##VIDEO ID:GSJwnsLzIms## e e e e e e e e e e all right let's uh welcome meline in everybody Welcome mine let's go ahead on may I for yes call this meeting to order at 5:37 start with roll call I'm here viian Julie here Larry's not here but she might be later will not make it and mine all right any deferrals additions or deletions to the current agenda what we need to add animation to Old business animation to business that would be G letter G anything else anyone else want to have anything move anything around you're already first so don't worry okay um so I'm motion to add animation class to six second all those in favor okay let's open public comments anyone want to speak in public comments public comments public comments you spent too much time over Missouri sorry Missour oh I hate that word uh no one speaking so we'll move on and go to the approval of minutes please take off at your minutes like having been here anything want someone else no no no I I can feel it I sense it he's always said that he was the worst at it so I'm not going to take that away from him I don't I clearly don't need any enemies uh notes look good I motion to move them with no changes I second all those in favor I I motion passes all right old business special needs safety program Mr me quick under the weather so do everything real quick and any questions thank you for coming but yeah could be sick at home yeah um so we have two more registers y get to inform um 16 17 17 17 I don't know if it had any to do with what I'm going to tell you now but on August 10th um I was at the backpack giveaway for the to here at the C jambers it was a super well attended events there were a lot of people they gave out all the backpacks on that there um I was interviewed by the law group that was sort of hosting it um that that day like a live interview with them talking about the program I gave out um the cards and um I was also interviewed by a radio station that was there uh so I was able to talk about the program with them and we're going to set up a date they were contact me for that to for me to go to the actual radio station and talk about it more so something more open um also um on that note the city of Miami started their own autism the autism occup autism prr I of like they the Stiers so that's good um and the other thing is that what else was it um so you guys should have got an email for the r um if this was a rape aggression program oh yeah class defense class yeah yeah so it was a success uh we even had to turn away some people they're doing the class as we speak so a class will be coming back uh I'm going to be promoting it again and that's town did a very good job of it also um one of those classes wom women self profess so I suggest U anybody wants to get into free three days I mean it's free you know these classes are super expensive it's free it's through the citizens Prim Mar of day County they partnership with Mar so for that for the next time I'll promote it again hopefully enoy you guys can it's only for women though only for any questions guys good thank you offic appreciate it go get some rest question at course no just want this is this is quick we appreciate you being here I'm obviously newer to the board where is the fire department no just asking so for example you have a great program that helps um you all to notify or be recognized when a a child with special needs or an adult special needs is in the home in case of emergency you need to um diffuse the situation what happens to the families who have children in the home one the time are they aware are they aware of this program do they know about this well the difference is is that you mean our program no I'm asking like you're here representing town of Mi L we have a firefighter um the fire department repres the town doesn't have um the police department from Miami D is a police department um subcontract subcontracted in our town yeah but the fire department is strictly counting yeah but still anytime paramedics or firefighters are go to a house police are also called to be there before them uh for for safety also for the so your department is where working with them so when you're on do they are they aware of your program yeah because when the Call Comes in it comes up on dispatch on it does it does okay I mean if if you want fire so no want fire anything like is it how do they know how do they know it does come up um but if you want anything with them like for them to be here uh the Public Safety Committee has a police report and a fire report so just know that you pass your own contact because I know my girl who's my daughter who's a wheelchair bound when we were in school we talked about oh how do you know what's your what's your evacuation plan and she looked at me and I was like well I guess I'm just going to have to come get you and you're going to have to trust that but if something's if I'm incapacitated how do you all know that that little girl's not able to get out of her wheelchair to get out well yeah well I'll tell you something that happened with one of the registrant the the lady uh the mom called because the her husband was having a she had a heart attack and when it popped up on screen it popped up that there was an occupant with autism in the house and the units got there fire got there and they went to him to the son so the he was like she she was like very happy though because they gave him the attention that that that was needed to and and of course our husband was attended too too but they knew that there was aument that's just the clarification didn't realize it was something that you all had in the system that popped up they through this bud this bu that was the benefit of our program being through M County Police instead of having our own local police department because if it was local then it' have to be our own fire department too so we're lucky in that aspect that we're able to syn it up with I the yeah that's what that that made a lot of sense I kind of put it all together the more people haven't done what the town did is beyond me because there's so many benefits to having a subcontracted here that you know I I can't think of any negatives you know it's all positives the town right yeah ially thank you feel better yeah all right moving on card fall barbecue event Ivan is here Hi Ian good to see you again man and we had a chance to talk on the phone the other day and he came up with a bunch of good ideas we we have a bunch of good ideas together at Faith on what we want to do um why don't we recap everybody on the plan and what we would like to do yeah so I think from the two dates that were potentially proposed um the October one I think it was October 14 19 but now there's a problem with that date okay you want to share it again so there were two holds that you all voted on to have a hold for October 19th and November 2nd um there's another committee who was also planning to have an event and they chose October 19th so now November 2nd available of course on the calendar um to see something else I did want to mention um um I think you all wanted it inside it's inside yeah okay well this is something just to be aware of that if you did want The Pavilions we would need to book in advance so The Pavilions won't be available for either October 19th or November we all agreed on the youth center didn't we I believe that was at first and then it moved to Mary Collins yeah I believe it was Mary coll all right well that's why we're here to discuss it so October 19th doesn't work would November 2 work for you guys I mean it works for us the the only concern that I have is what I explained to you at that point is that it's because it's coming right after um Halloween and all of that I didn't want people to not show up because maybe they had a bunch of events back to back what isn't that like election very close there's a lot of um event um po yeah the youth part October 19th but not for we decided to move there's a hold on the calendar it was for October 19th and November 2nd right but what's going on October 13th or 19 some another committee that they're having their completely different event they someone else got our spot well they got a spot so we would be in competition with them if we decide to do it on the 19th but what if we change location but not just that I've been saying October 19 is not a good day no he's saying November second is good but it's not good second isn't good October 19th would be better he likes that one better but where what other location is available put it back to I don't think that's what she was are you are you I talk about Mary Collins I so they're going to do the okay yeah the original idea was you Center but then you all said maybe we should move it to I think after like the dance class and all of that so that's right we were going to try and grab all people coming from dance that's it sounded better too when it was in October early not in the later Part close to no uh Halloween and the voting I would prefer to keep it in October to I mean it's more of that's more fall okay it looks like the 19th of October is available at the youth center okay I have a question sure what did it what does it pertain to do sizewise how big of a place do we need or well that's up to you guys how many people you're expecting because Mary Colin was bigger than than youth part than youth youth center youth center where we have the dojo okay so my thought in this would be if we did the youth center we would use the facility where the dojo is to be the little staging area for like the m mag show or whatever we do we do it in there we have the space where the tables are we could do like a the little area where we could put food and stuff right um in those table areas there and then behind is like the CL ball table the ping pong table there's like a basketball have you been in there yeah and then if there's anyone that wants to vendor or be a a booth sponsor under a tent they can line up along the outside walkway leading to the bathrooms by the playground so there's plenty of space to do it there what's our limitation on people I think the only concern that I remember you guys had was the parking that was the only concern for that yeah was parking yeah there's not a lot of parking there and the with the construction going on at the shopping center shopping center that doesn't have any help here either what's just across the street from there as far as parking warehouses warehouses yeah there's the gym there's a CrossFit gym caution I mean would they be willing is no they'll be on board cuz uh he loves to help out anything that has to little with special needs would be fine we talking about AC cross across uh yeah but it's crossing the street which one are we talking about the I can't think of that road Mi L what about the office building behind it behind the park it's completely open yeah and they're closed on Saturdays uh after to talk to the people there we'd have to coordinate with the town to make sure people know that overflow parking would be in that area because there's two Office Buildings right behind the right behind the the park across that two-lane road instead of a four-lane road that does that um it's straight walk through is there a fence there's a straight walk through I mean there is a fence but there's an open gate in the fence so they can walk there they can walk straight up the road either way but they they won't be crossing a heavily traffic I know for a fact where where we are at kids phas there won't be any issues yeah I think we can pull it off we just need to talk to the two businesses that are behind us behind the behind the um the park the park and get their permission to use their parking lot then it would be pooser so that would work then we could do the you Center and we could do this whole thing there like we wanted to in the first place what are the what is the other committee event is it something related to what we're doing or not at all it's mental health okay so they're just doing something okay um so we won't conflict with them just I guess kind of a comment that if it was on October 19th at Mary Collins as up until now it was um you had arts for autism and then right after you had like a small break of like an hour and then you had the animation class so we couldn't do there well no I thought that was our original plan was we were thinking because of those two flow into our event was what I thought animations a two no you know what no K it is now it is now it wasn't before we saying it was before in Royal Oaks that's why it didn't wasn't a problem for us what know Royal o doesn't have air conditioning still yeah they never will have ouring 3 years been just C okay let's focus let's go back so I think we're fine let's just keep even are we okay to well if we're doing is animations on Saturday afternoons so two one of us one or one or two of us can't really be at the party then what time what time is the event have to be at the animation oh they can do it on their own yeah they've been doing it yeah what's the fall what's the fall event time um it was between 1: to 4: but that might also include maybe an hour before her setup and half an hour or an hour after her pick up okay that was before the animation class yeah it was one to four that's right it's about two and a half hours of of an actual event time does that work for you yeah okay so let's assume that we're going to go ahead and do October 19th one to four at the um youer let's go with that um I'll see if we can reach out to the two businesses that are behind the park and get their permission to use their parking lot um and we can use our sensory signs to guide people awesome oh we have to do anything special we just to let people know I think one of us needs to be at the event letting people know as they pull in if the parking lot is full that there's overflow parking in the back of the office and then another person making sure that they go there do we have volunteers for this that you would need to request I can have the event form I think they have don't you guys have people that are volunteer so because he's got a most of this most of this event is g to be managed by um card okay we're kind of being the underside support of it and helping feed the the sides that need to be done but the majority of it is um card because they have the staff and team to do it okay so let's let them have their you you guys can coordinate with your volunteers have them kind of direct track sure U what was go ahead U just one thing I'm not sure if it works the same way for you Center or not but for Veterans Park um if we do want more parking we would have to reach out to the grams so I'm not sure if in this case you would need to also reach out to the grams I don't think the grams own that property behind it no they don't no because usually when we ask the grams it's for the property that they own like the like the for facility they they they're running those buildings is cheap so it's not all it's not RS no I think it's in I think it was U I've seen it it kind like a bird logo or something on it but it's not the ground so we don't have to worry about Reach Out them well I mean I guess you would have to reach out just maybe just to someone else Yeah just something just just so everyone's aware so tell us some more about what you guys have thought about yeah so I have basically two estimates um from events that we're planning similar events that we're doing at a park um one of them is coming up um in January I think it is of next here and essentially the what we have is that depending on the amount of people the charge kind of changes I spoke to Michael and he's willing to commit to putting $5,000 from our end um so if let's say we went with um estimating for like 150 people then we would probably be able to cover everything based on the estimate that I have in front of me um if we went with 200 people then maybe you guys would have to come up with like $700 something this is including like a DJ uh face painter popcorn machine the Barbecue Catering so the hot dog Burger sodas chips all that stuff um we can kind of switch around so like let's say you know you mentioned the magic like if you want like a magic thing going on then we'll just talk to this vendor and they'll just switch it like let's say if you don't want to do the face painting magic they'll get us to Magic instead so that's something that can be easily arranged um but they did tell me that this is the best Bender that they have because they usually have two that they go with and this is the one that they felt like you know the food was better the organization was better and so they feel more comfortable with this one this sounds good to me um what is our Max limit of people that can be in that facility so if we were going 50 150 on the safe side yeah no I'm saying not 150 yeah okay outside yeah I would assume we wouldn't have everybody inside right I think so and and one of things again like depends what you guys want but like they can have like they can set up a bounce house like you're going to have like younger kids so like you can have people be outside like you can make where the entertainment is outside with their there's a play yeah with then the vendor do they do they have to get approval from the town to be the vendor here when they're coming through um cards organization because it's a I'm pretty sure they would Insurance the their health code uh license everything find that we need to do an email to parks and r s is a lot easier to pay them if they're already a um vendor but if we have to go with somebody else it'll get very very complicated that the university is very slow to approve very SL they're going to request also their insurance because I all I've done two three events at that Park and I know what that's what the city was always asking okay here's the thought why don't we nail down what we think should be in this event with you guys so that you can get a final proposal and then you guys can send it over to the town the town can review it and find out what needs to be done to make it work for them to do the event um coming in as a third party to this place if it doesn't work if there's a major problem with all of this then let's keep in mind little red tape and we're aiming for October 19th I'm just saying shouldn't I mean if we get an eale out tomorrow no I'm just saying keep that in mind that it depends how long before the right gets a hold of the left and they come together if they find a way I tell you what let's do this let's put all this together let's email it let's get the town involved and if we get an answer by our next meeting on on October we'll run it if we get we don't get an answer by that meeting we cancel and we postpone postpone it something don't you have we not we do it I mean that's a big commitment for that many people to cancel only a week or before and you still have to come no it's too late no that's what I'm [Music] saying CU then they'll lose the PO that's all it'll be what Happ what has I stunk right now Town's requirements for a vendor to be and we're just not sure what that is and what what is that going to take to find out an email no that's what I'm saying okay so email tomorrow you us know we have to have a special meeting for of us get here and we approve it no oh yeah that's right we could do we could do a special call I mean it won't take long if that's our only topic it's worth doing so if we send out an email quick who's who sends those emails no but I'm sorry that's not what my understanding is a concern of meeting we can we always meet for a special call it's getting that department not for you the town to come together in a reasonable time for us to then actually set it up but if we have a clear email with the proposal and the we can get that by tomorrow they're they're quick on that the town will let us know what they need if we come back yeah if they come back with you've got 10 different bullet points of things to get done and we know realistically we cannot get that done that's a whole another story but if they tell us only one or two things need to be done then we talk to you how much time do you need to come to book those people I have to ask them but I would imagine that mean would say month in advance about okay I that I remember so let's put a deadline to hear back from so tomorrow's yeah I would say let's we have to hear by Monday urgent you know urgent and who do we send it directly to is it parks and Rex well we have to S send it to Gabby and Gabby sends it to them I that I remember I know it was the health C certificate for my food vendor we needed the insurance that the town needed to be also in the liability insurance that certificate that they offer and yeah let's let them tell us who's going to write the email so that and that's about it and but all that is online actually yeah I just was was on it but it's a yes well what I was saying is let's get his whole proposal put together with all of our decision right now what we want what we don't want and then that way he can email it to me and I can send it to Gabby and then she can send it off which is the chain of command that they want us to call and all done by tomorrow all done by tomorrow yeah but so you'll be sending the email to Gabby who will send it to the town and then we just need an answer by Monday how does it work when you rent a pavilion they own they don't rent The Pavilion there they rent the inside the youth center they only rent the inside but when you rent the inside you have access to the outside they only have two Pavilions I think it is no no I'm sorry what I'm like usually they used to rent that pilion they don't because I was trying to rent it on for a Saturday for a Friday event and they told me they wouldn't they're not renting the Pavilion the youth park okay but I'll say any other Pavilion you can rent a pavilion you can very yes but then does that mean let's say I'm going to rent it for a birthday party do I have to tell them I'm bringing a musician I'm bringing a BCE house I need this approval but I think at the spot it's different because the spot I'm on the page right now and the spot this is more for just like a membership to be able to attend the spot it's not about renting on Pavilion there's no like he's talking about insurance and all this clearance in order to have this event it's because it's a event because their name is on it okay if they doing this is a if we were profit and we were doing this ourselves we could do whatever we wanted to yeah but you still if you're bringing like a bounce house vendor you still need to have their insurance certificate even though if it's your kids birthday party that's what I'm asking what they you're bringing a BCE house you're bringing an outside vendor they need to be uh they need to have insurance and they need to supply their documents how do they else do it what did they do did they provide all that stuff themselves I mean I don't know what they request I can tell you that for sure whatever you guys are talking about I'm sure the university requires new friend yeah so whatever they're going to need they're probably going to have available I don't anticipate there's going to be any document that they're going to ask for that we don't have okay let's nail down the plans for the event um tell us about the package what do you got there yeah so if we went with what do we want to say like 150 or 200 people I think sizewise yeah do 150 we can't accommodate yeah we can barely accomodate 150 let's say we do the 150 so for the 150 we're looking at $4,988 and that includes boombots bouncer face painter popcorn machine um that's 150 servants with the server there's a DJ they bring their own generator um they bring the Barbecue Catering as well Barbe outside the Barbecue Catering will be excellent so they had all the food too in drinks yes sodas yes so it includes um hot dust hot dogs and buns Burgers cheeseburgers and buns um all the condiments um all the paper plates trays all that stuff um all the drinks uh but here they have mostly sodas and water that's um and then they have chips as well and clean up for the clean up uh I would assume that they would clean up after themselves but not the actual Park we have options in our rent just bringing making sure it's a part of our kind of like with Fourth of July yeah that's what it is that's okay just so includ that in our email CH yes definitely um and and you mentioned um of the programs you got a DJ you've got face painting do we want a bounce house why wouldn't we I agree I'm asking as a to the you guys because you're the far the board so you I think that's included in here the Boos bouncer oh it is in there that's where the bouncer is okay what about the magic show did you guys want to have a magic show it was fun when I took the kids to go to their summer one is a magic show something that would be treated out of instead of face painting thinking of our folks of special needs may not love to have their face painted or do they thinking more like they enoy magic show it's kind of a it's kind of a toss up um I think some of them like their face painting we do face paintings at the SX they have siblings they're not going to come along yeah I mean I don't mind we have a we have tons of money extra50 add an extra extra to basically they told me that you want it they will make it most likely work so if it's not something that they do they can subcontract somebody that will come and so they will handle that I think the magic show is good we have barbecue and drinks I also think we should have some kind of um confection type stuff you know baky cotton candy something like that is that something your V can do to includ do we do that I like that included it's not in here so we can ask about it well we can provide the desserts we could just order some cookie flatter cup you want that's something thing it yeah if yeah because if we have extra budget that we weren't doing the 15 only 150 not in the 200 which what he would said 700 we have money so I think we should spend on that yeah okay so sweets and cleanup are on us sweets and cleanups are on us and the extra mag and magic show and the magic show too so whatever price we get from that we'll budget in for you guys okay um do we need to we need to make any signs for this any posters I would be Flyers you guys make the we can make a flyer for you now my advice is that I we can make the flyer for you um and then we probably wouldn't advertise it for you so that you don't get too many people in here so my recommendation is that you guys advertise it first and get a sense of how many people you think are going to come out and if you need us to do a push we can do it but if I put that on the newsletter you're going to have a lot of people yeah that was one of the reasons why we we're going to do it at Mary Collins too so we have places for everybody but I still think the smaller place is better because the kids can play worst case scenario if we need to do a push like last like the week before on like social media like on IG we can do that you know that we can handle and that's not a problem but I would try to not do the newsletter just because so many people I think you should do a push on social media the last week before so that all the people that are you card can see it and most of them have already made plans those that didn't can come that way we focus on attack getting after the people that are in mining Lakes first and around in and around um what I what I meant by so Flyers yes but what I meant was do we want to create a banner to put on that big fence by the road that's a lot of advertising for 100 no that's too much too much because if I remember correctly we talked about the the Halloween event but not just that how many factories are there going to be people driving by it's free so yeah no way we talked about the um Halloween event just on the side note that someone had mentioned that there was they noticed a lot of um non-m leakers at that Halloween and of July Fourth of July right and the Fourth of July and so with that being said I think we can if we really want to just mind okay so then we'll we'll use the existing signs we have to help people direct people from the parking area once we get permission from the parking people and we'll put in the budget for cookies for cleanup for um magic show the the magic show and do we do you guys as a board do you want to put any money towards the event as well as a donation back to um card for helping to do this that's a decision I think we can make after we see how much our budget shows for this week the magic show can we decide after that absolutely and to keep in mind um if it is a donation like to I rather just donate what we're donating the the magic show the the and okay okay all right then so can you get me that put together so I would ask tomorrow morning at the latest if they can get you a quote on the magician and how much that extra is going to cost us okay we already know what clean up and cookies lost so when you send that over with a proposal I'll get it to Gabby and she can get it to parks and R and say listen we want to do this in October we've been working on this for a while but it just came across our heads that we need to make sure that un cards vendors are okay with Miami Lakes because this is going to be the Special Needs Board supporting um card to bring it into our community um because they're putting everything together basically we're just basically being supported so once you get it an answer then we'll know what we'll have to do now one more question yeah did you want any specific resources there so I know like we can have a table there was there anybody else that you had in mind that we need to consider of like seeing if they're available to come on that dat that's kind of what I was thinking of the outside walk area anyone that wants to come that's related to special needs should because this is a fair for us to give the town some information Etc we'll have a table there an example of what you're talking about sure so um it could be anything as simple as like the libraries and they can talk about what programs they have whether it's tutoring whether it's anything related to like uh you know like an Adaptive um reading time or something like that um it could be something more specific like Vocational Rehabilitation um but that's usually more related to like teenagers and adults um could be like asking the early steps people to come if we thinking we're going to get like much younger um you know kids in there it really depends what you guys feel like maybe where most of the demographic Falls and then I can bounce some ideas as to what might be but not like private businesses like there no just agencies that are providing basically free services yeah they don't have any information of what they require online I've been trying to to find out I can yeah I have it on my work even I figed that sound good yes great all right give that to me as soon as you can and I'll get it to her and we'll give you an answer by next week um hopefully by Monday no later thank you Ian you're welcome thanks s when would you be available to send this email she work through every day I understand but she doesn't work for specialty Advisory Board every day so I I can send the email okay um remember that if not tomorrow then the following day which is more difficult because it's Friday um we aiming for tomorrow yes because tomorrow is Thursday we don't want to send emails on Friday everybody Lees and ignores it um I don't know if you would like to have like a date as like a backup plan the second one a second date to the October date mhm Maybe if you don't want the second because it's too close to elections um the nth the nth looks like it's available at Mary Collins also theth no we I do we want to pen to it that's not a terrible backup date I mean I think that would be even better date GES gives us also a nove the October meeting to to finish the details I think that will be even better which you have Mary Collins and use Center available for November 9th both of them but hold on we're back to the same date the two classes and that's better weekend say it it just says arts for autism program um from 11 to 1 yeah anation the animation class is over October 21st oh okay and yeah that that Monday is veterans say yeah which may be an okay thing that's people are looking for things to yeah that would be good November 9th would be very November 9th is do you have anything that weekend with your board it's November 9th yeah and what about November Sunday or on act day when is the pre usually on that Saturday I think it's on Sunday do different days knows I don't know probably the 10th veter day on the 11 yeah I want to say the Sunday okay that's another concern from the history of people showing up on holiday weekend I say stay with October 9 I think we can push as if it doesn't work with October 19th I say N I said 9 sorry that's just back preserve it just reserve the backup for now but let's try to push together maybe not Monday but maybe get an answer by Tuesday that's still going to be okay he has more than enough time if we get an answer even by Wednesday so November 9th is the back up date 19 oh November 9th you sent her Mary Collins Mary Collins Mary Collins yeah because if we get if we if we get approved for Mary Collins then we could and there's more parking there more parking more space I don't know the only thing we lose from the who thinks 9 well we agreed on November 9th back yeah location sorry what do you like what do you like about the benefits of one compared to the other Youth Center has gaming systems and stuff in the back so kids can go play and it's it's a close it's it's an all- enclosed area where it's not wide open like Mary Collins is wide open the whole park is and public will be coming in also and there's more traffic more people in the park on the on the weekend on Mary calling is that on youth park yeah and we take we kind of can take over the whole youth park and people will let us whereas if we try to take over Veterans Park it would be and that Pavilion might also be rented that Pavilion that we be looking to use right there the ones that in the park park they don't rent The Pavilion stick with youth center well I think they do rent do them at youth park they don't rent The Pavilions at youth park he tried to rent one they Jess just told me that they wouldn't rent the pavion they rent the inside and they only rented on the weekends they wouldn't even rent it on the weekdays because the event I wanted to do was on a Friday so and that was going back a year ago and that was last month we rented it so I don't know about things changing since that's why I thought I saw something but I guess we're it on for the first Friday of of August so if we can get it that little Center at uh Optimus Park what is that called I don't even know I've never been there just Optimist I'm not sure if it has like an actual name but I mean it's just it's a busy part but I'm just I say we stick with you I think it's better for this if if this thing turns out to be really big and way overg crowded for what we thought then we can do another one the next year in the bigger yeah if anything I guess another which was mentioned again with parking and more space in general because you're not just having a picnic like just food and like an activity that's just something else too keep in mind because enter is a smaller location much well I need a decision folks what do you want all those all those for Youth Center say I it's a backup it's a backup right and all those for Mary Collins I where she's on a phone call well we have three anyway Youth Center what are you saying I so either way oh so either way it's Youth Center yes so put them October 19th nov Youth Center let's just leave it there science we should move in there and we can have a new house there okay thank you I let me know when that starts send it over as soon as you can y any if you if you're run through problems I mean hopefully we don't but I can talk to Michael and maybe he can whisper to the May year I know they get along very well so I would agree I never I never put anything pass him I know that he can make things happen so oh you should for well for the November 9th here anymore right no I think you can get it done for the for the October date I like he's said it all taken care of everybody he's using has what they need to run their business and they've worked in public parks before I feel like he can get that as long as he gets it to you you're send it over with they're asking here it's going to be the same like Miami day Parks it shouldn't be they're aware what except for that one little thing that they're asking for which is that your uh your soul supposed to sign over your soul all right moving on thank you Ian you're have a good one take best of all lights um is we can move on that because we don't that right now so I'm I motion to move that to the next meeting John we're gonna be at the gala just in case you have that question when you get to that point okay we're gonna be there so we have like a sponsorship our Gala the mayor's Gala the last mayor's Gala yeah all right we'll see you there um okay so Festival of Lights we can we can actually move that to um next month there's nothing to discuss other than anyone to second that he made a motion to move that to next month second move what the next one f i second okay all those in favor all right okay May's Gala so we have quite a few things to talk about with the Mar's Gala the first thing we need to talk about is the change that's going to happen um which I don't know much about because it was Jesse who apparently found out the answer to it um we just we just moved on we uh we moved the Festival of Lights to next meeting because we don't have anything to update on it and now we're on M's Gala and I was talking about what Jesse mentioned which is it's no longer going to be the mayor's Gala now I'm G to be the special needs Advisory Board Gala who said that that's what Jess said no on it last night huh well I read it wrong then what [Music] Jessie no it's not they haven't voted on it yet they going to vote on it mayor Gala resolution the town has has voted in favor of creating a resolution to establish an annual special needs Advisory Board Gala rather than attaching it to the mar seat mean it will not be called the mayor's Gala anymore it'll be the special needs Advisory Board Gala like but that's not official yet right we can wait to he I mean tomorrow is when Town Council next so that's just we're just that's just something we're paying attention to that's not official if you guys have any thoughts on that you might want to submit them now before they vote on it my personal thought is it's not a good idea because it takes away the prestige yes do we have any if we tell them that's about all we can do yeah it's to pull that much weight weend and speak yeah we have to attend and we have to attend that's count 630 was going to that to speak and how many of you all want to go you all want to go it would it will not bring it will not bring in the amount of people the same amount of people why okay wait why are they at why are they wanting to change the name anyway what's the point of changing it 6 how long the did discussing well the G has been happening since Manny started it okay that's why Manny's no longer mayor they're are they looking to put it's not called Manny G who's the new mayor there but he's not the only one to have a mayor's Gala in the country there's plenty of so the idea that is it's the mayor's Gala benefiting the Special Needs Board versus snabs Gala benefiting snab because nobody's well people will go to who suggested this man obviously no it says obviously it says right here someone in the counil get that meeting so you that's what I'm saying somebody is requesting it they just didn't come up with it at the top of their head is it is it going to be a SN Gala and also the mayor's having a Gala benefiting another um another we don't know the new mayor comes okay so we just leave someone needs to go to on Tuesday I'm I'll be glad to go if you all want to go with me let's all stand up we we'll need some bullet points so yeah put some bullet points together I'll go okay but just put some nice bullet points together so we know what we're um asking or what we're for can speak up on on public comments and just basically tell them you know statistics statistics show that adding the mayor's name in there allows us to receive donations from major organizations and wealthy people want to help this community and it has recognition it doesn't matter who's the mayor it's the mayor's Gala and it's still I mean the benefits are are realistic and necessary in this community you can't ignore that exactly we would not be able to provide the programs that these that this board provides with and they're not going to give us funding so okay not just that but we have a history of already of the annual mayor's Gall and we have sponsors tied to that they you know okay so John put we'll support you just s out a quick reminder in our in our chat so we can get to where we need to be to support you okay we can't be added to the agenda is it too late it be is it an item on the agenda it's an item on the agenda not the agenda I don't know if it's up yet all right so we'll find out if it's an item or we we just need to speak um well they're going to vote on it haven't heard anything oh so I have no idea but I also haven't seen the agenda so part of the agenda for the council meeting mayor's got a resolution and and the person bringing up the resolution is many unless he's trying to just preserve the continuation of the gala for the for it but what she wrote seems to say that they're taking the mayor's name off of it which I don't think can you talk to and ask him yeah why can't we just ask directly before we have to go and like plead our case I will text him after the Mee yeah okay so that'll help us for whatever we have to prepare for now Switching gears to the actual Galla that's taking place in a couple of weeks um we seem to be doing pretty well on sponsorships they're about way if not a little bit WI a little bit more over half sold that's what Joseph said last how many have we sold and nobody can give me a number you see he he said something I don't think he gave us a number though he said we're about halfway over I'm updated the number I'm one on Thursday they have a business here on Main Street and I'm G to talk to them I'm not had any luck with the restaurant people that I've talked to the crate maker can't do it and they gave us gift certificates for the auction but n expresso gives me the runaround and I haven't had any other any other ones answer my phone calls I can't believe it I'm actually kind of shocked have you and you to our back can't do it we did get chalice as always and Dr Leon and Dr Leon which is good I like I'm waiting to hear back from Misha's Cupcakes and [Music] K Leon when have we had saich the the little little no no he says I like saiche that's what he oh okay like what talking about we we I think um we the first year we had we have the 0s gala we did we did have cevich at the 0s gala it was I was I think it was chellis that brought it yeah but this time chellis can bring more than finger food because this is going to be full dinner food so they can do something really you know more unique hopefully hopefully Joseph told them that that phone call I just took was from like the H to see if they can bring I get back it's moving slowly so I think a lot of people are out of money they're just not they're they're like they're when you tell them they want to donate in kind they're like so I I feel bad because they already used up their budget for the year that's what um I'll back yeah what happens when you start planing for the event two weeks or two months before so um I don't know how else guys have you been doing any luck with finding auction items I'm waitting I'm waiting for flanigans to get back to me I was hoping that I would get the details that we discussed last month on what to say and how to present it remember when we talked about that I never received that um I was told that it was sent out today oh today okay solid for it sent out by like I would come to me and should check my I'm not sure if they sent it to John I don't know who they sent it to okay because that's what I was hoping for I I have it didn't send it to the committee not to yeah okay so for I did not see anything but I will look for it okay so sponsorships once we get that maybe we can um we can have more success in going from spot to spot I don't I don't yeah I was told that it was sent out today like I said what to say for sponsorship okay sent it to us he sent it to you Julia be adone email no he sent it on aail on the um sorry well actually they already have access to that they have access to all of our stuff say if it came through it came on on August 26 where it come from came from Joseph all right so with that being said I don't have anything yet but'll get on it anyone anything else I'm already kind of working on too many things but I I've gone to Cancun Grill before they usually donate of cards if anybody wants to H that okay I'll give him a call no I don't have talk afterwards I have to going my wife just got an operation yesterday and she's texting me if I can gopr [Music] she anything else May SC okay hope for autism yeah mov on Hope for autism guys have a great night take thank you she di yesterday and I'm doing all the cleaning and cooking and everything else all goody so it's fun have fun have a good one bye okay hope pism that's me so last time I know you guys voted for uh to purchase a table at for the gala M but I I messed up and and I gave the wrong information it wasn't it's not $70 a person $75 a person so we're short $50 so I need to I moved to add $50 [Music] to you $700 huh why don't you just do the whole amount again the okay so I moved to um you're motioning yeah I'm to um purchase a table for [Music] $750 for 10 seats for the whole fall isn't g i second all those in favor I motion passes okay that's um a comment on that yeah so um this is something that you all have not done before um so this will have to be brought up to council no we've done it before we've we've we did it for the last time we we usually donate to the Galla this time we're buying the tickets instead of donating so we've done it's over the budget amount 700 right um and they got plenty of time it'll be it could be in November's report because the gala isn't until March next year yes so I did bring it up um and there will be two October Council meetings one is on October 9th 8 the other one's on the 29th right so um as of right now they have committees that are scheduled to go up um if they don't then the committee can go if not um then it'll be up to the manager's discretion that maybe he can add you in to the manager report and kind of just make that request on behalf of the committee even if it doesn't even if it doesn't we can still submit it into the February one yes just that it that's a little bit closer to the actual event dat um and besides um just something to keep in mind which you don't have to do anything right now it's just to keep in mind um grant andat that line item is actually not what it has been used for like for the three hope for autism events that you donate the food um that's actually I guess if you look at all the other ones that should be coming out of social Recreation instead because grates is only for actual money so if you were donating instead of the food you were donating $1,000 then that would be granted so this this one that she um the table for the um event is coming out of which line social Recreation got okay so that's just a heads up everything else has been done don't worry about it um that'll be fine it's just to keep in mind especially for the future that maybe you don't need to allocate so much to Grants and needs and just add a bit more to social n creation okay and so this have to be approved by which group how okay that's done so I don't know if you just wantan to well I mean that is the motion just that you will submit like a memo just saying if you could you need you want me to write you you want do you want me to write a little memo explaining what we're doing yes so it's just the motion that you just made just kind of explaining like that you all voted to um purchase the 10 seat table rather than donating to the G we're purchasing the table for the for the board to attend okay all right did I just email to you and that's all we need to do okay put a note down here so you're saying we need another motion I think so you can just kind of motion to do this and to submit a memo okay oh okay so the motion was to uh I have motion to purchase the tickets for the hope for autism Gala via the budget that Vivian has suggested and that we will submit a memo to the council about our change from donation to purchasing tickets all those in favor I pass when is what now 28 basically days now the dojo update yeah um usually Jess's the one who gives us the dojo update because we don't she's in direct contact with him um it's starting next week like I have no idea what's going on with that I don't either I tried contacting her so I can speak on behalf but she respond I don't understand you know if we um what he done Sensei is in touch with parks and RX so it's good they didn't have to um change anything to the contract um because the contract was good for one year so it's kind of just yeah and he submitted on the on the group chat for all the people that are were in previous Dojo he sitted the flyer himself showing our starting on Monday 5:30 6:30 in the 9th and a few CS have already said hey we'll be there so I think he's just planning to be there on the ninth like as if it was round two adver it like from new people to come does he need new people is is there a limit I think so there's a 10 10 people in yeah but we only had seven last year right she asking there were limit there's 10 so do anything for three the answer is there there's there's a 10 person limit but do we have space available yes who who has direct contact with uh Sensei I have but right here can you just send them a quick message hey just wondering how many you have in your uh class yeah how many are signed up confirm for next week and that way we can at least have that number if not we'll know Vivian if we need to look for a few more kiddos to join yeah give me a second I just have to figure out how to talk to him what's that yeah because it's a group but I don't know how to and then reply directly I don't want to reply in the chat though no directly to him hit his H contact not youone it says more like this is you I hit more it says Reply privately oh okay that's not what mine shows hold on but yours might be because you have all your S I don't have my contacts in my what's that so I clicked on his name gives me a cell phone number and I go to this button and it allows me to do a direct chat with him okay okay there you go so while we wait for his um response you need to invite the lady that didn't get invited Vivian the lady that missed out she signed a list but nobody called [Music] her her daughters ination no I don't know I don't know it was somebody that signed went to the open house signed nobody contacted her she didn't show up because nobody told her I started and she wased was a girl I think so yeah that's Saturdays has she been informed that we're starting or she's interested I don't see his response is a l we can ask does he have females new females to the group while we're waiting for him anything on animation which is what was added to the agenda okay wait the dojo is supposed to start Monday from 5:30 to yes 6:30 and he's just going to find out for us now with this communication he signed up yeah I send a message to seeing response and we're good with spks they know to open the door for us I will follow up with them but they were alled like it's on the schedule which means it probably shows up on the event schedule too right on the town's event calendar it should because it's here let see on the see you must have your your um emails spelled wrong because I tried copying and sending it to you and it bounced back saying it it's not deliverable no way just don't repeat it the way way you said it to me was not correct so I thought it would just discuss I'm do I'm just up but they have a sunshine thing where all of our emails are public view to the girl californ she's getting all right so now we're on animation what's the update there yeah um so they I've been communicating with Catherine the new semester so they've opened up registration to the uh previous students only because to give them priority to sign up for this new semester which um starts on September 21st and goes through October 21st um that's on Sat every Saturday 2 to 4: at Mary Collins um so October 21st would be the graduation event like the one we had when it start September 21st so they want to do an Orient not an open housee but an orientation day for the students who sign up on that Friday September 20th and uh I wanted to uh make a motion so that we can provide some snacks and refreshments for the orientation day um I is that okay so what's your motion so I make a motion to um allate $300 for SN and beverages for orientation coming out of the um event budget um Community programs yeah Community programs Community programs I second all those in favor I I motion passes okay so um another thing that I wanted to make a motion for um they wanted to add two assistance to the class so there's more one to one what's their total how many students do they have returning from last year like what's we don't know yeah they just opened up registration yesterday on Tuesday there how many did they have last time I think his tap was 12 okay that's what I remember 12 and they had one had that one wonderful assistant am I right had the one uh they had I two assistants and like one student assistant so they want to get two additional ones but they don't have the so we do so it's it would be $360 per assistant for the semester it's just like $60 per class and six classes it's 360 per assistance so we're going to get them two assistance yeah that puts us in 700 20 right what do we pay already for that animation program so they have one assistant they paid they have two what she said they paid for two plus the instructor who so we would pay for two more for two more for two addition out of huh that's that's over the 700 by 20 bucks but but that's part of programs and we have like a ton of yeah we have like no it's already approved under programs so we're just it's under programs yeah is 720 enough or do they need no that's seven yeah that's that's a number so your motion is to I I moved to um use $720 to pay two additional assistance U for the animation class out of the programs U is it only 720 or is it like um like is that like the bulk the bulk it's 360 and 360 yeah so it's just we don't pay for the Cass yeah exactly it's just in i a second all those in favor motion passes one more one they want to get the wait she's trying to they want to get the uh tun boom licenses uh for each student so they can oh so they can work on it on their own cool spell that for me tune t o o n like cartoon tune boom b o o m license one word t boom is it's t o o n b o m I don't know I don't okay no I need to just okay so the T licenses it will be $650 so I move to um to allocate $650 to to pay for the t t boom license out of out of the programs commity programs I second all those in favor I motion passes I want ask for any more Mone really 6 yeah 650 you good yeah just so that who now has that license those those students who are in the class now go home with that and forever they have that license that's theirs no it's only for a year okay so it's for a year for the students whove registered for the class so they can use it at any time during their love yeah awesome okay that takes care of all that now we move on to new business Mar s last council meeting what is it I don't know somebody asked me to put it on there who asked you so oh John and I were approached um and suggested that uh for the last meeting the last council meeting where mayor s is GNA will be mayor um that we do like some type of plaque or something for the mayor and for Joseph yeah I agree for [Music] um you know it was support I think we should do one more one more step further than that I think we should do it for the mayor for Joseph and for Maryland yes because that those three are the reasons why we exist is the three of them and the money the money behind this has been was Manny it's also okay so what what do we need to do to get this done do we just get them get the the funds to Joseph and he does it or do we have to actually find a plaque or can can I make a suggestion instead of a plat plaque more like a something something like that a glass item that's engraved the room we got black yeah they something personal for them to take take take and appreciation from snap for all your years of support and dedication can we get that from um what we can get that from Things Remembered or something trophy land also does good stuff I think are you sh because you worked with them before no but I pay in voices for trophy land so so that is the town vendors that'll work for us yeah okay so do we need to get quotes for that yeah I was look to see um what already exists M trophy land it's not just tropy like a lot of good stuff words of Distinction there we go Crystal yes I that was crystal we've got um glass rectangular they've got glass um triangles brushed uh brushed silver with glass base for $65 they got diamonds shaped are we just looking for a budget here give us a give us a give us an about Budget on a item from that which one of these the best oh this one here this is cool this one here has a blue Accent on it mommy legs and autism and special needs or a lot of things are related in blue so that's perfect um 6 by9 or 5 by7 um either one was a sens 5 by S is about 20 bucks cheaper okay you like 5 by seven okay so that that's rectangular it's rectangle on one side and wavy on the other here I'll show you an image how much is that one total what do you think oh I who the one we used for the can you see it from over there I yeah so how much is that one that one is 104 and $14.85 without engraving says laser engraving is included okay how many lines proba six or seven Mones I can't remember the one we use for the um women of Distinction oh yeah you do that did you do it this year yeah very good mhm March it doesn't show how many lines it just shows maybe engraving this what line does that come out of that would be yeah Community awareness yeah Community awareness because we're it's an awareness place it's not social recreation no it's not training no and it's not um like where at One and down Community commity awareness and it's not Community programs so I would say so yeah Community awareness okay M would you spend more than that more than 100 bucks on each one for the women of Distinction is that about oh way less okay so John look for we can't we can't I just thought this was cool because of the Blue Wave in it um could we could we seen that one before at whatever that pleas can we I know the moment you tell me remember the moment I'm going to remember can we motion to for it huh I think so can we motion to budget for it and with um with the idea of spending about 100 bucks each so the cheapest one of the glasses just so you know is $70 what's that that one's uh this one here if we if we budget to spend over that's even it's okay like that I just thought that blue kind of put a special touch to it because the fact that you know it stands for so much that we stand for but we don't have to do it we can do that one so what do you guys think M you said it was um for women of Distinction yeah GL uh Crystal Awards yeah Crystal what awards Crystal but the name the company the vendor May Awards m m John look up Mig real quick and see if you can get something similar and see what their pricings I mean I'm not sure but from what it says here um glass Awards medium Crystal standup octagon 7150 okay or Crystal award eight and a half facet blame Crystal award on black Bas 64 well these are nice okay these are much better than the other ones okay they're acrylic too they're all kinds of there look at this one here Special Olympics and it's in comes in blue sure yeah that's very nice very different what size is that um that one is large can we put the can we put the logo on it and have the logo sent over but the logo on the top our logo and then in you know in appreciation that might be extra but we don't have a logo we don't put a logo we just put our name okay idea putting our logo on it I mean I feel like if you send the logo the logo and it says special needs Advisory Board honors the legacy of Manny Sid Joseph Sosa Marilyn ruano for the dedication to our special needs wait wait are you doing you're doing one do okay yeah yes I'm doing they they take turn we'll call it time sharing but if we um gab if we'd make a motion to spend $300 uh from the community awar um line item to purchase this um and we spend less we plan on spending less that's fine it' be 400 those um those ones particular either there are 125 each well no no we weren't looking to spend on trop I'm just trying to plan ahead for any type of Engraving or any type of if if we're getting him for 60 or $70 I would say we just go ahead and do a budget of $500 whatever we don't spend we don't spend what we usually do the way he spends M motion kind of better to you say more a bit I'm a bit Frugal but you guys ahead not not exact but because you never know how much the price somebody make the mtion I motion that we spend that we budget $500 out of our community awareness to purchase three awards for our special council members I'm second all those in favor I I I motion passes now how do we need to put this together do we need to just we got to find them find the ones we want say what we want send it to you and then have it done yes okay that's easy does everybody and since we're here does everybody like Mega Awards is that what you guys want to look at it looks like their stuff is definitely way better than the Trophy Place I mean some of these are got like a rock formation it's pretty they're pretty neat is anyone at this table want be in charge of putting it together I would be glad to do it would you like to do it I I would be happy to do it I'll I'll make I but here's what I will promise to do I will choose three that I like and I will send them in the group chat you all will vote on which ones you like when we decide that then I will send you options for wording and then we'll approve that and then I will send it to you via email that sounds good to me yes do you know about how long this will take I will do it this week no no I mean like like when from the moment you place the order till I don't know they're local turn and they're pretty no more than a week to 10 days okay when's the last meeting the 29th oh September October oh no we have time I mean I'll go on today and I'll on this website I think this is the one don't you guys I mean we can get the stuff to you tell me don't you like that one does that have a base I don't know good question because really it would be better if you could just if you want to find let's say three options and then send them to me and then bring them back and you can all hold on it okay at the next meeting well September I could do do not like the way I I plan to no no she's right we we have time so you can you can bring the three back to se to the September meeting and then we can vote on it and have it produced is that what you're saying yes and since you are technically still deciding on something you should be deciding in the public meeting okay got it so we can have it for next week so just send me the ones you like to and because I have plenty of time okay very much okay got it I'll send you one you guys have any thoughts on this too or just let me pick I trust okay and do we all agree Awards is the one we want to go with or do you want me to pull something from J land too they already know that we've approved Lang also local yes they're 100% they're behind the US postal office in 100 um Second Street okay no warehouses bad some things they may be comparable in prices but if you ordered I'll pick one from tropy from both I'll pick one from Trophy and I'll pick two from up to you because they have like five pages stuff where trophy only has one all right and then from there we'll pick what's Stein we'll pick the the wording and everything we'll decide on that um at the next meeting and that way we can send it off to the engravers and have it ready for the time it's not like they're going to be surprised they can watch this video and see so okay everything good on that spoil alert sorry guys spoil alert sorry all right that do it for that did you have anything else to add I know you're going to be helping a lot with that Gala right that's what the mayor said yeah so he sent me just a year where you guys have planed if I could help out if not uh Joseph has something already for me I would stick with Joseph because he knows what he what we need yeah only we're to is basically sponsorships and then being at the event so I think if he's got something for you focus on that yeah so I'll just run with it tomorrow okay do you have any prospects for sponsorships that you can think of and we um none at this moment okay and the funny part is that I'm actually gonna be out of the country and once I land here on the 28th I land in the morning and I attended colge so I'm gonna be gone okay okay so you'll have your job done before you go yeah okay so the 21st I'm gone and then I land literally the day of the G in the morning there you go that's exciting aome all right well good thank you so much um any announcements uh dance class starting next week this weekend that thing sort of runs itself now you almost forget that it's there I know I love it all right well then I call to join join ad join the meeting I call to adjourn the meeting 7:03 pm. minute I need a second --------- ##VIDEO ID:PL2rciHh9pw## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e online and as well vice mayor Fernandez did Express his intent to log in Via Zoom excellent excellent with that being said um let's go ahead and uh call the meeting to order and and thank you uh Council Garcia for for joining us and I know I'm going to drop this on you right away but if if if you can lead us in the moment of silence and the pledge I would appreciate it to to kick off the meeting please rise I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty jce for all just a quick moment of silence for the victims today of the school shooting and um the Innocents who lost their lives today thank you all right thank you I know in um just keeping with the regular order that we've done before um we have not traditionally had public comments but if there's anybody in the public um that wants to get up this is more informal this is a workshop for information I don't see anybody present but if somebody's online and would like to chime in uh that would be great I do also want to recognize councilwoman uh Rano and councilman morera um for joining us as well they're online if you guys want to give any opening remarks and and I'll extend the same courtesy to councilman Garcia uh prior to the workshop you're more than welcome to jump in at any time thank you for the recognition uh councilman uh coyazo I have no comments at this time uh just uh looking forward to hearing about this councilwoman thank you so much thank you to staff for putting together this presentation I'm looking forward to learning a lot this evening uh councilman Garcia any opening remarks yeah I want to thank the staff as well um again uh I I I got into local government so we could have a say in what happens to us locally and um when you know outside forces even even people that we respect uh you know past laws that infringe on our rights as local officials to who are closer to the people to make decisions it uh it it causes an undue burden on all of us so uh this is a great opportunity for us and and the public to learn a little bit more act affects us so thank you so much thank you councilman Garcia and and um also want to recognize that councilman elect is here and um you know thank you so much JC for for participating not just in this process but I think I see you here more at Town Hall than I've ever seen you um in anything and that's really shows The Testament of your leadership and how you're embracing this opportunity I do want to start off with some opening remarks um you know this this item uh which which was um something that that I think wait on all of us I'm not going to take credit for being the only one that sponsored this item I'm pretty sure everybody kind of saw and heard about live local the one thing that resonated to me was when I started seeing what's happening in our to our sister cities and local communities um and and the comments that councilman Garcia just made uh resonate with me um seeing what bal Harbor has had to do um because all of a sudden they're thrusted into a position where they have no say over the development of these properties um and how they're being um utilized and and really the the only premise of this is for us to be informed as decision makers uh myself and Council Morano are not going to be here right as well as um another individual on this dis uh we're not going to inherit this this is something that you guys are going to have to uh carry the torch with so I felt it was very important from an educational perspective for us to get um feedback from staff to understand what the lay of the land is right what's happening in our sister communities be it um B Harbor Dural uh what's been happening in Winwood and realizing what what's happening as far as litigation goes moving forward right we know that some of these matters are being litigated and maybe even taken to the Supreme Court so um with that being said I want to go ahead and give the floor over to the staff and and we're all ears to see how this legislation impacts us and what we can do um to be better prepared uh for the future so thank you well thank first I want to thank you all for coming and sorry microphone noise um Susan Alonzo for the planning department and I want to give a giant shout out to my intern for the summer the wonderful Megan Cal who helped make this presentation and is responsible for all the graphics and as you will see it's worth a watch it's a little longer and it has a little more information and background than you're used to but it's uh it's uh it's worth it's worth the trip um hold on let me figure out the uh there there you go uh first we're going to go through some planning why do we plan right why do we why is it important to plan why is it important to do what we do planning has been getting and planning especially zoning has been getting a really bad rep in social media lately is the fault of all the housing crisises is the zoning laws I mean this is what you hear everywhere lately um it couldn't be any further from the truth in my opinion as a planner I've been doing this for quite a while I don't want to date myself but upwards of 20 years I I don't and and I can tell you that I've been in the front row of housing crisises in those 20 years and none of them were caused by plan no none of them were caused by zoning they were they were caused by greed and mismanagement and other things but not zoning um we go through a few of the zoning you you all gotten this story from me when you started as Council why do we do the things we do right uh what is zoning zoning is about deciding what goes where we need to decide just like when you plan out a house you need to choose where the bathroom goes where the bedroom go where where you're going to eat and where you're going to cook because you can't cook in the place where you go to the bathroom this is uh Basics and the same thing we have to do with planning the space of our cities we need to decide where we eat where we do things like industrial or where we reside and where we do commercial um and it's and there's reasons why we separate these things um I'm sure you all remember you weren't alive but you remember reading stories about the 1900s and the Industrial Revolution and what was happening at the time where people were living next to the factories and they were getting sick and breathing suit and and that's the way that's the reason that zoning began so the separation of particularly industrial and residential uses was the generating factor of zoning in the United States and in and throughout the world um you're all familiar with the future land use map and the zoning map one of them is who we want to be when we grow up and the other one is the way we get there these two maps are what um control what what happens in each area um the future land use map is this one this is the one that basically controls where we want to go as as a community um if you see the purple the purple areas are the ones that are designated for future use as industrial um there's a little bit of mistake on that one previously because there's a portion that has been re rezoned but uh this one's uh corrected um this is the zoning map which has to be compliant with the previous map and again all the purple is the areas that are allowed for industrial uses um again why do we plan uh because it help us do a lot of things it helps us save money because of our infrastructure structure it helps us create a sense of place because um it helps us um create harmonious environmental and aesthetic elements in the community it helps us protect and enhance property values um it it improves our quality of life it promotes Public Safety um it increases accessibility and opportunity um it it provides public facilities and infrastructure and protects the environment and and when we reach situations like the one that we have right now with LIF local and and how it affects the town particularly because yes we're I'm very concerned about what's happening in other communities but at the end of the day what I'm really really concerned about is what could potentially happen here um because of Li local as you saw on the zoning map we have a lot of purple and LIF local affects particularly the purple areas the the industrial areas um the history of live local is a history of affordable housing um there's been a big outcry in the last few years especially in scoid uh about the availability of affordable housing particularly in Florida and very particularly in South Florida uh our pricing our the house housing prices in South Florida have skyrocketed even twice at the growth of of the state um and obviously yes we do have an issue with affordable housing we have an issue with the availability of housing in general General but very particularly affordable housing um affordable housing is defined as housing units that are cost no more than 30% of the of the income of the dweller right so of the person that lives in it so affordable housing to you is not the same as affordable housing to me and is not the same as affordable housing to somebody else uh which is why it's divided into the the the income limits and these incomes are per area median income and these are defined by Statute in the State of Florida so um an extremely low income is 27,000 is uh very low income 45 and Below low income 72 and moderate income 108 um I'm pretty sure that most of us fall within many of these there's no you know these are teachers firefighters police officers certainly business owners certainly um the live local act what does is that it authorizes multif family and mixed juice Residential Properties to develop themselves as long as they devote 40% of the property units are classified as affordable uh how the lift local act defines affordable is not necessarily super clear they're very fussy about it they're not necess they're they're sort of defining it as defined elsewhere in the statute and BL so that already is leaving a lot of room for guest games um and then but but it does give the developer a lot of advantages or a lot of um yeah advantages uh to put in another wear they're they're no longer they're not no longer required to obtain cine approvals they're they can skip a lot of the and Lorenzo is going to go through the details of all this a little bit deeper uh but the you know they're they allowed to like skip some of the the fees that they're required to pay they are we are required to provide permits a lot faster than we're used to our time to review the application is much shortened and they get to have the biggest density and the highest the highest height and the highest density allowed within a mile um and the most difficult part of it all is that there they don't have any limitations of what kind of land use they can build on So currently residential has to go on residential land if you're building residential on a commercial lot on a red area on a business district you have to provide uh commercial in the ground floor and you can build above it but in industrial land residential is strictly prohibited because one of the purposes of zoning is to divide industrial from residential under live local as long as you're providing 40% affordable housing you can build res residential and Industrial lands why is why is this a big problem right real quick and and this is a question before we get too much in the weeds and just my my thought process affordable housing depending on who you ask has a lot of different definitions right there's Federal there's a federal standard for what affordable housing is through HUD um affordable housing uh depending on the municipality or where you live there's different rent assist programs you know different types of subsidized housing and I know that you spoke to this particular issue it's not codified in the statute at all it it's referred to from another place in the statute so no in not in the live local statute they don't Define it they Define it by reference to another section of the statute which is where they discuss 30% of the medium of the area medium income which in the case of Miami day County could be $108,000 so in this particular case an a developer would have to I guess be transparent with their rent roles thank you right they would have to disclose so in in in the live local act even though we would not have the ability to um go into that does that mean that the the municipality is the one that's then all good questions is not specified the the bill doesn't specify who regulates is that something that we would then if I mean one of the things that we're considering here is adopting live local language right into an ordinance that that allows us to manage that right and is that something that well I'll wait till Lorenzo gets his part of presentation these are all great questions for like the how do we like how do we protect ourselves but yes but these are all the questions right that we all have they are not necessarily answered when you read the statute and that's that's how it gets right that's the fussies right understood thank you um again just a quick question when you we say industrial right um is there any regard for environmental cleanup issues well I mean no sir there are other laws put in place that will counteract this you you're not allowed to build unless you remediate any type of for example there's no mention of such such things in in this there's no mention of such things in the live local L that I have found about REM remediation of ground Brown Fields obviously it's mentioned Elsewhere on the statute and I would imagine that that still stands sure but it's not directly addressed as you know maybe if the field happens to be a brown field because there was a nasty uh use before that and you're trying to convert it it it's not specified like that suzan are you aware of any um especially in Business Park e because it's majority of that I don't I don't down the Commerce Way there isn't but any industrial uses that could be uh would need Remediation in the future because I don't is there any manufacturing besides uh is I think there's some plastic manufacturing that Cordis does right when they put together we have a we have a couple of places that have manufacturing we have a plant that manufactures uh uh glue products okay we have a plant that manufactures vitamins and uh so we have several manufacturing facilities in town um actually we have a lot of manufacturing sure but it's I don't know that they're theyve they've been well monitored throughout so I don't know that they have any leftovers and maybe do you see what I'm saying so however do you really want to build residential either adjacent or on that site I would be very skeptical I would be very concerned especially if you're building residential with less basically for people that have less options MH because when you're talking about affordable housing you're literally talking about people who maybe this is their only choice of housing well that's something to put aside when we talk about our local ordinances remediation because remediation is costly correct and that might be something that you know we can put in our ordinance that that add to the next step that they must take like yeah okay um one of the one of the things that Liv local does is uh basically expedite their permit approval process and and much faster uh so from a what usually is at least a six-month process for for permit you know cly approval permitting and and the such they reduce that sometimes to 45 to 30 days depending on the on the process and we have less chance less choices to say no to things we get a lot less supervision and a lot less regulatory authority over what's happening in the site as long as there Meeting those requirements is an administrative approval there's not going to be any Town Council hearings there's not going to be any uh discussion in in public forums one more thing I'm sorry and I'll let you continue uh although in the east side there there limitations by the FAA on the size of the buildings as well correct yeah uh and that's I'm curious as to how that and many of those are industrial properties that yeah how how would that work right curious um and I don't have to tell you all this but you know Megan did such a beautiful job that I wanted to include this portion um why do we Thrive right we know why we Thrive we know why we're proud of our community we're proud because we've been using comp planning comprehensive planning from the very beginning it's a planed community that has been um you know you we've been separating land zones we've been looking for parks within places we've been looking for large Parks when we needed them we obviously have water bodies and beautiful places and you know people come and take pictures everywhere and we try really hard to have a live a local living small town feeling with all the gorgeousness that we have and um we're working on our transportation improvements and our Transit um um and this is where we get to Lorenzo's portion now that he knows what he has to preserve thank you no pressure okay I think we're g to switch gears um I want to give an opportunity as well um now that Susanna you're done with your part of the presentation if the people online have any questions I know councilman um Garcia and myself have kind of just jumped in but um Council Mora Council W Rano if you have any questions feel free to jump in but Lorenzo is going to get started with his portion of the presentation if there are no questions I appreciate I appreciate the recognition I I don't have any questions as of just yet thank you uh likewise thank thank you for the recognition uh I had uh one brief question and I'm not sure if it's actually going to be uh addressed now in Lorenzo's portion and I'm actually pulling into the parking lot of town hall right now um but it's uh Susanna mentioned earlier that we were actually under the the the state law now prevented from charging certain fees I'm actually curious if within those fees is impact fees because one of the things I see is with a lot of these industrial properties um the the level of service that is prepared for that area is you know for for usually Supply trucks vendor trucks Etc a small number of them coming in and out throughout the day uh making deliveries taking orders Etc uh as opposed to once you add a residential element that is a far heavier traffic flow uh that demands a completely different level of service which my understanding is ordinarily at that point we would assess impact fees are we prevented now from doing that you you're hitting the nail exactly on the head uh that's precisely the issue uh first yes we are prevented from collecting many of the impact fees including Fire And they're they're exempt once they're providing affordable housing they're exempt from from uh from Impact fees and not only that but yes as you well understand as you have explained when you when we if we were to reone these areas for residential use the first thing that we would require and I know that we're going through that lately is that first that the roads be um adapted for residential use so sometimes that means increased signalization um uh additional driveways inserted uh sometimes uh sidewalks are uh made larger smaller or trees add it and there's always things that you have to do to an area to turn it into a residential area right this is not part of it's not even contemplated on the law and not only it's not contemplated for the developer to have to do it we don't even get the impact fees to be able to do it ourselves so we're basically having to contend with the much lesser quality of housing than we would like to have as the stock of housing in Miami Lakes so yes thank you your answer in two seconds um before you get started uh Lorenzo we're going to go ahead and and wait for his arrival which is literally right now yes Town attorney thank you thank you very much councilman uh Kazo councilman Mora councilman Garcia councilwoman Rono um Town Clerk and Susie thank you for working with me on this project uh JC thank you for being here YouTube and YouTube uh so the presentation that I'm going to give is a little bit talking about Florida live local act Florida live local Act as uh Susanna alluded to really is born out of this need uh for affordable housing more specifically Workforce housing okay and Workforce housing is that of your your uh folks that work in public folks that are teachers uh folks that are police officers uh people that are from low to what is now middle middle wasn't really contemplated that much in the original bill but it is now in the 2024 and I'll talk about that a little bit uh further along um what it does uh and and how it it it forwards or moves the needle of of affordable housing or let's call it Workforce housing is by uh allowing developers who uh spot areas that are industrial or commercial uh and want to redevelop those uh into residential to allow them to do so provided that they uh afford for at least 40% resident IAL units in that particular building to be allocated as Workforce housing and they have to profer a covenant that they will continue to be Workforce housing for a period of 30 years okay so that is the the uh the give and take the give is well developer you're allowed to go ahead and take this uh property that's industrial or that's commercial and you're allowed to redevelop it and you're allowed to uh use the max height and you're allowed to use the Max uh uh far uh which is Florida area ratio uh and maximize all the the uses that you want there but you've got to make sure that 40% of the residential units there are again for Workforce housing now Workforce housing is defined in Florida statute 420 004 uh and the way that it uh is defined in in Florida law is that affordable means monthly rents or monthly mortgage payments including taxes insurance and utilities that do not exceed 30% of the amounts which represent the medium adjusted gross income um of of the the person and now what what that is is it it depends on whether that person is classified as low income or moderate income low income for instance is um a family whose adjusted gross household income is one that does not exceed 80% of the medium annual adjusted gross income for households within the state uh moderate income persons are those which are less than 120% of the medium annual adjusted gross income for households within the state and as uh Susie alluded to that could be household income that are in the six figures uh in some cases uh so that's that's something that uh is could be concerning it it it depends on how how you look at it because really when you're taking a look at some household maybe that is a police officer and a teacher you could see it exceeding uh six figures uh and that being something that uh that's that's that's practical how is that so and again I'm going to ask you the same question and and who carries the burden to I guess monitor or a developer comes in develops and they've done market rate we've never seen this product before they're not a specialist in this but they said well we can get much more better utilization we've identified an area now they want to come in and who holds the developer accountable to those numbers well the municipalities is required to hold them accountable to those numbers and to be able to provide them credits they they have to profer uh documents they have to provide profer evidence uh to to the municipality that shows that those units that they're going to be putting there are in fact Workforce housing under the definition of of the statute so the municipality has now I guess oversight role in something that Burden Burden right yeah to without I guess without without um I guess an infrastructure not paying fees for this right they're also being waved the impact fees can those fees be recaptured no and it gets a little bit worse um part of the benefit that uh persons have and it's further along but I think it's now is a good point to bring this up is that some of these affordable housing units get tax breaks and the city the the municipality the T Miami Lakes could lose out on the capturing the full uh property taxes on that uh those units that are specifically Workforce uh housing uh they get almost a full uh adval Orum break uh on on those on those units so it's actually the the municipality can lose money on those additional units while having to provide additional services to account for additional persons that are going to be living uh in in these new areas um so that's that's something that is uh happened uh and recently was even further expanded in 2024 and what was called The Glitch bill uh and my understanding is that this item is going to be Revisited once again in this coming uh legislative cycle I if I understood and I was looking to see if the the portion of the statute defining affordable housing or Workforce housing was here but I heard how you said it I heard it before uh if I understand it correctly it's a person Byers thing uh it's 30% of the person's in correct how does a developer show up before a building is built and say the rent is going to be 30% of a mythological tenant right because it's it's not completely mythological I I don't have the number exactly in front of me but it's based on numbers that are captured by the state of Florida as as far as this is what the medium income is so is it medium median income of an area or is it of an individual because the the the way I hear it in the statute itself in the quoted language of the statute it almost sounds like it's at an individual basis meaning you could have two units one right next to each other one is Affordable the other's not even though they have the same exact rent amount but it is based on the medium income of the area okay so it's the the income of the area Okay and then the individuals have to prove that they fall the individual applying for that and then what is this process of application it's not clear but the individuals applying for these unit have to prove that they fall within the in the that medium income of the area the area of the state so I'll read it exactly forba um they're all more or less the same I'll read the one for low-income persons right for low-income persons and so uh you can follow and look at the statute uh councilman statute 4204 um and it's I'm looking at number 11 paragraph 11 low-income persons means one or more natural persons or a family the total annual adjusted grow household income of which does not exceed 80% of the medium annual adjusted gross income for households within the state comma or 80% of the median annual adjusted gross income for households within the Metropolitan statistical area or if not within an MSA Metropolitan statistical area within the county in which the person or family resides whichever is greater Sor I have a I have a question I'm sorry to interrupt you no no um please this makes this makes a lot of sense to me it's very similar to what the Internal Revenue Service does with the subsidies for the Affordable Care Act the subsidies that individuals receive for their health insurance premiums is based on a percentage of the medium income and it's a national average right so in in that case it's embedded into our software and it's one number for the entire country here is it going to be is that number going to change based on the locality it can or is it going to be a state generated number and it's just going to be the the percentage of the medium household income for the state so so what it says is that it's based on and that's a what a great question does not exceed 80% of the medium annual income for households within the state or uh within the Metropolitan statistical area or if not within that statistical area within the county which the family resides whichever is greater so that's what whichever yeah so the oversight of this and I I I guess my concern is the same as that of my colleagues the over sight of this these let's say their rental communities right and these leases are going to be generated every year and the tenants are going to change over like how the oversight of this just seems like a nightmare to me it is you you're you're absolutely 100% right um it's it's very similar to the type of oversight that sometimes we as a municipality have to have over conditional uses where we allow a person to be able to use something for a specific use where otherwise it wouldn't be allowed um we have to go back and check you know their licenses check make sure that they're they're complying uh for instance a school where we only require uh and and allow them to for a particular use but restrict the amount of students that they can have the only way that we know that they're complying with that conditional use is by doing some type of annual audit uh to make sure that they're they're complying similarly this would be a similar case and then the issue also is what kind of uh tools or mechanisms are at our disposal uh to be able to enforce uh these Provisions uh once a permanent has already been provided and once that building has already been erected and you have now a market um uh housing and what I think makes the matter worse it it gets worse is that in 2024 with this glitch bill it was that originally the units had to be rentals but with the 2024 changes in the statute now you can sell these market rate homes so now you'll have owners that will own these condominium units you could have the work Force housing portion that maybe is no longer being fully enforced and now you have individual property owners in these buildings that are going to have a right so how do you shut them down how do you you you you how do you enforce that against them and specific that's after 30 years so it's it's after 30 years well they have to maintain the workforce housing aspect for a 30-year period question I have for you is it um do we have any say on if they're for rent or for purchase no so developer is the only one that can say yes the the only thing that we have a saying is to make sure that the percentage of the property that's being used that it's 40% of of the exual development is being used for uh Workforce housing and that's a mixc scenario best case scenario we can we can I guess control the initial tenants but I don't see a way in which we can audit this on a year-to-year basis and I mean as these properties come online right let's say that for argument sake we have 10 of these buildings that come online M and there's just no way for us to audit them every year to make sure that they're still in compliance there's no mechanism for us to to I guess have a fee to impose on these let's say their rental units a fee to impose on the landlord for this audit no there's not right if there isn't then this is just the state and its infinite wisdom has just created some form of bypass to you know create all these rules that they know cannot be enforced and create all of these specifications that they know no one's ever going to pay attention to to just allow for development to happen everywhere with no oversight you're you you hit the nail on the head councilwoman that's that's one of the main problems and that's why this has become such a big issue uh across the state especially in South Florida uh where you you have uh very dense and concentrated populations and uh you have uh variations between one municipality and another as far as their character and as far as uh areas of high single family homes and then you switch over to maybe the next municipality I'm not going to name any names and you find just crossing over the Border you find a lot more denser populations um the one good thing I've said a lot of bad things so let me say a good thing here uh about it the the statute is that it is specific to the municipality so the the way that it works is let's assume assume that right now uh for instance there's an interest in one of our industrial areas to have a live local project uh and the developer wants to uh go to a certain height well they can only go up to the greatest height within a one mile radius and they can only go to the greatest intensity again within that same proximity the greatest height of what of of building so for instance if we're talking about CU we we we have a an airport tower so that's a that's a wonderful Point that's a wonderful point so another another restriction uh also embedded in the statute is that certain areas within a one M radius of an airport uh have uh height restrictions and so those can be imposed you're seeing a lot of that happening in Homestead right now where there are folks that do want to there's a lot of development going on in that City and some folks that are trying to use uh this uh the same statute and are being impeded by uh height restrictions imposed by the fa and and and that are part of the statute themselves one one problem that essentially came to mind as councilwoman ran was talking it sounds almost identical to an HOA in the sense that the town has to become an HOA um one of the hardest problems that I had to deal with on the sator HOA was getting people to actually register their tenants and actually follow up and let the HOA know hey we renewed this tenant or hey we kicked this guy out and now we have a new lead now you're going to have the time I I could easily foresee us having to hire multiple staff create an entire department just for this and yet we're not allowed to charge any sort of fee or offset that all of our residents are essentially going to be subsidizing this stuff so you know I one of the things I really want to cut to in in this meeting at a certain point is and I think you're going to get to it at the end about what to do I I think that your what to do is more tailored to what we can do within the existing framework but I really want to know I I think suzan already mentioned that there is ongoing challenges to this law and that there is maybe some litigation I'd like to know a little bit more about who are the players what are our options of getting involved or staying out of it and just letting you know the the the leaves fall where they will um and and seeing what options we have I mean we we just had our workshop on legislative priorities on on making this damn legislative priority because this is a big deal and this is um not to to make it hyperbole but this is quite literally the future of our town it's planning it is planning the future of our town and I I can easily foresee how this can get let development get out of hand um you know council member elect a lot of yeah council member elect uh uh Fernandez a council member elect hburg the current candidates myself who recently ran most of us heard it directly at the front doors of the residents overdevelopment is one of the biggest concerns in this town and this is just a gigantic monster of welcoming overdevelopment uh so I I I don't want to just see our options within the law yes I want to see those naturally I also want to see our options to influence the law uh I'm curious to know as a charter County do we have some sort of ability to not to say hey hey it doesn't apply to us I I don't know uh what do we have at our disposal or let's let's unleash whatever we have in our Arsenal against this because I do believe that this law was well-intentioned I I I believe this law was uh proposed or or uh sponsored by Senator kalat a good friend of mine from college she is a a a person who who cares about the people I think that simply in drafting uh there was some oversight in the unintended consequences of this law meaning there's likely room for lobbying for amendments yeah uh and that's something we need to focus on and and before we get off the subject I also um and councilman Garcia this is going to come back to you so I want to give you ample time at the end I know that you are are representative with uh the league of cities local with Miami D County um if you can give us a quick recap we can't be the only city right that's concerned about this and I know that you've attended almost every meeting and and you're very well versed so after after after the attorney's done with his remarks and it'll give you some time to maybe do a quick outline and of things that you want to cover telling us of what's happening with the league and and um and you know what what they're what they're doing uh about this so just wanted to give you some time to start organizing your thoughts as well and and not to steal councilman Garcia's Thunder but I was recently appointed to the Mi day County League of cities attorney committee myself the City attorney for Miami North Miami Beach and Miami Gardens we comprise that committee uh so we're looking forward to putting U the the Best Practices Act we best practices Symposium we met uh last week with Richard Cooper about that uh we're trying to figure out what is going to be the topic so at some point I'd like to sit and and pick your brain and see what ideas you you would like us to to focus on for that um so um going back to to your point my understanding is and also in in conversations with with the other attorneys uh uh when we were just talking about perhaps bringing back Liv local is that there are going to be additional changes to live local and my understanding is that I think it's representative Vicky Lopez is has talked about a little bit some changes that she wants to bring in and and moving things around in the statute uh so it's it's an Ever Changing ever evolving uh law uh that that has uh a lot of legs to it and has impacted our neighboring City uh in in very dramatic ways uh in the city of Hollywood we're seeing areas around the boardwalk where they're trying to impose uh buildings that are much much larger than the actual facade I mean if you ever go to the boardwalk they're they're four or five story buildings but you go to the Diplomat and it's you know it's a 20 story building and they want to build a 20- story building there because it's within one mile radius and the statute allows for that in Winwood we're seeing the same thing uh and ball Harbor is involved in in in litigation uh next to the ball Harbor shops they're imposing a structure because again it's it borders with another municipality where they allow greater greater height um so we're seeing that happen in a lot of M municipalities something that's very good and positive for the town of Miami Lakes is in the glitch bill they did also uh allow for that uh when you have a uh an area that has more than 25 residences uh bued on each side you can't have a building uh that is going to go to the max height within the one mile radius so it does protect somewhat residents and single family homes Miami Lakes has a lot a lot of single family homes uh it it it is really a a good chunk of our populations and we do have industries that kind of abut some of these single family homes so there is somewhat of a buffer and somewhat of a protection for us in that sense uh so I mean it's not all doom and gloom it's a lot of Doom and Gloom but there are some things that that are beneficial to us um so live local act preempts a local Authority we've discussed this density height uh also reduced parking uh one of the things that it did in the glitch bill that really affects uh some of our neighboring cities like City of Miami and uh areas that are close to uh the Metro Rail is that if you have a uh an area that is next to a uh what is called a transportation um it's t t to Transit Hub right a Transit Hub uh you don't have to have parking at all and if you're within one mile of a Transit a major trans Transit Center you get to have a reduction of 20% of parking again that is something that really impacts our neighborhood cities and we have to be on the lookout how that could could if if any affect future are Park and rides considered Transit hubs yes they are they are no yes I think no no no but they are we don't have any but I I know that we have in our master plan this idea or this concept right to put a parking ride at the par three at the par three right so I mean if if these are one of the things that would then allow further density I think we have to revisit the master plan right it would it would allow for any projects that would meet the live local to be able to get parking uh reductions I mean let's let's think this through right it's literally in the center the par three right is literally Center and we have a master plan to put a parking ride that would theoretically I guess I haven't measured it but right you think it's kind of a mile in One Direction a mile in the other that would be something significant that I think we should reconsider if if this you know if this stuff stands right and and and I think the big if is you're finding glitch bills and after we had one glitch build and we have a second glitch build oh we're going to have several and that's what I'm saying oh yes after a while it gets glitchy right like you're you're doing more patches to correct the issue than you know and no disrespect to your to to your colleague and and I'm saying seems to be a lot of people have some heartburn with this oh a lot I mean you you've taken years and years and years of cities coming up with these Master plans coming up with these Master plans and all of a sudden the state is saying we don't care about your master plan we're going to do and allow what what we want when we want um so yeah it's it's it's creating a lot of a lot of Havoc kind thank you this is our again our our zoning map Susie had brought it up our our land use map um and we can see how the different zones and and the purple areas uh where uh this uh live local could be uh implemented one just quick clarification is I we keep throwing the industrial word around all the Reds here also apply it it includes those as well correct and I want to just point out that this map was not arrived at will andly this has been a map that has been worked on since before we were Incorporated because this was incorporated from the county this has this has been a hardwork map that was the initial thought process of the town is here I know you guys don't necessarily see it but I see it I see the commercial centers within walking uh within walking distance of all residential I see the little Parks everywhere I see the big parks located in the right spots there's a lot of thought behind this map there is also all that available industrial area so that people can work in their community that we still providing jobs and that we're providing economic development in our community so this is this is a this is the the zoning map or the master plan of a thriving community that serves all purposes of its community and I just want to put that out there because you know it's it's easy to dismiss and to say here why don't you take the purple and do something else with it it's it's not anyway and and and going on what Susie said one of the things also that's concerning could be concerning in the future is the pink because the pink is our uh the area which is is is our downtown area it's it's our town center area and and that area does allow for certain benefits right certain parking benefits certain certain uh height benefits uh to to any of the uh of the land owners around which at this time is one but any of the areas that surrounded again because it's one mile radius can go to the max height of the areas in pain so we could see you know it could affect us in in in that sense uh in the future um again we we discussed this municipality and kind of duve tailing what I just said cannot restrict density below the highest density allowed for residential um residential mixed use is 100 units per the acre and 2.5 minimum uh floor area ratio for mixed use qualifying developments what that all means is that they can go and be much more intense as far as the floor area ratio of of how many units they have uh per per acre yes I was about to say that wait wait just so I can let those that are watching online know what what suzan is about to do is explain what the floor area ratio means you know in layman's terms you you know what that means and and it's a very simple calculation uh actually you take the the area of the lot so say that you have on one acre lot right one acre uh the f is going to be two times two and a half in this case you can build two and a half times the square footage of the lat so if you have a 10,000 foot lat you can build two and a half of that you can build 25,000 Square F feet of building I think at one point I showed you all a presentation where you can either do the you can do either Susanna or Gina you get either short and and stout or you can tall or and elegant you don't get to maximize both F and square footage but that's how that's how we make sure that we get um she's laughing that that's how we make sure that we uh control development we give you one of one and one of the other and and F is one of the ways that we control two and a half is quite a bit of f and that's just usually is seven one and a half 1.7 so 2.5 is very very intense uh City cannot restrict density below the highest density allowed for residential City cannot restrict height below the highest commercial or residential structure within one mile of a proposed qualifying development so seven stories in our case in most instances exactly except again as as I mentioned I want to throw that caveat uh when you have a residential single family homes there is an added protection within one M radius of those um so uh what is not preempted okay there's some things that are not preempted tree retention that's very important in the town of Miami Lakes so as far as our our trees are concerned that's something that we still get to protect storm water management and flood plane management again two other very important uh infrastructures of which the town has put significant amount of money and resources sources um not requ to comply with landscape re they don't have to put in new trees and they don't have to so they they don't get they remove they can't remove trees but they also cannot do not be it right and and going back to your point of things that we may want to see if we can carve out and try to impose that would be one that would be one if I'm going to pick a fight you said that the the 2.5 f is much more intense what is our current F limit here in town 7 I believe what is it I believe it's 7 so so if I'm reading this next slide correctly it's not that it's 2.5 it's 1.7 time 150 or is that the same I went to l.7 is what we allow so it would be an increase of 150% yeah okay um and then I I discussed this about the missing middle tax exemption expanded so what the middle tax exemption is is that 120% of the Ami uh that is what was considered moderate income that puts you could have families at at six figures uh being uh considered for Workforce housing and that's something the reason why that hurts us so badly is that so you get the workforce housing kind of component to it the benefits uh families moving in there that are making you know a decent living middle middle income and they have the possibility of those units being completely exempt from property taxes which would impact it has a direct impact on on municipalities so that's something that that is of concern is there anything in this statute about prevention of say someone acquiring one of these low rent spaces as a tenant um and then suing it for higher price uh because that would right away I could see how this system can be abused um I could have someone as a straw man essentially uh show up and apply I I'll use them 10 times over uh to to do all these applications now I'm acquiring these I'm paying a low rent call it a mortgage right for these properties and charging a higher rent for them uh and and generating a profit now I'm abusing the system uh and not accomplishing the statute's purpose and also still being a uh burden on the town's uh infrastructure is there anything in the statute to that so with regards to Workforce housing as a whole as as far as Workforce housing as a whole you have to you have to be able to apply for it and be able to meet the burden that you qualify right uh so most of these types of of leases if not not all I just want to stick my hand far say all of them have Provisions that do not allow for sub suing however it goes back to what we discussed you know again that kind of puts the onus on us staff the police you know are they Su letting them or are they really keeping the workforce housing and that's where it becomes kind of kind of difficult but you know I think you're giving ideas there to to the public and our highest our highest F in town is 1.4 our highest F in town is 1.4 that is the F in the R50 districts basically the the the no the the the hotels okay um Mo were along uh Transit Orient parking I I discussed that uh already uh for sale Market units and this is all stuff that was treated in the 2024 glitch bill um la zoning benefits and this goes to what you mentioned councilman morera is that uh they're not allowed there's restrictions in buildings in areas where there's height uh due to flight paths so that does benefit us in some of the industrial areas that are are are budding 57th Avenue um and close to to opaka uh grandfathering uh one of the things that kind of also uh is part of the bill is that even uh after the 30 years has expired uh these uh areas are able to remain as non-conforming uses um so uh opt out this we can talk about a little bit and and I would uh if we decide to to develop an ordinance I can take a look at a little bit closer so there is the ability to be able to uh opt out of the middle uh tax so the middle taxes for those uh individuals that are in that 120 uh Ami bracket uh and that those units could receive full exemption tax exemption uh if uh if applied for uh so there is a way to be able to back us out of that if if that's something that you would want us to to take a look at and it requires a two-third votes of the governing body if there sufficient it's an affordable housing inventory in that that area that too yes yeah but at least based on how it reads in the PowerPoint it's our determination so my question then is um are you aware of whether or not they've anticipated that a developer for example might try to challenge our findings as as uh not true so let's say we say we have enough affordable housing but they say that's garbage and then they start bring out their studies and everything else can they challenge it you know uh what is what what have you learned so far about the statute in that regard if we were to opt out based on this mechanism this is a very very new statute again this is a 2024 part of the 2024 glitch bill so that's that's a wonderful question uh my impression is that they would probably be able to challenge us uh if we were to ask for that and it would be a developer that is looking uh to be able to Market uh their Workforce housing to this uh Market sector um my other concern is I'm not sure we would have to have a very very good study as far as what is our affordable housing uh look like uh around the the town and whether we meet uh the statute burden the statutory burden so and we probably do wait just to be clear Susanna so you're saying that we probably do have sufficient um uh affordable housing actually uh the town of Miami Lakes happens to be the Goldilocks of cities we have um if you look at our census data and our demographics data from 2020 and from 2010 both times we have people in every income bracket uh perfectly evenly distributed we don't have we do have very wealthy residents but we also have many people under the poverty line and and every income bracket in between which means that we we really have residential options of all levels in the town yeah what I remember is that we have an almost perfect bell curve in many ways between the highest strata of income in the town and the lower Strat and most important we don't have any gaps which means that we don't have areas of concentrated poverty which is why you don't feel it you don't feel like we have uh quote unquote uh poor areas it's basically distributed throughout the town very neat but but we do have um a nicely distributed um uh distribution of of incomes in the town um which also tells you that we also have a distributed um se you know sector of of housing for all those incomes that's a good planning thank uh also we do have an entire development dedicated to affordable housing Luci I know you all remember it um that is um 170 178 units of affordable housing that is only and is worked for housing so yes so not but not even counting that because it was I did the study before that I did it in 2017 and in 2017 we were well well supplied of all kinds of income housing well then at least speaking for myself I definitely would like to look into that um you know well as I understand it is we as the taxing Authority can opt out of the M you know that we can opt out of them getting the exemption right which means so we can keep the taxes for that correct yeah so obviously I would rather you know us explore then whether we meet that that standard so that we can go ahead and then yeah opt out you know to to that point there are three terms in that sentence that for me at least I need defining one is taxing Authority the other is governing body because it sounds like we're substituting Miami Lakes for both but they're using two different terms so I'm curious if taxing Authority is Miami dat property appraises or is it the town of Miami Lakes who is it governing body does sound like it's the town of Miami Lakes and then uh for me just what exactly is the Middle Market tax exemption I might have missed that part that's that's the um what's considered moderate uh income the the 120 am got it okay so but but then what is the effect of us opting out do we we we're still subject to having to allow uh the construction of of these properties on on Industrial and and commercial land it's it's kind of to protect just our our tax yeah just it just helps us collect more Revenue but yes okay um so what are our options and this is something that other municipalities have done um we can look at if we uh as a municipality want to develop uh our own ordinance um I've I've heard from from some colleagues that there was a a time to to do this and you had to do it before uh July first when the 2023 uh uh uh statute came into effect the 2023 was ushered in in March uh and signed by by the uh governor in March of 2023 but didn't go into full effect until July 1st 2023 and then there were additional changes that were done in 2024 um I I have I've heard from a few but I know other municipalities that have gone forward and and are still looking to develop their own ordinances so I feel comfortable and what these uh items are if you want to take a look at them one is provide for prohibited uses provide for stand standards designs setbacks open space requirements uh those are things that we can regulate uh and require that are already part of our code uh application submittal requirements what are those documents that we're going to be taking a look at how are we're going to be making sure that that Workforce housing component is being complied with um can I interrupt you for one sec with a question if we create our or our our own ordinance does it apply to every development or only to these to these uh individuals that are going to in and and apply under this live local act well we already have uh requirements for other uh applications for other applicants that come before you uh for for site plan approval um and those are are listed in our code uh those could be changed at different points in times we'd have to take a look and a close look at that because we don't also want to ever do something that is you know overhanded and can be considered uh some form of of taking uh but we are that's why anything anything if if we were were to create an ordinance it would apply to all development not just to individuals that are well what we're focusing here on is those applications that are coming in as live local and the reason why these applications are more not more important but they're they're very important is that one of the The Graces of of Liv local is that it bypasses you as a governing board uh the approval is not uh done at a quaza judicial level it is done at an administrative level so basically uh suzan M Alonzo would receive the application and have to act on that application and approve that application without your direction and and also right so the answer yes we can we can create an ordinance that is specific to these applications yes correct okay yeah I guess through you know Lorenzo and Susanna have we had any developers um request T any site plan reviews through uh live local at this time are there any applications pending at this time no has anybody requested a pre-conference for Liv local at this time no no okay so my understanding is we set forth a temporary moratorium of six months which I think has already been maybe a month is already passed by on on the the live local um if we're going to do something it's time sensitive right so I I we we're on a ticking clock so to speak because we can't have this indefinite limbo so again to to the councils that are going to be inheriting this you know you have a clock that's date certain time certain and while we haven't seen any applications come in right now um we don't know what the future holds right and you can see that this game in Tallahasse is playing out as we speak and live so um if there's any appe appetite to move forward I just want to make sure that you guys are aware that we we have a temporary pause but it's not a forever pause because it can be viewed as a taking and we want to make sure that we're we're we're respecting the rights of developers at the same time yeah and I think this is a a good time a ripe time to have this discussion because again we're not affecting anybody it's it's something that we're planning for the future uh for when that application you know Finds Its way in to to Susanna and she receives it you know what are the things in place that you know they're very clear uh one of the new requirements to is that whatever and and and that's why I I feel that it's it's probably a good idea to do it and and now is uh it requires that anything that we do we have to post it on our our web page to make it very clear to anyone that wants to uh uh submit an application that they understand what the policies of of the town are so um what other things can we do uh reviews uh professional service requirements in other words uh when we receive those plans uh who's signing off on those plans uh is that an architect is that an engineer uh who's uh actually drafting those documents uh and those are things that pre-application conference and how are we paying for those reviews correct because we're a cost recovery town we do not have IND in in-house staff to do drainage reviews to do landscape reviews to do um I do the site plan myself but the rest of it is really Consultants that we pay out of a deposit uh that the developer bring if they're not required to put in uh fees for these then how how are we paying for these reviewers so so again through in the ordinance you can uh provide for all these uh these issues so um so the ordinance could allow us to recover our cost it can could the ordinance allow us to recoup the audits that are part of the application process right I think that was one of the things that that I've heard from my colleagues that were sensitive to that there's this can create another department I think somebody said you know theoretically right checking um you know residency checking income you know I would be interested in making sure that this was net neutral to the extent possible right and again I'm not going to be inheriting this I'm I'm appreciative that that JC you're here and and my other colleagues that that are going to be living with us are here uh on the Das and and and thank you Council woman Morano for being um virtual but you know that's really where my my heart is is is making making sure that you guys have the opportunity to govern right and and and make sure that we're not doing any harm to the current current Town infrastructure um with that being said that would be something that would be of interest to me and I've heard it resonate through my colleagues you know cost recovery and making sure that this is ongoing that uh we have a mechanism um be after you get off I I'm very interested to hear what's happening between the both of you actually with the league of cities um with with with this regard but I want you to you know finish your presentation but I I'm pretty much done I just want you to understand the impact that this law has the impact that it could have on our town hasn't happened yet uh there's certain things that based on the characteristics of our town insulate us somewhat from some some of these effects uh but it doesn't mean that it can't happen uh it's obviously that that's something that it it could affect us in in the future so uh if we're going to create a mechanism to Shield us as much as possible I think now would be an opportune time yeah um on that point um mean the league of cities director Cooper the 12th annual best practice conference coming up in December at the billmore I know you're you're part of of the the team the the league of cities of course uh always fights for you know local control local Rule and they're totally against this um so again working with them as we as we did with the blasting we brought up the blasting and they were very interested um I know they're already working on this with you so I would say we continue to work with them I know you're on you're you're you're on the committee you want to explain a little bit about what your scope is uh when it comes to that well my role as as part of the attorney committee is is to you know Assist the members which also includes I forgot I didn't mention the uh City attorney also for u kibas g The Village attorney uh so we're five of us and and it's just basically U making sure that we're putting together the um different trainings for the uh elected officials we're going to have one now in November for the new incoming uh elected officials uh you know talking about lobbying talking about public records and and so and so forth and also figure out what are the issues for the best practices Symposium uh that are are you know germine and and and necessary for yeah I know this is a term that they were going to address there as well um but again coming up with our ordinances along with other towns uh could strengthen our position and if our Es are are able to mitigate a lot of this at least put us in a position to be able to have some control right uh and then and also I feel that uh you know fighting this legally is is is the option we have to take as well because to me this is just a blatant attempt to take control of of you know local control again once again right so I I would love to see pursue and I know that the I know that President Cunningham talked about that as well uh if there's any options in that aspect of of what we can do legally as as a body and as a County right um so again um yeah absolutely see what the what what they're doing and and and if we can piggyback on there and some of these ideas you came up with here I'm sure they'll be very interested in seeing uh have you made a presentation to them if not we can maybe set something up no uh but the league has been you know very good in in doing presentations at the uh Gold Coast uh breakfast they had Susan trevian uh from we serota she is phenomenal and she's an expert in this area and a lot of what uh I've I've learned I've learned yes through reading but a lot through listening to her presentations um and and a lot of my my colleagues are are also this is something that it's it's it's often discussed you know almost discussed at nauseum uh but it's something that is so new that you know when when you're looking at at law right you look at statute you look at case law there's a dir of case law it's just it hasn't really been tried uh not yet the cases are just very new and in the challenges uh so this is something that the most that we can do and most we can offer uh is try to create some ordinances some framework to protect our our talent as much as possible and our neighboring cities as much as possible have you heard from other the other cities of in the same vein what they're what they're doing what they're trying to attempt uh with their ordinances when it comes to which cities have drafted their own ordinances so far that you're aware of uh ball Harbor has uh believe City of Hollywood city of Dural um I'm trying to think uh ball harb I mentioned ball Harbor already uh I believe uh City of Miami is is toying with one Miami Beach so City of Miami is toying with one or they passed one they haven't passed one yet they haven't passed one and Miami Beach did pass it to Min understanding yes they have but the ones that are for sure ball Harbor Hollywood and dur yes and which cities have taken Hollywood um well I'm sorry to cut you off but I just want there was a followup question are you aware of any current litigation that municipalities are involved in that uh regarding this this particular sure a very heated one in in the city of bal Harbor uh for the building that's being erected next to the ball Harbor shops so bal Harbor is it is filed only by the city of bal Harbor have any of the other cities that are dealing with this issue joined them or is that issue unique do you know any of the the circumstances the circumstances is just based on on the live local there there was a high ruction I believe there's a neighboring municipality that has a different uh and they're using the live local uh to raise a a 20 story you know uh building next to what are the ball Harbor shops that are not I think the ball Harbor shops are three four stores clarify is that litigation the developer suing ball Harbor saying that the ordinance unreasonable goes against um the live local or is it ball haror suing the state saying hey you've legally preempted us I believe City it's a city that's suing so the city is suing the state or city suing the developer the developer why would they Su the developer if they're following what the state laws are I mean I'm asking the lawyers on here um other than here Miami day County B Harbor do you are you have any other state cases that are currently happening um would that be a better question flid cities maybe maybe with your followup with your partner organization there there is one in Miami Beach there's a development that's going behind the Clevelander I believe I believe uh and again it's it's a historic district exactly uh and it's going for a height that's again uh there's one in also in the city of Hollywood uh it's with regards to the boardwalk litigation or these are litigation oh litigation okay to be clear that that reference that you made to ball Harbor being forced to apply the the height standards of a nearby municipality you ref in Sunny Isles right I Golden Beach difference or surfite Surf Side or well no surfite is is is it AB buts ball Harbor I'm not sure if it's out or might be Golden Beach I think it's actually to the north it's likely Surf Side has like a 12 story limit right but but to I can give you more information if you want me to iegg they're seeking some you know injunctive relief I'm just saying it's really egregious if they are applying Sunny Isle standards in in B Harbor because it's a major major difference just a two quick questions um agriculture does does the live local at all apply to agricultural zones doesn't mention that that's a great question but it doesn't mention agricultural zones second and more important does live local preempt deed restrictions does that's that's a wonderful question because I see a workaround so very interesting and that has a example the property to the southeast of sator okay um we had where we had the Mount Si uh a few a few years back one of the main things that prevented that was the deed restrictions that says what can go there um it is a I have no idea what it is currently zoned as do you recall bu1 so it falls under live local right uh theoretically someone could build more uh residential there under live local right um I I see this as a workaround now someone Our Town historian is gone um if I recall correctly on the history of the Town prior to incorporation most of the town was deed restricted one way or another are those de restrictions still in effect throughout the town how many of them are still around and how many have been extinguished okay so let's talk about that theed restrictions have to be renewed within certain period of time it's under the MARTA act if you don't then they they kind of vanish the without I don't want to name names a lot of our industrial areas have maintained these deed restrictions okay and a lot voluntarily and Commercial areas as well so you're talking about two issues here of law one is a zoning issue of which a municipality has the right to impose the other one is a deed restriction which is a private right it's it's a little bit different we don't have a right to impose a deed restriction because we're not you know regulate them right not privity uh but zoning we we do so live local effects zoning so if you do have a deed restriction while a person may go there you know a developer may be interested in industrial property and say Hey you know we want to develop this into residential the deed restriction could prevent them from being able to do that very good to know of course well but but it would have to be removed by presumably the property but by the gr if if I'm not mistaken though um don't some uh deed restrictions essentially um give certain deference to like the governing bodies of of the municipality or things of that nature some do not all I I I recall something about that I mean it's been a while since first but when we're taking a look at the town I think it's important to understand when the town was most of it was developed and when we incorporated so there wasn't a governing body per se but one of the things that's happened and I think that this is an important going to what you said because I think what you said is very important is that as at the time that we incorporated a lot there were many deed restrictions but because of our incorporation because of our Land Development code and the imposition of that Land Development code there wasn't the need to to enforce these deed restrictions or renew these deed restrictions by a private party so a lot of them went away so that could happen in the future industry well we're we're in 2024 we were Incorporated in 2000 so we may still have some time to get some of these uh what is it revitalized I believe Covenant revitalization uh under the the problem is that a lot of these covenants and and we see a lot of them we we've had this issue and and I'm getting away from the main topic but yes just you brought up the issues with like the town homes and and the uh the HOAs so the HOAs maintained those deed restrictions deed HOAs went defunct deed restrictions weren't renewed and so now we have certain pockets in in the town where there private roads there's private drainage there were covenants to to maintain them those covenants have gone away and now how do you renew them how do you enforce them and so we've had some issues with that but I think it's a very good point that you bring up because it's it's something that does concern me right now not so much we' have a great concern but in the future you know if those deed restrictions were to go you know uh sideways then could be a concern the thing is that if I I I remember something along the lines of uh when you go to remove a deed restriction um not not through extinguishment but through removal or waiver or something the adjoining property owners have to at least be notified or or I in some cases consent for a lot of these properties I I think I think you're right I I I'm not 100% sure on that and what that process would be but not if not if they are extinguished or or they're you know no yeah I don't through extinguishment I don't think so I'm talking about like removal you're probably right you would have to have to give notice and at that point isn't the town an adjoining land owner considering it owns the roads not necessarily not necessarily no okay no I'm just trying to low this thing but great questions though it's making me think great thank you um any other questions counil Garcia Mora any closing remarks no I want to thank you uh for for giving us this opportunity to be able to to uh really work on this on this project I it's it's interesting uh to me and to to Susanna and and uh you know we're here to serve you know this Council so let us know what you what you want us to to do and I want to thank you particularly for bringing this up to a workshop because you know I've been having heartburn over this for way more than a year and I've been screaming into the wind to anybody that wanted to hear me well I think I think so I really appreciate it yeah um I think the thing the thing that well first of all I want to apologize for not hearing your screams into the wind earlier um but I think you've been extremely proactive especially learning that you were working on this over the summer right and you were spending some time on it um shows Your Capacity as a leader here in this community right you weren't told to work on this for this purpose you you are already going through this process and and I appreciate that and I think one of the things that's very telling to me is um the type of leadership that we have here that's going to be taking over the Reigns right the majority of the councils here engag saying look this is a problem this is going to be a problem for us in the future how do we fix this before it comes on our lap right and I think that's really um to to the type of work that you have here on this Das um and leverage it right again you know I brought this issue forward because I'm concerned about the future I'm concerned about um you know what's happening the glitch bills are happening because a lot there's a lot of heartburn um I'd like to see what the lay of the land is um I don't know if I'm going to be going to the best practice conference being that I'm on my way out but I would encourage my colleagues even the councilman elect um that here you know take those opportunities that are put on by the league of cities um that are put on by the Florida League of cities as opportunities to to open up your eyes because it's different when you're on this side right um a lot of people think oh look you know they're rubber stamping this here we have absolutely zero control uh we have absolutely we didn't bring this upon ourselves it's been thrusted upon us and yet here we are right so luckily the the good thing is we have no projects in the hopper we have no developers that have expressed interest in this product right now um but getting getting ahead of it before right is is is the opportunity that we have and I think that's that's important to me and and and the Legacy that we leave behind so I appreciate you kind of putting yourself in front of this um before being asked and and that to me is important and I want to personally thank you for that I know we have um and before I forget again uh big giant kudos to my intern for the summer who was so creative and did such a beautiful job and I know you guys weren't here when I mentioned her but uh she did a Megan C she's a resident of the Town she's studying architecture and she helped with those gorgeous images and like just to do the flow and she did all the research with me and she was wonderful so yeah andk and yeah please thank her on our behalf and I do not want to be rude I I see that the uh vice mayor has jumped on um I know it's uh sometimes better late than never but I do see him on the screen I do want to open up the floor for him to to give any remarks thank you coun uh no I I also wanted to express my my gratitude to Susanna for really take and Lorenzo for for uh putting on the uh the workshop and and uh giving us all this information it it's a it's definitely a topic that's still very much in in flux I will be uh I will be attending the uh the information session that the league of cities is is putting on shortly um and uh and hope to continue discussing the topic uh in in the coming months thank you all right thank you with no other further remarks from my colleagues and nobody else here from the public um to give remarks the workshop is adjourned thank you thank you everyone thank you good night guys