##VIDEO ID:GZfdrLYbIRs## e e e e okay um the go is on ready yes R all right if you're going to call the meeting to order it's 701 79 Public Safety Committee [Music] 701 roll call Nancy Rogers here Johnny Torres you'll be showing up at 710 but he's not here Jordan here Carlos SAS here leis Lopez Dar Veno leave anybody out off on the door we' got you we've got our guest tell me your name again because you know I'm forget call me Jean Jean yeah yes with a j or g g a g okay yeah his name is on the minutes from the prior meeting hold on let me transfer to here so I know to include him in the U yes sir the B now are you a new member because we had an open okay we'll talk after the okay uh yeah jeene Carlo Rodriguez you have it there there you go Mr secretary it's that on the RO call from last yeah it'll be on the guest oh yeah okay yeah I was looking for a regular we can't copy of face on g i a c a r l o yes SP you right and the last name again rer ohas are you still the liaison guy I'm just a guess I'm a GU yeah exactly make sure you say it right oh I'm sorry no no thank you thank oh picky picky down there I said VIP yes there you go VI okay we're good Rec going see it the video is it's going it's recorded we're live all right we call the meeting order at 701 roll call order of business any deferrals additions donations I leave anything out do the chair I would like to defer 8 88 Jer yes ma' me do we have to um vote when we declare something so long if if I may um just to add a little more color to my referral uh committee we present to the council in February as a committee and uh next meeting in January we can discuss that particular item okay which is discusses our let's just call it our purpose we of the Town resolution so we can discuss that next meeting all right so we're deferring it to January yes ma'am okay and the other thing is um all right we're deferring it I just thought maybe you would want to explain what it was and what the purpose was so people can think about it between now and it's month well I just did I mean said essentially um right so essentially yeah it's the we were given a res the resolution why we exist um by aisle right so I have reviewed it and I feel like there's some changes need to be done but I feel that today there's so many things to discuss that I I prefer to just move it that sounds good to me yeah okay so it's pass um do I have a second don't second all in favor I any opposed none opposed motion passes okay anything else we want to move around up front I want to pass around the 2025 budget just for the record that's what the document is going around the attached document is from the past school year so now you have the updated big thank you and if I may add through the chair in the actuals the $89. 76 that is the polo that we got so that's the only expense we have in this this okay well um so just as she's passing around just adding a little more color to our welcome yes so we have 4, 1,710 and 24 and when does our budget fiscal year budget start you already in it September 30th yes ma'am okay so this is the what you have current what we have yes this year forward exactly yes ma'am got it okay I don't think we much the table no we only left 100 yeah so to add to to ny's inquiry based on prior fiscal year we spent all but $12.25 okay so we had a lot of that that we did more coins yeah that we we did um during the last quarter okay so I think we can so we can still spend that 100 and something no no finished already that's the problem that's always the issue with us getting our money spent because if we don't spend it well we did better so say maybe and stuff that we throughout the year even possibly points I would have done that I know we have more but no yeah yeah there's a lot of ideas for this nextal year we should be good hopefully next year we don't return any yeah I'm saying have like 10 on the waiting list just in case you know that's stff that you could always yeah there's there's a lot of initiatives so well we keep getting the same amount past two three years or whatever and at some point by leaving anything on the table that number is going to go down even more and I don't let we don't we can't do anything because we don't have enough money to do the bigger things that we want to do and money on the table man you're never going to get what you want at it right and and that's why I kind of I prer item 8 a because I think that next meeting and we'll talk about the end of the next meeting but we have to prepar for that Council presentation which is going to be discussing the budget that's when we have to do it in February in February yeah that's why next meeting we should concentrate on that presentation the report is Du on the 6 February 6 so you all know thank you yeah well yeah I volunteer to present to the council we're going to have enough time to to discuss all that before you have to appear uh in the January meeting I mean I if if you guys allow me to well maybe maybe we can do a special call just to handle that and have that conversation sooner maybe it's just a thought guys okay I want us to be really ready and really justifying whatever it is we're asking for understood which it's about time we get raised yeah so we can do something and do more gr tough spot you know money to do more than want to all right next subject order business deferrals adoption of minutes or deletions if anybody has any deletions any more comments related to item number three we can move on to item number four okay agre okay adoption of November 18th minutes um like the records show that detective neis has joined our meeting and she need a set of yeah agenda rabbit and Johnny just walk my daughter um I make a motion to um approve the minutes and I second motion you have a the agenda you have all right we have a we have a motion to uh approve and second by go 30 minutes all in favor I oppos okay motion pass public comments hello over there you got any public comments no wonderful thank you you follow no nothing unless unless Emily has anything Emily any comments I I have some some something but I don't know if it should be handled there it's a a reference to a case that a situation that happened last night I don't know a new one during public comments or later one one second we're done with public comments special presentations there's no one here from the fire department I would imagine that all we got was some kind of print out or they didn't even give us that this time okay all fire department all right Police Department Officer omor you're up Dar you got to step it up I'm sorry dude the new guy G to have to yeah got to step it up we public so not saying um so I'm going to go over to date um targeted crimes year to date we have we had last year four comici sdes we' had zero this year last year we were at four we're at three this year so we're down by One auto the we had 93 we're at 82 we're down by 11 and it's looking good because we're we're almost at the end of the years oh that's good um burglaries commercial we had nine we're at 5 so we're down by four and burglar's residential we're at 9 and we are at 9 so we are at the S on that for um Luckily everything else is is under the homicide uh the suicide isn't a homicide no oh it doesn't suicide is suicide homicide let me ask they including what happened yesterday or was no no no homicide no homicide okay and and unfortunately we're at we're at four last year because of suicide murder suicide so the typical either it's it's a oneoff like I said yeah just the holiday season beginning to look like Christmas m i mean we're okay we I could say like that but with suicide we're not we're not crazy we haven't had crazy amounts like we've had years where it's been one every other day haven't had anything now so last night um there was a situation in Wind shopping plaza where there was a person there was a person that was inside of the bilard club and another set of people that were in The Bard Club this person from what they're saying had a little bit too much to drink they told him to leave outside there was some sort of altercation between that person and the other group of people and that person uh produced a firearm shot at the group hitting one of them and shooting into a car shooting into a car and hitting one of the people the one persons from the grp person was uh transported airlifted to the hospital and the subject was uh caught on SE okay and that was last night and it originated at 2:30 in the morning in the wind shopping plaza where The Bard station it happened at the station at the Shell station okay that yeah I heard it on the news earlier but I have a question when it comes to like the weapons can seals license they train you you cannot carry a weapon into a place that sells alcohol but now you have open not open carry but everything Carri can you do that the establishment says you can't you can it doesn't that point won't matter because it's a private business conceals are not you can have your concealed weapons license all that if they say you can't have it you can't have it could have worse right hopefully hopefully the guy surviv you so far okay we on number seven update okay um I refer to uh Town management the 3054 police which me social media channels has that been on I see the YouTube a still YouTube yes um we are going to be doing on our stories we're currently hiring univers to be taking over Jonathan's J so they'll be taking on this project but so far it's definitely on YouTube and we're going to be posting on Instagram stories that's the upd yeah that that seems to be the platform you have the most followers right so it's going to be posted on Instagram the stories stories yeah the main thing is the main thing is that a lot of people just to make it easier on the resident if you can spell out what the number is we all know it's z54 police but sometimes people are just lazy if you just put it on there that I think someone can actually click on the Boo and it automatically can they can save it to their cell phone um I encourage all committee members to put it in their neighborhood chat you know I mean I've been doing it on multiple neighborhood chats online I have friends in the west side of Mi lakes that are doing it as well um surprisingly and I always tells me L people don't know that so it's like this is one of those things that we're g to we're going to beat this to death probably at every event that we have um so yeah so it's going to be put on on on the story on Instagram so is that going to be put on a weekly basis because story don't they disappear at 24 hour I don't have I don't we just put it as a real it would be a post you can do it as a post like like just did the mayor did his the birthday to Miami Lakes that was an actual post not a story that would have to ask C again I don't it would be good to know because there's so much of that that we do it would be great to get some certification on that we have something that can actually go back to right and they can actually share that to their story right so can we have some kind of a um I'm trying to dovetail this for police and using the phone numbers instead of the letters with some kind of a thing on social media with the town and whatever and just you know upcoming events that we might have or any kind of announcement or um give it a cute name police such and such or publicly committee chatline I don't care what we call it but have something on social media let's say once a month upcoming events this and I mean I know we do that anyway for the upcoming events but just reminders and slogans and everything else they they do I can tell you because I'm watching them like whenever we have a coffee o cup you bet I'm checking it okay so wherever we're putting that include this message for police and then the phone numbers with it so when we talk about four police they know we're talking about those phone numbers and what we do and you know another thing too let's spend some money and make some stickers yeah put them on a notebook put them on your how about a magnet so it goes on the refrigerator that too we could go crazy with that you know I mean we have to step up our visibility my mouth visib ility a bit what do you think guys maybe incorporate the our logo with the number on the magnet yeah make a MAG cheaper does anyone have any connections and that would like to take on that responsibility I mean I know a couple that we've used in the past with other committees I'm on but if anybody else I think it's a I can spearhead it's a t n job you know you can spearhead it um you can do it with me or you know or someone else but I think two people involved okay uh looking into that and uh okay I'd like to make a motion that we look into stepping up our advertising and and our events and using uh what did we just say a magnet is that what you just decided a magnet with our phone number and that type of thing how many do you all want to order 200 and we could use that when we have our table as a give out thing well the whole idea is for copy do it yes there too when wherever we can employ it coffee with a cop to do it yeah coffee with a cop I feel like the way we got involved with that is it was mostly officer alador doing it and I kind of you know hung around and made a pest of my myself and that type of thing and I don't know if you feel like we're kind of taking that over I I I just want to get your feeling on it so I feel comfortable and how much we're getting involved because this was a DAT County Police Department thing in the beginning and I just wanted to check in with you on what I like about the committee getting involved more involved in it is that um there's more traction with it now because you know you have a group of people that is trying to move it along and um and I think definitely it's it's showing because we like at viy Baker we have a great ter you know so yeah we we um so for example I already have a company already lined up and a location for the next one you're in charge of that now yes you're in charge of coffee with a cop coffee with a cup yes okay everybody agree he's already into it got the contacts and we voting for firefighter coffee with a firefighter well that's going to be on the that we're discussing that today okay yeah but if we get that one then you'll be that one too well I'm looking at somebody next to me I think yeah I'm of the fire department a little bit a little bit I those guys but you know another thing [Music] too not now we've hit a sore spot me and I'm just going to go ahead and not care about video but we where is our fire department with we don't even we know I just feel like we've been AB he's new to the position so I guess sorry when you ask questions and where am I needed what's my job and that type of things right so I'm sorry I had to say it I don't know how the rest of y'all feel but you know but don't say we're leaving you out if you're not showing up for the meetings fin your motion we have the motion on the table so we need a second repeat the motion the motion was to get involved with um more advertising or the magnets technically we don't have it completed yet because I need a quantity so what do you guys think 200 500 yeah because we have different remember we're going to use this stuff throughout why why 200 we can go I mean you could probably go through that in the idea of the logo will be in the middle PSC logo in the middle kind of miam Le on the top and the bottom 3054 police no 3054 police not emergency in the top yeah you have to have that emergency and then under the police put the numbers thank you you like under PSC is our logo in the middle right and then I guess you have the town logo on the other side be super small they're probably going to be this big so you can't have too many logos if you want to have us in the middle boom we we're taking up the middle and then it would be non-emergency 3054 police what do you what size are we doing it h what size are we doing it five they'll probably tell you I'll tell the designers to tell me what what they if you get them the logo then they might tell you okay you want to put all that this is the perfect tile now keep in mind the T still has to approve the design no no I know I know said so but but that's the thing like once you have what you want in the middle and around them just let them know and they give you like like okay this is the option that you have and then submit it to them and then let you know which one what I'll do is that I'll bring the post next meeting I I'll bring the post next meeting and then we'll go ahead and figure out what's you know and whoever's doing just tell them to give you I think it's called mock they give you a few and then you you pick from I think you can have the logo logo and then in between the logos non emergency and then for police and then the logo logo you're talking one police on a fire logo no not committee logo committee logo and town logo town logo like on corners and then in the middle non-emergency okay and then the four police and then under police the numbers I mean just an idea what I'm looking at guys just so you know why I'm looking through my phone is who's going to be in charge of that you and you you wanted to do it too oh all right okay then I'm not going to take time up now because I think I have small enough pictures of the logos because I've used them before one for a business card and one for something else I already have it because of the t-shirts to post when we did the poos I already have it already when the graphics even though it might be too big no they Rec I'm talking for for I've already got it resized for guard size but remember they need the high Reds Amador yes they Detective is brilliant copy brilant I just copy it boom look at that this right here and this QR code actually goes to a let you see and then there's a logo inside your your logo could be inside there you see a little thing there can you pass that around yeah I have I have over here and then she gets it back round the round thing you could make all the yeah you can go straight to the number straight to the number pH the only thing with the only thing with that is in an emergency at home don't have their phone handy or some I you understood what it was number and then you scan with the phone but remember this is nonemergency stuff remember want to do report oh something's happening right now more forcy and ask uh we've had discussion you can put whatever you want does anybody want to repeat the motion and have a well you made the motion so you're saying not emergency 3054 police they mention a QR code for the phone number quantity 500 is what I see wants and I'll I'll I'll work with you to bring three quotes wonderful I second your motion okay okay all in favor does anybody need that before we do it does anybody need that motion repeated no we're all good okay all right any opposed all in favor okay motion passes so that the for 7A we went a little sideways there for 3054 police but thank you for clarifying we have a new social media person so that's excellent news now for do don't Tex some long we approved a video last time um have you heard from from uh the producer he was supposed to ask things we didn't okay I will follow to make sure you get that okay um share what s me uh 7 B wait I'm sorry the second half of 7A you were going to follow up with the with the producer for don't text while walking yes sir for an update or yeah yeah he was supposed to I reached out to he was supposed to add the ending of it m um just to make sure was that on your computer that we picked it remember we said number two was that on your computer or I oh I don't remember it was with the file share it's the same week second one there you yeah so follow up with okay um we're on S all right 7 B even so long ago um we already did all these we gave out the PLA and we we left off off sad or perhap you can clarify I left off the police plaques so the plaques and have they hung them if they given them the guys who took them home what Happ what I did was I uh I went directly had a meeting with the major and he said perfect we're going to take them and they're they're going to come up with a way of presenting it uh to the major with the sergeant and all that yeah so they want to do something nice but they haven't done that yet I mean I don't think remember this is their section they I were you involved with that yeah they haven't given anything you guys you it was for your for okay so what was there a shooting or something all right so you'll get back to us on that I mean that's that's what the that's the plan that's the plan the plan that's the plan for the major to you know he took ownership of it I told him look this is what I have and he said perfect give them to me and I'll come up with something so but he hasn't done want he wanted to do it himself and come up with something so well I just thought how if he chooses to invite us that might might happen that's a possibility or maybe not just want it simple and well if it hasn't happened yet um listen you know the Public Safety Committee would love to attend when it happens so yeah yeah uh for the fire department um Darwin was clutch enough to finally get a hold of uh the recipient it was like last minute we kept going back and forth we showed up at 8 o'clock at night when I was tra traveling the next day my wife wasn't very happy but the fire department was very happy so uh yeah that was great okay so okay uh through town management um have we heard from the mayor's assistant related to the presentation in January we still don't have have an assistant so I yes hold tight on that one all right now we see scenario if we cannot get that get in January which I'm really hoping we can the Town Clerk and Deputy town clerk no so it's noted we just don't have a mayor's assistance yeah keep us posted so I can have hopefully we can get the crew out there to okay present it to you're saying mayor's assistant is what we don't have we don't have A's assistant right now but the town clerk is aware of the Omar gonzal January meeting that'd be nice if we could go once again I believe we discussed where the plaque was or whatever and I did get back to you and you got my message that I had plaque yes ma'am okay it's been picked up my house does it look nice on your wall well it looks it looks nice on the uh armrest of the reement okay okay um we are now we we don't need a a word so let you wait I'm sorry where are you and we skip to 8 B Because 8 a is different who was that we skipped a a was the first yes was that's that's what I was and coffee with a cup that's 8B yes that's on though isn't it yes it's on he's going to talk about okay so that's where we're at now all right I'm sorry so hopefully uh we have some uh you know I know a lot of you have work commitments but it would be great to get you know support of PSC out there on Friday um Amador hopefully we you're going obviously you're going to be there hopefully we get the same crew from last time MH um so so uh looking forward to it he I got a call today we were kind of like budgeting like he like how much people do you think are going to come out and I said Vicky Baker we had like 20 people maybe 25 at the peak of it so he was going to um you know make sure that he bring an extra individual uh to serve you know whatever needs to be served and you know it's really I'm really excited about what's going on with kavo cop there's a lot of people that really want to do it so um you know you mean you mean um restaurants and like that yeah people are very EXC about it yeah yeah so um we're going to keep that that that going so just wanted to give you all an update that I have been speaking to the owner of Earnie assy and we're ready to rock and roll for for Friday and who is that owner what is his name Andrew Platt yeah yeah yeah Andrew PL yeah yeah so I want to say that one thing that's historically been happening is always a coffee of a cup is mostly when there's a new business I think that why does it have to be a new business why can't it be a business has been here in the town that one just wants to host it and the other question I've been getting is it's I have to be during the week and I'm like look you know yeah but I I know that most of the I don't know like for example I don't want to interrupt your schedule I think you know you're the face of the police department you know and and you know so it's like I'll tell you something for me as long as I'm not at an event already or um at some other job event I I would come in the thing is that you have to also include the supervisor The Command Staff that and they all have to then come in too so is that something that happen or not during the week they're all here and when I'm done I go I go to My Talking C so yeah you know we're here and that's the thing I think that's why it's more problematic but maybe once or twice a year wouldn't be a problem maybe we can look at something like that if that's something that would interest you guys well no when we get to the fire yeah I'll tell you how we do this the the this is now on Friday because the other one was I believe on a Tuesday so I'm hoping that people are like you know hey it's fun it's Friday yeah you know we're gonna have that and again the biggest thing is I'm trying to get people that have big followings to repost My Story I mean I'm not as good as Darwin on Instagram but I'm looking on it and you know hopefully we can get more people but again it's uh it's very exciting and they even Andrew even told me like hey you want to play anything on our screens you can maybe we'll put the the 305 police video or something so we make fun of each other on on the video so yeah I don't know if you were being PA just regarding the remark with um Darwin but um are you saying that there's a possibility that you two could work together to make sure that area is covered if if he's good at it you know what I'm saying then let's bring him on board to help out and whatever and make it official well no no that's the beauty of it I mean Dar will talk about it because I think the next point would be awesome for darn to to see how it went because yeah we're both later okay well actually I'm sorry guys so if you don't mind we're going to skip from B to D and then we'll come back to C okay this so darwi we can talk now about coffee with a firefighter all right so we're going to move coffee with a firefighter to see the purpose for the secretary and we're going to make human trafficking D we don't have to relabel it we're just going to go through whatever is easier so the way I was thinking we could do this so just keep in mind there's three shifts and again this will be I say we focus on one station for now okay so and then just to try to because this I'm assuming comes out of there's there's budgetate right there's there's how does this like who pays for this so this this one's a little different guys because we have to actually hire a mobile Coffee Company to come into the fire station to serve coffee so that will be a budgetary item for us so with that said so in order not to incur or at least not to go through our funds so quickly it's I would there's three shifts a b and c me out basically we have nine months left give or take before we're do again for so I say focus on maybe one shift hey we three months to do a shift the following three months to do B shift and then the last quarter of the year to do c shift that's what I would do instead of knocking them out and then it buys us more time and I'm pretty sure there's going to be other projects that probably we would look into but these three shifts are always going to be days morning they're 24hour shifts we need to do it by 7: a. to 7 a.m. so let's just say today's a shift today okay I got you I got you so there'll always be in the morning we're not going to do three shifts together I say hey let's for the first quarter of the year right so basically we have OCT number we have till what January give or tape to do a shift and the second quarter a shift and and and I'm sorry darling that I interrupt you but I have a sponsor so this doesn't come out of our pocket so I have a company that's called game day that is opening in Miami Lakes for Men's Health they want to be the face of this event so instead of er it's going to be game day going to be sponsoring the fire department coffee event sorry who's going to sponsor Game Day game day game game day the game people no no they're not game day they're like Men's Health like they get into I don't know what else you know yeah testosterone blah blah blah this stuff so I think I've heard them on 560 they had a commercial somebody mentioned them somewhere yeah they're heavily defin the right place at the fire station exactly so I it's funny when we when we left the fire department at night I text him like hey man do you listen absolutely you know for him it's it's it's a home run yeah we take care of our you know these cops don't really you you're be able to do the calendar 50 we don't sit in the car all day they're at the St Ching relaxing that big call so now that we're talking about this event and and this I'm glad that Amador is here I'm being ambitious but I think this can be done I think we need to do Cofe of a cop every other month I know it was like once a quarter every other month maybe every month eventually but I'm thinking uh and and if dar's okay I'm thinking maybe we have discussions to do this coffee or a firefighter for January yeah we you start off in yeah you way shift you give me a we go what I'll do is next next morning I could you I'm going to pull up the the the month and tell you what shifts or a shift yeah and then we can do that I a specific day you want to focus on still on Fridays I like Fridays well this is the fire department now so it technically be any day it could be Saturday not necessarily because aship let's just say let's just play today's what help me out here I'm having a senior moment today Tuesday Tuesday let's just say today's today Monday Monday Let Jesus Christ basically real quick so real quick how the sh works today let's just say today's as ship are we clear let's just say today's aship there won't be another aship till three weeks from now okay that's the way it works so you know 24 on 40 off so alternate one month cops one month firefighters that way you do it every other month yes and night they're sleeping so you can do I have what there's a um there's a cafetera have you seen that one the mobile CAF I think that might be a good choice for a vendor to see more or less what they would offer um and then we can work on the logistics and bring something to next meeting I also had a contact that uh they were using here in the town that is a mobile Cafe Cafe place not the cafe they one but it's a mold that they've used here in town hall for stuff yeah I got a question yes ma'am coffee with a cup our blueprint is US approaching the business and doing coffee with a cop that business now you're talking about what I if I heard correctly that you've got this vendor that you're going to use for the coffee yes ma'am okay that's a whole another thing with insurance and liability because that vendor is coming to a location which I don't see the town getting too happy about that because of the liability and the insurance and all that other type of thing it's a whole different situation we're going to a business they've already got the insurance if somebody got the bur with coffee whereas if you're bringing a vendor to to a place a location which has to be neutral parking lot here you might even have a problem with that it's it's a different setup so I'm not saying it's a no I'm saying have we checked into that and thought about that because you got to cover all the basis because of the stinking liability on but we're going to be doing this where in the in the fire station fire station right right so then we need to reach out to make sure not only with the town but well the county is pretty much is is we call it it's um self insured okay you know self-insured self yeah so just real quick guys let's just I'm going to thr let's just say January assuming we stick to Asia basically and assuming we want to do on Fridays we can only do it on the 10th or the 31st okay those are the two shifts that fall on a Friday that are a shift okay that's pretty much the way it works then you guys drink coffee without spilling it so there's no liability or we drink coffee do it then on the 31st so that way we have time to do the meeting before that who wants to be in charge getting the okay and all that anything in green hold on empty please sure so anything in green is a sh that's we want to do on friday5 no no no Saturday okay so you all right I'm fine I mean your biggest hurdle is is the County facility saying yes is to it fire besides that all the other stuff is like you can ask the chief said station yeah that's easy one that's already been then an easy one because they're saying that they open it up to kids and kids come in as a field trip and actually go and look at the ladder and trucks ambulance all that stuff so that would be when so the so the 25th is that what because if that's the case I need to get the ball rolling like now because it takes you know it takes just logistic wise obviously what they're going to do is they'll probably I'm just going to say let's just say 25th of what month January 2025 I what do you guys think it's a Saturday neighborhood Improvement does have a bike ride in the morning on that day any coffee during your bike ride stop by the and it's probably easier to get the get the trucks to be a put out of service on a weekend now a weekday that's so how does the 31st go the 31st first Friday is right now okay keep in mind we have a huge event that Saturday which is uh food and wine that the 1 of February yes interfere with Friday it's a whole different thing for and this is early yeah it should not be any what do you think what do you guys think that it's 12 type of thing that's how long time 8:30 well not because they're going to have maybe you want to have like an open right well the whole yeah the whole idea is I mean you going be hard on Friday though to get kids out there they're in school no no the kids are not going be able to get out I would say do the first one 8 to 10 see what the turnout is 8 to 10m no8 8:30 to 1030 did we have a motion to even have this at the fire station yet we so discussion this discuss discussion we're just talking right now no no you have motion then discussion so we had a motion to have it at a fire State all right I motion to have the coffee with a firefighter event at station 64 who's going to second second when he's done can we to be announced yeah let's do tentatives tentatives January 31st 2025 Friday January 31st Friday January 31st 20254 yes sir well shooting occurred what was the number 10 on the station 64 64 you did that one it's 64 yeah yes this is one I always got to remember that it's the opposite all right so that was a motion made by Darwin second by Carlos yes maam caros all right so I'm going to ask you to repeat the motion and then we're going to vote okay I motion to host coffee with a firefighter during the month of January 2025 T of date is Friday January 31st station 64 station 64 very second caros second second is Carlos yes ma'am yes sir okay all in favor wait wait discussion no no do we discuss any more discussion no no no okay open all in favor any opposed motion pass okay we're moving now back to uh HC so I want to recognize uh thetive Nas for actually spearheading this initiative um speaking of copy I think she need copy she been up 2 a thank you for joining us and I'm sorry it's been a long morning day for you um essentially and and coincidentally when we met to take neis and I there was a meeting that day in town uh chamber which Nancy was there as well and they were talking about human trafficking and I'm sure as as most of you maybe have heard uh through friends family human trafficking is huge in Miami g county nor right so January is uh human trafficking Awareness Month and um some ideas that I felt were appropriate uh for the Public Safety Committee to do is a few things um and I don't want to make a motion yet I want to first present some of the ideas that I had and obviously collaboration with the group one is I do think that we should be some have some social media post uh to talk about human trafficking maybe some links to the number for Human traff traffing some of the examples of human trafficking um human trafficking people um you know like to tie it to prostitution but it's more than that you know it's labor it's you know all types of things with uh um you know people being held against their their will uh for some sort of return um and I think the social media post would be um would be suitable uh I think that the state attorney's office is is who spearheads this but Miami day County also has a division that specializes in human trafficking so I think that the social media post should be some foot of a collaboration with Miami Gate County Police Department and um I think as a committee I think that we should um spearhead this effort via multiple channels uh some of the ideas that I that I had was there's a monthly chamber mon uh chamber lunch I'm going to reach out to the chamber to see if maybe there's a spot for to slide us in maybe we can get somebody from Miami D County's division to have a short presentation on this to the businesses that that join these chamber meet at lunches you know we can have sometimes 50 people in the room if that more um one of the ideas that detective neighbors mentioned that I thought was wonderful and we need the collaborative collaboration of this group is possibly scheduling a visit to the different hotels in Miami Lakes you know and maybe uh detective knows a lot more than I do you know she's you know done her homework on this and maybe some sort of a a handout that they can have in the break room uh for the possibility of any signs of human trafficking to call Miami Gate County so you're educating them the employees right and the ne and I we kind of there's about what four hotels right we're talking about Sonesta the lint right Tom S and and right they Miami leaks shers yes um so and and the possibility of presenting it maybe saying something during the the council meeting um in January um you know it's a lot of things to kind of throw on the table to this committee but a huge problem and I think again you know like I said last year you know anything that we can get our hands on to get our name out I'm all G for um you know we have great people in this committee that you know we can we can definitely partner figure out who can do what on what day and and and get the word out so uh I don't know the M do you want to add anything to to that I'm not sure if you had mentioned an interest in like you said with the chamber but perhaps to other committees um making sure that the Elder Affairs committee or whatever other committees are that whether it's related directly related to their mission uh as committee members for the town it's good for them to be well informed especially in such a important topic I I'd like to pick up on that and make a motion that I look into the very next um committee chair meeting and bring it up with the committee chairs to have a a meeting not not a meeting but some kind of a get together with the different committee this way at the committee chair let's say you could come and explain the situation what you want to do what we want to do and collaborate in that the committee chairs hear what it's about and then if they want their committees to become involved because there's several committees that can be involved with this not just Public Safety and um well I meant was for them to just be aware informed whether or not they participate in any initiatives but for them to be educated and informed and receive information about the problem and then again too rather than going through all the Committees and whatever is there something we can do through the town and the mayor and do something in Chambers and just have a collaborative discussion like we're we're discussing it here amongst these few people but have something with the police department and if you want Public Safety to get it off the ground and do something with the town and the residents through the mayor's office let's say how about a guest speaker a guest speaker from one of these agencies that deals I mean other than law enforcement that deals with the just have a whole thing like education like we do all our other different events we can sponsor it along with the other committees or or whatever and do something at Town Hall to the mayor's office yeah because you could get one of these experts from another agency and they could tell you all about it and well they no yeah for the record the um the human traff was already done that event was held last week and that's the one I intended with Nancy and with so that was done already but I think where what what I suggest that they need help with inter who did that one the town itself the state of offic State why don't we contact them and see if we [Music] can well we already did it we didn't have a good turnout but there was something happened did a really good turn that was then then you know what are we in discussion we're in discussion well you were making a motion about something I I lost track of what that something was I was saying no to make it bigger is to uh collaborate with another committee but I think I think we already tried doing this we had a good turnout here in town hall then perhaps then we moved to um Royal Oaks where we have our elderly Affairs event where 100 people or do something if you want when they're having Bingo because that's the biggest turnout that they have just something at Royal Oaks and reach more residents go ahead so I think you're reading my mind it's not the first time right the um the contact I have with the state she told me that she's waiting to come out whenever you know I asked you know or we asked and the bingo was the one that I told her because I already had um the lady from the Department of Agriculture come out and speak with them so she can come out from the state and talk and talk and and they can make it as as long and as short as as we want so you can you have to do Ser food and then those people will come out yeah so that that was that's the goal for January uh but I was going to say that the main thing um right now is whenever the the Miami dat Sheriff's Office I guess by that time puts out whatever they put out that the town piggy backs off of that and links it and that's a simple one right there and then you know PC but link the actual whatever the the County's going to put out the count is going to put out a lot of stuff or the county more je I don't even know what we're going to call our our Sheriff's Office is gonna put out we're gon we're gonna be St County for for a while though and police um whatever they put out is going to be a simple simple one for you guys to Big by if we do it big enough you got Royal Oaks and like I said there's there's 100 we order 32 meals when there's a bigo event that's just Public Safety when because they get a free meal so if if we piggy back with that you're going to have your biggest turnout at any Miami Lakes event and that's that B so your motion is to reach out to the elderly during the Bingle to talk about or bring our a guest speaker to talk about this issue whichever way we want to do it detecting the can come out or both detective neis and Toon from the Department culture she just told me what's the date uh I made contact with um I the chair at the time um D and he just said yeah have them come out like it wasn't a complicated procedure yeah perfect thank you Zario Navaro Zario naar chair she's chair she is yes now if if if we one of the ideas we were talking about was to have somebody as a specialist like that come to the chamber would it be that person or would it be Miami County's division representative either or or both I would say it's better to just have one yeah because time because imagine I mean I don't know how the otherly Affairs how big those events are but the chamber is pretty big we're talking about 50 people easy have you ever been to Royal Oaks when they've had Bingo no okay like I said 132 Mees yeah the the Bingo people 100 I at both 132 over there for Bingo and have somebody speak and town of Miami Lakes Town Hall you know were you there the day that I brought Ivon you remember her speaking I remember they love they were super in in you're talking about yeah at lingo event and they wanted her to come back they were super in so and um I think it would be really cool to get someone from Mi you know but to come out to to like the Bingo yeah the Bingle was show spearheaded I think the the remember because the chamber is businesses so that's just one point of contact that branches out so I'm my at least my focus of this Mission would be chamber got I need somebody pick a day whoever no the chamber is the second Tuesday one on you can't get 132 people to come in the chamber how many does the cham anybody know we're talk about the about the the Chamber of Commerce we're talking about that's inas we take up the whole oh Oh I thought you meant Chambers here no no the Miami Lakes Chamber of Commerce okay so yeah we're talking two different things do they have anything set up already they're they're the the second Tuesday of every month or the third we do both the second Wednesday because we trying to spread the the message so can I'm trying to condense my emotion too so the thing with with the and and take care of that that's that's consider I don't see why we cannot do Botham and the Bing no okay this is what I got for the motion just so I understand we're going to bring in a guest speaker concerning on human traffic to the chambers Chambers business whatever it's called Chamber of Commerce Iber of and yeah to the leld Affairs Bingo EV and I believe they have that Wednesday that's that's the motion we're talking about correct well technically it's it's more encompassing because you're talk this is technically a campaign so you're talking about now you have two events where you're going to have a guest speaker from Miami D County or the state attorney's office then you have the social media like Amador says the sheriff's office is going to tweet something out or Instagram something out we're just going to piggy back that we're going to write that wave and then we have the hotels okay so it's the three-prong event Chamber of Commerce elderly Affairs um social media and what was the other one hotels hotels yeah all right so that's going to be the motion that we're discussing yes yeah and the hotels is a little trickier because you talking about hotels and who going to visit I mean I would like to go with you to at least one of them you know maybe somebody else wants to go another day or whatnot or I don't know I can schedule my visits and whoever would like to join can join them because I'm going to do it I'm going do it you know as sooner than later just to be sure they're aware for so my understanding is is you're talking about two different we're we're about we're about three Pres station at the chamber and elderly Affairs man Le's Chamber of Commerce and elderly Affairs Bingo that's two separate that's two separate but all one it's a presentation for presentation but you want to call it to us fine two social media three four hotels which I just think it would be nice to have someone from Public Safety with with our Police Department show up you know as support you know you're showing up I wear two shirts yeah but whatever whatever so you're talking about four events yes I four events and and the blasting on social that was number three yeah yeah yeah other Affairs presentation uh miam L stream Commerce presentation social media and the fourth one was the hotels technically the campaignad so technically physically it's 30 EV yeah I got it and social media yeah I got it I got it so who's GNA second this I'll you you made the motion I'll John elderly Chamber Hotel what the social Med yeah social media okay yes sir I'm going to make contact with the state and with my department yeah usually one or the other can attend okay whoever can attend whoever can do a presentation I'll start working with t my Cham you in there on the J now remember both for us and the state it's as as big or as small as you like it's probably going to be a small slot I don't know if they have someone they probably have someone already lined up for the speaker I I imagine so already that's I tell you they can go this was the same thing at the bingo it was um she was speaking for like maybe 15 minutes but she could have gone for an hour and a half you know it was just I said I said look this is what we have and she said perfect I'll come on 15 minutes and talk to them you know and give out flyers and they and it was it was good the cool thing is that NE and I pretty much knocked it down we went on the website Miami Dave has like perfect bullet point one two three four things that's where it really needs to be focused really more than anything I'm sorry that's for social media for presentation is data I mean the data they were presenting at that in that in the chamber was wild but they were presenting to us the numbers in my is ridiculous the stuff that's kind of thing you present that in the chamber people are going to be knock they're going be falling on their cheers can't believe it's happening in their background so all right and I to mention the schools all right do we would would it be wise to uh for us to pick like a subcommittee like two or three people from this committee to be involved with helping arrange these different uh dates and stuff like that coordinating because I don't know that one person and detective neis well my idea my idea is that any we're going to vote on a motion and then any other the lisce I'll communicate to the group and figure out saying can we is anybody prepared right now to say put me in that subcommittee that didn't do what he has to do do and then if you need help or something get in the cart before door okay yeah because the good news is that they have all the resources they I mean there's a division that handles just this that's all they do and all I'm really doing is just pointing directions okay this event that event I'm going to be working with you you tell me hey what is this technically if you're ining on yeah okay beautiful vgpg [Music] okay so we need to vote vote all in favor I any opposed um I'm sorry if I made through the chair is it um Amor do I need to submit I think I need to submit a official request to you to the major and to the town for the next popular I as as you as soon as you have the date and then the town the email with the town and USS okay on the police that way everybody coordinates that that a good date now okay usually the the vendor say first look I'm good on this date and then we go back we okay fall back after that was good okay all right okay I like it Cofe with a firefighter yeah we we already discussed that now we're T we're on 98 right now okay next council meeting council meeting yeah we're just I don't know it's just work next January yeah 9B 9B okay the so I just want to say again to uh kind of Full Circle we present to the council in February uh I deferred 8 a which is our mission statement the resolution that we'll discuss in next meeting to see how we want to alter it we're getting into different things now like if you look at the resolution it doesn't talk about the fire department we're getting into fire you know we always talk about fire doing things with fire but it's it's technically not the resolution so that's something that I want to talk to the group about and discuss then I want to bring back to the table the partial possibility with the town for later in the year I have been talking to a lot of people about this in the town including our council members and the mayor to make sure that they will support us in this juncture that's something I'm going to bring up next meeting to discuss all right wait a second I must have missed it our connection with the car show it would be doing what it would be to bring the community closer to Miami date police which will be the sheriff office at that point and the fire department and I have support from both departments and they'll say they'll put a they put their Best Equipment out so you're just using the venue or the event not so much as it has to be with the car show do like I'm just you put here next piece at me so I'm just giving everybody a heads up what some of the things I want be talk you want us to participate at the car show to promote we're sponsoring yeah this is this is a second car show that we were talking about a couple months back yes right yeah it's not the cure for cancer i' already been talking to folks from the cures for cancer already is this going to be later in the year because like I know we saying because hey with all this stuff going on you don't want to touch the beginning of the year yeah no I'm just clarifying and that's with what committee um that's going to be discussed next meeting I'm just giving everybody a heads up that's some for next for next right right and the next meeting is one January 21st fourth with the fourth or the third with the fourth Tuesday or or the third Tuesday the four fourth okay January January 28 next meeting January 28th next council meeting is ladies and gentlemen motion to adjourn today's meeting who been a second who second all in favor meeting adjourned