e e e e e e e e e okay call to order at 9:35 a.m roll call Rosa Baro tardy tardy Gary cardinus is not here Maria Sanchez is not here Lindsay I'm here William is here ector suko is present you're present order of business any deferrals additions or deletions none nothing that oh do you want to add you want to add anything to the agenda delete something from the agenda give me one minute sure defer something from the agenda is M sheet on here yes up the end well it's um I I don't think I put it in there did I motion to add my I I left it on like website resources and all that but if you want where we update a website resource and slash um worksheet worksheet so we can specif good call so I uploaded already oh okay yeah like I yeah so when I clicked on the meetings I saw like at L um okay so I know what you mean so that's yeah so just part of the [Music] agenda found I would have L to see her face as you said it CU I was looking at you I should have I had a sign on all right so do I need to put a motion to add that as for D worksheet or no just mention I think that's okay perfect so all of updating letter dwet all in favor I love it very nice okay no no yeah I explained it to him but I sent it to you so you all right perfect so now the fun stuff public comments a note of who secretary okay I'm so sorry and then William will be acting as secretary unless you wanted for today while youor Sor I vote for William secretary all in favor justo it you don't have to I just want to make sure that we're all on the same page watch John Adams Min series on HBO all right perfect so public comment [Music] welcome you are this is where I introduce myself okay got it I'm so not um in I don't know the the different um thank you so I'm graci menz I'm one of the managers with our the Community Health Department over at Baptist so we offer services throughout I think last time two of our staff came and a time before that um so they brought back some great information about all of you so um myself and one of the other leaders are really interested in see how we can support you um and so that's why here fantastic and he's back with us this time because he lies so hopefully we have a new member welcome we didn't scare you away I love it of people um okay that's it we're good all right perfect so um adoption of minutes I don't see anything a [Music] Miss did that Maria Mar did that one an old business section 6 b i she misspell should be considered FR be four So shirts order shirts you just don't have the funding for it but wasn't Gary saying he had all the M he was oh yes I'm so sorry that it's yes but I don't have I I put on Old business yeah yeah so I just wanted just like I don't know what the where the funding was that yet I know Gary he has all this money for us for sure he has it he submitted it well to me and then I yeah but I think everything else is okay anybody see anything else with the can we motion to approve the mails you want to do a motion know you did it I second wait I think what was grammatical come on want oh you br you right all in favor to approve I okay fun stuff approve the motion minut I I I made the motion I made a motion I second my name is name is Rosie I try not to I try not to write your name banners so um I reached out to staff because um the banners were up for like a year and we don't know if they were still in good condition to keep or not they were fine and on the record where are they so they're looking in one of the sites but right now it has a bunch of um decorations and everything For an upcoming event so most they were in Robert alono are they Mary Collins Mary Collins you know next time we told that the site that they were in that St could it go into because it was build decoration and wooden like planks so I know what's e um so the event is like this weekend so by around next week they next meeting we know what's going okay regardless um I believe that yna is on board to cover to put them up should we find them so that was um right so the next step is if we have them and we have a sponsor well we just like create the sponsorship package and everything and it's great if it's of course the same organization if not um you would have to yeah I think think Gary has said that they're down to either or but when we there let's find them out first let's see where they're at again yeah that's this just a waste of money no I know obviously hopefully the best case scenario that we do finally no if not then you would have to create we have to create them again exactly could they be well that's what we're trying to find they said that they might be at a storage but they hav't event so you could be behind all that and so after this week's event they'll get all that stuff out of storage and hopefully they're there who's stay that the people the people the people that we back to the town the town I'm sorry if I'm no reaching but was there any way of keeping these the people accountable like have you found anything have you record I guess I don't know yeah I mean She'll follow up that's what she's doing she's she's she already notified them and that's what they gave back to her and then hopefully the next once they find out if they're missing now we can take the next steps so she's going to follow correct thank you and if you have any questions that you would need like me to double check with anything you can email me anytime I will probably only respond on Wednesday because that's when I'm here with the exception that I have a schedule change okay um so any Wednesday I can or Tuesday night I can email you hey you can email me on a Sunday you're not gonna get a response you'll get an a response I will not answer until when I will not until I'm back in the office which my automatic response um it will say it'll say week one two like our whole schedule so it's I update it weekly if I need to so if my meeting goes like over half an hour then I'll update it for the next week okay um all right then so I presented the council that it went really well I was very nervous I'm glad you guys were all there to support me not me just hitting over the did you ahead of time um yes we spoke about it the meeting before because you have to get everything approved for me to go no I know that but let us know you know like I wasn't on the chat you the my fault I'm sorry we had she had all we even spoke to you in the chat empty contct you there was nobody there we were communicating with why isn't he respond so rude he didn't resp what happened behind the record um so everything went great I mean I don't know I mean on my perspective I thought I but she'll give us the feedback on what they actually can yes so I mean I watched it because I was not there um I'm sorry I it's okay um but so I well they basically gave you the feedback um that but they all just nodded at me because that's feedback and they were just like that's all call it wasn't like yeah no they just give you one yes so that's the one that I put on here right that that that Manny mentioned to me I put it on the social media one he wants to do mental health Thursdays again yeah yes the same way as before yeah and then he told me to get in touch with you yes explain to me because I wasn't there when that yeah yeah yeah okay so what happened was so what happened was so I I went ahead I read everything I saw that they were mostly engaged with the workshop with the police department they love that they all were like yeah so I think that was like for sure yes I still don't know because it was just a lot of nodding and staring at me so if if you would have um they would have said something they said no right to me yes so okay so they said yes to everything then or tweaks or tweaks yeah they would have had like okay well what does you had you didn't really have like donating to this organization yeah it was very this is my event so if they had any questions they would have asked you if anything um you'll go again in July yeah so we'll get hopefully more stuff there yeah so everything I mean was great and then uh Manny just mentioned that he major Manny he wanted to do the mental health uh Thursday that we were doing are we managing that so that's what he told me he's like get together with your Li Leon and tell us what's mental health Thursday you do it so mental health Thursday started when I started complaining about all the different things going on right after Co and then I was like man you get to do something whatever so how he did those like twice but it was during Co we did them yeah yeah during I'm saying literally right after Co was no like March was hitting us and we started we started in April and you can find them on on Facebook and and on the webs so he would do his regular like twice a week updates on like how everything was going and then on Thursdays somebody would go talk about my heic tips like look look out for this do that um if you guys have any questions people were WR in somebody was Rosie and I yeah no and no no but a lot of people from here a lot of professionals from here a few professionals from here did participate so like if you yeah like like the suicide hotline at that moment right really getting Gators and like where people can find food as a resource providing it was just strictly providing resources to the community at that time proo Services she did a lot of proon what medium did we use to do that we did it on Facebook live on Facebook live and I believe it was on Instagram live if I'm not mistaken streaming on both and on YouTube if I'm not mistaken I'm not sure about the YouTube I don't remember that being so yeah it could be I don't remember I mean he'll know better what that that part was he said that was really great because I feel like the community just wanted to get feedbacks and so he's like why don't you guys start doing that again and I was like perfect great I you know I was under the impression that we couldn't use the social media of the town because then who was going to be managing that but if he wants to be a part of I mean I don't know how it become a dynamics that we could do it we could reach out back to him and say we're going to start I don't know how you have to be the Le on for everything so I'm always your to sa corre he like reach out to her to coordinate how we can get it going and I'm I mean I know we were definitely do it like just provide facts resources uh you know hotlines like we did a Q&A I think once I don't remember if you were there for that one like a little Q&A like whatever called in people they would type in on the on the live and then we would read them and we just respond to whatever questions and we did that for for a couple months I think yeah did you guys have any disclaimers at the beginning like um you know if you help or if you ask something we can answer it to I think I said it in the first one like you know this is not for whatever always led by the council or staff and we just came in as a supportive like Hey we're here and I know that I know you did a lot of provoto and would share doing if she if anybody really needed services and they didn't have insurance at that time that they could reach out to either do it for free can't wait Co yeah so that's it so I think that that's a big deal so I think we could kind of put that on the on the new business and start working on how we can you know start collaborating let me ask you a question because since he suggested that one what about the wellness call for the elderly yeah I mean I think he would be open to everything I mean I think they they would be open to that we just haven't gotten there what does that mean so right after Co um my office for Nova so how they pulled everyone out things I was like my friend's a director of the program and she was like have this person I'm like okay send them send them my heart would break I did the program I can't imagine not finishing it right so I was like yeah them I'll figure it out I'll figure out the right hours don't ask me question I'll get them to learn but whatever so then there was about like I think like 200 no elderly so we started doing Wellness calls for the elderly obviously through the elderly Affairs committee and making sure it was okay at the time we couldn't give any therapy but we would talk to them and like whatever at whatever capacity they wanted to talk to us you want to talk once a week you want to talk three times a week and then what I would have them do for the clinical portion is you know make an assumption of what this case would look like let's talk about it and let's like be brief on that but that really the elderly really did like that so I don't know let me ask you something um where was the database that got us the phone numbers for the elderly Affairs whatever there was a list for the there was a list that they had of I guess all the I don't know if it's registered or elderly period but there was also the list because I did complete elderly all the elderly in my I believe so but I believe everyone was still to do daies because it was also everyone that was I I got everyone on the food list so Boo for for whatever commiss when he was a commission at that time in noig County big County no no he was for H what is this gentleman that just Ste down Alvarez Alvarez's school was a location so we would bag the food we get pallets from feeding Flor South Florida whatever we would B the food and all that stuff good morning sir um and then we deliver it I you know I'm asking more specifically is how do we find the numbers to call for example they have it you guys have all that I I don't I don't what it is exactly what num is you're talking about the people's phone number so want to be called so I I personally don't the only information I have is like the one from the committee okay well let me let me just ask more question can we get does the town have a database to the that has the resident addresses or emails has that because they do remember when they used to take the meals actually to them when they that might be a d list that might not be a whole list no that's not it's from the whole time because at that time because of the co thing they would keep it to every to like they R do all the food that and all that I know they have a okay well let's just find out we does the town have a database that has email address and phone number of all the residents and if it's a that database manip we can we clear it as to age of individual maybe veteran status we need a motion that all right I'll email you I'll email you the only thing that I not exactly sure how that worked because I wasn't here um when that happened um that it seems that was more kind of like formed in general yeah I think we're getting we're getting sidetracked that let's talk about that when we do with the Elder leading let's let's focus on just focusing on the social media one and then I put that one so we can Al to the Affairs committee or how we can partner with them because he has also some ideas with the veterans and whatnot so maybe we could do that we could talk about that one when we get there but this one I was thinking we could start at once a month because I think doing it on a weekly basis is a lot for us right now and then we could start next month with mental health and maybe you can reach out to to Mayor and see if you would want to start one of the first mental health Thursdays next uh in May for mental health month awareness we can come up with a Thursday and then kind of start working ourselves from there does it have do you have an agenda for that mental health Thursday I mean is there like a set thing or what do you guys do so I would invite you and tell you you want to go sure all right you have like 10 minutes and talk about something regard mental health all right so whoever you are and whatever your role is obviously you might speak more talk to yeah you talk to subject matter experts correct I think what we could do is like the first one would be in May would be hey an introduction that the mental health task force is here and we are in town and that we're going to be putting together these um mental health Thursday that we used to do during Co and then give us time to work up to get somebody else to speak in June somebody sleep in July I think once a month is realistic just because everybody's schedule is very overwhelming who do we use do we use like people like Baptist whoever I would come whoever was willing to do it I try to keep it local but if they do stuff in town but there's there no we have a Urgent Care here and it has to be focused on providing like not promoting right a business but more like educational yeah I information on something or tips or something like that for the community so we have open programs weekly um yeah we have we have so Janelle I think came last time so Janelle does one program on Thursdays Manuela does I think Manu came a different time she she does One On th wait Manuela Janelle's Tuesdays manuela's Thursdays and then in between we have others I do one on Mondays which is just breath work so we can give you like a flyer just even though they're open to anybody right but we can create a flyer just for you guys for Miami Lakes if you will and then send that out so this would be a great idea like we introduce everything in May it's going to be us talking about what we're planning doing with the community where the task force whatever you can come in on June right and providing those resources we have these free classes for the town of Miami Lakes and then that gives us time during a mental health th ex and then by July we can have another speaker maybe somebody from the education field or something you know and we can all kind of brainstorm and bring different ones every month that's going to provide like resources like that I think that's super cool I think go ahead I'm so sorry I was gonna invite you guys to create for us to create something for May for on the Baptist calendar so that we can open it up to everybody and that way anybody who is in this area can also know like okay now they're listen to this or pay attention to like we can announce it we can do it ahead of time thank you right so that they can then tune in to that so then it's it's double the marketing if you will perfect see who we catch yeah I think that's because our mental health Thursday will be really whoever we have spotlighted it will be a markting event I think we should look at it being a sponsorship TP up opportunity so for example if Baptist you want to send somebody on Thursday to present on Instagram stuff like that we we should decide what is the sponsorship amount that they should provide the mental health task force so we can use to promote more activities you know what I mean so you know to so we can have funding in our budget for stuff to do more stuff would that limit us from doing as a company me personally yeah like Rosie would want to go and share some fact and stuff like that she I I think we don't make it we don't make it a big amount you know say no no I don't care but if I can't I don't know where that letter left off yeah right no I don't think we should start off right now as sponsorship I think we should do it just kind of like just promoting resources because it can get kind of complicated because we still haven't resolved the whole sponsorship and then I don't want to limit us from being able to participate I guys there's no issues for you guys giving money to the town the issue is you guys getting money from the town you can sponsor whatever you want you have no prohibition sponsoring and giving the town money for sponsorship agreement wouldn't we indirect them wouldn't it wouldn't me sponsoring The Shirt Company and so promoting that your organization that's not exactly which I can or cannot do cannot cannot well then how do I sponsor something that you sponsorship you can donate yeah I mean when you sponsor like the tablecloth we can Don but like for example you can't say like that they're when we do the thing because I will promoting for the sponsorship of that that's a thing we can't we wouldn't be to do but that's what I'm saying Baptist offense get say Baptist I don't get to say name in my company and I provide free resources here so I can't do the sping want to clarify that I why last time that they cannot provide sponsorship they can just provide the actual classes and stuff for free because right we have two different so that's so we have different weely teams we have well here's I'm sorry sorry Sor I was about to apologize on we have so let me say this for about the sponsorship so yeah my team that came last time our department doesn't do sponsorships but I do have the department that does do sponsorships okay and and to be honest that's the person who told us to come to you all right so I know that there's an interest for us to do that so I have to go back at one point and share that so that then we can sponsor you got it because last time they mentioned it let you really to sponsorship the team that's here yeah cuz our team wouldn't be able to say that our team wouldn't be able to say like if it's Janelle or Manuela or even myself I can't say we're going to sponsor you for this amount I would have to bring in the person for this area our it's under our our government and Community Affairs team okay and so that team is the one that would be able to say how much if they are able to and how much so those are the two things um but I think sometimes what I've seen in the past is like we either sponsor a big event right and we give a like them I'm going to make up a number $5,000 and then so we become a big sponsor you have like the different levels I'm not sure how you guys have talked about it in the past and then that money we use when you have multiple people then you use that to create the banners to create the different things and then whoever depending on you have the different amounts right so then depending on what that is is how big their logo is in your events so if you have a booklet right you Baptist might get like half a page or it might get a full page depending on what your levels are and then for the smaller companies they can still yeah their name might just be on it yeah we got a standard sponsorship package we we've done this several times yeah we we do exactly what you're talking about um that oh yeah okay oh yeah I mean every committee that has a big event does we um so okay getting back to see you you're saying that you can go on there on Thursday say hey I'm I'm Rosie I'm from this organization right and then but if you sponsor it if you pay to say that you can't correct I I I might understand how logical that sound wait wait wait hold on no hold on no that mem was a totally different I started it I started the comment I might be wrong but that's how I Envision it because if I if I donate if I if I buy bubbles right my label can't be on the bubble so then if I'm giving money then I can't be part of it because then I'm benefiting and I'm sitting in this chair my goal is never to sit in this chair my goal is to provide my services and help with now you know what I mean the chair the chairs were created because you created the my house to do the job but I'm going to show you guys like what it was so you guys get an understanding of like so it was something like this that was just live and it was l i don't have all this is what mental health Thursdays look like so you have the fast forward they were on for like 15 minutes before I don't even know how to do this correctly a little bit just so you idea so every can understand what we what it was so basic so straight to the point it wasn't like this elaborate thing it was literally like something on the bottom I think there's a scrub no right here I think it's my son Lorenzo's the attorney basic that's it that's all can you invite him for the next okay and then you go in and I would speak and I would give the N8 number the different number at that time and like res it was some have to questions and provide them to you no yes yes if there were questions when we did the the Q&A I don't know what it was man would be oh we have someone popping in like like Instagram live one those it just showed up like there was nothing anything planned was mdny was hey guys we're here met the whole Thursdays and here fromi W and he to share some facts and then whatever I felt like speaking at that moment I would just speak up it at that moment they didn't Pro me or no they didn't but you would come in with a topic I know more I would be like yeah I'm going to speak on again May would introduce you and your company you have a problem SP paying for that I might be I don't have a problem it's okay we're gonna have Deputy Town attorney Lorenzo show up after I explained to him the LA that time that time there was no force and then now I'm the chair of the task force so I can't so if I'm sponsoring it it's it's a conflict of interest because now I'm not just Lindsay from the chair mental Tas now I'm healing that's not the way conflict of interest law work no but but then explain that to me I literally donate a tablecloth I Don't Give A CP about paying i l give away free services I don't mind 20% of my business always free under under the joint ethics regulation that regulates the entire executive branch which I only I'm read this no that's why I know if I stupid that's why I see it I don't want a problem what do you have I'm like Dar guys don't make fun of me every single thing from the you cannot do something that will provide a direct Peary benefit for if you were using taxpayers funds to give you and here's what I'm gonna say to all of us is we don't have that situation it's not like the town is paying you $100 to speak you're paying the town $100 to speak but then he becomes my client through that speaking we're good that doesn't matter because because if you don't if you can do it without paying $100 you know you can say um you know you know Lindsay from moroi this is Lindsay from moroi health and all a sudden he goes oh you know what I want to go moroi Health you know that sound she sound like a pretty competent person yeah it's his Choice's not saying go to yeah 1,00% just peren you but then like it goes back to then the the memo that we wrote number one no current member of the task force may have their mental health employer nor currently serving elected official that's the memo that I'm talking about then it would be yeah um and I can't find the whole thing yeah I it here wait I think I found it here this 217 so here's here's the here's the public office for p private gain okay if you're paying $100 you're not getting private gain right secondly prohibition of preferential treatment to a private organization individual if it's open to everybody and it's just not the mar you know moroi and Rosie show every single Thursday then we don't have the PR but if they don't come they don't come well then we have to get somebody else it cannot be it cannot be everybody cannot be the you know it cannot be just limited you got to you know we make efforts to solicit from them to solicit from other people and make sure there's somebody else in there so you know what about in regard to like the tablecloth I'm like look I don't need the tablecloth that want my company name on it I can't do that or I can't do that no no because that's actually that's actually Town property right it's not for an event the tablecloth becomes Town property and the banners but they that's like for event so for example they have their logo on there yes but Baptist is not a member of the you see what I mean so they could have their logo but like if she sponsored she can't have her logo so yes in what I we've done in the past because I'm on another committee similar to this in Broward and um what we've done there is we have we PID for the the logos to be like the logo of the committee of the event goes on the tablecloths but then if you're going to have tables we're going to open up tables anybody and those people could pay a I guess a minor sponsorship right and they would have but you would have your own tablecloth for your company you could do that even though you're part of the commit yeah for sure that's that's not the thing it's like we've had like the discussion on for example like the banner that you wanted to make right and like and mental health was here and then they were like oh if we sponsor would have their name but if I maroi sponsor I can't have moro's name on the on the banner you see what I mean why not because right is that the understanding so this is the same thing with the table CL right the table CL is ordered with the commit the chair which is fine if there's any organization can donate I yeah but not sponsor problem is sponsoring that's where there's the biggest limit because that is where there's an exchange I am giving you funding or I'm don't I'm um an item for this event or this program in exchange I get promotion yeah but then isn't the time that I'm spending I mean and again this I I don't even know why we haven't talked about yet but the timeing always go back let's go back and ask clarify question with specifically with mental health the question is my the reason why you can ask linday because she knew from the beginning my only reason to start the mental health task force when I approached Lew we were back and forth was to help the town if my if I my business is here I give my money here I donate here I live here obviously invested in the town right we don't get paid to sit here I don't care I don't care I want to be able to give my services to the town I'd rather be able to give my services to the town it's not just about promoting myself I don't need the business I could always do better I have business but I want to be able to give my services to the town so if I sponsor something I want you to know I'm there so I can help you I have helped I have help for free so my question will be the following in what this is my own personal question I gu at what capacity would I be able to help the town without my hands being tied by limitations that aren't followed so at other times correct me I'm WR and I think there might be a fine line in because I am sponsoring something else for the town but I'm not doing it through the mental health task force which L also we could do that yeah I know I could do that I'm sponsoring the the car the here for the suicide hotline but I'm doing that not with not through here so I'm doing that separately right so is that the def finishing of the line could be I don't know exactly I don't I don't know the fine you know what I mean there's a fine fine ask question it makes sense so I'm guessing that it is like I'm if it's through the mental health task force and that's the conflict of interest that we would have right because then I would morocc sponsor everything because I'm the chair and I'm the one coordinating I guess that's where the fine line is what the you but the problem will be then you'll be giv prefer treatment to your organization exactly that mean but there's nothing to say that you can't sponsor and give the town money and then you follow the same sponsorship rules if you paid ,000 and you get a big sign put that the question like you so she can ask it correctly no just have Leen or I'll contact if no you okay it's me and I will ask M heal time you live there buddy you live there all right so let's go back we only have we only have a couple weeks to to we have the next meeting in April so that by that then we can have a date for May let's just start it off the first one let's focus on that until we get all our answers let's set a date for May let's ask Manny sorry um May for mental Thursday correct okay so ask him what Thursdays are convenient for him okay give us a couple options right so that by April meeting we can see what which one we can all join in and then the first one would just be strictly introducing the mental health task force and that should give us two months to figure out all this my plan is that we'll have Baptist for June with those free resources I think that would be amazing for people to know about want to make and sponsorship so she yes and then we can and then we we'll discuss we we'll see what the sponsorship how we deal with that but at least we'll have you down there temp temporarily for June um yes go ahead so um with this mental health Thursdays I don't know how it was back then I I'm going to guess that it's the same way um that it should be done now that it's the town handling everything on social media it's just the person speaking correct correct and and clarify that yeah it's not just going to be us taking over in like the social media no it's always going to be somebody from the town a council Town manager or whoever is going to be available to set us up and set whoever that up they do all the Talking initially and then the person just comes up and shares the resources okay so may what if I book you for May 2nd which is a Thursday and you guys come on there and that to like the open community and we just talk about this task force it could be anybody it doesn't only have to be YouTube right it could be anybody um it could be all of you and we can talk a little bit about what you're doing here and then maybe the we can start sometime after the second right so whether it's the nth or the the next whatever it is whenever he's available so that then you can say because by that time by May 2nd you'll know when the first one is going to be and then you can promote it through that as well you bapti has its own we have our own like we calendar and open programs we do have I mean we do have YouTube lives I don't know that I mean I would have to talk to our social media what platform would we be how be discussing in May second it's a zoom so we just will be in a zoom a webinar we go in there hi guys we're the manal home task force of miam Mi Lakes we just want to let you guys know that we're going to be starting mental health Thursdays through the city you can watch us live and our first one Sor town and you can watch us on the first one and we'll give the date that by then hopefully we already have set up fair enough um that whoever does attend yes you will be talking on just what the committee is about we are only going to be like yeah exactly not what we're doing just like what our goal is increase resources pretty much what our little saying is and we're here to tell you guys that we'll be having these lives start effective May blah blah blah and projects that's it yes we to vote on that because we cannot answer any more additional questions or anything like that because if it's not voted in this meeting we can't discuss it outside yes so no like future events or anything no but you could talk about like maybe some resources that are in this community I'm just send them to our website yeah it'll be back to our website we just kind of a little glimpse of like what our goals are what do we do which is already on the website you can find the resources on our website and we're just here to let you know that we'll be doing these lives effective May blah blah blah and that's it so that's all we you know we'll vote on that that that is what we'll say at that on May 7 okay what time is the lives normally it will be up to the Des they were usually before like 10 11 a.m. unless something was going on whatever many usually would do it during that time many or me okay so here we go Motion do we plan to sorry do we plan to have you ask one of us meet with men you see how you want to do it to find out the details no man said to go through her no no I hope but to sit with him and meet with him or like every question to you and then you so I mean I'll start it if and then if he wants to reach out to us but it should be talk to me and like that's what he told me that day he's like reach out to so we ready I'm gonna start correct me if I'm wrong got you all right so I'm G to do the first part so motion to start the process of contacting mayor manison so we can start our mental health Thursdays effective May 2024 um and and that's it that's GNA be the first motion that's the first motion you second the motion all in favor I perfect so first motion so we got this second motion I'm sorry making the full there and I'll share it with all of you iiz me when you're ready okay second motion is that mental health task force members will participate in the May 2nd Baptist Zoom meeting and we will uh share about mental health task force resources what we do and we will let them know that we will be starting the mental health Thursdays effective may I think that's it no it's okay Mental Health members participate in Baptist Zoom meeting May 2nd I second that but we have to we have to vote on the detail that we're going to speak on no wait for what for the them on the website and you guys like are here in the community there so put all that yeah exposion should always only have one should we bring our flyer like or share the flyer with them so they like a little one that we made okay yeah so I second that [Music] motion okay good job on it why are you Shing it more what if you can't you have a QR code that'll help all right so we thought we're good right wonderful tablecloth t-shirts the tablecloth I have not we need to get another can you help me with that what do you need can you reach out to tic to see what they put us on three vend not monopolize just to people I already out to one who spey and they gave you a quote of almost $500 so clearly was I know so I have that qu but if you can get you want me to get someone else to be so we can get three at least um you can find five if you want to I just want to get the cheapest one we only have like 120 bucks anyways worth our fun $122 right now make it myself yeah but that was ridiculous $400 I'm not going to cover it like it was like it was crazy um and then it's t-shirt we we'll we'll defer that for the next one when Gary's here funding is For That t-shirt super cheap too yeah we just need Gary's money she said he had the funds so we just need and he submitted it already I'm sorry yes so we're just Wai sub once we have the funds there then we can actually figure out what the vendor I do have a vendor for the t- uh well they're not t-shirts they're polo shirts okay like the town like the one that everybody has right the black on we do have to stick to them you can provide other vendors no the the PO we probably do right I think just stand yeah all right perfect so we're good with that thank you I don't need to make any motions on any of that that's all just we're just waiting for the cost yeah we're just waiting for the money for them to put the money and and get that all right no we're waiting for the cost on the tablecloth that I'm going to get the cost sorry so the motion waiting for the information to place the order got it okay so that's ready to go we're waiting for the fund or whatever for the Shir y do I need to put ation no no no just follow I'm not using any M website I still haven't sent our resources pendy I'm gonna call myself out guys I forgot no I think you sent yours we took over we haven't done it yet what we get I have no no um and then the worksheet yay so if you can look at the very last page of the agenda I will try to get through it but if you have any corrections or improvements improvements to be made please let me know I brought my laptop today so that we can get this working improved a little bit faster so this mental health worksheet is provided by the M mental health task force as a self assessment tool to Aid in evaluating your mental mental wellbeing while some members of our task force are licensed selfcare providers this worksheet is not a replacement for professional medical advice diagnosis or treatment we encourage individuals to use this worksheet as a starting point for self-reflection but is essential to recognize its limitations it does not establish a client therapist relationship and the insights gained from completing it should not substitute for personalized care from qualified Mental Health Professions if you rated your mental health as poor 1 to three in question one or if you find yourself facing numerous challenges or stressors in question two we strongly advise seeking support from licensed therapists counselor psychologists or psychiatrists remember your mental health is important and seeking help is a proactive step towards well-being in question four good job okay in question for if you answer no regarding access to adequate mental health support and resources please visit our website for a list of local resources and Support options additionally in the me in a case of a mental health emergency individuals canile 988 for the suicide press hotline for immediate assistance the Miami Lakes Mental Health task force and the City of Miami Lakes bear no responsibility for any decisions or actions taken because of using this worksheet by utilizing this resource you can agree you agree to hold armless the task force its members and the city government from any liability or Consequences prioritizing rental health is crucial and seeking professional assistance is a proactive step towards well-being if you are a in crisis or experiencing thoughts of self har or suicide please contact emergency services immediately or reach out to trusted individual for support please use this worksheet with and self awareness knowing that support is available and you are not alone in your journey towards mental Wellness um visit our website for additional resources and Support options I love it really good yeah yeah I like that whole little me to um I think um anything you might wantan to yeah when we make the whole thing a like or scale then we make every question a like or scale you know like uh the one 10 type situation and then they upload it into the website right because they do the little well so um it was just going to be like a downloadable yeah got it got it okay so I think it'll it'll be nice if it was like a one of these where you add the numbers up and if you're at a certain number an actual assessment yes okay so you know more you know lier scale is a thing from one Z to 10 [Music] no and so if you make it where you know what what is your what do you consider your Express level right you know 0 to 10 and then they kind of have you know number all um and what activities do you follow that are helpful managing whatever you could say that's the thing when they write something down it's hard for me as workship Creator to say like I can't say like oh if you have problems with your children rate it give yourself two points like these are things that are going on in people's lives yeah no that's why they're going to do it to themselves they're going to give themselves to well that's number one essentially that's it number one is the only actual number they're going to to put down um I don't know if there's any other questions you would yeah you know what would what would you consider your stress level right now Z to 10 okay and then kind of like number one that like with more question more more more granularity you know what's your mental health I think it's that's that's too broad of a question you know in my point of view you know you should maybe go to more granularity what do you consider um you know your your stress level um so you want this to be two pages essentially but but it'll be I I think this I'm not sure what the fill in the blank's going to add you know can print it out and they can fill it out and stuff like that but knowing this um essentially that's what in my opinion that's what helps people in general not necessarily A score but once they start writing every single one of their problems down they're going to see it from another person's perspective it's not going to be on paper it's not no longer scrolling in their head and I've seen that time and time again helping people out like they can see all their problems instead of just um having a tangent well I think what's the goal of this writing therapy writing therapy has been shown to help numerous people with their mental health so this goes writing therapy it's not to give an assessment to see whether or not that nobody's grabbing it and looking at it I don't think true even if they send it to you I mean I don't think you can and you're not allowed to give it to one of us the only thing I would say is make sure that disclaimer we need to run disclaimer by the legal council they may not be yes so um that's what I was going to say so you all appointed it and then I have to give it to staff to approve yeah because especially with like the whole discl um and then if they come back with comments do I come back with my laptop and fix the comments you can okay yeah depending on what it is their feedback it say like okay um change the wording of the disclaimer or something or the question okay I really don't know what yeah they could their correction so I can do it or are you going to tell me during the meeting the next meeting so I think like you all already approved it right so if they come back and say delete uh parag three that's say yeah um are you going to tell me the meeting or or can you email me so I can already no it has to be in the meeting it hasn't been in the sunshine okay because we're making changes saying that's an Ascension low what's the it was sunsh because I'm Florida I was like so everybody can see us but that how about that dark place we must never go there um okay so in the next meeting I'll bring my laptop again take the feedback and ass it's done by if it's approved then I'll just send you all an email letting you know that it was approved and it was added onto the website oh okay if there are fixes we'll talk about it we'll talk we'll talk about it you'll see in the agenda approved the updated one now my question is does it have to go back to Leo one more time with the fix because they already giving you the feedback that they want shouldn't have to yeah yeah unless you go and change it again okay follow the direction unless they are just not clear they just say we don't like the first question change it but they don't explain how to change it or something that it's a lot of can you be a little bit more specific with them can you say tell you nobody tell you said they could be vague they shouldn't they probably won't proba to cover my okay okay all right motion to forward to uh town to review and approve second all in [Music] favor oh my L okay new business we're almost there4 no we're not we're so no we're not we're 10:30 um May event okay the resource fair I think we finally have a farmers market contracted we do I don't know do we what happened there something we have something I found out that it was cancel this weekend so there is someone I do not have their contact all right can can we get their contact information please because that's the thing I'm hoping it's the same person we used to have they were very helpful but I don't know that was the biggest problem we couldn't moved forward because they had renegotiate the whole plers Market thing yeah and so there was nobody to talk to there was nobody to contact there was nothing we could do what fin happens with the pair with the with this um Market everybody's asking about it on the group yeah it's it's they finally have they finally have a new contract and they couldn't approve it they couldn't they couldn't do it last week because of the rain so hopefully they'll have it this Saturday but we don't know I don't know who it is I don't know who that farmers market people is the new people oh there's new people it could be new people could be the same people we don't know so we got to figure that out loation so at that time that's I put location TBA and then when that finalized then we'll figure out yeah just once you get the information just email so I can contact do we still plan to go that day are we still to go table I say we go no no I mean I think it's a good idea let's put you know let's plan for that you know I me really we only need a tent two chairs one table again right the farmers might yes according to but I'm saying if we can't because there're still there's no time no whatever we still go we could go we could I go any want this approv we got yeah wondering if not that we would have problem we didn't have we didn't have a forum we didn't have a captured audience that was a problem so I think we're approved so let we're having a table there when I take my table from oh we have a table no no no so in the book yeah so yeah also and we did didn't we do in the last meeting request for table tent and two chairs yes but there was no location yeah okay so mother with or without you all right so angels of sat is that the that's right that's our gang realize that you know why it was I was in a room with men and they catch that only a mom would know who this that do you want to change the DAT no I don't care I love that I'll take her it's a Saturday before Mother's Day but who cares I mean you can't I'm just asking I all right you can't multitask yeah I do it all the time how do you think I get here every single month okay for we we needed for that event we needed banners and swag stuff to put out so we got bubbles bubbles Don need it so that's the May 11th event we're looking at you know you want to SP some banners you know and stuff like that or if you want to bring out no pressure no pressure uh let me let me take it back to the we're going to probably invite a bunch of different groups too so no that day we should definitely have that little fire you make with the resources yeah just at least a five we don't really need all this giveaways T by then you think yes all right then we have the table clo we'll have the Flyers we'll get some flyers from you guys and your resources bubbles we'll have some bubbles um we have passive rest no I'm super EXC about the Bubbles I'm grateful for the bubbles we'll have our our our mental health little worksheet worksheet right we'll have then hopefully we'll have Shirts by then clipboards maybe on it f what I need from you all um I need to order order um yeah so okay for do we email you I'll tell you right now why don't we put it in the chat and we just one email for her with everybody she to see them until Wednesday No No we're going toat now still here until 2:30 today oh it is Wednesday oh she's here okay you in heyting him like us yeah I'm a teacher I'm a teacher on spring break so me all right I'm not grounded so May 11th Farmers Market we have some stuff to be there yes we got some we got we're going to be there no matter now I remember last meeting he said we'll just pitch tent um do we have permission to set up there yeah I will Market to the town I mean the town had proved the contract I mean it's not RS it's Town wor case scenario we're just gonna walk in like you know Gabriella about if we have permission to ATT look we take everything in the car and be ready I'm a great believer I'm a great believer that you know R and stuff and something good for the community there's not going to be much push back we're just going to provide gonna happen we're just here it's nothing B any person can get tasered is so you mentioned funny guys did you guys hear that we have have your um tablecloth funding still there and you have you have $300 for shirts because we did Cal who gave us that so we just say thank you from America yeah oh I love nice did that we did thank you thank you better Gary all right any else that we need to discuss for me you have some stuff for just kind of little following UPS no okay perfect that's September September I have to say something about a potential event but we an announcement can if if I may um I want to go back a second I'm sorry um so we have on our website a mental health screening and it's has the ly scare it's the two depression questions the phq2 um the gad2 and then it also has the cage so two depression two anxiety and four on substance use and then at the end when the person looks they take it then they get they put in their email we don't keep the email just go straight to their email and at the end it's does have like General resources like the 988 so I don't know if you want to use that for something um it's not it doesn't go back to us it's like it's just a general nobody follows up on it but it's something that the person walks away with resources and it does have those Li skills that you're talking about from earlier I think the more so do you the more the better I yeah yeah me you could can you send us the link we can review it and thank you and then cuz we could resource to add to the my thing is like I don't want to be too complex and then the town is kind of like we're getting all these calls like I don't know so but I'm open to it but I will Sho yeah I will listen a many and 75 minut time I offered yeah motion for that for her to send us those to review or we can just we can just review next you and we're not approving or send you could um please send them to me okay um so I could give you my email but also put on the ton website so plus probably got to add it to the under the committe looking at theb the September event that what we're up to we have to blast September at the event because that's literally the of the song 21st night of September it's hilarious do you remember [Music] sep it's literally the DAT of the song right and Bubbles yes yes so how about we just kind of like talk about September after May so well we have reserved the park correct um so I already told staff I can't officially reserve it because we're too early okay but I mean it's on the calendar so that way no one we don't have conflict no one grabs it corre that's of reserving it officially why question so comp well that's the thing okay so if another about reserving the park for September that's three things I'm pretty sure I got the park reserved for the Su for the veterans for veterans committee I'm pretty sure I got if the veterans committee says hey we want to book veterans Corp September 21st like how would it's all booked we get it booked for December it's booked wait it's already done no he's saying like if you guys decide you want to do something whatever and you guys don't know that we want to do something the thing that's why we book it ahead of time how you December we can't I guess that's the question is I don't know I guess I'm they have a powerful committee chair is it preferential treatment because you're a committee and we I think the town loves veterans that's just my ual thing we've just never had an annual thing annual thing has been happening too just because you weren't aware of it so we will put a follow up on next meeting that hopefully we have a response that schedu yeah so let's make well let's make a motion to I make a motion formally book that date for the September suicide awareness we don't need it we already did that we're held did yeah it didn't let me in February it have to be closer to the end that's leadership you also needed to get permission yeah that's we have to wait for you know we do you know this you do Council and they do that they don't they don't talk they go and so I say on the record affirmative response by all council's members they're all shaking her head and they're like he's a lawyer he knows I'm do this negative response from M so and so shaking his head negative I'm like you know the record is not reflect you're shaking heads now I know location we got the date we got that's the big that's the big got sponsorship by bapst we're set no we're going to have a bunch of sponsors yeah so we got to put the word out now that we have a day an event so can we put together that sponsorship package now for the for the September walk okay making sure there's two events yeah um so I could definitely tell staff um so we can put that together yes um items that you would need the items that I put it in the yeah the the items that I mentioned in the committee report yeah and then for me we're just going to kind of weigh it because honestly it's just in two months and I think we have the you don't want a sponsorship package for me I just don't think we're going to have enough time to April our next meeting and then may there if we just have the tablecloth and some shirts I think we'll be fine yeah um so for September let's get all the yeah if you just need busy Flyers like we can that yeah F 50 fers motion for flowers for second flowers and some flowers too for she'd like for you to print some of those tulips are her favorite um T table chairs and 50 Flyers yes please and is there anything else I mean bubbles what else can you give us oh I mean I can place your order for your tablecloth in your shirts when the vendor ready yeah we'll give you the shirt sizes today so you can put it's um I'll double check again with our contct um for the shirts but it's in men sizes so just keep that in mind all right let put that um okay and so sponsorship we'll talk about that the next down the L workshop with the police department yeah everybody loved that one I got lots of kns for that one there we go what does that what does that mean what do you envision there so I spoke to officer Robin and he mentioned that he had tried to do this event with the elderly um committee however my beautiful elderly Community like to do their events very early on in the morning so they were having some conflicts with getting people to show up at 8 in the morning for this pretty much what the workshop would entail would be um for the Miami day Police Department to come in and kind of do like a little um informational workshop on all the great things that they're doing to train their department for mental health um and then I kind of threw in there there's the crisis the new crisis that took over banion um the mobile crisis and maybe having them come in as well correct and um to just kind of educate the community on what another resource that there is that there is and that the that the police department is getting trained and they're doing a lot of more trainings quarterly now and he was just telling me on all these great things that they're doing and a lot of us don't know what can we can we can we coordinate with the educational Advisory board for the town because yes Mario because it'll be good to have like School social workers show up to that that'd be great yes always I love that so we would just have to come up with a possible date for that Workshop um officer Robin mentioned that it would be uh ideal we could do it in the afternoon hours because it would have more people able to come after work in the community U as opposed to doing like an evening like like a 6:30 kind of thing people come in we here in the town right and this is um so partnering with what the police department is doing regarding like mental health yes all the trainings that they're getting you like any other committees to be yes special needs educ advis so I work with special needs so we can invite them all right well yes no but I mean if you would like to partner I think so education yeah I think it would be great for like he said social workers the comor like I don't I mean right and then we invite for everybody yeah who else I mean we should uh well you would like to invite of course all them but partner with we should partner with education and special needs they they actually in the last chair's meeting um the talent manager was really trying to get us all the partner and so this would be a good thing to partner with you know the perfect you know maybe uh W find out when the next EAB meeting is and next special needs speci need on Monday it's Monday 5:30 April 1st I can't what is it what is it I'm sorry Monday April 1st at 5:30 Monday yes I think I what time did you say 5:30 I think what are we doing you're you're going to present yeah to partner with us with this police right yeah I think that be so cool guys be think it would be nice this is going to be in September no so so possible times I just wanted to ask you guys what you know let's come up with some I think we should see well it's going to it's going to be something that has multiple committees so we should see if they want to partner and then we should probably create like a combined subcommittee you know where they say okay who's going to be your rep from EAB who's going to be your rep from Special Needs who's going to work with us okay so we can all work together and then they can pick a date they all that stuff definitely the time would have to be set though that it's in the evening time that's something that they really want to for sure what what um committee is this I'm going do special need sorry I'll email you no no I'm putting in my you can but education is April 22nd Monday April 22nd at 6m I could do that you can do one yeah and then so the ask that we want education Advisory Board is Monday April 22nd at 6 p.m. so besides telling them the ask that we're asking for is to have them pick somebody or somebody volunteer to be on the subcommittee to put this together that's and then once we have this together we can do it every year you know oh make it like a thing yeah make it like a thing like it and then we can you know we can expand it to different we City expand it all around can we come up with a quick name on the workshop just so that when we're presenting it we have some name for it or something I say that'll be the first thing that a subcommittee figures out yeah the workshop for the police department I think they already had a name for it through the elderly if I'm not mistaken but I don't know I don't remember do you know it's a good thing perfect so what's the motion on that oh the motion is that we send a representative to the uh educational Advisory board meeting on on April 22nd oh anybody wants a second and the special needs special needs Advisory board on April 1st I'll second it all in favor [Music] I a question what well somebody says nay yeah we just not it I'm just wondering that we just noted unless it's like some names and four say well you have six well yes so four say no and two say yeah yeah so the motion fails yeah okay what if it's a tie you want to try [Music] out fails oh okay okay TI fails majority wins right yes yeah okay and if no one seconds the mo it dies yeah that I got that part as well um now as chair how do you feel about a motion being passed 5 three or four three whatever do you you said we discuss it like well I think we always do I don't think we've ever come to that if somebody's not we always hypotheticals that's why I'm asking yeah that's what T have been happen because we've come in disagreement various times here and we just continue discussing discussing until we kind of just personally democracy there's no personal that we're not going to like we're going to like oh my God ride to the death um we disagreed a we disagreed a lot like there was like there's two schools of that right right we compromise comprom for the question absolutely um design items the stress balls and all that stuff which would tie in with we want to get the sponsorships so just to kind of confirm what we would want on on all everything right just our logo and that's it on the stress balls on the water bottles stickers so just your logo the mental health Task Force logo yes that's what I me yeah I mean if but if we got a sponsorship they'll probably want their logo on it like someone donated a bunch so do we have to put like a motion on that that we would how we would design it or I think that's just part of the sponsorship yeah I would need that as part of perfect because you don't know who will be sponsoring perfect very cool anything else so we have the stress like I I you we have the bubbles May Affairs V committee part yes do you want to leave the rest for a secet time yeah I think so can we I'll make a motion to defer that item to the next second are no come on man that's some just K guys we here finish off you you appr approve you didn't say is he in he's not in yet he's not our M how um how do we get him to he just he already got assigned right he has to be appointed who's who is your they didn't tell me who they someone was available out someone okay so meeting so the council member that has an availability would have to say Okay so I have like these many people appi and like I select this person and then they just like say at the meeting okay well like I have an appointment to this committee and then you have to be Sor in okay I told have competition off the Record so okay so announcements you said you had something you wanted to add for next oh yeah so really quick potentially there's something that might be going on in June that um not potentially it's going to happen but I don't know details of it yet but it's going to be a masquerade B so for us to something happening something a m June 21st there's a day 21st okay 21st correct yeah I know I know but it is what it is and my anniversary is next so good the you can take your that day huh you can take your that thing double party um and yeah with the chamber I don't have all the details yet but I am part of it what would be the mental health task force to we're going to do it with um arth Florida and then I don't know it's a sponsor two other companies that will do something my def not really but like autism and something else okay so it's in the R so we want to go I don't know pric I don't know anything but just I'll give you more info but it free you got a hook up at the chamber we could do that on the record but I can't have my logo that's not need I think you can't have your logo you're a sponsor you're paying for you how can that be a how is that a private game when you're paying somebody all right so that's awesome so we'll put motion toour um I was in the middle what our Tom a reminder April 24th is your next meeting there's a time change 9 to 10 correct subcommittee 10 to 11 subcommittee you don't need Forum 9 to 10 actually it's a special call so you do need for I think we did agree that it was going to be to me cor because he wanted to be able to vote okay and that's up committees for September well 9 a. next mon or you may may want to show up for Theos of her name next to her name I will make the thank you and did they ever update the words yes they did can yes nothing I'll let you guys resour I don't have a lot to do today don't remember literally just copy adults and adults said that and I always forget give me a please look how beautiful that nose use that way meeting on the you have no idea I go the president's call me we had a whole meeting on I don't know what they are okay okay okay so we're gonna have on there oh God that's embarass who's that that oh my name's not up there yet you are not I will make not you can delete mine is resilience that would be the first one okay 30 minut good perfect so much better about that myemail right on the bottom okay oh that's nice what is that is nice I like use perseverance we can't be on that's good too motion to a jury so do you have 10 one more or two more chair two more chairs available or' I think it's just one more because he's already in there right and then he is he's just not on on the website and then it would be him which I'm just manifesting because you know and then that's it right but we have room for more that's it do okay yeah that's it follow up no but we were we were motion the motion has been seconded uh all in favor yeah 1056 I miss