[Music] iair secretary secretary here on way right but we need to start taking okay EV you want to for five minutes do you want to speak the secretary five minutes five minutes okay like with a pistol in your hand yeah they just told me I was okay welcome everybody I very happy that we have a full house almost she's on her way we have a full house today thank God so um um we have some guests here today uh let me see start from this end Brian morera he's the new uh6 elected uh councilman and he wants he wanted to stand by and meet us uh he actually has two uh Pointes in this committee which is SM and I so we're safe yeah also have where is she oh there she is we have detective and I call you yes please and she has a quick announcement that she wants to make and she wanted to meet us too yes well go ahead on a personal note I wanted to thank you all for such a wonderful event in March on the women of Distinction are appreciate it it was a a beautiful event um now I am here today because uh May is law enforcement appreciation month and the Public Safety Committee um is working on promoting awareness of of that fact that that may is law enforcement appreciation month and um I wanted to uh share with you all the information if you could take one and pass it down and part of it uh how we want to raise awareness is by participating in uh project which is pleas please that be great I have two like that perfect um so we encourage anyone to maybe put blue lights in their home or at least maybe a little blue candle in your window this will be for the month for the entire month of May May yeah this is the first time that thef I was hoping uh another committee came up with this idea was it was great um they kind of held up their little candles for a for a picture wonder if you might um do that everybody it over there [Music] [Music] yeah a picture yes okay I it for you so yeah please I don't know probably better oh you want one two three take another one thank you all right well thank you all appreciate your support thank you for your [Music] service okay next uh public comments we have Nancy Matos my old friend Nancy from the library and her blue hair yes hello hello I can make this brief because I know you have to get back to to business I'm just here from the public library because we've have lots of events and we wanted to cross be better at Cross promoting our events we have your flyer for your paint a picture with Mom but we wanted to know that the keeping constant communication for upcoming events because May is Aller Americans month and we've got a different along with law enforcement appreciation month uh we're closed actually on Friday because of that and in appreciation um it's actually a County holiday so the library and all County facilities are closed on Friday recognation um we have I left a lot of flyers on there um there's one a special event that we have on May 18 for those who might have lower Vision so it's a tactile art program um if you have younger um I know that this month this um this Saturday your event is paint a picture with Mom so we were going to cross theot that our we have a dinosaur Day program for the kids and then on June 1st we have our summer reading kickoff event okay where we have multi uh events we've got a lot of County agencies like the fire um Department we also have um lots of different theme and lots of different activities going on but it's from 11: to 2 so it's a lot of different things but it's encouraging kids in stay reading during the summer so we wanted to if the wanted to be able to cross promote and share the information but also have you share information with us so we can disseminate so that things come in we have your flyer but we have it thisp be great to have it a little sooner so we can talk Us in advance and then just working partnership because we've been lucky to have been supported by the town for many years and we've appreciated it and part of the program that we have is in support because we have the Grant from the EAB so they part of it is funded by the town so we it's us giving back and sharing and you want sh we have an event in June fishing with for Father's Day Father's Father's Day yeah so we would love to be able to promote back you as well um anything that you can give to us I have you have my email for many years but I have business card again if you want me to pass that on I have a quick question I I know that you have I don't know if the library does it or the county does it uh friends of the library and I know people that belong to it how how can you belong to be part of the board I they do have a board but you can do anybody can join the friends of the library support there's we do fundraisers um ongoing fundraisers but if you want I I can disseminate and forward that on to our community engagement and programming department and they can then marketing and they can connect you just like we connected you with car Baker who's in charge of authors we have if we can't handle it at the local level we pass it on make sure we information okay thank you so love having you yes by absolutely yeah already yes because yes we're trying to connect with all those committees and make sure that and if there's any gaps because you know we had the Spanish guitar um's doing now we're gonna have him bring in current um instruments doing up instrument headings he's bring his s guitars and yeah so we're trying to work with a lot of things with the youth and the team I I'm used Serv a special so my specialty is the younger Patron but it doesn't mean that we don't have we've got a crafty to taii we have different things so if there's things that gaps that you think we have please let us know so we try to get that one one quick idea um I went to the library f um few months back and we met this group they're the printers uh Society or something yes they're they're fascinating and um I would love I don't know if we can do it as a committee but uh give you an idea maybe the library can do like a little print shop printing Workshop that would be very they do amazing work if anything if you pass me the Conta information and we can work together absolutely that would be that's what we want did they get a hold of you no they never they never did but you took a card away I inform no I went online and they have other information we talk okay but if anything just that information see what we can make if we can't yeah I would love the library to because involv thinking and art and all that I talk to you to the cow so we'll talk more about the cow the cow thank you thank you know okay you to say but I know you have your kids and yeah well no I know that you all the things but that's the biggest we want to be able to you know to work in Partnership all yes only been there know I'm approaching 30 years at that Branch so that'll be a fun mil definitely thank you so much thank you thank you oh wait before I go wonderful thank you so if I don't have enough of one thing I can always yes perfect because they reached out share with I got I now have my special need advisery board cap on okay um we would like to collaborate again this year with your fourth of July event yes that was my question the same um Century room at Mary Collin and we'll be providing headphones um fidget Spinners and additional sensory items including in the room to help any person that needs a break from the outside okay fantastic is there anything else you would like us to provide or suggest basically you know I know what you did last year work and we'll help you promote it we'll uh we'll add it to the so and also our chairperson John would like to um make us yeah uh make announcements yeah telling people where to go just like last year and we're going to have this year we're going to have yard signs going pointing and directing them yeah that's in our budg the yard sign no but special needs is going to have the yard signs okay promoting the Cent need any questions any questions I'm done with public comments Qui public comment okay you have last one very quick one and it's just to say uh number one for those who don't know me my name is Brian Mora I'm your most recently elected councilman here in Miami Lakes um for those who don't who do know me you hi um mainly I've been coming around uh to or or starting to come around to the committee meetings just to see what's going on listen see any um this is actually one of the few exceptions this is one where I have to do no changes you guys are definitely safe uh but see where where some appointments are needed talk to the chairs about you know what they need in their committee both from a perspective of personnel who who should be appointed but also um what they need in order to make their committee uh function as smoothly as possible I mean this committee frankly is one of our probably top performing ones you know you could see right away from the fact that we have a full house um so good on you guys uh keep up the good work um I'll tell you guys what I told all the staff members upstairs which is you'll find I am a reader I think I just uh shocked Felicia a little bit because you know I had already gone through your minutes seen what you guys were up to uh so I'm very proud of you guys keep it up uh you guys are critical to to the town because citizen involvement is the way that the Democratic process should work so keep it up thank you so much and you know I won't be able to stick around for the whole meeting I'll Stick Around to listen for a little bit uh but at a certain point I'll probably get called away uh but thank you guys okay any other comments see n we move to the next one the fals orions and delions um through the chair um I'd like to make an announcement um I went ahead and I added to the chair's agenda item 7 B and C um and then she brought to my attention that that was in the initial plan for the agenda so I would like for one of you to consider removing those items from your agenda which one is the the C 7B and 7 c those are the ones I mistakenly added and it wasn't her attention time I I will leave it in because I know he requested it was a Miss missed um I I I put it in my revice one as the as the S of America because I know he's involved in that too but let's avoid confusion let's you know let's cross it out for now which one we're crossing out B Let's cross and if we have time we'll you know discuss it because we still have time for that one so we would need a motion on the table if that is deletions well there hasn't been any deletions nobody's made a mo okay so um okay okay sorry okay I make a motion to delete item 7 B and C from new business since it was not prior on the agenda second second things yeah because we have a lot to cover especially the 4th of July and this is going to feed up into it and we're going to have to cut it off and I don't want to do that um okay any other uh we need to vote we need vote okay everybody in favor non motion passage okay uh okay and please if let's not changing our mind just let's move on because we need to keep the the agenda going um real quick uh Elsa uh oh sorry my report so are we closing make sure we're all following the agenda are we closing theer addition deletion yes we're closing the fer deletions nobody else is adding or deleting or moving up anything I just want to make sure everybody's there okay thank you okay so speci report uh I hope you don't have a copy uh this is to report real quick and I don't want to read the whole thing that I have have the semiannual report has been submitted and looking for Center the May 14th meeting I requested a give me a copy so I know exactly what would say at the meeting I know the package was there but there was any changes you can email it to me sorry the the report remember I emailed you that to give me a cop I sent you a link of where the of the L of the report can you send it again because I'm having issues with my phone download something and the document disappears I know you'll have it in your inbox in the next few minutes okay thank you so much uh the next item um we were going to talk about it at the last meeting but real quick the town requested to remind the current members to avive at the Town committee rules and not to have private Communications cing committees And discussing topics that will be voted on the regular committee meetings uh clarification of this and other revised and newly amended rules uh will be discussed in a future meeting with the T attorney I'm trying to see if um Loreno can come and explain to us because I know they they cross out the issue of attendance and I think that's a critical critical item so like I said I'm going to move on on this but we will definitely uh meet with him or have him come and explain to us clearly what because the rules have been changing and and it's confusing to a bunch of us so the chair I want to be clear the rules have not changed since January 2023 that's those were the last changes no but I want to make sure they know because um you did mention that they keep changing and the last change I want to be clear was January 2023 when Council you know I went I went online and I pulled out the rules but then further down in in the amendment what was confusing to me is that the the rules were amended but I mean when something is amended that should be on the top so people know where the changes Happ so when I read it it was like the mystery meetings you know you're out but now that was crossed out I found out to another you know a copy that I found and that I need those clarifications or they they need to clarify first and you you know the issue of not talking about the topic and and you know some logistic things that we already voted on we keep talk to each other all those things we we'll address in the L so I don't want to BL too much on it uh next uh request to town staff uh to keep a files you know like you know stuff like that that you know I've been requesting for you to give me like the the reports and and so forth I think it's in the package of you know the process of how to you know checklist the event document what what to prepare what to submit what to what to use um also this was discussed in the last um quarterly meeting the chair quarterly meeting is to to um to have the members more knowledge about the sponsorship package we need sponsors this committee I know other committees that have a lot of L with sponsors but not us so we need to know how how to what the process is so I would ask out to to help with us and help you guys um also in the package and I want to I talk about it real quick is the application that we we uh I don't think we ever voted on this to change it I know we talked about it year ago or something and uh but I think there's some people that have shown interest to participate the the name of the school a what is it uh some school that wants to get a cow the people from the library wants to redo their cow so we need to revive this program and we'll again we'll discuss it further I cled it out for today but because we don't have time but it's something that I wanted to bring to your attention that people are interested in in the in having more to scultures and and we do or fix whatever we have at the time um last is the budget um we still have 39 our budget is 39,500 the same as the year 2022 and I I know you mentioned something out regarding something that we have to submit that's a phone that can download so if you have it with you we appreciate if you share it with us we June what is it June I will resend it that was in regards to the new fiscal year budget that you guys are here to submitted and let the record passing out a copy of your your latest C [Music] okay those are my comments let's move on to the next item p a picture for Mom uh Elsa you have okay paint the picture one minute two minutes to fine paint the picture from Mom we're pretty well set we I spoke with v from the farmers market to confirm and he confirmed that he'll have everything set up all the tents by 8:00 in the morning on Saturday so um I was thinking if we can all be there by 9:00 a.m. would be great because that way I have to see when the staff will be bringing the tables and chairs I he said everything will be set up at 8:00 in the morning that he was going to call and talk to Juan but I don't know if Juan would be available but uh we want to start setting up like the tablecloth the EOS and everything by 9:00 a.m. the event will be from 10:00 a.m. to 12 and then I was thinking of maybe having the town staff come at 12:30 to pick up the tables and chairs and the materials because we're going to have to do an inventory before we close the bins I got four cross three of those black bins so that way we can get it a little more organized before they were in boxes uh so that way we can keep it up you know nicely if anyone in the committee can help me and maybe do a sign that says paint a picture for Mom CAC committee and please and then we want to tape it like two signs per bin and we want to tape it on the outside so when it goes to the storage uh facility that we have it you know documented or you know there um just you guys are welcome to do so but if you want to save yourselves the effort I packed an old one that I believe CH used to Ed with you guys some years ago packed in your B yeah we had little signs that we hang on the on the side they're like letter by letter like happy birthday you have you it one sign and then tap it like I saw over there some of the committee have it that way I we tape it to that as small as 8 by10 yeah because it's just to tape it on the okay so who's who's GNA do that I think I just said there is signs yeah there some from before but you know we'll look okay we'll open it at the end of the meeting and look just this in regards to comment of setup um so Juan has been made aware I don't have confirmation of when because unfortunately Juan is not only attending a cultural affairs also works with the Parks and Recreation so we do have to be flexible in terms of when he's arriving to set up and breakdown so as soon as I have a window I'm G ask him to give me a window of time I'll send you guys an email so that you are aware okay but he know but you know we want we have to be already set up by 10:00 when people start arriving yes but I don't know exactly because you're saying exactly you said 9 I don't know if they'll be by by 9 well at 9 you know the committee will be there so we can start well bringing everything right the supplies everything okay um I will share an email with you guys by tomorrow um and I'll ask him to give me a window so you guys are aware of what the windows but he knows that the event starts at 10: a.m. okay and Diego will be all set up if you tell him by 8:00 a.m. everything as far as the tents are set up right but you guys have been having that communication with do you want me to send them a reminder to have a set of bite you I just spoke with him can I ask a question for someone who hasn't participated in this before and I'm very much looking forward to Saturday that I found does the child come back to pick up or does he walk away with his wet canvas how how do you run this well basically the way we do it is uh first they have to sign up you know they go and register meline will be helping with that or maybe another person might be able to help it depending on the amount of people but then they signed up then we have volunteers I already have five uh volunteers from schools and plus us we'll have a table and then you have the plate the the paper plate and then we put the different colors the blue the red right the different colors then we give them a brush then we give them a canvas every child will get an 8 by1 canvas so they'll they'll paint it and then they'll put it on the eel and they'll paint it and then after that they take it with them so it's kind of like a flow you do it you finish you leave then the next batch comes in you know we keep a flow going and how many can you accommodate at a at a sitting well we have like what 13 tables more or less so you know it's a lot it's a lot for and believe it or not believe it or not it went very well it usually goes very well because the children would paint the only thing is that we have to keep it in mind that is for the children because sometimes the parents want to paint and we're like oh well you know it's kind of hard to say to them no but in reality for the children it's okay for the mom for the mom and then Eve would you be able to take pictures yeah camera beautiful beautiful because um it's great we could give it to the town and we could give it to the Lakers the Lor is interested in pictures too photograph and it's a treasure that the mother will keep Forever After oh yes I have the one that my granddaughter painted for me five years ago I have for my little children who are big adults today can I make a quick comment considering the treasured aspect of this 8 by10 canvas I have found in my personal collection of treasures that if you don't date it you've kind of lost track of it even a year or two down the road I have from little children and when I go through it with fond memories I'm wondering when did they do this or what grade were they so just a thought a comment if you don't care for it that's fine but here just a demo on quickly the children's painting and then we could come by with just a an elma's glue squeezed on the back and put which I've dated here a little can't even find it a little dated so that when the child takes away that canvas it's going home dated and that treasured item is dated Forever After but that would be in the back of the C the back doesn't matter where it should be on the back if you like that I have the flowers you know I've been working on it okay okay also just or the other thing I was thinking if you have like aie we're almost so down that's 100 yeah it's a lot oh really yes it's a lot so if you have a Sharpie that's what I did we're at 99 that's fine too 99 99 it might just to get a I just know that from personal if it's not dated yeah I lost part of the treasure the chair yes ma'am do we wash the tablecloth yes it's in the car and I found a more uh so we have a bunch of aprons now so little red aprons everybody that's a tradition everybody wears a red apron the um I wanted to know who in the committee will be attending we have an idea of the helpe keep raise keep raise keep ra Madam you know yeah I perfect great perfect thank you we got the new pumps and the paint and all that we have we have all of that in the supplies with the supplies okay um just remember we got to clean them this year afterwards yes somehow yeah have H in the pockets ready to go so that's why I'm saying that at the end of the event you know please stay around because we want to keep an inventory right I you ask me to keep an inventory I think it's a great idea it a staff suction yeah it was a great idea keep an inventory and then we'll see you know take turns we going to be washing you know the the the things for the for the pump so that way they don't get stuck um um I got coffee from Duncan I order it already I paid for it uh for the staff the members uh or whoever wants it after we have our own run and then I order a box of um of the uh glaz Stones um Justin please if you will be able to pick it up this is a copy of the receipt the the manager there Susie she knows and she's going to have it ready at 9 you know dun right there in the okay awesome bring bring a lot of cream last time we all ran ran ran out of cream um ficia will be taking the aprons the bucket of water the bucket for two clean water dirty water the H and the table CL the it's ready go perfect for me anything else you need for me no that should be buckets po what else yeah the music is sometimes music yeah I I've beening I'll be the DJ and then the registration table mine and then you have the pins and meline last year the Min the young people that came from the school um I had a form that she needed the parents to fill out correct yeah so then those forms for the parent there'll be students come uh and then you documented so that they could get their volunteer hours the transporting of the tables and and chair and that we already did um the CAC members if you have your CAC t-shirts wear it if not then you have the ready apron right give them the people will know that we are the official people you know seeing people down on helping house so and at least will take the photos the students parents to sign in TS and Justin to assemble esil thank you so much I'm bringing with you and I think you know we're gonna have have fun time it's the other thing is the committee that that brought the books for the children they haven't responded to me uh I text Mario from the e yeah and they have the books but they don't have anybody to I think I could I was thinking if they could give us the book we can give them away yeah so I will get in touch with him tonight and tell him you have the books give them to me and I'll bring them over well bring them have bring it to us bring them to us and then we'll just put one or two people from the committee sit there and give it to the not have t we have the wife we'll we'll uh fine chair yes I have a question for how many new easel do we have I only Bo and no there's two boxes of those they're in the closet so I can't move but I will have them ready for you and now that you mention that um I I wanted to be CER because I did mention I'm not going to be there on Saturday so I want to go through the event request form that also submitted which we did last meeting but I just want to be exra short in case you need anything else at this point this is all that has been submitted to me from you guys so I already got confirmation from ju from Juan he is going to be set up by 9:00 a.m. um he's bringing two coolers with ice 13 rectangle tables to be taken to the event and set up um 26 chairs to go along with those tables and the box of supplies which are those three um you guys are going to have to end up putting these in the big garbage packs because those three boxes were not enough for the amount of splice you guys okay no I'll bring the B and then um we did promote the volunteer opportunities on the town website so I'm going to connect the volunteers with also so you guys can meet up that warning I'll provide the volunteer forms for the student volunteers as you mentioned and again the three boxes have all the old supplies that they went through the closet and confirm that you guys were going to need for the event um I will send you the registration list because at this point we're essentially sold out you're at 99 out of 100 registrations um and then we did order water bottles small CID juices uh paper cups 8 oz 200 of them 200 paper plates a pack of large trash bags four rolls of paper towels 80 wipes of sanitized wipes to clean up uh the three black bins plastic tablecloths we bought an additional 40 canvases and additional half gallon paints two red three white three yellow two blue and then Elsa already confirmed the Duncan Donuts um purchase and the farmers market is providing tents perf is there anything missing right and then Juan said he would be there by 9 set up by 9 yes perfect perect okay let's move on um next item Father's Day fish tournament okay so um from observations from last year's event it was from 8 to 12 um I think we discussed that we should do it from 8 to 11: because um 11 to 12 it gets very hot by that time everybody's already starting to get started so we can cut the event as OPP opposed to 4 hours to 3 hours now other comments that we heard from people who attended were that didn't have any Porta poot anywhere where the kids um can go to the restroom so normally we would just go to Mary Collins or to the um Burger King down the street I did look into the quotes one of them I think it's way too much and a little bit difficult to set up what we have because I think you need to have access to water it's um I think Iowa attached it to a prior agenda that had the picture of it it's the ones that have they look like Traders and it has the men's in the women's restroom and you need something to like uh attach the water that one came down to 6.95 I think it's way too much another more affordable option would be to have just a regular one toilet portal poty the ones that is just a one stall I don't think that repir is any type of setup it's just you know and I don't think it's going to get that nasty because it would only be three hours I don't know I don't I don't think we need anything more than that that came in at 36338 so obviously we're going to go over the budget that we have right now for the fishing tournament is the same as last year we had $500 but from our budget I think we have money left over from the women's cultural Fair event that already passed we have like 31706 so I was thinking if we can make a motion to move the 317 to the 500 that'll put us closer to 800 now I thank you now I don't think you know we should aim to use the entire budget I just want to you know be safe just in case something goes up a little bit because with the prices once you install it or something happens if we decide to to have a p body now I did talk to One Stop Those are the folks that provide the bait they they've been doing this for you know since I've been in the cultural Affairs committee he volunteered to do it again um I don't think he sent the quote yet I no all right but I did speak to him he said he would match the price and last time we had I think it was 30 buckets with the little um the oxygen tablets for the fish and it was a live bait and he wasn't stingy with the fish either he stays there with a bait and gives us sometimes heat more and his quote last time you know it was like 500 530 I think it was 500 530 but he hasn't sent me the new one so I don't I don't know do we know how many people normally talking for you normally we have 70 who register and half show up so the bait was more than enough how about the cost of the medals or what all right so the snacks what we did last time were the two boxes um the same thing we ordered last time will be about $54 the medals anywhere from 40 to 45 depending which one we pick and I was for like the 10 categories I think it was nine or 10 medals that we got last time and then the water which was like 30 bucks so the whole thing comes down to 659 without the porter party if we want to have the porter party we have to add an additional 36338 and I was able to get a sponsor so he's willing to do it I was hoping we'll be able to approve it before so we can get more um you know more notoriety to the sponsorships like for us to do the fires but he's still willing to do it because I think we would still have one more month and we could put it in the Miami with his logo he told me look whatever you want so if we're going to have the porter potties he can he can do that if we want to do the bait he can do that or if we have money left over we can do like a raffle or sandwiches whatever we decide did he get a set amount I I I showed him actually the quotes for the Porta party so he's willing to do anywhere from 300 to 600 the portal part22 yeah we be over budged by2 right so we're I mean we're able to do it if we want to do it if we don't want to do the porter parties he will still come in as a sponsor but in reality if you shorten the event one hour I don't think we need that I don't think the only the only thing I've heard back from the folks it's the thing about the restroom but we never had a like two or three of them and then the little kids were going into the leag sounds like a father that was okay it's let finish her report yeah that's pretty much the report you have all the information you know you decide if we want to have it or not our sponsor come will come in regard it so he could do 300 500 depending the sponsor is the guy that sells the bank no no no no the sponsor is a pi attorney Joshua Hurst the guy who does the bait he's he sticks around but I didn't ask him to sponsor the event but it would be good if they underwrite the entire event that would be perfect if the event is $500 and he's willing to to sponsor 500 then that means that we have we be yeah that's not a bad yes because like I said we don't have to use all the funds and we might have funds left over now the difference is if we use a porter potty or not will be the $363 no I'm sorry it'll be different because the other package is a total of 659 and then 363 will be a total of 1,022 our budget is 500 oh oh yeah I'm will thinking moving in 3 yeah the 317 from mothers Madam chair if I may very quickly help this let me just say something really quick just be aware that yeah we have money from the women of Distinction but we have the the Fourth of July coming up we don't have any sponsors so the the money that money in my opinion we could move it to the forth because we going to need it that's a biggest event and I mean the the part party is a great idea but you know is like before I go to the event go to the bathroom go to the bathroom and and so forth uh he wants to say something yeah I just want to say um very quickly just to help you with your math um whatever Mr Herz contributes my law fir will match uh that'll help uh pretty much make the event free and then what I would recommend then if you're having an issue where you're having 70 people show up and half of that uh or 70 people sign up and then half of that show up use the extra funds left over for a raffle that done at the end so that you get people to hang around and stay and then I'll also do 500 for theth of July but last time we were so short we didn't get to do that no I normally get you know the Raffles donated and um I mean they they like that they like that because they win something they go out with something those we didn't win anything or didn't catch anything yeah um I would recommend grette um to to do a a budget the paper so because we need to approve the budget okay so let's start first whether we're going to have a quarter party or not okay I'd like to make a motion um to approve I think the more economic one which is the single one staller which is 36338 do you need a permit you need a permit let's go I don't second before we go second discussion do you need a permit for that because I know that when we did our Festival we had to have a permit for those so you have to check into that okay and that cost m is there a charge for the perment oh yes no not only that [Music] you don't more or less like I know that we've had to pull a permit for one of the bigger events before and it was like $50 oh but again that's an es right if it's gonna be $300 we're no no yeah it was around $50 last time all right so a vote those in favor of the porter party I I I and names n have to record the names yeah the Nam so can you guys keep your hands up for the names so that we can write it down your four that wait wait a minute and how many in favor name is Justin Elsa Eve uh Geraldine and okay who's saying no Eve no I say yes okay no all right let's start again all in favor all in favor of the Porta part $363 one two three four five six six against the b b against the cost so you four four okay [Music] Ela so motion passes okay so then just send me a quote please and I'll work on classing got you I think I already sent to Ma and that that was with just make sure could um I want to be clear because sometimes they send me stuff and it says qu and if it's full I cannot process it has to say invoice and it has to have invoice State and an event like it has to be very okay so then outside of the porter poty the other cost for the snacks $54 Metals 45 and water 30 but total 659 you said yes metal 45 and what else snacks 54 Metals 45 water 30 is that a motion hold I'm just adding sorry I get 129 then oh because of the bait sorry I forgot the bait all right the bait is 530 right the snacks are 54 the metals are 45 water 30 quarter poty 363 38 659 but you guys just to be clear you did already equ the for the body yeah I'm just doing the total B budget so the total budget would be 1, 12238 um correction 1,72 I would ask that we all not talking over one another please okay so the budget is 1,22 38 right and that's including the P body and we're going to add a tentative fee of $50 for the permit if we need one it's ,72 38 so I would like to make a motion to approve the 17238 budget second it'sing can we change the amount to 1100 round it off in case the permit is $60 we don't have to go back and vote and go back that's fine I second that motion all in favor of changing it to 1100 all right any names Felicia name is that the only name for the record are we approving the no we're talking about she asked if we can just round it off to 1,100 oh okay okay let's try the vote again clear okay so to amend the budget for the fishing tournament to 1,100 the second second discussion yeah where where is all that money coming from you're just going to transfer from another event no we have 500 right now without transferring anything okay Brian just wanted to match Josh whatever Josh puts in Brian's GNA match so it could be a th might work any more discussion before we close for a vote let's vote all in favor I any a hearing none motion passes we can get the money attorney okay thank you trette uh please submit that writing so we have it on record as reference for next year including check detail like M sub just just this a sample do that okay U let's move on to the next item um Independence Day CER budget update in coordination um so the update is that uh we are less than two months out and uh the committee has not discussed any Poots I sent I went ahead and I uh just you know to get started Contra contacted the old production company that we've normally used the last few years light Effects productions um I shared those quots with you guys over email so that is just they are holding for us right now they have somebody else who wants to take the stages and they are giving me to tomorrow to give them a response um I believe where we last left off where I think the chair made a comment last time was that the committee should bring back on whatever it is they want to approve as of right now the only expense that has been motioned and approved by this committee is the band which was confirmed back like six months ago now but as of right now we are promoting an event and we have no details confirmed from the committee so I would urge you all to please start motioning and approving what it is that you want to have so that we can properly promote this event I have in front of me copies that um I provided I don't know the all of you were able to be able to access the link and it has the two stages and the sound right that's the latest because we have the old budget that is going to be different so that's yeah the one I sent is the two foot per W be this year or this year which is these two items um did anybody get a chance to look at uh the first one I think is um clarify for me I is the first [Music] stage there's two stages one is $1,440 and the other one is 13,850 those are the only quotes we have on the table unless anybody else brought any other quotes that they' like to the PO and who was the one that we used last them the 10,000 no we used um the stage from from the county they count and then whatever they had was I think it was like 8,000 7,000 6,000 but this includes everything right the so they normally include um so now you mentioned that I want to remind you guys I know some of you are new so I want to highlight this because um Fourth of July is a very big event with a lot of little details um so as I mentioned you guys already confirmed the band which is the Jackson bun group as a reminder the Jackson bun group passed for Fourth of July how much oh uh for $2,500 it gave us a special rate that Felicia was be able to work out um so I want to highlight the fact that yes they are agreeing to come and they are confirmed however they have expectations of what they expect the committee to provide them for their performance studing um I'm going to read it out lot for you guys I'm happy to send it to you guys so they require a stage large enough for seven piece band and usually they um we contract out a production company which is usually light effects and he mentions in his email sound company usually provides sound engineer all speakers monitors mic s mic cbles and stands um includes uh the Baseline guitar they pretty much get connected and they work out the coordination of you know all the specs and things that they need as musicians apart from that they ask for food lots of cold water Gatorade and Ice Coolers um because it's going to be hot jelli sandwiches and chips are fine if there is hot food available even better please provide a tent or covered area that the band members can sit at between sets and then I want to highlight also that um as you guys know weather unfortunately we can't predict the weather um usually what's very important with the stage in the last few years that I've seen is that the musicians want to make sure that once once they lay out their instruments they're not going to get with so you have to have the proper stage and you have to be will need to provide that so that they can perform so that's all I would ask you guys to keep in mind as you confirm these details so we have two options here for the stage which is critical we need to order by tomorrow right well if you want any of the two that I provided they're holding it till tomorrow tomorrow and I'm sorry through the chair see question so according to our budget for um the fourth July we have a budget of $1,000 that's correct yes but 10, 2500 go over in addition to the sandwiches yeah so just so you know the the way that you guys have done it previously is as Felicia mentioned there's a consideration of you guys moving line items for events that you maybe haven't that have passed and you haven't you have left over fund for that's one a really big one is sponsorship dollars um last year you guys has raised a significant amount and pretty much covered a good amount of your expenses however I want to highlight yeah I want to highlight the fact uh sponsorships so again it is a big event a lot of businesses will be interested in sponsoring because it's a good promotional um branding for for for their companies however if we don't have detailed laid out I cannot create a sponsorship package for you guys because I need to know what we are promising right I can't just copy and P last year if we don't have details in place if things are not confirmed so as of right now there is no sponsorship Target all we have is you know whatever it was last year but I am not going out and promoting that because I don't know if it's going to be the same events chair I was uh what about the food I me yeah uh thank you for bringing up uh so you guys have confirmed the band um I want to highlight the fact that town does take care of the fireworks that is a separate budget unrelated to f Affairs and I on my end which is a fundraising effort um have already started confirming food trucks for the event normally we can get close to 20 food trucks so it is a good opportunity to raise funds and promote local businesses small businesses um as a right now we have about six confirmed and they are already posted on the website for the 4th of July event so that is one of the few details we already have confirmed and it's already out there and they've agreed to pay $200 so we already have six confirmed we can confirm up to 20 and that's that's uh that's funds that you guys can use for your that as well question I can start that's why I was going to ask you if it's okay if I can start contacting my contact trck I just didn't want to like jump the gun yeah um I had mentioned that we had reached out to some vendors that had reached out to us giving them an opportunity but at this point it's been a few weeks so whoever's confirmed this confirmed then now yeah I'm I'll try to look at what you've already confirmed to just make sure we kind of have different things um the only thing I want to highlight is we uh the farmers market is is crucial in helping us at least in the last few years when it comes to this event so they ask they they pretty much so it's okay that we confirm the food trucks they pretty much uh coordinate with them day of so they help us like Park them and set them up because they already know the event the layout and all that which is very helpful um for us the only thing they asked in exchange is that we allow them to be the only beverage uh vendor so just keep that in mind um and by beverage I don't mean that others cannot sell beverage yes they can I mean uh the beer and wine they going new be online but we do have other food trucks that do like slushies and stuff like that that's fine okay through the chair do we have a item is the budget breaking down everything we need to do we have this so we can mark up I mean I we don't that's last year's right yeah I know but we were waiting for Al to give us more feedback so we can use this you want to use this and Mar it up but do we have the upd we have the official one no we don't have anything updated we have to be Waring for the amounts right but the sorry when I did this I had called up and got all the updates from the light tires um I don't know we doing anything Flags the yard signs portal parties all that we had updated bids or proposal when I put this together we have we have uh um I mean whatever's in there you know we can extra copy you can keep for the record I just want to make sure we're all following along um uh what Felicia and mine are discussing right now is the proposed budget that was put together by the committee chair last year um which is the proposed budget for the event so that's kind of what they're referencing right now yeah that's why you know we wanted to put it in writing and I recommend this for every event so we know what we did last year and then we more or L project as you can see in that list mine we had a lot of sponsors and then we we calculated the number of uh food trucks so it gave us an idea of the estimate of how much we we will getting so this is a good exercise to use to to yeah we don't have the total amount because we still don't have all the food trucks and all that so um I mean I the way I see it I think we can start promoting it it's just that maybe by uh we can have a special meeting subcommittee meeting uh we had you know because we're short of time I wanted to talk about it today so we we can gain time so if we we want to do a uh committee meeting just for the 4th of July we can discuss it in more detail and then we'll have the the to budget figured out I'm just worried we're running out of time yeah we are chair could we talk to one our commission elected official and see if we could get the the stage again like we had last time that possible we could do that but um I has a concern you said that you guys just have to confirm that they can um match the requirements that the V has we would just have to pass you mentioned that last year problem there was a problem with the bringing in my concern the only but it's not that you can't I want to be clear because you guys have options as a committee that's you guys are here to you know decide what you're going to do about that um the concern last year and again we can try to talk to them but I I want to highlight the fact that it became an issue is that I believe it's the commissioner's office that has has lent us the stage before yes and um we we told them hey this is a big event very important we know you guys have other routes but we need this by a certain time because then artists need to set up and everybody else it's just a trickle effect right if one doesn't work out and they said yes of course no problem hours passed and it hadn't been set up that's what time right and I guess it becomes a tricky situation because when you're getting something donated and you're not paying for it just kind of hard to yeah you know we tried calling emailing them they said yes of course but things happen so this is something to keep in mind um it's not that you can't I just I would appreciate that if you guys would highlight that again and hopefully it would go well that's the route you decide to take and then I want and then I also want to mention that even if you go with with their stage you guys still have a pretty hefty cost with the production company because they're just giving you the stage you still need everything else that goes along with the last year 7800 so we're talking about what 10,000 and 13,000 another one they'll do everything so just decisions for you guys to make and I and I I want to you know explain to the committee because the chair just mentioned the promotion Fourth of July has been on the town calendar for months now so it's not a matter of us not promoting it it's already there it's an event that really the residents already know and everybody who comes out but I want I do want to mention that it has been on the town website any details that have been confirmed such as the band and the food trucks are already on there what's not on there is anything that has not been thing about the future you just you just need their insurance um all 7 okay and then is there a form there's a form or anything they have to fill out to say that they're doing it and they're bring to the 200 or anything like that um I would send them an email just detailing that out and then usually if they're interested they'll let me know and then I can generate an invoice base off their Billings so if I get somebody I just send them your way yeah but I I'll let you know what they need you know we're charging $200 all them yes because last year we had um again Diego pretty much helps those coordinate we don't charge them we allow so be and wine and everybody else whatever else they want um so yeah we're charging $200 we did up it from last year so that should help with your expenses just a little bit and I want to say it's $200 but there's a lot of people out there and was 20 enough in terms of f trucks last we had 13 last year there's still we had 13 LS here I'm sorry and it was for $75 $75 because they charged us the feed for coordinating so this year we're trying to work out we're just letting them sell and and that's the tradeoff and charge for 200 now we're charging 200 we've already collected $200 from sixs so it sounds like everybody's okay with that market price I want to say it's be it's about 9,000 of TR days that we had last year so there's enough business to go around for all trucks and I would love to add even more but unfortunately the yeah uh through the share uh what about the grand companies they always sponsor the 4th of July have you heard from them I have not but they like to see a sponsorship that's usually what they ask I need but I'm happy to as soon as we have one I'm happy to send it to all the old sponsors we had a lot there were a couple that at the last moment that's why we need what is now may um yeah I details from you guys please um and I and I do want to say something for you guys to think about it is a big event there is very big opportunity to raise a lot of funds through through um sponsorships however if you're not offering a lot of branding opportunity then you're that limits your capacity of what you're charging so just keep that in mind as you're confirming you provided the the sponsorship that we had last year um it right here we had three levels we had a fun zone because we confirmed okay details for it this is this is the package that U correct that was last that she she put together last year and um we still got the the title sponsored what was that the title what was the title how much 2500 the title BR companies was 2500 so that and we and the only thing we really promoted was on the stream and yard signs which again limits how much your y but about on the Laker the ads no because no logos well if you're if you're talking specifically about ad space and you're paying the L if you're talking about you know like normal articles we can always ask them but again the lake it's not confirmed right we don't we don't they usually do it to Big Town Event but I can't promise that to the sponsors because I'm not in charge of confirming I can't confirm that we don't run the Laker unfortunately do you L the sponsor on the on the social media for the town we do so again cost that you guys have to be willing to to do a front to then reap the benefits of sponsorship dollars we can do a video recapping the event which you guys have done in previous years I don't think we did it last year but I know it's been done in the past that is an upfront cost but we can highlight the sponsors in those reals and then that's a video that can be posted to social media but again that's a pause are you guys willing to do that um and Logo branding is more onsite it's not so much like flooding or social media it's more on-site uh brand activation from the sponsors are they going to have tables are they going to have we've done um Beach BS with uh with sponsor Loos on it uh they give we allow them to give out handouts with their logos I it's more of getting in of people Memorial last year yes Memorial has been a previous sponsor and they've given out like kids um bracelets or BS or things that people can use because it's hot outside yes we can [Music] so we need to move on on that we have now as much as possible and then we keep getting the other amount so we know we have an idea of the total that we're going to be spending this year Madam chair we have a quum and we detail this so that I can get going with the sponsorship whatever details is needs I need you guys to confirm expenses because that is a details ofit like if we're going to have an LED screen or not then I know I can put a l or I'm not gonna put I think that's I mean we had it last year well but you guys have it stage with an LED screen so it's not a given and I can't go off of assumptions because you know this is a cultural Affairs event I need direction the commit how much is the stage that includes the3 15 no no but the 10,000 doesn't it have something on the screen I saw something hold on a [Music] second the difference between the 10 and the 13 it doesn't have to be a screen you guys can get creative you can hang up a banner you there's other ways to do it again you just need to approve the exens allowing them to activate a 10 it's not a cost to you guys it's a branding opportunity because last year we had the different sponsors being shown on the streams the logos the logos yeah that's why I said we had it last year and it was included in the FX packet whatever right but you guys haven't approved anything FX related so I don't have any details to do we have a space to put to allow them to put up their own tents with their own table all of themag not all of them I want to be clear that it's not all of them because again you have to differentiate between the levels and what you're charging and the value of each level if you give them all the same thing then why then point they can just give us anything yeah the on that we had last year or the higher P the higher corre okay that's fine yeah so okay I'll make sure to add the the T do we have anything else literature I would say the same thing the distribution of their literature right the same thing but in the same thing means funds don't I need you guys to bring up quotes and details it's not just you know because it is it's a cultural Affairs event um so for example if you're saying the same thing last year the fund Zone what are the details for the fund Zone what are we going to have there what are the expenses related to that I can't do say Fun Zone and we don't have anything was offer last year what can last year we did um some you know like the LIF side board games oh yeah there's also additional opportunities you don't have to stick to the same thing that's up to you um I know youth activity sometimes does um they a mobile bowling thing and different things like that we have a vendor called We Rent fund that had reached out um wanting to get involved they have a bunch of different things they have bounce houses they have mobile games carnival games anything like that that's a Madam chair but that's what you can get a sponsor to just brand that alone is an opportunity on the proposal from FX Does it include a DJ yes it does welcome yes that a DJ last year yes yes the DJ the DJ Norm what you guys have done historically fills in between the bands on brief and remember we have to add food and tent for the band [Music] Yes um so here's um just to help you guys moving on certain things things that are required if we are going to have you know a big scale events are light towers I know the officer mentioned four is is what they would need for this year um because it's got it to be a very big event we usually do portable toilets additional to the ones that already exist because we use the ones that exist we need extra tatorial Stu there and because we usually use the parking lots of the GRS we are responsible for cleaning up those parking lots afterwards last year that cost us $1,700 aone um now be able to use a voice St one so well my understanding is now they own that so we'll ask them for that as well um my understanding is that the rates hav been changed in terms of the genitori of the cleanups staff right now so you guys can gauge it at 1,700 for that um bathroom codes based on what tette has pulled for the other one that gives you an idea of what it's going to cost you light towers for four there's a it's about $800 for four of them and then you have the band confirmed for 2500 already which you know that that's a fact excuse me um last year the port portable toet was 200 right her one is 363 yeah so it just depends again you guys just to approve if you don't have qus I would suggest that you guys start um at least talking about the expenses right now and copying and we also need waste B per and that's provided by the well they charge you for it or what we've done previously is confirm the sponsor to bring us the waste BS to bring that cost did you get them to help us yeah so are you guys ready to take any action on this if I think we should at least move the money that we have left over from the other events into the Fourth of July so you already have that there yes please that would be nice so do we want the $110,000 stage or system whatever or the 13 no the there's one this one doesn't have anything no so 13 is the one with the screen 13 is the the screen we can't move anything we have no I I do want to this is me trying to help you guys you guys if you feel like that $3,000 is really going to hurt you there is other ways to get sponser logos out there doesn't have to be screen the screen is obviously a very nice T but you can do customized banners as well and the one that is the back I because I remember one time what we had is like a huge American flag in the back and then for the 10,000 is just a clear one then we can hand hand that now we can hand the the flag and then they can have BS I think this is this is what we had last year but you know the stage was different and some of the sponsers have their own batterers too yeah they can so and also you guys can confirm now just to get to the basics confirm the expense of the basics so we have an event we get going and then as you start raising fund if you meet hey now there's an opportunity to up the event now you have extra things you can add at that point do the basic the basics yeah let's do that so then I make a motion okay that um that we start with the 4th of July the stage for the uh cost of $10,000 we appr that one 10,400 40 I think it was 10,000 approximately $10,000 10,000 Yeah the code is $1,440 okay so 10,440 that's my motion to approve second any discussion related to that uh question can we add to it later or no yeah that's what I was saying we can always and that's for any aspect of this event you can always um make it better make the okay perfect any [Music] anybody fa none motion passes I'll confirm the stage anything else okay I make a motion to rent four light [Music] towers at an approximate cost of $800 for the [Music] event everybody in favor any motion passes unanimous okay okay item are you guys Fourth of July any other item that we have to put on right so I mean again we can put them together if you guys want um so you're not doing one by one but these are these are things that are needed if you're going to have that amount of you need uh to allow for sfm which is the litter removal company um the extra Dorial staff to clean the other bathrooms and yeah the portable toilets janitorial lit okay do I make a motion and if you want um mine can help you with the last year's just Bas if you got want to go and Bas on that I would suggest you cushion right because it goes up every year yeah yeah that's what portable toilet L remal theor the janitorial and the cleanup yeah the cleanup uh the litter removal is more around the park you can imagine that gets messy and around the park what was the total on that last 17 1,700 is a clean up alone okay 1700 clean up alone and then what else was there and then the janitors and the um and the portable toilet so I make a motion okay I make a motion that we approve uh related cleaning um or hygiene or cleaning you know for the 4th of July the portable toilets the janitor janitors um the clean up but for how much oh we don't know well okay let's say because how much for inflation you have you have up for 17 how much was for the janitors is per hour no yep 33 per hour for employee 8 800 no no no per hour how many hours 200 you should be 264 per hour 264 per hour that was for the Jan that was for sfm L removal for janitors we can try to we can keep it at around $200 should be fine because they already have somebody there we're just adding to it per person no no no for the whole event just so you understand the eight people are litter removal that means cleaning up the garbage from the park and the parking lot janitor is just for the bathroom that already exists and I will mention a special needs something to collaborate with a special needs is going to be using the indoor maybe you guys want to talk to them about sharing that expense so that's an idea to help you guys yeah yeah and then the portable toilet we figure how much last year so we're between 200 and 400 is the okay's just do 400 to be safe you're going to have only one three we did three three okay so let's say that uh between the portable toilets the janitors and the cleanup not to exceed $2500 I and the motion was second by Gerald no it just I just made the motion motion oh you second Gerald any more discussion we're gonna vote all in favor any hear none motion passes un how much have we up to oh she said 2,500 800 and 10 hold on 10,44 stage [Music] 20,4 16, 16,2 that includes a band right that includes a band so it's 2500 this is what you guys have a 2500 band 2500 of the cleaning we just talked about 800 for the light tow 10,440 for the St for the St that's 16,200 I 15 what 16 16 400 24 W 16,24 200 16240 can you clarify something for me real quick so like Charles mentioned so it was $1,700 for clean up of what last year so that's the clean up of the park and the parking lot area okay so we have still allotted that amount for this year you guys have this one have approved it yes okay so then in addition to that we're also we also approved the janitorial services that cleans just the bathroom which is how much around 200 okay and then you also said that we were going to pay $1,200 for something else for the porter potties no no no no between 200 and 400 is what you guys are for the of okay no not total total total so it's $400 for four Porter parties for three we're going to try to see if we can get well we can get for 400 last year it was three Porter parties for 200 yeah so now we allocated $400 to see that the prices went up can either get to the same or more thank you did you guys have any ideas if you wanted to keep the fund Zone and if you did what cost are you willing to F there for games how much the town has like two things which is the ring toss and theole and the cornhole we don't have much I mean we don't want to be too high in the park because people are waying the back watching the stage so we need I think what we had last year was okay what about flags do we have we have we got we got the little ones the little ones usually you guys order those yeah but those are not expensive depends how much ordering last year we500 $500 for the FL y [Music] cover yeah 500 for $500 are you are you guys ready to commit to anything else right now do you want to bring back PS next meeting do you want to see what sponsors come in I will say the fund zone is a little sad and I think could use a lot of improvement for better branding whatever we want to right but if I'm going to go with the sponsorship package out need to put a price on it now F was a sponsorship for the Phone Zone the amount for that so we've done it varying different events what we did last year um we can keep it out what we did last year and see if we can get somebody confirmed that that PR however an option is to also just put it out there and then maybe next meeting if we have raise some sponsor doll maybe we can Elevate and then may ask for more exactly yeah I think that's it yeah let's do that I mean Le next year they start planning six month ahead eight months ahead no this has to be planned minimum of six months six seven months ahead right everybody's doing Fourth of July so it makes it hard for us yeah okay so you have uh the details are so that way we can do the SP I have everything you guys approved so I'll go based off of that um yeah if you guys can work on it a little earlier next year I think it would allow us to raise a lot more yeah definitely um and I think you guys do need more funds to elevate the event realistically um so I'll work on that but I would really request that you guys work on ideas on how to elevate the event maybe it it could be you know without an extra cost or maybe at a cost will bring those ideas to the next meeting um because you know I think this event deserves that that type of attention from you guys we had ,000 people there right and then the band please keep in mind what I mentioned about the band requests so if any of you could please make sure you're leading that effort and bringing back quotes for what the band is requesting I can help with them I'll help with that I'll send you the email so you itend the email yeah and I'll see what I can any other question concern to the chair can we volun you to try to contact vendors to sponsor the EV or yes yes yes so I'll send a package to all of you guys once it's ready and you're welcome to share that package and I will share with thank you mad chair I need to leave it's 8:30 we all need to leave is is is there a chance that that you could send us a list of who sponsor last year yep please sponsor right we have to get this you do have quum you do have Forum but I will ask I will ask that you guys make a motion because the committee has prev we requested that you keep it at 8:30 can we make a motion let see we have I guess how much do we have to cover on this one more item 10 more minutes whatever it is that you guys quick announcements nothing you know so can you I'm sorry just for the record can you rep motion I'd like to make a motion to extend the meeting 10 more minutes okay discuss on V oh yeah sorry favor okay whoever needs to leave you guys tell me anything else you want to move on right now okay uh anything else to add to Independence Day no it looks good okay so we we have a tentative budget that you're gonna use for the sponsorship thank you so much thank you everybody we finally did it and then we'll talk more next time at least we get this mov um so the next item is um the calendar this one I took out some stuff um just run it through sign up for whatever you want to be coordinating and then we'll uh we'll move to the next item real quick uh the new business Sy of the Americas um we finally got a um a date August 17th is the date that they can be so I'm going to go ahead he has been very difficult to get in touch with these people and we're going to see if we can get a uh an invoice from them and hopefully it will be the same year and and we're trying to again I told them give us enough time because I want to you know get sponsored from this event too so um and through the chair I want to make sure we're all on the same page when you're talking about August 17 being available that is for the band The the artists themselves okay yes available not the church yeah the church is ready oh well yeah they they told me we're ready give us because they have either 17 but they need to know exactly the day so they can get the the sound person differ oh good good so I'm going to contact if we I mean this is not I I don't think we're proving the date because the date is said is uh is having the church coordinate with their with their people and and then we start promoting the event we need we need to make a motion to approve this so the you do need to go through details if you want us to start cost want to put together budget okay real quick I think the one that we had last year but I need to know what they they they're gonna charge and in terms of registration and all that that's kind of important so that we promote it out to the public yeah we last year we had a good turnout wonderful turn wonderful turnout and uh we're going to get you know the library can help us because they're awesome they put display the library and they they can they have people there ATT 10 so I think it's important that again we plan things ahead of time this one is not a fault because I've been trying to reach them out and finally they responded and um but we need to start it's one of my fav is is is very and if we can get MGO to come I mean having an orch with a maestro is kind of like past two years but one thing that um Charles noticed last year they had less musicians as they less musician because they're being paid less when we had other bands the number of musician is what you P the price yeah so uh so let's see if we can get you know enough sponsor that we can have and what is the budget for this the budget is don't confuse it remember that there's two on there so it's the one there's one that says concert on The Fairway and there one that says concert alone the one that says concerts alone is the budget which is $55,000 5,000 5,000 five 5,000 no 5,000 yeah 5,000 it says concerts 5,000 okay historically that's the concert you guys have had for that I I think we uh because there we have to you know if we have food and we have you other things that we have so very important for Ellie's promotional end that I need from you guys tickets registration what people can expect at the event and the amount that you guys are willing to spend on on um I don't know that that's correct but on the musicians themselves yeah so that I know that we're right I'm gonna get on it you know like tomorrow because they've been doing concerts all this time I mean they're they're very busy and but I mean from the committee end I need to know what you guys are willing to spend on this approving what are you guys approving for this for the musicians alone so that when you send me an inv I know that it's matching you last year I remember um you and I'll remind you that last year you guys went under the amount like you requested them to yeah to lower it so I don't know what you guys3 23 I don't remember I'll I'll give you so you guys will give me the number next meeting next meeting or I know we have to vot on it the budget but I work on the budget okay I [Music] at least we have way I'm getting nervous um okay any other oh announcements on my end I just want to make sure you guys are invited as you know you're always invited out to ton events but um very important Memorial Day ceremony is going to be held the 27 and and there is going to be um the elderly Affairs committee has paired up with a assisted living facility organization and they are going to have a senior day all seniors are invited from all around the county um and that is going to be on the 208 29th of May which is a Wednesday the Wednesday and the memorial day is November no no May 27 no no but the first one you said Memorial Day May 27 27 is that the one at the park yeah I'll confir veterans I think and we also received an invitation for the uhan to be there anyway we the 14th the 14th [Music] uhuh so the Memorial Day ceremony is Monday May 27th at 11: a.m. and it is going to be um Mary Collins Community Center oh Mary CS go inside where is it Mary Community Center what Veterans Park 11 11 on what are you asking 14 oh oh that's on the on the yeah that's it's 14 right it's the yes next week do the 14th what at night swearing in will take place at 6: p.m will be served starting at 5:30 5:30 yeah 5:30 14 in right and then we're getting our we get a good crowd of people there I can introduce you to the to the council somebody just 5 yeah it's be the chamber time uh this sing starts at 5:30 like they're going to have a and then the event itself start atair I'll just take this opportunity that we're talking um for announcements I really want to stress the fact I know you guys are trying to get organized for your upcoming event but I really want to stress the fact that if we don't not have quotes and we don't have estimates coming into these meetings it's really hard to move on things so I would suggest that whoever is sharing the events takes ownership of that any ideas you have you know all ideas are welcome at the end of the day you guys will vote on it if anybody wants to propose anything new but please make sure to bring you know bring up facts back that up so that we can move we were lucky that we were able to get of July okay pass around I I have my you for the the little spools for the you want to make a copy of this or can you guys just make a motion for the expense related to that can you make the motion for what the Hispanic the expense we hav't talked about that a picture right okay you iters okay um Jus you put his like to make a motion to add put it on just the cost of the replacement little screws to the for the esos which is $4.95 which um you know it's like 100 so hope we'll have them for a long time so9 is what the little box of little screws for the second questions any discussion any questions approval approval all in favor than that's because did inventory they were all were allop and cop chair so we're looking forse oh yeah she's going can just bring that Cofe next as much as the holiday we've been doing that since November I know that's the holiday book reading there's nobody listed under that normally it's Charles you coming back you can put there okay I'm putel oh she's be we discuss this further I a motion I make a motion to okay I we got to get the thing going okay thank you very much today we got a lot of that's why it's so important meetings because otherwise we I'm most people