you would guide our thoughts to make the kind of decisions that will bring blessings into the lives of your folk all throughout the community and we ask oh God that you would allow an anointing to be with us that in that anointing Yoles would be broken into people lives and some of the things that we've been struggling with God that would have the power to overcome them and then oh God allow us to do it in a way that brings honor and glory to your name in a way God that are brings us closer together and more unified Community stronger community that can overcome some of the things that come against us so we release now an anointing of your blessing in the midst of this meeting to just go out into the community to bless families to bless homes to bless individual to bless businesses to bless folk into a Oneness that brings us together and we thank you for all the blessedness that you would release thank you for the healing that you would released in the midst of us and we declare it so in jesus' name let all of us say Amen thank you would you lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance our pledge allegiance is United stat United States of America and to Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you never enough opportunities for public speaking for our young people thank you guys and at this time we will have our City attorney Mr George weong read a statement into the record for this meeting thank you thank you madam Chair George weong City attorney detailed information about the processes order of business rules of procedure and scheduling or rescheduling of City commission meetings can be found in chapter two Article 2 of the city code a copy which is available online at www. municode.com any person who is a lobbyist pursuant to chapter 2 article 6 of the city code must register with the city clerk and comply with the related City requirements for lobbyists before appearing before the city commission a person may not Lobby a city official board member or staff member until registering a copy of the code section about lobbyist is available in the city clerk's office or online at www. municode.com any person making a presentation formal request or petition to the city commission concerning real property must make the disclosures required by the city code in writing a copy of this city code section is available at the office of the city clerk or online at www. municode.com the city of Miami requests that anyone requesting action by the city commission must disclose before this hearing any consideration provided or committed to anyone for agreement to support or withhold objection to the requested action puru to city code section 2-8 any documents offered to the city commission that have not been provided 7 days before the meeting as part of the agenda materials will be entered into the record at the city commission's discretion in accordance with Section 2-33 f and g of the city code the agenda and the material for each item on the agenda is available during business hours at the city clerk's office and online 24 hours a day at www.miamigov.com any person may be heard by the city commission through the chair for not more than 2 minutes on any proposition before the city commission unless unless Modified by the chair public comment will begin at approximately uh 10 a.m. and remain open until public comment is closed by the chairperson members of the public wishing to address the body may do so by submitting written comments via the online comment form please visit www.mo.com meting instructions for detailed instructions on how to provide public comment during the online public comment form using the online public comment form the comment submitted through the comment form have been and will be distributed to the elected officials their staff and City Administration throughout the day so that the elected officials may consider the comments prior to taking any action Additionally the online comment form will remain open during the meeting to accept comments and distribute to the elected officials or staff and the city Administration up until the chairperson closes public comment the public comment may also be provided here live at City Hall located at 3500 pound americ Drive subject to any and all City Rules as they may be amended if the proposition is being continued or rescheduled the opportunity to be heard may be at such later date before the city commission takes action on such proposition when addressing the city commission the member of the public must first state their name their address and what item will be spoken about any person with the disability requiring assistance auxiliary AIDS and services for this meeting May notify the city clerk the city has provided different public comment methods to indicate among other things of public support opposition or neutrality on the items and topics to be discussed at the city commission meeting in compliance with Section 2860 1114 parentheses 4 parentheses C Florida Statutes the public has been given the opportunity to provide public comment during the meeting in within reasonable proximity and time before the meeting please note Commissioners have generally been briefed by City staff and the city attorney's office on items on the agenda today anyone wishing a Verbatim record of an item considered at this meeting May request at the office of communications or view it online at www.miamigov.com planning and zoning items shall proceed according to section 7.1.4 of the Miami 21 zoning ordinance parties for any pz items including any applicant appellant appal City staff and any person recognized by the decision-making body as a qualifed intervener as well as the applicant's representatives and any experts testifying on behalf of the applicant appellant or appal may be physically present at the city hall to be sworn in by oath or affirmation by the city clerk the members of the city commission shall disclose any expart Communications to remove the presumption of prejudice pursuant to Florida statute section 2860 1115 and section 7.1.4 point5 of the Miami 21 zoning ordinance the order of presentation shall be set forth in Miami 21 and in the city code staff will briefly present each item to be heard the applicant will present its application or request to the city commission if the applicant agrees with the staff recommendation the city commission may proceed to its deliberation and decision the applicant may also wave the right to an evidentiary hearing on the record for appeals the the appellant will present its appeal to the city commission followed by the appal staff will be allowed to make any recommendations they may have please silence all cell phones and other noise making devices uh access to the meeting this meeting can be viewed live on Miami TV the city's Facebook page the city's Twitter page the city's YouTube channel and Comcast channel 77 this broadcast will also have closed captioning uh thank you madam chair thank you Mr City attorney I believe we have some pocket items would please I just have a statement to make as well I know but can I get him to say the pocket items before your statement or is there a protocol against that no okay I have a pocket item um a resolution of the Miami city Commission with attachments authorizing the city manager to execute a Statewide Mutual Aid agreement and substantially the attached form with the state of Florida Division of Emergency Management that provides for reciprocal Aid and assistance to local governments in the event of an emergency too extensive to be dealt with unassisted and also ensures the timely reimbursement of associated costs incurred by these local governments that render such assistance further authorizing the city manager to execute and to negotiate and execute any and all other necessary documents all inform forms acceptable to the City attorney in furtherance of the terms and conditions of this agreement thank you Mr city clerk would you there is a second pocket item commissioner Reyes has a a pocket item pertaining to a resolution involving appointments at large appointments to the Civil Service Board and titled the resolution B essentially is a resolution of the Miami city commission appointing certain individuals as members of the Civil Service board for terms as designated herein so that would be pi2 thank you okay Mr city clerk would you please read your statement for the record yes uh the procedures for individuals be providing testimony to be swor for planning and Zing items any qu judicial items on today's City commission agenda will be as follows the members of City staff or any other individuals required to be sworn in who are currently present at City Hall will be sworn in by me the city clerk immediately after I finished explaining these procedures those individuals who are appearing remotely may be sworn in now or at any time prior to the individual providing testimony for Planning and Zoning items and or qual items Commissioners are you comfortable with all notice provision set forth and use uniform rules procedures we have established for this meeting yes thank you uh chair may I administer the oath for the planning zoning items please thank you chair good morning ladies and gentlemen if we' be speaking on any of today's Planning and Zoning items the pz items May please have you stand and raise your right hand do you solemly swear or affirm that the testimony you're about to give at today's hearing is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth and your response is thank you chair thank you at this time Mr city manager would you please advise this body of any items that will be deferred or withdrawn from the agenda good morning Madam chair Commissioners Mr City attorney Mr city clerk this time the administration would like to defer and or withdraw the following items re7 to be indefinitely deferred pz1 to be indefinitely deferred pz2 to be withdrawn and pz3 to be withdrawn that concludes the Items PC the last one three PC3 is withdrawn withdrawn bc2 and three both withdrawn Mr chair do you have any items for consideration to be withdrawn or deferred commissioner gabella commissioner Paro I do I have I'd like to indefinitely defer fr1 I'd also like to co-sponsor re6 and co-sponsor sr1 and I just wanted to to make a quick mention I wanted to uh to thank congratulate Hena Santana in public works for all the flooding we've been having they've been amazing uh they've really gotten out there and made a big difference I I'll join part that's complic commissioner Reyes do you have any ideas no I don't have any IDE okay Mr manager I would like to defer pz 4 and five until the July 11th meeting Mr city clerk has a statement uh briefly for the indefinitely deferred uh PC item pursuant section 62-22 of the city code and definitely deferred action initiated by the city will cost the city mail noticing advertising and posting of properties as applicable thank you Mr manager would you please run through the items that will be withdrawn and deferred again just to make sure my colleagues um have their list correct re7 to be indefinitely deferred f fr1 to be indefinitely deferred pz1 to be indefinitely deferred pz2 to be withdrawn pz3 to be withdrawn pz4 to be deferred to the July 11th meeting and pz5 to be deferred to the July 11th meeting thank you at this time may I have a motion to set the agenda please move I have a motion in a second all in favor I motion carries unanimously and at this time we are going to open the floor for public comments anyone who wishes to speak on items that are before us today please come to the podium good morning Elvis good morning commissioner maybe somebody can go while I get uh hooked up good morning we're waiting for is anyone else here for public comment anyone else for public comment while he gets his oh here we go did you see it no not yet we yes I think it's okay thank you Elis Cruz 63 1 Northeast 57 Street here's a page from the city of Miami zoning Atlas 1975 you'll notice that the entire Watson island is zoned Park as it was for many decades Watson Park it is labeled on the map Parks should be considered sacred land to be protected we need more Park land not less but item C 3 and five would open the door for condominiums on Watson Island that was once entirely a park here is a 1925 plat map of the city of Miami and you may recognize the property here that's a city cemetery and above it city park that Park is today's biscan park it has been a city of Miami park for over 100 years again Parks should be considered sacred land to be protected schools should buy their own land not take over Park land some are saying that this park is in bad shape and derel and therefore it should be given over to schools if the Park's in bad shape it's not the Park's fault it's the city's fault for allowing the park to go into a bad shape again we need more Park land not less please do not allow Watson Island to have Condominiums please do not allow biscane Park to become a school property please protect our Park land please vote down re three and five thank you thank you good morning good morning Commissioners my name is Christy Tasker I'm a member of your code enforcement board and I live at 150 Southeast 25th Road I come before you today um on behalf of some of the members of The Code Enforcement board and to report the issues um that we are having that you guys could make a change in legislation on so the code enforcement board many times we are seeing a lot of Airbnb um situations and the surrounding communities are massively being affected um by the Airbnb properties I know the governor has recently put constraints upon Municipal legislation so I want you guys to make sure that you get with the city attorney as quickly as possible to see if there's anything we can do as a municipality to um confront the governor in terms of your restricting you guys on legislating our local airbnbs because the airbnbs are utilizing a lot of police resources fire resources and they're causing harm to our communities and inflated real estate prices so we're seeing a lot of that on Code Enforcement the other thing is nuisance we're seeing a lot of nuisance situations where there are drugs involved they are actively harming communities um fentol is coming before the nuisance board um so and and our officers are actually been a uh put at stake as well in the process because they're repeatedly having to go out to the same properties over and over again all while they're coming before the code enforcement board where their image and everything is made public um the other thing speaking of our images and our things made public your code enforcement board um while our images and everything are public all of our information has to be um public as well so people know where we live they know what cars we drive um so when it comes to privacy it would be great if you thought about some of your boards that are having to make really active decisions being able to be protected um from the public as well so those are the three things that I have and hopefully you guys can make legislation um on it if you need you know other comments or anything like that I'm happy to meet with your legislative teams thank you thank you good morning good morning Manny pz 4000 Malaga Avenue Miami Florida representing South River warehouse and its principal at D Ortega who own Parcels at 5 and 27 Southwest South River Drive on the Miami River since 2014 Mr Ortega's plans from the day he purchased the parcels was to develop them for a restaurant use I believe what item are you speaking on I'm I'm getting to that right now I see I believe that commissioner Reyes is sponsoring re6 because there is a widespread sentiment by some Commissioners and the public at large that legal fees are out of control at the city of Miami the eminent domain lawsuit filed by the city of Miami in December 2021 is yet another example of wasted taxpayer money on legal fees allowing me to explain in December 2021 the city files an eminent domain lawsuit against South River Warehouse during an order of taking hearing the city obtains a favorable result but instead of meeting its deadline of submitting a deposit for the two Parcels the city chooses to miss the deadline the city right now could have been the owner of those Parcels but it chose not to litigation continues and there's a trial date established on the value of the property of how much the city is going to have to pay September 9th 20124 so even though the city has excuse me more most importantly of all on May the 30th 2024 this year South River Warehouse obtains their building permit 687 days 2 hours total processing time to develop 5 and 27 so even though the city has granted a building permit the city continues Prosecuting this case spending thousands and thousands of dollars on legal fees and the permanent design which you have a copy of in front of you right now already includes a linear Park which is the purpose of the lawsuit what is the point of continuing to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees for two small Parcels on the Miami River that are going to be worth over $20 million as established by our valuation experts this commission should resend the exacting resolution that authorized the El domain and direct Mr weong to dismiss the lawsuit because 100 of thousands of dollars will continue to be wasted for a project that at this point makes no sense a building a building perit has been granted there's too much money being spent and I urge you to uh take action thank you very much thank you good morning good morning grern 425 Northeast 22nd Street so I'd like to speak on two issues one is resolution re6 by commissioner Reyes which suspends the front payment of legal fees to anyone representing former or current City commissioners and I want to just point out the gentleman before me is a perfect example of why the city attorney's office needs to be scrutinized under the new City attorney and he needs to scrutinize the decision making and determine who the city attorney's office was truly representing and who they plan to represent going forward because we have a very large city attorney's office the largest one Miami D County here that can handle most of these matters but they have judgment too they can see when something intentional has taken place I asked the former City attorney Victoria Mendes for a copy of the ordinance that authorized her to spend $10 million on outside legal counsel defending the city against egregious claims that were upheld by a jury verdict awarding 63 million to a pair of local businessmen against a rogue City Commissioner I got no response to that request because there was no authorizing ordinance so I would urge this commission to vote in favor of commissioner reyes's re6 item to make sure that the commission holds the purse tight because I'm telling you as a resident when I go to the local park in Edgewater it hasn't been updated in 20 years but we're spending $10 million to defend one Rogue City Commissioner acting like a communist appara with our neighborhoods so this city needs to grab the purse more tightly and then start spending money in the places that have been developed so much that are developing the city's tax base because right now we're suffering from a lack of representation in the past in District 2 and a lot of that is well there's not enough money to go around well there is thank you anyone else for public comment good morning good morning what are you do do you want to speak do you have something to say uh he just we're not we're not giving time if that's what you're about to say yeah that's what I okay sit down thank you good morning I need uh it they have a laptop they know yes they know okay is there anyone else who would like to speak while we wait for it they're coming there thank you thank you good morning Madam chair Billy Corbin on re6 to suspend upfront payment of legal fees to outside Council for current and former elected officials this is performative nonsense it does nothing to address how the city got in this predicament or what you should do to protect the city in the future but it's adorable to see commission Rea suddenly pretend to care about this issue now that he thinks that he's running for mayor it's just another day in the Miami Mafia here's the only thing you should be doing is extracting some guarantee for collateral from judgment Deb or coroo for the tens of millions of legal fees he has to pay back to the city and let there be no doubt he owes that money to the taxpayers last summer that $ 63.5 million corruption judgment was against him in his individual capacity but don't take my word for it let's hear what commissioner had to say Little Billy uh forgot to say they had opportunity to abro the city in during my trial so the city would be held liable for the Judgment that was tendered against me something that I said from day one the city had no responsibility for whatsoever the city had no responsibility whatsoever and the judge made it official he had no other choice but to make it official City he had no responsibility whatsoever if the city has no liability in the matter why are we paying his legal fees and as City attorney weong said himself at the last meeting quote if you Prevail in those cases you're entitled to your attorney's fees but if you however lose it's up to us to seek those reimbursements City attorney what actions has your office taken to seek those reimbursements from defendant defendant and judgment dtor Coro I say all of you have the power to compel him to pledge his house as collateral to pay thatone or he could write a check otherwise the city must sue him and if you don't you'll be violating your fiduciary responsibility and most astoundingly we have no idea how much this has cost I ask that you please Madam chair ask the City attorney to place online and the interest of transparency the expenses related to all outside Council payments on a monthly B basis on the website thank you madam chair you sir in case you want to do that again we don't have clapping in Chambers unless it's during our proclamations thank you is there anyone else here who would like to speak on behalf of good morning how are you good morning chairwoman Bella Paro good morning Commissioners how are you doing um my my uh agenda of interest is ca3 I want to vote in favor of accepting the department of energy funding for resilience and I'd also like to see if you'd consider hosting some kind of sunshine meeting about the flooding situation and the state of emergency that was declared um so we can get better information see if we can get on the same page about plans planning and other opportunities for improving that thank you thank you thank you for your advocacy seeing no one else for public comment the public comment period is now closed gentlemen may I have a motion for pz I'm sorry pocket item one and two I'm sorry pocket I'm sorry for pocket item two I'll need to read the names into the record okay yes for the five yes for pocket up number two uh Civil Service Board commissioner gabella would like to appoint Miguel Solon uh chairwoman King commissioner Paro and vice chair Cory would like to reappoint Rodrigo imenz and commissioner Reyes would like to reappoint rapael Cabrera to the to the at large seats yes do I have a motion I have a motion in a second all in favor pocket items one and two pass unanimously gentlemen are there any of the ca items that you would like to pull for discussion Vice chair commissioner Reyes may I have a motion to pass CA 1 2 3 4 and 5 so moved second I have a motion and a second all in favor all I motion carries unanimously gentlemen in our re items are there any items that you wish to pull for discussion re 1 2 3 4 five six that's it he's going to tell sorry I'm sorry not re1 that's a mitigation so of any of the re items are there any items that you would like to pull for discussion on uh on the re2 solid waste assessment it's it's kept flat right I'm going I'm going to propose an amendment there's a presentation for re2 not a presentation just a request for an amendment to that item okay so we're going to pull re2 [Music] yes I don't need to pull it I just like to find out on re4 what is it that they're doing in that lot yeah um pel you're you're the sponsor of that yeah I know we're just re re renewing it right renewing for another six months what is it it's pickle ball excuse me pickle ball pickle ball it's pickle ball okay but it's called padel all right padel okay um I'd like to pull re3 and re5 for discussion okay so may I have a motion to pass re4 it seems and re4 because I'd like to also discuss re 6 motion so may I have a I have a motion for re4 second I have a second all in favor I re4 passes unanimously re1 is there anyone here on behalf of the mitigation good morning director good morning chairwoman Commissioners Robert chanas haror co- compliance director want uh um I I'll present uh R1 is the mitigation of a property located at 7751 Northwest 2 Avenue respondent is amsdell this is a vacant lot zone T5 the violations in questions is for operating without a certificate of use uh no business tax receipt failure to maintain lot and parking and storage of inoperable Vehicles the noov was issued on June 6 2022 a Judy ated before code enforcement board on 1023 2022 violation ran for 263 days acre a total of 131,00 uh the information I have uh from Council is that the offer the last one I received was $657 uh that is equivalent to 5% and I understand that Council has information and support evidence that he wants to provide to you good morning Madam chair members of the board for the record Javier Fernandez here on behalf of amsel storage Venture 64 LLC the property owner I I have a presentation I shared with a chairwoman I can uh quickly run through it if it's your pleasure or happy to proceed in any way the chairwoman would like on this matter I wanted to provide a little bit of context on the reason that we're profer 5% as opposed to the more customary 15% uh amount and one wanted to explain that but again Madam share happy to proceed however you like you probably need to explain it because I am not going to accept 5% um not having a CU and not having a BTR in addition to all of the other infractions that were named that's not something that you just don't know it's not it's not a customary thing that would come before us it's not what we hear someone died or mam CL that's what I that's M exactly what I wanted to provide a little bit of context on because I wouldn't make that profer unless there were some rather extraordinary circumstances go ahead if you think it'll make a difference thank you um so just briefly let me hand out copies of this as well and I promise to be brief so very quickly um on the screen here the property the properties that my clients own are the storage facility right on 79 Street and the subject lot which is the parking lot on 7 a corner of 78th in Northwest 2 Avenue uh the one that is the subject of the violation is the parking lot uh the storage facility originally was developed as an entertainment facility it was a bowling alley billiard room skating rink between 1955 and 2004 in 20 4 and that parking lot that has existed since that time and the property to the north which is now under undeveloped served as the off-site parking for that entertainment facility in 2004 the use of the storage facility was converted to storage from entertainment and the parking lot which is the subject of the violation has been used in support of that use since that time uh my client uh was cited for the four violations the two violations regarding the failure to maintain and the storage of untagged vehicles were resolved immediately the use violation required a acception application to be processed in order to bring the property to compliance when we were retained in July of last year we did extensive research on the use history of the property and unfortunately we hoped to prove that the property was legal and non-conforming unfortunately while there were extensive records about the conversion of the storage facility there was no documentation as to the permitting of the improvements of the parking lot although as I'll run you right through the images very quickly you'll see uh that the lot to the north is improved or you can see the remnants of asphalt and lighting uh the historic aals demonstrate that was parking before our lot has been used for storage since 2007 by the Google street images that we could uh locate so this gives you a sense of the historic condition of the property December of 2022 was just shortly after a a couple years after my CL client acquired the property and during the time of the violation so unlike other situations where you had a property owner that was a bad actor came into the property and affirmatively committed the violation our client when they brought this property in 2020 was under I think the reasonable assumption that Not only was the storage use legal but the parking lot was a legal ancillary use for storage given that that had been Theo the historic use of the property at least by our understanding since 200 for counselor yes ma'am what do we learn in school I'm sorry ma'am your question ignorance of the law it is is no defense but it does speak to the I don't know I don't know if think and ma' that's why we that's why we pled guilty at the hearing that's why we spent the money to try to uh render the property legal and conforming I I I address this because I think it's speaks to the mitigation standards that you have in terms of the gravity violation and the actions taken by the property under correct those violations and so at all times I think we moved swiftly to correct the immediate violations that we could resolve which were the failure to maintain and removing of inoperable Vehicles we proceeded again uh in November we had a finally regranted preapplication meeting for the exception to try to legalize a use the reasons the vi the reasons the fines began to run frankly are my fault because when we were running up against the deadline for the extension of time we submitted a request timely and and unfortunately the email that confirmed the hearing date uh for that hearing was one that was sent to sent to me but went to my spam filter and on March 22nd I was not able to appear because I was not aware of the hearing we followed up in early April and realized that we had missed the hearing and unfortunately the fines began to acrew but my my client would have been in compliance because they were advancing the application at all times but for the fact that that hearing was missed so again we've taken responsibility for that missed hearing we profer the 5% amount for that reason because again the client the company was unaware of the legal non-conformity but took steps to address it and unfortunately that hearing was missed and fines began to OCC I'm happy to we made that profer I'm happy to get your thoughts on the counter and we'll see if we can hopefully come to a quick accommodation on the item let me see if staff has a good uh good morning Rachel on behalf of the office of the City attorney um what council says is correct they did start to proceed to legalize and do everything they were supposed to do the email confirming their date was stuck I saw that we spoke um did go uh into his spam folder unfortunately for us because of our code we can't just say we can't reset things and so we can't set aside um because we did send it everything went but with technology things happened and so in the past when we have technological glitches like this there option is to come back and say hey we were doing everything this mistake did happen uh and I think that's probably why none of us have jumped up and down in terms of of what their their offer is on on on it because the glitch wasn't in yes you should know what you're getting into when you get it um but they did seek to address the issue once cited continue to do so and did Legalize It in a in a in as timely a fashion as possible uh it was uh a few hundred days from start sort of maybe less than a year from the violation to when they got it done so they did work very timely but the rest is up to you but I can confirm that we did speak with regards to the thing uh to the email going into his spam unfortunately and and that's what you get for the notice and that's how they go out so GL you mam embarrassing for me but again have to own the mistake I I would I would say for final consideration know it went to 264 days in terms of the matter um if you're inclined to uh provide any lead incy what I would ask is you'll recall last September we had a number of quum issues with PAB we lost about 41 days in terms of our ability to get on an agenda as a result so we would ask if you're inclined to stick with the 264 as the Baseline that you maybe consider reducing that to 222 days and we can Factor whatever mitigation amount off of that basis that would be my final comment for the record thank you Mr director while I am sympathetic as a practitioner we are not perfect these things happen but I also cannot set a precedent where I say okay you made a mistake so therefore because everyone is going to come before me and say well we made a mistake and unfortunately we have staff that are working and I don't want anyone else to think that they can just do and we'll say okay cuz that's why you're here before us I do think we can take off the 41 days that it took you to get to PAB I don't think that's unreasonable and in doing that would would be the fine 111 100 I'm not mistaken so that that is correct it's uncorroborated um So based on the 111 100 at 15% which is what has been uh the pattern here that comes up to 16,6 65 that's my math is that accurate so I I will I will accept 15% of the fine with the reduction of 41 days which comes up to 16,000 665 Madam chair given the circumstance would you would you be amable to 10% which you be $11,100 just given the facts again this is not giving the facts I'm giving you the the the reduction of days so no I'll take the 15% at the um reduction of the 41 days may I have a motion move uh yeah no I'm I'm I just want to say through this year how much how much that by 41 days how much how much is the total about $3,000 how much about $3,000 is the net effect of the reduction I mean it's maybe plus or minus a few dollars just doing the rough math it was 19970 Mr director or someone that range so um minus the number of days at 221 at 250 that puts it at oh it's 500 okay the puts the total at $121,000 as opposed to the total acred amount and at 15% of that is it's it's I am showing 18,1 15 18,000 what I had said and not to you madam chairwoman I apologize because when we met I had said the 15% that I thought but with the when I was doing the uh agenda reviews I had said based on the technology and the fact is that we've worked with Council and he's been very Cooperative in every other case I had said no less than 10% and 10% would have put it at 13,150 of the original amount that is what I was ready to recommend to you why don't we just call it 15 with your if you're okay I like that I I was thinking let's call number are you and you guys figure out what the percentage let's make it an easy 15 15,000 I have a motion motion and a second all in favor as amended I motion carries unanimously just on the record that would be the reduction of the days at 15% whatever that percentage is thank thank you sorry so I just I'm sorry 15,000,000 15,000 whatever that percentage amounts to thank you for your time thank you all too Mr manager you said you wanted to make an amendment yes Madam chair um we've had a series of individual briefings and discussions with regards to some proposed modifications um both in terms of operationally and in terms of fee structure related to the solid waste fee um with each and every one of you um we've gotten a lot of valuable feedback as part of that process um we'd like to continue that conversation uh one of the um from a timing perspective given the uh the rate and the solid waste fee needs to be submitted to the county um uh in in early July um one of the uh one of the requests is to modify or increase the cap which is currently 380 which is the actual Solid Waste fee um by $60 to $440 which will give us the the ability to continue to have conversations and briefings with each of you um we've looked at a number of different ideas and Concepts in terms of protecting the residents and certain segments of our resident population as well as dealing with some operational issues and we'd like to continue those conversations um and still afford US the flexibility to um propose an increase if if you're amable in the end that increase would not occur um or would occur or that discussion regarding the increase would occur during the budget process and as a body you can determine to keep it flat at at the current rate um or or consider an increase at that time with the this just gives us the legislative flexibility to do so and that's the request Madam chair uh does that mean that uh we are opening up the door for an increase without taking into consideration other Alternatives because I I believe that any increase that we do has to be because we have we have analyzed every single alternative that it is for example I have suggested I don't know what they haven't done it that the apartment buildings that we don't charge uh for any um I mean trench or bulk to them we are picking up their bulk you go byy any Flex or S units or whatever and you see a bunch of uh Furnitures mattress and all of that in front of the the apartment building we pick it up but we don't charge it I want to know why and how can we increase our revenues that way and also also uh uh I I'm I'm I'm not in favor of now giving you uh the administration give you the the uh opening the door that for an increase by allowing you to fluctuate the rate you see no I I I won't vot on that I will vote for a a complete complete thorough analysis of how can we bring more revenues maybe uh there will be an alternative Vault will be every two weeks etc etc but just give it car blank now that that we are going to raise the Cal uh I don't I don't think that that it's in my opinion it's a good idea I think that we should have a comprehensive uh uh and analysis of how can we increase the revenues and how can we uh hurt the least the least are particularly our retirees and retire the population that at this moment they have been uh rate increases not increases inflation is killing them you see so I uh I I don't know about the the rest of my colleagues but I'm I'm don't agree with that what I want to do is let's go and do a serious and and thorough analysis and how can we increase revenues taking all the Alternatives you see analyzing every single one the Alternatives and the effect it's going to have so commissioner um if I may the uh that was all discussed as part of our discussion with you and as well has been discussed with um each members of the commission individually uh the idea is to take all of that into consideration the approval today and the amendment to the resolution gives us no C blanch authority to do anything without your approval um because that all occurs during the budget process um so we are in limited by your action so in the end as a body you'll determine whether or not any fee increase is warranted um based on the additional information we provide obviously we intend to come back to each and every one of you and and address some of the comments that you that you gave us during our briefings um the issue with this Solid Waste fee and the request for the cap is entirely about timing and the requirement we have to submit a cap to the county and that's really what this is all about but I one thing that I don't understand uh Mr shair why do we have to deal with increasing the cap or leaving or opening the cap now if we're going we're not going to take any action you see if we take action we we are the ones that going to set the cap see why are we uh are now uh uh I mean voting in favor of increasing the cap if when no action is going to be taken you see that's that's one thing that I don't understand commissioner Reyes we're not voting to increase the cap we're giving them the the option we're giving them the authority to get wheels in motion for Miami Dade County in the event that we as a body decide we want to increase or not increase without us taking the action today to give them the authority to work with Mii Dade County if we so choose we'll miss that opportunity so nothing happens today other than giv our Administration the authority to work with Miami Dade County for the tax roles okay we can do that without mentioning the uh the uh the C that's that's what we're doing that's if you don't mention the C I'll go for it but when you mention that that you are I mean you are leaving the cap open for increases or decreases I I I don't see why you have all the authority to go and deal with the county no no sir I don't doesn't well we we'll give you the authority we're trying to give will give you the authority to go and deal with the without hold on a second um I see the City attorney Madam chair I just wanted to point out that non-ad assessments are treated differently than tax so pursu to chapter 197 3632 you have to establish the rate advertise it and then that goes on the trim Bill and ultimately in a meeting before September 15th so non-ad assessments have to be resolved onor before September 15th in order to use the uniform collection method so now we need to come up with a number that we're going to put in the notice not today George well it's got to be done um relatively soon not today is this from what we understood this resolution's purpose was was to give our administrators the authority to start the process no technically it sets it's very clear when your trim notice goes out from the county it sets it sets the rate the non- adalum tax rate it sets that the city may may increase it up to this maximum May by the way in the end you will you will take action during the budget process and determine hey we we we are inclined to or we're not inclined to increase this at all but that happens during the budget process so in in in the end that decision will have to be made by September 15th which is which George duly noted um all you're doing is set hey the most the city can charge for the solid waste fee is $440 that's exactly what we're saying but you can you can you can choose to keep it at the rate it is now commissioner gabella yes okay thank you madam chair so two things uh whatever we do I want to make sure that the senior citizens are exempt and and that I think we agree to number two we haven't changed that cap from 380 in 14 years I understand when I had my meeting with you guys and I'm concerned in my area that there's a trash problem we've been been having pickup problems because of the capacity of of our services so at some point we need to do something we haven't done anything for 14 years I I I uh uh spoke with you you guys and we brainstormed and one of the the ideas was hey instead of picking up four bulk pickups uh per week one per week four per month why don't we do two per month that that's an idea the that's the the other one mon was uh on the uh on the recycling instead of picking up two times uh uh a month why don't we do one and we can get some stat savings from there but what I understand full well what he's saying what he's saying is let's set a cap today but it's not engraved in stone I'm prepared to set that cap at uh 4:30 okay I know you guys wanted 440 40 I'm prepared to do it at 4:30 if my colleagues are I don't know where my colleagues are but what I want to do is I want I don't want to G gouge the taxpayer you you guys know how how I feel about that I don't think any of you do either but but you want the services given I need the services given in my area from and we so we got a problem they're telling us you know so voice is telling us they have a problem a legitimate problem so we we got to do something and and whatever we do I can ensure that you know from my end you know senior citizens have are not going to be touched those those that can't pay they're not going to be touched but again I reiterate we we've been at 380 stuck for 14 years okay we have to do something either cut services or you know increase the the dollar amount and and I'll leave it at that thank you madam sh hold on commissioner Reyes commissioner Paro would like to speak I'm in favor of exploring uh Revenue Alternatives I'm shocked that for 14 years we've never had an increase I think uh actually I think that's a little bit irresponsible because what's the County's rate 547 and our rate 380 380 so what let me so I'd like us to consider other Revenue Alternatives uh we know that we're the lowest municipality we know that we're kind of putting ourselves in a box on this issue so I'd like to see us raise the cap to the recommended amount 440 that doesn't mean it's 440 it it doesn't mean it's 430 420 we can all decide to keep it where we want to if that's the case but it gives us the maximum ability if we find information or other considerations we're we're we're we're not limiting our options and that's what I would be in favor hold on commissioner Ray Reyes Vice chair I hold on commissioner Reyes Vice chair do you have I I do um can anybody name anything for me that for 14 years in this particular day and age the price hasn't gone up in outside of our garbage fee um if the administration or if n the Sal waste director could tell us uh how much does it cost us to collect garbage uh to to do the pickups or recycling in the trash that's thrown out in the streets each year how much is the total total amount that it costs us including the fees that we have to pay the county where we send that trash to uh or the private firm which goes up every year um and how much do we collect from residents and all other fees in collecting garbage Etc and what is the deficit that we have okay um commissioner the um first question that you ask um we as the actual fee for the the rate that we were looking at is 7 97 that's what we're looking at as far as the deficit that we're in um so you're saying that for us to be even we would have to charge 797 797 okay so so or in millions of dollars what is the total deficit that we presently have 20 million5 how much 20 milon 25 20 million 25 okay that's the deficit that we have which is huge so I think that you could see that if we raise it even a dollar or $50 uh or $60 uh we're still going to have a huge deficit and frankly uh no one can point a finger at us if that's what we're doing it for now having said that let me put the other side of the issue down which I know that people are going to say that well one has nothing to do with the other but it does every year uh even though we keep lowering our militate our tax rates keep going up because the property appraiser uh keeps evaluating and assessing the properties that we own at a higher amount well that's great that they're worth more but it's only great for those who want to sell those who want to live in their home in many cases uh if you're elderly you're being forced to sell and leave your home because they're killing you in taxes I will tell you that uh I got hit with a 29% increase whether my home deserve that or not or it was a political increase I don't know uh but that's huge so what I'm trying to say is that on one hand what we do have the cheapest and the most services that we provide in collecting your garbage your recycling your trash than any governmental body and we have over $20 million in deficit our taxpayers are paying a huge amount more each year that we're collecting on the other end on the property assessments so we have to wait all that in whatever we do because we also have to be fiscally responsible and if we're getting a huge increase every year that we're seeing in what we're bringing in because of higher assessment of properties you know we need to do what we've been doing and using that money to offset that deficit uh that we have does that make sense what I'm saying sense I mean we have commissioner Rees yes it it makes I'm winding us down now because we've all had a chance to but but for me but I'm winding us down now okay uh it makes a lot of sense we have I know I know that we are the lowest one of the lowest uh uh I mean fees in in day County I know that but uh I uh I believe yeser might we might need to increase some of the fees but at the same time but commissioner kou I think that you took a class in economics because one thing upset the other our taxes have been increasing tremendously the tax revenues have been increasing tremendously throughout the years okay granted we are the lowest that's fine that is fine we are the lowest but if we want to cre the uh I mean the revenues that we are going to receive for people paying for collecting their garbage we have to look at every single source of Revenue possible for example you have said that you told me that uh that uh uh the uh the uh uh you can privatize recycle you say that yes how much are we going to save there how much we will save and how much extra that we're going to get if we try that we collect from those businesses because apartment buildings are businesses if we charge them whatever it is let's say 300 $400 whatever it is because we are I mean we are picking their their bul trash we are picking it up and we are not charging anything that's those are the things that that I want to see before I make a decision and and if the decision comes that we have to increase certain amount and we uh do exceptions to people that are over 65 retirees and all of that I'd be willing to uh work with that but not just like this you know let's raise it to 480 or no no I think that we have to be professionals we have to look at every single source of revenues see how can we de I mean reduce that deficit you see and once you bring that to me I mean I don't know how the other Commissioners are going to vote but I am not going to vote for anything that doesn't I mean doesn't bring to the table a a thorough analysis thank you m hold on commissioner Paro had his hand up and then I'll recognize commissioner gabella and then myself and prayerfully we will close this discussion it's short I just want to make sure that we do a good job of getting resident feedback on this because we have a weekly bulk trash pickup there's some municipalities that do it twice a year I mean they're getting an ex a really high standard of service and I don't you know I think in my neighborhood they they are going to that Weekly bulk trash pickup is essential I don't know that that's true across the board and I'd like to see what we get back from residents on the issue yeah agree with you let me commissioner gabella yeah let me say this before we think of and I for one I agree with you on this mon I think what you're trying to say and what I'm saying is that before we do any increases let's make sure that we can cut whatever we can there's inefficiency and let me bring one thing up but nobody wants to you know I've been told not to do it but you know what I'm going to do it let's talk about the recycling situ ation that we have going on that I understand not only 95% of our trash is not recyclable it's not getting it done only 5% is is is uh um is recyclable now you know if we want to say okay you know we're doing this to feel good about ourselves that that's okay but the reality of the situation as I've been told is that the the trash that we're picking up in the city of Miami 95% of it folks is not recycled it's not getting recycled so may maybe we need to look at that and and see what's going on there and and and again I reiterate I'm I'm with you mon I do not want a a tax increase of any sort or any increase until we explore all the Avenues you know until there's no Rock unturned and we explore all the Avenues that we can cut from here from there to to you know to do what you got to do and then I'll just state that for the record that's all I'm done thank you I agree with my colleagues I've said this in our briefings I am concerned about any increase while I I understand that the city hasn't increased their fees in decades however we are struggling as a community now every single homeowner has received a shortage an escrow shortage because the state has not bothered to intervene on behalf of its residents with respect to Insurance hikes mortgage companies do not care about the politics of Florida and our escrow shortages they will foreclose on anyone's house I do not want to see an increase affect our seniors in a way that jeopardizes them or puts them in Jeopardy of losing their home they live on a fixed income and even a dollar increase would be too much for many of our seniors and I've expressed this to you in our brief things I am open to look at alternative sources of revenue there are even within your department perhaps alternative sources to obtain Revenue like the private haulers and that kind of thing and is why I also pulled re3 and re5 to tie this discussion in but I understand that we're not making a decision today which is why I I'm in favor of moving the item now may I have a motion motion I have a motion do I have a second to approve this item as is as is as as is that means without the increase in cap no we're not looking at the the cap whereas the cap is just giving us options we're not we're not increasing the rate have um Administration weigh in instead of us trying to get so the request was to amend the item to increase the cap to 440 that that's what the request was so we'd hope that would be the motion to but but it is not engraved in stone today no it's just increasing the cap ultimately as a body during the budget process and ahead of that September 15th deadline the commission will make a decision and the the the decision may very well we want to leave it the same based on additional information we provide to you from here to then um and then so based on my motion I'm I'm making it on what what he just said so the item before us now is to approve with the amendment to take the cap to 440 that's the that's what we are voting on do I have a motion motion do I have a second I have a motion in a second Vice chair I reest reest that I need from the administration what is Sir cost per year on on the pickup for recycling only um commissioner um I'm working on those numbers I don't have those numbers right before me but I'm working on those numbers um we had it in a previous um presentation come on you you guys should have those numbers easily but I had it in a previous um presentation I just don't have that before me but I have those approximately how much do you think it is about $3 $4 million cuz that's what we're looking for $4 million 4 million yes okay $4 million okay approximately have you calculated the $60 that you have asked as a possibility how much more Revenue will that bring us a year so so um commissioner um with speaking with each and every one of you um and hearing the different um ways of trying to um reduce this this um this fee um we're asking that you just give us the opportunity to go back bring back some of the suggestions that we made to I understand that but my my question is different than what you're telling me my question is the $60 potential increase M if we were to charge the full $60 how much more Revenue would that bring us wait take the presentation and if you'll look there's increases that were made at5 you're going to have to do just do some modified math it's about 3.5 million you guys are going to have to be a little more prepared if you wanton for us to approve monies well $60 multiplied by how how many users right right it's about approximately $3.5 million yeah approximately approximately okay it's approximately $3.5 million you think okay now out of all the service that we provide the one that if we cut back on is going to be the least harmful will be recycling instead of having one pickup of recycling each week if we go to every other week that's cently what it's at today it's every yes it's twice a month right now we have it twice a month recycling is twice a month yes so even if you bring it to once a month on recycling that cuts the approximately $4 million to2 million so you don't need the whole 60 amount you need about $25 then instead of 60 if you would do that so I believe what what staff is trying to say is that they will do all of these calculations and give us different projections based on the feedback that we have given them they're just right now asking that we approve the item as amending I I I understand that but I want them in particular in the recycling to come back to us and and this one because I think this is one area that we I believe will have consensus in okay okay so we I have a motion in a second all in favor I no with one n thank you as amended as amended thank you again until this comes back to this body for the budget approval for the next fiscal year nothing is said in stone correct nothing is said and uh if I may add commissioner Reyes through the share if I may add please because this is not the first time that I have been asking about a thorough analysis of different revenues that we have we could receive I've been I've been this same uh question I've been asking since I got elected how can we increase our revenues who I mean how privatizing uh uh U recycling whatever but bring us bring us some uh uh Solutions you see a thorough analysis of what how what is going on and how can we do it I don't want to place the burden on the back of our residents particularly those retirees that they are leaving as a the the the uh Madame Sher says that that they live in a fixed income and everything hurts them right see so with re3 and five I pull those because it piggybacks on what we are talking about these two projects have the potential to bring a substantial amount of Revenue to the city and in our last Commission meeting there was a debate about the omnic and the need for alipa District 5 also has needs and we need to identify other sources of revenue to assist our communities in thriving we cannot have pockets of extreme wealth in our community when there are pockets of extreme poverty that are not going addressed so I am not in favor of re3 or re5 unless we can carve out a significant benefits Community benefits package for our community um you know I'm all for improving spaces however we cannot continue to do so and the poorer communities in the city of Miami go unaddressed the issues go unaddressed so I will not be in favor of re3 or re5 unless there's a significant Community benefits package agreed upon and perhaps we could look at some of the projected Revenue coming from either of these projects and I understand that they are separate projects they're not combined one is the Jungle Island project and one is the Watson Island project and I understand that however I have to continue to advocate for my community and it's not just my community because I think maybe there would be a path forward to identifying revenue for our issue with the solid waste fee increase maybe this is an Avenue for that but I want to make it clear that without Administration the applicants carving out a community benefits agreement that is suitable I I don't even want to move forward with this because I understand my authority in negotiating and this is as best a time as ever because I will have your attention um and I don't intend for for me to be extremely happy with our negotiation nor do I expect the applicants to be happy with the negotiation but if we can meet somewhere in the middle I believe the residents of Miami will prosper and that is my intent I will open the floor up to my colleagues I see commissioner Reyes has his hand up yes and I uh I agree with you that uh we have to elop for every kind of the revenues that we can obtain to uh I mean try to improve the quality of life of districts that uh they are in need but uh remember Madame Sher is not only one and five there is also three and four they that they need I'm including you as well the entire because they are pockets of poverty and and also in all those districts and that is why I think that we have to spread their wealth I agree I believe commissioner parle's hand I just wanted to add that that comment takes different form in different districts you can look at Waton Island you can look at the urban core and the state of the infrastructure is horrific that's where you're that's where you're seeing a lot of the enormous flooding problems a lot of the traffic problems a lot of the growth problems we just keep adding density but we're not dealing with any of those so we also need to fund those concerns Madam chair if I may I me see any of my commissioner gabella what uh no I'm I'm I'm agreeing with the I'm listening to all of you and and yes I'm I'm on board uh but you just commissioner P said and and of course we want the benefits for our neighborhoods right how how this is also you know I imagine you're talking about impact fees and and other fees collected to be distributed not only well we'll get to that but uh no that's all I have to say Vice chair um I I heard what you said and there are ways of uh looking at it uh that's certainly one way and then the next step would be if there are Community offerings um how we go about it and look well it'd be nice to say we split it evenly in each district [Music] um I think we have to look at where the biggest needs are and if we go by the traditional way that we would do it I think District Five would be number one District uh one I think right now would probably be number two District three would be next District Four will be close to District three and District uh two is the one with the least uh poverty so that's U Adam chair just I have to say something I mean come on you know really like really you know it's true commissioner parle you know it's true but in my stat I would like right but in my statement I included the entire city of Miami in in so doing when I referenced the solid waste fees that doesn't just impact District 5 or district one or three or two it impacts the entire community so I'm not looking at this as a grab only for my district I'm thinking about the entirety of the city of Miami in addition to yes there are districts that have extreme pockets of poverty District 5 being probably number one District um one being number two and so forth just like Vice chair suggested but I want everyone to to understand that I'm not just going to blanket approve these projects without consideration for the entirety of the city of Miami and I believe the applicants would like to speak I'll recognize um can I can I just say one thing before you recognize I'm sorry I I'm sorry I apologize go ahead thank you District 2 we know is a donor District right so 70 plus perc of revenue for the whole city comes from District 2 District 2 already is subsidizing every every single District based on its tax base but District 2 is the urban core and any kind of economic collapse of that Urban core because we all transit through downtown we all transit through brickwell we are we are all using the infrastructure that's available in that area and if that area collapses we all collapse so we when we talk about the areas of needs we also need to put them in these different you know perspectives so that we really realize that we have this one area that really isn't doing well and that's the urban core good afternoon good morning everyone iris is Scara with offices at 3 through3 Southeast 2 Avenue I'm here on behalf of bh3 IG developer which is the Watson Island on the south side of of the causeway I'm here to answer any questions but I did want to make sure that we put into a statement into the record that we are committed to enhancing our public benefits package to benefit all the communities all the districts and so forth so we stand committed and if you would indulge us Madam chair the item today is a directive to bring that back and we are committed to negotiating over the next 30 days or so like before July 25th to bring back a benefits package you would all be proud of so I thank you and I'm here to answer any questions you may have but I wanted to let you know we are committed to enhancing we have a benefits package because we have an old lease but however we're committed to enhancing it and bringing it forward to make you on I'm happy to meet with all your District your your offices and so forth and gather information to that end thank you you Mr casden how are you good morning Madam chair members of the commission niss Cen acman LLP I represent esj leasehold and echor resiliency with regard to item re5 and this proposed ballot item would be to enter into a sale or lease of only the 5.4 Acres of the existing 18.7 Acres on Watson Island that is encumbered by a lease I do want to point this out today there is a Le that cumbers all of the 18.7 Acres on the uh north side of Watson Island this proposal would do two very significant things I should say three in light of the chair's remarks number one 13.3 of those Acres will be returned to the public as a public Waterfront Park paid for by the developers 13.3 Acres the remaining 5.4 Acres on which has already approved a hotel as well would instead become a place for residential development significantly less intense uses so we will have 13.3 Acres of public park here to for which the city doesn't have a less intense residential development with limited commercial uh attendant to it and significantly much much more Revenue to the city of Miami and we are committed commissioner King and other members of the commission to have those revenues benefit each and every sector of the city that is in need and we will certainly uh uh engage with the city in a robust benefits package that will benefit the entirety of the city so you have our commitment we're dealing uh we're working with your staff now uh and uh as as Iris said within 30 days we should have a package I think everyone will be happy with will benefit the city and a public beach and the public right I mean this is on top of everything else that this public park that's been created in the center of the city Waterfront Park will be for every resident and all public benefit but the revenue derived from this proposal will be able to benefit other neighborhoods as well and significant ways okay so I just want to make sure that it I I am clear it is on the record that I am looking for a community benefits package that will be specific to District 5 as well as the residents of the city of Miami loud and clear Madame chair okay um do any of my colleagues want to have no I just want to what I just want to reiterate what one thing that Mr C what we're doing here we are not we are just changing the use of that landine that has been already it is uh I mean it is leased right it is leased it is least already the only thing that we doing is changing it and for once in my opinion I uh I look at it and uh we are going to at at last we're going to have a full development of Watson Island yep yes sir that is cor that is I mean we have done a peace meal and every time that we get one of these actors that have been we haven't been too happy with them so this is this is a a comprehensive development of wson Island that is long overdue yes sir that is correct and with the the largest portion by far going back to the public for its use as you and I can remember when we were young kids when we would go to Watson Island yeah I remember and I I have my scares there too is there anyone else anyone of my colleagues that would like to make a statement Vice chair I'd like to ask a question of the City attorney and then ask a question of neon um in what we are being asked to approve this here today is it clear that this will then come back to us at the last meeting of July yes sir the way the um the way the charter amendment process is set forth in the city code we have have this first resolution directing us to prepare a question and bring it back okay um and so nothing happens unless the actual Act of placing it on the ballot and approving the question will be in that that second July meeting so for me I would prefer to defer the item to the next commission meeting it still gives you time but at least we would have fleshed out the community benefits because I don't want to operate on someone else's timeline the community is not on a timeline and I I want to make sure that the community is benefiting before I commit to even taking this step I would like to defer the item until the first meeting in July so that Administration the applicants as well as my colleagues have an opportunity to view where you are because right now all we have is conversations I don't have anything in stone I don't have anything close to an agreement so I don't believe that deferring this item un to our first meeting in July would be detrimental to the process am I correct Mr City attorney um you could move you could defer it and it wouldn't affect the process it tightens it up little Madam chair if I could just interject one moment we have the holiday week coming up next week so we have we'll be having a shorten uh period of time to be able to meet with everybody because we have July 4th it's kind of like in the middle of the week well you know you guys should have maybe brought this before it the timing was not my idea I am saying that before I vote on this item I would like some indication of what we have come together to create these Community benefits there's no detriment to these projects going on the ballot by deferring the item to July to the first meeting in July however it does send a clear message that this body is concerned and adamant about having a genuine Community benefits agreement in place before we move forward and I don't I don't know if my colleagues will support me on that commissioner thank you ma'am so U look and I share your concerned but uh in light that George that if we did this today this is not uh engraved in stone they have to come back to us right at that point if we were not in agreement with anything they had to say you're offered right then and there it dies right this is not passing with anything this is not you know this is purely uh right them getting the ball rolling the critical date is the 2 July I'm asking um and and I share the chair of woman's concerned by the way yeah so um I agree with what you said that I just wanted to mention that the CRI critical date is the second meeting in July the county uh election supervisor says that they won't accept questions after Friday July 26 our meeting is on Thursday July 25th um so so long as we approve the question on Thursday July 25th it can make the ballot if it doesn't make that time frame then we're looking at a different election C can I just yeah in light of what he said how does this how does uh what doing with the chairwoman is uh uh offering how how is that a nuisance to to you guys will if if I if I may I can tell you we hear you chairwoman and all the members of the commission loud and clear on the public benefits package and we stand committed to making sure that we will be bringing each one of you our benefits package for discussion before that item so while I understand chairwoman you want to send us a message we got your message already it's loud and clear and and we're committed to making sure that we do such um we would just ask if this item can please advance so like that we know our our time frame and it actually applies even triple the pressure on us to make sure that we meet that deadline timely because we have to get those items on your backup agenda for that July 25th item chair the chair Madam shair hold on hold on um commissioner Rees okay thank you Madame shair you see I I agree with you that we need we need a commitment a firm commitment commitment for benefits that U that um that um as you clearly stated but my only fear is that by if we uh let's say defer this it give us less time that when they come with the with the package of benefit and if we don't agree with it one and the argument that will definitely come about we have less time to reach an agreement and then vote in favor or against it you see I I I believe we should I I don't think so I think it gives us more time because they'll come back I hope that we'd have everything resolved first meeting in July or 90% resolved in first meeting in July we pass it everything moves but I'm here for the will of the body I think it would be more prudent for us to defer the item and allow them to come to us so we would have something because that way we move forward but again it's the will of this body it it nothing happens if we defer the item it does not jeopardize the items going before the ballot but it also lets our applic know that we are we are committed to seeing a community benefits package I'm going to let Mr Cas speak Madam CH would just note though that uh that this is only direction to draft a ballot language this is not approving the ballot language this has I think historically been the P the the path that the city has recommended that they give you give direction to draft it but you're not approving the ballot language nor are you approving the uh agreements I understand and if it was that simple we wouldn't be having so much commentary about it if it was that simple because you guys want us to move forward with it and again you know based on your argument nothing happens it's actually the opportunity to come back to you the item today is just giving us the opportunity I'm going to allow my vice chair to speak CH I believe you have made a motion uh I'll second that motion let me let me say this that the City attorney and together with the city manager uh there smart guys that's why we have them there uh they can as easily be drafting if they don't have it done already which I would have to think they probably do have a drafted um whatever warding we need to place both of the side in on the November ballot so I I I I don't see the harm uh in bringing this back in the first meeting in July um then we vote on it um and the second meeting in July uh if I if I would see the harm in that I might feel differently about it uh because I I do feel that this should go on in the November election that's when you get the most people that go out and vote so you're going to have the maximum amount of City uh of Miami citizens that will vote on this having said that uh the present uh owners of uh the parcel that you represent need and not Madam uh attorney they had committed at one of the previous meetings uh where they kept coming back to get breaks into the millions of dollars from the city because otherwise they would go broke and we would not get anything they would say you remember that okay um and I predicted that something like this would happen and here we are um they had committed that they were going to maintain forever the Japanese garden on your side of Watson Island what is your project uh invs for where the Japanese Gardens is now is that going to be part of your development part of the park or what in if it's not part of the development side uh are you going to keep that commitment that we had to maintaining that from here on commissioner that is a part of the discussion with are having with the city staff right now including potential funding for uh uh renovation of that Garden so that's part of our discussion yeah and and that should be part of your benefits package yes sir you go okay the other aspect is and we can look at it as part of a benefits package also um the maintenance of the new park that we're going to have absolutely it's great to hear that all this has always been a park it's been a Dust Bowl in the past it became a park when burn Levine took it over and made it into a real attraction that people enjoyed and then after he sold his lease to the present owners it's been back to to nothing speculations uh so to hear that we're going to have a real Park 13 plus acres um it's going to take an ecological uh Outlook to it I I find that exciting and something that our residents are are truly going to enjoy plus uh I think it's a plus that you're building away from the water line um that's uh another Plus for many reasons not only are you going to be further away from Neighbors and Venetian Isle but the whole Waterfront will be available to the public that's a big plus so I I you know I personally need um answers to those questions commissioner you will see that ongoing maintenance and payment for it is first and foremost one of the items in the agreement understood M Madam chair through you so you know what I'm having to I'm going to agree with you and uh use prudency here uh you know because I I think uh there's worry here you know and uh and like like I said if it doesn't damage them and why not so I'm I'm going to be voting uh so um commissioner parter wants to say just so on the record there's a motion to defer and I have a second to defer the item to the first meeting in July commissioner Paro so I've heard two things uh pretty clearly number one you got our message oh yeah yeah it's like a like lightning I get it's coming through we got message number two you'd also like the flexibility of working around the holiday to be able to work through it um as as the sponsor of the item I would rather that we do not defer this but would you agree to come and give an update at our next meeting definitely we can defin definitely we're happy to do that and present to the board where we are so like that there's almost like a preview before July 2th I'm confirm with the deferment so that's on the floor there's a motion and a second to defer the item to the July 1 the first meeting in July have a motion and the second all in favor I all and that is for re3 and re5 to July 11th so I I don't know how it's three commissioner Reyes how did you vote it's four one no 41 41 thank you thank you thank you was to the July the first meeting in July and the next item before us is re6 madam chair if I may ask a question um for your Indulgence if by if we are done by July 11th which we hope to be with all all the package could the directive also be um that let the item be put on the July 11th as a placeholder so if the package is correct we can also have the ballot question and the other items together you could work that out with the administration right so I just want to make sure the City attorney if he's okay with that hopefully we're we are local so we'll be here every day I'm available like right after this so we'll get started right away are are you saying put the the actual ballot language question on you the dirve this this motion that's that's what yeah we'll carry it's being deferred right so it's carrying over to the first motion right I'm just saying the ballot item if it could since if we're going to on July 11th if we can move up from the 25th to the 11 the print the print deadline is Tuesday for that item so I don't if we have the time to work all that out Madam share now that we have defer this that it is but I am U I'm afraid of a timeline uh can we give a directive to the City attorney to start working on the language that should be is going to be placed in the ballot and have it ready for next commission meeting George um so we we I mean we it has to be done by Tuesday so we could get it done but it's going to require there's some I don't know if they'll have the time at least we need benefits we need to know what it's going to go on on the ballot yeah uh my fear is that we are going to run out of time to place that in the ballot and in order to gain time I am giv you a directive uh to start working in the language yeah we're already working on the language start working on the language they're already doing that they're already doing that so okay let's move along let's move along re6 how did I know that so re6 um does anyone want to have discussion on this item I can tell you again my position as it was before it will be the same today I am not in support of this item again I am not interested in giving up any right that I have as a public servant that the Florida Supreme Court has recognized I again want to have my colleagues subtract any actors that has prompted this resolution the staff and public officials we are variables X algebraic variable X I am not interested in upfront legal fees if someone attempts to sue me in my capacity as an elected official I'm not interested in being reimbursed I am a practitioner and as a practitioner understand this better than most anyone can come and sue us a number of times in our capacity and I'm not willing to represent have have to represent my myself with an onslaught of lawsuits I'm just not going to do that I am the only one up here that probably can represent myself and then charge the city the highest fee for a practitioner Madame and get the City attorney to pay for me so again I'm putting on the record I am not in support of this this flies in the face of the Florida Statutes as well as opinions from the Florida Supreme Court commissioner Reyes you're recognized let me uh let me make clear that uh this not preclude I mean doesn't prohibit the uh the uh City attorney to represent or look for representation the only thing that we are doing here and I want the City attorney to clarify there as being there there's going to be some in my uh uh there there there is uh some modifications to the original in order to make it it more clear and nobody is going to be left hanging as a matter of fact I am being Su I have been sued told everybody that it is now being sued it's not going to be out what we want to do is stop the bleeding and find out what at least give him some sort of of of uh limits on how much are we spending how many attorneys do we get what's the what's the what the uh the uh hourly cost that we're paying you see trying to try to limit and and try to stop the bleeding because we have spent so much money and trying to Define once and for all you see what's going on with our outside Consulting and and one another question that I have asked why do we have so much outside Consulting when we have a legal department so I can I can you please listen to him I don't have I don't take an issue with us getting reports but I do take issue with us creating ordinances that apply retroactive or or are in affect immediately and affects people negatively that are currently in the situation if we want to look forward again I'm not going to support anything that would require that I pay upfront fees to represent myself but I'm also not in favor of stopping in the middle of representation and having someone have to figure that out not for our staff because this is bigger than us this is bigger than myself this affects staff and I cannot imagine requiring staff to have to pay for legal fees and then get reimbursed we are not considering what that toll would be on a family who is working for the City of Miami not to mention public servant it has a chilling it doesn't affect staff it actually does because in the language it says employees as well in in the ordinance in the resolution it references the only thing that we're trying I'm trying to do is to get some get a handle on how we are spending our money and uh Mr wison could you please clarify all the uh uh concerns that uh that Madame C U uh Madame share has yes sir you um you presented a substitution to the original version and let me just sort of outline what the substituted language says um If This Were to be adopted it would have immediate effect and it would suspend The Upfront payment of legal fees for current and former elected officials in cases where outside council is required due to conflicts of interest and you added acceptant emergencies as fined by the City attorney any outstanding legal fees incurred prior to the effective Daye of this resolution will be paid uh the next section is the City attorney has directed to review and recommend within 60 days from the date of this resolution whether to continue such engagements on a case-by casee basis uh the next section says the City attorney is further directed to review future cases involving current or former elected officials that require outside Council due to conflicts of interest and recommend whether to engage outside Council including estimated costs and to proceed if there are no objections from the city commission except in emergencies as determined by the City attorney and then lastly this resolution would direct the city to uh collaborate with the city's insurance broker to evaluate whether it's financially prudent and feasible to obtain new public officials and employment practice uh coverage um with an alter alternate insurance carrier and to present findings within 90 days from the date of the resolution so that is in effect what I said it's going to affect current and future and employees are included it says so right here wherein QBE seeks declaration has no duty to defend and indemnify the city and its elected officials and employees I I'm not in I'm not going to be in favor of that commissioner gabella so I'd like the weigh in because if I remember correctly I think I proposed something along these lines back in January and I was told it wasn't a good idea you know you you even said it at the time again you know and I Abit it and I said you know you know you know what I'm trying to do is similar to what you're trying to do you know to get a get a handle on on what's really going on you know but at the same time you know what what you know what I would urge you know uh if the this body is has an appetite for it you know to to go over this give us a little bit more time to go over this you know the requir maybe defer it you know U I know what changed from January to now that you know because I I proposed it in January if I remember correctly and and I was told nobody had the appetite to to do it or you did I think you voted for me or with me but nobody else did but at any rate I think you know I'd like to go over I'm not saying it's it's a bad idea or what I'm saying is for me give me a chance to to digest it I I I accept that we might AER this but I want to know that I want everybody to know that we must get a handle on the way that we are paying our outside Council absolutely you see we have to get a handle because I mean the way that it has been going has cost us millions and millions and millions of dollars you see and and it is very dangerous now nobody wants even to uh I mean our our insurance company said no more you see no more and my intention it is not to leave anybody out with standing proper legal representation but to get a handled on expenditures get a handle on expenditures that it is my my my my main concern it is not what you propos go back and and look at what has been done it is in the future let's get a handle on how our money is spent on outside Council and they need for outside Council too well I believe that is a report versus what is attempted in this resolution I'm going to allow Mr Vice chair Madam City attorney um we received the uh new resolution yesterday afternoon um my chief of staff wasn't able to get a hold of meal until late in the evening when I first got it um and I believe commissioner G is correct we do need more time for all of us to look at this carefully digested and if I may suggest a deferment if we could defer it to the last meeting in July uh so that we have sufficient time to digest it now I don't want to get into it now and waste more time but I passed for all of you to have already um Supreme Court of Florida law from 1990 that includes additional laws from the Third District Court of Appeals right here in additional Supreme Court uh laws that clearly state that Florida courts have long recognized that public officials are entitled to legal representation at public expense to defend themselves against litigation etc etc so it's not the time to go any further uh I think we should all look at that uh study it and we bring it back to the last beat in July and deal with it hold on a second commissioner Paro would like to say something yeah I'm also in favor of the deferral and I I want to make a distinction I do believe if you're a city employee or you're an elected official you should be defended and the cost should be incurred because there are a lot of frivolous lawsuits and I don't think anyone should be placed in that position on the other hand if there has been action outside the scope of our responsibilities whether elected or not then I think the taxpayers shouldn't be bearing that burden especially if there's been a court that has made a determination so I just think that those those you know both of those situations we should consider as we move forward with the deferral Madam shair uh Mr City attorney could you clarify the part of the uh of the uh uh the employees and also uh I do understand Madame chair that uh there is a statute it's a state statute that requires that the city or the organization the public or organization to provide uh uh Legal Assistance or pay for the attorneys of any any employee or elected official that while in working as uh according to to the the position they have made a decision and they have been uh sued by a person the affected body what I want to know now Mr City attorney is you I want to make the distinction between employees and what we uh and and elected officials yes sir it was your intention um section two um only applies to current and former elected official in cases where current and former elected officials Madam chair is correct that um one of the warehouse Clauses mentions um the QB QBE lawsuit since we've already resolved the QBE lawsuit um we'll go ahead and remove that whereas Clause to avoid any confusion as to who's covered but the the legislation has drafted is intended to really only uh relate to former and current elected officials I Madame shair I uh I make a mtion make a motion to move it to September second I have a motion and a second to move the item to the first meeting in September or the last the last meeting the last the last meeting so we have time to uh go over and reach an agreement because that's what we have to we have to strive for reach an agreement and and try to improve the way that we've been doing business so I have a motion in a second on the floor to defer this item to the last meeting in September September 26th all in favor I I Madam chair can I have just a couple of seconds for a point of information yes this is to bring the commission up to date uh of a ruling yesterday in the uh other lawsuit that was launched against the city and approximately 10 of us or so and another 20 do whoever they might be uh in my particular case uh the judge uh basically rule by saying that we only had to answer count one out of the 16 counts so it U certainly appears that the other 15 counts are not going to be considered at all and so you could understand why why this is causing more money to represent all our employees and elected officials are employees of the city to um this is the on this particular lawsuit this is the third suit that they have brought to the city and we have had to answer Etc since the first two were thrown out by the judge and they keep playing this game of trying to build up the legal fees on us so then they could go and send their little billies and others so they could say look at all the money that is costing us well they're costing those expenditures and a senior judge one of the most senior judges has thrown out twice the lawsuit this is the third go around you know what they say the third time is the term uh on other members uh of this city that have been sued um it's my understanding that just about all of the charges have been thrown out the rest the judge has invited uh for Discovery and of course some re judgment will take care of them but the reason that the expenses are so high are for the reasons that I'm stating and o on the uh $ 63.5 million um they have to answer uh reply to our motion on the appeal by July 1st so right after that the appell court is going to get this case and anybody particularly if you're an attorney I invite you to read the appeal and you're not going to have any doubt after you read it uh that it's going to be or overturn to begin with in all these cases that these people are file uh the three main ones in federal courts that are all the same then one of the most critical Parts in federal law in particularly in this District that goes back years as the law with d Martino the latest one was oo in February of 2023 because it is so easy to accuse someone of violating someone's civil rights the courts of Health the appell court of Health the federal courts of Health that those that are suing whether a city or individuals who work for a city in their lawsuit they have to include probable cost what does that mean they have to include any probable reasons other than discriminatory actions why the city took those actions in other words was their probable cause why the city took those actions not in one of these lawsuits not one have they included that not in one and in the 63 million and half dollar case the judge looked the other way and refused for attorneys to bring that before the jury um so I know that uh these chaps uh won very much for us to turn over and play Deb and they're putting every full court press and pressure that they can but the facts are that bason established federal law the Martino o bo they have to show if there was any probable cost any possible reason why our city or any of our employees took the actions that we took and in practically every single one of their allegations it goes beyond probable cause that the city had it was 100% evidence of the violations that they had made therefore based on case law uh it all has to be thrown out thank you thank you so um we are now at our second reading items Mr City attorney would you please read in to the record the titles of sr1 and sr2 for our consideration yes Madam chair sr1 an ordinance of the Miami city commission amending chapter 2 article 10 of the code of the city of Miami Florida is amended city code titled Administration code enforcement more particularly by reinstating section 2- 830 of the city code titled alternate code enforcement system providing for an alternate code enforcement system that gives special magistrates the same Authority as the code enforcement board to hold hearings and impos fines costs leans and other non-criminal penalties against violators of the city code providing for the qualifications appointment Powers compensation and retention of special magistrates and to amend section 2- 817 B3 of the city code pertaining to irreparable or irreversible violation fines containing a severability clause and providing for an immediate effective date second reading two an ordinance of the Miami city commission amending chapter 37 section two of the code of the city of Miami Florida is amended titled offenses miscellaneous malicious defacement marking Etc of real property to provide for authority of Code Compliance Department to manage the graffiti mitigation program and add other requirements for participation containing a severability clause and providing for an effective date thank you do I have a motion for sr1 and sr2 motion I have a motion and a second and Madam chair if I could just be co-sponsor on sr2 as well okay um Madam chair and a slight mod modification to sr1 on behalf of the administration within the language language of the ordinance it says a cap of five special magistrates they want to change that to a minimum of five magistrates and the second change we'd like to make is there's a section that says the fines may be reduced as determined recommended by city attorney's design city manager design and CB magistrate uh city attorney's design should not be involved in that process so we want to eliminate that so those two minor changes on sr1 so it would be sr1 as amended would anyone like to speak on these items or are we ready to move them if we could just hold off for a second um chairman um how many magistrates are we anticipating hiring um for this good afternoon commissioner Barbie Hernandez assistant city manager um we're looking at a minimum right now of five per year request at the February 22nd uh commission meeting we are are starting at 5: but we can go all the way up to whatever you all feel that item will be coming back in front of you to approve all the special magistrates at a later date um before we move forward on on com on combining the the special magistrate boards with um alongside the how are we going about in picking the magistrates so we're putting that together one of the things that you requested at the February 22nd is making sure that they have uh background checks that they're not related to anybody in the city um that they have a legal background those kind of requirements are going to be in in put it in there um what is the backlog that we have now to the co-director good morning Vice chair um last time I did the assessment it was close to a th000 probably in the 700 margin somewhere around there that includes extensions of time last evening because we have very complex cases half the doet could not be heard how how long do you think it might take to bring you up to date four to six months could you bring this back for discussion after six months Perry to see where we're at sure and how it's progressed that that that's an option the idea was to have magistrates assist with some of the cases that are simpler extensions of time um which allows for the Deep dive into some of the cases that are hotly contested um and and that was the goal but yes we could proceed as you what wish what I don't want to see uh is partially what was going on before MH that regular residents that didn't have uh expediters uh attorneys were getting the brunt of the fines and those with commercial properties or bigger sized properties were going through the magistrates instead of the code enforcement board understood and they were being dealt with very very lenient in comparison to local residents that's why what I'm asking is in a six months time to bring it back for discussion uh and for a report of how it in those six months hopefully you'll be up to date we could do that uh I'm going to tell you it's a policy process one of the things I want to do uh is to have a day dedicated for mitigations where we pay specific attention to the mitigations with all the details as opposed to uh schoras board that we have now because right now it's new cases extensions of time mitigations all together along with life safety and and and and repeat violation so it's a that could make sense like to bring some that would make sense control yeah so you have the same type of cases yes sir uh and medications when we start that way clearly what it would do it's it sets the tone uh we sometimes often they want to rehear the case and no we don't hear the noo we hear the reasons that prevented them and it creates a better control so that that's part of the plan uh Robert yes sir I'm sorry as the maker of the the motion uh 6 months time uh would that be adequate to to to see a substantial if it change or not one way or the other do you need assuming all things remain the same we have Quorum we hear the cases we would I would believe that we would be able to catch up the concern is there are things that are unprecedented yesterday was a very very challenging day yeah I I'm not holding you to that timetable all that I'm saying uh commissioner is for him to come back give us a report in six months that's fine let's see how we're doing it's working well even if we're caught up you know we might want to leave it uh like it is that's all that I'm saying no I agree yes sir be happy to thank you thank you okay there's a motion there's a second wait I see the City attorney leaning forward which means he has something to say the city clerk and I were asking um um Mr Vice chair is it to are you modifying the legislation to require the report in six months um or is it a separate direction to have I thought it was a separate Direction but if you want to include it commissioner gabella we can include that's fine we can include it okay you know we'll modify it's only to come back and give us a report in six months yes thank you okay ready for a motion all in favor signify by saying I I I hi motion carries unanimously sr1 being amended yes um there is a discussion item external Auditors no that's been uh that was taken off that was taken off look at that di1 is and we still have still here to make a you guys defer that no no not the disc not the discussion item it's a different item it's a different item okay right okay I keep copious notes good afternoon is it still morning or is it afternoon it's afternoon now good afternoon it it was deferred what was deferred no both of them oh oh I'm sorry2 is in play okay uh hold on a second we have F fr2 in play Mr City attorney would you please read no I think you never want to correct you madam chair but I think you mean of course it's fine sr2 sr2 and2 are both still no no one and two yes we did sr1 and two now that's don't okay I fr2 now needs to be read into the record the title thank you madam chair F fr2 in ordinance of the Miami city commission amending chapter 2 Article 4 division 2 Section 2-22 of the code of the city of Miami Florida as amended titled administration department planning building and zoning department Reserve to create a section titled certificate of reoccupancy for single family residences prior to resale to allow for inspections by the city of Miami Code Compliance Department to determine whether any current zoning violations exist on the property and to determine if the property usage is not allowed by law containing a severability clause and providing for a 30-day effective dat commissioner Reyes yes uh I am the proponent of this uh the sponsor of this uh ORD okay the thing is uh that uh by experience and I had that experience when I was part of the code enforcement board that and also also I had very bad experience uh on properties that are being sold as income generating properties when they are on single family homes and and uh what happens is that when here comes a buyer and he buys that property and then it is found in violation later on when he comes before the uh Court enforcement board I said I bought it like that the typical typical answer is you bought yourself a problem you see you bought yourself a problem what I want to do is to try and yeah well I met I have a I had a meeting with the uh board of realtors I have a meeting with them and they are willing to work you see this is not casting stun this is just his first step so we're going to be working together and and seeing W how can we protect the consumers this is a consumer protection ordinance and any any property owner uh or buyer is a consumer and they sometimes they are misled and in order to avoid misleading and avoid the consumers I have seen many uh uh couples that they have put together uh their savings into purchasing a house a home see and then they go through the process the uh uh title search and all of that title search don't tells you that there is a violation or they have made that property into four units when it was supposed to be one unit doesn't say that and then they come back to the before the board with a tremendous fine and the answer is you bought yourself a problem you see I think that we have to work together with the real the board of realtors and see how can we Pro provide some some protection the people that are going to buy those those property before the purchase is final and this is the idea of this now between first and second reading we can be we can talk and we can and we are going to I mean I'm I'm going to be working close to if we pass this I I'm going to be working very close to the board with the board of realtors and everybody anybody that has any questions anybody that has any concerns it could be iron out in and if we cannot well then we don't vote for it in the second read Okay so I do have concerns about this legislation I believe it will have a chilling effect the city of Miami Gardens has a similar ordinance in play 10 cities and they it's a it's a disaster the way it's operating I would request a deferral so that you could work on this and we can work on we can look at this in more detail when someone purchases a home or purchases property particularly if someone is purchasing a home they have to get clear title that but you will yes they have to have clear title for it to to move the only way that a purchaser would not know about these leans and the violations is if they buy the property as is and with this ordinance I would not be able to buy a property as is and take on the responsibilities I believe that while it is well intentioned it will have a chilling effect perhaps cause even the city to be sued because you're interfering with my right to purchase real estate without an incumbrance and if I want to buy a property as is and I enter into a contract and says I assume All rights and responsibilities of this property that is my right this will be taken away with this yes it will no don't doesn't PR preclude you doesn't preclude you a second because it requires that the city has real estate transactions are time sensitive time sensitive and it will require the City come out do an inspection and given okay I don't need the city to tell me I can purchase a property as is and that's what your when you are not misled but because most of the times most of the time I'm going to give you a simple example simple example uh you have a a Terrace that you built without permit you see there is no permit and and you build beautiful beautiful in the backyard and that does not show on the title search you purchase that house as is you purchase that house and nobody comes and point that point to you listen this is illegal and you will have to tear it down or you're going to be fine okay that's what I'm trying to protect I mean and it doesn't preclude you hold on a second ma'am doesn't preclude you from buying it as a buyer you can say okay I'll buy it and I'll fix it fantastic we are not interfering with a sell what we are doing is pointing out to the buyer this is going on you are buying yourself a problem and I want you to be you I want you to be aware that you could have a problem in the future I understand because we cannot preclude ourselves I understand what you're saying that would be financially burdensome on the city because now we are going to have to find staff to do these inspections unnecessarily because the buyer and the seller buyers have to get an inspection and an inspector would be able to give the same information but not at the city's expense yes I've not if you charge a fee for inspection no the the fees but then you're adding an additional cost because the bank requires an inspection and then the city is going to require an inspection so now you have double inspections but you have to wait for the city to get around to your inspection we can't even pick up garbage properly how are we going to make sure that every person and when people start losing their Escrow because they haven't closed in time now we're going to have people coming at us because we're holding up a real estate transaction which which are I'm just saying that I believe this legislation well-intentioned has a chilling effect that hasn't been thought out it it was it it is 10 cities in the in in the county they have it 10 cities do have it and andah has it and we have to look for what we're doing is we are just pointing out the violations that they are in the in the house and we can limit the violations that we're looking for like uh an addition that has been made without permit that sooner or later is going to be caught and it's going to cost them you see we are not precluding there we are just pointing out listen this is this type of violation and what we can do between now and the second reading is to limit the violations that we are looking for and how it's going to uh uh be uh uh let me let me let me let me give you an anecdote let me give you an example you see in flagami there was a house there was a house that it was divided in nine nine units it was divided big house and it was advertised as an income generating property at the time before the uh the uh property value increased that much in flami they were asking $1.4 million for the property because it was an income generating property we caught it because of the advertisement and this is a true story this is the true story where the code enforcement went everybody went over there and the uh answer from the realtor because there are bad apples and there are good apples in every single profession the answer was wait until we close and then you do what you have to do you see can you imagine if you have purchased that can you imagine if you have purchased that and nobody took look at it because the pencil I mean the search the title search it looks for addition of uh I mean if if they have Lings and all of that but in not not for violations can you imagine if you have purchased that I think it's very cool and if you build if you build an addition illegally the property description will not match what the property appraiser has so there are checks and balances I'm going to let my other colleague speak commissioner gabella yeah look uh this this is more we'd be creating more red tape uh we're opening up a can of worms you know uh this is going to be a problem uh I say let the market take care of the market granted that there are while well intentioned and granted that what what M was talking about does exist okay but this is going to be more more problems you know I don't think the we have we we have to solve problems Rees let him speak and I think Vice chair would you like to speak after him I might okay okay I'm going to let commissioner I'm just going to answer this wait hold on let commissioner gabella speak and then let us get to and commissioner Paro wants to speak and let us all have our say so look if I wanted to buy a piece of property and I'm going to I don't need financing I can go and buy that piece of property without an inspection if I wanted to okay and if you're going to get financing then you need an inspection and I think you know we're not stupid here nobody's stupid out there that you go to a house and you know you're going to inspect it you know you're going to know if there's you know if there's an efficiency if it looks like an efficiency it doesn't look like an efficiency that's properly done or not I I don't think we need to be be more government intrusion into people's lives like what you said Madam Madam chairwoman that you know now I'm going to buy a piece of property you know and now I got to get the city to sign off on it you know what I mean no I I don't I don't think this is needed this will create a a can of worms lawsuits left and right I I think it'll have more problems than what it solves you know and and the bottom it's going to generate more problems for us because we got to have more people out there you know on on this thing and and so I'm I'm totally against us with all due respect to the to the commissioner commissioner Paro I I think we're putting the start before the horse a little bit here because we're going into a lot of detail but commissioner Reyes you said you would be meeting with the board of realtors yes I would be very interested I do think there is a consumer protection element here that's what it is and I would be just interested to hear with the board of realtors how they weigh in uh because obviously they they want smooth transactions they don't want to see things uh so I'd like to I really would like to see what comes back Madame shair if I may add let's let Vice chair speak as well well no he doesn't he doesn't need to speak I know I'm sorry go ahead how do you know what I'm going to say cuz I know you well I think you have a great idea here see you're surprised no I'm not well then you should be because on this one I don't think you have such a great idea we all do respect let me see where I can begin because there's so much here one let's look at the Constitutional protection that every resident have from government's intrusion into their home what rights the residents have under the Constitution they have a lot of Rights we're creating a Law to force whether they like it or not residents of this city to have to open their doors to government to go into their own house with it a warrant you're going to get lawsuits there secondly so I understand it this ordinance is only looking at single family residence well how about duplexes you can divide duplex the same way of course Triplex Town Homes condominium even and of course commercial and business property in the city so are we going to be discriminating to the single family homeowner some would think so there's another lawsuit and then I think the first people that would admit that we don't have a sufficiently trained force in Code Enforcement would be code enforcement but I can tell you that we don't for this kind of job we sent a code enforcement officer to go through a home and they miss this this this and that and then down the road if the city goes at that homeowner they're going to say wait a minute here's my certificate everything was fine and they're going to turn around and Sue the city so for a commission that wants to avoid all these expenses in attorney's fees we're creating a whole bunch of potentials for for lawsuits here uh that are going to come the the argument and commissioner Gava alluded to that and he's correct if you walk into a home that you know is own single family and you see that it's divided into rooms all over the place or a couple with doors going out the other way you know people you see it right through unless they're biting from uh Dubai unseen but in today's world you know you can look at uh through cameras everything um whoever is buying a property is going to know if they have subdivided it in a residential area and if they did it's illegal the real estate um profession they have multiple listing in the multiple listing contracts uh people that are selling their homes under oath have to sign uh everything about the property buyer have the opportunity to have the home inspected and in those inspection in could include some of the uh areas that you brought up that they could look into granted many of us are at fault because we wanted to save a few dollars uh in in closing and would do that and then we find out that something was done uh without permits and then we bought it but that was our choice in the beginning if we wanted to do the inspects or not you know that's call a free market um I I I just find it difficult Beyond everything that I've expressed here and a ton of other things that you know I'm not going to take up more time to approve an ordinance that is going to force residents against your constitutional rights to have to open the door for government to go into their homes without a warrant okay uh and and I'm the the last time this came up um I think it was commissioner gourd that tried to uh look at that and he quickly decided from what he saw that it was not the right thing to do so I I I can't go along with this here I I think it's going to create so many more problems than we have and it's going to hurt the city of Miami let let me finish commissioner please it's going to hurt the city of Miami uh in his tax base uh where many people that come to buy in the city that's more expensive already than just about anywhere else because we're closer to the job markets where you don't have to drive for an hour in the morning an hour or more at night so for property that's more expensive already if we're going to be creating all these additional pearls uh where people can close uh that it becomes a nightmare to try to sell a piece of property uh I think it's going to hurt our tax base tremendously and um you know that's what I feel and I respect respect your opinion yes commissioner Rees okay two minutes two minutes cuz we've talk about this you I mean you should give him two minutes too no no I I let you speak we all spoke on this and now we're okay I'm going to be you know I'm very very short all the time and I get to the point you see what I try to do here is to base on u in on experience uh I remember a neighbor of mine that uh long time ago they build all kind of different uh uh I mean additions once they it he bought it sold the house the people that bought the house they lost half of their value because they have to demolish everything that was built there that's what I'm trying to avoid and and constitutional right well I have a list of 11 cities that they are doing and requiring that so they are violating everybody's Constitution you see they are violated and then that's something that are that they uh they I mean by they have to stay on it and and I want once I mean again I want to reiterate that this not preclude the cell from being from taking place that what this does inform the buyer that it is a problem that they can they have to take care of it and if they agree that to buy it like that that's their problem but at least point it out we we that is that's called consumer protection I I understand I believe this body is prepared to vote on this item unless you would like to reconsider and defer it and work on it a little bit because I'm not prepared to Let's defer it I I move to the third and let me work with the uh with the board of riddle because they as a matter of fact they W open to this I'll second it right um so I have a motion and second and a second for the last meeting in September last last meeting in September all in favor I the motion the item is deferred to the last meeting in December that brings us just for clarification that September I'm sorry September um didn't I say December you said December to go to Christmas September September we looking at the time we have a CRA meeting it won't be long would you like to break for the CRA meeting or do you want to continue and try to go through everything we have the pey items and the I I need okay so we'll break yeah they can break okay um because I want to get to the which the Overtown Southeast Overtown Park West CRA meeting it won't take long it's only a few items on there and then we'll break for lunch and come back have our um one discussion item and the pz items which we should be able to wrap up fairly quickly so yeah yeah yeah so at this time we are going to recess the city of Miami commission meeting for June 27th 2024 and we will return approximately 2 hours after the CRA meeting concludes which we should conclude the CRA meeting before 1:00 I believe thank you all e e e for