did we all see the the minutes from that time June 4 yeah June 4 they anything wrong with them anybody SE anything wrong I'll make a motion to pass second yeah just my H and on my on my name that's that's only thing at the end it's missing all in favor py perfect public comments I have one oh hi hi who are you all um May that we're interning and we're supposed to sit in I'm sorry we we the mayor's interns we're ining for the mayor Manny for the mayor Manny said yes and so not you no we do like a report on the Committees so we're just here to like kind of like make sure that everything goes by in the meeting and then let him know that like what you guys talked about and all that but we just kind of write a report on what happened sounds like a plan I guess uh sure my name is Maria Maria bro b a c h o e you're in high school or something or yes I'm going into 10th grade what school what school H Gardens and you young lady my name is Leah kintana L I'm going into high school too which school I'm a 10th grader at Jose Martinez what Jose Martin J Louder Than This louder than I know this one you got breakfast you got breakfast wake up women wake up I'm sorry I'm just taking minutes so I need everybody's name that was present um well guys I'm not in high [Laughter] school I know I know um no listen I'm with him andos um so I approach ale I'm I'm being the Bing because i' be I wanted to be more involved I think in the past with cus and then him always is involved with the community um I just approached Al with an idea her and she told me to present it today when you guys have a t i don't know if you guys have time for speakers or guest or will put you in presentation right it's short right it's short name it's Anna and your last name m a c c e i okay is that it I have one public comment me and wanted to know somebody I think you met him I don't know why I remember donate or somebody I I don't know I think he said I don't know who exactly it is goes by their G and brings them Gatorade and and cookies and stuff like that that's and he somebody asked him I think Jerry from The Parks and Recreation asked them a ren that they were doing this and he said that that for me to call him and tell him which I tried to reach out to him but he didn't reply and he didn't call me back so if it's okay with everybody that they go by and bring them gator and stuff like that I wanted to I don't know if that has to be brought up or that has to just be mentioned you just wanted to communicate that to parks to to the parks and to everybody here that at the G ball they go by and they bring them Gatorade water I I really don't know what but they bring I think I know the manager it's his name is Ruben B who yes he's been bringing like some snacks for that right so he does bring them Stu and he always up baseball they no beside the G we go to the to the G get just to be mention if anything comes everybody know um I reached out to him left anything else any any public comment any more anybody I just have one was just put on the Eventbrite um site but um my organization um which is in Compass Health is is doing a stroke uh presentation um along with the Alzheimer's on July the 18th in the town um the town hall at 10: a.m. so hopefully um we'll get a lot of people into then and um actually may was um a stroke awareness month and because yes thanks honor being necessary I believe so July 18 yeah I think she it's it's um [Music] thank yeah the record that's just the fire for the it's a joint presentation the Alzheimer's is going to also be there we have a tomorrow we have a p the American leag have P all invited be Veteran Park Mary two what it's outside anything else anybody anything new no yes I our office so now presentation Anna um guys I wanted to do a lunch online with you um so K and her both have a lot of educated Tong similar to this I was actually gonna bring those like I was gonna men if you guys wanted to partner with Association but I say we would um definitely we can have a conversation about partnership opportunities um but anything from godal positivity I have someone that teaches technology 101 for seniors five thank so we would you know bring them in have prepare for them if they want to take you home and if you and if someone else couldn't come and you know we have we could also uh give them mouth and just have a 30 minute 4 minute presentation about technology 101 for seniors we would pass our business cards it's not a human presentation or cpose we're not presenting benefits and that's something we would like to do monthly if it's okay with you maybe something in you guys have July maybe we could do something late August September October if that is okay like last year I know you also had the Thanksgiving two years ago you had the Thanksgiving um dinner that was sponsored we would love to do that this year too just okay part like partner with you guys so I can like prepare my budget and half stuff which you are ready for the rest of the year perfect because you have two have two organization you have Min plus yes I do and I'm trying to be as active um I am a race sponsor in the Bingos the US top for the yes okay perfect awesome I make a motion to have a senior tech class presented as she just feel very good about presenting um as they will pay for the lunch for everybody so it won't affect our budget um and I think our seniors could always use some refreshing course on technology if not get their first course I have something related to that should I wait because she she I had asked Al she said to put it under nine as under a new business is this is kind of Affiliated so she like um we're going they second right yes so you need too like anybody discuss she yes she does she not sure discussion so the discussion um is that has anyone heard of the senior planet in Windwood the senior one yes it's called senior Planet I oh you belong to it okay so you're very familiar with it um so senior planet is is a partnership with ARP and it's it's actually like a a center I haven't been to it I've been trying to get there but the the the challenge is it's in wigwood there it's a very bad location well anymore well for seniors like accessibility um I've seen comments on Facebook saying why would you put it in the middle like did you do a study to see why why in the middle of Windwood because it it's a great place to go for eating and stuff I don't think T you know it's very touristy it's not really I think an ideal very is hard and to walk right so and I mean the great thing about um senior planet is that if you belong to ARP you can access online classes includes Tech includes um senior every I think they they publish a calendar where you can work virtual classes at 10: a.m. um it's during my work time so I couldn't do it but it I think that's great because at one time we had a yoga senior thing in in our our thing before Co or um so it it it it's it's a partnership with ARP and if you we wanted to bring one to Mii Lakes it's like you have to apply for like a franchise or something I I didn't go into detail because I just wanted to bring the idea but to have a center that's staffed and um it has all kinds of resources I mean you can learn about tech um I've seen a lot of it is could be virtual because it's a whole Center um so if you if you're ever in Windwood I would ask you you know look at it but I think because you know soon we're going to have an Al here in right I don't know the for it's in it's in the works when that happens been in work for a really long but I just think in general I mean we we are a town that really promotes elderly and um you know so I think it would be wonderful for us to have one because to me like it's so far to go to one I don't I never go to one bring it close bring it close and have it here because then we could utilize it every day whereas so I just wanted to bring that might be too costly or um I don't think that this group has the budget to do that by any stretch of the imagination because to do a center like that you a either have to own the place or rent the place and I can tell you I rent in Miami Lakes and the rent in Miami Lakes is not cheap by any stretch of the imagination so and there's I I don't think that there's any way and I know that Miami Lakes has planned in the past and maybe you haven't been here that long but they had a plan for a senior center and it's still in the planning stage I don't think it's ever been taken can I ask um has that been brought up since we're going to have an Al and that's a certainty but an I'm sorry an Alf by the county because there alfs out here already but you mean no they're going to have like a large Al like like the palace te assist living facility right but there's a lot of assisted living facilities is taking over the space that used to be part of the golf course where Don Chula had isn't that it used to be back there on way supposed to be there but say I saw something know we don't know yet okay I just want to bring it to the the table because I mean I think we could benefit from from that and the truth is it has not been researched so if if it's being funded it's being backed by ARP I think it's fair that we should pursue the only way that will work out if in that particular building they would give us free space for it right right but if we had to go out and do it we couldn't feasibly do it okay it has to be researched because I obviously there's one that we have to wa for the building what so I don't let's we'll see okay we still have the motion pending yeah well we we I guess a motion to look into it maybe no no we have motion to have to take no that was discussion on okay let's vote on it her motion I on my so the motion that we're going to be voting on is to have youna do a launch for 101 senior Tech all in favor any name none heard motion passes now Tre report so we have um um we have the 17 558 with D5 cents I don't know if will re all the payment yes that's we got all the payment credit card perfect thank [Music] you going to be serve bya they give $700 a 16 16 we have to approve the budget later down right who's it was less oh yeah we have a standard yeah okay comments from the chair I don't really have any comments we've had great bingos we great here people are coming we have new members I'm really happy we finished for now for the month of July no Bingo no Bingle but we're going to have a movie B we're going to get to we're going to get to that but we're going to August for Bingo yes we have the August one and he said that we are going to have the food from there so we already have the August Daye and August 15 again that's Alo Alonso yeah that's why we're not having a July [Music] one I thought we wer going to have any Jun Bingo report it was great great yes we had a great time the food was super yummy it was great one of the best whoever went knows it was great jry Squad I I've done a couple more anybody that needs anybody from the Jerry Squad please let me know I will meet them here and I will aoriz it myself I think I did like six of of the application yeah and make sure you tell people that every year they have to redo right okay excuse me is that available for a private Community like celebration Point yes yes yes it doesn't matter that it's a private you remember that they're only doing downstairs so you're in the second or the third we do it okay Squad The Once up chat how's that going was a great happy everybody was able to communicate good even for today meeting meeting probably we know somebody's mom is I think not everybody has it I think youa need to see if we can help you set it up what she doesn't want okay no problem if you want we can try to help I can meting we can help you my phone everybody else on there anybody not on yeah I made sure iie got I I your wife my wife oh then we have to add her to it I add her number to we can help we can help Jackie after the meeting yeah no but he wants for us to his wife secretary the secretary Jackie I think it's really good because we have been able to we're not talk just again to remind everybody we cannot discuss anything that we are going to possibly even remotely vote on so it's more of a Hi how are you was reminding everybody that there was meeting today and it was good because we knew what was up who wasn't coming yeah that was great so and last month I forgot so there you go and when we when we were doing the roll call I could already say which ones were coming so I could already cross them off so when we were reading it I wasn't looking everywhere for okay new business we have one person that really can't make it and some of us won't be able to make it at 8 in the morning so we need to find a different date as soon as I comes back Jo going to tell her what's available yeah because oneing to the young between 6 and 6:30 what days can I have the second Wednesday of the month available we need that's a great day now hold so I have a second Wednesday in the month of 6 p.m. but that would only be for an hour I don't know if that works for fine that's fine are you sure yeah that's why I'm asking because normally you guys are scheduled for an hour and a half are you sure 1 hour we're fine in less than an hour We're second wedes if there's a meeting that comes up where you need more than an hour let me know and then maybe we'll just move it up to 530 um the reason for an hour is because we meeting set at 7 those days okay so so you can't set it up to 5:30 then and then that way I mean I could but I think you guys were looking for a 6:00 late okay so then okay I a motion wait who made the motion okay I made the motion at 6 o00 let's finish the motion motion to have the meeting second Wednesday of each month at 6 p.m. I may late because I work in South Hospital traffic sometimes is bad so I'm just letting you know a little bit late that's that's okay but Wednesday is okay for you yeah 6m is better than 530 for you yeah 5:30 I just bring it back we have a motion pending so we need to do discussion which I think we're having we're having the discuss anybody else want to say anything just I'm helping her meeting no other discussions all in favor of pass any names motion passes so that will start just so we're all on the same page next month so so you guys next month uh which is month of August right yesth of August we'll be starting Wednesday August 14th at 6 p.m. and she'll remind everybody on the chat on the chat okay approval dat sponsor bu movie eldair if you look at the last um paper they talks about the movies um they already gave us a date July 23rd it has to be on a Tuesday in order to get the $7 ticket so the only thing that that would make it too costly for us will be the hot dog we can pay for the senior combo which is a popcorn in a soda I don't have that yeah have one oh sorry there you go right with with the ticket right the ticket is $748 and then the senior combo at $65 we can really afford we could afford the $7 too but no the SE the combo is fine which is what what did the SE combo popcorn in soda that's fine small s yeah right I think that's okay I mean we could really afford that too but it would be price it then you will run it to $2,000 you want to make a motion and go on discussion for not motion to I I do I I'll have a motion to only do the senior combo for the field trip to the movies to do a motion and the tickets and the tickets right let me let me let me do my motion to make sure that it's clear for the record the motion is that we take the seniors on a field trip to the movies we pay their ticket and we get a senior combo which is popcorn in a soda Tuesday on a Tuesday of course that's could be on a Tuesday the 23rd you said the 23rd of of July yes all right so that's my motion is anybody okay SEC did we say what time we talk about it now well now we have discussion okay we going to meet here on the on the movies the move we don't need a bus we don't need anything okay we just meet up everybody and an RSVP where it's like it normally like any event that we have it will be on event right what is the time I'm sorry mov says 10:30 a say 10:30 10:30 that's for Bad Boys 10:30 1030 right July 23rd oh we could still select the movie it doesn't have to be B it doesn't have to be B the movies that are out there will be Garfield a in and out to a bad boys because the other movies were kind of scary yeah but you know they don't they want to go out and feel good and come back feeling good I don't think they want to SK you mentioned a couple pix off but go on the pict is in and out right in and out inside out you like it it was really good I do actually recommend that movie yeah because it's about emotion I saw it this weekend yeah it's about it was like it was really strong a lot of people were like oh I'm going to cry and I was like it wasn't crying it was just like very like eye opening it was really good I recommend it to think about it's about your emotions how your emotions take to play especially teen girls you know it's like a roller coaster you this better than bad Bo we so I really like that movie I thought it was super cute she said it would be good for seniors too crying so do do we like and inside out inside out number two yeah good um question for you guys I know here we we haven't voted yet we haven't we haven't voted on the original Mo yeah no we haven't yet no so I'll just bring up a point of discussion while you guys before you guys vote on that um I have here that the invoice sets for 100 I guess I would just ask you guys to think about number-wise what you want to do because as you know we always have people that arep or don't show how do we want to manage the numbers do we want to open it for a certain amount and then add if we see there's traction do we want to give a deadline byy um I just want you guys I I would hate for us to go with 100 and then only come in at not rdps like I'm not even talking about people at don't show um I would hate to only have like 60 people even RCP and now we PID for so I don't know how you guys want get money back so so the question is how does the movie hand in other words if we say and and I don't know the answer maybe you do since you were talking to them if we say 100 do we have to pay for 100 or do we only pay for the people that actually show up I have to call him I think it will be the people that actually show up because I don't see how but I'm assuming you have to to give a a number to secure that room that's for you guys right it wouldn't do it for like 20 I'm sure it has to be by so maybe need the minimum which I would assume is less than 100 let's say it's 60 I'm just guessing here would you guys be okay with us putting the initial invoice for that and then telling them hey a week before we're going to give you a final tally that that would be best tonight say then that we should so we'll get the Flyers done in the next week um and then maybe you guys can come pick them up and and spread the word to some of the seniors we know we'll obviously do our part through social media and all that but obviously it helps you know have Word of Mouth from you guys sounds good all right so we're gonna reduce it then to 60 or should you guys are okay with me starting with the minimum and then moving it up all the way to if he lets us start with a minimum and move it up yeah that would be I would say that's the best way you're just maxing it at 100 we're maxing it at 100 Maxim 100 is 1,363 and that runs just as much as one of I think we're add 100 or less 63 is the total no that's yeah but once you take out the hot dog it's 6115 for 100 and 748 is 13 okay so that and that wasun just like about about the same as and this works out we can do it we can add another movie date another dat because that's right there anybody can go and the good thing is if we see that we have extra Bingle our meat and greets we call them bingos so they know if we have extra instead of doing another Bingo maybe we can do it if we have the extra and then do it with the hot dog since we provide a hot do that's future that's for an August discussion because we need to remember have exhausted our funds by September you have about two months and a half let's so uh all right so now we're done with discussion all in favor motion any names motion pass and I think so we should do it for a 50 yeah 50 we did that okay request for the event for another trip so I wanted to mention um I know Mario was working on this with me earlier during the year you guys mentioned that you wanted to do something different for a field trip and he was going to one of the museums yeah I went through the golden ticket book which is the miate county one that was given out by the commission at the Bengal um and seniors are admitted for free is my understanding from that book to these um to these museums so I reached out to three of them just to get the ball rolling I reached out to perz art museum I reached out to the frost Science Museum and I reach out to the Cross art museum two of them got back to me um the one that's on FIU property which I think is a Ross art if I'm not mistaken um I put in just a tenative date because the form hces you to and I just wanted to see if you guys were okay with that if they came back and confirmed that hey we could do the group thing for free um again it says free on the book but I just wanted to get some type of confirmation because it would be a group of you guys going and we'd have to pay for the bus so I would hate for us to just get there and not have anything um so I request I put in the request for August 28th at 11:00 a.m. um they confirmed that they received the request but they haven't given me confirmation on date and time so I'm just putting it out there in case you guys wanted me to move forward if they tell me hey yes it is free and this is the perz art museum this is the art no no sorry this is frost Frost the only thing we have to play a frost is $5 if you want to go see the movie but that's separate comp but I wanted to ALS before you guys go into motion I wanted to to the other art one is the pz they also reached out they also told me they would be able to accommodate tours however she wasn't clear on the senior discount I want to get that pretty much cleared so that your admission is free for the book but um they did tell me that for them to confirm tours Unfortunately they only do it two weeks out so I would have to get pre-approval from you guys like if I get the yes which are you guys okay with me launching forward and understanding that the only thing you're going to be paying for is the bus and if you guys want to give the seniors I guess like some type of voucher or whatever credit for food then we can also talk about that but that's up to you guys yes uh we have been on a field trip to both museums and they they are free okay and we had a so theez thez is downtown and frost the frost sign in downtown the Frost Art is on FIU property so three different ones no I understand so is the frost Museum next no I know where it is they haven't gotten back to science we have to pick one of the two that Frost science has not responded to me yet leave that's out that's out so I guess we can leave that one out you say they enjoy you enjoy that oh my God the both triats were really the FR both of them did you do the frost did you do science the science science is really nice science is very let's go to that that was really nice I mean I can try to have an answer back you next month but as of right now I don't have an answer on Frost sign which one did you go to the frost sign and thez okay you enjoy the pz the pz is beautiful let's go to the you guys want to go to the for us is a little I mean have you any of you been I know but between the two she likes the science better the science has a lot of we didn't get a reply so we have to go with the one that we got to reply unless you guys want to wait till next no but I don't think that's a good idea no we'll go to that one and we'll we need a motion so I don't somebody can make a mo go ahead make the mo anybody can make the motion uh I make a motion to uh go on a field trip on August I'll work on the the day is 10 28 okay to go uh on a field trip to the Paris Museum on a bus second second Good's like quick and only because we have new members I want to highlight the fact that this means that you guys are agreeing to the the bus feed which I think we've been able to keep it under 1300 at this and in a top st5 right okay that's good all right discussion any discussion on this all in favor any Nays hearing no n motion passes all right and so that's the Perez Art Museum and downtown yes right did we confirm August 28th no I will get back to you guys on the date based on their availability so what I'm trying to do I could just I mean we could just send the seniors but I'm trying to see if they can actually host a tour that would be so that's what I'm trying to confirm that would be included in that free admission if it's not free then I guess we'll keep it as everybody goes on their own so as soon as I have the date and time I'll send you guys a flyer and I'll leave it downstairs as well what are the suggested dat it's August 28 I'm working towards August and given that you guys saw the movies in July that gives you something to do y right July and August and we have an and we have an August Bing bingo so in August right now we have two events and in July we have the 25th we have the trip to the Marlins oh that's true that's right yeah don't forget that we have the trip to the Marlin you might sponsor that over that's July 5th 25 25 so that's good because we have two events right now for July and Aug so maybe we have something for September if they get back to me I'll bring it back to you yes and we'll do it again we got M that's say we need to spend it before I mean right now we have to spend it all okay but I think what would be good is if we can do a um another movie another movie in September yes yes yes good it has to be in a Tuesday I think that would be good like to you want to do it now set it up for now it now I'll do a motion I I do a motion to have the seniors go in September to the movies second second third all any discussion no discussion ining no any all right so the movies in September Rosario you're going to get us a date for September right it could be any Tuesday Tuesday the reason I put that Tuesday in July is because we need time to post it on event right we need time so that's why I but the September Tuesdays ending right right no yeah I'll call I'll reach out to him today okay and then and then the only thing we need to see is where our budget is because maybe in September we can then give them a hot tug right maybe maybe to vote for that in August and see where perfect that would be good yeah all right well any other any anything else any anybody wants to talk about anything else by August the cost of living has gone up even more and we can't afford the hot dog no [Music] the t-shirts the t-shirts oh yes the t-shirts we're going to order t-shirts I need to make sure today somebody tells me what size and what they need we're going to order them the price we're going to use the same vend that we used last time because they already have the logos and everything right and we have monies so we have to spend yes if you want I'll go around the room now just get no I can I can use my now L listen we can take the L I put the side I have two but anyway this is a lar you want a lar yeah right here on the list we can put large you know large small medium you have it I'll email the ones that are not here perf uh I'm a medium I only need one because I already have one yeah I think we're only l oh some people don't have any he do have any two for so what exra ex you want Shir I'm leaving I'm signing I'm a she's a Lar yeah and I like like stuff on it so can I get two are we getting two okay what is yeah this one has stuff yes what what size um is this what size is this exale that's okay I'll take that small thank you do you large one only onege the only are getting two no yeah and and the other lady doesn't have do you do you have oh yeah she does okay so you only are you going to get to Maria yeah Maria I'll email the ones I mean you're going to resign yes or no yes okay when are you going to do this this week or just so we know no just now today okay thank you are you are you sure all right it's been a pleasure okay okay Gonna Miss You Well if you have [Music] to come to our events come to our no and thank motion any hearing no a motion passes