##VIDEO ID:akuJMeblbFk## guys are good afternoon start the meeting 1 2 102 Gerald Amanda Maria Perfect all right we're gonna start additions Corrections and delions we don't have the minutes because it wasn't ready no yeah because the recording which I always listen to to double check my work and my notes unfortunately wasn't they weren't updated of any other the committee meetings and then I found out later by IO that I could have gone into the YouTube and gotten it from there so my bad you'll have it for the next um yeah it'll be part of your February so are we going to let me ask you a question is this is it going to be updated moving forward through here or it's better just for me to just going YouTube just go on YouTube um because I think what happens is that it automatically goes to YouTube and then we have to manually add it to where you were getting it okay yeah it's a longer process okay all right any public comment we have't you want to speak now or later sorry before you go into out of your additions corrections deletions I want to make sure you guys know you have to add elections to Res we have to add elections do we do them now or later but somebody has to make a motion I make a motion to add [Music] election no no discuss any discussion any yay all all favor all in favor or any no we need to speak up all in favor come on wake up any hearing no motion pass pass so we do vote now no okay I didn't mean public comment I just need okay now public comments any comment oh yeah they're coming here maybe the council I just want to introduce myself Stephen herberg one of the new council members uh I've watched all your meetings for many months now I've always watch them online but I want to make sure to come in person and have an opportunity everybody I got to go home soon but I'll stick around for a little bit but the Committees are vital you know we don't don't have a big staff at this town the Committees do a lot of the work that another town staff would do like events so you guys do good work it's important work and please if you ever need anything chairs committee members just reach out to me my my cell phone my email or I'm in town hall a few times a week sometimes too that's why I want to ask you if you can give us because we asked the mayor okay new mayor you I asking actually you know our committees is really we the heart of them both we work we do the especially committee is one of the biggest one yeah and we do many events actually we do at least 10 15 events a year mostly a lot of time we bring money you know a lot of Po you're give us your so we appreciate if you can give us your you know oh you I mean have my support and again I was on the Blas Advisory board for four years we for two years we had no budget we fought no budget we got it I understand those needs but your committee especially the amount of events you guys do you bring you the senior community together it's vital for us to ATT so I appreciate the work and again just make sure to please reach out to me for you I don't want you give yeah so I no I do have a I haven't memorized it yet let me give you my my number right now so this is this would be my my cell phone number it's 305 423 9885 423 9 yes Ste 9885 thank you you full name step Herber hello hello so feel free to call text me however you want real estate all right now presentation we have the library I you'll be on that's okay my name is Jennifer Shipley um I apologize if I'm a little casual but I don't have any warm suits um I handed out Lifesavers because I'm going to take a minute to talk about Connections and talking books which are two areas that I oversee at the library specifically for older adults and people who can no longer leave their house easily um talking books is is is subsidized by the federal government and we have 350,000 audio books available that can be mailed to your home for free um and free return postage everything is free um that's 350,000 titles unlimited copies so it's better than hoopla it's better than liy it's better than overdrive it's it's better than all that um it's better than you know Amazon it's all free and we can make a custom cartridge with up to 25 books on it whatever you want um audio books mail it to your home for free and and you can send it back for free so and it's 350,000 titles there's never a waiting list awesome um because the copyright laws for people with disabilities is different so you you don't have to wait and and we can make a 100 copies of the same book and send it out the same day so it's unlimited copies connections is another service we have that's for people who are homebound that any Library material that's in the M day Public Library system can be mailed to your home and return postag is taken care of also we also check out hotspots and tablets and mail it to your home for free and you get pre return postage that's called connections so I have brochures for everybody and I have little bags um I have 10 of these but the reason I handed out Lifesavers is because for the people that we serve we are Lifesavers because the books add stimulation they add Comfort they keep your brain active they fight off Dem men the books the materials fight off dementia fight off Alzheimer's has been proven and my staff provide readers aders advisory service which means if you want the book selected for you based on your preferences we spend hours and hours researching the books picking out what we think you will like best so you have your own personal librarian um and it's called readers advisory and we have a profile for you that says you know you only like Daniel Steel or you only like John Grisham or you only like mystery or you don't want violence you do want violence or you don't want sex or you do want sex and U we go by what you say you want and we send you exactly what you want so that's called customized we call it a concierge service okay and that's for anybody who connections is for anybody who wants it if you feel it's a a struggle for you to get to the library you can use connections um and that doesn't mean you can know longer come into the library that just means you prefer to have your books mailed to you uh talking books is a little stricter because that you do have to have a visual impairment a reading disability or no longer be able to hold a book in your hands so people with arthritis Alzheimer's Lars ALS all those things um and visual impairments that qualifies you for talking books okay so I have 10 of these I might pass down two more oh you're welcome yeah and U reading classes can be found for free we have uh 10 11 branches that give out reading classes for free 11 libraries um so if you want that list and I have my business card but uh the main reason if anyone has a specific question they want to email me can you pass down my business um the other reason I'm here is in May we're doing a big um older Americans month um push and we're we're partnering with art Services we've had a lot of success doing art classes with seniors so we have one at Mii Lakes that's very successful it's small and kind of crafty but we're actually hiring artists to help us do 13 art classes one in every commission District in May and we want to do something in Miami Lakes we want to do something for RC okay so you have my card so we can work it out oh let me let me walk I think that's what Nancy yeah me and Nancy are working on about just that particular issue and if if normally when we do our classes we keep it to about 30 people but if you think it's going to be a bigger crowd we might be able to hire two artists we might need to and do like 60 people okay okay no that that is what we want to do okay we just need to I guess so email me and we'll we'll work out the date and where the location and everything like that it doesn't have to be at the library it can be at a location that's bigger that's more conven yeah um we have a pool of artists who are um County hold onary yes Capital so we have a pool of artists who are County vendors and we're working with those artists to develop a wide R um art classes for seniors perect in May so we would have to set it up after May if we wanted a class no it's GNA happen during May older americ so we need to start looking at dates soon one class so it's it's not a series we do have a series at the M leg library but it's just one class they down the is it up now no they didn't tear down the building yet it's imp permitting it's imp permitting so it's been a little delayed but it's imp permitting and um if you have any questions about that you can email me here and I could for it on to the project manager it takes forever yeah it's it's a slow process but it's happening it's Petman the manager of the Town listen um I know the the assistant mayor um is in contact with our director about it so I mean there's there's communication going back and forth so we just pick a date and reach out to you and you tell us if you can do it that Daye right a date and a location okay wherever you'd like in the month of May right okay in the month of May right perfect besides this how do we get this information to the home B on that can't get out that we could read and be well I have brochur is in your bag you also have that phone number on the bag um I have more brochures in my kit here if you want more brochures I can give them to you um but a lot of the seniors that we work with don't have emails so sometimes it's hard to get [Music] the but um I have more bushers if you need them and um if you know anybody who needs a service you can you know give them our phone number you could get them a brochure um and we start mailing them we do we do applications over the phone with them we can sign them up over the phone often times so whatever's easier you know any questions Spanish book oh yeah we have Spanish large print we did a special order for Spanish large print and talking books um works with the federal government um and there's something called the mares treaty which allows books that are WR WR in other countries and Spanish and other languages to be shared with the federal government for free because it's for people with disabilities so the marest treaty was signed into effect about five years ago and since then we've gotten thousands of foreign language books especially Spanish a lot more Spanish so if it's written in their native language from another country we get it for free turn it into audio and we make it available perfect so yeah thank you so much question for you you were talking about the talking books you have a coner service for the people who talk who are usually impairing is there me for that I have two people that I deal with it's on this side right here okay so they just call that number yeah okay Y and it is a brochure and I have more brochures if you need it but it's it's right here talking Bo yeah and that comes to my office and I have I have three staff that answer the phone there perfect yeah okay thank you thanks for having [Music] us this this is Joseph Tru if you haven't met him he's the branch manager of the Miami Lakes library and we're in constant contact because I'm a micromanager and he he's up to date on whatever's happening with the with the renovations and with the older American smoke programs he's been here with us before yeah add something see if you ever wanted to talk about giving out flyers at your next Bingo I've been to the Bingos right yeah so if you ever want to do that and if you need flyers uh if you don't have me I'll give you one of my cards no I go by there yeah just let me know and just let us like or I'll give you my email sometimes email me we got one this day and I'll make sure somebody comes and brings your pliers and information okay thank and I'll talk a couple minutes but have anybody been to any the like the CFT programs and programs for adults we have at Miami l no well I've been to yoga I've been to the yoga and thew we you mentioned we have a craft program for adults on the third Thursday of the month at 11 we're also bringing in outside presenters I know in March we're going to have adult craft programs on Thursday at 11:00 a.m. on the 6th 13th and 20th and I can give a few flyers on some of the stuff we got coming up we got especially you want go for art we've got uh our bridging generations program which is not only at myage but other branches too for multigenerational for all ages so that's been very successful we invite teens and seniors to make art together and it's been working out and we have questions that we ask like what lessons have you learned in life that you'd like to share or what are your goals for the future you know that kind of thing and the teams are opening up um and the seniors really enjoy it it's it's been incredible we have a a team Advisory board at the library that Nancy has you know how great Nancy is yes she is and um she's built up a rapport with these teens where they feel comfortable coming and opening up and talking about stuff going on in their lives and help determine what the library does for teens in terms of programming and um displays and and what book Sweet Water so we're doing art programs with seniors go ahead no one got this mon a mosaic making workshop on January 25th in the afternoon now because of space limitations the does require registration but at least some flyers which gives you the information where to go if you want to try and register and see if you want see if you can make the class another program we got like different than that is we now start have we're now offering nutrition and health classes that's great we have someone coming in from feeding Miami who talks about nutrition Health we even like repair stuff for people to sample and get information about how to shop was recent one she did sh how to read a label on it in the how to read labels okay in the grocery store see see oh this is good that's better yeah and we have those coming up basically every other Tuesday and that's impes the the Arts and Crafts program is called get crafty is that it it's talk crafty to me as our inhouse program to me that's very popular she gets about 20 seniors every other week right she does it once a month we're other bunch of other people that they just approved to bring in this recently too so having more adult arts and craft program she's very handy with those things not any questions always refer always direct you to the library website www.mdpls.org they're on the bag you go in their calendar events or go into locations look at Miami Lakes click the more info link and it'll give you the upcoming programs at Miami Lakes perfect information any questions [Laughter] any right report as as today we have 2,758 we good [Laughter] we okay comments from me um the party was good everything was good we want to go back can do everything again which part the last party the Christmas party the Christmas party what else I think that's it and um everybody's worked really hard and I wanted to thank you all for doing everything really good people enjoy they love the food let me tell you because that is a Hispanic food and I thought the beginning oh my God like they love and you know what was great that we did do it that way because enough we would have ran out of food correct we had like 100 I think 50 people yeah yeah 150 the only thing we the the bananas the bananas made 150 I think of those things right and you ran out so maybe it was even a little bit more we had to put more seats down we had to put another the problem we have we have we have people coming in from the other doors so no no no they weren like I know but I'm saying it besides that too so of the people come from the back well I think I I'm sorry I went to the Miami Laker and I spoke to them about it as you know because when she put the advertisement in the paper she did put you know the date and all the information but she didn't put you must register so I think some people assumed that they could just show well I guess that's a point of clarification because technically they don't have to we encourage people to but technically don't have to given the fact that we accept walking so it's so I'm just saying like I think that's why they don't do it well I told them because of the we should just put it in there so people I told I go yeah because we do register them and we do have a certain amount of food and we do certain amount of tickets so they're always welcome to sit but they won't get food yeah so we wanted to mention so I did speak to her about that and also we have somebody that wants to sponsor some of our events he might sponsor more than once so he's going to give us that's very good Mar we had over 140 people registered that come um because there was some confusion about how the registration worked and everything so there's some confusion about how that the list was massive yes so um they kept opening it up to that's what it was right 10 more and 10 more something like I don't know what happened I don't know how it happened but we ended up with a massive list and we're still having issues with people who are like um the you know there there's a family that comes it's a group of seven people that come together right they usually one person is registering and seven bring seven right okay so we're still having that tomorrow maybe I'll make a I'll speak to them about it I'll say if you register please every individual name every individual person I mean if in that case if they write that there's seven and they write their and they write seven and then you could go one to three four five six seven all right here's your seven tickets for the people that came I think that would be okay because you know if if it's hard for them to register one person I think if you put the number seven or coupl do it you know it'll do like Mr and Mrs blah blah blah and then put that are seven have a hard time they they didn't look very I know which they are and they it's not happening on event no it's it's the city okay it's not EV when it's not event because Eventbrite is already pre-programmed that it will only allow you to register for one ticket must do every person individually under EV so event already walked the issue is with the city we have with the be changed because I when I do some other events I go to and I register and I take guest it'll be me and then I'll put Maria you know I put guess one guess two and then I change the names on event right they let you put more than one but then that's something that you would have to figure out with event right are you bringing guests yes give each name so we don't I would not encourage you guys to do that with this population because I think that's just asking them to f more information on our computer right now what we but to your point there's different settings so what we can do is tickets per order we could put a minimum and a Max right now it is open till a Max of 10 that's just kind of the default I guess and that's kind of what we've had but you guys can give me feedback and I can update it so I can put Max registration two people three four one whatever it is that you guys want so EV right does let you put four tickets as right I'm looking at the Bing I don't know if the you know the right now only allows you to register one person the way you have set yeah I'm looking at the back end and we allow but I think that I I I think that this what happened was because I had feedback from people that they called one day and it was closed and then they called the other day and it was open so I think maybe they made it more they allow more people like normally we we we close we close it off at 120 we I don't for the Bing we close it off at 120 how many people we close actually at the Bingos we close at 100 because per discussion yeah right we close at 100 for Bingo because the 25 is to account for sponsors for you guys and for any B show hold on let me go back to Sergio because Sergio wanted to say about my wife I ra to her two weeks or three weeks ago I check it out and there's no her and Theiss on on or on the city how did they do on the city oh that's different that might be different I call her City but they confirmed that they put her down on the list yes or did Sandra did and then I called two days ago no she not appear not even my sister we have to teach you how to do an unv yeah well we'll figure it out no there but it is any way but I'm telling you she is not yeah but she has to she has to make sure that she is on there because we do have Mar no she's not here check out three times already we sent her that's crazy the same thing happened with the movies the movies were closed remember and then I went in just out of blue coincidence because I said let me go it was open again Reon it closes the movie I manually did I because we had agreed up to a much larger amount but we closed it off with a smaller amount to see the thing is that I have to the movies I have to have control over how many because then I need to update them hey can you accommodate for a 60 room instead for a 70 room before I open it so that one's a little weird but the other ones you guys right now they I can tell you that the bingles are set at 100 po that 100 I did want to bring now that we're talking about it though this is just feedback that I keep getting and I would like the committee to consider it is the seniors get upset that we're capping it at 100 and that they can't get on the list so I tell them all the same thing you're so welcome to attend you'll always be allowed to play we just can't guarantee the food you guys have plenty of funds to up it I know it's a decision you guys have made but I would ask you guys to consider it because I have a like a lot of seniors complain about the thing well the the thing that I think is that if we open it up HED I'm going to be honest with you not that it matters it's not our seniors coming it's seniors from other communities too so I really would like to keep at a 100 for our seniors and then we could do more activities with the money we do have because if we go up to 135 there'll still be more like 150 show 200 off and we'll never continue and will continue continue to grow and I I think like the movies they enjoy they want to go to the theater they want to do other stuff that I think our money is better spent than strictly the Bingo than just a bing and then it'll be more of our seniors from our community but right now I to your point there is no I know there I just want to make you guys no no I want to make sure you guys know that right now there is no requirement to be I'm saying the only way we can control if it's a Miami Lakes is if it's in Miami lak property so I I think just so you know V from what we've been told um Roberto Alonzo and Mary Collins I guess when those buildings came about the idea was for it to be a space that would be shared not only with Miami Lakes but with outside community so therefore we keep any events that go on on those two the committe I understand no but I'm telling him oh no that's why I don't want to keep to get other places and it's not our seniors that keep coming it's not that there's anything wrong with other people but I would like to keep it for our seniors and do stuff for our seniors and the crafts and take them to the play and do all kinds of stuff but I think that was the concern of for example one of the seniors that's what they were complaining about oh I'm a miam senior and other ones are getting in on the list but there's nothing we can you know what I mean but the other issue that we have is if we raise the number so let's say 130 just for the sake of of saying that we're still going to have that if they don't register fast enough they're still not going to be able to get in and now we've eaten our budget and we haven't been able like some things we can limit like the bus right when we go to the Marlins game we can limit that to Miami Lakes residence um so or when we have the movie theater we can limit that to Miami Lakes residents so we can do that but the minute we open up the Bingo anything that's being held at Robo Alonzo or Mary Collins it is open up to all of Miami Dade County anybody from Miami Dave County can attend and you can't even say that it it can be you can't even say that they have to be 62 years old or older hey you can't turn anybody down really at that point in time so and and and the thing is we do have people that don't show up that register because then you know oh look I can just register not show up and and we've had that and then we now ordered food for 135 so now we've spent more money and now only1 showed up and we've spent all this money and now we can't give them the activities that we have a little more control over yeah I think but if it's through Miami if it's through Miami Dave County and it's a community center all right a community center how do you limit people you can't you can't you can't you can limit our food the amount of food we're providing that's why the ticket I think we should keep it that we when I do a l sometimes I got 500 I have to put on the flyer first come first Ser if you in I have no more food I there were some people at the at the dinner at at the Christmas at the holiday dinner that said well I didn't get the fried bananas well you know I'm sorry yeah we started we were giving a banana per person we like three or four that's what happen ban it was a lot of food in the grown out no we started with one and we upped it to two and then we had to bring it back down to one yeah with the UK I same with the in term of Max tickets like he did attend or do you want me to P down well they're down no they're saying that you can only do one no I'm telling do you keep it you keep it no I I I don't I don't what I wanted to what I wanted to bring up is is about the calling in to register we sometimes we're having seniors call before the event is even open to register because they're getting put into a panic mode yeah they're speaking to somebody okay who is telling them you better call now and they're calling and they're calling the town in total panic because they think they're not going to get on the list I'm going to tell you from my personal experience while walking my dogs I had a senior community member come over and start ranting at me okay telling me that the elderly Affairs committee is keeping secrets and not posting events in the Miami Laker and I had to tell her to go look on page 20 of her Laker and it will be there like it always is and she informed me that she was told that we are not telling people and so we're trying to keep it a secret so I I think it it's important that as committee members we're not spreading panic I I'll address that again because we need to make sure that everybody understands you cannot sign up for the event until exactly two weeks before perfect not two weeks in a day two weeks and three days two weeks 14 days is it a specific day they never know when to call in no no no it's two two weeks from the day so it's this it would have been 14 days before the okay okay that they have to be able to count backwards from the date to 14 okay all right and that has to be addressed because it's creating a panic situation and I feel so sorry for the receptionist yes because all of a sudden panicked seniors are calling her and yelling I need to be registered what ends up happening is she's trying to keep track of this list then Eventbrite goes live we have to shut Eventbrite and add all these people in and then we have to reopen Eventbrite again and that is creating our problem yes we can control that if we stop letting them register before that and we sort of need to make it the policy if they call before the 14 day deadline the receptionist needs to tell them you're too early call back closer to the event and not take their name down I'll come back why so important to go to that you know they they are absolutely getting into panic mode and if someone confront you on the street like that literally this Community member was yelling at me wow and I had to actually tell her you need to step back you need to calm down and take a breath and go home and look at your newspaper okay and she was like well and I said no you need to do do that right now and then come and talk to me later she had not spoken to me since I saw her public and I addressed it with her as because I mean that was insane but it really is incumbent upon every member that is sitting at this table here today to make sure that the correct information is being given to the seniors and telling them exactly how to register and that it has to be 14 days before not 14 days in a day and not to throw them in a panic and to assure them that we are not keeping secrets we are being vide TI they can watch it we are they can join us everybody is welcome whatever senior thinks we're keeping a senior and and that really bothers me because honestly this is an open Forum they have the ability to come here sit here and listen to us you know and I had a senior saying at the party that you know they were being deprived because we don't want to order food because we want to keep the money for ourselves and I very clearly told them oh because we were getting paid that's what it was because we were getting paid and I got so upset by this but I I gave a speech I wondered why you think that we getting paid we are all here except I she work town all the rest of us are here during our personal time doing all the things that we do for the community for free we do not please make sure that this gets put on the video we do not get pay a p nor do we receive any benefit from any Provider from anything for anything that we do here today I just want to make sure that that is clear because that is something that came up and you know they were not a very nice person about it at the party and I thought that that needed to be a job because if that person said it that person was sitting at a table with numerous other people which means that that rumor was spreading like wildfire you know was it a resident you know if it was resident or it was a res okay moving on from the com from the comment of the chair I guess we went into Old business so we did the Bingo and the party just a is on the bingo so for tomorrow we have nqc um oh I didn't I'm here okay okay perfect we're in new bus so we have Toc um I do need a volunteer to pick up the food if any of you are available any um and I'll give you the check because I have their check ready they know how to follow okay I'll 125 okay they are rs RS with the chocolate chip fine that's fine because it's individual okay senior trick this is the show so I have an update on that um I think we talked about doing uh Luder Hill uh one so we're doing that one instead of The Gables one yeah because we get food you got a better price on that one and you get better seats I think it was so they're already confirmed however I guess they sell out very quickly so we couldn't do January February or March they are booking us for a but we're in for April our CS are reserve the check was actually cut today the deposit and it's being sent Friday tomorrow tomorrow the federal um I because of the everything is shutting down early Banks postal everything ail so the oh hold on so the date is so it's going to be South Pacific wonderful I had heard you like that yeah that's fine Wednesday April 16th and it is at 12 p.m. so we're just missing to arrange the bus but we have um I have to double check how many seats she told me if it's available I can add more seats but as of right now we only did like a limited amount because I don't know how many seniors based on charging them are going to be willing to pay what I said you GNA have my seat okay so we're going to charge how much uh I have to go back to my notes but I know you guys I think you guys sent 20 I think 20 yes we were talking about 20 that's good so and it does it includes the lunch perfect okay so we could start telling people tomorrow we have this for April can't well hold on don't tell them yet I don't because the panic and I need time to I need time to put it on perfect but at least we know I'm Happ but I will I'll get a flyer for the next fingle early to say I think it's too early to start telling I also think it's important that when you say that they have to do $20 deposit that you tell them it's a non-refundable deposit I it's not a deposit I think they have to say that it's a ticket we we P the cost that they have to pay $20 pay $20 we are subsidizing their and that it's non-refundable and to be clear this one will be your opening to My Le seniors first I'm asking yes yes yes yes and then the movies um we haven't talked about a movie let me know and I'll look into it we want to go to the movie okay so hold on before so right now I have my my plan based on what we're talking about my plan is to book the frost one for February and then this one would be in April so do you guys want to do a movie as well the same month or do you want to keep it for a month where you don't have the people really enjoy the movie at least everybody that's gone really enjoy they say they enjoy so you know what if we can fit it for one because they didn't really have a lot in December we had the party right in January we have only this we only have B maybe we could do it this at the beginning or no we could do it maybe at the beginning of ending of January beginning feary 31st 1 January no J January 31st or February 1st I'll work with on the movie cuz as you guys know it has to be a movie that's premiering around yeah becomes a mess so we'll try to go at the end of January or the beginning of what because they really enjoy it nothing scary right well Jackie is not here sh she likes the scary movie whatever okay perfect um and what else the movies and then theor I think is what we've said nothing violent nothing vient keep it like3 well they have a love story or something like that but I think you guys have told me like to keep I I don't think they want something like r at all yeah you know what is hisor was that yes so oh that's the thing in mid yes so we had talked I know some of you had brought up as well and then they had reached out to us the ARP oats center for the seniors um I we've been trying to work on this for a while but they were able to give us a date for the field trip for March and they said they could put some activities together um and show the the seniors like the interactive stuff they have give them a tour of the place and then provide like a few like refreshments and snacks right that's that is in need a bus yeah so we'll need a busing but then we have something for frog February we have April I'm sorry okay Planet a [Music] a they have a gun for Wednesday March 26 American Association retired person now we always do like a social and I already do we have to talk about that now we got time uh well you need toook book book a let me see if I have I 15 minutes no but we have 15 minutes this I have a senior party on hold for me I don't know how that sounds I have Friday the 16th May May 16 yeah Friday May 16 could be like our our beginning of summer summer we have a like a 1950 done Memorial is sponsoring that one already okay perfect so that's 2016 we'll call it and you know what everybody really liked the barbecue food that one time that we did yes the one over there by by the by the wal or CDs way over there no but it was somebody else it was no it was somebody else that beue yes was barbecue went up 50% off then 60 40% the last time I called it for 350 people they told me they can only give me 10% they was Charing me like $70 I forget it but I think it's also based on the menu items like I think like obviously if you're picking everything then it's going to be more expensive I can call I know all the manager and the other manager you guys can bring a next now okay I remember that rap that they gave that time everybody went crazy about it it was is ym oh yeah they give pork and chicken they give yeah so something that let's get two two different ones that one and if somebody wants barbecue maybe there's another one we can call I don't know yeah I'm trying to well you know makes WS that have brisk bris and all that I wonder maybe we can get that in okay yeah supporting you know like local businesses yeah perfect they make okay any announcements um last thing I have for you guys is wait we have to do the elections yes okay uh two quick things the health and wellness fair I have the sponsorship package I can also email it to you guys but in case you guys sh with any companies I need this return to me otherwise and I will confirm them with an invoice if they receive an invoice because they're okay um are you sending one to um my people or should I send to my people okay and then the other thing [Music] I it's March operations I one more the other thing I want to ask so we had I don't know if you guys remember Barry University had come out with their nursing students like last year and the year before they gave a lecture so they want to come back I went just pick your brain if you guys wanted it who bar University they could do one of those Forum ands home yeah everything every information that they get want to come they wanted me to ask you guys if there was any like topics that you guys were reesing okay remember the one I talk to I told $500 you they're not in until they talk nutrition nutrition safety mental health depression any of those nutrition goes with diabetes with heart disease with Parkinson depression form depression it literally goes with all those things yeah let me have another one for the you know those people drip I I more that just open I know her she's a good friend of mine so I'll let know thank you that's you going to email it too right yes I will email yes yes so I can email it to my I'll nominate Rosario to be the chair again hold on hold on hold on hold on I'll walk you guys do you accept the nomination yes I okay is there any other nominations it could be for somebody else or self or chair okay and now all in favor of vote you nominated second now we have to have discussion any discussion all in favor I hi any names hearing no names guess what you are i n nomin okay does anybody else have any other nominations secretary secretary okay all in hold on we haven't taken a yet all in favor any name per thank you thank you thank you I'm also [Laughter] helping I like you guys any other nominations all at okay on hold we got to do this in order we have all in favor of having her be the treasurer no secretary [Laughter] secret any hearing no n you are the new secretary you can put that in your [Music] notes treasure treasure do you want to continue second hi okay everybody for Sarah say I oh I guess we didn't ask anybody yeah we did ask did anybody else does anybody else want to do it no all right so any names and then she's that's it she's the new so the guard will continue okay FIU has a program that help people think you spoke with before I then so actually if anybody know I'm going to bring information to next meeting I give you everybody a copy and if anybody you know you know anybody that doesn't have money we don't we don't check you know the the status we don't check how much money they make I did everything to myself last year with them when I didn't have insurance everything my blood work they ordered my medicine I did every everything that could be and I have a and they were the best doctor I've seen in a while and this is like they do it once they go to your house I go they they when you go like on on 12 and maybe I want to yeah they have a phone number here that you can call it up and they tell you exactly what to do the same thing as on Honey Hill what is that 20 something in 67 they put a bus so you go to the bus they draw your blood was incredible now I have insurance now I can't go there anymore but she was for people who doesn't have insurance for people that do if you do have insurance what they do they come to your house and they check your mental health they call you up and they're really the best she's the best auor I've seen in a long time I'm sad that I can't go to her okay it's going to be two University of Miami and Fu now I think that's it for you but I will have univers in Miami that's want to say next meeting I BR both [Music] and then we have a I have ECX Pharmacy that probably come with that he's getting the program he can get three medicin we be able to they gave me that good RX and the medicine was really reasonable and it was perfect I'm sad that I have to I can't see her I went to the doctor over here she didn't even he spoke to me like from here to there and I was this lady hands on and and this is what happened also we have a have a program