##VIDEO ID:8WGWEjAi3TU## Justin tril Susan cross jaine mine Santana and through the chair just want to make sure we do have a secretary for today yes [Music] umun tote said Z said she was coming yeah told me she was [Music] coming no we got 12 the fer um I'd like to maybe I can insert it in one of these [Music] and then maybe I can insert fesal lights as s g we're adding something make the motion so that the secretary has yes um I make a motion to add I I am um lights do we have a second second second oh every hi hi did everyone I just want to make sure taking notes are we all did everybody say I okay okay let me we added it to her 7g 7g it's it going to be a quick one it's just a um FES yeah we got an email from India participate um okay chairperson report I'm gonna when we go to all business we we cover it minutes minutes to rush okay minutes um of September 11 that's awesome um okay we are in item the minutes five five review them in minutes okay sorry did everybody get a chance to read them yes I did I was not present so I can't say if it's true or not okay do I hear a motion for approval I motion we approve the minutes from our September 11 meeting as you know we had a meeting on October 9th which was was because of the hurricane and then we had October 15 we schedule and we didn't have Forum so this is going to be our latest minute so September to now okay next report like I said we'll go business and we go over the items are actually proper s seven actually I want this okay conert in the part okay in your package and I going help me with this clarify some things there's um as you know it was rained out and we need to select a new date because so it's on page nine on page nine you guys have the dates however I did want to before you review it and decide and talk about it I wanted to mention that keep in mind this these were dates that were provided to me back on September 27th at this point those dates May no longer be available for the sake of going back and forth if you do intend um of booking one of these I would say you just leave it open for whatever that would be my suggestion but I don't know what the committee wishes to do I for you guys sheing out yeah I'm passing out the daytime in public school schedule I've been looking into the websites of different you know a lot of events so but I think this is more or less but you can see you know what dates I think the dates in here are January 18 February 15 March 8th and March 15th I don't know ising here there's any I think the best date may be the 10th or the 24th did she have that on there no no the 10 January no that's Sunday Saturday Saturday oh yeah 2025 yeah that's yeah January 11 January or the 18 yeah 11:30 18 because we don't want to run it too close into black history black history like three weeks away and Valentine's to and Valen yeah January 18th I would say no February 15 I would say no January 18th because it's a three-day actually a 4- day weekend for school president something what about what about the 11th the 11th the 11th is good um March 8 okay and March 15 Rec for me what are the yes that you're saying January 11 January 11 March 8th and March 15th okay well march8 is our big Festival yeah I think January I think oh that's but that's already that's people since can we take it for a vote and and be again I want to keep in mind I would the more yeses you give me the more I have to work with because I don't know what her availability is right now this is from a month and a half we need to have like two dayses right 11 and 15 are the only ones that somebody should make the motion I motion that we check with Val B to see if they can perform on January 11th and I'm sorry or J March 15 2025 second second okay second none in favor against I have a question about that really quickly are we um still getting charged um it seems like there was some kind of misunderstanding or wasn't included in the contract where rain day uh um please know will we pay 50% of the performance fee for the concert that was cancer there was nothing in the contract that talked about if I'm wrong about a 50% cancell cancellation fee so they did they say that they were they didn't put it in they I want to make sure that you guys know it's public records and it's page nine and 10 of your agenda packets so the band requested because as you guys know we didn't cancel them until day up we waited till the very last minute to try to see if we could have the event um they were cancelled she explained to me over the phone that they would normally do it as a part of their agreement but they didn't send in an agreement it's just what happened this time around around so she was requesting to be paid out 50% of the performance fee for the concert that was canceled because she had her staff on hold they weren't able to perform that's the explanation that was given to me now we're passing this on to you guys because the funds are there um but I need you know I need I need to know where you guys are at with that and how you guys feel and what you want to vote for um I will tell you as background the production company I guess being a bigger company and a company that we use over and over and over again they were gracious enough that because even though we canceled last minute and we were in communication with them they waved any fees for day off that day so you guys did not pay out any um any stage fees which is a hefty fee for that event and the only thing that you did lose money on so far was the the food the food for the that would have been for the artist that home so that's your background on that and then she is follow she's followed up with me I know she followed up with when you guys were supposed to have your last meeting but I told her I don't have an answer yet I need to meet with the committee and based on what you guys tell me I'll get back okay for the second of discussion I'm going to make a motion that we that we review this the you know this for discussion say yes or no that we review what you don't have to make a motion to review the okay so um let me know when I can say okay okay I got a couple of questions so right now we're looking at either January 11th or whatever now if we go through that date it will be a whole brand new fee correct um let me check she had mentioned that she would try to work with you know maybe a lesser fee next time around but I don't have that amount for you guys okay also wouldn't that be considered from our new budget since we're in the new yeah at this point to clarify that the 50% that she's requesting was what what just passed that that's where that money would come from from what already passed that closed I mean that money's already been um been allocated for last year um so that's where we would take that 50% that she's requesting okay now if you book her for January that's the new that's the fiscal year that we're at right now the new one yes this schol year 25 to so we either decide 50% and not reschedule or no 50% reschedule and schedule R 50% and schedule that's three chars yeah don't have it at all give it 50% right have it and uh and and uh we we give a new contract right contract I have it and uh yeah yeah now that that being said then it'll come out of the new concert the reschedule is going to come out of this year's budget that means we're not going to have that money available for this 2025 any so keep it that brings up a good point if you guys were trying to have the event in November how you normally try to schedule it at that point anyways you would have had nothing for this current fiscal year because I'll remind you the fiscal year is October 1st to the last day of September something else I wanted to bring up I know about November it tends to be a rainy month to begin with so it's probably not the best month to have outdoor events so maybe this is an opportunity for us to move it to a time that's maybe a little bit less rainy you know as January less rainy time what we were trying to do what we were trying to do it before September 30th that's the fiscal year in September the 30th M and we were trying to use that money in that fiscal year right because the new budget comes October 1st right so that's why we were trying to push this you an opportunity to shift it if that's where you guys want to go yeah but I think it's better to have it when it's not a rainy season because then happen to us twice already the might into the same problem my suggestion is if we're going to book the same band for this event either January or March 15th that's it I don't think we should pay them anything we just do a new booking okay do you want to make a motion or anybody else want to make a motion or whatever they think they're going to get the business from us yeah you know either way now if I have to pay them 50% penalty then I'm going to look for another band I canel all the go huh I Let It Go all the go yeah so I already pass the DAT because I don't think I don't think it's it's fair that we would have to pay especially since we're covered because it wasn't in their contct contct yeah but I think contract but we still did cancel on the day of I mean I mean if it was lightning and raining they would not have been able to play period because happen like it happened to us last time like the last time but she got paid the oh she got paid so I hear different things so I would suggest you guys just take it for vote put a motion in anybody and vote for or against motion and then somebody what about that would be the that will be the only concert we have instead of Ja concert ja concert in the park yeah right for this F of year yeah are the other things we discussing and I I was going to talk about something else you we have February and you we last year you know we had the OD go concert and we also year before that we had F Memorial right and so so now we have Valerie Tyson so we actually have three groups that if we just say let it go and see if she will work for the black history time or we can either get the old go review or we could get flid memor and that's that was one of the things I was going to add to the discussion is what are we going to do for Black History Month I want to talk about that performers are African American M of this so but in all H I think we I think we ought to give us something I'm not saying how much but I think we ought to give us something we did C on the day off but how much I just other common courtesy right but we're going to book her and having said that about book canceling on the day of is there can we at least say maybe goinging forward that we we tried not to do that you know we have to cancel the DAT anything no but I think saying it from your end saying from the committee that we need to make a decision at least 24 hours before an event I think that's good too yeah to set but again yeah that's that would probably save us from this conversation yeah and the 50% is already it's not going to be from pulled from this year's budget it's going to be from last year's yeah that's already gone that's already gone so it's not going to affect our year this year's budget right yeah or what we could do is say hey we're going to give you the 50% since it's already it's already allocated what would you charge to do the new conert correct on either January 11 or March would you then if she's ridiculous we just say hey take your 50% go we correct here is that if we give her the 50 give them a 50% we want a break on the on on the next well that's what I'm saying we want we're going to give you 50% right uh we want we want another concert either January 11th or March whatever the date is what is what is the best price you can give us for that profal courtesy right as a date because actually we don't really owe you anything because you didn't have it in the contract but because you know because of who we are and what we trying to uh you know have good Harmony we're going to give you the 50% because it's coming out of another Year's anyway it's not something that's going to bother us right now correct what would you charge if we give you the 50% and you do another conert for us on those two days the only thing I will mention as your planning based on this is keep in mind you guys kind of have to decide that now and you're not going to have an answer for and you do have to decide that now because we're talking about two months out going into the holidays right right there is no coming back next possibly next month to then confirm based on her answer if yes or no so those are two separate answers you guys have to give right now reach out to her because my my concern is that what happened with Nicole Henry is she said that they were going to give the break and then they did yeah but that also wasn't in the contract that was not in the contract the break was discussion yeah we need everything in writing so we can protect our and to Justin point my suggestion instead of 24 hours maybe you guys should guide yourself based on what the contract says cuz I feel like all artists may be different some may tell you 24 hours okay we're good and some may say no I need three days or a week and based on that maybe you guys need to discuss them um excuse me do you have her number yes I I go outside and see if I can need make okay but can I can we decide on the 50 can I that's I make a motion yeah I was writing Charles motion but if you nobody has suggested his suggestion okay well let and let's start I make the motion to um pay the Valerie Tyson ban uh 50% of their performance fees for cancelling on the day of please not it's a courtesy that's your motion yeah no wait wait wait motion to pay you know valer I have 50% right of the performance performance V for the concert for counseling the concert right okay here a second and what what else know there was more it woman fee for the concert that was canceled the but okay but you don't want to add the part of two different things you don't have an answer second I think we discussed this enough you got to ask for a vote okay y we have a second have a discussion discussion okay let's vote um all in all in favor I yes know there was there was different answer so make sure that your vote you know that it's heard what are the eyes raise your hands any okay so oh make sure I'm also trying to make I documented it I documented it you can be sure so I'm going to okay so the asking if they would give us um yeah it's a second motion trying to get a hold of bring it back and it's also two different budgets yeah that's what this is not this the one that just passed is not going to affect us this fisal year because the money is already there it's sorry okay can we move on to the next iteman month the briefing by Justin and Jerry Mr name my name on there sorry to hear you I want to thank everybody who helped I want to thank meline for getting that chaos in the lobby in order I want to thank Jackie and Charles jette's not here I want to thank her also and I want to give a special thanks to Elsa and Felicia for guiding us because this was the first time for us I I I think it was really a great affair I really do um you know it was a lot of work but it was a lot of fun right yeah yeah it came out very nice so yeah thank you for everybody's help because we couldn't have done it without the whole team yes yeah it was tee eff and everybody looked very nice with their attired yes yeah so got compliments from um so anything else did we want to talk about the things that we could impr improve on so I know we talked about report here I have a report from do you have the sheets how many people we had 110 110 yes maybe more but that's that's what the list said oh CU I had a breakdown yeah what did you yes I have yeah you want a copy well just to keep everything in no I just looked at whatever you know Justin I can dare you mine the the deficiency thees pretty much were we felt like there there were people coming from both doors which was kind of a little disorganized we have to make sure that people are coming from one door which is the door that um Allan would be at the front door the other aspect was allowing people to come in an hour before the event and that I understand it was raining but still I felt like that caused more chaos than necessary with the setup yeah yeah and as it causes so we're not as organized as we should be right when people should be coming in so I think we have to have a rule that if the event starts at 6 people are not coming in through the door before that um especially an hour before um and then that they're coming in through the front door only um I had to chase people down yeah and I kept sending people to you too when I saw them come through a different door so um so those are the two big things for us the food distribution like the tickets uh you know people were coming up two and three times for food people were coming up two and three times of food so or yeah so that has to really be monitored they have to you know we have to collect tickets yeah I was collecting them on my side when they would come and I would give them the plate and that would mean that okay this is you get you got your ticket and I gave them the plate so after that I I knew that if someone didn't hand me a ticket then they then how do you distinguish for the wine table the the wine that's true I didn't think of the wine basically when it's gone it's gone right we don't multiple drinks is permissible yeah right but people were coming up and asking for like two and three empadas and then I see them throwing it in the garbage you know so it's got to be there's got be a limit one of everything you know I mean those enomis are not per ticket yeah per ticket the other thing that we can maybe do to to prevent that is maybe we we just prepare like this is what the plate looks like and this is you have one Empanada you have one da d da and one da d da this is your plate right and so they just get that completed plate and then that's it and now if there's extra after that then we can tell you know people we we had yeah right so make it a set a setup that everybody gets the same thing and then if there's extras then you can because honestly if that was a a a really if we didn't have that rain we would we would have run out of food exactly and wine and drinks for that M the wine for that matter also right and I you know and you don't have to fill up those glasses to the top you know they can get like of course of course especially when they're coming back two three times exactly exactly I mean we didn't have anything the thing with setting up the plate is that you had different uh andanas right so maybe people were saying no I want the meat but I don't want the chicken or I want the which one was the other one the spinach or the one was a vegetarian one was one was beef one was chicken choosing right but whatever they choose that's what they chose I think what he trying to say is one banana not one of each right sandwich not three sandwich exactly but that has to be controlled by whoever's Manning the station exactly and many I will tell this and no offense to everybody there many got food never had a ticket many because if they didn't have and and they didn't have the wristband they didn't get it from me they didn't come through me and half the time I was like oh no but so and so it's in there I'm like no no tell her come back here because I don't have a ticket for her M but the wristband was for the Lector okay and the food had tickets tickets okay but people got food without a ticket yeah right and likewise with the wine wine wine we can't control that much yeah that's hard you can't got good memory yeah you know I I mean what caring people yeah I know one man came up to me he wanted three desserts I said I had tell I said no I said I have other people here I said and you were already up here I gave you a dessert you know I feel bad telling people no you can't have but yeah okay okay but the on the flyer or when the ticket is given you should say this ticket includes one two three so it's there right there no offense they don't listen no they don't listen agreed they don't listen you were that there they don't listen no they don't they don't I put a plate down for myself and somebody came and took it well I found side no my thing is I found an impan on the side upside down on a plate like underneath and I went oh it must have falling yeah next thing you know it's gone I'm like I put two pieces of paper and WRA yes I went in that for the ceremon when we had to come up to the front say hello I came back it g when we came back to the ceremony there was a man behind a bottle a bottle of wine okay just a regular person just I missed it but I want to congratulate you guys it was fun the people had a great time I think that's uh you know 0 I think 9:30 the DJ said you know I had to go was only till 9 o' and people were still there dancing having two performers yes was good one performer you know like hour but also I think if we're going to have dancing or dance performance to save I mean we were really like under budget which I thought was good but we're going to have to have it somewhere else because to spend 800 700 and whatever we spent for the floor the flooring you know was expensive so if we're going to have um performance there I think we have to think of someplace other one ofou and you have two the best Benders you could find Tango dancing FL was very convenient for the dancing people yeah but the dancing people can dance on the car dance on the car everybody was dancing in that spot Remer is 7:45 okay um we'll be out I have a word from I I got I able to get on the phone she said she likes 11 she appreciate the 50% and she said she would take 500 off a new perone and that makes the total what well it's 253,000 so they 11 the work the she wants paid $1,000 for for canceling which is still good M she'll take 500 off of The Proposal which is 2500 yes from 3000 be 2000 2,500 the fee was 3,000 oh okay we're paying her 1,500 and she's giving us 500 back technically yeah that's a good way to I was able to catch walking out the door so I I make a motion that we go with the Valerie Tyson band again considering their consideration of our money January 11 2025 25 amount of in the amount of two 2500 having paid her the okay [Music] can you just repeat yeah yeah Umi made a motion to go with the with the band I'll write the name of the band for January 11 2025 and the amount of 2500 I second it second it all in favor I against motion passes book reading that should be a quick one um I think we're all set um I guess support me with Charles you need to submit your event form so I know last time oh wa for the holiday book holiday book Santa Claus Miss Santa Claus oh Santa Claus okay do did you contact the the lady who contacted the lady has anybody contacted the actual Mrs CL we talked about this like eight months ago so we already have but that's the only thing we have confirmed so keep in mind we haven't discuss any other details for the event the theater conf for example location we have not discussed the theater is confirmed for the um what day did we say December s s December I have council chambers on hold just in case okay but I know you guys normally you this the one that was back and forth let me know but she's available December 7th we have her book okay she's available but keep in mind we have her book because we booked it back in February if we were booking it right now that wasn't going to happen so start talking about this Charles are you checking see if is good well I'll mention it on the next one but um the next item but I need to have that information so when we do the flowers flower flyer is everything is correct we need a time too yeah the time I think it's 11:30 you know we do it it's whatever time we booked her for Dan just period I'm at the C famous meeting period is the theater C for December 7th 2024 period I'm in the meeting right now you can respond so she's booked from 12:00 p.m. to 12:45 p.m. well 12 10 12 p.m. 12:45 so then we say 11:30 half an hour before yes so that will be thinking well I know she takes time to set up and we have uh it's coming in like um had the idea of maybe having and and we if we go to the to the P lights I think they have schools there that have like U caroling maybe like we did that years ago that we have a little group of students that L sing carols before the event and then we have Mrs Claus um I'd like to make a motion to see if we can add that if you can get them like an intro you now where you going to have them and on the stage on the right on the stage they come in they specifically at what time do know work um we can say 11 by the time she starts set up I'm sorry 11 you're making a motion to find someone or you already have to have to have the to add it to the event to add it to the event but we don't have any information of who what where and when right we we tried remember we talked about it and find the schools but that now because I I spoke to um to Andrea and actually the invite they say they're going to have schools coming so that we can reach out maybe within this week but I guess what what she's trying to perform and I need to know too is because we need to go with promotion is this confirmed right now no no not okay in case we get them we can well I just want to know because that would determine whether we do the flyer at 12 or whatever 11:45 or we do it earlier so that they're there for the Christmas so what time would be the 11:30 I put 11:30 on the on the Fly 11:30 11 1:30 not 1 well but she ends at 12:45 and kids go up there to take their pictures remember but she's not going to stick around for long cuz what we're paying I just want to be very specific like the expectation what we're paying her is 45 minutes or 45 minutes so I don't I don't want to promise pictures cuz we haven't discussed oh they'll go up I know but I don't want to promise that she'll stay you know cuz I don't know what her I don't know what her next commitment are as far as the theater is concerned yeah okay 11 to 130 I just want to make sure we're not telling kids that they can and that way gives us time to to you know unpack things so I'll do 11:30 to 1 for the flight then he said yes he already has it on account so so we're booking the space from 11 to 1:30 so we're doing yeah 11:30 yeah and if we can have the because I what I like to do I don't want to keep jumping in uh okay so that the DAT is set we have this Clos and the Flyers going to say 11:30 yes 11:30 to 1 11:30 1 okay is the market back was the Fone Market be going on at that time yeah I think so yes it is so think so we could get some flers and got early a little bit earlier had some around to there too that's what we did that one the flyers for the fesal lights because um I'm I'm going to request but I get keep jumping jumping the for item 7g when we get there we'll that oh and we can send the Flyers to the schools too yes yes I I yeah what's up to a bunch of people they saying yes so um was somebody going to give the goodies I think Esther but she something said she was going to donate maybe I didn't write it down the notes I don't know so I'll so I guess the question so we're all clear as if she's not going to for any reason are you guys willing to spend money on this or books we're going to have the books the books are defin confirmed we haven't discussed what are the books confirmed no but they normally respond so we're going to have the book you have to contact them yeah we're going to have the books the books we're going to have I always buy the gingerbread cookies you buy the cookies and and we have some things left over for another event but we don't have anything left over right think have and we any water and even water bottles but that's what I'm saying what do you guys need what are you willing to spend that's what we need to okay well this is going to be after the meeting and I don't want to hold it up so can you guys just confirm whatever and cookies can you guys give me an ex I make a motion to spend $50 I don't know what bucket no I have the B okay $50 for snacks for the holiday book reading on December 7 2024 budget is second what's the budget I put $50 for the for the for the is that include the water she's saying snacks snacks yeah whatever snacks I'm donating the gingerbread cookies snacks could be the water the snacks and drinks okay and it's using not a lot there's only how many people fit in that theater I have a question for you guys to organize yourselves especially based on Justin feedback from the event I know that we've gotten into the habit of people RVP but we let anybody in anyways do you want to prioritize the list at all I'm only asking because it sounds like it's a popular event is it fair for somebody to show five minutes later and their spot is taken even if they were on the list is it not I want you guys to like really ask yourselves a question and confirm that this is how you want to go for it and I think everybody needs to follow the same thing because I think there's been disorganization between members and I think you guys should all be one unified front in case anybody asks yeah because I know malie is the one that checks in people dire whoever I would not be available December 7th no good thing for you guys to know no I we need the only thing is I will say 9 % of the time while we run into it that people don't show up I only ask because I feel like this is a very small venue compared to other places yeah but I know not last year because I wasn't here but the year before we were pulling people from the market every year we pull people whatever you guys are comfortable with I just want it to be stated here and that you guys are all on the same last year was pack last year there was not one seat so then that's different yeah that's a different approach but and it was everybody from the list from been bre no it was not no no okay never is never has yeah okay so yeah so what are you guys GNA well what are we going to do check the list and I I think we should just give a um a certain amount of time people coming in and then after that time we allow the other people to come in yeah just tell stand by so you are priority getes time how we've done it normally we just let anybody in but that's why I want to ask do you want to give some type of priority to the list yeah or not I think we should we should give like what uh if we say that it starts at what at 11:30 right 10 minutes 10 minutes 11 we just open it up exactly okay okay perfect okay so there was a motion the $50 for snacks and drinks for the holiday book reading December 7th second second okay uh all in favor all in favor Mo pass okay and don't forget to give the list of what we event form um you have one from last year right so we have to every year ask me get me a new one I don't want things to be missed okay do you have a copy so we can review I will check if I have a copy and I wanted to mention something now you're asking for Flyers obviously we create flyers for all the event I want to mention to you guys Jonathan Gil who is our media specialist he's actually leaving next week yep so I don't know how it will get handled but what I'm trying to tell you is this so I the last minute does not help us especially during this transition so please have your events scheduled out in advance will help me help you guys get your fly in time oh which means how can I help I'm a graphic designer well the thing is that the to to yeah she design but if you want to design it and I can ask them that yeah that's how I used to do it I used to design it and give it to them they approve it so you approve it and then and yeah yeah I mean if that helps okay I I'll talk to the team tomorrow thank you okay okay nice great excellent that's I do day yeah because the town has to put the logos and all of that um real quick who's going to order the snacks I'll take care of the snacks okay but you order the water the water right can you get the water yeah get me those snacks and see how much money I have left after those okay yeah yeah yeah so I wait for you to send me do we have more left over you will buy it and then I reimburse you is that how you want to do it we have water left over from the Hispanic I think we brought those out for the last something you guys had from the book talk from the book review they some we had water but we had water left over from the Hispanic I don't know I don't know I'll check yeah I honestly don't know cuz I think there was an before that where you sold me the same thing and I know we brought them off no we haven't had we haven't had an event since oer the wine table no so so buy you buy the snacks give me your receipt I reimburse you and then whatever's left I buy [Music] water moving on to the next thank you uh 7D report to councel I did the report last October and basically like requir I spoke to to the council I um didn't all this stuff that was required that you approve and I also spoke to them about this memo regarding changing the attendance rules in the in the you know I think you read read that about it I I haven't heard anything back but I told them this not only affect us but it affects other committe regarding the attendance and then I provided them uh put together a chart which last time that shows you know everybody that was missing and so that I think they're GNA go and because they have a new console now yeah so um this is everything is red is people missing uh I don't know if you had something that that um health issues or whatever we can put it at so you want to who I know you were out one day because you weren't feeling well or something but that that is the chart that you know I put together with with the different um you know the attendance of all the minutes and so forth so like I think and it shows you know people that never show up and and so forth and I have excuse one so forth so um that said uh I think I guess we're waiting for the council to change the attendance TOS or whatever and the so basically we'll we'll hope to get all this straighten now the people that don't come to meetings or events which is you know making it hard for some of us that do a lot of the work which you know so I think it's is important that we you know made the council aware that if you're going to join a committee you have to commit yourself to help out so hopefully we get an answer soon like I said between the elections uh the new Council we'll see what the but they they agree with me that U yeah we need to address that and hopefully they'll change the BS back to where they have my only question with the attendance is if we have no Quorum that should not count against us no but I see a couple of places no quum no quum you mark yourself present but we didn't have Quorum well well we were normally what they do is if they don't have a quorum they they Pi I think it was one meeting I think it was in blasting one I think it was like they had the well they called to see if you meet the Forum but no it's not a meeting it's not but they said you know this person were here that day but when the attendance was in place though I will say that when it was in place that didn't come like it didn't matter if you were here or not there was no P there was no me it didn't toward you or and also right now no no no it doesn't it doesn't count against you if we have no quum or special calls either yeah when when the when the rule was in place it didn't count for special calls was not part of what they were looking at and they weren't looking at subcommittees and they weren't looking at um no qu meeting it was the the regular meetings that took place is what we were looking at but that was when it was in place right now there's nothing in place right and then of course this is from the last fiscal year so now we start a new one so uh then of course I don't have the thing so we went to things late so we see we can address that issue um 70 7 is the calendar quickly I I was looking at the one from last year and then open your page page eight page eight okay okay um real quick um as you can see some of them have already names on it if you agree with it we'll be fine if not you know we'll Crush you out some are blanks so we need to you know select dates I mean this is just like a worksheet right now and the next meeting we'll clean it up but at least to get something started um I was going to say I was willing to do women at distinction but my name is already there so I don't no do you want to do it I me you have experience now okay check okay let's go down the list real quick art around town the the town hall exhibits been working on I I've noticed that I'm sorry hold on okay aren't you at the bottom 20 24 25 we're talking here the calendar okay let's do the calendar first that's why you're missing people yeah okay um publicity uh calendar of events anybody wants to do that which one Black History Month what dates uh Charles what dates do you more or less think yeah uh okay wait a minute I'm sorry I'm confused are you going [Music] over top start at the calendar she's at the top M she was at the top okay but I'm are we trying to figure out who's going to be doing the chairperson or are we trying to find out dates both both both see that see the blanks here here we need people that's why I said the bottom because they were already names but okay no no because I'm just saying it's 86 okay let's do calendar I think that's important because that helps us with promoting this events uh calendar events 2425 Pro proposed event dates Black History Month celebration uh nor when we do it in February but you know you have to see according to this calendar I know last time we we encounter you know low attendance to the we want to stay away from the weekend of the 14th as Valentine anyway we want to either go the 7th or the 21st I mean the eth or the 22nd I can tell you that on May as of last month when we had the issue with Hispanic heritage I took it upon myself to block a date in February and I block February 22nd it's on hold it is not official but it's Roberto alono if you guys want to use it okay that sounds good okay now let me just ask the question we've had two different years we had PR Memorial and we had the variet over goie shows anybody have a preference of what we ought to have um I think we need to alternate otherwise we have the same so you want you want me to contact FL memorial for this year I think I'll be do okay okay on that note though okay we need to she's talking about Roberto alono if you have the Odie OD that's at the middle SCH that's at the middle school and the other people is at the church at the church yeah the church the church so it has nothing to do with Roberto Alonso Roberto Alo I think at the church because you got the Rises oh that's right yeah and people can so we have to check on the 22nd of February if the church is available for the choir and I'll call I'll call Dr Johnson tomorrow I think last time she she was right yeah yeah yeah she really look forward to that because what they really do guys they go on a do spring break they go and recruit all the way up to Tallahasse they stop at churches schools organization they give them a little money so out 3,000 or whatever we gave them that's to help them with the buses and to help them with the food and so she was a little disappointed I can call her tomorrow you're gonna call the church call meod i'mna call I have feary 22 and Charles is GNA check with Dr right okay next item isar okay uh women of the station location to be announced is um I think it's going to be March um I think three March 15th is good March 15 yep because the following week is spring break okay there you go is calendar okay so we have do we have to have it in March yes yes okay the women's month March is Actually March 8th is wom St okay then March 15 so we're going to we're going to have that again at the chamber yeah yeah the ideas here in Council chamber yes 3:15 okay picture for Mom that's a given that's um wait what would you say pay picture P picture for Mom that would be May 104 the market and what is what is Mother's Day late later 11 on Sunday got it May 10th you're saying does anybody have May 11th Father's Day fishing tournament um okay that's that's going to be June Father's Day is the 15th of June so this will be June 14 and um you know I was thinking of we do it at the Grandberry Blake we're going to have permission we need to ask permission I was thinking of doing it I don't like doing it there but the the pier uh because I um I saw when I went to Brower to an event uh they had someone there that had a barbecue and they're fishing and they say gu a lot it would be a lot of fun we bring more people in yeah yeah through the chair I just I want you guys to go through theist I think black month is important only because it's like right now but everything else you should just say dates and move on cuz if now you're going to run idea well the place where is spending okay well July 4th or July 4th so right now we're putting June Jun I don't know is well June 14 is is Father's Day thing yeah we got too much in June I'm still don't put me down to be determined because our mayor used to yeah he's going I will mention guys not everything has to be in event like certain things can be a but also that needs to be planned with the coun okay uh 4th of July Fourth of July I will already please anybody who has suggestions on band please bring it by December January yeah so bring them bring the proposal so we can already January go out we already have one sponsor for the event so we want to keep the momentum going okay I have to contact because they want to do it this new yeah new group the new group which is I have a suggestion I'm sorry can we stop at July 4 it's eight months away but it's eight months away that's only a few August um we have August what let see August was but actually we're having break no we do either on the you have okay what Saturday do you have the H the 16th or the 23rd 16th or 23rd I can check with um what they're available see they're available okay and that that's going to be at the and that's August August 16th or 23rd I don't know when school starts you said there's no school Oh I thought there was school AUST that's the old that's not 26 no it's a that's another for americ so we can check that book talk book talk okay so that's going to be up to if the person whoever we pick TVA it's GNA be in September but TV September okay his Spanish heritage month is going to be okay I will tell you I already booked the date just to hold it let me tell you what I have did you book the 15 I booked Saturday October 4th for Hispanic heritage that only thing I'm telling with that is that Roberto Lonzo is yours right now if you want it but okay mid September to Mid October okay okay country to be determined any suggestions just please bring them next just bring I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry this is October which is next fiscal year we have 11 months to discuss a a country or stuff I'm sorry but it's true yeah but have get spons we have to get sponsor no but what he saying is that if you go into discussion of every event we're never going to finish tonight yeah right you should call subcommittees for those right and it's 11 months away yeah you can call the subcommittees there's other events that have to be happening beforehand so the CER the park is going to be crossed out because we already used to them okay so the the ones in red is for the next meeting yeah that's it okay so for sponsorship coordination research so these are subcommittees subcommittees I will remind you that per committee rules you guys have to call sub committee at a regular meeting and has to get approval that's why I mentioned okay so we we went over our we so we have dates we have dates let's recap just to make sure we're all on the same go concert in the park I have January 11 uh black history mon February 22nd women of Distinction March 15 uh a picture paint a picture for Mom May 10th Fourth of July no Father's Day junee 14 okay June 14th Father's Day thank you July 4th July 4th July 4th July 4th August 16 or 23rd based on artist availability Symphony Of Americas and September no date book talk Hispanic heritage September I mean October okay good that's what I have unless I miss something okay no we can if you guys want to call sub committee for anything coming up I would suggest you make that motion now okay which one is the most um well the what's coming up is the Mrs claw so we don't need one for those no uh January is the subcommittee would be for that concert we don't we don't want for that that was it you know are you guys I guess the question is are you guys meeting December because it's already November if you're meeting in December oh I don't know then that gives you an opportunity to talk about conert which you should probably be talking about the concert in December a month before not five days before okay so um but do you need a subcommittee no right why not no no we don't need a subcommittee for what would be in December I V 11 the 11th the 11th the 11th is the meeting yeah the 11 11 okay so what we can do is we can discuss in more detail EV so right now you're not calling any on that day we we create the sub okay so right now nothing okay yeah and then we have January to do if we need one for black history right exactly okay next item will be 7f Main Street Live um at one of our last meetings we we um approve or agreed to work with um the economic development committee with the merchants and so forth uh I'm going to be meeting with with them on the 19 I think this is the next economic development committee and um I I've been working on a list of performers I mean this is my only copy you can I can give it to you or whatever um these are the recommendations they have been submitting their their invoices and so forth I can pass this you can look at it this are the the number of bands that I've been contacting or performers um the ones in in in the the darker yellow or orange whatever is the ones that I've seen and I recommend this one the the Man Trap is a big big Orchestra and I think we should use that for the Fourth of July we can discuss that later but I think of all the groups I think that's the most because we we had Jackson bond for the last Fourth of July I think mantraa will be the best one than so you know you're welcome to look at this when are they trying to start sorry but when are they trying to start it January feary the Main Street Live that's the thing that going to discuss on on the 19th okay because I prepar this I prepared like a little 30 second video and they liked it I and if they approve it because we have to see if it's going to be every Friday night or if it's going to be once a month like we used to do it with the cult Affairs and then I know it's going to be January through June is when we have good weather and the time I think is is is relatively good but this area have to check I'll pass this around and then the logos I I I don't know if if the chamber is going to be involved in this so I need to work on the on the yeah if the town logo is going to be on it we have to that has to go to the communications okay well we should pass I think it was good that we put our town because it promotes our town so so um I mean I'm going to run this to Economic Development because they're the ones who going to be okay so right now that's going to be held from January to June but we don't have the dates we don't have the it could be every Friday okay because the budget we don't have a budget for that so they are the the merchants the economic development and the Chamber and the grams those four are going to be funding business but they're starting in January January so that mean December you guys have to have decide yeah we I've been sending the stuff to to the grants the invoices so they they wanted to when do we go to council for our um committee report in um but like you said we don't have money we don't have a budget but since we said when we I don't know if you were here I wasn't we that's why um I um but I propose to collaborate with them it would not cost us anything we will help them because says it all we don't have to worry about money our event originally we did it in 2005 it was like a like a experiment we had $4,000 no I was just asking because the budget it that would be too close no no no no no no this is I mean we are collaborating and if anybody else here wants to be part of this to help out I've been helping with the logistics getting the bands getting invoices and and like I said I want to meet with them to clarify you know what they want to put in the flyer of course this is like I said I did it it has to be approved by by the by the town and and everybody else but so far they liked it and I I may like mean I can show you real quick okay no that's okay Fel you have one more thing that you added onal lights uh we received an email from the town I think was no one who sent it and then today uh we have today was the last day but I'll check with Andrea if it's okay to respond by tomorrow anyway if we don't approve it I already I'm more volunteered to do it they wanted for us to maybe have a table they they we want it part of it to promote our committee um so what I was thinking if we could have some of the classers I think it's on the 23rd of November it's going to be a main on Main Street on November 23rd from 3:30 to 7:30 the farmers market is going to be open from 10: to 8 uh Diego asked me to promote I said no problem I it's here anyway I'm already and enjoy the farm market so um so if we have a table there I guess we can set up someplace uh I was thinking of I'll be out of town be um you know having like goodies and oh you know what I would like if you can get it for me the Little Wheel so we can you know just let me know when you're available and you can go pick it up at it's at Mary Collins that's where the story because what I was thinking is having our table because I know at the Fourth of July the the tattoos were very successful but it was a mess you couldn't take those no no but I was thinking and I'm actually actually already ordered them little stickies better yeah so about stickies candy cane they can you know and then the Flyers that people um if we could have a QR so people can just because when we'll have the dates of the events more or less and then at least I'll see what's coming because what was successful at the Fourth of July is that we had we we had this in our table and everybody was taking pictures and so forth and that helps us from you know to promote our events I created this quick one right and and basically everybody was oh my God this is what's coming so I think it's something that we can do and and helps our committee to maybe have their okay then I think you should ask who's going to be there to help you I was waiting for her to do the motion and discussion because that was going to be my next Mo so do I hear a motion to have a table at the you can motion I I make the motion to have a table for November 23rd at the festival lies on m i second it okay discussion discussion who's going to be there I'll be there should be able to be there too and from what time to what time you you going to have the is from 3:30 to 6:30 I mean no I'm sorry 3:30 to 7:30 so you want been there for four hours yeah we can we don't you don't have to you can come for two hours leave and then somebody else can come or be there I'll be there the whole time soon I will be in Atlanta sorry so be I'll be there Geraldine I should be able to as well Geraldine Justin anybody else yeah you want to go okay okay thank you Jackie Felicia Jackie Felicia Geraldine and Justin okay and repeat the dates and time you can take November 23rd um 3:30 to 7:30 yeah we should be there by 3 330 3:30 yeah okay I'll be there early so just show up and guess back by the way that's a very and just FYI that is the week that uh the Saturday before Thanksgiving week and there's no school that whole week so a lot of people might be down but still get no I'm just I'm just that place gets packed forever especially if you're tellum okay so there's four of us are going to be there perfect I should do it and if we could have the flyer for the excuse me excuse me Madam shair we need to vote Yes oh okay sorry okay U Geraldine second right we had discussion discussion a vote is everyone in favor everybody in favor I I against favor of the table the table parp sorry participating lights okay okay if anybody wants to attend the what I say the budget no no the the upcoming event for this for the Main Street Live with the economic development you're welcome to come is at 5:30 that's when that's for the main street life the I'm in I'm in the agenda so the meeting what day the meeting is uh nove no November yeah November 19th at 5:30 so here yeah here so anyways so we'll be discussing to finalize you know the dates and November 19th is uh oh okay it's on a Monday that's so Tuesday Tu Tuesday this coming Tuesday so yeah we need to get this going I mean I've been working on this for a while months months months but if you already have the band say speaking them and the voices they already have it's just them selecting which one they want to be the first one for General and some of them yeah and some of them um have been contacting me because they're doing their own schedule yeah you have a good group because you got the Chamber of Commerce has money the GRS have money the merchants and and who else the town I guess no no the town okay the merchants Economic Development ecomic development are they part of the Town yeah well it's a commit okay is there any suggested wardrobe for this just bring your C bring yeah yeah yeah your new one the polo the one you just got for the culture Affairs to no okay not to have a Santa's I get you don't wor we'll get you the head you want you want a a headband an elf hat or an elf hat would be cute my my bells on my toes what is say budget status okay uh I you have two minutes to don't have it I always include the report for you guys okay so we table it and we'll discuss there's no tbling I don't give report for you guys I always print a on page 16 okay okay any announcements I was going to say uh the F life but that was part of the comments uh our next meeting is December 11th which and we're going to discuss the events in more detail so do I hear a motion to a Jour you can do make the motion make the motion9 what's the time 929 no9 you haven't changed your clock I second it Felicia votee yes vote Felicia vote okay all in favor I I