there okay great let's start this meeting at 5:34 for the special needs advisor Lord excuse me we need a secondary and let's stop the meeting is Francisco coming only two people actually do you like to take notes I'd be glad to take notes for you would you like to be our secretary and there's the W be glad to do that for you okay okay so I we yeah go for it you know what where's I I have never actually down your full names how do you spell your name so I can C up my note here on here j i e p a d r n p a v r o n that's easy okay so I would like to I would like to know nominate Julie pedone to be our new secretary I second all those in favor I you accept I accept oh congratulations you are now our official secretary I get an extra piece of yes I can write on the back of this or I'll write on this yes you got it you are replacing Francisco okay Francisco no longer that who I no he is temporary because the other secetary hereis congratulations I made it early no you've been let go well he was temporary can you sit with next to her accepted your position secretary thek you I really appreciate it the main thing is the nominations who seconded and past well first off let's do a roll call and then introduction okay we can move so let's start see I'm here viian here J here pensco here Clary here Julie here welcome everybody so we'd like to welcome our new member that just recently appointed by uh Al I keep saying Al councilman uho Julie Pon Julie welcome thank you very much thanks for joining us you thank you for having me GL to have you here we also have a special guest here as well um Ethan yes what is your last name riveral Ethan Rivero Ethan is a member of our town and he is an adult with special needs as well autism and he wanted to be here because he would like to do something with our board in the future uh see what he can do to help out or be involved with so welcome him thank you welcome thank you welcome good to be here yeah I want we we were gonna try and get you on the board but um Julie Julie don't worry a Bad Thing Ean don't worry congratulations because Cisco here is going to leave at some point he's going to move to North Carolina yeah so when he does in that spot will be open and we hopefully can add you into it but you can always be a volunteer yes yes can so tentative day will be March 2025 okay get experience I it all depends on the lawyers and the ex and all that fun stuff good City amazing City it's fun it's awesome all right guys so now that we've done that let's go to our order of business I need to know if you guys see anything on here that you want to add you want to defer you want to move up let me know of in the old and new business obviously the very first thing we're going to do today is our budget Workshop so we're prepared for our upcoming presentation to the board [Music] budget or to name Oh you mean Workshop number B No 7 a oh budg 7A will adjust to um say move it to the very first thing we talk about and adjust to add commit anything else in there anything you guys want to talk about or you need put on the list we have to vote when we're done with the whole thing excuse nobody else then I say that that's the only thing they need to do then so let's make a motion to amend that 7A and move it to the top of our discussion second second sorry M second all those in favor I I I have a question I don't know if this could be like new business or referrals no no no no no I just you when you said when you told him that you can volunteer I was talking today with two therapists that they're looking to volunteer as well for events so is that something we can put on a new business or we can just talk about that normally we just talk about that normally because we talked about that during our events um and we had already had we already had a thing where we ask for volunteers at every one of our events so it it's just a matter of them saying they want to do it we can just show up unless they're minors and they're getting ours then they have to go to Gabby correct below 18 under and then I want to talk to you about that same they love babies so to see if they but I think we need volunteers for the July right yeah we will if you want to have we'll talk about that during fourth July then right anything else guys we're good right let's go on to approval of minutes is there any more of the the worksheets no no here's one that she gave me here I have my on all right so now we got to look through the minutes do an approval please review and see if there's any mistakes Julie yes yes I'm mine m a d e l i n is it misspelled somewhere that I need to make up oh I'm pretty sure I I have you m a d e i yeah on the old minutes previous previous minutes does add like a y to it or something at the end or e or not okay I pay attention I got no I got you your big shoes to fill right now they're not that b yeah rememb honestly these are turning out really good you finally got that's when you fin auto correct yeah ai ai you had AI WR it please watch this entire video and take the notes I think that's a really good idea I'll try you know how it [Music] works that I I did right because after writing her name constantly he used to say is it with ey you where okay no page seven I think don't but I would like to ask to discuss it up again is that something that we need to oh since we had the last CL you know I think we should speak thatly this agenda or you want to add it to July I knew that that one was with I mean it's brief and since we just had the the last let's hold it and see if we get through this one and if we don't then we can do it for July because doing the committee report stuff I don't know how long that'll take it's there so it's already in the report you have it here nothing new continuing the program we already started you have here's what we're it's like it would be it would be like us saying we're going to do this all over again no we've already done it we just decided to continue the program for another session so that would that would be it for me oh this is I don't see anything wrong with the minutes you guys see anything with it um otherwise I'm ready to go there passive that's my name oh your name yeah the name police fire Mar lar with the Y put a y I would like to pass the minutes with one minor change to the Y to an I on C8 C on page seven I second all those in favor hi minutes pass with corrections all right well I'm not don't worry mine's good again yes up but it's m a d e i l i n it looks right okay look at 6D oh ly that's why I it before at him okay it's okay long you understand it okay all right let's to thing uh we're going to do 7A first yes they pass with corrections yeah corrected it'll be corrected all right so let's move to 7A which is the budget and uh committee report so Gabby pH us s okay so you should have two sheets of paper there is one that says February 2024 and the other one says September 2023 scratch out February correct no it's this one I got 24 can you give it to her yeah go ahead and give it to her sure thank you okay so the one that says February 2024 is the most recent one from your previous commit report which has the five line items the amount that is that you all requested to be allocated into each one and the total which is 8,785 with 38 and on the one that has September 23 SC out it's what you all budgeted for each of your events it's an estimate but it's what have you have been using so just so you guys have an idea so you could all um review it if you think that it's perfectly fine then you don't this was already approved by Council so you don't necessarily have to do anything um it would just be a matter of specifying if there's any new events that you would like to have that hasn't been included or anything like that okay well let's start by looking at this thing that [Music] here this one the one that's not scatch one that say 80,000 because this is just this is like what you plan to use but this is here yeah yes just like the yeah okay so at this point I mean as far as I can tell budget wise if nothing else is changing everything should stay the same right we just need to know the updated is this number we need the updated number reported on based on what's been spent so far since this point because this was February right I know we spent a ton on the animation project and Dojo project so that money should collect yes I don't think I have that exact number as of right now because carry forward like the time for that to happen changeed so that still hasn't been officially approved you have that money but it's just not completely respect politics and what is this that is kind of the same thing so that is what the committee budget is which would be presented but the B the amounts are so exactly that that's because this is what's showing so the only thing that you have is the 1,000 which was from one of the workshops that you received that donation okay but as of yeah it hasn't been spent so but it said z0000 z z and I don't see an [Music] actual exactly that's what that's it's the amended budget because you haven't this this 880,000 isn't reflecting here yet okay there's also line items that do not pertain to us yes that exists but you don't really have anything in that so just the main ones that you would focus on are the ones that you usually use so everything from Community awareness until Brands and needs yeah but it's it's under special needs of I don't get it those are the accounts that exist under that I've never seen them before though that's why I'm I'm pointing it out they've never been there well I'm really excited about the retirement contribution s pay regular salary you know wait salary I like that one too yeah now who wants to vote me why doesn't any balance show on this lovy thing not even last year not why is that not there [Music] and right now it looks like we only have $1,000 yes but that's because that's what was the only money that you have received this year let's say yes didn't carry over anything we've had no because it was supposed to happen March and April or April and May now they switched it so it's been a little bit delay it was just it just went up in May it's going up again in June so how come it doesn't show how much we spend too okay or okay in other words they just go they just go here you go show this to like oh yeah that's we basically just have to show how we're spending the money which is this and really that's already approved you can just say this there's no change has been made no changes our it's just for example like the same thing the doo program you had a great turnout and everyone loved it so we would like to bring it back yeah so or any other event like that in the initiatives and events we would continue to we would talk about the dojo program is going to continue with a with dates being announced in August um we are expecting and other programs that we've talked about doing like the workshops and the theater event which I think we won't no the theater event will happen before we go to the town hall yeah of um when is the committee rep July it's in July but it's due before you meet again in July because we don't have the committee report you're going to have it now I have to write it no but that's what I'm saying are we going to have a special call I thought this was the committee report no this is the budget the committee report is the one that has the stuff right now you havn't done yet correct yeah I just discovered I was doing that today I thought our next meeting was supposed to be in September thought there go in July and last year it was September did they change it you were supposed to go again in July I don't think you ended up going because actually what happened was you were supposed to go February and then July but then you guys did not go in February you went in April oh everything got moved around okay and then yes so are July meeting is on the 3D and when is the meeting the following Tuesday is a council meeting before so there not enough time well thank god it's the week that I'm actually of June that's right going back to yeah it just happened to be the council report meeting when it happen the same week I'm actually here so you're going to need a special call meeting yeah all right well we for calendar Hey where's your laptop so what the 12th or the 19th of June June June we have to come back just to vote on this holiday I won't six or third so it's gonna have to be the 12th unless we do a different day it's we can't do it on the third it's due by the 28th oh that's right yeah does it have to be Wednesday no as long as there's availability I'm here every day what about Flag Day we get off for Flag Day Focus people focus what's available are you looking for it I'm gonna start making holidays like I went off on this holiday what H is it I made ever evergreen tree holiday Okay so the 12 should be fine okay we have to come in person or we can't do it virtually [Music] yeah just need four of us to do uh June 12 you said what time 5:30 to 7 because you have a meeting right you got that right let's the good thing with the special call is yeah that way we don't stay over well yeah we won't be here that long she want you want to just do 5:30 on the the 12th next week added in my calendar I come back 10 okay he that we and that meeting is to vote on the council repard that you're putting together it's bud just and it doesn't have to be everything that we talking about gotta you just me charer here so while we here guys why don't you tell me what I need to include on this okay what um we're g we're gonna include um extension for Dojo program is the what is the um when's the end date for the animation classes 13th next we have so we're already going to have done it so we can we can mention yeah mention the animation success and supposed to be starting up again on the fall okay um off we can talk about you wanna you want to pre-t talk about the success of the movie thing or you just want to leave it out because it's already sold out yeah oh it is it'll be done by then we got the big or no did we had to talk that I think we should follow the agenda just so we're not so all over the place try that right now um I will mention the Town Car Wraps oh okay for the Comm sorry yeah this is for the just for the sorry sor the council report M [Music] um anything else you guys think is important for me to mention we had the re I mean since last we were at the uh at the believe that last been I record we had a resource there with arts for autism was very well attended and that's for you to talk about it's to put in the report but we have already have we have no but to speak on what happened the bike the bike oh yeah was the bik already exactly the workshop with officer for the safety [Music] program extra did it is that it anything else you I've got I've got exension for the JoJo mention the animation success and the great event we had starting up in the fall success of the movie event Town Car rap that we're working on is a future the bike event and its success sponsorships that we're working on like the casino sponsorship um the resource Fair success and the uh potential October presentation of the Chamber of Commerce and the safety Workshop that we held in Jan Arts bism um the dances dance classes yes but the I would say the the Chamber of Commerce things for under future event yes the Painting with a Twist and I have I have left him a few method twist anying with a Twist yeah are we gonna do a fall version of that like we talked about we have to see because they moved they're by Main Street now yeah they are they are they're open yes okay so I'll talk to them about it I would like to go visit the new site first before we decide on well we need to plan a time to do that so um you want to do that in June it is June that when you do that next week yeah okay all right so that's all there okay good I've got everything I need write up the report and we'll have it for the next week the annual a a acceptance Caravan that I was in in E that was all County white thing what was that oh they he told us about the sticker and this is the Caravan that we went to um the different hospitals and different people that have with most children wanted yeah it was a whole County thing I know what you're talking about because I remember pass by the school pass by the school yeah okay cool all right we're checked off on that one so now we can go on to the rest of the let's go back to um old business and start um I'm so sorry can you just briefly mention what you had as the committee report because I think there's one thing that is yes it's on the agenda the why don't you tell us cuz he went over the town car raing yeah he did that you add that to the because you would need council's approval for that that's the May's decision he's in charge of that thing we're just supposed to give them a design so I mean when I talk to them that's what we'll do anyway because he's the one who says that he's goingon to have lazarito do it and he's the one who said that he was going to tell the council that he wants it D so I think the mayor is going to be bringing it up as an align item in his one of the meetings when they're ready with a design you're just supposed to come up with what it looks like so that that's what I'll add I'll add I mean I'll add it as a future because that's discussion that we're still working on I haven't even drawn a design yet I really don't know I'm trying to think as he said that you could put it on the truck or you could put it on the car and I'm just like there's two different styles completely for how they could sit will it be on a police car or no it's going be a town car just a Town Car in general yeah he didn't want to do I told him about the situation with police cars and how the requirements that it is and the mayor said well I don't want to do that we just use one of our own Town Cars because we have plenty of them he said you just get me a design we'll get the board to approve it and we'll send it back to AO and then you guys can do enough bailing I just I brought it up to staff and I was told to just include in the committee report because that was Council that had yeah okay so fourth July I counted 11 headsets that we still have from last year so we had 25 did we have to vote on anything of these updates and all this stuff and no because we're going to be reviewing all that next um I have 11 headsets still in the bags and um we did 25 last year so if you want to put on the the list to go get a few more again we could go back up to 25 that's what you were supposed to me where we getting how much we getting same thing we did last year we just go to um Freight bu right up the shelf so find not the pr that right now I would say okay if we want want to we don't even have to we've got 10 we technically have 11 I think we might have 12 ining so you use 14 no yeah yes you used 14 yeah we gave out 14 and we only got 10 and mind you couple of our families were us taking we took a couple of for our fames so because at the end there was still plenty left on the table so we probably technically gave away new number probably about 10 10 to 12 is how many now that was with very little people knowing where we were $749 what $7.49 for each 8 tax we don't have tax that's right so8 eight you buy we're rounding up in just round It Up Round Up and 10 so how many are we gonna buy um if we have 11 we could buy 10 that would put us at 22 11 and 10 25 you want 10 more or less 10 I'm thinking 10 14 would put us 14 would put us at 25 right so let's do 14 that way we always have at least 25 right so we need 14 of those H price let's price them at 10 that way we make it easy um who's ordering them I'm because this one is harder to do it's easier for me to just go buy them and have get the town the reimbursement it's going to be harder for us to try and do anything else because there the sale is only at at the store right and we can't use the town credit card anymore so we're just going to have to go there with the with it and I'll just buy it and make a reimburse okay I make a motion to buy 14 additional headphon I think better let's wait till you get everything and then we just do one motion right because we had also spoken about doing signs yeah so we got wait 140 there's all right signs okay so we wanted to get um the uh long long sides that you like into the grass yeah the ones that they make into the grass so I know that t makes those um we need I don't know 10 that's a lot that's a [Music] lot pointing to the wait wait what time are we talking about the sandwi the sandwich one no no no no the okay those okay I thought he wanted to get one that says sensory friendly room with an arrow that's all it is you think five is good yeah I I think sometimes the more you buy though they give you we need to think we need to put it on both sides because people will be over here some people will be here and then of course close to the actual committ do we put like community center on it or is that not something we need to put just so people know where yeah because if they just see the arrow it's like okay the arrow but uh like well I wanted to say in bright letters um censor room and then you could put at Community Center with the okay special need device should we put should we just put our logo on it who's deciding this it's their team to say she needs the details that was it so I think that's all we're going to put on it right so that's the details to it so imag um imagine a sign here any want draw it how much are they they usually like 11 they usually like $10 each because they want you want to both sides how much are we already I don't 12 12 we're doing both sides shouldn't it just be one well somebody coming this way look at somebody's coming this way we look at the sign the arrow on this one's going to be that way and the arrow on this one is going to be that way but it's the arrow the sign no it's no it's should it even have an arrow it would look like this guys and then the back side would be the same thing with the arrow in the same direction so you should be able to flip the sign and both way that's why it's two sided because if you use that one this one it's fine the center is here there you going the opposite way so that way yeah so you said 12 12 how much do we pay for them for those she thinks is around 10 so I'm 15 the play okay what color I mean it's going to be a white background should we just do red it's dark be redue night time night well reflective yellow yellow with black lines I have IDE typ it's white and red your typical white is white and red with those things everybody how dark is it I feel like we can still we got the white sign oh is it that dark it's a i me eventually get my understanding from the other committee uh we're having light things lights right Mr Officer armador the drum we we added another light or something two lights Cults there wasn't enough light right cheaper like the walkway doesn't it have the lights the walkway so that yeah we should be yeah yeah I think because it's going to be a lot a better quod than what Tio gives to town probably gonna be less by probably by half what we talking about but the are part of that the conflict interest I'm sure because when I sell the signs for like 25 bucks each I can get them for like 12 we just said 10 she just said 10 I think for anyway does this make sense to you so I wrote it but I mean I would want this to be like you put more than we needed so if he charges that much you get um and something with the sidewalk like you know how they have like those like post type things those have lights right so even if it's dark that will still shed some lights anyways the event starts before it gets dark yeah yeah but like if some people get there after because it could happen too I think they can still see it even if it is dark I people get there super early what else we need I have those I have those in my car to give to whoever I capital letters sensory friendly room Community Center our logo the corner there and um and the arrow point and I know some came after because when I went in like some were still coming after but it wasn't that much but then again we didn't have signs I think we should I don't know if we should get more headsets just because I feel because we're promoting the sensory room more people will be com I don't know if 25 would be enough I mean we can always use them later if anything if we have left over like the field and the everything so if you're walking this way the arrows no they should be they should be revers so arrow is this way the one on the back side should be up upside down now we're have signs all over the par I mean I think we'll be good and for that's 25 yeah they're going to be back to back when you when you put them back to back think of a real estate sign it's going to have the phone numbers in the same direction so if the arrows are going to be there the arrows should both be facing the same way that the side faces and then in that kind of type style where it's bold and big I'll try to like come up with something either way I'll add to the whole Emil okay want to add something for what mad was saying I just found it here uh cultural they got quote for the lights they want four lights for four lights and that's what they're they're shooting for awesome like 800 bucks yeah I can get each sign for 8 with shipping on everything let's hope that that's the priceing sticks wor so then I'm thinking I'm thinking the part okay there's going to be we want two signs in front of the the colins center we want a Sign by the bathrooms that's three aign by the entrance to the to the park that's four and then you would want one two three four five maybe five or six around the perimeter of the park so six seven eight nine 10 we just need 10 that would be fine if you want to do 12 in the case that something gets broken or stolen so let's shoot for 12 and uh and leave it at that so that would be $120 I put 150 I like that let's do that check time what are the times of the event what time does the event start um meanwhile they add did they add you know to the Fourth of July flyer the sensory I actually have not I haven't seen the flyer but I talked to Jonathan and I and I told them please make sure we add them add you guys to it we have and I told them the same oh us guys yes I guess she serves on the CL how much did you say for the um headphones 140 all right cool so we' got the signs figured out we've got the headphones figured out we have all the materials that we had from last year except I don't have the bean bag shares do you want me to buy some from or order some from Amazon or do you want to just I have one the other one got ripped up so we only have one really to use would you want more than one I think that's something but the be just order a couple of those how much are those um hang not sure if we get it from Amazon or if we get it from Walmart sells those yeah um meanwhile what else do we need do we I have those I don't know what they call Noodles in the car and we still have bracelets for Autism Awareness um we don't have very slim um the like poppets and the oh the spinning remember the we have maybe like eight think walart is going to be cheaper for them definitely we need to the same one the Little Flower with little case and the little robot guy yeah those two yeah I think those are really good were the most popular oh yeah for sure you know what we don't have we're going to need to reorder probably is the um what about the water bottles and the and the bags we have plenty of water bottles okay you still have another box of them right we need bags if we don't have we have tons of bags I have a whole box full of bags okay um we would need more of the art paper what about our Flyers how are we doing on Flyers are we about out of them yeah I don't have we haven't changed to the new safety program logos and everything either how fast that's says start 630 which I I think the f is done 930 yeah they usually don't last that long :30 one that I have the firew is at 9:30 so by 10 it's 56 oh I guess 10:30 like for the whole thing Walmart 54 so the small ones are better doesn't say anything about po Affairs or I would just stick with the Amazon one it's the same brand okay so two chairs if we wanted to buy two chairs two of the bean bag chairs from the Big Joe on Amazon are 38.81 40 yeah 40 now that we bu that that and anything that we want from Amazon we send to you right and then so do don't you guys have Amazon Prime last time I had to order it to get it here in time because clarisol said have Prime it's faster I haven't used Prime when I ordered um usually things will get here in like two to three days depending when it's order okay so as I look up for the Spinners anything else with a flyer I have it all in the Gage yeah the water I have some UPS you have the rest of it in on your office which ones from you and that way I can have them all together um how much were the the ones they $749 well $10 according to Mel I said nine but he rounded it off to 10 it's easier map that's 140 but still fine I was just looking on Amazon to see if they had anything cheaper would we be able I think amaz will be achiev I mean uh har prob out then so we can have yeah in case cuz I don't know if we have any flyers or I don't think we have any more flyers cuz if we don't have Flyers we need to at least print something else to put inside the bag I mean like the safety program correct just and that has to be updated they deliver it so I don't think it's that me Ty up just the fly the remember it's not we change the name yeah it needs to be changed to safety program safety need safety program I think that was the only thing changing on the choir right special needs safety program that registry okay exactly like that that's exactly what I was thinking everybody graic designing art skills can't bring um but I mean that's the idea so I'll send you a link it looks like they have them on Amazon for $79 so that's the same price we were going to pay at Harbor Freight I'd rather you just order it all in one bundle let me start no not inspir number this you could actually send like the direct link not like a wish list because I usually can't open this oh this is the [Music] [Music] new do you have the prices already what you [Music] iot she ordered it I mean Gabby ordered [Music] SP so the good news we just found the uh headphones on Amazon same price so I just gave it to her and she's G to order the whole order is one big so about that so what was the other items that we needed you said Spinners yeah that's what I'm looking up right now because I forgot I sent her the list I mean I sent Gab and now I'm looking it up cuz some reason it didn't say we need the coloring paper too um there's oh to give a coloring book to the kids remember we had a table where they had we had paper on the table for them to draw but this paper was specific it was sticky paper it was sticky coloring paper that alexand Alexandra had found and bought and put on our list and we bought well we used it all up at the last event so there's none of that left we had a they brought they bought she brought like a roll actually there's also paper like like that it looks like a like a tablecloth but it's and then you could tape it aoll exactly your paper like it's a roll that you cover like AO clock like like you could put it like into a roll and then you just that's probably better I'd rather have that you just tape it off on the end and you keep rolling out when you went fresh paper and you can even do like two butcher paper actual um you said the letters in red yes and red and the actual sign white so white and red the arrow red also yes do we have crayons we have a whole bunch of crayons in there yes do we we still have the lights too right yeah and I I added two more of them because my kids don't use those anymore so I put them in the box and what else I I don't remember what else was there there's a a lot of stuff we had a like a connect game that with the triangles that you put together with magnets we had the sound thing we have um there was another game there's a couple of games there's a the drop connects in there did we ask for the room I believe so yeah we did okay it did the only thing confi was a homeowners association meeting which more than likely will be canceled okay if not then we got the little room but I doubt it I think anybody want to go to is this what we were thinking it comes in a two pack so we have two of them this what I was telling you about yeah it's white well you can have different colors but it's rough 200 ft how much is it 33 books this this is a roll of two two sets of different rolls of 118 those 118 Ines how long is 118 in 12 feet okay so we got Spinners chair signs headphones and you're doing the sticky thing yeah I I'm thinking this one but when you put Spinners because you got two separate ones and then you total yeah okay I'm just saying like is once they draw them no I'm moreing two what is both of them how many do we get oh does it come with the actual stuff on it or they themselves where do you order the Spinners from Amazon I like that they have something to color in two [Music] sets I didn't know I didn't know what their uping all that stuff is ours it's all I have like I have two boxes full of stuff 48 and 48 48 and 48 okay anyways we use it yeah when you got it we always oh yeah including with the adult okay so how much was that this the roll here is 15 look I found the sticky one it comes with two pack I found the sticky one but just one order of sticky one too just one order yeah one row is 15 so for two is 30 or is it 15 for two rows it's two rows for 15 okay and that's only your only order one set should we order only one set it's 12 feet 12 feet 9.8 ft 10 ft so approxim 19 ft toal between the two okay did you find that one yes okay and then we need the Joe chair let me find you the Joe chair okay anything else we don't do food at this event so we don't need any of that water you want to have water on remember small bottle we still actually have a box of small bottle water we can buy another one we need two of those no we bought them recently what color do you want the chairs we had you want the colors to be both blue yeah blue so these two are blue Blue's a good is the only thing I can think [Music] of and how many let me go back so for the headphones or the ear Mups how many do you want 14 that would the quantity is 14 yes okay and then for the rules of those Meer just one order it's 6:2 do we have a meeting after [Music] no and how many okay wait can we just continue fing line anything else we got headphones signs chair spinner Sticky Thing sticky paper did you did you know where we're getting the Spinners from you want me to find that I got it I got it I got it if it's the same thing you sent me I have I got it I don't think there's anything else we need the flyer I mean we don't need to order the flyer but we need to see what Flyers we have if we have enough to put in the bags and not doing what to print them don't have any we don't have any fers I don't think have time to print anything because no no for Gabby like Gabby to just print it here at Town Hall so we can at least have for the bags like guess you mean like papers yeah because if we don't have enough or like could it be like card stocks it'll be a little bit thicker maybe saying so we can have something it's better to have something than not to have anything we still have four weeks before the event don't you think that could be printed by now I will show you how long took you can continue all right so you want me to make the motion yeah go ahead you wanted to do it I see I see you are anxious to do so no I just I I tried to do things ahead of time okay um I make a motion not that slow I make a motion to approve $550 to go to the purchase of headphones signs chairs Spinners and water sticky paper from [Music] what that would be Community event giveaways social recreation community awareness this say to Candy no social okay so social Recreation at a social Recreation bucket is that what you call it a bucket line line used to call them buckets yeah I second all those in favor motion passes I like that you're getting involved although your vote doesn't count um so what was the time it's 6:30 to 10:30 no no I'm asking how long it took the fers oh I no IDE see can you get another reorder of the Flyers so we need to make sure it needs to be changed from Special Needs registry to special needs safety program that's good we need to make another you sote sorry how wait hold on to make another motion for the she's looking it up she um no I am completely fine with you doing that because what I had always told you guys was that I wanted us to have so that in the future we have events and stuff that are happening we have people that are in charge of those events and they're the leaders of those events like Vivian was in charge of animation and she did a wonderful job so if you want to be invol I'm not in charge of 44 I'm that's a conflict with for you can't be okay but I I want to put the suggestions you can keep doing that okay I do need to make sure we make someone the event coordinator for it I can't be here okay I'm gonna be stuck in Missouri I I have to go back and do work so you won't be here Fourth of July I won't here either who's going to be here Fourth of July Vivian you two are the dynamic duo to ev's a trio now okay there's a trio now but you're are you going to be there yeah can you step in to help them set it up it depends I don't know my next meeting is next week well see yeah she's gonna be busy with the culture that's our big event right can we set it up the day before you know what maybe I need to cancel my trip everything's going wrong on that trip I don't know because if they have it for something else do they have that before they can set it up earlier yeah justest earlier in the day but keep in mind last time we do did have people show over yeah was there were at 11 o'clock in the morning 12:00 at 1:00 and 8 p.m. where is the I'm like we're not no one's supposed to be here can you find out if it's taken the day before if we can go because if we can go the day before I can go and help set up I don't think there's a need for it it's not like there's that many things to set up the thing is that if you're not going to be here John we have to all the stuff for me and don't you go on the stage yeah let me see what I can do with my flight okay um so what time are is this sensor board sensory room going to be from to what time is the event start 6:30 630 6:30 10:30 until 10:30 right when the fireworks are finished yeah the same length yeah so we need to be there at 6 to it's half an hour enough time to set up I don't no no I'm going to be there too I can't I can't do this we have to be there I'll have to find a way to fix is that enough time to be set up three people last year we were like it was easy we just put the tables down and put all the games on it and we were done you got any inflatable things no I thought we got a bolt with balls or something oh yeah yeah we did have one infl but I have that power hand inflate thing it takes like five seconds to do it all right so for us from 6 fireworks start at 9:30 so till 10: are you guys going to have it open specifically the reason the are are are we officially finish when you guys finish the fire 6 to 10 yeah 6 to 10 for us to be there or us meaning committee um and the volunteers that's the next thing we need volunteers okay um I have the pricing for the fers okay go ahead so what you ordered was 1,000 of the five by seven flyers and 500 of the eight and a half by 11 we only okay I don't see here it it was for oh and it needs to be on the on this kind of paper not FY paper so yeah more like card stock yeah yes I'll let him know um the price might change but yeah and then the flyer okay so 5 by seven five and a yeah 5 by seven it was 224 or a th so what's what's but if we if we change the the paper that it's going to be more expensive I thought no I thought the paper we had was hard yeah it was a card stock that we use it was a 14 or 16 point paper the little white flower I mean flyer seor officer do you have a flyer with you of the safety program I know the one that's um that thicker paper the car yeah no but the one that we sent to make get want that let me go get one keep talking guys can you pass it down sure that's the kind ofer yeah I remember it being thick it wasn't paper paper no this is something no you know what I I'm give them out yeah that's good that's a that's a good prod it you gave it out back out thank youan and how much is 224 they he said go ordering 2,000 you said $500 we ordering 2000 huh are we ordering 2000 this is the style it should have been printed on right that's not what we got ours was really flimsy compared to that and there's none of you're gonna order 2,000 I was gonna order 1,000 I just don't know how much they're gonna mark up the change it's gonna be different paper so we don't know how much more it's so I said put a budget towards it a 500 go for it I'd like to motion $500 budget out of $500 out of community awareness for a reprint of our specialty safety program Flyers let me see all those in favor I motion passes s ones too I the fers that I that I sell are a little bit thicker than this fers for and then we have one that is ours the same thing I haven't seen one of ours in a long you talking about the little little we have a whole bunch of those we have like a stack this okay because maybe I just ordered promote the committee itself because no no but like website that that well he said we have some of those old one yeah we have tons of those but I don't the this one the version that's like this we only had a handful left that I just ordered for a clan of mine a thousand Flyers that same size little bit thicker you're to keep going on this aren't you and I just sold it for 200 bucks so it shouldn't be that much so we have volunteers we got the water we got the toys or whatever you call it we got the headphones anything else we need for Fourth of July oh I'm sorry it's your pen isn't it and we know who's going to go there and we got the volunteers oh your volunteers did you want them to I will talk to them tomorrow yeah yeah okay um can you that which one you said volunteers we got volunteers the order yeah the order with a headphone signs chair Spinners Sticky Thing and the Flyers me on tear do how many on tear I think you had like five or six last time I think it was like four no was four we asked for five six I we got okay yeah because I remember seeing four so we actually five six whatever is available Fourth of July and then he's gonna bring his but I talk to him tomorrow and Ethan probably will be in town and he can always help out uh on on July 4th yeah Saturday I'm I'm gonna be in Marco Island about are finish with r July that's okay I will figure out what to do about my situation and I'll let you know okay we can't use these they still because remember they change the website well we could it needs to be fixed because it's our we we had to fix it because it w need they have to change the they can fix of course you need that we have did you say we have a lot of we need tons of those go ahead and give it to her and see if they can get that fixed um next up I would like to do uh a deferral guys let's defer the web page review in the Town Car W which is 6C 6E to our next meeting thank you the first six C John made a motion for old business 6C and 6E to be deferred to our next meeting in favor I I motion passed okay um Workshop Workshop so I know it's been a while since we done one we've wanted to do one every other month and I made this silly decision to run for Town Council now I don't know where we are on this so did you get a hold of whoever what was that guy Fred Su Fred every time I call Fred go straight to his voice you have to go to his office he there Tuesday through Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 12 all right go there anything else on workshops where's his office is it on the Chevy dealership well I messaged Tic and told him to tell him the call me and he said that he would so I don't know we'll see but um I left him a message and I left him a text message too but um I don't know I guess I'll have to go over there and see them but I'm I wouldn't I wouldn't say that it was not a possibility it's probably going to happen is that that would be it would that that wouldn't be a workshop though because that's only at the chamber and you have to pay for that luncheon to get in there something special you just want to do on the side right yeah okay um I regarding the workshops so I spoke with parent to parent um they we would have to let them know like what what day what time so you know give them at least two different dates um they have a few workshops uh they have the IEP one that they can do they suggest instead of the IEP one the idea because it's the law one and they think that it would service not just the younger kids but older as well and because there have been certain updates so they think that that might be one of the best ones for us to do uh they also told some of the they also gave me as options communicating with your child's school homework strategy self-determination that's 14 to 21 years old that's geared more towards them uh disclosure of must be in person uh graduation and diploma options stepping into Kinder take the leap transition from early steps to prekese crucial government agencies like they can speak on the the different topics I it sounds good to me the Ia because that's the actual law and I think it's very important some people I think aren't even aware of it so I if you guys give me the okay I can reach out to them see what they have available we would prefer can you kind of maybe give me like an idea of so I can get get back with them and try to get this happen as soon as possible August a lot of people are on vacation August would that be a good time or would it be better late August when people are back in school okay so if we did it at the end of August we' be fine so like towards the end of August or early September just so I can give them like the potential dates of August early September now what day for the workshop end of August beginning of September yeah dep gonna do it it would be here in town hall we always do it in town hall yeah yeah that's but that's what I'm saying like what day as in exactly would it be like Tuesday or Thursday Wednesday like what day would be good Monday September second is slor day Monday Monday and Friday are usually not recommended that that weekend is Labor Day so oh got it got it so that would Thursday probably yeah a Thursday a Thursday okay um and then the time would be what 6:30 6:30 Okay so Thursday 630 I was say the weekend after Labor Day live day so we can either do the 29th of August or the 5th of September matter of fact the 5th of September just happens to be the day after our SN meting so it's your guys's call you want to do you need volunteers thing always walking volunte I think I'd like to volunteer for that one since I now since I know about her now I could actually make the the arrangements to be here sure no problem um so what do you guys think we can do September 5th or we could do August 29th I will do September 5th do the weekend the week right before Labor Day yeah but it would be on a Thursday if anything would be the day that would be more complicated but I think if we do on the 5th of September everyone's definitely back from any vacation holidays are next major holidays [Music] is if you do it on the Thursday right before Labor Day a lot of people will be taking probably Friday off Friday Saturday Sunday and Monday off Yeah March okay then September 5th everybody yeah I think that's a better can you B on reserving no no no first I need to speak the parent to parent yeah and confirm exactly I want I want to give them at least put hold on it because even if you don't do parent to parent we have to fill that we need we promised we were going to do a workshop every other month okay and I don't think we've done one since we did the one in January have We No No so at least let's get this on the book so we can plan to do it no matter what we do in it okay whether it's them or someone else okay because the the worst case scenario we you can ask officer Amor to come back and do another review of the safety program speaking that I do have a program to propose so as soon as you all find time in the schedule something to to the programming coordinator okay 600 Hall 6:30 pm Chambers yeah you're okay put a hold on there for us 6:30 to 8:30 so which date September 5th MH so we'll certainly be ready for that yeah right the day before arm tomorrow so everyone remember she's gonna talk to parent to parent she suest if they don't have a September possibly do THS yeah yeah I'm GNA I'm going to see but but John was saying that if they can't that they they still want to do it that day so whether it's parent to parent or someone else so it's work are you saying we shouldn't do back to back right okay that's 12 no okay so no I think is not available at that 12 so the 12 the 12 is not available is not working how does it the 19th is available guys think 19 to the next Workshop technically we are having well hopefully in October even though it's not a workshop though it's like a with the Chamber of Commerce which is different though this is here the hey you found them okay so last yeah this is definitely not the same paper nope there you go so September 9th Gabby so September all right so's what's let's officially agree everybody agree September 19th a good day yes good day yes so let's look it down September 19th 6:30 to 8:30 I put six what is this one show well this is the parent parent oh so those are the two pentative dates we only have September 19th Jesse would you be interested in spearheading yeah shops to try and get schedules planned out for them going um I will try well it seems like you're very good at getting these connections so if you're interested it would be good then we could always say well I can work on getting you dates in advance and we can just discuss as a board who we think should be um who we'd like to see overall and you could contact those people and see if they can fit in any of the dates we have okay but if we start this trend right now we have the 19th of September already set we would do another one in November and then we'd come back in January that would be a good every other month it would be very it would be a good set no is every other month that's not too excessive because they do remember I think that's too a little too ambitious every three months then every three months then I mean because realistically what we're supposed to be doing is every month I mean that's what we're here for right I know we're all volunteer I know we don't have for the work shows the problem is people won't show up if you're if you're having so many workshops from my experience what I've seen and what I've heard as explanations of why people don't show up is oh you know you're you're having a workshop every month you know like people like don't take it seriously like oh there's going to be another one next month so forget it you know like like it has to be more like special more exclusive you know yes well that's why I had suggested every other month but if you want to do every three months that's fine I was even thinking every four months and then if we do more if we see that there's a need after doing one every four months we then we can always add but I wouldn't want to over promise and over schedu ourselves if we did that but let's say we come back in January and do another one in January then you'd have January April August would be May if we doing in January you're saying January April then it would be May January February March April because you can't February March April or is it January I'm going by when the date of so January event one so January is the one then oh so you're saying three a year so she's doing uh three a year versus your counting trimester exactly which is every three months yeah when you tell me to count something that's how I'm going to count Okay so I want to know how you would have count how would you have counted if if you had year four a year no no every four months starting in January when's the next date I would do everys no no I mean I'm saying every four months and January is the first event when would the next date be the next date would be the the 19th of that month no I'm sorry January's the month right yes we're going to do another one in another four months what month would that be interesting my head it would be April I'm just curious to see if we were on the same way April can work to yes thank you all right so may fine but you said if you do May then you we're doing it quarter quarterly yeah quarterly okay all right so then September 19th is our next Workshop parent to parent is the goal do we need to add anyone else to it no because that one is already long enough yeah and you don't want to take away okay yeah I had even asked if we could do like oh Ida and some I they're like no Ida is trust me they that's enough yeah yeah it's too much so then we're set it's GNA be September 19 work your best on trying to get that done if it comes a conflict for them then we'll do something else okay if parent to parent can't what about card cuz I know that usually they're you know they have a lot of workshops also with that we weren't they supposed to be were supposed to was it a barbecue we're gonna do a barbecue picnic with them does that need to be included yes yes good point I had a question on yeah so take this we don't know yet we're working on that one right now we had to actually yes July no yeah we had said September 14th at the Mary [Music] CS yes at the Mary Community Center Ian was going to bring the proposal letter for our June meeting he didn't come [Music] no and I guess be in July back back events can we no we can't it's just a little bit soon and you don't have much information for this I would say let's push the picnic off we could always do this picnic in in uh on we could do a fall picnic yeah it's actually work better because it's not that hot so okay so just go ahead and cancel the 14th event because he would need needed the information to be able to do it today but we did [Music] need we'll pick a new date going in next next week next okay so I'll just can next yeah but keep the 19th one set up because we're goingon to no but that's different that's that's for the work yeah my calendar so I don't forget it will okay cool nice done oober for all right so everybody somewhere on the same page Ian was supposed to come today and do the presentation for for the picnic he didn't come which I don't know maybe he just forgot I forgot to remind him either way because the idea was to have that picnic in September which is also the same time that we picked to do the workshop we're going to cancel the September picnic because we're not going to do it then I suggest we do it in October and make it a fall picnic everybody cool with that yes we'll work with Ivan on it and see if we can get it done moving on is anything else for workshops okay let me know what you find out if canity help um theater event so the last time that we talked about the theater we had talked about the fact that all the tickets are sold out and even I and that was two days after she had mentioned it got tell us okay so I spoke with uh the manager and he has given us a theater for like 74 people I think and only charging us for 60 so we have extra seats so if you want to bring your kids it's fine okay and I feel more comfortable having extra seats for you know before I was going to be everyone every seat they and not even because they count spaces right that don't have an actual chair you know where the wheelchair would go of a in the capacity okay that's counted so now we're going to have some extra seats and hopefully you know everyone will show up um also the the town is going to send an email to all the people who signed up that reads um it basically explains that you know the lights are going to um be be a little bit it's not going to be completely you know dark uh the sound's going to be a little bit um lower lower so I should with the wording sens okay so um thank you for registering to attend our our sensory friendly screening of the Garfield movie we're excited to welcome you to this event organized by the ton of Miami special advisory boort you'll find all the details you need to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable experience welcoming attendees of all abilities event details date June 8 2024 time 10:00 a.m. location cmx Cinemas Miami lak 13 with the address estimated runtime an hour and 40 what to expect sensory friendly environment the lights in the theater will be brighter than usual and the volume of the movie will be lower to create a more comfortable atmosphere for everyone freedom to move attendees are welcome to move around the theater as need whether you need to stretch walk or take a break please feel free to do so at any time during the screening arrival checkin please arrive approximately 15 minutes in advance to allow time for check-in and to get settled Comfort our volunteers will be on hand to assist with any needs or questions you may have seating seating is open so you can choose a spot that feels most comfortable for you and your companions we look forward to sharing this special screening with you for more information please reach out to Gabriel esar and so did that go out already or is I don't think it has gone out yet but I did inform staff so we had we had a registration of of 50 people Max right yes six what was supposed to be 50 and then once we reach 50 open it the last 10 to the general public instead it went everybody 60 so as long as it's that's what I want make sure that it was opened so they have the last 10 gone so M suia can bring the kids right yeah okay and I'll tell her to do that then um can I tell Su girls also they want they can assist if you need help with the volunteers yeah but we do we have mes I don't know we I think the kids coming with their parents therapist yeah what was the date on that again the Saturday Saturday Saturday satday this Saturday Jun movie starts at 10 need to be there are you going to be there uh I need to print out of the list for event right to check them in so yeah yeah I I'll do the EV okay I'll check that sounds great so we don't have to do anything to change it they gave us a better theater we're all good everything we budgeted everything for it right it's all paid for everything's cover okay we we did vote on the budget rep right or we voted for money for it right yes all right cool so then nothing else we're good to go everybody enjoy it this weekend um what about wait the animation event not done with this he did he's done with three everyone this weekend it sounded like you were gonna a Jour yeah was meeting a jury yeah I was like everyone enjoy everyone enjoy the theater weekend I'll stop by in the in the first part say hello to everybody and welcome in Co we have a pass time we have to vote on do we have that here I have never seen that happen moving on animation event with the May okay I have an update on that so yesterday I had a zoom meeting with everybody from The Cult the Miami dead County cultural Affairs um the teacher um and Manny from Parks and wck to go over everything plann for this event um John you and Catherine you remember Catherine um are gonna be the first ones to speak to welcome everyone um then um I guess the mayor is gonna speak and uh then the teacher uh will present she'll talk a little bit and she's going to present the uh a little animation movie which is like the final project with everyone's characters in there um she said it was probably like the actual movie it's probably only like a minute and a half or something but as you know like it takes hours and hours to to do a you know one minute of Animation so um as far as so we are responsible for the decorations and the food so I was able to get a red carpet um and the uh Velvet Rope things um we're going to get balloons I know excited what for the red carpet thing or you just free yeah you're good you're good it's from fantasy designers so I know but good good well I have to pick it up so yeah um so I'm going to order also uh balloons from Party City um I want to show you guys pictures but it's not coming my Amazon so like the whole theme is a movie premiere so everything is like red gold and black um and the food we're getting is like going to be a little bit fancier they're ad yeah and you know the parents are going to be there um how much is your side your end how much money how much money for the stuff you're ordering balloons I I don't know I haven't done the order yet okay it's not um but we have our budget for for the class was $2,000 and we haven't even is a thousand so we're within bud we're within budget we don't have to make a motion for what we're doing this one we made a full budget for the whole class so this is included in the class forget we have enough we have enough go over so I got these little decorations for the tables that are like little Oscars CU they're going to give them a certificate and like a little Oscar statue super cute is going to be with us too who the teacher oh Brena yeah yes okay yeah she's GNA do the whole presentation to the kid that so um I already filled out the event form for for the event um you know I requested the cooler with ice I requested an IT person to be there because they're gonna you know be protecting on the screens and um the setup we're going to use is going to be the same that we do for the workshops every all the chairs facing the TVs on the wall I think we need to fill out that document though awes I said that that's so fun um so I mean everything I think we're all set with that um oh I got like these cute little center pieces that are like has like the film roll and the the what's that thing I don't know may know I know what it's called the toall clap it's um I know it's during work hours so it's not what time is it it's from 2: to 4: on Thursday Thursday yeah not tomorrow tomorrow's the last actual class if anybody wants to come by class I I remember it's like it's a clap clap clap next Thursday two to four huh next Thursday yeah two to four next question so Wednesday have a special call thday we have the event so they want there the next Thursday is L 13 yes yeah there invitation they were working on an invitation um and they want like it's optional but like to dress up like for everybody to come like dress up yes what time do you want us here [Music] or um so turn off the Wi-Fi sometimes it works better that way I don't use Wii what time you would like us here um if you do yeah an hour sorry an hour earlier one o' yeah you see this one from Joseph right about needing the maintenance grw coming in after the event it's one: I okay so I put the order in for 12:30 I have a dentist appointment no I have a doctor's appointment that's at 8:15 so I should be I I know there's like a workshop going on until 12 yeah they're going to do the workshop till 12 and then they have the maintenance group coming in to reset for us and then this event starts at two mine are you gonna pick up the food yes thank you going to order we pick up the food okay I'm tell you after go pay for it they sent the this is the cool um that's the Friday Monday Tuesday Wednesday what day good for you Friday's a birday this way the order and just you there yeah like this the invitation video yeah but I I got everything down top then I call you yes yeah it's really cool I like it cool so then that's it we're all set um real quick theater event what time do you need us there the theat EV so I would get there4 94 need to the people need to be there 9:45 yeah so a little bit maybe 9:30 9:30 for us no for us yeah for 9:30 yeah yeah it's we're not doing any setup or anything do you guys want to have a table we need a table Yeah so we we have a table we have the cloth back to the Peter sorry we have we have a table on the table cloth garage so okay you got to bring it all right 9:30 9:30 9:13 all right I'll be there need sign people in to make sure that they're there for the movies you want me to stand and go okay hold on we have we have a table unless you get Dr s one okay okay so that's good and you're good right yeah okay uh but Casino event sponsorship did I put that on there now I got what it was you requested it go ahead so it's from the art of South Florida in the Commerce of Miami L yes I saw that they were [Music] SP June 211 which is Friday 21st June 21st and it's a Friday it's from 6: to 10: are 90 or 80 uh tickets are $90 uh but they're also doing like um today they spoke about like because since they were like $90 for Ticket they were going to do like a a table of 10 for 800 so I think it's going to be much less what time is it again uhhuh 8 6 to 10 6 to 10 mhm and it's in my BB though it's a casino night so it's a mascar and style and it's um wine testing with the oors from like different restaurants from Miami Lakes they're going to be sponsoring so they it's but going to be also one of the reasons I wanted it on this list was I wanted to see if we wanted to do a a table because there's it's for special needs isn't it yeah it's Angel house and the Art of South Florida who has an office in my yeah so and it's this June so could we buy a tample you said it was 800 and then we get all of us in if we want to go we go if we don't we don't I mean obviously I'll go we all go it's eight we all go it's eight it's okay okay I'll try to go I know that you want to go but you're actually not a member of the board so we couldn't get you a ticket okay because there's eight of us already too we you include the officer because he's a part of our board M 21st right yeah a Friday what time it if one of us if one of us can't attend we could give him a ticket if any one of us right now we have two left over would you like to give them would you like to come to the event sure okay that's okay well let's let's save him a spot then okay um because I know he wants to be involved with us and we'd love to have him there yeah you come that because I finished your at five so be supporting so the bathroom we'll leave the spot open for you as welle 21 so then everybody we want to and everyone will be in attendance so far that we know I I won't be you won't be oh okay now we got two extra I don't know if I can yet I need two confirm something well I guess it's in the next week or so just give me do a group text and say if we if we can go if you can't go June 21st 6: PM yes I'm going to send a message today and see if I can get a babysitter you gonna get gonna get a tux June 21st it's a tux no I'm saying if you're going to get one because that's what happened with the Galla these two over here have no idea what's going on boor Gala he rented a tuxedo the following week for the for the following weekend after the event was over so we did the whole event and we were wondering where he was and then when I saw him because he's my kids go to the therapy center where he works I said are you ready for or did you we missed you at the event he goes oh it's this weekend I'm ready for it I said what do you mean it's this weekend he like no it's this weekend I'm sure of it I have on my my on my on my calendar that we've all done Theo the weekend I feel like it could been worse that's all right so um this would be coming out of ant going out of an grants so John would that be something that needs to get added to our committee report that we attended it yeah I mean we can add that we attended it because it's two weeks from now it's not something ongoing but it's it's on the threshold we did it last year too though we did that last year right but we did the GG SC and this is part oh yeah they're benefiting from the you didn't do a GG's doing this instead correct yeah so so so this is like Commerce they doing it for like they they pick organizations so they did it for us this year and you're getting benefited from it we're donating the benefit to that so because we didn't do the G now it's not only going to GS now it's being divided between three different organizations but it's nonetheless it's all organizations we've supported before in the past year so that's a good that are in mi which throws it into our already approved budget so I would like to purchase a table for the casino Gala I'm I'm motioning just I got you I'm motioning to purchase the table at the casino Galla that presented by the CH chamber for $800 out of our grants and AIDS uh grants and AIDS line item nice second Jesse seconds all those in favor I all motion passs so we have the tickets you are you going to take care of putting that together for us or I'll send the link to she all right so she'll get you everything you guys to take care of let us know and then um later this week let us know who can go who can't go and whatever tickets are available left we'll let everybody know are you all in a group chat like a phone group chat yeah well I'm going to ask your phone number but no now are you single maybe we have a we have a we have a group chat that we use to discuss what time we're supposed to be together and meeting we're not allowed to discuss anything else of course nothing that needs to be voted on it Goa can't talk about things rules gotcha we're just it's just so we can stay communicated and stay are you coming are you we're GNA have quum what time you be here did you forget about us actually we have a WhatsApp chat open the door I'll add you I'll give me your number again I'll add you to the chat um okay so the sponsorship is done and baseball game this is your event yeah so so I have I do have picks extra that I wanted to give it to the the our our board uh if we can give it to kids and the the dance class or also any others talking about so I'm right now so right now I have 19 tickets left and what's the day what it's this Sunday this Sunday this Sunday I 140 they play in the Guardians yes oh they Chang their name that's right to be PC yeah politically correct and the W movement what were they before the Indian IND was offive funny because I've heard that Native Americans are really upset about that and the Washington Redskins they're off they they pissed off about that too that's so I need just like if you do have families and I want to go just need the email and I can forward the tickets directly to each family they want Sunday the night Sunday yesb on Sunday Sunday one against Cleveland and marins Cleveland marins I would but I'm gonna be out of town this weekend I know someone will'll take a couple thanks for the invite we coordinator couple mean two or couple meaning people depending on how many others are taken off you going again water park and McDonald's Park the water park um so I have like 40 of those so that's also if we want to do like a just a day of every family getting together and then meet there it's not a set dat no no so we can all set like as a MDD tiet for like maybe a f trip and everybody meets there do you want to do this as a as a just a group a family event for all of us with our kids or do you want to got 40 tickets I think we can make up 40 seconds no so we should probably I'm out I don't have any kids so we just share it with arts for autism and hope for autism that should be plenty for them but are you wanting to plan a specific day for us to all go no like we or anyone anyone can use it any time also yeah I think it's so then we can do that we can just say maybe a day they can come and pick them up and they comes from off how do you share that information if it's not in the meeting how how would the community know about those tickets being available well we have dance class okay Dojo animation I go you anything okay so you're sharing with those groups that are really develop so GG um members already we have we 40 extra uhuh well you could save eight for me um well that'll be that'll be good we do a joint day out with the with the family I won take for same for the that's okay that'll be there by one okay um communicate with flry on that if you have names information you know whatever you need and let us know when we run out okay any uh any announcements any up to date um can I say something no Bes your hands up off we have one more member reg one more person up we have a total of 50 hey that's better than we had in year though um lastek I have a question uh as a the police station is it just only the um can we do a CPR yeah that's why I was saying like you know what would be good is if we have a list of things we'd like to do then we can have someone like like Jesse work on getting all those people together and then we could we'll just give you the dates of when it's going to happen and then can say well we have a date here we have January 15th and May 21st and um October 18th are available could you do one of those you know who can do the workshop for the CPR no who Esther son really yeah CU she want yeah we were trying to do one for G's and then she had to change her plans on now with the summer so not but you well we can talk to us or or son can do it okay okay that's so I do want to speak on the are you done I just want to say what else are you done there one more thing and and the these from the county now remember this is not that that they live here in the town everywhere 15 so far I've been given up so super family so you know that's I thought that was pretty fast what it is you do you happen to know if they coincide with what we have on ours I'm Oh you mean 15 for the whole day County no from our station that we're giving up ah okay so yeah and that's that's what I'm trying to figure out is how I can match them up because so I don't have the information this is overlapping I don't know this is one program you don't have that direct ironically they made their program later and it's basically B off that that one is only only for autism for now was the main thing that they they told me listen for now because they're GNA push it for you know what probably for next year for for yeah of course okay now Jess okay um we I'm a be um I one of the main reasons I wanted to speak on the dojo was because I we got great feedback other ones that that were there other parents were like okay so they actually wanted to do it during the summer like some of them have joined the summer program too yes um so maybe that's something that maybe in the future we can do but for now definitely everyone's like yes in the f in the fall so I would like to know I don't know Vian do we already have the date for the Arts for autism when they're going to be starting okay because I I want after that long weekend in September Is it laor okay because I I want to speak to Sensei excuse me already so that we can already see what he has available not like last time that we waited and then we got you know whatever so that I can bring it back to our next meeting and then we can vote on it so that we can already set that in motion so we don't have a lag come come the fall we can start everything together totally okay sounds good anything else guys I have something oh mine's like the last thing your's last okay so I know that we've been here a long time but one of the main reasons I um joined the board is because I heard a lot about what was going on with you all in the community and I never felt like my um daughter fit in and that's not um your responsibility to come and find me I had to search um and I didn't find what I was looking for so I created it and so I have teamed up with the step by step they have a p program they're in PSI right now and they have an um Academy program and um my daughter is in the age group it's like I call it like the the Gap group of young adults with special needs who have nowhere to go after we congratulated them on the stage well done you all graduated High School let's go and then now you're old and you're in an elderly um home facility where are these kids and we you know we talked about that last time briefly when I came as a public member so I can tell you where mine is and I know there are plenty more like mine in our community here in Mii lakes that are just home some yes can work in in the lighter lighter programs such as Publix and what they offer around but I wanted to offer just a social group my daughter does not have any skills and there many like CR she has for policy um and there are some who do have possibly do have skills but don't work because they don't have the transportation they don't have the interest or they don't have the ABA therapist to go on with them so the program that I've created is sponsored by the um step-by-step program and it is an adult young adult social activity center um I'm a school guidance counselor family mediator there a whole bunch of great credentials to my name but my daughter is a recreational therapist and now in her master's program to become an occupational therapist so in conjunction with high schools and universities the nursing staff and the hhas at this program we are going to offer a day facility for these folks to come and comb by mindfulness which has been proven over and over again to help us in regulating our emotions and fund recreational activities for likeminded like ailon young adults to social so I'm I'm talking socialize breaks are going to be right up the entire plan um designed and I'd like to offer it to liy Lakes first first so my I spoke with Manny Martinez the program's um director and he says well you really need to take it to the board like perfect don't the meeting um I wanted to present it to you all um to find out how I can get some space and I like the community center I'd like the Mary Collins space if I could I'd like to offer my services my daughter's services our re time and our expertise for a two hour a um two hours twice a week um to invite these young adults out of their homes um come with your ABA therapist parents please come don't go far you know group of 10 to 12 if we start with two we have a week right now we have a friend you have three now you have more friends if you have five now you have different friends and we provide the social interactive activities so that they can enjoy each other's time if they just want to watch then just watch if you'd like to sit and take a break and um the whole time then that's something better than you just being at home and so um what do you think so the first thing we need to figure out is would there be a conflict of interest for her running a program that we would support with her being on the board there so you'd have to determine that one what if there's no is there money involved it there will be no money involved in Miami leaks this program is strictly something I'd like to provide to those kiddos just like my and the town so we would I just need the space and it's not with us through the what about for the 18 and over uh I would say if you if you want to use D you have it the the whole morning is available it's open for you you can have a key you can have a key you can get in there there's a space there's there's so so like they have the fridge they have water everything and I was at GG's not too long if I told you I sto by I was there what I was a program for 18 it's open from every day in the morning from 8 to we start classes at 4 so you can use anytime in the morning like if you like from Monday to Friday and it's coordinate yeah you guys coordinate for that then because if you do it with her then it's instant you can do it however you want if you do it through us what you'd have to do then is go directly um to the to you have to go you have to we have to approve it we have to approve what event it's going to be have to getoun also like not to close the the doors uh you can you can work on getting into the into the city if you want it to have it in the city you if you want it immediately you can just okay I do I'm looking for the mommy links card I want to know where these kiddos are that that are in our town we're opening in September in PSN you're probably off out there anyway because the community centers have to be built and rebuilt you know to structure around what you want them to do and she's already got the rooms no not necessarily our no just the room this is a very very modified what I'm offering the town of my Lakes is a very modified version of an entire day group I'm right now offering it to my mes looking for that group to find out what the population so the process for that how it goes when be done with everybody else is that you have to submit a proposal of what you want to do it has to be approved by our board then it sent to town then the town um uh Town parks and W have to review it they have to get approval and they send it to the council the coun approval and once they get approval they go back to the other words right and so I talked to Mary about that and he said if you came to the meeting it'd be quicker than doing it um doing all of the other um for us our in one that's one small step the other steps are not as easy like we're not even allowed to go to Town Council on special we can't go to the council until our reports who even say we hey we have an idea for a new plan yeah because we have they they won't let us on the board because there's too many committees that's what they said last time we talked so we have to wait for our own report to go there so so your suggestion is not to submit a proposal for the town of my M special advisory committee to support this no I would suggest you two get together and work on building there first and then we can support it so I'm going to submit and the idea in the meantime yes yeah and then we work on it Gabby's going to find out if there's a conflict in that but it's free so I don't know if not you would have to go it's town of Miami Lakes right so I'm gonna pass this down to you I'm gonna give this to you and I can email to you as well I'm gonna give this to you just to keep on your desk take a quick look at it and then we'll chat about where we can go with it and in the meantime I'll go with um G start with her which is f i don't want to I don't want having it started with her would be better and here's why she is she's going to start but meanwhile still submit right I know after starting with her and getting it running would be a lot better for you because then you'd have a a proven concept to be able to bring straight to the board and it's easier to get gotta to the counil already already we have somewhat of a a group ready for us in September um it's it's actually bending on a weight list okay but some of those folks are not from Miami leges okay which is great for me it doesn't matter who comes but I would like to include those folks in Miami Lakes that went to Miami Lakes Elementary that went to you know Barbara Goldman that went to Bob you know I'd like to include those folks and I don't know where they are and remember one of the meeting you're like well good luck getting them out this is high school yeah it's different it's different than an event this is their every single day where are they you know they can't just be in front of a TV or sitting with a in a and waiting to go to adult daycare with Leon you know at the age of I don't even know what ages we go there like a 55 I don't even know so thank you for hearing that and U we'll work together and um I'm sure we'll get positive results I just want to say that um I have had the pleasure of meeting her daughter he is currently uh my son's personal trainer and I am at allwe of this girl thank you is amazing so whatever you do I'm sure it's oh yeah it's my yeah much needed much needed okay some that progress goes and then we'll Mo on here Gabby go ahead is everyone okay with July 3rd being the next regularly scheduled meeting because that's the fourth July usually what you did last time you guys canceled it and moved it to the following we I would say that would be smart [Music] um the t is open I check on he was one step ahead for the 10 it says it's booked at 6 until nine but I don't think it's maybe a committ one but 6 to 9: that's three hours well it's because there's two meetings 6 to 7:30 and then 730 it doesn't say what it is it does not didn't find anything I'm looking on on Outlook though oh July wait what day did I say oh those are the NDS or something no you like 10 Wednesday that's uh cult Affairs at 7 no but they're not going to have it that day nsds are going to be here it's the gate um district meeting I'm on that committee what day is it the 10th they're going to have you were saying like thats I won't find out until next week all right so um obviously we don't want to do it on the third uh what's available then that week I mean if you would why we're not just curious why not the third because we have the event the next day so it's back to back everybody doesn't like backtack meetings but I think the third no we have the third already set yeah this say our normal we have it done I mean I don't care if you want to just do it to it the third you can move it to the second if you want to oh which is a Tuesday all but still same week I would rather Wednesday if anything because Tuesday I probably won't be able to make it just just leave it there because anytime after the 10th is too long we can do the Third okay if we don't if we don't have Forum we gonna suggest that we still don't meet if we don't have I can make it two people just go over the whole meeting so if the third we don't have Quorum we would have to Beed so the third is fin yes again we have Forum we make a decision at that time I sitting here well we can text in the group chat yeah okay all right so that's that do you I'm sorry do you have the time that we started I do okay good 5:34 PM we're going to call this meeting to in at 7:39 p.m. uh second second got there first all those in favor I I meeting