e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e call uh you start now go ahead call the meeting order 616 myself Patrick con president and Eugene o Cho unfortunately not a quum to me we do not have Quorum that is correct no we'll bypass everything and just skip right down to well I guess is he public comment or is he a a business report he would do the business report he's okay so then old business you can uh just just to State for the we can uh go over the go over things we just can't can't vote for anything right hello hello welcome oh boy yeah is it the weather or probably we have everybody they were coming but you know one of us have a public comment until we start discussing things so we'll just and we're fine with the flow of the done there so John you want to report uh just on the budget what's the latest if there was any for changes or uh uh the non tax was approved okay uh by the council um the budget is still going to be decided uh within the next couple Council meetings uh so there there still could be changes um but the the the non Act is set on that yeah um other than that I don't really have anything as far as status for you status qu yeah okay appreciate that thanks all right the next thing I had was uh awning awnings I sent you over the um see if I can share my screen real quick I sent you got you all over the quotes yes [Music] there we go so here was one of the uh quotes that was provided I know that you guys have had a chance to see them uh this was uh the total for all the guard houses and yours in particular would be this one right here I believe um I'm sorry it would be this one was one was uh 2,800 was the price that you were looking at so you would get two right one on the side and one in the front correct so this was uh one of the quotes was 2,800 I believe I have a picture for that as well uh well this is the structure of that one uh this is the picture I think here we go so that is the look of uh what it would look like if he went with it um as you could see it would not be over the street so it would not affect uh if a truck came through I mean an Eric truck could hit it but Eric truck could hit the the house right so yeah this would provide a little bit of shade for the guard yeah uh enough shade for the guard I would say um what it would really do is when it rains it would still allow the guard to to be able to functionally come outside and and take the tag uh without getting ringd on uh is the biggest uh thing that it would help um but it isn't it's not a large enough guard housee and it's not a large enough space to put to give you 100% shade from the Sun so that's that's the uh that's more structure issues um not not too much can be done there was an option to build a structure that would go above the guard house yeah I I didn't uh no I I'm I I like it how do you feel about it yeah I like it yeah I I mean I know nothing here sticks but I would I would be positive to we we should do something so I have no issue doing it yeah I me um any talk about how they feel being in the guard house with the sun beaten down all that or they status about I know you changed the uh got like a plastic covering the new something okay that probably by that John I don't think well I'm asking if they they commented like oh no um I believe we received a report uh the last few days about the AC requiring maintenance uh okay but uh as as far as uh the guard house I know that there have been some comments about uh it meeing some some care uh but uh nothing that uh really stands out as as being concerning U so I think that they're they're used to the environment and and naturally you know the additional protection would would be you know most welcome because uh as John said you know they they want to engage uh but it's just that you know sometimes the rain or or or or the sun can be an issue but uh I think that uh the enhancement that he presented is exactly what we're looking for yeah um as far as uh you know Aesthetics the the color could be different uh we uh the green was just an example that kind of goes nicely with the the color of the Guard house itself so you have the options uh you have the different quotes I think there's uh three quotes I showed you one of them now you have additional ones that uh you had received um we can't vote on it now obviously so this is something that maybe for the next meeting well we can we we can vote but it has to be ratified the next meeting or something that right no you cannot you don't have H Quorum you cannot uh okay you cannot make any actions um what you can do is um we can if you this is something you want to move on sooner you as chairman can set up uh a meeting an emergency meeting and and that could be on the agenda to to vote on if that's something that you would like to pursue otherwise it would you know this is something that you could add to the agenda again for the following me for the following meeting which is set up in October oh oober right um having said that I know that sfm would appreciate if if uh if this was something that we would want to look into for the guards to have some more um coverage um I know that um in Miami Lakes section one um the sfm is providing a um an umbrella for the guards the especially now theying the heated during the heated times to provide more shade um I don't know if that's something that they would be that that is something that we can certainly do for for for loon that I mean we we're absolutely happy to to to supply that to our officer the idea is that we purchase an umbrella that can be tilted so that uh following your train of thought it would not be interfering with the right away for for larger trucks to to go in but at the same time provide protection mainly from the Sun in this case yeah uh but uh we're willing to make that investment uh we just want to provide a better working environment for the officers so makes sense makes sense completely yeah uh again that's not I don't know that that's something that you can vote on today because we need formal approval we can't we can't vote on it but I I I'd be for it but maybe we'll disc yeah we'll see if we can have another meeting if not maybe that's the way to go go I mean I I don't like the umbrella because it looks I I like to have something built so it looks like it's part of the house because you know there is a certain aesthetic to the neighborhood and but I I I think I don't want guards suffering for no reason you know what I mean I guess the umbrella would be appreciating on certain days where it's just yeah P this thing out and naturally before we we purchase anything we would share with with JP what is it that we suggest and who would pay for that we would okay yeah and and keep in mind that um whatever you decide uh if you would decide to do the awnings you would vote for it and then it would have to be voted by the community uh in some capacity which uh we would have to get feedback to provide to council from the community um before we can go ahead and and move forward with that even if you're fixing even if you're fixing a problem like let's go the AC brakes it's it's it's considered a capital Improvement no and AC breaking is not a capital Improvement because it's already a structure that's that's what about painting the guard housee that's already it it's part of the Guard house you're you're if you're repainting the guard house you're just redoing something that that already exists and Awning you're adding something so it's it's a capital Improvement okay I'm not going to argue that one but maybe maybe the approach could be that we could be like a shortterm solution no no I I think that's exactly we're going so that's even better so for the next what we need to do is um vote on letting them put out their I don't even know we have to vote that or they could just do it do they need it what do they need from us why can't they just do that now I mean realistically as long as you guys are comfortable with it it's not something that needs to be um voted on so if you're okay with it having said that we wanted to bring it to you guys first I'm okay with before doing it's not something that necessarily needs to be voted on now again keep in mind they're going to they're going to um provide me with uh with the look and and and what umbrella it is and then I'll share that with the entire board for their approval to to move forward with it I mean but you're going to they're going to have to wait till October to put that thing out there no that's that's what I'm try to say request for their benefit go ahead with it yeah he's the head of security committee yeah I I'll I'll be dealing with those guys but I you know I think it's important that you you come out and and you have and if it's something know that our goal is to move towards this understand the mechanics require some long-term uh and the other thing is uh this could be an umbrella that they could set up when needed to like it could be move it could be taken out put up if it's not that hot today or whatever whatever take it down and I'm okay with that we are interested and we'll be discussing you on okay all right I guess before we put up the awning though um the bathroom idea that's kind of bounced around where it's kind of a nice looking but not requiring underground plumbing style bathroom that some others have implemented and I don't know John if you've seen it before but um I guess I'd be interested in entertaining that idea because I don't know what to expect with the construction of the golf course and them including anything they would do to their own bathroom which may require them to you know close down their facility while that Improvement is made whatever that may be so I guess I would be interested if anyone has knowledge of that to bring something up and then based on the awning where it would be located to it would be in the back right the like this extended okay so what we're talking about is a portable not a portable Port po that's not what we discussed what we discuss building an addition to the to the building whether it' be a bathroom yes but that the the the tank holding the it it be something that can be cleaned out like a uh it would work like a porta poty yeah like a porta poty or more like a um what like a septic tank but it's like um they do it like every every week they'll go out there the truck has to go out there and and and clean it up yeah so um I I think that's the way to [Music] go so but we need prices we need well that you would need um you need an architect oh well I mean something from the city to to to put that thing out um to to lay that thing out so we need a price for that um and then an actual contractor maybe you can do like a design build where it'll come with the the architecture all the engineering everything they need it's so sourced to build that little addition to have that bathroom for them with that portable H Septic type procedure okay and then I guess we do have kind of a steep down towards that Lake right behind the building concerns me a little bit and then i' also wouldn't want you know when it is raining they see the traffic coming at them you know better to see it and then it would be I guess to the north of the house then I'm looking at it'll be close to ala's house it'll be in the direction of oliva's house right and would it be best to make it where the door is from the inside yeah they would go and then you know there can be a little mechanical door that the the septic guy can go in there and clean from that side right where and we can redo that parking area like we were talking about so that the truck can come in there and park yeah right they can come in there and back up and and clean that area up that's how I would I would uh Envision so the way this would work what is we would have to um I guess in the next meeting you could bring it up again okay for a vote um and then uh put out a motion for us to for the town to get you quotes from an I guess the first thing would be get get quotes from an architect on on uh what it would look like and then uh a quote for basically a a septic T yeah um and then kind of go from there um once once you have the pricing then we can decide to put it out for the public to provide feedback feedback and stuff like that right we would put that would have to I like that idea and then I guess um sanitizing purposes there is no water there so that is another thing but I'm sure if part of the septic if you put in a tank they could have like a clean water a fresh water tank and a so they would just Supply fresh water into it I'm sure it's possible have you seen this at any other municipality you know where I've seen it I've seen something similar where I'll tell you what I've seen that's pretty nice in the turnpike I recently came down from Gainesville D my my daughter had to take a test the gain and coming down they had it was like a trailer almost nice it'd be something like that so they they there's a tank there somewhere and you use the water in the facilities keep in mind you'd have to have a contract with uh a company to come in right Pump It Out pump it out on a regular basis if there's fresh water add fresh water all of that would have to be done so it would be a contract versus if you were to actually do a real full remodel of the Guard house and add a bathroom you would add the pipes but where the pipes would I think we look at both I I think we would look at both yeah I think you kind of give a shot this is just a uh like look at look at both of them both options yeah but those over there they don't they connect the water I when I went to the F1 at Joe Robbie Stadium they had dozens of these things out there and they had water to wash your hands to to wash your hands it's not horable water there's a little you put a sign do not drink this right but it's it's good enough to wash your hands and really the only people that be using it is the guards right infurious and then I guess it would just be and the occasional homeless person that uh comes in or realtor that wants to well if they're going to let them you don't have plenty you have to get by the guard first no the bathroom's for us there's a there's a golf bathro across the street there's okay I guess the only other thing I want well I'll bring it up the new business I justess move it on John you like to do your report absolutely so uh submitted all the reports via email to to and was with all the board members um for this quarter we have a total of 444 reports created do you mind if I I'm sorry can I off and put it up here yes I have a question the participant that's there do they want to say something not that it's they're not they're not able to uh do we know who the person is or I have a I have a a strong feeling who it is oh okay and she's probably chuckling chuckling that I said there okay here we go here uh which one first uh whichever analysis report thank you so we submit normally two reports one is called the analysis one it's called the analytics this is what the software produces so this report uh is a representation first on the top left of all the different incident categories where we had some kind of uh reports created on um so this will this will give you basically a a broad perspective as to what are the most common issues reported uh in the area uh this one on the top right is is meaningless for for logam on because uh the account is only one one site so basically if we had multiple sites it would it would mean something else uh as we scroll down um this is the location of the incidents in this case uh we had basically three locations uh the no location means that this was somewhere in the community and then we have the main building which is actually the guard house and then the parking lot is the parking that we have the parking spot that we have next to the the guard house these are the number of reports that were created in each period okay as you go down as you scroll down Patrick this here is says days of the week so this is kind of like a heat map that indicates how many incidents were reported on each day of the week and and as we look at the other report you're going to see that this is more granular uh the reason why this is important is because eventually when we want to create a report for a longer period of time say a year uh we're going to be able to determine with much more accuracy what are the busier days of the week or the days of the week where more activi is reported this here uh organizes all reports by severity so depending on the the level of severity we assign a category to it and it will tell us uh how severe are the incidents are being reported of course this can Beed in whichever way shape or form we want so that we could eventually determine the incident types which category do they fit uh if you scroll down please this gives us now the reports by the time of the day which is the day the time that has the most uh the hottest at 10 p.m. 10 p.m. so uh something that we can do for you is that if eventually you're interested at looking at the 33,800 vehicles that enter the community in the quarter we can tell you what are the busiest times of the day where we have more vehicles coming in if that data is Meaningful for any for any decision making purposes um can scroll down this now organizes all the incident categories and the days of the week so we're looking at the same number of of reports it's just we're organizing the information based on the days of the week and the incident categories so this way you can determine if there's any pattern as to which dayses of the week are the ones that and this month we have no FR yes uh well this that we know of that we [Music] know July you mean July or this quarter I meant we're in July now I meant in in this is for yeah this quarter this is for April May and June right we haven't had any crime had AAL we had a residential in L Loman did you hear about that I never heard of you that might have been they kept it to themselves did you I don't have any report uh I don't have any report from that well I have a PD contact well I have robbery attempted robbery PD contacted one yes but that was in April okay if it's if it's the same incident you're saying there was one for this one for June for June now I don't have anything I mean it could be somebody calls the police and they don't tell us right so we don't know right yeah that's always possible we we we will have PD show up and they will go through the guard house but they don't tell I understand that makes sense just but crime has gone down significantly before we were popping there was always something every every two weeks we had a problem before my take on it is yes there is it is a much quieter right uh area have you can scroll down JP yes absolutely thank you sir and these are the same incidents but by location when you see no location is again this happen somewhere in the neighborhood right but we just just cannot tell you exactly where happened well we can tell you based on the actual report but you know the 74 didn't happen the same place so it's Wednesdays and Fridays and Wednesdays are the hot days these this are the same reports Now by location but by month is that one what's that report no the analytics is much more summarized first it gives you a percentage which is the same information as you saw in the previous report but in this case it's done by percentages and it tells you by morning or afternoon and days of the week what is it that we're reporting the higher number of of of incidents so you can see that you know mon Sunday morning everything is more quiet and then Thursday afternoon everything is is busier and and again when you look at these statistics the the more data you capture the more meaningful the information here is the same information but represented in a in a you know bar chart here you see you see Trends this is the same analysis but by month can you go back to the trend real quick that trend is count so it went well we don't know just it's just going down do Downs all right this is a percentage this is again the bar chart all right let me see does it have a number up there so how much did it go down doesn't have a number doesn't have a number okay I'm sure he could get that yeah I can get that too is is is it possible to add that information for the future for the future let me look at that so I can we can improve it and this here is uh basically skewed by the number of vehicles because the top the top line which says na is a report for the number of vehicles that enter the community this is where I mentioned before we started the meeting that I saw a drop in the month of June for the number of vehicles entering the community and again this is just a representation of the total number of reports that we have received in the period And The Daily count of vehicles entering the community so here we see if there are any you know significant trends that could explain why on a given day you have only 88 vehicles and then on another day you have 439 which again is something that would need to be diing deeper to to understand excellent can that be forwarded would you like a copy of this I can forward it to you yeah forward it to me just email it to me I'll be fine in the B here yeah absolutely I I figured uh we were going to go over it in detail just so people do ask every once in a while so and and again for for next meetings I could produce the report for the quarter and then if you want I can also produce a report for the year to date or for the last 12 months so the software gives us that possibility I like I like to look at theorder and and just have like a running count what the TR I like that Trend and I like to see percentages on the trend okay because that that that's valuable data I I you could tell it means something you told look it's gone down 20% 30% 40% you know we have an an idea we worked on on uh the we worked on that those reports to kind of make it more for what our needs are for the community having said that if there's anything when I send it over to you guys if there's anything that you would like to see added or something like that I'm sure that it's something that we could work on to okay to fix we can customize the report very good right detective was there something you'd like to add well I was here report anyse well I was here mostly if people all had any questions or concerns and also to go ahead and give you um any rundown of any crimes that may have occurred um and that AR in burglar is the only one that we had are we adding more police officers to my you don't know that that's a big question uh I I read the the monthly the week the bi-weekly um and I hear that they want to they don't they this that decision will be made until the end of the budget uh timeline if you will so um again you did uh mention that there was a crime in in June correct yeah um anything to this point for this month no no nothing to this point and I did want to ask how it was going with the checking of the dver I think it's going pretty good I I think I I believe I don't have all the data in front of me but I believe that the a lot of the the the traffic that doesn't belong there has been reduced tremendously I mean belong mean I don't I don't think everybody comes in there with a Criminal Intent but the fact that there's more traffic you know opens more opportunity so I think there's there it's it looks like it's improved right and I I haven't heard too many complaints of you know the cues some people this going to be the end of the world and you know it just it kind of it's been working pretty pretty smooth yeah there are sometimes that they miss right they're not doing it but um I think they're I think sfm is doing a pretty good job of you know as it gets reported that there there's a little downturn they retraining and they they they get it it's just going to it just has to work that way but I I I feel it's working pretty good and there hasn't been anybody who's refused yeah I think there are people that I don't know they they I think they they either argue or refuse or something that and I I've gotten I can tell you from my end I've gotten less and less reports of anyone that's not right so let me let me explain what we did we basically created uh two checkpoints for the security officer to hit when we approach the the driver and we requested the ID um if the person accepted then we simply hit one of the checkpoints and that would take us directly to the normal report where we document the vehicle entry by taking a picture of the tag um if uh our first approach was have your ID and they reject it we said okay sir no problem you're welcome to come in we would hit another checkpoint which would take us to the same picture but that picture created a report that was sent on a different email distribution and we call that the red log axis so that tells us who are the vehicles that are refusing to identify these so this is how those cars are will be reported initially there was uh it was a quite busy uh you know area of the reporting uh but uh to to your comments as days started going by we started seeing that number run down and down and now we we we R see it yeah and so the people that get the reports are obviously sfm management and I get it and so in the event that you know an incident happens an incident happens or whatever the case may be uh we have uh we we have both databases to look at both the red log access and the other one but I I could provide that information to PD if if necessary sfm could provide that information if necessary so yeah um if there's nothing else I did want to just bring up um on the guard house side those bushes it almost seems like are we better off just planning something different there or just what uh what area are you referring to uh as you approach the guard gate on the right side they did they did just replant the flower where the flowers where the flowers the flowers great but the bush is there behind it yeah just um I almost feel like maybe it's better to tear them out just I don't know put the bathroom there what I don't know but something that you guys can discuss it is uh part of your um budget um so if that's something that you want to change something that can be voted on for the I mean it just doesn't look like it's being maintained either I mean it is maintained but they didn't pull the weeds when they planted the flowers go in there so the flowers are installed by um one vendor oh okay so and then the the the bushes are maintained by a different vendor so when the when the flowers were planted it's the same thing that happened in another area when the flowers were planted they plant but they don't touch the weeds so now the now the other vendor is going to come in and and pull the weeds out right and I've already requested for them to come now that the flowers have been planted even if they had a suggestion on what to do to them because on the what side it looks full yeah and then on the drive on the U gate guard gate side it's you know very um there's Barren areas yeah um that's definitely something that we could discuss um if you want to bring it up in the agenda for the next meeting um to possibly vote on on making changes I could also look into what other alternative options are for that is as opposed to bushes maybe you want to put all flowers just keep in mind that whatever is done may change the budget yeah um so may maybe more I don't I don't feel like we're getting what we're paying for though either if it's that you know I I guess if I was the if that was part of my t I'd say hey I there's nothing I can do to make this it's and it's looked that way for a while okay I I I don't imagine how they could probably say yeah we take care of this I can see on the other side yeah you know I will I will take that into account and I'll I'll go and and look at the flowers and see I'm saying the area in general see what can be done maybe it's whether it's maybe it needs to maybe we need to situation an additional service during the summer because of of well this has been going on for a long time not just summer I don't know if it's the watering or what happens there okay yeah anytime you see something like that bring my attention so yeah um yeah I I'll I'll absolutely go ahead and take a look at it okay all right the only other thing that I wanted to bring up um I was going to request for for you guys to add it to uh new business um but we didn't have uh people here um I just wanted to mention that I'm going to be sending out uh the mail outs soon um with uh the the budgets uh to everyone's home and what we did last year is I sent out a questionnaire there's anything that you guys want to add as questions you you have the same questions you did from last year uh yes it was very basic questions yeah I think have you been to have you been to an NSD meeting what are your thoughts on the services you know those were the basic questions if there's anything that you want to what I'll do is I'll send to the entire um well can we can we ask are you interested in enhancing the guard house with awnings and then another question a study on bathroom facilities right so because you know we came up with the idea and spent a month of hard work getting and then we find out through this nobody wants it we aren't paying a well we just wage awnings I think will get get us somewhere but that that Resturant I have I have no clue either so what I'm going to do is I'm going to send out uh an email uh probably tomorrow or Monday at the latest um with the questionnaire from last year okay so you can review it and then uh I would love for you all to then just send any additional questions that you'd like to be added okay to the questionnaire whatever it is all right um and then I'll go ahead and add it to the question in there yeah whatever questions you feel that that you would like to get feedback on send send them my way and I'll add it to the to the to the bailout okay all right I have one question um were you able to get with sfm to discuss the security there was some meeting that was supposed to happen about um some strategy or something like that that they the that you were going to do that ever happened can we ever even Define that I'm going by memory I'm not sure what like the entry points that they were going to look at oh no I actually now that he mentioned that you were head of security I just thought I would like to get with you to maybe schedule something to do a walk through perhaps with you okay to get the ball rolling on that maybe that's something that the three of you yeah I I can I like sfm to be there um not one um let me give you my number you can text me and then tell me what days work for you 305 525 six I'm sorry 305 you're on the screen I don't know if you want to give your phone number to uh to uh to everyone 555444 33 all right well thanks John thanks John absolutely um there's no official adjournment there's no official adjournment uh but thank you guys for coming that's uh thank you for being here right apprciate e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e all right Mr chairman the floor is yours okay 7:34 go ahead and call this meeting do the call presenta here L Rodriguez yes the rest is absent so everybody knows Barbie resigned of yesterday so she will no longer be with us so the war gets cut down to nine members so we're going to need at least five always out of the nine for now until if we get someone else appointed and we go to 10 then we need six remember there always one more so if leave is on the work then we going need six so let's move on order of business uh like always any deferrals additions deletions we can do them now we going have to come back I would like to present two things for you guys to consider okay number one would be a vote for a new secretary okay um you'd have to someone would have to motion that and then uh the other one would be the discussion on uh the upcoming NSD mail out that I'm going to send with the budget and the questionnaire uh I would like your feedback on to what questions uh you would like added to that questionnaire so this email what was the mail out NSD mail out oh just a mail outd it's a regular mail out that we do every year that's so we're in the order of business order we have actually yeah number three so we can present a motion if we wanted to you are at this point you are correct okay so I want to present two motions one is the on the guard house on 79th Avenue and whatever that street is that that that guard is getting brutal son and the other day she was purple not red purple from the heat so I'd like to motion for that I I I'm a yes so I don't know who else is a yes but the heat is unbearable and it's only going to get worse in July and August so your motion is to add the topic of awnings yes both for an awning motions cannot be made onto new business you can add it to the agenda no you it's order of business is deferrals additions and deletions that is the that's where we're right now right but an actual motion is on new business not she's adding she can make the motion one no no we can add it no you're right but motion is a specific has a specific abre so that's number one and number two would be again the license or ID to ask for that for the first three three months of school to see how it goes It's already on the topic of the license uh issue on entrance Gates that's something that you could bring up during that time okay if you'd like to discuss that's it anyone else I know about Do It um there were a couple things I wanted to follow up on I what where the cables for the the cables that they have for the battery packs how that's coming along because I still see people with cables but maybe it's to a battery pack instead of electric I don't know but I don't know we can bring that up on M under maintenance of of the four Gard houses okay same thing with the light bulbs and light all that landscape that could all go under the same topic so the four items that we're going to go ahead and add on new business under B will be voting for a new secretary actually no we're going to have to that [Music] item number four will'll be voting for a new secretary and public comments becomes five and then obviously six seven and eight and then under 7 the mail out NSD will be b c c will be the for proposal for 79 avue and C and D will be the license I even though you said you had it here John no okay so that's bus that one four voting for secretary then on new business B will be the mail out and c will be the ons sorry c will be the mail out okay no no B would be the mail C would be the and the license where did you say that it's already okay got it we're okay with that we have to make a motion to change that what the theels and we don't have to make a motion for that not a motion but that's you still have to vote on you you have to vote on to to approve to approve this new order of business so not a motion but do do everybody okay that we do this delions and additions yes take a vote Yes Yes everybody's we can move on we go past number three we go to number four number four is now uh the voting of voting of the new secretary I already had Irene but she uh not me I'm an inter designer I never do anything like that he's laughing because he knows I'm not techy at all I don't do that I'm sorry I'm bad Bill I do arvs I spend all my time the only people we have left when we get will back and uh and Robert because Nelson most of the time he does not come to the meetings so our only two Cho will be either unless can I make a motion without them being here deic no's not GNA go for that you are able to vote for anyone to be secretary so yes now they don't have to accept it right okay so I'll make a motion to go ahead and have Robert SAA to be our new secretary is there a second George second Robert Robert is uh the guy that got the double uh long transplant I don't think if I I've seen him yeah he's he's here in every medeia was he here last meeting yeah make it today no he does [Music] no want if you think he's good put everybody in favor motion passes Robert will be our our next secretary I will have to let him know yes and then he has to approve it he has to accept it he says no we're we got will know will them now so who can take the minutes for tonight at least I'll take him don't worry I'll do ler so we have a new secretary Robert S congratulations Robert number five we're open to public coms [Music] beautiful great um folks um if you can State your your name and abolutely name first name Angela guad Garcia 16441 Northwest 77th place now um by the way that entrance is now 162nd street it's 169 Street and 82nd uh Avenue think of a early morning a real busy early morning coming from PSN just coming to school think about that just picture it for a second um we have a lot of people bringing their children from psan and from other parts of town to BGR Elementary so they're making the left turn right there and there's only space for two cars if there's enough chaos there and actually I think there's there's a there's a there's a sign there that says can't make 167 ter okay great somebody had told me 167 no 16 so you imagine you guys wanting to implement uh getting license plate so far and driver's license so far in the middle of the morning can you just imagine backing up all those cars there you'd have accidents you definitely have a chaos VDS so think about that very very clearly before you make that decision those those guard Gates those guard uh don't even you know sometimes they don't so so that would be catastrophic putting that implementing that issue that you guys want to do stopping people and getting their licenses and so forth and so on that's not going to work unless you guys now doing that at 3 or 4 o'clock in the morning I see it working but I don't see it working um at 8:00 in the morning number two I think it's not uh I mean I'm all for stopping crime I'm up at all times of the night I go to work now and I don't get home till 4 in the morning so I see a lot of things crime usually happens uh crimes that I heard of happen late at night I'm sure they happened in the morning too but I don't think that's a good idea what you guys are trying to do with that I really I'm I'm against it on you stopping all that traffic because you're going to get calls from Resident you're going to get accidents you're going to get calls from I don't even know I don't know so think about that very deep before you make that decision of putting um stopping cars there going get a lot of issues there not not possible um I pretty much came today to talk about something that I've spent in my burner for a long time which is the budget of the guards you know I was told many years ago that by bringing this I'm not going to talk about it that and that'll be on the next when I get here next time we want to talk about that because I've not seen you know last time I spoke to councilman L Co where he had told me that uh the by bringing in sfm we were going to have we're going to save a lot of money and I don't see any savings but that will be for the next topic the topic that I want to talk about today is this one I don't think it's going to be I'm sorry you're three minute I know and I that's why I told you sir when I came in that I wanted to be briefed a little bit so I know so the bottom line I'm totally against it so think about it okay thank you thank you thank you and by the way that arning that she's talking about great idea I see the lady burning in the morning but think about it also when drucks are coming by you don't get you don't get an accident without on that's all the height the height thank you uh this could be an opportunity for you to provide public comment same thing with you John since neither of you are on the agenda is there something that you want to provide a public comment sure um I just wanted to provide you with a quick um update on any provide your your name sorry M or Miami GPD assigned here to your lovely town of Miami Lakes Miami lakal District um uh I just wanted to provide the uh statistics for for this quarter and to also uh see if you all have any questions or concerns U involving us uh so far great job I think everybody's doing a much better job of locking their their vehicle doors we only have one vehicle burglary that was reported during this um corner and there was one theft and and that's it good news yeah very good news and um I I do have to say that uh in in videos that I viewed I used to see a lot of uh the subjects opening unlocked vehicle doors and now if I see sometimes we forget but I see that a lot of them are doors and they're locked so it makes a big difference I've learned and if anyone had any questions or concerns for us uh I just want to leave you back on what Angelo was doing as a police well detective police officer how do you foresee enforcing IDs and stocking up of car guards asking for an ID to come in the gous 24 hours 7 days a week besides taking the picture now you come in you got to give me your ID and you got to tell me where you're going well I was here with the um previous I don't know if that's something you were going to discuss later or it is on the agenda discuss uh it's item D I know it's an elaborate topic I can wait and discuss it at that point and it's not fair because everybody has three minutes so it's not fair for me to ask that question too oh but that's something that in the future we might okay give H time for issues like that especially in the future one of one one of the issues and the biggest issues that we need to resolve and I really we been talking about this for years and in Georgia and I'm pretty sure Angelo feel the same way on the on the on the East is the council needs to do we talked about it we need to do something about the traffic and what's going on on on the school that's a big topic that we got a we said we're going to write a letter and we're going to go in front of the council so I don't know if new business or old business I with public comments and I believe we have thank you detective go ahead John sorry about that John FR has F Security Services um so I share the cly reports with JP and uh we can share them with with all the board um highlights for this quarter is that we provided power banks for all the guard houses so officers now have power banks that they can use to charge the phones so that way the phone does not need to be connected through a cable to the wall if anyone sees that there's any deviation from that please let us know because again the technology has been provided now they obviously need to use the cables to charge the power Banks but they don't need to carry the power Banks to the to the front of the gate house um we also just for those that were not here last time we have also provided handheld radios to all the officers so that allows them to be able to communicate with us using the handheld without compromising the phone which is now exclusiv utilized to take pictures so that way we're isolating Communications from uh logging all the CL that are entering the community um we also moved uh cameras at the JP's request so we would be able to have a better view of vehicles as they're entering uh and leaving the community um we recently reported a big uh roof leak on guard house for post so that is probably something that needs to be brought to your attention um we have a few isolated reports a couple of things that just we were curious about we had a realtor that come that came in one day at 3:30 in the morning asking to so obviously that created a report that generated a call to the police uh and being told that that's not really that outrageous I thought it was suspicious but we just know that was a realtive because they identifi themselves as real they showed ID no they didn't they didn't show ID they just identifi themselves as real they said they said we are not asking for IDs yet right um uh we also had a male driver that approached one of our officers and offered sexual Services which was something that obviously was concerning for the officer safety um we also received a message from JP from one of the council members regarding the need to reinforce the use of cones and the handheld stop signs so we're reinforcing training to to that effect so so they can be used um and uh a resident also called us because apparently the resident believed to have heard gunshots and actually we called the police and they clarified that these was this was the car that was basically I guess heading missions and uh it was confused for gunshots so just want to make sure that everybody was was clear that there were no actual gunshots the number of vehicles coming into the communities uh post 11 145,000 for the last quarter any CL 11 as well the the time is up do you want to extend the the time for the yeah I think this this is very important to make a motion to that yeah I'll make a motion to extend his time exra three minutes the motion everybody favn yeah so this would be for Royal Oaks which one 167 Terrace or 79 I think it's 79 AV post uh I could speak on that post 11 is 162nd post 12 is 168 post 13 is uh PO is uh 179 799 and 14 would be 167 okay sorry so 11 is 145,000 vehicles for the quarter 12 which is the one that has construction job obviously decrease to 45,000 uh 13 110,000 and 14 80 83,000 so that's the activity that we seen through the grand houses for and that's what i' like to make a comment regarding the license on the entrance on the guard Gates I think 90% of the people of the residents of Roy don't have sticker my house in my house there is only one card with stick and when I go by the guard they still take my license we'll talk about that when we going do the license and if we going to do anything like that everybody have to have stickers and you might have to put a red sticker so they can see the sticker because they the one that you have they didn't see for a C thank you L thank you John sir anyone else uh motion you like to make motion public comments so motion to go ahead and close our public coms who the motion George everybody in favor motion passes so no more public comments we're going to go to uh all business number six on the agenda broken Gates and waiting too long to be replaced that's the one on [Music] 168 I sent you all a uh email today that uh the approval has been finally made to go ahead and put back the loops uh as you know that that area has been they've been working on the drainage projects and and the the asphalt and uh it takes quite it takes a little while for it to be at a at the position to be able to go ahead and cut to replace the loops we're finally at the point where we could go ahead and and safely uh put the loops back in so that the guard G arms will uh function again um so how long before they start being active you for and another three no so they would be installed sometime end of next week Wednesday Thursday Friday it takes its two-day process could be even in the weekend this is only on the west right it's the exit Lane it's both lanes what happened to the east why both don't they have a guard same the same thing happened the last time when 162nd was under the drainage project as well we haven't been under drainage project you may not have on the West Side the West so then they're going to have the ability to not have the guard there to have it open guard must per the ordinance guard must be there 247 okay my question to you then let me rephrase the question so this Loop is for that g guard arm to open when they're in the bathroom the loops are what makes gate arms fun restore to the way it was working it will not work that's it will not work without the the the guard and the loop consider it a piece an important piece of the overall machine okay uh without these Loops it doesn't function on the that detects the car no no now I understand it's a the original equipment but upgraded because they had the the correct they had to tear it out with when they did the we talked about a different Loop that that's a that's that's a separate thing um so these Loops like I mentioned are going to be reinstalled uh takes a two-day process because it takes one day to do one one day to do the other as soon as they're installed they start working so we're going to start off with the entry one first uh so say for example they go on Thursday Thursday they would they would put the loop for the entry One automatically right after it's installed it will start working the Exel will will stay open until they install that Loop and then both will perfect all right and the HOA from Royal contacted you in regards to this issue a lot of the residents will complain I did get a few emails and and I had to pass it over to uhar Santos from public works because this is their project I'm assisting now that the loops are ready to go I'm assisting with our vendor for the gate for the gate arms to go ahead and reinstall the HOA sent out an email today advising yeah I I contacted Samantha from yeah that's the that's the clean L okay let's move on to I be maintenance on all four y houses each uh so uh right now I know John uh mentioned it uh there is a leak going on at uh the um air conditioning unit at 1602 if we're aware of it and uh we've already uh working to get it uh fixed um the other than that he mentioned off uh that the cables have already been uh taken care of that's b as um they have bought the the power Banks and it should be used by all the guards if it's not being used and you see it please let me know so I can address it with with sfm um for the most part lights lights have all been uh are fully functioning and have been whatever needed to be replaced has been replaced uh if if you are pass by a night and you see something let me know so I canl LED lamps they all the same it's the same lights that were uh before the lamps themselves the light bulbs the light bulbs are the the same they just replacing the lightl we just replac we Haven yeah we haven't add I know some were very yellow some were white former L was florescent yeah we we replaced them what based on what they they uh are that all some of these lights aren't it's not uh some of the lights aren't the same like some of the some of the lights are for like dimmer like yellow lights and then there's there's the bigger um Spotlight spotlights so those would have a different that's all about the pendant lights the wall mounted right those wall mounted lights are not LED if that is something that you want I'm saying fact you can put an LED ball that has a stage sensor in so it goes on and off automatically if that is something that you guys want to do putting a a separate system and timer and all that stuff better off just doing that the lighting system on those guard houses is is ancient is all with the technology that that we have today with the LED and all that we could do better officer detective NIS told us that on the L the opprs having issues reading itl so I thought that that's what we had fixed didn't we fix that no they're only changing the LI we're not doing anything with the light wait a minute when you were doing the Reconstruction or the remodeling of those um guard houses I saw electricians there feeding CA into the lights step that they did and they put in new light systems they didn't put short Chang just on the light fixture they didn't they didn't put the light fixture put little miniature why didn't we change the cables the wires we going to go back to the contractor and check to see what we they put the lights that were approved um I can tell you I can tell you for a fact they put exactly what was approved by you all remember guys back in those days the budget that go for a vat we had to we were limited on the things that we could or not do that's why we didn't end up doing the windows right and they had to stay out the windows we were limited with the lighting if this year we want to do something with the lighting which I believe that that should be priority and the door and always with the lighting keep it in mind that we got to respect also the Neighbors The Neighbors on yeah but 79 very dark as you approach 79th is a different story than the other ones so we got to make sure that uh whatever canopy we create is within the area that is not going to disturb the owners right but I mean there's a house in Royal Oaks that uh the guy put some lighting after they stole his BMW that look like a it looks like an airport the guy now he went back to normal I mean he he realized it was too much it was half of the neighborhood but we got to be careful with that so it's up to you guys if you guys want to change the lights uh we can go ahead and I mean we got to do better with the lighting and have it done properly 79th is an issue cuz it's a long Street and you really don't see that Guard housee from far away you don't that's why you got people speeding into that I was also told that there's a speed bump being put there on 79 which I was happy about no that I'm aware of they just Elma just told me this morning they're replacing the speed bumps that were already didn't have one before the the guard house no it's after it's after the the guard house after the guard house there there's always been a speed hum 79 it was removed because it broke either replacing it oh all right so nothing before the guard house yeah okay that was under the impression I was say before what are we going to do that for all right already said that you can't put his people in front of the Guard no no you shouldn't no you can't so you want you guys want to take this item on on on the lighting to on the next agenda and bring it up and and in the meantime perhaps again can't get any quotes into we have what is it that we want to do yeah you have to let me know what you want to we have to have a little [Music] plan consult the detective with the lights consult her with the lights because she knows she's the one seeing the no she brought it up and obviously now we got to we got to design according to what we have and we got to keep the lumens and we got to keep all that in mind whatever the biggest and the brightest you can put there a safety issue I I know you mentioned in the last meeting that you are well well aware of theum um I just wanted to make one minor clarification the lprs are very high quality and they do read the tag so there's no issue with that in case they do read the tag it was just an issue where if we had better lighting we can actually see the color of the vehicle in case the tag attached is not the correct but they definitely do leave the and that because it's it it picks up the uh no it uh it turns to black and white and grabs it exactly so it if there's not enough lumens it turns to infrared infar infrar you don't you don't get a good yeah with the officers if the officers get a hit um it may be a tag that comes back to a Civic but they can see it's an SUV but they can't tell what color the is they're out there we got five guys looking for a vehicle in the district and everybody else Orange in if we go the route that we're supposed to go we have to get three bits to have a plan to design the lighting and and in this case is that a typical plan for all four G houses because you have different conditions on all four the ones that need it I think all of them need or is it only a certain over a certain it depends on what you do if we're just buying and 167 It's Tricky those two houses are tricky uh Spotlight and something that that can be purchased through Amazon uh flood lights yeah I could I could look in what I could do is I could look into different options mhm present them to you MH and then you know from there you know the this isn't a a um C Improvement this is a replacement of of an existing fix lighted fixture so whatever you decide we could do it we could do it okay and and based on the pricing you know nothing's going to C I don't I don't foresee it maybe I'm wrong I don't foresee these lights costing thousands of dollars I think we're talking yeah some of the John they're willing to if you're buying let's say for four guard houses they're willing to work with us and give us sort of like a a a little plan sort of a photometric study with the lumens and all that make sure that that they they can do that for us at no yeah I just want to clarify one thing the lights that are there right now are the ones that you all approved yes and they're exactly the same ones that were approved nothing's changed the light bulbs are part of those so if you want to approve so those are new lamps or no those are new lamps the ones that are there are new lamps yeah but they're not right right I just wanted to know the're $5 home de cor correct that is the best way to put it oh that's what you could tell you could tell I have a question about the uh the phones and the battery pack what do you call it power Banks power Banks is that something they put in their pocket and it connects to keep the phone operating attach magnetic to the phone so we put a phone cover and they attach magnetic seeing them with a cable going into the um they're plugged into the phone with a cable going in not on 79 film no at 162 primarily every day so I don't know what it's going to it's walk get into a wall if it's over the battery pack sitting over there so I have a feeling what it is I think it's the C using their own phone charging their own say that because the phone that they have is the sfm phone right which is what's connects to the battery pack but if you see them using the cable it's their personal probably their personal phone which is something that you know bring to my attention I'm bringing up that them and will'll take care of it because they shouldn't be using their that's probably what it is that would be that would just makees sense yeah um okay and then the landscape maintenance Landscape Maintenance Landscaping was done uh in all the guard houses and specifically uh the one you're referring to was 162nd uh was done last week they missed a spot they more than missed a spot the whole F hedge is that long I brought it up to their attention they went back out there go by it today they went back out there and they they took care of it uh I've also asked for them to go ahead and clean up the pile of leaves no but didn't mean the Hedge right now coming here to the it's been it's been fixed I uh I think all the hedges need to be brought down another foot it wasn't trim a half an hour ago which one2 they were out there cleaning it up talking the other side I was wondering why they would come in and do one side not the other this area that they were out there they were out there last weet is that 162 yep that's 162 this is 79th I'm sorry yeah cuz 162 is not can we bring that down another foot that hedge it doesn't have to be that tall because the minute they they can't come it's going to go over the wall and then that limits visibility um so they come once a month to do all that they come one they come once a month they go and they clean up the hedges and and everything I'll go ahead and readdress it with them uh because I know that came back out there uh um but I guess I had the wrong area that that they missed they should have taken care of it regardless and going all the way around but I'll address that with them um well the hedges they grow fast this time of the year so you know once a month might be okay that's why I'm telling you to bring it down a little bit maybe maybe it's something that we should we can look into if if the funding is available during the summer times during these three four months maybe doing one additional Yeah by week yeah bi-weekly for the three or four months of the summer and it's been a lot of rain yeah so that's something that we could uh explore if if budget is budget allows and it's it's and we staying within the budget maybe that's something I can look into the roof leak I heard about a roof leak you said did you say you're already taking care of that not a roof leak AC AC AC AC yeah that's already being taken care of um we uh we know that that's not a roof right that's why when you said leak the roof was repair when we did the guard house so roof is perfectly but is fine so farly fine okay so yeah uh as far as you know Landscaping if you guys see anything that uh you know obviously always bringing to my attention um I went out and the other day and I I picked up uh some of the pom frons in front of 162nd um yeah so what happens in between a whole month no nobody does anything no one I know that town has a guy drives around in a little yeah he goes out and picks up the trash part of his targeted areas corre yeah we have so as far as maintenance of the hedges and all that that's one's mon right uh I have every uh every week we have the uh the handyman that goes around all the guard houses picks up the trash uh ins goes into the into the guard house picks up the trash he also makes notes if there's anything that's not working or or maybe that's how we found out about the AC unit um because he has by and he saw the leak and he's the one that reported it to me and so we're taking care of the metal but yeah we have the we have andyman that goes out around constantly and John that guy that goes around he goes around the whole town different people but taking care of the town but it's just basically on the the places that have guard house just the main thare well he the handyman works for facilities so he goes to all of our facilities he goes to all of our Robert Lono Community Center you know buildings buildings that belong to the town so part of that is the G um uh in Royal Oaks we we we have a guy that we hire we pay to the association to keep Royal o as clean as possible okay and and and that's it's coming out of the budget of the homeowners association when does that guy go around uh it's uh once a week or twice twice a week if you would like for him yes if you would like as part of your HOA and you would like for him to pass by the guard houses at any point I have no issues with him passing by if it doesn't if it doesn't extend your budget for the HOA for him to pass by and just clean up an extra set of eyes to go there and clean up I have no issues with it know they sees a PM FR or something if he see the PM FR pick it up yeah simple things you haven't seen them around your house no and I have the ring and he knows that I see everything that goes on in that street that's how I remember John with the sfm yeah I can tell you that the since the guy's been doing that he been doing a lot better than before I'll let you know I'll take pictures and I'll send them to you a lot of workers throw their cups out it's we have people from 79th to 82nd heading west all these kids that walk to school and from all those little juice boxes and you know what I'm saying right they're all over the place and I and they'll be there for days I know that's not an issue with people that live on the east of 79th Avenue but the west side of 79th Avenue to 82nd all those th ways that's an issue yeah so like I said I have no issue if you guys want to have them [Music] re one last thing is there is a I don't know if you fix it but I'll think it there's a Time Clock 162 guard gate that is missing the cover yes there's exposed electrical water so I don't want someone to get hurt I've already spoken with our facilities Department I would just abandon that time CL yeah think it's I don't think it's uh I think I don't think you need it yeah but I've already brought that up to them to to put at least either cover it up or remove something on the 167 guard house on the window there has been old newspapers there's been papers there there's some papers there now why do we have those things those windows have never been replaced and so um whatever like for years they probably had papers on there can we can we clean that up a little bit we could have we could have them clean it up yeah that's something that the handyman you guys goad handyman the window is right in the windows there a whole bunch of stuff there uh another thing is uh some of the doors as you know don't open or don't function who told the cleaning sfm still has the contract for the cleaning on all four guard hous the maintenance the maintenance is the um we have our housekeeper that goes that's the that's the that does that our housekeeping uh contract they go to the guard hous they're part of the facilities and they go through the guard house the floor every yeah take care of the trash yeah the same same general people that would clean should clean the windows that that's been there for a long time I I think those tall windows are very hard to get up there and de clean they're this they're this big they're not that big I 167 I'm thinking about the one on the on the top no I'm talking about the one of 167 as you drive up there's a little window there I'm sure that's a bathroom window I've never been in one of these of papers here there was a paper was yellow and I told you about that talking about that's the so nobody can see inside the we do something there other than that we can I mean abely we put tile and we gave him a desk let's put something there just just put some tints on them we can maybe TT um I I can look into that for the next meeting and that will be the che and doesn't even have to be T could be frosted probably looks better at frosted yeah and one last thing the the air curtains that you put in I'm not sure they I see them TI back all the time I I that's hard of telling you so I I I agree with you and I've brought it up to S FM's attention several times uh it is frustrating because that is AC that's part of why AC at 162 that's a condensation wouldn't have happened if if the thing was working as it should be and that is a something that I've had I've talked to sfm several times it's not something that I'm going to find them for um we need to fix it but it is definitely something that needs to be uh hand it depends on the guard I can't I'm not going to find them for because because that is not something that uh it's part of their post orders it's just simply something that I'm asking them to it must be something on the West Side I've never seen that on 79th Avenue 79th Avenue it must be the guard let do that because not on 79 and not on 167 either I've never seen that they're always closed and down that must be on the w i can tell you I can tell you it's not a it was a quick fix really putting those things in place but I feel that it would it works for it helps um better ideally ideally it would be you know obviously doors that new doors that uh when you open they close right back up or whatever the case may be as many times as they have to come in and out that's going to be another maintenance issue and they're going to cost an arm and a leg and that's we don't you board that up in a hurricane why would you spend the money there when these people are are getting all that Sun turning purple from the Sun you know I'd rather put an awning than than spend the money on doors this is not a home this is a place you know that you work that you have to come in and out through we want to make it as comfortable as can be but I don't see that opening and closing that thing's going to jam every day speaking of the awning that someone has to do a little shade study because you know the awning is going to be up here and it's only going to come out a couple feet you're got to see where that's projecting a shade it may not make a difference oh wait I I I had somebody he already talked to us a couple people I mean yeah I I had to do it either but these poor people we humanely you have to you're you're you're not the only uh NSE that that's that has been interested in something like this um lock lman for example uh they're also interested and like I told them I sent them the same quotes that I sent for you guys um but like I told them these Shades I have a uh the images for it um let me go ahead and we got to keep in mind the the hle TRU all that for 79th Avenue they could use a resident Lane and have her click it open and the trucks will go through the resident Lane the problem is a 162 where you're at because they're getting they're getting beat up this is an image of the other two have enough Shade that's lock yeah this is an image of of Lo Lan as an example you see it's not going to be very high it would be the same thing for it's not going take but you also notice it's not providing much shade it's it's shade to the Head the IDE the what the shadow is look at the shadow depends on the well I mean that's not a real that's not a real this is just an image that they presented oh it doesn't actually have the shades there yeah this is this isn't a generated picture but what I'm trying to get at is how far those come out 3T it comes out 3 4T it's not going to it would be the same thing for you all would protrude into the it wouldn't get hit by a vehicle or anything like that it wouldn't affect a vehicle it would be in the same you got see the shadow in that car it wouldn't be an issue because you see you have a little about yeah past like 79 that wouldn't work because you're right there you're right there most of our G houses are right there I don't I don't think that it is is going to make the world of a difference I think in uh in the in terms of sun where it will help a lot is in Rain whereas right now the guard cannot uh go outside when it's raining especially when it's raining hard this would allow them to go outside the problem is that the height of the army will have issues with the amaz destroy where the first one the security guard said I would allow them to come in through the resident Lane well but if they come through 168 they don't have a choice they got to come in through right there's only one no that case yeah well that Cas story not every there was one option that was presented to me well I mean are we still we added awnings to the conversation we should leave that to uh yeah that's got to be in another occation but is was there any other questions on maintenance no okay let's move on to C progress installation of new cameras by and no car still happening install already right that's been installed since what are we looking at uh December January yeah January they were installed uh I'm look so I'm just this is just a picture for you to see oh sorry I got to share my screen did we freeze no there so this is the Camas this is just a screenshot of it but this is what I see every day this is post 11 Post 12 which is out right now uh we're getting it repaired I know uh John is already working on those cameras uh post 12 is 168 post uh 13 1 uh 79th right here and then post uh 14 right here uh 167 and then I also have my 6 one and lock M so I have uh I also have this on my phone I also have on my phone yeah I have it on my computer uh sometimes I'll check in in the middle of the night and see you guys see what's going on um I'm not going to tell you that I'm watching it 247 imposs I can't watch it 247 um but I I do have on my at my desk four screens and one of my screens always has the cameras on so I try to watch as much as possible throughout my work day and um you know for the most part uh guards uh do their job and they do it well you know there's instances where we can improve there's always one there's always one guard or two that you know but the majority of them right now John they've come a long way I have to tell you that thank you I know credit what credit is real quick briefly remind me again why we can't record that why can't we record it public rec uh issue statue is a Florida statue something like that doesn't allow you to really yeah we put it government records things all the time it we we are not going to put it out there as a recording because that would be in public records nightmare you know at any point someone can say oh my wife I want to see what my wife is doing what time do she go into the into this neighborhood and all that stuff we're not getting into that so we're okay so that's a that's a talent not just decision that's not legal no legally Legally could we do it I'm I'm sure we could are we going to do that no if if it came to that point we would just remove the cameras simple as that we're getting the cameras through sfm they're paying for the cameras they're providing the service to me uh uh which they didn't have to do they're they're allowing me to get uh because it's not part of their contract it's an it's an additional service that they're providing to us to allow me to have full access of the cameras and I'm very thankful for them to give me that because it's allowed me to do my job better it's a great tool to have but if it ever came to the point where there was an uproar hey we want recording I would just remove the camera all together yeah and then that's it so yeah okay so let's move on all business D so license license issue of entrance of Gage I want to talk I went and I want to correct Barbie because in the last meeting she said that in cocoa plum they don't ask for the licenses they do at Coco Plum GES by the Sea Star Island and it's and if you read that all these are on public roads they're all managed by day County and and I don't see why we cannot ask for it did this oh he did I don't see why we can't ask for it not take anything down during those three months of the school just to see how it works if the traffic backs up into PSN or P yeah let them go through 80 87 they have another route they don't have to cut through our neighborhood the problem is that they're not cutting into your area they're letting you go out because you're on the east of 79th Avenue so you don't have an issue but 162 162 cannot get into 79th to travel north or south and it happens three hours in the afternoon and it happens in the morning if we are to try this for three months and it doesn't work well then we don't implement it but if we don't try it we don't know you don't know the first week well that's your opinion I mean you'll know the first thing okay but then all these other PL all these other residential neighborhoods it's not working but you could you could but you got to get everybody that live there with the sticker that people can we're going to offer it to them whether they take it or not that's started you can ask for a paper to apply for this for the to get the sticker right now people don't know how to get this places that you talk about C Plum everybody's asking they not jotting it down all those places that's what we're trying to avoid is the school traffic deter the stop it so then let the traffic come in is that what you're saying let it let them come in because they're not implementing the no left in the morning they're not no and in the afternoon we can't get out on 162 so what is the solution hold on hold on hold on in those places those places and I've been there because I used to build a lot of over there and I used to design a lot of they they do and you know that they do have stacking up of cars we don't have hereo okay let me ask you something what if we do stack up the cars don't we have that now with the school we have it stacking up to4 I don't think legally again it's that don't it's not a problem with legal let me tell you something it's not a problem with legal one day a lawyer uhuh a lawyer comes in and shot the town and say you guys are because we're not private they the opinion of theal not just the opinion of the talent attorney this is just so we're clear this is not a new opinion this is not I I mentioned it in the last meeting but I I'll say it again this is this is not something new that the town has created out of thin air this is a legal opinion that has come from other various nsds that already takes place and I'm only talking about the city of Miami this takes place in in special taxing districts everywhere everywhere uh it is not in every single special taxing district it's not an in in all of ours but it is in some of them we're allowing them to come in it's just that we're deterring them from taking that route use a 87 go to4 and don't cut through the development let us get out we need to get out you're not in this crisis you're you were talking about in one of the HOA meetings that you're going to have all these 30 homes how many homes 37 homes you were talking about traffic that's nothing compared to what we have it's 1,700 children and that's cool even if you took those 1700 and adding added a sibling bring it down and if you added those that stay after school and those that go on buses which is very limited it's only two two buses that pick up there you you're looking at about six or 700 cars the key for that to work would be if the people that got stuck in that traffic decided to divert like you said and go to 87th AV then maybe they decided there's no left Bill they're not going to do it first of all what's creating the traffic right now the the parents dropping off the git and bringing them there what's creating the TR they wait in the afternoon you have not been there in the afternoon they play Domino that's not happening anymore but now they're they're you know how you want those swes to be kept beautifully go to the one at 162 and 79 that they're using you know that as a party I think on the council's agenda on this past Tuesday they were going to remove the sign for no parking again and allow let that become a dirt road that's going to become a dirt road and we still can't I I read that it was on the agenda well if that's in the agenda that'll come a dirt road they'll park on the sidewalk the kids cannot walk to school they will probably Park almost buting against the wall of Silver Crest which is not my problem that we're still going to have those cars parked on 79th Avenue is pave it PVE the S no you should probably probably put some Landscaping see and again we need listen I'm not saying this is a permanent fix but if you don't give it a chance the problem is that most of they drop the kids in school they don't go past the gate CU they that very few go past the gate to to park on the swell beyond the gate what what gate are you talking about the guard house they don't know I want you to go the first week of school and this will happen I've been there like four or five times in the afternoon and I see three four cars pass the gate um John how many cars have you seen there where parked on 79th heading southbound heading South heading into no heading out that that block all of 60c 16 second within the guard Comm within the Royal o within the guard Community they go to the middle of the lake waiting to to go to the guard through the guard house to go through the school 10 12 14 cars I tell you every time I pass by there yeah it's just loaded up with Vehicles the guard parked on and I don't know if this is an HOA thing I don't know if this is it should be it's not related to the guard it's not related to the um the the NSD the NSD because once you pass the guard gate that has nothing to do with our function no no yours is just strictly the guard house right so I can't tell I can't do anything to prevent people from parking inside the community I don't know if that's something in your HOA meetings no you can discuss if it's not he doesn't want to you can't you should be able to if you demand every homeowner to keep up with their swes then have them do something about the Swale on that poor guy's house no let them park there because they start parking there and then they wind up in the middle of the L as far as as far as the topic here there's nothing that could be done with that the topic here that we're talking about is the licens uh licensing asking the question for the gain again and the person going through they can refuse to give the license where they're going can refuse to provide any information it's they can ref just and and by the way you can have mine you can set up how you would discuss how you would go about that if that's something you decide to for example I think John mentioned at the beginning of this meeting uh that when he was doing his public comment uh that you could do it uh only at night that's an option if you wanted to do it from Midnight to right the morning at night is it's not going to help us you just want to try it when school starts in the morning and in the afternoon you don't have to do it the whole time you don't have to do it at night you don't have to do it in the afternoon in rush hour it's just to see if we can deter the school traffic to help us out get in and out that's something it's not affecting them it's affecting all the lateral that's something that you as a board have to decide ultimately this is a tool that you can use however you can we approve this on one guard gate and not the rest but at what you can do what however you like you don't have to be affected on your side the problem is a 167 and 79 I understand your point and way and it's just to try it I don't want a permanent it's a it's a situation it's not for him again I'm telling you get out if he's on the west he's on the east side of 79 he can get out and make a ride and go out through the back I can't no but the car still affect them of course they're coming in they're coming in that so let me ask you whether or not we have the choice to ask them for their license do you think the traffic is going to die down coming in from4 I have a question after I give my comments I got the floor let me first and foremost and I got this from the town website which your pictures on it from everything that has to do with nsds okay and I'm just going to read you the two sections that I saw that definitely affect this number one there's a question posted on there can residents request improvements or additional Service uh to the district we have that and then we have the security guard districts restrict public access to the district areas okay so the answer to that is no public access to streets and Compass within a district is never prohibited a required of chapter 18 of Miami day county code is that special tax IND can only be created on public roads all cars must come to a complete stop when they approach the guard house once the vehicle has stopped at the guard gate the guard will register the tag number and description and then will allow the car to enter the district visitors this is the important part visitors do not need to provide any information to the G okay that is the NSD I don't think that he understands where we're coming from we're not I you understand where we're coming from all right let me finish I got the Flor where resident Lanes exit with car control access so they're talking about clickers or stickers or whatever the residents drive through once the guard arm has been activated by the card the or clicker also works there okay so the other part can resident request improvements or additional service to the district for services beyond the original scope described in the ordinance which in the ordinance it does not say anywhere about asking for anything it says the guards at the time would write down the tag which if you really expand on that you know the lprs kind of went against this part of the ordinance okay uh ordinance creating the dis rest must follow the petition process as described above for the amendment so in other words any change to the district Services has to go for a vote of everybody that's there for services that are within the scope of the ordinance the services or improvements will be subject to financial conditions of the district uh budget you know also off Bo okay so a couple of comments you know that I've heard between public comments and everything else stickers I have had stickers and clickers on all my cars in my house for at least six or seven years the clickers work on on I'm 79 because you can go you through the resident Lan the clicker of course does nothing on 167 Terrace does nothing on 168 okay it does work on 162 as far as the stickers are concerned a total waste time and money I have literally turned blue in the face constantly advising the guards over and over again sir don't you see the sticker on my car they still don't see it they still don't see it they still don't know where it is and I over and I've stopped doing it I I I sto doing it because you get aggravated for no for no reason my wife has done the same my two kids have done the same are constantly so we have a sticker a resident sticker in the car first answer out of their mouth what is that the sticker for Royal Oaks e and you get into that so those things are are in my opinion not a consideration okay um now this unnecessary Interruption especially when it comes to you know you were talking about already 82nd Avenue remember 82nd Avenue is going to have both 167 and 168 without resident lates okay so that's also going to affect 162 because traffic will be backed up in that road during these busy periods where even 162 when you have a resident Lane you're going to be in you can't go around youing right you can't go around track is going to be backed up both North and Southbound on 82nd Avenue causing I mean horrific traffic and then it's not even you know mentioned 79th with the school right there uh the traffic is going to be you know out of this world um the same thing the needless interruptions and traffic backup doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand what effect that's going to have on public safety okay so if you have a medical emergency or a law enforcement emergency you are going to have delays because there's no way to get around this right do we want to do that okay and what about now okay three hours we can't get anybody any service in there I have never heard of that really you can come in and out through 79 during the School dismissal time there is a delay but it's not unreasonable that's right when you add this it'll become a reasonable all right so bullet number three additional confrontations of the Guard so just think about it you get the wrong person coming in through there and they now are being asked for their identification they're now being asked where are they going additional information there are going to be people that are not going to be too happy with that situation okay so these guards are going to be affected with additional needless confrontation for something that is not required that you don't have to provide and again there are a lot of people that know that they don't have to provide this information and they're going to get aggravated that they are being needlessly delayed uh through this process um again all it's going to take is one single driver's license to be documented and it's not going to be the guards they're going to be liable for that it's not going to be sfm it's going to be the town of Miami Lakes okay and this was from a lawyer that was sitting at that council meeting when I made my public comments told me and you know if he wants to give up his name you can um the issue of safety safety for what they're not documented anything so where's the increase in safety makes no sense and last but not least uh the part that that you mentioned last time which really really has me concerned is the part where CS are now going to be tasked with determining if uh a person coming in doesn't want to provide their information or let them know these guards are now going to be tasked with determining maybe who might be a uh suspicious suspicious individual and bring this up well that's what I heard last time and then they they are going to bring this up to the police department okay there's a word for this okay it's called tar yeah um profiling so you know these these guards their limited training and experience they don't have anywhere near the amount of time that it will take to make a proper assessment after you know without just personal biases again opens up a whole can of worms that I seriously doubt that anybody wants to get into if that is your personal opinion sir that is my personal opinion from my experience your experience sir okay how's it working in Lo lman cuz I saw it work very well Lo Lan is a different animal oh it's an animal differental Island and go I 383,000 cars between the four guard hous are they have they accused those guards like he said for asking for licenses and being I think I think John can can speak better on that un can on that um so when we uh started the process we definitely got uh bad reactions towards the security officers because people thought that we were uh intruding into areas that we were not entitled to so the officers uh got a backlash over this um what we implemented for Lo Lan was something fairly simple we implemented two checkpoints uh and when the vehicle approached uh the officer would ask for the person's ID if the person uh said uh here's my ID and then we ask where are you going they would volunteer where they're going they would hit one of the checkpoints and take the picture as they're doing at every guard house today if the person declined providing their ID okay go you're you're you're free to come in they would hit the other checkpoint and we would follow the same procedure taking a picture of the tag uh the difference is that when we would hit that second checkpoint that email was captured and was sent through a different email distribution list which reached JP and eventually if the decision was made that that vehicle warranted suspicious uh suspicion then it would be forwarded to the police for the police to to take action so I don't believe that the information was reaching the police immed so my I should be on the list because I ref I want the black so so that's a initial initial stages of this procedure we had a a long log of of vehicles that basically declined by the ID that number has started to decrease to the point where today we have seen that there are limited reports for vehicles that are declining to provide the the access information to the officer what the officer is doing is basically just trying to match the person in the license with whoever is driving just to make sure that these two the picture and the person match um and the destination that it's unnown location to them I'm going to visit Mr whoever John how do they do that at night the the guard gate on L is the the driver is on the opposite side does your officer comes all the way around no they he he sees the guy in the dark inside the car and I can see George or Irene's face never no what they see license I just see a face I go by what they do they ask for the and again I'm sorry but llan how many houses are in LL I don't have probably aund and something home it's not a lot more than that the only the only people they get are residents and visitors period there's no people cut we would have been able to ID whether that person was maybe a realtor or not but she maybe she bluffed or he bluffed at 3 in the morning right we have no way of nothing okay but what criteria makes them suspicious just because they don't give their their idea they're not sfm is not deciding whether someone is suspicious or who is the police the police would decide if in fact there is something that occurs and we need to provide that information right now we we are not making a judgment on I understand that worries me because let's say I'm going to my house at 2:00 in the morning and I'm one of those guys that will always refuse to give my li and I will never give up and somebody comes after me at 15 minutes later and something happens in my neighborhood I'm going to be suspicious for that me because I came in 10 minutes before the guy let me explain something to you right now the way it's set up every single car that goes in through any location whether it's Roy Oaks Roo East West Lock Lan section one whatever you go through a guard gate they take the picture it creates a t it creates a report automatically that's stored in their database for me to look for it I have to ask them to go to their database pull it up whatever the case may be in this case all they did was create a secondary system where that same report actually gets sent to me I get it I have it in in in in email file so if something happens and there's a report and PD needs it immediately I have it immediately and I can provide it to them immediately if it's one of those cars that doesn't mean that it is going to be one of those cars it could be somebody that did provide but at least you have a database there where you but at least I have a database that I could automatically provide information if needed to PD that doesn't mean when you say suspicious activity I want to be very clear with you if I use those words my apologies that's not at all what I meant we don't make decisions on who's suspicious or who's not John we and PD doesn't either John they don't if they don't pass the driver's license no that's suspicious Che the only thing we're doing no that's not accurate that's not accurate that's not accurate that's not accurate that's not what you said you check what I what I refer to is that this second checkpoint is only used to identify those vehicles that didn't volunteer their ID that's all it is okay so they didn't volunteer their ID and they go through a second checkpoint and then what's done nothing nothing that's not what you said earlier no they said that an email is sent to him right as a suspicious vehicle no they don't use the word suspicious but an email get sent to John because the guy did not volunteer to give his license if you go through there you don't volunteer to give your license he's going to get an email I this ordinance that we have is a copycat ordinance of all the other ordinance that Miami day County uses well all the NSD are are they have to go we have a Miami day County ordinance right that the town piggy backed off of we can't make CH changes to that ordinance right you could always make changes to the ordinance you has to the original ordinance from what you have is the original ordinance from I don't 19 or whatever it is this this type of ordinance has been used in all the other places like Star Island plumes by the Sea lock Lo it is a general ordinance right it is okay what let me be very clear with you your ordinance is in your location is 247 no no I'm not that's not the question that's not the question your ordinance no I just want the question to you is this is the same ordinance that everybody in B County uses through the county and we just picky back the town picky back off of that the language is different for different places I wanted to know that okay you have a different language for your area than lo lman lo lman in their ordinance they have the uh ring vehicle you guys don't have that because they changed it always had ring veh okay or or at least a a golf cart that would go around all right I think if you examine the ordinance forgive me for saying this kind of but all it says is you cannot prevent someone from going in no no and doesn't say you can't ask for an ID exactly my point exactly my point that doesn't mean I don't think it's a good idea I'm just saying from a lawyer and I know how lawyers got to do it them all time does say that it says the only thing you do is document ATT the vehicle that's it that's ordinance says what it says that's the only thing you can do that's the only thing that's in the ordinance right what it says it doesn't say anything about asking for anything right what it says we cannot permit we cannot stop cannot stop them coming in single other say the same you can even Google it if you want you can even Google it if you want I'm just trying to figure out how the attorney came up with that you know how they came up with that I mean they're attorneys for God's sake they need to know how do you come up with that unless there's some grounds this this was part of the county overall ordinance which is referenced here it's section 18 chapter 18 of Mi county code so this was referenced from that and then like like John said there are some nuances depending on uh you know the district but for this particular district and let me read it once again so there is no all cars must come to a complete stop when they approach the guard house once the vehicle has stopped at the guard gate the guard will register the tag number and description and then will allow the car to enter the district period visitors do not need to provide any information to the guard doesn't mean you can't ask them yes it does provide no they do not need to Prov provide a driver's license is not information that's the point they it says they're not supposed to ask it say suppos it did say suppos you're adding that listen listen listen listen the biggest problem that we have here is with the traffic on the school in this case okay right the big issue with the NSD throughout the county okay has always been that these communities want to be private when they are when they approved them to be public then they came up with this idea of the NSD and actually it's FAL tax let's the house and why do you think that back in 25 years ago they wouldn't stop you and asking for your license if that was the case because the the big issue we have back in those days was a lot of robbery people coming into the neighborhood we didn't have an issue with traffic in Miami Lakes 15 years ago 25 years ago the big issue was people breaking into houses new construction and people stealing everything that they could so why do you think that they would number one number it was the traffic that we will create a big problem in Miami Lake with the traffic and I don't want to be already does you don't want to be part of it because you're not living on 1622 and 162 oh you would want to wait the 3 hours in the afternoon to get out of your house and any house we had an opportunity and everybody knew when they wanted to build the school and I opposed that no we all opposed and we know what happened there and it wasn't that we didn't get a chance to vote let's not bring that in there then that that was we buying a problem who here wanted the guard houses did you want the guard houses back in the days yes not now yes I still want you want the guard hous and do you want the guard houses do you feel a need for the guard houses what's the need for the guard house they turn crime crime traffic and crime because traffic produces the crime if you don't have the traffic through and the crime doesn't happen that is true in a way when people you to cut through the 87 you you were there back in the days the issue back in the days was C it was were issue it was an issue they used to through those guys let's let let's have order have one person talk at a time I want a motion I want a motion to try this out for three months during the time in the morning of the traffic and in the afternoon I know you're all going to vote no but I needed to I needed to ask and I will at every meeting until maybe we can get something done maybe you guys can realize that we do need to ask for the licenses and your motion is for all four guard houses no no if it doesn't work for you it doesn't work for you it just we are the problem but then again this is not about me this is not about you we represent the whole Community right it's it's got to be more for all why do we have this board if it's not about you and if it's not about me why don't we have this board I don't feel comfortable making decis for the rest of the community let me no then why are we here we're making decisions for the community let's bring this issue to vote we don't want to get put it out there let me interject because there was a question going on yes you could TR try it out in one location yes it can be for a period of time yes it can be uh at any time frame of the day if you wanted to do it like we talked about only at night if you wanted to do it for 247 365 you can do that it's however you guys see fit it it does not have to be at all the locations it is up to you how you decide to do it or not do it however you want to however you see fit to kind of look at her point of view when you make it difficult and annoying for somebody to wait because they have to turn the lights they go the other way yeah it is true that's what we're trying to do because people tend to go where the least resistant is yes that is true then the least resistant is if we try it on that guard house they're going to go through 168 167 why if they're not going to the school there the problem is the9 you're not a dumb person you know the people that are going through there are going to drop their kids off aren't they they're cutting through why okay let me ask you something let me ask you something cutting through anything that is a public vote this guy but it's true like I can't I can't with you because I let you talk and I let you talk so you know don't we are public roads and we are allowing people to cut but if we make it difficult this is what we're trying to say what he understood okay look at the using I will never dare say make it difficult if it's a public road it's a public I don't want anybody help me on record and say hey I'm want I'm going to make it difficult for you to go to this no you can it's a that's what they're doing it's a public road but guess what on 79th Avenue our life takes longer than your life possibly on 82nd but then everything on 79th Avenue is a problem for everything then we got to hold the the town accountable for for for the problem because it can be that everything happened in in Miami Lakes and it's r on guess what I tell you something you are you are the HOA president and you sit on this board right go more through 79th Avenue during school time and you'll see what are the frustrations that we're going through chairman yes sure can I speak yes okay uh it is a public the grow let's be we know that there's a public road the guard houses are used as a t turret on a public road so however you see fit to utilize that guard house you may do so as long as we're legally doing the property we cannot prevent anybody from going through we're not trying to prevent anybody from going through but it's just a deterrence for them to take another route that's it a discour that then and and I've been I've been arguing this for for years why do we have a sign no left that is not enforced it's about to be removed well it should be because it's not being enforced go ahead sir um so we're trying to discourage those that are taking their children to the school coming from within the community Through the guard gate that within do you know where the majority of the school no trying fure out who we're trying to discourage the people that are coming from PSN Gard to take their kids to school yeah because you know what 90% of the students that attend that not they're not from Miami I'm Sor I'm sorry you're agreeing with me let me let me let me say something we need to have more of a commun the communication needs to be better in these meetings and it's not about fighting thats on me I need to I need to get more of these when someone is talking they have the floor they need to speak we cannot be talking over each other let me finish my point now we're trying to discourage those who are Comming their children to the school and taking a specific route now they're going to have to take a different route right because they're going to take their kid to school right so are we trying to alleviate a problem over here and creating a bigger problem somewhere else you see because they're going to take their children to school so I don't know what other route they're going to take because the other coming from the other direction is a problem also if I understand the perimeter rope okay then that becomes that's like all right then becomes another problem so for us the perimeter well it frees up your problem then maybe it becomes a problem for somewhere else nobody thank you well I mean the only sensible guy it could be dangerous there only two lanes right now people going to try to go around that's what I'm saying so there's safety that that has to be considered excuse me Bill so there's no solution to this at all well so these guard houses are pretty things no what I'm saying is I think if there was a solution over res right now the school town well the solution is through the School Board number one and we do the solution is for the town to have proper policing and and then again utilize and and and make the traffic go that way and and don't allow the traffic go on 79th Avenue unless you're a resident everybody you can't do that unless you're because it's a public road we're going to go back to the same thing there you go but all we're is all we're doing is asking them for the license we're Notting them from going in I know it would work but that ain't gonna happen I don't go ahead go ahead I'm not gonna say I like you no he's got a whole redesign which would actually mean moving the guard house and never that's never gonna happen and the school traffic is never goingon to go away oh no definitely that's not even a with the director of the area and they return our phone CL there's things years you know could do typically don't do it they could stagger pick up and drop off but then you have one sibling that's here and one sibling's in this grade now the parents TR to pick up kids at different times it becom a strain on students I don't even know how they were able to permit a size of a school in that density of of homes I don't know you guys did that that should have been something cuz I can't bu I can't build a four-story home in my area with three parking spots that's not part of no I know I know but he was part of it listen guys there is a motion on on the table okay we could be here all night and we can agree her motion is to have try this for 90 days yes at the 79th guard house 247 247 no effective when no at 167 at 7967 in the morning is key and only during the times of the school traffic that's it that's it I need you to be specific in your motion I need you to say when it would be effective what the time school starts I think August 15th and August 15th for three months and the times would be whatever the school traffic is I think it starts at roughly at 1:30 and end like at around 3:15 from 1 to 3 well yeah more or less from 1 to 3: let's say and then in the morning it would be from 7 which 7 to9 7 to9 79 167 both on I just want them to go around that's it let them use the perimeter we need to force the school to think of what they can do alternative you know stagger dismissal alternative we have a there's a motion on the table does anyone second the motion does anybody wants to second the motion lose I second the motion you second the motion okay so L second the motion so now we got to go for a vote so iene yes leis yes no bill no no so the motion is how many times can I bring this up at every meeting you say uh uh check that okay and just to be on record the only reason that the motion is denied because we're all equal whatever is equal for the East is equal for the West that's why we have a committee if that we will have two different commit what about if you put them and and and I do not mind but I don't want this committee to make that decision not not not on my watch and probably both of us and probably the vice chair and some other members if you guys want it maybe next time agenda put this on a vote to go out and vote I don't have a problem with that but not put that weight on the committee the whole Community has to decide what do they want and what's best for them because at the end of the day they're going to blame the five of us whichever way we go so I don't want that pressure on myself or on this committee but that's something that we're going discuss later want to mail out uh the mail out I believe is after or that mail out perhaps we can have a feeling on the question how will people feel like a straw ballot on that mail the gauge we could put questions could be one of the question it could be one of the question question I think that would be one of the ways to miate G feedback which we're going back let's get to that when when we can I think uh we're ready business so we still under old business so down new business any new ideas concerns on how to improve this committee get more people make it even Stephen you guys are all one way on your thoughts uh if there's no no come on guys no ideas I do agree well first of all the committee was supposed to be seven members then the the the council decided that they all needed to be and they said 14 we've never been able to get 14 people because you know that people don't want to spend their time they they they they just don't want to do it the association last night out of 666 homes we had six people but I know why and you know why why everything top I'll tell you they're all happy they don't have any complaints they hate violations but this the violations are there and they're real but that's another another day so any new ideas has any concerns how to improve this commit leis iene any ideas I already said it we need to have a little more balance get are we balanced with east and west from your side supposed to be balanced are we balanced East we're not balanced yeah the problem we try well right now I want to tell you the members that we have where are they from no hold on I here already e so I don't have to I'm from the West Irene is from the East will Garcia is from the East Roberto is from the East man is from the West George is from the East and how many times do they so we got one two three four one two three four from the East Barbie used to be from the East and she just resigned so West we have S is from the East as well none of these people show up so what what's so balanced about this you got to talk if they if they don't come to five min three meetings three me and Strikes Out I haven't seen a lot of people in a lot of time we have five five positions open we have five positions open uh right now we have three from the East and two from the West isn't there also supposed to be certain amount from the h i Am especially the ones that are affected by the traffic how many is supposed to be from the h it's not just east and west there supposed to be also a specific number you have one two three four five from the HOA you have more from the HOA than you have none from the HOA yeah people outside the HOA that's not B I think it's supposed to it was supposed to be I think five from the HOA and then nine from outside between the two obviously we're talking about and then again the HOA East and West the ho East and West obviously we're talking about a day after somebody left so right Barbie was part of the was was 5 yeah until until yesterday now we got three openings on the two on the west three if lyia comes in then we have two more two and two and then L from the East so it'll be five and five okay number B mail outs so yeah so I am putting together uh for the end of the month I want to send out all the uh mail outs that we did last year uh last year we sent out a mail out to everyone's home with the copy of the budget that was approved and uh and we also had as part of that questionnaire um where we would get some feedback how we're doing status of have you attended an uh NSD Advisory board meeting uh was one of the questions another question was uh what is your feelings on the on the the services that you're getting provided um those are the types of questions very generic but good questions to have having said that uh for this year I wanted to come to you guys to see if there's any questions you'd like to ask there's any feedback you'd like to gain for any decision makings or anything like that that's something that we could add if there's anything that you've uh wanted to uh find out what the the your your your neighbors think that would be an opportune moment moment now to put that on the uh questionnaire and I could add it as one of the questions and and send it out we'll got feedback and I'll provide you that information once we get it well I like a question to be asked yes hold on before you do that email you questions absolutely and what I do is I could send you I'm doing this uh with other nsds I sent them last year's so that they could review it I think they were pretty much six or seven questions and then I'm asking them to just send send me that back the questions that you want think be easier I think that will be the best for now we're going to be here all night okay and then we I'll email you yeah so just send me all the questions you have how you want it presented right send send me the question exactly how you want it presented and I will go ahead and add that to the questionnaire it's through Survey Monkey I'm going to put a QR code just like I did last year they do we want to limit the amount of questions because I mean we don't want to somebody gets to Ser with 50 questions they will say keep it to 10 reasonably I'm keeping the six that we already have maybe adding another four adding another four to I would say you probably don't want to go more than 15 uh probably keep it somewhere around 12 would be the maximum between 10 and 15 there's I would say let's the best way to do this would be there's nine of you we could add nine if if if we need to add we get add nine questions so one question for each person okay as the six you have is 15 correct okay so I think that's that's reasonable and then that way we get some some more feedback do we have to make a motion for that you don't have to make a motion uh for for this is just I'm just adding questions to so to the mail out that I'm already going to be doing okay so then this move forward the on I'm I'm sorry uh do you she wants to uh speak uh detective nevas would you sure open the floor I got to go back to public comments or about the same yeah we should let's do public yeah I want make a motion to go back to public comment so detective NE can speak so who second up second everybody in favor motion passes go ahead it was related to what you were discussing now I think you had mentioned that um and and I'm sorry I think it was you who said that stickers are not working I don't know if there's a way that the resident stickers could work and then if you were going to add to the mailing how to get those stickers if that helps the flow at all um just that's that's definitely information that I could add this is a good uh a it is important and and people can we can let them know that about the clickers some don't even I will I will definitely uh be adding uh to the uh to the bailout how to because I already created a uh a document of how to a clicker like how to go to the application and all that's it's already been created and I usually send that when somebody calls and and wants to know I I'll I'll send them an email with that document I'll go ahead and do that same thing I'll print it out and put it as part of the mail out but as far as if you're uh in reference to the sticker if this is something that you wanted to do as part of the Guard housee I have no problem with it like for example Lo lomman we put it as part of our post orders so the guards have to know the sticker because it's part of their post ERS in your loc it's not in the post orders don't say because I got them right here and I read it the other day okay you need to make it a different color need to make it a different color bigger [Music] brighter one other thing about about the um when you people use the clickers and I noticed that sometimes a guard just have to be a little aware if you have a resident coming in and they're clicking and opening the gate arm they should not open a gate arm at the same time other car I've seen a couple close calls wait for that to go the so they don't go through at the same time because soon as they go through the same time it's one right so so I want to be clear this these post orders this one that he has in his hands I'll put it for the camera as well these post orders are the generic post orders for all six guard houses they are not this is the what no I understand that this is the generic all six they don't work but they're not enforced in all six guard houses for example in this post in the post orders there's a section about the ring vehicle you don't have a roolling vehicle so it doesn't apply to you it's the same way that we apply in uh sfm with sfm with the stickers we enforce the post orders for the stickers at lock L because theya has has worked with us to enforce that at no point has the HOA come to me for la O and said hey we're going to have everybody have the stickers updated we can we want Even if we want we can because remember that the HOA Royal Oaks there's only 666 homes on the East and the west and there's a lot of houses that don't belong to the h l lman everyone inside L lman is part of the right and I understand that in our case it's like a 50/50 I understand that and so again uh just to however you guys wanted if you guys ever wanted to have that as part of the post orders I could tomorrow talk with sfm and enforcing that in your location but again you have the issue where half the and I don't know you remember the sticker was the little old tree different only had that there was supposed to be you but because we haven't updated anything but it's like I'm sorry one meeting it's like uh JP says if we want to make this an NSD Post St but not an HOA we in the HOA can't because there's too many houses outside the ho but is there a sticker that's not Royal Oaks but NS right exactly everyone why don't why don't we put in in the G house one for RO looks he's got the one from the town that is that is something that can be done it has not been it has not I got the one for Royal Oaks East there's a different sticker for one and a different sticker for East I have the one for the East it's a little green sticker when how long ago was thatfor that's scker when that's always been since day one since day one no no okay yeah but since day one 1996 Whatever Whenever the took over the NSD those stickers have been well the actually the way the district the West established the two gay guard houses first because the East didn't want do it when they realize that it worked then they wanted to You' been spreading that I know you started in the west came right after after I went to day County for that no when all the other development that's when you start was more expensive back then if you wanted to enforce adding this to as a post order very simple we would a campaign I would go into looking for the cost of getting the stickers for all the homes to per household we create a um a campaign to get these passed out to everybody's home maybe as part of next year's mail out I automatically put the stickers in in the uh in the mail out so that it comes already ready to go and you put it on your vehicle and it gives you instructions on how to put it and that is is how you would go ahead and do it you think that's a good you could do that no you better and you could change that every year you create a new sticker or every three years or every two years however you want to do it every two years as of right now it's never been enforced because you're talking about you put those stick years ago and and most Vehicles do not have them anymore new people that moved in don't have them all that stuff so I'm not going to have sfm enforce stickers from 20 years ago when half the cars now of today don't have them it's not it's not realistic if you're going to do it you have to do it the way lock lman does it lock lman every single year every car gets a new sticker that is why we enforce it there and that's why we do it there because every year they're required to get the new sticker If they don't have the new sticker then they have to be standing in there and get asked the question and their tag gets P so we'll give away two of them free and if you have five cars you buy the rest however you want to do it that's that's up to you guys how you want you have to you go ahead give give two free and if you got four or five cards buy the only you can do the only works is you you you have to update it let's let's work on that that's that's good so um that was just me talking you guys have to make you guys have to make a decision on that that's just meom we should make a motion I'll go ahead and make the motion to go ahead and design sticker for the NSD or east and west okay and make it part of the mail out no this mail out is not going to happen have to wait till next year correct we're going to have to weigh a whole year you can plan for it you don't have to uh we could do the mail out as soon as October listen you have a mail out every year it's going to be part of the budget so it's sced in the budget that's not sckers coule correct it would have to be part of the budget coup per home you just did the budget it's not part of the budget so let's do it this way the motion is for JP to go ahead and uh create a design for the NSD for the sticker get a price get a price and bring it back to to the committee for approval possible if possible I don't know maybe not uh we'll meet again in he's already got AER October October 10 what on the on the on no we're going there now okay excuse me what was the question okay so the motion is to come up with the design okay for the the logo for the for the sticker get a price how much is it going to cost we're going to give two away per household and if they need four five they're going to have to buy the four and5th and then get a price on the on the cost you need a sticker two stickers for each car one depends which gate is open standing on the other see well no I the clicker works on 79 there's no clicker on 167 so the sticker for on that side of I have a clicker I don't have the sticker again um so it's the the motion in place right now is to come up with a design for this the sticker logo and get a quote for the cost of the stickers yes of approximately how many stickers about 1500 at least three sckers oh wait a minute people going to want to buy more too and and this is something that you got to ask Jeremy because Jeremy was the one that s for East and for the West not the same I said the one that explained to me why that has to be and I don't remember what that was because you're totally in theend yeah they funded separately their own budget that could be it one could have an e on it the other one could have a w i mean I think it should be one for the whole neighborhood great idea to split sections because your problems are different from the East it's a great idea to split it what are we talking about the East and the West separate the East and the West the stickers no separate them all together it's different budgets different everything are okay why why have meetings why they to get back something that the council didn't want to do they didn't want to create two commun yeah we have to have one sticker back to it was two communities at one point there should have stuck with but the West never had a quum they never met so they just come they didn't even know that yeah just comb so so back to topic come up with the motion is to come up with a design for a sticker logo and get a quote for the cost of of 3,000 stickers okay and replacements for different quantities they give you three or 5,000 quantities what they're going give you got 1500 homes and you can sell three stickers p00 okay can you just 4500 can you please say State the motion one last time and then so the motion is to have JP come up with a log designed for the NSD and get a number for let's say 5,000 uh stickers okay okay and get a quote from three different vendors and bring it up on to our next meeting so who second that motion I do do a second the motion everybody in favor all all motion passes okay so now we'll move on to the last one ons that's I sent you guys the quotes for the awnings uh a while back I don't know if you guys have had a chance to look at [Music] them good thank you again s that again if it's okay uh okay so we're going to refresh our right now the motion is just for one on it there's no motion on the table at this point there's nothing on the table yet but that's the point that I you not all of them need it right the the the one the guard that needs zma so if we're talking about one awning we already got a price let's just make a motion to do it and let them take care of John nobody else needs it right both Johns nobody else needs the awning except ELO we have received feedback from multiple officers that the sun affects now Delma Cas is is the worst Cas is the worst who else needs it that you think is just no I I can I cannot pinpoint you know do the opening the same side the same on the North no it's on the North side [Music] even right the do on the north right yeah you something from the East and I know6 168 is not as it goes down behind you tring behind these this is the uh the quot the quotes let's see uh are they all compies Royal Oaks East uh this is uh the company is National awnings uh this is uh for while the quote for Royal looks East on 79th Street which is the one that you're refering to uh one complete arch-shaped uh wraparound with two awnings project uh two inch or two feet I guess AR yeah uh each location is $995 $995 is theost that's one that's per Army so that's one one awning at 79 one awning at 167 one awning at we don't need them all right that's up to you guys however you guys only if you want to be uniform you would put it at all four location if you think it's just based on necessity you could do it however you'd like I think that the other ones I don't know about them but I think that the other ones will probably get I think 79 is a little wider than the other ones keep in mind this is a capital Improvement so whatever you decide uh would have to be voted uh I know that John has a solution that he'd like to present to you all go ahead and speak as a temporary solution I'm sorry before you speak is it okay Mr chairman for closed public comment I haven't closed the public then there you go the motion still there you're right so yeah so so a couple of comments first one being that the the owning not only provides protection from the Sun but also from the rain so it assists the officers in the process of taking picture so don't just think about the awning so then that applies to all again if it's if it's the sun yes the necessity also included engineering study that you have to have somebody this one drawing calculation John was talking John so we also understand that this decision budget and that approval process takes some time in in in a process so what sfm is willing to do is to purchase uh umbrell that would obviously match the color of the guard houses and we would be happy to submit our choices to JP so he can share them with you and we would buy these umbrellas that again will be positioned in a way that would not interfere traffic and would provide the protection at least from the Sun for the officers tilted on [Music] yes and it would be temporary until this decision for the onings can be you know voted on and implemented and you know this could be somewhere down the line knowing the community you going to put the umbrella people are going to start complaining actually the door going to look cheesy the moment that you put one of those in there when grab that umbrella I think time is of the essence if we going approve the H tonight and you said he has to go to a couple you already have you already have had the quotes for a while so if you were to vote to approve one of the quotes then I'll go ahead and reach out to them and then this would go to the council would then go from the council to voting to voting how all the resents can I ask you a question this is something that is not it's safety for the guard it has to be approved because it's a capital employment it is a cap I thought Lorenzo said that that never passed that's why he said he's wrong I I I I said he had gone to the second reading he's wrong it absolutely pass it did pass I think I think the HS are going to be more that's that's something that on the other side Christmas lights and then everybody P the heat the heat no guard has died but what happened this week to one of the guards we had to ask for for you know support medical support because one of the officers at at what location this remember exact I believe it was 18 the thing is the heat is not the heat that we had 20 years ago and everybody knows that we we we are also examining also the possibility and this was a to buy them these cooling P that we can put on the on the neck um so if you know we're than like you're going to go in this direction so I just want to put a word of caution that anyone indicating that now the officers are wearing headphones not headphones we're just trying to buy them it says not a headphone and they still going to call for the headphones yeah well just putting it out there because you you are the ones the obvious but what about a hat a nice might not be enough white wide brim not a baseball cap wide I can tell you that Delma in uh she in post uh 13 795 is hard she wears a hat and it doesn't help not enough she was so red it was purple on her skin I her skin is is being so you guys understand now that has to go in front of the council and go to a special election how did L lman do this get approved nothing I can tell you since this decision has been made we have not passed anything in any other I don't think any other committee has Tred that but but we haven't pushed for any like we haven't so they they're not getting the the audits no none no count no no NSD has pushed for anything to be passed oh the last thing that got uh approved and and has taken effect were you guys doing the remodeling which was before that and the speed humps that were placed in uh in Miami Lake section one which was before this decision was made so nothing else has come up that has been like a capital they haven't even they don't even have thought about a process that voting on of the process exactly that decision has not so so part of part of this part of this would be that the decision hasn't been made as to how it would go uh the way it was stated in the motion um they got approved was uh basically it's up to us the the the town to provide um however we see fit to to get that information one way to do it would be through the mail app getting information to the mail app that doesn't mean that they're going to accept it or or or take that as as uh but formal vote formal vote nothing has been said in son as to how that formal vote will take place going to be right it's going to cost money going to cost money and time isn't it on the mailing on the same mailing that you want to put out that serving be a separate have to be a separate formal thing what's the and what's the rule you have to get a 50% plus 50% of all res of all members of the NST no it it doesn't matter what the the final result of the vote is whoever if you get 54 years and 44 no yes get it could be 70 it could be 70 for yes and 30 for no and then it goes to the council and the council still says no or yes at ultimately it's still so a majority doesn't have to vote so this is a vote that's non-binding this is a vote for the for the for the advis for the council to get feedback whenever they make their decision look look look look you guys were not there that they that this whole thing came up in front of the council okay and and I said said it and you know how he felt about it that this committee is Obsolete and most of the Committees are really obsolete when it comes to how we're going to spend the money and the budget because at the end of the day our opinion doesn't count anymore and it's got to go to a vote and it's true what he says and at the end of the day that vote because that was never defined and still as of today I don't think it's defined they don't even know how they're going to do nothing's come up to the table to let's put this on the table now let's just start it and see how the process works there's always a first time and this is the you know safety of these guards it's a Humane thing to do no it's the right thing to do let's do it then let's do it so make it let's uh make a motion to well the motion was actually for that now after you no I'm sorry I'm already the motion to go ahead and we can even approve anything so motion is actually recommendation to go in front of the but you have aont of the council for vo we have to front of the coun guard houses period Then the Town Council what they could do whatever we know that these awnings are going to make that much of a difference no and we should add that it's a safety Factor Health theal a case they called the what to we have to do it a motion that we purchase four awnings two for the West two for the East to improve the health and safety of the guards period because one of already fainted yeah almost yeah no almost no it was H I'll go ahead and I'll second that motion so everybody in favor says I I I I motion passes we'll see how this goes let's see how got to do it to approve two awnings four four four awnings two is it time do to do do the this is right no my point is that we want to change the roof it is I think if it's a significant John John they have to bring that back John I'm sorry and I request for the approval just for the guard house for Delma to put the temporary temporar do it let see what happen yeah a chance yeah if you get a complaint then we'll we'll take it then but AG I'll make motion to go ahead listen it's the summer maybe in the win she doesn't need it but at least we could get give her some helpable the difference between idea um an expense or improv that's another very thing so real real quick uh let's go come to to that's uh now you can go ahead and uh close public comments yes I want to go ahead motion to close comment second by George everybody in favor I okay and anything else so you made a motion to approve for onxs however again I gave you multiple quotes for the audience you have to choose one okay just just go with the cheapest op yes yes yes are they reputable license responsible what say he brought up a book of point we need to amend it to based on how much this might ultimately cost because like you said it might come back8 no no not the awnings the moud or or whatever because this might be ridiculous be $20,000 for the V 15,000 keep in mind that these were just a mail out of a that was that was the toilet year these are not a year old these are uh several months old should still be good well I got to go back I got to go back and and get you a an updated quote inflation is down and keep in mind when this are going down when this process actually takes effect it might the quote might change again it might go down people are struggling right now this is the quote as it is right now for the cheapest one it's 99.95 per this is the cheapest option 9 drawings right the the all permits engineering drawings calculations processing fees and notices to the owner are build at 1,800 for each location which must be paid in full why so another $1,800 another ,800 for all the permits the the for each for each loc location I have a problem with that that is the that is the cheapest option that comes with everything included already everything included already okay you know that as me the fees they're generic you do one and you get the other ones so I talk to them about like a repeat fee but $1,800 for the original design yes and the repeat fee no more than $300 per I could go back to them and just say I want the the price of just rning and just the uh installation the installation permit that and we do the permit uh through through the town the to the town but you got to come up with the engineering and Shop drawings got be so charge you for that I have to go out for quotes again at this point anyways so while the motion is great that we have the emotion to approve it we need to reverse we need to do a motion to get new quotes yeah we need to get I would I would start off with getting new quotes Okay motion to reconsider let me ask you something let me ask you something when you when we spoke about this back in the day you said that they were retractable or not what did you say there was an option for retractable one is this retract option there was an option for one would be in the location uh for 795 there was a design that was given to me and I have it here somewhere I have to look through my emails basically it would go above the guard house at an angle and it would it would block more sun it would be high so it would go above 14 ft so it would be above the roof trucks and how how much is the price out exp that's that's not an arch one the other one was these the one that you have right there the one that was $9.95 that is a basic is there a graph that is there graphic in that proposal graphic a drawing for for that one no the one you have on we're talking about what are you talking about uh one of one of the images was the one that that I showed you of lock lman that that image of lock lman yeah that's just called that's a retractable one or no not RCT that was just a little that was not the 000 yeah so what are we gonna do AR or what it's up to you guys it's up we're just gonna motion to to I gave you these quotes Okay months ago right no I know I saw that get updated months ago it needs to be updated you need to give me a uh now that you are interested in the awnings you need to decide how you want the awnings to look okay whether you you want specifically I want curved ones or I want flat ones or I want one that goes above the guard house you tell me what you want and I will go get quots for that specifically one thing is what we want and another one is what can I but but that's not the the conversation here the conversation is is is right get come up with what you want send it to the send it to be get Council to get uh approval go to the public and then get their approval and this is this is we have a surplus on our side on the east budget meeting last time what was the question we have a surplus on our side on we don't have an issue with that yeah well we got to see how much money is in that is on the Sur and and then the regular budget but the question the motion has to change now because the motion has to be get a new quote for the ons and renegotiate the Shar drawings we're not going to pay $1,800 for each each because once you do one shot drawing is generic for the rest but again that's going with them with national hings who was the cheapest option this one is different no but if this one the attachment the only thing that the building department is looking for is on the attachment that detail is the same that doesn't go go above the roof line if we go above the roof line that's a different one all of them will be the same if we go with one you're going to do the same for all of them yeah oh there you go he didn't know that he didn't know that was go with the same design for all of them so if it has to be above the roof for Delma has to be above the RO for everybody one sh Dr and the fees for a truck's going to hit that and knock it right up what what what they were trying and if you go on top of the roof then you're not mean at the end of the day you can only go up two feet that awning of two foot up that high it's not going to do we're not allowing a truck to go in through that that Lane right we're going to allow them to go through the resident Lane right we talked about that right the shadow is not going to be much it it it's it's dependent on what you guys want the the one for National awning goes out two feet doesn't go past the uh the sidewalk the sidewalk right so because it doesn't go past the sidewalk it's not going to affect traffic or or any trucks or trucks or anything coming in having said that because it's only 2 ft it's you're not going to get be blocked off from from sun which is why I said earlier where it really helps is rain because now you have two feet that you can go offside during the rain and then again in all honesty if we go the the route that we got to go is got to be ret retracted has to be retracted you any other way retra and retractable is going to be more you to retractable also you you're counting on the guard having to manually or extend it further and then if a Tru is coming through you can retract it right but you got to retract it every time a truck comes 79 for example no that's a headache trucks go through there all the time every time that takes time for the guard to do so all of that is is is putting a lot more you you guys were talking about the plays with with asking questions in all in all honesty the awnings cannot go on 1687 and 168 cuz you only have one come in you only they can only go on 79th and 167 the two points that get hit by the Sun the most 79 and 162 79th and 160 no not 162 it would be 79th and uh 168 how could that be they have a big huge tree there but they get hit by the sun when it's not above when it's above they get hit no you can put an on in there it's impossible the one because you have trucks you can if you have trucks coming in second they can come in through the resident Lane and 79 the same thing so we can only have ons on 160 second and 79 that's it it's a waste of time putting it in in the rest so I guess um time and money retract the motion correct retract the motion because the motion has to be again now it's got to be simple get pricing for retractable owns including shop drawings and then we decide and then I for two I don't see there much to if you can and I think this is the last item on the agenda yes yes if you can go ahead and R trct the motion get a second and then create a new motion so retract the motion that was passed on the on motion everybody in favor I so motion is retracted and a new motion on the floor is to get a quote on retractable ownings including shop drawings they have to include the permits we do that two of them instead two one for 79 and one for 162 162 yeah yeah one there too that's all open with sharp joints with sharp joints do we want to specify how big we want those retractable ons they got to comply again and those are the specs that you will have to give them to comply to give enough Shadow and shade for the side of the so the specs the specs would be the the specs enough to provide shade yeah to provide shape for the applicable length to provide shape and those are retractable you know a retractable awning you know let's say like a let's say four 4 foot you know I've got a 10 foot retractable awning in you know it doesn't take that long to retract if it's four and it's 10 feet so if it's four feet and you wouldn't have to retract it the whole way you would just have to retract it enough yeah maybe two feet you don't have you want to make sure that whatever you get here uh would not only provide shade comes with a warranty comes with that needs to be repaired because again if we're putting in a retractable roof and that thing breaks down all of a sudden it blocks the guard that that uh no it it blocks the the street now no trucks go so that now it closes one lane until it gets repaired it can't be some cheapy thing that so you know a little 30 mph wind right knocks it down which is why I was not just looking at that option I was looking no the sh joins because that's one of the things you got to comply with a wind the uplift and the wind okay so the motion that I have on the table is get a quote on retractable awnings to uh with sharp drw with sharp drawings applicable length to provide shape y I work yeah that's it is there a second sorry everybody in favor motion passes it is 9:52 and I make a motion to go ahead and second and everybody yes my stomach is BR this is you got it started try to see if you can get those The Sweep e