order um yes um trette present Barbara iisa Torres present Geraldine amandola [Music] Jacqueline mine Sana Z Justino Charles James Elsa R and Felicia SAR just text me that he's gonna be a but you have thank you very much um well glad we have a good group today um any public comments any comments no I'm here for the oneth of July that I see here any defer addition of deletions to the agenda on let's move on review and approval of the minutes did anybody read any any comments okay I have a a quick comment which is fixable it's um I don't think they fix but when I read them there were a lot of ppers so just make sure to use the what is it the [Music] hear motion to minutes as noted or or fix make a motion to approve the minutes second um together something quick um hope everybody read it I don't want to read it again to everybody but basically you know we had our our council meeting where we presented our and there was some people present there some members which happen I think it's the first time we have so many members at and um and as you can see I mentioned the you clance and um and then regarding um the second item law um I will be requesting for the chancel to review the rules because it's I think it's it's too complacent and it's it's making people not you know participate or commit as we want for all the other L that need to be especially oure which is very active um request to the staff to um activate the r of cows we have a couple of people that are interested in either buying a cow or repaint actually St with the if I'm making the last meeting the the cow in the library they're going to be remodeling it and the director said that he wants to do the cow with her Library logo so I said well you know first of all we need to move the cow it's going get destroyed by the contractors so we we that's the opportunity to just move the cow some place we pick an artist or the town picks an artist or we see we can do it um I know of an artist has she will do the art for three so that's good so um basically that's you know was like I said the down to activate because we have the form actually actually edited to include the the new um Town um The Garden Club did that years ago yes Yes actually the the landscape where the cow stands so yeah there there they're going too it because it's fading is and I think the arst already passed away she was an elderly that was her first so and the last item for question town is to UPG update our database for for current artists and musicians we have several artists that are interested in in doing artw workk and musicians that want to um you know participate and and unfortunately um Matthew May is not here because we spoke with um with them regarding collaborating on event which shall bring up next time because he's not here so I want to here to to speak to to the and last but not least um the current budget it was change right it's a part of everybody's package back here yeah 39,500 [Music] and there's one item here that I need to make sure it veryify okay uh any questions on the budget before we move on on the chairperson's report um I hear a lot of suggestions direction from the chair um there are a lot of things here that the committee has not voted on so just in case your things that you guys want to move forward on please make sure to bring it up as an agenda item so that there could be a proper motion a discussion and direction for sta I believe about all most of the items so there's a request about reinstating previous attendance um I believe that that's a suggestion from the chair I don't think that the committee has discussed it so if this is going in front of council requests we do need a committee direction for it okay I'll great um and then I do see a request for staff for the wheel of C program um I do need next steps on that this was discussed sometime last year there was instructions given to the chairperson on what we would need to do and I went back 10 minutes and a lot of when that was going to come up on your agenda you guys diverted and it was never brought up so this is something that does need to be discussed and motion done by the committee I'm happy to reshare the instructions on that as well and I see a request of staff to help current artist missan database so again if that's a topic of discussion any suggestions we we did create the database just that it needs to be updated and the need to help us that need if I need to know if the committee wants any changes to the database as is as you men is made so okay I do think that if there's any Direction coming from the chair it should be discussed with the committee has any of you been that to access the database and view to see if you [Music] think chair just so that we're here on I guess on agenda items I would ask that those updates any motions anything that needs come from those items would be added as agenda items so that following uh the flow of the agenda better thank you okay now we go to Old business Independence Day that's our main since we haven't been able to do a subcommittee meeting on it um we're going to most of most of the the discussion tonight hopefully will be to review whatever sending you know and have um I use an update yeah so the event is already pretty much coordinated at this point we are two weeks out from the event all Logistics are done all sponsors are in we are accepting sponsors for another 10 days but at this point it's only the lower tier sponsors um I've shared sponsorship packages with all of you I've shared I put together a list of budget expenses sponsors and food vendors that you'll have at the event so there's a summary of that for you guys also attached as part of the agenda if you have any questions feel free to let me know um thank you to Justin for helping me with the food vendors and thank you Felicia for the national anthem and thank you to the chair of the veterans committee for the presentation of colors but that's really all I have colors but right I'm waiting on him to confirm that but yes that's part of the opening ceremonies that take place at 6:30 they do [Music] colors anym [Music] okay very good um any confirmations on the because I know I spoke actually with u where is iture yeah oh no no I don't think they're GNA participate I spoke to them last Saturday regarding they are part of um a group that of the venders that are coming through the farmers market so I'm not removing them because I haven't heard anything from them it's they are confirmed for the farmers market so person they did it last year okay they make gr bananas by the way but it's the process it's instead of bringing them made they make them there and it's time consuming for them because you know but now that you mentioned food vendors um we are pretty much done with food vendors we're not accepting anymore because at this point then there would not be enough it is a total of 20 I think there may be one or that are not on this list when the agenda was generated if that's the case I will send you guys an update list but also um just so you know the website is being updated periodically for residents to review all there is to do at the event okay so we can make more money that would be even better if we can get the little tier ones of $500 which I thought we're going to get more of those but I'm happy that we're getting a lot of the U Platinum Platinum and silver okay um any questions anybody what are the official times the event third time is 6:30 p.m. however food vendors I guess if it's I know we usually meet anyways like a week before but we do have food vendors that start arriving as early as 2m that's the time they're given um so at that time you'll see some cars load up Diego from the farmers market is helping with the logistics of that of like setting them up so if you see him running around just know that he part of us doing that um so he'll guide them to their stations wherever they're supposed to be located and then we also have sponsored tables that will be there and those are going to be set up by 5:30 is what we're asking them to um there is an event map that has been shared on on on our website for residents um and I can when we meet I guess I can also print it out for you guys as well if needed 6:30 are they planning on doing starting the actual that's the time we have the ceremony set on we just discussed yeah the DJ starts playing music at 6 p.m band arrives at 3 for sound check and the stages drop the night before the day before I should say which I sent an email to so as a because I normally ask to do round just for security purposes I know somebody used what time is the fireworks cuz I saw two different times the fireworks start at 9 if you see anything else let me know I know you're good about letting us know yeah and then obviously the censor room is taking place in Mary po Community Center do we have a poster or a flyer or anything I am unsure the committee it sounds like the committee that committee voted on doing a sign or something no no no I'm saying on do we have an official time am July oh that's what's being posted through all social media you want me to share like a DAT tag on it yeah thank you fireworks to start at 9:00 nine n okay um so again these are I I want to highlight the fact that these are all details that are shared with our residents they're aware as well so the timeline you're still working on and then you send me a draft the timeline yes it's is anyone from the committee going to be there I'm just asking so that I the timeline is really just stop making sure that be there the one detail that I do have outstanding that on those need committee support is usually the MC um I had this discussion with Felicia she said she's willing to do the MC for the event is that correct or if not I would like to discuss Char with me yeah with you yeah it's good okay great thank you that's be here is last year you weren't here last year it was me and and Elizabeth yeah and it was very hot so for you volunteers will be [Music] attention I think J I'll wait for there um so the other two are in um any questions about the inflatable games is that they Char is 3353 yes so we do a fund Zone area and that's what's sponsored by there's two sponsors sponsoring that some some Tak care well they pay us and we we we um coordinate the efforts of f are we getting the the people that you mention they are called we fund okay yeah we improving from what we had last year it's a lot better okay good on this is 18 yeah I think there's two that came in after so um it it'll be updated on the website oh yeah it's I love the playlist what yeah that's that's a band that's that's and um last year we had the band and they they so I play the same music as the DJ so I have a list which is basically the same list that we had last year I think the only song that is the same is one so it's good because we we're going to play you know piic songs and and um happy music dance want to dance so it's gonna be last year people survive so excuse me any questions yes calendar shows uh fireworks display will start at 9:30 p.m. on the website on the event part where it says upcoming events upcoming events in the say oh I see what you mean okay thank you normally I think we have it at m 30 so it's 6:30 it's 6:30 to 10:30 with DJ starting at 6 right no I'm gonna have them update this okay because the event um will be done by 9:30 if anything probably a few minutes sooner um I am I getting an exact time on when the fireworks will be done uh previously it used to be a 25 minute show but that was years ago prices have gone up and our budget is the same so therefore the minute the the length has been stilled up it's shortened right yes it I have a quick question regarding the fireworks because last year there was no synchronization between the music and the fireworks and there was some laps um I don't know how we can fix that because it we had a meeting with the firks company before they were great I mean they would have the CD look at it or listen to it and but last year it was like also I I don't see where it mentions um cultural Affairs committee with the town putting this on or the sensory room from Special Needs entertainment and activities headline uh section says special needs Advisory Board will be hosting games so I have to click like three places okay got it yes it's under entertainment and activities and cultural Affairs logo is placed on the event map which is being shared through all social media perfect thank you so the timeline the the final timeline you're going to sent to us right so we know what time need to be there so we should be there event setup starts as of morning up so right so I'm just I'm just saying if you guys3 I think whoever's going to volunteer should be there by what what volunteer functions um will you guys be doing just so I not it down helping people that handing out the we're going to be handing out stuff no um usually Council hands out the beach balls that are those sponsored ones and the and the flags but sure you guys can also assist with that you think six o' and that's done after the opening ceremony so if you guys meet me on stage I'll send you the timeline and if you meet me on stage where after say Opening Ceremonies I have them to we need also if there any dignitaries that we have to percent we need to know who arrives and who it is there because that's how we did it last year and also so as that's a very last minute thing from what I remember last year as of right now the only confirmations we have are our counil so then we have to be there by 6 or earlier six will be good yeah it gets very hard um by the way I under entertainment activity there it does say fireworks at 9 yeah I'm looking it's the preview that's wrong yes we're going to have a nine-hole minii golf yes you you have been coordinating the request from the Jackson bundu if they need to because I I don't think we need to have a table ourselves we're not going to be it's l a couple of years ago we had games and stuff but this year we don't have anything so either we use our t for us to sit there on the side of course not not in the middle because in the middle you're going BL the view to the stage is um are they being provided with like a backstage kind of they I think they requested that we are giving them a tent that we have from the town with some chairs they requested food and refreshments okay so they have their T so our 10 yeah the town set it up if we want to but set up what exactly I'm sorry remember last year we had our our table well the town has a tent now we have a brand new town tent so we were thinking of using that for for um the Jacks and Bun group oh for for them oh okay yeah no I was thinking for us to you know unless you bring your chair and you sit in the like we normally do so okay we'll we'll figure something out so but bring make sure the you know the tent is there available in What tent the C tent the blue one the blue okay um yeah that's in Mary Collins do you need it pulled out I need to know in advance so that it's built into the T IOP let's have it there in case we need to set it up too hot or whatever for people you know being shade so where exactly are we putting this I only ask because at this point we've already mapped up the entire event uh I think last year we put it next to the stage so do you guys want your I I will mention that your tent is not branded it's just a blue like it's a regular blue tent so you guys want that next to the stage next to the DJ yeah and we [Music] out that's all that's all I think we have to hand out because I don't want to have too much t we can make like a big poster that uh question about the stage uh last time we discussed to use because we didn't know what our budget was going to be to we selected this stage the was for 10,000 and you said that we could upgrade it how we have to like get thee upgade yes I you guys would have to that that's a huge expense upgrading it is a huge expense okay um but this one is sufficient for what we need it right so I mean there's always bigger and better stages but at this point you're also two weeks out I don't think the vendor is going to have anything available for you maybe next year we did I mean but but it's better than what we have last year it's a lot better okay good that's all I needed to know okay uh any other questions Okay so I think unless you have a question for later I think we're done with 7 a um questions sorry do we have to vote on any of this um usually so ideally the committee would you know work on most of these details I know we were a little behind this year so stock took charge and making sure things were done because and I and and I thank you for that no this we just needed to make sure I mean you guys I know you guys would agree this is like probably the biggest most important event so just we just had to move on things so totally understand okay and if we get more more uh sponsors We'll add more money to to we do yeah so I mean if you want me to highlight a couple of the things that we were we raised um based on I want to say the enthusiasm and how sponsors received it as you can see like a lot of them were willing to to give money for this um we have some ideas on how to elevate the package for next year because now we we anticipate receiving those dollars um so the package will be much pricier next year and it will allow us to elevate the events um so the fund Zone as opposed to last year is going to be a lot better this year um we rented out like uh mine mentioned the nine hole mini golf um we did you're going to see like a carnival game there and stuff like that um so that's it's more expensive but it's a lot nicer um the stage is better than last year's um and what else um we are going to have a videographer last year we did not have one so we're going to have a videographer we're able to to budget for that so like that we can recap the event acknowledge the sponsors and use it for promotion for next year um and then we're trying to see if we can get maybe budget for the nicer toilets I I make no promises I'm still that's one of the details I'm still finalizing um we we have more light towers per police requests which takes additional funds and else yeah I think those are just a couple of the things but um overall we do plan on on we need to start planning at least eight months to a year before or sponsorship I think what was great that you guys did was confirm the bandw in advance because people do get booked out report last and I think we may have event for next year so um which mention next one one thing that I would suggest is you know keeping the sponsorship I mean you want to make them you know the one that you show for 12 spring was like of course it's a big city and later you know um but um I think it's a good idea to upgrade the sponsorship amount but I would I would keep the the food trucks no the food trucks are not going to go upart yeah and I know this is kind of assessing it out to see um because we want to make sure that they obviously make profit off of it no no this is more in relation to the sponsorship levels and what it includes and the prices for them okay good okay anything else okay good thank you everybody for putting this together at the last moment it was was I was getting nervous but at least we and thanks to Al and and everybody else who contributed to this so that may just oh um yeah we yeah we're getting ANS $0000 I and she's very good by the way I met her and I told her I I've heard her singing and I mentioned this and I said to her I want you to give us a we Houston moment so let's see she's she's very young but she's very tough so okay next item fishing tournament yes well as you all we had to cancel the fishing tournament from last Saturday and good thing that we did because it was raining that morning um the town manager indicated if uh possibly we can move it reschedule it to this Saturday June 22nd uh the fish bait guy is going is willing you know to switch the dates he's not willing to give us a refund on the bait but he is willing to do it Saturday if we agree to um switch it over to June 22nd the pter party I think that still might be feasible we were thinking of changing it as opposed to putting it in the Gram's property putting it across the Street in the Veterans Park because we were having an issue when we were H calling the vendor to pick it up and drop it off it would they wouldn't be able to do it at the time frame that the manager from the grams wanted us to have it picked up and because we don't want to have any issues you know with leaving it in their parking lot longer than what they want us to uh we thought maybe we can have it on the veterans which is just across the street and since it's our property we don't have an issue with them picking it up um everything has been bought except for the the because of the weather and we knew pretty much it was going to get canceled but all the other items we have them we purchase them um it just they're waiting either for this year or or next year I would like to make a motion if we can move the event for the Father's Day fishing trip to this Saturday June 22nd same time 8 to 11: second second by discussion all I have a couple of questions um we have list of the people who signed up and how many because I mean it's a very short notice from now till Saturday enough time to advertise this so it's not ideal um however I think that the thought process was um trying to just get it back up since it's related to poliy um but really again up to the committee that's just a suggestion from staff um and yes of course we do have the registrations it's done through a and a collects their personal information when they sign my question was how many do you sign up um I can check for you do we have the updated low the new date for the flyer the flyer so um staff already has the information ready to go we just need to know if you guys you know if this is something you guys want to yes and for discussion my one thing is if we already invested in the bait which is the biggest item it's like over $500 and he's willing to do it on this Saturday I mean as opposed to just losing the $500 um my question is if he brings the B have to we so the day he you know he's basically either use it or I don't know lose it B no well actually he can he can resell it but but anyways um but no I want to be here we he was clear that we would not be getting a refund he's just willing move it to another so the bottom line is do we have the event or we don't it's everything's already paided for except the toilet except the toil ex to oh which by the way the toilet we were able to get it a significantly decrease in the price so M more we're under budg how much like I think it's going to be like $63 63 bucks oh yep that's I think mad should be the one getting the quotes next yeah she stood at itth okay that makes me very happy because I was very concerned with that uh but again my main concern is do we have enough time to advertise this and get get enough people there uh I know you know we have the are you going to get the raffle stuff I can get the raffle stuff that's not an issue and we have all the things the only thing is I understand maybe you know some people might not you know become aware in one week period but regardless we will still we will still lose the bait you know it's can we get the signage out to show that the new date for the fishing is a 22nd yeah we we can I just need we put also can we contact the people that had already committed for the um I I just pulled up the Reg cretion and it was 49 people that signed up so really you that's really what you're you're now going back and telling them hey we are um postponing the event for the Saturday if you're available you're always going to have the risk of maybe a few not being available but that's a good I think we're like limited on to we need to let them know and we need to advertise our social media correct yeah soon as soon um let's see what else so we to get the Raffles we got the sponsors were very understanding and with us I know Joshua hery told me he available Brian I haven't reached out to him but he pretty much didn't have an issue last all right so let's vote all in favor of having the event for Father's Day a motion I did do a motion this was discussion can you rep the motion again the motion is to have the Father's Day fishing was rescheduled to this Saturday June 22nd Time same time 8 to 11 8 to 11 all in favor any n hearing n motion passes hope we a good turnout that's and the location for the toilet make sure we coordinate oh by the way I forgot to mention um I don't know if You' been to the site itself I I goove by uh that Saturday the afternoon the water is pretty high and it was a good day it stopped raining and it was a perfect day for fishing because you know it was cloudy so it wasn't sunny all that but they're doing Road Rec so there was no access to the parking so let's I don't know we may have to have someone in there guiding the people because unless they fix that a week ago there's no you know was I was there yesterday I think the parking now was finished because a lot of the sidewalk was done I don't remember that but the entrance to the parking was like blocked yeah it had like little it was like a one way thing and when I when I turned into it there was another car coming I was like you want to get my card think so uh yeah we need to verify that to make sure and have somebody guide the people as they show up because that is you know they may not know you know they see may just go home or something you know and I don't want that to happen but than that to be fine just hope we get anything are you going to take pictures are you going to go okay oh well now forgot to ask how many people G to be there seven I'm not able so we're going to have Char um oh one last thing um you have the copies of the yes I will get them everything the fishing log fish details and the win the list well you have the list so I think it was three things the individual log and then the winners log the winners yeah because we have to gr the first SP the biggest fish is Steam and so so it's three things that we have to okay good oh and the tables for the sponsor yes so the only difference is three tables this year last time we had one table yes yes three tables two sponsors I want you and I have two boxes of fish trackers I know we have we have the snacks right yeah um we purchased the chip and the water chips in the water CHS in the water okay sounds good to me okay thank you tette uh symy of the Americas um well we have confirmed for August 17 finally they took forever and they send an invoice um I have a um preliminary I did this before I got the invoice from then and the last page yeah I I put an estimate of $4,000 and I think the invoice came in as 3,900 um I tried uh send an email to to the church and I called them again today I still don't have a a an invoice regarding Han tuning or the fee last year I think it was $500 um I think do we have another meeting before this yeah yeah July 10 July oh hold on now that you say say July 10 for next month your meeing is actually going to be July 17 uh there was an issue on the calendar no July ju7 so I know I W to I want and I'll remind you guys via email I just want to make sure I know you guys normally have have it on the second of the month but just for the month of July it is going to be uh the third of the month because there was a conflict with the schedule okay so July 17 so we still same time 7 pm. 7.m okay I change it here and I'll send an email to the other committee members okay so um yeah because we need to make sure that I mean I think that the amounts will be almost the same uh I have the Ser the servings I mean the the food and water and ice it's normally and you have my uh what is event form and and please everybody that's doing events submit the event form to aisle I haven't seen what's going to be provided in either one that that's coming up I you have that one and the youth activity same day same type on the calendar for the 17 yeah I don't think the youth activities one was corre it's not showing up in Community Conference I had it from before here in the the town website view it it shows both same day okay um I'll give with dinina but you guys should be fine because I don't see them on the correct calendar okay so anything they'll probably have to move it regarding I'll bring it okay regarding [Music] is $5,000 and I think we budget the option one would be 5,75 which is you know if we have the 3,900 I think we're oneing budget and if we do the the option two we don't have the piano tuning so that will bring it even down more so uh any wants to make a motion to approve this budget as it is you said make a motion or were you making a motion no I'll make a motion to approve the budget second discussion second Gerald okay so the the budget will be I'm going to say option one $575 and the performance Fe will be$ 3,900 oh by the way we lost the $165 right remember want to move donation uh that's uh so as a reminder Your sponsorship dollars get used first your uh gu donation anything external gets used first before the budget funds so that was used before the budget was even yeah unfortunate we couldn't given and I I do want to highlight I think I don't know if I sent it to you the entire committee so I'll make the comment now um we are not the committee is not to put out any cash baskets for this event if the musicians wish to be tip them at their own discretion can put out a basket but that money should not be handled through the committee okay and I also want to highlight the fact that the committee does not have uh does not have to scr to just donate funds back to anybody which was kind of the issue that happened last year um I'll remind you that right now we have a pending I believe $600 I'll go back to my notes for Main Street players that you guys had requested to donate from your budget but I'll remind you that for you guys to do that you have to go through Council to get approval for that very specific uh funding so keep that in mind I believe this was the the first time we ever donate our donations to the performers because we've been doing the donation baskets like forever and we've kept that money for ourselves to help you know you know make some M for for the event so let's let's keep but I just unfortunately that wasn't how it was presented and the people including Consul Garcia he thought that the donations was going to the actual musicians and not the committee the thing is that the so the problem was that this was not communicated to staff in advance and this was kind of just put out the day had you guys brought this up to me I would have happily cified it for you unfortunately I had to deal with that after the fact after the events so so to clarify this so now we cannot have a basket at all no the committee the committee is not to handle cash the committee is not to hand and also when we present this event to the community when we promote it we don't we put it out as a free event if you guys want to charge for your events you guys can make that decision I know historically you haven't but that's part of the discussion of planning the event okay well thank for the clarification we like I said we've been getting donations you know like since we started this event 15 years ago and we they can do it thems no if the musicians wish to put out a tip basket they can do so the committee is not to handle those pass it's their tip yeah it's their TI they're the ones putting it out not okay that's good to know so I keep my basket at home okay thank you so um oh so did we make a motion and approve this we still discussing that the only um I know this is related to the budget but I just the only comment on the event and I know Felicia's been working on it as she mentioned the church um that's really uh one of the big details that the town is missing so we can go out and start promoting that um as you know right now we have no confirmation from the church um I think there may be a verbal there may be a verbal understanding with you and and the church contact they emailed that it was available that that the Vu was available for August 17th that's all I but I think may have been some time back cuz I was going back to my email I don't have any confirmation from them I'll look through my emails and I and I think they they okay okay yeah they did perfect we'll put it I remember I look I look at tomorrow but I I remember them saying Oh August 17th is fine we're going to check you know what the information I know that they have a sound person there know before so um so anyways U we but as far as we can approve this yeah no it'd be great if you guys what time the conert is going to be from 7 to 9 with a 15 minute inter intermission and we normally like set up the food outside and people eat musician eat you know the the food before they they they started the concert and we s like mingle and then we go in and if you haven't been to them I highly recomend it and I requested because normally for the past two years since I have a new myo he's I guess he flies back to Spain and we don't have [Music] a I'm I'm working on it to ask Sandy who's the the contact person for them she's been um in the in the orchestra for many years and to see if we can get somebody because I know they have guests um conductor conductors so I'm she she takes forever to respond so she's very busy with events they have they're very con so I reach out to her to again because I did and I copy you on it requesting why don't we have cond cond because she comes in and she explains you know P which is nice everybody take a vote okay can we take a vote and yes the motion is uh to approve option one which is $575 for the Symphony of americ all in favor hearing none motion passes thank you very much next a picture from M briefing um provided an email which I I believe I shared with all of you already there's a copy of that as part of your so yeah it's page of your pack yes you sent it to us was in May so okay good there's no voting on that concer the park talks concerning the park I've contacted our two uh different people I'm trying to get I'm hoping by November I me July 17th I have it confirmed I'm working on that we moved it uh for information we moved it to September we trying we're looking for the second week of September because if we wait to October we'll be in another fiscal year and we cannot use that money so that's what I'm looking at the second Saturday in September we do have a book talk on the that's the that's during the week though the book talk yeah is a Thursday so this will be can you check the calendar so the calendar for Saturday The Saturdays in September or September 7 and 14th I think we need to beware of is there a Federal holiday then well around the first weekend I think that's I'm I'm fall it now Labor Day so we don't want to so September 14th will be the best day but that's the weekend before yeah Labor Day September 2nd so you don't have to worry about it okay so September 14 right right now we September 14 okay are we we going to have it the par same par yeah same par so that's a request to have it September 14th I'm sorry is that what you guys are saying time 7:00 at the park the veterans par specific same one July yes yesing we have good weather last year was uh July next me so so July 17 Who is the two it's two groups I'm working with right now but we don't know who they are yet uh no I I don't have any Nam one is Johnny James Orchestra he has a daughter and he has a full Orchestra and then there's another one so you'll bring those two options you said July 17th just I present them on the 17th and then we can vote on so yeah and then we uh yeah it's making sure that you know that they provide this is a little bit more a little Jazz little jazzier than the Fourth of July um if I may uh just to help you guys with this event um we had a really great performer last time unfortunately that they don't work out because they got ringed out and all that however um I want to emphasize that this is also one of the events that cost the committee the most dollars after Fourth of July um we did not get the attendance we wanted um um I think sometimes the volunteers rely a lot on social media word of mouth is very um I I think you get more quality out of that and it's very important if you guys help us spread the word um on social media if you help us share it that's great but also inviting your family friends your neighbors um of this community that I mean that's what you want you want the community out there um if you guys have any ideas for elevating the event maybe adding something to it please bring it to discussion I have uh to the next meeting um we want to make sure you know we want to make sure we give the performance the right attendance and also if you're putting in all this money into it I'm sure you guys [Music] want so um am I to um so I'm the vendor the owner of the food family food trucks which they using some of the community using for some events um touch SP with me he says that he teamed up up with a group that does drone um a drone um presentation like yeah show like a show show did you see the one American Got Talent okay just like that yes just like that same type of amazing they made pictures at the end they did a picture of Simon cow in the sky just like yeah he showed me a video and I could it's it's it's the same thing that you saw there they line them up on the field and then all of a sudden they get all these things and they just just take up all by computer information so we can be informed and that cultural fears sounded to me like the best one to to approach and that event because of what you just said would probably be also a good thing because now you have two things that will bring people in and super important I mean uh two things super important is that there's no cost associated with it because they they want like showcase the event this this is the farmers market no the family food truck the one that um the youth activities used so I'll get that contact okay um and I just want to see you know if that's okay then he would come to the next meeting and need to like me and and coordinate this as good as we we we done with with the farm on Fourth of July we need to start Ming we have [Music] three months would would it be feasible to have the Drone show with the Jazz I think that's what he saying like took you know like maybe that event um I think another important point to touch um is in terms of getting the audience and I think this is something for all your events not just for this one specifically I think that the committee has an tapped into like Community Partners organizations that would be interested in these type of events that could that probably already have a database um members that are looking for these type of events I think that that's I remember two years ago I think it was you Charles when you were doing the the this Jazz of concert you mentioned that you had gotten into I don't if it was you TR they with North Miami one of you with the c with the uh the equivalent of their chamber of Comm or something or you know how there's the cultural like chamber Societies or I don't know Asian whatever there may be around I think those are the type of Community Partners you probably want to tap into because those are the people that are looking for these type of events and and they probably would be a good partnership for any future events you know who knows what comes of it yeah it's networking yeah it's networking so that's just a suggestion yeah I I think the idea and I didn't mention it here because I was and I had a conversation um I mean I'm going to add it here because I think it's is relevant is um economic devel it committee Economic Development Committee um Matthew C mayor um we had um a quartering meeting a chair quartering meeting they would wanted to get you know the vendor not the vendors the the merchants and do something on Main Street and and that's something that we want to collaborate with them they're very happy even the Graham said that they they're happy to collaborate with us so in the next meeting we we'll probably have something uh Unfortunately they had their meeting today but by the time we got here they would the meting was over but yeah we want to collaborate with them they're they're very happy to to do events on Main Street musical events and I was thinking of doing not just musical but dancing it's going to bring we used to call it we used to have an event like that we used to call it Main Street life so it's something that I'm you know like I said I don't want to say too much on it because we're trying to coordinate with them and of course the committee has to approve it and I hope they do because it's something that will put not only our committee in the map but our town so I'm very excited about it uh and the dyamic development committee is very happy about it too so let's let's hope that with with the Jazz and all these things we can create something here for and understand you know that brings people from outside too to to um invest in our channel so um anything else J yeah I okay thank you so we look forward to your update on the 17 thank you so much um okay new business we have by the way Justin is on his way 10 minutes so let's hope he can make it onl um the proposed budget I I know we we probably H because we didn't have forum for a lot of previous meetings so we are we having a meeting to still late to people post so um I guess just to walk you guys through the budget process um so the I think I believe I sent you guys an email that we were going into this season of planning for that um we the budget off has requested that the Committees put together their budget based on the same amount um that you were given this year and just take a look at your budget line items and see if there's any line item that maybe you didn't use the funds for that you don't think you need funds in that line anymore and that you could use those funds in another line so really just allocate your funding so plan for the same total amount which is 39 395 yes so 395 um and just allocated as you wish to your current line items now apart from that there was going to be um if you guys wanted to put in request for additional funding like we're calling this your wish list then also you know send that our way um but but again it's two different parts one is really going based off of your current budget and just allocating those funds to where you need them and the other is really your wish list if we're able to get that additional funding for you then we would Grant it okay going back to our budget u i noticed that um our fourth of July budget is 11,000 but then when I saw and that's what confused me the budget here in the Fourth of July says down budget 10,500 can you explain why the difference where you see that [Music] I then I just put 1,500 it's 11,000 it is yes it is 11,000 it's what's on your budget okay good thank you very much um you guys can ex that it's 11,000 new business C communication procedes implementation um I brought this up I don't think to vot on this it's just an observation that I'm sorry chair I don't mean to uh disrupt you I'm confused I thought you guys were just doing the budget The Proposal of the budget yeah I know but I noticed when I look at the budget and then I look back at the at this I'm moving to the next you're moving into B are we are we do you need do you need to vote on this now well if you guys wish to make any changes to your budget yeah the deadline was really 10 days ago so I would to be today there's anything okay okay um so the money stays I mean I I recommend that we keep that money the 395 and you see what we can allocate because I know okay just read it and see where we can move Mone around I don't think we can but see what like do you guys understand the exercise I'm sorry I just want to make sure you guys are understanding what is being asked of you I understand okay okay in case anybody what but do we you have to make a motion to leave it as it a wish list is something else completely something say that again I'm sorry okay do we need to make a motion just to accept this as is and or also for the wish list because so for example let's I don't think we're ready for the wish list so the thing is that the deadline for this was about 10 days ago so I would appreciate if you guys give me this information by today's meeing um secondly if you guys don't give us anything we're just going to keep it as is at least that's what we're we're going to present to council I want to be here we're presenting to council as is with the um allocations as is right now okay so if you guys don't do anything because you feel it's fine then whatever that's what we'll keep it at um again at the end of the day it's up to council sus if they feel like they want they see something they want to add they can do that they can remove but we're just prepping the budget that we're going to present to them initially based on the same as this year which is what at the end of the day we're asking you guys to go off the 39500 it's just do you need the allocations to be different that's that's really the question right so so we keep the same budget um but can we request for example the Fourth of July can we request more money for it but you are you requesting more money in addition to the 39500 at that point yes right yeah so that would be your wish list that's the additional is your wish list however if it's additional one line item and you're just taking from another that's not H which I don't think would be right to do it right now or feasible because we don't know what we have until we use it or don't use for that allocation we can always move around U um in the past at this point you guys only have one other one two other events really for the end of this fiscal year so you kind of do have an idea roughly at this point what has been used like I can tell you right now you guys have two line items that you're not touching at all so to me it doesn't make sense as to why you're keeping money in those fund to begin with which are the two hasn't been done at least they need to go that's a thous Bas has not been touched for the last three years one which one the first uh the second one that says Bas B has not been touched in the last three years I don't even know if people and then I'm sorry and I just I want to highlight and then juneth right nothing as you can see juneth is tomorrow there's not an event for it so you guys are not going to be using this one that's the type of thing that I'm saying it may benefit you to use those funds for another event and now I'm not saying to do that that's up to your discretion I mean I guess uh you guys have to to figure out are we doing anything for this if we are then yeah we do need the fund well we we previously we we talked about the art Bassel money to use it like for for art around to have you know unfortunately that didn't fall through but yeah we do need um to use that money in case we want to do or collaborate with with artists that want to I I think we should take God Basel and juneth and after the 4th of July that give you like 14 that'll give you like 14,000 and and 700 so if we want to do an artistic event then we have no money well we haven't done one in three years but we have to do it before the fiscal year right and you're not going to do it before the at this point you're not using juneth for this year for this fiscal year and at this point you're not using bowel for this fiscal year that's what I mean yes this is in preping for what you're asking for next fisal year the question is are you guys planning to do something next fiscal year with related to Basel or Jun those would be I I think critical questions to ask yourselves was that when you're preparing for the new budget but I like the idea of Art in town with some that Felicia has yeah we can change the name of it instead of B that was an idea that Neil had to to create something during our Basel in December to bring artists and we did have a couple of them unfortunately you know but now we have artists that want to participate so um you know we can talk more about it but I would not just disregard that and and we can you know don't about I would suggest that a Committee Member um make a motion either you do want to change the the budget for what you're proposing for next year or you don't and we can go from there I motion that we keep the budget as is with the with the current allocations is there a second I second is there a discussion or any more than the one okay um all in favor IA did you vote faor yeah did all of you vote I just okay so you all yes so we're going to keep the same amount the same amount the 39500 now is there any wish list or we're not they're not going to expl right now I think we have to think more about it going and we should just take a and bring your your wishes next time need to make a motion for the wish no okay okay communication okay um like I mentioned before we're done with this not yeah so now we're on to 8 8 Okay the reason I want to bring this up is because um I know we're not supposed to communicate regarding you [Music] know you know we're g let's say we're organizing something logistically we say hey you're GNA bring this you're GNA bring that but when it's something that's going to be um I would say change or or something I think we need the town to be the official one uh doing that U because um we we don't want people confused with text messages about you know we're going to change the data of this we're going to do this do that because I know some people did not get um the information so I I recommend that if there's any changes or or any issues to have the town do it not to text each other out can you give example people didn't receive what I'm sorry I just want to make sure I think the example was that um I know the the fishing inter was just sending a text message to but you didn't have a whole list of people so uh I replied to you and I got message from somebody I think it was you thank you for said no it was kette but you said that you never got that that email or or text message right so it was confusing the email get TT the text she did get the text that's why she thanked you by mistake instead of tette yes maybe she didn't get Emil did you get the email saying was canel no I'm saying is how I I know sometimes you know people don't open their emails but have the tell me the official one although you said you know they're going to be officially so again it's we need to keep the same channel of Communication channel of communications because otherwise you know because I got confused she get it or you know do you have all our our yeah we I just want to sure I'm sorry I just I do I just want to make sure I'm understanding what you're requesting of Staff um staff Whenever I send one of you guys a communication you'll see that my email is the one up top and that's because I'm blind copying the rest of you so you guys are all again when you you blind copy people we don't know who's getting it yeah no but I'm assuring you that when whenever it's something as a cancellation M as aais on for cultural Affairs sends it out to all of you not just one of so that canellation was sent to all of you we got the text message and but the text message is is like an individ I just want to be clear the indiv the text message was an individual an individual person sending it out staff does does communicate it to all the committee members nobody you should be the one sending it not have like the text message and then the well I contr what an individual sends as a text message I think it as a courtesy the text message it was not obligated to be sent and I asked if I could sent it as long as we were not voting on it I just sent the fishing trip has been uh fishing tournament has been cancelled but we didn't discuss anything regarding rescheduling because as I explain that was going to be addressed today at the meeting okay so it was as a courtesy in somebody was gonna miss okay hold on hold on I think I'm Felicia you rather have a text than an email because not everybody sees their email no no no i' rather have the email or or you can even text us I mean I no she's not I send all official email Communications and like that it's on the record I just want to understand on staff s what it is that you're requesting for me because I think I did what you're requesting anyways I know but what I'm saying is because we we had we had um previously that we could not send each other or communicate with each other regarding you know information so you know it's like you guys know and I'm going to be clear I don't know where the Comm I think you're maybe talking about regarding the sunshine and all that you guys can communicate with one another as long as it's not an item that is coming up for discussion or voting an event being cancelled is not something that's going to come up for vote what was going to come up for vote is if you were going to reschedule what you came so trette asked me as an individual hey can I give a heads up to the committee since she was the chair of this event she was the first one I reached out to um before I got to you guys and I told her hey we're looking to councel event because of the circumstances um so she told me hey I just want to give the committee a heads up can I do that and I told her yes but please do not talk about rescheduling because if that comes up in front of the board now we are talking about Che okay so so and I I believe my understanding was that she was going to send the message letting you guys know heads up you were going to be receiving cancellation which you all did my next question is you were the one who told her that was cancel or she was the one that said you're canceling this can I send this I don't remember the sequence of events now but I was in communication with her in regards to the weather so she made the decision not the town what decision to cancel no I I've been in communication with her about the weather hey we're looking to councel this event because of what's going on okay so you basically said weing that's what I needed to know okay no but I want to understand what it is that you want to implement so I want to make sure like not supposed to be communicating but no I I want to be very clear because I again sunshine violations anything that's going to come up for a discussion or a vote if if the event for example at this point forth of July it's not coming up for any further discussion or vote at this point you guys can't discuss it because anything that you guys are discussing is not anything that is going to be voted on or brought in front of the public if there's something to be made a decision about that is what you guys are not supposed to be communicating things such as a heads up we have reminder we have an event on Saturday it's fine hey remember to bring I don't know I asked you to bring a tent that's fine do you guys have any questions on sunshine I want to make sure I'm not misleading any I don't I do have a question Jerry you said you did not get her email I didn't get her email but I did get her text because I have all her her emails I can you verify Jerry yeah do you get do you get emails in your phone yeah I do I get email on my phone and I have one here I have the cultural Affairs meeting I have Hello [Music] MVP um new member appointments that's what I got I didn't get anything about the cancellation the cancellation of the fishing I maybe it went to your junk or smash because I do email you guys quite a lot I usually get I get your emails and if it did I mean when I see junk meil I just delete it all I don't go through because I have here Thursday at 5 the 13th at 5:18 p.m. on my on my server it says eise Felicia Elsa Carla trette Geraldine Justin Charles maretta meline and Z so all that nobody the title was Father's Day that helps you any it says Father's Day fishing tournament canell yeah no I don't have anything that says Father's Day I can see that happening because I do EMA you guys frequently so maybe iite you all the ones all the ones I got from you okay okay all right okay just where are you oh yeah I guess secretary the record show that oh I also wanted to make a point because um when we did the roll call I don't think I mentioned Carla or Mareta they are officially part of your roster I'm happy to send out an updated one if you guys need one but they are part of your Boer yes and I been um if um I guess I'm not going to go through all of the needs right now but you guys are in total of 12 right now yeah I have them I just didn't read their Nam out okay um some committees just go through the room if it [Music] make by way thank you so much for your help on the getting our we mentioned it but you weren't here when we mentioned it uh getting the the food vendors for July so you might have to watch the video for the rest of minut I appreciate but no I just wanted to [Music] help [Music] so and then go I think I already mentioned this the my library to finishing potential artist I mentioned it in my report um yeah we do have a couple of um artists and if you know of anybody else who's interested we we may have to you know we like to see what they're they're doing because every time we do the cow and and in the in the form that we have to bring up in the next meeting and approve the changes because it's changing up basically the name of the town manager and some other things is to make sure that the art is not offensive political or advertising so that that's the criteria so if you know any artist that wants to do it um we canot give the form yet because it's not revised or official it is official but we need to some adjustments to so um please do send a the the list so we can know how much are we talking about a b part for ref finishing account well I there was one artist that said that she would do it for free so we have to get an estimate of of from them how much if they want to charge us how much it's going to be all I know right now is um the to program used to be a moneymaking r years ago you know and back then it was like $6,000 to buy the cow the last one was the one in public and um which was lost for for several years and they found it in W house luckily it was it was not a real cow it was a and then just basically you know uh but now we had I think a couple years ago the veterans committee wants to have but uh the studio that we use which is the the the studio that they have done the cor was ones and I know they did the kosa one um it went up from 6,000 to 900 $9,000 I have an update on that um no I mean an update a number that okay um so and I guess this serves as a refresher if you guys this is something you guys wish to implement um I believe the committee had the idea last year to revamp the program at some point we had requested a quote because as Felicia mentioned the veterans committee wanted to um wanted to do it so at that this was looking at my emails this was uh August 2022 so mind you right prices have probably increased by by now um and they gave us a quote of $1,000 oh 11 Yes W um so that was that was two years ago keep that in mind and then in terms of next steps um this is what we would need for you guys if this is something you guys want to consider the committee needs to motion second discuss and vote on whether you guys want to take this initiative have one vendor for doing the no you guys are welcome to Source out other vendors I think I don't know how we got to this one this vendor the reason we used them it was the I mean they their um they used to have their studio in New Orleans their Studio got destroyed by Hurricane Katrina so they were doing the cows basically in Europe and they would split the cow in too and Sh here so a really interesting here and then but um reach out to them to see what uh what with the new or or what is because the the quality and because the original design of the cows was done by one of our um actually she used to be the part of the committee and she did it was Barbara Baron and she sketched the cow and and that's the mo model that we use and that that's the sketches that we sent to their studio so um so we had a few cows um that were done in in New Orleans through like I said from the information that we got but they're very good so if we can get the quality of cow because we don't want a cow that looks totally different what we have um and as a matter of fact this in relation to the cow we had a presentation last night at our neighor Improvement committee about a linear part they want to do and they want to introduce artwork um we briefly talked about it so they they wanted to do like a 40 foot high C no no no and the corner of 67 no 57 and 138 uh that's in the works they're going I don't know if they'll come here to talk to us about it but just give your heads up on it but I had ideas of of doing a different cow there because uh you want something different and uh we we like I said if they come and do the presentation you know if Jeremy wants to do their presentation part my understanding is he was going to NAC and to um EDC EDC that not culture effect no I think the grant right now is not related so it's not related but they want because I saw in the presentation they wanted to incorporate art and one of the people in their Department wanted to do this huge cow in the corner I said no no we want something very nice so that will people drive by this see this and and I found some nice ones so so we can you know talk about it later uh you said we make much how much are we making from the cow let's say the cow is $10,000 how much your Cal Affair is getting for it we what what we did is again um it's way back but we would um let's say buy the cow and then get the sponsor for certain amount of money and whatever the difference was we kept that money as an example uh thousand 2,000 3,000 I have to look up in my nose my old nose I'm saying if it's not significant you know let somebody else do the cows that was our project I I I think it's is more like um we we did the cows because it was a program that our first chairperson said um because Miami likes us to be C let's have something that because everybody identifies mies you know at least with cows so we want wanted to keep it I mean if if we want to have somebody else do it I think it would be like like we were the ones who originated it and I think it would be kind of like art it's art and it's you know it's something that but we can look into the numbers I know they been remember we had we had yeah we have to negotiate you know so we would be required to come up with the 11,000 first to buy the if I may through the chair because I think I think there's a lot of uh you know things to discuss obviously um but I want to guide you guys to the guidelines of what was last said to to to uh the committee members of how to go about to even revive this program um so I just want to make sure you guys know this I'm happy to put in an email for you guys to reference those notes um the committee again needs to motion that I can discuss and vote on whether they want to take this initiative or it's been many years since this program we need a vote from C to confirm that this is something that you guys are going to spearhead because as of right now this is a non-existent thing it was once upon a time and it kind of died out yeah but why I mean it was something that we approved years ago why say no we're not going to do it anymore because we did not approve to to let it go because right now you're not talking about the same cost and this is not this has been dormant for years the reason I need guidelines from the committee to take on is also because part of this is revising the form so we need to to our town attorney I'm not going to tap the town attorney unless I know it's an initiative that you guys you you know this is something you guys are interested in actually going to do um so that that's kind of why I need to know I think I mean I I would vote in favor of keeping it because it was it was nice project that we started I think it was the first year where we had the committee and it's is Art it's something that we we want to and people were enthusiastic about it have the idea of hold on a second the idea of of having to in different locations one more minute for the meeting to end huh we have one more minute okay so uh I'll look into the the cost you know and then bring it back next one so if I may finish just again with the guidelines this is me really trying to help you guys if this is something you want to do so if you guys agree to take this on the cultural Affairs needs to come up with upto-date guidelines on what the steps are and how a business would go about this from inquiry to for um inquiries to installation what are the steps what are the processes P needs to Define that if this is something you want to spearhead when you guys finalize that you would obviously give that through me to the town attorney for him to do one last look at the form give his opinion if anything needs to be changed removed and after that we can go live so the we decide if we keep it or not but the town is basically doing the guidelines or we do the guidelines no I just said cultural Affairs needs to come up with upto-date guidelines on what the steps are and how a business would go about update the program to current prices is C right now we don't have anything we're you're working off of a really old um you know form that is probably I don't know what's even uh so relevant today we kept it as simple as possible we had the turny look into it so it's a matter of changing okay can we suggest that for maybe our possible next meeting bring up an updated program so we have a better idea maybe it's not feasible to keep it on K it kill the I didn't say kill it I said I agree we need to update it I mean a pair of shoes cost $100 now it cost 500 I mean and maybe we don't have anybody that can do it I mean permits or something I don't know permits no the again we need an updated okay right so we'll we'll the again discuss this next time I put I would suggest if this is an item that again it sounds like Lea whoever's spear hitting this it um I would suggest that you guys just come up with next steps for next meeting other than then we're just discussing again what is the next step so that you guys are prepared if this is something you want to take you were going to share some notes that what are the guidelines that I was just walking you guys through of how to go about it I'm happy to send that to you are you gonna get it okay okay uh unless we have announcements you guys have a public comment I'm here I'm here to join I was uh forward to the Fourth of July meeting you might have been having tonight but uh I I definitely gave my it was 7:30 7 o' 7 o'clock I had 8:30 in on the website so you're going to get for the next meeting you're going to bring us an updated information guidelines program I know I know it's something that we we work on it um I might have somebody who can actually create the actual cow to so I'll send that information to I I guess if you get you know what I'll share the old quote from two years with you so that's something to base it off of okay perfect that's great so I'll send these guidelines on how you if you guys want to approach the project motion to no no that's what I'm saying bring bring your your items ready for next me so then you could just vote on it right that would make sense but I'll send that to all of you the poll so you have something a reference as well that form I think we shared out the Old Co and the old form as well because at this point I know you guys start discussing it but this was like two years ago you keep the you kep the sketch yourinal sketch yeah we have a sketch yeah I'll down Okay so we're a little bit minutes over three minutes over um you guys covered a lot we covered a lot [Music] motion by by everybody in favor --------- e did to go all right cool I'm gonna borrow your P for a little bit I'm gonna call me to order um we don't really have quum right now but that's all right we will start with the rooll so I'll go one by one so George alz not here Ry Blanco over here Eric Brandon here Steve Breo not here Matthew is here joseo here Jessica Medina is not here Manny bre is not here Romy is is on the way Andrea Rubio not here John Tingo here Carlos not here and Daniel Gonzalez not here all right cool we will move on to orders of business to F addition deltion does anybody have anything to add on anything come up over the course of the last month that's pressing on your brain I was just gonna say I don't oh well whatever if anyone's got anything to throw in here you know emotion for we can talk about it go cool all right cool move on to public comments I know we've got some people here it's not necessarily I don't know if that matters right does that matter with the all right cool comments if anybody has anything to say at this moment I guess now would be your guys time there anything to jump in with they got a spot on the agenda um hi I'm Vanessa can so um I do the marketing for CH uh here in as well as BB wup and uh the tenants are all kind of concerned with marketing experts and those things with you know between the town grams and we kind of have like a we want to present I think we talked about doing like a liaison meeting between us the town and GRS um so I kind of just wanted to give points to add to the agenda for that meeting that's schol so they wanted to talk about um the status of lighting up Main Street apparently there was some talk about putting up lights across the whole kind of like light it up to a little bit dark at the moment um as well as in I don't know how much we can possibly do about this but uh these are just concerns that everybody kind of gave me um the movie theater needs Improvement it's kind of that attracts not the greatest crowd I don't know again what we could possibly do about that but you know that's one of the things I want to talk about um the stat they want to know more about the fountain and why they decided to change it from water to not water they think that adding water back would attract more like family need people to S stick around um what else manate Marketing in general how can we work together to kind of Market you know the town itself and everything that we have to offer there's tons of small businesses in our area Main Street is very unique property in regards to rest of Miami like you can't find the Main Street pretty much in Windwood for example everything is really big here it's like a small town but it's Lively we've got really good places shops um restaurants all that good stuff um we also wanted to add um to the agenda to figure out if there was budgeting or maybe just planning it out as far as um photo opportunities for example they reference The Umbrellas everybody knows when I say The Umbrellas everyone knows where the umbrellas are why can't we get one of those you know um so it's uh something like that like an art installment maybe something that we do seasonal quarterly um something like that and then the last big one we all want to know who the merchant group is and how we can take more of a leadership position with them or like maybe not leadership so much but working together with a plan for example um I used to do marketing this is like not but I I used to work with um Windwood a lot and whenwood has a business improvement district and they would invite everybody to come and kind of do like a round table discussion of what everybody's up to like for the big players like okay like for example CH is seeing a p colada Festival in July like how can everybody kind of capitalize on that how can we all invite outside people from Miami Lakes to visit Miami Lakes so it benefits everybody so not just our event like ch's it'll be a whole Miami Lakes initiative um that's pretty much it I mean I have a presentation that I think is for mostly for that day um but it kind of is just like market research and how Miami Lakes can compare to for example P Gardens um Coco walk uh downtown dur City B Dalal all these places can do it they don't they're humans just like we are so we could definitely do um it's just a matter of putting a plan in place um but yes so those are the I guess agenda items that we wanted to add awesome thank you yes cool cool yeah we we have the we like talking about that in the meeting and the agenda little bit later on in the meeting so you'll see incorporate it all in that yeah but thank you for that yeah any you David or no I'm really here as Vanessa's bodyguard but also but also representative of a Main Street business um we're we're fortunate that we're doing very well at sweep 440 you haven't been there you can come for a free class anytime um but um I I think and I attended a meeting with many of the business owners especially the restaurant business owners that are on Main Street or chell's right across well they're on Main Street too right they're on the other side of 66 um and and one of the things that I heard that I thought was really valuable is how can we work have the grams and the city and the town work together so that this can become a Next Level you know dado has all these great places City Place downtown dado um Winwood has these special places she mentioned the umbrellas which pop up in in different places and big photo opportunities where people wanted to show up just to take their picture there and not only to have our Miami Lakes Community which I have grown to love more than uh more than I can express but to have people from other communities coming into Miami Lakes to share in this you know special community that that we have here and um and how we can leverage the opportunity of what's the committee called the the the grams Merchant group The Merchant group and and work together with them and understand what their priorities are and hopefully fit into their priorities so that we can drive Main Street back to I moved here in 1992 from Ohio okay so you can imagine the shock I was going through but I remember coming to Main Street and it was the place to be and you know over the years we've slowly watched it kind of all on right and um and I think lighting improvements you know events um the town being involved in things there too is a great opportunity to drive that back into its Heyday because the clearly that formula Works in all these different communities right and uh in hearing these business owners last night that are saying you know what we really need is more people here so how do we attract those people and how do we leverage the marketing dollars to do that yeah don't we have or if we didn't have it maybe we should have it like a visitor center like a visitor Place most of the top cities have it you know if you go to Orlando monora Tampa you know they have a visitor's place you know you have and I think Main Street would be a great location it's a lot of the city that's what high markets itself and that's and that's right right I see it actually you know a visitor place where you have everything there you have all the uh all the mures of all the companies of businesses imaged she hotel orot hotel like a big like how when you go to Orlando but like here like special like go to CH for a free drink or go to SP 40 for a workout if you're just yeah yeah no I like that idea I like that idea I always like the idea doing a little bit more with the my's bids website that we have and using it as more of a hub for all this kind of stuff I mean I'm more the website guy so Vis all right cool I like it I like it all right cool so we still don't have quum so I guess we can't do the approval of the minute so we'll just move on to the presentation if you guys want to yeah jump in definitely um first and foremost it's good to see some friendly faces here for those of you who don't know me Jeremy Bown the director of Parks and Recreation for the town um we are in an extremely uh preliminary phase of looking at a development for a linear small Park when I say park parks don't always mean Regional Optimus or orol parks are any green space recreational use that uh we can convert for that designated use only right preserves us from not having uh parking lots built or anything else built so one of the items that we're looking at uh Jonathan can I just use this mouse um it's actually a a phase of our Greenways and trails master plan um and the reason I'm coming to you guys is because it's actually in a very commercial industrial area um but there benefits to not just the community but also to these to these uh companies that are going to be there the biggest thing we're obviously pushing here with this as a green W Greenways and trails master plan is that um it's another means of one is transportation but two is act ating and healthy recreational use walking biking um and so forth the area we're going to talk about the project I'm looking at is the corner actually the boundary of the Town Southeast corner of the town so along the side here on the right is 57th a the canal and then 57th Court the bottom you have 139th Street the canal and then West what is that West c4th um so complete no no no neighborhoods in the area but the goal is to convert this ride of way along the canal into a Long Trail and linear Park um some of the immediate benefits that we anticipate and uh that that we're looking to pursue is obviously some more dedicated recreational um open Green Space um right now it's just unmaintained an hour right away um encouraging health and Recreation the trail is about five uh sorry half a mile long in its entirety so uh if built out to to its entirety you're talking a mild one back all the way up and back down um it already aligns and connects with our Greenways and trails master plan it is a facet of our adopted green Greenways and trails master plan um uh and also the biggest thing is it serves an area with no nearby parks the entire Eastern let's go back real quick the entire Eastern portion if you went North just above here is the cemetery all the way up eventually you get into the Chick-fil-A area and all those business there are no Parks anywhere along there so this is adding Green Space to an area right now that is severely we are town that Prides ourselves in our in our Park system right with 104 parks and six and a half square miles so this is kind of starting to meet some of the needs that we haven't got into all right um what are we looking at it's a half mile Trail um kind of winding along this uh this rideway a shelter for picnics with tables and then benches along the path uh with garbage bins some of the additional features trash cans and then in areas that as we get closer to designing this out in its entirety any areas that don't need ft regulations as far as the the the closeness to the canal would need some split rail fencing to deter any bikers anyone uh erroneously making their way into the canal um like I said it's a pretty straightforward concept right now very basic um with a path the same type of benches and and and parking amenities that we use uh right now at all of our Park sites H if the park sites don't have these yet the mini par Capital plan just got funded um so we'll be continuing with a phased Approach at converting more of our Parks into this matching uniform um uh pallet of Park amenities and then a simple 12 x 12 Shelter so I'll go back real quick the shelter is located just oh let's go back at the corner is where we would place the shelter um but obviously make sure that the path can continue without any impediment from the shelter for exercise reasons going all the way up and then winding back down uh longterm part of the com the town's comprehensive development master plan essentially these areas would eventually have sidewalks and connections for more pedestrian access to the park from both 57th and eventually on the 139th as well okay so uh that's the the base con that's what's always been anticipated for the project obviously there's more here right uh we can look at exercise stations some of the things we talked about is if we do go around maybe having some of the businesses sponsor each one um they can sponsor have their logo on the exercise station uh water fountains eventually landscape enhancements curbing potential art installations um one thing is this is as I mentioned the corner of the town there is if we ever wanted to go large scale uh art installation that is on the actual boundary of the town uh we could look at something here as a joke I think somebody said a 30 foot cow it's kind of like what Denver has the large Bronco near the airport something of that nature uh but that's pretty much what what some of the preliminary Concepts we have um some of the things we want to hear from you guys is obviously knowing maybe the business vulture in that area um is this something that you think they would want to see is there a benefit to for for them as employers to employ for health and wellness um do you see them giving us buy in um because next part as part of the surveys is we'll utilize the BTR sheet and kind of reach out to them and also get a survey D from them and the next nearest neighborhood but is there anything that you guys see with this project that would cause issues any input that you guys see what about parking so because it is based off of the green wa Trails master plan is meant to be a connection and not a com a start site right so there wouldn't be right now concept or plan for I see a lot of the dog park issue so that's where the main focus and push here is it should be pedestrian and bicycle use um when it gets down to it one of the things we talked about I think at yesterday in I see meeting is maybe working we can look at the with the with the companies there if we need to work on anou for parking at certain times um if not phasing a parking plan can be part of it um and adding parking to the ping parking now makes it a little more of a use from the outside right than the town the whole point is you would just Traverse the town through the Greenways and trails master plan uh but that's definitely something we can we can look at the phase in well just with a shelter for example like that encourages people to hang out hang which which is why I asked about yeah and and the main focus on the shelter there would be again the businesses in the area can use it as picknic as a lunch spot kind of get out of the office and so forth but that's definely something we can look at also adding in PH and I know Nic mentioned it as well um but that's something to look into the other this reminds me a lot I don't know if you're familiar with uh Miami Springs they have it reminds me a lot of that the only thing that I didn't see mention that they have ballards the what the lighting ballards something y the the the the Free Lights I'm not I'm not familiar with how well lit that area is especially if you are going I would imagine it's not right especially not along the pathway if there is any lighting it's going to be roadway we're going to be about 20 something feet in so that is something they brought up as well looking at phasing in ballards to go ahead and and light the tray all night exactly and that way especially during the winter you can elongate the use of it in the evenings yeah definitely one those based on what she had mentioned the parking is going to should be considered just because unlike Miami Springs where their homes literally across street thisal and within walking distance there is no home within walk no there's no Miami Lakes residence within walking the distance of that area so more often than that they can either get there by bike or they're going to get there by car and you know walk around there and do their exercise but they would need some type of car parking and I don't think it would be an issue because more often than that it would be in the evenings and in the weekends and the I mean that that whole entire area is empty and so I'm sure someone could agree yeah when we say that area we mean the businesses like that whole like any business that's a P to that is not it's not the kind it's an industrial so it's not open on on the weekends or in the evening so you would be it should be okay parking you know borrow from yeah little a little history there um I think I visited most of those firms along there and a lot of them are very private um they don't want a lot of people hanging around because they have they're doing specific jobs and I know we we had to get approval just to go into the parking lots and that was you know was difficult they were really checking on us they just don't want a lot of people hanging around those those those two or three specific places um they have guards around because looking but I remember do this is many years ago playing slay and busy in the whole gang uh we had to get special permission to go in the area and walk around those parking lots and then go into these places they have a lot of security so I don't know if that's going to be an issue but what happened back fact you know quite a few years ago I'm sure what happened today too I don't know if it's going to be a negative effect but certainly they should be asked about that if they're going to you know go with that I mean you got night grade for the kids for the employees but that was the impression I had going to those two or three firms they um they're really very um tough to penetrate yeah the goal there would be to to get all at least send the information to all them on the survey let them know hey we're looking at this yeah and if there's any there's definely be a line at the end any feedback kind of open to get from them okay that's good to know that's something remember these things just not easy to get some of those fact do we know are they still there saying yeah it's the same ones I think it's Harwood or Harwick whatever it is they make very special heart paces and they anybody near the place there were $100,000 this is many years ago by the way there were $100,000 of decent I to get into that place was really rough even in the parking lot stuff if they watch you you know where do you take it out where you're going and this is another one after that is also well known that they're down that list so um yeah just an idea I would I would bring that up to the people oh definitely yeah when you do it that happened to us and then the other thing is I don't know how many of you frequent there but 60th a we already developed that that trail that goes all the way along 60th Haven uh it's it's used quite often it's used quite often both recreationally but also used for individuals that eventually get to the nearest bus route and so forth it's pretty heavily used a lot of trees makes it makes it usable was there's no trees in this place yeah yeah and that's part of the other landscape enhancements we can then start to plant accordingly cool so here I just looked on Google real quick the uh what's there now at that corner is US Farm yeah yeah and it seems like they own like the entire facility that that takes the curve yeah the other was I think it's called Hartman or heartwig or something like that yeah we'll take a look and we when we compile the BTR list and kind of on our deliverables who we're going to send to we'll make sure we kind of account for everybody and we'll look for anything relating to that name just just get feedback saying L people walking around and they'll be all different they're coming from all over you know there W be any security I mean w be any security no one's going to check or check correct so they're going to have that I would think they would have that question okay so any other questions um timeline that you guys are looking at so the grant session will open up now in August um decision is made by I think it's the 30th of September um pretty quick turnaround we're probably looking at next next fiscal year is when all of it will take place um but probably opening up sometime around February so it'll get built out end of this year for use next year February the plan that's the plan awarded Grant funds uh and no issues on uh um on implementation development look site and then I didn't mention I know it's a part of the green ws and Charles M CL but this has also been something that's been kind of on our books for a while uh as far as the identifying this space um and developing something in this area so it's not something that's kind of recent it's it's been with within the department for a little bit now is there anything that you need from us now input uh things like that that's phenomenal to know especially before we even go to the Outreach to the community directly so now know that uh site security might be something to you guess that Farmer and the other one is 100,000 each of those machines is $100,000 for a pce for a machine to keep your AR that's not postco pricing 15 years ago folks a long time so yeah um and then any other information you can if you have any questions or any followup or anything you guys want to provide or or chime in with with us you can just get in contact with Jonathan he'll put you directly in contact with me um and like I said I appreciate you guys' time even more so appreciate you guys are all volunteers doing this so thank you for that and thank you for hearing me out so um have a good rest of your meeting he worked with my son for many years so awesome so right talking about yeah converted him he's my converted all right guys take care right cool right so move on the budget you know there's not really much to discuss at this point we talked about that last time we can't really vote on anything right now so we we submitted the yeah so we're pretty much that for now yeah so I'll move on to Old business so again these are two things we can't vote on but we can at least take a look at them um ghani finished the video he finished the voice updates the scripting updates that you guys the phrasing of growing beautifully and then not necessarily oh that's right yeah that was already decided on if it's fix I don't see yeah that's all we don't need to play it right now but we'll send it over I don't think we have it up anyways but we'll send it out a mass email to everybody so everybody can check it out but that's going to be the video we're going to put the stamp on it it's got got the changes we did we did revisions of the script that's what we got and then let's see maybe we can do something with it yeah I still your F I've been glancing all this um but yeah so I guess we can think about we'll talk about it next meeting I'll put it in new business something how we can use it you know we can use it in marketing things I don't know if it's if it fits your your strict social media rules John to go on the on the page but we can figure out a way to maybe make it work for something that we do goes in the backg next chamber meeting I can put it something those Lin that do OCC our feed yeah we can put it up on the in the next Expo fun different yeah different we can use it in different situations but cool we'll talk about it in the next one um but yeah so keep your eye for that email and the other thing here is this pullup Banner that uh Victoria Graphics designed so you guys can let me know what we think I kind of just gave her the basics of what we do as it was listed on the website so it was those three things is what we do for the most part and then that was the little blur we kept it kind of short just to kind of you know it's just going to be a pullup display it's it's nothing crazy it's just going to be there we're at Expos and things like that just to let people know where to find more I was thinking maybe if we want to feature the website a little bit more it's just like right now we're not really doing anything with it so it would just be maybe for the future but that's the only thing I love the the logo the only my only comment is on the blurb should we put our mission statement on the blurb instead because it sounds like it's trying to be the mission statement without being the official mission statement yeah it's like a shorter more spand colloquial kind of version but we can formal I'm just throwing it out there yeah is is that on the website the mission statement or no you know where I can get it it's on oh it's on this oh every single one of job good job I write every all right cool I'll do that instead of the hearts on the thing can you use like the town's little tree on it or something just to yeah for sure I like but you know the little tree like it Miami l.net is that just for us here at EDC or that's supposed to be our website okay because we voted to discontinue right so know my little update on that is the motion or the the decision kind of came a little like just yeah really not going be happy about that um I don't think it's been completely useless though um I think we need to find get another report but I don't think it's been completely useless with our new website especially um it integrates pretty well so I mean maybe that's me just trying to cope with the fact that we know we're stuck we're we're we're stuck in that sense but well I do think it's up to the user right if we're not using it to its ability then you're right it is going to be yeah what it is yeah that's why we have Andrea giving a fantastic presentation of the boot camp GNA feature that I'm ping nobody oh thank God car is another this meeting nobody tell him that that was renewed I I he felt very strongly I we were and we were right there because it's an offset payment like it's 8 months four months as we were talking the anyways I don't I don't want to digress I don't want to take away from where we're at right now in the agenda but yeah yeah it's bummer but that's fine but all the more all the more reason to put the website on the banner because we got to make use of it one thing that I want to do once we're done with the the boot camp I know we're in a good spot but once we're done with that like once it's already like happened and once the Main Street collab thing has also happened I want the next project to be a little bit that website I really think we can do good with it I know I'm the website guy but still like I really think we can make it like a visitor center Hub that's what it's supposed to be correct and I think the local inel the wage in the current website it's like hidden yeah I mean I mean you can see it but unless you know what it is it's really right not user friendly I have a question regarding the icon for the business boot camps do we want to call it business boot camps do we want to change that to animal business boot camp like I know just I don't you let me know that's why right now I just like I said I grabbed the three that was on the website that's sort of listed that we did on the website just those three things but uh but that's why I'm I'm super open to changing anything like whatever you think because business boot camp sounds a little bit like flipping sounds it doesn't sound too professional that's like like I business seminar webinar where business U like learning opportunities something education learning opportunities is good because it keeps it open because if we put annual business boot camp now we're like signing in blood that we're doing that once a year if we put business boot camps it sounds really flippant but if you put like something like learning opportunities or you know business education I like something like that it leaves it open to whatever we decide to do that year yeah I think I like business education business education I like that let's do that or opportunities business education their opportuni yeah we'll see what what fits yeah and that keeps it broad enough that we can use this for a few years many years and we're good sweet cool and I like the little thing about the hearts the trees make a little bit more Miami Lakes yeah and know maybe instead of well I'll let vior play all right cool I already beans I know we can't really vote on it but whatever I have those little list of changes I'll talk about it with other people all right awesome so we on to new business so the next official business networking social with L vanill espresso July July 24th at 5:30 I reached out to them lpo got back to me and said they're super open for it they're down they're excited vanilla espresso I reached out to them I called them I haven't talked to them just yet but I know but I sent in I sent in the big dogs I sent in my my best man about a about a about a couple weeks ago and and he saw them and they also expressed their interest that they were interested so I just need to get confirmation from them 100% but LP Manel said yes so we have at least from them for sure okay and then V I have to contact with with the owner oh for sure yeah I think I called Lily which is maybe his wife or partner I don't know who it is like speak to him I don't know cool yeah I mean if you can I I actually appreciate that just let him know maybe send him my number if you don't mind and then something simple as that and then that'll be cool and then that'll be a nice little event I'm going to start doing the pushing for that on the chamber side of things and then I guess I'll send you the flyer maybe we put on a story or something like that um cool the next thing is the EDC boot camp event so Ro I know you've been working on that y my update for you real quick before you go into little status update is I sent Jonathan the anery mendz location like application and I spoke to her at the last chamber event she was there um the president of eny and she said she's excited and she's looking forward to it and you know make it work we just have to fill that thing out the only thing is I'm not sure we didn't really discuss pricing or anything of that sort I don't really know how that would work and on the application it's just blank no reference exactly it's just blank in the application like where's his dollar amount it's a blank thing I don't know if they're going to Spring that up yeah I don't know I don't know if that was on purpose or if they're going to Spring that up on us after or like a before the next subcommittee meeting that we have uh so yeah that'll be good okay cool there was there wasn't like a pricing scale that I could write no there wasn't that's why it was just the application she told me to fill it out and and you know like fill it out with what we needed to and get in contact with her and her lady that's in treaser is atanta which um I guess I can give it to Jonathan as well to share with the sub committee okay so so that application has been filed no no we have to fill it out okay that's I I know it involves Jonathan stuff at that point got it okay so question our next subcommittee meeting is hold on I have it here somewhere yeah I think she told me she just needed to know estimate a number of people is what she told me is like the most important thing do we remember how much of the room holds where here or no Anna that's why I'm not I'm not 100% sure I I I mean I would I would attempt to fill the room I I I know last year we had uh we I think we welcomed that day like over it was we hit almost like 80 something people coming into the the town chamber so I don't know how much that room holds but I would hope that maybe we can double that okay would be my goal okay cool yeah with the possible I can see you got a conversation going between Ry myself you and the people from an doesn't mess with anything Sunshine related right or no uh Communications with committee memb so probably just me okay that's but that's something I can I can be a conduit as yeah okay I'm good that's worri [Music] I don't think there is a date I don't yeah I don't think we got a uh I have actually no yeah my last date on my calendar is April 30th so I guess we didn't set a date like but I don't know for whatever reason on my calendar I don't have anything uh notating our next meeting but I know I thought we discussed like when Carlos was back and all that um anywh who the update that I do have for you guys so all of our speakers are confirmed um really the biggest thing that was pending was the uh the venue which at least we've got the application filled out provided that we secure God bless you um enery menas then the next thing would be securing the like the the networking happy hour uh location which in that case the ideal I think would be mola yeah um so hopefully that combo works out but I'd love to figure that out like maybe in you know before the next subcommittee meeting so that we can plan for backups if we need to um all of the speakers have been con conted and uh they're already starting to submit head shots logos Etc um there's a calendar invite for all of them they know that the deadline to submit any kind of collateral if they're going to present something is September 1st so 20 days in advance of the of the big day so that should be more than enough time awesome um the only thing that's pending to confirm in terms of speakers is to hear back from Danny Angel our Code Compliance person because he's out of uh out of town right now so yeah so just waiting for him to be back and that would be partnering up with Andrea um during the the the segment growing beautifully um everyone else is confirmed and then the last thing that um that we're pending in terms of speakers and George isn't here but George begrudged agreed to be the third panelist on the on the show me the money panel so oh so for you guys we came up so we're really trying to push marketing this year so that we can have a cool you know like how Gables did like a cool flyer email you know to to get people excited about it so the title of the business boot camp is going to be our 2024 business boot camp practices to better your business um so our first panel is called from solo to Squad navigating compliance as your business grows our second panel is going to be called show me the money A playbook for small business Capital our third panel um which is uh Tio's uh Tio's presentation is going to be called socialize your Biz leveraging social media to build your business um and then our fourth panel is growing beautifully doing business in the town of Miami Lakes and then the last one which is like our motivational speaker um is called building dreams from scratch Lessons Learned on the road from Rags to Riches so those are going to be that's what's going to come up on the marketing flyer and you know we're going to have AC Graphics Jazz it up with you know speaker photos and a cool backdrop and all that good stuff um so on the show me the money panel that's actually going to be the only panel so that one so like we've got two present we've got two segments that have joint presenters but they're going to work together to make a cohesive presentation so Andrea and Danny are teaming up I'm teaming up with suale and we're doing a collective presentation on the the capital panel which is you know how to raise Capital how to find Capital as a small business we're actually going to have a panel um Carlos who's taken a really big role in helping us plan the event he's going to moderate that section so Matt's going to moderate the entire thing and then Carlos is going to take ownership of that panel come up with the questions um and I also want your guys' help on coming up with questions that we're going to spoon feed to the three panelists and just basically te them up to answer um so we've got three people that are in the banking World we've got um anel Leon again from brosa he's confirmed and he's super excited um we've got Alejandro uh the SBA lender that uh Jos recommended I already spoke to him he's all good and then we're looking for a third one our backup right now is George from our committee but we're looking and he had this idea last time he came to the subcommittee he had a really good idea that I thought was was really applicable to the boot camp which is having someone which I'm sure that Alejandro and Angel can both speak to it but someone that is a uh someone that does a lot of personal lending or very small business lending not SBA but you know small business loans so like not the big mama million doll loans with people that have been in business for two decades we're talking about people that are maybe in their five years of business that you know that that can that can speak to this is how yeah you know so that can speak to hey business owner you you know want to take your side hustle to a full-time thing and you need money this is how you can present yourself to a bank to really have your best shot at getting lending or these are the things that they won't tell you you are more than likely going to have to take out a personal B you know you have all these other options for funding your business like a HELOC you know or taking a loan out of your 401k if you're with an employer things of that things of that [Music] nature that would be I'll you the name I'll give you but it's SBA 7 that's not what she's saying we have we have two different gu we have we already have a guy that's an SBA he only does five fours okay he can speak sevening okay I like two seen yeah he can do it okay so there's a specialist in 7 a which is capital like when you need cap if you're buying a a property that's the guy that's coming right so you're trying to get an owner occupied property you're trying to buy equipment for your business that's Alejandro if you're trying trying to get working capital or buy an existing business that's seven a that's like a whole other animal so there's people that are very specialized in that okay and these smaller they work on projection they work on that's what this is is catered to correct so there's somebody that used to work for us centry that was the head of the sba7a that she now went on her own is this the lady that we had last year she didn't no she didn't come last year her name is Luda and um she's doing now only Consulting so she Banks actually use her to consult them on on 7 I think that would be great and yeah so she she has I think it would be a good F I think that would be great um if you guys can give me her contact info yeah oh finally I put you in a it's taking me forever I've been tethering off my phone um okay so uh L but I do see I do see a lot of value in what you were saying and and that's not going to be hit on any of them okay so who would that be who I mean I I can speak on that you know what I mean like I I tell people that all the time but you know I already am doing my thing on compliance and whatnot I don't want to you know yeah yeah and it would be confusing to throw it in there so I don't want to I me I think I think George he would know I think Lum would might be no no Lum but that's where you would go to no if you need to get a knock if you need to get if you need to feed if you need to dig into your personal in order to get started at least that's what that's what I'm saying is I think we have I mean yes we have a lot of people are attend attending that are maybe like in their first two to five years of business but we also have a lot of people attending that are just starting and for those people that are just starting I mean you know concept number one is you need to have your books in order like somebody that to tell them if you show up to a bank and you're not on QuickBooks you don't have a p&l like don't even walk into the bank because they're going to lack you out of bank you know so you need to have the basics of your business ready to present and then you also need to understand and be prepared that if you don't have that prepared you need to consider personal loans so that you know you have personal stake in your business if your business is not there yet to qualify for Lending this is where you go you know there are like like a Bank of America small Bank yeah that's what I was gonna say there are big banks that would cater to something like that like if you come to a US country and you tell them I want for I can't help you I mean I'll refer you to somebody that can do a hel but I can't help you because I won't more business unless you would qualify for an SBA product I can't really do anything like that anybody familiar with one of like what what big Banks do we have in town we have Chase back of America Maybe triy Jerry from TD Jerry Jerry Jerry from TD Bank they do a credit driven small business loans yes um I don't know what their appetite is for right now but historically they don't they just open they just open we do them but our appetite yeah Jerry might to that Jerry but Jerry might be Jerry if they're still doing I mean you guys it doesn't have to be somebody that's selling what we're talking about yeah so like if one of you guys a knowledgeable on that you know I think Jose is superable I agree that Jose would but Jose ignores me every time I ask him to just do this all in favor of joseo feeling thek you it'll be four it'll be four okay so we're going to do Lum I think you still need a lum okay I really think I mean each of you is going to get maybe like two questions you know what I mean it's going to be like fast because we don't have time for four people to answer five questions each it another good resource to haveed do that too yes [Music] okay you will connect perfect okay cool great he guys a small business already awesome Okay so we've got a third and okay so I can tell George he is relieved third and fourth you was like but I'll do it if you need me I'm like do it they have more of an appetite for it that might be okay but again I'm talking about people who have no money okay people who have no money no business history that's exactly what it okay dat again huh what's the date the 20th of September it's a Friday yeah I morning I tell them to block from 9 to 12:30 and there's a happy there's a networking lunch afterwards that they are very much encouraged to stay for God bless cool okay um let me see if I have any other updates for you guys the Bank of America the other one wait oh um so we had every intention of getting a budget approved today but I don't think that's going to be possible because we can't vote right um and uh in that budget I just want you guys to know we want to include a professional flyer done by Graphics so we can Market this a lot um and uh and approving a within the budget food and giveaways we are looking for a breakfast sponsor so now that Jose's on the panel maybe First Citizens wants sponsor ideas um maybe AC Graphics wants to sponsor it because AC Graphics is speaking you know um I'm going to reach out to all the speakers to give them an opportunity if somebody wants to the chamber oh the chamber wants to sponsor it yeah that would be super cool um get involv yeah involv yeah that would be nice um so uh yeah and the last thing would be to uh finalize the afterwards though the yeah the venue the venue afterwards and when it comes to the budget didn't we already have a line for that for the seminar we I don't think it's designated like it's not like it's not like Camp budget is it it is oh how much is it it's 2000 okay yeah so that's a yeah okay and with that budget can we do the giveaways or I thought last year the giveaways were get were it's we were running out of yeah we had left over from the network so we went shopping so we did like a big giveaway but that's basically you have that whole 2000 you have try to that out I would like I I would like to try to uh like hustle for the giveaways so um if any of you guys are tight with businesses around town um and uh and can request for you know some some perks to be raffled away like whatever dining cards um you know maybe like five free classes that's about 440 in go there go it's going in the minutes going in the minute um right place where do I where can I yeah where where can we sign up can we time up for that um okay um I will uh I'll do some hustling of my own I'll propose that uh uh sponsorship opportunities to uh BNI I and a couple people um and I'll also uh reach out to the speakers already if there's anybody that wants to throw some stuff in okay sweet R such an active role on this appreciate awesome okay that's all I got cool awesome all right cool so we're good there and then now the last but not least least is that Main Street collab meeting and uh I wrote down all the different agenda different items that you provided here so that's super helpful um before we go into the nitty-gritty of it I just want to make sure on the location like I know when Carlos was here last time he wanted you really like the idea of using this room because it gives off a much more professional and like this is a serious government situation Vibe I guess is what he was going for versus doing it somewhere else but people get distracted I think your input would actually be really valuable for this because this was a big point ofate so yeah so for the meeting of the Main Street Merchants do you think that we would have a better turnout if we if we held it here in this space or if we did it for example one of the ideas was uh no not Chell The Garrison which is on Main Street and doesn't have a whole lot of traffic and I'm he wouldn't mind maybe shutting it down for or you know partial shut down for that what do you guys think would be a better turnout I mean I don't know about turnout the vibe wise Garrison's like a bar so yeah it's close but you're still like in a bar is this like like here I don't know like just not formal sitting in the chair I feel like I have to be paying attention and like engaged versus like a marol versus like if we did uh uh oh my gosh the mini room at CH that's what I thought it's still jealous yeah it still CHS it still CH hey yeah no I think that would be worse the okay still here artwor and everything for me I think the for the meeting I would think here's the best but okay yeah cool that my second question is it possible Jonathan I remember that was another question we're looking at July 22nd at 5:30 p.m. was the date we're looking at it's free okay cool yeah will not be in town that's my okay I I mention you aisle attemp is that I know it's kind of like out of hours or whatever but you know homie status you right true now I don't I don't know what kind of function we actually talked yesterday I mean I know you guys can vote so I'm just up but we talked about it possible to move it up the me what I closer yeah the reason we did it that day Carlos was going to be out of town yeah Carlos has been like one of the biggest drivers of this are yeah yeah he's leaving today that was the only reason yeah he's the one who said yesterday to try to move it up yeah he mentioned the 15th yeah a week early oh I mean another reason we did 20 seconds because it's the week after our next meeting here so that way if there's any last minute jumpins or any other you know other Main Street business want to jump in Monday Monday what the 22nd yeah okay yeah but our meeting was the week yeah that's what I'm saying was the week before yeah yeah that that gives another opportunity for this for people to come in and last minute agenda ideas because that was the whole idea that I wanted to give us two meetings just in case because since we always have to wait a month between everything yeah people forget or things get locked away or nobody remembers or things happen you know so right now it's just YouTube but on the next meeting you guys tell some other people and then we've got five or six here you know they've got other ideas you know what I mean so that's why I kind of wanted to give us two meetings the breathing room that week is pretty it's like very packed like budget workshops okay so we can't even get the room anyways I guess I guess it works okay so it works prior Council meetings all a bu reason it works out all right cool cool all right cool so July 22nd at 5:30 that's what we're looking at and we're going to do this room can we do that joh book it or whatever in there in the system and then we'll be good and then we'll solidify the agenda I'm going to put on the next agenda here to really solidify the agenda hopefully we have porum and we can really I was going to say we really need quum at the next meeting so like Jonathan if you can you know yell at the little people of the world that they need to be here wasn't that big a deal a recap of making sure I mean don't get me wrong it's important but we need next meeting we really need to vote and finalize a couple things yeah second time we hav't like I need money so yes we need to vote very random this I thought we had a budget for I mean I guess we do have a budget I like okay great no you can't that's a sizable amount and if you don't spend it it goes to waste you know like it just yeah and it's and it's like it's right our budget has to be spent by the end of September or by September 1st you remember Jonathan what the budget has to be spent by September 30th or spend by September 1st no we need deliverables by 9:30 so we can't just you know cut a $10,000 check from a 30 no no no $2,000 people try to people try to push it uh we need everything so basically by the event you to work with I think is it's a good amount hopefully and if not we just like bylaws and whatnot if there are things that need to be purchased is it permissible for me to purchase things and the town reimburse me from the budget or it needs to be build directly the town there are ways that we can figure it out uh it is in your best interest to not pay the taxes because we can reimburse that corre so I'll speak with Al because she does have a lot like bingos other okay it is a possibility I would just randomly if anybody remembers shows right I was gonna say just random if anybody remembers things from last year that we wish we would have had I know one of the things that's just a pet peeve of mine I didn't like our crappy name tags I you know would like to order some like not like not like plastic name tags but you know like whatever like a lanyard or like a for the for the participants like we have like you know like stick our onag like write your name like I want to do something a little bit nicer I you know like I'd like to like pre-print agendas you know what I mean maybe we order some pens I don't know maybe we get a little crazy yeah I me budg for we set apart a budget so we could really go all out with it this year I think I think we can do it I think it'll be fun okay awesome maybe we get some cows cows we did have cows last time you're right everybody Tes taking he doesn't want Toge where they 5:30 is what we're looking at yeah regular time I'm putting it in my it be a little later that's okay I guess but I'm putting it in my calendar it's a functional sub committee meeting okay do we have all of the parties confirmed for that date and time my CL and I have to re up withle because she has very busy schedu from my perspective it's I double check with Andre and you said that we could get in touch with your people now that we have a final date and location and time now we can do a little email blast it go on everybody's calendar in their town like mayor councel yeah I gonna help spread the word out and you guys too but like I just I just I just think we need to poke the right people that could be because you know what I mean like right to round all these people up and we put in a lot of time and effort into you know figing out a date and what not and then if the town didn't show up it's gonna look bad on them not on us you know so maybe if somebody wants to like nudge nudge some uh some council members May potential Mayors Council people that should be here that would be nice yeah yeah agre I think last time they show right no no we didn't have we we we didn't have anything I'm talking no I'm not talking about the boot camp I'm talking about the main street Merchants no forget the boot camp like whatever you come great but no I'm talking about mer thing is pretty key that one of them should because that we were hoping yeah yeah same with yeah I mean same thing with the bamp but I'll yell at them when it's my turnour I'll yell at them in August July yeah but that's a good idea yeah so no I agree I think it's pretty key but all right cool we want here we here um you had a list yes can you email that me I include it in the minutes me your all righty cool so other than that I'll just go real quick over the announcements I know Manny s just wanted me to spread this around the word about this June 25th um there's a social security seminar going on here so that next Tuesday July 4th Independence Day and then July 10th is the next chamber luncheon we're gonna have another speak sh position a few speakers are coming talking about people running for the new share position the new chamber forgot two yeah this month and the next month as well people going for a share I but um but all right other than that we're good that's a Jour I don't think I can make a motion to a journ right no cool next meting this