##VIDEO ID:gVZCKDn1fX4## e you guys are everybody roll cor Mar right want to do the missing one or not no it's okay you just need to make sure you have you do okay um additions Corrections and Del any any of those no but we don't have we don't have the minute oh well then [Laughter] everything a good one no no don't mind me no okay public comment go ahead okay I talk to both of the F future Mayors and I told I told you know I've been here for eight years and man never sit down with any of the Committees to talk to us I say very the heart of the town of Miami Lake I think they both promised me that they will do it okay well Josh used to be a member of the committee right yeah he was sit next to me right here but the key this I told it because see for example to my idea is this we've been changing now we have the meetings on Tuesdays or Wednesdays or you know different days one and twice on the Bingo sometimes we do the B on Wednesday sometimes you know before we usually do on Wednesdays why you know I think it's you know we get to one day you know whatever whatever day it can be let it be the same day all the time and for us the same thing because see we don't got paid it's Wednesday Tu I told it they both promised me that they will sit down say you don't have to sit down with the you know with the but I think you should down with all the committies and help us you know we don't want anything we procure we got money you know we we donate our time so you know we do it for the for the town to H up so let's see what happen they both promis that they will do it for promise promise okay treasure is the report um we have 29,99 with 25 yeah we still have some credit card right yeah it's always Lo yeah okay com comments from me I'm the CH our last Bingo was pretty great we had a couple of bums on the road at the beginning I would like to take a vote that she is is going to do the she who Maria is going to do the names the checkin the checkin okay I'll make a motion to name Maria if she's not here then somebody else will do it but for now she's going to do it absolutely I made a motion second have discussion no discussion no discussion vote a vote yeah yes yes all in favor hearing no motion passes okay Maria will be something else something else I wanted to do um there was one more thing as a reminder we're doing a sign I owe it to you guys I have to give you a sign oh before I forget now that you said that where's your t-shirts there are my we cannot go without them you just you said about the sign you that's something from the we need teachers our teachers are here stay me and I'll get them for you guys okay okay um that's it I think that's it the bingo was great everything was great the food was great and the what we going to have our next Bingle hold let's go 70 so 70 is old business Bingle was great that was it with the chair she's still coming from the chair I'm still well now y finished with the chair the open shut yourself up the bingo was great everybody had fun the food was good right mhm excellent here's a question for you well the Chamber of Commerce uh party what about that I give out food like crazy we're gonna I want to make sure we're all on the same page we're gonna continue with the prizes being for the next one I guess maybe we can do 50 some people said that maybe when we don't go 50 and we get more more but the thing is that the amount of of time to play I think it always ends up being four or five rounds I don't think there's more time for you me that's true no that is true we can't play Forever you know because it takes it's very tiring did a good job I did a good job people boed me and they laugh they had fun right so what are we doing with the gift cards we keep it at keep it at 100 or keep or and the air fryers I know people love the idea of do 100 do the hundreds and then maybe two air fryers all time or something we have one air fryer left how many air frers do we have left one one you guys away two right you give away two away two left okay and how many $100 gift cards do we have left no that's it we don't have any so we have to purchase them I have to purchase but that's why I want to know I do want to say I currently have three or four I have to double check I have three or four of them of with okay I don't know I'm holding them for you guys whatever you guys want to do with them so right now there's we stay at 100 or we go to 50 I get more 50 can you guys make a motion because you're changing it okay we're gonna make a motion to make the gift cards $50 second second I can say okay any discussion any discussion all in favor say I any names hearing no names motion passes so be$ for the how many and how many we going to do for 50 we can do four four four if we have anything else we can do four also um that's what I'm gonna say let's try to keep the bingo I don't know how it's already set up no no no you the same day of the week what when is the next Bingo oh I don't know I I'll tell you now now it's on the he let's try to keep it if we can I don't know how it's set up already but future dat if we're going to do it on Tuesday it'll be Tuesday we're going to do it on Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Thursday right if we can if we can well canot I know I already have them scheduled for for the whole year yeah yeah she with better schu whole year yeah yeah know that whatever it is schedule it is what it is yeah and and I had given out that years in advance schedule right yeah yeah so it's already done I'm sorry Jer anybody know anything about nobody else has called me I haven't done anybody else no I haven't if people ask remember it's a yearly every year you have to do it just heads up in case anybody hasn't seen the news yes Brewing there is a brewing yeah Sarah sah no it would be Sarah if gets Nam it Sarah chance of is it up to 50% 0 90% chance they always go like that no this one is going back and coming into Tampa or us the spaghetti that I saw last night you know the I like to watch the spaghetti yeah me too and the spaghetti only have like one spaghetti or two spaghetties coming to us the rest of the spaghetti except like two they're a little bit more lower they one passing by we can't control anything no no but I mean just heads up so everybody knows CU that should be if it comes to Florida the last I heard last night is Wednesday Wednesday that's correct next week yeah this coming week yeah by Wednesday or Thursday I I have guests coming flying in and staying at my house every time they had to go to a Jerry Squad to put the shutters at the house I have to run upstairs and get an notorized and come down they're all I did them all second floor was oh the second floor okay I not them all so there's not one piece of paper yeah they're done if they didn't do it but that deer I didn't know I was going to do it I came with my my it was with the the Bahamas and I came with food to donate and Jerry was here he says stay here it was 8:30 in the morning and I stay until 5:00 I didn't have chance to go to lunch or nothing I think times have changed and they didn't give you okay the Halloween party was great loved it and they they told me that was the best party they had no not the best party they've had but the best decorated party they said yeah and the best the music was great many of them said the best party the very best party ever I'm not going to buy a dice just in case because I think we should to buy so we had a bunch of winners like three winners yes never had people win three winners yeah because of the cards we has to give away two prices because that's new business a senior Fiel trip did we ever figure out wait we're supposed to be going to the movies this week no okay the movies the Fel trip 123 I have it at the bottom I have it at the bottom so for the field trip I know we're pending going back to the the other the that was next door to the one you guys went to but that's not gonna be till January okay but that's still yes yes you guys approved it the healthare hold on I don't know if any question field trips there's no other field there's anything else let me know but we haven't discussed no for this year we haven't discussed I don't think there is because we have all the parties we have movies but if you want to start discussing for next year talk you know what I mean you know what I I would like because that's my first to go to the what is it the playhous they have a Miracle Mile oh Miracle Mile play that's Wonder Carl they have now all theas next year and want to make a move I mean we should find out how much it is I I took a fly I went the other day I was next door eating and I went next door and I got a thing I have in my house I can bring it yeah we did a Rene face for the bus yes so maybe I can ask I went I can ask it again but I went to it he has more boss but we we went story of um yeah the guy that usually oh yeah on your feet on your Fe yeah okay that was good that's close it's not far everybody should love it when we have the date when we have the date when we have the date I can ask ifet I'm I just pulled up their website they already have stuff they already have right one I I told I went I walked up to there I like that yeah it's an amateur theater and sometimes they have good I mean I to see something that the actress they have for example January 22nd through February 23rd something called Jersey Boys there you go that Millennium Baby Bo generation sorry that will be wonderful find out about that okay out okay I make a motion to take the seniors to see the Jersey Boys at the M theater this is recording right okay thank you I love it the limit is to pay $20 a ticket it has to be something around here $20 per person but that's just you guys you're willing to spend two she'll find out the pricey boys it's a plan a live if you don't have whoever doesn't want to go doesn't maybe okay anybody okay I and this is sometime in January any discussion so like 50 people I made a which would be a bus a bus that's one bus that's one bus if somebody drives I go would be one BS yeah I don't know how the tickets are we have to find both December but the maximum okay so all January in January 00 right here's the singer Jersey Boys is predicated on um [Music] hearing no the motion pass the health fa we're having Health yes we I think we talked about last it's March 29th and it's confirmed that Roberto Alonso oh good because can I ask a flyer because if you give me a flyer early I can get quite a few people but I want to have the sponsorship package ready and I won't I will not have it ready till thisch 29 11 um I think we talked about there don't know we don't know yet is it conceivable that you can let us know we have to wait I'll work on it because that's December's so you know the month before yeah yeah for the health and wellness I have you from 10 a.m. oh okay or no but I had it 11 to two so maybe 10 but is 10 well I have it 10 to one but I think we talked about it last time I don't remember I don't know if it was 10 to one or 11 it was 10 to one to one okay it was change it so when I have the package ready I'll share with you in case any of your organizations want to well talk about that now coming up no I'm sure he'll do that one too yeah then Christmas party oh yeah okay we have the decorations we saw them they're super cute this other lady I don't know where she's atory Dory gave her I think some of the stuff that you have Dory has volunteered because her back hers was was the photo backdrop that we used during Halloween she has sent me photographs and she's got several Christmas ones that she's offering to let us use use those to set up and I would like to suggest that instead of just having one backdrop at the Christmas party that we put up at least two and if possible three agreed that was such a was time well I'll tell you you guys own one now because when we bought the decoration we bought one so good like that if she gives us one and we have ours but okay and and she actually has like four different backdrops um one of them is a smaller one that would only one or two people could be in in front of but the other four that she has are the big ones like the Halloween one that she lent us and she said she's more than happy to give them to us to use as long as we return them and she's you know she's fine with with you know Maria the bigger one is the better one people nice right and they weren't that hard you said she you want to put it together it literally I had uh Jackie and Nancy help me and it literally took us five minutes to we put it up very why do we want to use for food yeah let's talk about yes um Anna I know she emailed you from Care Plus human to sponsor that party now the budget that she's telling me is a really good budget so I think we can cover everything what did she say we don't like up to 5,000 I know then we got money together she's always ni I guess I'll get your feedback oh but maybe we should do like a package for the year for them then for that amount or I don't know what do you think or just no she's waiting party 5,000 for just one yeah yeah no you tell us for other things as well yeah because the healthare is coming in in March however you want to do it if you want to do a package that's fine if you just wanna she is waiting you know to see what like for so they could set aside the F exactly exactly and I I had told her that we were going to meet tonight so I would talk to you and everybody to see what um we ever do anything with as froma I called her she was supposed to give back to you is also part of us is owned by um no care actually yeah that's one thing then yeah so I guess you'll em something nice and warm we not do the turkey from as no I didn't that no no Thanksgiving no no okay just same no but even if it's Thanksgiving the ones that we no we don't no no no I know that but the food that we order from bu is at pamp Chef that was the worst Food I've ever had and those call from The Refuge there what he he pick it up from well can you guys suest the restaurant and then I'll just book it for what for Christmas party tell me where you guys want food from or what type of food I don't know you want me to talk then do the price Ste which I don't think we' had we had the budget for it it's do like a roast like what a roast a roast with like mashed potatoes well that's what he did that day but it was no it was a turkey that was Turkey but I'm saying I don't think we we've never had a budget for a roast think I use barbecue that's the best they are the she wants like is if we can getal a caterer that will come and set up like when you go to a party you have a server there one of the servers from the restaurant running around like chickens with our heads cut off we get behind and we do the mash we serve them you know if you guys find me the vendor I'm happy to connect with them and get the invoice you guys are going to have to find person will I got few you know well you can check they but I found um The Culinary Institute um stud Excell yearsi Miami college has a Culinary Institute actually run yet they they run to Y which is amazing be able to and Noami overlooking like City well okay so but like if we reach out because I've actually had them at when you know real estate with booming I had a I had a party and I brought them to my office we did a pasta dish because it was the cheapest one and they brought to you know because they're bringing their learning chefs and they would get up and you'd say I want pasta with and you could say this and then so was like a station thing they were like stations and let me tell you they we there cuz the past done so it's just a matter of and heating it up and pouring it that's cool love it really you have to have multiple station yeah but remember all these people get upset if they don't get what the other person has they're upset we have to we have to do whatever food mashed potatoes fine only mashed potato carrots and the roll whatever but not but my point is we can call them and they were relatively cheap compared to any cater we only have really like a week because they're students of course because they were [Music] students like bucks for four hours I mean they're very reasonable because the teachers there and making sure that we would have to figure that out within a week and then tell her and see if they can do the DAT and now we have to get some yeah because that's the 21st we're so it's kind of three days before people get book out no they do they are so now we have to go during the day so theyes there's many places man along with the question about the food have we already booked the DJ for that no but if you guys give me the green light I'm happy to no book them get the same we had Halloween party he was great that would be perfect because and he's not to spensive his she to we actually got the best response from him that we got from we have to no we have to budget okay people let's do a budget while you guys are talking I'm going to email DJ all right so we have a DJ how much was the $400 4 $400 okay now we need to decide food what the budget should be $13 per person no but we want to be fancy because we have a very good maybe sir $20 $20 a person what do you think are we that for food or just and dessert and drink no they have to cater the meal for 20 bucks yeah with cater the meal to me means that's gonna either bring one person to serve and we are the assistant to that person or they whatever they do that's the issue that's the problem that yeah pay them for a server I mean if you guys you're do it you might as well okay so right so $20 a person and how many people do we have 120 correct so that's 2,400 and then we normally have our own budget and we're talking $2500 if we come up with like a tomorrow I will email this lady I'll be like okay we had our meeting last night and this is what we talked about can do this one and can that but just like the guys that cook the P things they cook it for us right there many times and they I know a really good FAA guy like Ro I know but the thing with that is it has to be outside they have to cook outside they look this I you said RTO Alonso right up before you get inside they put it right there yeah but the problem that we have is that our people that come to our event are very touchy are very they want to go out don't go out there they St not there and they form that mess they can fall they can get birn saying I don't think we should no that's unless we go out and get the food now we have to yeah but it's too complicated let's let's get together and you get a price on that somebody gets a price on the B somebody and maybe we need like a a little another meeting the a sub meeting but we're all but we have to have prices so we can't figure it out wait price that's what I'm saying yeah you can get a Max with a Max I can work okay so we know the DJ and you guys give me your priorities right like per like what's your number one pick and if that doesn't work then we'll go to the second one that's good enough we don't even know what the number one Pi is that's have ideas that's what I'm saying so we need another meeting to have this no we don't need a meeting to pick which one it is as long as he the budget yes so we l IDE is good you know where to call because I she knows Miami day know she can maybe call Miami you call Miami day sure all right I will and you see and Wales yeah and you'll check Miami but that's for uh can they have a culinary school here in Miami technical no I don't think but it's different it's not like it's it's High School had at one event at the Town Hall yeah they do I think they've done it for the state of the town before yes I they you know who they are you can call them and I now get a priz put it in the chat if we all put it in the chat we can put that in the chat no if you're deciding not though if we're deciding after the chat then we have a problem you he what I mean because it can't be discussion of what's get together you decide we're deciding the dollar no the dollar we know the dollar we know so in the chat we're just deciding which one to pick like everybody's putting look I can't get this one they're not available the motion is going to be that the first pick is going to be Mi call if that doesn't work your number two is going to be the the the I would go for The Culinary Institute of yes waterdale that's number two and number three could be the high school the high school it's a technical institute it's high school but they high school no there not high school it's a technic a school technical school in high school not everybody who goes toy Lakes technical schools in high school some of them are and then some of them are actually adult Learners yes there's a combination oh I didn't know I thought they had like night school for people one of the best community schools in the whole country really yes and fourth would be KFC I don't know we' got to take somebody already have one Miami day I think so we should do Miami day number one and then the one say maybe number two number two cuz those are closest exactly they're right here and they're here okay can we make a what about the I make a motion that we're going to try to get the food first from Miami Miami day check into it two and three maybe that one we'll find so one in Fort Lauderdale The Culinary Institute in Fort Lauderdale on 4K in 4k okay we can do like Whole Foods or and in the meantime I will confirm tomorrow i' rather go to if it falls in that i' rather really go to one of those places and buy whatever the manager of the sedanos that's on 186 street is the husband of Ellie who owns La Boutique over here Lam I know them so if that's the worst case scario they do they do like a complete catering whole nine yards thing they have good food that would be the so so we're all on the same page the theme or what the type of food is a roast well maybe not well you know I maybe not I don't think it should be let's I don't think it should be a turkey I don't think it should be be ham I don't think it should be a h a ham because a lot of people are going to be eating that for Thanksgiving no it's Christmas no no we're saying we want beef I yeah I would say a beef or a pasta like a you don't want to okay no P so we're looking for like a traditional beef sort of dinner for Christmas I mean that's the important part is if we tell them we're looking for something that's a traditional a traditional Ty potato green beans cranberry oh no that's not so the standard I'm just asking the standard would be beef roast mashed potatoes green beef yes and everybody got their items know so that's okay let me ask question we finished has a question these people are creatures of habit are are guests that's what I told her therefore I have somebody over here whispering in my ear that's the devil shake it away because because they're creatures of habit we go back to the same I know that we're having pork three days later but that's what I don't know if you put a pork I mean a roast I'm not sure what the a roast is yeah but with mashed potatoes and all that pizza never seen I have never seen my dad is like very Cuban back in the day I've never seen them turn down beef that's true and beef love they could be with you she's running away escaping noing the door but I've never seen where remember though that when we're doing that I will bring more of the meal tickets to come because one of the issues we had with the check-in last time is that we're having way more people um check on the list and what we think we have because like they were allowing seven names for one person yeah yes and so if we're not giving out those chicken we have to that's working great because we're gonna you know we're gonna end up having more bodies than food and then what happened with this last Bingo is that they called from town hall and told them they could come right they may not eat they can come but they didn't hear that may not eat and I told no they they heard I even told them some of the on at the table I told little we cannot be embarrassed by repeating that we have to repeat it whenever they ask you can come but you might not get food yeah simple and I think it was great because some people are like oh my friend is coming can you put the food here and when she arrives if she gets a I can give it to her you don't get a meal unless you have that happened to me that one table we can be embarrassed by it no f it is a law That's the Law of the that's like no tick no laundry we're moving on okay so I'm I'm repeating just I want to make sure Miami dat College number one if not Miami Lakes Educational uh if not for laud Culinary Institute and now we're going to SAS that's it no turkey no turkey no h want beef roast mashed potatoes green beans yes yes do we want any special drinks I don't mean no no I just mean like we're only doing water treat sod in the floor you want a PE you can ask to make because it goes with there out of places cheesec they might do whatever want dessert huh oh I'm just W that's what you want no I don't depends I don't want somebody telling me that we're going away from what we discussed did we did we make a motion and pass this motion yeah they only made a motion for the $20 the 20 you guys this has all been discussion so please the proper motion wrap it up and next the last thing was uh wait motion Rosario and then I have here to have yeah I think we kind of made but I don't think there was a second because what I have is Rosario MDC and then the the other schools and but I don't have some second in discussion exactly you can put discussion we just okay all in favor all in favor any NS hearing no and this is 1221 right 12 December December 21 which right movies wait before we go on or how we so for the Christmas party do we know the to is deserve tomorrow I'm going to reconfirm again what the what the total is what you know they're so they can give me like a figure you know officially a fig because she was waiting I don't know do you want to email her back or you want me to reach out first but regardless of what they're giving us I guess I want to know what you guys are comfortable spending you know what I mean okay so then let me email her first and then I'll email you no no but I want to know from the committee you guys want to like do $20 per person yeah we said what we have $20 per person 400 DJ um like 25 26 okay so that's what we're looking at yeah and we if not if it if what she brings is short we still have $29,000 right so we can still spend a couple and how much for dessert no that's in including including the I'm good I'm done before we move on so Sergio and I have in the past dressed up as Mr Mrs Closs so we wanted to do we want to do that this year so I don't know if we need to change your everyone Mr misses so is that okay because we know that have wanted to Sant clus no no I know I say He Did It Before okay do we make a motion little I have WRA them up somebody oh that was the question the last question for you guys in terms of prizes what do you guys want we're gonna give all this stuff out but that's that's all do you want we're gonna do we have i' rather give a gift you gifts or gift cards gift cards okay gift card gift cards gift card what just say something no I'm just the back and forth It's just sort of funny because these are okay so I have we want to give more them for the no CU for the Bing you guys said 50 I just put them together me it was no because in this one we can get more prices and then this stuff and whatever else how much you want how many how many you have 25 25 I have four them with me right now but we more how many do you people or do you rather buy gifts too no better gift card we have to go shopping yeah I don't know you got four one airer you said there was an air fryer left yeah but I can buy more they really got happy with that too yeah get get that one and another that makes six how much are the other thing that they really like are those the the cookies we bought from you get cookies a good Walmart from the Costco the H the holiday cookies yeah like those are espe see have people come over for coffee they showed up at a different time you can say hey would you like a cookie and if not you get to eat them nobody else is there yeah why she e her app cookies and ice will we be decorating for the Christmas part we have the T you have the we need we need I don't Center piece we have we have Center piece we bought them we need to order um tablecloths CU I don't think I have any red or green I know I don't have any green cu the university Miami wanted to put green I had none okay yes we need red and green to make it FES what what color are the center pieces wait they're they're Christmas some of them are golden and some of them are like Greenery with a candle so then it should be red that's fine with me as long as it's red or green no no because it doesn't make sense to put if you're putting a green if the food is good the music is good everything in the everything all right the other thing is and I put on the chat not required this is just me oh I like that I like yes yes yeah put on the chat I'll show you it it's from like you know I child somewhere find out if it's $4 for the t-shirt and it says as long as it doesn't the C we're there we're good I I can honestly tell you I have never purchased people but my Stu are like a big I've never purchasers of no but they're cute I like them and they were super they had another one that said Christmas crew but I like this one because if you feel like wearing it and you're not chras here Christmas ready okay they're 39 this is from fromo [Laughter] no other one so what I'll do is a lot of people have already texted me on the chat I want order them tonight people behind they no good you just return it to forever1 there no just like instead of going with Amazon do you go to yeah but it's only $397 nothing the party we can move on from the party we got 12 men yes the movie the movie has been moved to December 3rd yes at 1030 I spoke with him personally she saw him on Sunday she went to the movies and then the D came spoke toight oh you know what I saw smile too 10:30 December 3D what are they showing we don't know Wicked we're still with Wicked that's what he told me he told me there's not a problem I go why don't you answer her he go I haven't had time but didn't say [Music] 10 this is this is for the movie is going to be on December 3rd at 10:30 and the movie is going to be Wicked yes yes right and we we we thought that we going to do that for Thanksgiving that's what I thought we were going to do but now we for Thanksgiving so do we need to put something in for Thanksgiving no we don't have time it's too late it's to late it's too late it's too late yeah I used to like moving on Jerry leis and Dean Martin remember they're dead those weread a table for the festival life oh that's true we want a table for the I have I already confirmed you guys table what what are we doing with our table that's what I us to say we're gonna we need a table ourselves you guys honestly you can put our Flyers ring that's coming up so for example the movie if you wanted to to reach more seniors if anybody's there November 23rd right or 20 when is the festival 23rd 23rd right yeah it's a week or it's the Saturday before Thanksgiving okay they M it up because a lot of kids who do the shows that are at the show at the festival can't be there because they go away for the holiday with their parents right so they mve it up the Saturday before Thanksgiving and it starts at I believe in the and it's until 7 it's for 4 hours from 3 so I'll be there together have one leg in One Table another the other so there anything else we need to talk about yes I want to remind you guys we have the lecture tomorrow yes yes they asked me if you guys if possible if you guys can wear purple if you're coming tomorrow they want to get a picture of the Town people wearing purple because it's um epilepsia awareness lot tomorrow is the epilepsy Alliance is going to do a lecture on epilepsy and first day I think it is yeah and then you guys also have two lectures next week I don't know they all got CH is on Tuesday CH is on Tuesday and thday is the Mount osteoarthritis nonsurgical knee interventions yeah 14 right I don't have because it's not us it's the gr so she's gonna give me a form that I need you guys I guess you you fill it out and then she'll give us instructions table I have a lot of we don't have a table clo nothing to right the time I've been here haven't seen but I don't listen which you have ofs we have one uh tablecloth that we made with Willie was here that says committee we had it blue from the white we have one you know you know the closet that Gina have on second floor check over there yeah I I haven't seen it speaker or the decal or whatever yes what happened to with a flag are we going to give out candy things or anything or just have our flyers on the table what do you all think we should give out candy there should be can give up the candy with no no no we're talking about at the at the at the costumes then I I don't know because I now I remember I'm with zanta too and they're having a table so I don't know what's happening have a Santa that they do every we don't want Shir come we can wear our shirt if you don't want to you don't have I'm going to be with you guys you're funner you at 3 in the afternoon and ends at 7 usually they do the lighting right around 6 and um from from 3 to to then what they have is they usually set a little stage and the kids from the various schools around here come and perform and then they have the main stage over near the theater and they have um singing and Performing and have Santa there and everything cult the put up our back we do something like that know we can do that put a backdrop behind us and put the table in front what time do we want to be there I'm not I'm not 3 o' it's super early but it is dark I mean yeah but it starts at 3 because they start the activities they actually start yes so w with they start having the performances by the children Li is the last thing the lighting is the last thing and usually they tell you like around seven you'll see after the lights I always get to be there the lights okay I just need I need two things from you guys I need to know if we want to continue with the Mount Si lectures cuz they're asking me absolutely yes yes people like it right now we have it every every other month in the fall and in the spring yeah people like it want to go go yeah inform checking in with me so I anything that's free information they're very very 're very good and the other oh okay so we have I need to know for the next Bingle catering I know we've already set a predetermined budget for the Bengals but I want to know vendor how do we feel about food the food at this thing was good where do you guys want like what type of you want to see I don't know I that this one waso that was good sorry for what Bingo Bingo Bingo the only thing how much money we want to spend no no money has been set unless you want to change it I just want to know in terms of restaurants I want to make sure you guys are giving input on that as long as it isn't what she cooked for the the Halloween party because those were terrible yeah I'm sorry I agree yeah anything I don't care Bing I five restaurants open that's the one that I was saying [Music] food is excellent see but it's pricey probably have to not it's newas already mov you're killing her no we already moved on so this is going to be for the December find out if they can do anything for us what is it $13 we SP what day for December we moving on we moved on WE mov on what is the budget for theing what do we spend for the Bing 1 I think you guys have agreed to 13 13 yeah so if you can find out or I just spend I bought the 450 people meal nov on for the parade $8 they give me they me midnight and okay and the food for surger has been great yes yeah $8 we Charing $8 per person that's the delivery that's the one I want to know about yes we are going to do a b we are doing a b not on my calendar that's why we have a bingo and we have the bingo so you all know is Thursday December 12 [Music] we we have a lot of stuff when are we work let's let's recap we have now the movies on the third right we have the Bingle on the and we have the social wow that's a great month they're like doing something every week and you have two lectures next week and you have a lecture tomorrow good y people are outside okay so you wanted to add a no it's been a pleasure at her house hold on hold on I need to know so no butchering we switched ideas right they're going to be pricing you guys went from butcher to you at there did you see anything that no think so but they maybe they can you know sometimes I mean that's what the restaurant they're not that cheap find out can you find out or do she have to find out so do on the same page number one butcher number two Sergio what we're doing yes maybe they give aess maybe maybe they just cuz it's you guys no they want to promote you gave it to me for $8 you gave it to me for $8 with the big cookie cost $3 but included okay well if that doesn't work out we so that's it anything anybody want the only thing that I would like to add that we talk about half an hour ago it's about the Bingos um for me I can't go on Tuesdays because I have meetings every Tuesday you have to miss them so up come after the meeting okay hold on but starting next year I was looking the calendars they're all on Thursday on Thursday have to okay every the majority of Theos next year fall on Thursday right reservations no what you know sometimes we the members have to call and say if you're going or not no we never have to do that never have to we work it you work it you get not anymore any administra yeah no don't leave without your shirts body