e e okay right um following the special need Advisory board meeting to order today Monday the 1st at 5:40 p.m let's start with call Vivian here Jia not here today mine all right um oh I'm [Music] sorry I'm sorry you also need to for okay so I don't know how we do how I can't do the be the secretary so I'm want to stay as a secretary even though I was asking her for to be the secretary for at least two months until I finish my open on my my schedule in June but she can do it so I'll be the one staying as a secretary all right so I mean she's gonna have to resign herself she yeah she good me she is sick I've been the entire day with a mask at the office but okay I don't want to [Music] see okay all right moving on we're still missing the corrections from the February meeting did any email it to you you sent them but they're still under um announcements I I didn't go through the minutes but I did notice that everything is under so for I have to put [Music] them um I don't know if you want to just keep moving through the agenda and then we get to the minutes then we can discuss the minutes okay all right so the order of business do anybody have any deferrals additions or do um I would like to add if possible um the proposal for the flyer stands if we have time so that would be um 7B added to new business okay I all those in favor okay what is you propos mod sorry addition [Music] okay 27 B new business proposal for flyer [Music] stands okay perfect okay um anybody else any more addition um yes so I believe the S BL is on here y um if you could add the fishing the deoya foundation fishing and um the Miami Collective the collective Awareness Month celebration yes so April 27 so 7 C and 7 [Music] [Music] B buiness 7B C and D 7 c 7 C and 7 D that can go under the same motion [Music] that I want to revise no we already voted on it h in addition we would like to add the Miami mom Collective resource resource fair and the foundation the deoria foundation fishing for a mission event and what's the other one and and the one no you need this one yeah yeah I have it I have it here that one and then the fishing is yeah g from May 18 or wait hold on hold on do I have a second oh yeah that's all those in favor I I I okay second um so I'm marking them 7even c and d and so you want to go on GG's on May 18th [Music] second favor and what what's they called G's g a second challenge all right so moving on to uh public you yeah um would you mind introducing yourself of course yes um my name is Julie Pon I've been a resident of myix for over 30 years now after college I moved up here and I just never left I have a daughter uh with caly she'll be 27 next month and I um actually that's okay no I'm in an odd little corner over here I have to be like on camera um um I'm a former only by choice because I chose a different path in 202 like a lot of people did when cing but I'm a former school guidance counselor I have a masters in mental health and School counseling on a um a supreme court CI family mediator but currently I'm a flight attendant most importantly I'm just a mom of a special needs kid and my biggest concern has been in the past several years for social emotional and health and wealth and I have not seen anything in my legs that addresses that um part of our special needs lives ours I say I'm guessing our family members as well someone that has special needs whether it be autism or th surle policy is a huge umbrella and I know there's a community here in mi Lakes of these folks who are home with their caretakers their family majers um me members on Aging um um family members or um relatives and the only place for them to go is you know an old folks home to be careful for during the day and it's kind of sad and so um in addition to being a part of this um um panel I know you all have an opening I'd like to be a part of it um if that's something that we can um discuss um to find out how you all are already servicing the community and then I'd like to add to that I'd like to add um what I um come with from the county for over 25 years um in offer a social emotional uh growth group social group could the appropriate age group uh those that have aged out of high school but are not yet ready for the old people's homes I I thought um lots of thoughts on that lots of easy planning and experience behind that type of um program to be able to include of course my kid because that's where we first think of the idea but I know there are a lot of kids out there a lot of young adults who don't have jobs didn't go to college who are not socializing and they're just [Music] so they [Music] just I can't say specifically I yeah well well let's see I know there's the GG has the great um group for those of down syndrome um there's a lot of Autism Awareness around town and they have some nice programs and I know a lot of people with really hard um for those for example my daughter isn't a wheelchair she's a spasic quadr plesic but she's super smart super fun loves to be interactive but it's so limited you know she her best friends are our age I mean how fun are we um after a while you know it's important also um and so um mindfulness has been a big part of our curricul say our as a school guidance counselor for many years and we were really put aside for many years and we were asked to do cafeteria Duty in the schools and we asked to do the car line in schools and you know can you cover a class well what about the mindfulness oh but then there's just stas um shooting we really need you guys now okay but now go back to cap dut you forgot and then Co hit and we really need you guys now because but do it through Zoom I well there's no confidentiality and meanwhile all these kids are now aging out and um and now what are we do with them what what are they doing with their thoughts how are they managing their um anxieties and depressions and they deserve a social group a fun group this is not like therapy it's not a therapy offer this is more of a group that anyone between that age group um could be a part of so it's just I want to be a part of the community I haven't been for so long and this um capacity i' like to give part of the community capacity to offer what I um what I bring and experience and then also offer we wanted to also like um we wanted to create something like a maybe a field trip every certain time that they can get together and they can together I see for example DC just down also we have a a literature for several and she expressed to herself like how amazing I think for her because it just like you say you know she's Finch high school she have a lot of friends and now in she was able to find friends and find um like something that she she's good at it something to look forward to we all get something and so looking forward to purpose and teaching others you know she's teaching to learn just seeing her and that's only one person so imagine that it's only one person I don't know how often you are out and about but the par here um um the community center over um CBS West uh Mary Collins I don't know why that I know the name she veterans there um there's always yeah there's um you know you see these kids out there um whether they're in a wheelchair or they have a funny walk to them or they have a funny look about them you're not sure what their umbrella they're under those are the kids I'm looking to Target I'm not quite sure how we'd find them but I know if I was able to look somewhere and say hey look there's a there's something going on every Tuesday and Thursday and this is what all about um I may I may be willing to give it a try and then just the word would spread and it would be something that i' um hope that that my my Mee would support I mean I'm willing to volunteer my time my um youngest my oldest is 27 that's one super poliy and my son's an accountant um so he's in taxes and he's out for the game but uh my youngest is 22 and she's a certified recreational therapist and a physical trainer for those with um disabilities and so she's agreed to be a volunteer along with me as assistant to provide this what I would um classify as an amazing opportunity for the community um to um to how would they come to the like if we do the program would they come in transportation so that's a big that's a big get so my original do I have time do you want um so originally I I I would love to have a um a spot like to and that's always been my like my love you know um project but that takes a lot and um and my kids say Mom it's not going to work unless you're there all the time and you're not going to be there all the time because you like to fly and like other things so they so my son suggested he's the smart one to just downsize it so the idea the idea would be something like let's say a Tuesday and Thursday over at the center um we could accommodate let's start with 10 kiddos all those kiddos have to come with an assistant whether it be your caretaker your mom your grandma your friend whoever is they've got to come with an assistant because they know what serves you best when it comes to your behaviors or your special needs that's a given um and then mindfulness is a research driven um um activity where it will um when used consecutively and consistently and correctly it will help others to um with special needs and us uh to make decisions thoughtfully and to be more aware and engaged in our everyday lives and it improves mental health as well as physical health um and need so um and now you ask for like Tuesday Thursday an hour I'd like to rent out the space over there or we like to reserve the space I don't know what the calendar looks like it's never really that busy it looks like to me that sounds great um rent out the space get some tables and chairs it's minimal um minimal supplies just need the people just need the people and and support that's all and it doesn't just it's not just for those with Cal poliy could be it could be for those who have um diagnosis that we're not even aware of but it's not autism and they don't get a month and it's not down syndrome and they don't get a month you know um UCP United tury I know it's a big government from this program but I never found I never found the connection with them and uh I'm that Mom that I know there are other moms out there in the community I've seen them the huge problem is getting them to join and come no problem we'll start with one because we we go through that every time we have an event and and sad going to sound horrible yeah I know but this sounds horrible but unless it's pain with a Twist they don't come cuz we do an event and if it's not cooling off well sometimes I can I can say honestly as a parent I'm telling you I've been here 30 years my dad was 27 and I have not ever participated I didn't know if she fit in I didn't know I didn't want to take her out I wasn't ready to be a part of that Community just yet perhap take her anywhere she'll love it I'm pretty love it you say that but and and so I not always thought that so if I not always thought that and I work in the field I imagine other family members we just need to connect and we have a lot of connections and I think all it takes is one parent at a time to say just give it a try another and then all you have to do is convince your kid all your kid has to do is come and I promise you you got you know you have meets karate on Fridays I got to be a karate you know how these kids are they like the routine they like the activities you know our registry has been hard to get people to sign up yeah so it's it's hear that it is a chall and I don't disagree with you and I'm not mad that you're that you're saying it's listen I if you find a way to bring more families in we're on board yeah I don't know way 100% I know I have a plan and I know I want to be a part of it um this community and if that um means you know um bringing in the resources we bring in the resources there people out there willing to to work on it with us the thing is I think too A lot of times these families feel like they have to pay to get something good you know they have to pay to go to to a special school pay to go to private school to get something good that's not always the case it's not you need just people who are dedicated and understanding and pathetic and willing to just share their time that's all we're asking for nothing in return sorry also you said you wanted to join our committee yes we have an open seat I believe she already has the application I've always submitted the application yes my own prister to attend a meeting so so you already the application already Julie yes p a r o o n yes they're just Wai Pon j l i yes when it's already been I can tell you [Music] has I think really you have a great idea I mean we willing to do something we with your with your drive as well you know your side of engag the families because it is a lot of time you know a lot of happens say family don't want to come to the program because they just still need time and they need to hear from another family you need to he for another mom so and then that that I like little by little we're building that you know with our programs we have the dance program we just started the The Karate Kate and the dance um Theo program yes on right now so those programs again those programs for those who can move you say mindful yeah and so M can't move like that yeah and so it works great for you all and and it breaks my heart to you don't have the the attendance that you would like but you are making a difference even for those 10 kids who do show up it does make a difference and also it's special needs is such a huge umbrella or spectrum that you're trying to do things for everyone and then like how are you going to do something that's going to help out this group but not alienating the other one it's hard we've been we've had meetings it's like how we going to reach them or how we going to do an event just for kids and no one else yeah so it's it's hard this is yeah this particular program obviously I'd be willing to support you in any program you would work um on as a member of the board but um this is a particular group that's that's kind of lost because they're out of school and not old enough yet to go to those centers and play dominos with louos you know and they can't go to the karate and they can't go to the dance but they can come to mindfulness and do some seated yoga you know I've got a lot of great people who are willing to dedicate and volunteer their time and as special guests I mean there's a lot of really great opportunities out there just to be a part of a group that people that look like you thank and that and that's not your wel and that's not to exclude those with autism or with Down Syndrome it's just I'm looking for a special population in age group so I'd like to do it during school hours sorry guys because during school you get that input um you know um when you're older you get the other opportunities so we be 22 older 22 to 30ish we're not going to turn away somebody 35 you know but definitely somebody out of school um not school age now the high school kid happens to skip school that day and come with his brother well we're not turning them away or if they're homeschooled by all means join us it's not a turn away type of activity it's just a um more targeted group of folks who I feel for many years have been left out and not just this so be like a social group it will absolutely be a social group social emotional group absolutely mindfulness as its focus yes well thank you really definitely going to have your and can you give us your phone number off camera yeah just write it down give it toan yes off camera please and thank you you're very welcome thank you for listening you so you're welcome all right my son did that brilliant thing on Saturday because have some friends coming over and he call his friend and says hey tell told your dad to go my dad and this is his number while he was playing fortnite so I've been getting calls at 2 3 4 a.m. so I've been wanting to kill him that's why I said please on camera I could 100 kids at one game all right let's go on to the of the minutes um the mar minutes here okay we're going do February so Francisco did did you do the corrections for February yes I just need to change what um Gabriel said to change from announcements to under the item that belongs under okay so I have to been out of that one yes it's separate oh it's this one see see see I saw it I saw but I think give there's three four five February 7 yes February 7es anybody there's probably extra you got one [Music] thank you hey like to thank you e how they get go the sponsorship [Music] very [Music] huge thank you you guys ready to approve attending the movement the correct so I make the motion to approve the that we're in minutes um The Collection section to the cor heading have a second I a second all those in favor you b a motion to approve February minutes spending correction to each section now letting second motion as second motion passes I'm trying to like it I'm trying to do a water M Mo predict the future I was going to say the same thing do you have a problem with yeah you are you m at me for doing the No I'm trying to yeah because I saw I'm like wait oh no that's okay I'm just TR to focus on what I'm reading I'm a good multitasker but I been focus focus everybody ready all right move to to the March minutes March 7th huh March 7th minutes March minutes we'll have a second a second sorry all those in favor are oh she's actually um doing person train we don't have a table right with the special we're just showing up what time table right no but it's only we're just there we hand this out and then we go you don't need it I'm not doing the bike ride what's the bike ride I kind need two I'll use right yeah g bring there should be yes bring is there any other update the last one you sent me was 29 yes that's all I've heard I I can find let foring on what time 7:30 is it 7:30 7:30 yeah where is it leaving from did they change it to Main Street no not that but don't you up like a with the chickens and the roosters 6:45 any change on the emails 7:30 registration till 8 and then 8 is the so that means we got to be there before 7 7:15 no 7:30 people are going to start Aton I don't think K off will start like at 10 because what happens is if let's say you have 29 people on um uh what's the program called um back ride no the program where on event and only 10 people show up and it's eight and people are still coming in why kick off if if you know oh there people still coming let's wait another 15 minutes 20 minutes it won't matter 7:30 what where they might have changed it let me see what they put on if they change nervous I don't know was about 32 oh it went up I wish I had my bike well they have some bikes there yeah yeah townhouse and um the thing is I B 305 is going to show up because there's a ton of anything on bik 305 there's a ton of events everywhere in the um you know every weekend so I don't don't know April's crazy I don't know they're but that's from them that are in trailer that they 305 I saw they're posting about critical mass but I haven't seen anything on uh for the town I'm sorry is still Royal where did they set up like okay yeah right in that little area in the front and then right we have the G that's okay for the bike there why what do you on the page like where the calendar section is on events it says departing from Main Street and new Barn Road we haven't received any updates that was the last update we we we show where we have to show but that that's weird where the table going to be it's so like we're here and you just have to go look away this on the town website on the event page so that's what I saw Main Street and newn road that was the last for the farmers we've never done any ride from there starting there so you know you guys know we never have one they wanted to do it their in that farmers market yeah yeah so they're having the ride with the farmers market that's grab some people from there yeah that's where oh that's the time they set up as well people have to bring bikes they go to farm okay I'll try to clarify where you clarify where yeah I'm going to have a meeting about it tomorrow suppos to we're supposed to be royal o is where we're supposed to be so I haven't gotten any emails about a change to there at all this is what it says on that's it's GNA be because we're not going to change it to Royal Oaks now you know but it was originally Royal Oak yes what yes but that discussion started at the chairs meeting they wanted to change it to there and I did where in Main Street yeah so we're done with that we have everything so we're ready for that okay next one adx wall all right so uh the school is charging $250 that's um for us to have a table we've never had to pay before right yeah so anyways um I was going to bring up um for us not to have a yeah the way we should on be have they have um other packages I printed it oh you why there's the business card sponsor for 125 where we can have you know our flyer or whatever in there for $125 I thought that would be we could do that want to say something that's gonna sound horrible I me but why do we we're not a business to be profiting from the event we're someone that's going to support them and help them and we're a board that's going to be doing a lot of things for the participants why be greedy and charges well the table on I'm sorry have chair the table that means who's going to man it you're probably walking it I always walk it were you I'm out of town that weekend so any in a way that we wouldn't be able to get a table but even if we do it they're already sold out anyway so um obviously I'm going to be there because you know my son goes there [Music] um and I'm not against helping them but I don't know if you see my point but I I am against giving and I told I told the principal I'm like you know we've never had the P before is there anything on here that we would be able to do at all because we're not promoting the committee the board we can promote our approach s we can give them a donation didn't you mention something about a bag with stuff that this one so we can do the business part also included okay including bus give our the dojo flyer [Music] um the safety program and uh I can ask Miss Audrey for flyers for the land clot what do you guys think I like that idea now the question is how many do we have to provide good question and do we have time yeah we have time okay I I'm going to make a motion to do the business card sponsor for $125 and put you know these put our flyers in their giveaway thats do I have a second I all those in favor I a question yes to print these out you guys print them or your fee um we can print them just depending how many you would need need okay then I'll find outan sorry the 125 will be coming out of what buet um what it Community awareness there's Community awareness um Community programs shouldn't be it social and Recreation so say Comm awareness I can check we had allocated money or like yeah which like that's what our market bucket is community awareness yeah but soltion Recreation might be also I think this would be adti or whatever yes commun awareness so they a motion to sponsor the business card sponsorship at X foox WS for 1225 coming out of Community aess fed second right yeah and we have to get in touch with her or someone in reference by then in reference to how many yeah I'll find out um and Gabby um I'm gonna forward you or I think it's on that email a link for I believe so um I do just I won't be here for the rest of this week so if I don't know if you can ask them to hold it and then we I'll on Wednesday and if you have to reach out to play to find out what we need what they need from us so next item so I'm the only one that's going to be going do walk yeah nobody else the I'll be there with you yeah always welcome our little walking ail yeah Saturday 10 yeah I'm waiting for the 18 heading we're heading to North Carolina so I'm like oh yeah all right cool name you need any detail anything all right so next up is an update for the special need safety program okay so um everything's the same in reference to the all um the last one that was turned in um still working on it at at headquarters for some reason at communications so I hasn't come back yet but we always jot information down anyway so in case something does come up we we're we're ready even before it's in the system um and there would be in the system and we won't know it's in the system yet which happened with the last one we 13 um but something really big happened today I received these stickers this is for the county program right through the cars now this is all I know I don't know anything else because I can't maybe became premature but tomorrow I'm supposed to get an email bunch of information maybe some sort of training from my understanding it's a very simple um process to register and then the person comes to the station and we give him the sticker it's what I know right now supposedly that's how we should know but I'll know more tomorrow but the county itself like Miami day County Police does not have yeah yeah it's through the county so it this could it could it could be over it could be the umbrella of the county including all municipalities or it could be just unincorporated right I think it anybody any to tell because for instance let's say the person lives in hiia right uh what's the closest station to hiia for the county it would be Northwest so then Northwest would take over if they register Northwest would be the the station for them to go just to get the sticker but they would be registered already in I think that's how I mean I think that's how it should works okay but are you registering just to get a sticker or they're like keeping your information like our program I don't know oh you don't know yet find find out for the next meeting I'll have all thee it's something like a count like that big I I don't know maybe I hope I hope that is like the go but I know already a lot of municipalities I know this was for um like specifically for the car like if to show that there's special needs in the car and you know to know how to deal with it beforehand you know just from See the s how far it goes I know how I would do it right and it would be something like that and through the tag I would say well now the Tag's registered I would register where that house where that car belongs to where they let's register the house I don't know how far start it's a step for that's that's the main thing I so that has to do with the new law that pass that every County needs to have a ready program maybe that's I know have talked about it for a while they have been for a while because uh talking the was talking so and this was exactly and next next meeting I'll have I have more information very ex can I pleas yes back yeah because I don't know what to do with it the off and put it somewhere I was going to bring a stack and go guys here you go but I don't know what what we're doing you know I don't know how we're setting it up um so tomorrow I'll be attending the um obviously the the bike ride uh with the helmets um Tomorrow there's a big um Caravan that I'm going to also T oh is that for ran school yeah yes we're going to be there yes it's going to be North Miami we're going to beet at North Miami Police in the morning then go to H Island I don't know what that is South FL office Charter yeah and then we're going to drive by mey we're going to go to my headquarters for a good while apparently there's there's thank you there's going to be a big thing there um and then we're in at the Crystal Academy in cor so it's a nice big nice long car and then on the 13 um there is one from fire from I fire it's a bike ride but it's like a lot it's not like this type of bike ride it's the one where they actually have miles so there's a 12 mile ride and a 30 mile ride I believe so I want to do that in the morning um 12 m one the on because after that is the ARs for autism so I G to be ready for that then the Xbox the S oh my God the SX um I've been talking to John about getting our equipment or County stuff because he says that there might have been a disconnect between he said he sent all the emails and they all went through but there might have been a disconnect on the importance of the event somehow so then I had to take the emails and reset them to everybody and to more people to make sure that we get all our equipment out there for for the you know not not like town but like Miami day County the helicopter and all that that stuff I've been working with for that and of course I'll be there we won't have a t can we pass out the little Flyers those are walking around yeah we can what day is that no tomorrow we will I'll be I'll wear my shirt and switch to my mom's shirt wear my board shirt and then when it's time to walk I'll switch to we different hat all right thank you so next thing is dojo program update and then other than today the uh you Center being locked when they got there was yeah they have they don't have a [Music] coordinator so they didn't do the program today no they did but they had to call thankfully John was there his kids are attending and he got in touch to I was going to send an email I'll copy just to make sure that I mean my understanding was that somebody would always be there but otherwise that you know I've gotten really good feedback from people that I know are doing the program um many are sign up I believe yes no because I give you the anyway so eight students already when is the target date that the program ends April no I mean may may may so we still have time to like a little yeah of the when was the first official date March 11 11 the okay so we'll discuss the this is the thir okay I have an animation program update yes I wanted to ask you all done so Catherine is back he's going great um and uh there ready to start they want to um I don't know if they if they answer my the last Emil I said to no last yeah um all we they want they want to do it on Thursdays on the animation class um I sent an email to see like what time were they thinking is about mornings or afternoons so this is an adult it's for an adult um so I'm waiting to hear back about the scheduling but then we should just how how many weeks you you guys think we need to in advance to do the open house at least one month three weeks or a month first we need to approve it see what's going on with it have the place and then we can we'll know when we can do an open house they like want to start like yeah we have a date already no because we're waiting on Parks and R to Thursdays is available but like once that is done think once that that they decide we're going to start off because everything is the contract is signed right once we decide what's the first day two weeks before before open house two weeks before that that Thursday okay yeah that's kind of I we don't know we're waiting to hear see yeah what time uh do they want know 5 to 6 for the open house no animation for the class for the class I don't know I asked her I that an email know asking I mean I would think like during the day oh it's for adults and something like that even though that might be harder because I think there's a right and not just that but the there's like a after school program or something like a school program in the youth center and I would like to do it in the youth center they have to bring their own computers no the yeah they bring their they bring their on laptop but anyway that that's going to be happening soon okay once I start hearing back getting answers to all these questions it should not be so we're looking to start this for summertime or before so may late May [Music] hopefully by the way the last day of class is May [Music] [Music] 208th you haven't received any invoices from the sunet I did okay um but we don't have information in our system so procur okay all right moving on um workshops workshops yeah let's move it okay I'm motion to move item 6f from old business do our next meeting I I second all those in favor I to May meeting yeah all right so the resource Fair April 13th um I already started um the order with Miss Audrey I'm going to forward you the Amazon there's like a way to share the list I I haven't figured it out but the thing is when you share the list like the quantities don't come out I'm not sure I put on a wish list yeah you put a wish list as long as a wish list is public you can share it if it's private no you can share it both ways you yeah because she hadn't open in the account yeah that works fine last and it's from 11 to 11 to1 April was April 13 who's going to be ordering the food oh okay food yeah we're going to order she's going to go like FL so we don't have to order it now I mean I have yes you will have to order it we don't have to order Miss Audrey will send you the list and I'll send it to you okay we have to pick it up and take it [Music] there and who's going last year good right well we're going to see if we can get like some type of entertainment or something for the kids but who will pay for it we we have we assign $1,000 okay for for for we have enough face help with anything in there something no just yeah maybe like half hour early you guys can come 10:30 set up the room you know set up the food we got like the the theme is like picnic Prett cute we think like white and red Checkers and like sunflowers how cool we got like red and white huh yeah and the chice which she has OB I just want to put through the I wanted to get the Comfort dogs but I just wanted to get the confirmation before hopefully they can there's so much going on I have something every weekend questions yeah in reference to the resar we're going to pass out the sensory toys we have them at our table okay the flyer so people you know there's going to be like that's right you you've never been through right last year I was sick okay so you know in the Mary Collins it's like right I been to the other resource there but yeah just people like the vendors have table set up and people kind of go around and do you want me to pick up the sensory toys if you can cuz I'm here you're on the other side yeah if you can that' be great and then you can set up our table niely you always that's the face again how you set it up very stylish who's got the tablecloth I need a t class when I pick up the toys unless you're going to be there I okay table clo with toys um that Wednesday okay and then there was $1,000 um allocated for that event yeah we didn't we vote already on that I know it was part of one of the commit works okay um so w so you're not here on this one so you're not here until next one please say that what you have office or only wednes automatic reply I know the off the automatic reply tells me when you're here only for us Wednesday no in general for everyone [Music] I know everything ordering was like next day or two days um will you be here on the 13th I will not be here on the 13th I will be here on [Music] 10th yeah for the food and for everything the CH is perfect I like the Amazon stuff it should be fun well we have the toys what other Amazon stuff you want like the tablecloths the napkins the little decorations for the tables oh I wanted to see if you could get us a few cows like the little spy yeah no the real ones there at the corner of [Music] just she does have the order I mean I have it but I'm not going now yeah I just yeah it's possible yeah all right so let's move on while I do this uh anyone other questions about the resource Fair okay uh who would be attending I [Music] am M you're going to the four that are present maybe five maybe six or seven all right the web page review I have to be honest with you all I did not have time to look at it anybody else do that if it's not I'm going to it for next meeting I make a motion to defer I believe the changes were made yeah but I oh yes you're right yeah the links everything so we'll defer to the next meetings old disiness 6h yeah do I hear a second I have second all those in favor um field trip discussion you guys think I'm I have thought about a few then realized that one of them was out of the question because the aquarium is no longer part of Miami um but one of the places that kept coming up and popping up was the fro Museum it has the aquarium it has a lot of sensory things for kids uh even uh the signs uh projected onto the floor so I think that's a really really cool place for for kids especially with sensory that and obviously the Miami Children's Museum but that one has a lot of sensory uh displays as well I don't know if you ever been to that one time I was think I like the Fross that like like a bigger age range cuz I feel like the children's usean is more for like I would like to do something a little bit more the other thing that I thought of was Oita Park that they ran The Kayaks there that that could be something for a lot of kids or a lot of young adults personally I would stay in clear of anything liability wise watering binging a newow at the mall it's beautiful so super te very nice has aace not too loud either there's one at the P PL small that um has an arcade that has an a whole one yeah yeah we've gone there it's it's not as spicy as it's not as pricey as early because as d right but it's a nice thing does uh Chuy Chi still doing the SAT sensory Saturday mornings for special needs for the kids they do it once I think they do it every other Saturday yeah we have like a farm you can go Jungle [Music] Island okay so do you want whoever mentioned whatever mentioned see if they can research some information for filter yeah like the group pricing go go po Museum Francisco po how many 10 20 do we have to supply bus transportation I don't think so I think it will be just people meeting there yeah that's M Parts oh the buses for now even um how many people we think will go show everything if it's free a 100 will show up if it no everything's free and not 100 show up but this is a cool thing R Museum it's not this the doyo or well no the doyo always shows up and with the twist is always full but as long as in school people show up resource Fair no one shows up the lighting of the of Main Street no one shows up that's the heart that's what we're talking earlier about getting people to come that's what I hear you everyone everyone's on board for the cool things just like the town you know the town has a you know the town has a skateboarding class that's free once a month and now it's when it's finally getting full sometimes it takes time you going to check with a zoom I can check for the soon yes for sure too R don't you have a do you have a contact with like baseball like to go to a baseball game yeah yes uh we can get Mar yeah we can do a night night day yeah like Miami Lakes inclusive uhuh baseball they don't we didn't plan they probably have an Autism or special need they do they have actually eight they I believe the part have sensory affair um games also I don't know if they could provide information I'm try to find out yeah I know sometimes they're like trying to give away those tickets I know I I try to I try to give away 200 tickets last Friday for opening day Saturday and it was very hard look I being spring break it was very hard to get be we had three winners from our school Thursday and 34,000 people what on thday it was on thday capacity it was the traffic was horrible yeah the Marin the Marlin the state it was the bottom of the S and people were still outside trying to look for parking and everything was closed because all of the parking garages are full yes I'm Sopris paying people to go matter date but it was pirates pirates H yeah yeah and they were very nice everybody was just asking for directions but the problem was that again bottom the second inning and still they were driving around trying to look for paring everything was listen try to talk to somebody from out here from one of these houses they'll Char me 30 40 bucks and then you know that's what I used to be right and 10 yeah we that okay dating ourselves I remember what all right so okay so I can do Jungle [Music] Island I'll find out about and round one who can you do round one have you been there you've been to round one you were the one that said round one oh yeah no the bowling oh the bowling is the same as one okay so yeah it's in there oh I had no idea what so CL is calling there yeah they have food you can order food and yeah it's a nice place and they have our barricade too there's a lot to do all right so we'll bring back our result from research all right new business uh the um card event I did not get a chance to talk Ian he had reached out to me he wanted to come to the meeting on Wednesday so I told him that we had changed the meeting to today from today and he said that that for me to call him I called him earlier and he wasn't available so I didn't um get a chance to get feedback as to like what are they be providing do we know what they going to discuss no because I didn't I never got a chance to talk to him but oh look yeah he's he's calling me now get it I you might be watching the meeting I have a question about the field trip there's this other idea that I had it's uh Shake A Leg have you guys ever heard of shake Leg Love they are they have the infrastructure to work with kids with special needs that I think will be a really really cool experience for anyone so will you guys be open to that one so cool yeah they like a bunch sing they have the little Sunfish they have paddle boards kayaks everything and Sh you ever heard of them it's a nonprofit in coconut grow they're at the old Coast Guard hanger and they specialize in teaching people or or vets or people with special or with disabilities uh sailing and it was called Shake because apparently what I heard is that when they started was they had a group of veterans that were just missing and that's why they were calling Shak and again I don't know how true or how false that is but that's what I was told and it's a really cool organization been to a lot of their events they're all free and they have food and they do a lot of events there as well uh so if we ever want to do an event we can no the outside their outside hanger it's huge yeah well that's when the your foundation is That's Where It's At the sh all right idea okay so you so card event um from what they had told us it's basically like a picnic you know um remember when joh so I I have thought um the youth center would be a good place for that because the playground is shaded there's indoors activities how big of an event you're saying picnic how big of event I don't know how big that little area next to it yeah I don't know I don't know how many people went to the last time to the last one I don't but that that's like a lot of I mean a lot of think between the inside the [Music] outside you get more info how many people or let's ask them about photos uh if they've posted a online anything they've done on their Coral Gables events that way we can get an idea of what it looks like and what we're talking about un yeah part because they do that event also at the Gatewood right so at least we can see what it looks like and how many people show up and their set up so we can have an idea for when we don't have an idea open they want to for Summer Okay so we're getting more in you guys think with summer will be a good time to do it it's hot as hell I know we live in Florida yeah but will you go to Disney in the summertime no exactly I only go in December because of last week so out event and that's other reason why we wanted when we wanted to do the outdoor movie uh Falcon peanut butter Falcon the kid that wanted to do the movie like the actor he said that he would do it in March February uh outour that it was cooler so I think if it's special needs Outdoors will be they say they wanted to kind of make it like a back to school thing or am I thinking I think you're right they did that right yeah we got time so a okay all right well I'll talk to live and and try to get more details and see do you guys want to do it you want to do this event let I think we see more yeah if we see how the other events they've done at the GES and everything has turned out and there's Logistics why not I mean I think it's a it's a great opportunity to like promote Pro and they have back in the have of following so yeah I I think it's going to help us out and give us the exposure just learning more details and more of the logistics about it because I think it will be a cool event that can be start happening every year actually we can probably tie it to our back to school event we'll bring more people in I know we have yes don't we have we were last year we did it with uh giving Gators weren't we yeah the giveaway yeah that's the town no well we participated in that one so if we we handed out little cards yeah well we can make it a year event I think has a potential okay um we're done now we're on new business you already did new business now we got addition yeah SB okay what is this oh okay I'll give you one after I'm done okay um we were thinking of how having the um stand for the fires remember especially when it's outside inside we don't have that much a problem because you know it there's no wind but outside they have the one for our flyers and then um and for cards which and I found that was 5 by seven so we there I I printed out a couple of them um the first one is just a five by 8 and 1 half by 11 and it's a acrylic with a clear at the bottom it it detaches okay so that way it's easier to pack you don't have to worry about breaking it um so the pack of three of the clear is $4.99 and at the bottom under one two three four five seven number item number seven is um a six-pack I thought I printed it okay a six-pack but with a black base at the bottom the tou as well yeah perfect two sixpack sixpacks are 21 25999 and the clear one is $21.99 25.99 is a black bottom it doesn't really matter um and then the top one is three a three pack so let's go for the six-pack okay um and now and then the the second one was a three tier which I don't think we need that's only we only had a little table but we have more than enough room on that table um then um that's just a flyer and then one two three the third one is a thicker one is one but with a thicker so I can hold all the pliers the first one is just the single page that you know you put it this and then the other ones are fatter and where you can hold them right one of those so there's uh two different kinds one for the 6 by9 which which is I figured it's for the size of the safety and then the other ones are 8 and 1/2 by 11 which is for the regular size F the big one and no we need also the small ones for the 6x9 Flyers as now are those I know they're not the like the other ones that you can remove the base but are there any ones available that you can remove the base no not for that because it's it's it's a thing yeah because that's the the problem with all those things they're always cracking up right but if they're the thick ones then yeah it's good I would say get a p by okay pack of the 8 and half by 11 yeah okay and then the acrylic one sixpack one one okay so so two of the third you want the black [Music] p both have six well let's the clear P it's cheer $4 okay okay to the no no no I thought okay so we're going to have a six-pack of the flyer holders just flyer holders and then we're going to have two of the one that you stack all the flyers in and two of that size is that it right okay so we out of the third one we're getting how many one one set which is of two two so no one from this one yeah set of the 6 by9 which is two right okay okay [Music] one have to write all that oh I'm going to motion right now I just want to but when you motion I have to write down which ones we're getting no okay right so one of these one of these and one of these okay I like to make a motion to um propose that we buy 100 doll worth of vertical flyer holders and or flyer stands not to exceed $100 I second all those in favor I and this would be also from um community aess Community oh okay take it from Community awareness adjust it okay next item is the the foundation fishing toic 7 [Music] C no Saturday April 133 this is the same we of our resour how did we get [Music] with look at that shake [Music] oh there yeah that's where I know they're usedful their T there but she was telling us that that's where they're based out of so it makes sense um unfortunately my opinion um we cannot participate on in this it it's over ,000 we need special permit and no not not just that yeah it's $1,500 15500 for a team 4,000 and 8,000 on the anything left and we don't even have a team it's to short notice SP team I think that's who sponsor a team get a team team of six Anglers team of six anglers in fishing include a vent bag wristband so in other words you have to sponsor six kids you have to or people you yeah unfortunately we would have to pass no yeah okay it looks like a very niy looks like really nice in there my husband would love it loves fishing so you propos to so soend we are unable to attend we we'll consider for next year so next we have the mom collect Miami mom collect as Miami's Premier parenting resource and Community Miami M Collective connect local bels to relevant resources local and National businesses campness happenings and also all each other more than years we have help plus Brands reach their target Marone we then for awareness month celebration and resource Fair Saturday April [Music] 27th it's okay doesn't matter doesn't matter you can't attend it's out of town out of town it's a resource for yeah the D it's out of town it's a research sprayer and really don't have anything to promote in and we will need a t and that's a t okay moving on May 18 May 18 so you have a table and [Music] get we did it yeah but we didn't have table have a table I don't think we just signed you yeah you sign up signed up yeah okay sign we sign up everybody Alexandra too but she didn't go and John and he didn't go I was I was in Orlando as weekend you think we need a table if it's including this year anything to do with walks is very hard for me I will be sit there look pretty sit at the table just sit there and look pretty I'll be a participant yeah we'll just sign up when we get there well in May April money for that I think did that's how we got we got a shirt and everything logo logo inspection and then and it was yellow right didn't we vote it on that on January February I think or January to to sponsor this year so she has to do an invoice right yeah yeah or was it done online I think I online I we have to do online send her the link I remember last year Ryan had something that day and he didn't come he'll be able to do the I'll read you on you should get a little scooter I was just thinking like what happened I they I can find out because we also can get um [Music] you that's a good one for the summer it's water all right um next meeting what are we doing then with hey what do I write down on the G spoke line okay and yeah in May in may we just allocate the money no it's already allocated all right okay so I have an announcement um okay um the town is is uh doing wants to do with Proclamation uh at the Town M meeting next week a week from tomorrow so the May is has called me um wanting for for me to suggest for me to consult you guys to suggest you know someone or an organization to to do a proclamation for Autism Awareness Month um so everyone I thought of we've already done like uh dance class AR autism um I can say is dor is she still selling the he was in the White House CU they're now in what the Ali or Miami lades yeah but she was selling it the school now other that's um hope for autism already got it Yan card already got it so like I was trying to think and um I thought well what about the sensei that's teaching the class maybe he might doing something you know for him to represent I can't take M okay unless you guys don't know them much they do jobs for yeah they're not in town that's thing can we move that what is that [Music] for and also they want us to be there the in the beginning there's a student with autism is going to be uh doing the pledge of allegiance I mean I also thought what about okay everyone the ucation fund the Orange Bowl I'm pretty sure they're in town so but I'm pretty sure they also gotten Proclamation have they cuz I know the education f is here in Main Street and the orange bow as well but what do they have to do with oh I would say the orange movie she's still in Miami L and she she's done a lot for kids in Miami L don't get me wrong I I would love to do dor to to nominate her but the school is not here wouldn't that be a problem was I I I will nominate her in a heartbeat but wouldn't that cause any issues because she moved the school there's no programation I mean we've done programation for like the cancers the Cancer Society and they nor Miami Beach and a here in Miami again I would love to have an for that the was and there in Miami Beach and we did a pration for them uhuh and so I I feel if they are supporting any family with them to and it's the it's awareness they no you don't have to sell it you don't have to S because I I would love for her to do it but again would that bring us any but School closer to what Al one and they're also in as long as it doesn't give any there's no no issues with that I would want as well do a FL formation in a in a therapy center or like a service I thought maybe Bob Graham educational because they have a program right like that like uh maybe like their Department ASD if can you find gab can we find out is there way to find out if we can Linate Angel reach because if that's if we can then yes she just has to talk to whoever send an email but I it's this is conversation yeah suggestions it's not even like a right just just ask me for suggestions but I have a few suggestions yeah I just don't one then and they oh sorry you're not in town like pull the car right underneath so if if we can then yes yes and yes I just want to make sure we can I don't think they're self contained bar yeah now if we can nominate other people out of town I will say Serena Coen Foundation that we I know she has kids there with autism but what she's done is the first thing that or the first time it's done in the county which is a a public beach for people with wheelchair people with special needs so that's also an amazing thing that she has done if it's just if we can nominate someone from out of your town Ian obviously somebody like I have ties to the town they don't live here but they have like ties to the town right so I mean if you guys can make it to the meeting on next Tuesday a week from tomorrow next 6 8 or 9 or 9 at 6 well I think the will be at six [Music] because you and I don't know if this is an announcement or more of a comment but I wanted to say congratulations to and was a lot of people everybody had a great time it was really a great event beautiful congratulations thank you for we've been with I like been with you since the beginning literally yes she came to one of our first meetings to tell us GG play so that's all started yeah but it's when we went to the one in the other room yeah but it's it's great to see the community like how they they actually got so close together and helping you know the restaurant open up the doors and they they were like anything you know we help you and then just watching the kids and then this time we did like for the little ones we did the music class and then for the adult we did the dance class so it was nice because then their parents get to see how they they love to enjoy and have a great time yes and the weather wasn't very good the weather was it was oh perfect didn't rain the next day rain it was like a to be like it was perfect yeah they actually the made marar like came yellow and blue with the colors and parents were there and I enjoy it it was a fun day it's a celebration my next meting is the first the first again me next meeting perfect excent so don't forget to next meeting is May 1 don't forget to vote on the special election Miami Lakers yes it's when who motion journ huh I motion to adjourn tonight's meeting at 7:20 p.m. I second [Music] hi