##VIDEO ID:IINuqkTRhM0## e e e e e there okay guys let's call this meeting to order at 5:32 PM uh do some roll call here I'm here H Vivian here Julie here Francisco here cl's not here Jesse's on her way mine will not be here tonight so first our order of business is there any uh deferrals additions or deletions to our group our anything I oh you know what we should probably add um we need to are we going to do another end of class celebration for the Dojo or just end of class their last one will be for the season will be in [Music] December 16 no okay just L then we don't need to add it I think one anything else anyone want to add take off yes the proposal that they presented did anyone bring I have oh do I have I know it was presented today it was someone she presented it to someone else today who who would she present it to after us if she was going to present it to multiple people where else would she go okay um would be like the council I don't have it in front but we do need to add that because we were going to discuss it yeah do you have it with you what presentation remember the Ava therapist that came last week last month and she did a proposal to have like a social group the adults with autism yeah and you you mentioned you had spoken about this will you spoken about getting a restaurant having to go in the restaurant and she said she wasn't sure about that atmosphere but we looked at looking for space and for like for us to fund it didn't leave ter wasn't a lot of like information it was a lot of information missing that we need a lot of information missing we discussed that that's why we're looking for yeah we there was no agenda um objectives goals outcomes expectations um any format of a of a program or a plan and she was the only person with like 20 owns I was thinking we would probably discuss that after the holidays or you guys I think it should be on the agenda didn't I put it there on the notes on last it probably is on the notes um I I did put it on there let me see well I just said that her name was Kimberly trellis and she was here to present and um that Wasim y my bad my bad hang on um here she is B AB Services presentation social group for artistic adults uh and I just put thing ref first proposal so we can oh Sor you have another copy of the um um notes first on [Music] meeting yeah that's fine if I remember the presentation yeah so let's just make sure we have it on next for the for the January AGA agenda okay so at this point then we have nothing to change yeah all right we're at public comments and we'll open up public comments we have a guest here on one would you like to speak or or did you just wanted to you're coming because you're wanted to learn more about the board yeah I want to learn more about the board and and hear what you guys are doing and hopefully May in the future apartment did you open make a motion open you have to do no because it's in in line in the in the track we have to motion to open it if we want to reopen it later so excited I'm gon scratch that off um obviously Julie knows you from the table but um you know Francisco and I wasn't there I was outside working so if you'd like uh go ahead and um let us know a little bit about yourself what's what you're why you're interested in the board and whatever you'd like to share yeah sure so my name is Jackie Sanchez um I've been a town resident since I was 11 I went to Goldman and my husband that's for event actually he's very active in in the the town his name is Alejandro Sanchez some of you may know him um and we have a son that we found out about a year and a half ago that he's autistic so I'm interested in finding out more programs because since he's 13 it's really hard to find out a lot of things of things that he can be a part of a lot of times you'll find things for little little ones so I'm interested in just really digging more into the community and being a part of it very good thanks for sharing uh you know the process about thr out the paperwork and everything I do because he's been a part of the veterans committee and all so he's really well well like invested in town excellent all right good well uh do you never know there might be a seat coming up soon so uh your I PE for that is there any other public comments you would would you like to see I we all know we all know you Ral yes I'm interested in joining the board next next year uh I think that me as being an individual with ASD I think that I can bring a lot of insight to the table to better uh consult uh the individuals like who would wish to our fellow Advocates who are and also our allies to continue to help make miam Lakes an inclusive t for the sh Community thank you very much Ethan thank you always believer that sometimes after years of working flesh fresh blood does help a lot in changing the ideas and moving things forward so hopefully we get to see one of you two or maybe more join in the future here um there's no other public comments there nobody else here so let's go ahead and close public comment and move on to approval of minutes F take a look at the minutes please although I really don't think we have to got so good at it uh is that like a indirect you know that song we don't talk about Bruno we don't talk about Frankin I think that was at least a nice way of say that I sucked at the no it's just you are like me I can't do anything don't don't don't feel bad about it we all have our strengths exactly mine is mine is public speaking that's all I think they all look good I motion to pass the uh minutes second all those in favor I I motion passes moving on to Old business now special needs safety program updates from Mr Amador all right one we're on uh the same boat we haven't had any new applicants um but I do have an update on something I was working on so sunr PD has a system where I'm not sure exactly how it works but my my understanding it's it's a wrist uh device similar to our simple um rubber silicon silicon thing that we have but it has a tracker on it so if something happens it actually tracks uh live so I make contact with them and I'm in the works to having some meetings with them to see exactly what it is that they're doing they already told me to come you know go over to Sunrise they're going to explain everything and then I'll come back and and explain how it works see what what because I'm thinking that through us through through the Special Needs committee is easy to you know the funding and all those things it's easier to just bring it through there could be something that option right well we can also see about getting a grant to help cover some of it there are plenty of um police grants across the state that we can do give portion of it to um a portion of it to um might police might Sheriff's Office along with our whatever we need to put in to make the rest happen if we wanted to do something like that but yeah I mean with the amount of people on it right now it wouldn't be hard for us but we suddenly got a group of 60 people is there a monthly cost to it as well because usually there is I haven't had meetings yeah it be similar to like that little apple tag most likely so you lose your yeah the good thing they're using something yeah i' Beed so like it's taking back kind of like what you guys did with the PE Pines same thing you know think back I looked at it so as soon as I get everything squared away I'll bring all we talked also about working together with you in the new year about um blending your um flyer with our flyer um remember we talked about that like because it looks as though his that has just the information about um signing up for the uh me out here yeah like for the for the program we were talking about if we could share that fire with you and also advertise our committee and what we do and have our link on that well and more like a blend it was a blend of you remember Tom you guys help me out here we'll work on it in January but we wanted to blend your FL your information with our information so that when someone saw you didn't have to be a whole explanation that's what we went with in because when people were coming to get our Flyers off the table from you they like we had to say oh but you live in the town of Miami Lakes this is only for the town of Miami Lakes but we didn't have that information on it wasn't clear oh you talking about the other the program that Miami Dave Sheriff has for the autism no no no when people would come and they would get the flyer it was like oh are you from Miami Lakes since St since that one specifically is only to Miami like you know within Miami Lakes so it was like the same is not so it's kind of like you want to give them information about us but by giving them that late it it's was confusing we just thought we would update it and maybe it's the same problem we were having at the Festival of Lights last year and we've had almost every event that people are out of town and yes yes I know the safety program Flyers were supposed to be specifically for the safety program we were going to develop one for ourselves to also have alongside it but I don't think we hav't did well so we need to we need to update his anyway I think we had said or get new ones you don't have you you don't have any more I'm almost I I brought them with me to the um what was the event we just did I had him in my van and you weren't there okay what just something to think about for the new year I message someone that wasn't about that they didn't or an email I just send you an email that they they didn't give me uh access or let you come because it was in a town event it was oh we we did talk about that but okay yeah so just a thought for the new year we were talking about how to update it give more clear information so people knew who you were and what it was about also I think maybe Al I don't remember if we have on there like four residence ofes it does say the M safety program doesn't it it does but that's still kind of for a lot of people they get and they're like oh this is great I'm GNA sign up and like right and so if they don't take the flyer Then They don't know about us they don't have the QR code or whatever it was to also find out who we were I think that was part of we wanted to update the website add resources so on that information we'd have some of our information so they could go to our um website on our page and see the resources that we we have for them do we have any players left yeah that's what he said big Bo the the small SN on yes of the little square ones yeah we got some of those too the latest ones that we did we have we have both we have the safety program Flyers that we just ran all the new ones they have a box full of them and in one of our boxes we still have a stack of the little blue cards that just have the QR code were about us right so we still have our own we have our own little like 3x5 card that we handed out for the R program with a QR that link directly to um the site for downloading the the specialty safety program okay what we had suggested was for the time being since we have so many of these little 3x5 cards was to take that QR and have it change because I think it was a different QR than the one that's on the safety program I think they're different that's why we were talking about combining them so you're talking about one we were talking about the other we said is there a way to combine or at least share that QR code yeah the the QR codes on the two flyers I believe they're different yes yes and what what should be done is that this one should be unlined from the safety program and put directly on to our page on the town and that's what we wanted to update with resources and events and be more yeah proactive about if we did that then we have the 3x5 left to give out until they're gone gotcha and then we can create a new one for us will you bring can you put a note or to bring a copy of each for January's meeting so we can take a look at it yeah and we'll just get some thoughts going so we can maybe get that going what I can do is I'll send you an email when I get home or tomorrow morning tomorrow morning I'll send you an email um and I'll send you a copy of both and check to see if they're not if they are not the same QR so if they're not then we want to change the one on the little card immediately to go into to our website so that you you guys will be able to start handing it out and then we'll go from that okay I think one one big thing is people don't they say oh I'm from Miami Lakes and or I'm from hiia and when you look at where they actually live the maybe the S Cod says but they don't live or not so something like the map so actually show these are the borders these are the boundaries but if you live north of me like if you live in PSN then I'm going to then refer it to the county there's a county program that you could that's similar it's not the same but it's similar if you have an autistic child or autistic person and you can go to that that's what we kind of thought would be helpful for both them and for you anyway was that when they called you and said hey I want to join this program okay where exactly do you live in mi l so I live in the address that comes out Country Club you're like okay well you actually don't live in mi l so we still have a program we help you with because police yeah because we felt terrible always every time they take to take one but are you in the town my me that's okay then just keep it Terri life I honestly just handed it out to everybody because there're they still can find out from him about all the other programs it's it's Broward people that you know you you know one like they say I live in Broward County like we can't do anything for you I'm sorry what are you doing here so going back to the idea I gave a while back why can't we reach out and ask for help from the grams to send out that's still an option we just haven't an email to other residents because no one has done it that's why no one's done it that's if we were able to to you would you like to do that I don't mind okay so I'm writing down what sending an email to the grams see if they would forward our email with the safety program information to other residents they're the biggest landlords here in the in the in in the in the town yeah there was a whole process now just so you do know the emails that go out from Miami Lakes they always have it on there just so you know yeah well at least no no no matter I'm just saying you know they're not going to read but if at least they can share that email because this is not an email to make anyone profits this is an email to help the resident so if they can help out with sharing that email to their residents would be great if you want to task on that then what I suggest is you get with aella by the way you don't know who she is to you no I use my her today so get with his Bella and you guys work on that what he needs is he's going to need um what you think should be said about the safety program and then you will need to send that over to probably Claire so and say can we get approval to ask the Grahams to spit this out in their Community newsletter and then it will include the picture of the safety flyer which back and front and back too because it's got Spanish um and then if we can and once she says yes to that with whatever Miami Lakes letterhead then we would have you submit that the grams and say would you all mind please sharing this in your next newsletter email out to your res not even the newsletter just an email a standalone email just for the program or Standalone next next time I do an email mass and then once you got that done then you guys are done then there's all that did it sound good sounds good okay everything else Mr Amador I found something [Music] [Music] it's it's on the website it's my last name c r i it's on the page if you want on the first page of the agend sent an email this week so yeah it's in there my last name and I the alarm get it right let us know when you have it GPS locative device promote Independence and security to those with special needs if you're go missing you can the alarm GPS device location let's go find it if you live in the city and you like more information about program please reach talk to us at AU awareness was out and then the other lady put me in contact with her and then we set up you know how you lose cell service if you go into a building ask if that works if that person is inside a building or shopping center or a store technically should lose signal because that's GPS signal so the GPS is lost too as if they tried that R Ethan um you had something to say U well actually about a topic that you're get to discuss about do you volunteers for the bana 2 event when we get to that I'll find out let you know um okay so is that it for the updates thank you sir Merry Christmas uh Festival of Lights you laughing you y all laughing you you all to be laughing at those type of things it's it's fun it's fun St I have spent a week watching numerous edits of um Brumley Brimley Willard Willard Brimley wer Brimley talking about diabetes and uh people have edited him to say things like you ought to be laughing at your family that's that's fun stuff You' be laughing at your that's what I laugh at go ahead the fesal I it's just a recap yeah oh no it's coming up well recap recap how did it go Audrey I saw those I saw the dancer the dancing she have a good audience yeah she want to stay on that stage yeah I think that stage works better for for us all right it's okay I can hear so yeah you know it w great they good so that they actually did um socks all right cool I love their red shirts they like bright and we used a lot of the the costumes the accessories that we purchased last year had some we had we had some left over and most of the kids are returning kids so they had their St from last year so glad to hear that went well okay good all right um that might be something we look into next year like maybe getting something different for them yeah for the show I I would think that would be good new new outfits for that maybe we can team up with Audrey too in advance and get them some like Christmasy style shirts that say um the say both hers and our mobo RM be really cute keep that in mind okay about June yeah movie event did we finally get a deal name with the theater or is it over unfortunately no so we'll have to post on it yeah know the last uh text I sent him yesterday I told him that I needed the invoice by 5:00 p.m today the latest nothing and um he wrote copy but I just checked my email right now there's it's all right we tried so why don't we um why don't I do this I'll motion to postpone the movie event um for future dates I would say probably February because I think jary we are my second H where a new location here L just the street it's in the street it's very it's very small I'm sorry you second I did okay all those in favor fine it's okay writing it down I got you I actually stopped by there the other day I looked over there yeah aot is that so we I would say tops like 25 only one room and it's probably the size of the bigger room where we used to have like 20 25 people I remember youall talking about the event last year that it was everyone paints a heart was that a was that a good thing or was it we need to we've we've been doing it every year it was growing but now they don't have the facility no not that part of it the actual Activity part of it did you want something to discuss did you want that again like I felt like you guys were usually because it's we always do it in February like a valentine scene and it's always been like a heart thing but it's always been a different a different heart gotta okay as long as or a different like I think one time it was like different you know I think one time it look like the little hearts the candy hearts I know last year was like a big heart I saw the red hearts last year but it's always a different thing we've done so that's something we need to look into getting the pricing yeah because it'll be for February I hate to see it go down in size but I mean the only thing we could do to fix that is to do it some other location with them providing materials or we do class back to back one for younger then a 30 minute break then another for older that can be done and can we just do it just for the residents of the Town that's what it is you know doesn't people from outside come as well or yeah not everybody is yeah because we that's because we bring people in from from autism and dance classes which they're not all from here either from G's from G's yeah they pre-register no no there's no such thing as pre legister and once it's open it's open we need to start like only for Town residents until space is f up because what do you do if you have the license for example where the somewhere used to live in North Carolina every time there was an event that was for residents they ask and also at the parks if there was a you have to pay for parking if you show your license that you lived in the town it was free parking if the event was C charge and you were from the town you live in the town you get free entrance so we could regulate it that way the thing is like I don't know how you would do that with event I know sign up through event bre would I know that only for Town residents or maybe you have a certain time limit for my M's residence and then once that time limit passes it'll open to that way you can encourage people to from the Town M Le get your spots and then not to exclude anyone I understand that but I do think if there's residen those especially space if their system allows you to type in the name Miami Lakes and that would be the way to to vet people out and they couldn't put down other cities their address just put by address but that's only if event right has that technology we'd have to move it yeah okay that's a makes it challenging if we were doing the event and just accepting people through the door as they come then you could check ID I couldn't turn anyone away once they got there espe their kids to be okay you're higher you be at the door come in so we really have to put that at the top of in January then when we meet in January we have to talk about that immediately so January new business for January if the space is going to be a lot smaller then I think it's only fair to prioritize our I don't know how we got off of the movie Into The Painting with a Twist no February right it's important because we already have it we're just going to the movie and figure out where we put it okay that's the best thing to do got it um okay and then we'll discuss pain with the TST of January talking about and I'm sorry to interrupt I don't know if you already discuss when our next meeting will be no right now it's scheduled for the first and obviously office is closed every day that day everyone could be here that's I am saying because usually we because we meet the first want to go ahead and do that you guys want to do it on the E well there's already something scheduled on the I will pick them out is there is there another time available will they're meeting at possibly the 15th I can double type that nothing else is going on that works out for at the 8th there's no other time slot everybody's getting in to get there you would have to have a how short 30 minutes or an hour no you can there's something at six so you yeah exactly I think if you could put it there though because we don't hold it now I mean I don't know 5 motion make a motion to move January's meeting to the 15th please all those in favor I pass that count as a double second I got her she said it first my ears tuned I heard I heard it she speaks louder I think she was just closer to me I card event so everybody it was good event not as many people turned out as they expected but still people did turn out um Ivan and I talked a bit while we were there and determined that one thing we'd like to change for next year to do it again is to instead of having them bring the people that did the grill cooking but instead partnering up in doing food trucks because they can park in that that area the park he thinks that would we both thought that would be a much better option um and um he likes the date they all like the date they like the idea of the Fall Festival they would like to continue and have it be in the same place so we can go ahead now let's see here the Fall Festival was it was the 9th of November so let's spoot ahead 2025 in November the week second weekend of November is the 8th Saturday yeah would you guys be okay with going ahead and just watching down that date cuz that's the they want to go ahead and start planning for it again if we're all in favor of having them come back can we put a post on that one for something for new business because since I'm staying this year at least for one more year on the new business I can start working on the 5K and we can do it I was say in November we have the reindeer run in December so well we can probably move the 5K for February or March it's still fresh it's still I would leave nove let's because they wanted to keep it at that second weekend of November they liked that date it was cool nice and it worked out so um they said if you could go ahead and book the time for next year and we'll just start finding it for next year about the 5K today or no no no I just thought about that that's why add it to the agenda for next year something else add to the agenda the car I don't know how we're going to but I think we need to however it is we're going to do it what you know I I think because do it I think we should definitely take them up on the offer and I think it would be nice to have one of our vehicles wrapped whether it's on Special Needs specific to one or however it is [Music] one yeah I've got that written down John so I'll put it in the I'll put it in the I and I'll send it right to her she gets them like by tomorrow so I'm just for my own head I understand I'm just I'm just letting you know that I'm writing it down so you should be okay about over achieving tomorrow the notes will be ready I can't say what time but yeah it used to take me like a month all right so I fres what I have here is that for 2025 goals we should be discussing and making future plans on the car WP the 5K the park plans any with the twist C plans yeah what's that I'll get to that in a second um card and movie event um before you join the board we all agreed to work on building a second Park a sensory friendly version for the town right now we have a boundless Park which is is great it's it's been we've helped put some money towards rebuilding it and there um still think it needs more work we should probably evaluate it and see what we can do to help out okay but that boundless Park is not a sensory friendly Park it's just it's um it's a disability park access accessive thank you it's an accessible part um and it has some fun stuff but it's squared off and it's by the water and um everyone's really concerned about it being close to the water because even though it's fenced in um they're concerned that someone opens the back gate they're in the they're in the um the gotcha okay got that what what did you say after Park PL oh uh new M card and the movie event okay we've got all that got so for the park we had discussed taking another one of Miami Lakes parks and trying to add on to it more of the foamy musical sounding um disability friendly playground area stuff that we don't have like a sensory like a sensory area plus the you know because like there's a disability swing over and or an accessible swing over at Veterans Park randomly by itself that's it there's nothing over by the boundless Park the boundless Park is just a playground and um and there all these things that we have are all kind of like scattered and I wanted to conf find an area where we could put in something else as well to add to all these things so that people had an option speaking of which before I I'll get to your your date give me don't let me forget but speaking of which while I was over yesterday yesterday Monday um for the dojo I was walking around with my dog and came to the realization that we we've been talking as a board we've been talking about the idea of building this behind Mary Collins and Veterans Park and to do so with it's a space that's not being used It's all under tree so there's no need to build canopies and stuff but to do so we would have to raise the ground because it's a flood plane and I was walking with my dog at youth park and realized that there's an entire section of land that is not utilized next to the park and it dawned on me that that would be a much better place to put it because not only can you already connect it to the light of Pathways that are already there not only do they already have swing sets there which we could easily convert one of them into an accessible swing not only do they have a full playground down there that is is currently cushioned with that cushiony walkway but they also have the youth center you're hitting all the all the great things on up perfect and you just walk over from this side to the left side which is all grass we get a deal to inverted keep the trees where they are we don't have to take anything down we just add in another section of the park with all the musical notes and the stuff and ideas we had you know I I have some I have some Concepts that we I took pictures of of other C across the country that I visited or looked at we have one down here in Mighty day there's one over in Sarasota there was one in Missour V contacts for that some of them not all that would help that's what we have to gather because we're we're expecting that we could just build there but I know that's never just the case with vendors going out there to give us some estimates that's really what's going to P us forward and I talked to Josh and to Brian councilman Brian and now mayor Josh about those things and they mutually agreed that because what we had suggested when weed and approved the plan was for us to co-work and build this project without tax dollars that we weren't going to fund it all with our board either we were going to get grants we're going to get donations we're going to get assistance trying to get media coverage whatever we can do to put this all together and the only thing that the city would be or the town would be responsible for moving forward will be maintenance on the par once it's complete um and they both of them said we would like to get this done in our tenure while we're here in the next four years and we so they're on board with it once we're ready to submit he said once you're ready with your Concepts just come to us we'll start working on blueprints see what we need to do to make it happen Okay so I um I'll get some I'll get my list together and then we can I'll research what other ones were missing to put that project into motion so that maybe by 2025 into 2025 we have an actual blueprint plan and a goal of how much we need to start fundraising for to make it that don't forget that I told you once I don't know I'm pretty sure she still has it Dory from Angels reach she has that playground on a storage yeah we need to in to see so we can talk to her because you said it was it was um a it was a specialized playground right she had she had told me it was a specialized playground because it was for Angels reach foundation so she's not using it it's on a sword so we don't lose anything one the things most things that I thought were really good to add to this you know was um the there's a park in say West Kendall that was fully donated by um a musical organization and it's all sensory friendly they have xylophones they have drums and all these things are outdoors and every all that all they did was black with the number for if you want to hire them or build build with them that was their donation to make it happen so if we can partner up with them people like that we'll get this thing done sound good so those are our projects yeah well it he has I asked him I asked him Brian what what was the process and he said first thing we need to do as a group is pick out what we want in it what we what we what we think it should look like and then we would take it to them and parks and W would begin go to their contractor that their blueprint to draw it out for us um this would C cost of that then once we have a full cost that would be to build it out then we vendors what they're going to donate what they're going to give us but we need to pay them and then so on before it starts getting builds okay so those are the things we'll look at in 2025 as projects and I'll put them down in our goals because our committee reports coming up next anyway um the date would be November the 8th and the same I think it's the same time frame we did before was one to one to four and we started with 12 to 12 to three but we stay one to up I think we reserve the place you have have res we need time to build so 12 to 4 on the eth on the E am I right with that Vivian was it 12 to four yes just to block out that time so someone doesn't get one oh they do it in one but we were there but remember they were on the other side right maybe it was I think we had it we think we had it from 12 to1 just so they could start cleaning up because we had the other side also and then as soon as they left we went into the other because the event itself doesn't start we could start it later if we wanted to or we could start it earlier we want that's what I'm trying to I think it was so maybe we rent 12 it was one on our calendar It's one oh that we had that's what it was all right so then let's do this let's do one to five because it gives us some leeway to let them stay a little longer and PR clean them yeah the event was two to four okay that's what it was and I would say not to do it earlier because of dance class because then it would interfere we wouldn't be able to use that agreed okay so one one to five on the 8th of February [Music] 2025 you said feary sorry need go back in the playl all right takes care of old business moving on to new business um committee report so it's about time again for us to do our committee reports um I don't know if it would be okay to do the first take less time yeah let's do the workshop first I'm guessing on safety program yeah remember we did one in January last year wanted to do another one again where we hosted in town hall I guess we would have to see what availability we have or would we do it January yeah January um probably not the first two weeks because that's vacation time for everyone vacation of that school starts the second week so that's going to be did we do it on a weekday or did we do it on a weekend was it weekday no was a weekday all right right so I won't be here the 14th and 15th um that that's where we oh no yeah that's when we said we were having our meeting I'll be here the 15th night but not day early morning though technicality it doesn't really matter anyway yeah because we can't do it on 15th because we're having a meeting yeah um what do we want to do on on a on a Wednesday or Tuesday Wednesday or Thursday do it on that Thursday 16th I think we do on thday I don't 16 sounds good everybody okay with that I'm just not sure what I'm talking um you know I'm sorry keep thinking that that's okay so last year in January we had um we do a we hosted an event at the town hall for the safety program where officer Amador did a conversation with everybody about what it is how it works okay so yeah so what am I am I writing this down on here and no no no no that's you're just discussing this we we skipped we skipped over the committee report yeah we skipped over just because the workshop is going to take okay got all right okay I'm here for the work and last year we did it well this year sorry because we're still 2024 we did it on the Thursday on the 25th just so we did do on 25th so then we did do on the 23rd again last week of Dan 23rd and what time did we do it before was at 5:00 p.m. here already we did it 6: to 8:30 so I'm guessing we probably did like maybe 6:30 to like 7:30 maybe to give people time to we started at I want to say we started 6 we said 6:30 and then we probably started closing to seven and then probably around 8 then half an hour to pick up 6:30 to 8 6:30 to but we'll book it for 6 to 8 for set up we book from 600 to 8:30 that's how we did last time I don't know it worked good didn't you think I mean if anything we can always just pick up and earlier it ends earlier but I rather have it I so a little later just so it doesn't interfere okay um but how because theal say anything 6:30 the 600 to 8:30 work for you on January 23rd you said 6:30 to 8 sorry 680 6 to 8:30 but we're going to have the event be 6:30 to about 8 got you 23 that's good for you okay um can you check to see T Hall is open we would need it on the 23rd which is a Thursday of January 2025 from 6:00 to 8:30 p.m. and how does this get advertised since we're not meeting till the 15th that gives us very little time to advertise how do you advertise we could just use the F we have from last year in changee a date you can email it to me and I can send it back to like social media Mar so you let them know too yeah we just let them know what we need is the flyer from earlier this year change the date and resubmit it out on social media again then we reshare it on our plan our profiles and try to inform as best as possible letbe get it to Mi Lakers town events okay so by talking about it now she knows to do all that or you send an email to her I she's new so she probably doesn't I don't have to ask about the fer Jonathan who is our usually yeah Jonathan does the flyer so and then you guys would have to be the ones to reach out to all to make social media in your department to share it yeah that's all three oh and and something else because I I do see that sometimes um they do it like let's say you send it to like the Committees so that they're also aware and they can spread the word like amongst the itself and then you know whoever else say know as well clerk sends it but then I send it to her and she's exactly exactly because it does that doesn't always happen without the events so that's why like we thought it would but it it doesn't I just want to make sure so the work gets out 23rd right Thursday from what time time is 6 to 8:30 6 830 okay right now the calendar is free for that time let's take it um you ready take it or you have to talk to them first so I motion that we have a special need safety program workshop on January 23rd 6:00 to 8:30 p.m at Town Hall I all those in favor motion passes food um what do we do on a bunet last year we did popcorn chicken I think we did the little sandwiches we always do that I don't know what the budget is for that though is it 500 that's out of uh events event um one for worksh aren they I think this would be under awareness yeah this would be under Community awareness one for [Music] training there is skill Community programs right no no oh training train training training no I think it was Community awareness that we did it oh okay yeah Community awareness not program but training would make sense this is a training not really what are you training him on it's a workshop no it's awareness it's a workshop no you're right thank you okay so all right so I guess I guess if she can see where we got it from last time just so we do it the same you know what I mean like what whatever whatever the notes from January like whatever line item it was taken from I think that would be the the best way but I mean let's vote on it now that's what I'm saying just go ahead and vote on it um all right so then use 500 is your usual budget for that okay so I say up it just in case because we don't know iing better to stay over and spend less eight 12 seven eight seven i v we have a budget of 700 for the event out of the hold on out of the aess favor will you be handling you and mine get the food okay okay now Workshop is done let's go to the committee report all right this is pretty much here if you number okay Merry Christmas okay guys so reports account I'm have last yeah usually you prob have it in an email I usually just leave I'll just fill them the same stuff every time yeah that's what I was saying because if we have the Mas is February 6 but since your next meeting agenda stand is packed already at least you can kind of discuss what you would on the plan and then finalize it meeting I think we just figured out the current projects that we need to put in for for you know reminder them the car W the 5K the park projects twist um card and our movie event so I can put those in there already as the initiatives and events that we have coming up and then the existing ones St there's G Scala as well and yeah those things are I think we had one new event that we added what that the hope for autism the the gall the con no the yeah the the whole proc time that extra party is called what was it called oh yes cospl cosplay cosplay cosplay was there was there something new for D that we added too CL wasn't there another program we added we always have and you combined your Gala with something didn't you we had Gala and yeah we the g g postponing and um and then we did the we're doing aable oh [Music] yeah the passion show will be coming too that we do every year where gonna be the pickable year it's gonna be at the jar the yeah yard is indoors oh yeah I had no idea then also we talked about doing an event at Julie's place now that it's open we wanted to do another like welcome to to the area welcome to my we'll talk about that yeah you can put it there if you want to have that as a future initi partnership um okay I'm um I still know yards is where the the food trucks are just off of 57th Avenue you take a right past the uh L's um police um ohia it's called Amelia the hotel the um yeah have a restaurant it's not a restaurant it's a bunch of food trucks outside they're permanent food trucks but there's also like the used to be so they we indoor pickle oh wow you know things are G [Music] last Do the courts here are open already or they been open they started playing last month they you talking about the which cours the Miami leg the yeah they open well they've been open but we've been playing you got been playing on the tennis um Nets now they took off the tennis net now you have two assigned pick a ball nets on on MAR I started playing last mon I played three times I love so he's he knows run after yeah he runs he runs the yards yeah yeah yeah it'll be great he's really and also so you have the gala the whole protis G the cosplay um well everything that we already had on a reoccurring approv we didn't have that yeah CPL is new no that one's new I know but everything that we've had on a reoccurring approvals we're g to carry them forward and what I put under event initiative events will be the new stuff we add with the budget to it and the future considerations will be what we're looking to do in the future like doing an event Julie's place trying to do something else and we had come up with I think we had mentioned and you were highlighted on the um when you did the announcements for the mayor's um event you interviewed and I think it would have been Ethan and you talked about having some type of social group a consistent social group for the adults and evening because like for example over here at the spot they have they have a lot we have a lot of stuff for the younger kids we all agree that over here at the spot they have I think it's called a drop in night drop night what do you call it in the evenings where just typical teenage kids can go over and hang out on a Friday night we need something like that for the young adults in our area to have a consistent um place to socialize and it would be obviously a certain age group I think that was something we're looking into even though that other presentation was presented not sure that's what we want to go with that but it's it's something we need to look into who could provide that for us the 18 NOA group and I think or either like you say something I can help with that too I mean I be glad to work together figure out because I think it's time and we are looking at all of your groups right now and they're young but they grow up and when we want to be prepared and have it ready so when they yeah well you want to have a spot for them and so we can take a look what they're doing already for our typical um um town we yeah we do and and they put it themselves I'm not really I'm not into um I don't know how to do part but like the social group part I think like a fitness class would be a great way to do like I mean that's social I will tell you this um from what I know about the young adults with special needs they're not as into fitness as you'd like to think the younger ones are just because they don't have the consistent exposure to being having to go to um PE class or going with their siblings to the park as they get older and they get left behind at 21 when they graduate they're not moving as much I like your idea we can we can include some fun dance moves or you know the typical line dancing moves that's a little easier for them because they like that um prediction of the next move and such but and the familiarity but I wouldn't um go straight for that in a in an evening drop in event like that I like like your idea of using the spot we pick a night once a month where we go to the spot we get food we get a DJ they do it we can do it too I think if we organize that that would be good yeah hang out drop you know what for the fun of it look we could plan this we could start it and see how it turns out and if we get a good steady group then we could always pick a a month where we go hey you know what let's take them to another place for that special night and back they also like consistency you all know this about your kids they like consistency so if the spot Works let's give it a few tries before we before we change it up because then that way they know where they're going they can expect where they're going we can expect the space you know what worked over there how to you know manage the the fund that's good I like that so you want to work on that question I got okay so like we'll present it as a as a as the adult social group for you know we'll come up with night for it yeah Friday night we'll see what they call it and yeah I'm trying to do present it and and listen it's um it's a group if you have just another friend with you but I mean we'll have way more but I think if we start small that's perfect and then we advertise and they say what and when's the next one um and I know from experience already just in the short time that we've had our um group together they look forward to it and what we could do to have fun with the food is you know if we could provide food for the first one for ourselves but then if we get a good turnout we can go to cell we can go to other places I say hey would you like to do pro like you do for the gala provide us food for this event and that's also spor that's also something that um we' have to find out once we find out who our group members are dropping in because not all group members dropping in have the same type of tastes or you know the sensitivity to certain foods and we're talking about a different kind of group here it's not like us you know providing for your group you have typical parents coming in so you're dealing with a different group now you're not dealing with the the par feeding the parents and the little ones you're dealing with the big ones now you want them to enjoy the eating so it's you tell us what we need I know you've got this I got you and this is what I had talked about at the beginning of the year and I I the only thing I think I didn't do right this year when I evaluate my performance was I had said we should assign projects to us for what we know what we strength at what our weaknesses are this is an event where like if I turned it over to you I know you could handle it maintain it and just report on what needs and we can make sure it gets done you it as just the same for I know that viy and you know you do really well with the animation class so that's something that we want you to handle um and so on I think if we if we do that then we know what events and programs we're managing and we're all participating instead of us just for the many years it's been where it's been we all come with an idea and then one of us puts it together everybody else doesn't show but you're also forming a bigger population because Mi has changed over the years like any any Community you've got the youngers and then they go up and they move on then they have the grandkids and then and so now by reaching the young adults you will reach a lot of um for even some of your other events you know for participating in gas a lot of a lot of the parents of this group they're just kind of not interested or not involved because why would they so now you include more members of the community um by bringing out so then here's what we have um for future projects see if everybody's on board with this we have an event we need to do an event at Julie's new place so we can invite people from Mindy laks to know that we have it just across this the Border it's part of our community so we you know because there's nothing like her program in our town we want people to be able to find you not just the grand opening you have but from the board's perspective as well there the hope for a in ComiCon this is completely new not part of our normal stuff we want to do something special for them which was I'm still trying I should I need to get in touch with him we're gonna try and have Flyn bring some gaming equipment to bring down them to play um because he usually does that and there might be cost involved but we as a board could pay it I'm sure he'll give me a huge discount because I know him he loves to donate to people in the community especially needs and they he and Kev know each other very well we have the par project which we now have a I'll get to it sorry um we have a clear idea of what we want to do now and I just need to start putting together Concepts and bringing it to you guys and if you have something that you think is good for the park what you would like to see in the sensory Park bring it to so starting in January's event we can start going over it and seeing what we need to research and put together so that when we start working on it we know what we're going after the social event that um Julie says you will be behind it we'll come up with a name for it we'll propose it to the Town Council get approved and get started on it and the animation project that was the other thing we had talked with um the team with the idea of not just expanding the seats we were also looking at buying them more laptops so they can do more of those events here but also possibly starting a a like a scholarship or a a program opportunity a pilot program opportunity so that one of the students the ones who do the most work show up to every class go through the whole year process but have an opportunity to join the college and in the animation in the magic animation Department which there's a lot of conversation that has to be done through that but if we could do that I think that would be that would show the people what they're putting their money towards so those are like five projects that we are all brand new one of them somewhat new but the other ones are all brand new that we're going to tackle for 2025 is everyone on board with that yeah I know okay and for existing events and uh programs that we're going to do we have P the twists coming up in February we have our movie events which are going to be ongoing we have this the workshops being to get back to actually putting together a list of workshops and picking dates because we only did special safety program last year we didn't do any more workshops so we need to do more um we have joint The Joint event with Audrey for um the health fair yeah not the health fair I'm sorry the resource Fair um we have the um card event coming back um that was a guarantee from them they already said they want to do it they loved it they like the idea um we have the U participation in Fourth of July and we um have uh it's called open Hanging open hang the one that they have Somebody's Watching Somebody's Watching oh hello man so um you enjoy looking at the back of my head that have no hair that's that's good okay so then in in the current budget we will put in everything that we already know the costs that we've already discussed because I know I have them on my sheets of these at home we discussed last couple of months so I can put this all together and bring this back to you guys with my written statement idea and we can go over it in the January meeting approve it good with that um now V for autism one we had already assigned th000 to that to sponsor the food so we sponsor the food but we're also going to it as well so it's two different we got a table no that g talking the comic so we sponsored food for the Comic Con but we also bought tiet for the but that's already been approved that was in the last one we submitted we have to add that to we need to add it to already yeah yeah no no but I mean like for like the yeah so then the only other thing left is our of of report is going to be our finances but this is the part where Gabby has been working on these for so long that I don't know that I don't know if you're up to speeding on the insanity that is the I've crying for wearing this somewhere in here we're supposed to show that the new donation that was made for the for um our last Gala comes in and then we have to divy it out right is it there yet so the go funds will be allocated but you have it was 44 right so the this number we see here in front of us is the existing one that's already there and all we have to do is carbon copy from the last report because nothing's changed except for the small numbers we've already spend right so you have to do you the yeah we won't be doing that until the next report because the Galla money wouldn't come until April right this for before I double check on that we had to do that last time the what we did last time was it had to be done before they approved after they approved it going to us because before they approved it it's not we can't see it so the $60,000 does not include no they haven't been added yet you have approximately like the G was $4,618.00 the other check that it was no that one that one's included the one from VA no she said it was they they told me it was included from Kimberly yeah we have Kimberly and we also have my gosh we didn't know how much yeah that's I gonna say because we can't give them an idea of where Gall into the buckets until they were the we actually know how much we're going to get right so I they were other check from Kimberly we yeah 168 last that really only makes little bit of difference 68 80 89 90 790 so the total is $ 44,7 let's give them our bank account number see they want to [Music] donate is there anything on the minute you need to write specifically about the um committee report or that budget working on we're just we're just noting that down that's going to go on your report I we should allocate this as of right now just so we can have it already on the committee report and then if we do have to add the other then we just go ahead and allocate that so we don't have to allocate everything cuz we might only have two other pages so when we look at the report we just vote on them yeah you're right unless I'm missing something here we have $15,438.24 that was included in the check we talked about that that little check that they donated that was for show that number that was donated that night that was already included in so that was included right what was missing is her 168 from kber that's it that would make it okay 44790 um and when you add them together it's 10543 so there's there's got to be some program stuff that we supposed to have paid for that has not been paid yet I wonder if uh the dojo also it shows only $1,000 has been spent so far that's not right talking about the do what I don't remember when the last date was it's the the 16th January 16th okay so is that something that we should be adding to continue we talked about it before you got here and she said we should only do it once a year for the party so we'll do it next year for the party Oh you mean continuing it yeah just having it as your activities you didn't mention the dojo and the dance I don't think you mentioned yeah no because those are ongoing they supposed to be January but it's recurring we just have to re we have to reup it again that's all okay the plan is to it was going to be included nonetheless because we just got to reup the next next time that he wants to do it does he want to start back up in January or does he want to take a break is that I'm for saying we renew it right now for another 12 week session I'm thinking we should vote because if it's gonna end on the 16 I mean unless he decides he doesn't want to continue then we I thought he was gonna stop this I'll motion that we continue the dojo program for another 12we session sir all those in favor passes money is to be taken from the normal all yes he sends the invoice I know he was sending it to he s the parks wreck and then they think they suppos to must they pay for the themselves how many months you how manys we you come up with the did you un card bill in for the no I don't think so he said they were gonna part he said they were going to wait until it was all done and just give us the final total which it was not very much for which line item do you I know you didn't say specifically but it would help you told which um for the dojo yes programs thank you that's social and recreational programs no I'm sorry community community programs I they got they have these weird things in front of them that I and we've changed them to so it gets weird okay I got it um for Dojo it would kick back up on the 13th of of January because it's the first and the 30th of December and the 6th is everyone's getting back so be the 13th actually the sixth was probably the sixth is everyone's back to school on the sixth but I think we had we did that when the the fall came too we gave him a week to get started in school started okay so then then they missed that first week and then he got back but it makes a difference right yeah same time 5:30 yeah same same same how many people in my class you know two three four five six I think you had two spots open how many spots are you spor should be oh so we need we need some more flading for that so you get the yes one more kid how do you promote for that they took the flyer off but there was a flyer for the dojo at Mary Collins at the door like they had it on the door lots of things got taken down something we need to really parks and w i the FL because I think that's important you know people know what programs are even happening cuz when it was on the door like I would notice that when I would take my daughter to karate they would open oh look so if it's not there you know people many times aren't going to know and didn't they have an open prss they do they have it once a year it usually happens inm August no before school starts was it June it's not June because June it ends it ends in June and it starts up you usually I think it was in August this year found statement okay so August just see you are aware the uh program will start up on the 13th of January it will come to an end on the 14th of April there are two holidays in between where they will not meet okay that'll be the 20th which is Martin Luther King Day and the 17th of February which is President's Day I don't think they take off for St patri not F right no so then the dojo will come to 14 debate providing he says yes and I think last time we did like like a little open house I think that would be nice like the date remember what we did that last time when we started it the first time around Second Time Around we did it you know to help with the sign up and promoting it more because this time I feel like that we didn't really have that so you want to do an open house well but it would have to wait we could do it the half hour before the dojo starts for people that want to see about it and join I mean you know people do that now with when you have an ongoing event the first one had open houses for people to learn about it because it's never happened before now we have an ongoing event where there's already classes being held if we could we could hope we could take an hour before or half an hour before probably an hour and host an open house about it again to welcome anyone that was wants to join a new and can watch the existing class participate because there's 12 classes they don't they could join either that day or the next weekend which would give them 11 classes which will eventually be scheduled for another 12 another 12 so yeah if you want to do that I think that's fine let's do that I think the town needs to put it on the on their Instagram the town's Instagram and and like do another round of yeah definitely promoting even that J especially that January date especially grab it from there and send it put it on our yeah same with the okay so do you want to have an open house before the event on the 13th before this class start no I think we just need to advertise it yeah really get the word out okay so now make sure that I'm clarified on this because I don't want to go and make mistakes we're just going off the existing budget we're not adding anything new in from the donations from the gala because that doesn't come and be approved until April so we wouldn't be doing it until April after April that's what I need to double Che have to go in I before yeah we another meeting beforehand so you'll have to let me know then what that is because then I I come back here we'll have to determine where the money goes yes also bring the last a report yes a copy of the last report so we see more or less how much you know like the percentage of the money that we allocated to yeah of course okay any other questions on the uh the committee report any suggestions anything El all good I think something with the budget just because at least for financing purposes they have netive I yeah it zeroed that out it was pulled from the budget it was someone put the wrong thing somewhere they were they pulled it out and they put it somewhere else ohre the first lines okay yeah that there how when you were in charge of that so it's a sign okay all right um moving on any announcements uh well just wanted to let know that now we doing Ava uh kidp so we just started within the last two weeks so we're getting the rolling and we're getting oh thank you rbts and we're going to start offering behavior therapy and starting where at kids space where I work at kids space two words one word no one word yes if it's private yes public we don't but f is a whole different and nurseries day carees and we also do the therapies so we have spee OT PT and then ABA so we can do everything under one rout and go to the school and go to the schools and go to the house for Behavior so yeah yes we do not yet we're working on them that's on the list and is it Medicaid specific CMS or CMS Sunshine uh Molina all the basically all the medical insurances so now the other thing was that you said you are staying so are you going to be joining us for another year yes I'm going to be doing the 5K why not that we have been missing you for a couple of weeks didn't know if you were coming back months months sorry there were a lot things happening behind the scenes that no one knew my sister-in-law passed away we were dealing with that for a few months yeah she had cancer so she lost that battle so there were other things were happening in the I said behind the scenes but yeah hopefully everything is in the past now any other announcements so I well I had I want one more thing um I had been thinking about this for two months now I've been trying to determine what I was going to do because I told you all before but I've been struggling with mental health trying to take care of my family and doing a lot of things that don't do anything for me but do the things for others I keep telling myself I've got to take care of my family and then I keep telling myself well I got to take care of other people so I had come here tonight with the intention of deciding whether or not I was going to continue because I need a break I was wanted to take care of my family but there's a list here of things that have to get done and I just know that if I'm not helping it's not well it could get done but it it could get done better if we all are on a team because we do good work so I'm just gonna continue doing what John Roger always does which just never give up and I'm going to continue to be on the board and I'm not gonna I know you guys have been wondering what's going to happen going St but I will I will not run for politics anymore I will just stay here with this because this is what I know how to do so that was my behind the scenes as well yeah I all the mental health and family issues and I really wanted to quit I really did I really wanted to say it's not nothing personal it was just I need to take care of my kids but can't these things there's some of these things that even if I did I was you guys would still need my help with because that's all in my head and a lot of it is negotiation and friendships and Communications with the politicians which is something I know how to do and I have the free time to do it during the day and I know a lot of you don't because you have businesses responsibilities because of my situation I don't so it's smart for me to continue but um I will try my best for next year to assign projects and then just let it be that if we assign if I ass a if we assign as a group and someone doesn't do the project not speaking about anyone just in general someone doesn't do the project and it doesn't get done something that I'm not going to run out and try to make sure it gets done or have Vivian run out and try to make sure because we know us the two of us are always looking at it and going oh my God here was the thing we plan to do no one's touched it we'll get it done we're just gonna get it done now I'm gonna look at and go hey it's go time it didn't get done it didn't get done sorry and uh that's the only way I can do it because if I continue to try to put everything on my shoulders I'm going to go crazy because it's not just this it's other things I've quit a couple other things that I used to do because I had fun doing them but they take so much energy but I can't do anymore so I really didn't know what to do tonight and I think I've made my choice and that is staying here and staying with you guys at least for another year to try and see what we can't get going because once we have things that are in a locked form like we do with arts for autism the animation classes and stuff where we can just keep renewing them then you guys have a great opportunity for it to continue running and you could add new people to this board who can bring in new ideas because our our ideas are new but they're they're running now and we've done a heck of a lot more than the previous groups and from from experience from your guys' experience since you've been on here the longest I've never seen this board do so much stuff the previous boards would have ideas and that's all they had so we've done a really good job and I got to applaud everyone here you guys have really done and made a huge difference in this board this year's board was more productive than I've ever seen before and even if we did miss some things and if some things didn't go the way we wanted it to we were up on it we were a little bit faster on it this year we were a little bit more connected than we were in years past and I'm proud of everyone for doing it so let's try to get into 2025 with the idea that if we work as a team I know we're all volunteer but as we work as a team we'll get this stuff done and we can look back and be proud about what we've done to help our fence our families the people that they don't have the opportunity to do what we're doing I think that also and I think that taking ownership of a project also helps out yeah it does it does because then everyone knows what they're supposed to do because a lot of times the Committees if you look at the other committees a lot of them are concept and then the vice chair and the chair are in charge of making it all happen but that's not how a marketing team or a business team ever Works everyone that's on the group they all work together on the projects and then they pick who's best at what to manage those projects and that way they always get time because if you have a person who is good at putting in light bulbs and you have a good person that's good at putting in um water faucets and you switch them and have them do the opposite it's a disaster because they don't guy does water F it's no about light bulbs but we as a team you know Julie's really good at what she does when it comes to event write that one down and and she knows the adult space way better than all of us well most of us I know you you can be in that group too I know you know the adult space very well uh you're definitely with your you know your son being an adult and mind getting there I mean he's 14 in two months so and I can tell he's he's there um but then there's you know I know how to do the speaking events getting people excited about what we do I want to do more of those things I think we we miss out on a lot of those things because a lot of times I'm in there going oh is this done is this done is this done do we need to build this table put this here and you're like John have you said anything no I've been organizing well if I know that Julie's better at doing that I'm gonna say Julie when we start this event this is the idea in my head of how it needs to be set up I'm G leave you to it and I'm going to go start negotiating talks and getting on the microphone and talking so people know what we're doing I'm doing live broadcasts on Instagram stuff like that things that we need to do you know so we need to make sure that we're telling Jonathan we need to Adit more of our events so we can go live on the town's page well what can you guys just get permission for me to have it on my phone I only use it at our events I swear to God all right all right done I everyone wants to go home I call this meeting in at 7:02 PM sorry way to go thank you second all those in favor figure out which one meeting over I'm try