##VIDEO ID:0VajlUoa0VE## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e all right guys we're going to call the meeting to order we'll get started we only need six now so we're good um cool so do we still do the rollon stuff you want to do that first yeah off cool so do the roll call so George Al R Blanco present m is here Jose Jina not here man Perez not here R not here Andrea not here right now magali here Carlos Pia not here and Daniel here you have your secretary here um no that's Romy so somebody needs to pies we can't start the meeting not a good secretary what the what does it take to be a good secretary I default all right cool default uh so just real quick orders of business deferrals editions deletions so I had it a new business but I'll just move it up real quick to be right after this the public Outreach meeting number two for the vulnerability assessment and adaptation plan all right cool so we'll move it to be right after this right after the orders of business to Frozen deletion so I'll move it up which one is that to 98 98 yeah so we'll move 98 to right after three and then as well on Old business I was going to add an apologies for not doing this before I thought I did but under the EDC next year brainstorm I guess item zero it'll be before these three eyes will be Main Street Live update that uh pH transfer is here so that'll be 7A prezero I guess you can call it I so we'll do that motion what motion to change the agenda oh you have to do a motion for that yeah okay well so motion to adjust the agenda in those two ways the motion all right cool so all in favor all right awesome all right cool all right I think we're good with that I think we can continue on with the public Outreach you guys started really quick so good evening my name is Omar Santos I'm the Public Works director for the town of btics and with I have our consultant Kim hor Matt and gelle we're here to do a quick presentation for the vulnerability assessment adaptation plan that the kimy horn team is preparing for the town uh we really appreciate that you are letting us participate in this meeting and take a little bit of your time because public input is a critical part of this study and we want to hear from you uh after their presentation so be that perfect all right I'm going to get the presentation up here is there anything I need to do on the zoom end of things do I need to share my screen with the oh that's what I was asking do you guys do that for you or no we could always provide it okay we yeah we can we Happ to provide this publicly um so yeah as Omar said thank you for for having us my name is Matt brosman on the Kim Horn um leading the efforts on the vulnerability assessment and adaptation plan for the town just to give you a little bit of background on this project um this is a study that's been funded um primarily through fds resilient Florida program the purpose of this study is to conduct a vulnerability assessment which what it does is it looks at flood risks versus what we're calling assets or essentially anything that the town manages or owns or operates or um is a critically important facility uh for the town and for the town's people such as hospitals and other private facilities like that we're looking at blood hazards versus those critical assets as the state defined them looking to identify um yeah that just looking to identify where flood depths um overlap with those with those um with those assets evaluate the severity and really kind of pone in on Focus areas where the town could in the future invest um to protect those assets or the towns assets um both now and into the future so think of this as like a as like a townwide flood study that um has kind of an infrastructure vent to it um this is kind of the summary of the project we're currently through the first three Paths of this um under review with the sensitivity analysis with with the state um they're reviewing all of our work products but we'll just kind of walk through the study what we've done the date so far um so first we collected data so we coordinated with the town to collect um all of the different uh assets that go into that asset inventory State puts that into four major categories critical Transportation critical infrastructure critical Community facilities and then natural cultural um or historical assets we gathered topographic data mostly publicly available data and then we gathered uh flood scenario data so looked at rainfall and de flooding but also looked at groundwater and sea level rise um time Horizons for the town next we looked at what we're calling our exposure analysis so we took um all of that rainfall and all of that flood Hazard data um created models to analyze where are the uh where the greatest flood deps occurring in the city you can see one of the um outputs from that analysis on this very colorful map here um essentially as you would expect the brightest colors are where all the lakes are that's where all the deepest water is going to be but what we really dialed into was all of these areas that are kind of those intermediate cols because that's where we have um as a town most of our work critical infrastructure alongside roads um Parks hospitals things like that we overlaid that with all of the assets um within the town so all the data that we got from the town all the parks um things like the law enforcement facil Community Center all the surface waters historic and cultural assets coordinated with the town to to gather all that data and overlay that here's just another example of um one of the scenarios that we looked at this was 500 year storm event believe the first one that I showed was the 100-year storm event um again these are kind of all state dictated scenarios that we that we look at and over again overlay the impacted assets um in those scenarios and then one more this one is just what we're calling like the king tide event so this is the idea here is that when tides are are High um this is in current conditions but we did look at Future conditions as well eventually title impacts um will uh flow up the up the canal and start to imp have the potential to impact Town facilities so that was something that we started looking into as well um and again here you can see the various uh Community there are a few uh Community facilities that are that are impacted by that next we looked at uh what we're calling sensitivity analysis so this is for those storm events that are kind of the the more colorful ones the ones that covered the roads and and various other water Wastewater facilities infrastructure facilities um essentially what you've got here is colorcoded dots that represent each one of those facilities so it might represent a road it might represent a park it might represent um you know this building that we're in right now and uh essentially determined at at for a given storm event in this case this the hundred-year storm event what level of impact might be expected to that facility same thing for the 500e storm event and then this is what we call a compound flooding event so this would be a 100e storm around this time of year when would potentially in the future be a king tide event that would cause groundwater to be higher and and potentially impact more fa ities okay so next steps that's where we're at so far um really what we're looking to do is that's a lot of dense data that is not really um useful until we're able to distill that down into uh what we call Focus areas so we look at these Focus areas to say hey here's an area that we know based on these analyses that we did but also based on input from the public based on input from City staff based on where we know we have flood problems space somewhere we've recently done uh projects where we know we need to do projects where are the areas that we need to focus does the data back that up and then ultimately we identify those Focus areas in our study take that to the state when we go to get um funding for implementation projects through the resilient Florida program we've got the study that kind of says hey we want to be funding these products because our study shows that we that we need those projects so we're currently developing those Focus areas that's where we want input from uh from from the public that will all make its way into our final vulnerability assessment um where we deliver the final package to the state they put that on file and completion of the study is what makes the town eligible for a large um a large uh fund called the resilient Florida implementation fund so it's a big state fund that we definitely want the town to complete this study so that they can get access to that in the next grant funding cycle um early summer next year lastly we're just going to be coordinating with the County's local mitigation strategy working group whatever thing uh whatever recommendations come out of this study we're going to look to integrate that with um what the county kind of maintains as their rolling list of products or list of priorities and then this is just the what we call the adaptation piece of this so this is recommend commendations that we make alongside of those Focus areas to say hey here are certain strategies that we think might work in certain areas so we could say raising roadways may work in a certain area it may not work in another area we can say that um from a overall planning standpoint we want to look at higher finish floor requirements other types of ordinances that can be implemented so this is just an example of um the types of adaptation strategies that we might pursue um but again that just becomes part of the final study that we provide to the state so now um we've got a couple of maps up here if anybody would like to take a closer look at them feel free really we're just looking to get input from the public today particular areas particular streets neighborhoods that um you feel that you have seen in particular blood Hazard impacting City critical assets that's something we want to incorporate the study yes so I I do have my own anecdotal experience uh the last year I don't condone this I was out walking during a flash flood and um I noticed that on on 82nd on Northwest 82nd Avenue on that scen in particular particular um in certain segments of it it was so bad the flooding got up to my knees um it wasn't prevalent in all the other like getting closer to 154 but like in the middle upwards it was it was up to my knees quite almost quite literally um and I I live um next to Bob Graham um and again during going up I forget the streak going up 82 Avenue 16 79th Avenue yeah 79th Avenue was fine there was there was a lot of flooding um but again it was nothing that excessive 82nd was the one I noticed that it was again practic it was like just in front of the Guard house 160 seconds forget yeah and I and I know it well because I'm the president of that HOA and then our communi probably I don't know why it was ever designed that way or approved but we're probably 8 to 12 Ines lower than than South from a street street no as far as like a there's a silver yeah there's one like for example the houses that back up to the houses to the north of so South and the houses to the south of they their backyards go back to back in some cases you've had like grass growing through the fence about a foot of because their their lawn is a foot higher than some of these were they built after you guys they were built after they were built after how why they and then I know is a little bit higher than the people to are North comes down to the timing of yeah relatively okay what is the requirement for the finished floor of the houses The Architects over there shaking their head I'm not sure why I'm runs down what you're talking about yeah I'm very familiar with it now if I saw correctly is is in deep trouble because they're all red I mean it's pretty much explain the scenario at the end it looks very bad so I get into the technical details too much because we are really looking at relative impact in certain scenarios and we are setting up our models in a way to right but be very very conservative I would say yeah but still it's it's it's look at that it's overwhelming and remember the the purpose is the type of vulnerab vulnerability so they're they're running scenarios to see at what point that vulnerability comes out and then it might not be in the next 10 15 20 years no but at this time is the time we start planning yes it takes time to to the planet design it implement it fund it so by doing this 10 years from now hopefully those those items that were identified are taken care of right and that's that's been the state's mentality with this program is to try preventive care in other words yes a I'm sorry go ahead I think it has a lot to do with the developer that puts up the streets and put that because what that area that floods tremendously was annexed to my ulat because it wasn't part of the ground plan and I live on the east side and and and I I I seem to be uh seeing all the money for all those projects go to the west side and we don't get anything on the east side just because maybe we were build better and we have a lesser of a problem even though it is a problem sure but all all the all the funding all the money goes to the west side and then whose responsibility is that to begin with because Satori has a tremendous amount of flooding and it's a new community yeah so when are you going to bring the developer of of those areas you're talking about the drainage projects no the drainage the drainage uh yes is all cement so the water has no we anywhere I think you're taking not she refrains or maybe ordinances or or policies changes to improve and maybe prevent bad practices right so and that is something that we can recommend out of this study like we can have sorry I just wanted take a note of that cuz I would say the cat out of the bag well that's that's the purpose of this abely the part of the GRS build it's it has much better even though it's an older session section and and it it does has had improvements like they did like Patricia and things like that I mean that's that never goes back to 1960 just just from a visual if you drive in and you as you you can see it on the map behind you the density and the original development that you refer to as the GRS development it's most more space St there a lot more green area there's more trees but overall more green area when you go to the west side which was a different developer the bigger houses and they're tightly packed together so your your green area or your it's a Concrete Jungle your permeable area has been reduced significantly but it doesn't have anywhere to run put it from right I think the original a gra side what more solid land than what we have now on the west side there more land now on the West Side there's also a higher amount of large lakes a lot of and you have more Lakes now than you do before and they originally right becomes more expensive development you something want to put more in a l space I mean I guess all this as is approved as the plat approved obviously the elevation is part of it right so and this was all Miami day County but my question is how much of a role would I think the high one the software of water management have to do with this cuz I example A couple of years ago I think it was a September storm event we have water in our garage and I live in North but I noticed that we had a lot of a lot of rain in a short period of time I think it was king tide or one of those Tides however our Lake was higher than it's been in recent years so is it their ability to predict the storm correctly and pump out water we have pumps and which which lowers our water table or or I know this these last couple of events Our Lake was a lot lower it raised a little bit but we still had probably two days worth of rain to go versus the last one we had in a day and a half we were this was my house and so Point look at this stuff try to answer that little bit luck and and some so yeah so South Florida does engage in I don't know exactly what they call it's preemptive uh discharge and pumping right and they actually are consistently looking at their overall system they're actually going through a massive uh resiliency study right now as part of the Central and Southern uh Canal system which is all of the canals including the can the canal that goes through Miami Lakes one of the products that they've actually proposed out of that is down at the downstream end looking at upgrading that pump station because they are trying to balance the needs of Inland communities but with the coastal communities right so that's South Florida is absolutely a big part of this they're going through and looking at what smaller type uh type of still Regional products can they do to add more storage into the canals they're actively going through their own study right now to try to mitigate some of the some of the more Regional flooding issues It's Tricky then if they pump out too much we would end up too low and then you run into the dry season and then so in addition to that there's there's two two things uh to add to that one uh one of the scenarios that that was run here was the the king tide combined with one other storm the king tide also determines how much or when Florida can actually pump out because if it reaches a certain point they just they can't there's nowhere for them to pump to and that happened I think it was aah it was a storm it wasn't it wasn't a hurricane but it was a storm event I remember because I was had to work during theing right before veterans yeah November 2 yeah it was and everything was flooded I don't think there was one spot Mi during and that's one of those scenarios that I think that was one of the ones that triggered South Florida hey let's let's look at improving some of these um some of these infrastructures to be able to better handle that it won't it might not be perfect it will be but but we'll see and then the other one is they they also are restricted how much water to pump out so to not allow and I might mess this up but it's not all the water intrusion because you got they got to keep it Balan Rock under is porous it's it's a it's swiss cheese Limestone yeah so if they pump out too much then that salt water is going to come out and if you sure had the bathroom in my back November but they do they keep us up to date so one of the things they send out before we know we're going to be receiving a lot of ring they'll send out uh their their Canal level for the C8 canal and once we know that we know that our canals or their C canals Golden Glades and and the one at the bottom I forget the name those will start lowering as well not as fast as a c Canal because they have to go through several other overs but we know that they're they're building in capacity to absorb some of rain right this is the the town is essentially the headwaters mostly SE and we get water from uh Palm Springs North right cuz it all comes down and it crosses under the Palo right by the golf that's one of the crossing points and then there's another one you see that big lake next to R Leake right next to Lake L the one in the perimeter of the where the dog park is there's a dog park and it looks like a like a sweet potato under there there's coverts that connected to the other side and it dumps it to the C as well y and the canal 170 fills into that system as well the canal 170 it crosses right next to the Bob G education center the golf course there's a bridge and under that bridge it goes into the C and goes through the that Lake system that Lake Brew lock bman Lake all that it goes to and then eventually through the opaka airport property and out into the B and that that Canalis um is the one that that I mentioned that South Florida is looking at at the very end of that down I think it'si or miamii oh yeah right so right where that isum there looking at well it's a whole thing because they're trying to increase the pump station and Miami Shores doesn't work by King Point King Point 135 right actually the the golf course you cross over that a little I and when it's raining hard you you see at the 170th and 77 for intersection that that point the water that comes from Palm Springs North on the road that is fast see so much water that's coming out of there when it's the road that area yes what's the ultimate Sol just to raise so so yeah so there's there's a couple oh oh sorry I know it's just I don't I don't want to this has been my pet peeve for many years since I'm out here is that people keep Paving the front yards um the west side which is not the planet Community um you know it used to be what they call the plan unit development which is like the houses were next to each other that is not allowed anymore prohibited by the county or whoever is in charge of De plan and but people get paid in the front yards and then the original design was for the to have green in front of the homes so the water would drain but if you pay that that you know those areas where's the water going to go it's common sense I think that's a great jumping off point to answer the other questions too about how how do we fix people to keep Paving I see it going on people to have beautiful Frontage concrete this this stud is unique because it gives us the opportunity to make recommendations that aren't necessarily just in the ground gray infrastructure projects we can make recommendations at a certain area have us have uh incorporate green infrastructure the idea of like sponge cities and bringing that back into certain areas where you can increas the porosity and the and the uptake into the ground now over time that will be less effective as as the whole region experiences groundwater rise and that that will be something that that the region will be overall contending with but prevent also the run off into the leges right now I'm also in the committee we have a requests to to uh get an ordinance done to prevent you know uh pesticides to go to the lake but what happens is if you have major runoff you know if if when it rains the rain is is good because it goes into the aquator and that's our fresh water that we're going to be drinking from right but you know it's it's Common Sense well and and and on the ordinance front right that is something that can be a recommendation to the stud as well is that the the town look into certain ordinances and there are other examples from other municipalities that have gone and said hey you can't pave over the sale or hey you need to if you're going to be proposing a development of X Acres consider you know X percentage of green infrastructure of bio of something that's going to be High infiltrative infiltrative Media things like that to help get water into the ground so those are some of the I would say nonstructural measures I mean certainly structural measures things like raising roads and raising infrastructure to help protect the critical infrastructure of the Town inevitably that's going to be parts of the recommendations we try not to get into the specifics of raise this street don't raise that street because we don't want to gotta be careful because well we don't want to Define that at this point some some not if you race that crown of the road when race exactly and that's that's what that's why we are only making I would say General recommendations in that direction in certain areas where we know that it would work um but the idea is not to just be in the ground uh projects but also have more planning and ordinance driven recommendations come out of the study so I don't want to take too much more your time I know you have a meeting right right after this so do really appreciate it that you allowed us to come here and even more that you you were so engaged if there are any other questions you can always email uh the public works department public works at Miami Lakes i.gov um you can also go on our and get the information uh please if you can uh share this with with your your family members that live here your neighbors and if they also have any like yourself experience uh other areas that we may not be aware of that have have flooded um be private or public um we as as far as Public Works in the town we mainly focus on the public areas but as Matt mentioned we may be able to make recommendations of U policy to to implement to improve when there's private development going on one last thing uh we had our insurance person who from I think it was the commissioner we have two people from insurance the state St Florida insurance and then we had the commissioner of insurance and one thing that I learned which I didn't know because before I didn't pay for flood insurance is now state law and they the reason they did it was because of all the flooding that has happened in North Florida a lot of people didn't think that they need flooding and what happened is the whole area flooded the rivers flooded and they had no money to for so now it's in case you don't know if state law you need to have more Insurance Che your policies fully separate policy yeah and it's not that expensive it's separ from covers you if you have you know some kind of issue that I I said I mean I was looking for my female Plan before and I check with my my morgage no you don't need insurance wait a minute so Le the approach notos sheet over there you're not supposed to C no we're good anyways do [Applause] I'll come break that I was gonna say somebody wanted one of those yeah i' have something yeah I thought that was I thought it was all right let's continue all righty let's move on to public comments I don't see anybody around I we good so there VIP she's VIP so now we have approval of minutes so the regular meeting minutes from last meeting oober yeah you guys want to take a look most of what we're talking today is honestly just kind of recapping a lot of last meeting anyways then we said we were going to go over the budget more often we were going to talk about brainstorming a little bit we talked about a little bit of a recap of the brainstorm or of the boot camp yeah we ended up doing better on the budget than we thought we did was one of the things we a little bit over yeah so it worked out appr cool on favor appreciate that all righty cool so moving on from that we'll go real quick to the budget like I said in the previous meeting now from from now on we're going to go over the budget a little bit we're going to touch on at every meeting just to make sure we're up to date and we're on track because like we said last time we had there actually ended up doing pretty good last year but we didn't really know until we looked at the end we thought we were we had excess budget like crazy we ended up not having that much so based off what I see here this is the New Year budget right so nothing can touch yeah right um do you know when because I know there's two things right that always basically happen I know one of the things was local Intel right we've been working on Jonathan did he tell you anything about that or yeah so he told me you guys were in talks about maybe not doing not continuing it this year side yeah so that's I guess a decision you guys have to come to better yeah I mean we kind of already have just the whole thing is when we need to tell by when yeah that's been the question that's like I'll find out by when but I think the understanding is that anyways that comes to an end I believe he said next year June something like that get out of yeah because it's all part of the that first one the first line marketing I'll double check for you guys by when that contract I guess you have to give we have to give him you know yeah give exactly I remember Jonathan saying that is like like split up over years that if it's you know if it's the whole how much of it is taken out this year and Stu like that you do you need to keep yeah when we need to cancel yeah exactly exactly because we don't really see a lot of what amount is coming out of this year for what's already going yeah for what's already happening yeah just so we can know where we're at with the marketing expenses because what we wanted to try to do is hopefully try to support things like the Main Street Live more we can actually do marketing like Billboards like we talked about and like really like you know try to push Miami Lakes and do things more on a marketing level is what we wanted to do with those dollars and you know and actually like see things happen because local Intel wallets it's a nice service I don't really think it's really gotten a lot of use so I don't think it's it's really worth it it's fine worth and just to clue you in it's like on the EDC website we have miam lakes biz.com or.net something along those lines there's a database function like a software that we pay for every couple years and what that software does is it just tells you demographic information the lake so it's for new business owners if they're interested if they can see the you know the amount of people in this x age range how many people are in X um income bracket and things like that and while it's good information I just think if somebody's already going to put a business here they've done that information they've done that research way before you know what I mean especially if it's somebody that's going to be you know big enough of an entity that needs that kind of information I don't think they're going to rely on our website links to public websites yeah exactly that's why it's most it is public information so I think it's better that we can actually use this money to like plus it's $10,000 it's $10,000 a year it's $10,000 a year a humongous part of the budget so that's why it's it's ridiculous um all right cool so we're good there so you're clued in there right yeah Okay aw I will check for you guys awesome and then the second thing with the budget was the Miami Lakes not the Miami Lakes excuse me it's labeled wrong but the chamber miscellaneous expenses usually that whole thing goes to yeah my understand is a 2020 right yeah us goes to a whole membership to the Greater Miami corre and I think that's yeah it's just labeled Wrong by the way let me let me say but we do use it yeah I know a lot of events I've gone to a few of them and just it's just and they'll come here and they'll do what and we got some speakers for our the first time they came to visit so it's been an amicable relationship I think that's something we can maintain and then the networking businesses and all that kind of stuff the seminars that's the boot camp the networkers we know how that works I think for that we're good there's a reason those haven't been touched all right cool so we're good in the budget just want to do that every time so we stay on track um all right cool so we'll move on to Old business so the EDC next year brainstorm this is something that Carlos brought up in the last meeting kind of having a moment what's up you're going to do zero first no no yeah it's a like it's a and then zero instead of I you get me it's like a pre ey that's I trying to say but um so guys this is part of the next year brainstorm so cars wanted to do something where we think a little bit about what we're going to do next year how we're going to approach it and to start that off I wanted Felicia to give us a little her little update on Main Street Live how that's going and maybe how we can jump in and participate in you know part of our next year Adventures Felicia the Flor thank you for allowing to uh give you an update uh I've been contacting a lot of performers um I have been requesting them to register in our artist and musician registry um it's very getting sick before we had nobody so um I instead of you know you can look through it but it's really hard to understand sometimes they really love that what I did is I created this database so basically the the yellow is the people that have submitted some of them have submitted invoices already and I've been think coping you and and Andre it and uh they're very eager to start there's one man that told me why we starting I mean I need to start my schedule so I know you know when so the idea here is to to find out from from your group um and I have some questions here um we need to know who's going to be doing the funding you know who's going to be picking the bands or the performers because uh as you I remember I I came one day very quick and show you a little video at 30 second video that I did and if you haven't seen it I can show it to you uh or forward it to a can uh put it on the screen um because I need to know you know who maybe if the chamber is going to be here I need to add the their logo and then there's there's two logos here that I they're not very good the resolution is very it's very you know it looks good here but if you we blow it up it may not look good so also the idea of you know when are we going to do this and I know I recommended doing it from January to June when the weather's ni uh the time I need to know if it's going to be every Friday night every you know once a month we used to do it once a month when we when the culture first did it so all that information I need to finalize all this and we're having our festival lights and and I want to put you know some information about you know basically you know when is it going to be um my other question is okay the poster have to do that uh the schedule of the day I need to know that uh have we been picking performers yet you know have been reviewing the the groups um this I can I can leave this with you but I'm using it it has the the web um you know like website so you can on YouTube the ones in dark I mean it's more like orange those are very good groups we have used them before and I seen the video and they're very good um so it's just and then we can use DJs and and there's one group that um I think he's he registered and he sent me the videos and it's it we I mean we can start like like have not a thing but not not have like jazz next you know close to it so have the variety which is what I what I say here is music dance art and and more we can have all kinds of things people are you know are eager to I mean I talk to some people they go you to Windwood or dado to to you know to do activities so they can stay here um this is such a beautiful town we need take take advantage of it so basically is to get ourselves organized or you know the schedule yeah because then they the performers themselves need to know when they're going to be performing and see they're available we have a concert coming up January 11 we had to schedule it before and uh and if we start in January they say that that's not Friday Friday will be the 10th we don't want to have two events right next to each other because you know people get tired of having you know too much but all all those things we know we have to you know what what's the budget that we're going to that's going to be spent uh coordinate you know the cost how much that can we you know of course the list here of the performers how much they going to be charging how many performances are we going to have all that we need to get all that organized so if we're going to start in January we need to start is it possible to do like a subcommittee that's conjunction between call you guys can call sub committee you just have to make sure you both yeah because I I met um with the merchants but they didn't talk about this at all they they talked about the Halloween so you know I thought we were G about this but we didn't unfortunately so it going to get the merchants involved you know I know they're part of this committee too right so it's a matter ofbody not really yeah yeah we have yeah the Main Street Merchants thing is is a little bit of a different thing than but yeah but Carlos is somebody that's part of that maybe I should someone coming lat because I know he has his own entertainment but we need to bring the entertainment in yeah yeah and that's why I want to figure out the situation with our budget with the expenses so we could see how much we can yeah who's gon fund our end if we can get sponsors how much we need from the sponsors all right cool chamber's gonna be involved all that I need to know so we can yeah I think the chamber will definitely be involved I think for sure like the Mi exber that will definitely decide what kind of entertainment we have some some of them are not too expensive some of are more expensive so and quality of course you pay for the quality of no exactly ex we need to make those decisions quick yeah no I think you're right yeah and a big part of that is when and how often those are the big questions because then that'll tie into the funding how much we need and how that's going to work I think we agree should be you know when the weather is nice yeah no no for sure for sure 100% but the time you think the time is good from 7:30 to because I've been telling them three hours I think so yeah with a break of course yeah you're saying 7:30 in the evening right to yeah I think that works yeah so the time is okay yeah the I think we just need to talk about Cadence and the and yeah I think the when works the part of it so so this just this around I put that together real quick but I need to [Music] know and that that actually is part of the the little video that I did that I first the cool yeah I remember you showing us that all right awesome all right cool I think we can definitely do this January I think is going to be a little bit difficult just because I know December we usually don't have a meeting just because there usually not enough Quorum we usually don't have enough so we end up just not doing it work yeah so J January might be tough um I mean we have someone that's really like I said normally in in our culture committee we approved the the performers I guess it's the economic development is going to be the one uh approving the performers or the merchants are going to be involved the GRS are going to be involv that's why I don't really know when it comes to that yeah yeah we don't really know when it comes to performers that's why like you guys are the cultural Affairs committee if you want to take charge of picking the performers you guys can do that that's why I need it's going to be done on Main Street on private property yeah you need the Grand's approval well yeah yeah yeah but separate from that I guess is what we're saying like the like how we're going to be able to assist yeah yeah yeah I mean I think we have Grant's approval right you've been talking to approve the the artist coming in oh I get what you're saying I get what you're saying yeah okay is that what You' experienced in the past do the grams usually need to have final approval on the artists themselves too or no not really when we used to do our events on Main Street we brought our bands and they for the most part okay good at picking I'm good at picking the vs you know I've heard them before there's one that we might use forry about that's why I want to see because we can work with sponsors because we like for our boot camp event we ended up having a lot more sponsorship than we expected so I think we have you know we have connection to business the ones in yellow are the ones that have been submitting invoices and are really interested in participating and there's two bands are local bands um um this one um Jackson bond which is very good they play pop music and Jazz and I think Linda Anders is a local per former singer piece of work is the same thing is is run by Jackson Bond um let see other one brother brothers is actually he lives here Miami Lake so we have two or three bands that are local so and they're they're really interested in in performance so just I just need to know just just tell Andrea or the merchant this is what I recommend I mean that's what I'm recommending you know the on in in Orange so we can get going on it I mean we could have one we could have something in janary maybe the end of January yeah no I think we definitely could I just don't know how much we be able to support you either getting contract done you can see the last column is how much so just so want share what do you need the committee to move on like what do you need from EDC right now or soon like what do they need to approve posters the I me well if the town logo on it the file needs to be communication so that they can get final approval I also this is for you more thanc no no no I already sced thank you um no I need to know if I need to add another logo for the the chamber logo there chamber this is more for you rather than EDC just because I have you here if the cultural Affairs logo is going to be on it so if it's a cultural Affairs um you know collaboration then cultural Affairs needs to be made aware of the bands that are being selected um because I don't think they've been told you guys do you guys do me in December though okay their I thought I said IDE was we're not paying for it so we don't need to but if their logo is on it then it's a representation of portra if it's not then it's not I just want to make sure they're aware I mean it's just to be event so I exactly so they should be made aware as a committtee um but what do you need from EDC do you need money like it sounds like you're no it's just you know their their support and then help you know help out okay I'm just asking in case there's anything they need to uh motion and approve no I thought I guess if if it's going to be done on M Street you know glams I guess we'll approve it or check it you know because like I said Financial part of it we we're just I mean we're like I said I'm just doing this helping with with the logistics of putting yeah get it going so going 100% yeah no I want to start including it as a separate line item on our agendas as well just Main Street Live so we can participate in these kind of discussions too and see what we can do with the business Community like yeah exactly market and see what we can do with the business community in terms of sponsorships and to help with funding and things like that because I think we have a lot of us here you know General connections that we can use to you know get people to want to sponsor this so the goal right now would be second so the second Friday of every month is what you were thinking or every other Friday is what you up I think once a month right yeah that seems a lot more reasonable yeah that more reason once month how used to have it yeah yeah and uh we can add more of the things it becomes expensive if you have no I think once a month is perfect I think I think that's perfect January to June once a month so it's like around six times or so I think that works so we can pick like the third Friday of the month or the we have to make sure that it doesn't come with all the events like we have like I said the concert on the 11th you don't want to do something on the 10th because it's back to back so gotcha you know all right cool cool yeah so this band that we're doing is what is it that going to play is it just Jazz cuz they play a variety of music so we don't want to have a band a jazz band on Friday and then one on Saturday so you know people say that's same thing people get confused so yeah have some spice all right cool cool so what we can do from the EDC like I said the January one you're probably not going to get too much support from us just because we're kind of fading out now for the end of the year but when it comes to the ones for the rest of the year we definitely want to take an active that's what I needed to know yeah do one in January going to be yeah the one for January right now we're a little bit all over the place you're not going to you know even though I'm going to put your logo on there yeah I mean like I said the January one we're going to be probably we probably won't be able to help too much just because you can already see we're already losing everybody yeah we're but once the new year starts and I'm sure we'll probably be filled up again in here um because this is definitely something that I want to get Carlos to be a part of I'll go talk to him yeah so I think we can get him to help with this and um and Main Street is like his baby you know like growing that and focusing on that so I think we're going to do that but yeah like I said I definitely want to help with the funding and I definitely want to help with getting sponsors for you guys and helping to Market it and we'll definitely Market it from the chambers perspective because I do all that so so I'll do that for you on the chamber perspective as well so social media and email blast and all that from the chamber 100% you have that their support cool cool cool and like I said for the remainder of the year we'll also be there it's just January for us as little little funky how we are here towards the end of the Year everyone gets everyone yeah all right cool you're saying once once a month yeah I'm thinking once a month January to June like we were suggesting it's just that January we won't be able to support too much here this time around but starting after that we'll be able schedule and then figure out you know the yeah and we'll help you in terms like I said finding maybe principal sponsors and things like that like been presented by blah blah blah you know what I mean we can help with all thatw oh really itco Jazz then he has um Jazz um some Mediterranean musicians they look more cish but they're amazing and then the last one I mean I'll show you the video Wild inun funny I gotta check it out it's like lighting is is it would it would make it would put Miami LS in the map cool no I like it that's why I just want to get this going and then yeah and then maybe we can use some of our other connects we've buil up through like I know that the farmers market guy contacted us too about wanting to do some stuff with the town so who knows maybe we can bring food trucks and make it like an event he yeah but it wasn't very well pushed I remember yeah no that's why cuz maybe we can tie in with this and just kind of bring it all together could be yeah that's why so it could be a fun little thing you know but for now let's get it going you know let's get that going for January and then like I said we'll be able to jump in full force next year awesome awesome cool thank you for that appreciate you any questions just email me or any recommendations yeah and like I said I'm gonna put this on a as a line item on the agenda now starting from January forward that we can really focus on this and hone in on this you can get me the yeah I'll send you the chamber the chamber the Main Street uh which one is that Main Street I need this logo oh the Main Street logo I think this one good resolution I need good resolution because if we do like a like a nice uh poster and put it in the in the kiosk yeah you want it to be nice and big yeah I get you can put to one of each CH I get you all right cool good stuff I like it I like it I like it that's going to be a good event thank you I can I can see this being good this is going to be fun yeah all right cool so that kind of ties into the next thing then the calendar of events for next year what's up I can I can give you a cop to struggle it's okay I already SC it thank you but if you want to send to me anyways I just it's gonna be changing maybe I don't know the thing is that anything that gets pass out I have to save forence okay you know it's very yeah the pricing isn't horrible crazy you can take the localtel literally yeah that's what I'm thinking that's that's partially what could work but all right cool all right cool so that ties into the next thing then for the brainstorm which would be the calendar of events for the year right coming up um I know we said we wanted to be a little bit more thoughtful with how we have our calendar set up and Jonathan said at the time that it helps a lot with advertising for you guys you know be able to plan it out and what it is that we're going to push so I guess kind of fast forwarding a little bit um would be the would be the next business networking social right I we talked about doing Latin America December third or 4th I got in contact with him and we we tried talking back and forth we text a little bit but we couldn't really ever get into a moment where we could talk so I don't think that's going to be able to happen for December 3rd or 4th so I think we just call it quits for the year and we just do something in January and then approaching the gaos yo really you have been I've been approach oh cool and they're interested that would be a good one yes yes throwing my stones in there well cool play with that with that idea we can do it for January late January to put some and then people can buy they bring some that's it yeah that's that tring is really good if you want put like a stage out or a little bit of the parking lot yeah I mean I know we've done G in got two parking lots the back one and the front one yeah they got two Park they make they make a mean Express TV Let Me Tell You full cop for bar that face is really nice all right so with that in mind they should be a hidden place with that in mind doing the networking socials when do we want to do them let's just plan them out so right now we've got we usually do one a quarter sometimes two a quarter so for right now let's plan out the um one a quarter I guess just so we can have that set up and then we can May right now there's going to be one January January we don't have to pick specific dates just yet we can kind of do that as we get closer but for now let's just at least pick the months so we'll have one in January so let me see the four networking socials so we have one in January and remember we've got three, set up here for the networking socials each one cost us 00 that's how much we give the the restaurants so the for the four this is 2,000 and then we had a th000 that we had used on the boot camp networker remember that was the extra thousand that we have so we've got January and then Rudy you were saying March ail I'm trying to think like with the dates so let's see is April close to anything bad with schools I don't have a a kid right now so I don't really know third April not because I I have do you have a copy of the calendar um sorry what you say What day what what they usually do plan we usually do them on Wednesdays usually when we do them Wednesday yeah and then the second Wednesday of the month is the chamber luncheon so we don't usually do that so we do like the third we do the third or fourth Wednesday of the month yeah so let me put that there too third or fourth four Yeah March is usually spring break somewhere in there so you think April's okay April ail April oh thank you wow beginning of Easter the first week oh we just do we just wor about Wednesdays anyways so last5 there you go April yeah April looks pretty March you see the end of Yeah March is yeah so April's clean so we'll do April April there you go anytime any and then three and four so January as well yeah January April and that way because March is a little close so it gives us a little bit of time so January a and then so now we need one for the third and fourth a August is the start of school again isn't it which is at the end yeah at the end so you do it in September then we usually do it in September although September is usually sometimes the boot camp but we were talking about changing the boot camp this year right potentially okay so let's see I don't know August is back to school you think the last week of August is too rough with back to school or no did you really Ro no isn't that still too rough for the remember you're looking at go you hit I think the options for the next for the next year there school calendar on there the second second L gotta I think you might be able to sell if it's ready 24 sure it is so you're looking for 25 26 I don't think he s yet I have no idea I wouldn't think so either it's probably not J no problem sorry sometimes it's open ADV yeah it should be there we go yeah doesn't look like it yeah oh well so that's how you okay go yeah yeah yeah all righty no problem keep on going down maybe it's in the oh look but at the bottom there it says beginning whatever no worries worries on that too long all right cool so August then let's just say that's too too messy I guess yeah you still have 25 but it's yeah well it was up until summer yeah so I guess we can just do September still that's fine we can shoot for the early and remember this is just prean adj get closer we can August September September and then the last one would be December I guess what we tried doing this time yeah oh but then would be I guess then we'll worry about the next year again DEC okay so we're looking at January April September and December for the yeah I think thatal social socials yep so we're good there the calar events the boot camp right now the boot camp was in September right it was early September was like here September 12 something like that mid September yeah yeah was like mid September the boot camp I don't want to get into this too much honestly without Romey and Carlos because I know they're a big part of the boot camp so I'll kind of table this until we're all together again and we're all here a meeting but the September day doesn't really bother me too much I remember they talked about doing it more closer to like October November because they were saying that's a little bit better but then that kind of messed with the using bit of situation so that might be something that we do for the next following year but for this year we'll talk about it but all right cool so I'll put the boot camp now to be discussed so TBD and then as well calary of events now we have Main Street Live that we're going to probably help out with that we will help out with and that's going to be six months out of the year January to June the four networking socials the boob Camp am I forgetting any of our major events that we participated or or do I don't think so right that's mainly what it is it's the quarterly it's our quarterly socials it's our boot camp and then now we're throwing in Main Street Live as well right so I think we're good there cool so another thing that Carlos wanted us to kind of talk about was what more can the EDC do and I think honestly this Main Street Live is a good is a good thing for us more to do so I think that'll help out um I think this question as well is going to be answered a little bit better once we have the budget breakdown with um what we have this year available to us in that miscellaneous marketing fund basically like what local Intel has available for us yeah cool so awesome I think this Bank Street Live is going to be a good another big addition to the EDC I think that'll be a great yeah just to bring more life to main like we were talking about and then depending on how that goes we'll see what we can do people remember exactly cool and then like I said going forward once we can see what we really instead of once a month do it twice a month yeah I mean for right now I'm thinking once a month just to get it going you know just to get a feel point you know and see if if we get good at it we're we're really quick and doing it oh let's bring it up yeah exactly but just want to get a feel for it first conf for the Fourth of July or right yeah right that's that's another reason once a month is a little easier yeah no 100% well I mean it shouldn't messed with Halloween and things like that because it's January to June for now is what we're thinking no that's right yeah but we'll see we'll see um cool so what more can the EDC do I think we're going to do that with the Main Street Live and we'll talk about that more throughout the year the boot campaign like I said table that for now until we've got everybody so with that I move on to new business we talked about public Outreach the next business networking social we talked about we're just going to shoot for January potentially if my go can we can try for gouel that that could be a good option and if anything I can also try to reach out to to the Latin America guy again America yeah I can continue to reach out to him and see what we can do um awesome so the next thing after that is the best of Miami Lakes okay this is more of an aisle thing Jonathan because I got a bunch of questions about this throughout the year and everybody thinks we're doing it and honestly it should be kind of something that we do because I know we did in the past yeah but since I've been here we haven't so people are asking me I don't know was who was the previous chair was it Andrew it was Andrew yeah I was the one before her and I did a video up here baby did but when I became in charge I just heard it was a town thing and I didn't worry about it it's always been acknowledged as an EDC thing so it's not just like a it isn't we haven't even voted on it in the past two years like anything so I want to be clear because I think it happens with the committees as well um because it's an event that like something that goes on yeah kind of continue as this if you look at it it hasn't changed since I guess you guys were working on it but it's like the town staff can't wait until you guys no no no I'm just letting you know that that's why it seems like if we took over but we didn't it still acknowledg as economic development is just I don't think you guys discussed the feedback if there was any changes you wanted to make this year or whatever so Jonathan just kind of took the initiative to run within it continue as it was by the to yeah it was but I want to make sure you guys understand it is an economic development initiative and it's very much acknowledged as if there's any changes or any edits or any ideas you guys have to to want to change just please bring it to me I guess this is where I'm telling you with time if you can give us those changes by July August because by end of August it needs to be launched in order to fall in line with the holidays and and get the finalist in so that's what that's my ask I guess a staff from you guys if there's any edits any changes anything you want to see as part of the next year's program um just please let me know by I would say let's by July so like that week we incorporate those into the new one perfect but as of right now yeah it kind of just went in as as it's been the last few years so thank you then for doing it I appreciate that but um cool yeah so that way we can just you know take a little bit more of an active role in terms of I know that a big thing was just marketing it that's what a lot of people were asking us about because they're like oh we didn't hear about this I wanted to be on this or I wanted to try for this and I was like I I in terms of in terms of marketing um our communication strategy stays the same whether it's an event or whatever I would encourage you guys to take a look I think you guys have probably heard of it it's on our website um so depending on what type of event or initiative it is that's kind of how it's going to get marketed I'm not seeing the market I'm saying we just didn't know because I I could also you know push it from the chamber you know make it like much more of get the B involved like you know like how we do it we appreciate any extra you know any any Community from the town helping us out obviously that helps us but in terms of how we Market it it's just as any other initiative ready no that's fine that's fine but yeah I'm just saying so for the for the locals you know what I mean the people that we see all the time in the chamber meetings that we see all the time on the daily they just didn't know about it that's why for the most part many small businesses there yeah that maybe say hey wasn't I counted or what do I need to do I get involved yeah most they just want their name I would ask you guys because obviously you guys are the economic develop so you have a lot of uh networking power would ask you guys that if anybody is ever like oh I want to know more about the town or anything I would highly suggest that people subscribe to our newsletter okay um because really that would go straight to your inbox yeah they can send it from but I noticed many of the same company big is always there I will say there's a lot of people the businesses that caught on to it like did a good job of promoting themselves and that's going happen so that that also leads to a question to you guys you guys want to maybe change what the nomination looks like there opportunity to do that if that's something the EDC wishes to something we guys to discuss you extend you extend the the the candidates yeah and VI friends and so important cool cool I just want to know if we could now I know we can and then by July what's up years ago was that Association had a membership and you had the businesses when they became members and then then you became a member it was it was I wasn't part of it but what helped is people will get discounts when they they you remember that right I was part of the of the Miami Le Business Association that's when I started that was something else Chamber of Commerce that was the the original origal it was it was like the Civic asso become a member you could be an individual member or you could be a business and by being a a business you could give discounts to to the people I mean if you if you buy from from us you get a 20% discount I mean you have to like I said plan it properly yeah to to make people want to buy from from you because they get a percent discount so it create an incentive to the business and the same to the people who you know who wanted to yeah no I love that idea like so it promotes the business but at the same time they were yeah no I like that how it worked I have to find out exactly because I was come this I mean the Miami restaurant discount yeah one thing I wanted to try to do similar to that was we have like I mentioned earlier we have an EDC website miam l biz.net or something like that that we don't really use too much for anything and on it right now it has some discounts that people provided you know that if you show hey you know like we're part of the EDC yeah that's why and if you show them but I guarantee you none of those restaurants were honor those discounts because I think they're years old now so I wouldn't try to hey look at this but um I like bring that back do you remember when we had the passport yes that was very good that's why I want to start doing stuff like that again but um we need baby steps that's why let's not go crazy so so we're doing B Street Live we're gonna take back best of Miami Lakes and then we'll start you know we'll start branching out but baby steps baby steps so yeah next up is of i m here's a random idea what's up what if we made like um kind of like an electronic points card for Miami Lakes so you can add to your Apple wallet and like you know for Miami Lakes retailers you know they it's much like how like have like punch cards or things like that that let you get promos like if you keep spending card digital like your card digit you can figure that out but it' be pretty cool though imagine your card digital I'm worried Apple at the same time well it's not attached to Apple pay as much as is it goes into your Apple wallet kind of like when you get like is that the open door is that the open door the open door and all I get it I get it but for Miami lak Miami right for Miami yes well that's different is yes yeah something like that imagine again if it's like in your if it's in there in your app open it up Miami Lakes the Miami Lake when it comes to sofware it's it's finding the right one right do some research I appreciate it fantastic idea let me know more it makes it easy yeah no I like it let me I'll write it down here too digital passport digit fre whatever you want to call it you have to over namei you know lak rest for the no I like it digital passwort sounds fun yeah and it gives you a reason to go to the restaurants and stuff like that restaurants to restaurant like oh you went this like open door like open door to find the right software I'm app or something you can use that's like a like for towns and everything I'm sure already exists Dash has it open door has it yeah I'm sure that's how I get restaurants just get it for like you know specific town you get to get yeah the only thing is getting the restaurants or not restaurants you say restaurants stores people in general just sign up sign up so we can see but cool that seems like a cool idea because we canot use the parking lot on the Min anymore since the vendors are all right cool [Music] so used to have that anouncements videoing not the airport oh I mean I didn't find any more information about the airport or anything like that okay but um but I know we talked about with Jonathan before using that video as like a sort of per Perpetual ad yes we need that we need that's something that's doable told about that we just talk about that we just did so that's okay but um but I make use of it guys make use of it make use of it yeah we made a video last year um about miy lakes and and come in the shop here play stuff like that usually the video yeah it's unlisted in there I'm pretty sure but um what's up we didn't uh when we had the Expo last two weeks ago we didn't go like to the booth like we do every year and and talk to people we didn't do that we miss that what do you mean go to the booth every year or like like for the videos and stuff we got some videos gani we gani I'm not sure if he edited yet but he was making a video for us and he yeah he interviewed joseo with the B table I know he I think he interviewed laser Las yeah he interviewed those girls he was going around interviewing sporadically it wasn't like everybody but he did it sporadic hemisphere hemisphere heere I think he did SE Coast I think I'm not sure but I know he went to different booths so we have some of that y so you mean I'm not sure if he's done yet but you should see it soon I'm sure well I'm sure it's GNA be me I'm sure I'll post it soon all right cool so I think we're good on that we've got a lot of stuff to now talk about in our next meeting which is going to be exciting there a lot of cool stuff best of Miami Lakes Main Street Live the boot camp we've already got our networking socials already planned out which is a good thing so I think we're in a good spot so are we going to do the meeting next month or that's the big question we can't really vote on it because of this but because there's not enough people but I think we're gonna find out with regarding quorum quorum now right the question did you guys discuss this at a previous meeting maybe already it wasn't something voted on but it's something that we discussed de yeah it normally doesn't happen ever get been here anys with the MERS if anything send it a little earlier this time you know because a lot of people can't do it in December end up with like four five me and two other people it's late I think this year it would be would fall 17th yeah that's why it would be the week before Christmas I me believe me that what everybody do guess you'll get an email from me if I can the meeting is all right so I'm just letting you know in December likely cancel very likely it's gonna happen from me malal malali but I updated it okay you should be great but right and other than that November 23rd is the Festival of Lights yeah this Saturday this Saturday cple days I'll be there I'll be there I'll be there cool yeah but than that we're good to go I don't think I can motion to end