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thank you again for your advocacy thank you again for showing up let's get going again let me see where we left off uh Madame chair yes commissioner I have uh a pocket item that uh I uh you know and I rightly so I see it I heard uh commissioner Bava hold on commissioner Reyes um pocket items we usually don't take up pocket items because unless there's an emergency because no no it is it is it is it's an emergency no no no it is not an emergency is it time sensitive it is if it's not time sensitive or if you allow me to finish but let me finish I would ask that you adhere to the rules that we have established pocket items because it does not give the Community an opportunity to review the item if it is not time sensitive and or an emergency I would ask that we hold it until the next the only thing that I'm saying that I that you distributed for everybody to consider to read it it and and this could be for further discussion some of the time or or that uh that instead of being talking about what are we going to do if it is if it is only promises and then we have something that we and start working with okay perfect again um you've distributed to all of us and again for pocket items I'm I'm very it's a it's a resolution okay I'm very sensitive to the community having an opportunity to see the items before them unless it's time sensitive and or an emergency so one more area of concern and that is we have an ordinance that before anything is adopted by this commission we need to see the financial impact yes that it would have on the city and we need to find out how much money this will take from the general fund to bring here and then how are those monies in the general fund going to be replaced well I I just received it I haven't had a chance to read it I can't really read it now and be the chair um the purpose the purpose of Distributing is to start the wheels py and we can start working into I mean some of the concerns that commissioner Gaba has and and and to show that we are not all talk and no action okay let's start taking action the purpose is we had I know we have to go through fiscal impact blah blah blah all of that the the administration will have it and and then we can meet and and and we can discuss this and everybody can discuss it with the administration okay but it's just to to show that uh I mean we only not only talk but we put our money where our mouth is and I see that um okay it has something to do with D1 so and you just received it as well I just received it as well and remember at the end of the day I represent D1 and well I appreciate what's going on here this is no substitute if the if the if what's what's going on is is for for to take the vote and so no I'm I'm not I need to study that I need to see what's going on I hear what you have to say you know and uh and so forth so okay so I'm going to ask you guys because we are going to walk into a few items that everyone feels passionately about so I'm going to ask you to please through the chair and wait until I recognize you before you start speaking I'm also going to have our city clerk put put the timer on so each of us have 5 minutes to speak and then if we need to speak again we'll come back with 3 minutes etc etc I want everybody to be heard first some housekeeping issues uh someone spoke this morning and took um had something to say about me saying do not come and address one particular individual address the entire body and I'd like the City attorney to read what is in our rules already from the statement page two Mr City attorney would you please read for the record paragraph 1 2 3 the fourth paragraph please read that because this is not something that I am making up and I am not trying to uh take anyone's First Amendment rights away I did not say that you could not speak if Mr City attorney can read paragraph 4 absolutely any person making offensive remarks or who becomes unruly in the commission Chambers will be barred from further attending City commission meetings and may be subject to arrest no clapping applauding heckling or verbal outbursts in support or opposition to a speaker or his or her remarks shall be permitted no signs or placards shall be allowed in the commission Chambers persons exiting the commission Chambers shall do so quietly and Madam chair I'll be adding that to my uh statement henceforth so that I'll read it before every city commission meeting thank thank you Mr City attorney and it is um unfortunate that we even have to make such a statement for our public commenters I am the biggest proponent and advocate for public comments and for every voice to be heard but it doesn't give you a right to just be offensive and all of the things that you just said and I will be upholding that moving forward we left off on our resolutions we addressed RE 2 three and four I am asking my colleagues if there's any of the resolution items that you would like to pull for discussion which uh ones are you talking about from we're in the Rees now we finished the consent agenda and the um pH items we're on resolutions now R 12 you want to pull re2 for discussion got it um commissioner Paro would you like to pull any of the re items for discussion I need um me or you if you have any that yes yes I would like to you know I just received the map so you want to pull that for discussion that's right and and or only if uh I could make my comments that that uh there are certain streets that uh I would like to see included in the sweeping okay so we 37 Avenue etc etc okay is that all any others no I need um a second if you don't mind no no I was speaking to commissioner R okay the see I pulled it oh yeah oops share if I may um while everyone's reviewing um the re items uh just for the record re 10 will need to be amended um it contains a blank in the second where has Clause to add resolution number r240 330 uh in addition to an exhibit that will need to be substituted so re10 will be as amended thank you Mr City Clerk Madam chair I also have that um re9 is going to be modified that's the freebie award reso that's on my list for modification what's going on with it re 9 and 10 will be as amended yeah there's no modification because it's it's a piggyback right but which a piggy back for which no I don't think I think he just okay on my list let me just trust verify yeah second it's because it's it's a piggy back off of another solicitation shouldn't have to be amended Mr City attorney while we are while I'm waiting for my colleagues to finish their view would you please read the second reading item titles in for the record that would be sr1 sr2 and Sr six oh sr2 one two4 and six please yes ma'am Sr one Sr two all right sr1 in ordinance of the Miami city commission amending chapter 2 Article 4 divion 2 Section 2- 211 titled Administration departments planning building and zoning department denial or revocation of certificate of use to conform section 2-21 to the motion approved by the city commission and to remove language related to repeat offenders containing a severability clause and providing for an immediate effective date sr2 an ordinance of of the Miami city commission amending chapter 2 article 10 section 287 17 of the code of the city of Miami Florida as amended titled Administration code enforcement administrative cost findes leans to amend and provide for the code enforcement board or special magistrate to consider all mitigations of Code Enforcement leans containing a severability clause and providing for an immediate effective date sr4 an ordinance of the Miami city commission amending chapter 2 article 3 of the code of the city of Miami Florida as amended city code titled Administration officers by creating new division 5 section 2-60 to create the office of Inspector General providing minimum qualifications appointment and terms of office providing the functions Authority and Powers providing for administrative staff Pro providing a procedure for finalization of reports and recommendations containing a severability clause and providing for an effective date um I I'd like to pull for discussion I'm sorry there's one more title sr6 Mr City attorney there there's one more title to be read to the record that's sr6 thank you if I may um re10 I'm going to need more explanation on just seems like it's too much and uh sr6 an ordinance of the Miami city commission amending chapter 10 article 6 section 101 of the code of the city of Miami Florida is amended city code titled buildings unsafe structures and unsafe structures panel to require certain Residential Building owners to house and pay for reasonable relocation cost of displaced residents containing a severability clause providing for an effective date that's the end of the second thank you so right now may I have a motion for re1 re6 re8 re9 re1 re 133 may I have a motion move I have a motion in a second all in favor hold on sorry sorry guys I'm kind of slow today re1 re1 okay re1 r e 6 R E8 okay R E8 okay R9 re E9 okay re1 and re e13 R 13 yes okay I don't have a problem so I have a motion in a second all in favor I I motion carries unanimously re5 is up for discussion no it's uh the only commissioner Reyes the only uh I only want to uh uh get the administration to take into consideration streets that I need to be included in the map for sweeping you see for example 37th Avenue I have I don't see it here I don't I don't see uh uh 22nd Avenue I don't see it here so I want you to consider uh including those streets also on street sweeping and we have uh we have streets that that uh that uh they are County streets and all of that but we are also uh uh cleaning and sweeping E Street which is with a state road and all 42nd Avenue which is also a county state road but I believe that we should try to keep our streets clean and I have a street sweeper that I will been doing and we'll be doing we have been doing some uh uh cleaning of of the of our streets and also uh uh Power uh cleaning the uh the uh our sidewalks and so that's my only comment on it and I move it if anybody second yeah before you move it i' just like to add to to move it but just just one thing on the 17th avue quarter same thing uh it's a county and if I can get some yeah so Commissioners what we'll do is because this is a retroactive approval right for the use of the outside vendor for street sweeping we intend on putting out an RFP to do a new solicitation yeah and so what we'll do is we'll incorporate those recommendations into the new solicitation so that we cover have more coverage that's what I I have a motion in a second all in favor motion carries unanimously was was already nine done uh the the freeb thing yes yes okay thank you you can bring it back if you like no thank you okay for discussion 10 R 10 Mr manager can you explain this this seems like well I'm trying to read this it says as amenda the 5-year financial plan the Strategic plan and the multi-year capital plan pursuant resolution number so and so as amended and authorizing the city manager to make any necessary changes to adjust amend allocate appropriate the budget and any part thereof regarding city of Mii service and resources and it keeps going on it seems that this is like we approve a budget and then we're given the administration authorization to make any changes without coming back to us it's a little concerning so if you could explain this I'm not sure if I'm understanding this this one is the is the dollars for the OPA I mean the MF funds that we had freed up money in the general fund from revenue loss that we are using for the MF program is just to give the city manager some flexibility and I think that's standard language for the city attorney's office um that's part of the resolution but only for those funds yes only for those funds okay how much do we have in those funds $13 million is being transferred in MF a lot okay all right um Mr manager anything you want to say to that no remember this was to not to avoid the the deadline right on the other money so we're we're actually reporting it as a re as a loss as a revenue loss right for Revenue loss so that we create more flexibility in terms of when we have to spend it down could you do us a favor yes on the record uh before you make any changes can you provide it in writing to each of us and the mayor of what you're doing so we could no any expenditure of the money has to come back to commission for approval yes this just this just uncouples it from arpa and puts it into the MF pool then it has has to come back to the commission the the warning is very it was complicated it's the other way it's okay I think Maggie was speaking okay yes the money was from I mean I don't understand why he had to jump in she's quite capable go ahead Madam director okay the money was put into Revenue loss in the G general fund which freed up money in the general fund for us to do the Miami for Miami for everyone program which the commission had approved last year so the dollars that you had that was still tied up into the other source of revenues we're moving them into the specific District's allocations and then every time we are allocating money let's say you have a couple in this agenda I I mean in this agenda we take it to commission for approval all right just want to make sure that I get it as clar clarified as I can here because this is uh confused in the way that it's been written yes Mr CFO would you like to add anything are you sure come on Larry come on I mean you just jumped up to say something his feeling his feelings are hurt come on he looks like he's good okay may a motion for re7 and re 10 re 10 only no no um because seven and 10 had has to go together so motion so deallocate and reallocate we couldn't do seven before 10 so if we're going to do 10 we can do seven you saying re7 re7 okay re7 and 10 yes has amended as amended a motion a second all in favor I I motion carries any again so re7 is as is and re10 is as amended amended correct that leaves us with re12 and I'd like if my colleagues allow we have a discussion item on the omnicc if we can take up di1 di2 and re12 at the same time do it just makes sense to put them together and I will allow commissioner Paro to lead the discussion as he is the chair of the Omni C thank you very much chairwoman first thing I'd like to do is acknowledge AIA Jones the executive director of omn and all the Professionals in omnicc I'm sure she's been reserving many comments so I would appreciate it if she can address some of the issues and some of the questions good afternoon Commissioners isia Jones executive director of the Omni C good afternoon chairwoman Commissioners and I'd like to say commissioner gabella I am extremely honored and happy and I applaud and we recommend and we encourage the community engagement that we saw here earlier today that is what CRA is about we are closer to the community than even the city and the county so we commend it and we acknowledge it there is a story of a little girl in 1998 who traveled here to Miami and her first stop was alapata that little girl is me my parents we traveled to 20th Street in Miami and we bought Goods to go back to Jamaica to sell in the market that is what we did so commissioner I applaud what you do for our community in alapata however the item that is in front of us here today is the extension of life of the Omni C re12 and it is time for us to do the right SC the item has been deferred for over 4 years it has been approved at the county since 2020 and it was ratified by the CRA board in 2021 and it has been deferred for four different times and Commissioners we have addressed all of the questions that were presented we went back we looked at every meeting we addressed all of the questions since the four years and even recently in June and July meetings and we submitted a memo to your offices now justly may you provide all the Commissioners with the memo that we submitted last night we addressed it we addressed all of the concerns that we have in front of us and we wanted to push the importance of the extension of the OMC we have a focus on affordable housing we want to make sure that we do the right thing for the community we want to make sure that we complete the Schoolboard project that we have in front of us we want to make sure that we support Arts and cultural entertainment that is in our society we want to make sure to push and do all of the great things that we say we were set out to do since 1987 and Commissioners we are asking for you to extend the omnic as is now I'd like to also address the item that passed last year there are multiple discrepancies with the item that was passed last year not just the boundaries as you see and as we have shown it overlaps with the over Town CRA and I believe chairwoman King you have also stated that you would not support any overlap of the Overtown CRA so for that reason alone the item must be amended rescinded redone recreated and commissioner gabella I see the boundaries that you drew here earlier today and you do amend the boundaries you do make it smaller because there are no other CRA that's over 2700 acres in the state so so with that being said the item must be amended and this item that is in front of us which is separate only on the extension of life is okay it's good to go and we recommend that the item is approved as is the item that addresses the boundaries there needs to be work done the studies have to be prepared and staff has to have the opportunity to make sure that it is done right this time around with your support and with the support of all of the city thank you commissioner Cabella do you have a followup to her presentation I'm sorry I'm I'm sorry I'm looking at commissioner Paro and I'm saying you commissioner Paro no no go ahead go ahead no no commissioner gabal go ahead thank you okay so I I called on commissioner Paro because he's the chair of the Omni C okay thank you thank let me know what you guys want go go ahead commissioner gabella we have five minutes on the clock all right so look not to reiterate the the whole Shenanigans but not Shenanigans what we said okay I my problem is and I understand where you're coming from but here's the problem okay this is the whole thing I can't do that and and I can't do it because then everything is forgotten the the the words are are thrown in the air and the wind takes the words and we've got nothing while you guys want to take care of situation and I understand and and let me let me be clear U um somebody said about I don't know a month ago before the last M oh gabella is trying to stop uh you know the school board you know and this and that uh well gabella if you guys remember was the one that actually put the center deal front and center to scrutinize it it was me gabella that did that so I have no intentions of stopping the school board and both things can be done I I I I still maintain look if when this is done I'm not saying give me the whole money or you know I understand what what the deal is however you know you guys can't act like oh do this and then we'll look at yours no because the two things should be combined the two things should be combined if if there's no until we make up what the boundary is going to be and by the way time frame I understand but listen I've been asking for a sunshine meeting to get this thing in order for the longest time I'm not going to re you know I'm not going to be rhetorical and say the same thing again that I've already said but I've been asking for a meeting so we can talk just about this so you know what the time frame that ain't on me that's on you guys whoever didn't want to have the the meeting let me be clear so I will be voting no I will be deferring if you guys want to okay if you want to talk about the boundaries today I'm open to it whatever you want but the point is it goes hand in hand you cannot ask me and you know for me you know to do this in good faith you know when when I know that after it's done and you guys get your way bye-bye cuz cuz you you guys got your way and then I'm left you know we're left in district one with the problems that we have you know in in everything that I'm not going to go into detail again because why waste time so that's that's where I stand on that respectfully so thank you commissioner Paro anyone else go ahead Vice chair place a motion to defer this item until the first meeting mad CH in in October you said let him speak you I got to let him speak you you gave him the floor I keep here and there's such a rush for this I don't see what the rush is you got six years left in the life of the presid era so what is the rush well I'm going to tell you what the rush is you see back when I came as a new commissioner more or less uh in 17 about a year and a half later or two I was brought to a lunch I thought it was was GE must be important it was in a holiday by the river of garcas by a developer and the former superintendent of the school board and it was the same old then you know for the project well you heard today from the gentleman that came that the new CEO or I forgot what his title was of the frost Museum he wanted this because they need all these new apartments uh in the urban core so I asked him you heard me commissioner Rees what do you consider the iring core is it also Overtown alipa Little Havana he said of course it is so I think it's clear the irban Corp it's not just the Omni the irban Corp it's a lot of other places in our city and it could be alipa it could be Overtown it could be other areas now having said that the urgency here is for developers because they want to make a lot more millions in the project that they got cooking in that area now and it's a handful of developers that are the ones that have the land that have the projects uh and the school board of course wants to do whatever they need to that's in their betterment but we got to do the same thing for us so I don't want to hear the issue anymore that we got to do this for the school board because as one of the key uh stakeholders from the prosy and such the urban core is anywhere in the area who we spoke and it certainly is alapata uh also there is no rush to do this uh you know the sky is not going to fall the city's not going to dissolve there's six more years left before the Omni CRA life expans and is finished so there's six more years you have a job all the others have a job for the six more years uh no one's going to lose it in that time the question is the future of that CRA and I want to present something that I need to get more number son and I'll provide it uh uh once I get it all that's why I'm giv time uh and bringing it back on the first meeting of October this way we're not getting involved or in the way of our budget hearing that might be long might be not at our last meeting in September but the bottom line is there is no urgency here uh the only urgency is for the developers because the minute we start approving this the next step is bonding for the next 17 years and whatever is left so that there's could be a big bunch of money coming up front and that's going to be used in that area for those developers now hey some of these people I know I get along with fine um you know I have no problems with them making money but I do have a problem in the way they want to go about it and there needs to be a lot more transparency in what we're doing and how we're going forward uh with this omn Mr manager who do you have that can read to us um what the stay say under the CRA why it should be created and why it should exist or be expanded I think it has to do with a little something called blight can you read can you read what the state says the official record time slum and blight yeah um it's for slum and blight I'd like to give uh AIA Jones an opportunity to discuss slum and blight and to answer that that's fine but I'm not done I'm trying to get an answer commissioner commissioner pardon commissioner I'm giving each commissioner five minutes I stated that he has you have asked a question he asked a question so we're waiting to get that answer and at that time commissioner Reyes would you like to speak do you have anything to say while they try to get the answer yes yes and uh I uh as always I'm going to be short and to the point you see I was an opponent of extending the life any CRA because C should be established develop and sunset but given that need that we have for affordable housing and seeing I mean I used to work in a in the school system and I used to park in all those uh lots that they are around there and uh meeting with uh with the uh and I know this this this is not now they've been behind doing this for a long time that it is to build in a partnership with the city of Miami to build affordable housing and mainly gear towards teachers and people that work in the area and that's when I I uh U uh requested that we come below 120 and that they have to go in the 80s and the 60s because there are people that work there not only as teachers and administrative secretaries and all of that that they need apartment also they they need housing so given the fact that it is needed given the fact that we spend all the time talking about affordable real affordable housing for people that needs it I I'm I'm in support of voting in favor of this as I am in support of working out a a solution not a solution and an additional revenues for alap and if comes the case come that to Little Havana also I will be in favor of doing that they cannot be tied one to the other because you know what's going to happen you know what's going to happen the count is not going to accept that that's that that's a fact and they have they have really said it and a CR is only a SI when you take a t money you take test money from the city and the county and you using to reinvest in the area if you the county said you go ahead and we we are not doing anything it is not a c it is just us we don't need to do it make a theory what we need to do is to put our minds together and said okay how much are we willing from this T which is tax increment fin funds how much are we willing to place in areas that they are of Need For how long or whatever you see and and and and that's it because sincerely if we want to expand it to Little Havana expand it to over I mean uh uh alap or Liberty City they're not going to accept it then nobody's going to accept at 240 or 270 uh I mean 2,700 square m SI does not exist those not they are not going to they are not going to give that those those funds away you see and if they don't do it we can do it ourself by legislation and getting our minds together and doing it and and and that is my point and I'm going to be voting in favor of this because we are not what what we want what the district Comm commissioner went he won't be attainable and and that's it you see it's very it's it's notella commissioner gabella yes ma'am I asked that because this is a passionate item for all of us hold on a second there was a question asked of staff to read the purpose of C got it I'll I'll take it thank you um first I'll read the definition of community redevelopment means undertakings activities or projects of a county municipality or community redevelopment agency in a community redevelopment area for the elimination and prevention of the development of or spread of slums and blight or for the reduction or prevention of crime or for the provision of affordable housing whether for rent or for sale to residents of low or moderate income including the elderly and may include slum clearance and Redevelopment in a community redevelopment area or Rehabilitation and revitalization of coastal Resort and tourist areas that are deteriorating and economically distressed or rehab itation or conservation in a community redevelopment area or any combination or part thereof in accordance with a community redevelopment plan and may include the preparation of such plans if you want I could also read the definition of Slum and blade um I don't think that is necessary okay well we're seen it bottom line is that what you just described describes alata 100% not9 999 not 99.9 100% now if I could ask the administration to get some additional information because I I'm done beating a around the bush let's go right to it I keep hearing the county the county wouldn't do this the county wouldn't do that Mr manager could I ask Mr Springs to come up here for a second I think he's the one that's got the answers if not get whoever else has it about Mr Springs in this expansion what does the county want back from us when you say this expansion in the 17 years expansion they will be keeping extension of life extension extension of life and the exion extension well it is separate but in the years yeah in the extension uh they are asking back which was has always been in there 35% off the top um both sides theirs and ours yeah of the total so that's predominately there okay but our side has more money than theirs yes so at the end of the day at least beginning in that first year it's about even we're not getting anything from them close 35 I I think it's about a 6040 split so yeah it's right there much them 40 US 60 so 35 is right there it's uh I think it's more of that uh based upon what I'm looking at and as it grows into those years that the city expands even more I think that falls more in their favor than ours yes I would agree with that at the end if you add them all up together you know the whole 17 years combined it's basically an even split uh um that they didn't give us anything so we don't need the county for the expansion for anything I don't want to be hearing the county the county the county uh the County's not giving us anything it's our own money and then on top of that they're going to put a commission or two and who knows what other stuff was in this agreement uh for them to have a say so in our money now having said that we have an ordinance in this city that was implemented back when I was here uh as mayor and it was done Jo only with Arthur teal at the time because even though a lot of people forget uh we had the biggest true financial crisis as the city ever ran into uh back then with a 50% deficit 25% one year 25 the next but we found out about it when the fiscal year was being finished so it was 50% um and we made this ordinance that was very clear an deficiency ordinance where you cannot spend monies that you don't find out how you're bringing it in where's it coming from all this talk that M we're going to take care of you don't worry it's going to be this it's going to be that that's great but there's one little problem anywhere that you go in the city to pull money from you have to do one or two things you have to find the replacement for that money into the general fund or you have to deduct from the general fund for that money that you gave away that could be a third you know maybe Mana from Heaven would fall it be goldplated your five minutes I I allowed them to answer the question if you could wrap it up I I to wrap it up uh this all goes hands in hands you cannot approve this going into the future without deciding what the future is and it don't have to be through a CRA because at the end of the day what matters is where's the beef where's the money to take to alapata and to make the impacts immediately now I'm going to say this and I don't care because you know I'm an old guy uh one more punches are they going to take at me you know the local Tablo is going to do another editorial against me another story so what but all the cras that we have in the city and I'm not complaining about them I supported them they're holding areas that are not Hispanic areas why can't we have if not a CRA which is going to be very difficult to accomplish and you all know that uh why can't we have something that would be similar to it in a Hispanic area but you can't do it without looking at the funds that are coming out from this omn crra this omn CR six more years than it has in 30 years there's nothing for it to do it's only going to be there then to make money for Rich guys to become richer and that's the bottom line thank you commissioner commissioner I believe it's commissioner paro's turn yeah Madam chair just a couple of quick things for City attorney uh City attorney could you read the definition of slim and blade surely okay uh hold on wait it's commissioner paro's turn let him speak I believe he asked a question of the City attorney so the definition of a slum area means an area having physical or economic conditions conducive to disease infant mortality juvenile delinquency poverty or crimes because there is a predominance of buildings or improvements whether residential or non-residential which are impaired by reasons of dilapidation deterioration age or obsolescence and exhibiting one or more of the following factors inadequate provision for ventilation lights air air sanitation or Open Spaces high density of population compared to the population density of adjacent areas within the county or municipality and overcrowding as indicated by government maintained statistics or other studies in the requirements of the Florida building code or the existence of conditions that endanger life or property by fire or other causes lighted area means an area in which there are substantial number of deteriorated or deteriorating structures in which conditions as indicated by government maintain statistics or other studies endanger life or property or are leading to economic distress in which two or more of the following factors are present a predominance of defective or inadequate Street layout parking facilities roadways Bridges or public transportation facilities B aggregate assessed values of real property in the area for adval tax purposes have failed to show any appreciable increase over the 5 years prior to the finding of such conditions C faulty lot layout in relation to size adequacy accessibility or usefulness D unsanitary or unsafe conditions e deterioration of sight or other improvements F inadequate or outdated building density patterns G failing falling lease rates per square foot of office commercial or industrial space compared to the remainder of the county or municipality h tax or special assessment delinquency exceeding the fair value of the land I residential and Commercial vacancy rates higher in the area than in the remainder of the county or municipality J incidents of crime in the area higher than in the remainder of the county or municipality K there's it goes to O K fire and emergency medical service calls to the area proportionately higher than in the remainder of the county and municipality l a greater number of violations of the Florida building code in the area that than the number of violations recorded in the remainder of the county or municipality M diversity of ownership or defective or unusual conditions of title which prevent the free alien alienability of land within the deteriorated or hazardous areas and governmentally owned property with adverse environmental conditions caused by a public or private entity owe a substantial number of percentage of properties damaged by S activity which have not been adequately repaired or stabilized um you can St the the bigger Point here is that it's very Broad and a lot of it has to deal with infrastructure condition of Roads flooding Etc and need and affordable housing at the last commission meeting or the budget meeting it was said that we are raising the flag of Overtown like we're somehow using that as some method no we are raising the flag for Overtown because for 20 4 ever since this omn existed we've only invested 6% in our share of Overtown which is 40% that's not talking about Edge Water that's not talking about all the infrastructure all the problems we have within the omnis ra District our capacity isn't even enough to deal with any of that right so there's plenty of need is the point I'm trying to make and I I I reject the politics of division I reject the politics of fear or of lack of trust in each other it's very clear that all of us are committed to an alipa investment commissioner um Reyes introduced a tiff structure very concrete makes sense it would handle it immediately it's right here in front of us that doesn't have to be it we could look at many other structures but our point is that takes time it's already lost $24 million in capacity I vehemently disagree with commissioner Coro about just defer time doesn't matter we can just keep going like this because it keeps eating into the capacity that we have like I said we have a check on our desk let's put it in the bank as we all know the polit the politics can change around this topic we may not even have this opportunity without us even knowing it is reckless and irresponsible not to go ahead and extend this today I I wanted to see to give you just a quick opportunity if you had anything else to add Commissioners um commissioner C you asked what is the urgency housing affordability in the city we talk about the struggling businesses that we have in the CRA we also talk about the struggling office spaces the empty office spaces the empty shop fronts the blight that is in the area the storm water mitigation um projects that have not been done since 1987 and all of the efforts that we're doing now we're saying you know what we are also putting Overtown and the needs of our residents at the Forefront of every item that we bring to the commission our our projects include the dorsy park right our project includes housing affordability in the area we are looking to do assemblages not just to not just to build just because we want to build but to address the concerns and the issues that we are facing here in Miami and commissioner gabella we want to do the same for your neighborhood too and that is why we're saying 24 years of what we have left in Omni is not enough 40 years is what alapata deserves alapata deserves the attention and the needs that you have advocated for today and we're asking for you to allow us as staff to work with the city and the county to help you to push within the time frame and to make sure that we can do this but guess what we can do this we can do Omni and we can do alapata and we would love to push on two parallel fronts to push the items forward and I believe that we have the will of the city and the residents they came here today they they talked passionately they were so passionate and we love it we love the community engagement and we are willing to help and to even help to Kickstart any Redevelopment efforts right one of the other things that we're looking to do is to bring the Florida Redevelopment Association to make sure that they can provide all of our local communities with the tools that are needed to succeed and Commissioners we are here we are committed and thank you director let's go thank you thank you uh a rebuttal time for all that she addressed no uh may I speak absolutely but okay my turn and I feel like um I'm in a recent debate that I saw but anyway thank you thank you for thank you for the comic relief um I'm glad you got a good laugh he here's my here's my issue it's difficult for me to ignore the advocacy that we saw here today everyone is in agreement that alapata is suffering we receive received this seven page memo last night I didn't get a chance to read it I have asked staff since July to come forward with a feasibility study to tell us whether it's feasible for the expansion into alapata is feasible it can be done silence I said it at the budget hearing nothing we haven't got a report yet then commissioner gabella presents this map today and for everyone that I've spoken to about it says this is a good viable option then commissioner Reyes presents this 10 minutes ago I haven't had a chance to read it now I can tell you to cut through the rhetoric if you want that extension of time you would have worked on this you would have worked on this you would have given him his opportunity to speak to all of us and you didn't and now at the last minute and let me make it clear I don't need to hear from you again executive director let me make it clear time wounds all deals and I believe that time wounds all deals but we cannot keep a deaf ear to what is happening and if you wanted to if staff wanted to you would have gotten this from him before we got it today you would have sent this to me before last night and I would have had a chance to look at it read through it have comments for it I support the extension of life of the omnic I've said it once I've said it twice I'll say it again I support the extension of life for the CRA however I know because I've spoken to several members of Miami Dade County and there is a viable path for both the expansion and the extension of life I cannot in good conscience just ignore what my colleague has been asking for and I do not believe that another two weeks is going to be detrimental I do not because of stuff like sending a seven-page memo last night not making ourselves available to hear about this plan we can't all say we agree we agree alapata is suffering but that's not fair there's a motion on the floor for deferral do I have a second M Madam chair I do have to say one thing please Comm this is important I'm going to acknowledge you now this is what I'm talking about it depends on Whose Ox is being gored when you can overtalk me or when you can speak without being recognized I'm going to recognize you just give me an opportunity I apologize yes it I appreciate it is a passionate subject I appreciate it is a passionate subject there were people here from alapata who were waiting outside waiting outside to speak on this item we have to as a body and everyone here agrees everyone here agrees that alapata is suffering everyone but who's going to do something about it if we don't collectively do something about it commissioner Paro please I I just wanted to say and I'm sure that this is what the executive director wanted to say she has be been exhausted creating all of these projections and all of these numbers her and her staff identified the overlap on multiple occasions they have put memos out and before for and I can't speak to when emails went out or when they didn't but I know for a fact they have been trying to get this information out for a long time they even set up a specific meeting for commissioner gabella and his staff to come in and explain the numbers one by one and to do a tour of the area so he could see for himself what's in Overtown and he could see for himself I know he had work commitments I get it but the point is they have done everything possible the staff that represented there simply stated that they would not have anything of it that this was some kind of controversy or a trap and they got up and left and so it's been very difficult to communicate even all the work that has been done and it's important and I think part of that is trust and fear and we just as a body have got to stop or at least lessen those emotions and understand that we're all trying to help each other we're not divided we're trying to help commissioner gabella okay number one uh I've been asking for a sunshine meeting and and that is on the record a month ago we have the emails we have the proof that's number one not once have you guys agreed to have a suntime meeting regarding the subject number two when my crew went out there you guys gave notice 8:00 the the night before the morning the show up at 8:30 in the morning okay so you would expect if you're at this for a long time give me 2 days or 3 days you know but you said it at 8:30 is when you guys sent the memo like what like what you did with this like what she's talking about what you did with this don't tell me that that my office and I've been Cooperative with you guys because you guys have been in my office as many times as you like we spoke about this okay on many occasions okay and yes my staff went out there because what they tell me was that the whole tour was so you guys would show them where the overlap was and make your legal case against the map that's what I've been told now as for me as for me the memo and the invitation to take a tour with you which I would have gladly done came at 8:30 the evening before that morning do you think that's that's for you're telling me you guys want to work hard well give me some notification a week before you know and don't tell me I haven't had a I haven't had been asking for a sunshine meeting for over a month now okay because we're on record and if you want to Frank go produce those records and we'll give them to you so so you have it don't tell us that we haven't been on top of this I've been very on top of this but what you guys want to do is you guys want to go ahead and RAM this through and then you get your way and we go by by that's what you guys want to do okay nobody's dividing here I've been asking for for one month now I've been asking for atime meeting disrespectful is what it is thank thank you and he has and I can attest to that I I was available but I was told that the chair of the Omni C was unavailable and I didn't think it fair to have a meeting about the omnic without the chair present so I did not make myself available but he has commissioner Paro I just want to say no one was B in or setting anything up that had been a predetermined date and time and yes the memo may have come the night before but the time and the date had been agreed to that's all I want to say okay so I have a motion in a second and I'm going to vote in favor of the deferral because I did not get this information timely then I haven't had a chance to review commissioner manolo's and then this this map I want to give all parties and I've said this before I want to give all parties an opportunity to find a path forward if there is a path forward I still have yet to receive a report from staff on what I requested so I have a motion in a second all in favor I I I what this is for the next meeting correct or next it's for October the first meeting in OCT no why not the second one in September because that's the budget and it's we're going to have budget hearing and all of that but I expect and I'll vote no obviously on this but obviously um and commissioner Rees was were you voting yes or no on the deferral I voted no on the deferral I know that that we can work this out and I know that that you we we should start working it out we should and that is the message that I'm trying to send now work it out I believe the City attorney has a statement to read for the record and just for the record the motion passes 32 passes 32 right they're not I agree but let's work together let's get it done there's some urgency now the shade meeting notice the shade meeting notice maam um Madam chairwoman and members of the commission pursuant to the provisions of section 28611 parentheses 8 Florida Statutes I'm requesting that at the city commission meeting of September 26 2024 an attorney client session closed to the public be held for the purposes of discussing the pending litigation and the matters of one the Mad room LLC DBA ball and chain Altos Mexicano LLC DBA taras Al Mexicano Little Havana Arts Building LLC and laran Fiesta LLC versus City of Miami case number 21 CV 23485 RKA pending in the United States district court for the sudden District of Florida number two Tower Hotel LLC of Florida limited liability company Pedra villis LLC of Florida limited liability company beatstick LLC a Florida limited liability company L shoing LLC a Florida Li liability company and Jo LLC a Florida limited liability company versus City of Miami case number 202286 n ca44 pending in the Circuit Court of the 11 judicial circuit in and for Miami de County Florida and three Tower Hotel LLC a Florida limited liability company P Villas LLC a Florida limited liability company beatstick LLC a Florida limited liability company L shoing LLC a Florida limited liability company and kete LLC of Florida limited liability company versus City of Miami case number 3D 23-28 pending in the district court of appeals of the State of Florida Third District to which the city is presently a party the subject of the meeting will be confined to settlement negotiations or strategy sessions related to litigation expens expenditures this private meeting will begin at approximately 10: a.m. or soon thereafter as the commissioner schedules permit and conclude approximately 1 hour later the session will be attended by the members of the city commission which include chairwoman Christine King Vice chairman Joe coroo Commissioners Miguel anhel gabella Damen Paro and Manola Rey the city manager Arthur Nora the 5ifth the City attorney George K weong III Chief Deputy City Attorney John a Greco Deputy City Attorney Kevin R Jones assistant City attorneys Eric EES and margarit Snider and city of Miami's outside Council Raquel a Rodriguez Esquire and Angel a cortines Esquire a certified court reporter will be present to ensure that the session is fully transcribed and the transcript will be made public upon the conclusion of the litigation at the conclusion of the attorney client session the regular commission meeting will be reopened and the person chairing the commission meeting will announce the termination of the attorney client session thank you madam chair thank you at this time I'm going to ask my colleagues if they would like to pull for discussion any of the SR items still on the agenda that would be sr1 sr2 sr4 and sr6 four you want to um commissioner gabella would like to pull four for discussion Madam chair a substitution of sr2 was distributed via the agenda office um the title's a little bit different um I would like if it's okay to read the title for the substituted sr2 thank you in ordinance of the Miami city commission amending chapter 2 article 10 section 817 of the code of the city of Miami Florida is amended titled code enforcement administrative cost findes leans to amend this the section in order to streamline the mitigation process and provide a clarifying chart for those who seek mitigation containing a severability clause providing for an immediate effective date thank you madam chair uh we could pull sr3 sr3 has been deferred until 9:27 meeting uh can I right it's been deferred right I I messed out when I thought it it's a lot of stuff we got in that meeting I think it'd be best if we could try to bring it to the meeting of the 10th we could defer it on the 27th again okay uh any others any other items of the second reading items anyone would like to pull for discussion seeing none may I have any motion for sr1 sr2 Sr 6 motion I have a motion do I have a sorry we have one other thing on sr2 due to the significant change to the legislation it's going to revert this will be this the first reading so um it's reverting back to First reading with this new title and new legislation that's Sr sr2 will be FR what that's okay you can just call the first reading just called first reading okay so I have a motion do I have a second second second yes so it's Sr sr1 F FR and sr6 all in favor I I motion carries unanimously Mr city clerk do you have any board appointments my apologies were we going back to sr4 sr4 ma'am it was pulled by it was pulled for discussion sorry that's right I didn't Circle it sorry who would like to start the discussion on sr4 who pulled it I pulled it commissioner gabella all right so I want to know how what who when in other words I want to know how the mechanics of this thing is is going to work for example who will say to the Inspector General investigate this who will not how I'm just curious I'm not knocking anything down I just just want to know the rules of the of the game so we know what what we're doing here according according to our uh the the Inspector General works and he has the authority to start investigations if he considers that it is I mean it should be done also if there is uh a complaint from any uh citizen that it should has the authority to do it and uh and uh they uh for example contracts that uh they are questionable he will have the the authority to do it it is totally independent that's what it is it it is totally independent doesn't have to deal with the administration or us it is in order to bring transparency and to do away with that cloud of uh corruption that that have been hanging on the city this this individual who whoever is is chosen which by the way is not going to be picked by us it's going to be picked by a panel which is the uh the state attorney the uh uh us attorney for the southern district of Florida the that's right the state attorney the hold on let me get you those that's right it it is uh the public defender office yes and also I think it is the sheriff uh uh I mean somebody or theoo they will appoint somebody for that and that and that's the way Mr G that is going to work and it's about I mean it is a pass so if somebody George if somebody would call and say they would uh they would make an anonymous complaint right or whatever would that be valid or would the person have to identify themselves um well that would be to so like uh commissioner Reyes is saying the power to investigate will be with the independent uh Inspector General so they would take that information and choose to decide to investigate or not so they could accept Anonymous complaints but they would have to you know it'll be their policy as to how they handle Anonymous complaints let let me go right to the point chair I'm sorry hold on a second um you're recognized Vice chair than let me go to the point we don't want any Inspector General not to be able to investigate anything that he feels he should but what commissioner Gaba brought up we put the orders and how to go about it you cannot have a situation where anybody Anonymous can LOD a complain hiding here comes the Miami Herold tabloid editorial you get the paid [Music] bloggers jumping in or maybe even before the Tabloid and then you get radio Havana in the morning with those fine out upstanding virtuous individuals like the one that uh used to get a paycheck when he worked uh at a certain radio excuse me TV station and he had to use somebody else's Social Security security number because he wasn't allowed to work yet here and that could go on so the bottom line is that we have to establish that if anybody from the public wants to file a complain they need to do it under oath with the allegations they want to make I have nothing against that I have nothing I would like would would like that uh to exclude any Anonymous okay commissioner Reyes I I would like to exclude any Anonymous uh uh uh uh I mean I believe that is the way it's set up in the Miami Dade County cannot be an anonymous complaint it is it is this is a copy of Miami sworn it has to be a sworn complaint I I agree with that because that it that that and I'm sorry I didn't thought about that before because that gives uh a place to anybody just for the heck of it of and wasting the time but that not doesn't preclude the independency of exct I mean doesn't do anything on the independency of and I accept that Mr City attorney you take note please yes sir we will incorporate no anous and I move it now okay with that Amendment with that Amendment okay I have a motion nothing Anonymous from anybody second it has to be a sworn complaint and um let me cannot be an anonymous complaint has to be a sworn complaint let me just read how it reads now the Inspector General shall have the power to review and investigate any citizens sworn complaints on a form acceptable to the Inspector General regarding City programs agencies contracts transactions officials or employees if you want me to add they shall not accept any Anonymous complaints we can I would go further citizens employees elected [Music] officials all complaints must be sworn okay cannot be anonymous all complaints okay we we'll make that change so we whoever would have a right to confront their accuser and the independency is that they don't have to ask us to do it the the other area of concern is I want to um I don't want to be in a situation where aers are being used as proxies the Tabloid is being used as a proxy a radio program is being used as proxy and then we're going to have the inspection general based on any kind of rumor allegation is going to be running to do investigations that is that is I expect that the inspector General whoever it is it'll be a professional enough not to pay attention to those things and to have uh a complaint a a valid complaint or that most there is a a contract that is questionable or whatever it is that they should be uh make the right decision you see I mean you don't want to tie the hands and oh because how about if somebody makes a complaint and then uh the radio station gets and and and different they made a complaint they made a complaint but but then you cannot take you cannot take the independency of them that just like in the county of them going into an investigation because it doesn't look good or because it is that's not what we're talking about that's what you're saying sir no no talk is gentlemen gentlemen it seems as if there is some un Readiness with the language and I'd like to defer this so that you can go over the details of this again with all of us Mr City attorney do I have a motion to defer motion second I have a motion in a second all in favor when are you referring it to against October 10 October 1 against noober I'm voting against the third us because this was clear 80% of the people voted for it and uh and uh and they read really that I mean it was clear to them yes I clear to them I agree with you commissioner R but the two of you are going back and forth no no I agree with you listen this is this is an unall unnecessary type of of discussion it is it is I mean I'm too old to be following this games re let me say that You' there is an extension when let's do it next time for you next item no let let let let me be very clear what I'm talking about okay I don't know what the county has you brought it out they had one I'd like to see what the county has so we can look at it because what this cannot become is that individuals that are reckless in some cases are being paid to lie and defame can go on and on and on and make lies false allegations all kinds of stuff so that they could influence uh like has been happening here we've had different cases before uh courts lately one of the cases that we recently uh had before the court was the one that was filed uh on this gym equipment what happened the day or so before we went to court the Tabloid Miami Herold came out with an editorial against it vote against it you know I mean we talking put me like gentlemen gentlemen do not talk over each other and there's a motion on the floor to defer and I only asked for the deferral because of the back and forth and commissioner gabella had some questions I still have some questions but look I'm forward but I got some questions so and and I'm forward as well I'm forward as well but I just want to make sure we all we are all on the same page because with having to State and he has to change so that they're not Anonymous complaints I believe that we need to take a look at it again there's a motion in a second all in favor I I all against no okay the motion passes 32 of commissioner re commissioner uh Paro voting no and this is continue to October 10th October 10th okay um Mr City attorney would you read into the record the title for fr2 fr2 an ordinance of the Miami city commission amending chapter 38 article 3 of the code to the city of Miami Florida as amended city code titled Parks and Recreation Bayfront Park management trust by amending section 38-13 titled governing body to establish and appoint the city commission as ex official members and provide for two appointments from the city's District 2 commissioner containing a severability clause and providing for an immediate effective date if I may start I'd like to take this up in January when we decide who our new chairs are and all of that I don't want to do that today Madam chair I agree hold on May I finish I agree may I finish and I would like to defer this until January may I have a motion motion do I have a second second now we can have to January when we take up all of our boards and January 9th 2025 January 9th 2025 um now we're open up for discussion I believe commissioner Paro would like to be recognized go ahead Madam chair you know I'm the sponsor of the item so I would have appreciated the ability to go first before everyone defers it till January so that I could explain why we're even here but that said let me go ahead and go through the material first I want to make very clear this isn't a conflict between commissioner coroo and commissioner Paro this is a conflict between commissioner coroo and the residents of District 2 I Am The District 2 commissioner and I don't have any input whatsoever and the residents keep coming to our office and coming to me but the District 3 commissioner is sitting in their park and not willing to listen what I'd like to say is this is the first time that downtown resident presidents are actually being heard because as their representative I am giving their voice to us as a body the residents want more participation they want more transparency and they want more accountability the residents don't trust commissioner Coro why they say he makes up facts I lived it with the way my campaign was funding and the facts that were coming out about that which were inaccurate they say he divides communities they point to Coconut Grove where he thought it was fine to divide it well Coconut Grove didn't think it was fine there was a lawsuit they were reunited they point to Little Havana where half the people in Little Havana believe that there are real estate owners that are funded by Venezuelan Communists and the other half don't that's a lot there are two competing festivals there are two competing weekly festivals you know it's it led to a lawsuit with a judgment of $65 million and it leads to our city paying $10 million plus because of that discrepancy that division downtown is saying look the same thing is happening to us you know we're being divided the gym equipment the entire thing about the gym equipment and the ballot that that should never have gotten to where it went never but there was nobody there that was able to listen and bring people together it was about no you wrong you're right you're wrong they're tired of it they're exhausted by it no other commissioner no none of us chairing any of our other areas have these issues we got another lawsuit downtown even the video that was played that was a promotional video for kind of his perspective on the gym equipment it showed up on our agenda a special appearance real estate assets I mean commissioner gabal was like what is this I was like well what is this you know nothing nothing was clear and this is what the residents point to and say we we're not represented and we can't even get the facts I met with staff on on uh on these projects and just to kind of give you an idea staff said that there had been no engagement on these projects the projects are Fountain reconstruction rock garden prominade flower clock play area uh New Fountain I mean all these things deserve input from from the community they are not being included in the least we're talking about a list of projects that runs up to $20 million bayr Park trust has had a reserve of 20 million pretty much 15 to 20 rolling rolling rolling all these years and now it's all getting used up and this is why they're saying it's urgent we take it up now and not in January I want to also stress if you look at the financials and when I sat with uh Bayfront Park trust staff there are definite red flags you see some categories like interest income and dividends go from zero to 1 million plus when I addressed this with staff they said well these are reclassifications you know we're cleaning things up but that's not good enough we we shouldn't have these major shifts the existing majority on that board is tied to cyal No One not even the representative that I elected there can get a word in manage wise can get anything done there are very little controls they don't follow the same rules that our cras do they don't come here before us and share their agenda what they're doing what their activities are they that's completely away from us the residents are asking us to please step in to please step in given all the red flags by becoming the board knowing everything we know and considering Cory's track record it would be a liability to this city not to restructure B the Bayfront board adding more transparency more accountability and finally a voice for downtown residents should be done now by becoming that board we add those guard rails we represent the regional aspect as he's always claiming by the way they feel that every time he has Regional it's a slap on them like they don't exist they don't have a neighborhood park even though they go there every day and they pay more taxes than many other people so we add that element back we limit any further controversy we limit lawsuits we limit liability but most importantly we begin to bring people together and we don't divide them that's what this is about and that's the importance of doing it now at this time I'm asking it because he brought this up about getting the fact and he's talking about you're talking about the gym equipment so I have a couple of videos that I want to play and I would like to address my colleagues um about the gym equipment which is now pz one and two since he brought it up so let's not wait till pz 1 and two shall the city of Miami keep already installed outdoor gym equipment like in hold on a second yeah we have so we're not opening pz1 and two this is discuss on we're not this is still the discussion but it came up so I I was going to play this during pz 1 and two but while it came up I'm going to play this and and I have some things to say go ahead now the city of Miami keep already in installed outdoor gym equipment like in many of our parks at the city park located at 1075 biscane Boulevard Miami Florida 33132 also known as Maurice a foray Park to I had no way of changing plans or addressing the issue at no time was this item identified as a binding referendum nor were the consequences of the language discussed It is incomprehensible that something as serious as a ballot referendum was treated in this manner and it points to Serious dysfunction and a corrupted process for doing the right thing it is important to note that a long-standing tradition was broken when a district specific item was moved without the impacted District commissioner on the daysis I wish chairwoman king would have defended this tradition a tradition often used to defer commissioner coro's items in his absence shall the region of parks yes it's a regional park that's that's the only the only difference that I have between this park and and other Parks this is a regional park because everybody enjoys it and everybody goes there and different amenities that that every the whole city enjoys it and that's the difference that's the importance of this part that's the difference this is why this would not be something that will come up and come up and any part that would happen uh and you always been one that always have felt let the people asde well this is a regional part for everyone not everyone has uh a gym in their building or a sable to afford to have one in their home and even those that have gyms in their buildings they also like to go out and exercise in the open air so this is one that this is the people's part for everyone to enjoy let them decide let them say a motion in a second all in favor I I no as amended motion carries 31 Regional Parks yes it's a regional park that's that's the only the only difference that I have between this par and and other Parks this is original part because everybody enjoys it and everybody goes there and different amenities that that every the whole city enjoys it and that's the difference that's the importance of this part that's the difference this is why this would not be something that would come up and come up and any part that would happen uh and you always been one that so everyone that knows me knows that I am not on social media it was sent to me uh post that commissioner Paro you made and somehow this vote was my fault because we acted on an item that is in your District it has been the position of this body not just this body but commissions prior to us that Bayfront Park is a regional park it is a regional park okay barring that the next commission meeting you could have come back and asked for reconsideration is that correct Mr City attorney yes mam chair you could have asked for reconsideration and we could have taken it up I did not appreciate being called out and blamed as the chair of this body for moving that item when you failed to mention that commissioner Reyes said this is a regional park I have said said it is a regional park it's not something that I have kept to myself I believe Bayfront Park is a regional park but beyond that if you felt that what this commission did in your absence and you failed to say that I have deferred items for commissioner Coro for commissioner Reyes when he isn't here I act on behalf of this entire commission I am the chair of the city of Miami commission not any of other persons I vote in favor of what I believe is right for my district and the City of Miami in totality so to go on social media and say the chairwoman the chairwoman the chairwoman when you could have and chose not to request a rehearing a reconsideration of the item is not fair to me and I couldn't understand why you were why why you made the post because no one said that you were derel in duties I would never have said that however I found out later what what prompted that but if you are going to tell a story tell the whole story because don't tell lies about me and I will not tell the truth about whatever is happening here don't do that to me don't do that to me again because I can't defend myself on social media and I want to point out that we live in a society where political violence is real and you had people making awful comments just like the man that came up here you could disagree with what we do you could the public can disagree with actions that you take but this country that we live in now political violence is a thing someone tried to kill former president Trump because they don't agree with whatever and I'm sure commissioner Paro you did not intend your diet tribe to cause me harm but that's exactly what that could have done and I said on the record I didn't understand why we were even having a discussion about exercise equipment in the park I have people calling me from other states asking what are you guys arguing about exercise equipment in the park I made it clear what my position was and I defer to you for your District Bayfront Park is not a neighborhood park it is a regional park it is a regional park and it has been recognized as such through commissions before us and I want to set the record straight that you had an opportunity to request reconsideration and you chose not to that sir is not my fault Madam chair first of all I want to talk about the gym equipment it's not about the gy equipment it is about the way residents are being treated ignored constantly anyone should have been able to solve the gym equipment issue people are not going to pay $20 to go park and then use free gym equipment the downtown residents the people who use it most have been most vocal and the reason I post on social media is to explain when people are looking at me saying well what happened why weren't you there what was it that that that created all of this that's why I had to post it and and what I want to say is that was a pocket item introduced same day it could have gone to the next meeting the previous meeting you had made clear to me don't worry anything that happens in your District we've got your back you let me know what you want to defer and I'll handle it right I did that I did whatever you but I'm let me finish let me finish your argument for you I said that if you didn't agree with it you could have simply asked for reconsideration and and commissioner Paro let's not ignore the fact that 80% of the city of Miami and every Precinct in your District voted in favor of keeping the gym equipment in the park every single District they voted every every pre in your District you can speak now because and and I'm not in favor of disenfranchising any of the voters that voted to keep the exercise equipment in the park 80% and the only person that I have seen that received 80% of the vote was commissioner Reyes since I've been on this Das I am not going to disenfranchise 80% of our voters because there is and be clear it is a fight between whoever and this commissioner because I received I rece received solicitations a vote for Jim equipment is a vote for Joe Coro I'm not getting in the middle of the battle between anyone and Joe Coral I am not his advocate he can advocate for himself I am advocating for myself there was an opinion in the Miami Herald there was enough information that went out to the community and even if you can say in the other communities in your community because you are a strong advocate for your community at least one Precinct in your community should have voted against if they're so not in favor of that gym equipment everyone voted in favor 80% of our electorate voted in favor of keeping the gym equipment in the park and that includes the downtown residents may I speak please uninterrupted please go right ahead thank you apologies thank you 80% 80% voted on an entirely misleading ballot referendum entirely that's why we have another lawsuit again because of exactly that that ballot referendum was basically asking kids if they like ice cream it didn't talk about the residents it didn't talk about any of the problems it didn't talk about the process that led to any of that which by the way was way before I came into office you're asking why didn't I ask for a reconsideration because I had no idea was a bind ing referendum otherwise I would have but again that's why it should have been discussed that's why it shouldn't have been a pocket item that's why it shouldn't have been passed through that way we had no opportunity to have this conversation and that's wrong and that's why this in fact look at everything that happened because of that pocket item it got on the ballot then there were controversy campaign now there's a lassu and all why because one person couldn't work it out with people can I I I think you were just making my point because if you weren't sure what that item meant we should have discussed it again at the second at the meeting that you were pres that's all I'm saying all I'm saying is that there was redress for you and I'm also I don't believe there was you could have brought it up at the next commission meeting and I'm also saying that at least in your District where you Advocate where you educate you can say that the ballot question was misleading and that would account for the rest of the city of Miami District 1 District 3 District Four District 5 but you cannot account for District Two and the ballot question being misleading because you are a fantastic commissioner and you get that information out to your community I believe commissioner gabella wants to be wants to be heard and all I wanted to do was make it clear that that you cannot lay the blame of of that on me as the chairwoman that that's all I'm saying I want to clear the record make the record clear you conveniently left commissioner Reyes out of your diet trb he also said it's a regional park it wasn't just me and again that kind of rhetoric can cause harm because we live in a society where political violence is a thing and I do not think that you intend to cause harm to me because you're saying chairwoman King chairwoman King chairwoman King in your address about this issue commissioner gabella my two cents worth you know here that I'm listening to the situation and I'm trying to let me see if I can do this without getting myself in trouble okay uh number one when when when that issue came up and the referendum was called for by Mr gyu uh you were not here but I was I voted against it but got on the referendum and now that it got on the referendum I agree the people spoke it you know it might have been bad wording in the language but at the end of the day 80% of the people voted and I don't think we should be going against it number two you guys you guys not me I haven't said whether it's a regional park a local park you know what I mean that's now that's you guys that's on you guys now I'm going to take your interpretation of what it is okay and say this he was back in January February if it was a regional park and people were not happy with uh commissioner gou we can appointed we could have appointed another chairman you know but it wasn't done and and I think the way the reason it wasn't done is because through the great line I heard that you also wanted to be commissioner of the Bayfront trust okay that that's what I heard now this if if you know I'm curious here and I and I spoke about this about I don't know two months ago you know monolo called for for florenza God it we're were going to waste $200,000 we weren't going to get the results till next year no put it okay and then and then I said to Larry what the hell are we doing this for why are we going to waste this money and why are we doing this whole thing when listen if if it was bad enough okay you guys could have elected another chairman okay yet that hasn't been done even today you know the gentleman already said caroo that he's stepping down how many months have we got we got uh we're in September October November December we're in three months now okay this apparently by what I've been told has been going on for years and years I don't know okay I don't know okay but my point is is very hypocritical okay to say now oh let's let's change the the uh the structure of of the way that Park is managed or whatever it is because if you if everybody it was a lot of concern I repeat in January and February we could have picked another chairman and that wasn't done that would have been the easiest way you didn't have to restructure the the uh the uh uh the uh the uh the management trust and Bayfront the way you're intending now and and so forth so as for me based on that information and I've made myself clear okay and some of us some of us have been here for seven or eight years some of us have not okay but if there was a big problem boy oh boy this should have been addressed a long time ago I will be voting against against taking the GM equipment out because I like you agree and and I agreed with you in the beginning but it went through the referend and what's done is done and I think we should end it there at some point and and regarding the management I am not going to vote do not count on my vote to change any uh uh the the the structure of the way it is now I don't count for my vote U uh for that and plus apart that apart from that I've been told city manager I asked you about this whether this is going to cost us money and I believe you said it was going to cost us money am I correct than that which item was going to cost if it's the restructuring of mauce for Park and so forth um oh you're talking about the item where we bu for Kate Maurice furry from the trust man yeah would clear City that's what I'm any at any rate so my vote is no on that one second no no no but that's I think what he's referencing has nothing to do with this that's not this item okay um Vice chair commissioner Reyes see I I uh since I I was shown there at coling at a regional park and since I I remember since I was a little kid we used to come to Miami and go to Bon Park par La Paloma and Par Paloma was a park for I mean it was in my opinion was the pride of Miami at the time the whole city of Miami we had the library there we had all the pigeons when you went and we got all the statues there it was a real Park I was totally opposed to when the and aguchi would came in and started remod I mean redoing the park the way it was done but it was always and that's why I I I said is a regional par because when we were in Hal Alia in halia and we were talking about let's go and I mean to the park and all of that we drove all the way to downtown and to the uh to the park La palom was famous when uh uh tourist came in they took pictures with P pigeons all over them it was a park it was a it was the what call Central Park it was the main Park of Miami see and it was used and enjoyed by every single resident of the city and the tourist and anybody that came from in my opinion that's a regional point in my opinion and that's why it stated yes it's in my opinion it's a original park because it's a park that everybody every one of us have enjoyed not to the extent that it was I don't enjoy it to the extent that I did enjoy it before naguchi but I still enjoyed it you see and and and that that is my opinion of uh of uh a a park that it is regional is the park that is enjoyed by every single resident whenever they want you see and uh and then the people make an effort to get there you see and going then to the structure uh I don't have anything against caroo being the uh the uh uh uh chairman H and he is we are not voting if we vote in restructuring we are not voting on getting rid of Kyo who was going to I mean he promised that he is going to uh uh I mean give up the chairmanship in January or at the end of this year what I see here is a similarity with what we did with Virginia key you see the trust Virginia key trust what we did in in Virginia cre we took over we are so commission as the as the policy makers we took off over the am Min I mean the decision that was going to be made it comes to us and we vote on it and we discuss on it and I I uh I'm thinking about that and and and that it is it is quite similar it is quite similar you see what we did instead of having a board and we have we we take ownership of that uh I mean because if it is a regional park you see which should be we the commission should be the ones that are responsible for it you see that is that is my point that is my point nothing against you or anything but that is my point and and if if it word u if that will mean that taking him away from it I would vote no but if it is for us to take ownership on it as a as as the legisl body I agree we are not doing that bad with Virginia key Madame you see you are doing a great job you see you're doing a great job with Virginia Kia and things are getting done okay and and all of us feel part of it and the whole city feels part of it that is my point I mean I don't know it's my view I don't know if uh makes sense or not but uh it is it is what I've been thinking about thank you Vice chair Madam fa uh if you could please uh give me some leeway in time because there's been so much that been said um and I'm going to need more than that but what he said what he said um the I've never seen uh an organiz ation that has been so successful as the bayam park trust since I have come with a board being his chairman and together uh we have worked together to improve this part that the reward they get is that they want to fire all of them and that is what it is but imagine what uh the commissioner would be saying if instead of him having lost 820 this election it would have been the other way around and I come up with a motion to fire him as the CRA Omni chairman he would have said and rightly so he's targeting me he's going after me because he sub said on the election well why didn't he bring this up at any time before even during the election he brought it after the election because of the frustration and to show you how the boore and I have brought the bayram park trust were not a penny from the neighbors across the street or from anybody in the city is used to run both these Parks when I became chairman um at December 17 this was uh bringing less than $3 million a year P from Park trust today it is bringing over $13 million a year in Revenue revenues that the residents of Miami are not paying through their taxes we have listened to what residents won this is why we built a dog park in Maurice fet park that's one side is for large dogs one is for small dogs uh a few people still uh want to refuse to put their dogs in the leech like all the other residents do two of them came here today out of the four that uh came to speak we did another dog park in Bicentennial excuse me in uh Bayfront Park long before uh his handful resence that he talks about like if you know there are thousands of people there uh I a young man it was Maurice Fay that took me by one hand and Claude pepper by the the other to show me Vice Centennial Park when he was named at uh and it didn't work out for many reasons when I was mayor it was the exec Ive director the excuse me the publisher of the then Miami Herald not the Tabloid that it is today that came to me and asked me to help them with the museum that you have there the Paris Museum and then we discussed about the possibility of the frost Museum and that became a reality uh the handful of the people that he's talking about the one that slipped there the longest it's maybe eight or nine years most of the others are have moved in uh in the last three to five years more or less um but it's a very small group The we have in in Beret Park the best sculpture garden that there is in Miami two whole blocks of beautiful flowers many of you have seen and certainly throughout the world has become popular and throughout our country the dogs and cats walk away 57 statues uh that were painted by our local residents over 350,000 people came the first year to see it we brought in for the first time art to put into the park and exhibitions for a year we had 15 statues of one of the best artists one the top five in the world I I I don't want to interrupt you but I'm holding my colleagues to the five minutes and then they're going to say I'm I'm showing you favor and I don't want that I and we we know about all of the great things that have happened in the park or all of the contributions if two two last things today two last things two last things one this baloney that he's bringing up to help these people and their lawsuits that 50% of the people in my district think that these people in this bar uh have been in business or gotten their money whatever he said from the Venezuelan government that's a lie nobody says that I never said that that's a lie that they used uh to defame me and pretend that they were being targeted and he knows that he said this here today only to help them in their other lawsuit and in their negotiations the lawsuit that he kept talking about and talking about you know why we have this other lawsuit because he's the one that put it together he was in a zoom call with a group there was a couple of attorneys you know why they said this is going to be great to get Karo with this he's the one that went and put out a pack and asked people to put money into that pack and who put money into the pack out of among others uh the people that he claimed that we're being we're accusing them which is false of taking Venezuelan money into their business now they put money into that uh the at least one or more of the developers that once uh all this money from the obn including the wife uh am told of one of the billboard uh company commissions commissioner so I'm going to ask you please let's let's move on I have a motion I have a second to defer this item Madam chair can I just add one quick thing just very quick I promise but I you you went beyond the five I'm keeping everybody to the five so I did extend the time for you a bit I just want to say Obviously the park is very different today than what it was before there's always been a regional element but now there's a neighborhood element on the ballot 8020 why because people did not know it was never said this was a referendum most people thought it was a straw vote straw vote straw poll so the resistance to all of this didn't happen till the last week the last 10 days days so you know it's the way everything was played out and that's why we really shouldn't do it that that way the last thing I want to say is as District 2 commissioner people think oh you should be the chair of the Bayfront Park trust that's why you're hearing what you're hearing however with this structure even keeping commissioner Coro exactly in his place I'm fine because there's District 2 representation we all on that board and there are two seats for District Two so it's a compromise um again my position is that we should take this up in January when we address our boards and the board chairs that's my position that's the motion on the floor I have a motion in a second all in favor I I no I believe that's four to one so again for the record 41 with commissioner parto voting no correct when we take up our chairmanships in January in January uh Mr City attorney would you please read into the record the titles for the pz items yes Madam chair that would be pz3 four five 6 and seven yes pz3 an ordinance of the Miami city commission amending ordinance number 10544 is amended the Miami comprehensive neighborhood plan of the city of Miami Florida pursuant the expedited State review process subject to Section 163 3184 Florida Statutes by amending the future landage map interpretation for the duplex residential future land use designation in the correspondence chart to accommodate a resident residential density increase up to 100% in certain cases up to a maximum of two dwelling units containing a severability clause and providing for an effective date pz4 an ordinance of the Miami city commission amending ordinance number 1311 14 the zoning ordinance of the city of Miami Florida is amended by amending Article 4 tables 3 and 4 and by amending Article 5 illustration 5.3 to clarify the buildable units within T30 Suburban transa Zone open making findings containing a severability clause and providing for an effective date pz5 an ordinance of the Miami city commission amending ordinance number 13114 the zoning ordinance of the city of Miami Florida as amended by amending article 3 titled General to zones to expand the affordable housing transfer development density program to include opportunity zones and to provide other minor clarifications containing a severability clause and providing for an effective date pz6 an ordinance of the Miami city commission with attachments amending ordinance number 10544 has amended the future land use map of the Miami comprehensive neighborhood plan pursuant to small scale Amendment procedures subject to 163 3187 Florida Statutes by changing the future land use designation from major institutional public facilities trans portation and utilities to restricted commercial of the acreage described herein of the southwestern portion of real property at 980 MacArthur Causeway Miami Florida as more particularly described in exhibit a attached and Incorporated making findings and providing for an effective date pz7 an ordinance of the Miami city commission with attachments amending the zoning atlas of ordinance number 13114 the zoning ordinance of the city of Miami Florida is amended Miami 21 code by changing the zoning classification from CI Civic institutional transact Zone to CS Civic space transa zone for the southwestern portion of the property generally located at 980 MacArthur Causeway Miami Florida more particularly described an exhibit a attached to incorporator making findings containing a severability clause and providing for an effective date thank you madam chair thank you so um pz1 may I have a motion for reconsideration pz1 yes pz1 what what is pc1 again I'm sorry I'm in lot of land right now um pz1 is the gym equipment we have to reconsider mam Madame Shar yes if I may more on this you want to discuss more on this no no no talking about the reconsideration or that's pc1 that's right pc1 when I'm I'm I'm going to say this it's very simple people spoke yes okay I don't think that we should reconsider this because we are opening in a Pandora box when we are start we have to legally we have to no we don't have Mr City attorney what the only thing that he has to do is get a warrant and that's it we have to reconsider to go to pz2 for the warrant so that's the process so I have a m but we don't vot is not reconsidered you got you guys got me confused now Mr City attorney can you please explain what needs to be what is pz1 what are we voting for pz1 is a it's essentially um an opportunity for the commission to reconsider resolution number r24 0212 which denied the appeal filed by uh Arthur Nora the city of Miami manager and Miguel Farah the then director of Bayfront Park this is a procedural motion um you don't need that it was noticed on the agenda um so that the the um opponents would have an opportunity to understand what the city commission was doing um it's it's no different than any time you would make a motion to reconsider this is this is an one of the ways that um the let me just go sort of read a brief statement we're here in response to results of the city of Miami referendum special election held on August 20 2024 as you know there was a question on the ballot that required and you saw it on earlier shall the city of Miami keep already installed outdoor gym equipment like in many of our parks at the city park located at 1075 bisc Boulevard Miami Florida 33132 also known as Maurice a foray Park to enhance residential facilities and promote Community Health and Fitness for all our residents and as shown in re1 which where you acknowledge the results of the election over 79% of the electorate voted to approve referendum question number three however the election results only guarantee that the gym equipment shall remain in Maurice Fay Park we are left with the issue of a warrant is needed to open open up the gym equipment for use the referendum question did not have the effect of granting a warrant for its use because Florida law does not permit development ORD such as a warrant to be granted by referendum or initiative so in order to resolve the warrant question it is the advice of my office that the reconsideration of the warrant appeal item is appropriate the reconsideration is appropriate pursuant to the city commission's rule of procedures um Mason's rules um particularly we looked at um chapter 41 um section 450 right to reconsider and 451 allows the reconsideration of items where essentially it says an action cannot be reconsidered when for any reason it is not possible to cancel nullifier avoid the action previously taken in general the action cannot be canceled or made in effective when a vested rights have been acquired as a result of the action so upon the determination of the the city Commission in r242 2 nothing changed the gym equipment remained there was a fence around it there were no vested rights either given or taken away so um there were no vested rights acquired as a result of the action after uh the adoption of the resolution B rights cannot be con constitutionally or legally taken away doesn't apply here the subject is beyond C the subject is beyond the control or out of the reach of the body taking the original action it's our position that is still within the control of the city commission D it may be inhibited from acting by the requirement of notice we we put forth notice and in the event that the the city commission decides to reconsider pz2 that item has been properly noticed for today's hearing so that is not an issue so um every legislative body has the inherent right to reconsider a vote on an action previously taken by it so we believe it's appropriate to reconsider the item um reconsidering the item does not open the door to reconsider every item of the city commission the determination of whether an item may be reconsidered is to be conducted on a case-by casee basis so if somebody wants to make a motion to reconsider a past action of the city commission we will look at the rules your rules to determine whether or not it is appropriate to consider that item in most instances um it would not be appropriate because vested rights would have been acquired by a result of the action here this is unique case um um and further you heard earlier today from Mr Burton I believe it is who um is representing the parties in the election case where they're disputing the the ballot question and he provided a document that was distributed to the city commission and is part of this record um wherein he made makes his argument against the um the reconsideration of this item there were a couple issues with that as I I briefly spoke to him and indicated this is not a motion of the planning department it's actually a motion of a member of the city commission if a member so makes that motion um Mason's is clearly the rules of the city commission and the city clerk can provide the copy of the resolution from what year was that 1972 1960 1960 so since time in Memorial certainly before my time um Masons has been the rule of the Miami city commission it's appropriate under um the Mason rules if there is a desire to reconsider the item um if the city commission agrees to the rec to reconsider the item then we will move to pz2 the reconsideration will reset the item and consequently a vote will be required to either approve approve or deny the appeal it'll be like resetting the clock I suggest that if you do reconsider the item and you open it up that you give some time I suggest 10 minutes on each side for the parties to speak to the reconsideration Andor to the Appellate issues if you want and ultimately as I'll explain at the end of that if you want the gym equipment to be used you will vote to Grant the appeal reverse the PAB and affirm the granting of the warrant or if you want to preserve the status quo you should vote to deny the appeal affirm the PAB and reverse the decision of the planning department so pz1 is just a procedural motion to determine whether or not you wish to reconsider pz2 thank you George do I have a motion for pz1 to reconsider commissioner C made the motion at 4:51 p.m. and who made a second is there a second to reconsider pz1 I second it we can't get to pz2 to allow the community to use the gym equipment if we don't reconsider pz1 so I have a motion and a second all in favor I we don't have an opportunity to comment oh I was weren't you going to comment on number two no no I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I don't believe that they need 10 minutes I don't get 10 minutes in court so I'm going to allow our City attorney to start related to the related to the rehearing the reconsideration reconsideration 5 minutes I I'm not that clear Madam she I want more okay can we clear this up for commissioner Coro do you what somebody said what I thought it was saying defer oh no okay what what I'm not that clear because when I spoke with you you see there were three options okay I can't hear you there there were three options and one of the options were you see the people spoke yes and the only thing that the uh the the trumps had to do is to reapply for a warant and that's it we don't have to go through all of this I mean that is because personally personally I am against reconsidering things that have been passed months ago because I would like to reconsider a bunch of things that I I was in the minority I was in the losing side you see you know what I mean and and when you're asking for a reconsideration you have to be on the winning side right you see no actually I'm sorry pursuant to Mason's rules and you can clarify with the city clerk under Mason's any member can move you told me that it was not needed yeah well let me let me that the only thing was okay people spoke 80% of the people say yes the the the the the equipment is going to stay there that's going to stay there and that's what is needed for that to be to stay there and application for a gr and that's it yeah that's it I mean that is my point and and I I don't think we are have to complicate this that much let I apologize Mr commissioner you're right um I did tell you there were three options option one is to reconsider option two is to amend my 21 to remove the requirement for um a warrant to for the city to place gym equipment in a city park and option number three would be to reapply for the warrant and start the process all over again and um the administration decided the most expeditious way because there is a concern that I guess the the gym equipment is currently surrounded by a fence um and is unable to be used they chose option number one which was the reconsideration so that you do you're right so there are three options that's the one that I told you I I mean because it it is was said in an example I mean you have to ask for it warrant and that's it like everybody I do that I have nothing against the equipment exercise equipment every single one of my Parks I but I have to go through a warrant you see I have to go through the water and that is I don't want to set any any preceden here or or create a predent that you can come in and I said Okay I uh I don't agree with the uh the vote that we took with uh Mar for example I want to reconsider that because we need a four fit and now I have two people that are against you see you you understand my point Madame shair I understand your point could we just add City attorneys um the plan I'm sorry the planning director was saying that there is a warrant uh the planning department issued a warrant correct and um essentially you would well let me right so the warrant's been applied for the equipment they went through the warrant process was appealed and it was appealed again to commission so now this is to rehear that appeal for the warrant it's been applied for if we don't go through this process they're going to apply for the warrant again they're going to appeal again we're going to be right back here again I you know I think i' like to keep doing that cuz they seem to be doing it to my alip thing nobody says we're going to do this so you know what not that I'm for the Jimmy equipment against the J equipment or vice versa but I think I like that idea you know what I mean if keep going and keep going like they've been doing to me on my alip thing I said this is what I want and then over there they say you know you got to have this over here they say no you can't have this and you know what whatever keeps it going that's the way I'm going to votee thank you commissioner chairwoman may I be heard yes please okay um good afternoon Amanda cork offices at 3 uh 1395 brickl Avenue SED 800 on behalf of the city of Miami as outside Council in this matter I represent uh the Bayfront TR the Bayfront Park trust and the City of Miami as appellants in this case um we would like for you to to reconsider the item on the basis there is very very limited circumstances in which uh Florida case law supports the reconsideration of items um an administrative agency may have inherent Authority to reconsider their decisions where there is substantial change in circumstances in this case the previous decision was was uh there was many statements made on the record in support of the previous decision that there was no support for the gym equipment and that is that is not the case as you noted and I I would like to enter into the record I will give this to the clerk at the end on August 27th uh the the supervisor of election certified the election that 80% of the residents of the city of Miami are in support of the gym equipment so in light of this um additional fact that was not able to be considered we would respectfully request you reconsider there isn't there is something else that came up today on the public record that I must bring to this board's attention um Mr Steven Smith did State on the record that he is now a board member of the Bayfront Park trust and he also signed the appeal that went to the PAB that we are all here on today there is also case that indicates that you cannot appeal yourself so in other words would you be sitting here taking an appeal of a member of the planning zoning appeals Board of a decision of the planning zoning appeals board the Bayfront TR the Bayfront Park trust is the applicant and the appellant in this case um so we'd like for you to also consider that fact for those two reasons and those are limited and exceptional circumstances in which the decision can be reconsidered and as the planning director has pointed out out that gym equipment uh the building permit was approved one year ago tomorrow so we have gym equipment sitting there for a year not being used and and many residents 80% of them are wondering why Madam chairman M Madam chairwoman I was not on the board at the time of this appeal at the time that it was deemed illegal before the p app at the time before this commission agreed with p app that the gym equipment was installed illegally I find it hard to believe that at this stage over such a minuscule item hey that the city now sits here uh arguing that I'm now not able to articulated an argument to support my appeal that that's an additional fact that was raised today on the public record it m Madam Madam shman respectfully this reconsideration must legally be denied unfortunately this commission lacks any jurisdiction the moment in time when that became true was the 30th day after May 23rd when the PAB appeal was denied without further appeal to the Circuit Court and just to clarify the city attorney's comments about Mason's legislative manual it is inapplicable the applicable procedures are set forth in Miami 21 these are Quasi judicial Pro proceedings the commission acts in a quasi judicial proceeding as an appell at Board of Quasi judges not as legislators that's the reason why you cannot go back after the appeal time is over and revisit this uh we cited cases in the letter that was provided to the commission Mills against Lara's Painting Company it's a Florida Supreme Court case what it said it has frequently been held that administrative agencies have inherent or implied power as my colleague has indicated comparable to that possessed by courts to rehear or reopen a cause and reconsider its action or determination therein where the proceeding is in essence a Judicial one it is also generally recognized that the power to rehear or reconsider must be exercised before an appeal from the original order of the administrative body has been lodged or before such order has become final by lapse of time without a Ely appeal this has been reiterated in the Florida cases I we also cited a case small against the town of Jupiter that had to do with a zoning appeal it's very on point there's a bunch of other cases that we cited and there's a bunch that we also did not so were this board to act it would be re it would be assuming jurisdiction that it does not have the jurisdiction is confirmed not only by Florida case law but Miami 21 Mason's manual to the extent it could ever apply applies only to legislative enactment ments and not to quasi judicial enactments the city attorney's representation confuses that important distinction and that is the reason to commissioner reyes's Point why we don't revisit Mel Ree and all the other things that have ever been appealed to this body so I don't want to take an opinion as to how the city should react to the 80 or 79 to be accurate percent vote we're obviously in litigation contending that it was an illegal election but to the extent the city will do that I can't give it advice but one Avenue that is not available to it is reconsidering the denial of the PAB appeal otherwise anyone who's ever failed at the PAB appeal before this commission could equally say there's a change in consideration and a change in circumstances and we should revisit it now it is absolutely foreclosed I would add with one final thing if this body grants pz1 and reconsiders and opens this all up our request would be that pz2 the substantive reconsideration the rehearing the representation of evidence first of all Miami 21 is absolutely clear that new evidence may not be considered these are denovo appeals the fact that there was a subsequent election is legally irrelevant to this appeal and may not be considered whatever the city wants to do with it it cannot handle it that way that's number one number two given the fact that this was only noticed on the commission agenda last week and this does not apply with the appeal notice procedures that would otherwise be relevant to a PAB appeal we would request that if reconsideration is granted in pz1 that the substantive rehearing be deferred so that our clients can have further time to present their case to the extent that it is reheard that would be our request and chair my apologies um can I have both of speakers can I have you both state your name on the record Steve Smith 900 bcan my name is Mark Burton thank you uh City attorney clarify one comment um pz2 was properly noticed um notice was sent to the property owners by the planning department in a timely manner and so you may not have seen it because you're not an attorney of record for the pz2 item but um I can assure you that the notice was properly sent out for pz2 my understanding is that notice requires for appeals of the p AB to the commission a certain number of days a certain amount of publication and papers of record and so on and so forth that I do not believe occurred in this circumstance okay we're not going to go back and forth on the City attorney has said that the notice was proper we're going to leave it at that um that's I did Madam chairman I did not as the appellant receive any notice in the mail or otherwise that this was going to be reheard are you here yeah because of uh that doesn't mean that you followed the law and notified me properly I know just to to clarify the or reiterate the point that the City attorney made on the record this is a really unique case because the city of Miami could not appeal the previous decision so it is our position that the board never lost any jurisdiction over this matter in other words the city commission could not appeal itself so that jurisdiction has not been lost and the matter may be reconsidered in this special circumstance there is case law to the effect that the second there was a written order clock began thank you Miss hand um we don't need to the the back and forth with all attorneys present and we have we lost the colleague so we're going to see um I personally like the option two or three to move forward without having the reconsideration um not swayed one way or the other by someone suing the city we're a litigious Society you can sue for whatever doesn't mean that your lawsuit has Merit doesn't mean that your lawsuit doesn't have Merit not saying whether you have Merit or not I'm not going in that direction um okay let's take up does anyone does anyone want to discuss pz 3 4 5 6 or seven can we can we dispose of those items did we have a motion on the floor no um for pz 3 through 7 no only the titles read to the record pz1 p no yeah if you're going to table pz1 to wait for the fifth commissioner yes absolutely so pz1 is tabled right now we're discussing pz 337 yes 3 four five six and seven and my apologies chair briefly pz3 needs to be amended pursuant to substitution memo dated uh September 5th 2024 pz4 uh needs to be amended it contains a plank that needs to be filled in with an ordinance number uh pz6 and 7 both be need to be amended to add pcab meeting information thank you chair okay may I have a motion for pz 3 4 five six and seven can we take them okay second I have a motion and a second all in favor for pz 3 4 five six and seven yes I I all in favor as amended for pz 3 4 6 and 7 motion carries unanimously thank you and we are back with pz1 I believe did we pass pz5 or not yet yes yes we did okay yes you just voted in 3 to seven we passed yes 3 to S now because there has been so much conversation and Mr City attorney Mr City attorney yes Madam chair um um with this reconsideration give us some guid did this is what you provided in our brief in my briefing I don't know about anybody else's briefing but that is what I was told was the best path forward to get to having the gym equipment being used by the community um my colleague is saying here that he doesn't care for the reconsideration I don't know maybe we can defer pz1 and two until we can get more information good idea would that that's I heard a good idea a good idea may I have a motion to diver pz one and my apologies yes I just need the date next meeting to the or maybe the October meeting because the next meeting is the budget or January so to the O January isn't a bad idea to to the October October 10 which is the first meeting the first meeting yes do I have a motion and a second all in favor all motion carries unanimously I'm not in town that week thank you thank you for your advocacy thank you just for clarification pz1 and two are both deferred deferred yes sir thank you and at this time I am going to turn the gavl over to our vice chair to I believe well all we have are boards left yeah we well done we have fo1 what do we fo1 no that was deferred to was deferred okay yes that was deferred so di3 um can we consider di3 we don't need to we don't need to okay so D3 is is a part of f fr2 show us discuss with what part of F fr2 and for the boards how many Mr City attorney I mean city clerk yes um we have bc6 Code Compliance task force uh the task force has been sunsetted therefore this item needs to be withdrawn so if I could have a motion to withdraw P bc6 motion second all in favor I I BC 17 Miami forever Bond program citizens oversite board shair King will be appointing George Ruiz Calderon I have a motion second I have a motion and a second all in favor I motion carries unanimously bc19 planning zoning and appeals board commissioner Rees will be appointing Maria de carus motion second all in favor I motion carries unanimously that concludes words of committee thank you chair and that shall conclude the city of Miami commission meeting for September 12th 2024 thank you all for your advocacy see you soon have a nice have a nice scam e [Music] --------- ##VIDEO ID:FU-zfJJ2pYA## a [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Applause] [Music] he he [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] J [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] w w [Music] [Music] [Music] w e e e e e e so happy to see our Chambers fil I love advocacy welcome to the city of Miami Commission meeting for September 12th 2024 I am joined with a couple of my colleagues today commissioner Reyes and commissioner Miguel gabella we are going to start our Proclamation and recognition portion of our commission meeting I'm going to introduce our mayor Francis Suarez who is going to kick us off for these proclamations good morning Mr Mayor M just let you say good morning good morning thank you madam chair how's everyone feeling today all right looks like everyone is drank their Cuban coffee yeah you have your colorful shirts on good awesome so today we're going to start our proclamations with our chair I'm going to hand it back to her so she can kick it off for us guys thank you so we're recognizing fireman Derek's bake shop that that's located in Winwood are [Applause] you it's located in coconut Gro but he opened one up in Winwood okay well there you go Corrections you know it's no I didn't know that know good morning thank you for joining us and congrat congratulations on opening a location in Winwood I love that cuz I'm in Winwood all the time my district okay so the mayor just said he eats his pies all the time and we are honoring him today for feeding the city of Miami doing such a great job with the city of Miami we wish you much success and another hundred years years of being in being here serving our more lo and more locations would you like to say something uh sure yeah um yeah I just want to say thank you to everybody you know I have always uh enjoyed feeding people feeding the community and you know being of service to the community I've always taken that seriously so uh appreciate the recognition and hope to see you guys uh around the community thank you commissioner parter would you like to say something all right picture time [Applause] we're going to recognize our men and women in blue now yeah I like that yes we could give it up for the men and women in blue so this is not meant as a political um recognition because we get called by neighboring and sister jurisdictions around the country to participate in major events and uh I had the honor of receiving in Milwaukee the men and women of our law enforcement department who did a phenomenal job providing National Security for the Republican National Convention and again this is not about whether it was a Republican National Convention or the Democratic National Convention the point is that that when there's a major event in the United States that impacts the brand of the US and requires high level security we're often called by other jurisdictions the police chief of Milwaukee who I got to meet called our police chief and uh they have a relationship and asked for resources and we provided those resources and I have to say these these officers um were an hour away in a campus of a university with no air conditioning and it was really really hot and believe it or not in Milwaukee it was very very hot and they were there a little bit of Cuban coffee very little in comparison to the the plethora of Cuban coffee we have here in Miami and and they they worked long hours and they represented us with tremendous dignity as they always do and so we're uh we're very proud to to commend their service thank you [Applause] yeah we're going to do the combination distribution in bulk but we just want to have our you want to say a few words Chief okay good just a picture let's go [Applause] oh you want to yeah you want is Al is it okay Al says just a word yeah yeah he does good morning uh first and foremost I'd like to uh thank Chief Morales for giving us the opportunity to go to Milwaukee and represent our city represent our department and also mayor thank you not only for proposing and and recommending these uh proclamations but also for visiting us uh while we were there in the uh in the no AC environment and uh last but not least I certainly would like to thank these 47 there's not all 47 are here because of scheduling they couldn't make it but thank these officers for volunteering to participate with a very historical event in Milwaukee not knowing what they were going to be facing having to deal with extra Riot training tear gas which they enjoyed uh and not knowing what they were going to be confronting in Milwaukee so thank you to them they represented our city they represented our department with pride with honor and professionalism so so thank you guys thank you very much [Applause] [Applause] and now we are going to re recognize our Heat team Heat team this is this is uh for their work in the neighborhood of alapata and I want to have the district commissioner handle these proclamations thank [Applause] you democracy at work U thank you all uh whereas a city M Police Department's homeless empowerment assistance team the heat otherwise known was established on August 2nd 202 21 is and is composed of CR Crisis Intervention certified officers specially trained to support individuals in crisis and those suffering from mental ill illness and whereas heat officers work in collaboration with community members the homeless assistant trust the Department of Human Services Solid Waste kis house and other entities to provide Outreach to individuals facing homelessness helping to empower them to overcome barriers and access essential services and whereas he mission is to prevent and reduce homelessness by offering proper care facilitating connections to treatment and providing access to shelter options thus supporting individuals on a path to long-term stability and breaking the cycle of homelessness and whereas in 2023 the Heat team expanded by uh by adding six officers uh grow into a a total of 15 officers and two sergeants which allowed the the team to engage in more uh consistent and far-reaching Outreach efforts throughout the city including nighttime Outreach operations and whereas the heat has made a significant impact uh through the establishment of strong positive relationships with individuals within the homeless Community some of which have led to successful transitions into stable housing and employment and whereas on Saturday August 10th the Heat team in collaboration with the alip neighborhood support staff conducted a major operation engaging homeless individuals to offer shelter and conducting clean cleanup activities to improve the quality of life for all Miami residents and now therefore I Francis mayor Miguel gabella uh commissioner Migel G do hereby recognize and and commend you continued dedication to serving and improving the lives of the homeless Community I further Express gratitude for your commitment to making the city of Miami a better safer and more compassionate place for all its residents we a um we a heart of gratitude we applaud thank [Applause] you would anybody I just want to really thank you guys you work with our office all the time I want to thank you on behalf of District 2 also on behalf of omic you're so important to the mission and to what we do every day we have the Chapman partnership and we have Miami Rescue Mission with all of our boundaries and you're essential to our services thank you very much I think the whole of the city of Miami loves the Heat team they do amazing work and as you know I believe commissioner gella and I have the most homeless in our communities and I've gone on ride alongs with them in the night um addressing the homeless situation helping to get people in shelter they do an amazing job and it's it's a very difficult job because you address one area and two hours later it's back so it's it's a thankless job that they do it's often a um dangerous job and they do it they do it with compassion which is what I love because we are not trying to criminalize our homeless our houseless we're trying to help them and they do a phenomenal job with the leadership of their director Mr David so thank you um commissioner Reyes well I have to thank you guys because every time that we call you you're always there I mean it is your responses is almost immediate and uh I share of of the DDA and the service that you have given the DDA it is invaluable and thank you very much for being so professional and for the service that you are providing the citizens all residents of the city of Miami and uh be careful out there okay thank you thank you very much would you like to Chief would you like to say something did did ma major Garett leave he doesn't want to say anything about this group what was talking about the other guys but everybody cares about their own but let me tell you something what you see up here is absolutely individuals that are dedicated to a labor love when they go out there if you see them interacting with these own sheltered individuals man you you get the passion you get the caring that they have in their heart so I invite anybody if you ever want to do a ride along that's going to change the way that you see the way our society treats and goes out of the way to help those that need it the most you got to ride with the Heat team so for that you have my absolute gratitude thank you very much for what you do each and every day you guys are fantastic thank you [Applause] and just to piggyback a little bit off what the chief said you know I I often say that our officers have the hardest job in America that there isn't a job in America where people are paid less to take more risk and have uh you know more risk to themselves and also their their livelihood what you see when you see these officers interacting with a homeless is you see this their skill level how they go beyond just what you would consider what most people would consider to be what a police officer's role is or what a function is they're acting like sociologists they're acting like psychologists they're acting like social workers right they're out there caring for these individuals treating them like human beings they know their names they know where they where they are they know where they go to they know what they have so it's it's it's a very very very very difficult stressful job but they handled it with a lot of Grace and and it's tough because we want to keep and treat the homeless with dignity and respect and at the same time we have to understand that we have half a million residents in our city that are impacted also by homelessness and so uh they they do the very best that they can to to manage this balance and in a very difficult and dynamic environment thank you guys really thank [Applause] you and I'd like to mention the name first is Officer Andy t congratulations officer Lewis hernandes officer Lewis Aras officer Jose [Applause] Moreno officer Jose Gutierrez officer shakima Williams officer uh viven Collins officer uh de best [Applause] houe officer faine ladimore [Applause] Sergeant Stanley Winfred Sergeant Pedro Vera Commander Jorge El [Applause] Rodriguez conratulations officer Joel Suarez okay he's not here and three more officer Jessica [Applause] endu officer Pierre [Applause] Simpson officer Andre Paul [Applause] Noel officer Artis FL antis Flores and last but not least officer Omar masedu thank you all for what you do from a bottm bottom more and we also want to acknowledge the green shirts for their support of the Heat team as well because they are really on the ground they are doing the work they are are doing the work so thank you guys thank all of you thank all of you for the work that you are doing to keep our streets and our homeless person safe thank you [Applause] thank you very much it's my turn now chief I have a question for you I see so many police officer here who's patrolling our streets we we still got a couple of guys out there okay okay I don't want I don't want one or two one or two I don't want anybody make a mistake that say no no no everybody else being recognized okay no they are very welld deserved recognitions very welld deserved recognition I have a recognition here for detective Bonas and his investigation led to the arrest of an individual and this is was very close to home that targeted El elderly residents while posting as a water inspection in the flami area this is my my my area and I have to warm all of you you see when somebody comes to your house and claims to be an inspector and all of that ask for identification and if if uh if if you can just call call and ask uh to to I mean to make sure that they they you have inspectors in the area you see yeah using advanced technology and thorough detective work detective Bonia identified the individual and linol men to several offenses heos also uncover additional victims throughout pawn shops transaction for detective Erasmo Bonia congratulations and this [Applause] is see Bobby great you look like him you know okay I have somebody else here okay detective Santos where is detective Santos detective Santos how you doing man you see let me tell you something I'm real proud of our police department they are really working hard give them a round of applause you see they are working hard and uh as I said when we do we were doing the budget uh that's we had that that budget discussion last time last meeting I uh I'm not happy with the amount of police that we have we have to have more patrols more people in the streets patrolling every single neighborhood because crime is increasing you see many people and most most of them is petty crime but py crime hurts also over the past year detective Santos played a p p pivot role in solving multiple burglary across Miami leading to the arrest of suspect responsible for numerous break-ins and damages despite limited initial leads detected s demonstrated tenacity reopening cases analyzing video and connecting critical details his skill in using evidence such as video footage and figure print analysis ensure the successful apprehension of the supect for that we must congratulate officer Santo and we have to recognize him and I want a round of applause to him you see they are doing all police work detective work you see they are going back to what they were taught and use technology to try to get this people that are committing crime okay uh robbery okay we had a robbery also in my district and uh the following the robbery on August 20 2024 our officers demonstrated exceptional teamwork and investigative skills identifying and apprehending the suspect in a matter of days using surveillance footage and advanced technolog the team was able to track down the suckfest vehicle and locate him at a local hotel their diligent efforts linked to suspect to additional crimes leading to the recovery of stolen property and ensuring the individual was brought to Justice Lieutenant Elvin [Applause] Gman okay sure Sergeant Blake Winger Sergeant is out here okay oh he's working sergeant theia rolds thank you thank you okay detective Theodore [Applause] Raymond detective Jesus Jesus is not here detective wendolene Mones detective maximilan Kenan and detective Vulcan [Applause] zolu thank you very much for your service and please be careful out there okay thank you now we have another Bunch okay absolutely else e [Applause] we have another group this is a big big group on July 25th 2024 officers were dispatched to a burglary in progress where armed suspects were caught on surveillance entering a property upon arriving our officers faced armed subjects attempting to flee discarding evidence as they escaped throughout the ex coordinated efforts of multiple units the sub suspects were swiftly detained and led to the arrest of five individuals and the recover of a rifle several several handguns and 14296 pounds of marijan and also 4,981 in cash for that tremendous and an effective job we want to commend Lieutenant Luis Sierra don't thank you very much okay Sergeant Antonio [Applause] ginel Sergeant Kelly surami okay somebody give it to her Sergeant Rafael M thank you officer Jorge Marquez [Applause] [Applause] officer Mark Sal right on right on that's right that's right Officer Brandon Guero it's not here take it to him officer Jonathan leria [Applause] officer Alexis [Applause] Machado thank you officer Danielle [Applause] ubeda officer Raul Perez goe officer an Anthony Cruz right on okay Officer woodred Perez and officer Francisco [Applause] Castillo thank you guys and also I have to thank thank you again for what you did you see this took place a couple of BLS for my home and that's why we have we need to be patrolling and we need to be more alert and all the type of crimes that it is going on in our city and all the neighborhoods thank you very much and be careful out there thank [Applause] you for [Applause] ratul for at this time we are going to begin our meeting with prayer I am honored to have today Bishop Peter Eaton of the Episcopal Church in southeast Florida good morning Bishop so happy to see you thank you very much thank you good morning everyone I I'm uh delighted to be here to open the first session after the summer break with prayer uh I'm very grateful to the chair for inviting me and uh for the Commissioners for hosting me this morning and I just want to say a couple of things before I begin so that you know what's going to happen because one should never pray without some preparation I'm going to read three short prayers one for our city one for our country and because today uh is the day after the 23rd anniversary of 911 I'm going to say a prayer in commemoration of that so would you please stand if you are able to do so let us pray almighty God our heavenly father we give you thanks for our great City of Miami for our elected officials and for our diverse peoples cultures and Heritage send down upon our mayor our commissioners and all those who hold office in our city the spirit of wisdom charity and Justice that with prudence and steadfast purpose they may Faithfully serve in their offices to promote the well-being of all our peoples we ask this for the sake of Your Love amen oh Lord our governor whose glory is in all the world we commend this nation to your merciful care that being Guided by your Providence we may dwell secure in your peace Grant to the president of the United States the governor of our state and to all in Authority wisdom and strength to know and to do your will and bless all those who are offering themselves for election to public office in this election season fill them with the love of Truth and righteousness and make them ever mindful of their calling to serve this people in your fear in your name we pray amen loving God we remember before you today those whose lives were lost on the 11th of September 2001 and for all those whom we love but see no longer we give thanks to you for the selfless courage of those Brave First Responders and others who ran into burning buildings and who labored in the rubble May their courage be to us a witness of what is possible when we are Guided by love and dedication to our fellow human beings we pray today for the continued healing of all those suffering emotional and physical scar may your spirit Breathe new breath into clouded lungs new life into troubled minds and new warmth into broken hearts so that all may feel gathered in your loving Embrace may we move from suffering to Hope from Brokenness to wholeness from anxiety to courage from Death to life from Fear To Love and from despair to Hope guide our feet into the way of peace and Inspire us with the Hope in with hope in the gift of Peace may we receive this gift so that we may become instruments of your peace in this world knowing all people to be equally loved lovingly created children of God Amen thank you Bishop commissioner Paro would you lead us in the pledge of allegiance to thank you I pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you at this time I will have the City attorney read his statement into the record you all may be seated thank you madam chair uh George weong City attorney City of Miami detailed information about the processes order of business rules of procedure and scheduling or rescheduling of City commission meetings can be found in Chapter 2 Article 2 of the city code a copy of which is available online at www. municode.com any person who is a lobbyist pursuant to chapter 2 article 6 of the city code must register with the city clerk and comply with related City requirements for lobbyists before appearing before the city commission a person may not Lobby a city official board member or staff member until registering a copy of the code section about lobbyists is available in the city clerk's office or online at www.mo.com any person making a presentation formal request or petition to the city commission concerning real property must make the disclosures required by the city code in writing a copy of this city code section is available at the office of the city clerk or online at www.mo.com the city of Miami requires that anyone requesting action by the city commission must disclose before the hearing any consideration provided or committed to anyone for agreement to support or with told objection to the requested action pursuant to city code section 2-8 any document offered to the city commission that have not been provided 7 days before the meeting as part of the agenda materials will be entered into the record at the city commission's discretion in accordance with Section 2-33 f and g of the city code the agenda and the material for each item on the agenda is available during business hours at the city clerk's office and online 24 hours a day at www.mo.com any person may be heard by the city commission through the chair for not more than 2 minutes on any proposition before the city commission unless Modified by the chair public comment will begin at approximately uh 10:15 A.M and remain open until public comment is closed by the chairperson members of the public wishing to address the body may do so by submitting written comments via the online comment form please visit www miamigov.com meting instructions for detailed instructions on how to provide public comment using the online public comment form the comments submitted through the comment form have been and will be distributed to the officials their staff and City Administration throughout the day so that the elected officials may consider the comments prior to taking any action Additionally the online comment form will remain open during the meeting to accept comments and distribute to the elected officials their staff and the city Administration up until the chairperson closes public comments public comment may be also be provided here at City Hall located at 3500 panamerican Drive Miami Florida subject to any and all City Rules as they may be amended if the proposition is being continued or rescheduled the opportunity to be heard may be at such later date before the city commission takes action on such proposition when addressing the city commission the member of the public must first state their name their address and what item will be spoken about any person with a disability requiring assistance auxiliary AIDS and services for this meeting May notify the city clerk the city has provided different public comment methods to indicate among other things the public support opposition or neutrality on the items and topics to be discussed at the city commission meeting in compliance with Section 286 Point 0144 C Florida Statutes the public has been given the opportunity to provide public comment during the meeting meting and within reasonable proximity in time before the meeting please note Commissioners have generally been briefed by City staff and the city attorney's office on items on the agenda today anyone wishing a Verbatim record of any item considered at this meeting May request it at the office of communications or view it online at www.miamigov.com planning and zoning items shall proceed according to section 7.1.4 of the Miami 21 zoning ordinance parties for any pz items including any applicant appellant appal City staff and any person recognized by the decision-making body is a qualified intervenor as well as the applicant's representatives and any experts testifying on behalf of the applicant appellant or appal may be physically present at City Hall to be sworn in by oath or affirmation by the city clerk the members of the city commission shall dis disclose any expart Communications to remove the presumption of prejudice pursuant to Florida statute 2860 1115 and section 7.1.4 point5 of the Miami 21 zoning ordinance the order of presentation shall be as set forth in Miami 21 and in the city code the staff will briefly present each item to be heard the applicant will present its application and request to the city commission if the applicant agrees with the staff recommendation the city commission may proceed to its deliberation and decision the applicant may also wave the right to an evidentiary hearing on the record for appeals the appellant will present its appeal to the city commission followed by the appal staff will be allowed to make any recommendation they may have please silence all cell phones and other nois making devices and finally this meeting can be viewed live on Miami TV the city's Facebook page the city's Twitter page the city's YouTube channel and Comcast channel 77 the broadcast will also have closed captioning thank you madam chair Mr city clerk would you please read your statement for the record thank you sherff the procedures for individuals who be providing testimony sworn in for Planning and Zoning items and any quasi judicial items on today's City commission agenda will be as follows the members of City staff or any other individuals required to be sworn in who are currently president City Hall will be sworn by me the city clerk immediately after I finished explaining these procedures those individuals who are paying remotely may be sworn in now at any time prior to the individual providing testimony for planning zoning items and orquestal items Commissioners are you comfortable with all notice Provisions set forth in these uniform rules procedures we have established for this meeting yes thank you chair May administer the oath please thank you chair good morning ladies and gentlemen if we will be speaking on any of today's Planning and Zoning items the pz items Planning and Zoning items May please have you stand and raise your right hand do you solemly swear affirm that the testimony you're about to give us the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth and your response is thank you chair thank you Mr city manager do you have any items that are going to be withdrawn or deferred from the agenda good morning Madam chair uh Commissioners Mr City attorney Mr city clerk at this time the administration would like to defer into withdraw the following items ph3 to be indefinitely deferred sr3 to be deferred to September 26th SR5 to be deferred to October 10th di1 to be withdrawn and then Madam chair there will be an probably an additional item to be deferred but after the public comment okay I'm going to ask my colleagues now Vice chair are there any items that you would like to have withdrawn or deferred Madame chair um I'm going to wait until public comment uh before I talk about a couple of items that I would like to defer commissioner Cabell no I'm okay with what you're deferring now commissioner Paro on fr1 I'd like to defer just because I'd like a little more information which is set for one voting outcomes excuse me voting outcomes City commission um hold on it's um who who put that in you Mr that was our item Mr Vice chair the city attorney's office it was an attempt to um provide Clarity in the procedures I have no issue if it's deferred if you have a busy agenda it ision that this the only thing that we are doing by voting for this acting the results yeah correct me if I'm run accepting the results of the uh uh election and no it is not okay let's see um amending it's it's fr1 correct yes correct it's to clarify um votes as they're taken and what the actual results are relative to whether an item is denied right or is um if it's there's a there's a um recommendation for denial how that vote should proceed it's just clarifying the the rules of sorry I'm sorry I stand corrected I stand corrected thank you very much you see sometimes uh we all make this okay um okay can I just for purposes of I don't know that we got it1 is to be deferred to when what's what's the first meeting next next meeting yeah I guess or October September 26th or October 2 is there anything that would affect this meeting um Mr City attorney if this is deferred uh no sir this was just a cleanup item so it has no impact on the meeting all right thank you that's fine and show chair we she let us deferral to September 26 September or OCT September currently I have September 26 fine just a little more time okay commissioner Reyes do you have any items that you would like to withdraw or defer no ma'am no not at this time okay at this time may I have a motion motion second all in favor I I the agenda has now been set and at this time I'm going to open the floor for public comment I would like to allow our public defender who is here he has to um get back to work there's a trial that requires his attention so if you don't mind I'd like to give him an opportunity to speak first and then all others are welcome to come and speak on any items before us on this agenda thank you good morning uh good morning thank you very much uh Madame chairwoman uh and good morning uh Commissioners as you all know I live and work uh in the city of Miami uh my name is Carlos Martinez I am the Miami d uh public defender and uh I'm here uh in support of item re12 which is the extension of life of the Omni C and I previously uh spoken on this issue so I'm going to be even shorter than I was last time uh we have a desperate need for uh availability of affordable and work horse housing in the urban core uh particularly availability of housing uh at 120% of Ami uh in terms of my staff 65% uh of my employees and I have 350 of them 65% of them are earning less than uh the 120% uh 50% of my attorneys uh are making less than 120% uh Ami uh the the starting salary for an attorney my office is $70,000 uh for support staff is $33,000 uh they are underpaid severely underpaid uh and having this type of affordable housing uh is critical it's a critical and Powerful Recruitment and retainment Tool uh that is available really to private uh and uh public sectors uh it's important that my attorneys are able to live in the urban core because that is close to my office and thankfully a lot of the young attorneys do not have cars uh and uh if they can live in your Urban core my office is less than two miles uh away uh Carlos migoya the Public Health Trust uh chairman uh Katherine Fernandez Rondo the state attorney uh all of us know that we have a serious problem problem that we need affordable uh Workforce housing uh so I hope that you will support uh this item through the chair thank you let me let me make a a a comment here uh commissioner re thank Comm let me finish what I'm going to say I'm going to allow you to speak but I would like to ask my colleagues to refrain from speaking with during the public comment because we have a lot of folks that would like to speak just going to make a comment because this is very close to my My Philosophy I have been I mean I've been preaching since day one that uh they when they they call Workforce housing and they go all the way up to 100 before it was 140 120 it is not Workforce it's a misn to the majority of workers the majority of workers and as you stated you stated they're making less most of your employees are making L I had a meeting with a superintendent school and I told him you have to he was talking about teachers some of the teachers they don't make that money because 120 is 80 some, a year and and I told him you see I was a teacher and and I know how much a teacher makes and I said well how about when we call uh uh uh workers it is going to be Workforce how about the workforce of the people that clean the buildings the people that cook the food the people that are delivering the food the people that have all the secretaries for example they won't be able to pay what it been asked and I will vote against anything that is that's why I I presented a resolution that it cannot go over 100% And and I will not vote in anything that goes over 100% chairwoman just 30 seconds Mr Martinez you mention uh that you need this house in the core area of the city do you consider Overtown part of that core area yeah yes okay yeah that's close to my office do you consider uh Little Havana alapata part of the core area all of that is close to my own okay thank you all all of it thank you thank you thank you thank you very much thank you for all the work that you do we establish Mr Martinez when he said core area he considers Overtown alipa Little Havana part of the core area too with the Omni uh area and I just want to add that for 24 for 24 years Isaiah Jones admitted that that area was not invested in until now yeah want to put that on the record I I'll reserve my remarks okay that's what I was trying to avoid so that we aren't going back and forth with every person that's engaging us and allow the public comment to to flow good morning how are you good morning I'm Rebecca haigi and I'm deeply grateful for the opportunity to speak in favor of resolution 16508 I have quite literally served at Miami Bethany Community Service my entire life I am a witness to the sacrifice of my parents and the entire Army of volunteers who make this work possible under rain or sun even during the pandemic with minimal conditions and nonstop throughout the 52 weeks of the year I am also a witness of how a month ago August 11th a city of Miami code enforcement inspector left us on notice of violation for the containers and the aluminum roof that we Ed to alleviate the significant inflation in food and housing costs the situation of our resident is getting worse and the city officials are limiting us sadly from helping we need an urgent solution I firmly believe that a a favorable vote from each of you could significantly improve the situation and I am confident that five districts of Miami um will reap the benefits thank you so much thank you thank you good morning please please no no no no no no no we're not clapping we're not clapping we only clap during our recognition portion of the commission meeting our proclamations those of you who want to show your support please do like this correct correct so um we won't have that good morning good morning my name is Crystal Ivory and I am a city of Miami resident and I prep parent I was here in July as well so I'll be brief I'm here again Ask for all of the Commissioners support to ratify the Omni C although the communities are different the needs are the same and their valid um and I ask that this this ratification is not delayed or derailed um and that you all work together to get the Omni extended with relief for district one as well so that both communities can Thrive I urge you guys to work together for the common good of the community please ratify the Omni today please thank you thank you also I'm going to ask that we line up five at a time on each side our fire department has uh advise me that it becomes a hazard to have more than five people block we don't want block the exits to be blocked good morning good morning Madam chair and Commissioners I'm Michael wall um I live in the city at 20 2675 South basro Drive um most of you know me is an affordable housing developer I just gave my card to the gentleman who's in search of affordable housing going to work with his his group to place his employees I'm here in in support of uh Miami Bethany Church who is our partner in our new development that's going to be star in the first quarter of next year uh dolita in alipa we're all excited about um commencing construction kudos to my friend commissioner Cabella who was instrumental in bringing this for I can't think of a better not local non for-profit community-based organization than Miami Bethany Church they are amazing and one of the things they do is they they have a food bank they have a food bank on site at the church that frankly is a is a non-conforming use at the church and they're in need of expanding the food bank and and and administering the food bank and having a new location that's why I support their item here uh I think it's 16508 um in uh in uh in taking over a abandoned city uh parcel for for that purposes um I have personally given uh donations significant donations to the Bethany Church to support this food bank uh it is greatly needed in the community so I would encourage the Commissioners to act accordingly thanks to much time thank you good morning good morning I'm here to speak on fr2 my name is Michael filing I live at 900 bising Boulevard I've also been referred to by commissioner carollo in the Miami Herald at b trust board meetings should I start over yeah or no okay hi I'm here to speak on fr2 my name is Michael filing I live at 900 bis game Boulevard I have also been referred to by commissioner carello in the Miami Herald at dayf front trust board meetings and from this day as the mayor of Fay Park this in addition to his ongoing accusation that I am a racist and an elitist although the commissioner may think his nickname of me as the mayor of Frey Park is just another one of his derogatory names he uses against taxpaying residents who disagree with him I take take it as a compliment thank you and believe it gives me even more credibility to urge you to vote Yes on fr2 this commission must take control of the Bayfront Park management trust from Joe carollo let me give you just one example I think you would all agree that every Park large or small has one amenity in common a children's playground except except for right Park commissioner carollo under his dictatorship as chairman of the trust for the last almost 7 years has thought it was more important to construct an $896,000 no bid dog and park sculpture garden not one but two dog parks who he probably claims are the state's largest dog parks occupying almost 15% of the green space I $285,000 gym constructed illegally and I just discovered he has ordered not one but two giant flower clocks to be installed at Fay Park and Bayfront parks with a total cost of almost $1 million all done without Community input and without any regard to the approved Parks Master thank you thank you thank you chairwoman I I know what you said said oh here we go no no go commissioner can we talk about it not here to be a pun sir sir you've had your time please sit down you're allowing sir please sit down do not engage with us thank you so much for your advocacy thank you for your advocacy thank you thank you now what I'd like to establish what are our guidelines are we supposed to be a punching bag to get anybody to come and lie about us to make insults to make some of the biggest false statements and we can't answer most of the people out there don't know the other side to it don't know that what this man has been saying or out right lies uh and he is sick right now because he lost an election 80 % now this man goes out there every day trying to bother our employees trying to see what he could find to attack a trust this trust has nine members I'm only one of nine but I'm the one that keeps being mentioned no sir please do not do not commissioner the there's an item that we are going to address and I believe that you can bring all of your concerns but but what is happening too is that by the time that this goes along for instance let me tell you what's going on here this guy with commissioner partu and a handful of them they've been conspiring I have the proof right here they have this soon meetings where they talk how they're going to plan to get a group to try to see how they can intimidate and manipulate the rest of us instead like this the only thing I I'm I do want to hear your concerns I want to hear all of our comments I just would like to get through the public comment portion of our meeting without without all of us responding to going to then chair then you need to control the personal attacks more so we don't have to respond I could bring here hundreds of people if need be to attack him over there with the sly smile that he has not just a handful of people I don't do that I do not do that now you decide do you want me to start bringing in people here the same way he gets a handful I won't get a handful I'll get hundreds of people in here or do you want to control the meetings like the county does like we used to do here where elected officials are not attacked you you want to open it up so we could be attacked falsely then let us respond at the time that we are attacked I I heard you thank you ma'am good morning I'll reserve the comments good morning everyone I first want to thank our commissioner Gava for being our champion dear City of Miami Commissioners I stand before you today and this is very personal to me to ask you to support alapata when I arrived in Miami in 1998 I knew the community was a jewel a few decades later many are seeing what I have seen a family knit immigrant Community with lot of Commerce and untap cultural appeal and the burning entrepreneurial Spirit to contribute to the tapestry of this country by achieving their American dream arapa has been overlooked and disinvested for far too long the community is in dire need of infrastructure improvements public gathering spaces Community amenities our a little Santo Domingo commercial Corridor as well as other commercial corridors can benefit from improved internet connectivity wider sidewalks traffic calming measures green canopy bio swells none of that can happen without a deep investment that a CRA can bring alapata is home to the health district an amazing opportunity for continued growth and to mitigate the perpetuating issues of those experiencing homelessness alapata is one of the few areas in the city of Miami that has residential commercial and Industrial zoning all which contributes to the tax base of the city alapata deserve to see their tax based contribution in the Improvement of the build environment and the prosperity of their residents and small businesses our community deserves planned growth that includes anti-displacement measures that keep those who have built alapata in alapata alapata has many senior buildings that need a lot more than just food and shelter they need wable community that is safe and mitigates the effect of climate change such as flooding and the heat island effect our youth need programming and Facilities to meet the challenges of their generation and the next Workforce we ask you to support alapata please improve the funding of Necessities to include alap Community master plan with specific projects ensuring it all is informed thank you as an intense Community engagement process thank you thank you sorry chair ma'am ma'am I have you ma'am I'm sorry could you give our give your name for the record MOS Flores I am the CEO of the alap collaborative CDC 1951 Northwest 7th Avenue thank you good morning good morning you can uh my name is pull the mic down you don't have to there my name is Claudia rousel 10 Museum Park I am a board member uh dear Commissioners I'm here once more to present to you a petition uh titled remove Joe caroo from the bayr park management trust the petitioned results was given to you the first time on June 18th of this year let me give you some stats all together 17700 1,78 signatures true Miami residence 679 which means 65% and the were non Miami but I saw a lot of addresses kis Kan haa which we call neighbors basically please consider those 679 Miami residents when considering F fr2 how much longer will Maurice Ferry Park and bayron park will be held hostage to one commissioner and his feckless and Powerless board this situation truly falls under the known expression only in Miami be assured nothing to be proud of when you hear this I urge Commissioners Reyes Paro King and Cabella to attend only one time a trust meeting uh Cho caroo chairs and you will understand why the downtown residents are so upset it's h High time to remove CH caroo and take the many millions of dollars he spends without any oversight out of his hands and into the hands of all five Commissioners and two dedicated residents of District to thank you thank you good morning good morning good morning my name is Ruth hoi speaking in favor of resolution 16508 dear Commissioners and neighbors of City of Miami have you ever seen someone cry because you gave them food and I don't mean in a third world country I mean here in Miami I have and Us in Navy and red also have when I was just one year old my Cuban grandfather and parents started a food distribution program on the church property where we lived located in alapata AB taught me that we are all the same created by God and deserve decent housing and three healthy meals a day he also taught me translation if you don't live to serve you serve no purpose in living week after week for 29 years we have served Miami's most vulnerable without discriminating their nationality religion sexual orientation economic social or immigration status what began feeding only a few dozen now feeds 1,000 around 1,200 lowincome families every week many that originally came for food now volunteer and have helped build this City's largest free food distribution agency the problem we have maxed out we don't have space or condition on our humble property rain or shine everything is prepared and left outside with much food wasted due to the lack of proper refrigeration and storage I don't ask for money for food or volunteers we're honored to do the hard work and make thousands of boxes every week today I ask you to make one box one box with four walls and a roof that has been abandoned for 44 years with your support this abandoned property can benefit all five Miami districts the community will forever thank you thank you good morning good morning chairwoman King and Commissioners my name is Jezebel Lima address 100 Southeast 2nd Street 36th floor I'm here on behalf of my client 651 LLC and this matter has to do with a um mitigation of a lean this is for item 16390 you will have an opportunity to speak when that item comes up okay wonderful I you was advised I had to speak it when the item comes up we'll hear from you so much I appreciate your time good morning hey great Rising kings and queens uh my name is brother a mcra I'm the CEO of encouraging dreamers breaking barriers it's a second chance youth Escape program so I'm here represen all the trouble youth also I'm also want to be here to speak on re12 the extension of the Omni CR I want to thank the OM CR for getting behind the encouraging dreamers breaking barriers and has been an honor I know we've came up here numerous of times and we asked the commission and the and the City of manager we got the mayor behind us supporting us but we would love for the city commission as a whole to get behind the encouraging dreamers breaking barriers it's a win-win situation for both of us where we would help to empower our youth paying them $15 an hour to wash cars and the win for the city is we get to get you up to your procurement goals I know no one has been detailing your cars and all we want is an opportunity to continue to empower our kids not by begging not by crying but in being creative creating opportunities also in the omn C we have been able to empower some kids at the Chapman um partnership and we just look to continue to expand ourselves and to ask that we get the city of Miami to get behind us you can also piggy back off our contract that we have with the Miami day County um Fleek Vehicles so with that being said we thank forward to partnering and working with the city of Miami thank you very much thank you good morning good morning chairman King my name is Amanda deetta good morning Commissioners my address is 68 Southeast 6th Street Apartment 3303 Miami Florida 33131 I am here today to ask for your your unanimous support for DFI Monday affordable housing which will deliver eight three-bedroom two B units to the West End of Coconut Grove for families to have a better life the project contemplates an 80% Blended Ami interestingly on 3173 Mundy Street there is a coral Rock House rather than tear down a 1926 Coral Rock House the project contemplates adaptively reusing the Coral Rock house as a Lobby for the four units which will be built behind it and will match the roof line I'm excited to be able to deliver a project like this that can prove that historic assets can be repurposed for affordable housing on 3121 Monday which is a vacant lot we will match the same architecture so that we are preserving the character of the West Grove while also delivering affordable housing I do hope and urge you for your unanimous support thank you thank you good morning good morning Madame chair honorable Commissioners my name is Kenneth Gordon I reside in Venetian Drive in the city of Miami I'm going to be short and sweet and cut my remarks way down omn C I've been resident of downtown Miami for over 30 years I have seen firsthand the changes in Omni and the surrounding area are biscane Boulevard was something you would never even travel on after dark now it is thriving with restaurants edge water is incredible 3540 new highrises along the Waterfront between 36 Street and Omni itself what a change if it ain't broke don't fix it pensions regarding City City Commissioner pensions you know we honored a lot of fire fire people and and police this morning and they've done a great job unfortunately I've had to use the services of both police and fire rescue in this town they do a phenomenal job the millions of dollars that this pension fund will draw from the city of Miami could better be spent with police and fire rather than on yourselves unfortunately if we can put a gym to a city vote maybe we should do this for the pensions and speaking of gym equipment we've firmly support the Bayfront Park trust and i r du representative na way neighborhood alliance we firmly support and I stress this is a community park not a regional park thank you thank you good morning good morning Commissioners thank you so much for allowing me to be here um I'm here to speak in favor of the Omni CR extension um I have the privilege of working with the Omni C in the past and as an entrepreneur and a business owner in the local Miami dist uh Omni District um I cannot tell you how much of a bridge of support they have been uh not only around affordable housing around the support of the business owners that's in the area honestly I don't even think it's a question around the extension of the uh Omni C uh they have been a huge support for local business owners in the area including myself as a gentleman who has had experience in finance and wealth management I've had illustrious career in all of those areas and as a business owner the support has been great so I just want to say thank you to the Omni CRA and just overall I hope you all can see the support that they have done in the city and hopefully extend it thank you thank you chair sir if I just have your name for the record will dma good morning good morning my name is Adrian Fuentes and I am here to speak in favor of the expansion of the CRA resolution number 16168 I believe that it is essential for our community's growth and success our small businesses and entrepreneurs are facing significant challenges without the support they need they struggle to secure funding and keep their businesses running and launch new Ventures due to a lack of resources and mentorship this only forces them to give up and leave their area entirely expanding the CRA is not just is not just about adding recreational facilities it is about creating targeted programs that directly support small businesses and entrepreneurs for our alapata these programs could offer financial assistance guidance and network opportunities that are essential for their growth by investing in this expansion we are investing in our people and in their in their local economy we will be fostering Innovation and ensuring that our community has the resources it needs to thrive that seese the opportunity to revitalize alapata support our local dreamers and build a stronger and more Vibrant Community where every business has the chance to succeed thank you thank you good morning good morning uh Madame chair Woodman Commissioners my name is Andre preci and I live in 2197 northwest 18 teras Miami Florida 33125 I reside there with my wife and three children this naapa area I am the treasurer of Miami betan Community Services I'm come I'm come before you to ask you for your vote in favor to resolution 16508 from my position as a responsible for organization budgets I testify that we do not receive help for any federal state county or Municipal agent to carry out our community Mission we are a grassroot organization the volunteers that you are meeting today are incredible the devotion which their serve lowincome families throughout Miami is worthy of recognition by authorities but they enjoy but they enjoy big Anonymous agents of positive change in our residents they not only donate their time but also their money everything we invest in our neighbors we pay for ourselves however we are not here to ask for financial or human resources what we need is a large place to grow and serve more families I want to express my gratitude to commissioner miguelangel Gaba for for his initiative and to all of you for being part of this solution thank you very much thank you good morning good morning my name is Kathleen Camilo and I strongly support the expansion of the CRA resolution 16168 I am deeply worried about the residents of alapa because in case you haven't noticed our streets and neighborhoods are in terrible Condition it's taking a toll on our daily lives the crumbling sidewalks and neglected public spaces make us feel like our community is being overlooked expanding the CRA into alapa will be a much needed boost for us as residents as also for you as the phas of our city it's not just about adding new facilities it's about showing the rest of the Nations that we matter and um that we matter and that we that we have a better place to live a place where we feel valued and supported let's take this important step to improve our neighborhood and boost our community's moral thank you very much thank you good morning good morning my name is Eduardo Navaro and I am very honored to serve and volunteer for Miami Bethany Community Services today I will speak in favor of resolution 16508 I have been a resident of alip since I was a child I have experienced firsthand the shortcoming of a low inome some immigrant family where if the rent is paid there is no money to buy food since I met Miami Bethany I have found food work a wife and above all hope now I want to share this hope with my neighbors and I am willing to spend long hours of my weekend Under the Sun and rain in very prec curious conditions I think it is worth it thousands of boxes of food have passed through my hands and before my eyes I have seen people from from all over Miami both crying and laughing it is gratifying to be part of the solution and not the problem but at the same time it is a shame that the city of Miami has abandoned property for so many years when we who are Distributing free food do not have a decent place to store and prepare it please on behalf of Miami's low-income families I ask for your support and vote for resolution 165 08 together we can make a change in the community thank you thank you good morning good morning my name is Francisco Sano and I'm here from dist district one and uh I want to congratulate our new commissioner Mr gabella that he has tried to improve or getting life better in the district one now we still have public the place getting flooded and teenagers that don't have a place to stay homeless people which seems to me that every district from the day count has been dumped over the alapata area which is very bad for us we need your attention and we need you to help us to improve you you get together and make life better in alapata thank thank you very much God bless you all thank you good morning good morning my name is Emily Alana and I have come to ask for your vote in favor of resolution 16508 I am a dreamer a nurse a wife and a mother I also have the honor of being the Secretary of Miami Bethany Community Services which interviews the food program beneficiaries every week and listens to their fam's moving stories our database has recorded more than 7,500 households we serve regularly from the end of the pandemic to today 89% of them live below the poverty level and more than 50% of them do not receive any government help for different reasons the housing crisis is the most worrying factor and inflation in the in the cost of food makes it even more complicated on the other hand the food supply we deliver to them each week ranges about $120 to $150 which helps cover the income deficit I am honored to inform you that we are NOA in the desert but sadden to recognize that our workplace is very limited we have plenty of food and our volunteers are growing every day with the property we were asking for we could potentially serve 5,000 families in the first week alone instead that's a significant increase from the current capacity of 1,200 please consider our organization the best resource in this great City to alleviate the food shortages in regular times and in emergencies such as hurricanes or pandemics we need that property to be the community arm that the five districts of this city can count on I am deeply grateful for your consideration thank you so much thank you good morning good morning uh Matthew kusher uh 2003 North Miami Avenue um I just want to talk on behalf of the OMC it's an amazing organization that's helped in so many ways I've seen it firsthand uh just in creating affordable housing uh cleaning up the neighborhood being with the residents and uh fixing up dilapitated buildings in the community and without its support small businesses like myself uh would not be able to create the jobs for in my situation Hospitality workers and housing for them without the support I would have to demolish a building that I'm proud to say is now set to have affordable housing going there for restaurant workers and basically rehab the dilapitated building I'm very very thankful for the Omni C I fully export their extension and I thank you everybody here for being and doing great jobs in the community and the city so thank you thank you good morning good morning my name is Selena sh and I want to speak in favor of the expansion of the CRA for alabata resolution 16168 although I don't live in alapata myself my mother lived there for many years which gave me at firstand look at the challenges faced by many hardworking people I seen small businesses owners struggling to keep their family businesses afloat due to the lack of support in the city like wise many entrepreneurs have tried to start ventures in our neighborhood but haven't found the necessary backing to make their dreams a reality today we have a chance to address these issues by approving the expansion of the CRA instead of pushing away current and future entrepreneurs we can show them that we are ready for to offer support and create opportunities to success in alapata thank you thank you good morning morning good morning my name is Elaine black from the Liberty City trust and on behalf of our board members that are here today we would like to thank you uh for resolution number eight uh approving dollars for our youth program that ended in August of 2024 and uh this is our budget that closes out for September 2024 so thank you we look forward to continuing to work with us it makes a tremendous difference in the quality of life of our residents and especially our young people thank you thank you good morning good morning my name is milp and as a resident I'm deeply passionate about supporting the special of thec resolution number 16168 the sky rocking rental prices are the sever lack of affordable housing have plac in a heavy burden of many of us every day we deal with the stress of making ends meets and pleas don't forget that the great majority of us are living paycheck to paycheck approving the CR expansion is more than just adding another facility it's about giving us the low and middle class of this neighborhood and much needed Refuge with affordable housing becoming harder to find we need spaces where we can loosen up and connect with added pressure the special and approval of the CRA would become a symbol hope that show we are value and supported by you our representative during this tough time this is an investment in the happiness unity and the future of the alapa community thank you thank you good morning good morning good morning how are you guys doing my name is Ellis state I'm president of grovit for life and first of I want to thank uh commissioner Damen Paro for coming to our function last Friday and speaking thank you so much sir uh I'm here in support of re12 for the extension of the life of the omnic my support is directly tied to the original omn C expansion area requested by West Grove in District Two under commissioner Damen Paro after being told in 2019 that an expansion of the boundaries of the omnic Ra was not feasible he pursued the creation of a new West Gross Community Development agency CRA according to the Miami commissional resolution R 2131 the city commission voted unanimously to approve the creation of the new CRA within the West Grove April 20 20 but that was never finalized once the submitted to the to the county now that the expansion discussions are in play again for the area that would benefit from the expansion as well as the extension of the life of the omness ra i respectfully request that West Gro be placed back into the discussion for the for for um for reconsideration priority projects continue to be Reviving The Life Of The Once A Vibrant Community as called West Grove or Little Bahamas Now small business opport unities job creation Rehabilitation throughout the area specifically on uh Grand Avenue and Douglas Road the new just tearing down the old tick club and redeveloping that area we want to see that continue add jobs to to the community and bring uh more development and job to to our area thank you de uh uh Damian and thank you for the Commissioners I appreciate your help and support thank you thank you good morning good morning my name is Lynette Sanchez I want to emphasize how crucial it is to expand the C in alapata resolution number 16168 our City's severe homelessness problem not only harms those affected but also makes us looks bad compared to other cities it can even make our city officials seem uncaring though I know that's not true the reality is that seeing so many people struggling without homes reflect poorly on us and shows that we need to do more expanding the C is a good start well we also need to create and fund programs to help the homeless while some a agencies are already providing assistance it's not enough we need more than just shelter and essential Services we need funding to help people get back on their fee this is about more than just building facilities it's about showing we care taking real action and making alapata a place where everyone has a chance to succeed let's come together to address this crisis improve our community and make our city proud thank you thank you good morning good morning my name is Eileen Celio good morning Commissioners good morning chairwoman um I am a longtime stakeholder of alapata a real estate broker and also the founder of neighbors of Mose Park neighborhood association I'm here advocating for the expansion of the Omni to include alapata vibrant neighborhood which my family has called have called home for 17 years during those 17 years I realized the increased necessity for Community Resources to improve the image and the safety of our neighborhood our Parks needed major attention which is the main reason why I founded neighbors of Melrose Park in in the end we finally got a new park which include a walking path and today the park is enjoyed by everyone in the community alipa is next in line to shine to have a downtown to maybe re reconstruct Northwest 20th Street that area is pretty dead after 6: p.m. there's no reason why we shouldn't have the same amenities and the same services available to us that the rest of the cities have um we need big box retail we need to have a Costco or a BJs where families that need to buy things in bulk don't have to depend on small shops which really don't serve the community we finally did receive after many many years a Publix in the riverlanding community center and this has been a huge game Cher for everyone we're a beautiful River Community and I believe by expanding the funds of the omnic this will help to provide to our community the additional resources that are desperately needed I'd like to thank commissioner Gava for his boots on the ground and for the noticeable Sweat Equity that he is putting into our community it has not gone unnoticed and on behalf of all of us thank you very much for everything that you're doing we I believe the Omni receiving enough funding to be shared with alapata it just has to be managed properly and I honestly believe that commissioner Gava would be the right person to manage that properly thank you very much good morning morning good morning Commissioners Cabella Caro and Rees my name is Reynold Mart with Grove rights and Community Equity I'm here to address the discussion on the expansion of omni community redevelopment agency into the alipa neighborhood situated in commissioner gabel's District a few years ago cries were heard from the citizens and business owners of coconut Groves Village West Community to establish a cra in order to revitalize and redevelop the residential economic infrastructure in the decaying neighborhood the Omni was expanded by a vote from the commission to address this concern however little was done on that front and the valuable time was lost in the process then plans were in the works for the creation of a standalone West Grove CRA under the tutelage of then commissioner Ken Russell in which a resolution for its creation was resoundingly approved by this commission what was to follow was a ratifying vote by the Miami day Board of County Commissioners and that is where the project has stalled the question is if funding is available for alapata to create its own CRA and while alapata abuts another district with a thriving CRA that could be receptive to an expansion effort why would the omn CR spend time and resources on this proposal while the needs of West Coconut Grove which is in the omn district are still unmet let me be clear in stating that the motive is not to deny alapad of any opportunity of much needed Improvement but for the city to address these old communities that need its help to provide the support to those communities in all forms possible necessary for their sustainability and survival thank you thank you good morning my name is Rael varas and I also support resolution 16508 as someone who was born and raised in alip I've seen the real and the raw of our community and I've also seen the least privileged give the absolute most the B the biggest example of hardworking generosity in my life and also in our community was my AO as my sisters have mentioned for the first 20 years of my life and up to his last day I witnessed him prepare food boxes to give to everyone who came our way handicapped and drenched in sweat but he always had a smile on his face he started all of this with no Warehouse no truck no walk-in coolers and just three volunteers with tiny Helping Hands but he always found something to share with the neediest people in our community every single week over the years my two sisters my parents and I along with a growing group of volunteers helped our Willow load tons of trucks to send to other churches and community centers because we had too much food and didn't want it to go to waste today his legacy lives on through those same people he once served I've been so blessed to witness thousands of lowincome families come empty-handed and leave with their arms full of quality food we've never asked anyone whether or not they're from our district if they show up they receive Food I know that with a larger and more equipped property like the food bank Miami Bethany Community Services could exceed its goal of serving 5,000 lowincome families from across the city of Miami year round I would truly be a would truly be our lifelong dream um come true and all glory be to God thank you so much thank you one one second I need to make an announcement when you are addressing the commission please address the commission and not any of us individually do not make disparaging comments about any one of us individually if you do I will have you removed you may make your comments to the commission as a whole and this addresses the comments that were made earlier I have spoken to my counterpart in the County Commission and I see someone in line who has attacked two Commissioners on this Das so I'm just trying to avoid that if you make disparaging comments about any one of us I will have you removed from chambers you may address us the Commission in totality but please keep your comments to the commission good morning ma'am good morning Nicole desiderio 900 bis Gan Bay I'm speaking on pz1 and pz2 regarding the outdoor gym at Fay Park you are elected officials we voted you into these positions to make the majority of decisions for us and that is because you are more informed Med than the average citizen you heard all the details of this appeal in full you heard how there was no public input you heard how the permitting was not done correctly you agreed that no commissioner should be able to go and just pour concrete in a park wherever they want a certain commissioner said they could have a hundred people come down here but no one came down here to speak to keep that gym in place you would be undermining your power as a commissioner that makes form decisions for us if you change your votes on the outdoor gym at Fay Park regarding fr2 and di3 I support commissioner paro's item to restructure the Bayfront Park management trust I've been to these trust meetings and quite frankly it's a joke there's no discussion on any item and anything that the chairman suggests for the park always passes as with the current structure of this trust he will always have five out of the nine votes needed he refuses to use the park specific master plan that was created by professional Park planners that are tax dollars paid for commissioner paro's restructuring makes what goes on at the trust more fair across the board with everyone being represented if you do not support the restructuring of the trust then I ask that you support commissioner gella's item to remove the current chair from the Bayfront Park management Trust and I just want to say also that regarding some allegations made earlier about some of us coming down here to speak on these items I've been coming here since November of last year before I even knew who commissioner parto was I've been emailing the Bayfront Park management trust with my concerns about the park since 2021 I did not know any of these other public commenters prior to coming down here and my opinions are my own and have not been affected by anyone else thank you thank you can I just straighten the record I am not the the uh the maker of what she just stated okay I just want to clear that thank you I mean I don't know who who is but there is no item I don't know what you're talking about good morning morning Commissioners um my name is Jonathan Newberg I'm here on behalf of Crescent Heights and I'm in in support of re12 which is the OB as you know the CRA extension um as a large land owner in the area um the extension is critical to support our ability to to redevelop our land to actually develop the land which is currently used for surface parking um as everybody knows and as you've seen on the Articles you know across the media the city of Miami needs additional supply of housing there is no argument about that pricing is high because Supply is constrained we know that that is a fact um the CRA will jumpstart the Redevelopment of these areas which is what is needed um and I can just give you one example of a deal that didn't that didn't transpire a deal was signed with the school board the land just west of the r Center we had a deal signed up the CRA was supposed to be extended this is a few years ago where we would have had to build this building we would have built the School Board brand new 100,000 foot offices almost 2,000 parking spaces and because of the inability to extend the CRA deals like that aren't happening and so I think the point here is I can stress enough that a a delay here is not helpful if we want to redevelop the area um we need to pass the extension because the extension will activate these types of large projects these infrastructure projects not not only does it provide parking for the r Center brand new Schoolboard offices additional housing you activate the entire block so you activate the commercial space you have restaurants commercial space and this all ties in with the underline so this sits right north of where this large Park is going to be and so it's projects like this that hinge on the CRA extension so that being said thank you so much and have a nice day good morning good morning commissioners my name is mirian Ura I uh work in in the alapata area and I also am a resident uh in the community for many many many years I'm here today to support the expansion of the OG CRA into our community uh because practically uh for many years uh we are being uh in need of housing for the lwi income families in the area uh we have a not a lot of elderly population there there are uh practically um very lowi income people that they cannot meet their needs because of the situation with that we have with the economic crisis that we are facing now and um I ask uh this commission to support this issue because we practically are in a situation where can our citizens our residents in in there and that area cannot survive any longer if we don't uh uh create affordable housing for them they cannot pay their rent their rent are being increased because the crisis that we have right now uh we we need uh the you your support all the support of this commission uh so we can help this early ER residents and when I say elderly because we have a program that practically uh you know provide meals and support for them and they're calling and and coming into into the center asking for help because they're cutting their electricity because they don't have enough money to eat that they cannot pay their rent so we you know we are very concerned we are very concern with what's going on and what's going to happen in the near future we're going to have can you give me a second more thank you well thank you very much thank you so much thank you good morning Commissioners good morning my name is Dr Paul malavenda my address is 2490 Northwest 35 Street I I'm in uh I speak on behalf of um 16508 um we've been a silent partner for the City of Miami since more many years since 1987 we've been helping the needy and the homeless in the city of Miami including the area of alapata myself with free chiropractic care and free food today I work with Miami betany community services and it's hard to say if things are any better or if they're going to get any better one thing for sure I would say that the hunger the homelessness and the crime has multiplied Miami Bethany Community Services is feeding approximately 1200 families a week we have the ability to feed more families but we're lacking a physical building that provides the condition to do that so we as a silent partner we're asking the city to help us because we we would like to expand what we're doing we don't charge we don't burden the city and I come in front of you as many have today asking you to approve 16508 which is a donation of this abandoned property for I believe 44 years to Miami vety Community Services which is ready to step up its ability to not just feed but house and do a lot of community services that are needed not just in the city of Miami but in this area of alapata I know that today whatever your decision is we will continue to do that but I know that today you will approve it thank you very much thank you good morning good morning Commissioners my name is James Torres as president of the downtown neighbors Alliance I'm here to set the record straight as it relates to the mie farer Park situation we're not going to stand here and point fingers as it relates to what commissioner was absent when votes happened and things of that nature the important thing is here you must be present if you're not going to be present after we voted you in sir sir I'm clearing this up already so I'm going to redirect I'll redirect the issue here is you must be present because we would not be in this situation if there was a full body here today and who's being the the victims here is the downtown community because we're being used as ponds it's time for this commission to do the right thing and put the record straight on this gym equipment it's beyond us that we're back here revisiting the same thing again because you have two Commissioners that can't seem to figure it out and who pays the price as pawns the commiss we do the community and that's not fair commission women so at the end of the day we're asking you very clearly please do your job be present help us out you want to schedule vacation goes sometime when you're able to because we would not again I'm redirecting I apologize so at the end of the day let's not rewrite history on this let's do the right thing for the community and the thing is let's figure this out do the right thing on these votes to finish that I also will stand here and tell you that I express my full support for the expansion of the Omni C because it's warranted and it's needed to Make a Better Community not just for certain parts of the city this is a community issue a city issue because I don't want to be looked at as a laughing stock on the the poor pieces that we have in our entire city because we have a clear objective in this our tax dollars are paying for this and we need to do better thank you thank you good morning good morning Carolyn Donaldson 3680 Thomas Avenue and an advocate all things Coconut Grove uh I'm here today in support of the life expansion of the Omni CR the reason that I'm here is on behalf of Coconut Grove we were one of those original areas slated and requesting an expansion of the boundaries to include coconut growth one of the reasons that we were told was that the life extension on the CRA was too short so therefore we were advised to create a Grove CRA now this commission did approve a Grove CRA and somewhere along the lines when it was submitted to the county we don't even know if it was disallowed because we received no feedback on the status of it and so while I see a suggestion has been made to alapata we've been down that road and did not hear anything back from the county so I don't know if there's another Avenue or the fact that the expansion of the date will allow us to apply uh and be considered just at the city level that would be something I would be requesting but I'm here to ask on behalf of the Coconut Grove Community and any Community with an opportunity to take advantage of funding that has been done via a CRA that will benefit all of our communities all of us have housing issues all of us have homelessness issues um that's my signal good day and thank you for hearing me thank you for your advocacy okay good morning good morning um Au Jane 720 noreast 16 9th Street Miami I'm here to support the extension of life for the omdc extension of life just those words alone I think say a lot I have worked with this commission and with Omni C on affordable housing in Omni successfully there's more work to be done there I think that the Grove I think alipa I think the issues on housing um and homelessness and food is is an issue for many communities I've seen these Commissioners individually do a lot for their own residents um and I commend everybody for their for this initiative but I think you all as a community look at with everybody here there's a there's another path and I do think it is their own CRA and if there's an opportunity for an expansion let that be addressed in a in a different way thank you thank you good morning hey good morning my name is Alexander p and I'm here for re12 U address is 1320 South Dixie Highway and so I'm a student a current student at the University of Miami and uh I studied real estate development and urbanism and over the past year I've really been able to to live to work and to really be able to study a lot of these uh communities around uh specifically alipa and Overtown and also for Windwood and so a lot of the research I've done is really trying to figure out for these different programs for urban regeneration how to enhance this like Synergy between um economic vitality and neighborhood identity so how do we really kind of figure out um what are some of these tools we can use like the CRA in order to help um increase the quality of life right and so the increaseing this quality of life to me is really that of um trying to figure out how do we um increase that walkability increase the the climate cooling of these neighborhoods and really trying to preserve the in place Community that's already there so how are we doing that while also figuring out the increasing the value per acre so that folks are being able to to see their property's Valu grow while also being able to see this tourist Revenue grow as as Miami has done um for many years to come so I I'm really here to to urge and to push that uh this the CRA really comes to fruition for that of the alipa area um because I think a lot of these funds based on Research that I've done and based on my studies at the University um could really be utilized in this area for some good so thank you for the time and looking forward to it thank you good morning good morning my name is David palmeo and I reside in 221 Northwest 32nd Street and I'm here to speak in favor of resolution 16508 I grew up in the alapata neighborhood along with my single handicap father and my younger brother for a long time my father brought food from Miami Bethany Community Services to complete our basic basket each week want you to know that it is a supply of meat chicken eggs milk cheese vegetables and cereals enough to feed a family a small family for a week now I'm a part of the army of volunteers who feed thousands of lowincome families throughout the city of Miami it amazes me to see how people come on foot motorcycles or several of them in the same vehicles to receive the food that our agency provides them rain are shine they are there waiting as long as necessary to receive their portion this shows me the Great need that they have in my case after improving my economic situation I wouldn't spend so much time for uh box to be prepared for me but they do I'm convinced that it is worth the effort despite the limited conditions we have on our small property dear Commissioners I request that you vote to grant our organization permission to use the property at 850 Northwest 23rd Street as a food bank to serve our residents who need it the most thank you thank you good morning good morning Madame chairwoman Mr Vice chairman Commissioners my name is Mark Burton um I represent several individuals who are engaged in a dispute over the gym equipment at the park presently but I'm here to speak on item pz1 and I guess to the extent it's related item pz2 uh this commission back in May on May 23rd held a quasi judicial Hearing in which it rejected an appeal brought by the city and the Bayfront Park management Trust From A a decision of the PAB and this commission rejected that appeal at that moment or 30 days later when the time for appeal had lapsed that decision became final it was a quasi judicial decision not subject to reopening Florida case law including the Florida Supreme Court case of Mills against Laris painting company and several other decisions that we have cited in a letter that we submitted to the uh City attorney's office earlier this week for distribution to the commission members uh details these legal authorities showing that once the time for appeal had lapsed this commission lost jurisdiction to reconsider its final quasi judicial ruling I understand there may be instances where it's different legislatively it's not the realm that this particular issue is in and I would I would caution this commission uh against opening that door in abreg of jurisdiction because there's no principled reason why it wouldn't equally apply to any other previous quasi judicial decision going back in time potentially years I also note that here the applicant on the uh item before this commission is the planning department which is the of course the department that issued the original warrant that was later reversed by the C by the PAB and later affirmed by this body uh there's no standing to do that any more than there would be standing for a judge of the Circuit Court to appeal the district court of appeals reversal of that judge to the Florida Supreme Court uh the the the the planning department is a body in the in the qu judal process thank you thank you I would request permission to hand this to the City attorney for distribution to the city clerk excuse me to the city cler city clerk thank you so much thank you good morning good morning Commissioners my name is jonis Castro and I live in 1911 Northwest 51st terrorist dear Commissioners and City officials since arriving in this country my mother my sister and I I've gone through different stages from the most difficult to the most economic support that we enjoy today in times of true need Miami Bethany Community Services was an effective resource to stretch a limited budget first we receive Food every week and now the three of us volunteer time and energy to share with our neighbors what this agency did for us regrettably our agency is const streamed by space and working conditions every week we are forced to discard entire p pet of good food because we lack the necessary Refrigeration space despite receiving a substantial amount of quality food our ability to distribute it is severely limited which is a significant loss and a situation that urgently needs to be addressed I am aware that I'm addressing individuals who have dedicated themselves to serving I have sworn to ensure the wellbe of everyone in this city I am confident that you will see the value in our proposal and grant us permission to use an abandoned city property to establish a food bank for lowincome families thank you for your consideration thank you good morning good morning my name is Pedro aino I'm here to speak in favor of resolution 16508 I'm a small business owner a husband a father and I'm honored to have grown up in alipa I in recent years I have become the director of Miami Bethany Community Service food distribution program program I also serve on the board of feeding South Florida and arm of feeding America our program has been recognized for his excellent and volunteer work and tremendously reach that it has occurred in our last year we was awarded a refrigerated truck for the best agency in Miami day County in December of 2019 president Donald Trump recognized our agency at the White House for the leadership and Social Services during the pandemic we distribute thousands of tons of food boxes I still wonder and Amaze of the flow of trucks and vehicles each week in our limited space today I thank God because we're prepared with the supply and the human resources to serve our direct beneficiaries but not only that but the dozens of churches and Community agency but now there's a limitation that we face is the the the space we need a bigger um facility to impact the community dear commissioner I humbly stand here before you today asking you for your support in the graning of the property at 850 Northwest 23rd Street as a platform to make everything available in our city thank you thank you good morning good morning good morning my name is armonio Cana I live in 1130 2 Northwest 33rd Street I'm here in representation of the youth thank you uh good morning my name is Armani Alanta I live on 11:32 Northwest 33rd Street I am here in representation of the Youth of alapata I strongly support the expansion of the CRA resolution number 6168 because I believe it will make a significant difference for me and other other kids in alapata just to give you an idea of what I am favor right now saving finding a safe and suitable place to play basketball and stay active near my home is a real challenge the closest option to me is ctis Park it's often crowded and doesn't always meet our needs if the CRA expansion is approved it will create more dedicated safe spaces for us to practice have fun and simply be ourselves without the constant worry of our safety this isn't just about playing a game it's about having a place where we can grow build friendships and truly feel like we belong in our community which is alapata thank you for your time thank you thank you for your advocacy good morning Steve Smith uh 900 bcan Boulevard I am a party to agenda item pz1 and pz2 as the name appellant and I object to the entire proceeding related to pz1 it violates commission rules as the attorney has suggested and substantially violates my rights as an appellant and more importantly the prevailing party does a re-hearing mean we can revisit Mel ree Park and the stadium deal anything that came before this body if this commission ignores our lawsuit contest to the legitimacy of pz1 I would I would like to ask Madame chairwoman to grant me at the very least equal time to present against pz2 if not granted this right I think it further subjects as a violation to my due process as for pz2 it is beyond frustrating that this Administration has decided to fight its citizens rather than simply acknowledge the unlawful construction of this park amenity determined by this very body and the PAB board you should rather be spending your time talking about the Omni and much more important things that impact our community lastly as a board member to the Bayfront Park management trust I'm completely supportive of commissioner paro's agenda item to reorganize the incredibly well-funded Park management trust simply only being on this board for a few months it is clear to me that I nor our chairman or the other bodies have the credentials and capabilities to redevelop this park in a single person's Vision we absolutely must engage Park planning professionals to De design and plan for the future of this park we all must know our limitations thank you thank you good morning good morning Commissioners my name is Maria ores I live at 3091 Northwest 33rd Street Miami Florida I have been a firefighter Fighter for the last 29 years for Miami day fire rescue and um I'm here as one of the volunteers for the ministry of uh Bethany Community Church it's uh an amazing Church in the city of Miami and uh it's a priv privilege for me to serve first As A Firefighter and then as a volunteer for for the church um especially when we serve less fortunate families in the city of Miami um and I'm asking you today to please support resolution 6508 so we can continue to bless the citizens of alapata we not only do it for the love of God but we also for the love of the citizens of alapat thank you have a blessed day thank you good morning good morning Commissioners uh my name is Brian Kern I live at 900 biscan Boulevard speaking in regard to pz1 uh Madame chair uh chairwoman I'm deeply concerned by your attempts to limit public comment in these meetings it it infringes upon my first amendment rights the US con ition guarantees the right to free speech particularly in public forms such as this uh public officials are entrusted to serve the community and criticism whether harsh or not is a natural part of the democratic accountability attempts to silence or limit that speech through arbitrary rules or censorship undermine the purpose of these meetings uh which is to Foster open dialogue and transparency uh thank you thank you good morning good morning Commissioners uh my my name is Dr Doug Roberts president CEO of the Philip Fisher Frost Museum of Science at 1101 biscan Boulevard in District 2 I'm behalf of frost science we recognize the importance of the omnicc to our community the Omni is vitally needed in our arts and entertainment downtown district in Miami especially with a gubernatorial veto of all arts and culture funding from the state of Florida budget this veto is has uh resulted in a combined loss of $6.5 million to Miami day County organizations alone additional all all all of us in the downtown Corridor are feeling the impact of the ongoing construction project connecting I 395 signature Bridge Project local support has become more crucial than ever we urge the commission to extend the life of the Omni this extension will provide meaningful support for frost science our C cultural uh colleagues in the area the arch and Pam and important projects um as been discussed here which benefit the area and continue the the economic development in that area these project includes improvements to our Parks shared spaces infrastructure historic preservation and affordable housing that we all need we hope you can counter your support in the extension of the omn CR thank you thank you good morning hi good morning my name is Lone salvado and my address is 12436 Southwest 1808 Street and I would like to speak in support of item re12 as a pastor in the alapata community and on behalf of both residents and fellow Pastors in the area I would like to support the resolution of expanding the the Omni C to include the alapata community the expansion would greatly benefit our families generations of residents and small businesses that have long served our community additionally it will support new entrepreneurs looking to establish businesses in alipa thank you for your time and I look forward to collaborating with the Omni to advance the interest of our residents and of the community thank you thank you good morning good morning chairwoman commissioners um my name is Sylvio Frank pooc Casco I'm a resident of alapata I come to you to talk about ca1 ca2 ca6 re12 and ph6 in regards to the first line uh ca1 ca2 and ca6 the FDLE drone replacement program the uh accepting of the donation for a co-pilot program from Microsoft and a fine Florida Inland navigation Waterway I think these are all incredible opportunities to help digiti the city help us move closer towards artificial intelligence and leverage emerging Technologies uh to help fill some of our operational gaps re12 and ph6 have been pretty uh uh uh really encouraging to see so many people from alapata out here today so I want to First commend everybody for showing up uh it's very rare to see so many people from alapata showing up it's nice to see that and uh and know that as a somebody that's born and raised in alapata I completely support this uh EXP expansion of the Omni CR into alapata I used to be a little bit skeptical of the Omni CR with other billionaire projects uh but I've seen that they're focusing more on the real needs of the community and this expansion of the alapata CR will help us shortcut a 10-year process for us if we want to pursue it independently in alipa and by that time all of us might be gone uh due to gentrification or climate change and lastly um I've been touched by the story of the Bethany house uh ph6 so I voted support of using the public land for this public good thank you so much thank you good morning good morning um I'm not hitting on one particular commissioner but I'd like to commend uh commissioner gabell for bringing up the freebie issue it's a big concern to all of us all of the districts particularly Coconut Grove uh we have a a horrible system in the Grove it's called pay by phone when they say pay by phone they mean they're royally having you pay by phone if you're in there 15 20 minutes over your time you get like a $60 fine and then you get violations days after that people call me and say Sue is my credit going to be uh affected will they put a lean on my house it's scary right now we have two freebies in the Grove uh but it's not door too you have to get in your car drive to the Grove Park in a parking lot parking garage pay and then you call freebie and what good is that it doesn't help the traffic at all so my issue is and I'm glad that our city manager is sitting here because I sat on the bid for 20 years on the uh parking and infrastructure committee and I drove him nuts um but I know he realizes it we have Valley parking it's $2 now in the Grove and of course you have to tip them uh but I think it should be 18 years and older for people to use freebie it's not to go to your neighbor's house for a play date or something if you're a youngster and um I know that keas g has it corl Gables and Pine Crest and I feel strongly that the Grove should have it also so I appreciate you're bringing it up thank you and I know that you're working on it thank you thank you good morning good morning Brenda banor 1436 6 Street uh in support of the expansion of uh um CR Aid to alap and hopefully our commissioner will extend it to the rest of the city including the Little Havana because we all need affordable housing we all need help for the businesses and at the end of the day is everybody wants taxes because if the only uh C received that the only taxes are going to receive it from that area then it's is perfectly fine but when we using everybody else taxes then it should go to the entire city because we all paying taxes even those who rent and their rents they're paying taxes for the property where they live in so it will be only fair um in the same time uh I'm supporting PC3 but the dup increases because we need more affordable housing and stop that illegal units there are sometimes people create to support their mortgage when they have to pay for it and in the same times I would like just to pay attention to you guys um Commissioners CU BTR and our Co enforcement is been critical we cannot just close one business and then somebody else show up with their attorney and then we let the business is still operating with our CU and BTR we cannot just punish the one that doesn't have the money to pay for an turning and we let the other ones free and the reason I mentioned this because we do have businesses next to each other the one is closed that doesn't have a BTR andc and then the other one is open we need to be even at the time that we are going to be using the law or the regulation on the city of Miami we cannot just facilitate one and not the other and support for the building because many many years back when my family we went to that building and support for those when your lack of money from food so support for ph6 thank you good morning hi hi hi everybody thank you commissioner Cabella for the freebie it's much needed and I back up everything so McConnell said um as a matter of fact a couple Saturdays ago we had a live local meeting in bisaya and a few of us went and had some lunch and a lady was 2 minutes late paying her pay to park and she received a $59.99 letter in the mail yesterday to for being 2 minutes late what happened to $18 parking tickets we have a problem with just wanted to mention that thanks thank you is there anyone else that would like to speak good morning morning there's got to be trouble here this is my wife Madam first lady of I want you to know neither the office him or anybody knows that I'm going to speak to him this is personal in 2006 when he was in the sing board here he fought for this to have Camino's house not in in our district the sorry again nous the big interest went against him because he did that and for years stopped him from running into for office he's left in the district these are his rer card from element Jo in Santa CL okay this is when he was in the sowing Bo and I found it the other day so I want you to know this to him his district is personal this is not a joke we work around the clock we have not taken vacation and everybody tells him to take vacation because he's really working for the district so whatever he's doing is not to put money in his pocket it's to do good for his district so that's all I want to say I know he was afraid that I'm here thank you seeing no one else for public comment public comment period is now closed I would ask my colleagues if they may have a motion for am1 am2 am3 and am4 to approve the minutes of those meetings June 18th 2024 June 27th 2024 July 11th 2024 and July 25th 2024 I make the motion I have a motion and a second all in favor motion carries unanimously gentlemen are there any items from the consent agenda that you would like to pull for discussion yes Vice chair ca1 ca1 commissioner gabella are are do would you like to pull any CA items for discussion uh I'm sorry Carried Away by my wife I know it it's very tears uh did we I went to Santa Clara what's that I went to Santa Clara Elementary I did me too thank you oh well you're uh where you're at it let me compliment thank you CU your wife representing you well thank you very much spoke from the heart she is thank you and to all of the people that are here from alpata uh I I can see that you all are real you believe in what you hear for uh I can only assure you my vote here you will have my vote uh in whichever way to bring the monies that alapata needs we have for many years through cras taking care of other parts of Miami alipa has been the most foren one I represent I used to represent Old Havana now I represent most of it um but even Little Havana with all the need needs that it has yeah it's nowhere near the needs that alapata has right now and the needs that you have there is not the needs for five or 10 or 15 or $20 million you have real needs and this city has an obligation to make a real difference there commissioner Reyes has always stated what I have U I came from the days that to run for a commissioner you ran Citywide yes so when I first became a commissioner at 24 probably younger or proba the H or some of the people here uh I ran Citywide and all the other times that I got elected I was elected Citywide it wasn't until I ran now for districts and reelection that I ran for districts when I was mayor it was Citywide and commissioner Rey is has stated uh because he goes back to those years that even though we represent districts we have an obligation to the whole city absolutely uh and alip has to be next in line Y alapata cannnot be the Forgotten part of the city any longer and I will do everything that I can to support commissioner Gava in getting some fishing funds uh to make alipa uh into what all you want to see it uh cras they work all you have to do is look at the Omni crra the genten that can't hear from bisha he hit it right in the head uh what a difference it made uh you go through the obn for the most part it's a very uh luscious uh neighborhood it the money made the difference but it was 24 years of getting those dollars and still has six more years into the life so um I I compliment all of you because I I saw people here that are the real Miami talking from the heart I saw some of you that tears came out from your eyes those are real tears those are not tears of actors like I've seen sometimes those are real tear of real people uh and uh God bless all of you madam Shar hold on one second commissioner parter are there any items from the consent agenda that you would like to pull for discussion no and I'll continue reserving my comments commissioner Reyes any items you would like to pull for discussion for discussion from the ca no but uh I wna I want to make a comment because it touched me a lot when I saw uh commissioner gabela uh uh wife uh being so emotional about uh I uh didn't quite understood why but but I I am uh I I have to tell you and congratulate you because she has represented you well every time that we have met in any other functions that we have she has to represented you well thank you and uh and also want to make sure that for a long long time I've been asking for cr8 for the um alapata but but I must remind you guys that it is not as easy as it is said but what my commitment is to find a way a way that Investments that are that take place in alapata that the the uh additional taxes or the Tiff remain within alapata in certain areas because nobody is going to approve at 2,700 Acres of a CR nobody's going to prove that so have some corridors that they are can produce that they could spend their additional income the additional revenues into I mean I would say E mark them for Street for drainage for uh uh affordable housing etc etc and it's my commitment to try to find a solution because alap and I used to say that and I used to tell this to Mr Ura who was a very good friend of M and we work together that alap definitely was the Dempsey Dum of the this city of Miami when they they built C's house they built before that they have the the uh the uh prisons for women they have Camilo's house the dump city dump is in alap everything is in alapata so it's about time that we start helping elata and whatever it takes I don't think it is going to be I'm going to be very honest I am very blunt and very honest it cannot be under an extension of the omnis because we did it is not a I mean we cannot decide that by ourself but it's also the county but we we can by ourself make decisions what are we going to do with additional funds that are going to be created in alapata in certain area and how it could be remain those those those those funds remain in alapata for specific use and I'm willing to work with you Mr Gaba and any time that we can sit down and talk about it and and and I believe that there is a consensus in this commission to help you I I commend you for this initiative I com I really commend you although we don't agree in that in the way that it's going to be done but we agree that something got to be done and it's going to be done okay so I uh I just wanted to say that can I yes commissioner gabella first I want to thank my wife that's why I love you honey you know thank you for showing up um let me uh concentrate my efforts here so I want to start by saying thank you all for coming it shows you have an interest in in your district and this hasn't been seen for a long time so thank you from the bottom of our hearts my wife and I my family thank you I think we all thank you up here absolutely you know for you caring for your neighborhoods and your your fellow um uh brothers and sisters so thank you but what I what I want to see is had I not raised this issue of the the CRA uh as it's as it's wanted to be done with the with the time frame without the boundary extension uh we're going to be forgotten is is the actual fact the the only reason we're here is because the CRA was talked about because something happened last year you know that that happened and it was here and it and it didn't happen in your area you know because somebody asked me why don't you go and ask chairwoman King for Southeast Overtown Park West and I I'd say that's wrong because because that'd be the poor taking from the poor your area needs it as much as mine as much as other areas also G's area also needs it uh there's plenty to go plenty plenty of needs but having having said that I want to point out to to to the commissioner's comment right now of the 27 I think he said 2700 um um um miles of the the the square miles I don't know I lost the number that's why I've been trying to neg negotiate and have a sunshine with all all of you for a month now that's why I said I would be from day one I had a proposal this is my map my proposal okay it cuts the area in half that originally was sought for last year this is the map right here I want to show you all it it cuts that area if you see the area put it up if you see the area but the the alpad the the CR as wanted to be expanded last year was all this area okay all this area here's the here we have cut this down okay so the the OMC area as was proposed last year okay and passed was up all this area here in blue okay and and then this is the omy uh portion of it uh the the one in yellow I'm sorry this is the Overtown Park West I have cut I saw that and from the beginning that I asked you you gentlemen and and ladies chairwoman to ask you guys for a sunshine meeting to discuss the boundaries this was what I I intended all along but I never got the meeting so I could never show you I said you know what it's time to show it and this is completely different from my predecessor uh who sat here you know and and you know did this whole mess that he created but while we were talking about it you know it wasn't a it wasn't a bad idea in the sense that we're not looking for the whole area we have given back 40 to 45% of the square mile of the of the area I'm sorry of the area we're looking for this area here which is which are the need the 7th Avenue Corridor uh up to the 19th Avenue all the way up to 36 Street and and and bottom line what what I what I what I wanted to show that we are prepared to negotiate but nobody has come to the negotiating table having having said that having said that okay having said that uh no I cannot in good faith uh pass uh the omnis c as it stands on the extension of the of the time because then what will happen is our area will be forgotten they will have gotten what they wanted they will continue to to improve the their area which I contend that 85% of their area has been improved I congratulate you mission accomplished okay mission accomplished and I just want to say also this when when we had that meeting last Saturday we learned I think commissioner G asked where were we spending those tax do tax dollars of the omnic in 24 years and we learned that it was spent elsewhere other than Overtown their section o Overtown am I I think I'm correct in in what Isaiah said now is when they're going to start to to to spend their money in their Overtown their portion of Overtown never mind ours so in in in good faith uh commissioner R and I know you have a good heart and in good faith commissioner B I know you also have a good heart can I go along with this you know and it wouldn't be right for us to go along with this because what you're asking is to take care of your problem vote me you know vote for our stuff let's get the time span so we can have another let's see 2047 that'd be 17 years and you got six left so that's 23 years in total that you have I understand for a bonding capacity I understand about Finance I'm a business guy I know the I know about the numbers okay but here's the thing you guys are going to solve your problem okay and we're going to stay where we are today ladies and gentlemen don't don't let yourselves Beed this anything that that's helped that that's done to expand the CRA and again I I profer this as as as good willll that I am not ambitious I've been called the the Miami heral political Cito and others think that every time there's going to be a an important issue okay they're going to somehow coward me or bully me into into voting one way or the other in particular it was said now that I am now you know uh the anti the I am now like my predecessor that sat here that was arrested on corruption charges and is now awaiting trial okay and I do not no no no no no I'm I'm talking and I have I I've said the truth I have stated the truth and this is public information so I'm not saying anything new but however since i' I'm being attacked let me make it clear that commissioner BTO when I have to vote with you because the item is right I will vote with you sir and commissioner G when I have to vote with you because your item is correct and in Merit I will also do the same I don't want the Miami Herold or anybody else any en thinks that they're going to bully me okay every time there's an item on your on on on your item sir for district 2 that somehow they're going to cono me they're going to control me before the event this is happened in the past with the sign business that for me honestly speaking I had you know I my people they didn't care if the sign stayed or or or went and this is the funny part what you guys are are you know uh concentrated and concerned about you guys for 2 or 3 months had a big problem with a sign that some of them they could have put a curtain and blacked out but they needed that sign gun because that's what affected them they they made a big deal about that meanwhile in our section at 7:00 at night on the Northwest 7th Avenue Corridor or 17th Avenue you know what we're concerned about a family's concerned about going to the grocery store not get mugged and not get get Rob this is the difference sir when I say that you guys have already improved your District and congratulations to you because I'm I'm happy because I like progress I am a businessman I am a capitalist by all means you know I like money like everybody else and I like progress okay good for you 85% uh completed mission accomplished for you but now it's our turn sir now it's our turn you know and and by the way exactly why was it ending in 2030 because they expected that 20 30 years would be enough to get that place in order and they have and they have and that's why sunset's in 2030 but we failed to mentioned that it sunsets in 2030 because they've accomplished the mission and that was the mission now they want to continue to 2047 because they want to continue the party and their their their concern is such things as climate change and building a seaw wall well I'm concerned about that too when we had the money we can all you know have both things but here's the problem you know the flooding the big flooding issue you know that we have at three or four times a year we can have a real bad one maybe one time I don't know in how many years five but you know what every single day in alapata we have a problem with crime we have a problem with homelessness and everything else that goes along with it and what you guys are asking is oh let me fix my climate problem over we here let me fix that let me now start to work on the Overtown C while you guys and by the way you're not to blame for this because you weren't there let me make that clear you were not there okay but they had 24 years people to invest in their Overtown and they did not in their own Overtown they did not and now you guys expect me to go along with this fiasco here and oh yeah let's get this let's get them fixed let's let's extend their 2047 but we're going to wait okay no no we negotiate on this we don't get we don't respectfully sir we don't get that done until something is put together and this is taken care of and by the commissioner commissioner I I I believe we can everybody else SP I let let me speak I let everybody speak all I asked was if anyone wanted to pull a consent agenda item for discussion what you are saying is coming up there's an item on the Comm can let me let me finish what you are saying is there's an item on the agenda that will address what you have just said I didn't interrupt you because everyone has spoken and I don't want you to except commissioner Paro and I don't want you to say I let everyone speak and I didn't let you have a chance to speak so gentlemen I am asking you when I ask a question cuz commissioner Reyes you went and you started talking about alapata and the CRA and commissioner Coro that is an item on the agenda we can speak about it when we get to it I am asking now I'm going to have to let commissioner Paro say something if wait a minute I haven't finished I have not finished and I want to finish and I want to finish and our city clerk is going to put the timer on five minutes for each we I understand is why I'm trying to get to our agenda we're not going to take a three-hour lunch cuz we have a long take breaks at noon yes I understand let us what what time can we come back we well we're not I don't want to take a break right now let us get some work done let us get some work done let us go at least till 12:30 we can CL get some of the items that are not controversial and come back commissioner Paro do you have something to say I do I I feel like I do really need to say something at this point what I want to say is first of all thank you guys for coming out our district we do everything about engagement that's why we do Zoom calls we love it please keep coming back keep paying attention to the agenda my colleague commissioner gabella I commend you fantastic for your engagement boots on the ground and your wife and everyone on your team what I'd like to say is this we do not need to pitting one Community against another we have the ability and the funds and the structures to take care of all of us we don't need to do this and that I love Little Havana I've done festivals there for eight years I grew up there I love alipa I go through there all the time in my bike Little Bahamas as a child I slept over there I went to St Hugh school this is my Miami and like my colleagues it's about all of Miami the item re12 is a simple ratification it's an acceptance of something that has already been approved at the county level at our level and it allows us to claim our capacity you can think about it like as if you had a check that was endorsed and it's on your desk and it's not earning interest you're just sitting on that check and waiting and while you wait you lose the opportunity of that interest so while we wait to ex to pass this extension we lose $500,000 in bonding capacity every month we've been doing this since 2020 we've lost 24 million in capacity since 2020 we were not here during this whole time but we are here now and we've been here since January and thank you AA Jones executive director of omnic we have been here and yes it's it's shameful that for a CRA that has been around since 1987 and by the way that's why you see some pretty tall buildings beautiful spaces over here that's normal Park West is a different area than parts of Overtown that's all normal but it does not mean that we don't have work to do it's shameful that since 1987 we have only invested 6% over that whole time 6% in our portion of Overtown and we have 40% of Overtown in omnis there is so much to do and we don't have enough to do it with so taking from Peter to PayPal does not make sense we have already said we're incredibly committed to alapata and we want it funded and I will be the first to vote for that so you know let's keep doing it keep coming out we can do everything we don't need to pit one area against the thank you man thank you and I'm going to allow commissioner gabella to say a few more words and then we're going to get to the agenda items thank thank you very much Madam chair I promise I'm going to be brief not more than 5 minutes so to to he's correct we don't need to be pitting each other against each other and this is not the idea here okay but here's the thing when he says that let's get this done and then there's there's another way to do ours they have theirs in black and white we're not going to get ours in black and white because what's going to happen is they're going to forget cuz they they they got what what you know what they wanted and then they'll move on and then this item here will be no leverage there will be no leverage because they got their way and this item will be forgotten okay and then I want to State something else for the record I have vastly improve this from what it was of July of last year I offered that as you know as as being you know what what uh Ray is saying being you know prudent and realizing that my predecessor you know wanted was very greedy in this and I understand that and went for a whole SWA of area and created this West this is gabel's proposal my proposal okay don't put put his name on my stuff anymore okay I asked the Herold to do that and everybody else because I am melel GA I was elected in December 2nd of 2023 excuse me when I took office okay this is a radical differ uh proposal than was was was uh passed last year okay and what I'm saying to you is we got to get real here there's nothing you guys have it in black and white and if we pass this you guys have it in black and white meanwhile you're asking me for my people to take the word but you know what when you ask him okay how are we going to fund it are we going to do a bond rating which I asked by the way Larry Springs and everybody nobody gives it to you in black and white no no trust us trust us and trust us no I don't trust I'm like Ronald Reagan I grew up with Ronald Reagan when I was a kid trust but verify with the Soviet Union and this is the same thing trust but verify we are no longer going to stand for Promises of unbroken promises when they put the Camilo's house was my wife was crying but what what she was saying is I used to be on the zoning board when I was 36 years old in 2006 I served for 7 years and to be very brief I was against K's house because I knew what was going to happen they would forget about about us and they did I got fired for that by the way I had to resign because of that because of my principles okay so but but I am I am pleading with you gentlemen okay no this cannot be we cannot give you the extension until this matter is taken care of in black and white whether it be a bond issue or anything else whatever it is that we come up with mono then then then we do it you know because this is otherwise this is just lip service you know this is just lip service if we turn a blind eye thank you thank you may I have a motion may I have a motion for CA 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 and 13 I have a motion second all in favor I I and we bring up CA one now yes ca1 for discussion Mr manager uh who do we have here that can explain to us uh the new drones that are being talked about here to Chief is here to address it good morning commissioner Robert EV the director of the Department of fire rescue so in uh I believe it was January 2023 the state uh passed by legislation that state and local governments could not fly drones that were made with from parts of countries of concern China being one of them the vast majority of drones at that time were DJI which are Chinese made the fire department and our Urban search and rescue team have 19 DJI drones that have been grounded since then that are used only for search of of life and search and rescue and to prevent uh uh loss of life so the state recognizing that they passed this law but we didn't have any funding to replace them uh it placed a drone buyback program where they have granted up to $25,000 per gr per drone that we can exchange our drone receive $25,000 to purchase a uh what's called a blueless drone which are drones made with parts made in the United States uh or um countries that are not of concern um I didn't know that you had so many drones 19 we have 19 um secondly of all I didn't know that you had all the Chinese drones so all of our homes uh you know could be going right to China they could be seeing it all wonderful um how quickly are you going to be making those changes so the grants already available the state allotted a total of $25 million they've some U um of the local jurisdictions are ahead of us there's still dollars available so as soon as the uh commission if it's if it's uh approved uh we'll go ahead and start with the next couple what guidelines do you have to protect a residents privacies so that we're not living in the times of Big Brother that we have drones all over the place um looking at people looking at properties right so state law pre prevents that I'm not a police officer but uh drones in the State of Florida cannot be used it's a very weak uh law there not a criminal penalty I'll I'll tell you within the department of fire rescue we're clear that we only use it during search and rescue and to prevent loss of life we don't Place drones up in the air uh if there's not a disaster emergency occurring we we don't use them it's not in our policy it's this only for search search and rescue and and and to search for loss of life when you say search lost of life more so something outside clearly of of a um search and rescue would would be a large fire where we are making the decision of whether or not we're going to send firefighters in or not and we will put a drone up to see the collapse risk of of of a building that and it's the loss of our firefighters and and remind him we we just did a deployment of a drone at the uh at the temple Court fire we didn't have our own but uh police who are a year ahead of us had American M drones we were able to use it and the footage was given to our Incident Commander so we can see the the roof structure and it was beneficial in fighting the fire very good all right thank you Chief I make the motion for C I have a motion and a second all in favor of ca1 motion carries unanimously would anyone like to pull the P any pH item for discussion ph1 2 four five or six I'd like to pull ph4 for a brief uh discussion Madam Madam chair ph6 needs to be deferred to the next meeting uh at a notice a notice ph6 okay um um sorry uh that's my item that's what uh what they're here just just for the record they're here for this item the the pastor is here so we so we can give them this building that was put up behind me right and and that's what U some of them are here for okay and um can I ask I know there was a problem with advertising understand that but you know I thought the you know that building's been vacant for 30 plus years 20 plus years nobody's been interested in it all of a sudden you know we're interested in it because of the pastor he came to my office early on and said hey can you identify some properties for us that here's I'm having a problem and and we did and we took a tour with you and you know they're going to upkeep the property the property now is is in this this repair okay it's going to be beneficial for the community they're feeding the community but not only that that neighborhood when which looks at that property it's a sore eye okay you know it's not doing anything they're and and I'd just like to speed this up and you know not why you're require why you are saying that it needs to be deferred you explain yeah so um George weong City attorney the issue is this item was published as a for requiring a forist affirmative vote after an advertised public hearing um because it's we treat these as a bid waiver so by selecting this church to give it to um we can do that with a four fist waiver so long as it's advertised unfortunately this item was not advertised for this meeting so we're asking it be deferred to the next meeting so that it can be properly advertised and um we'll take it up then all the comments of the folks that spoke today will carry over to this item so everybody that spoke your items are on the record and will be as as we discussed in the briefing um because of the notice requirement but out of respect for the fact that the Comm commer um was going to have a significant amount of attendance here today on that item we decided not to defer it at the beginning of the agenda Plaza but to allow them to speak and then just defer it later to the next meeting so that everything that they had to weigh in on relative to their support would be heard and then that way just comes at the next meeting okay I just want to State it on the record that you know we've been at this for a while now you know and I'd like to see this done you know he's ready to go and please let there not be any funny business and and you know and if he has a vote he has certainly my vote and I believe you know you guys you gentlemen heard you know I think we're not going to have a problem please for the next meeting so we we get do I need a motion to defer it motion second all in favor I ph6 has been deferred to the next commission meeting September 26 September 26 okay um commissioner Coro you were saying you want to pull ph4 for discussion yes for a brief discussion okay any other items my colleagues would not pH move pH is okay so I'd like a motion for pH 1 2 4 and five move I'm sorry ph1 ph1 PH2 ph4 and ph5 all in favor CH for ph5 ph5 needs to be amended there's a document later uh backup that needs to be changed to exhibit B so ph5 is amended ph5 as amended as amended all in favor I I motion carries unanimously that was one two 1 two 4 five no not four 1 two three no one two I pull four oh I'm sorry one two five and one two and five one two and five one two and five ph4 for discussion commissioner Mr manager um or Mr City attorney whichever it's appropriate to answer in this resolution it says the competitive negotiation method and procedures are not practical or advantageous for the City of Miami what does it mean and what are you talking about here so this is similar to um ph6 and that um due to I guess DFI munday's uh work it is determined that um um the manager um made a finding that competitive negot iation methods and procedures are not practical or advantageous for the City of Miami so the manager's reasons are in that memo and you're waving competitive bidding by a forist vote in order to um give this to DFI Mundy okay you have no problem in waving competitive bidding commissioner partu no I don't in this case I'll explain why this is actually a very impactful project we might actually get 50% Ami for half the units and we may be able to do up to 16 units instead of eight but the people that have been working on it and specializing on this subject matter need to stay as part of this so all of a sudden this is all changed because of Kasa Valentina and the transition which happened with the nonprofit I'm not disagreeing with you I've just wanted to make sure because in other um votes that have been taken uh within the city um you have expressed uh for others close to you have expressed concern oh no that's why I appreciate it and app I I wanted to get this out uh in the open now you're saying that maybe they could go as many as 16 units how would that be is there perhaps change or they're looking at micro units so they're looking at the possibility of doing that and and thereby also being able to bring in a 50% Ami even if they stay at the a units what's the approximate price range that they're going to sell don't know the approximate price range that they'll end up in but it's all been substantiated through their work I just don't know that level of detail but happy to provide it for you well I I I don't want to hold it up uh if it's something that sounds reasonable uh I'm not one here that's going to be Petty and things uh just like I voted for many things in your District uh I will uh make the motion uh for this it's eight units at least eight units plus they're keeping the old uh Coral house and 80% Ami yeah 80% which is a substantial amount so even though it's um 50,000 per for each house one that is going to be a community one it's not for sale it's uh high but it's not unreasonable on the 50,000 you get more even though they'll be smaller in size uh you'll get more people involved but uh I'll make the motion for it second all in favor ph4 passes unanimously I'd like to take up the mitigation items now R2 1168 Northwest Second Aven Second Street how about everyone good afternoon right Madame chairwoman good afternoon Commissioners please announce what district this mitigation is for for re2 is within District 3 and re2 is the mitigation of a property located 1168 Northwest 2 Street the owner and as I've said individually please don't shoot the messenger the the owner of record is Kola Inc and it's a D3 uh case CE 201900 8507 notice of violation was sited on May 1st 2019 for a number of uh code violations including failure to maintain non-conforming parking lot parking on unimproved surfaces construction work without permits to include in the public right away adjudicated on November 7th 2019 uh complied on May 2nd 2023 running for a total of 1,57 days uring a total of 264 250 as I met with all of you individually the respondent uh offered the offer is 39,6 37 with 50 cents which is exactly 15% and yesterday very late I I met with Council in then uh last minute uh meeting where that amount was confirmed Mr co-director yes sir what uh was the construction and the rway do you have it go is it still no it's afternoon good afternoon Rachel Office of the City attorney in this particular case it was a non-conforming parking lot parking on improved services and then uh signage um for the parking itself it wasn't a massive structure or anything put uh into the public right of way well just wondering why we're going at some uh unimproved parking uh I'm wondering why we're going at some unimproved parking lots in my district and not others that have bragged that they have it and we don't do anything about it but that that I can't tell you it's uh approximately a year almost a year to to the date since um the case was open uh till the time that they comply correct that's accur okay so well this is not lifethreatening it's not uh a building it's parking um I think 15% is the reasonable amount uh for that do uh unless they would like to make any further statement or you all would I will be willing to make the motion to accept it yep uh michopoulos 200 South bcan Drive uh we're okay with the 15% I have a motion do I have a second I have a motion and a second all in favor I motion carries unanimously as amended as amended re3 and please announce the district yes Madam chair thank you um and I had here you tell me it says 6050 Southwest first I have it I have it as D3 so I put a line through it so the property uh address for the violation in question is at 650 Southwest 1 Street owner of record is 650 1st LLC it is D3 the cas number CE 201802 4494 notice of violations for for vacant blighted and unsecure property failure to maintain and register lot the uh case was adjudicated on February 7 2019 it complied according to our records on 24 2021 running for a total of 727 days and acre a total of 181,000 as I explained when I met with each of the districts when we cross and uh ibuilt our database the violations were corrected by way of demolition and the date of the demolition is much earlier in the process based on the information that I have the respondent is offering $1,175 which is 10% of the acred total um which I think is a fair offer good morning ma'am uh good morning Commissioners once again Jezebel Lima I'm here for the property owner 651 LLC and we offer we are offering 10% of the mitigation importantly we are the current owner we took this property when we purchased the property we did a lean search in we advised that there were no outstanding leans on the property however we do note that the de demolition did take place within the 3 months it's just that the former owner never contacted code enforcement in order to have the um the inspection and that's why this took longer than than anticipated but we are here in good faith there was some related litigation that could be disposed of um with this um mitigation payment which we are um offering how can you not know that there were leans in the property we were um we did uh the did they did their their search and then their report and they contacted SE several individuals from the city and were given emails from code enforcement individuals saying that this there were no outstanding um code violations on this property you didn't get any title insurance on it yes if you have Title Insurance yes sir so shouldn't they pay then if they didn't pick that up and they're offering to cover our mitigation okay so if if uh if I can you just to bring up something Rachel on behalf of the the city attorney's office in this particular case there were at one point several open violations uh I believe most of them were disposed of via waiver format when we were in the middle of the pandemic uh we weren't letting people into the code board meetings uh and this particular um uh violation got left off the table in fact they sent it to me we looked at the emails and we'd probably gone through three or four of them that we took care of and we did miss this one I don't know about the title insurance but I can say on on that particular end because I did review everything and also in reviewing it and and and the reason why and they're offering 10% off of the full amount just to be aware that the initial hearing was um in February of 2019 and they were in compliance actually in May of 2019 so it was I think the Total Lean would have been around $30,000 at that point what I have here Rachel is that the original case opened up 112818 which is a year and uh three and a half months before the pandemic that is correct that is correct they went to the hearing on February 17 2019 there was a about a a year and half a month before the pandemic uh hit actually uh a year and a month uh plus before the pandemic hit that's where they got hit uh with 250 per DM per day if they didn't comply right that's correct and then uh once everything they realized was complied we were doing the we did the mitigations on the other violations with the current owner during the course of the pandemic that's what I meant not when their violations but the people that uh are at fault and they have to pay is the people that provided them Title Insurance uh you heard her say that they would pay So based upon what I'm seeing here based upon what we just did on on the prior one that was only a year this is uh well over two years I I have to ask for the same not 10% but minimum 15% I have a motion a motion do I have a second I have a motion and a second all in favor I'm sorry chair who's the second commissioner Reyes all in favor as amended all I motion carries unanimously re4 511 17th Avenue yes chairwoman re4 is a mitigation we property located at 511 Northwest 17th Avenue owner of record is Ebony doy uh this uh property is in D5 notice of violation was issued on 9 on September 9th 2016 for construction work without permits to wait uh a fence and um installation of a electric motor for opening the noov issu on 99 2016 adjudicated on February 2nd 2017 uh it complied after 2,141 days I believe responded or Council for respondent will say that she had relied on someone to correct the violation it acred a total of 535,000 I understand that the offer is $55,000 Which is less than 1% and I'm going to let Council explain that and if you want additional information regarding the lot value I think that's important so I can provide that as well attorney would you yes uh again good afternoon Rachel on behalf of the city attorney's office this case uh came to my office when a lawsuit was filed uh by a a friend of the owner who is a very elderly woman living in I know very elderly woman who lives in Georgia what's her name uh ebony daughtery is her name um obviously the complaint was filed incorrectly because it was a friend filing for her we attempted to reach out did a lot of things to try to say to try to get it done it it's taken us uh I think the the lawsuit's probably even more than a year old at this point because we've been going through trying to get her through the process the violation itself was for um a fence that had a motor on it uh she relied on the I know the having spoken with her offense with a motor that's what this violate that's what this V that's what I'm just trying to explain to you um so and I spoke with her on the phone from Georgia the the um the mailing address of course even for the the taxes went to the house in Miami uh not the house it's a it's a commercial it's a thrift store they charge I believe $800 a month in rent uh you know she's not making a profit off of this that's so I'm just trying to sort of let set that up for you um it was removed with the permit finally in 2022 it did take a very long time I'm going to say there's probably extenuating circumstances that Council will speak to uh but they they did make the offer of $5,000 which is is well below the normal uh for the $535,000 uh that ran for 2,141 days but I just wanted to give you an idea she then finally got uh attorneys involved and I think it was still difficult to communicate with her and explain the process and and how to come and we got here today thank you good afternoon good morning Madam chair good morning commission um the issue is that she moved she moved to another home in Georgia and did not receive any notification the person who could performed the work for her did not um he opened the the permit but he didn't finalize it from what I understand and he died so she was not aware if there was any postings at the property she didn't receive it he didn't give it to her he died um she found out about it when she was going to sell the property in 2021 and it um popped up on the title and lean search once she found out she took action immediately and did everything she could to go ahead and rectify the problem which she did it took a little bit um close to a year since from that time because she of course is not local so she had to rely on people from another state to get the work done for her she does reside in Georgia she has changed the information in the tax record so she has a correct address she has been informed and we will be informing I mean guiding her from this point forward but unfortunately this is where we are so even I understand the $5,000 is a little insulting forgive us but um if we can I I got word from my staff that that number changed that's that's correct it did change we're looking to hopefully from the time that she was became aware in December 20221 so the time she got it corrected to charge us 15% for that from that point forward and that would that total is 12150 I'm sorry 12,150 um would you please state your name for the for the record I do apologize Nancy Leos thank you thank you you have anything else to add no ma'am I I did say at one point in time as I discuss with each of you according to the property appraiser the property is valued at 13254 for your consideration I'm going to accept the offer that you made for the 15% say it again no the 12,150 12,000 yes I'm going to accept that do I have a motion motion I have a motion in a second all in favor motion carries unanimously thank you so much thank as amended as amended it is 12:30 at this time I'm going to ask my colleagues if you would like to break for lunch and turn at 2:30 um 2:30 [Music] 230 I see um the city of Miami commission meeting for September 12 2024 is now in recess we will return at 2:30 e