e ready okay so let's go ahead and call meeting to order let's take rooll George here Rudy here Eric here Steve Brio is absent Matthew Tor is running late Jose's here Jessica Medina absent Manuel Perez absent Ry absent Andrea present marali joh is absent Carlos Daniel Gonzalez [Music] here I just did put a check all right so that's it all right so order of business referrals additions and deletions I believe the last minutes are attached are yeah I just want to point out the the date on the minutes are correct that would be the April 23rd meeting not February 20 okay I think Andrea we all cut up in horrible you guys can do an approval the minutes as amended if you guys want to fix that date I will speak to the rest anybody have any comments regarding the minutes other than the amend the amending of the date no the minute as amended second all in favor hi okay public comments I don't see anybody present do we have anybody scheduled to come in all right so public comments complete and okay approval of minutes we already did that and the budget you want to go ahead and go over the budget with us yeah so again our the committee's budget is proba the least comp is out of any committee which I appreciate um the committee is going to have to vote on a budget for next year that's just my little FYI so if we look at we this date oh like this will be the meeting that we have toting put to a vote the next year's budget already already yeah because the Cycle's starting now we already have budget workshops coming up in June I mean it's again I I don't think it's we don't have a complicated budget to look at um so if you want to work with me just for two seconds that 12,000 in the marketing 10,000 of it goes to the B yeah the local Intel and then the 2,000 is that you know spill over for the marketing that's the pins that's the pull up banners um I have no in like I don't have an investment in this I would just say maybe keep it the same because you still want to have in case you need to reprint new pins if you want to get new banners if you want to get new tabletops whatever you guys want I think that leaving that room that breathing space for marketing items is good but that's do you know the local Intel contract like are we up toew it or I thinking about I think we're up this our third year I don't know yeah I don't know I know that was only like a certain term so that'd be a good question to find out off take a minut yeah I was like oh yay leave you at your birth you did thank you for crashing my birthday apparently the town of Miami legs had an open invitation to my birthday celebration for those of you that don't know we happy birthday we're just talking budet right now the about what about EDC yeah sorry theam no the oh the budget okay um and so I think yeah that's a good point I can ask CL so about this specific contract and number this is still something we want to continue doing um so so then let's look at so the chamber minity chamber the 2020 that's just get zered out as well so there's really need to look at that the 3,000 to 2000 the networking the seminars was the 3,000 is for the quarterly uh events that that we can reliably end on and the 2000 is for our boot camp so that's kind of what the budget again it's not complicated um I don't know if you guys have any opinions on you know my only question is I know we've more we just not been invoiced is that why there's only 500 yeah like we've been we've been missing some invoices okay so that those actuals really don't reflect real actuals yeah coded um but no that's we have we don't have all the invoices in for those quarterly events but those are functionally you can consider that money gone okay you know what I mean that's why I was just asking because often times we'll have money at the end of the year and we didn't spend it I just want to make sure we actually are spending the money and so I don't know what you guys any wants and like we're supposed to break down the budget by wants and needs I'll take care of that um I don't know what you guys are thinking about budget wise I think the 2000 for the marketing the 3,000 for the quarterly the 2000 for the I think those are very solid numbers to work with but again it's not up the world budget incredibly small complicated budget development whatever budget for not going to get more [Music] so use all this ask whatever you want long time [Music] you've only open up is there a motion to approve the budget as it was last year or whatever I don't know that has to be a motion yeah so depends also depends of of the website correct right right right because that's the majority of about like I so as is a marketing misell SP I prefer to expend it in things that could bring more people to the to Miami leges um how effective has it been that how effective has I think we've got for on it I think it's a m i mean when it's up for Renewal we'll make a decision on that and if we de think I think this is the last year I could be wrong I think this is the last year but I could be wrong but at that point we'll just leave that money available in the budget we won't be spending on that and we can move it to something else I think we're we're almost there with that with that budget I ask so um we leave a Jour it have to be set for but marketing want make a decision we should know what do more specific than just marketing we go through that conversation last year I want to drill down more going to be like you know like advertising like social media they're going to be think going to be marketing is what it should be I think there should I think there's maybe a room for argument that it should be a new account for you know a website contract and then lead marketing as is and just pull whatever dollar is needed toward the contract because marketing is you know that is that's as straight that's more straightforward than having a website contract in marketing in my op when do they start like workshops and stuff uh for this for the budget like do we technically have like till the next meeting so like I mean we can present this but then head to the next meeting which we should have hopefully an answer about the local Intel before the next meeting so we can make a final final but we can move forward at least budget requests are due by Wednesday the 5th June that's what I heard last Wednesday theth but to answer your question about I just want to something should but a men right nothing you can that's what that's what I'm thinking like if you have to amend the categories and shift the money Workshop in July September that's I that's why we need this for budgets by June wasth ith so I'm messaging CL all right now yeah said the renewal is annual in July or August this is my as you know my first year per se right but you were mentioned and I know that on your experience it has never happened right that we can ask for an increase on the budget if we propose something that it will be done is that correct or sorry uh that we can propose an increase on the budget if we propose what will be spent right uh but most likely it's not going to get approved that's what I'm hearing because it's my first time that so I think last year there was a workshop specifically for committee budgets that's not happening again this year um there is a the workshop that I mentioned was for um general fund preliminary budget I don't know that there's room to go up there and in front of the council at least and and talk about what you may want but that is what is that what goes in my submission for the committee for the budgets it's you know there's a needs and a wants my understanding is the need is the dollar amount that we already have the on S exra us as it would you sense and then there's room for comments of you know what the justification is for asking for you know $2,000 more dollars in mon or $2,000 more the seminars so there is the room to you know vouch for the committee in that extra amount but it's not like face Toof face coruption scenario which might have more sway or power I guess but again I I don't know if there's much room for any committee to get more you know but but again you guys can ask for whatever you want you know and the communes have different budgets or every committee has the same like when you push it you push it for everybody or it's not every every committee every committee votes on their own budget like some committees uh I think special need I mean they're different because they got their money from uh the mayor's G but you know they have $80,000 I think certain committees have 20,000 but they have I think Cults is 30 40 50 whatever but then a lot more vs so much for you know fireworks like it's it's just different use cases so and blasing just got a budget you know what I mean so right every every committee has their own sheet that we submit to the budget officer and you know she she presents it but there's like half hour depends how many activi so let's let's say that if we propose something like what we have already spoke about it to activate Main Street and we wanted to kind of propose some budgets for that can we do that we can it's just do J B you can right we can but it's do in two weeks yeah and that's a new idea not for us yeah but for them so because after that yeah I opin prefer to put it something into not to if they say no no but at least we try to kind of see events and stuff like that that they you know at least one every quarter you know uh that we can bring some Life music some entertainment some advertising to to uh Main Street so it activates which I think uh is the main goal for everybody mainly now that the um jally is going to also be antique you know we have to figure it out how to activate that's my five sense I don't know if I'm correct or wrong or you know if it works that way or not this my first time here but um I think if because is a way to activate the economy of of the town of the town I think it's maybe it looks like making a new account because I don't know where where these kind of you know event support because we're not a planning committee that end up looking next support um I think that's probably the main question is is that that's probably the main question because I mean I agree with you I would love to include that in the budget the issue is who because it's not Economic Development Committee who's in charge if there's any kind of office in charge of of of of you know again like marketing for the town so is there is there an office for that um I mean the Communications Department is kind of i' say the Hub okay of anything it feeds the cultural careair right through you know Improvement their events or education Advisory Board whatever the events they have right there's an overlap of us you know Private Business the grams like there's there's a lot going on I think I think our department though the Communications Department is kind of I yeah the center of it all the center of it all right yes because so here's like I hear what you're saying the thing is that I I think we're completely out of our dep to propose a number of what it would take to do a Main Street activation like what does that look like and the fact that we have to come up with it by June 5th and if we just ask for an arbitrary amount of money without having a proposal of what we're going to do and unfortunately that proposal is going to be completely wrong because you know the Communications office is not involved and you know all these things all these pieces that need to function together are not communicating to each other so yeah just to clarify is because there is a special way to be presented or because we cannot create a plan of what we like of what we would spent they're not going to give us the the money that we ask for if we don't have a very specific way of how we're going to spend it okay so and and I mean to make that plan happen we would need a lot of coordination between now and June 5th to lay out basically a business business plan of what we're going to do on Main Street so I I mean I I want to do it I just think realistically because of the timeline I think it's something that we need to plan like we're starting to plan this now for next FIS schal year because now we're going to have the Main Street merchants and so for example somebody from that office should be at the Main Street Merchants Gathering because it makes no sense for us to be leasing a conversation over here if really the people from the town that are going to potentially work on it are over you're in a different room you know um but I think I like I think it's a it's a great project and it's one that belongs in Economic Development Committee but I think we need more time and you know and to throw out there that we want because it's not a small amount of money I mean what is a main street activation it's hiring a band it's you know it's it's putting on an event that's s thousand it becomes an event planning discussion that this committee kind of isn't so I'm I'm thinking other committees that need to get involved I mean I I think it's something that touches a lot of different Arenas I think I I don't I don't think it's I don't think it's I don't think it's erroneous for economic development to lead it because it's bringing Revenue to the town and that's the whole point of the conversation but but I think that we need to spearhead and pull a lot more people it makes more sense for culturals to ask for more money so they can put on an event versus this committee I I going to jump in real quick on that I know I came a little late sorry guys um but I got an email right before from Felicia who's the chair of culture Affairs actually you were suceed on that she sent it at five um so if she wanted to come she said she wasn't going to be able to I was going to bring it up later but it kind of relates what we're talking about now I'll just read it out she says if possible please check if your committee and the Main Street Merchants are interested in collaborating with the cultural Affairs committee to bring back the quote Main Street Live event to Town Center when we did it many years ago it was an experimental event to see if the residents were interested in it also our budget was limited and we were able to do it for only a few months on Friday night performances we also need to check with the grams since they currently have a curfew in place please let me know I am working on a list of potential bands and individuals with different musical genres pop light rock Latin Etc and other small local bands or dance groups who can perform for us I think it would be a great opportunity to showcase our local artist talents for our residents to enjoy the key is to have the commitment of the merchants and interested committees do it looking forward to hearing from you [Music] soon yeah okay so yeah so they're doing something over there so we just need to collaborate but I mean as far as asking for more money put it putting it in the budget as a line item I I I don't I I I don't think we have enough to make it Fly for this year is is my opinion I don't know so CH my only concern is I will have to work another year that's that's my only concern and I I know and I see it all the time right and I don't get as a business owner there I'm not get to affected by what's happening in Main Street but I see the people struggling and I think we got to do something rather sooner than later and and that's the only urgency that I personally have because of what I see um I'm certain that there is other areas I'm just focusing on on Main Street because it's what I see it all the time right being there and seeing it there right and I'm certain there is other areas but um as is them we supposed to be the main center of my AES uh is what I think we have to activate uh I don't have too much experience on on on how the process works but I do have experience on what is the ca of the events right as we do at a lot of them uh in ch so I I know exactly how we will be able to budget and stuff like that you know all of those things so that we can do do it without a problem um the planning and zoning and the other planification of the event and regulation between the grams and the city that's a little different story uh even though I know because we have blog and we have done the CCO mayo and all the permits required uh understand that too so it's just matter to I think decide if we wanted to do it this or next year or I don't know I don't know how the city usually work with these type yeah so for budgeting wi of how to and how much it will cost each thing personally we can do it like you know because we had the knowledge and the prices for the DJs the music the stuff the chairs the Ping uh Etc what's the discretionary amount that we have left in marketing after local Intel is taken out 2000 what's what are the 2000 the pins the pull up they're taking out that like after local it's $2,000 right 2,000 but there we the pull up Banner in the uh the pins you're talking about next year's but for next year right next year sorry after local Intel left in discretionary marketing budget $2,000 okay so I cultural Affairs has the biggest budget of all the Committees correct um I would assume I thinkal I don't I don't work with those but I'm just I'm just trying to get out hypothetically for for the event that we would put on I would assume that cultural Affairs would probably book up the majority of the cost and right that's why and maybe maybe this budget is you know we can offload them in terms of paid ads or correct getting stationary and right because getting a booth we're working on an event right like it's it's it's happening the the the conversation is starting so because what I what I don't think the committee wants to do is to go to ask for a number and to basically be told that it's ridiculous and that we don't have the infrastructure for it we don't have the planning time for it and then you know we don't want the idea to die in committee before it's actually flushed out you follow me that that's that's my fear of putting it in the budget now requesting it for next year when it's half faked I think this is a really good first year we have a committee with a more much more substantial budget that's willing to help us we have $2,000 of discretion for next year after local Intel is paid for that we can contribute to the same event and then when that event does really well then I think we have grounds to ask for much more money for a much bigger version for the following year that would be my Approach so I I would motion to leave the budget as is so that we can kind of like build the resume of what we want for next year is what I would move for I would suggest to the committee here one thing Carlos I've only met him PL twice before I hear his frustration he's extremely passionate and uh he's willing to go with the extra mile to get Main Street lit up again he wants to be noticed now not a year from now he wants to be a glorified centerpiece of bodyby L I feel his pain he's business owner but he's also very vocal and very involved in this community okay number two about this budget situation have we ever gone over any forensic numbers on local Intel D for us really see what they return on the dollar we the reports I don't think I don't see much at all like zero I don't see any impact at all it's garbage my opinion the problem is that it's still renews we have a contract and r go look at that before you even consider R it we got now is just jug okay Bott jug I'm very not happy with that as a Committee Member I was expressing my feelings but I don't like it it's what $10,000 right okay yeah no I mean we we have a $12,000 marketing budget but 10,000 is tied up in L Intel that's why I was asking what discretionary after that and they just provide like the hting I mean it's the entire software you know it's not just it's not just the hosting of the page the entire system that's in there but I I I mean I don't know I don't know what the violation of that is but as a taxpayer I would not want whatever their you know penalty might be to go towards a penalty I'd rather keep it at least for one more year because it's paid for you know and and and again I'm not saying Eric to delay activating Main Street we've got a committee that's willing to work with us right now on an event you know imminently to do something at and we're we're we're Gathering the merchants together which you know there's nothing that says that we can't fundraise this year on our own my concern is because you know this is government and there is no free money is you know we go and we ask for whatever it is you know I I mean we're talking small town committee anything anything is a lot asking for an extra $2,000 the question is well what is $2,000 going to achieve in a full Main Street activation it's a drop in the bucket and then if we start asking for 5,000 and 10,000 we need to have like it planned and done and ready to go and I I mean I don't have the time to do that before June June 5th you know at least not well so that's my concern in taking to the to committee asking for a significant amount of money is I don't think we have the grounds to ask for that at least not responsibly so that that's you know that's my suggestion is we do the Main Street activation as best as we can right now with Cal Affairs and that lay the groundwork for us to understand what does it take to do a much better and bigger one again in the future where we can actually go come to the the committee asking for a significant amount okay without maybe without having local correct and then to work with ex money we won't to ask for it because we'll have the money there correct well to that point I can I'm going to bring it up to play again because at least we know what the Ral is um but to what extent you know the added value what is it where is it when is the renewal you said you said July or August so this year July of August of this year yes and that gets paid with this budget that we're currently in uh no it's split up um it's split up between because it's broken in the fiscal year our fiscal year is October there is July or August and so it's like split between years so I'm not even sure I need to figure out what the breakdown would be I remember correctly it's like in third so it's like a third show up so then that it's July but you need to see what how much time you have to give them to if you want to exit there it might be 90 days so it might be there that one or 68 probably right right so yeah so probably you know what would get eaten out of the following fisal years budget is like $3,300 or so yeah see if I can find that just still have like nine grand or so going into the the next make sure that that the intent is to get rid of them that our budget doesn't get cut because we don't have the other 9,000 again that's why I think having an activation this year is important because we set the ground work now we are going to have this every year and great next year we're going to make it even bigger and consume that budget the only issue is that I think get renewed for threee periods we have to be careful with that as well right which is why this is the end there right right this is the end now yeah so we have to make sure that we have like the the proper nonrenewal paperwork in place if that's what we're going to do I mean we need to we just just rename it or just just nuke it rename it I don't lose those dollars either no no no it's in marketing it's in marketing so it's it's it's marketing dollars local Intel is part of the marketing budget we don't need to rename anything yeah okay yeah I'm that I don't think it's done much get the reports and the traffic on the website is next to yeah I know we had it for a while and for the first year I wanted to see how it was and we push it at different meetings and things like that into new businesses as oh find out about the economics of mul before you come in and all that stuff but a lot of people have their own ways of doing that you know they're not going to use the free to use website when it really comes to the meat potatoes of their business having having s if we have to give let's say 60-day notice would we have to vote on that now to exit that loc that now like put it into a motion have it just you know as it just in case um whatever the term may end up being at least I have the motion that you guys are well it's ending July that's coming to I was going to say we would have to do it at next committee meeting I mean we should probably Mo right now to yeah motion July or August don't know how we don't know we don't know best move would be to motion and if it falls into the yeah so anybody wants to who actually discontinues the contract who's the person actually discontinues that that's date so we should do something yeah motion maybe yeah anybody wants to take it off can I I always don't know if I can do that if it's an issue you could do it of course so I'm gonna motion [Music] to the local Intel years it's within if we're within the period that we're able to can it's possible to do the mo goes all in favor yeah I'm agree one of that it's been a year and I haven't really seen any motion from it or anything so I need not I'm saying that I've been here still need to present a budget the office approve the budget I had a motion on the floor that you ignored second a motion to approve the budget as is and just so you guys are aware of it this I'm going to be reesing as is the 12 20203 the two and the these are going to be the justifications that will kind of be on your behalf the 12,000 annual subscription for local Intel software and any print bannering stationary advertising needs fair enough fair enough uh the Greater Miami chamber membership that's the annual membership there's not much going say the business networking 3,000 quarterly cost of networking socials with room for an increase in the stien for cost of goods because it is 500 per quarter but things cost more there may be more interest down the line to jump it to 600 which is a it's going to come up now with the upcoming so there's two restaurants uh about to come up the seminars which is more so the the annual event now event costs location food etc for annual small business mamp SL seminar which we'll also talk about it so there's no wish list there's no added budget you guys want so that's going to be and your second all in favor on the budget there Matt you want to take over with old business you're not having fun with it I'm talking I'll jump in the all right Co so old business ump your favorite topic yeah easy promotional videos we're still waiting the silver update um we finally got in contact with G we told him about it he's knows about it so now he's just going to do it very quickly I hope so that's all I've got for that right now I'll reach out to him again hopefully by the next meeting there's actually something there that's been the longest going thing um other than that is the pullup Banner this is on me I'm going to put more effort into this with AC Graphics um and I'm going to give you guys an actual design that we can go over in the next meeting like cuz I'm supposed to mean I sent it already there was a whole oh did you yeah I said a whole thing sorry I just don't I don't remember off the top my head what it was I have to I have to include your your end projections cool yeah somewhere in there and I have everyone's pins already I have Andrew in the car I got you after this one did you um so that's it for old business right now just a couple things that we got to follow up on take lead on this myself and try to follow up on these the pH Banner I'm already on that and then the EC promotional video that just always ends up slipping away after we talk to them a little bit we get where where we need to be and we say all right cool and then we don't follow up so I'm going to try to follow more with that maybe hopefully next video we can get that out way but whatever I'm not going to Har on those too much um all right cool so the new business the stuff that matters all right the next official business networking social we've got LP meel and vanilla espresso I reached out to them spoke with them they are both interested um I haven't yet spoke to them on the actual official date and getting everything actually going just because we got a little bit of time and also I wanted to be clear about what their compensation was going to be right because we weren't sure if they were going to play night and it was going to work out but now that we know I want to open that up to discussion and see how we want to approach that usually it's 500 for for the business that we compensate them to you know for the little things that they put out right um but now it's going to be two businesses working in harmony right I don't me personally I don't necessarily want to you know lessen that what they get for you know what they're going to do but at the same time I don't really know what the budget can hold or what we want to do as a committee you know so I kind of hold that open to everybody I know last time we spoke a little bit about maybe Lessing it each a little bit for each one and maybe doing like a 300 300 situation or something like that or 350 350 um you know and then I can make it clear to them you know I can tell them that on the phone you know we're splitting it up this way so maybe you want to coordinate you know Etc something like that but um you guys let me know you know maybe we do 250 250 you know um we have a we have a fixed budget it's one per quarter you know that's why we have the extra in that budget area specifically if we wanted to do moments like this or if we were going to do more networking socials in the year so that's why I don't know that's why it just kind of depends if if you guys think we have the time to do some more networking socials I'm cool with trying to do more in there and get more business recognition if not then maybe we give a little bit more to these guys and then we have you know we tell to up the spread a little bit up the whole European thing and make it more of a big deal that budget for this year that's why that leads us back to that which it's a hypothetical 1,000 again we don't have those we don't have certain invoices that I'll couldn't on which so it's the networking business networking socials it's but yeah it it be roughly not even we've had the three in the fiscal year which would be 555 so there's technically 1500 for this last event if that makes sense so we have 1500 left without being consumed up until the year recess September September 30 remember the original idea was to do a little bit more than one per fiscal year we ended up kind of just doing the one which I think kind of worked out better to get a little bit more so then we have this networking social which is in July and then we have the business boot camp which is September 20th those are separate I know there're I know they're separate I know it has its own line item but in but we all we do the networking event after that I mean so so I know you me you get what I'm saying so I I mean that event arguably is much bigger than than what this would be I mean I I'm not saying we can give them something extra but maybe I would motion to do 300 300 so we would spend an extra 100 on the event as a whole and ask them both to you know to I mean they're combining forces they're NE door neighbors they have to play nice no exactly that's why I figured I just want it to be fair to them just as I don't know you know we leave the rest for the business correct yeah which arguably we would want to spend more on so I I I would motion to to increase an extra 100 to the the vanilla espressoo event and split at 300 300 all in favor as well good with that so I'll let them know about that and I'll officially get that going yeah I think that'll be a cool one and we can try to promote it as like a European kind of thing France and Spain coming together it can be cool yeah right that's what it is right Spanish restaurant French French restaurant Cafe like um I received I received feedback that it was welcome if they were excited about it no no he's saiding about the countries all right cool so we're good on that um up next after that would be the 2024 EDC event so the subcommittee I was curious how that went subcommittee is awesome car and I are taking over um okay so update so we have a date which is September 20th Friday same time as last year so roughly the event would go from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 with the networking so social afterwards and what we discussed in the subcommittee um was you know last year was a great first run the the biggest difference and and it was you know I think it was good that Carlos and I were at the sub committee together because I think last year we were the ones mostly advocating to make the event as much of a workshop as tangible as possible and I think we can all agree that the workshop that the event was great but it was not a workshop it was you know it was more of an informational session a big a big a lecture a big focus on how to do business with the county not bad it was very interesting but not the the original concept and idea that we wanted to have so this year you know during our subcommittee me meeting we thought a lot about what do startup or small businesses really want to know need to know so what we came up with and obviously we had a very long list but you know we only have like three hours and uh at most like five speakers so we came up with the following uh like category or uh speaker topics so a combined topic on and we don't have a name for it yet we're going to work with the speakers to come up with a catchy name but a combined topic on business Basics something as simple as accounting business incorporation you uh you know uh employment Basics and HR and compliance that into one topic okay um a second topic on sources of funding so how to how to get Capital as a small business a third topic on social media for business how to leverage social media to grow your business and a uh a fourth topic specifically on conducting business in the town or with the town of Miami Lakes because we're here and we might as well you know beef up the fact that it's miam lake so we have a right to claim that and then we wanted to end the workshop with not a how-to but a motivational speaker somebody that had their own small business came from nothing and made it big so th so we so I am proud to report we have all speakers confirmed um so yeah so so we have so we so something that we also did differently was instead of because I think last year we thought it was the train of thought was who do we know and what can they speak about and they were very knowledgeable on their subject but you know they weren't necessarily like the most like inspiring or like super engaging people so this year we went the opposite direction we thought about who are the best most engaging speakers that we know that people that are fun to listen to and you know really like R up a crowd and you know like what what can they speak on that's relating to this so in no particular order um for the motivation uh we confirmed um oh my gosh I don't even know his last name I just know him as Patrick like Patrick famous Patrick so Patrick Yeah so Pat Ela is uh a good friend of a lot of people involved in the town of Miami Lakes he came from Haiti he came from nothing his parents picked up garbage and yeah not only does he own his own small businesses he owns several chain UPS Stores but he is now basically an angel investor so he invests in other businesses and watches them grow so we thought of him as our motivational speaker he's confirms he's ready to go for social media for your business KAS uh uh uh agreed and I can't think personally of anybody's ever beeno for that and he's very crowd engaging and pleasing which we like yeah and he'll draw a crowd because you know Tio day maybe he'll wear his T-shirt it'll be great for sources of funding um I already reached out to prospa again I had my own contact at Rosa and it's going to be the same guy as last year Angel Leon who I thought was great but I already had a conversation with him about listen we don't want to know everything does we just want to know this and he said no that's great I can dig in there like what paperwork they need what numbers they need like that yeah I thought that was great yeah I was going to tell you just because I think I mentioned some people I went to the same type of concept in The Gables and instead of just having one speaker having a moderator and having multiple speakers I would tell you somebody from the SBA okay would be a good fit I can get you the person related to any particular Bank just a local CDC SBA um and like that you can have anyone that's capable of moderating that conversation so that you're getting maybe you can moderate for us you know I don't want to do that but there's a way that you can get like so it's not just one speaker up the only the only thing that I that concerns me I'm down for that and I have one more thing to add on before we move on from this the only thing that concerns me is the time because we only have like 15 minutes per segment so I I get concerned that if we do it panel style there's five five do you have anything for social media we do TI yeah yeah we have social media from 9 to 12:30 from 9 to 12:30 that includes registration that includes the whole thing soig 10 to 12:30 I have hold on I have the agenda I have the agenda oh my God I it again home you got an hour and 15 minutes with the speakers yeah you have two and a half hours of event and an hour and 15 minutes with the speakers okay so I mean I'm just saying if you want to put the panel one like a little bit longer so one panel not everyone on a pan I got you okay say it it it it changes it up it changes it up from just having one person go up and talk you for 15 minutes if you have like because what they did is they had like the first person go up and talk 15 minutes and then they had a pen okay and then they had another person go talk 15 minutes and then they had a panel on something El I think that's really good so if you want to just put a panel in there I can assist like that so um and if we want to add maybe one more person so that we have a threepers panel if anybody knows a specialist in Grants like local grants I think that's the missing piece there's a person here in the county in the city in the town do we know yeah do we know who that is Rene okay but Renee would Renee be familiar with grants for private small business can we can you ask her can you ask her and see if she be I love okay great bother okay sorry guys I I find it hard to take notes and speak at the same time so somebody write that down um just sorry could you give me like a really convincing question to ask Rene like like what what exactly am I gonna ask for the question is Renee a do you feel knowledgeable on speaking to a crowd of small business owners on grants that are publicly available for small business to apply for and what that process looks like that's the first question and then B would you be willing to be a a panelist because you know you may have the knowledge but maybe you don't want to talk about it so okay so that would so I think I I like the panel idea and I think it would change it up I think it's great um but yeah that would be the one thing that I would like to ask about uh that I would like to add because the prosa guy already told me that you know if we switch it to that to sources of capital the best that he could give is instruction on applying for loans and what your financials look to need to look like and the paperwork and things like that because he told me grants are very far and to come by you know I know I have to like ask her her bability her interest I don't know that that would be there but yeah I GRS but they focus mostly on the Arts maybe she knows somebody uh I can even reach out to where I live at maybe have someone that they know all so that would be the last missing piece on that and then we have two more other topics so this we just talked about the first three the motivational speaker the social media for business the the sources of funding panel um and then we have two more uh one on conducting business in the town of Miami Lakes and we thought of no one better than our very own Andrea Richi um and uh and then the last topic kind of the the cohesive you know business building 101 everything from incorporating your business to you know HR pitfalls and whatnot um that we wanted to split it between uh myself and Su Hal who gave a presentation at the chamber uh luncheon and we already talked about it us two I specialize in small business Consulting she specializes in labor Consulting so we're going to put a a a 15minute uh very engaging kind uh kind of taking business owners step by step from in like conception to their growth stages in business so you have one employee you have four employees you have five employees 10 and all the different markers that will trigger different audits fines Etc okay cool cool yeah that's awesome sweet yeah thank you for that a lot more than I here today yeah that's awesome I I still don't have like confirmation on the energy on what oh so that was the last that the location so we had talked about doing it en mes did you reach out to them and they haven't responded does anybody have a contact that eny menas I do I can I'll reach out to uh yeah it is so that was the one thing that we like weren't sure about at the at the subcommittee me meeting is there a particular reason why we want to do enery Mendes is the space figger I've never been so I don't know the space right it was just recommended because of the space and I think some you brought up that we used it in the past a few years ago space was great but you guys I mean I I I am all for a bigger space because we packed the room last time we really did and the other thing that's unfortunate about the Our Town Chambers is that the TVs are on the side so everybody was like this and not looking at the speakers so is Anna G mes like an auditorium with like a projector behind the speakers is that how that is anybody know it's along okay and but do they have a do they have like a projector or whatever yeah okay okay then I think that that would be nice so the last thing about that was we if we can get Anna G menes we thought that the networking social would be best at Mima because it's within walking distance and it's on that side of town so so if we confirm anery vendas we need a a hookup uh at Mima to get have the networking social over there yeah the only thing with which is proba good thing they might want to participate in okay in one of the one of the p okay just keep that in mind we'll see and also the other place that we thought it was I think back United has like a Auditorium thing does Bank United have a big Auditorium like that they do right is it as big ases or is it a nice is it as big as our town center like our our our Chambers yes yes okay so that would be another option if an G doesn't get back to us I had even thought cool yeah no I don't disagree the only like we get that for free ask does anybody have a hook up with the theater yeah here not the movie theater you're talking about the movie oh okay I thought I thought you meant like Main Street players okay oh yeah that's why I'm asking I don't know the movie The the movie theater okay the only thing about the movie theater because we've had a bnii meeting there before is it it works but it's dangerous like people like the lighting Is Not Great the space is is little people getting there late like it's it's a you're asking for like I think STI to the this thing see where it goes I think en mes back up Bank Bank United Auditorium and then back up here you know Town Town Hall all right cool so yeah so uh so we do need another subcommittee meeting um so that we can you know like create like creative topic titles and really get the marketing solid because that was the other piece that was missing last year was We really wanted to do like fun and attractive marketing and we just ran out of time to do that yeah so we have the budget for us right right so uh so yeah but speakers are are confirmed panels are set we're rocking and rolling cool oh and sorry one last thing on the pra part so feedback this is open to our committee decision pra off offered and they said that they've done it before and that it's been very successful they offered the opportunity to do like speed consultations with small business owners at the event to help them because pra not only you know consults and helps people to find access to Capital but they help them with business plan writing and the very very basics of everything they're a nonprofit they're great um they offer to do speed consultations for any of the small business owners that are there I told them that obviously during the panel I didn't think think it was a good idea we wouldn't have the time and we don't want to take away from the speakers but I thought that uh you know once we get the the after uh the after the session happy hour confirmed that we can maybe do that there like have you know if you want to stop by the pra booth and do those manyi consultations that we can promote that and we can offer that right then and there do they have like a event space they have a very large open concept and then they have an additional section in the back that's semi walled off which I thought would be maybe a gift people who sign up have this ability to meet during the I think yeah I think it's great I think it's great yeah we set up a couple tables back there okay cool so we like it yeah that's awesome stuff thank you for that okay so then followup items I need your contact from SBA okay um we need a Grands person so you're going to check in Rene okay so we're going to check in on Renee I have another I have a grant writer that I know that I can reach out to and see if she either feels comfortable about it or or you know and can speak on it herself or can recommend someone um and then we need another date for the subcommittee can you tell us availability well next we you're King the week after the week after for well you know the week after looks good because I have more meetings so that's the first week of June the very first week of June okay any days in particular Tuesday there's a planning inting meeting at 6:30 but you know maybe 5:30 to 6:30 what day Tuesday Tuesday the 4th that work for you okay at at 5:30 okay so y'all are invited 5:30 to 6:30 5:30 at 6:30 because Planning and Zoning start your stream okay so June 4th June 4 at 5:30 sharp because there's another meeting at 6:0 cool awesome so I'm going to move on to the next meting yeah yeah I'm move on to the next point just because we are short on time so the next thing is the main street collaboration meeting right so this is the big thing we tried planning originally May 20th which was a little bit um ambitious of us to do it so soon so it ended up not working out exactly that exact date because we just didn't have enough time to coordinate so I want to Circle back on this and I think that's something that needs to happen I wasn't here for the beginning of the budget discussion I heard you guys talking about events and stuff like that I don't know if that's related to this collaboration meeting or if that's separate no separate separate okay cool cool cool all right cool so then just going back to this collaboration meeting then now we have Andrew here which makes this a little bit easier um so I'll kind of let Carlos and Andrea kind of take over here a little bit Carlos if you want to jump in on this I know this is really your brainchild this whole Main Street thing yeah uh so we I don't know you were not in the mid before but Matthew was able to talk to um the government per se and they allow him to be able to be kind of the like the middle uh point of contact to be able to do so right so the idea is to try to figure it out and invite and that's what we wanted to also talk to Jonathan is how can we invite people from the government without to inflict some sunshine loss right um my understanding was number one that they should not be two in the same room so one of the ideas was to either invite Josh or um the name of the other guy tonyon Tony exactly I wish he both could be there right because both of them will be interesting to figure it out what they what will like to do in the area of Main Street uh but uh he was going to find out to see I mean we could do that they can be and I mean Sunshine is really just as simple as a notice a public notice in the lobby um I still think it comes back to like a weird like it almost has to be a workshop if that's the direction that we want to go um but in terms of avoiding sunshine I don't think I really take it because right now I don't think that is to make any decisions it's that it's kind of to see Hey listen there is this how can we do can we collaborate with the city that the merchants to be able to make that work well wouldn't it be someone from the Communications Department as versus the council because right I mean we have a strong manager government right so the council's up there but the reality is it's the manager and everyone that kind of underneath that makes everything moving and and the council does all the policy driven kind of stuff so it seems to me that we would need to make sure we have all the right people from the Communications Department present who can actually answer questions on what is within their realm of being able to activate which I think would be the entire department actually which is just three people right now so I'd be clar on myself which covers marketing Communications Is there sunshine rules there for us right and then isle is our commits and special events ordinator so the two of us I that makes a allot more sense you guys are the ones driving all the marketing that that really does and and the only the only reason I bring up like the idea of a workshop and council is because I think it believed into the topic of like the the master plan and whenever that's coming up for discussion because 2025 is right there I don't know what they imagine 2030 is going to look like or whatever and I think it's really important to get that out in before those discussions um but that thought me saying that the miror needs to be there and Tony needs to be and that's just my me thinking out loud uh but yeah the communication Department the beig the three of us really kind of would be the ones I think side probably okay because the idea is to try to figure it out the resources that every time that everybody could be able to put the merchants grahams and the city to be able to do something for it and have a plan that mainly it a consistent plan because it's not just to do an event because I'm certain that the first event is not going to be as great as the second the third the fourth the fifth where we are able to actually create attaction and create consistency so customers know that they got a come back that is going to happen and happen and happen so um and and and that's the idea to create a plan that we be able to invite other cities to come visit Miami Lakes because with Miami Lakers it's not enough enough for the businesses that we currently have here uh so we have to invite other people to know our city so what strategies we can put together between the city and everybody else to do so I think that's the main idea and need to kind of work in a plan that we all three work together not separately because right now everybody is doing their own thing some of them doing differently and and I think we just have to put everybody together to be able to work towards the same goal for sure and that's pretty much it in general right uh to be able to create a plan and try to figure it out what are the resources we can let's say for example in here we wanted to let's say hopefully we don't have to spend those $10,000 and we have 10,000 from the economic development committee that will be able to invest in different events uh and and and and vice versa there are all resources that we don't know maybe that Grahams have some resources that will be able to do um Etc we just just by doing this digging trying to find out how can we work together to be able to activate men stre and what needs to be done because there's many things it's not just creating the event but creating the layout uh creating um um it's not it's not going to be just one event it's going to be what enables yes future events promotions uh you know campaigns it's not just going to have to be one right it's just not revent in reality advertise Miami Lakes as the city where you wanted to come visit yeah and I understand that Main Street is not fully you know um renovated as we wanted and it's not all the places already filled up and everything but I think we had to kind of be creative with all the spaces that are empty right now try to make some places where people can take pictures and stuff like that said so they don't feel it take out the merchants a little bit out so I don't know many many ideas that everybody should we should be able to create a comprehensive plan to be able to execute and that's the main go yeah which leads back to when and how are we going to do this yes so I think we come to the conclusion that the town representative is best to be the Communications Department cor just to avoid any kind of red tape and also because you guys are the ones actually doing the marketing and putting the strategies in place and you also know your budget already that already exists I mean there's money that we don't know about the reality of it I think we can do we have to pick a date then that the three of you guys can attend right because it would be great if we could have the big cheese there too with uh got s so we could have the three of you guys attend and then I guess whatever Main Street Merchants you know we can have in time you know with enough time to attend and then Andrew can have her representative from either the grand or the M Merchants group per se you know and then we can kind of do it that way you know and then the EDC can just kind of be there to mediate but in reality it's you guys are doing the talking we're just there to be there to set it up right so what date is enough time for everybody to have time to collaborate with their respective parties and then get this you know get their confirmations so it's really cardos Jonathan and Andrea what do you guys think I was good like the 20 no yeah was good for quick notice um I don't know I can't I don't know how I know for you it's difficult John with all because you have to do two other schedules yeah so I know it's a little bit difficult we can just kind of keep our on our toes and like just make ourselves available what I wanted to kind of put a set date so we can already kind of work if not you know I I don't know well for businesses right Mondays are a slow day so those are good ones uh it could be Monday the 10th June 10 which is in one two weeks per say yes is that enough time you think I'm just worried that because remember we don't have a meeting before that as well so it's just radio silence until this happens junun is fine we're time space yes we will be that space that we can we had talked about doing it at the Garrison we'd have to we'd have to talk to to make sure that he'd be willing to keep the space open just for that and you know and not have patrons there that day um I mean we could I don't know if this space is available but then it's not on Main Street you're probably not going to get as much participation from the merchants etc etc and I think that opens up a whole other kind of wor right if we try to do it in the town hall right is can we do here in his office like in this building you say this room no like I think this is the perfect room right because we do it at any restaurant stuff like that there is always music you know distractions or stuff like you know I think it could work out here we don't have to go through anything with the town or or anything okay I prefer to be here I think I personally prefer because I think you know it's quiet it's because I can offer CH we have spaces we can do private close that day so we can do that is just matter that it this could be more like a work type of thing right than something more informal which I don't have a problem to do so there right you know we can bring some appetizers and stuff like that make it more more fun but I think it's the main idea is to kind of work on and then make it more I get you you don't want to change up the atmosphere too much you want to keep it focused is some I know I know we spoke about Communications being the town side but is there any room for you know maybe having the invite on for the planning department or the planning zoning department legal is there any interest in I don't see how that would hurt I mean if if if we're if it's kosher to you know include all those people at the same time I I think I think the more parties you can have together to keep one strain of communication the better Ava because it takes a lot of people to make that happen for for for a town for for the central part yeah I was that's that's what I was gonna say is like I you know I would hate to gather all these people and then it's like oh what are we going to talk about you know like somebody has to run that meeting and have an agenda that and you know I mean I'm sure Carlos can do a great job of representing the concerns of the merchants um or you want to go around and maybe ask for certain things that they want to talk about yeah from the that's what makes me think that two or three weeks isn't enough a bu of people I I agree like I I know you want to do this yesterday but that's the other thing is we don't want to summon all these people and then the only one here is you like we want them to see that the problem is serious and we want those guys to put it on their calendar and understand like we're literally Moving Mountains to get all these people in the same room we need to be here so I mean I would say if maybe like you know June 17th or the 24th is more realistic think the week after what our meeting is in for June so I'd like to be able to talk about it the week before our what to go I'm not sure exactly but that's what I'm our meeting is the 18th so it would be the week of the 24th that's what I like just so we have the 18th to say are we good is everything in order do we have an agenda set up do is there any last minute things we need to do the week before and we can actually meet about it under sunshine and everyone's here and we have to be here and there's no radio silence before in this we four weeks but just the radio silence not being a to communicate and even that meeting on the 18th we can try to get as many Merchants to come as yes to that because they can help form the agenda on the 18th so the 18th this sub commit meets and any Main Street Merchant is welcome to come and sit as a visitor and then contribute to the agenda that we're making for the 24 it sounds great what you're not here I'm GNA be in my business in Dominican repu what about the 24th are you here on the 24th I'm G be after the 17 and I'm back almost three weeks after oh shoot so you're gone for a while like that's okay so you're gone until July yes so I mean by I I I agree with what I I agree with what you guys saying um when are you back are you back I should be I should be back by the of July the first of July okay I don't I don't think it's I don't think it's bad Carlos what if we what if we did the Main Street Merchants like July 15 and then we have the whole month of June to make sure they all know we can create fers like we can you know make sure emails get out we can advertise still the we know we know what the concern are you but then they can be part of right give more time when is the June not Jun June the July meeting I just need you for that the July meeting will be the 16th or the 23rd the 16th 16th 16 so do the 22 July yeah we do the 22nd and then we have the June meeting that people could come to and the July Mee that people could come to so we can address it twice but'll be really good yeah I'm just worried about doing it in main especially with the people that Jon has to get now Andrew was actually able to get the people very quickly I'm sorry not May early June early June even even that might be very tight very tight yeah June 18 I agree that's better to so we're looking at so we're looking at July 22nd for the meeting instead July 22nd and then we would have the June 18th and the July 16th committee meetings for merchants to come and get you know items on the agenda yeah I mean it's it's a lot later than we would want I guess but I honestly think it's better to do it later than sooner I just think sooner it's not going to it's going to be what just happened that it was like a mess because we it's so hard for us to communicate because of the whole Sunshine bu okay but I'm agreeable to that so which one what date were you saying R you're saying July 22nd 2 okay Monday right yes yeah yeah think this a couple meetings and we can still coordinate with Andrea and stuff like that and gives us plenty of time yeah that's enough time for you right Jonathan I'm assuming to start coordinating with all the people you need to coordinate yeah oh but there is another problem you say that you wanted to have this before that budgeting means you want to he said that he wanted to have this all the information he can before the discussions that start correct yeah like Main Street planning or something like that you were saying like a Main Street plan or something like that saying for 202 fix the budget the plan when I bring up the master plan something else that's just like a a little like like a sound of a mosquito in my the back of my head because you know I'm all down for this this meeting to me thinking about when I go upstairs what what it looks like to me it still looks like a master plan like series of of workshops and making it aive thing I mean maybe maybe maybe eventually but right now I think we're just trying to set up a meeting and I mean the main goal is just to bring all the big chees together and then they talk and then oh eventually they do their own thing and everybody else bud and they figure it out amongst themselves we just need to bring everybody in the same room that's really all this is just bring everybody in the same room yeah that's why we got to keep it simple got we don't have to go too crazy maybe maybe maybe it's because I said the first budget hearing was was like July 20th or what did I say the first budget hearing was I about the master plan what you were bringing up so I have another another question yeah at the end what we need is to kind of figure out how to create that master plan that that that that you're saying right I understand that we wanted to hear a lot of people to kind of understand what are the concerns and stuff like that but at the end of the day how we going tol the creation of the master plan that's what I'm hoping can be discovered at that meeting because in all reality I don't think that's for us to decide as EDC like we bring people together but when it comes to that it's the grams the mainam merchants and the town's communication Department figuring out what they can do to Market it and us as the EDC brought together no what I mean is at the end we all in agreement that we need a master plan based on the conversation that we have with the council and everything they agree that we have to do it right I know that the Grahams also are willing to do so right but at the end of the day there is going to be a subcommittee that is actually going to do and create them right we all know what the concerns are we all know what the problems are it's just matter to start working on the plan because the only thing that I'm concerned is that we're bringing everybody and I have already had meetings with the majority and in a seat down table and stuff like that and everybody has different situations some of them hey no but I want the Grahams to put me in the hotel or or you know and it's like we're not seeing the bigger picture right and then we're going to waste time on having that room conversation instead of working on the actual plan wait I know I know you're coming from yeah no have a different idea from B's B house no I get it yeah from The Garrison different no I I just don't think we as volunteer organ committee have the right to tell these this you got to say this for them I understand but we cannot decide what the communication departments would like to do or would like to offer neither what the graph HS would like to offer to do so right because at the end we can do certain I can say Okay I want to put an event in in Main Street right let me put a bar and I I do the event right uh but it's matter of creating the master plan creating the consistency of all those things so at the end of the day either we're going to get people tired of just hitting everybody's thing and not doing anything and just completing in a meeting rather than focus on how we get the master plan done I think that's I think that's the point of uh I think that's the point of crafting an agenda before we have that meeting so that has to be a line item on the next committee meeting and the July one yeah and that's you know and that's right yeah what you could do the the merchants is there like a leader there like a if we need to I can bring sign things of everybody saying okay here it is right that's what I'm saying is between now and July and again so that we keep it sunshine you need to email Jonathan all of the concerns that want to be brought all of the concerns the desires everything that wants to be brought to the table by the Main Street merchants to come to the meeting in June and July so that they can also be represented not just by you in front of the committee so that we build an agenda and between those two committee meetings if the merchants email Jonathan everything they want addressed we can craft an agenda to have at the July 22nd meeting because because you're right it makes no point to gather all these people in one room or to talk about the pro the same problem that we know over and over again no what needs to be done in in the interest of time when I say when I say master plan I I don't mean just this discussion I mean like the towns like capital M Master capital P plan like what does what do residents want to see in terms of Transportation in terms of events in terms of uh businesses that exist period in terms of Athletics in terms of parks I mean like because events time uh events business related that has to fit into that puzzle of the master the master plan that's what I mean when I say that I have a question would it be possible on the town of Miami Lakes Facebook page Instagram page would it be possible to put a post an official post saying Main Street Merchants like number one announcing the the the committee meetings the June the July to get participation and also like a poll or like you know the Instagram open box to collect responses because realistically with our group here if we go to the merchants oh email jgill at Miami Lakes no you know what I mean it's we're going to get a handful of responses at best but is would it be okay can we run by Communications to put a a a l like a legit post on the the social pages so that we can collect some actual feedback from residents and Main Street Merchants before those dates yeah I mean I know what you mean to me that that comes an event that we want to advertise to the community because we we can it's going to be on the on the on the calendar it's going to be here of course and it's it's a meeting but if we want to elevate it towards like a collecting feedback kind of thing then it's but is but is not necessarily that we want to bring everybody and the meeting for the same reasons I I but we do wanted to get a summary of their concerns correct so we have um the business uh newsletter like list is there is there interest in us with the bdr list oh no the newsletter the one that people subscribe to yeah is there interest in sending out an email of like hey business email that you opted in to get emails from us what are you know I guess question you want answered or things see in the town survey yeah is there any interest in that maybe yeah but we don't have time to flush that out right now it's 7:05 so we'd have to put that as an agenda item for I think you guys meet like yeah yeah yeah we have met couple of times already group The the thing is that at the end of the day is couple of businesses right isum exactly there's many other ones let's say that there's five or or six and maybe business owners right the garison L kumacha but then you you have cadoro then you have other ones that will be the corner what's the other name of the sandwiches have like a wish list of things ideas I they have it formalized corre like car can summarize it for you but I don't think but you know we want representation from someone in addition to caros you know we don't want people feeling like they got left out correct yeah okay but but what I'm saying is those five or six owners but there's more there is a a group uh you know theater Garrison the theater for example Carlos if we put you in charge of literally taking like to these people would you yeah I will I mean two months July 26 right we have we have two months so I I mean I think I think we can we can put it as a as a line item on the agenda for next meeting put for the next two we so that so that we can make sure that we craft a like a a that makes sense the information and the people that we know but not only that but like we we need to craft a prompt you know what I mean it can't just be like oh send us to your thoughts about Main Street you know it's too much we we need a you know yes okay yeah so that so that we have a controlled environment because if not it's going to be a mad house I agree I agree cool so yeah so I think it would be a good idea then for the next meeting then to have Main Street merchants and all that come out and give their opinions on that or no you're saying I think so I think so I I think there's no there's no reason I your want to get asked I really think I really think we should try to I mean maybe maybe you can uh I I really think we should try and get the word out to the main street Merchants as much as possible within our means you know I know we don't want to open it up to the whole town but I I do think you know on Instagram on Facebook attention Main Street Merchants this meeting is for you like we want to encourage your participation at this Economic Development Committee you know like something like that because we need to grab their attention like we don't would be better to go to theil though that I think I mean sure but like you know yes and no I think they need part of the conversation people person who literally pays rent to us come out to yeah we have meeting I we can talk about that with pretty story on Instagram if we go straight to their inbox I mean sure can they can can can we ask them to to direct it to Main Street Merchants cuz you know it's about like you saying so Matt and Jonathan you guys will communicate to whoever at the GRS yeah but want the next meeting we have the Diego's Farmers Market on the agenda yeah yeah but I'm taking that off I'll talk about that real briefly so what going on right PR Market yeah the pr Market going on just that we talked about brief I think it was uh Georgia brought up the idea about maybe having like a booth where we can feature businesses from outside of Main Street and stuff like that and like feature other new businesses that have come in that maybe aren't in the Farmers Market or not in the area you know what I mean like an example would be like Ernie's s that opened up on the other side of town you know what I'm saying to advertise a boot for them there and if we could do that but Andrew just told me now because I was talking about it with her before she had to go that Diego tells her that he offers a free Booth once a month to new businesses so that's kind of already something that they do so now that we know that we can tell them yeah no I mean now that we know that when we go to I thought was that if she thought they were getting left out because of that well here's no exactly yeah exactly but now now we know that he does actually offer a free Booth um for new businesses so we just got to tell them so now in ribbon cuting that's something we can say and that's something we can offer new businesses too if you guys are on the BTR list when you're reaching out that's something we can add on to John little script I think we have right now that you can do a we do a free lunch in right you can come to the lunch in for free the chamber lunch but now there that's good very very um great real quick just to round it out um I know we talked about the thing with theisha so I'll put that on the agenda for the next meeting too um I'm going to try to make it out to the next cultural Affairs meeting and see if I can sit through what they've got to talk about um and then we'll see what we can do to collab with them um to do that big Main Street Live event she's trying to bring back um and we'll see what we can make happen their meetings I know are the same day as the chamber Lings it's the second Wednesday of the month yeah at 7:30 right there meetings or no 5:30 5:30 no no no do 7 or 7:30 it's late right there meetings yeah so if anybody wants to show up as well so second Wednesday 7 7:30 I'm going to go to the to try to get go I'm going to try to go to the co faers committee meeting we can talk about Main Street um other than that I'm Gonna Save this probably for the next meeting but I guess start thinking as well about the next next social because right now with after we spend this 600 I think that leaves around like 900 or something like that around right in the budget I think or a little bit more so we have enough and I know some of that's going to go for the networking social pellas or wherever it's going to be your V I think is what it was um but again that leaves maybe a little bit in there let's say if we have 500 for that or 400 for that it leaves another 500 we probably have enough to do another one more social but it would have to be before the end of September right okay yeah so we we that's why I want to get it churning in your brains you know we don't have to think about it right now because we still and stuff but think about it I'm gonna put on the next agenda August because one of just prob recommendation I was thinking and one of the things that I noticed at this event they had a break like a networking slash snack break in between that two and a half hour and if you can get like an Frosty beol or the other one here on Main Street just to come in provide some kind of snack in between just to give people 15 minutes to get a break from the speakers do a little mingling and then back inside I think that would eat up some of that and take care of that because we're not going to have time to do another event in the budget you know within the the budget year just a thought okay yeah I to the sun that's why you tell me when you guys meet you're going to plan all that stuff how much we have left I guess in that budget we have the people June 24 June 24th is when our next EDC boot camp sub subcommittee meeting is so I'm sorry what did I that up no July June 4th sorry June 4th I put i j June 4th at 5:30 put it on your calendar anybody that wants to help us plan is it June June 4th Monday June 4th sorry Tuesday Tuesday June 4th at 5:30 here cool yeah and then and then if you guys happen to to discuss budget during that time and what you guys expect you let me know them what we have left in that networking social budget if it's like you know next to nothing perfect if there's a little bit left you know we can figure out what we can do with the leftovers cool some announcements the announ Memorial Day 27th and then June 12th is the chamber lunch and now our guest speaker is the mayor of Miami day oh wow and and our current mayor's opponent in The Big Race So the big it's a big uh big guest Manny have a thumb wrestling match that would be cool they have a little thumb wrestling they do rock Precision they on the 13th is Chambers first golf tournament tournament it's thday I think the 21st no it's not sold out no it's not sold out I just put the link up to the you canf tournament the 21th it's tournament Friday night I put out the first I'm not sure you guys got that's gonna help four four events U his kids the ark and and another one I forgot other one that was it's helping three events the Masquerade yeah and if you want to sign up and uh purchase tickets and all that for or become a sponsor June 2 so in the Miami leagues chamber uh L tree it's in the Instagram yeah they just put they just started putting the announcement yeah that I that's also why I was L social media post again now