##VIDEO ID:D7jitmLAotk## you guys are like just call the meeting to order we got to put the 21st I think you I call thise to order the chair at 304 304 do we have secretary roll call Blanco present since [Music] June order of business I'm going to add the October 28 minutes to adoption of minutes make a motion to add [Music] I any public comments online no adoption minutes motion to approve October 28 minutes and it is October 2th right yeah it was yes motion to motion to Second yeah motion two second I second is there a motion to approve for November 18th yes minutes motion on the old business at the November meeting we have agreed to defer it I make a motion to defer old business items 1 through 5 to January 27th 2025 bab budget amend u b meeting is that the next meeting is that the next meeting on that our meeting for January falls on Mon Lu King so you said the 27 right which would be okay but I think she needed to obtain the appr she needed to right that's why I asked her that's why I asked I asked that and you guys are also going to have to move your February it also falls on the H right it is on the H I saw that too while I have you guys um would you guys be okay with moving your meeting to the third Tuesday instead I mean not the third Tuesday well sorry third Mondays you are currently on the third Monday good so except January and February are you guys available the 21st be 21st at 7 is that a Monday that's Tu that's a Tuesday January right January January so this is this is no conflict January 21st I think is a town meeting sorry that's a town meeting January the day changed January 14th is what I need January 14th yeah that's fine the 700 PM work for you guys I'm not gonna say that I don't know I don't know I I well doesn't know either so is that a Tuesday yeah I I probably won't be here big chance I won't be might be in Tass actually I know you're going to be no no no that's made wrong that's not that's actually has four blasting that's the legisl have to be in so you guys being we haven't talked that as a Comm we haven't but I think I'm just saying because then we need to do it today I'll make a motion I the town is going to be inass that day I'll make a motion to add it to new business item yes 73 okay 73 we spoke about at last meeting we just didn't elaborate and if you notice it's also on the Town Council report yeah I think we need to iron that out today as well so 14 is not going to work yeah before I want to be in tah hasy regardless bab P Miami Lakes I'm with go to Miami chamber so you guys know and it's a 14th 15th and 16th so do you want to do the 27th or the that's what but now now that you brought to our attention that we that we or you might go on those days right I think we should meet earlier in January because so today we're going to touch the subject but if we want to like iron out the logistics it's good to have a meeting in the books beforehand just in case well the logistics is the house bill that forb already submitted to committee so he should be giving us a copy of that bill or it should be calendared got he doesn't here so calendar I looked up yesterday it was was and I need to know that I need I know I know I know I know Mead might be benal discuss any of those things we already have it in the I'm he those things so Tuesday you want Tuesday the 7th let's agree that let's agree that the next meeting is January 27th that's what she's trying to say though that maybe you need the earlyer earlier it's a health Bill we've done this numerous she means to discuss the logistics right I don't mean to discuss the bill because obviously we can all receive the bill via email and and that's good enough but in order to confirm if we're gonna go up to Talahi I know that you're going regardless regardless yeah regardless you know I agree I agree we don't need we can cancel it but I would feel better having it before as a just in case cuz once next week kids that's it it's holiday mode and we're not going to discuss anything I know I 73 we can discuss it then which 73 I just added he just added s let's get through the agenda oh seven seven it doesn't say seven I'm what you got so let's go back those five those five points I think so we're right to so the deferral deferral M what if it's not the 27th is available that's what we're trying to figure out right now you have to tell us so I am not available to meet with you guys the 6 or the 7th I would be available to meet the 8 but it would be at 8:30 p.m. because there's already meeting staying place at day or unless you want want to meet during the day then it could be today if it's during daytime what do you mean by daytime 4:00 like if it's during work hours I Tuesday like today yeah but I don't know if that works for your day I always prefer daytime right I know you preer earlier I think I I don't think say January 7th okay at what time 3 p.m. at 3 P.M okay see I think so I'm around right now so I'm going to motion to defer old business items 1 through 5 to January 7 7th 2025 at 3 p.m. what item was that or six 6 oh business I made a motion second second second and then I'll bring that item down here on the on my yeah that's fine business um you the chair Town counsel report Ruby have that it's fine yeah have you know pretty much the attendance record of it have the budget of it you know and uh so forth with the initiatives that we're trying to do is really the main thing we've outreached with the municipalities M Mar andal there's still dealing with a lot of issues uh especially with an incinerator issue although it's been put on hold over there right so we it's been deferred over there but I'm still reaching out to those two municipalities to try to see if they because they're still Blas maybe minimal but it's still going on and they're feeding it very strongly in both of those municipalities so I'm trying to reach out with them I think one of our council members stepen still would like a workshop with them to determine would be good to work with other municipalities that are being affected this one with the great M chamber we just had a decision by them and um it was it was put on hold for for them to represent us and help us in Tallahasse they like the idea but they want to see the bill they want to see the bill that Tom foru everybody does so that day that's going to happen probably early January as soon as Fu has the bill you Esther prin will be invited with me to go to the government Affairs committee if you guys want to come go to Mi Chamber of Commerce help me out with uh presenting everything that you know because the more people we have there that day the better it is stepen is going to go and our mayor some of residents right and residents too so I will let you know exactly the date and the time is usually during the day not hopefully ahead of time so and ahead of time that's with PJ Campbell and Joan got who are the heads of the uh government Affairs committee I know that it's not scheduled it's usually it's usually a Tuesday it's usually a Tuesday during the day okay like from 2 to 3 January in January yeah yeah yeah yeah I have a meeting with them next Tuesday so I'll know next Tuesday the that that's going to be because Tom from what I understand he's he's working on the bill and so the committee their committee to approve us to represent us and Lobby for us they need to know what the bill is make s f of course that say if it's on January 7th that means it would conflict with the might be the seventh might be the eth well the seventh is a Tuesday that's what I'm saying because I know they meet on Tuesday they us on Tuesday that's correct that's correct I'm just saying find just in case just so you know okay right will let me know I you I would let you know sooner or later I I'll know by the 10th I know by next Tuesday this Tuesday coming up I don't know so you're just sing possibility that 74 right right it might not work because if it falls on that specific then or we might push it later does that mean that you would want to move that January meeting to another date or you'll just wait till your Fe why we just move it to Wednesday the because we know for sure that the realators meet on Tuesdays the eth you said you had availability at 8:30 p.m. but okay at 3 yeah okay so let's do Wednesday the 8th at Wednesday the it just makes more sense so let's reify January 8th Wednesday at 3M this way we yeah for sure makes sense so I make a motion to uh accept the report by Rudy is there a second I just needy my name just so that you with a c a c CH okay so I always put her name with an h and everything I see doesn't have an H so I need to know I have f r a n CH H CH H yeah oh chest chest e s c right okay and everything I have seen in all these minutes okay and I keep on having to take the H away thinking I'm you're right you're right and then um who appointed me I was about to look it up in the in the town site because I think it was it doesn't say it I I was looking on the side to see if I found he he's the one that took over the no it was whoever was the vice mayor yes you were under alare but but let's double check because I don't know why I feel like it was goasu like it's I know it's one of I I I put the new date but I didn't put the appointment because I didn't know the name that's fine I can I have the roster here so you were appointed by quos I was appointed by I think probably yeah Tony Fernandez or or rings Bell and Alvarez Rings Bell I used to be Alvarez B it was for but as of current like your current since you've been back on you were you're fernandz yeah I wrote that's why I Fernand she'll resolve that for us yeah yeah the next the next item was a trip to T of of my project the report we just discuss it next time discuss okay so I prepared the cic appreciation um for the five six members that Isle gave me the list for 2024 um is there a motion to accept certificates as presented yeah I saw a certificate I saw I have a question about that I think we should put a a base time frame that the person participated on the commune committee before we recognize them because if they were here for one month and didn't really get involved then I don't know if recognizing them is the right decision but if we're doing it the same across the board regardless of the time then I approve the list well this is the first time it's ever been done and these are just the members in 2024 um you want to do more homework and just let this go then just not not do it because it's been going on for three months yeah and this is the last time in 24 we might meet as a group right so the only reason why I'm making a comment is because Juan Sano was a member for only a month so everybody else is entirely fine obviously they deserve a recognition but if somebody was with us for such a short period of time I don't know um if if you guys don't disagree then send it to the whole list I would just prefer just to send this at the first time because I know of current members well members who actually sitting at the council who didn't serve for a long time either okay and it's the first point so maybe the 2025 will be able to adhere to the time frame okay like for example right now it's only s33 yes sir you vote Yes for it or not keep the yeah I vote to keep the list so you can at least start the process keep the list or or you think no no no I just had the comment about the but I think about the time for the next around in 2025 that yeah might be right now there's three people who are really on the committee there's somebody who's been asking for 6 months right and something that's got to be resolved yeah yes the next motion by Rudy second by Francesca um the next item is a trip to Tallahassee I believe that the date is January 15 14 I apologize um I know that is when we will know before that the bill I know it went to committee as a draft as a draft right it's it's in committee as a draft I would like to go to Tallahasse yeah okay I believe last time we flew what did we fly the American Airlines no Del was it doesn't I think it was American fight American Airlines there's a fight already scheduled no government Affairs committee they already have everything at that time and everything else on your own or whatever I'll send I'll send that information and the hotel and everything like 169 a night right because if it's open then those days 14 come back come back to 60 so if you go would you be going on our budget or their budget I'm only asking question I'll find out on I'll find out see what I'm saying no pay yeah just let me know well a motion for that today we haven't discussed cost well that's why I'm asking Rudy if he know you can vote a certain up to amount the date I know the date is the 14th or 16th let me let me send you the information I know somebody's up there today some is many people there busy many people out there because everybody jary govern might not be here many people not be here moving around many I know as you know I know I just can't talk a lot maybe 2025 is going be very different very different I might be yes we might that's another that's another issue that's be discussed once you tell you sent us the information um I penciled in those dates just in case um well we normally go the date that the bill actually goes to the floor we don't stay all three days the counts life but we don't um so we're there the day is actually on the 4th so we have to and it's either going to be the 14th or 15th or the 16 right that's what I'm saying I I reserved those three days just to keep it open for for me um and then once we get closer we'll figure out exactly what and I'll start checking the prices once you tell me which flight it is for January 14th because I know that flight is currently running it's flight number 3858 American Airlines let me write that sorry borrow your pen leaves at 7:40 a.m. arrives in tahash at 9:14 a.m. 3858 that means you're taking that morning flight because you have an item on the floor on the 14th 14 we went we went at night because we didn't have an item we didn't plus that's that's what they that's what they've done already you know and and and everything else then it comes back flight number 3709 Thursday January 16th from Tallahasse to Miami it comes back at 525 [Music] it leaves at it leaves at 3:58 we arrive in Miami 525 we won't be doing that because obviously we don't we only go day on then uh those are those dates so I make a motion um to and the hotel is two night rate of 169 at the aoft inah hotel the aoft hotel has a a l o f t and how much did you get it for 16 169 two nights is there any way a when I have time I'll call you to see where we stayed last year do you to say you this last year we stayed at dry Hotel I'll put it up now I don't remember the Julie when I went no I'm saying the trip that I went to last for taking advantage of this block of rooms is December 13th by next Friday that's I'm just saying repeating I'm repeating what what what what we have what uh so when you guys last year in November last November no no you were in February you were in February sweet thank you this was the November trip conference sze yeah November trip was conference what did i s it to you what what [Music] are your email so it's not yes in February wasy [Music] Plaza well no eser I don't care which flight and I don't care which hotel yes so am I looking it for you guys if so I just need you to send me the link in the information okay so I'm going to do the research tonight if not tomorrow dep how I get home if it's time for me to take a nap and I'll send you everything so at least we have an idea so you can book but I need you guys to send me the link where I'm just making payment yeah we will the problem is we need to speak can you speak with Alia it's going to be on the floor I got know that too well when I when we did it the time that I went last year it was booked like a couple days in advance because we didn't know if it was the one day or the other we did it like four days ahead of time I mean it going to be in January yeah yeah yeah so you guys only the only reason we're saying this of the date is get that price got to be done by the 13th January well I need I need that like in my inbox on Monday if you guys expect it to be done by end of next week because I am working on a very big listen to you right now so if it's last minute I'm not going to be able to help you unless you guys just want to get reimbursed I'll get Reed M don't I know last year you guys got reimbursed I mean either way fine everybody got Reb last year if it is the last minute I would suggest you guys but I got I got I got I'm going next week I I don't foresee you booking anything next week okay unless that day magically gets confirmed by Fabo on okay can you touch face with him so can I have one of you designated I guess like point of contact for you know for deciding that letting we know how we're doing that you okay yes so I'm going based off and worst case if she doesn't have time you could just use my card and we can we can handle it okay okay so um those obviously we're not going to exceed the budget for the Tallahasse trip because that amount is res was like two two trips [Music] M when we requested the 7500 we talked about going January March the end of the year this year and then early next year but this year since we didn't go well the session is is later the session is not early it's later it's bigger group I will say right bigger group the session this may finish May so I have direction from you guys is the idea to uh send all of you up including the missing member three of you two of you what's the well I want to know what the direction from the committee so I know make a motion that um ranesa Rudy and eser Es no we understood you don't worry I'll second I know January 14th 15th or 16th legislative meeting in Tallahasse I second everybody in favor I and through the chair um I I will communicate as soon as he gets some dat who should be doing the contact with that's right right is that okay that okay yes absolutely um so the next once it's link once it's linked that has the address the the dates and all that do you want the link I'll s but you already told us the 14 to 16 and the a hotel right that's it I'll send you the I'll send you the link yeah you know already which Who's Who and who's what I feel like regardless we might need a car r because since you're mention um you know we need I will find out out yes yes okay no don't worry I'm not we'll find I'll know everything I'll know everything on Tuesday for sure I'll know everything by the 10 that's about I know by the 10th thank youy if you know by the 10th we have enough have enough time 13 to and not dve he's got a full so the next item is O open discussion I'd like to mention that the name next meeting is rescheduled for January jary 7th 8 8th excuse me January 8th a Wednesday at 3 pm all in favor I I make a motion to adjourn second a meeting is adjourned at