e okay sorry sorry all right needs Advisory Board musing um um to order at 5:38 p.m today May 1st um call call Vivian I'm here here mine Sana present clar Francis Paula Gonzalez John will John is welcome back John thank you okay so are there any different adition C solutions for the agenda today I have one I Mo to um add the movie day um through old business um letter G 6G field trip is supposed to be movie day not Marlin game so I want to change that the Marlin game and put second all those in favor motion um I wanted to add um the dojo the last day I know it says Dojo program update Last Day celebration yeah so I don't know if this is something that just we talk about it there but I wanted to see what you guys think of maybe doing like a little survey to get like some feedback from the parents since this is a pilot program and to see like I the one that I printed is not the one I wanted to bring today was a long day I work so this is not what I wanted because I thought about it yesterday so okay point is um I I printed something out just so we can have an idea so we just talk about it there or do we make it a new line item no we can talk about it anything else okay um I think I actually have a comment I don't know if you want to add that to the agenda I you abandon sorry um no um it's an opportunity with mental health task force and I believe leave the LGB Affairs committee it's on a workshop with what the police department is doing new business yes can she make a motion or we make a motion oh I'm just not motions so I motion to add 7c in on new business new propos workshop collaboration Workshop collaboration any second all those in favor I all right so I guess I don't know on the comments iing um you [Music] can actually under order of business to do that I guess you can just an addition I don't know if you want to hold elections again or if you just want to and we have to I so we have to add it to the agenda yes just under new business but then just make that the first thing that you will be doing before moving on to public comments so you we make that seven d but you would make the first thing that's going to happen before public conference I'm going to add elections um under new business but it's going to be the first thing we discuss in second all those in favor I all right um we need to do public comments pleas yeah U well no you can do that before public comments because the person taking minutes should okay be the one all right so I am officially resigning as chair as today as of today as of right now we don't have to secondary and I am nominating nominating John to be chair well thank you I certainly accept the opportunity and I'm looking forward to being chairman again thank you Vian welcome in that case um I would like that to reside as Vice chair and nominate welcome back and I want to say thank you you for calling everyone who helped me while I was share everything I really appreciate it like like old times right yes it's all yours now well thank you well with that being officially said um now that I am chair you are Vice chair we now have to select a new secretary since there's no secretary here we don't have to vote there only one nominee well you would select the secretary for no no I'm talking about because Paula resign we just she wasn't here to resign she hasn't been here to resign I thought she told you guys that she resigned from it last no I said because she didn't come to the last meeting she came to the first meeting we voted her in then the second she didn't come and now she didn't come okay well in that case uh since I can't take notes and the only person that can't take notes is Frankie he's taking over I'll help you understand what this says when you when you're ready that's my is she coming today do you guys no she wasn't feeling there she has kids also so that she can't even make it in so I guess I'm so now we're on four public comments I have everything written up to four on there and it's in chicken scratch John Roger style so I know how to read it you just have to ask me no worry I understand yish no okay um let's go ahead and get to public comments by doing so we would like to welcome some guests that we have here let's start with our folks over here in the corner that been very patiently waiting would you mind uh introducing yourselves to us and let us what you're here to talk about hi um my name is Carmen Baker and I work at the miamia public library system where I manage um program um special programs for kids with autism the elderly and um and author events and I'm here today to talk to you a little bit about some of the programs that we have at the library um to help folks um that have a special needs and your name is Carmen Baker Carmen Baker okay yes thank you and name is Joseph trulio I'm the branch manager of the Miami Lakes Branch I'm here to back her up and if anyone has any questions about what's going on in the branch we'll talk a little bit about that and if you have any questions about like our upcoming renovation stuff like that I can tell you in what I know Joseph what's your last name again I'm sorry t r u l i o thank you you're welcome and I forgot to mention that Jennifer Shipley um she was she's the library operations on administrator she was supposed to be here at this meeting today but she couldn't make it and so I'm here okay you still have the floor all right thank you so much so um yeah so thank you for inviting us um we are super excited to share about some of the programs that the library offers um individuals with special needs and I just wanted to tell you that um we offer sensory friendly resources um materials at the library year round and I'm talking about um books from books to um materials like U magazines and um online resources health and wellness magazines um we also have um well aside from those if you go to our website which is very important that's where you can find out about everything the library has to offer and then we give you your website www.ms.org okay that is a place to go to to learn about our wonderful resources and um anytime that we have a a campaign for example last month we um we observed autism acceptance month we have a landing page with all the information programs um um and um and resources that you can um find out about at our locations in case you're not aware we have um talking about and talking about um autism we have Library social narratives out our branches these are little booklets that when be um you know before uh somebody with on the Spectrum visits the library they're able to to view ahead of time from home from anywhere and they'll they'll get to see what their Branch looks like before visiting the library so it's something nice that we have which you can find out about on our website and um also other branches we have Library sensory kits and these are um available at all locations and the kits include um calming and soothing physic voice um no noise reducing headsets and um so that is available our branches and that parents can ask for these when they visit okay um a program that I would like to highlight um so before I I I talk to you about those other programs I just want to tell you that um if you check out our calendar of events page under programming you can find out a wealth of wonderful events that we host at all locations at Miami Lakes and at other libraries such as um we had a program with a music therapist who came in and she did a wonderful program um called rocking and reading at the library she had she came in with a parachute with uh books and and scars and so the kids had a wonderful time um we also have um we also had another program uh yoga for kids on the Spectrum and so those were very well uh um um um also art art um and painting and um and music and and some theater show we also had so um all those wonderful programs you can find them by visiting our website under programs and it's offered Y at our branches a great program that we have that I want to highlight that you maybe you're a little bit aware of it's the um program called connections is the service is a service called connections for our home customers these are for individuals who are not able to leave the house due to a um a health condition or age and so guess what the library is able to mail the materials to um folks who are cannot leave their home for whatever reason okay and so to participate is free all they to do is contact the connections library and again this you can also find it on our website and um mail the materials customers can call to find out um if they if they need assistance finding books to read and our Librarians will be able to help them with that and we have a books available also in Spanish that we can do large print movies um Val books TVs program while doing that let me back little bit the other program that we have is called the brail and talking books library this is for individual who are visually impaired and so this wonderful program Nails digital um materials a digital player as you can see on the on the page and um completely free and um so all they would have to do is contact the Bon talking book library and um we'll be able to send the materials home and we include bestsellers romance novels and they don't have to worry about um postage it's all completely free passing that out for you thank you lastly um you mentioned that you guys have these specialized programs like the yoga program and such are they only like a one-time event type thing or do you do like sessions with them it depends um for special programs for example inil even last month you had some special ones um from time to time we're able to get some locations will have yoga classes you'd have to check the um we have to check these calendar okay if the board were interested in partnering up with you for one of these types of events to help bring it to our Branch if it's not being Opera our Branch that's something we do we work with uh with Joseph here on or yes you can work with Joseph and and the programming Department which is where I work I work in that department and definitely that's something we can look into sounds very exciting can you do the programs outside of the library like to bring something special to a place yes you me um yeah it could serve as an Outreach because for G would be great uh lelan I think was the the previous uh lady was in charge of the library you know she she used to go to G's a lot and do like story time for the for the little kids or babies she set up with them the current um children's librarian at Miami Lakes uh Laura is in communication with giigi she'll be going there she set up to go there she's R to visit next month depending on when they when it's convenient for her to go there yeah she's in communication with ggs we've done a lot with them over time we always try and keep working with them whenever possible yeah especially the yog will be great why don't know about the well we don't have any certified yoga people at Miami Lake but that's something we can take into account I can communicate with our community engagement and programming Department to see what might be possible yeah definitely would love to explore that again inter there was something else you want yeah and finally this story time Express which um for parents who like to share a story time at home with their children they're able to do this they can borrow this kids so sometimes they come to the library oh they don't have time to pick books um so guess what everything it's already in the bag it's a bag with books and audiobooks and puppets and so this is something that parents can share with their children it's absolutely free okay and all they need to do is contact the uh store time Express office and they'll be able to help them all right well normally we have we try and keep Story Time Express kits available in the branch but we can't keep we don't have all of them so we can always come and pick from what we have all you need is a regular library account check them out you can also set up an account with them for at Story Time Express office account which will allow you to select from the list of available ones and have it shipped to the branch so things specifically you need um best to get it contact them set up an account with them and then you can look at the list that I'd like to borrow this one and you have it sent to my invit for me to pick up okay and the kit contains books toys visual aids so you can do your own story time at home in one easy bag are all the programs free including the sensory and the year well the sensory the sensory kits are for in Branch use we have them there you don't even need a card to check them out to borrow them but they are for in Branch use very good well thank you thank you kmen appreciate you guys sharing that information with us okay um okay I have a couple minutes to talk about some other stuff too just throw in there real quick I won't take long for prims even I'm Italian I'll try and curve it okay um another quick thing with some of the other programs we have available is we have our mobile lensing device program so if you can't get out to to a branch you can't or you don't have easy access to the internet or online you can actually check out with your library card and borrow we have Chromebooks tablets and hotspots you can borrow with your library account now it's a very popular program and unfortunately there is a waiting list for the materials but you can't do that you borrow it for like 30 days so you can like if you don't say if your computer goes down hopefully you can get one quick you can borrow one from the library or come into any of our branches but if you can't make it in you can we something we can provide to you that way and for online access so which you can take the library home I have Library home so you can access the you can access the library because really we never close the building they shop but the library is still Ava to go onto our website and through our ebooks audiobooks and more we have a program where you can sign up with services that we contract with for free with your library account borrow ebooks eat audio books check out much movies music get free music downloads access magazine Mar so we have services that available anytime which might help with anyone say if they have a special needs person because I know it's all ages we can make stuff available without even having to come to the building and related some something we have coming up recent coming this month on May 18th we're having a cre a tactile art piece which is basically art that has Contour to it soing you can feel it that's a special program we're bring in oh you want to pass it down this way okay yeah and it's free this all these programs are free everything we offer the branches is free of charge you guys ever attend like resource fairs when you set up a table and yes okay so we have a a yearly uh resource Fair every April okay at one of our community centers and we would love for you to join us part so you can get um we'll make sure that we have somebody liary cards set to do that one for you there on right next to your phone you can even rent out PS4 PS5 games yeah you get one at time oh I take my kids a l to the library they love it excellent like I you like you said you can always go on to our website at mdpls.org check the online calendar look for special events I think something we look into um for some of our upcoming events especially we wanted to do we see about having them come out that would be great because they they've done like a story walk which is like where you're kind of doing a story but you're kind of walking around it's like a little bit more out to be a great activity for the event really I'll put they're great and they have also I fig make I that question that kids can do like online to start the renovation sometime this year unfortunately don't have a concrete date yet we're currently in the process of looking for a spot for a temporary location because we do want to maintain service in the town okay yes so we will we not we're not going to close and go away for a year or more we will still have Library services available it may not be the same scale but we always try and we always work to open a temporary location nearby the library that's being worked on okay so we'll still we'll still be aing and if not us we also know there's the pound North Branch which may not be in the town but it is nearby as the next closest location to Miami Lakes what is the renovation until we complete it they have to start first they well they're hoping 12 to 14 months but I can't guarantee that it looks really pretty I know I've seen yeah it's going since the building is over 40 years old we need to do a major thing we're going to enlarge it by 5,000 square feet wow add a second Auditorium uh gut the inside redo it all new electrical all new data um dedicated areas for the kids special and special like inclosed children's area uh new computers it have like a 3D printing area I just saw on Library we're going to have a new Media Center so I'm not sure it what's going to be it exactly going to be in that but there will be computers and stuff for kids and even maybe adults too you so the Orlando library has an they have we might have would be to say visit the north day Regional Branch they have a new media center with the we may have that also all right guys thank you so much for sharing um you gave us are your contact info didn't you yeah I you got might else need to might else wouldn't like a card I have some more of those they give me big boxes of them I'll take as many as you want never never can go wrong with cards we'll get in touch with you guys let's see what we can do um first things first that we will definitely make sure that you guys your guys's programs are updated on our towns have a newsletter resources page yes thank you EXC the resources page that we have um a page for resources and information in the town so we need to make sure we update indicating what um Services you guys have available and then what did you say they have a newsletter like us so you can sign up they'll send you like reminders of everything they're doing that would be my suggestion it's easier to keep track with that good I think I'm gonna actually make a dedicated email to this thing so all right thank you so much guys appreciate it thank you and we also have another guest I'm not sure I caught your name when you came in Javier Javier yes good evening everybody my name is Javier Gonzalez I am a physical therapist and founder of DEA Pediatric Therapy we're a Pediatric Therapy company that Services children from 0 to 21 years old we are founded in Miami Lakes I'm a Miami Lakes native um I grew up in this area and I feel very passionate about servicing this area and the children in this area I recently met a couple of the board members at the autism resource fair and um learned about the the Special Needs Board and was excited to come uh ruce myself to everyone and to become more of an active member of the community here in the resource in the specials board and as a resource to the community and in any way that I can so here are some of the pamphlets that I have for our company um any questions at all I'd be happy to to to answer all right what what services do you offer we offer physical occupational and speech therapy only in or in Miami Lakes we are uh a mobile company so we operate in schools homes and daycares yeah uh we're a fairly new company so we don't have a physical location yet but that's definitely something that I plan for the future to have a a physical Branch where we can become more of a staple here in the community and more recognized and you accept on insurance we accept Medicaid that's the only insurance that we currently accept like specific CMS or just specific specific CMS and open Medicaid the Medicaid plans that we do not accept are the Medicaid assisted plants like Oscar Molina things like that Marketplace yeah the marketplace com very good thank you for sharing and um we we welcome your participation at any time um currently there's no slots available to be actually on the board but there could be one coming up at any time so if you would just want to stay involved and be connected you're more than welcome to that's how I got on the board I waited until there was an opportunity so we'll let you know thank you appreciate it thank you and so you're aware meetings are the first Wednesday over every month at 5:30 okay perfect thank you so all right that takes care of any more public comments I'll take some so that takes care of public comments check that off for now now we go into the approval of minutes so take a look at the minutes we have here I'm going to defer to you guys knowing the uh best of this because I want to here for this meeting [Music] why does it say to Beed yeah again Mo this I me I me the April meeting that I didn't it was to put uh everything under the category under the category I had everything under announcements I was had to move everything under the just each category what no me too [Laughter] that's no way correct yes okay Page Six where page six I'm in page six third bullet on top oh oh my name listen I read my name thank you guys for coming appreciate it I make a motion to approve the February 7 2024 minutes second all those in favor I motion passes all right ladies and Gentlemen let's get in other yeah there two minutes [Music] oh approve the other other minutes see that February wasn't on there April's on there might are the other way around I I have page five as a as the February yes but you said it wasn't on here it said April but it didn't say anything about February right so I said the February was is on there so we need to add the February approval in there you when you make the motion you can do it we had motion we had approved the minutes from February uh as long as the changes were done okay let's go to Old business so wait no no we have motion to approve the April minut we don't have to add the February on because we already approved them I swear to God you guys just did a motion to approve the minutes Marine did and for the February one oh I missed that okay so now we're looking at a the April yes so I motion to approve the minutes for April 1st 2024 who second I second second third all those in favor I oh Max I'm thinking what is she talking about she just said it no more minutes all right guys let's get into some old business because like a it is old business like we just jump back into the time here okay um card event discussion aan is with us here today and um we were the last time I was here you guys I told you I thought a great idea to do the picnic how did that go and where where where we going from there well we now we're going to discuss to discuss it we had budgets and stuff we and we had all the events in March for like Xbox and the bike ride that's right can someone tell us what the you in cor event is okay I can give you kind a synopsis um so I went to one of their events they had it in Coral Gables and it was really fantastic they I hosted it with the Elks Lodge uh and it was like an open event for children with special needs most autism I think it was dedicated to autism specifically um and they had an open house where the Elks and um card partnered together to have a barbecue they had a magic show they had some basketball games and they had a lot of family fun and I said well why haven't we had one of these card picnics in our town cards right in our backyard and I mentioned that to to Ian I mentioned it to um Michael and he's like yeah um we've been wanting to do it we just haven't done it so I said suggested that we do it and I had brought up that it would be probably a good idea to do it maybe towards the end of summer and got me thinking it would actually be a great time for us to do an event for back to school of Our Own Kind so we could have a autism celebration a card center picnic in conjunction with our board and we could try something that we've never done before just see how it turns out and that would be a couple weeks before school we could have like a little mini Fair a little event type thing where it's C's got their stuff that they bring in we've got instead of doing barbecue because we're not the El Liv we don't have barbecue pits we shouldn't be messing with fire um I had suggested that we bring in some food trucks since they're on that list of things that we can request from the town if we had a nice couple of food trucks like a regular food food truck and then a you know more of a Hispanic style food food truck we could have people come out and we could cover the expense of the food and they just come and pick what they like you know one order per family or whatever um and now as the as we as get ideas for what we can do inside besides the magic show was kind of fun uh but then you've got the the people with the the that Library just came in and mentioned as he said that that what do you call it the the story walk yeah that would be kind of fun so the idea was just to have something fun something kind of open awareness to talk go ahead and okay so I Ivan and I had a a conversation um like with idea just bouncing off ideas and you know now that we're all together I could share them to you guys um so I thought we could do it at the youth center why because it's a you know it's a smaller Park not doesn't get very crowded it has an indoor space um in case the weather doesn't cooperate you can you know move things in inside and there's stuff to do inside the fball table and the air hockey table the basketball thing and then we thought maybe of doing it like a couple of weeks either it would have to be either a couple of weeks before school starts or a couple of weeks after school starts because like that period around where school starts is a little bit hectic for parents and then I thought maybe we could also um kind of like other times like we've like how we schedule the Painting with a Twist right after Miss Audrey's dance class and all those people from the dance class go to our event right after so I think it would be smart to to do that to choose a Saturday and like do it right after the dance class that way all those people head over for lunch yeah agree and and and maybe um Miss Audrey or one of her teachers can come and do like a little dance demo class like she does for the resource staff and uh maybe if you know if by that time the dojo is going to continue maybe they could do a little demonstration you know so it would be a great way to um for youan card to promote their services and for us to also promote our programs which hopefully by then it's going to be dance Dojo animation so that's kind of like what did I forget anything but this uh I like this thing um with the library sounds really interesting maybe we could you know add that as uh entertainment as well as far as the food goes I was thinking maybe pizza that's fine we don't have to you don't have to do a food truck thing I just thought it would be kind of interesting since we've never done it before the only thing with the food truck thing is the town has to arrange it and at least for the Fourth of July we charge them to be at the 4th of July and again you're going to have to monitor the food you're talking about one yeah I think it's like it's I was think but what I was thinking let me hear me on this let me let me say this um what I was thinking was not more or less of having them come in and them charging the the folks no no I didn't mean charging I mean to keep track of it well you mean the town not to charge them right I was thinking more or less we partner up with a couple of there's I know there's I've seen it there's one food truck company that's got autism stickers on their truck so I'm thinking hey you know I know what you guys are you're doing you're and you always you're families raising money for families with special needs as well would you have any interest in doing this with us we'll pay you a flat fee and you just cook food for the families so if the flat fee let's just say the flat fee is $250 we give them $250 and they just cook the food and that's it there's no nobody pays for anything all the families just come up and grab them I've seen them do it at other events so to me that would seem like that would be an opportunity for us to have some kind of new connection and a way for them to make fresh Barbe or or fresh burgers or whatever without us having to actually do the work this is just a thought if you don't like the idea we don't have to do it we can stick with Publix and everything that we normally do um and just have a aorb on a table I don't mind I just thought they'd be kind of unique especially since it's you know like a picnic and it's back to school everybody kind of thinks of grilling outside right before you know the The Hectic life goes back to life and I just thought that would be kind of cool we could actually I mean we don't have to ask the town we ourselves could actually find the people that we want to partner with to make it happen if they're willing to do it if they're not willing to do it then obviously we just do what we normally do it's just the tri I think one of my concerns would be that how much money would have to go into that like and then I I do have another question so this would be only for people with Autism or related disabilities I don't think that you have to necessarily only cater it like like that at least from my perspective it's just that we're going to be there to support the families that have a diagnosis and maybe haven't connected with us in a while or that they just haven't registered at all so that way by the time they start school they know who to go to if they need supports because usually the return to school it's very tricky and it's kind of difficult for a lot of our students so that's really the idea behind it but I don't know that you have to necessarily say this is only for individuals to have that to do that because our program right I was say I think it could be a special needs Advisory Board Fair that's why the reason why I'm asking is because since we are collaborating I was wondering if that's something you know at the time of promotion at the time of speaking about it like how do we go about speaking about it how do you guys handle it because the event that you put on is the card picnic exactly that's that's exactly why I'm asking cu usually and correct me if I'm wrong but when it's a card event the mindset is oh it's autism or related to autism that's that's why I'm asking so I'm wondering if we put like card will that just be them for or will PE you what do you think you understand what I mean could we could we call it the Miami Lake special needs Advisory Board what is information back to school well the thing is I don't want it's not going to be another resource Fair no it's just going to be us in car GNA be picnic some hangout it's a it's a back to school picnic presented by the special needs Advisory Board and card would Michael be okay with that you know so there we go so we can call it the back to school picnic from the special needs Advisory Board and and card centers so we're partnering together to do it just like the card picnic we're just changing the name of it to back to school picnic and that way everybody special needs do you want to say back to school special needs picnic or do you to say back to school picnic because if we say back to school picnic that'll bring an inclusion like back to school picnic um I don't know if you would say but really won't be a pic sponsored by yeah but it's out of neither was neither was the one that I went to with them it wasn't a picnic it was indoors it was indoors we can think of the name later right come up with whatever but yeah it's it's not meant to be like a resource there it's just meant to be like a it's supposed to be fun how much time do you need to get a date for us to set a date meaning like for us to prepare for it I mean I think if we know two months in advance or so it gives us enough time to disseminate the information get the mon will be now get the vendor correctly you know like it's like let's say if we're going to get like a magician or whatever we're going get we have to make sure oh you'll be providing the magician most likely yeah like let's say like so here the question what what would you be providing yeah so I mean I think it it depends on what you guys are not able to secure and then we can try and see the only thing is that whatever we do provide has to be a um vend so like let's say if you guys feel like hey we didn't have success in um identifying this thing that we want um we need to look at what's available through us as a un vendor that's already there cuz if not then that makes the process a lot more extensive think they have to get approved and all that that so you need like two month out would you be me I I I think the after school like when school starts I I like that idea just because I feel that still a lot of families might be going on vacation before school I don't know I don't know how when does Audrey's program stop stop or sorry or vice versa always starts it like two for that same reason she always starts it like two weeks one or two weeks I think two weeks after school start then the first day of her program should be the weekend we do the par which would be August right right one one the first day of school is August 15th right I have to check with her to see we need to know what date her Saturday is Saturday is and it would so then we can technically vote on this in June because we have June July and then August prepare for it okay can I make a suggestion sure that we have a plan for our June meeting like your suggestion of food trucks have already whoever you have in mind not confirm of course of course have whatever you this is what I I'm thinking of this food truck this how much it's going to be it's a proposal I love it right you want to you want to sign that kind of thing let's see so I can why don't you um for June's meeting I let us know a couple of ideas of what you would like to do let's let let them handle entertainment so um we have so the you know the you know the youth space okay so we have that little space there where we can have Chairs set up and have like a little mini stage so we could do the magic show in there um if or magic or whatever you think is a good fit for it where we did the dojo where we did the dojo classes we can have um maybe the the book Walk thing could be if it's nice out we could have it that hallway they're just past the dojo class walking to the bathrooms we could have it there if not then we would just have it in the little Lounge area um so we know they could be a partner for that we'll have to reach out to them and set that up so that we can have that advance and I'm my thought on the food was the food trucks would park up front so when you come into the establishment where you go in those the space there when you're driving in they could just park right up against the curb so people can just walk out and grab what they want and go back inside and eat you have Li parking yes you would have to limit that because that's very limited parking and now the town owns the Boy Scout building yeah so we can use their par yeah but they're talking about to use you're thinking okay never mind parking yeah think Mar yeah oh they the Bo left I don't know left sold the building to the Grand compan my concern with the center is if it's too small I don't know cuz like the parent and the would it be too small like how many people you show to it's one of those Park days it depends maybe like 100 depend it depends on the park it depends on the day that's why I suggested problem with Robert Alonzo is like the soccer but I will tell you that you know we tend to have a lot more attendance when we have events in the South I was gonna say right yeah so so I don't know that it's necessarily I say We Do It Center and if we get tons of people fantastic if we don't just where do we F though well because it's not if you've been there you are going every Monday I know and there's not a lot of parking but there is there isn't a lot of parking there's not a lot of space we're talking about a Saturday oh is that um I wonder how long they're going to do that that you know what I mean cuz just the Dan classes let's say if they were to a go how many people are there and this is just thinking them and then of course we're going to promote it too 30 students so that's 30 students and at least one parent per so that's already 60 does that I mean if personally it sounds like a little bit and parking there is not a lot of parking there is not well the only other park with a playground is Robert because Mary Collins doesn't have a playground yeah sorry what am I thinking yes it does why don't we just do it to Mary Collins and we just do it right after all the dance classes are over we come in and set it up or we could set up while the dance class is happening we could take one side she takes the other no I think they use the other classes oh they brought back the other rooms I think no she's only using one we can still set up like we did the the the recess fa the stuff in the back and they dancing over there because there only going to be one table at most yeah we could do it at Mary Collins and then that way they still have the playground to go play they have bathrooms to go use the bathrooms we could bring the food trucks in and Spark them in the in the front where the up in the very front and people could just celebrate with us and then once the dance class is over they just come right out and join us so we could start our event like exactly when dance class ends it's all they to do is walk out yeah I knew and they don't even have to travel and they're already parked it's the only thing you're losing is the is the gaming stuff but we have sensory games from the Fourth of July event that we could easily just bring with us and set no and if we have the magic show and and the library yeah there's entertainment yeah yeah yeah and potentially that might be a better idea because even if you have those games the youth center the reality is that if there's no nobody to facilitate those games that can create a little bit of chaos sometimes and then everyone wants to play the same game and I want the ball and I don't know okay so the interest of time so you still want to do the food trucks but they will be on the street not in the parking they'd be in the parking lot but not in a parking spot we could put them anywhere we got um there's no room for no there's no room for a truck to be not in a parking spot it's very little grass that's where they par that's usually where they park for Fourth of July they don't park on the street no okay then we don't need them in the parking lot right yeah yeah we can still they just have to pull in and park over here okay so I'm sorry I'm an organized person um so you check into food trucks we don't need the back of a public CU that's last minute anyway we can just right with the pizza you'll be taking care of entertainment uh we should set up an event right I would think yeah but that's later so would you guys do that or we can do the event prior okay um and then we can just share the we'll put it on the flyer and that way you know whether you guys share the flyer whether we share the the same thing and that helps us keep track okay yeah you charge it into tainment um oh we need to decide on a tenative date yeah because she has to check to make sure it's available yeah or two dates so you said sorry I I like to go organized instead of just next meeting would show up and like oh oh yeah so school starts the 15th you said she said yes so that would make do she usually start the weekend after school starts or two weekends after but that 31st is um Labor Day weekend yeah so she probably starts after that so we be looking at September 7th oh that's what I had put on my calendar plan on September 7th or the 14th that sound good to you guys then we'll get a clarification from AUD make sure you said September 14 um okay um can you check so they'll really pay more attention to one both are avilable priority yeah 12 o' we know the Dan will probably no there's starting school for the first 12 o' 12 12 o' 12 o00 the 7th of September looks like it's fine oh you got update thing cool we us and the 14th of September can you put a pencil pencil in for now which one does it show you which one is taken by ARS Fortis body too far [Music] outed forth and the 14th our June meeting we should have an idea which one will be not an idea we should know Vivan do you want to handle working with the people from the library to set them [Music] St Jennifer chly the person that was here she's I think she's been here before not my own meeting anybody else think of anything else on that event that we need to cover we need to look into for the next meeting hey B sorry I can late a little bit so you can just let me know what it's our uh the back to school Technic we're going to do with card excellent super yeah so the goal the the idea what we're going to try to do is see if we can put it together in a certain way but we'll see if it happens or not is to do it on Mary Collins right after arts for autism is over invite everyone from there to come with us along with everyone C is inviting to come and um produce some entertainment whether that be a magic show what have you possibly have a partnership with a food truck so we can have Specialty Foods and plus you'd have the activity of the uh playground where they can go play uh and and we were just we met with the library before you came here the library was telling us about some things that they do Ian suggested this thing called the story walk that could be something we could have them do some fun activity games plus the games that we have that we own that we can have set up just like we did before July okay okay so kind of like a back to school event I can talk to the music H feature that we have in G maybe she wants to do like a one class like in the park we'd love to Showcase I think we'd love to showcase the family bring bring that information to our June meeting okay that's when we're voting on it or the prop the plans coming together okay okay um I'm sorry for the whole so you guys wanted it for 12 but for set up 11 well whatever day it is the dance class should be already there we're going to be overlapping a little bit yeah we're over for only for setup they're going to know it okay so 11 is fine and then until when it's gonna be like a two hour event how long do your C events usually go two [Music] were the difference you know um just remember the will be there till till noon be overlapping and here people SE that they're more punctual than maybe them show up right away it starts which is good yeah so they're already gonna be there let's just go for three just to be sa and yeah and then I can bring said they're there from 10:30 to 11:30 so that's also very close the time please do Cuz that was the goal here is we wanted to to to have a little bit of fun with it because obviously you know I know c will be putting up some stuff to make it happen we can put up some stuff to make it happen I think this would be a good opportunity for us to Showcase as vinan said all the programs we're working on showcase what you guys are doing showcase what they're doing so sounds good oh my sorry okay okay I just saw Item B yeah Miss obvious she hasn't chosen the dates yet she just answered me all right I'll talk we we'll know for June all right so I don't want to make you guys have to super rush let's try to go through this animation class open house May 2nd tomorrow that's when I went oh I have it on my list to try and make sure I'm there yes who can go tomorrow what time what time and where it's 530 it's at 5:30 um you can look at the sheet that says animation yeah I see that then I have it here it's 5:30 to 6:30 at Robert Alonzo M what do they need from us what we need what we what are we doing uh all we're doing is we have to pick up the food at four I can pick it up where are we ordering it from viian public you want me to Pi it up if it's the one right here I'll be right next to it because I have to drop the kids off at therapy at 4M at kids face unless unless you're got to be there anyway Ian because that when you come to you ordered this um no he's there there today which did you order okay and from who's able to go English Spanish oh I'm sorry what what do they need from us we're just bringing the food everything else has been arranged we out notification do we have any they've promoted it we have 68 people coming wow signed up coming but that signed up so that's awesome let's see no but I mean are included oh yeah okay so how many how many is going to be each 10 huh she put 12 or someone put 12 oh that's yeah because that's what you were planning for 36 people but at that point only 20 24 people had signed up 12 students and parents oh got it but she just sent me an email today that there's 68 people so um but we don't but it's still limited to 10 or 12 oh give so 10 people yeah 10 students okay and the age the age is very important it's um what is it [Music] 20 I don't see the age here but I know I sat on the on the Fire so do we need to vote for anything it says vote for refreshment order um I mean we are we already voted for that like two years ago so if we but it's it's just I think when it's been more than a year I we have to ree here we all right hold on what time we got to be there 4:30 or it starts at 5:30 or it starts at 5:30 but wait 4:30 um we're going to start set up I what we have to set up or they do they're setting up their stuff we're setting up the food and our table okay table clo I have it the ages so everyone is aware is 22 to 30 because I know the told very open so let's make sure that be very important are PR we'll be recording me okay so you're going to pick up the to I can pick it up and bring it over to you and drop it off then I have to go back and pick them up and take them home you mean drop it off at Roberto Alonzo right I can pick it up drive it to Roberto Alonzo drop it off then I got to go back and pick up my kids bring them back home and then come back over I'll Pi up okay now I want to make where you live H where do you live next to me west side I'm right here you'll be doing what he's doing going back everyone's yeah scratching Nam here from what I'm writing but you gotta go this way and go back the same thing he doing I love it participation unless Jesse wants to bring it up no no it's okay or Oreo volunte got's gonna get the food I will be there I have it already I'll forward it to you I will be there as soon as I drop off the kids at home with the therapist I'll come right over okay yes because you're gonna have to introduce them you want to get me their information their names pronunciations okay even if I wanted to I can't pick it up because my daughter has karate 4:30 to 5:30 and it's not a okay that'll be there so you come by after okay I have my husband pick up so there all right so I'm going to make a motion to um to uh Set uh $500 off for the animation class food second all those in favor I I Mo taxes um and the line item oh yes it comes from community events right Community programs yes is what you guys have allocated um $2,000 for yes for animation I mean yeah right okay so from Community thank you wait you second right no no no no wait hold on community programs yeah for the program that's for the program this should be from a recreation and awareness right there's Community awareness Community programs social Recreation and then trainings workshops and brandings social and Recreation it should be from social and Recreation no Community programs yeah it's part of the program and that's you included the $500 what the budget sets I thought the programs are only for the program the budget remember the budget for the program it was there never mind from the from I don't really you know Community programs pram no then I have to rewrite it again you I did did you verify the time just checking oh yes you heard what [Music] happened okay moving on special news safety program mrod anything new hello I just randomly show up here and act like I love yeah there's a few things um last month I went to a ton of different events to include the the saax walk um at the saax walk I don't know if they're aware you had requested the assets way in advance at least six months ago um I don't know I'm going to make the story short because we were back and forth a lot you and me with that um long story short a commission asked for the assets for another um program or another event that was going on the same day there was a lot of back and forth so we couldn't get the helicopter and the police car and we couldn't get anything from the county except for the things I had already requested through um Northwest which was the bus and the ATVs and stuff like that and that was only available because it was through uh another section not through headquarters but I was talking to Rene Garcia's office and what they want to do for next year is they want to request it so that it doesn't happen again right so we should have all that at the next one okay you know hopefully because that that should be the the fix right if if a commissioner asked for then we're GNA have that commissioner ask for which is great because I I I didn't get a chance to speak to their office yet but I spoke to someone from his office while we were at the walk and it looks like if we work all this together because Senator Garcia is on our side of the highway 75 not only will he make sure that we have all of the vehicles and materials for the next sfax event but also the senator would like to have this all in its own space with his own little tent and you know guess who would get to join their tent special needs for there's no cost to us and way it's Prem we'll see how things start but that's the end goal and I think that's why it was better for them to ask for it than um than um think it's JC bermudes is they didn't even know who I was I but yeah they had no idea that it was going on I think EV was even happening they didn't even know who I was what the school was I'm surprised Renee does so that's good one yeah so that's going to be good what's the other thing so um last time we talked about the sticker program that the county is doing um I signed up for that okay I've got nothing okay yeah but remember you have to sign up get a confirmation and go to the station and get the stick I haven't got a confirmation oh well I'll show you guys the video and then we'll talk about everything that has happened um and all the red tape that I've got but I think I got through L and yeah this is what we were sent um as a link and then and we're excited that we get to roll out our occupant with autism decal for those of you that have been following what we've been working on at the commission you know that M has been training all of its police officers with the help of umsu card and this is the important second phase so this April you'll be able to go to our miam day County stations this is a countywide initiative so people like me who live in a city actually be able to use this decal and you can put one in your house and one in your car uh these are completely free and you also register the occupant we're going to show you how to do that on the website but the important part is that when a police officer comes to your home you're going to have the information of the occupant with autism that lives there so from a caregiver point of view it's so important because we want to make sure that the officers know how to approach our children and adults without us having to necessarily be there or explain it in a moment where there's a difficult interaction I want to thank miam day County our amazing police department and everyone that's worked on this including the support of the board of County Commissioners this is such an amazing opportunity and if you do not want the account you can still register but we recommend that you vot because obviously it's not tied to be addressed stay tuned for more information on the occupant with autism training and how we're here to make sure that everyone on the spectrum is safe healthy and happy so so you hear autism a lot right because as of right now helps balance blood sugar levels and reverse thousands of people are apparently regaining control of their blood sugar every night as they sleep by adding one unusual ingredient to a glass of warm water are you doing so four um so what um yes autism autism autism it's only as of right now not not should we focus the attention of the program on the fact that we offer it for all the other disabilities that we are instead of not focus so heavily on the autism since they have that program now because it's obviously operate in the same space I had a big uh a big meeting with with a county and and explained how a lot of people didn't know even that the the town had this the the program which I I thought you know when they were developing this they should have contacted maybe me and said listen look you guys have this already and I would have explained more um but what I gathered was it's still work in progress right so we're in progress as of right now when you sign up yeah you get the sticker for the house for the car you don't put the vehicle information just like like ours you have to go but you do put the the home address yeah and it's the same thing as in what we have which is uh when somebody gets dispatched to the home it's going to Red Flag uh um our our um Communications saying that there's a personal autism and and everything that was put on on the on the website on the website whatever you wrote on the website for it so that part is very similar to to what we have here um the only thing is that it's not a um since it's I I feel like it's only for autism we're kind of stuck on that because it should have been something more more than that the other thing is um let's say somebody from hiia right they sign up it's a municipal City when they they can sign up but their address is from hiia so the only benefit they get is that they can sign up to get the sticker to put on the car that says look because you have sign up to get that sticker to show that that the person is uh is um is in the Spectrum right so it's not a it is unincorporated day County yes or like us I mean I know this is a town but the the town uses the county but unincorporated yes any address unincorporated boom right away it comes up it's going to come out dispatch but again if it's like H AIA it won't come up on their dispatch if if there's a sticker on the so it doesn't really that part doesn't it ECT us as much as we already have it here in town and we have our we are not with our own Poli Department um what do you guys think I mean do you want to we don't have we're not changing anything on the safety program I'm just saying do you want to start doing when towards the next couple months some marketing on the program and trying to make people know that it's aware of it that it exists because we still need to Market it like we talked about doing should we focus the attention on the special needs part of it like the elderly like the uh like Cy like a Down syndrome and focus more on that stuff than focusing on autism when we talk about the safety program because we'll ask well what about the one from Dave County I signed up for I have an autistic child I signed up for that when from the DAT place the same thing no not that's only for autism it's like ours but it's only for autism the RS covers all this and what I what I was thinking of doing is um talking to the people that are on the program that are autistic the autistic people and having them um link put the link watch the video and and sign up so that then they can get the the sticker at least because they're already in the they're already in the program and they're already in Communications which is what really matters most but they they want the sticker then they need to register with the county to get the sticker the thing is the sticker the sticker's a big view now everything is yeah everybody wants the sticker the sticker and which ironically while I was campaigning I came across a couple homes with our stickers I was really happy when I knocked on their doors I was like hey we helped put that together and they went really yeah where's your sign can we vote for you that was great so all right so let's we'll work on that um in the next meeting since we don't have a lot of time left let's try to do some thought process on how to help Market the safety program and then you know down the road let's see how this thing transitions with what they're doing so County for the county right now it's it's moving along right it's moving along nice at least we there's something January 6 things can change because it's the sheriff yeah so everything can be xed or it can be modified or it can be enhanced um what I'm going to push from now on is um to have a lot of meetings to to push it more towards what we have because I also told look you know I go out and I talk to these people and I give them the stickers myself and then we talk and I give them a little goodie bag they like oh no we you know this we can't do that because it's our County and and it's too many it's going to be too many people yeah that's what makes ours unique versus theirs right right there's there's there's room for improvement for for for there I think eventually what's going to happen is it's going to merge we're going to be able to merge it with what we have especially because we are Incorporated unless we get kicked out as a sheriff and and you guys have your own police apartment then as of right now different as of right now the council has no interest in changing that fingers crossed that this stays that way there's no benefit to it I know I'm going off but there's no benefit to it you're going to spend $2 million on police Serv instead of 10 a year it makes there's no Ben so let's keep our fig across um yeah chairperson John um we have 11 minutes left is there any possible way we can move some of this to the next meeting absolutely definitely vote on the stuff that's urgent because the is urgent the celebration yes do we need to do we need to do anything with the workshops no okay workshops web page review and um Theater Workshop that something we have to do no you can push it so you want me to make a motion or we have to re start writing you were making a motion too and do we have to reopen just defer it okay um I would like to make a motion to defer item 6 e f e f to our next meeting and item 7 B to our next meeting second what was 7 C I don't have my notes they're over there voting Workshop collaboration to move um it might be under safety or under Workshops the safety one is that one with the police department yeah that's the one that we were going to do that we want to do with um it we haven't we haven't planned it we haven't okay so we can move that one you then I guess like together but yeah that's fine one I guess would be partnership but that partnership is it happening soon we have don't know any just if you guys would be interested WR okay I thought maybe they had a date already anded our six okay it's 6 e 6f and 7B and 7 c i second all those in favor so no no 6 C no not 6C we just we just finished 6 C okay it was seven C it was 7 C so it was six e 6 F 7 7 B and C and S C me a second and baby was made the motion you're sorry made the motion all right who was second I you second it okay we faor passes all right Dojo program um I was at the last one that we just had last week and everyone wants to know if we're going to do a second round because all the kids really are improving my son's coming home going dad B wow wow okay sweet sorry uh can we just vote on The Last Day celebration since we have time to Oh I thought she mentioned that she wanted to say that okay go ahead celebration last day it's on May 20th May 20th so we want get some food I have all the plates and stuff left over from the open house karate ones so we can get and have like a little uh party what we need for The Bu the semester May 20th after the class yeah you don't want to eat before what the class 4:30 5:30 4:30 5:30 so 5:36 so um I moved to allocate um $500 second from from Community the program yeah 500 from Community program s to cover celebration yeah you motioned your second all those in favor hi motion passes I have a a question John so you've seen all the parents and they're like they all want it okay so then maybe we don't even need a survey because I thought of the survey there's only seven right my my kids are loving it especially Dominic Anthony's getting used to it but Dominic really loves it the um and I don't know his name but the gentleman who has the older child um he the father who actually participates sometimes he's really happy with it and he's like it will continue right okay because now this is I'm I'm sorry to interrupt you I um so what I'm thinking is because the parents are going to ask that dat so is there something that we should like how should we respond to them like I think your best bet would be to reach out to Sensei and ask him if he would like to do another 10 10 session again to continue on we do another 10 do we do I mean I that's something I'm sure that we would vote on later but if they are so then if if he's a you understand what I mean like because if the parents are all like oh we want to keep like I want to keep them engaged and be like yes we're going to continue is that something that we vote on or we would have to agree to pay that would be later we first have to find out sincey yeah but but at that time we are do we agree right now that we should be possibly putting it on so we can say yes we are planning on continuing it when school starts up but I think we should not plan to do programs we're not going to continue doing them because that's what it's going to make a difference in the kids yeah to all be in that in that responsibility if we start a program it's because we want there for a long term to can make a difference for the kids especially if it if it's having a good turnout that's why I just because I'm sure the parents are going to be like oh are we going to continue so I just want us to be on the same page like you know we we're planning on it if you guys want I can talk to Sensei before now um since this is the May meeting why don't we just do it this way you talk to Sensei and you find out his availability and if we can continue if he wants to just continue what he's doing right now at this time and this location we can call Gabby and let her know to continue but I would say I would like to make a motion that we continue the program for another 10 weeks at the same exact cost that we had last time budged into our program so it's just a starting it's just a c and copy starting the next weekend afterwards depending on summer my my concern is summer is coming so I would think kind of like how Audrey is doing it after school starts fall so when when Audrey starts hers September so let's plan for September that's what I was thinking that's exactly you would also need to include it in your committee report which will be for July that's fine yeah so it also gives you time and if everything is staying the same if the budget's the same for him the budget's the same for us we can we can go ahead and just car and copy what we did and do it again and if he if it continues to work then we can make it a permanent to because I wanted to see like what day kind of just to get feedback from those parents cuz any ways we're going to open it up again and maybe now we'll have more participants cuz I know that Monday wasn't like the some parents were like Monday is good for me the problem was the time I think if it was 5:30 to 6:30 it would be a lot easier than 4:30 to 5:0 but it'll be a matter of seeing what sense it has a okay so and the youth center right which I'm pretty sure and that's another thing with the summer they have programs running uh during the summer I believe at the youth center so summer wouldn't have been good anyway okay so add that to it as well so what we'll see what CIA is going to have available because he might have more availability come September so that's something so then we don't need to vote on that right now yeah but at least we can know we're planning I cancel our motion AG to start up in just wanted then I do want to make a recommendation um what a recommendation that um at this meeting if they're interested let's get their information again yeah because at the beginning they signed a sheet two of them were notified and it was a mixture hopefully now it's the better smooth an updated list of contacts and information yeah was we like a survey to the parents that are there with he does something like that I want if he does I want him to take it remember I took a picture of the signing she and when we met again that first day he didn't have it no no what I mean is like a survey if he already does something like that continue but with new time change 5:30 let us all know that he has other programs if we want to continue because he didn't think that we were G to continue through the summertime so he let all the parents know about that already that's what I said I I told them when we were there I said I guarantee you we're going to then you get their information okay and it just livs there like so no motion then no motion needed no we we did approve the the the money you got that right yes okay field trip okay so I went to uh the M Lakes theater and this was their proposal um to rent out a theater of capacity of 60 people um $419 that would be June 8th the Garfield movie the new Garfield movie coming out at 10: a.m. sensory friendly movie this would be our first one uh so I move that we uh forward with this um and we allocate let's say $500 in case can we do 600 just in case sure just to give us a little more leeway okay 600 second $600 out of um what community events this will be social social Recreation Yeah question answer discussion we would have to do an event break for this or yes the same thing we do with Painting with a Twist where I mean we might not even like have to advertise it yes I autism you know people that we know are okay with you know our usual people that that come to our usual suspects 600 for total right of just the tickets just in case okay yeah yeah the food is I think yeah because we don't know if they're GNA want or not what was the date that you were thinking to at 10 10 a.m. besides the the price oh 10 a.m. that's even way M they won't throw in a popcorn or anything is this the same deal they give s don't know trust me you know me this is a good price I tell you what let's just approve the price and once we've done it I'll call them up and S L and you know would you mind stuff in we're sending people your way just event brain and the flyer oh no yeah we should do a flyer too well you would need the flyer for the event braak okay I guess flyer and but the we need like the code like code yeah yeah like like the yeah okay we uh we already have a second all those in favor I motion pass there you go I'm a little rusty I'm sorry I know okay new business um I'll talk about this very quickly police car SL Community car I found out from Manny said that his friend lazarito over at lazarito's Barber Shop in haia is the one who wrapped the hiia police car with autism stickers he asked lazarito if you help them would you help us lazarito says yes he would love to cover the expense for us to get an a special needs Advisory Board card now I asked officer trador there's a process to go through the process to get the police car wrapped if we can even do that to solve the time on the red tape if you don't want to go through all that Manny had suggested we talk to the town about wrapping a town car because we have lots of Town Cars we car a truck and all that stuff then we could get wrapped with the special needs Advisory Board logo autism logos and any of the other logos that we represent which you know Cal poliy Down syndrome all of them we can them on there and say you know a model town for inclusion if you are all interested in doing the this all we need to do is say yes and come up with a design and have them work on a price and then he will cover the expense and we can pick the vehicle and then it's that was it that's what I was told I think that's something to think about too is for for our cars because the county sometimes will provide a um a magnet with something to the county maybe putting some money into that and then every like uh like last month we could have put the magnets for autism or whatnot on the cars and and that's something that I'm sure can be that's a lot of less a lot less red tape than the other other so for your cars we create some magnets for the town car we can get one wrapped if we would like so you know I know there's if you ever look there's a Code Enforcement car there's a pickup Manny said that they would be more than happy to let us rrap on them so if you guys are up for it all we have to do is vote Yes and work on a concept um a design and they're going to handle the cost and the and the so you just going to cover all the Town Cars no there so they will last R is gonna cover the WAP he's got a guy that does it for him so we would just we would have to basically come up with what we think should be on the car get it to Gabby so that the town's designers can pick it in there with the town of Mi Lakes logo and then we send it off to Li reto the town gets wrapped we do it on bailing okay so I feel my S HAC so who would be able to come up with the concept that would be me I guess there you go okay I will come up with okay um so now you have food trucks and you have this food trucks and I I have a question I'm sorry I'm going back to a survey if s doesn't have a survey can I come up with a survey myself does the board have to vote like how does that work so for the most part you would all have to approve it and then staff would have to approve it mean can we just ask at the seven members that are there are you interested in renewing this and that's it just an announcement nothing officially nothing on paper just a vocal well I mean from what you were all saying it's like they could be interested of course you would have to the main one you have okay bir okay um so we're on to announcements yes so our dance class is going to be performing in the recital um that the town of Miami Lakes has for their programs and I'm I'm very grateful that um Jesse mentioned that they were having this recital because originally we were not inviting so I I sent an email and then we were invited but these are the type of things that that's why we're here like we need to make sure that when the town is having events that we're included you know that our kids are included like we should have been included in this recital it it shouldn't have to to us to be should come true yeah it should have they should have come to us hey think but what I have discovered after running for Town Council is that you need to ask because a lot of times they don't even notice right it's not that it's something they're doing on purpose or that you know it's just but that's where we come in yeah so we need to let know about it so if you guys know of any events that are coming up you see of anything you want to make sure that our groups that we work with can be involved in I would definitely let them know U and that being said the Min L chamber did have if we ever wanted to have something we should consider doing we are going to have something with us there you go um the this show will be May 17 at Barbara Gman yes and I should have inform it's a Friday right no no problem I I'm looking for the so how many are we to request that we go first you can do that and and I think it's a good idea and that day it'll also be um it'll be karate it'll be the dance classes it'll be Tai Chi also yeah so then eventually so hopefully for next year's you know the the dojo program would be like a recurring program and they can also participate in that recyle with that being said Andrea Graham added me on Facebook so I'm going to reach out to her and see if we can make sure we get those programs on the Main Street event for the lighting event this year so that we're actually on the main stage yes we can get a good spot for the table the end of the street so it's May 17 at 6 p.m. at barbar bman 6m and it's a free event very good sounds like fun and anybody else announcements oh D gab's gonna let us know that she's leaving us really well the announcement was that your next Mee is on June 5th but yes um I am still your liaison um someone should eventually we should get a new on but I'm still here um I will be helping thatly aison um and you can always reach me I will be here I'm full-time so I'm always here 8:30 to 5 you can call me I have the same extension um every time added you that's another announcement um for those of you who have called and you can't reach um either because you want to reach me or any other department um the extensions that are listed are only for the department heads directors so that's why I'm not on it because I'm not a department director but um IA is on it she's not a director everyone should be on there you have Hey listen I can't talk to you guys about this stuff there's a lot of politics in the town of Mi L let me just tell you that really we had no that is all all right and then let's uh vote to ajour at 71 p.m. one more I'm so sorry oh cancel that I'm looking for the day um so so there is the the for G's and also it's gonna be for the art for the art of Florida and Angels reach so this year they doing the the gala for three foundations Al together and it's going to be at the Miami Hotel it's going to be June 20 which is a Friday think um and so I'll be sending like the new fers and uh in the in the time so we can all be there and support because we will be June 20th uh yes you better get us the information we need on the next meeting so we can help donate we only have one 21st 21st your walk is yeah May and don't forget about the walk that is May May 18th we already sponsored the walk yes yes okay and beginning to be there oh and another announcement I'm on the committee for the autism speak walk they they have added me to uh their corporate side of the committee I will be helping them with their corporate sponsorships and I am awaiting the final information on whether or not they're going to add me to their leadership board wonderful there's an announ that I completely forgot even though it was now I vote to end this meeting at 711