we're all set okay calling meeting order have a roll call hey Ruben Aris Sam pres Angel de [Music] Forte said she wasn't correct Marcelo presen [Music] okay we have no public comments and so we can go to Old business ybody you have anything for the old [Music] business um are we Bard in a late condition yeah ours is perfect also yeah ex excellent is the word I used to it's really really good really really good yeah you know I haven't seen him going around but perfect so I think I caught him once saw from a distance but I wasn't there to watch the whole process yeah I saw him one I sent you guys pictures yeah I don't know yeah so I'm semi retired now so I'm Fridays and Mondays that's perfect okay um they're they're going uh very regularly um um every other Friday around the same time around morning time 89 10ish uh they're out there so um on both Leakes I had heard that uh Lake L lman is it once they get into a taxing district um they have no access to the lake and that's where their issues I don't know if there's anything we could do to help them out lman yeah where Lo lman is there's a Lake in on the west side yeah yeah is that connected to the canal like to the lake no they're kind of land the governor used to have a house on the lake there was a person there that was given them access but now they sold the house and the new people so they're and they want to join the taxing district so I don't know if you've gotten any feedback from that at all I haven't heard that at all uh lock lman is already a special tax in District for uh for security barain okay so there's no issue them jumping onto the I'd have to look into it I'm not I'm not really familiar if they have to go through the whole process just say wouldn't they have to go because they have to vote everybody has to agree they gota add yeah so they have to go through the whole yeah so it's not really much that uh we could do we could guide you know on our end the to can guide them how to go about it if that's if that's what they want to do um but they would have to go through the same voting process that they did uh the first time yeah that's going to be coming up and we'll walking some on board yeah um um I just want to say on that also last time we brought up the M fly control and we said it was not part of our contract but um we would have to vote on it because we didn't have I guess Forum last time or something like that um so the Mitch fly in the summer and I know for Ruben and myself and I don't know about you guys it is you literally cannot walk outside I could not walk outside most of the summer is that like the theat type those white gats yeah swarming like at Dusk and Dawn I mean literally you couldn't you couldn't walk CU you couldn't open your mouth to breathe because it just consum you I'm surprised you guys don't have it is that something because of the lake the lake well it's supposedly from the lake but I don't know what's changed I know there used to be a little bit of it in the past it was like whatever come and go but this past year was beyond anything I've ever seen a few times in my in the lights you could just see like a blanket I've seen an increase of mosquitoes in my backyard maybe we can make a call to the uh guy that treats the lake and see if there's anything that somebody add to the it would have to be something that we have that cont they have the ability to do so to treat for those things like you check with him see if there is something or we have to do it or uh the first thing is uh you would have to make a motion to vote on going about the process of inquiring to see the the cost of it and everything and then after that once we have that information then we can go ahead and you want to make motion I would like to make a motion to explore the possibility they could treat it or and those cost would be associated with that I second theem [Music] motion and you're just to be clear you're only referring to m control or you also referring to mosquitoes most well if it can do both why not I think if you did one you probably yeah and we can find that out too from maybe one will take care of both second that one too yeah might be a certain time that mosquito will ought be does the city have any type of mosquito control uh as far as I know for I think back in back in the days they used to drive arounds remember with with a smoker I then you got to call the county when it's B out a couple Neighbors from then they'll come I can look into it for sure I could double check on that what was the mosquito call that made people deathly de years ago years ago yeah that got going the N something like that oh for future uh considerations uh we really need to start thinking about uh I'd like to start thinking about it as some kind of Iration for the Lakes um yeah we I think the Lake Martha areation would I I would think it be better than just the Jets underneath the water I think that watered went up in the air and you know hitting the air and so forth would be better than just circulating the water well and I think it's going to be cheaper it's cheap but I remember when the but we'll go ahead I think you were gonna yeah so follow so I thought I uh after our previous meeting uh you had asked for quotes on um the um the a also a fountain right and uh a fish St right um I got an ation quote for both links uh we're looking at at for Lake Patricia we're looking at 24, 266 say that again please 24, $266 what what does that include that is aerator right yeah it's a Vertex irration includes installation and the large lake system 33he uh so that would be is that underground underneath yes yeah because okay that's the circulation then that's not the air eater that's that's the pumps underneath yes that's everything right that's the two systems that the the guy from the lake treatment one was water circulated it was pumps that would circulate the water and the other one is like a fountain shoots the water up no it's not a fountain it's the it's the the first one you said circula in the water yeah well he he had said both times when we were on the phone with him that he really didn't feel that the aration one really did much on top but he did feel that the one underneath was more effective you know how that biodynamics and so forth work was kind of why we went to trying to get this you know an idea of what that would cost so I just gave you the quote for Lake Patricia I'm going to give you the quote for Lake hild now Lake Hilda is 28,0 378 again please 28,00 378 now the big question uh have you done numbers to see what they would cost per year per house household I have not I have not um I can definitely do that and information has what 105 yeah so 105 28 we are going to have a sooner meeting in in May because we're going to start getting towards budget season so uh we're going to have two upcoming meetings in May so um I can have those ready for you by that yes I'm just excuse me angel are you the 105 is that Lakefront residence yeah yeah okay that's uh people that particip yeah 72 and half 105 Lake Front res and uh just to uh finish up on on the quotes 70 to 71 for household for ours to finish up on the quotes uh I asked him for a quote on fountains as well and he Steve told me that it would not be a good idea since it's a P public um it's a it's a a lake that you could go into the water um it would not be a good idea having the electricity of the fountain so he he he said it it would be a noo on those two Ls um I don't know I'm just I see Lake Martha and and I'm what I'm thinking about it's like if you're out in a rural community you have sulfur water that's how they get the sulfur out of it by ating it so basically we're just getting bacteria out which I think would be about the same but it's so pleasing and looking and I think what add to the value of the homes and just have maybe a little trickle of water moving that you can't really see I think it'd be a better investment meaning aesthetically because you would see aesthetically and I think it would work well this is good I mean I I think we need to really look at the effectiveness really what's the true Effectiveness by studies right right factual stuff if somebody they could even be solar power you know and even with a pool uh you have electricity right there but it's got a uh uh what do you call it a uh a breaker that goes off uh ground but the pool is converted to low voltage B yeah it's 24 volt or 28 whatever but uh the these uh pumps and stuff could be the same or if it was 110 or whatever it's you know we can get the power from the parks there's always power at all the parks so you could run your power from there the other system you still got to have power yeah yeah the aviators have to have power yeah both of them yeah I mean to me I think the first thing is really knowing what's the most effective but even if the other one was half that so I I would chime in Patrice that those would be my concerns uh in my time looking at these issues I have not found them to be compelling either or either correct I'm going to read exactly what he said we do not recommend Fountain due to these are recreational links and electrical issues could be an issue with swimmers and I would assume that would also be an issue for the fish as well but how do you power the aviators it's underground so it wouldn't it wouldn't there's a cable feeding it someplace though yeah the power's got it come from he's the expert right because he said that us about ju true yeah he you know when he was here he told us that the U circulation was the better one but uh how much more efficient I don't know right right but uh you know like like I say and the reason is we got a plan for in the future like with hild this 271 for household we budget for three years to do this let's say was you know we all agreed or whatever how long can we spread it out or can we do you finance how do you do it you know how do you go about uh getting the funds because I don't think hitting homeowner for 271 at one time you would get a lot of feedback right away saying no but was done over a couple years you know well and we still don't know ongoing maintenance and operational costes right and who's going to cover the electricity cost correct correct those are the operational costs that well the other thing is the new procedure in any capital I don't know if you call it capital you told us the Improvement anything over like $5 now you got to get 100% of everybody's decision to approve it right whatever that I don't know if they finalized the process they have not yet finalized the process of how the voting will take and the other thing to find out is would the town uh Put It Forward get it going and then we pay the town from our collection you know where they finance it basically you know you know let's say we're collecting 130 when bump it up to 150 and that extra money goes to pay off the debt of the system you know could that be something that could be done with the town we have to be something that you guys would uh petition for would petition for I'd have to look into it if that's yeah these are all these questions that we need to really how far along the is in the process that you mentioned they're working on right now the focus uh as far as I am know is the focus is getting that seat filed there's an open seat right and they need to fill it and then once right so once that's filled okay uh they'll be able to U Better vote on on things like that got you okay [Music] is there anything else that we should be looking at for the future we well we had written last time about Distributing the one mail outlier um with with all the meeting dates and this was less in the budget if changes required could have enough in the budget to send out additional notifications um you remember that that distribution one mail out flyer with all the meetings I think you suggested that like just doing the one instead of one every time since we had to set dates yeah that would be uh my suggestion is we could do it uh once a year right around the same time as budget season anyways um and send out one mail out a year once we have the set schedule the fix dates for all our meetings up until the next year well I saw our meeting posted on the Miami Lakers so it's posted everywhere it's posted on the Lakers it's posted on social media on our website as well and uh and yeah we have it posted in in all that can um so the other thing we had put there was we weren't going to set that schedule until after July 11th for the next fiscal year right right um and we were requesting for the meeting to be at 6: PM correct the other thing we um the articles that Sam had submitted to the town clerk no response was received we're going to follow up and find out if I followed up and still no response that was on the uh the uh property rights uh I'm not sure if that that that issue being referred to here was the repairi in rights yeah remember you submitted some articles memor it's not clear on I'm sure I have it someplace yeah because that a lot to do with with trespassing they had to do with um certain animal yeah it was about the barri oh that's what it was exactly the movi duck M duck from the part of Department of whatever that oversees that yeah exactly uh it had to do with eradicating them and um I can understand they most politicians don't want to respond to those kind of issues but if we put it in front of their face I think we deserve some kind of response and that's not coming from just us that's the State of Florida I've only seen two ducks on our side I've seen multiple and multiple geese geese I hav't seen Gees Oh you mean the Egyptian the loud ones I haven't seen many of those lately it's funny you say that but I have definitely seen them discoveries the other question that you had [Music] was um let see that's what I the three things I had oh I remember the well I guess we're going to talk about it it's it's uh it's on the uh agenda we'll get to it later the barers the what the barriers yeah yeah you do you want to talk about that now no that's the next after fish time we kind of jump well I guess yeah those are future considerations okay uh on the future considerations do we want to because we're going to be coming up on budget do we want to try to bump our our fees up five $10 to be to have a backup hitting for bu to start building it yeah building on do we know what the backup is now we have any idea I would prefer to know that at the same time yeah but I'm saying it's going to come up on the budget so something to start thinking about that you know do we want to go there like in May we're well already you said the budget starts in May but yeah my suggestion would be to uh table this for to add to the agenda for the main meeting when we start discussing the budget we could that could be part of a new business for okay and at that time we'll know what the budget is and how much uh Surplus we have correct okay I'll be sure to uh if it's not added by by Ruben I'll go ahead and add it to the agenda for next week the any other future considerations okay if not then we'll go to fish stocking where are we that with that so fish stocking they have been ordered um they are uh growing them now and they should be uh being ready to be uh stocked sometime this month um I'm gonna confirm I haven't received a a final date yet uh official date but uh we are expected to have them some and they'll give you plenty of lead time where we can go and and see it yeah I I'll make sure that uh you know it'll be sometime in the next three weeks I'll ask them to give me defintive date so I can let you know at least a week in advance is what I'm going to ask for yeah and and it'd be nice if we could get something filmed so we could put it on on the town site saying hey this is what we're doing this is where your money's going and so forth video very good idea and so we are stocking for not only this year but the previous year that wasn't stock yeah so okay two two years worth of of so yeah on Monday or Friday will be good for me Friday I'll be sure to ask specifically Monday or Friday any more discussion on that and we'll go to barriers me add one thing have we ever talked about how to follow up on the fish stocking to see how effective that is been any discussion about that I asked because in the past we've done some fish stocking and all the fish get eaten and it's not good use of money when that's the result so put ups on the there we go tag them tag them no uh I don't know that's the issue how how do you monitor that I think part of that was the size of the fish also the fact that peacock bass populate Our Lake who will eat [Music] everything so some considerations in the [Music] future but finding out in the future their survival exp their survival rate all right so I a question question why are we stocking the lake if we don't allow fishing on the lake um I don't know it's I think it's part of the ecosystem to keep the weeds down that's like we put in the car one time and I mean they get out they're sterile I think they last three four years or something and then they die and they eat like twice their body yeah yeah they're like big jewfish help me understand the issue about fishing I don't know I see illegal fishing on the thing and well well one of them is by the school the elementary school the pay center we got signs up well people fish right next to the sign it doesn't do anything and it's it it'd be different if they would catch a fish and release them but sometimes they take them home they them their l or what they're taking out mature fish you know I've been out there I've kicked some people out listen I don't mind if they take picks out out of our I'm just saying but yeah they're very aggressive towards other fish well should we putting should we be putting in some type of fish that helps control the peacock you gonna put shars put [Laughter] shs I don't think anything well maybe maybe we do I got it a fundraiser to see how many PE got fish you can catch yeah and then the money will get used to restock or do something else that you're enourage fishing on your leg I know it's controlled snakes in the ARs yeah right yeah okay okay let's go to the barriers along the resident Shoreline we still having issues with that has that been removed no they have not and uh I did not I chose not to carry through with fing the neighbors for a couple of reasons one is um I wanted to get something from Solitude that stated something about the quality of the lake they're no longer necessary that Al's under control put it in their face it's not just me telling you this but the people we hire to maintain the lake anding it up or telling you that you no longer need these things I didn't have that so I felt a little uncomfortable going to talk to them without that didn't we inquire about code enforcement but yes John John did through the attorney and it is an illegal um item on the lod3 The Code Enforcement people can go issue a citation now then we need code enforcement to enforce the so I followed up on on that after our last meeting and uh essentially as of 2020 my screen here like sorry was as of uh 2021 Florida law now requires us to obtain the full name and address of the person submitting the complaint in order to initiate in an investigation right so that's what code enforcement would need so as a board you'd have to select someone to be the the person to go ahead and the Fall Guy yeah the Fall Guy if you will uh additionally uh we they need to know if the areas are visible from a public right of way and I don't believe they are from the locations that I saw uh they cannot uh from the beach the I John I don't think that that's a correct Citation for code enforcement to act based solely on a complaint it I don't believe this accurate if it's something that code enforcement in the course of driving through the community observes then it's their job to enforce the code for example if houses are painted a color that is not permitted I don't think you need a a complaint to do that if code enforcement is driving around says saying your house is pink and we don't allow Pink Houses so change it um so I'm not sure that that citation I while it is correct and my wife has recently found this out that to complain about a neighbor is garbage is is mess the neighborhood that kind of complaint does have to comply with what you just said but I don't believe code enforcement needs to have a complaint in order order to act on its responsibilities and I believe its responsibilities are to support the code um I will go back and follow up with the director um okay of building um that uh I I'm not sure so and can not come from the committee even though the committee kind of oversees or whatever or gives Direction maybe or whatever having said that uh if if uh if it is in fact correct that they do need a complaint and has to come from being do you want to prepare for that moment or do you want me to come back to you and in May once we've uh heard back yeah I think one you hear back from it would be appropriate and then uh either I'll walk the flank and then do the deed or someone else will volunteer but I think that that's appropriate that's part of our responsibilities here we draw through us or if I just step forward then that's the way it should be you're are Jack Sparrow there you go there you go remember me always so the committee cannot start it my understanding is it has to be an individual one individual [Music] but again I'm going to follow up and and yeah I mean I agree with Sam that's what code enforcement is there to do their job why would someone have to go forward Mak sense to me we need certain certain person in the from the past to go around the lake there there were more than one the beautification committee yeah I was going to just say John for your reference for those of us who've lived in Miami legs for a long period of time code enforcement has always had an ability to go around and site people for violations of the code and that was how they operated and how myam lik maintained it's the beautification it's yeah that's right and code enforcement I know has to look at Aerials and it's it shows up in the aerial so it's not like they have to go on somebody's backyard yeah so you know they can go on Google Map and see it I will I will uh I'll follow up tomorrow on that and if I if I get an answer about that they can you know move forward um here here's a point also although the state has made this a requirement of the complaint I don't know legally because I'm not an attorney what potential re of course the person that I'm complaining about might have to come back to me you made a false complaint I'm going to sue you right those kind of issues the government doesn't always think smartly through some things and that's the kind of thing that I would think of if you say something about a neighbor you run a risk that you're going to piss off your neighbor and they're going to hate your guts and do something to retribution oh and you don't want to have that uncomfortable yeah intention get all my neighbors like I'm happy with all my neighbors yeah that's the way it should be but but to your point today what do you do when you're looking for property me total Google Map aiel I want to see who's next to me I want to see what it looks like I want to see where my fence goes I want to see when I'm looking at property right so anybody can be looking at Google Map now and see these barriers oh God you know look at the taxes they look at your house oh hey you had it shed less tax that's what they're doing they using aerial photography you can kind of Encompass yeah it as broadly as you can yeah absolutely okay have you talked to your neighbors before um what the r no no well wasn't it that he said that once the light cleared up he was going to take it down uh I believe that was part of the commentary but I don't think it what I thought we had no no heard from them a year ago I guess whatever has okay so we'll wait to hear back on that [Music] and B U Capital Improvements I think we hit that but 21 that was there's anything else [Music] that our Capital Improvements I mean we discussed it at length yeah you know we're we're waiting until that's what I'm saying unless there's something else that yeah no um until we hear back from Council movement on that on that side um then our next item would be the schedule the dates and times for our next meeting right yeah so uh we should have two meetings in May um to vote on the budget so um uh we could set it up similarly to uh this one we could have it on the the eth no it wouldn't be the E it would be the the first the the second Monday of uh May which would be the 13th and then uh on that date once we have two weeks two weeks later that's Memorial we well yeah Memorial Weekend yeah so the weekend is what the 27 yeah back up the 13th we do it earlier why do we do it the sixth and the 20th yeah that makes more sense makes so let's do it tentatively uh I mean you guys both vote on it but uh tentatively May 6 and May May 20th and I'll confirm once I've seen the other various schedules that are out there with the other committees and all that and just do the best you can on the time yeah I'll start at [Music] 11m is everybody okay with yeah we'll go to 6 you can do it at 8 o'clock in the morning I'm I'm off I'm on you bring the Cofe yeah so May 6 and 20 and you would prefer uh you would prefer 6: p.m. prefer yes whatever said yeah 6m I will do my best to accommodate 6: PM for those two days but on those days if you have another meeting we won't be able to stream correct like today so we were able to stream yeah but they were done no we it wasn't going to be an issue they they they so our our meeting was already scheduled long ago all right which is the benefit of having it scheduled so so far Advanced uh that meeting came up last minute and they they were able to uh use a different platform Alo this this is uh more important than the mayor's talk I wouldn't I would say they we're up there yeah we're up there um moving on 6 and the 20th will be our T our standard 7:30 time right well I'm sorry the 6 May 6 and 20th would be our regular time well after these two meetings right then we're going to start a new cyle I think uh we have a meeting in June or July that's our last setup meeting so after that July meeting we'll start a new cycle and we as we discuss uh we're going to do the switch so you guys will start at 6 uh the following following are there any special requirements at those meetings for attendance just a quum is yes AUM is sufficient okay well they're going to be the budget meeting right the beginning me so yeah I would I would recommend if that's why we're just testing to get try to get a a good idea um for everyone to be on the same page to make it I know the town had the the signage on one fight4 on the other side of the palto is there any way we could get something like that on this side saying hey this meeting's coming up or whatever on 67 where people see it I mean yeah Miami Laker is nice and all that but uh it really when you see it visually you're going down the road I mean I don't know how big of a deal that is if we could uh put it like in front of Main Street or something for two or three days or something for meetings yeah or whatever uh or even on the the the park up there on that sign on the park saying hey leg meeting that you know you mean for for publ public for everybody to see it so we can get some participation from Neighbors and stuff you know get some input might be bad might be good I can certainly uh pitch the I mean we do have community centers throughout we have the youth center we have uh Mary Collins and we have Roy uh Robert Alo Community Center as well as Town Hall so do they have signage maybe if we did put signage on on all of them I'm talking about is if if you did it I think that would make more sense instead of just having the part of Main Street did it in all the that way Lo throughout the town right yeah that would make basically it it almost has to be this area because this is where the lakes are involved yeah now you know if you get other lakes on the other side involved then yeah we do it all over well I think it would be more uh a target audience would be here on this side for for for here but you would have to look at a broader you know you'd want to use it for all the communties You' want to oh yeah yeah the all uh special taxing districts and and and stuff so uh all me all meetings in general so if we were able to spread it out through all the community centers right sign as you drive by yeah that could work it doesn't have to be fancy just I'll pitch it all they can say is no hopefully they'll hit a home run okay Marlin's could use Fe right yeah they're struggling they sure they played today I believe their first home game oh yeah I don't know I believe they did I don't know how how they faed though any U any more in new business or Hurrican baseball is struggling too and my next door neighbor he's one of the coaches for um baseball really okay yeah okay you know where Alex lives yes in between us it's the um uh Jonathan Anderson he's a coach for you well he's married to Alex's uh sister uh wife so he bought the house for [Music] 825 any anything else under new business if not somebody call read yeah motion to adjourn adjourn second motion third all in favor I time is 8:19 I wasn't too well we don't have R him he's I like him you na