e e e e um M please call roll Mario petta present Claudia lues Anna Soo Jessica Mendoza Kevin ma present and I'm present as well okay we have four moving on order of business deferrals addition of deletions see none moving on to public comments public comments yes Jor I'm in the here see what I'm excited to potentially work with you guys perfect thank you thank you for joining us moving on to um approval minutes as you can see in your packet you have your approval minutes please that for a minute [Music] iary all right I'll make a motion approve am minuts I'll second all in favor say I I I approved moving on updates okay so real quick uh now what do we have we have any um yeah so um thank you to our newest member I got some missing pictures um I think we're good with pictures we've already started laying out what it's going to look like however um the schools did not send in like we need like a list like a need list of what their accomplishments are what programming like the very Basics that you you want to highlight in a flyer um um so I'm going to be sending a followup I guess to the district um I haven't heard much from the district when it comes to a lot of initiatives we' didn't have any so if I could have a push from you guys that would be great did you get I I feel like I sent you some stuff I have all the schools now thank you I sent you they send me captions okay but what we need is more like highlighting you know a list buet high quality pictures from all those I think we should be fine um Jonathan's working on putting it together and it looks like we a lot for any reason we can't get like a single good one I would like but I think they all sent in like a good amount of there's a lady in my school it's head of the magnet program and this is what she does so I can just email her and have send you so you need lists of accomplishments we're doing at the flyer so we want to make sure we highlight like what's most important um you have that from some pool or you need it from all so you do HML Al Tech which I got their pictures what are the other schools uh Bob Graham I feel like I may have help with that Miami Lakes Middle School okay and then what's the other one Miami Lakes Middle as midle school I can do that oh the KA oh I did the KA too when Miss I can talk to her her again Claudia has education okay so we have to get isue everything by one when like a deadline um as soon as you work and it's just it's just been dragging really you know and then Jessica's gonna do B that's it I think HML is the only one that we may have the updating we're we're just not sure okay so yeah I'll we update it okay uh okay so so we're good on the digital we're just going to get that conf before we hit it off and then um we'll get going with it moving on to um B um scholarship yeah so I have not received a single application when is this do that's a thing I I was do like in May I saw so like a lot of the people I've been talking to they're not gonna apply because there's so much going on they applying is there a flyer or something for this it's been posted in the lake I've seen I've seen a lot ofst me a fer so I can they have to be a Miami Le from scholar okay okay April 5th is deadline so oh wow want to extend it now my I know that we did it April 5th because it falls in line with having to um having to choose the winners for the awards of exence so just keep in mind that if we push it you may not be able to give you know give the scholarship at the awards on we we need to have the nominations for the awards and for the scholarship by April right yes let me see when the make is I'm sorry is this future leader scholarship the one that you're giving at the award that's the top one that's the one the gret two for 15 two for 1500 right yeah two for 1500 1500 so the awards for excellence I know I can put that out immediately as soon as we come back but I don't have a flyer so somebody can send me a flyer and he can't find the fly Award of Excellence nominations TOS April 11 and how many nominations all right um can we who approve the minutes I'm sorry uh Kevin approve the minut so our April meeting is one the 20 no the April one is April 22nd you guys meet the fourth Monday the one I emailed you about was okay so can we push the deadlines to April 15th we have that we can um just warning on Sten then you're just you're putting it close in terms of the awards and giving people time to you know let them know hey you've been chosen as a winner and you're going to come out to an event in like three weeks so as long as you guys are comfortable with so Shane we meet the 22nd so by the 23rd we we let them know because we already know by that meeting then they have yeah two weeks no I mean so right now we have it for April 11th you're saying to push it to April 15 and the current deadline for the scholarship is April 5th yeah vote for April 15th vote for April 15 what day is the Award of Excellence make a proper motion just so yes um I make a motion to extend the um Miami Lakes future scholarship as well as the annual EAB Awards of Excellence nominations to April 15 all second one all in favor I yes have it thank you very much okay um yeah I we could push like I don't know how that works with uh um marketing if we can I know I know the algorithms are are the issue you know we could push it out as much as you can I know I know G ask I need more like support from you guys cuz I get the fer I can send it out okay let me see what I have and I'll send yes s out the fly to everybody that way we can push it up to our schools yeah I'll push it on mine you push it in update the website as well to the new deadline yeah we'll update the website $1,500 scholarship right what's wrong with these kids money for the award sorry you were asking with the awards of Excellence you have six nominations okay and then yeah and we'll get to that okay okay um moving on to the EAB student member position so we can see we have a one member here so thank you [Music] other than that we don't have any other members that have applied I only have received one application which has been shared with you guys and it's not hersing will be coming this so then that would be your second okay uh senior banners last count we had 17 you have 33 would ni what's the M what's the minimum that you needed I think it was 30 so you are good and what's the last day to purchase that I saw it was like May or April [Music] lately April 26 again send that flyer out to us that way we can push that one out too uh kindergarten I know we haven't touched on this in for a while um it's actually not in place anymore and I don't know the details of it so I'll have ter to send me some info on it I'm not sure but it's not back pleas don't why that's not because we have the uh we have the fly I think it has to do with I think something similar open for like all students or something but I can do I'll have [Music] them uh moving on to student member updates what do you got M nothing no updates upates I I got some photos from a lot of the schools i s the ID that's real quick um from the last meeting you have with all the schools the student members have you able to make contact with them again or it's like it's like shaky what we did talk about um which I remember talking about this committee and it's up to you all to see how you want to proceed is potentially doing one of those meetings again at like the last two weeks of schoolish like late May early June with possibly already the new elected officers for next year to kind of have like a beginning of the year meeting and an end of the year meeting to kind of close the year so I know we did one I don't remember I feel like it was in October um something like that so maybe having another one of those to close off the year in kind of close Circle and then um good for you having one as soon as you can get be can we and would you like the motion to allocate again whatever little money was for pizza how much was it it was like $100 it was like around that if you could just maybe St in a motion to allow I to buy pizza for that student event and then to allow me to work with i setting a date um I'll make a motion to allow the expenditure for at least $125 for pizza for meritz to again meet with the student members of the local schools and get an update with that okay you have seconds let me think about second all in favor thank you mariss I we get a few of what's going on with schools from their perspective absolutely okay old business here we go the third annual EAB Awards of V we have six nominations yes right so far um we're going to have to push that out we don't want what happened last year to not have any nominations for somebody the categories that we what uh what categories do we have and what are we missing you have for educator like those most [Music] of wow I'm assuming we have to go through intergovernmental push it if the principales were to push it at the sides yeah I'm not allowed unfortun you're not even allow to cont emails directly to the principal so so send it out to intergovernmental Affairs again please you know as as I I copied you on my last but we can talk to you yeah you guys as a parent you can talk just again and yeah we'll try to push it as much our end that way we could at least tr get some nominations before um yeah I can get the info on that too so I can send it out my school I need like a flyer or something this Saturday the ytf is having um 100 volunteers at our easter event spring so we'll promote it we'll promote it there as well you can hear also I if you can please send an email to uh Joseph asking him to to please find out if there's any uh teachers that are retiring and if he's going to if the mayor's going to do a proclamation again to see for those teachers will we have that for they're retiring on what side and if they're going to do a proclamation Proclamation um sponsorship package I know that uh you reached out to the uh uh last sponsors well I'm I need to do out okay reach out again if you guys uh uh know any of those sponsors please ask me if they'd like to sponsor once again if you have new sponsors we looking for sponsors here on yes is the sponsorship like can they pay already online how does that work so if they they're performed the sponsorship package has like a reply if they send it back to me I can generate the invoice with the info that they they fill out and like that they can either pay online or send and that sponsor form you would they can get online there so we have this thing online it's not specifically the sponsorship package it just says if you want to sponsor and it sends me like alerts of anybody who signs up like k that package where can we get that package updated the new one you'll send it out that's the one that was shared with you guys last uh but I can resend it if you need to please that way everybody adds it we can send it out to anybody that has it um nominations as you can see we need to work on that guys try to please please work on those nominations see if we can find something event details we need to go over that real quick okay uh you can see there this other little package here thank you um we need to have an expenditure for the B guy or for the food uh from last time we had a quantity of1 130 people at $10 a piece um the only difference from this one from 130 um as you can see we only have six nominations I mean I'm okay setting the budget at to150 that be $1,500 if we don't get there that's fine you know that's that's the max I think chair what's budgeted from our we don't have anything budgeted we do have some money in our EV yes I think it's it where at event yeah that would be the line item just so we have $1,000 and we 880 a lot of your a lot of your expenses last year were covered through sponsors off yeah um you guys can [Music] also yeah I was going to say you can move from other line items but not ready you guys committ to I would take act to um we can move that's you can't move what I use that's yeah don't I've tried that before and it's complicated we won't get it any time I just tell you that we won't get those are but just so you know those are checks that are put out to the schools yeah to between stem and the AP language yeah those are checks that are cut out to three different schools okay regardless we need to approve the expenditure so we could get on the sponsorships and and uh and go from there we got to work on the sponsor she's going to send out to to the uh local the main spor the returing yes to returning sponsors I'm sure a lot of the returning sponsors will sponsor the event uh and we'll probably get some new ones um so was head tile spor I believe so and do you know how much that was how much did they pay 2000 oh sorry okay then everybody else was like 200 giving G 500 I know it was in it was in food and and the DJ okay [Music] SM Auto Parts let's just reach out to us she's going to send out an email to the follow up again if you know any of them person you just follow up with them say hey how are you and see we get a spons meanwhile I'm going to make a motion to approve uh $1,500 for the food portion of the event um the vendor being biased by what was that Nick so we could um you got a second that a second all in favor all we have that second detail we need to move on is the linen okay in the previous years we rented out the linen you can see that expenditures it's been $398 we can buy the linen it cost us a minimum of or hand pack that cost us $89 of what what do you have the right size a regular linen and there's the round 60 in table Linens so you're looking at a pack of 60in circle polyester tablecloths watchable fabric um in black or we can get it in navy blue for $60 so we can get two packs of that it's 120 that's actually less it's $41 so is $4.99 and is that poest that's po it's a little sh you not we don't have to go with the black so does we go we don't have white last year it says here we had white how do you feel about the just it's the comedi correct go with that color just the background has that gold and it matches the table cloth that we put with the awards correct I'm fine with that I Le don't think black um so then I I'll have to make a motion for you to order them or I would have to um you guys don't have to go through everything sing there just needs to be an agreement on what we're going to be spending on this you know what what are we actually correct like just we did with the like the food so on this part for the LD in instead of going with this expenditure renting them can I just have to make a motion to Pur yeah and make sure to leave some buffer for the the drag ke okay okay I see your um and if you want like specific one you can just send me that Amazon okay and I'll order it and then what do we need the six foot uh rectangular ones for no the serving right was it the oh but we had the the the appetizers in the back the B remember we don't have any of those trop no because the trophies we put on the front with the E table yeah you're right you're right those are the ones that we because you guys specifically one I guess white on you black ones you got black on take we do have black J we could borrow those um I can check I think we have white but I don't know how many we have if you have white or black I'm okay using black and white like Domino color and the same four if I'm saving I'm going to save $68 four of them yeah and we don't have to buy next all right yeah we don't have to BU those we'll for so I'll make a motion for us to have an expenditure of um what are the what are they the price per unit it's $40.99 for a pack of 10 no they eight so we need two packs so I'll making motion for expenditure $100 that includes uh two packs of uh 860 in round tables and a buer for the uh uh drag cleaners you check your reviews no just you got to be careful onon no no just experience I've made that mistake you have a second all in favor so I'll send this to you that way we have [Music] a okay other than that we need to just um last year for Refreshments uh the um the uh utensils and all that we had an you know how much that expenditure was for Amazon because they bought that Allon no actually I bought that some of that was bought to instacart correct and some of it um basically when to buy Sprite Coke di Pepsi water okay you you tensil they come the ones that come already prepacked with the napkin sports but it's not with what more convenient for the little yeah it's not about picking up either it's about how the process works with the Reimers yeah like if if cost the thing is that the credit card can't leave our oh office our possessions oh got um so I can tell you that from Amazon last year they ordered the party plate white gold gin um plastic cups and if a member gets it they can they reimbursed or yeah but then we won't cover the tax we're tax and not all stores will give you taxes and they you yeah give the credit card doesn't match so specifically that's why we we do enourage you guys to use your Amazon like you can send us the link because we have easier um and I know publ will acknowledge it as well L we we again we don't have a we did what was the expenditure last year and for how many we do that okay or doing the same or I mean if you want to repeat the same order I have it uh but yeah Amazon it was uh Pepsi Diet Pepsi napkins plastic cups and party and the pre-rolled napkins with the and what was your total that was a total of 225 and then there was also an order of for Publix of a decorated sheetcake a Publix Deli flatter like the cheese there was two of those and chicken tunders that was yeah how much that was a total of $200 yeah we just need to make a light item for I make a motion to approve the same expenditure that we did last year for the awards of Excellence um that we spend on Amazon and on Publix's if mod can order that you made a make a for what for the same expenditures that we had through Amazon will approve the same expenditures as last year Amazon and Publix and insta yeah that makes life a lot easier okay yeah I don't I don't everything I don't okay um moving on to what else other detail do we need award okay the awards the awards us Jessica hand the awards she's not here today but again we can't do the awards um I will what was the price that we had last year on do we have a bill for them I I didn't see that one I remember yeah we have no I remember I remember I remember I feel like it was like I have them on yeah we you just need to make exp um I will say while I'm looking for this um something that tends to happen with the awards is although you may not have the names yet you may want to start ordering because sometimes they don't have it in stock like you may want to start telling that this is the design we want we however many of them they usually just do with the last yeah the problem is if they don't have it in stock we okay with the design from they did V custom designs $375 and it was one for the teacher which was slightly different and then 11 for the for the students now keep in mind there was 11 because I think there was some categories that didn't get filed for you guys so you won't know the actual amount but you may want to start preparing the vendor um okay do you have send that vendor out to to is that uh p no let be that I think you guys use you guys use eal for something else for the for the FL for the the yes the programs and I think you guys did a backdrop as well the backdrop we have the backdrop already the back we have it the award actually is May 11 May 10 May 10 last year was May 11 it's a Friday okay so because the sponsorship packet still says it says m oh maybe I'm looking at last I'll I'll resend it to you okay cool thanks and it's AC AC Graphics they did the programs I believe they did the backdrops and then you guys also I I was just looking now you had a charge for the videographer I don't know if you guys are going to be that this serious I can get a I think we should still do a videography I have a separate guy we can use to avoid any issues we have a which is uh I highly recommend I use him for all of my events and he's really good um okay i' rather you go that one I mean how what's the expenditure um maybe $300 yeah last year was 350 I believe I my guy can do it for around the same price for the same price and he'll come with his team and he's really good okay so he's the one that does the the podcast for May year as well we still need the what I'm seeing here is that last year you guys have set money aside as well for we did a breakdown we did a some and you book it down to promote scholarship to promote Awards nominations and to promote something so but we we we would have to take it from my invest money and how much was that expending I think you guys did $20 each line item that was again the purpose of that was to reach like a further audience go with the that um still the DJ would cover um oh can I just can I just make can I just make a motion [Music] to we 15 and we spend about we spend about 45 total right huh we spend about 45 in total for the whole thing oh oh for the event yeah let's see there was $ 5,475 that you guys spent underline item events and out of that 1,000 was for I would pref for like 4,400 that was about last week already we already approved 1500 that we would need another and that's based on last year's last and I'm be on the other expense that you guys have here is the bus yeah we have to find that expend the Sho is also love EV I tell you are you guys cool with me reaching out to my videographer yes okay you need a balloon yeah I need a balloon person we have the back contact from last year right she's not doing it anymore but I yeah I she just needs to do the arc all you need is an arch an arch oh I can find some you know somebody we have the U we have some of the center pieces but if that person the center piece can do some easy I'll show you I don't know oh to make things easier can I approve the and then there item you spent 4500 yeah but that's 35 Plus the 15 I already pulled the 15 for okay I get you for the yeah yeah that's fine that's fine you guys just need to be in agreement on what you're spending it on so there's no like the person that can do center pieces yeah she can do it I just spoke to I've been texting Judy Toyota he says that once I sensor the packet she's going to look at it and that they're interested but that they'll she she'll talk it with her team um okay so balloon J no balloons Kevin center pieces Andie can someone send me like an itemized list like how many centerpieces we really don't know because we don't know the tables I have how many have 14 tables 14 total and one Arch DJ when do we need them by so on the AR got like the day before of we events not till later in the day exactly Friday did The Arches last year yeah but that person she used my I think she used two of my students where that was two years ago I don't know that she told me that they're no longer doing it right so okay table CL as Amazon um's Amazon and then don't forget BJ because that was donated DJ I got I got the DJ iact DJ um [Music] and if you need any invites on my end I know you guys had me invite certain people last year yes invite already the the have the council invited um have yeah that's on their yeah have the um all the principles all princip no matter whether we get no no matter what we should be invited yeah um um doctors and principal you're saying one per school like only the principal only one rep or do on two or doesn't matter what do you guys think I think you guys limited to like one yeah one the invite list is yeah but my school person and we sent out an invite to the superintendent again corre to see if he wants to come how in the region tell me tell me specifically no taus taus sorry came after Jes superintendent Alonso you want to send an official I'm Jess get him I think there's a guest L here yeah this is just what so Roberto Lonzo and his assistant Roger Leonard Tes from the region and you tell him just tell the region I guess that they can send like one or two people whoever they s mat she's no longer with the district so whoever's the let we can invite her and then for the superintendent maybe we can put in the email that if he's not available to do a video because last year he just didn't come but the year before a video if he can do a video aren't there two superintendent no no well there's the region super yeah that's what I mean who do you want me to the the the big super the district superintendent J and then the region superintendent is um she's new she's new she's one she's the one that replace okay and region right yeah I got it and reg so I'm inviting both of them yes and now that you're on special needs the special needs advisory Awards reach out to them to see if they have any nominations as well the what the special needs Advisory Board okay if there's anybody else to think of I so I have Council all principles superintendent region superintendent uh Roberto Alonzo and Roger I let Diaz and Andes yeah right and special needs on are you inviting special needs to attend or to nominate to nominate to nominate if they nominate invite them they have anation what else are we missing guys so we have the beverage we have the food contact the food um I'm trying to think who's signing in people like who's doing what doesn't can we invite all usually are my wife helps out or one of us help someone help you guys have students volunteer last year too oh that's yes Reach Out reach out to the culinary to to serve and to help out they were great last yeah absolutely invite them they were amazing they made life a lot easier for us what else I'm looking at the guest for that's pretty much everyone I have a program already yeah we can just copy last program and edit and edit pretty much but we need to nomination thank you for coming so we got to push that out yeah yeah so we're going to reach out to the same yes yes I'm Gonna Keep it okay so I'm in a motion to approve $3,500 for the remaining budget of the EAB Awards of exence uh for 2024 for expenditures including not limited to the beverages food um DJ balloons and uh anything else that I might left them all in favor thank you all right uh moving on I want to make one last comment um speaking of the videographer um I think part of the issue last year was that we confirmed the videographer but there was no like proper direction I think like from the beginning yeah when we talk to videographer we absolutely we want you know the special guest the award winners and keeping in mind that they may not know who these people are so you may have like one of you may have to assign yourselves to I can do that and this guy that I use I've done all of my events he does so he knows kind of like how to rolls and act on similar events like these and he always does a great job so did you guys do like testimonials last year like little interviews verticals for social media it would be awesome we can do I can ask them to do like both we need and to do a vertical shorter version you for real yeah like if you want us to post it like on Instagram um yeah we need the the correct stuff and then when you order the stuff most of the stuff gets you whatever I have to pick up I just pick up that day but I can Bally order the even I'll I'll make sure if you want to see it or again wherever you want here no no it reveral even better yeah make life easier the food will get there as well everything I think last year the food Hector picked it up if I remember correctly the bakery the publ one yeah cuz insta car for some weird reason like certain items they don't allow like delivery I don't mind Pi if it's like from the deli p i don't mind picking it up that day just you work with you yeah and then the balloons you said you get it um all right moving on to parents and childood enrichment program I have reached out to them to see if they could do a presentation they didn't reach out back I if you can reach out to them again uh see if they can come in and do a presentation where here no like for the meeting for the meeting oh go okay next moving on to new business is uh any positions we have some open positions have there been anys application how many position I don't know right now for top of my head um all I know is that whenever positions open up the town clerk's office keeps file while the applications and they will forward it to any um like the officials that have the opening positions there was a I think voria yes right the teacher that she there was a Victoria um she came in I do remember a lady remember lady she was actually yeah she was at the moment she she was right at the moment she right see that was when we were doing the mental health correct too we would do the mental health and she wanted she had some interest in joining maybe we could reach out to her as well how many do we know under what council members they are I can you have openings from Garcia and the and so we only have under who we got talk to well we need to find someone first I have [Music] somebody um moving on on to new business be uh little Free Library um last council meeting uh the mayor talked about some of the uh residents complaining that's not complaining but uh many us know that some of these little libraries are in the parks are kind of beat up you know the doors are falling out uh they need a little veins so I thought we have some you know um wood shop classes here in the town for our our high schools Maybe we could get them to we I have the schematics of some of them of how you build it maybe we get that to them they could collaborate I think it would be amazing to have something that you know in the town not only Built by you know students that are in the town it might be something you know that can that be an it could be too do we have any schools that still have Workshop yeah yeah of course we do what kind of school are you [Music] I'll reach out to and and I have a couple of you STS I can talk about if we need to find a sponsor for the materials let me know I'm sure there's someone that's not that's an easy moving on to announcements I do have I'm sorry how many are there um I'm sorry there are a couple in the town there about what 17 right you know I have a list of them yeah there's a couple tell how many whatever some of them just need like a door fix or pain and things like that but it could be multiple schools working on this yeah we could have something on the back of them said uh uh created or you know buy them oh yeah a QR code that who needs to their program or something you know we could do something like that that we could also collaborate do they have books in them yeah they have books I've actually donated a lot of books to yeah people do actually go to them she been I know there one there's one by Miami L SK through there one on uh Veterans Park there's one in the little bridge by there by timus there's one at Optimus uh there's one Roberto uh where else and there's a couple okay and then our announcements only announcement that I had the concern that I have that now with the new time change I talking to you off um especially in the high school areas HML and bman um it's dark it's dark as it's really dark um I know that um a lot of it it's is I don't want to make the line and have to go through the the the issue having to wait and drop off my kid but I look at it this way it it just takes one child to get hit by a car and then the educational part you know comes in so as EAB members how do we how do we educate the the public how do we educate the parents hey this is for your own safety of your own child that you need to leave them in the loop or in somewhere that it's not correct it's not in the middle of the street and you're crossing the street and don't you know you're getting dropped off at you know before the S comes out it's it's something that I wanted to talk to you about see how we could you know there is no there is in in at Gan there is no crosswalk with lights you know I don't know about HML too so it's it's a concern that perhaps maybe that's I know at the end of the day everything's about budget but how can we how can we try to fix this without having to have such an expenditure that I know at HML not crosswalk not HML at um Goldman the crosswalk um has historically not been very well lit and that that's been something that's been talked about for for years about getting lights especially now at this time after because really the other the other stuff is from the beginning of the year the officers there telling him you know please get back your car wait for the turn wait for the curve and then what what happens is the the people that are heading Northbound they'll get really close to to the sidewalk and drop them off and usually they'll come up to the crosswalk and walk I mean I know that normally that's how they do but then you have the ones that they R across it they want to like try to you know run across and um and go I mean and even even before the time change it's like you're running after them hey you know please remember your kid the safety this and that it's it's like that that ongoing thing but I think now for for the new time change the the lights is the biggest thing but that's something with the town I mean that's it's been talking about for years about getting do that who does that cu the ones they put in in by Veterans Park to cross no those are I you're light up that's that's the approve that the can you to can we work maybe with Public Safety with the public safety convention and then maybe the next report bring that up as a as a proposal or something you have a council members okay now as far as as um enforcement what is what is the police suggested on doing in these cases are you committing are not not a crime are you VI ating anything by me dropping my child not on a crosswalk or by saying is J is not right is not enforceable it's not walking is Right cation the j walking is the problem but are you breaking a law by jaywalking in Florida I don't think so in front of those school I don't know if you guys see it at American oh yeah not American is even worse yeah right right because they don't go they don't go to the end to the to the crosswalk to actually you cross exactly my point they don't go to the crosswalks to walk they don't follow the rules of of traffic you know so what happens at at Goldman is more specifically is you see them not going into the um the front entrance there where the where the uh where they used to have the the buses that from that main Loop that main Loop and they'll stop and they'll drop off but they're it's the street but they'll open the door and drop off on the sidewalk there are signs that say no stopping and and all that and that the signs are enforceable so they can't get cited for that because they are stopping so you're saying that if we were to okay so we were kind of sign some kind of sign say no drop off zone right the thing is that in front of Gman on the west side there are signs that say no stopping or standing so that's why it's a the signs right here right and it's all year it's the signs right there if you drop off if you if you open the door and you let your kid out again you're stopping you're violating that you're going to get a citation please drive in the majority of the people do it I mean you're you're there in the morning I'm sure you see the majority of the people actually do it the right way it's that small I would take who would enforce that the school Fe all of us can enforce it all going to do it I don't think anybody but I'll tell you what's happening everybody's running around trying to get the cars flowing exactly if you stop one car you stop the Flor yes and that's problem you stop one officer from keeping the flow going and I hear you I hear it's like how do you enforce something that not cost you know Mayhem but again make it worse if I I drop off my daughter I drop her off I go through the loop and then when I get through the crosswalk I make a right you know right what made that right sometimes if thank God I have my lights on and I'm driving kid walk across your car hey this is this is a this is a street you're not even supposed to be walking there you should come to the crosswalk walk to the crosswalk you know where there's a police offic there Chen is there stopping traffic or or wrecks but you know they par and I see it exactly parents they drop them off then they do the the U-turn there the parent does the U-turn and the kid is crossing the ah yeah well the U-turn is a because they're not supposed to make the U-turn and they do and the offic hey don't do and say the problem is when they're going to give them because of citations have been when they're the citation now it's I stopped one running around trying to get trying to get I I think the biggest thing is the light more more so than you had that lighting that the lighting like they have Parts across across I think it would be more brought bring attention to it so that's a council issue [Music] C because you're not going to get the officers like unfor and and I understand you I understand your point of view but it's just because there's already two now could there be better signage that's another thing exactly we were put signage that says no drop off Zone in that street or something uh does that help you guys out then is it more enforceable to me the whole enforceable part is like you just have to do it once twice and then police were going to be like man getting stop why did you get because I my kid off here no the beginning of the school year at this point beginning is when it's always and the beginning is when you have that but at the beginning of school year we had more light because the time Chang different it's just it's dark it's dark even the other day with the rain it was even darker and you you can't these kids wear hoodies and their hats and they're they're they're zoned out they're look at the girl that got hit by by the by the truck in the back of the head cuz she wasn't paying attention knocked her teeth out my my home fears is and I saw it this week in on Northwest 74 stre where I work guy riding his mic head folds on truck comes out he didn't see him ran him over completely killed him so it's it's just a matter these kids are constantly on their phone it's dark it's and I don't know I guess you're right I mean we could start somewhere with the lighting or I know that um the the PSAs you know uh another video from the town talking about you know education for the kids yeah the kids not you know not looking down on the phones I've always talked about initiative like look up like look up initiative something that we need to do partner with Public Safety because obviously we don't have room for anything like that but maybe Public Safety has you know room for a budget they can hire this videographer that I know or a videographer for 200 bucks just to film a 30 40c p on the socials CU I'm sure Public Safety has 200 bucks maybe we can and that's an easy one because it's it's it's the let's start let's start with with the the lighting the lighting town I want to talk to to the town and see how we work on Li council member if they want to put an item on the coun yeah now one one thing the lighting because if there's an officer there like I know officer CH from school is there now um he's doing a great job cuz he's there and he's active if he's there if there's an officer there then you don't need the tonn of lighting to turn on because what happens is the it confuses the drivers because that's what ended up happening here on Main Street well I would I would what do you mean yeah because the officer telling you to go this way but the lights are coming on right right and that yeah and over here what ended up happening on Main Street was you had Main street right here Main Street in they put the crosswalk and the lights it beautiful it was great but now it was green and the light come on and then the driver would be like and there's no way to to cons those but there's no light there there's no light there well at the time they put the ones that flash and the whole nine yards it was I don't remember that yeah it would flash a lot yeah yeah and then that's what happened it would go it would come on green light oh what do I do do I go do I do I not go and then the accidents the the have on Fairway they put them that one's still there see the one Inge is the one if if the officer those lights don't come on unless come on unless yeah yeah but what happens there is the off the big big thing is it's not that that one kid comes up to the intersection and Crosses no it's stop that kid because another one's coming another one's coming when you have a little group of five six seven then you cross together but if that one kid comes and presses the light you guys don't have control more lighting what I mean is visible like like if you see that kid in the corner there's a like showing any that might cause more confusion for crosss at high schools they don't they don't believe that they they believe the high school kids are it's worse than that next time you go to your school look for 15 M hour sign correct for years why not because because it's a high school it's a high school and after I don't know HML has it not put up by that year they wouldn't put them out during like when the school it's 15 but there's no signage that says we need signage and lights of yes wasn't it the whole thing that I remember talking about EAB I don't know if they ended up fixing that that I think Hector or Mario or somebody brought up that at the plc by by barbar sign someone the U-turn the little no no left turn or they they they sprayed it out because they got a ticket and they sprayed it out yeah but that one that one was F yeah butc that got changed but what what we wanted at the time it was a while ago was okay add add the signage because the PLC take advantage and add the signage in front of the school in front of uh gold and that never yeah it's sad because it just takes one I mean one child one child look what happened the other day just us an Uber driver hit somebody droing they dropped a kid jumped Us coming out and they he what did they over driver fall he just jumped out start with the counsel I think that's your best the coun Public Service public service let's talk to Nancy her budg videographer to do and that would be cool spread that to the to and the schools can also put put that PSA well they do assemblies at the beginning of the year what if we do a PSA contest or something or we have our local high schools that have TV Productions that they all do a contest of AG they can do that and the winners we select the winner and the winner will have an agreement with the town that they'll post it there you like we have HML Tech and Barbara Goldman do a contest to make a PSA for traffic traffic and the students make it themselves it's going to be super cool that'll be better let's talk about that we don't have to pay anything any more announcements announcements announcements announcements thank you very much for coming I hope you enjoyed our meeting um Jing this 729 will be great because of the legalities since womman views with a lot of that the kids and legality IDE and we should do it every year for different topics there always something we need