e been watching to I I want to see that comments but the level of competition Indiapolis hav't the top thiser ENT everybody you're good okay call the meeting the order somebody wait 7 70 all right uh roll call Nancy Rogers here Johnny Torres here George here Lis Lopez Omar Gonzalez here Darwin Ville essential Lis Lopez yes off Sodor I'm here okay and the Fire Chief Fire CH well I don't even know which one it is tonight fire chief Mark Shavers it hasn't changed you send others no for the last like year and a half it hasn't changed okay great great so so far Darwin and the fire chief are the only ones out I'm they come in late yeah well I communicated a bit with Darwin like he didn't say if he was going to make it if he's working or anything all right uh order of business deferrals additions Del leans anybody okay adoption of minutes everybody had a chance to read the minutes to hear a motion to adopt the minutes [Music] second okay uh public comments yeah thank you br my name is Carlos Andre I've been a Miami lak's resident now for I want to say a little over 30 years um I was part of a a committee a special prog committee actually back in 2014 part three committee pretty much we were charged with accepting um or not parth three committee and what to do with it um again it's been 10 years so I said maybe it's time to get back into the swing of things and maybe join a committee I'm not sure if there's still a vacancy here but nonetheless I've been told by some of the friends that are more involved than I am here in town hall to visit some of the Committees and see some of the objectives and you know the flow of meetings and see which interest me and nonetheless um you know I was very interested in this one um Public Safety is very important to me um I live on deine Avenue very nearby so we try to establish a lot of safety protol with neighbors you know WhatsApp group uh chats and making sure we use nonemergency number so nonetheless just wanted to see um how the wheels turn in this committee and and you know some of the stuff that I'm practicing and I can LIF the r wall so I can Implement by any so thank you for having me yeah uh questions um spell your last name morning a n d r s did you uh fill out an application and go through that process yet I have not okay I have not okay I mean is there still I don't know is there still a vacancy or yes there right now there is one vacancy okay that's very good to know okay thank you that's um now just just so you're aware um have you talked to to's office at all um I I don't know if she's uh well the actual town clerk no but I did speak to a representative from the town a young girl I don't know theut okay okay um and she advised you to come to the meeting well you told me there was an opening yeah and then you know I have other you know colleagues and friends in the town that say you know go ahead and and you're interested join the meeting you know see how you like the opening is we talking about opening right so I was just checking in because I think somebody else also applying okay um issue with that well no so just so to recap for you guys the only thing we were missing from that person was from to attend the meeting but the council member was ready to appoint he was just waiting on that person to attend the meeting as of right now the person has not attended the meeting so I just want to be clear because it sounded like he was you know trying to appoint this person hasn't happened because they haven't met the qualification and just letting you know you might want to reach out to the council member as well so then he can decide between you guys I guess he only has one opening right now so that's why so you'd probably want to get in contact with him to see if he's still trying to open the other person let me ask you when it comes to stuff like that any need appointed by the consum and like we don't make decision it's based on them no the only reason I shared the application with you guys is one to inform you guys that somebody was interested and because some council members like to get feedback from the committee ultimately it is their decision but they like to you know some more than others like to involve the chairs and the committee members and that's really why I was letting you guys know because um council member quo asked for you guys um feedback on okay so he's attended and the other guys turn in paperwork so if he turns in his paperwork quick uh maybe recommend that when you leave here if I may Hi how are you um you came in just in time we're doing public comments well yeah anyway I recommend that when you leave here take some time and catch councilman k before the council meeting okay and let him know that you were here and you want to um fill out an application okay okay I can can I fill it up beforehand is that something available online yeah so we don't have a council me today oh I thought we did never mind um so if you want um give me your email and I can send it to you I can send you the link where you would have called okay perfect thank you excellent okay sorry I understand you said that you were a previous member of Father committee no another committee yeah part three committee yeah so the part three committee is the old part three by big Cy Drive part three committee that was that was a special purpose committee it was around for about 10 months and pretty much we accepted the property and we had certain Provisions or recommendations that we gave to the count that they um put in place when they do accept it how did you get that back to K you have email it back to somebody so Victoria Martinez um she's the deputy Town Clerk and assistant to the Town Council so she's the perfect person who you follow up okay letting you know right I I submitted my application and hey you please um I would like to get in contact with about possibly being appointed I can also send you his email okay that would be perfect yeah thank okay yeah yeah definitely definitely have one I heard that this Saturday uh coo was calling us to see we want to volunteer for the the hurricane um preparation or something or calling calling the order well is yes Shey here she s email um I'm not sure proba so probably but I know they've been working on it so it doesn't surprise me if you if you guys did receive any exactly so sounds like so they're getting prep for hurricane season so so they're 're redoing all L updating list yeah they're just calling all volunteers to see if they're still willing to volunteer for this year should did we need them no that's that's a it's a town effort I mean I don't know but he's involved definitely but in charge is the town for oh it's just the deputy town clerk's office is the one that handles the volunteers that's probably why she stop and he probably sent a reminder or something it's going to be Saturday at the what you call the play the fire station something I'm not sure I'm not sure I wasn't copying I'm sorry I have because I don't know anything about this yeah okay all right any other public comments record show that detective the has joined us hello we on public comments if you want to speak yes well um I was going to talk about the appreciation um but I see that you have it there in their old business and I guess I I wouldn't mind waiting to talk when you bring it up if if you okay uh special presentation uh Chief J is not here so we're going to hear from officer after everyone sorry before you you go ahead you guys skip through um the adoption of minutes no and but did you make the motion to approve we will now okay motion to approve minutes I no like the actual um I guess silent motions officer Alor inter okay all information is going to be year to date uh in comparison to last year so so far in homicides we're at zero last year we have four but we're down zero is good uh robberies we had zero we're up to three so we take it by three uh Auto we're at 31 we're not now at 40 so we're 9 over where we were at last year commercial burgies we were at five we're at two so we are three down for commercial burglaries residential burglaries we had five we have four so we're one down we have a to that thank you okay anything else anybody got any questions or comments for off thank you okay old business police appreciation month update and Proclamation thank you George for coming to the event we were there for a very long time it was a day of proclamations and things and specials whatevers we were we were the skunks at the end of the Ark we were the last the old cartoons and um we got the proclamation I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do with it but I certainly snitched it it can arrest me I snitched it for you you guys to see be careful if you pass it around these little clippy things are sharp um I'm going to request maybe a few things on there being corrected or added if we can we'll see but this is what it looks like it'll go up on the wall here eventually and I don't know how that works uh do um these proclamations do are they kep on the outside by someone then another one is put up on this wall or that's the only one it goes on the wall that's the only one um normally it's given to somebody but if it's like Town related then we put it you know put it on okay well it's got a couple of type of if they can fix it I'd appreciate it um you'd have to reach out to Joseph also mayor's office because they're the ones that do theang on to it so the ma the major gave it back to you because I think he we gave it to him that night I don't know if it was going to take it yeah I think that I mean you could have given it to because it it is for uh for police so they I think they were there to receive it but they're okay with you guys keep we gave it to we gave it to the major so I don't know how it got maybe he noticed the uh errors and gave it back to you so I guess you guys had the intention of giving it to the m well to the to the major the major yes cuz he's the one that we gave it to and he kept when I left he had it in his hand so I don't know how it so I took it you maybe Theos or something you guys want to give it more yeah we we want to put it on our site okay so they want to keep it yeah okay I'm going to leave it with you if you want it corrected I'll leave that up to you guys I will be on your side to bring it up but this way you have it and I don't because I don't want to break it be careful be careful I'm not going any further touch it anymore luck keep it in the meantime till give you the corrected one yeah we have a hold it hostage I won't press chares okay thank you and uh old business police appreciation mon update Proclamation we kind of just spoke about that George and I were there we waited all day detective neis yes I wanted to thank you all for participating in that for uh doing it um Robin got us the um the car so the our memor vehicle was here pictures were awesome did any of you get to see it actually outside with the blue lights flashing and everything yeah it was awesome and Robin of course participated with his partners and um presenting the colors and the honor guard and um I thought it was really nice thank you Isle you got all the council members learing the blue ribbon and they had the little blue candle in front of them and I know that uh I don't know if John maybe Miami Laker or somebody took a nice picture of all the council members and and everything so I'm looking forward to seeing that another pick of the guys out front and then of course Nancy with the boys um this is just um a few pcks of uh some of the residents that um well this is our lobby where we put the um announcement and a couple of residents who did light up blue and support of police and I guess to be discussed uh for next year I hopefully next year you know we'll catch on a little bit more and more residents will light it up um I spoke to someone that maybe next year and Main Street they can light up the um the Fountain area blue um so I have some ideas flowing for next year and I'll discuss them then but some of them are like we could probably do uh a sheet also that could be put up like this cuz the car had some you know I I don't know if people flipped them over and stuff like that I thought they were great but this might be good to a company um the cards uh next year um and then perhaps something to consider for next year if maybe we could light up the town blue for police week I think lighting up blue for the whole month people kind of like linger and like I'll do it next week or I'll do it you know um whatever in a few weeks so maybe next year we can kind of tighten it up a little bit and say you know and let people know that it's the whole month but light up the town blue on that week definitely that week yeah just focus on that week and that way it's you know I think when we have deadlines and in a tighter time frames people can can you know connect better but those are just some thoughts uh for next for next year um part of the reason I had mentioned that I wanted to join you guys here was was for that kind of for for crime prevention things with projects and things that I wanted to do with my partner here and um I just feel that our relationship with the community and working together with them is a big part of that uh plus I just I'm looking forward to a time again where we are kind of like have a much better rapport with the community and and I feel like events like this kind of help out you know just to and the the coffee with the cop and and you know we do a few more of of those things where we interact and I'm looking forward to October for Faith and blue right for Faith and blue so maybe we could uh chat about that um and and get the wall rolling with that it's a really awesome program and um so I probably won't be joining you for the next few meetings but when we start pushing forward the faith and blue project um if it's okay I'll I'll come back and then see if we can we can work on that together but thank you guys thank you thank you thank you for helping with the uh distribution of the lights as well did all of you who took lights did you put them in the different uh businesses yes okay no s did when when you took the blue lights at that meeting did you distribute distribute them at the different businesses I didn't get a chance to go looking anything no okay I'm through the chair can I can I say something about detective M sure I know I'm outside of public con but I know you were saying about you know your relationship with the community I me you helped out immensely with me you probably don't remember me but it's been years now but there was a burglary in my house and you were part of the team that handled it and you guys did a phenomenal job so I did recognize some of the officers that were there that day on Gulu being one of them you know coincidentally he was on call he a family friend oh okay yeah yeah but you all did a you know fantastic job so was my pleasure what we here for and unfortunately you had to go through that and we met under those circumstances but and we you know we're hoping that um like that one interaction at a time we can um reestablish a good rapport with the community work together yeah um thank you thank you my pleasure thank you Nancy okay um fire station mural um Darwin's not here and um I don't know what he he was he was speaking with Barbara Baron and uh I I don't quite know what the conversation was you didn't share it with with me he was busy I believe he was at work today no that's good cuz you guys are not supposed to be talking about that no I just ask I was just asking him if you know put it if I was to put it on the agenda I didn't ask anything else believe me so yeah um the the next steps were um he was going to bring us feedback that he would have received from the fire RBS to see if they were receptive to doing the printing of ir that was the last conversation we had so he was going to give us feedback on on what the fire reps thought about them so I guess we'll get that next month so seven SE I don't know how much time we're going to have to we're going to have to act on how much spend all that other thing we have to have answers by next month of uh the coins callede update um we decided on one coin one side police one side fire the only thing is we haven't gotten estimates so I'm going to ask someone to take that over please is to uh you know come up with the design is fairly simple it's going to have place on one side fire on the other red and blue uh I didn't have it in my notes if we chose a spinner Style no it's going to be too much I have the info for the whoever wants to take that over for the um I think it's Sergeant or detective that does them for the PBA and that's the information I got for for that somebody wants to use right and I don't know if he had a contact too I don't remember if he Darwin had mentioned something about contact too I don't I don't remember so um can we decide on who's going to take it over because as of right now you guys have been bringing this full back since November last year and we have not seen it so I guess it's a good conversation to have are you guys interested it took us decide what we wanted first well no you guys agreed on this in November so as of November you guys agreed on bringing full and you have so that's I just want to understand if you guys are still interested in this or not because we've been saying yes since November but nobody has brought and that's been like the lingering next stuff well Darwin's not here it was I know but he had a contact right but so I just want to know if if somebody wants to take the lead on this and continue to you know move move it forward okay nobody can take the lead then I would make a motion that um we table it for next year's uh budget and go from there if it's going to take this long to you know we decided what we wanted so we do we have information who did the coins last time so we can go and also ask them for quote do we have a design I have to go back and look but you guys have a requested that for me I'm happy I know but we don't have any design any the design you guys agreed on you'd have to go back to the minutes because I I don't remember right now but I know you guys agreed on a design and then I have on my notes here that you guys had even agreed on getting a quote for 100 like that's what that's the number you guys had whoever got that information they can send it to me I think a few companies to see so he has one right okay you can get it at least he because I was the one with the spinner and you know yeah we're not going to do the spinner we're going to do fire one side Le on the other um does anybody remember the design I think it was it the flag with the blue with the blue line and then yeah I think I don't remember the design been that's why I'm like I'm asking I don't remember I know I wasn't going to be the spinner for sure I think I Regional Johnny that look like the original I will look at my phone yeah and just send me show me an email with the information and then from here to the next meeting I'll try to have something in paper and I I will mention you guys aren't like married to a vendor so you guys are um if it makes leer you guys can use any vendor that will provide like a cheaper price you guys um both the procurements okay so we're going to leave next step for this um for Johnny to Johnny you can talk to I was going to talk to you uh and and Poli yeah because they did that once one year I know they came in with with uh there uh the coins the coins yeah so we got to get several quotes anyway so yeah we should be bringing more than one just to make sure you guys are getting the best deal possible um what I can do for you is I'll pull it I'll pull the last invoice I can find that where you guys place an order for that line item and then I guess maybe that helps you okay and I wonder if Andy's Police Supply does it if blue does it too okay no no because I can search different companies and stuff but if we have somebody place they can give us a better price or better deal compare [Music] I maybe L does it too and that's two and plus three that's three that's why I want to know the design because that way I can just tell them look this what we looking the back that way they can yeah wish I I can bring the all right guys carefully pass this around yes we can do this to see at least this picture all right first one that came up and I don't have both sides and it it say 2012 I don't know who did that one did did one of our guys I I don't know know where I took that picture from that's the one that I brought last time that's the one you brought my I don't know where you don't know but on the on the on the on the other side on the on the the little flip uh oh that's that's the spinner one on the no no on the little container the case it says where it came from on the case it it says where it all right so who's who's going to check on the coins now Johnny Johnny if you and Amador can get together and he can give you better it's place to start okay the company might not even still doing them but in the meantime um where is the design that we approved so he can have it I'm looking in the phone yeah aort or something you guys just descri it nobody picture she brought the old ones and then you guys describe the base on that even on design but I guess well he's the one that says all right guys pass around again this one says Point emblems [Music] that's got to go back wild okay say police fire appreciation followup date venue PLA and attendees let's go to that while I I have a question through the chair is this is 7D and 8A the same thing 7 and 8 a is it related to the police and fire appreciation yeah because you're going to try and get the who the winners are I guess I guess she's talking the plaques in general and a a is getting the specific award the person that WN plaqu as well well it says plaque nominees yeah nominees so is it the same item I just want to make sure are you talking about something else I think it's the same item right well that one just says the a is just asking you to reach out or somebody reach out to the supervisors to Nom is determining who they're going to be 7D is deciding who's going to do the work and who we're going to use and the venue and all the general stuff included plaques in both places because one is where we're buying and then the other one is finding out the names I just want to I know that's loud okay so 7D 7D okay [Music] um the police and fire together at the venue we've used in the past is a lot of money we have it but it's it's not a it's just a bunch of people nobody knows who's who there's there's just a lot of money I fill up a room and what I was thinking of was I've seen some really nice things done in other places go ahead I think we we had agreed last meeting that to save that money that you're talking about we I think we agreed on sending them food like yeah like a breakfast a whole bunch of food to the police station a whole bunch of food to the fire station um and doing a proclamation at that meting yes and the award winner I guess would be announced in the in the and I guess the back would be given at that me like event as you know it would not be would not be yeah it would be like an appreciation so what we agre was like for example we determine a day I think it was the week of of September September 9th yeah whatever that week was we were September 9 we're gonna send food to the police and the firefighters and for that month we were going to do the the the flags and the and the the cons meeting and that way we eliminate in that way they get benefit yeah September 10 yeah you guys said during the September council meeting you do special presentation through a proclamation and you were going to do away with the events you guys already confirmed that yes that's up a headache they have yeah they get more apprecia out for it because they're really going to enjoy it and more people are going to get involved are going to be more involved because you're you're providing all the food for basically I'm not going to take the time right now to have you guys repeat all that but I want to put it in W it should be part of your last minute you guys C where it's specifically laid out what day when you going to do police it wasn't a date you guys just said September because that's the mon because September's coming up and we're goingon to have to make plans with vendors and with police it's one thing you've got the guys that are here at this station and you have it here it's it's easier with the fire department you got three different ships and they're all going to want to take place and that's more complicated it still should be the same same venue cuz fire has one shift we have three we're the ones that have three shift they have one they only have one shift yeah one shift like 8 to4 or whatever it is 24 hours but that's what I'm saying yeah one shift so one time but for us it's three different shifts but it's going to have to be all day long so that all the people can get food or whatever to celebrate no no you can do one one like what you can do if I me you just what you what you can do is let's say that I'm just I don't know let's say the shift ends at 8:00 pm I'm just putting an example you order dinner for that shift and then the one that comes in replaces you order breakfast for them so you're just placing two orders fire be okay so those details we're going to need to have well you guys can just agree on that right now you had the discussion pretty much for police super simple what what you said and usually we'll do like lunch because lunch is for for the day grp one is getting out one is coming in and then the afternoon guys will eat from that lunch yes so what time you suggest about usually around 12:30 for 12:30 is like if it's two groups so the the bulk and then something at night that's it so one in one a bigger order and then a smaller one at or at night you know the the the night crewp to come in and we tell them beforeand listen we have for you guys okay they coming at night so their shift is 1011 would it work to do like a big order and then I put some in the refrigerator so the night guys could come and get like some because I don't know who's going to deliver twice that in one day it would just be two orders I would I two vendors is what you're saying either or the same vendor but it's just two or you think they're going to bring one in the morning one at night you're paying them for it well you're talking about one at lunch and one 8:00 I me I think that'll be less complicated you get a big order guys heat it up when put a tray put a big back in the refrigerator for the night night crew and the day crew each yeah at the moment so whatever youing is everybody gets yeah is what you know I was saying so I guess you guys can decide on that right now I think last time we talked um you guys have to brainstorm on vendors and again you have to bring quotes because if we don't have quotes and we don't have anything to move forward we don't we can't start telling them like we have nothing to share with so you do have to bring ques does anybody want to lead that effort well you will work I don't I can do it and um maybe officer Amador suggest pasta so two PL two things right pasta and kasavan it has had like they have these I don't know I don't know a few people have bottled it's um these big aluminum trays of like uh chicken breast like super simple and like I I can check everybody super happy because it's chicken the Affairs because they do that for 130 people or other something people for the B not if I mean to not confuse you though I would didn't even go through alls I would just go to kasavana if they know just tell them F yeah yeah okay so what do you think the guys are like pasta or Cav man the the that chicken very simple has CU everybody likes chicken because is always good true it's true it's good but I know a bunch of chicken breast and andita everybody super happy the food disappear more than the pasta okay so sounds like reserve some for the the CRS that come well you we'll have to make sure that the some is put away for the they'll what they'll do is they'll do a tray like a bigger tray and then like a smaller tray and then that tray goes into the fridge exactly what you said and then the after for the minute I guys when you come in it's going to be cold put it in the fridge take it out and do your thing and you're good and then they're because they're get cuz if the guys see two batches hey man I'm going to take some home the whole family eats everybody's that's the best thing Nancy just order the food and we don't have to deal with venues and all that stuff we agreed last meeting yeah you're see the T they actually eating the food because a lot of food they you guys should just vote on it going to be one order two orders so that the person that is going to leave the effort knows what type of quote they're getting like you guys should just determine that right now there's no point I'm coming back next month and like you're not having another discussion if you haven't we should next month we should have already you should bring yeah so quotes need to be brought to next month meeting okay so let's discuss the amount of food um I I would like to suggest and if y'all want could yall work I know number one so I can visit these places during working hours the other thing is I would ask for the board's approval to utilize the knowledge and the experience of do a doctor Dr onad door I'll take it and how the police department does it and get guidance from him in relation to how much and this at least we get uh some input from the police department side is that okay yeah 50 51 50 or 501 and then how how much is it for let's just say 55 55 people 55 people 55 people and that's it and then 55 people V yeah and you say chicken breast conri and what maras and maras super simple and I'm telling you everybody's super happy with it everybody's chicken yeah so you don't have to worry about the beef or everybody's chicken so it'll be uh chicken the beans and rice mixed together and the plantains three things hungry I for 55 people yeah yeah they do salad too Sal and salad you salad salad too and salad 55 people from to be delivered right so so they when they deliver it they delivering it in those those little containers like we get from those aluminum they and then you get a plate and then you serve yourself and put it you heat it up and that's it have you been involved where the police department has done that already and then I can cheat and ask you how many of those think well you would ask people just people just people know and tell you number 55 people yes super well I don't remember who has done it for us is a thing well if you said yeah no I mean um like who's done it for us like who's provided that to I don't think I mean I don't think you guys have to go to the person you need to get the quote from is Cal yeah yeah just give them all the information they'll give you a price yeah and the the other thing always with the fire department you have two fire stations I'm going to have to S so I guess to finish with police delivery one if you guys want to just pick a date now like that she already 10 September 10 was right yeah that's I think that's what we agreed on last time I have September I don't know about specific but that's fine no I think September 10 is the Mee yeah September 10 is the meet okay and we wanted to do it during that week so I don't know if we do the the the food first no no we do the the proclamation the proclamation on the on the 10 and then on the 11 we do the 11 do the bo for them oh yeah yeah what of course this is not 100% setstone so if we notice that somebody's going to provide something September 11 then I'll let you guys know and then to bring it over if I know we've had stuff on September 11 so then just do it on that Friday do it on that Friday Friday 1 Friday 13 at least you know anything else might be bad luck but you're we don't want to do either the 10th or the 13th any day is good we'll make we'll make their day on the 13th everybody says Friday the 13th and then Happy those food so that's your one police order September 13th at 12:30 p.m. to be delivered that sounds good okay and then I guess it would be the same for fire like the same food yeah and how many or we'd have to get that info from them want me to get that info for please 24 hours in that case it's two stations September 13 and 123 yeah but how there's not that many there's not 55 you can vote that's what I thought she's going to get the number but we'll tell them it's it's only going to be one order for fire or you're fire because two station yeah you know if fire was here and could could tell us because you got you technically have three shifts right no they're 24 hours they're 24 hours so it's only two yeah it's only two stations but this is what I'm saying and one ship order for 55 people to say so the so the next day people can eat and maybe even the next St no no no yeah but the the the the tricky question here is are we going to do the two stations or only one station no you have to do two stations okay so then for fire it would be two stations I think it's and you're delivering on to each maybe the next day so what maybe 35 people no how many are sh in that can you reach out how many yes I'll ask and letting them know he head count for each station each station yeah and we're only delivering one so let us know and let us know what time works best I guess so these they're 24 so if you get if you deliver by 12:30 the next day in the afternoon is when the next crew is going to eat they might not even want to eat that F just been sitting in the fridge but it's only one crew one shift is going to get the appreciation the rest aren't going to get anything unless you do two yeah then You' have to do two orders if that's how you when they get complicated we do too you are going to complicate they're going to go one we have no I'm just saying get out right to multiply the amount actual the whole station so you need Monday Tuesday wednes THS that's it yeah that's that's what I'm saying like so just so we're all on the same page and really for the recording so it's going to be chicken rice beans plantain salad for 55 people from kasavana delivered in a big catering tree September 13th at 12:30 p.m. one order for police that's it for fire it would be we're asking them to deliver to two stations at the same time or about the same time um um and I just I will reach out to fire rep have them confirm how many for this station how many for that and those are the two orders and they will let us know what best what time work is best for them we're only delivering once that's only once okay are you guys capping the amount of know how much you're spending obviously be within your budget budget anything is fair game with well I'm asking because then you still have to you know you're doing anything else like PLS no that's a cost I think it should be fine but yeah but this a cheaper than running the place we should be good well anyways the qut will come back next month and you go let me ask you we going do cavana or we going to do I know it's not open yet but they do have the the one in p that in America just to compare price yeah no well you could get you could get a vote but they but they like catalana no no I'm asking no I men catalana because you like the had we've had somebody you know over the years and like multiple times a year like send stuff from there and know it's for the police department they like your chicken so just so I understand I'm familiar with what does for the B go it's not the same not the same they individ that's what I'm sayings the it's not just getting one big exactly so it's not the same that's what I thought okay that's why I'm saying I wouldn't bother like otherly person what they're going to do because they're their setup is different right okay all in favor we need a motion for this right well I mean this was discussion you're not approving the you guys have to bring the I'm voting I'm asking for a vote that that's the plan we want to use and I is going to De them to get a quote no the committee members need to get a quote okay so there we go now who's going to handle getting that quote I think you just mentioned that you yes we didn't vote yet don't we have to vote on who's doing what no it's discussion I they they they go this far up like four months away to say hey in four months I want I'm not I think I think it should be fine but right now it's just a quote you guys really wouldn't be approving it anyway that's so we need to be clear to the restaurant that and and and also to let them know it's for September yeah so September 13th is the date of yeah they don't think oh yeah for if you guys want to help n you can make a vote saying that you know we're agreeing that it's going to be catering if anybody wants to do that a motion that we're going to to cater one order to police two orders for fire um and Catering trades on September 13 I mean what's motion gonna do okay so I'll make I'll make a motion to do this plan get quotes from Cabana for 55 people and have it delivered to no get the quote the quotes and bring it here to the next somebody bring it here to the next meeting for the police for 55 people and once we get the number for firemen for the stations we'll get that quote also second all right let me see what I just said because and I I I think to be clear the motion is really more the plan it's not for somebody to go get the C because you don't need to vote for that okay so the plan plan you're this is the plan for this year especially because it's something different compared to what you guys have done in the past yeah whatever you say basically what we voted on is to use kasavana 55 people for fire for September 13th to be delivered to the police station the menu the menu has been provided chicken rice and beans plantains and salad that's what you're gonna it a name don't get it all might chips that's but whatever but that's pretty much what so you're pretty much getting um it could be one quote or three quotes from them but the point is that it's three deliveries yes yeah well we need the head count or the fire so you're good to go on police you have everything you need for police the one we miss I will get the numbers and the times that work best for fire and I'll pass it on to to you guys and I'll I'll do it before the next meeting so like that you can just have all your vots right because you'll need that to get the p no I was going to say if between now and the next meeting if I go to kavana and get a quote they're going to ask me we already know we need 55 police but should I be able to have to supply to them the amount that the fire I'm going to get that number yeah but you said before the next meeting I will work on it in the next week so like that you can go with all the that's what I'm asking so I have all the information when I talk to police and when I talk to you know regarding the pr matter I talk to the cater okay so I can't put in my um minutes the number for the pile to be confirmed by yeah police I I know police was 55 but fire Toba I'm gonna put 2ba right it should be something around 5 55 to we do both of them but it better with how they head count you're thinking how much between both houses supposed to be like well I don't know because a fire shift you don't have more than 10 people 24 hours so let's say there's five people there but then another five is going to come in or let's say another 10 come in so you want food left over for the other ships no eventually that's going to that's what's going to happen the fire year yeah but that's okay we're gonna ask him and SN because I'm pretty sure they have Frid today so what they do is whatever they don't eat look F they it up this is for the public appreciation that's it that's more people enjoy instead of just one all right anything else on that oh uh we need to we need to get information from the police and the fire departments as to who names whose names are going to go on these fls they're going to have to supply some information to us yeah they always do every year they're the ones that pick it so who is responsible for contacting those people so I'll send an email to our rep and I'll send an email to our rep get an email that we need a date by that we need it before September so by August we need the two winners Yeah by August because and I'll say like the beginning of August so then give that information to you guys so then you can we want the nominees name that's what you you're still doing we well you got to need it in time to get your pla so I to request nominees names by August by a by first week of August whatever I would say August first if that's a weekend then whatever that first one first of August first week day in August yeah is that way the first is the THS okay okay all in favor I opposed thank you going to get those n of these names that the fla made we're going to use the same type fla as we always have same keep it the same keep it simple okay the kiss Theory anything else we didn't make a motion so we don't need a motion yeah I don't think anybody made a proper motion we just called the there was yeah we don't need a motion for for having aisle reach out to the um people to get the the names on the fact I don't even know if there was a motion on too no no there wasn't was so that's not there was no motion what did I so you second motion that we for next month all all right wait going to be eight well I will any other information anybody got anything else to talk about yes you guys are due for your budget on June 5th so I had sent out an email that your budgets are due I provided a copy of what you guys need to fill out it's right in front of you no I mean you guys can keep it the same I mean I don't know it's really up to you guys whatever you guys are planning to request for the Year this is when we have to go report councel right right that's when I begged last year and they didn't do anything so I will say that the difference this year is that this time it's a vo me last year was just a workshop so you get your answer right then and there well if they want to move on anything they can because it is a voting need and like that you know where they stand um butg just still has to go through two hearings but like that you know the council stand in terms of what they want to give you guys for well my begging didn't work last year so I I'm ready to say we can get into discussion here on this now yes but to be clear you guys building South my my feeling is that um okay yeah I'm looking at the $4,800 my feeling is this um we don't know yet what we're going to spend this is why I don't like doing this appreciation breakfast at the end uh if you sort of do it earlier in the year we know how much we've got we know what it's going to cost and then we know what we have left over do other things now we've got a bit of money left over and um we're not aware yet of what it's going to cost us for the breakfast we're got to come back on that it it now we're rushing because we're trying to spend the money before the next fiscal year starts and that drives me crazy and we get money back that's well the thing is you get money back but you you need more M we we need more money to do more things but because that breakfast we don't know what it's going to cost at this stage of the game we hold back and then we leave money on the table and I don't want to do that but this does interfere with your current that's what I was going to ask because we can come out with a number right now just oh thank you so much we can put a projection right now and then if we need to do any changes we can do so after or were requesting for the new year for example like this year it was 4,800 so if we can just to throw a number out there let's round that out to 5,000 we can put that there but then let's say if we think that we need to you guys you can always move it okay when like let's say they approve yes we're going to give Public Safety $5,000 okay um and you guys have it allocated in marketing materials but you want to move it so another one you guys can do that when you have the funding when we're in the new f you guys are allowed to move I'll remind you up to 700 after 700 you have to go to counsel to request yeah that I remember but let me ask you something like if we come out with a number right now and then next meeting we say like oh no we did the math and we think it's $500 more can we actually reice it or no whatever we put well the deadline is so whatever you have to be for this one okay well we know that the pr is not be if I can walk you through this really quickly just so you guys understand something your year end projection um if you want if you get me the quote even before the committee meets I can go based off of that because we have to fill out the projection so right if we have a quote we kind of already know what's based off um or if you guys think you're going to go use the 4,000 for the B for the appreciation then you know go for it it's probably going to be closer to like 2,000 yes and let me ask you because then the other 2000 we can allocate some something some other yeah so this isn't touching this year okay this is planning for next F schol year this is you guys telling Council um we need x amount of dollars that's what you're doing this doesn't have to do with like this doesn't limit you to the current money you have no our money right now we no yeah I want to be here because let's say you approv the quote for the breakfast next meeting and you have money left over you guys still have time to use that money it's not like you lost it already it's until the end of September we're going to use it this yeah but that's what I was going to say like that's why I want the pl already done for next meeting so that way we know and then we don't have the last minute what we we usually do and then we we get hangry yeah and on that note we have ordered shirts and hats in the past do we have members right now that need a shirt maybe you've only got one shirt you need a shirt don't you I have one you have one but yeah okay but you know we've been wearing so while and also did you get a hat nobody you guys didn't approve the you guys you guys brought a quot and then you didn't approve it okay so there you go there's things that we we need to finish up on and if we have money left in the account now maybe we can order the hats at least because so whatever you guys want to order bring a quote and approve it that's all you have to do you guys still have time you still have June you still have July you still have August you still have September but you have to bring a quote if you don't bring a quote then you're not moving on anything you're going to lose the money doing the hats for you guys haven't talked about hats this year so and you don't have you don't have the hats for the town for other committees other committees don't have hats they don't have hats we do things where we're outside at different events because we're the police committee and we show up at those things to show our face and help out so through the chair I just want to bring you guys back because we're we're talking about two different items okay this is the one yeah is the the budget of what you're going to ask for next year so you guys about right so this is what you guys need to fill out we have to fill it out tonight okay so you want to that well I I did send you guys ADV the thing is this anything that we bring up right now H hats shirts whatever you're asking for a quote first we can't she's asking for the budget so we can just say for 5,500 and then we put it down okay this we allocated however we want 5,500 you just have to go line yeah allocated in those line and then they submit it they tell us yes or they tell us no we're going to give you only five and that's it if you want how many shirts have you got me elderly Public Safety you've got two got one you've got none you have one so everybody's got a shirt yeah but do you want to put shirts on the list to order shirts and hats shirts and hat if you guys need to go go through the line item because if now you're just throwing out stuff that is not related Poli Comm line to well there's nothing there that's a zero line no no I know but we're doing for next year not for this no no but go under banners that's that's a zero that's always been zero it's spanners is the first line read so you see right now you guys were giving $200 your projection is zero you guys haven't spent anything on banners does that make sense we haven't even ordered whatever it was we were going to order did we ever talk about it no you guys have never decided that's what I'm saying you have to be so we have to do that tonight no okay no no we don't have to worry about this year's money this is how much money next year how much money do you want to ask for counil that's all that's all what I'm saying because we're going to ask so we can ask we can say that we want to ask 500 for public safy I'm trying to guide you get get it we can do $200 of banners we're going to use it for this year but we can do the but you can do something else with banners next year I get so we can put another 200 another 200 the request is 200 200 and then the breakfast you can stay with 000 that's education material can go to to 1,000 okay so so here's what I'm going to do for you the needs is would be 600 because needs is we're planning for the same amount of dollars they want you guys to plan as if you were keeping the same amount of dollars which is the total 4,800 correct so what we could do is 600 there and then you see how there's a column that says wish list request that would be the extra 400 you're asking for making it a total of a does that make sense that makes sense be and then for thir supplies you guys were given zero this okay so now we can do 700 sh and hat yes I can put the woods 700 right and then that total five so the need would be zero because again we're we have to keep the need the the same so the request would be 700 700 so from what I'm gathering you guys are asking for an extra 1,00 next fiscal year correct mhm it should add up to 5500 so which one no no extra extra extra 11100 so you want to keep your 4,800 plus 1100 plus you're asking for an extra 1100 that's what I have from what we just talked about yes 4,800 you you you would want 200 for the banners yeah yeah we okay yeah we have $40000 plus 11100 and wish so your wish is an extra 1100 corre which 400 would be for educational materials and 700 for shirts and Supply right and then we have the original 48 and and you want to keep your original 48 yes but you and I have the same thing yeah so then total is going to be 5900 total the new the new figure is 5900 your wish list total is 59 55900 that's what you guys want your budget to look at next year yes and I begged last year and they left it's the same so now we have to give yeah but that in that case we you can go back and forth you go to 59 and then we we we can you set for 55 no you can't you can't you can't negotiate you go and beg and then they decide whenever they decide yes we're going to give you what you want or no we leave you the same or they might come back with another number because I went up there and I told them we were the least funded committee and that we didn't want to have that record anymore try to use a little humor we don't want the low and they came back to 48 but to be honest to be honest and it's not throwing them the like to be honest the reason they don't give us more is because at the end of the day we have money left over we have money left over so they're saying like giving you it's more than enough for you guys to use through the year yeah I get so we need to really use it so to to that point one of the line items is wish list oh you guys have to give justification so what would be the justification for asking for an extra for the $700 shirts and supplies you guys just mentioned your events are outside so I guess that would be the justification I'll tell you what I need as the chair and the activities and the events that I attend and ping back thinking back with other committees um is giveaways uh Amador is aware of the roles of the police badges and Junior police officer and all the different giveaways now somebody might say well that's you know we need shirts more than we need giveaways no but we giveway the giveaways are what gets the crowds especially the kids to our table at any event and I always get a free table from all the other committees they offer that to us and I take advantage of it and a lot of you come and help me so while it might not seem like anything really big like shirts and hats the giveaways are what get the no but they're they're age with you yeah yeah but that's why material I want them to we're asking for I'm I'm seeing handouts brochures and giveaways exactly more we ask for an additional $400 so we could get more stuff yeah they're on the same page yeah we're in the same page for you do a chair if I may um I'm breaking the rules today but the dorky accountant in the room noticed that you only have $500 left for the fiscal year so you're going to be over budget if that sounds right with the breakfast you're doing no no no no because the actual are for last fiscal year so what's the what's the actuals for this year 4800 actual it would be good to know what you have this year so you could plan accordingly for next year you you guys it hasn't changed since the last agenda but here I'm happy to pull it up once again we haven't spent hardly anything I don't think no no because we've always got to worry about what we're going to get that breakfast at the driv me crazy you guys we have this conversation every you guys have projections your projections are what you're supposed to be faing yourself and it's going to be L but keep in mind to make projections they should have what the actuals are because they can't come up with actual they have they received their budget every month this month I was out so it wasn't attached to their agenda but they you guys do receive a copy of your budget every month so you guys are up to date at least until last month you're up to date with what you're spending um and I'm happy to send you an email since I didn't attach it to this agenda package just so you guys have it for reference um your actuals are $235 $235 oh my good spent so far yeah those are what your actual are that's what you spent that's what we spent so far to dat I mean we got to move so we don't give anything back that's what I say that that's the reason they don't give us more because they know back we getting we don't we don't complet use we don't okay and can I ask you for the banners the justification for that one the ones we have I mean the last one is you guys put large Banner for displays at events I don't know if that stays well they're getting uh warn warn they're getting warn so we might need to replace them need to replace bers but what banners do you guys have now I've never seen any the one that says from the public safety we hang it in the back do we have two we have one I think on the table in the front and then we have one in the back the white one with the with the thing on it and we pass it in their possession I haven't I haven't seen that in the years I've been here we tied yeah we put it up the bicycle safety that's what I'm asking okay yeah so you may need to replace the batterers got it but wasn't there one for the table in the front too no uh that's uh um I don't think we had one for the table I think isn't there a a tablecloth that we get printed up and we just never did that no I know we have one the thing with the thing with that anything with something on the table people stand up you can't see it anyway the one that hangs is we do that with the zip ties we do that at the public at the Bike Rodeo we've TI it in the back when we did the helmet giveaway like two years ago or something and we know we have that one we you roll it up and you put it I would be the only yeah so CU I I packed it in the Box for you but we do need shirts hats yeah we we putting we we're asking for an additional 700 on that so we could get the shirts and the caps [Music] we spoke about it but we never had it done because I don't think we had enough money or they took too long or something yeah you guys talked about it but you never I don't remember why but I'm I know we didn't I know we don't have them I know we don't have them um so if I may I think I collected all the information I needed from you guys but I want to go over it to make sure we're all on the same page so for year in projections right now banners again correct me if I'm wrong I see Zero for this year because you guys have never even talked about banners this thisal year do you think you you're going to order them from here to then again this is just a projection what do you guys we've got if yeah but if we need to waste money so do I say 200 for projections yeah if we need to say if we need to waste money that's a good thing but it's not waste money no I don't mean waste I mean buy stuff that we need so we need to just jump on it like after we next meeting we need to what you guys want to spend dollars on that you think you need you guys just need to bring quotes next that's all so 200 I'm sorry right okay appreciation breakfast probably like 2,000 this year no I think and then the other one training you're saying $2,000 for the breakfast what you guys think you're going to spend by end of okay so 3,000 okay and then c training CPR I haven't seen you guys and then shirt and supplies you guys sound like you want something so let's say 150 that's also based on last year's action yeah that's fine okay so the request which all equal to 4800 the same amount is 200 for banners 4,000 for appreciation breakfast 600 for educational materials your wish list so the additional dollars you're requesting is an extra 400 for educational materials and an extra 700 for shirts and supplies the justification for the extra shirts and supplies are that you guys do events outside and we all only have one and then your educational materials are that Public Safety supports other events and needs give a away to me would have one so that would bring you if you were to get everything you wanted for a total 59 can I have a motion to make sure that you know I said itre I'll do a motion second the motion the motion again the motion you can to submit the $5,900 budget request for next year okay let me write it was John yeah motion to request a total for budget for next year5 physical year budget and then second we have had we have a new a new said do you Tak a picture and send it to me that we just ordered okay or they no we just old we just ordered because a matter of fact when we were in that meeting here remember the last thing that we did here well I can pull up whatever you guys SP last year so I'll tell you right I don't I don't remember because I would have it with my with my shirt but we're going to have new members coming in maybe and we need to have le okay thank you on I'll tell you guys right now we were here and and that's when we got hot I thought it felt hun about no you're right you guys spent $171 last month oh my God I have to look for my that let me $171 you guys spent on seven hat with the that's what I thought because I remember but that was last fiscal year so you guys ordered this may 2023 okay but we only ordered seven correct so now this gentleman becomes a new member he's going to need to seven so you guys should have extras yeah was minimum where are those I'll check here but I think you guys we can go back to I don't remember actually I don't remember um you sound like me so what I'll do just so we're I know you guys approved that anyways but what I'll do it is um I will send you a copy of what you guys agreed on just so you'll have it for reference and then whoever want I guess it's probably be the chair but you guys should be there for support is there is a meeting date that has been scheduled when that working budget is going to happen with Council and the Committees and that's when you'll have to go and present your case I went last time I Begg it didn't work so here has to have was just a workshop this time it's a voting meeting so they can choose to vote they they yeah but I'm saying the presentation I'm not begging two years in a Rong one okay got it and I'll send you so I'll send you a copy of this and I'll send you a date so you guys calendar great and then I'll send you a copy of your current thank you oh we okay um new business second no police appreciation plaque nominees no we're in ajour we did all that yeah we did all Leon's going to reach out yes we are in let's make like a tree we're on thej motion to adjourn I'll do that do one announcement oh you're not a hockey one announcement you're not one is uh Bike Rodeo is going to be September 28th as of right now um and that a NE had mentioned a little bit I'm working on a something called faith in blue and I re reached out to a um place of worship they are extremely interested so what I'll do is as soon as I we got to get closer to it in October soon as we get closer to it I'll give you guys more information really from the Comedia all it's going to be is pres is is to be present and what's the F and blue like a MK or something so what happens is a church church um kind of um hosts an event so do we know the church do you guys already I have elev okay that is extremely extremely interested in doing Robin do you with them already because the're Pastor school with my son I will help you with anything in relationship that's great um yeah super interested they have have reach out to me when they first heard first name is Danny but egyp is his last name oh yeah [Music] big white one on the curve there by and the thing is that they have a big um location so they can host everything um it's almost like another bike raded without without the the trick stars and stuff you know it's just a big event lot of police stuff and um in the whole community so I'm working on it but I mean you know was done a few months ago when right more information I'll um so is it's something that we can participate in and and like we do with tables or other areas of yeah table I mean you know to to show presence okay because there's not really much other I'm in than that you know maybe some security help with some security stuff like that so we could do like we do have the bike Road put our table with the handouts and stuff and whoever wants it comes by and gets it but the is to be determined September Is That September 28th 28 right but the faith in blue is sometime in October it's not a set date that's what I understood thank you do we have a next meeting date you guys still remain on the fourth Tuesday of every Mon and that is June 25th June 25th yes what time do you have 7 p.m. 7 all right we are past 8 o' we got to make a motion to adjourn right figure out if they're going to do one for July yeah a lot of people are not doing a lot of committees no that's just e that doesn't do it