e C up on ready good okay we're going to go ahead and call the meeting to order today's April 23rd 2024 it is 5:42 p.m. um let's go ahead and take rooll George alvare present Ry Blanco absent Eric Brandon here Steve Breo here Sir Matthew C your is running late joseo is here Jessica Medina Manuel perezz Romy foro R Andrea rii malali ruio Donn t yeah pres Carlos Pia here pres and Dan pres pres Perfect all right guys thank you very much and we're gonna go ahead and um [Music] actually anything specific that we should be doing in any order based on we can't change order business be invol public comments we cannot approve last week's minute last month's meet minutes do we want to go over the budget review um nothing's changed I know that Matthew the pins have been made thanks the morning they look very good okay U until they're dispersed to the committee we're not going to cut the check but think we already have the invoice you bring those with him or no I I I don't have them I would imagine he's going to but we beside that nothing nothing has changed um okay so let's just go to them old business um Town EDC promotional videos do we have an update on that yes so last meeting we discussed the small changes about uh I think Andrea brought opaka is kind of described as a small airport in the video which she made the point that it's not especially for business so we sent that note over deani I believe another one was that Ry brought up the way the the town's slogan is used it's not used you know a way that makes sense the grammar T so that was another one and then I believe once those are done it'll be officially officially case closed so that's a perfect hopefully we'll have the result by the next meeting the pullup Banner is that something [Music] that's oh well I guess that would yeah that would be a matth thing so that be okay so we just wait for M on that one and obviously tomorrow is the business networking social is there anything that you need from us here at the EDC for tomorrow's event no we've it's it's back on the stories some social media post has gone out if you guys want to share them um I think there are still tickets or spots remaining for the social so I believe I'm not mistaken don't quote me on the number but I think I I spoke to Tico this week and he told me there was about 70 70 something people registered through the 70 wow through the event PR most of those are people outside of most people in mi L just stop by um but he says it's been about 70 something reg sht from outside of Miami lak on right probably expect maybe yeah you get 30 40 if you get a third of that half of that we'll see when when Matthew comes if uh the pins can be you guys can where the pins whoever is able to make it myew said will be here in like 15 minutes okay so you guys want to maybe brain storm not put to a b of course but the next which would be in July um the any new restaurants or [Music] new say July summer Network just to get you know the idea for where it would be I know Rudy does a really good job at there any new places that think that we should reach out to the only one I'm thinking that is Luma yeah yeah that' be a hell of a a hell of a network that's the only one I'm picking that has recently open right um what about I know poke clothes right the Pokey the PO another poke place in the same location I think it's it's yeah yeah I just don't think that that is conducive to a networking as it is tomorrow's event the Vue is a little on the smaller side they don't have that many number of people I mean they have half of that that's still probably too many people atast yeah it's tin for 70 people if everyone show up stuff I mean if there's a spill over on the outside at least there's a little Bridgeway where you can have the fill over where if you do it at that shopping center where the the Pokey Place us to be there's no you're you're in the way of you're outside of the ven okay so I will does any that's the only thing that new right that's pronoun conv I'm I'm not going to tell you how I spelled it I'm sure I'm WR we know somebody anybody know I can get it's it's a [Music] [Music] we did the ribbon cutting there once right but I don't know if we did it like EV that's amaz Place good place I put it on the list here and I'll reach out for for what Amazon Amazon we haven't done it right that be also I think we did the ribbon cutting I think the ribbon cutting was the same day that there was going on in main I think it turned kind of network it was well attempted The ribon [Music] Cutting yeah Amazonia was May of last year well we we haven't done anything at BB's Bay C yes what about one that I haven't heard anymore uh that I don't know if he has done it already uh Cafe that part since we did that that was wellend we did one there we did one there while back was wellend yeah January one of the newer venues buch will be way new place new is anything for [Music] July is hav [Music] [Music] bring aess to different true I don't know that's been for a long [Music] time it's a small very small place but it does have where at I mean I just just because we haven't done anything in that Center I don't think ever so to try to move it and spread it around the different areas that be a good idea interesting what they have there an Italian type there they've been there for a long time long did they open something new there or no I don't I don't think so I don't think so still there but the market I think right there was a market there there was a market yeah just around Subway there by Subway and by that market we could look at other other ones that we hav yeah focused on I didn't know but it's right next to my kind of menion but they they're finally going to redo was it Lake Patricia they call it over there oh I can't Lake Patricia side the marathon station they're going toed they're going to that strip they going to redo it finally theying for years watch was that whole building is being raised that one building is where the old Mi League Sports gr is all the ones on this side they're all individually owned com so that you know but this strip over here where convenience store was being taken down built up my understanding is this first floor commercial mix use and then second and third floor residential that's why you're a condo congratul you just got more traffic going I just got more stuff that's all I need is yeah I think they got rid of the um the car wash because without that the parking situation would just be convenience owner actually owned the car was one of his business yeah oh way see go but yeahor yeah car was so that's one they're going on I think it's actually on the ground right now if I'm not misten they f it in I think they the golf course see all things missing over there it's flat it's gone man it was [Music] be doing golf have something like a top golf set up there too tol I don't think it's stop golf it's going to be something a multi multi but here's actually we do the golf course and bring it back its original design back 50 years ago to bring it back the original layout oh nice so it's going be very cool shops a little trailer park right Nowa home oh okay what's the completion year from now maybe yeah so where they holding the grand Memorial is it up there is still there they're going to shut down the back night as they revelop open one play the other make course for a while CH course H you guys remember the part three across the street oh I remember over the to theend part three they're going to reopen that oh really cool be turned into a children's uh uh fun golf golf venue like six Poes a little Shack there part of the part of the country club the golf course and actually real to certain grade back when I know younger that's [Music] changes I have written down and just [Music] [Music] for OB is it Argentine or what's it being on theone they uh Japanese Peru oh Japanese per and Monday they have all can eat sushi really they know that can eat sushi [Music] yes exactly you know you're in the business I would had this meeting yesterday good point that's good place I really kind of miss that um that restaurant that was right over there was the other only Sushi Buffet place there I'm like man to find a good sushi buffet had a pretty [Music] ex what's that TI place on Main Street that's Serv Sushi forever take that's amazing Jonathan the subcommittee status is that for the the events for the event come what September October September so I apologize to the group I've been absent so where did we leave off the last time I was here they were talking about an insurance event is that is that tabled is this we're going in a different direction or what insurance no uh no no I think aspect of it but see looking question were really about be back in the last time it it felt more like being being lectured to right versus this is your business you can have like an interactive Workshop all right this is your business what hashtags can you make and what kind of uh you know like they they get out learning something like a workshop okay so that was the so less less again less lexury the idea was more Hands-On okay you know what what the actual so that we talk about the different I mean different um Industries or businesses that would present or people that would present so I think we were going to talk about it on the committee sub committee meeting that it was last week but there was not attendance so exactly so so there was we couldn't talk about it so we should probably do another schedule Mee set up same as last um but I think I know one of the topics was social media that was because it's a very at in my opinion what we do it's very interactive um I don't know how there was discussion on I don't know workers comp maybe that ties into are maybe that how ties into insurances but should we should we because I think what we the expectation was that we come out with the plan already for the committee uh to do it and that's what we do that sub so we just try to figure it out a DAT that we can that's the best thing that way since you two are here who else is on that subcomittee Romy on the sub Ry Jessica Matthew think that was it I think um me find [Music] um and we made contact with energy MERS uh the the contact at this point is none okay we've had trouble with the mon in the past um it's definitely I could I can keep reaching out I don't we had somebody from that University on the committee a couple years ago right there was a gentleman yes you're right so I'm I'm I don't know if you guys know Isle but um she does a lot of the event coordination in the town I'm sure she has better contact than I do um I will say I always bring back to the money aspect I don't know again because we haven't had the the in-depth talks I don't know what cost would be for if it's a rent a rental thing that would happen at energy or I'm not sure I just always be aware of those we used it there no yeah they just space themselves they opened up the kitchen too you they had water we had rest restaurants had their tables there the last time right very good memory it had like a little we had a lunch in the roomed off here see probably about 50 people you were there we had had a couple screens had up there we had Dr Leon there and some other about three or four little um little not little but they had little STS there restaurants for sampers it was quite well attended very well yeah that was one of my biggest on that was Charisma Charisma yeah well before to at least four or five next week is like pretty completely free week of what the9th the 28th to the 4th now there's three out of four next week for the sub committee meeting I I would going to know all of next week is available oh excellent okay except for except for Thursday Thursday so we do this after we do this at 5:30 then right M well that Thursday could be available cuz uh there's I have a meeting at 6:30 pm do it Thursday Wednesday is okay for me Tuesday's okay Wednesday is not for me and we said no Thursday so no Wednesday no Thursday so either Monday or Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday it is30 5:30 here right yep okay send out the invites I'll I'll just book it on mine just so it's not um just so it's take up but I'll send out the individual advs tomorrow 30 right man I have H yes Prett goodies depends there we go my you got a promotion's not here right [Music] spelled right right pass the test good job guys is on point I got my name spelled right I got my new business logo they're cranking out great stuff [Music] [Music] today is that painted on is that a how is that Edge Ed [Music] I I get you an honorary [Music] one uh so yeah I I booked the room for next week um a subcommittee is oh cool for the 30th at 533 did we ever end up doing the one last week no right end up being like [Music] confusing I we origin thought it was Tuesday or something for some reason whatever um cool we you guys want to go back and improve the minutes sure you want to go back and proove the minut sure let's do it cool so the regular meeting minutes from last meeting March 14th 2024 anybody wants to take a look motion particular good and then March 19 or March 14 say March 19 on what on the on the minutes let me see wasn't the 19th the date I think it was I was out the 19th I was in 14 the agenda yeah 14 was a Thursday so yeah it was 19th is my bad [Music] cool yeah a lot of the stuff in this minutes is kind of just going to be recapping again today and just kind have some answers on so if we're good with the last meeting who wants the motion to approve motion to approve second in favor awesome sweet so the meetings are so the minutes from the last meeting are good um did you guys talk about budget yet or no do we have that yet Jonathan the point out to that can we do that for the next meeting is that doable it it just hasn't changed so that's why I know but I just want to take a look at it we haven't seen it since like the beginning of the year excuse me yeah the uh now the the pins are here we can cut that so yeah I think we're still missing the we're going to do a pullup Banner remember that was one of the things I wanted to talk to today to everybody about but all right cool so bud we'll go into it a little bit deeper on the next meeting when we have like a document in front of us hopefully we can try to figure out where we're at but I think overall we're that's but I think overall we're pretty good I just want to make sure we're okay when it comes to the what's it called the quarterly networking socials still funds in there and also now with the upcoming event at the end of the year um see how much we have available for that you know advertising all that but I think we're still a I we've just kind of been doing it yeah it's been pretty business as usual and the committee has to report again in August if there are any like left over unused monies that you want to put towards the September event um anything below 700 you don't need to go to council but are going to be there in August anyways if it is more than 700 that will be the cool cool all right cool so we'll go into that a little bit more on the next meeting I'll send you a reminder all right cool um um old um so we got the town EDC promotional videos Jonathan and I emailed g a little bit on this from what we had we were pretty much good on the video it was just a couple edits to the script remember a couple things I let them know about now he knows and he's contacting the voiceover guy he to go over to go ahead and redo it with those changes that we talked about I think it was the airport and then weird the ending for reason yeah and the next thing is the pull up banner and pin status so the pins are ready you guys see everyone's got your pins and then just real quick when it comes to the banner design I was talking a little bit to the designer and she just wants a little bit of feedback or not feedback I guess you could say but content I guess that you can have to kind of grab I was going to use a little bit from the website um but I wanted to talk to anybody everybody here first and see if there's anything that you guys figured was imperative you know to include on there um obviously other than the logo and things like that something that you guys want on that kind of banner design what I'm going to include right off the bat is going to be logo we're going to have the biz website that we're always trying to push and then we'll have the basic like bullet points about what the EDC is kind of focused on that we have there on the website right now existing but I was just wondering if there's anything specific that you guys might have if not I'm just going to go off with the designer what kind of go from there that was good bring back a mockup yeah exactly next one I'll have I have like an actual mockup design we have the whole thing and then we'll go ahead and you know if it's good to go we'll go ahead and push it to PR cool yeah was the mission statement on that one the mission stat was on one of them it was that's why I wasn't sure that's something that we wanted to mess around with or that one special I don't know if we're going to put it in the new one but that was separated the time okay that was number three if you remember yeah the ones we had here yeah right so okay I guess we could talk about that next time if you can include it okay your possible Mission stat Michel the new business so the next official business networking social is tomorrow yay yeah got Sergio and it's be at 5:30 and on the event right since we actually did it with like a month in advance this time around or a little bit more we already have 70 people signed up on event which is really nice so even if we get 30% of that that' be pretty good which because it doesn't usually include like the regular Miami Lakers they don't usually sign up on the event they're just kind of the regulars that show up so this is usually outside people that are just signing up on event bre so even if we get a third that would be pretty cool so that's looking pretty good and just what's up the uh the committee had talked maybe about for for July just to look start looking at at businesses for the next social okay uh Kuman maybe because it's really the only new place uh ATO over by the library oh I vote Yes yeah I just because since there's not really at least what we can think of okay um of new well you know what I don't think um I know BNI has done something just there but I I don't think we've opened it up we've done like a a town thing vanilla espresso is relatively new it's about like at this point it's like a year and a half it's in the same shopping center Rel it's literally next so we could do both because it's a small space so yeah both venues then do the outside whatever agree yeah what they compliment each other French Spanish yeah vanilla espresso it is it's open I think until 7 like they close early but they but they promote like appol spritzes and kind European networking Europe inside wind gate Okay cool so that would be the last one for yeah I'll reach out to them I know I don't know if I know the owner of P but I know my grandparents there I'm sure that FR knows the order so talk to about and then Mana espresso we kind of do know the so I'll talk to them cool and we'll see if that's something we could do and then what date were we thinking you were saying July Jonathan is what you were saying yeah just stand in quarterly accordly them okay the Wednesdays are the 3D or the 3 Wednesday so the 3rd and 10th 17th 24 31st why I say no to the 10th just cuz that's the chamber Ling so this ended up being 2 too much the third thir is right there be on top 17th to 24 17th anything the 17th of July I'll check our calendar just to be sure we're like stacking events 17 is that third Wednesday which has generally did that thing but we don't have to yeah we can see the only other reason I would think maybe July 24th because people might already be back in town right because August is usually when school starts already backing by the end of July from whatever they're doing yeah it's Grand the 24th so or it being there are no other events so I think 24th you think okay are you guys cool with that 24th we should for now and then if anything comes up I guess we can adjust 5:30 pm yeah 5:30 and then I I'll talk to Van wrest and see if there's something that we can do July 24 okay $500 for yeah how would that work since there's two that's this is why I want to go over the budget thing cuz we know maybe we can actually do 5 500 and it's fine should be yeah yeah but it depends I don't they're both going to be putting out you know things for us I don't want to you know skip out of I can actually TR whatever it's all good we can like I said we can focus we have time for this anyways very right cool you look that up real quick um I'm going to move on to the next thing just I'm going to jump down to D really quick just cuz that'll take two seconds there are there's $2500 left over oh yeah we should be more than fine yeah okay okay yeah cuz I think we set up ourselves so we can do a little bit more than Rec if we wanted we still Haven paid out two of them which would be tomorrow's and then a weird like W9 situation whichever still or noga so we've already paid BS yeah whatever the October one was think right yeah I don't know if it was a W9 or if it was the invoice just let me know what we need and I I can get it from them pretty easily okay I'm we have close connects with them so just let me know um there's there's plenty of money so you guys can put to motion now or maybe in the main meeting when we have a better idea well we in April May June I think ail May yeah contct yeah that's why I want to reach out to them make sure we do it you know who know maybe they say oh we hate each other you know their neighbors they hate other I doubt it but who know yeah I'm sure I'm sure it'll be fine but I want to hear first before we get some we get something crazy we don't like all right cool so I'm going to jump to D real quick just cuz it's going to get out of the way I reached out to Diego from the farmers market about potentially doing like an advertising table or renting a table once a you know once a month or something like that to one of the local businesses and he told me super down he super open to helping local businesses we just got to set up a call so we I'm just in the process of scheduling with him but just so you know that's in the works so for next meeting I'll have hopefully something a little more concrete and pricing and stuff like that and then maybe we can you know invest into doing that you know once a month or or having like an Advertiser tent or something like that you know just to kind of promote some businesses that aren't in Main Street or ones that AR in Main Street but way in the back or something like that you know we can start throwing some in there you know especially would be cool to do ones outside of Main Street too just to kind of like like I know that shopping center where the Windixie is there's a lot of Little Stores there you know it would be cool to maybe highlight them there give them a shot um but I'll get in contact with them and let you know if anything happens um after that is the so the 2024 eedc event brainstorm um the subcommittee you guys were talking about that right there's going to be another one you said you told me you scheduled it Tuesday next week Tuesday next week all right cool and then I sent you I'm not sure if you distributed with them but for the subcommunity me the contact for energy Mendes to use them as a location it's Marcel who's like the camp director I sent a couple possible speakers that I spoke to which was Gloria and suale they spoke at the ml or at the uh mix Chamber of Commerce a couple months ago and they spoke on they're from The Mix Bar Association they spoke on workman's comp and employee relations specifically for small business I brought this up so I think that kind of fits the vibe we're going for and then I also sent you the info for OA Tua who reached out to me when I started putting The Feelers out for this and she does HR for small businesses and her company's called Tua top tips and she specifically works with businesses that don't really have the Manpower the you know Capital to be able to hire their own HR whole department you know she kind of works with them kind of Outsourcing HR and kind of doing it hands- on in your business working on employee manual which again also I think is a little bit more hands on what we're going for so those that those are the little contributions that I sent you did you get those Jonathan yeah I have I have and we have the content um just for the past town events at energy cool cool cool I've had a little trouble reaching up but I yeah but Marcel is the big cheese so if you need to reach out to her you can like that's like the direct campus director um cool so we're good there um and then the subcommittee status I guess we'll just follow up on that next meeting right we'll see how that goes we should be good um Steve did want to I guess guess just touch Bly right just to clarify what the direction of the yeah Haven been here in a couple months yeah I mentioned uh more Workshop handson like again if it's a social media segment like what your hashes can look like people interacting um and I guess sign I don't know C play relations yeah doing things more Hands-On the reason why I spoke of them was because when they spoke at the Chamber of Commerce there was just a lot of interaction from the people there I don't know you were there that meeting at the chamber probably repurposed that presentation yeah because I just like there was a lot of questions like usually in the chamber it's over and there's a couple questions because people feel bad and that's it but in that one it was like an overwhelming amount of questions of like oh how do I do this for my business and you know like when I'm working with my employee doing this and you know like oh we got to set this up you know it was a lot more Hands-On with working with your small business and that's kind of the idea when we talked about it last time I don't if you remembered that we kind of said that we wanted to go the direction of more Workshop versus lecturing versus lecturing yeah so we figured more Hands-On like I said these aren't speakers that we have to do these are just people that I saw people engaging at different meetings and or they reached out to me and I say hey let me you know put the feers on it doesn't hurt um so yeah so the goal that we're looking for is something that people can kind of do their handson you know that you can sit there um you know maybe get into little groups sit in a workshop and then they say oh let's all do this together and you you know you work on this handson or they kind of give you um you know like how to sign up for something direct that you can do for your business so we should basically try and position it as workshops exactly yeah work like a true boot camp like like said last time we called it a boot camp but it was more of a it wasn't really a boot camp yeah it was more of how to work with the government that's really what it was how to how to work with the county how to work with a town that's what it really was which was good it was helpful but a little I think before the sub committee I had been doing just shopping names like ideas for the name of it cuz like I went from small business boot camp which which does still have like a Hands-On bu to it I was thinking like an innovation Summit or like a business Innovation business workshops I think Workshop yeah I think Workshop more hands on it connotates actually getting involved an innovation Workshop okay yeah especially at the University I think it get a feel of you know yeah if you guys remember from at the end of the like the I was December meeting or January this year we wanted to do kind of like a mix between what we did and what the original idea was of the webinars remember cuz that was like the way back idea was the we we never took off exactly so now we're going to kind of do a mix where it's it's it's a live inperson Workshop event but it's going to be about the topics that the webinar was going to be about which is like Hands-On working you know with the business and who knows maybe we can reach out to some of those people like I think it was Ro shook Melissa Alton you know what I mean maybe those are some other names we can kind of you know ask again if they're willing to kind of speak on certain things um yeah cool so I'll leave that to you guys and then of course if you need any support I'm here and I'm sure we're all here too if you guys need help with getting anybody um all right cool now the exciting stuff so the council and EDC recap so the little recap that we did or I did at the uh last uh council meeting that was a couple weeks ago so I kind of gave them the general updates those were good to go there was nothing really major from them we're kind of doing them the regular and we're fine um the big thing right was what we talked about last meeting was the main street business owners kind of Podge Podge that we want to do like the big Coalition between everybody I spoke to the council and they kind of told us that we can really do whatever we want with this that I really didn't even have to go to them in the first place really that we could just kind of do this the only reason that we would need the council's involvement is if we're doing something related to the actual council chambers but even outside of that we can ask the council then individually if they want to come out and you know participate in the event but outside of that it's really just up to us to choose an event location and then just work on getting the word out to the specific people luckily for us this isn't going to be something that we need to adver on social media or publicize like that it's really going to be reaching out to the main street business owners and then seeing who shows up that Main Street Merchants Group which I'm hoping we can do through Andrea because she's you know the direct connect to that and then the other thing would be the town's Communications Department which you can do through Jonathan as well and what's the what's the thrust of that what's the the concept of do you want to speak on this Carlos I know you have you're a lot better than I am so what happened is the following right last last last meeting we were talking about it that most of the businesses in Main Street are not doing well right because there is no traffic because there is anything and that's supposed to be the downtown area of Miami Leakes but it's actually we're letting it die so neither the Grahams neither the the City Works together on where the same objective so we can compare ourselves to City of downtown Dural uh you know Weston all those different areas where they do different things they do events they do uh culture Affairs they do uh areas where people can take pictures like for example The Umbrellas that are in Coral Gables uh different things so the idea is that uh we need to do something for them as soon as possible because a lot of those restaurants are suffering a lot on that on that so what can we do in order to draw people in so the information that we have had is that all Merchants are willing to get involved with Resources with mow with anything they need to know that there is a merchant group that we don't know what actually is but it looks that exist and manage funds and is actually set up as like the different entity that usually is that their objective is to do events and maintain the Main Street area but we don't know who they actually are man it's a grand we found from Andre It's a grand a that one there and and there is you know work done on the city and work done on the grahan size but there is no coordination or a straty giving you a very clear example for example today I received a call in the morning I'm like hey did you like the uh um there was a a Art Gallery thing this Sunday and I'm like what are you there was an art gallery Sunday on Main Street uh and I didn't know nothing about it I don't know how many of you guys knew it but is an example of something that already kind of doing it there were people there they were like you know but it was not successful because nobody knew there was not an was not promoted it was not nobody knew nobody stuff like that and and their resources being spent that are not with clear so we could we could utilize our Outlets sort of mediate a meeting and and not only have to help them promote yes right that's basically the that's not rocket science Sunday we just want to get a meeting together that's where we're at yeah two things so my my interpretation of our discussions was that it could it would become a workshop which is you know or a sunshine meeting because the council has Sunshine meetings for parks and other you know activities going on I thought it was going to manifest into that a sunshine meeting on you know economic you know only thing I'm worried about that is that it gets through the bureaucracy and it does you um so if it's going to be like a like a pseudo event where where it's business owners coming out we'll have to see how that the only issue would be you guys I guess with the town communication department and so cuz then yeah then it would become like a small event of just the business owners um that's why like if there's a representative from you guys you know what I mean what would that entail would that change the whole dynamic of it well I think if Council was still showing up it it would still become like a sunshine uh Gathering because if if two council members are in the same place then we do legally have those Sunshine that um like for ribbon cuttings uh it's it's a it's like a we just on the town calendar of events a gathering of the Main Street Merchants open to Main Street Merchants yeah but that's what I'm saying it becomes like a pseudo event so then I have to go to the council and get or get in the approv thing or no not either I don't know I guess not because they I mean he kind of told me I can just he has he supports it the whole thing and so I just I just I would hate for it to be a thing where you know business owners show up and they discuss is but there's not you know there's no council members who are the ones that you know control the purse string one of the things which is which is one of the I think main points is right there is many resources but there know you know like for example the culture firsts can do events we can organize the things the merchant group does one event this month the things do it so it's just matter of decide put a plan together and execute and be able to see what uh resources are budgeting wise all our Merchants with our lease pay marketing fees so there is resources there uh the city has resources because it's on their best of uh interest for that area to be you know for people to know where everybody that we bring people from Kendall from Western from other area and they see it almost into a a master plan yes discussion because it does come down to events it comes down to the grams I don't want to say just the grams it comes down to all private uh entities but like you're talking town events what's a priority talking Private Business what's their priority you know the grams what's their priority right now it's it's almost like AIT the main priority that everybody want is traffic is bringing people from other cities to come so people to know about Miami you want to try and put together a master plan for a continual series momentum monthly that involves those three major players sure I was gonna say it because one of the biggest things that cardos keeps referencing is Town resources if we're going to talk about or if they want to talk about town resources then we would need somebody there from the town that can advise if any AR this the second point the Art Festival this is something that in our opinion like utilizing is about Radio Disney and you know live performances like an art festival we heard about that uh excuse me the Art Festival on Sunday was that local artists or was that a contracting company that has arts art artists that they set up a situation so because that would be great I mean sou Miami art festival stuff like that I mean that's Diego from the from the mark Mar he let we we had a call with him uh about a week and a half before the actual event saying you know hey can we like this is something that we we got secured and it's going to be on Sunday like so we put on our calendar we put it on our Facebook but again it was kind of a timing issue like if there's no again if there's no master plan it's it is by itself an art festival what we need Radio Disney live music art festivals what we need it's just it can't be just a oneoff it can't be throwing things at the wall you know they got any what what kind of attendance they got there have no idea and the merchants weren't really and we didn't feel it like usually when the easy Band fill over traffic exactly and I feel it on ourselves this week this yeah you're right this is it needs to be coordinated properly yeah and consistently with a calendar yep and everybody come from other cities and see Miami Lakes they love but they don't know that is you don't pay for Park you have plenty of parking on the area there's a lot of good things that other cities don't have and and we had that conversation last time is like okay so you want to take your family out right if you take them to Miami Lakes is like taking them to lunch because you live here so you usually take them out you know to the m p you know so at least they get out to see something else than something that they see every day why we're not attracting people from D from West from mamar from P from all of them that they want to do the same but they don't know that we have these good things that we have these good Resturant that we have these activities these all of these movie right so all of those things same thing we talk about it that we had to pressure uh that the movie theater which is which is a very good in sense of a structure right because it has a bar the the theater is correct but management is very poor managing was that theer the wrow was that theater updated it things really but it's more management more like it's management it's not the facilities the facilities are great that is yeah the lines are insane they only have one kiosk to print your ticket even when you or even when you get a ticket stop going because you pre-order a ticket and they still make you stand in a oneline kios to print out your ticket and when I tell you that the line goes from the front of the theater to the is it family friendly no not even no I mean is it is that somewhere somebody's going to bring their kids or for sure for sure he has everything he has full new kitchen he has bar he has everything to be able to be successful it's just that when you get there you're not well take care of It's Always nasty all that popcor and everything I went feedback feedback to their the headquarters that's not a local terrible online reviews like you Google them and like terrible on my and now and not just that but now nobody knows that there is a movie theater so right question I'm I'm sorry maybe I'm super ignorant but can't can't somebody from the city Reach Out to their main headquarters and say guess what we've advised you about the place is dirty there's long lines and stuff you guys need to pull it together and maybe get another brand of movie theater in or is that thing too radical to move something I'm just have a Lee correct but the right um no it's CA a better organization and if you think about Cinemax is in inck City CER and he a you know one of the most popular movie you know so we have that he but it's not exploding owner yeah so it's is not exploded and is not helping us but it's just part of the problem right it's not the whole and I think work together it co work something if you've been in my as long as I've been if you go back the 70s 80s and 90s the GL roaring days of Main Street L it was the place to be okay right I was advertised they were buying radio they were buying TV uh internet online Cable commercial Etc it was really well exposed it was a place to hang out a week there's quite a few people in the crowd and all that it's faded away right it continues to fade away mhm was the business on Main Street is is really going device I remember back in even 2004 2003 on a Friday night it was was through and and you think about it right now we have what one of the good things is that the tenants that we currently have let's call itonia lbacha uh garison uh the pizza that they expanded uh there are places that you know places they're you know the piz is really good Amon is really good laach is really good so is already a lot of more Synergy to be able to attract the people well I'll give the merchants online credit I've seen what Amazonia does for example on Instagram they are constantly blessed to out their business corre and it's really the responsibility of each one of those Merchants to take it upon themselves to promote their own business and attract flying sell okay just we are not going to get that money out the GRS or any I appreciate but here let me tell you my perspective as business own I'm the owner of ch right and we have done it CH oh yes so we have done it everything from scratch paying from our our package my main advertise is goes to other cities not to Miami leg because with that with my were it's not enough to sustain the business mainly my business that is so huge 6,000 square foots I have to fulfill it had to do events and stuff like that right and I have not feel support from the other people that benefit from our business right which is the Grahams which is the city which is everything else right and in my perspective I you know we're doing good in the sense that we're in the corner thing we already got a traffic so it doesn't matter to me if if if if Main Street really works or not but I do see a lot of potential sure a lot of potential and and as much of other places open they bring more people they do their own advertising like you're saying Amazon and stuff like that they just going to attract more people from other cities which which circles back to the Merchants Association quote unquote that entity that really nobody so so I would think the first thing is to to get the message out that you guys are part of the Merchants Association and we'd like to meet and hear from you what your ideas are what you need right and then maybe we can put something together to get some support from the tows because he makes a valid point I mean if they don't get the support you're going to start seeing the the turnover of open and close open and close are you already seeing it a little bit and and the idea is not to come complain no and everybody we do is to come with they plan I don't care what happened in the P I don't care what they I just wanted to go have a plan that is executable and that we use all the resources that we have you got a great location the question is are there really resources in fact to be accessed that's really the question because you you go to we go to these Merchants right and they come up with you know not a complaint like you said a plan somebody's going to run interference with the merchants before we meet right so we have a productive meeting right bottom line is what are we bringing to the table what what type of interface can we use with the town or the grams to actually find the resources they need are there really resources no if at the end of the day you're going to be we're going to be told I'm just throw this out to me just to throw it out that you know something guys we don't have this in the budget this is not part of it and what are we doing with the merchants having a meeting talking you see what I'm getting at are we going to ask come out of their pocket to that's what that's I'm trying to wrap my head around the whole yeah the whole circular part of it from what I understand the Main Street Merchants group right which is that brand entity they're the ones that get the money that the Main Street business owners that's called them like people like caros and you know B's B house whatever the business owners they each pay into a marketing fund that's dependent on the square footage of their business right Andrew brought up last time that the one that puts the most into the fund is the movie theater right size because of their size so it's just wondering how to better use those dollars for example money is there Andrea told us that they use that money for the cars for a cure and the other one other event that goes on right but but the business owners I'm sure have questions as to like oh but is there other funds in there like how can we use that is it does it all go to that you know they just want to have a say so our that's that's why I wasn't sure those FS used them a say the EDC I just want to work as a mediator get them together and say bring to the table Yeah bringing you guys here to the table this is what we do as EDC we help you know if you come to a working solution awesome if not you know we're just BBC we're helping but we can't take over if you have like that art show and I buy a glass of wine in a plastic cup and walk around main screen are you allowed to do that so are you allow La ordance doesn't allowed I mean after yes before Co no okay so after Co right now we can sell on black any can we put up a big screen and watch a basketball game and then drink outside buy a beer maybe that's the with the is it illegal to do that or can I set up a bar on my walk like I did in Co and then put a big screen on on the circle there and watch a game and kind of hang out I've seen it in the game place where the Mexican restro is on the corner there's a bar the what you call that place we trying to get rid of by the parking garage on there's many many ideas there's many many ideas you can you another ex but I mean is what how do you get people in there the art thing is Frank and I got byass one and walk around look at or is it illegal that's what I don't know get maybe not allowed to sell it beyond that maybe the leis does allow it I don't know yeah so so let's give you the example things that ideas like what you have mentioned have already come through the table with with other Merchants right so let's say that one of the merchants decides okay I'm going to take care because we're willing to put the work put everything I'm G to take care of this month's event we're gonna do this we G because I'm taking care of that I am the one that puts the bar out there yeah so we benefit from putting the bar out there so there's and everybody willing to do put put 100 Heights off on everybody does your own bar if you want to go to buy that's where we're at this is this is significant no it is it is significant yeah the only issue was we weren't sure with the town's involvement which is why I wanted to ask them and they kind of told me Do Your Own Thing the bureaucracy will make it tough and Jonathan just kind of every we don't care every makes it tougher so maybe we do what you're saying Steve we got of do us theed merchs and the mer group and then we approach the town with a clear plan after the fact a side room in a large restaurant glass I me I think it needs to be a marriage of of town our our master plan what events do we want to see what we want to we need to hear from them first you know the legal side you're talking ordinances you're talking paramet gram policies on Main Street like it has to be every I think the first thing is to really make that contact and have a real dialogue and not just three people show up from the Merchants Association get 15 of these guys here at a specific time and have just have an open front discussion and say guys look we want to help you we want to participate give me your ideas what would you like based on that we go back and say hey is this is this legal is it's is there an ordinance and keep that dialogue going yeah and try to be able to close because the last thing that we want is something that stays on the competition and and and it's GNA turn them off it's they're going to just that every everybody's willing to help my conversations with the grand is they're willing to do it they wanted to do it uh they are waiting to do their reamping but the business is kind no way for the reamp right so then we got to accelerate that or at least do something before the C everybody that I have be able to spoke the C is let's do it B you know it sounds like a great IDE but nobody's actually so I the Art Festival things related to the art festival or like the Art Festival are great it just can't be like two weeks notice it has to be a year Master they can plan for Merchants can plan for it we can promote it websit and whatever if everybody's involved everybody will promote it great project what off the art festivals on Main Street I mean they were phenomenal for so many years yeah I have I have a lot of I have a lot of uh little I don't want to keep draging I have I have a huge box of photos upstairs and old negatives of the 80s and 70s of the town and there are these festivals along Main Street that brings me back amazing you know I love to post about them but we don't have that stuff anywhere so it's this weird it's this weird dichotomy of hey look what we used to do yes what we don't do now yes if you look at the website the presentation that we sent that Vanessa and Vanessa is our marketing company and and she's very involved as well and she sent she sends a she has a presentation to kind of create a plan and and saying is why we are not like these other places right if you look at all their websites they have the Le of events blah blah blah already for the full Year everybody wants to even go take a picture what's the best performing restaurant that we have say you know Main Street probably CH probably house when you think of restaurant you don't think of Al house house that's not a restaurant a restaurant like it's it's in a category of the do yeah it's a bar a barever that you're you're attracting the most people whether it's good or you know or not as good as you want it but at least it's the best performing so that's you know what what are you doing that's bringing we we can tell you everything that we're doing and probably parking benefit exactly you know and and and how we are advertising how we putting our marketing dollars to what it has worth what events have wored right we already have all that information Focus that you have I mean that might not be great right now but at least it's yeah so we already know the events that are actually working through the years so it's just magnifi in it in including Main Street to it so you got to be I'm will to get involved so this leads me to The Next Step then right so we're good from the council we know what we can do so next step is getting this going only thing we got to do then is I guess take a meeting date a location and then get in contact with the right people which would be the Main Street owners and then it would be the GRS which would be I'm assuming through Andrea I'm pointing Direction because she's us right therea which is usually through Andrea so we got to go through I'm ask because I know it's talking about not using Council chamers and coun we can say I think the best place to have it probably be I would say either I would say either Chell but to ask Chell to like shut down or corner off is a big ass cuz it's a big space and believe it or not I really I know it sounds ridiculous but I think just them having to cross the street is going to cut out like half of the people that would come I am dead serious people are are about convenience I would think actually the Garrison because Garrison is open it's small enough that that I don't think that they would mind like you know for afternoon they're very involved exactly and it's right there and you walk s it up man set it up and we go we got to start you know greatting a lot of meat and tee so what date are we thinking what date do you guys think makes sense I want wait you got to get I think it has to come from his no it does yeah the main before summer I know I know because we have already had meetings with the merchants right that you know they're willing any day I say as we do no wanted to come on prepare or say we wanted to come as prepare as possible because the last thing that we want is to be a complaint so I think we should kind of plan it for a month in our case after C and may because uh so any dat of that and then I make them you know will that give us any time should we try and use that lag time to go back to what you mentioned about the ordinances can we check the ordinances on the books so at least when we come there we're prepared I would personally like to bring it back upstairs to talk about because again I'm thinking it still has to be inviting council members get that stage the bureaucracy we it's also private property isn't it so you have to really I think the grounds are the key ones there well the grounds are going to be involved regardless yeah yeah but not just Council whatever members of Staff no that's what I'm saying if that's gonna if that if all that is has to be involved because we're going to be including you guys or members of Staff or councel anything like that then we just won't do that right now you get what I'm saying and we'll do that for the next step then does that the first step not would the first step is do a meeting between the Main Street business owners the Main Street Merchants Group which is the gr entity and then the EDC kind of acting as a as a brainstorming listening will not be able I think you're correct we should at least not to have not to move so slowly okay you got to do that you just mentioned but also maybe see what's at a macro what's what could be allowed can you have a concert you know with the stage can you have alcohol like I said you know you buy it from a Main Street uh restaurant you know not a contract is going to come out and sell you know CS of beer so something that's what's allowed right now more or less you know and and then wome up with the worship and then come back to the town and say this kind let me know I'm going to float it up let me know what's involved yeah we'll do both I don't know I I I will prefer both fig out exactly because let's say we're with the mayor right uh with Mone where disgusting everything the IDE has come a better because he knows what he's allowed to do and what he's not allowed to do that's why I bring up the involvement of people that just know immediately because you don't to me this is just me the community can do whatever it wants if it's businesses meeting talking and then presenting ideas to this entity who have doesn't have time to prepare or doesn't know what to prepare for what these businesses will bring to them then they're not going to be it's going to be dragged on I you want to be more effective by getting getting that yeah doing it in one shot I'm just worried about the on but if we can do it I mean that's what I'm if we can do it bring if you can bring it up the chain you know with a couple weeks we live each other a couple weeks it's a month but I'm just curious so realistically what would Council and town involvement bring to the table I mean it would be like saying on ordinance and things like that can I can I make a comment can I make a comment the commissioner said or the council member said as long as you're not using counsil Chambers they don't care what I'm reading here right yeah there's got to be one person the City attorney that you could say hey what do the ordinances prohibit on Main Street open containers can they set up a bar can they set up a movie an open a stage so we have we go to the right guy the technical guy the attorney that we we we come up with 10 questions which are common sense questions we get the answers in black and white and then we get that and we meet with the group we listen to them right we get with the grams see what the resources are and then figure out okay July August summer summer is slow let's bring something hot coming in summer it's going to cost this amount and it's within the ordinances and then we Market the hell out of it and everybody has to understand that this is going to be a a consistency project that's the thing right this is no one event one is going to fail like the one that just happened so so be cons to to to manage expectation realistic expectations right think basically very openly on the table guys this has not been done in a long time we discussion blah blah blah we proposed four months worth of projects and then evaluate is it working or it's not working you know what I'm saying and then we meet again or we meet whatever and you find Che it because we could come up with some stuff that you implement yeah doesn't work no yeah for sure you know for sure but at least you have at least a a six month five month six month end of the year plan in place that you can look again at the end of the year in January did this work and we can move on and just one more thing support the city right which I think is for in in my opinion one of the most importantance besides the ordinances is they already are advertising and spending money for Miami Lakes website Instagram all of those things uh they have the data of all the businesses all so it's just getting it planned that everybody was to if I knew that there was an art festival that is going to I posted I would have invite all my customers who would have figured something same with all the businesses which I know they're willing to do yeah it just goes back to coordinating all right cool so with that in mind I'm going to coordinate a meeting with Andrea I'll speak with her and see we can get involved with the merchants group and I guess start putting the Feer out with the people there I'll the same too with like the ones that I see and then Jonathan checks out with the go upstairs as soon as you can please Jonathan CU I I know that speed is a vaccine against burey and with that that's that's pretty much it it was just a couple announcements at the events tomorrow networking social and then the chamber lch is the second Wednesday of the month date do we have a date or no no no no because we want to do this by the end of next month so we're saying saying it's April we're we're the sub April on this April 23rd now thank you sir I like where you're going if you need some support from me would very active social I'm gonna send you text so we have our contact information information thank so what what days do you guys want to shoot for a weekday weekday or a weekend for this I appreciate it uh for the meeting no I'll say week and then I'm thinking this I'm thinking the third of the I guess May has one two three four for like five weeks or so something thinking the week of May 20th week of week of May 27th 20th or 27th the 28 you're saying no the 20 20th okay so for May or even or even yeah yeah that's good yeah let's say let's say May 20 send it out send out the uh May that would be what that shoe for May 20th and we'll call it the was it the Main Street Main Street Merchant yeah Main Street Merchants collaboration Sun Rejuvenation yeah Main Street Rejuvenation collaboration committee May 20th right May 20th yeah we'll shoot for what you think six yeah because a lot of that we wanted to attend they G to get out of May we're not going the only thing the only thing that I don't like about doing it at the at the Garrison or restaurant or at Chell is that I think we need some place where yeah but that's the point is that is asking them because I mean if we have the turnout that we to have we won't fit here so that's the point excuse me I'm sorry if we if we meet here then corre then you get into the [Music] bureaucracy I'm saying I don't think necessarily a restaurant itself because then there's music there's things there is many that's what I'm saying I think that the Garrison would be willing to reserve to close the doors for that and Monday is the best the the best day to correct correct set it up guys set it up all right cool may have okay motion toj yeah somebody do it motion to adjourn all in favor than app e e you guys are [Music] done did you get a copy I did thank you call the me order please okay meeting to order of 705 okay uh Nancy Rogers here Johnny to here here D VI here L Lopez here Omar Gonzalez here officer Amador on this way okay and fire chief Mark Shavers no no I don't okay we're ready okay um order of business deferrals adition inst [Music] Solutions 7 a clarifications um I wanted to make sure that detective NE was going to be here and was going to to uh to the wording of the Cs and things like that that she's got s for I'm I'm sorry if I mean are we going into that business item because right now we're under number three order of business so are you right I I didn't I I was going to add seven going to add something if 7A covered I was going to add something if 7A didn't cover what she was going to talk about was I put her on here and uh I wasn't sure if we would have to move it or anything so okay we're good no we are now on uh so nobody's going to add or delete anything corre okay so okay I have something can can we address what had happened in inam meducation center with the with the person that work there that was accused or that cannot be yeah just make a motion to add it for so it would be 8C it would be the motion to add a new business item under 8C and and what did again okay it was Employee in the the B gr education center just make the title and then we'll go into again okay yeah so make a motion off okay I want to make a motion to discuss what happened in B Grand ucation Center with one of the employees discuss Bob GR and I'll second yeah I'm it down a second any okay all in favor any oppos none opposed okay we've added item 8 C Bob gr incident okay um item number four adoption of minutes everybody had a chance to read it a motion to adopt okay your second all second was that you Johnny yes thank all in favor motion pass any public comments okay um I want to introduce yall to Father here she's the wonderful artist who did all the artwork that are on the walls down here in the halls and um I mentioned to her that we were talking about doing uh what promised a long time ago and mural for the uh second fire station and um bar did you say I'll let you talk but was it my understanding that you went down there or you spoke to someone I went down there just to see which wall they're talking about you know the size okay I'm through the chair then we should just open that item yes it's not really a public comment it's more it has to do with your old business so you should at this time you should motion to move um second well somebody needs to make them I'll do the motion to move it up to before 78 well before it would be seven days it would be after five five if you're right yeah so oh we could just wait yeah you want to wait or do you want to do it now whatever works for you guys we only have to read the statistic basically and then you normally you know let's save it for 7B this way you're in on and you can report to us on what they said and we can vote and do whatever we have then so we move it to 7 right okay yeah so he's retiring his mon yes okay okay um 6A we don't have any reports from the fire department correct 6A no or police we have either oh yeah amador's on his way I heard from him so we can we'll come back T that for now yeah okay 7 a detective neis please police and the status of everything that we talk about and are doing is that yeah well I mean whatever we agreed on last month is what's I don't have any update whatever we agreed on is what was is so the cards were ordered and they are expected Che open the waiting for those to be opened um I'm still confused and forgetful uh the status of the lights we have all of them and aren't we supposed to be um Distributing them soon or we're going to we can hold off you guys discussed this at last meeting that we were going to bring into this meeting and you guys were going to just spre you know I thought I put here the agenda but I was because they been yet the status of the light so we do have yes not sure how many based on the budget right and so I wasn't exactly we came in but whatever came in we perhaps a detail that could be just kind of passed out after the meeting and so we can I would like to discuss is a definite date when we're going to start this the plan how we're going to do it who we're going to hand those out to there's different events in the town that perhaps we could uh you know be present at those there's different ways of doing this but I think as a committee we need to discuss it and very well so um you and I had talked about a couple of possibilities but I guess now we can talk it a little with the with the whole committee to see I some of the ideas that um we we had talked about so uh we discussed U first of all perhaps going to some of the local businesses um the other young man who works with you he was going to help us to reach out to the um uh the uh Economic Development uh committee but I I know that their last uh meetings were cancelled he was going to help us to reach out to to Target some specific local businesses um absent that we can um discuss here any two or three businesses that each one of us U might be able to go to um that we uh or that you all as residents um visit perhaps bakeries or um Police Supplies the um Andy's Police Supply maybe we can go around and see um a couple of businesses that each one of you might have in mind um the other thing that I'm going to do is reach out to um the gr company uh I already spoke uh briefly with the um head of security there uh who's always very um supportive and he's going to help us to to reach out to Hotel staff and um the apartment the apartment offices as well regarding the cards I'm going to visit um HOA meetings um I have contacts at a few of them and I'm going to reach out to them most of the HOAs have a chat so we can share the card digitally with them and they can post it on the chat as well of course to have it here at the Town Lobby now the last time if I remember correctly um some of us were going to visit the various shopping centers I believe I mentioned that I would do um like Patricia yeah and I'm dra to blank I'm the one right near me we going to do the one right across your village thank you I can remember was something with the okay so uh is there anybody else who wants to take that on in any other the shopping centers or takes and cards or how do you feel which is the the precise one that you were thinking of going to said cypess I could do like Patricia which is bigy Bakery yeah bigy sa Chase Bank all that that that whole strip bar pizza dominicos yeah those are some local places I some some smaller businesses where the locals usually go and um how about I can ask my principal at my school if I could put some of these out in the counter somewhere see if she agrees or do you just want to do business what school was that I'm K oh okay yeah Absolut absolutely if that's okay with yeah I have I have to ask her I could put it in the front counter where all the parents come in and stuff like that which school is thatc right oh I was thinking of targeting the um houses of worship um Elevate Church you had mentioned yeah I'll do Elevate as well okay and then I'll just get a list of all of the churches on maybe if that all possible like taking a picture and then you could pour that to our put it on the um on our website website I'm sorry what are you what are you proposing putting these out for the congregation congregants to speaking to whoever I can take some to Mommy like she noted methodus oh wonderful yeah well here we here we go great so United lik United great so yeah we were we were thinking of putting out um a little stack of cards together with a little blue tea light and then it could be lit and attracts the attention to theard and then the residents of the town or from anywhere from wherever they need can go back and and support on May by doing the things on the back of the I just pick them up [Music] tonight that you need to know to Barbara is um uh thank you the dates that we're going to be doing this right wait until a specific date to to put them out well that's what I'm trying to check okay in with it's it's for May it's for May so may may starting May yeah beginning May 1 or right we talked about like the week yeah May 1 is what a Friday is yeah we Cana start put out now people just start you know buying bl light take them yeah blue light also well the best part in regards to the blue lights is that it's on here light up with you so people don't get the tea lights uh you know there's candles there's different where you know there's Christmas lights and you can get them in BL and just back backing up a little bit Royal Oaks um anyone can do maybe the Royal Oaks Plaza where wind is out west if not I I can okay so I'll Roy I you got you got that what's the one in front all where the um Latin America is that's Bing is oh there's the one what is that one when Royal Oaks is is the Windixie one right and then so the one on the um South Side CBS behind the CBS they the Latin Grill the Vita who who could do that one Le's not open yet they haven't opened yet no haven't been there yeah which is good so um I can try Mar guarantee no that's that's quite all right all right so let me me get it all right I'm going to do Elevate and cus Village Darwin like Patricia k George United Methodist Barbara Ro Oaks and wind Dixie I didn't I I can try that try Omar I'll try to do it with you maybe we could do it together okay we'll get together and Latin American Burger King who was that they all speak Spanish I have to my Spanish is lome I only know the [Music] nouns your branded on so who [Music] Brandon I can try that one too I mean I'm right there you can also go or something I'll do that with you as well okay okay thanks um yeah because the Royal o Plaza is that where mayor's how about where yes the window and the one where and the one where um the little farm store used to be it's they they're going to knock down that 7 Place whatever it was but there's a couple businesses there where where they to do the car wash by the gas station by I'm Sor the north northwest I think I think that's it I think we got them all so the gentleman at the end you guys don't live near any I can do the one of where she that's on my way to my house okay that that's the one the ver is oh the ver perfect so you'll do the the Burger King the Latin [Applause] americ shair let the record re that off other here that's it I said it I'm sorry pass Windgate and yeah that's the [Music] same and then the uh the one buyer the use Center I don't know the name of that one okay but we've got to take the cards tonight yes so that we can start right each take and then I'll do the houses of worship and I guess that will be in start I'll do houses of worship and then Grand more attendance [Music] I wanted to also um confirm the committee that it's okay to I kind of created a makeshift version that looks like this and instead of see the back of the card it says see below so that it could be like digitally I screenshot it and I sent it to the HOA presidents and they can blast it on their website if it's okay with looks like this one little page and and then that would can blasted digitally so I I'll be doing that as well um and something that someone just brought up now 100% we have to uh spoce up the website because that QR code um leads everybody straight straight to it and so we want to be sure that when they do scan it it does say something about law enforcement appreciation month that it would be highlighted especially now and that there is where they're going to get the date for the town council meeting because um as Robin suggested we didn't put it on the paperwork so that it will be um Tim Timeless so we could reuse any leftover card um so anyone who wants to maybe attend the council meeting um would be getting that information from your section of the website and uh as well as um the uh tips the tips um and there some public service announcements so videos that that I've been seeing are great we have a date on that May 14th May 14th Tuesday May 14th is that come up um yes the second Tuesday lar Tuesday May 14th yes that's it so I guess we'll have to see who would like to focus unless I don't want to dump my a for what for like just to make sure that um their section of the website that the QR code leads them to that highlights that it mentions the um the initiative the initiative okay yeah mentioned the initiative and that it um highlights the next you know that might have that list maybe the image of the little card um I don't know if the if they can do an image but I know we can copy and paste a text that's on there yeah copy and paste that uh obvious don't need the QR code yeah so you could kind of copy and paste that little list of um you know the the ways but if they got there they probably have um you know highlighting what they can do to support and highlighting the date of the next town council meeting and maybe put an image of the car hopefully once we get the car confirmed we can put an image of the of the mvpd of vehicle that'll be at the next council meeting and perhaps mention the propagation a yearly a yearly event type thing we were going to follow whatever was part of the statue right but however they have it is what we were going to follow in terms of like what the days as yes yes that was my understanding from last me sure follow that same you know I guess just highlight what whatever is going to be taking place during that May 14th Council Mee all did bre just Jazz off the the safety tips so I think that do it except um is there anything else going on during the actual council meeting that was going to be done I think that we covered that right um they going to did they say they were going to do the proclamation yeah you guys already requested that last month and it's already been confirmed with the New Year's office it has yes so there'll be a proclamation and um so and everyone from the Public Safety Committee will be at that meeting and uh the proclamation is it going to be at 7 a.m. 6:38 I'm sorry PM 6 so it's time on the special presentations are at 6: PM 6m they start before the actual um council meeting so then everybody would be in attendance like 6:00 p.m. town council chambers and if we are able to confirm the vehicle it'll be here yeah right yeah waiting for confirmation hopefully she said by Thursday so if it's good it's good and I'll probably pick it up probably be one of those it and I guess the last thing was uh lighting the town hall blue so those are the lights that are um inside here in the hallways that you guys see um so they're going to I think they're already new but if they're not we'll make sure that they're yeah they can do that as [Music] Wells it's going to be the with the card if the business would like to put it and there's no charge that they would be saying yes and then we give them the little yeah a little just as a thank you for supporting the efforts of the committee to attract attention to the C we're doing that on the distribution I think well we're going to distribute it amongst ourselves this evening and then um we can do it as soon as possible so they can start doing it on May 1 maybe so this coming weekend is already the uh the 28th is on Sunday the last weekend but it's fine right so we can be as early as weekend that each member can I suppose use their discretion but definitely I think definitely this weekend if we want those to be the soon they're aware it the soon they can put it on May 1 yeah on May 1 yes and hopefully you know will others see it she she's going to put your I think it would be a good idea if you have any questions contact pile personal cell number that's it yeah and anytime she like for great night calls you can try okay now we are let's let's go back to 6B if we can you know who you are hello everyone I give you some quick stats updates here so your to date um for homicide we are at zero we had four last year uh robberies unfortunately we're at three we had zero last year that's very rare also to have such small amount of robberies but whatever happened last year was Zero um Auto thefts uh 28 we were at 24 commercial burglaries were at two we were at three and residential burglaries were at four just the same the robberies have gone up but again to have zero almost to be at the at the middle of the year is is very difficult I think that was more of a fluke and it happens [Music] okay anybody got any questions okay so now we can go on to that's me do you have a copy of the agenda I don't do you want one I don't really need one I don't think thank you um mainly I'm here I'm just just to ask a few questions um I spoke I mean Nancy called me excuse me bar officer father Baron she did all the U paintings that in the hallway and I've asked her to come and um she went over to the fire station and she's going to speak about the mural yeah because I wasn't Nancy mentioned that they wanted to have a mural fire station so I went over there and I took a picture of what where they wanted and I don't know if you're aware where they wanted it as as you walk in the front door where that red where the flag is it's um that space is approximately 8T High by about 7 feet wide and then it goes past the door and a tiny bit on the other side of the door but they're not locked into that space it can go up in the ceiling or around the corner or whatever you know seems to work but that's the space so it's not huge but I spoke with Chief Dan bolene he was the be shift Chief I guess there are three all together and asked him if they had any thoughts on what they wanted to see and he mentioned a few things like um including the Indian Mound um Town Hall Mii Lakes old and new cows but they didn't really want cows they wanted bulls with a macho aspect of it of course we can't have B dairy land but that's a anyway so there's dairy land in there too and he also mentioned a round table because their dining hall has a rickety table for meals and they want to build their own that's substantial and they want it to be round he's going to help build it round you know so that everybody's equal for inclusivity and take off on the nights of the roundt so there's that aspect that could be thrown in into it too I thought would be interesting graphically but I am I don't normally do murals I may not be the person for this job normally I de oil paintings and they're highly detailed mural wouldn't scream for that it would be over kill so I just was looking to see if you guys had any thoughts on what you'd want to see there and then perhaps I could make a sketch or something for consideration and you can decide what's in your budget so you have to talk about that would more than likely need to be painted with acrylics something like fast as opposed to oil paintings generally that's what's used for murals but have any of you considered what you think might be appropriate for a mural because I'm taking notes in in my personal opinion you know throwing a whole bunch of stuff up there is just kind of messy so it would be one or two things of emphasis a larger look to it and then maybe the other things just as thatr I mean if if you're wanting it to be like a montage which is what he was talking about do cheek bowling was talking about but you probably had thought about it yet so I don't know have you any would we be able and maybe I you be a help out with this so by we of background I worked for the fire department also and I know station one has been around longer since the 70s that one is I'd say maybe 15 years or so so I'm going with this is how do we go about and maybe I could even look into that as far as maybe a mural maybe a collage sorry of of pictures of old pictures what the station to be like I mean something obviously Public Safety related I think I that's what we stand for our committee um ctive pictures something like that I'm thinking like said before and after or do you have access to material would we I don't know what what we have some old photos but I don't know that they're specific to the fire station but we do have old photos of like when miam was incorporated in the civic association something you know even even like the I don't know maybe like the the layout of what the station was in the 70s that's I don't know if we have specific to like the fireing station but we do have old um old photos on fil like you know the Town Event of of the of the civic association of when it was incorporated of the old Council I'm sure in that there's probably a picture but I can't I don't know that I've seen if you want to go photographically we could do a digitally on the computer and then generate you know an adhesive vinyl like like we've been putting on the utility boxes the five that my paintings are on those boxes we could do a photo montage and then apply it to the wall as opposed to hand painting some up there as an option but that that I mean if I may I think that that's a question for you guys to ask the fire right because if they the ones if CU originally you guys approached them with a Mir so now if you're changing that um obviously you guys would have to have a talk with them to see if that's something they would want bar I'm just going to ask when you were there did you get the feeling that they were enthusiastic about it I only spoke to the chief one other guy let me in and then disappeared he was enthusiastic yeah mhm yeah he was saying you know here's the place the flag will come down and you can paint it with whatever color and you can even go over onto this wall the only thing that has to stay is the you know bathroom you know male and female sign you can even paint over the yeah he was excited about it and what did you say his name was o l l i n e that's what I remember that's what I remember okay the line b line yes but I mean you didn't he didn't say it need to be colors or whatever he didn't get into that but they were excited about having something there they put the flag up I guess before that they had some um theater prop there he laughed about that and they they have something on the window of the door but it was done so that you can see through it it's digitally done but it's got like a stylized Bull's Head with like a shield kind of banner around it like the station logo right we call it okay is that what you're using they're using right so I'm thinking about with that station too yeah as a matter of fact I was just there a couple of days ago okay okay so Darwin I'm going to interrupt and and ask if you would like to be a committee of one and uh work with Barbara yeah I'm thinking also communication wise and she's got the other half covered with what can be done in mentioning photographs she's already spoken to people and been there and has an idea of the space and I think the two of you working together You' be super I'm totally you guys have your correct me if I'm wrong the town OB say my APD but is in there their own patch yes maybe do patch for police bounce on idea like how about your patch right and then maybe do maybe incorporate another station loal I both stations because again we have two time station one and station 64 but one already had or wait no but I'm just one's already a pretty big space how about the logo a big just a big whatever it is a bull head or whatever it is I mean I think definitely this has to go in somewhere this has to be it small or something to the to the committee right M yeah is us we're the ones who this obviously you know I don't know donated by whatever or whatever however we want to it um if I may because I um just to help you guys move forward with this initiative um so I know Dar as you see on the agenda Darwin's name is next to it anyways because I know you've been working on that um so to continue I think you guys need to highlight next steps so obviously um you working with farra and I guess figuring out what designs maybe the the the the station is interested in and what type what what style I man what would be most practical in your opinion photographic I'm assuming something I mean we're not trying to well if than you you're trying to bring in a lot of history and make a montage that would be the easiest approach as opposed to I mean either if even if it were going to be painted there it would have to be generated um for something to be copied you know projected and put up there you can't just like make it up as you go you have to have reference material course so so there's that approach probably the least timec consuming would be to print it out digitally and apply it to the wall like wallpaper it'll be ad Hees of vinyl like they wrap buses and things sorry uh other than that it would be something more simplified but graphic and colorful that would be painted on I mean you can get color obviously with digital but it's for color process so you've got black C magenta and yellow and whatever those limitations are which is what you'd see in a magazine and anything else as opposed to painting some of those colors can be brighter than process reproductions but either way could be successful just nailing down what kind of imagry you want up there and the digital would be cheaper as opposed to the painting which which is more economical well I don't know what they would charge to make it when they were when they made the wraps for the utility boxes I didn't see what they were charging for that uh so that have to be explored but I mean it's withheld with elements and this is even going to be outside so I think it would last um so yeah I guess you discuss with the station to see if that's an option they want to explore because it wouldn't be a mural it would be something else and they I guess they would have to agree with that um and secondly I want to urge you guys to make sure as a committee you agree on this because I think there was talks last meeting from my understanding you guys were not looking to spend too much money on this or any money at all so I think it's appropriate for you guys to make a motion at least agree that hey we do want to spend a certain amount because if that's the case one I don't know if it's gonna if it's enough with your budget and two if it's not then you have to be prepared to go to councel so just things to think about because if you guys as a committee don't even want to put any money into this then you're then you're doing all this leg work for nothing Well I'm going to see about um we're going to discuss uh where am I 8 I 8 a rather down 8 a when we do that we might have more money for this project I know it's got the right but um you know we we plan for me is to lessen some of the cost of the breakfast and the and do something with the venue change the venue and uh put some of the money we save towards this project tell two birds with one not well not two birds with one stone but put money for both items in better perspective for what we want to be able to do I'm not making any sense because I can't really talk about it yet we're not there but I like barbera's ideas uh I think it definitely takes a bit more um um questions to be answered I mean if you're going to want to do a photo montage that'd be something somebody would have to provide to me because I don't have access to them yeah we we would we would be able to provide photos we do have uh photos that we've scanned in like high resolution that we have like all all the time and then then I would need you know two or three that you would want to be prominent because I mean if they're all the same then it's you know kind of boring to look at because it's just blah so you've got to have something be a focal point so those would have to be determined and then the rest I can look look in that make sense so I just want to be C before we to the next item what is the next step for the committee right and and this is just to make sure that we have an update for next meeting well do we want to decide on painting what refresh my memory here we go again uh is the U fire department thinking about what did they get excited about photographs or I didn't discuss photographs with Chief online okay so we're still in the talking stages here and uh if we can provide some and you know they they take their own pictures and might want some of them in there but I like the idea of the photographs maybe the motion could be something to the effect of Darwin meeting one onone with her and coming up with some more specific ideas yeah how to move forward and to verify if um the uh fire department is uh willing to or accept the B know as an option so that they can um have that other type of Montage collage yeah so just meet with them and present the different options they say and fire people I guess we be working together yeah Chief said that he's just one of three and so that we would need to be talking to every all three but I haven't met them I haven't met them perhaps the two of you can meet to to come up with at least five ideas to present to the three yeah I think so basically all stations have yes Chief b line the Bal chief for pretty much I think it's four four or five stations probably the station Captain is the one that ultimately it's technically that's the station assigned to him or her okay so that's and that I could definitely see what what ship the station Captain is assigned to and then through him or her then they'll reach out to the other and yeah definitely like te I have a couple of options where hey this is what we'd like to do for the respective station and these are the options and you what would you guys like this is something we're doing for them I'd like to hear a motion that involving Darwin Bara ideas do need to be included this you would like to be I appreciate the offer I love my fire people uh but yes I have I'm down a few hundred reports so I think you two would be so we need a motion make the motion to have a committee of two sub committee I guess yeah go ahead say make it how they committing two people to look into yeah all in favor wait wait if I can help you you guys don't have to make a motion for this oh because it's this is just an item that you have been working on and you're just outlining next STS you're not you're not approving anything just yet the idea and just so we're clear the idea is that Darwin is work with Bara and present their ideas to the fire station contacts and he's going to bring back whatever they say yes we do want to move forward with your idea or no this is what we want to set right yes did I say that yes ma'am and um and again I will I know you guys probably don't want to talk about this right now but money is important because if not you're having him do all this work I'm I'm going to bring that up when I get to talk about um uh8 8 a a and I what that I is I didn't type that I no you had put um bullet points under the item so those are the same it all pertains to the same item it's how the machine works right I know but anyway we will get to that and and and cover the rest of the uh fire department issue yeah stop motions you got to retire them bro so they go to 7 SE so then we could go to 88 okay uh this coins quote thing I wasn't able to get anything because I just didn't get it they it keeps going back and forth and then there's the sizes and then there's different things or whatever and we have to make up our mind specifically what we want to do about coins right now um what I thought we had decided the last meeting the specifics of everything when it came to the point yeah you guys had decided you guys were supposed to bring a still right but I I had trouble getting the votes so um we're going to have to uh table that for next month it's sorry okay but everything else is still the same the design and everything's still good we just need to quote right right we decided on one coin okay okay so anything a status quo we just need to quote um now we're getting to your favorite one A8 a it's become very expensive when we do it at the uh different locations where we've done it before and um I saw an event somebody I think it might have been uh chamber of comer or somebody I you tell me where they had the um maybe it's cultural affairs with with the paint tablecloths or whatever in Chambers and what I'm thinking of doing is that takes up our whole budget and there's an awful lot of strangers that attend that event I want to go any further with being specific about the stranger so what I wanted to do was have a discussion with you guys about still continuing with police and fire but limiting it and by the same token uh making it a little bit smaller by having it at Town Chambers go ahead yes please I have a lot to say about that oh please I know and I know what you're going to say so say thank you so in in regards to that and the price and and just there's so many other things that that have been talked about every month at mostly at 6 p.m. in the council chambers they have presentations it's nice it's very streamlined um I'm thinking that for police and fire guys you you guys are the this is the winner this is the winner bring whatever you know that person is going to bring their family most likely and then you know maybe the rest of the station for fire wants to come out maybe they don't maybe they can maybe they can't but at least that person is going to have their time same thing for police person you want family no family whatever they decide but their time is there you guys can present it to them there with the council or Council I think is going to like that because it's another presentation that's going to look like it's coming from the town and obviously it's going to come from this committee but going to come from the town it's going to be more um in that sense I think it's going to be more attended obviously because you have them there you're bringing the venue to them to to the council you have a council mayor plus all the other people that come to the to the meetings you know and then that bring some sort of awareness too to to the to the committee itself because right we have these events on a Saturday where yeah there's people there but it's us right it's it's it's our groups and then nobody knows that these things are are going on they oh wow you know public safy committee they give this presentation you know I think it it opens up a lot of boxes and the most you're going to spend is on the plaque and then if you know you want to give them a gift card or something you're not going to spend any more money there's nothing else to spend on because you're not giving them you know anything and then are you talking about getting rid of the breakfast yeah it's not so much the money for the breakfast that I'm concerned about it's that well to a degree I kind of am because the amount has gone up at the venue that we were using it's gone up quite high and to be honest with you it's not a personal thing anymore it's so impersonal because of the amount of people and the kids and the whole family I don't know who so I barely know I'm lucky enough to remember the police but the fire person I don't remember from so yes I have an idea like well let me just back up to I was saying that one day there was an event that cultural Affairs did in town hall with what was it something like 20 tables I I think they might was less than that less than that besides 20 tables beautiful tablecloths a nice meal and it was a little more personal because we were a smaller group and we could consider that or consider what darn is saying but I think the that larger venue that we've been using it's a lot of money a lot of money and we don't get a lot of money from the council oh and the best part that of the ramador doesn't want to mention I think is that it's on a weekend when most of these officers want to be with their families and it's not a personal thing anymore because it is so big where we have have been having it it's on a weekend or a day off or whatever and and they I don't know that it's that appreciated am I saying it right and it it's appreciated because you know we come out and obviously this is it's a great thing that the the committee does but it to that point yes it's it's on a weekend it's on a Saturday you know a lot of times it's okay we're appreciate it we appreciate it so we're going to go but I have other things that I needed to be doing or let me a lot of times we talk about okay you know we're gonna do the breakfast yeah we're gonna see each other real quick but I have to go because I have to do this or that a lot of us have young kids that are on the same boat you know the the practice of this the practice of that so then some people like oh my God I can't go because I have you know at the same time so you're run into all these things where you know having you're not enjoying it you're not appreciating as much because you're watching your watch yeah you know that kind of thing I think we need to revamp some of the things that we've been doing with the money and and you know uh budget's coming up again soon where we have to ask for money again so we've got to make some decisions and I think right now we still got the $4,800 for the breakfast but uh if we don't do it this year then we can plan a little bit better for next we don't want to get money back that's my point and I will figure out a way to spend that money if I have to I'll go buy Takis yes ma'am please help oh no I just want to tie it because you said you have 4,800 for the bast so just keep in mind that's not with the Appropriations online there is a copy of the budget for all of you um as there is every agenda so please review it it I mean you could essentially spend the 4,800 on the breakfast but I'll I'll remind you that you guys have already agreed to spend on educational materials and line item for breakfast is only fed at $4,000 Okay so I was going to suggest is just to pick you back off what Robin said have you know whenever off for the year part of the Year whatever here at the you know council chambers present them with a gift certificate or something I restaurant or cops like stuff from L and similar to what we what I was able to get and that's it gift certificate there's no PR gift certificate and a ni black both of those right there nice I think would mean more my only concern be there and present with that my only concern with that is and I'm on board with that but being Devil's Advocate how's the rest of the guys going to take it because I mean they do show up for breakfast no the winner is is the winner the rest no but I mean the rest of the guys I mean they got to feel a little appre with a breakfast to get together but maybe not I don't know I don't think I see what you're saying yeah yeah we're just signaling two guys out you're signaling two two out for appreciation yeah and then the rest of the Departments then the expression goes top liver or here's a thing we can do instead of having a breakfast we can send some food over to the station on a certain day it'll be cheaper than running a hall and all that and we still appreciation that way lunch today's on the public safety committee and we send over I don't know Pizza whatever we we decide to send one to the fire stations and one to the PD that that that's a great a lot of people also do what he says like do Awards here take that out the way and then do said invite ourselves over to the party that way the guys you know you're sending something and they feel like hey they appreciate instead of just signaling two guys out that's true it's going to be a lot cheaper yeah I would like to see us think about this everybody get an idea in their head if you decide hey we could do it at such and such a place or do this come up with something I is it okay to uh come back with ideas on this next or we don't have enough time what do you mean by such and such a place location no no no just just specific spefic about how you want I kind of think we all agree that's really up to you guys no but I'm saying have we got enough time for that it depends when you guys want to do it I I well we usually do it in May yeah the appreciation month would be nice is in a week um so yeah it depends on you guys when you want to do it and it depends on you guys like if any of you are ready to make a motion that this is what you want to do then you can make the motion if you want to table it then you can table it I will just remind you there's a lot of items you guys keep tabling and tabling and aren't actually deciding on so it doesn't help you guys move anything around so that's just something for you guys and may is next week so I mean I think for all on board of that we can make a motion to do it that way and then how how okay and I mean if you want I'm sorry you can make the motion and if there's a second then you guys put on it or pass it or it dies May being appreciated right let's decide something tonight and hopefully we can we can do it even the last we we do it at the end of May the last the last you you've got to decide on people who award we got to get plaques made um work to do May 14 is our next council meeting I don't I think that's great Qui you a sense might probably for even Des right for the plaques I think end of the fiscal year you were not doing me I know you were doing like August September before we used to do it in September but then we decided to move it to May last year we did it in May I don't know why well because May is you guys moved it because of the concern that you didn't know how much money we spone we were going to have a we were having to hold on to that money for the last men to the exactly to the end of the fiscal year so we Mo well here's here's I don't know here's don't September and somehow related to 911 appreciation for Public Safety sire that buys us a little buffer September I and if we do that just this year yeah doesn't go well next year we say hey we're going back to May and if anything you think about it we'll be more financially sound because we'll see we need to waste that before o 1st I'm before sep 30th September 11 is on a Wednesday so we can actually do about that day I'm full of good ide today aren't tonight make a motion to what exactly we're going to do make a motion so we can have this discussion make a motions to exactly how we want to do it and the month and then the only thing we're waiting on are the nominees for officer and firan of the year and the plaque to be made and what we're going to send them as far as food pizzas we asked them what they what you guys want you want human sandwiches you want pizza I'm talkinging about making a motion to yeah you guys can just make the motion and then add it if need it vot on it you don't have to No I'm trying to come up with the motion let's make a [Music] motion I'm getting choked up over this topic we've got the C before the worse once again with the discussion so we need a motion first so we can have the discussion how we're going to go about it no I don't think we need a motion to for the discussion it's on the it's an item to disc you got to vote on it and there's process yeah yeah yeah but we don't need a motion to discuss it what I'm saying is we'll make just make the motion and then the discussion comes after that's what I'm asking okay that much I I thought since it's listed here we can discuss it you can but the proper way to do it is you make a motion like when we're talking about this whoever put it should make the motion I motion and that's your suggestion I motion that we just do pla instead this year okay I got you go all right make the to have the event in September in September okay and that's a police and fire appreciation we're still calling it that the event okay sorry yeah because we said no because we said breakfast but what if we don't yeah it doesn't have to be a breakfast if they on a lunch or a dinner appreciation event an appreciation and I'll go ahead in a second all in favor making it in September okay so you're just having appreciation in September appreciation in sep you haven't outlined what exact yes not yet all right okay now I'm like to have discussion in relation to okay we want to do that how do we want to do that that's what I would like to just get on the books right now we're going to do uh the presentation like you said uh before the council meeting Office of the year and fireman of the year before the Town Council presented by the committee and and the councel they're goingon to they're going to jump yeah it's fine it's fine but you're talking a meeting before the council meeting the special pres the one they do before the meeting and we them bring so we can do so I'll tell you something AT&T does they've come out and they'll they'll have the person sign up for something or or you know even an email not not not necessarily to get a phone and then they'll give the officer um a little um not even like uh tiet for ticket and then they go to the food truck that's out there and the food truck already has them you know decide from this and and then they pay theyt pays them later for the amount at the end so that's something that you know I'm sure the food truck will they they they bring a food truck yeah the last time was like a taco being little TP things when time comes a little bit closer [Music] I would suggest you guys move on this well no no you do have time but I'm saying don't let it be like oh we'll talk about our next meeting we'll just because we got to make arrangements and uh things get booked out too nail down your dates so when all right the next council meeting no not the next September September September next council meeting in the month that we want to do this we dat for that de approximately no you guys just agreed that September September the second Tuesday of the month second Tu on the 10th should be on the 10th September 10th okay the easiest thing has always been a Italian catering how many people 50 people um a thing of of pasta thank you very much A lot of people do that and it's simple it's very very very expensive you know it's a very simple thing and you you attach your big beautiful logo Public Safety boom on it and everybody's going to be very appreciative to that and and and you know what also what mentioned is more people are going to actually take um advantage of it because of breakfast is those people this is going to be everybody and then same thing for the fire station whatever the whole fire station is going to take it yeah more going to be involved okay so we have that in a motion we have a second yes I second you okay all in favor opposed motion passes you write that up to make English for me sure here's mud all right where are we um 8 B [Music] statement been told that we need to uh update it I don't think Nancy I I want to make sure because I think this is the first time that it's on the agenda so you're the one bringing the yeah I know because I've been told that we need to update I don't recall who it was but I've had people in my ear and it's to me it's something that right now we've got enough on our plates but to be clear I don't think that this is like a to stop that's probably a suggestion from either committee members or volunteers or something so um they can't force you to change your I make take it off the agenda I second the motion through the chair fastest thing we ever did I want I want to talk about some trinkets but I don't know if that's something to be added to the agenda you well you never had a chance because you weren't here so um uh can we just take care of HC which one of you has to go first you have to go home no have to get home all right can we just let Johnny do HC real quick okay I want to that was oh by the way officer onad door I don't know if you were here when we added it do you know what it's even about it's [Music] about okay okay and then uh we will get to your report please so I want to bring up I don't know if all you guys are aware but if about gr Elementary School they arrested one of the well the IT guy and supposedly he was accused of seven count of misconduct with girls between I think it was fifth grade and over uh it was it came out in the news and everything unfortunately the guy after he was released he took this his life but then I see it like my daughter go that to La school she's in second grade so this the kind of personal for me because you see that guy every day at school and the last thing you're going to think is something like that but but then you go into I love Miami Lakes uh in Facebook and you see all these stories about girls they used to be in that school 10 12 14 years ago they actually make a complain about this guy and nothing was done and then the a name that keep coming up is the assistant principal Jesus Mesa they they actually went and talked to him and all he did was like oh just ignore him or they come in contact with them with the guy but nothing was done but then this came out to the public and that guyy is still there so my concern is if he's an assistant principal his main job is the security for the kids and nobody else is there any way that that person can be because now they're saying like oh because the guy not longer with us it's kind of like we don't have to deal with it anymore so but for me it's different because my daughter goes there and if assistant principal completely ignor this for years to come like 10 12 years 14 what Mak him think that if something like this come up again he's going to address it and not going to be like Oh no just ignore the person I don't I don't know how to proceed with something like this I think as a Public Safety Committee it's not what we do by the same token I'm horrified at what you just said and the other thing is I think this is something that should parents and Mindy lakes or whose children go to any of those affected schools should go to the school board I think that's where you have to go and if this is an election year and whatever for sure go to those meetings speak up if as a Public Safety Committee one of the members here wanted to go to one of those meetings you would have to do it as a private citizen or a parent as aent not as a member of this Public Safety Committee because gosh I hate the expression it doesn't involve this committee it involves us as parents grandparents people who care about kids well my concern is like to bring awareness also because a lot of this kid like when you you read the stories a lot of this kid was like kind of BR off like oh know they making it up or no it's a clown of little girls that they just want to put something in their ear and then you see this like seven cases and and there's supposed to be more to come like I don't know how much of the investigation is going to keep going based on the person not longer here but it's like I say like those are seven Kids that actually came forward and said like oh this is going on so I don't know if we can create like an awareness for the kids like do something to like look this is how it goes if something happened you need to you know voice your parents again as a Public Safety Committee in Miami Lakes and what we are supposed to do and that's technically a legal matter however it starts or ends it's it's a police matter but we're not police officers here but I'm not saying I'm against any type of action but as a parent I would go to the school board I would take the PTA group of people from that school and others and encourage them to hold meet somewhere and go um to uh if there's charges to be done the state attorney's office something like that or otherwise the PTA and let them go to the school board and those people are elected what you said I was going to say exactly that and that when you have something that's so high level for instance you're saying maybe something with assistant principal it's like everywhere else you want to you want to take it to a higher level so you want to take it to school board um have all the parents that are concerned everybody say look we're going to go to the next Schoolboard me like a council meeting and we're all going to show up and we're all going to voice so let me ask you the council meeting that they do here I can actually go into that and bring it up and do a concern or I can uh as a res you're welcome to give public comments on anything you wish as long as obviously should rules like you keep it you know but like bring it up so it can be you can bring up anything that because I know for fact I'm not the only one concerned that this guy all all the the the the complaints was made to him and he kind of like ignor completely he but with a guy so he kind of like oh no and that's it as a group to go before the school board I would come but I wouldn't be any good I don't have school I can't represent the town and this committee and that type of thing it it wouldn't be allowed and go ahead George as as parents you can go not only to the Schoolboard meeting but go to the Schoolboard building and with whatever information you have and ask him to open an investigation to see if he was negligent by not following it up or whatever he did you can open up anybody can make an investigation a complaint now whether it's po or not not it's a whole different story but it gets the ball rolling if there was something propriety done or not and it seems like a bigger problem is the last time not this time this time it was addressed as soon as it was known but it was like last time if you read his kids like 14 years happened to me and I went and I told this guy and this guy and they told me like oh just ignore the the guy it was thep it was the other principal but this guy was was there and like you said if it happens again he's going to do the same thing and there was another that said like oh that happened years ago in the same situation my Dad tried to call the police and it was because it was his work against mine and it was kind of like I I'll tell you something about this time I can't talk too much about but there was a great collaboration between Schoolboard and County with us and the moment that something was feeling smelled everything went boom boom boom boom boom until what happened which was was the arrest it was it was super quick quick nothing like what they're saying happen so it looks like really now it's all this was done properly what happened last time I think that's what we're right with what happened and if the guy dropped the ball cuz he didn't have to he didn't do whatever he had to do then [Music] he's I know that this time around they actually tackle the issue right away but then when you see all the story about oh no I told M oh everybody that's the same one individual and he and the answer was the same way oh just ignore it just ignore the guy don't worry about it I'm like you don't tell a person just ignore it and brush it down the rug or something like that but the complaint opens the door to look into it further and that's that's the St so I'm just going to look into go straight to and then I've also heard that a lot of people are not happy because um the school according to them they feel that the school hasn't been very yeah forthcoming stuff I actually asked are you guys going to do like a like a meeting with all the parents explain what's going on is somebody need to come forward because that's only the people that came forward you don't know how many other person were involved no answer for no doing that no they're not then go to the school board as a group of parents right run a bus but go to the school board if the school's not taking care of it on scene and I don't even know the rules I'm just telling you how I feel as a parent the school's not taking care of it then I and I would still probably go to school but what are you going to do about this guy that's it we got to predict the kids say Okay um there anything else a John I'm I'm really sorry about that please follow me I will I don't have to say you that no okay uh the appreciation breakfast we're going to talk about this fast we already said we're not going to do the restaurants and whatever and we're going to look into no I'm just just finishing up here you guys Bob Graham um incident Johnny yeah um anything else yeah that's said so you guys have to make a motion to add a new item to your agenda well back to we're just going back to his report B he already gave a report this would be I'll a motion to add what do we item nine no it would be d d d all [Music] right okay trinket or I don't know what they call them things trinkets um wait making you're making the motion yeah what's the wording of what Al special need of ice what is yeah Trinkets and giveway yeah giveway or giveaways giveaways maybe promotional giveaway yeah there see thank you there he should be com to our yeah um I I'll make it really quick so I go to a lot of events and it's mostly kids but I wrote a lot that it's not and so what happens is I have stickers I have a badge you know real nice but I don't have anything else so I touched a base with Northwest District next door and ask him what are you guys you know what are you guys doing what do you guys give everyone so they gave me a little Miss Le kasas our our classmate uh gave me a little bag with some stuff that they're giving out so my suggestion was or or what I really what more like is to see if maybe we can because these things are there just some websites you know for stuff like this all these they whistle uh there's like a little police car they say has a badge on it a little badge um and again not too many things because we're going to change our our logo because we're going to sh so all that's going to change so we can have too much of of one thing who has these who gives these out M day police yes yes they miam day yes giveways that they paid for with the printing this is the thing okay at the district um they were able to get um someone that was able to donate so it wasn't directly from the county so in in in regard to that I think this would be the the format here in the town would be somewhere like a committee that could uh put their um to sense into it and so for stuff like this I was thinking not just for instance the you know our badge but like a small um Public Safety Committee you know collaboration thing on it you know a little stuff like this land year it's glow stick you know stuff that you know you can give this to I can go to elderly Affairs committee and they'll love all of this stuff right they'll love all this stuff you know it it you know it doesn't have to be like just kids you know that I thought that was pretty pretty cool but I brought this stuff because of special needs advisory committee and this stuff is super super cheap a water bottle instead of that Miami day Police Department with a badge in the back um Public Safety degree and it's and it's a nice this one changes color than everything and of course a bag to put everything in these things again are um I I know has more about price but just for May maybe next time um but stuff like this where you can give where a bag and put some stuff in it and that's it and it's not a kid event it's a grownup event and a bunch of Grownups going to all Stu and whatever else you guys can suggest we used to do that I had a connection and um they don't do it anymore I used to get all those three from them might go down there and pick them all up but they don't do that anymore but I'm online forever looking at those things if you have the money to do it elderly Affairs gets like almost $440,000 for their events and chachkies and whatever so all that being said FHP we can possibly do that now if we moving money on it and that's the thing like FHP I think they're the ones that were giving the Stu I have some stuff too that I can hear from them it say FHP I know right so it would be nice to say Miami day Police Department oh wow you know um Public Safety Committee meeting from the town on the other side you know something that brand gives you guys branding I know we we're going to be doing something with the budget now that we've decided to uh get away from that um but again for doing breakfast so that would be a good thing when we have money that's over but it's got to be done quick let me say this much I have been around elderly Affairs enough to know that you definitely get their attention when you're doing a giveaway that's all we gra for is the giveaway and um we need to to get a little more Curr with that type of activity when we have something you know you have to that's why I try to piggy back back with the other committees and get a table from them and then give out our handouts okay that's what I've been trying to do and you guys have been there to help me as well you know that so um I agree with what you saying but the only thing is we got to have the time lapse remember when we know how much money we have left over we got to have that ready to go be so we don't give any money back I don't know how long it takes to get all that through the through the chair you guys are aware of all expenses so even if it's not on your report you guys should know how much dollars you have because all expenses are brought in front of you well now with this change though there's going to be we don't know how much money but what I'm saying the second you decide and approve a qu you don't need to wait for it to be posted on the budget you guys need to be aware because then you go back into the problem you've been having the last two years that you're waiting for it to be posted when you don't necessarily have to do that because if I tell you you're spending $500 out of a $600 line item you know you have a 10000 they would just need to move from line item to line item yeah and then you guys can move whatever I would like to make a proposal as you all know I'm not operating six no um I'd like to ask someone to volunteer to help us with um the giveaways and doing some kind of I can give you some information that I have in regard to the giveaways and how we want to do let's say the the breakfast I need more people to become physically involved with those type of plans okay I know I've been doing it by not So Much by myself but more or less by myself quite a bit but um I need help I'm asking so um that being said on this particular project I think a couple of volunteers would help in the relation you let's go over the budget or let's let's move some money around before we lose the money that type of thing and there's as you te meis knows there's all sorts of giveaways and things that and and websites we can go to and Order different things with our name on them and then off alador perhaps you can see which is more popular you know the bags they're generic uh the water bottles um everybody pretty much but everybody the bags are always helpful the water bottles um I think people mostly have their own water bottles and they're more expensive but let's talk about it let's everybody come up with some ideas everybody be ched looking into it and and helping one another when you when when you've been to the coffee with a cop I tell you I don't have anything to give I I know okay [Music] and Chang no dates no dates we're not dating any of the items that type of thing just you know maybe make public safy Comm okay well I work with to try and stay on top of the budget even though she gives us the thing for with current numbers yeah and I'll remind you guys there is a link that I provided to all of you where you guys can look at the budget 24 yeah it's helpful you understood the subliminal language no I'm just me because I can get it to you but you if I'm out of office or you have to wait for me you have to wait for me to get it to you but if you do want it like I don't know for some reason at 1: a it's there for you is the point can you send me the link I'll 1 that way you know the so where do you get your little things with the bag there was a site that [Music] um um claro went on what that's when she got me the the stickers it was a site a million things on there we can ask her yeah I I know she knows because I went to her and I went to her first before I before coming here and she said yeah definitely go through the Public Safety Committee because of if you have money for it and um and I told her that I wanted The Branding of you guys because you guys well see it's it's it's it's a tight situation in that we're not the public safety department the Miami Lakes Public Safety Committee and we want our committee on there it's kind of hard to go through my day which always says my day is well go on so um there's times when we can do it sign when we can't when we might feel want to be the good thing is anything that the badge is going to say town of M the next one like it's not an actual badge like our badge doesn't say Town says M Somey Sher all that town of Miami Lakes like the the little stickers that we give out town of miam lakes P PD it doesn't matter just something that that I when the kids like wasn't there one a junior officer or something or thing yeah yeah the sticker yeah well whoever's GNA go places have to grab some this one and um did you say [Music] cl to 200 but we're not just handing those out like we are cards if they agree to partake the business is going to be kind enough yeah you already what I'm saying when this meeting over we still have to stand you guys just have to grab so we're Jour my time I make a motion I make a motion to 838 guys all in favor of adment yeah wait when's our next meeting