e that I I had in my Arsenal from 2012 you passed it okay I don't remembery Andy was the one that I don't remember where I got 705 no I'm trying to turn this thing off ready let's do it all right call them meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. yes and W call ncy Rogers here Johnny turres George hold on here let me cat up okay [Music] 75 right n r okay Johnny not yet here okay go ahead Omar Gonzalez here Lis Lopez darwi we got one two three four we have Forum you got to do the police department and the fire yeah I know fire department rep no no he's said okay NOA he did send in the report report so I can board it to you guys okay and police department rep officer onad door pres Okay order of business do we have any deferrals additions or deltion yeah look to request that somebody make a motion to add new business C for epilepsy training if any of you want to somebody's somebody make a motion and then we can discuss what I'll make a motion for new business item add new business item second so got and what was the epilepsy and that would go under what okay any public comments yeah I was going to show you that uh this is what the key that people are copying from the outside and then steal your still go ahead and Ste in your car that type of you know the Fab they they copy you mean like the one I got or specif that model but well not not a specific model but any any other like especially the good cars like like W and stuff like that you know they want the good card the one that they they stealing they stilling this is that when they drive by the house and get the signal exactly that's how so this is what they do I put the I put this keys inside here and now no they cannot Ste the S it's sort of like the type of covering that you put over your credit cards right whatever rdf um blocker huh rdf blocker it blocks the signal oh really that no no what talking about that it blocks the signal what you you block the signal oh yeah the this one my wife bar you know you know where she got it I mean I know you don't want to give advertising no no but they're available online or in the store I she bought it on Amazon okay thank you okay um did everybody get a chance to read the minutes adoption of minutes oh did you get a copy second please yes snow now it's all done ready um make a motion to adopt the minutes when you when you're ready second down you made the mo you made the mo no I'm not making make motion to adop I'll make a motion to adop the public safy ticks for January 23rd [Music] 2024 what was that day January what 23rd 23rd yes maam 2024 special presentations um I am going to I should have done it with the fs and additions all right we can do this quick sorry never mind special presentations so Police Department please on all right so good afternoon everyone year to date in comparison to last year reference homicides we had four and so far this year none for robberies we had two so far this year we've had three so one more auto theft we had 23 we're at 22 so we're pretty much at the same Pace uh residential burglaries we were at two we're at three commercial we were at two we're at zero we haven't had any commercial burglaries this year wow good and for the batteries we've had one we had two last year and that's rated batteries now they're here and there m is gonna add to them un two of those Auto deps it's GNA be minus two that's super important because a few years ago we had what was it it 60 something and it was all because of the U that was a but it was because they were all being stolen from the lot and it was you know some internals we believe right possibly very yeah okay um detective NIS Europe old business this is a whole bunch of stuff um I guess I was going to talk about the um police appreciation month um yes yes right well that and we have to talk about the um oh okay BR your I will go get it I will get grab it um all right so we're talking about waiting to celebrate um the month of May of law enforcement appreciation and um I has um put together she stuff for the uh actually for the council to do right and in ways that they're going to help us to celebrate yes or not bring yet one of the ideas um that the tech has brought up was maybe doing a small card that we can put at local businesses um and the front of card would be something like National like pretty much letting people know that t supports law enforcement um you know in honor of national law enforcement appreciation month a little bit of details of how that came about the national law enforcement appreciation month and then some tips or suggestions on how to how to on how to support law enforcement during this one um and show your support like by wearing blue by putting ribbons in the mailboxes on I know there's more details there but just so you guys know there's a cop a staff already drafted a graphic kind of based on her ideas so this is like preliminary um if you guys want to take a look and let us know your thoughts if this is something you want to move forward with um and if it's something you want to you know um expense to your account so all of you have a copy of that in your packet would be stage because I've seen that we should like we support the truths but like sticker on a business door or something um this is very preliminary so I mean no I'm just the idea we can hash it out see what you guys want to do just be clear please repeat on the previous meeting not tonight um the month police appreciation month which is may may coming up so we have to decide a few things tonight on what we want to do because we're going to have cards made up with we're going to have um the teits and all this other thing I want that settled tonight okay so we should start talking about the breakfast if we only would have one meeting until the breakfast no we usually do the breakfast towards the end don't we July a oh so we're not going to do it on the actual month again well you guys have to decide that haven't talked about it this FAL year would they be ready by by then well now you got to now you got to get the police on fire to to name somebody and make the plaques and have a but I don't understand what you're asking about the cards oh yeah we can get them ready if you guys agree on it today yeah that gives us plenty of time the one thing got we had talked about was not putting a year on it so that if the card works out we can use the same cards every year you know give out whatever but then we have a box for next year a box you know not smart about that so I put I did a ter Graphics thing is not my thing but I was thinking maybe our car could have like a watermark type of background like maybe with a flag or something um it's a bit of a hot mess but if you can sort of get an idea that's like an idea for the front and then and then like two ideas for the back whether it's vertical or horizontal and and uh I'm sorry yeah so you're saying the card is going to be two-sided I'm suggesting just suggesting this is too big but and pretend this was upside down I mean it is upside down but pretend it wasn't upside down so if you had something even if it was 8 half by 11 sheet folded it in half and of course it would not be a paper this it would be like cardboard or whatever you could do something like this lock or L it St even that I was thinking of something maybe like this size even better a little a little small yeah you know cardboard then it would be to decide is it something displayed or something to be handed out like where somebody could take it so we kind of if somebody's going to take it with them you may not want it to be too big so that siid I get would be considered discussed yeah but I don't know if you perhaps we would talk about the the design and and the wording and and if you guys take it for B yeah I want to move forward with this because this hasn't been discussed as a committee we just need you know your direction so that we can move forward with it if it's Swit to so we would have to make motion just to discuss it you're right something but you guys want want to move forward with it want to move forward with this is there something you want to expense if so how much um again we have a preliminary based on like her idea what the town has dropped it and if I may walk you through the town one um we're thinking two separate cards that we we talked a lot and brainstormed a lot before bringing it to you guys so what you see the drop that you see from the uh from sou end would be two different cards so you see that one says Miami Lake celebrates national law enforcement appreciation month something like that we can say with the wording whatever you guys want um and then the back what we were thinking is at the back of that is we pretty much mention the story of how that came about yeah which and this next page is a so in her copy you'll see it so that's what you're thinking and then maybe adding like ways to support assure your support which are Al on there as well so and then the shape the one that's the Green Card you see would be something separate like a CSA if you guys want to do that as well the the two the second and third pages are suggestions or just ideas for the back of the card uh one is just vertical one is horizontal um again this is some pretty raggedy raggedy work but it just the the concept I could I could not I tried forever and I could just not get that flag in the background to lighten up lighten up a little bit softer butter more well I think everybody would look at it and realize that our flag is red and white and blue yes and I wouldn't go crazy trying [Music] to this is our first year but we're pressed for time we need to vote on this and decide everything tonight so that we can do what we need to do to get anything printed made whatever and because of what we have tonight is only like a rough draft um I was asking if it would be okay to decide on the wording and the concept and then to see if it's okay for someone in particular to make a final decision on the final draft at least for this year uh because we're pressed for time Mo that an option do any of you care to make a motion to move forward with this I will make a motion move forward but what would you call this I guess law enforcement appreciation no I know like aard to move forward with the law enforcement um appreciation month ours okay discussion the only thing I would do and it's maybe this old lady and reading slowly but I just want to clean up this sentence I I read I didn't read the word may as a month I'm sorry it looked like and we might absolutely I I just tweak that and I'll be happy but this may join our it through me so um May in may may may is national law enforcement appreciation month no no I understand what she she saying join committee just put may just fix it so people understand that you're saying in May in the month of May join us how about join our start there join our month of May and may or may appreciate now may you guys don't have to go into I mean unless you want to you want to give us line by line of what you want us to do that's fine more than anything we can we can work off of a direction that you want I'm just afraid that this is going to go out of this room to whomever is going to do something with it and that is going to stay away so do you guys want to give us a direction or do you want to tell us exactly where toer work either is fine just got a suggestion now let's come up with it and settle it and if not then don't ask so the STA suggestion I I want to highlight it again because I don't think all of you are are looking at it the St suggestion is at the back of your St suggestion blue and green stuff no blue and green so the blue and green is a separate initiative if you guys wanted to do a PS the front of the part that we drafted is the little one you see that says Miami Lakes it's the last page that's what I was looking at this one correct so so this is a draft p is a vision as well so we can put those together and work based off of that if you guys want to go that direction or if you want something specific then one of you should be tasked with sending us the exact you know yeah and I'd like to make a comment or question I'm thinking this is the front and this is the back this is one card or it's two different cards no the blue and green would be a separate initiative a PSA in this one correct the blue and green big one yes I blue and green two times exactly this just a smaller one I see time to read it all right what I'd like to do I see two separate things to vote on I'm sorry so let's stick my brain with picking that but this and the white one are the same thing we're talking about the the same thing we're talking about the same thing perhaps these ideas two different you guys like one do you like the other do you want to give suggestions based on what you're seeing we just need direction if you guys want to move forward I kind of like the one where we talk about Public Safety Committee put enough work into this and that type of thing where it mentions us this doesn't I don't see it and I'm reading real quickly so on the right hand the upper right hand small for me okay this says what it is and who did it okay so we'll go with this one then well however to make certain Corrections and add the logo because I I just totally did not didn't have Theo no no but we go with that one but adding the logo and fixing the May thing do you guys want to task task me to correct the verbage that you requested and add the logo and with other suggestions and uh expertise St I'd like to make your job easier and settle this tonight what do you think because then you don't have to leave here and we're going to do this we're going to do that we still have to do a little well no but it wouldn't be voting on it would be deciding on just just a verbage well the verbage he could put join our Public Safety Committee this may and showing support for our Law Enforcement Officers yes it so you're just basically so we're getting away from and and the whole the I think also correct from on the idea of I guess educating that may is law enforcement appreciation month month yeah find it that way and put the May larger this may May's law enforcement appreciation month right yeah and then okay okay so next so I think to make this easier um because I think we're getting stuck on the same thing somebody needs to be responsible for sending me the text that you guys are expecting on this and we'll go um I think this is pretty clear the design with the with the light what is it with the watermark of the flag in the back we can do that we can add the town logo we can add Public Safety logo that's problem at all and we'll keep it like I just need you guys copy and so to make sure that we're following exactly what it is that you guys need to send me to me this is what we want in the front and then we'll play with like the text side and you know headline subject whatever but um yeah somebody should be the one to send me that text then it sounds like you guys want something specific and we want to make sure we follow what it is that you want somebody needs to I think I don't think this needs to be very diff like just one of you send me the text that's it me I I I can tell you what I don't like but a Committee Member or could it be I'm leave it up to you too as well you know you want to leave it up to me and I'll just be sure that it doesn't because this was freaking me on too we already have everything already ready to go how about the first line May is law enforcement appreciation month just as an idea you can play with that part of it later and then join the Public Safety Committee or whatever and showing support it's just a beginning of how the wording could possibly be clearer you're just making a statement that many law enforcement appreciate we could put join the town of Miami Lakes Public Safety Committee or it could be well yeah it throws our name in there but we also want everybody to know that it's it's a town celebration right we got make not just the committee running around so uh playing with those ideas we could settle it tonight I think you could because they started with Miami late celebrates which I thought was a great way to start but then again you guys are saying you want to highlight that may is law enforcement there there's nothing on here from May for the committee I something about just commenting on that they I think correctly started with my right but but you're suggesting that maybe we should start with May is law enforcement appreciation month instead of the Miami L celebrates I I think how about Miami Lakes celebrates that may is Slaughter how about Miami Lakes Public Safety Committee celebrates this way our name is on there and then you add all the other wording we're doing all the work yeah but the whole town is celebrating the whole town cating or or join join the committee I think what is is suggesting is that you guys put your faith in one of us to do this to come up with yes okay I said that all right girl is that is that I make a motion guys motion agree on it I make a motion that detected neis well but so if I may you have to revise there is a motion currently well we're just going to discuss it to continue the the discussion for this so now I don't know if you your motion was to move forward with yeah yeah oh I'm sorry oh okay I thought it was a discussion you dis survive it the motion wasn't a discuss when you whenever there's a motion you automatically you go to discussion after there's a second so you don't to move forward with it so so I'm going to revise the motion that I made to move forward with the project and instead to discuss it good enough yeah I was just going to say revised to what you want but sure all right now we can make the motion to have protect me is Right NY all right I make a motion we have a discussion and you can say what you wanted to say just now okay okay if if you guys could take a look at the back side too to see what [Music] um still the other motion no you just made a motion who seconded that that's what he's asked me I think I don't think anybody think thought so motion is to let detective n let's repeat the motion yes please don't even remember what which one it is that we are going to have detective neis is that the one we're going to have detective NE yes work on the wording for this signage an announcement okay do I get a second Darwin Darwin Darwin second motion discussion okay any other any other ideas or discussion uh preferences how you want to word it yeah so I want to highlight the fact that obviously this is a cost to it so I need you guys to agree on how many you want to print and what your like Max cost you're waiting to spend on this is how much money we got left in the uh you have all the money left you guys haven't we haven't done anything all right CU we're going to going to get to that point my agenda is I want to say that if it's like this I think it should be like this yeah now yeah yeah yeah both sides the second one here yeah oh [Music] yeah I like it all right so do we have a motion as to how we're going to position that card do we need a motion for that I don't think so for no I don't think so I think I just wanted your opinion okay so we're definitely going with landscape and could you take a peek at the suggestions the list of suggestions there and if you want that QR code is that is that that it possibility a QR code to go straight to the Public Safety Committee part of your is that the third page yes okay the blue I don't know what happened with that blue it would be a blue no this is law enforcement month only need for blue yeah that's this is close enough this one looks more like purple yeah but this one here does everybody agree to this I make a motion that we accept this you did you take a peek at the verbage on the list and the verbage because that was a good suggestion for the part I this could be solved even just Mi Lake celebrates May law enforcement appreciation month um one thing on that page this one here um there's one word we can leave it alone but I'm going to bring it up I'm thinking of it in this second box or third box actually here this one where it says show your support by participating in Project who a project of the organization um I don't recall seeing another organization that started this but because we do mention the public safety down here can we change organization to Public Safety Committee unless this is a copy of this card and just leave it alone um I was told that if we say that we're going to participate in Project Blue Light um lighting BL candles that we have to say that it was started by concerns of police that's ATT tributed that's the organization you're referring to I know did is kind of small because you know not that big a deal like a so but I like this so you want to want to go down the line and start talking about which ones we're going to accept and and go individually and vote is that easier to do while no you guys agreed that the text was going to be sent to me on this one on the it's the same card that's just the other side of it I see so that will stay is [Music] right yeah it's the same thing I just had to read okay this gu got organiz it to be able to do it in a way that makes sense which would be landscape also all right and we decided that we go this way is this the one you were holding and one of one of the reasons I didn't go too wild with highlighting May and the front was because the back said says it a little more clearly May is law enforcement appreciation so if if you guys like because I really like the way the town um did it I'm sorry John did it uh first because the way that they he put Miami Lake celebrates and that's kind of like I really liked that start I really like that beginning it's like the whole town coming together you know kind of in the back and lighting it up new and stuff so I really like starting it with Miami Lake celebrates so I don't want to um har on that but I I like that beginning you're right and I'll tell you I agree with you is that if you put Miami Public Safety Committee it brings it smaller and down to the committee and we're doing this yeah oh I'm not part of the committee that's there the whole town right right right Miami I I think they nailed it the way they started it this is your Miami Laker headline yeah so celebrates and then um yeah this one and then uh so we'll just on the so we're just working on the back of it then so I just wanted to make sure that they know that I really want to stick with that and yeah we're just take taking a peek at the back now and if everybody's in pretty good shape with the back the list of little ways to to to join in the biggest one being let's light up the town blue um and then that yeah and it does talk about the public safety commun we mentioned the public safy on the bottom yeah and I don't know if maybe once um they're helping with the final um um product they might be able to put that last one a little bit darker or something or italicize the public what are you talk say say that again I was reading the FR this I have here scan the QR code for more information oh you wanna yeah where it says scan from the town of from the tml Public Safety Committee including private like we can put their bold Public Safety Committee okay so it highlights a little bit more she I would erase that uh comma I mean I know I know it's picky but unless there's the back of this card is this page here am I right yeah that one is scratch but the other one that's the only one so we're not using that no notion yeah you know what can you call these page one two and three page three page three okay that's page three we're going with that one and that one's it's got no problem okay all right so we're not using and I already put no on that so why am I we all right so okay so if I may because I sounds like you guys are agreeing so I just want to make sure we're leaving the front as this the back of your agenda packet little white card with the stars and then the back of that card would be the third page of detective this pack do that make it no they were choosing this one but they like okay so that image that look this whole thing that look but with this this whole thing no this this whole thing this one he's going to all oh oh you already put it you already put you already put it there because we were they were discussing changing the way the card starts okay but then I I brought up the fact that you guys started it the way that I think made a lot of sense yeah so so really there's no changes it's page one and page three of your pocket essentially with maybe a few edits that you'll send right it'll be just right but that's the L yeah okay and then obviously we're adding the logo that's squeez in the public safety Comm logo and um and we'll do the QR code obviously you're talking about making this a little larger that what you're saying we're adding the logo both logos to this to this one to this this is what you guys are and you're talking about adding these yeah the logo always on Graphics how about to fix that awkward sentence Oh I'm gonna fix a sentence maybe just a suggestion there has to be like a breath between the words may and join so what you could do is this may comma join our Public Safety Committee it's just a Fast Fix to add that comma and you don't have to play with the words choosing other words just the thought that will be it somebody else ask which is nice also to start with join our Public Safety Committee this coming May or this may or every May yeah that we can that's why yeah I think we you definitely want to hit that may is you know La enforcement yeah I need to use the card every year not have to like adjust it every year for for the yeah not putting any years any dates you lose then you have to throw away a bunch you got this whoever did this thought that out already you tell that's a good thing about the lock or L it that we have we use them constantly you know more expiration so right so intended are we all on the same page yeah page one and three yeah page one and three Sam so I still need direction for you guys approving the budget for this part and how many parts you want all right can we oh I don't know how we can work that in but I also have an idea regarding where we're going to put our money I think putting our money into this um reaches more people in the town and the police appreciation breakfast thing I have an idea for that and I don't I wanted to add that to the agenda know more or less cards go for or something like this just to be able to have an educated guest or budget for this and I don't think we have to print too too many because um we're probably digitally partially uh we're going to be maybe handing them out at the duty Affairs Bingo and different events and stuff like that so and again digitally it's going to be shared as well so I I so MoneyWise maximum budget what's that amount that we're talking about we haven't spent anything what's that so all of you have a copy of your budget it's page eight of your agenda the budget as a reminder has not changed you're the same amount that was given to you last year and you guys have not used any funds this first of year okay um we'll talk about that real quick if we can I just want to be clear because I don't want you guys to forget if I don't get a number from you guys then you're not approving the expense and we can't move forward with placing that order all right uh let's maybe get away with this with prob the any funds appr so to speak can we table this and speak about the budget and then get back to this tonight we do that hey you just have to reopen the item um the budget is not part of bu because I want to move money around so that we can afford this and go cheaper on this appreciation one question like for instance if or I like you kind of know how much you can say guys we want to put $100 towards this is that like oh you know we're g to get five cars for 100 bucks or are you going to get like you know an amount that at least you can start working with um so just looking at your budget you guys have $600 for educational materials that's pretty much what council gave you budgeted for that those type of expenses if you guys wanted to motion that we are willing to spend up to $600 obviously you try to be as economical as possible but you know we're willing to go up to $600 and we want at least 300 cards I can work off of that but I just need some type of Direction on what you guys are willing to spend because you know I can't decide for you guys if have a question there's a good question on how much does a card cost to kind of yeah um ideally that's why I always say you guys bring quotes for any projects that you're working on um let me try to see if I can pull up from other committees I haven't had a similar project in a while um I had one last year and I can kind of give you a quote of what they gave me last year for cultural Affairs they were going to do like a rack card which I think is even more expensive so we can kind of go based off of that but I I need some time to one we alloc can I can while she's looking that up talk about the budget no let's don't get confused let's just BL that seems be a lot easier all right well tell you we want to stick on the same subject do we need to talk about these have we decided how many we're going to we have to buy some we haven't talked about this yet so if you guys got a whole this is Public Safety month right so this is the point is that that's supposed to tie into this so we give the businesses right the cards and the little C so if you guys that's obviously an extra expense so you guys can either just make a motion of how much you want to spend on this initiative I'm G do this B for the bo I'll prepare this is what it's going to look like and it looks like it's shining I mean burning can y see thank you detective NIS for finding this I think it's cute uh oh okay so then NY I suggest some maybe a motion that we spend what Darwin said up to $600 that doesn't mean we're going to spend 600 but it just gives us the cards and the candles 600 is enough for cards in hand well that's what we have allocated for educational material up to and if it's 300 it's 300 but right but I'm just I'm just asking we're going to include this with the cards yeah okay was that a motion no I'm suggesting somebody if you guys like it what you guys have to CL off motion you haven't taken any votes all right repeat for last motion so we're voting that was the one to uh let detective M to determine the wording for the uh law enforcement appreciation call [Music] hard it's already been second we already did Disc yeah so now motion if on the expense side like how many cards don't know how manys or at least how many you know like minimum I need some type of Direction I got you and also on the maybe how much would for instead of saying how many on amount of cards since you guys didn't know the amount say okay what is whatever $200 worth gives us on cards but allocates $200 so that whatever amount it is we have something like that because I've seen that before in commit and it's worth Bally that there's only there's only a month to go right it's close you know you no we have to this is all right so I'm going to make a motion for the cards and the what you call that candles right to spend up to $300 on both items yeah total total sh items second second discuss why not the whole 600 for Education materials what else do we do what else do we R out there a wor comes to worse you got cards and lights left over for next year yeah that my understanding do you want to do the entire amount yeah hey we don't lose it if we don't spend it right and I don't know of anything else that we're going to need to advertise and if we have to advertise anything then we've got 8 and a half by 11 sheets of paper that we can run off somewhere at the library and hand them out so 600 all okay let's let's go For Broke on those two get them made once yeah so we don't have to return any money and like you said we can use it next you need more you can allocate it from another place so I so all right so we've had the discussion and now we go from well he's he's going to update the motion to $600 we had the discussion but we're going to change it so then the person he Sur Revis by initial motion to spend up to $600 for cards and and candles second second all in favor yeah okay yeah go for Det $600 yay so um just so you guys know um the quote that I have from last true was for rack cards which again I think are probably more expensive um the r cards are like the ones that they hang off like the doors um so it's 4 by9 this was color on both sides and then for a quantity of 100 it was going to be 145 for a quantity of 250 it was going to be 210 and for a quantity of 500 it was going to be 235 good you bigs 300 plus are different that's I like that yeah so we're good no I like that CLE [Music] oh so we're good all right so so that's the $600 on cards and lights that's it and so I think that brings us to Old business Fe yeah never mind sorry I just wanted to if it was okay to be you all the things that you're going to be doing to celebrate um oh yes I have the email yeah so along with that that's pretty much like the expense side of it but there was other ideas that the of us um wanted to kind of do to honor the month and to do a proclamation you guys want to um ask uh Council to do a proclamation you know honoring May's law enforcement um detective n says she would confirm like a cool vehicle right for yes Rob gonna get Memorial vehicle comes to the um to the town council meeting in May and that's a same meaning where the population is given so we would have to make a motion to Mo to do the prop oh yeah if you guys want that one so these are just ideas let me if you want let me go through it and then you guys like one big motion on different like it so um we also talked about asking Council to wear blue or we can also give them the blue ribbons um I don't know if that's appropriate for that like blue ribbons yeah right because that's what it says in the front so we can give those to council um I think we might do that instead of asking them to our blue just give them the blue we have that or we have we have so we can do it that's why that's much easier yeah and in case anybody forget um so given that for the meeting the the vehicle um asked them to do a proclamation and um we would try to get a nice picture of the Proclamation with the vehicle and how so outside um how about they wear the ribbon the whole month not just for the you can ask them too um and then we can the safe the the card that we just talked about and then the town is working on scheduling a coffee with a cop that same month um and I think that's oh let the Laker know now that we've approved it we want to let the Laker know about the initiative of the cards um you know just to let the residents know and you want to do the lights in town hall with the blue and before the meeting they can do the picture and all yeah we would get the picture before the meeting um when they do the special presentations which usually take place at 6 and then Castle me starts at 6:30 so how about the light the whole month yeah yeah that would be for the month sorry that would be for the month of May actually it's actually for the month of April too so it'll be e one April is lot of them awareness month and so it'll be it'll be BL yeah that sounds good we have to make a heck of motion um more than anything if I can help you guys with this one um the coffee with a cop we're already working on um that's nice like good the memorial vehicle I know that they're working on um I can just have counsel you know where the ribbons like we'll work on getting it to them more than anything I guess I just need your direction on the population so I can ask them to do it and the blue R yeah we have those blue no for them to wear the H up yeah I can send them so you want those two things that that helps me okay thank you in any um any writing Publications miy L whatever um I don't want to see this not stay alive I don't want to use the d word um that we call this the annual celebration maybe throw that in there I don't know I'd like to see that we're already telling you right now we're going to do this every year whether I'm here or not it's it's an annual thing am I right so it's referred to it as an annual thing and you all have a heads up and know it'll be a next year okay I don't care where you stick that in anybody we do the motion that every year what whatever whatever whatever well even even now even now that it be referred to you're already fortunate by just saying it be referred to as the annual elase appreciation month celebr not celebration event I think it's worth highlighting um detective n had mentioned that this is actually already recognized right it's it's Florida it's a Florida State Statute that recognizes and miam County also a resolution and but I'm I'm just saying that I'm writing it on the we're we are writing this on the books that it is going to be an annual Miami Lakes uh recognition celebration I don't like celebration that type of thing that that's all um can you please take that into first remember what I said it no motion I make a motion the that the title of this event and include the word an that's basically what I said you worked on the wording another good thing about the way the verbage is done is that when we are made the sheriff officially nothing changes there's nothing here says might the police or it's it's appreciation law enforcement appreciation law enforcement so these cards can be the same every year annual law enforcement appreciation month I want I I just want to see annual fromon I I don't know what I've looked at like a whole bunch of um bad things and none of them they always say law enforcement appreciation day I think that's it goes behind yes whole thing sheriffs you know like that it's just it's all yeah days yeah that's what I was confused about know month but it's because I think um locking us into putting annual might be I like it you like it the day is going to change it every year as to what day because of the C oh no I'm not suggesting the right day we're celebrating the whole monthly I don't like I don't know if we can lock ourselves in the US work I I don't know because we're not the on that do the proclamation I was just going to whatever your request is I'm gonna send the request to the mayor's office I I want you do Proclamation well if you can't do it on the card at least let's cheat a little bit and do it in Miami way to announcement right yeah they're going to call it if they cover the story they're going to call it whatever you call that's why you call it the I don't I don't I I mean again you guys can decide but I think it makes sense that if you're doing this as some part of like UniFi thing that is already happening you should probably just follow what it's recognized as and not add you know words to it okay so we're not doing a motion then the motion I need is do you guys want me to reach out to the mayor's office and ask for a proclamation for this okay wa the motion that we have on the table right now is nany made a motion Darwin second that the town of Miami Lakes has an annual law law enforcement appreciation month celebration in May that it happens every month that they do whatever they do proclamations blue lights ribbons or whatever that's what I understood yeah that leaves us the door open to whatever way we want to celebrate you guys will come back and talk about it next year anyways because your initiatives may be different that's what it just opens the door for us to celebrate it make it an year and how we do it you decide on that year okay know right so um I guess that's separate that's just for you guys but I give need a motion that you guys want me to ask for a proclamation and Proclamation and the wearing of the blue ribb the wearing okay so hold on you want me doing t yeah okay yeah okay so I'll make a [Music] motion oh anybody yeah darn second it oh is there a vote we haven't voted yet for the uh annual thing so we have to vote all right read read the motion vote that the pan of my Leakes has an annual law enforcement appreciation month celebration every May and it was second Dar fa any opposed motion passes okay so the other motion is going to be that I'm making a motion that we let I reach out to the Town Council on our behalf reference different ways of celebrating or do you want me to be specific about the blue ribon I think it's the conversation I'm sorry all right you made a motion you second discussion so let's go there that motion includes how we're going to celebrate and the blue ribbons and lighting everything up in blue yeah she's gonna she's yeah and the proclamation in I thought I mention all right okay so now there's that motion we have have a second yeah Darwin all right all in favor I I any opposed no opposed motion passes my goodness okay one more question one last question I'm sorry one more the um as far as the candles and approaching the businesses are is someone going to be assigned to do that or we just going to kind of Rand scatter I was going to if if you all this is how it work if you all on your behalf or on ours as well but to coach to gram companies for example and talk to them about lighting up certain fountains or whatever blue and giving them candles and cards but um is there would that be something that would have to be kind of somewhat organized or were you guys just um I would correct me if I'm wrong we have or have not voted I thought we did on the blue lights and the cards we voted on yes we did okay um I would recommend perhaps looking for sponsors to help us with the cost of that or not no because it's just going to delay and we need to spend the money anyway oh you're right okay all right so we got that part out of the way any other question so my question was about the logistics cont right distribution or the reaching out and making contact with the businesses or you just can just kind of randomly do that or you guys going to ass one of you to coordinate that it would probably be easier if all of you just split yourselves up into like we'll do the one does One Shopping Center the other one does the other I think that would be the suggestion our on I'll let I'll let you guys know once they're ready and printed I'll do shopping center and that's not something they have to decide on or no that's fine when we did the signs we just went on the parks didn't we they're a lot bigger and and they were more no I understand that they St we kind of have to get permission from the business owner would you mind but basically I was saying you guys don't have to vote on that we you just coordinate that later after the cards you're ready that's not something you have to handle today I just didn't want to since we're cutting it close I didn't want to not vote for you to not vote on something that requires a vote no keep speaking up because you know where I'm sure you thought this had a lot more than what we're doing right now something might come up and I don't want have to have meeting at this rate you guys the cards will be ready by your next meeting so at your next meeting I can just bring them and give them to you you know you divide them into stocks and you guys figure out what you know who wants to take what area if you're available because that gives you a week till May starts actually gives you like 9 no it gives you a week before starts and we would have to approach the people like ask them if they're willing to put this in there and business we can't just tell them heck are we are they able to receive them 4 sure Town H and and we pick them up would that work like yeah I can send you guys an email when it's ready yeah we just and then we drive uh Sandra crazy up front handing it pending it out what yeah I mean you guys I'll leave the stock and you guys get however many you need and that's it well yeah we let's get through this I'm the only one who doesn't work here have a job so if something comes up rather than have anybody at Town Hall be responsible for hand any that I I can come over here and certain days of the week or time and Nancy will be there you want to pick this stuff up to to then go deliver correct so is there any specific areas anybody wants to Let's n let's get through this now I mean I'm I'm in I'm here on Lake Patricia I can take that whole that little Trip's Village you could do like Patricia anybody else think about it whatever and and text me and we go from there it should be an easy there only so many soon as it comes in let me know okay yes I'm going to send an email to all of you guys once a trce so all of you will be do that we're good on that wow that was all anything else well that was one of the most important one most important things we're doing um through the chair I I know we're moving on to the next but I just wanted to highlight the fact that um we're 20 minutes out from the end of your meeting and we have quite a couple items so just wanted to you guys aware all right um we're moving on to 7B yes training yes so um I spoke with our public education department or and dfr um this is one that we could go something so small as just like Basic Flyers you know for safety or have them come out actually and do something again depending how big we want to go so I recommend maybe Flyers stuff like that we do have them we have some that um you know remind you chains the batteries on your smoke detector stuff like that and just like basic fire safety procedures you know have a safety plan at home type of thing so um that's or like I said only come out and do something more formal as far as like CPR and first aid and stuff like that they could but remember we're back again to you want a certification there's a cost to that otherwise it would be just more like awareness type of training so keep work our way up for like first date or CPR or something like that but I say we start small less expensive and isn't that what we did few years back we got certified first you guys did remember the issue was that I I told you I would be able to do it under my and then be of interest because since I'm M yeah no this is something before you joined that I'm with him let's just start off with something small hi thank you thank you anything takes off go bigger right so so you're talking about something at Town Hall no passing out like little Flyers with change batteries or whatever and flyers are going to be printed out well we have already we have them we have that stuff already yeah we have it I mean it's not it's nothing specific to you know because obviously there's so many municipalities that we service so or maybe even the Flyers is a PSA Ander you know website you don't even have to pass them up true the Lakers is actually doing um I think it's serious I don't know if that's a correct word use the Laker um where they're highlighting different like safety things okay I mean you can always ask them oh we can put on our website yeah we can put it you have aage and we can always link about what about what about um like they have those different aprons and stuff and announcements on the table out here in the lobby okay like I put like a little like a little okay how you do that so for my notes um you're going to bring me Flyers correct and you just want them put around like community centers is at the townh house and our website on your yeah that's a good idea thank that was is that done with that QR code thing or you know we can do we yeah the Cure put our it depends what they already have he's working with what they already have okay that I'm just budgetary wise I mean Fant and we don't do we have to do a motion to on this or no no so we're done with that item so okay item s SE no and I the reason I say I'm sorry it's not because I'm rushing you guys the reason I say done is for your notes we don't need to add that item to the next agenda because that's it we closed it off unless there's anything new that comes up let me know so now we're up to 70 the challenge coins updates no back to the murals so okay so the mural I I think we had agreed or at least we spoke about keeping it to the inside of the station because of it's just less red tape so um I spoke to I reached out to the um station Captain over at station 64 who in turn referred me to the you know one of the firefighters that pretty much they did have a mural there but he said that they'll be more than willing to accommodate or talk about what we would want um obviously where the issue was the cost um and that's where are we willing to because so each station obviously they do have a budget if you will you know they have something that's called Kitty that you know we every two weeks we pay into that and it says Darwin I mean in all fairness if it's a project that you guys right and and I get it and I said no no we would he explained that to us at the last meeting okay all right so we decid we want to spend that kind of money right inside is the way to go you know and again man it's it depends how listen we could even go so simple as some of these stations they have like you know fire hydrant that water and sewer donated and we could maybe paint it or have a you know for for maybe competition who you know for the kids from school pain or something like that so but yes they're willing to but the issue is hey who's going to they rather obviously we pay for that right when we so I mean I understand that part that's our idea to do it when I have so for my notes it's kind of what your it was your feedback on where we can place the Mir and you're saying confirm that there is space location and they they want it we want to take it on um So based on my notes after that feedback we you guys were to decide if you did want to take on this project and then just so we can tell uh teach chavers to move forward with requesting permission from Chief Hall that's what he told me correct yeah that's it yeah Chief Hall that's exactly so that would be the motion that you guys need to make if it's something you want to explore right so I motion by the way because I think you even though you're the you I'd rather you make no but I'm just letting you know for anything I motion to move forward with the project um as far as the um the mural um inside the station okay I'll second it discussion wait you got a second yeah discussion um the discussion Nancy is pretty much I think the finances that's pretty much what we're looking at as I said they' rather not take it out of their you know budget or sa and kitty you know um so that's kind of what we're at did they say how much one of those has cost in the past the thing is that the one that's in there they they took a p themselves like it was sort of you know they call it um you know so every so twice twice a year we have station biding so a lot of times if you get new crew in and then it just kind of bonds you know that camarad hey let's do this to the station you turned your head you have a St station meeting what was the I said every every twice a year station bidding bidding bid bid based on your senority that's how that's how you determine what station you're going to work at of so with that said usually you know you could have maybe a new group of firefighters and then a lot of times they'll take it upon themselves hey we're going to paint the station the inside anything outside like I said it does require permission from you know and again which policies in place but anything inside the station pretty much it's fair game you know a lot of times they'll do a um you know let's say they want to upgrade and buy a bigger TV so they take that money out of the station Kitty or a lot of times there's you they'll um they'll do an assessment fee things like that hey by the way it's going it's going to be remember at any given station station 64 you're looking at there's two units and a chief so you're looking at eight people so eight times three there's three shifts 24 so hey it's going to be $50 per person for us to get a 75 in TV so that's an assessment fee so um I have a couple more notes um because I I realized that I Mi here but what I have here is you guys were to the committee things that the committee would need to agree on before he even goes out to Captain Hall to confirm if Captain Hall is interested where one where do we put it so you already kind of have an idea yeah they are what artwork would it be and you guys need to iron out the cost because then you're going to have to seek approval from the town to make sure the town even gives you the budget for it unless you're willing to appr any of your budget and at that point you would have to request to make that you know to use those funds that were allocated for this hey Council can we use it for something else instead so those are things you guys need to iron out um I would suggest that if you really are looking to make this happen you guys start reaching out to artists and getting quotes and bringing that that like rendering start bringing quotes so you guys can finalize and nail down what it is started we talked about a mural or not a mural but painting the outside of the building which is no wait but that's where we started to to do you know like somewhere else now we're talking about painting walls inside the building are we all in agreement to keep the plan at painting a wall inside the building or you mentioned by the TV or whatever do you want to to just keep it as a mural I think we need to vote on that first we you guys haven't moved you haven't agreed to anything else though it's always been a mural that's what I'm saying because it was originally a mural outside we can't do that do you want to still keep it at at a mural inside if I may the notes that I have here were not exactly that the notes were more he was to go back and evaluate what was available and what they that would work better in terms of where you would put the mural and that's why now he's coming back with the recommendation ofde okay so we want to stick with that and just decide and then of course there's who's going to be responsible for choosing the artist so you guys as the committee need to nail down those details okay I've got somebody in mind so if any of you have I would suggest you all go out and look for an artist and get renderings and ideas and get quote it's a rough estimate right because you never really know um but unless you guys start bringing quotes we're not really going to move forward with this and the Project's just going to linger so if you guys want to move forward you do need to start contacting artists asking them for you know hey have you done something like this what are your ideas sometimes it's good to give the artists very little like you know details and let them kind of you know maybe they'll donate their work so and that's the other thing the cost is I know you ask but the cost varies because some people are willing to Don donate it if they're able to they're willing to donate here time okay so right now do we have to vote to all right I make a motion that we look into moving this project to the interior of that station and get ideas on a a mural and an artist now we need a second and then I can bring up the rest of what I want bring up we have to make a motion that motion to do that that's kind of part of your next steps okay so but I want to go into discussion do we need a motion of some to discuss fine my discussion my discussion is and I can tell me because haven't been in town hall a week and we still have those uh paintings in the hallway here on the wall or they've been taken down well the those were just kind of like two weeks ago so but they're still there they will be there till the end of April all right and in May comes in a new exhibit gentlemen there's a particular artist that's got her work on the wall it's beautiful I don't know if that's only specifically what she does I'll I'm referring to Barbara Baron you may know the name her husband uh does painting but not that kind of painting U Roofing and that type of thing and she is a painter her work is gorgeous it's different but it seems to be mostly flowers I don't know if that's the only thing she does but it's very um vibrant and you can all you know look at that type of thing and then there's other paintings on the wall where you might see someone say this would be nice to put up there so um we're going to stick with doing a painting at that particular fire station but inside right that that's a definite yeah so before we leave and we can decide on this soon not right this minute just walk down the um oh in here and and see from those people who got their work on a wall already it's somebody to pick and choose from that's all I'm saying there so um to the chair if I may I really want to highlight this because not this going to move forward you guys need to bring quot renderings to the next meeting well I think we should just when we approach people say would you like to donate we can start with that not get into money things and I'm sure that helps you you know yeah I'm sure they want their work put out there exactly so I wouldn't even say anything about money I would use the word would you like a lot of these artists they want to put their little signature and that's all they want is expose you so I would just say would you like to donate your talents for a mural okay and just to be very clear on on next steps does that mean that all of you are going to go out and look for an artist or is it one specific person who's going to bring you well I don't know an artist so walk down the hallway and their cards are right there well it's only one artist that's the same artist all around down the I would allocate you to reach out to her barbar yeah but do you guys just want to ask one I'm I'm doing it for the sake of time I think you guys should at least have two options to work well I don't know any artist so I can't help I can't even draw stick people so I can't volunteer my service all right well I tell you what how about one person at least volunteer to somehow check around I I don't care how you go about doing it or whatever but at least we have a second option other than just the one that I have access to here but before you leave if you want to look so you at least know what it looks like when you compare my suggestion with somebody else's that's all I'm saying um I didn't realize she was the only one I thought that was other names down this end of the hallway but anyway uh yeah so we're going to look into that right is maybe having a um an artist donate talents and come back with a suggestion next month what do you think and maybe if they have anything where you can take a picture or and we can vote how's that well you would have to tell them what their painting so they can come up with size what size and so they can come with maybe a little sample that they could give you I mean what do we want we're going to have to pick you know you can't one person you got you got to vote on yeah tell them it's going to go to a fire station and Public Safety related go at it what do you come up with I mean I don't know it they don't they wouldn't go straight to the painting they would give you R little hand drawn thing well I'm asking I have one it's the only pain I know but I thought there were other paintings hanging I'll look into a second now D Darwin you know there's a lot of I'm not telling you anything you don't already know there's a lot of firemen I yeah I'm pretty sure with the union or whatever see if there's somebody who does it on the side no we do come up with a recommendation it would be nice to have a particular fireman have his work on the walls that would be even I'd go for that okay you know so yeah I I'll so I'll wow I'll be the second idea that you know about cops you guys can't paint nothing make the announcement station maybe a fire station that station there is willing to do it maybe let you know if you see a fireman on the street hey D P you know come up with with something as fast as possible and and ask for samples renderings okay okay all right do we need a motion for that no okay so we follow up 7D with that 7 d challenge coins update [Music] um I had a couple of samples officer Amador showed me one uh I've seen others there's some with um choices of a batch you know the police badge on one side of the coin I like the idea of one coin with police and fire one on each side because it just makes it easier and you just hand one coin out to somebody we had agreed to that already right so um you guys were pending pools so that you could approve it CL tonight yeah understand I'm sorry no it's fine um then but that I'm just saying that was that was the update because you guys had already discussed the look right that you wanted to yeah already we talk about the Spinners too The Spinners are a bit expensive so um if we can find something that we can work with fine um if not we can eliminate that portion of it but decide police on one side fire on the other I like the idea of the badge somebody um officer alador showed us the one tonight that had a badge on it and I've seen pictures online uh of a badge and it's a little bit different than the round so let's work a little how Public Safety could be somewhere on it you know town of miam Lake is this this one yeah this one's way off Police Department there's no police no okay so we we're GNA work on getting ideas for that do you guys find anything if I may because I think this has been lingering in your agenda for a while you guys need to bring quotes if you don't bring quotes then we're not moving forward with it all right so any more things we suggest bring quot yes the leg work up front I don't know I I think Nancy you were going to reach out to somebody yeah the same person to him the one that did the spinner one you yeah you and he sent you a bunch of pictures the detective right right um I like that size he also does a bigger size some of the stuff I liked some of the I didn't like but I wanted to come back and and get a finished idea of what we want so yes we want fire on one side police on the other that's what we said let's s to one yeah and I I also like something this show this public safety like this I really like you know just the way it is and then with a changing the year and what I've seen is they'll do like half and half like you can put a lot of stuff into one of these coins so like half police and half fire on on that one site but then highlight the Public Safety Committee completely on the that's right remember I said the flag would be would be more indicative of that take the flag with half blue half red yeah and that's it and that's it yeah and and then the other side can have the T man links that I really like that a lot because the coin came from the public which is what I've always said and it's a free coin because if we get into badges now we're starting to yeah so if we want to go that route I think the flag would be the best thing which is yeah well could you do the flag with just the blue and the red yeah that's exactly yeah one flag with that way we don't have the whole like what we had what was it a couple years ago when we had the we had one for police just the same yeah just the same and I've seen I've seen a flag with half yeah and I've seen one with blue and red yeah exactly I like even better that look nice but definitely the public safety part yes committee because this is a free point right that the Public Safety Committee from the town Mi is giving out you want to highlight that I think yes sir yeah definitely hi all right but you wanted to say Public Safety Committee on it did you but I think I think were going to reach out to the guy that did it last year I I did um s s something I his name is um and he sent me a whole bunch of pictures some of them could work some of them couldn't but um I will be contacting again okay and find out the many we want to order how much money we've got uh I what C do those coins in other words what part of our budget those coin come out of you know because if we do so and if I may help you with the quote that that needs to be brought back you guys back in November agreed that you wanted a quote for 100 for 100 coins it was a dual purpose coin that serves both leire and have spinning enem feature quot for 100 I'm sorry 100 points Dual Purpose spinner okay dual purpose of police and fire yeah no no spinner that's what I'm saying I think I think we to undo the SP because it takes up space but I'm saying that was what you guys agreed on it something like this again doesn't have to be no it's switched got to be fast fast just again see this would be more expensive I think I'll go back and check one line item that something like that and encompasses no that's that's mine send it to you thank I will find out what line item it comes out of I'm not sure but the your budget stand that if anything you would just like half blue half red one blue full line yeah but it's probably cheaper to do it half because you're only putting ink on or die whatever they put on one whole line instead two whole lines key is to do yeah one all right um that's no spinner no no Spinners the coin PBA has money for that but not yeah that much yeah maybe we'll get somebody to don't get some money to do it they want their logo on it all right so we are at 8A 8A hurricane season education Town Hall Chambers Flyers Etc [Music] um we the money and the time and and everything do we want to still do that well I think we were going to try and get the flyers from the county or something we weren't going to spend any money on that right we should be able to get that from [Music] um call it the emergency M I don't know I don't think you guys I was supposed to add something on here yeah I don't think you guys have talked about that so if I may um I would suggest can we I would suggest yeah you can table it but more importantly it's no good to table it if you don't have next steps so what is the next step that somebody's going to you know take care and bring back to the next meeting well familiar with these events that Public Safety uh elderly Affairs committee does all the time and they use Chambers and the reason why they get people in there is because they have like uh you know coffee and danish or something and we can advertise and we could do something like that if you want rather than going to these big appreciation which if I can suggest something for the hurricane um I don't know when exactly they do it but I know Costco has been doing like a what what you guys are suggesting here hurricane um information day where they have stuff outside of the store and maybe you can partner up with them and just you know put yourselves out with them if they do something like this for Hurricane Season like hurricane fair or something like that outside of the store when you're talking about having people come to town hall and stuff like that now you got to if you're going to give them Coffee and Stuff how much you got to pay I'm thinking something along the lines of Flyers that you can post on our website put out here so they can pick up if there's anything you guys want added to your website just send me the link and I can do that for you and not only that excuse me offic alador when you go into this your section of the building here you have all sorts of flyers in the waiting area and I believe I saw some hurricane flyers and things where do those come from and we seal some of those and you know have more made up or whatever we got to do but don't you have something in that stand that holds the differentes when do hurricane season start we get a lot of from miam day County that's not police it's just so it could be same things Public Safety if we hand out County stuff a link to Emergency Management for Hurricane information go to I mean the town does just I guess as a but ours will be better as a okay so send me the link and I'll put it for you all right so we're we're going to vote on doing just flyers for Hurricane education and whatever that's what I want to know what is it something that you're creating brand new because the town already that's what I want like I want you guys to understand the town already does put out hurricane information when the time comes so let's just use that why should so as cheesy as this may sound can I make a motion to post it on our website a link yeah a link a link either to that then you're just being redundant no I'm like I'm serious I don't know that if it makes any sense to have a link to a link that already exists within the same web page well not only that if the town is already printing up flyers and this and that the other thing just advise people that the Flyers are available on the table out front so cancel this thing then let's take it out of our hair yeah let the town do that no right that's I agree oh yeah we already do hurricane so we need a motion to table to get rid of this or no all right cancel if you table it you're saying we're going to bring back we're getting rid of it so I'm I'm going to make a motion for 8 a hurricane cheese and educational Town Hall chamber spers Etc to basically disregard it cancel it and we need a motion for that or no to get it's on so I made the motion all right done got enough on our plate yeah all in favor I any opposed no opposed motion [Music] passes okay 911 remembrance siron so veterans committee has um for the last few years done pay a remembrance um they just felt that it probably had you know it falls in line with Public Safety and that you know um the officers and environment that went out that day so they just wanted to get you guys involved see if you guys were interested in taking that on and they would obviously support um I want to highlight the fact that it is a very small simple ceremony it does not take any dollars it's it's really you know it's not like a whole activity event thing what they've done is just bring out um bring out some my some long some officers or firefighters that come out read some of the stories of the people that were affected that day the families have you been I know I have been but I remember remember last year we went to we went yeah we went to something at Veterans Park yeah they do it in Veterans Park um again we can discuss if you guys want to do it also if they just wanted to pick your brain and see if you guys were interested in taking that on as Public Safety they want us to initiate no no no this is already to part wait is it going to be their event and we're invited no or is it us no and it's our they're asking you guys to take it they want take it that's what I'm understanding and I don't want to so if you guys are interested please make a motion so that I know to work with you guys on that EV let me I because I remember there at the thing too they want to either they want they want to mostly give it to the public but if that's not something that is or you know we had talked the maybe collaboration to do a both yeah it would probably be a both thing I'd like to see that first year at least so we see what we're getting into and collaborate together with them and then if they want us to take it over we'll do that so the event has already happened yeah the event has already happened for no because you said you want like to see first the event already been taking place every year so they're offering it to you guys because they feel that it falls in line with the First Responders they want mostly the public safety Community to take it and then they could be the secondary not the other way not public safy go they want it to be together they are willing to do it together the idea is to collaborate collaborate but yeah but not us taking the we have enough yeah okay I just I just need to get back to him so if I could have some feedback somebody want to make a motion that we we're willing look into collaborating with vets committee on what are they calling it it's Patriot Patriot State Pat Patriot State yeah all right so sounds like you're making the motion NY okay I'm making a motion second motion to collaborate yes they also had talked about if it if if it if it's simp ifies it for like the public safety let's say Public Safety takes it or works with it to do something smaller here at um town hall because um over there what happens is it's a small it's a very small thing like I was saying but every year they come out and they take a bunch of volunteers and they put out a bunch of flags H to not to signify the amount of people that that passed away that day so that moment is small but it requ some Logistics okay I don't see it as a public safety thing doing it that they say because it's police and fire Stu because of all police and fire that that passed away militarily wise you're right because after that a lot of people joined the military because of your Curr but it's I remember have to do with 911 or yes it's a 9111 I got I think what what because I remember last year for the veterans committee remember he wanted because you do have a lot of firefighters and police officers that are the so they I don't know if you remember that and then I think I had volunteered I said yeah I'll go out there and I said I'm also police officer and but then it kind of died there I remember reaching out to you and I guess because they he had not the gentleman that uh I believe he was a marine or he retired that's why they collab yeah but that was yeah they're not they're not interested in letting it go complet would collaboration wased include you agree again I want to highlight the fact I think there was some concern that this cost dollars it does not it's not an activity it's not yeah yeah yeah and it's just maybe confirming like the speakers more than anything which you guys you know something like you probably yeah so this item now that we've had this part of the discussion this item my understanding is that they're asking us to collaborate with them because now it sounds like that again so is it a collab you guys want part of it because we bring the public safety to it that's what I'm saying I I have no problem with collaborating but running the show we got enough on our plates with what a little bit of money we're given so we need to vot on I think Vin voted think let's start off with the motion okay the motion is the motion was to collaborate with the veterans committee for the 911 re remembrance ceremony and Darwin second it and we and we discussed so now we need to all in favor of what he said I I any opposed motion passes okay we have record motions tonight now that's what we call 911 Rememberance sorry that was 8 B 8 B yes and I'll send you some information for 8C since we're out of time okay um we're done adjournment time oh no you said I'll send you inform there was something about um but we added it to the agenda it wasn't on talk about the um the police and fire a award ceremony breakfast thank you guys it is I do want know we're gonna go fast we're gonna go fast 45 we we can handle this next month but this police and fire appreciation thing takes all of our money it was over it doesn't I I would like to correct that because that's not um that's not how it's gone the last it has not taken all your money will remind you guys that you guys left money on the table last year and the year before so it does not take all your money but the reason why that money got left on the table was because we were never sure what that appreciation breakfast was going to cost us because it was so at the end of our year and whatever so well I just because I don't think you guys are I don't know why because we've talked about this but that was the case maybe the year before you guys were concerned that it was too close to the end and it didn't allow you to properly plan although quotes were given to you guys wanted me so you guys should be keeping tabs of what these things are costing my point is and no but I want to make sure you know that last year you guys moved it up for that same reason so there shouldn't you guys did that to avoid that happening and you still fall into that same situation because of the location that's where I'm going with this the location for the amount of people that attend that they're there with it's Saturday they're there with their families um I've had some officers mentioned that it's on a weekend they'd rather be with their families this and that we can talk about this at another meeting but I just want you to think about it and that is I've seen some really beautiful events El in Chambers for instance uh what's that group that just uhair cultural Affairs just gave detective theis and other women of Distinction Awards beautiful tables tablecloths it was an intimate thing it was hot breakfast they put all the trays of the food whatever out here in the lobby and people went back and sat inside with with beautiful tablecloths and tables and just the people that should have been there and I and we spent our money on our fla then we can afford to do a few more things elsewhere that's what I was going to tell you that might end up us giving back more money if we don't decide or there's enough time to do stuff we'll be giving back more money and then next year's budget will be even less because we're returning more money no because the reason we're leaving some money on the table is we're doing that big thing and we're not always 100% sure what it's going to all cost us and there there's some question marks and there's other things where we can decide what else we want to do it's just something to think about for the next meeting that I'm not got deci T night that's all but I'm just saying that town hall can put on a nice event when they get those chairs and all that other junk out of that room you put in the agenda for next time sure we can talk about it sure just think about it um if you if you want I'll correct me if I'm wrong they can go online to that cultural affairs they they did they do a video of the cultural Affairs event here okay talk about that all right I might have a couple of pictur yes we spoke about yeah there's a bunch of stuff we all right not all right make motion tojn I make motion to adjourn at 8:47 p.m. who made the motion Darwin Darwin Omar Omar Omar you're talking too much man hold it down it's always interrupting what time the official8 how you doing an excellent job okay take Saturday and Sunday off tell the B side Pro right she